St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church
St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church
St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church 490 Arnold Mill Road, Woodstock, GA 30188 Rev. Larry Niese, Pastor Rev. Paul Moreau, Parochial Vicar Rev. Mr. Bill Heinsch Rev. Mr. Victor Taylor, Rev. Mr. Al McHugh, Deacons Administrative Office - 770-516-0009 Religious Education Office - 770-516-9699 Preschool Office - 678-213-1517 Hispanic Office - 678-213-0685 Sacramental Emergency (after office hours) 678-861-7970 FAX - 770-516-4664 Daily Mass Monday, Wednesday, Friday - 6:30 am Monday through Saturday - 9:00 am Sunday Mass Saturday Vigil - 5:30 pm Sunday - 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 11:00 am, 12:45 pm 2:30 pm (Spanish) 5:30 pm - Life Teen Confessions Saturday - 9:30 - 10:30 am Wednesday - 5:00 - 6:00 pm St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church January 13, 2013 Baptism of the Lord Mass Intentions January 12 - 19 5:30 pm 7:30 am 9:00 am 11:00 am 12:45 pm 2:30 pm 5:30 pm Patricia Norton (D) Bernie and Pat Schwarz Dennis Darby (D) Pat & Carol Losack People of the Parish Steve Wanha (D) St. Michael’s Staff Lottie Tumidajewicc (D) Gerdvil Family Claudia McAuliffe (L) Benson Family Bill Birtz (D) Jennifer Birtz Jan 14 6:30 am Linda L. Girardot (D) Doug & Cindy Kirk 9:00 am Scott Padstata (D) Ministry of the Sick Jan 15 9:00 am Fr. Larry Niese (L) Jan 16 6:30 am Michael F. Walsh (D) Marija & Daddy 9:00 am Justin Johns (L) Rosie Neuman Jan 17 9:00 am James O’Sullivan (D) O’Sullivan Family Jan 18 6:30 am Zsuzsa Nejedly (D) Frank Pintozzi Family 9:00 am Carol Honrath (D) Mary Rice Jan 19 9:00 am William Orr (D) Family Eucharistic Adoration Monday 9:30 am through Saturday 8:30 am Everyone is invited to spend time with Jesus in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. Please consider committing to one of the following hours each week as an adoration guardian for one of the following times: Tuesday - 3 am Wednesday - 12 am, 2 am, 3 am, 4 am, 8 am, 1 pm, 2 pm Thursday - 12 am, 1 am, 2 am, 4 am, 10 am, 5 pm Friday - 12 am, 1 am, 3 am, 4 pm Saturday 2 am To commit to an hour or as a substitute, please call: Kim Graff - 770-592-5665, [email protected] Man Hour for Adoration Deacon Victor and Fr. Paul invite all men 18 years and older to “Man Hour” every Saturday morning at 3 am. Thirty to fifty men gather in the church with the Blessed Sacrament exposed. We pray the rosary and then Fr. Paul or Deacon Vic gives a 20 minute reflection on the theme of the week. For 20 minutes any man present can offer his own comments, testimony or reflections on the topic. We close with Benediction. We are men praying together with other men for the most urgent needs of our times. ***************************************************** Happy Birthday Fr. Larry! January 15th Consoling the Heart of Jesus A 10 week retreat that brings “little souls” closer to the heart of Jesus through The Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius made simple. Now - March 22, 10 am - 11:30 am Contact Karen Butz, 770-592-6317 [email protected] ****************************************************** Parish Mission March 2 - 6 7:00 pm each night Rev. Daniel Francis, C.Ss.R. Each evening will be different, yet each evening will consist of a proclamation of the Word, reflections, singing and praying together. It will be a grace filled opportunity to experience in a special way the saving presence of God. Sunday night (following 5:30 pm Mass): The Bible Monday night: The Blessed Sacrament Tuesday night: The Cross Our Lenten Penance Service will be during the Mission on Tuesday, March 5th at 7:00 pm. Wednesday night: The Eucharist ****************************************************** Today we celebrate the Baptism of the Lord. Jesus is the beloved Son of the Father. He is the light of the nations and Lord of all creation. To him be all glory and praise! This is the last day of the Christmas Season and tomorrow begins Ordinary Time until February 12. We would like to thank everyone who donated to our Christmas decorating fund. With your generosity we were able to rework our wreaths and pedestal arrangements and keep fresh altar arrangements during the Christmas season. A special thanks to Gail Emondi and Elizabeth Bonutti for the new artificial arrangements. This weekend the Altar flowers were donated by Charles and Zaida Jacob on their anniversary. If you would like to donate flowers for the altar during the year, please contact the Parish Office to make arrangements. Coming Events at St. Michael the Archangel RETURNING CATHOLICS Welcome Home ! This is a personal invitation for you to consider coming Back Home, no matter how long you have been away from the Catholic Church. St. Michael will be hosting a 6 week round table discussion group for those who are looking for answers as to why they left and to deal with the reason they feel that “pull”, that “tug” about their Catholic faith which continues to surface time and again. Hurts of the past… Forgiveness… Marriage, divorce and annulments… Spiritual growth… Discussions about the Sacraments and the Mass… These are just a few of the topics we’ll be discussing. Please join us on this journey of hope, faith, forgiveness, support, and reflection. Sunday, January 6th at 10:15 am, in Conference Room B ( 1st floor hallway) Contact: Walter Morawa at 770-597-6029 or Elizabeth Bonutti 770-516-9699 For additional information and support, we encourage you to visit the website: January Blanket Drive Please bring NEW blankets, jackets, hats, scarf's, gloves, socks for the shelters in our community. Please place your donations in the blue barrel in the Narthex. Mardi Gras Everyone is invited on Saturday, February 9, 2013 7:00 pm in the Parish Hall Hosted by the Knights of Columbus Ash Wednesday February 13 Mass times: 6:30 am, 9:00 am, Noon, 5:00 pm, 6:30 pm, 8:00 pm (Spanish) Adult Lenten Retreat February 15 - 17 Cherokee YMCA Cost: $75.00 Contact: David Heinrich - 770-778-6975 Annual Pilgrimage to EWTN and Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament February 20 - 21 Round trip on a comfortable coach Tour EWTN TV Studio and attend the live show Lodging and breakfast at Sister Servants Convent Spend the day at the Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament and much more Fr. Larry will be the spiritual leader Cost: $175.00 Deposit of $50.00 to reserve a ticket is due now Mail the deposit to the Parish Office - attn: Debbie Dinner Theater March 9 - 7:00 pm in the Parish Hall All are invited to the Dinner Theater which will be put on by a local acting troupe (including members from our parish) and the meal will be sponsored by the Knights of Columbus. Gospel Reflections for Men Striving to be better Christian men, we reflect on the meaning and message of the Sunday Gospel reading and relate it to our everyday personal and professional lives. We meet Saturday mornings at 8:00 am - 9:00 am in Conference Room B. ****************************************************** Charismatic Prayer Group Tuesdays, 7:30 pm at the Old Rectory ****************************************************** St. Michael’s Preschool We have a few spots left for our Preschool for the 2012/13 year! Please visit our website for information on registration. 2013/2014 Registration will be on Friday, February 1st from 9:00 am - 10:00 am in the Preschool. Please call 678-213-1517 for information. or call 678-213-1517 ****************************************************** Lighthouse Catholic Media Education Check out the New CDs! In order to help support this ministry, we ask for a $3.00 donation for each CD. Questions: [email protected] ***************************************************** Ultreya Ultreya is an event of spiritual encouragement that is designed to follow one’s Cursillo retreat weekend. Our evening is one of support and fellowship. We open with a potluck dinner followed by a witness talk and a Spirit driven activity. Those who have not yet been on the Cursillo retreat are encouraged to join our Ultreya evening to see if Cursillo is right for you. For information, please contact Steven Hill at 770-363-5685. ****************************************************** St. Michael’s Young Adult Ministry “Bridging the gap between adolescence and adulthood” A group for young adults, ages 18-28 We currently meet twice a month 2nd Wednesday of the month: Spirit & Truth @ St. Michael’s @ 7pm Join us for a discussion, adoration and dinner out 4th Wednesday of the month: Social event Be sure to connect with us on Facebook or send us your email address to stay up to date with our social events, as they change month to month. 678-827-BRDG (2734) [email protected] “St. Michael’s Young Adult Ministry” on Facebook **************************************************************** Cherokee County Right to Life Prayer Vigil Saturday, January 19, 2013 3:00 pm - Gather at the Gazebo 3:10 pm - Praise and worship 3:45 pm - Silent candlelight prayer vigil Central Park in Downtown Canton For more information: 678-907-1900 or [email protected] Sacraments Baptisms Parents must be registered and active parishioners of St. Michael’s (regularly attend mass, using envelopes, and involved in ministries). Before scheduling a baptism, you must attend a baptism class at St. Michael’s. Next Baptism class - Saturday, February 9, 2013, 10 am Baptisms are the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month at 11:00 am. You must attend a baptism class every three years. Please call the parish office to register for a baptism. Please welcome into our parish family these children who were recently baptized at St. Michael’s. Eli Andrew Veringa Gabriella Skye Kirklen Confession The priests will hear your confession on Saturday mornings from 9:30 am to 10:30 am and Wednesdays - 5 pm to 6 pm. The confessionals are located in the Day Chapel. Marriage Couples are required to contact one of our priests at least 6 months before they wish to marry to arrange for instruction and spiritual preparation for the sacrament of marriage. A wedding date cannot be set until after the initial interview with the priest. Please contact the Parish office for an appointment. ***************************************************** Stewardship Offertory for January 6, 2013 $29,526, Online - $3,041 Georgia Bulletin - $4,449 The 2nd collection on January 20th is for Church in Latin America Thank You for Your Generosity! Online Giving! Thank you for using Online Giving. Parishioners who use the service are pleased with how easy it is to set up and manage. If you have not yet signed up for Online Giving, then please consider this option. By using Online Giving you are helping the parish to improve our operational efficiency. See our parish bulletin or visit our parish website at and select Online Giving. The use of your parish envelopes is very important! Using the parish envelopes is the way we know you are attending Mass at St. Michael’s. If you are unable to make a donation to the parish, use online banking for giving or only give monthly, just drop your empty envelope in the offertory. If you are going to be a sponsor for a baptism or confirmation, apply for your children to Catholic School, we need to know you are attending mass on a regular basis and practicing stewardship of time, talent and treasure. ****************************************************** Our sympathy is extended to Patricia Wheeler, sister of Irene Town and John Gregory, husband of Dana Gregory. Please keep these families in your prayers. ****************************************************** Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Welling on their 60th Wedding Anniversary! Ministries St. Vincent de Paul Society “You are my beloved Son with you I am well pleased.” Lk 3:22 St. Michael’s St. Vincent de Paul Society would like to thank the parish for all the support and prayers given in 2012 to SVDP. We have been able to help our neighbors with food, housing, utilities and medications. This is our year end report. Food Pantry In 2012 the food pantry helped 3,158 households with 163,761 pounds of food. Case Workers Total Contributions from St. Michael’s Parish in 2012 were $145,077.00 Total expenses for 1,987 households that were helped this past year were $146,689.00 Please drop off your donations any time at the SVDP Food Box in the Narthex. The Food Pantry is located in part of the old Rectory. Pantry hours are Monday, Wednesday and Saturday, 10 am till noon. SVDP Emergency Help Line: 770-591-4643 St. Michael’s House: (Kennesaw) 770-720-2909 SVDP Thrift Store: 770-919-1458 ***************************************************** Respect Life Ministry We will resume our regular meetings and prayer vigil schedule in January. Following our meetings, we welcome you to join us for a prayer vigil at the Abortion Services Clinic in front of Governor’s Ridge in Marietta. Contact for information: Mike Duquaine, 770-876-1343. ****************************************************** Senior Luncheon The Next Luncheon will be next Wednesday, January 16, 2013. Mass begins at 11 am in the Church followed by lunch in the Parish Hall. If you are interested in hosting one of the luncheons, please call Christy at 770-289-2947 ****************************************************** Fifty Plus Club St. Michael’s Fifty-Plus Club is a social club for parish members over the age of fifty. We have monthly luncheon meetings at various local area restaurants which provides our members with the opportunity to enhance existing friendships and develop new relationships. For more information about our club call Paul Galanek, President at 770-591-9347. Our next meeting will be Tuesday, January 15, Kani House Japanese Steakhouse, 2455 Towne Lake Pkwy. Attendance at a luncheon requires a reservation. ****************************************************** Multiple Sclerosis Support Group Do you suffer from M.S. or know someone who does? A M.S. selfhelp/support group meets on the 3rd Saturday of each month from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. Contact Zaida, 770-485-4226 ****************************************************** PATH (Post Abortion Treatment and Healing) offers Bible Studies and Rachel’s Vineyard Retreats for men and women suffering spiritually and emotionally from abortion. All facilitators are trained, have been through the program themselves and offer compassion and experience. For information: Mary Ann McNeil, 404-717-5557, Calls confidential. ***************************************************** Meals Ministry - Soup for the Soul Columbiettes The Columbiettes is open to all Catholic women over 18 years of age. The Columbiettes have a wonderful ministry, “Prayer Blankets” for the sick and shut-in. Many people have already received blessings from these blankets. This is a wonderful way for those to know they are being prayed for. If you know of someone who is sick or shut-in, please call the parish office and a blanket will be given to them. For questions please call, Tish Burns, 770-926-9270. Bookstore The Bookstore is open after every Mass on Sundays. Bibles, books for adults and children, rosaries, medals ****************************************************** Bill Powers, MBA, a Catholic therapist from Holy Family Counseling Center, will be at St. Michael’s to provide counseling services every Wednesday, starting January 9, 2013. Please call Bill directly for more info or to schedule an appointment, 404-4731357 or Confidential Counseling is also provided on Mondays and Thursday at St. Michael’s through Catholic Social Services. Please call 404-733-3527 for an appointment. “Lord when did we see you hungry and feed you?” Soup for the Soul is an outreach meals ministry for families in need in our parish. Volunteers cook meals for families that are struggling from illness, surgery, death, and other life crisis. If you would like to join the Soup for the Soul ministry, or would like more information regarding this ministry, please contact Amy Heil, 404-386-9585, [email protected]. If you know of someone who is in need of a meal, please call Amy. ****************************************************** Schools St. Catherine of Siena Catholic School 1618 Ben King Road, Kennesaw For more information contact Michelle Huval at: [email protected] or 770-419-8601, ext. 1417 St. Joseph Catholic School 81 Lacy Street, Marietta Open House, January 26, 2013, 2 - 4 pm Meet the principal, Mrs. Patricia Allen, tour the school, meet faculty, staff, students and parents. 770-428-3328, ****************************************************** Women’s Retreat - February 23 - Blessed Trinity High School Contact Shannon Erbs: [email protected] Children’sFaithFormation/PSR Welcome Home! Adults, Teens, Children: The faith formation of adults, teens and children is ongoing and essential to their understanding and embracing their Catholic faith. Please contact us for more information. Adult Returning Catholics: Coffee and a Chat: join us Sunday mornings, beginning January 6th after the 9:00am Mass in Conference Room B (first floor hallway) Bible Studies: see the bulletin for several different opportunities to explore the Bible. Classes for children, teens: 3 – 11th grade needing SACRAMENTS: rd Sacramental Prep Class: Class Baptized children 3rd-8th grade who have not received First Holy Communion. RCIA/C Class: Children 3rd-8th grade who have not received any sacraments. Please call our office for more information. 9th to 11th grade needing Sacraments: Please call our office. CONFIRMATION PREP Year 1: Jan 29/Feb 1: Red Folders Due *Candidate Form * Sponsor Certification Form * Saint Report ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PSR Calendar available on our website. Happy New Year From Life Teen January 13 - Life Night “Spent” 20 - Life Night “Happy Days” 27 - Issue Night Blanket Drive Life Teen is sponsoring a winter blanket drive during the month of January for our neighbors in Cherokee and Cobb County shelters. Please bring your donations of NEW blankets, hats, gloves, jackets, coats, socks, hand and foot warmers and batteries. and put them in the blue barrel in the Narthex. The teens will be delivering these to the shelters during the month of January. XLT Join us on these nights: Feb 5th and March 5th. For all our new teens, you may be asking what is XLT? Well, we meet at St. Michael’s at 5:00 pm and then stop at Chick-fil-A, so bring dinner money. After dinner we head over to All Saints Catholic Church in Dunwoody where there will be singing praise and worship music, hear a talk and have Adoration. You bring home a feeling of being renewed in your faith! Our website: ***Spring Retreat*** March 22 - 24. The Retreat will be held at Covecrest in Tiger, GA, which is in the North Georgia mountains. So teens start praying and put us on your calendar. Cost will be $150.00 and the down payment of $75.00 is due February 24th. RE Office Hours: Mon-Tues 9:30am-4:00pm Wed-Thur 1:00pm-8:00pm Sun 9:00am-12:30pm & 3:15pm-5:00pm True Wealth comes from knowing, loving and serving a God who reveals Himself as a father. Inclement Weather: When classes are cancelled you will be notified via a computerized phone message several hours prior to class start time. The emergency phone number you provided at registration will be used. Please notify us if this number has changed. Also, please use your judgment to attend class or not as road conditions vary throughout the county. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For more information contact: Elizabeth Bonutti, Director of Religious Education [email protected] Phone: 770-516-9699 QUEST St. Michael’s Middle School Program 2/9/13 - Retreat - 8 am - 12:30 pm, Parish Hall 3/9/13 - Stations of the Cross, 7 pm - 9 pm, Parish Hall 4/20/13 - Team Night, 7 pm - 9 pm, Parish Hall For information please contact Shanna Coulter, 678-431-1031 [email protected]
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St. Michael the Archangel Catholic Church
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