Lessons for the Leader Session at a Glance Jesus and Bartimaeus
Lessons for the Leader Session at a Glance Jesus and Bartimaeus
Week of January 23, 2011 Lessons for the Leader Doctors performed a miraculous eye surgery on a young man legally blind from birth. The man could see for the first time. Happiness and joy shone on the young boy's face. The miracle was life changing. •Read Mark 10:46-47. As Jesus left Jericho, He encountered a beggar. What was the beggar's name? Begging from travelers at the roadside was probably the man's daily custom. Blind men had few options for earning a living. Chances are Bartimaeus (BAHR tih MEE uhs) had heard about Jesus and His work. What did Bartimaeus cry out to Jesus? •Read Mark 10:48. The crowd heard the cry of mercy, but demonstrated none. The crowd heard the plea, but tried to deny help. The crowd wanted to speed Jesus along while ignoring the roadside nuisance. •Read Mark 10:49-50. Jesus stood still, both stopping the crowd and silencing the critics. He asked to speak with the beggar. What did the crowd say to the blind man? Bartimaeus tossed aside a garment and rose. Imagine the blind beggar feeling for the help of the people around him. Bartimaeus came to Jesus. •Read Mark 10:51-52. What did Jesus ask Bartimaeus? How did Bartimaeus answer? The word Jesus used to tell Bartimaeus he could see (sozo) can be translated "to save." Jesus gave Bartimaeus sight. However, Bartimaeus's healing may have been both physical and spiritual. •Think about the needs of the children you teach and of other families in your church or community. How can you and your church minister to them? When we minister to a child, we show God's love to that child. Our loving example may help a family understand God's love for them. What do these symbols mean? 1a Application Activities Format: Follow the numbers with arrows for a 30-minute, large group plus 20-minute Application Activities format. 1 Large Group Only Format: Follow all the numbers for a 45- to 60-minute large group only format. Jesus and Bartimaeus Bible Passage: Mark 10:46-52 Key Bible Verse Jesus healed sick people. Luke 7:21 Life Application I can begin to understand Jesus did things no one else could do. Level of Biblical Learning (Jesus) Jesus performed miracles and healed the sick. Session at a Glance Introduction to Worship (6 to 8 minutes) Greet Children Take Blindfold Walks Worship (30 minutes/45 minutes) Welcome Children Sing "Jesus Is All the World to Me" Sing "Precious Jesus" Present Offering and Pray Sing "Jesus Loves Children" Develop a Bible Skill Learn New Words Find It! Tell the Bible Story Review the Bible Story Learn Today's Bible Verse Use Worship Guides Make Application Transition Application Activities (20 minutes) Wrap-Up (10 minutes) OK to copy. Introduction to Worship 1aGreet Children Pull It Together Offering container •Show children where to place their offerings. 2aTake Blindfold Walks Pull It Together Soft obstacles (pillows, hoops, ropes), scarves • Scatter soft obstacles around the room. • Remove hard obstacles (chairs, tables, etc.). •Pair the children together. •Blindfold one child in each pair. •Instruct: "The unblindfolded partners will lead their blindfolded partners around the room, dodging items." •Switch the blindfold to the other child and walk around the room. •Collect blindfolds and direct kids to their seats. Worship 3aWelcome Children (2 minutes) •Say: "Wow! I am glad you made it here safely. Was it hard to get around the room when you couldn't see? We will learn about a man who could not see. Let's stand and sing." 4 S ing "Jesus Is All the World to Me" (DVD, 2 minutes) 5aSing "Precious Jesus" (DVD, 2 minutes) 6aPresent Offering and Pray (2 minutes) 7 S ing "Jesus Loves Children" (DVD, 2 minutes) 8 Develop a Bible Skill (4 minutes) Pull It Together Paper, marker, list of disciples' names and "Number Octahedron" from previous session (or follow directions below) • Print and assemble "Number Octahedron" (CD). • Print James, Thaddaeus, Simon, and Judas on the previous week's paper. (Or add: Simon Peter, Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, and Matthew) Jesus and Bartimaeus •Introduce the four new names. •Explain: "There are two disciples with the same name of Simon and two disciples with the same name of James. Let's see how many names we can recall." •Read together the names of the disciples. •Invite a child to toss the octahedron. •Challenge her to name the same number of disciples as the number on the octahedron. •Choose other children to take turns. 9aLearn New Words (3 minutes) Pull It Together Scissors, two pairs of sunglasses, tape • Print and cut out "Bible Story Words 23" (CD). • Tape the paper glasses to the real sunglasses. Definitions Blind: unable to see Heal: to make a sick person well •Put on a pair of sunglasses. •Remove the glasses and show the words on the lenses. •Ask: "What does it mean to be blind?" •Encourage responses. •Explain: "Sometimes blind people wear sunglasses to hide their eyes. Let's learn this word and its definition." •Read aloud the word and definition. •Put on the other pair of sunglasses and repeat the process. •Say: "Heal also refers to the miracles Jesus did. Some people who are healed are not sick like we think of being ill. We'll learn how Jesus healed a blind man." 10 Find It! (3 minutes) Pull It Together Print Mark from "Bible Books" (CD). •Display and read aloud the title. •Ask: "Is the Book of Mark in the Old or New Testament? (New) It is the second book in the New Testament." •Challenge children to open their Bibles to the Book of Mark. •Enlist adults to assist the children. 11aTell the Bible Story (7 minutes) Pull It Together Print "Teaching Picture 8 Bartimaeus" (CD). •Display the picture. •Say: "The two main characters in our story today are Jesus and Bartimaeus (BAHR tih MEE uhs). Listen for how Jesus helped Bartimaeus." •Point to Jesus and Bartimaeus on the picture during the story (words in bold). •Open your Bible and tell the story. Jesus and Bartimaeus Based on Mark 10:46-52 Jesus left the city of Jericho. Walking with Him were His disciples and a large crowd of people. A man named Bartimaeus sat by the side of the road. Bartimaeus was blind—he could not see. Because he could not see, he could not work. When he heard people walking by on the road, he would ask them for money. Bartimaeus heard a large crowd of people walking by. He heard that one of the people was Jesus. Bartimaeus began to shout, "Jesus, help me!" Many people told Bartimaeus to be quiet. Bartimaeus would not be quiet. He yelled as loud as he could, "Jesus, help me!" Jesus heard Bartimaeus. Jesus said, "Bring him to Me." The people told the blind man, "Get up. Jesus is calling you." Bartimaeus tossed his coat to one side. He jumped up and went to Jesus. Jesus asked him, "What do you want Me to do for you?" Bartimaeus answered, "I want to be able to see." Jesus said to Bartimaeus, "You believe I can heal you. Now you can see." It was a miracle! At once, Bartimaeus could see. He was no longer blind. Jesus had healed him. As Jesus and the crowd began to walk again, Bartimaeus went with them. 12aReview the Bible Story (4 minutes) Pull It Together Scissors • Print, cut apart, and stack separately "Review Questions 23" and "Action Cards" (CD). •Allow a child to choose a question card to answer. •Direct the same child to draw an action card. •Encourage the child to lead the group in doing the action. •Choose another child and continue until each question is answered. 13 Learn Today's Bible Verse (4 minutes) Pull It Together Print page 1 of "Luke 7:21" (CD). •Display and read aloud the verse. •Lead children to say the verse after or with you. •Create three groups. •Assign the groups words to say when you point to them. Group 1: "Jesus healed" Group 2: "sick people" Group 3: "Luke 7:21" •Point to each group to say its words. 14aUse Worship Guides (7 minutes) Pull It Together Worship Guides, crayons •Distribute materials. •Comment: "Bartimaeus could not see before he met Jesus. How do you think he knew what was happening around him?" •Talk about the children's senses. •Lead children to complete the activities. 15aMake Application (3 minutes) •Quiz: "What was wrong with Bartimaeus? (He was blind.) Who did Bartimaeus ask to make him see? (Jesus) Who can heal people?" (Jesus) •Say: "Bartimaeus could not see until Jesus healed him. Jesus performed miracles and healed the sick. Jesus did things no one else could do. Jesus heals people today." 16a Go to Application Activities or Wrap-Up Week of January 23, 2011 Wrap-Up (Large Group Only Format) Wrap-Up (Application Activities Format) 17 Sing "Great Big Praise" (DVD, 2 minutes) 17aSing "Great Big Praise" (DVD, 2 minutes) 18 Review (5 minutes) 18aHighlight Application Activities (3 minutes) •Call on several children to tell what they did in their Application Activities. dd Arts and Crafts—Make First Aid Kits dd Dramatic Play—Create an Eye Doctor's Office dd Games—Play "Blind Man's Faith" and "Miracle" Shuffle dd Exploration and Discovery—Learn Braille •Comment: "Our activities helped us understand Jesus did things no one else could do." Pull It Together Scissors • Print and cut apart page 2 of "Luke 7:21" (CD). • Print "Eye Chart" (CD). •Invite five children to display the words. •Place the children in the correct order. •Read aloud the verse. •Display the eye chart. •Ask: "Who has had their eyes checked and had to read a chart like this? This chart is different from the eye doctor's chart. This chart has special words in it. Can anyone see and find the words?" •Encourage children to point to the words that are in the Bible verse. •Comment: "The words in the chart are one, heal, Jesus, and miracle. Jesus performed miracles and healed the sick. One of His many miracles was to make Bartimaeus see." 19 Play a "I Spy" Game (3 minutes) •Invite children to take turns describing things or people they see in the room. •Encourage children to take turns describing things they might see at home. •Conclude: "We describe things to people who cannot see. Jesus performed a miracle and made blind Bartimaeus see. Jesus did things no one else could do." 20 Dismiss the Children to Their Parents Ask Yourself H W hat did the children hear through this session? N What will the children know as a result of this session? D What will the children do as a result of this session? Week of January 23, 2011 19aReview (5 minutes) Pull It Together Scissors, sunglasses (5 pairs), tape, "Luke 7:21" from step 13 • Print and cut apart page 2 of "Luke 7:21" (CD). • Tape each card to the bridge or nosepiece of a pair of sunglasses so it hangs over the nose when worn and the word can be seen by others. Teacher Tips • Place the tape on the frames, not the lenses. • Bend, mold, and hook together chenille stems to make glasses instead of purchasing sunglasses. •Call five children to the front and distribute the sunglasses to them. •Display and read aloud the verse. •Instruct: "Put on the glasses. Everyone else will help us put your words in the correct order." •Read the first word of the verse and assist children with selecting the child wearing that word. •Place that child to one side. •Continue with the other words, standing the children beside each other in the correct order. •State: "Someone tell me whom Jesus healed in our story today." •Invite children to recall the story. •State: "Jesus did things no one else could do." 20aDismiss the Children to Their Parents Worship KidStyle Preschool Edition Leader Guide © 2010 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Application Activities Pull It Together Paper lunch bags, adhesive bandages, cotton balls, cotton swabs, moist towelettes, stickers, index cards, glue, children's scissors, markers, foam shapes • Print "First Aid Kit" (CD). Print 1 copy per child. • Place bandages, cotton balls, swabs, stickers, and towelettes inside a bag. Review Questions 1. Who was with Jesus when He left the city? (large crowd; disciples) 2. What did Bartimaeus start to do when he heard Jesus was passing by? (shout) 3. What did Bartimaeus, the blind man, want Jesus to do? (heal him) 4. How did Jesus heal Bartimaeus? (spoke to him) 5. Can a regular doctor speak to you and make you well? (No, only Jesus can heal.) Pull It Together Chairs, play eyeglasses, tape, magnifying glasses • Print "Eye Chart" (CD) and tape to wall. Teacher Tips • Urge a child who wears glasses to talk about wearing them if the child is comfortable with the attention. • Print an extra "Eye Chart" for the group to have 2 doctor's offices or 2 eye doctors in the same office. Week of January 23, 2011 Select from the following choices. Each choice is designed for 20 minutes of small group time. Worship Through Arts and Crafts Make First Aid Kits •Invite a child to draw a first aid item from the bag. •Discuss how the object is used. (Bandages for covering cuts or scrapes, cotton balls to stop bleeding or apply medicine, cotton swabs to clean wounds or apply medicine, moist towelettes to clean hands or wounds, and stickers to help a wounded friend smile) •Ask the review questions. •Distribute materials. •Instruct: "Decorate your bags using the foam shapes and markers. Write your names on your bags. Cut apart the pieces for your first aid kit. You can glue the pictures to index cards to make them stronger. Cut the glued pictures apart and place them in your bags/kits." •Talk about the Bible story as children work. •Comment: "Jesus did things no one else could do. 'Jesus healed sick people.' Luke 7:21. Jesus can still heal people today. The word for the things no one else can do is miracles. Jesus performed miracles." •Direct children to place their first aid items in their bags. •Lead children to clean the area. •Pray. Worship Through Dramatic Play Create an Eye Doctor's Office •Define: "A miracle is 'something special that only Jesus can do.' Jesus performed a miracle when He healed Bartimaeus. Doctors cannot do that. Who has been to an eye doctor and had your eyes checked?" •Listen as the children share their experiences. •Inform: "The eye doctor uses an eye chart when checking a person's eyes. The doctor will point to a picture or letter and ask the person to say what the picture or letter is. The pictures start out big and get smaller. Let's create our own eye doctor office. We can take turns being the eye doctor, receptionist, and patients." •Encourage children to display the eye chart and use the props to play. •Lead children to clean the area and gather by you. •Display an eye chart. •Challenge the children to read all of the letters. •Read and point to the word miracle. •Ask: "What does the word miracle mean? (something only Jesus can do) What miracle did Jesus do in our Bible story? (healed Bartimaeus with only His words) Jesus did things no one else could do. 'Jesus healed sick people.' Luke 7:21. Jesus can still heal people today." •Pray. Pull It Together Blindfold, CD player, music CD, marker, paper, tape, small sticky notes • Print "Number Octahedron" (CD) and assemble. • Print 1 letter per page, in capital letters, the word MIRACLE. • Number the papers 1–6, repeating the number 1 for the letter E. • Tape numbered letters around the room. • Print numerals 4, 5, 6 on sticky notes and stick over 1 set of 1, 2, 3 on the octahedron. Teacher Tip Protect the blindfolded Bartimaeus from unseen dangers. Pull It Together Glue, index cards, pennies, round spongetipped paint applicators • Print "Braille" (CD). • Put drops of glue on the black dots on the chart. • Allow glue to dry creating raised dots for the children to feel. Teacher Tips • Stamp unsharpened pencils with erasers into washable ink pads instead of using paint. • Visit your local library to check out books written in Braille. • Invite a blind or vision-impaired person to visit and talk to children. • Check around your building for Braille signs to show children. Worship Through Games Play "Blind Man's Faith" and "Miracle" Shuffle •Ask: "What was wrong with Bartimaeus? (blind) Who did Bartimaeus call out to and ask to heal his blindness? (Jesus) Did Jesus heal Bartimaeus?" (yes) •Choose a child to be "Blind Bartimaeus." •Advise: "Bartimaeus will be blindfolded. The rest of us will find a place to stand in the room. Bartimaeus will call out, 'Jesus!' The rest of us will answer, 'Jesus heals!' Bartimaeus will continue to call out as everyone answers until he tags someone. Everyone remember to not move." •Blindfold the child tagged and play again. •Give each child a turn at being Bartimaeus. •Vary the game: "This time, when Bartimaeus calls out, everyone else will put their fingers to their lips, pretending to shush Bartimaeus. We will make a shush sound while Bartimaeus searches for someone to tag." •Define: "A miracle is 'a something special that only Jesus can do.' " •Talk about the miracle in today's Bible story. •Instruct: "Everyone dance around the room until the music stops." •Play and stop the music. Direct children to go stand by any letter. •Roll the octahedron and state the number/letter (1=M, E; 2=I, 3=R, etc.). •Direct children standing by the called number to sit down. •Play until one or two children remain. Start again. •Say: "Jesus did things no one else could do. 'Jesus healed sick people.' Luke 7:21. Jesus can still heal people today." •Pray. Worship Through Exploration and Discovery Learn Braille •Review: "Jesus did a miracle when He healed Bartimaeus. What was wrong with Bartimaeus? (blind) Today, we'll learn about a man who was hurt when he was 3 years old and the doctors could not stop him from going blind. The doctors couldn't heal this boy like Jesus healed Bartimaeus." •Read the information about Louis Braille. •Ask: "What body part do we use to read? (eyes) Blind people cannot use their eyes to read, but with Louis's new alphabet, blind people can read with their fingers! Louis used raised dots to create a language that blind people can feel with their fingers, thus allowing them to read." •Display the Braille alphabet and numbers chart. •Invite children to feel the raised dots on the chart. •Distribute pennies. •Demonstrate how to lay the pennies by one another to make Braille letters like the ones on the chart. •Encourage kids use the pennies to spell their names using the Braille alphabet. •Distribute index cards and paint applicators. •Lead children to paint the dots (Braille letters) to write their names. •State: "Blind people can buy Braille Bibles and read the Bible story we read today using their fingers. Jesus did things no one else could do. 'Jesus healed sick people.' Luke 7:21. Jesus can still heal people today." •Pray. Worship KidStyle Preschool Edition Leader Guide © 2010 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. OK to copy. Week of January 23, 2011 Mark 10:46-52 esus and Bartimaeus Jesus did things no one else could do. Draw a picture of Jesus healing Bartimaeus. Match the doctor’s tools with the parts of the body where the tools are used. Worship KidStyle Preschool Edition Worship Guide © 2010 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy. healed sick people. Luke 7:21 Match the dark dots in the code to the right to find the letters of the first word of the Bible verse. Cheri Bladholm © 2010 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in the USA. Jesus and Bartimaeus Mark 10:46-52 Bible Books Worship KidStyle Preschool Edition, Winter 2010-2011 © 2010 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in U.S.A. Mark OK to copy. 7 Hug a friend Do 5 jumping jacks Stand on 1 foot and count to 10 Action Cards Worship KidStyle Preschool Edition, Winter 2010-2011 © 2010 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. 1 OK to copy. Turn around 3 times Jump in place 5 times Shake hands with a friend Action Cards Worship KidStyle Preschool Edition, Winter 2010-2011 © 2010 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. 2 OK to copy. Link elbows with a friend and turn around Walk like an elephant Flap your arms 5 times Action Cards Worship KidStyle Preschool Edition, Winter 2010-2011 © 2010 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. 3 OK to copy. Ride a horse without going anywhere Fly an airplane without going anywhere Hop like a frog 3 times Action Cards Worship KidStyle Preschool Edition, Winter 2010-2011 © 2010 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. 4 OK to copy. Wow! Take another turn! 2 You are special! Go again! 2 Gluing flap 1 3 Gluing flap • Cut out the shape and fold the lines inward. • Glue all the tabs but leave 1 side open. • Stuff with newspaper or tissues and glue the final side shut. uin Gluing flap 1 3 Gluing flap Gl g fl ap Number Octahedron Worship KidStyle Preschool Edition, Winter 2010-2011 © 2010 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy. Blind Heal unable to see to make a sick person well Bible Story Words 23 (January 23) Worship KidStyle Preschool Edition, Winter 2010-2011 © 2010 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy. Braille Alphabet a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z ! ' , - . ? Capital # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Louis Braille was born over 200 years ago in the country of France. Louis hurt his eyes and went blind by the age of 4. When Louis was 12 years old, he invented a way for blind people to read. He used raised dots on paper to create an alphabet for people with blindness to use. Louis played the piano and organ. Braille (January 23) Worship KidStyle Preschool Edition, Winter 2010-2011 © 2010 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy. E O N E H E A L J E S U S M I R A C L E 1 5 3 8 2 4 7 6 Eye Chart (January 23) Worship KidStyle Preschool Edition, Winter 2010-2011 © 2010 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy. bandages alcohol wipes gauze first aid cream eye wash cotton balls latex gloves elastic bandage cotton swabs scissors moist towelettes First Aid Kit (January 23) Worship KidStyle Preschool Edition, Winter 2010-2011 © 2010 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy. Jesus healed sick people. Luke 7:21 Luke 7:21 (January 23) Worship KidStyle Preschool Edition, Winter 2010-2011 © 2010 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. 1 OK to copy. Jesus healed sick people. Luke 7:21 Luke 7:21 (January 23) Worship KidStyle Preschool Edition, Winter 2010-2011 © 2010 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. 2 OK to copy. 1 2 Who was with Jesus when He left Jericho? Why did Bartimaeus have to beg for money? 3 4 What did Bartimaeus do when he heard Jesus was walking by? What did Jesus ask Bartimaeus? 5 6 What did Jesus tell Bartimaeus He would do? What happened to Bartimaeus after Jesus talked to him? 1. Who was with Jesus when He left Jericho? (disciples and a crowd) 2. Why did Bartimaeus have to beg for money? (He was blind and could not work.) 3. What did Bartimaeus do when he heard Jesus was walking by? (Shouted "Jesus, help me!") 4. What did Jesus ask Bartimaeus? ("What do you want Me to do for you?") 5. What did Jesus tell Bartimaeus He would do? (heal him, make him see) 6. What happened to Bartimaeus after Jesus talked to him? (He could see.) Review Questions 23 (January 23) Worship KidStyle Preschool Edition, Winter 2010-2011 © 2010 LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention. Printed in USA. OK to copy.