April 2016
April 2016
Our next Monthly Meeting will be April 27th, 2016 at Macaroni Grill, 7245 E. Gold Dust, Scottsdale at 6:30 p.m. The only way to get The Alfa Rumor is by email. Send your name and email address to [email protected] Phoenix, Arizona THE NEWSLETTER OF THE ARIZONA ALFA ROMEO OWNER’S CLUB April 2016 The ALFA RUMOR 2015 BOARD OF DIRECTORS President/ Rick Mahrle 602 256-4433 [email protected] Vice President/ Alan Headley 480-813-2874 [email protected] The Arizona Alfa Romeo Owners’ Club Informazioni The Alfa Rumor is published monthly as the official newsletter of the Arizona Alfa Romeo Owner's Club (AAROC). AAROC is a local chapter of the national Alfa Romeo Owner's Club and is dedicated to the enjoyment of Alfa Romeo Automobiles and the advancement of the Alfa Romeo marque. Subscription to this newsletter is included with membership to the national Alfa Romeo Owner's Club and expressed affiliation with the Arizona Chapter. Classifieds, contributions, and criticisms are welcome and should be addressed to the editor by mail, phone, or email. Technical information, data, or suggestions in this publication are the opinions of the contributing authors, and, as such, their accuracy or correctness cannot be warranted by AAROC or the national organization. All owners should determine the suitability of any modifications: the club will not assume liability for any consequences. Meetings General meetings are held the fourth Wednesday of each month at 6:30 PM. The meetings are held at an appropriate Italian restaurant (see the latest newsletter or club website for details). Board meetings, open to all members at the discretion of the board, are held two weeks prior to the general meeting. Website The Arizona chapter now has a website located at: http://clubs.hemmings.com/azalfa/ Treasurer/Secretary: Terry Greenslade 602-765-0061 [email protected] Newsletter Editor: Dick Botkin 602 618-8230 [email protected] The website contains general information about the club and a copy of the yearly events calendar. 2016 EVENTS CALENDAR http://www.huntcal.com/cal/view/AAROC/aaroc April 27 May 14 May 10 General Dinner Meeting Cottonwood Wine Tasting Indy 500 Party Trustees: Joseph Frischknecht [email protected] Photo by Rick Fred Firschein [email protected] Below: Ladies and Gentlemen, Start your Crockpots. Photo by Tina On the Cover: Il Presidente Alfa Romeo Russ Staub 480-357-0818 [email protected] Mark Kirchner 602 248-8451 [email protected] Ken Felthouse [email protected] Bill Greenslade 602 765-0061 [email protected] Webmaster: Joyce Himes [email protected] Phoenix, Arizona THE NEWSLETTER OF THE ARIZONA ALFA ROMEO OWNER’S CLUB April 2016 The ALFA RUMOR Presidential Bondo (All the Filler Fit to Print) You would think that after 26 years, we would have seen it all on the Copperstate 1000. One year, one of the female co-drivers found it liberating to ride topless, which caused some distraction. On another rally, we had a driver end up upside down and another planted against a tree at the top of a ravine. But, there is a first time for everything. The Sunday departure on April 10 was dampened by the rain showers around the Valley. However, it was dry as we left the stadium. We were off with 85 vintage cars through Wickenburg, up Yarnell Hill, to Prescott for lunch. So far, so good. After lunch we went up Mingus Mountain and through Jerome. However, as we progressed toward Sedona, rain became our companion. For those of us in cars with tops, not a big problem. However, we had a large number of cars without tops this year. Then there were the four 1950’s Porsche Speedsters. Talking to the guys at the bar on Sunday night, they were not sure whether they were better off with the tops down (at least some of the rain blew over the top), or the tops up (which funneled the rain through the window areas). In any event, they all got pretty wet and it was cold by the time we pulled into Flagstaff on Sunday night. My theory had been that to stop the rain all I needed to do was replace my windshield wipers. Imagine my surprise when I called the auto parts store and asked for new wiper blades for a 1969 Alfa Romeo Spider and they said sure, they are part 13-1. Well, the one for the driver’s side fit just fine, but the passenger side wiper arm is totally different than the driver’s side, so we only had one new blade. It did not stop the rain from coming, but it did keep my side of the windshield nice and clear. The Arizona Alfa Romeo Owners’ Club amazing thing was about to happen. Jakob Greisen from San Francisco was on the rally in his 1959 MGA Roadster. Jakob has been on the Copperstate several times before in this car that he rebuilt with his father. On Monday, it suffered catastrophic engine failure. Did that stop him? No. He made some calls to the MG Club of Arizona. A replacement engine arrived and overnight, Jakob and the Copperstate mechanics preformed an engine transplant in the parking lot at the Ritz, mostly in the dark. That is a first. It may even be a first for any vintage car rally. The car performed just fine over the final two days. Day three of the rally took us through Saguaro National Monument, south to Arivaca, then to Sonoita and back to the Ritz. Interesting driving, but also some rough roads. Day four took us to Bondurant for an afternoon of laps on the track, friendly autocross competition in Hellcats, and go kart racing. There were four Alfas on the rally. Of course, I had mine along. There was a black 1964 2600 Touring Spider driven by David Word from San Francisco and a 1959 Spider Veloce driven by Bradley Price from New York City. The fourth Alfa won the Director’s Award for the best sculpture on wheels. This was a bright blue 1958 Giulietta Sprint Veloce Zagato brought by Glenn Rudner, also from New York City. Glenn told me that even though he lives in Manhattan, he tries to drive the car every week (Photo below by Denise) The Participants’ Choice Award went to a stunning 1962 Ferrari 250 GT Berlinetta SWB driven by Archie Urciuoli from Florida. The rally starts on April 1 next year. Get it on your calendars. The committee is already working on the route for next year. Ciao Rick While it was still chilly and cloudy on Monday morning, the rain pretty much stopped as we headed south by Lake Mary, through Strawberry, Pine, Payson and down to Roosevelt Lake where we had lunch. Now it was time to finally take the top down as we went through Globe and down to Marana to the Ritz Carlton Dove Mountain. So, now we have had rain, which is only the second or third time on the Copperstate. However, a more Phoenix, Arizona THE NEWSLETTER OF THE ARIZONA ALFA ROMEO OWNER’S CLUB April 2016 The ALFA RUMOR Active Rumors Notes from the Editor We are the Alfa Romeo Owners’ Club, and our Marque is near and dear to us all. Rumor has it that there are other makes out there in the world that are also much loved by their owners. Two recent events here in Arizona shed some light on this. The Cooperstate 1000 vintage rally is a multi-marque event for the best of the best. Rick gives us his insights this month in his column. Another, at the other end of the automotive spectrum, is the BUG-O-RAMA, which was held March 20th at the Wild Horse Pass Motorsports Park. Arno and I spent the best part of the day feeling those good vibrations from the hundreds of farfegnugen fanatics we were rubbing shoulders with. Iconic VW Transporters, Hippie and Surfer Wagons, Campers, Sand Rails, Things, Bugs, and every other VW ever offered by the folks at Stuttgart could be seen. Some were stock restorations, but many were realizations of their owners’ fantasies (or nightmares). Chopped, lowered, bejeweled, brightly colored, richly upholstered or not, all on display. The owners were often reflections of their cars, bejeweled, tattooed, pierced, and colorfully dressed (or not). The Arizona Alfa Romeo Owners’ Club It was lunch time so we pointed ourselves towards trackside for some fine racetrack cuisine and a couple of beers. We took our banquet into the bleachers for some mealtime entertainment. The Bugorama Racing Series drag racing competition was in full swing. Two by two they approached the Christmas Tree. On green off they went in clouds of smoke (usually from the tires, but not always) towards that distant finish line, ¼ of a mile away. I am not a keeper of stats, but I do recall one brave little fellow hit a top speed of over 170 MPH in the quarter. Even Herbie would have been pressed to beat that one. A good time was had by all at BUG-O-RAMA 2016. Other people DO love their cars as much as we love our Alfas. Photo by Scotts VW Works, Bug O Rama 2012 Thanks to Fred and Tina for another wonderful day at their annual cookoff. See Fred’s report in this issue and find Jill’s winning recipe on these pages as well. On the event horizon we have a wine tasting trip to Cottonwood scheduled for May 14th. Watch the calendar for more details. The Indy 500 party at Casa Botkin is on the 29th of May. Check the calendar for details. Our next meeting is Wednesday the 25th of April. Sadly, Sharon and I both work on Wednesdays, and cannot attend. Have a glass or two of wine for us, while we whine about not being there. Arrivederci Dick Photo by Scotts VW Works, Bug O Rama 2012 We needed a break, so we headed off to the vendor and swap meet area. Here we found a myriad of trinkets for the VW person in your life, but also enough new and used parts to construct your own VW from the ground up. Bicycles were a popular item in the swap meet. I guess one needs transportation until the new-old bug is complete. Phoenix, Arizona THE NEWSLETTER OF THE ARIZONA ALFA ROMEO OWNER’S CLUB April 2016 The ALFA RUMOR The Arizona Alfa Romeo Owners’ Club Fred and Tina’s Annual Cookoff Fred Firschein Saturday April 6 was the date of this years’ gastronomical event. As the noon hour approached crock pots and various containers were lined up on tables. Coolers with favorite adult beverages were unloaded, chairs gathered around, and lively conversation was heard in the shade of the ramada. Soon we had 8 different chili pots going, wine was flowing, and beer was consumed. Pit Stop Champ. Photo by Tina The Gathering Photo by Tina Now that we were all lubricated it was time to start a new tradition with a Pit Stop Challenge. I was hoping to get more participants in what was a fun event but I think some were a little apprehensive and decided to just watch and cheer. We had 4 participants in the event, Bill Greenslade, Russ Staub, Mark Kirchner, and Alan Headley. The winner with a time of 1:02.53 plus a 10 second penalty for not shutting down his engine was Mark Kirchner. Next time this is run perhaps we can get some of the wives to participate against their husbands and show them who really knows their way around the car. The challenge is on. Soon after the cry of “when do we eat?” was heard and sampling of the chili was started. Ballots were given out and the voting commenced. Facing long lines to cast their ballots, with the cry of vote early, vote often, a final tabulation, and the official results determined. A clear winner from all the great entries emerged and the winner was Jill and Bill Burns. Some of our long time members might remember Jill and Bill as members of the club, from many years ago and had not had an opportunity to participate in club events. This event being close to their home, gave them and us, a chance to rekindle old friendships and meet new friends. Congratulations to our winners of the Pit Stop Challenge and Chili Cook-Off. Thanks to all who participated and made this event a success. Parting Shot Photo by Tina Phoenix, Arizona THE NEWSLETTER OF THE ARIZONA ALFA ROMEO OWNER’S CLUB April 2016 The ALFA RUMOR Jill and Bill’s Winning Chili Recipe I wanted to thank the members of the Alfa club for allowing us to participate, along with Fred and Tina (aka 'Teener') for hosting the event. The trophy is on display in my office. It looks so cool. I haven't won a trophy since I stopped bowling 17 years ago. It was a very good thing for Bill to be able to socialize which isn't something he is able to do very often. I had a great time too seeing everyone after all this time. The Arizona Alfa Romeo Owners’ Club adjust portions of all ingredients to make the kind of chili you prefer. Sweet Cornbread w/ Jalapenos 2 Packaged Cornbread mixes (your choice) Prepare per package instructions (eggs and milk) Set aside to rest for up to 5 minutes Then add the following: 1 can Creamed Corn 2 fresh jalapenos cut up into small pieces, with seeds and white rhine removed 2 tablespoons of Honey (to taste) 2 tablespoons of Honey Butter (optional) Bake per the instructions on the box to make muffins or a loaf. If anyone has any questions about the recipes, they can just call. For me, cooking is NOT an exact science. (602) 740-1088 cell Sweet & Hot Chili 4 slices of bacon (optional) 2 ½ pounds Ground Chuck (you can substitute any ground beef or ground turkey) 1 large can of crushed tomatoes 1 can kidney beans 1 can red beans 1 can pinto beans 1 can black beans 1 large can tomato paste 1 bottle Trader Joe’s Sweet Chili Sauce Trader Joe’s Hot & Sweet Pepper Jelly (add to taste) Trader Joe’s Chili Sauce (add to taste) Apricot Marmalade (add to taste) Saute 4 slices of bacon until crispy. When they’re cooled down, break them up into smaller pieces. Set aside. Divide the ground chuck into large chunks (approximately 2 inches by 2 inches). In a large skillet, brown all sides of all the chunks. Avoid breaking the chunks up. Set aside. In a crock pot, put all other ingredients in. With some of the beans, I drained off some of the liquid but that is optional. Stir all crock pot ingredients to mix. Depending on how sweet and spicy you like your chili, you can add more of the Trader Joe’s sauces/jellies. Add the chunks of meat and the bacon and gently stir. Put the cover on the crock pot, set to High and cook for at least 2 hours. Occasionally stir but continue to do so with a gentle touch. Turn down to Low and continue cooking until you’re ready to eat. I left it on low for another few hours. If there is too much liquid, just skim and remove with a large spoon to the consistency that you prefer. You can Phoenix, Arizona The Winner is…….Photo by Tina THE NEWSLETTER OF THE ARIZONA ALFA ROMEO OWNER’S CLUB April 2016 The ALFA RUMOR The Arizona Alfa Romeo Owners’ Club Fred and Tina’s Chili Cookoff Copperstate 1000 Photos by Tina Photos by Rick Classifieds Classified ads for Alfas and Alfa parts are still free for members. Just email your ad and any photos to me at [email protected] . Phoenix, Arizona THE NEWSLETTER OF THE ARIZONA ALFA ROMEO OWNER’S CLUB April 2016 The ALFA RUMOR The Arizona Alfa Romeo Owners’ Club If you wish to join the Alfa Romeo Owners Club, please complete and mail the following application. Benefits include close camaraderie with other Alfa enthusiasts, a one-year subscription to the national club magazine (the Alfa Owner) and, as a bonus, a one-year subscription to this newsletter. ARIZONA ALFA OWNERS CLUB Membership Application Name:__________________________________________________________________ Address:________________________________________________________________ City State, Zip:___________________________________________________________ Chapter Affiliation-Arizona Do You Own an Alfa Romeo? What Kind(s)?_______________________ Please enclose a check in the amount of $68 (dues) to: ALFA ROMEO OWNERS’ CLUB PO Box 92155 Portland, OR 97292 Phoenix, Arizona THE NEWSLETTER OF THE ARIZONA ALFA ROMEO OWNER’S CLUB April 2016
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