Potamogetonaceae - Natuurtijdschriften
Potamogetonaceae - Natuurtijdschriften
Aclaßol. Neerl. Ovule November 33(4), 1984, ontogeny development in and seed Potamogeton (Potamogetonaceae), L. the campylotropous I* and F. T.Takaso * p. 519-533. with natans a note on ovule Bouman Present address: Makino Herbarium, Tokyo Metropolitan University, 2-1-1, Fukasawa, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 158, Japan Hugo de Vries Laboratorium, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Plantage Middenlaan 1018 DD 2a, Amsterdam SUMMARY The ovule of uments are pressed layers of the 1. adaxial are in origin of the campylotropous types wall. The and crassinucellate, bitegmic ortho-campylotropous. Both integ- The seed coat consists of the com- develop by intercalary growth. of which differs curvature carpel and integuments, from the outer only the usual terminology, types and is structure and shows layer cell brought functional wall about aspects thickenings. by The proliferation a of the different ovule discussed. INTRODUCTION An inflorescence of are born almost subtended alternate ing at Potamogeton right angles bracts. by position, scale-like mens are Each as before, of spirally and arranged clearly by inserted stamens sometimes and uni-ovulate Posluszny on flowers which are & Sattler the connective of the mostly spatially separated from, the carpels in (1974). The mature sta- correspond- stamens. literature bryo 1908; on (1839), its Gupta 1934). are cords has been bitegmic tropous or layers. tetrad or and was a research object of such early plant embryologists Schacht embryology development sac mentary data tal consists the axis of the inflorescence and flower has four protuberances (tepals) initiated Schleiden as to indicated Potamogeton already is is Potamogeton natans dermal and and Hofmeister incomplete embryology (Wiegand Of the ovule available. The given by (1850) is still rather Davis orthotropous (by camptotropous). ontogeny and seed most recent (1966; see (1861). and 1900; coat mainly 1901; em- Cook development only frag- also Lakshmanan to concerns Holferty summary of the various others said However, the embryological 1970). re- The ovule be anatropous, campylo- The nucellus is crassinucellate and has up The megaspore mother cell forms after meiosis “triad”. The chalazal megaspore develops into a a linear or to 7 parie- T-shaped Polygonum type of 520 T. TAKASO AND embryo increases in size and Both of the lies ognizable and form ovulate is absent. the seed against has been studied into a shape, and stricto practice together has endocarp mesocarp germinating are seed. The The embryo fruits (Kirchner shorter a called are 1-18 layers narrow of the part endocarp (Roth the fruit bursting al. 1908). In outer longer period mesocarp, floating acts as a cells with mesocarp endocarp The dorsal part of the of thin-walled, the apex of the by hydrochory species the fruits of time. In other Fruits mostly which fruit, first. dispersed of the thick- massively and the allow the emergence of the to starts at cotyledon and part morpho- one-layered of sclereids of different 1977). opens but a which is lifted up from the fruit is of the lid emerge with its fit readily into not drupes, parenchymatous of long and awl-shaped part polychorous are et or to layer unrec- Each of the four uni- (1970). approximate, longitudinal sutures, consisting two called the dorsal lid. The the layers outer become is differentiatedinto pericarp the sclerotic parenchymatic cells, along which causes Aalto comprising one-layered endocarp a ened cell walls. In sensu by Histologically they resemble achenes. The sclerified inner tissue, the other part of the species has large intercellular spaces and a the integuments only indehiscent fruit; they do an mostly rather thin and fleshy, a which in From the the starch and embryo, containing clearly cellular, the customary fruit classifications. logically they In micropylar parts excepted. cuticular layer around the embryo (Netolitzky 1926). a structure carpels develops exocarp, micropylar confirms to the caryo- embryogeny The curved coat. remains integument The fruit coenocytic nucleus of the chalazal chamber single their two-layered, are endosperm outer helobial. The The finally degenerates. integuments seed oil, directly is while the cellular, and the terminal suspensor cell becomes vesicular. phyllad type mature formation Endosperm sac. chamber later becomes F. BOUMAN cases decay. epizoochorous dispersal by pass to float for persist the intestinal birds and fishes unhurt. Also zoochory or able the fruits may tached shoots until the latter can are tract mud sticking on de- of both to water fowl has been recorded. The present tive study of structures aims at an amplification Potamogeton, especially of as our knowledge ovule regards of the reproduc- ontogeny and seed coat structure. 2. MATERIAL AND The material of METHODS Potamogeton natans L. collected in the was Botanical University of Amsterdam and fixed in Allen’s modified Bouin fluid III. For standard light dehydrated 6 or a mature the PAS material was at TBA series, embedded in seeds glycol-methacrylate, with flowers 7 fan and stained with Heidenhain’s young and in in microscopy, were sectioned at 5 dehydrated in an ethyl or 7 /mi of alcohol safranin and fast a NBA series, with glass knives haematoxylin. were microtome-sectioned paraplast, means in Craf developmental stages haematoxylin, dehydrated by reaction and Eastman’s various Garden, or For SEM at green; embedded and stained studies, some series, critically point-dried and OVULE AND SEED Fig. 1. Median IN longisections and the initiation origin. and of ovules ovule gold; showing mature the their relative position integuments (D-J). in respect Both of the integuments carpel (A-C) are of dermal gradually proceeds, integument; nuc: nucellus; coated with 521 NATANS early developmentof The curvature of the ii: inner 3. POTAMOGETON oi: outer integument. seeds were directly studied after coating. RESULTS The carpel primordia rapidly and are protruding obliquely cup-shaped, the inner margin. the dorsal side growing more The median part of the lower (inner) 522 T. TAKASO AND F. BOUMAN margin develops margin an other into the ovule carpel margins The young ovule is locule with its the ovule The young ovule primordium is layers enveloping inner integument, stage, and the developmental fan-shaped this at is edge of tunica two the concomi- primor- slightly projected are their derivation from the at layer the ovule of this part divisions sometimes take the at occur carpel campylotropous. it consists layer, whereby constituent cells part of the ovule primordium very difficult usually becomes in the second place The adaxial showing cell periclinal part, divisions also is thus fashion, of the basal 2A). horizontally A little before the initiation of the cell divisions take ID and canal. stylar bends down into the three-zonated, i.e., portion (fig. ID). corpus periclinal develops (figs. grows inner with the continuously form the gradually with anticlinal cell divisions in the first tantly in to directed downwards and micropyle a the adaxial side of this edge and oriented almost initially orthotropous (fig. I). After megasporogenesis dium This the ovule and envelop to At primordium. edge is formed (figs. 1A-C). dermal in the place side convex in layer. dermal layer developmental stages and, therefore, subsequent a As These (fig. IE). demarcate the derivative cells from the dermal to this at arranged it layer this side. The inner periclinally probably cave dermal as origin, of which 3C), and in adjacent ally divide the ones in the the dermal cells for its divide rather direction, (figs. periclinal the median obliquely (fig. 3A). thus IH and 3B. forming D), or but or con- initial cells of two 2B and 3A, C). cell divisions oblique divides one most and the convex periclinally The resultant cells gener- two or three cell of the some dividing longisections, growth (figs. 1G, either they exhibit the at consists of three primordium of three initials, case same nucellus yound slight swelling, simultaneously responsible are initials two a From the observation of median the inner integument arises case and the the obliquely. sides. In sections the In the (fig. integument is intiated or around rows apically situated cells divide bifacially (table 1). The subdermal cells underlying the integument initials also the show periclinal divisions, integument proper but (figs. IE, do they F and A little after the initiationof the inner simultaneously side in convex of the inner table I). the some cases. As two or derived from usually originate of the the in the two the inner cell of the 2C and 3B, difference in The length initials. manner. The D). bulk of the the three cell After the first cell (Jigs. rows row nucellus is of the during the formed is also due are of much integument division of the case other derivatives is the that as may sometimes anticlinally, In this at II and 3E, outer rows periclinal cell divides same early growth two arises integument initial cells integument, However, daughter respect of this outer initiation is dermally originated upper in the but it appears earlier sides, integument primordium three-layered (fig. 3G). tion of the in the formation of than three rows; in other words: the two following initials, sign with the inner compared participate integument, concave The first three more common occurrence is and convex integument (figs. IH, divisions in to F\ at not 2B). thus outer rendering the relative posi- for the and anticlinal divisions in the responsible subsequent stages. by peri- OVULEAND SEED IN Fig. 2, Transversal the later 523 POTAMOOETON NATANS longisections stages (E-H). The of ovules growth of at the early stages (A-D) the nucellus is mainly layer. ii: inner integument; nuc: nucellus; oi; outer integument. and median longisections due to derivatives of the second at tunica 524 Position Table 1. I-VI1 correspond ovules observed bold dividing of to those italics type figures, or of recently figs. 1G, divided IH, II. cells in from the base are which are anticlinal, of the the the the inner and outer 2H. 4B. IJ-2E, 2F. brackets. The numbers indicate in are ments, but those in in AND F. T. TAKASO position integuments. Stages The respectively. from the apices periclinal numbers of the of integu- for the micropylar proliferation. Except others represent BOUMAN divisions in respect cases of the ovular axis. Stage1 Stage (14) (15) cc cv 1,1 CC II III cv CC 1 IV Stage (18) 1,1 - Stage CV CV 2 1,1 1,1 1,3 1,2 3 3.4 Stage (9) CC 1,2 V Stage (7) VI CC cv CC CV u 3.6 I,I 3.7 5 6.7 2.6 8,10 2,2 VII (4) CC 10.13 CV 8,18 1.5 4 il Stage (21) 1.4 6.7 15 8,11 11,12 12,12 II 13.13 14.15 2 1,1 2 1,2 1,3 2,3 1 4 i,i 6.9 3,9 3.5 9.12 6,8 ol 20 17,41 -9.9 9,10 12,12 - - - - 2 - 2 3 10.103,4 15 10 1,2 4,7 13,15 8 2,9 il 10,12 OI 13,20 20 - - 4 2,3 - 8 - 6,6 ol 6,9 5,9 14 7,8 16 - 8,12 12,12 14,19 II: inner integument;OI; outer integument; il: inner ol: outer layer; layer; cc: concave side; cv: convex side of the ovule. second tunica form a layer cell is archesporial of the cell undergoes cell undergoes meiosis; into a only at an triads Polygonum were observed in After the divides thus initiation, only anticlinally increasing the that the inner and of three cell outer every or layers inner to length outer our soon mother cell. The parietal layer. J as periclinally The megaspore mother fails (in the the girth same outer direction of the derived from three initial cells, layer (usually to divide, figs. 2A-D). as integuments in the outer one) initials), integuments (table I), integuments retain their original thickness. of the to primary parietal slides. The chalazal megaspore develops to their surface well The subdermal dyad apparently constituent cell of the inner and as C). divides The ovule is slightly flattened during the sac. early stages (compare figs. ID, F, H, a and cell of the micropylar type of embryo IF-H and 2B, megaspore further divisions to form the (figs. early stage cell and the primary parietal because ovular apex distinct In the so case however, cells of either the divide less actively and become 525 OVULE AND SEED IN POTAMOGETON NATANS Fig. by 3. Successive the same surpassed stages the other by two-layered cate conditions retention of the initials) two The and is scattered all but is a ment of the little more over Jigs. 2H and integuments in is are indicated a or the lateral sides three-layered ovules of to obviously the or from apical part two-layered one integuments, outer The (cf.fig. 4D). intercalary growth to young seed, matter inner and J). sections indi- from three with the II, and contribute cross only rarely extending due two- or developing As at figs. integuments, outer bifacially (originated mingles integuments develop- indicated as results in three-layered two- or respectively (compare figs. 2E, F, course, by condition of the inner and the growth of the inner and to outer in circumference results from anticlinal divisions in all constituent outer integuments is (3) of the ovule (in also exhibits mitotic the case of a Table 1 capable middle layer condition condition found The mature 4B)\ (2) off derivatives but mainly cells after their initiation; and innerand initials side in concave well. Serial longitudinal and upwards, frequently in the the at the circumference of the integuments integuments integuments cut may as three-layered following points: (1) outer same the upper parts of the making integument three-layered from the base (Jigs. 2E, F, H). the of the situated cells of the inner and longisections, two-layered a integuments. Derivatives thus inner hand, apically when viewed in the of the layers, the {fig. 3B; On the other to of initiation letters. of clearly three-layered figures shows that every dividing throughout as integument part, the cell of the development every cell of the do the cells of the inner and outer layers). At the stage when the inner apical part of planes (Jigs. cell divisions one. layer the IJ and are About the integument inner integument of 2D-F). more same of the nucelius. As a begin result, frequent to the the nucelius, divide periclinally endostome divisions are most place frequent in The layer than cell divisions also take cells of the or develops. incidence in the inner time, periclinal Although an overgrows various periclinal in the outer in the dermal at the nucellar 526 Fig. T. TAKASO 4. ovules; seed I: Development E: coats cross ii: inner of the seed of fruit longisection indicated in section of E; young a coat. H: seed coats seed coats integument; nuc: nucellus; A-D: showing the at the median longisections curvature later a young and cross seed; F, developmental stage (the cut at the level of the oi: outer of integument. arrow in E. AND F. sections G: details same BOUMAN of mature of portion young of F); OVULE AND SEED 5. Median Fig. A: the whole wall es: of the longisections ovule of a mature ovule. (x 100); B: details of a of A part showing the from the nucellus; oi: outer integument; proliferation adaxial carpel (x 250). ii; inner embryo sac; ing 527 IN POTAMOGETON NATANS integument; m; micropyle; nuc: pt: proliferat- tissue. apex, they mains also occur responsible at the flanks of the nucellus. The second tunica for the greater part of the nucellar tissue layer re- IJ and 2D-F, (Jigs. H). At the stage of fills the lar in carpel sections (figs. cross of the itself, ovule divisions the at resultanttissue pyle is formed or cf. or begins by to protrude the endostome parietal layer embryo the peripheral The ovule is 4A and 5). the inner and divisions divisionsin supplied by xylem course stigmas pollen to result of active as tube apical every 4B and rim of the as completely cell always 5). outer cell The integu- their bases become layer. The nucellus is even more longitudinal radially directed into the ovule differentiatedinto ring through -arrives at the narrow to fan or out spiral running rows, where- carpel (Jigs. in the chalaza. elements. canal into the the dorsal base of the high, from (Jigs. 4B, D). pollen germinates stylar two- four- relatively five cells 6 cells. The corpus tissue tube is porogamous. The grows degrees become integuments and sometimes three, high outer (table 1), the chalaza is oriented in already pollen tube(s) carpel (figs. 90 periclinal the rather massive ventral bundle of the turns has of the and the locule. A sac be and the tissue of the nucellus is This bundle A part of the The may completely rather far distance when viewed in longisections anticlinal cell by by about curvature the and and almost circu- into the median flank of the ovule. The micro- alone, The nucellar cap has become the basis of the as at a fig. 6A). Although five-layered by periclinal and the the to is also longisections inside of the adaxial wall of the three-layered large. Next shape carpelary base, in pear-shaped 4A-D). the curved ment, which is tapering, lies (fig. 4B, the ovule faces the pollination, locule. It is curved, ovule, on the carpel from where 528 it T. TAKASOAND F. BOUMAN grows in between the ovule and the the lateral side of the (fig. the nucellar apex the beginning After fertilization the ovule reaches ture wall. Cells to cell by degrees by kind of central a cf.figs. 6C, (fig. 4E; stretching. Especially nucellar base become very the chalazal end of the aberrantly embryo and stase-like tissue is by lysis the nucellus and and of the layer appear walls partly at formed of the the and every (figs. outer formed layers by nucellar of the another by by integument develops mature the exotesta, the at 6. with cross Scanning electron of fruits of the seed coat e: embryo; completely. stretch layers concave The (Fig. 4G). outer local grains. F). Usually a one this become specific of layers compressed and from the apex proceeds embryo the inner to Cuticles (Fig. 6F). integument. The outer are layer thin cuticle and remains loose from the endo- compressed a periclinal have into a tanniniferous layer. The nucellar growing and outer not The inner and middle of the inner the The thin, remnants is rather of the tanniniferous tegmen and Testa, tegmen and nucellus are complex inner and a and middle tightly packed from separated one cuticles. penetrating pollen sections basal half of shorter, The cells do The small chalazal-funicular part of the seed has developed Fig. hypo- cell walls of the strongly pitted. seed coat, although integument, outer are develops epidermis of nucellar cell walls. layer layer 4H and 6E, Accordingly, the carp. for parts also the inner periclinal, small starch some strongly compressed by in thickness. All cell maturity (figs. 6B, E). the base. The inner integument tissue is not E) except sections and collaps integument resorbed invades the by grows Later the (fig. 4E). have of the this tissue first sac the central part of the nucellus length, under enlarge, development where the cells may remain smaller extent cross except for outer sac of the expansion embryo nucellar cells mainly center not the further The embryo the integument become thickened (fig. 6F). The anticlinal walls in thin and contents the outer in carpel proliferated directly lying These cells do the nucellus. the curva- homogeneously, tissue in the first stages of seed I and 6B, lesser a corpus block to surrounding grow rather small group of cells a seem consumes micropyle, to x-shaped are campylotropous which the ovule has become curved excepted. aside and pushed (figs. 4F, the at anticlinal, sac half-way gradually integuments only longitudinally elongated, of the and radial- of the tissue of the adaxial enlarges the cells of the During about at stretching side and proliferation body around embryo downwards. remains situated The The considerably. grows the cell walls and staining sac large periclinally. The nucellus D). along way penetrating both sides of the ventral bundle divide periclinally. The at tissue forms 270 and micropyle cells. Their cells are integumentary may divide they the The cells around the ovular base deviate almost from A). from the other and ly stretched, 6 the shortest carpel wall, seeking integument, through outer ( x fw: fruit 240, micrographs tube ( x showing x 960 270); the of a mature ovule and seeds. A: B: stretched of the exotesta cells campylotropous seed (x20); E, resp.). wall; pt; proliferating tissue; sc: seed coat. a tenuous micropylar F: ( x part 390); C, longi- and plexus of the D: ovule longi- cross and sections OVULE AND SEED IN POTAMOGETON NATANS 529 530 of T. and ring of about of It is small, shows intercellular spaces. Most cells ma and formation Endosperm The seed the one curved (figs. 6C, has been 270 over D ). In like the degrees sections the cross are coenocytic. with provided by and seed, embryo the hypostase hy- or The embryo. size. In The chalazal the mature embryo mature embryo sac suborbicular in outline. axis and hypocotyl-root strand. The central provascular a smaller fills the completely is helo- endosperm in embryo. is orbicular plumule con- tissue is filled with starch and aleur- embryonal in the meristematic parts grains, except 4. a micropyle degenerate The considerably consumed fully tains several leaf primordia. The on by peripheral parenchy- The embryogenesis. becomes takes up about half of the cotyledon cotyledon the the constituting which increases nucleus, endosperm the precedes chamber micropylar chamber has The nucellus resorbed. are bial. from the separated tanniniferous cells with suberised walls. The is continuous with the tanniniferous tegmen. The postase is tracheids. spiral eight layers TAKASOAND F. BOUMAN (Fig. 6E). DISCUSSION have many advanced characters in their reproductive Potamogetonaceae such gans, pous the reductions of floral as dermal ovules, seed, mature family can ton the to layer. primordium relatively specialised a richardsonii has should also be layer be at variance a the young ovule Marantaceae, responsible primordium. of case separate. The out (and Posluszny the two processes divisions in the second tunica the crassinucellate) again placental Begoniaceae are drawings and are anthers and alternate with anthers not be and carpel this seen tepals. Since carpels simultaneously in the ovule initiation in same convincing, or in but secondari- now known appeared photographs because median section. Potamogeton “secon- a region from (Boesewinkel & De Lange 1983). tions illustrating carpel initiation not carpel continu- that after the layer, layer, the are carpel primor- phenomenon re-established in of the ovule structure Potamogeton, of the adaxial part of the and Sattler’s initiation of for the ovule initiation. These Ovules initiated in the second Droseraceae and the other hand, to the cell divisions in the second periclinal explained by is structure three-zonated ly becoming On may be carpel by periclinal three-zonated darily” and derived one. with the three-zonated directly develops discrepancy initiationof to described in this paper. In the since the ovule dium. This two-layered a is primarily due and ovule initiation are very difficult ous in The tunica and to as endosperm non-dehiscent fruits. P. This seem and absence of and the floral apex of Potamoge- densus and findings coats or- carpels, ortho-campylotro- Posluszny & Sattler (1973,1974) carpel primordia tunica integuments, large embryos non-differentiated seed be considered to be According uni-ovulate parts, to and they of sec- also show tepals, they can A re-examination of be necessary to solve problem. The clinal two- or or three-layered integuments oblique divisions in two or three of Potamogeton neighbouring, are initiated by peri- dermal initials and sub- 531 OVULE AND SEED IN POTAMOGETON NATANS of all sequently develop by intercalary growth cal in dermal integuments of many other cells. No participant could be demonstrated. This type of growth specific api- is also histogenesis angiosperms (Bouman 1984), but described disagrees with the description of Roth (1957) of Capsella bursa-pastoris, where both integsaid uments are to grow rhythm Potamogeton the In is curvature so-called basal the basal a harmonious about brought adaxial side of the ton ovule in is Potamogeton Its who placed the ovule in the special nature best classified in many as introduced terms several by in the as by authors, and in the shape tropy and bining in other Bocquet (1959) the basic sacs. must be tion of Indeed, ovules. In a and as Bocquet far as series of early 1839 as places The record the a in many Both & Bersier terms ontogenetic origin. raphe or by two or It involved curved in embryo sacs. and may result of the resorbing system. body be formed amphitropous, or been characterized by other partly amphitropous. showed that with to campylo- anatropy. Com- campylotropy body ovule. amphitropous the is diverse. em- Amphitropy the arch of the nucellus. nucellus, sac can the inner structure of to various or from degrees. a processes may Moreover, straight endosperm. be of differ- integument, campylotropous Many ontogenetic develop secondarily of embryo and and be characterized by the forma- is present. However, it by are These demonstrated the diver- They which extends into basal activity embryos, amphitropous as anatropy all in combination. Also the also campylotropy have been re-defined processes with respect different combinations and sac of nine different types of ovules with curved body”, can and (1960) clearly embryo campylotropous phase a in Schlei- This has caused much confusion partly campylotropous, independent ovules such of the Schleidhn, placed angiosperm campylotropous ways. ortho-, hemi-, so-called “basal by in seeds with curved in These authors also re-defined the preceded by a curvature been found in any other not needs confirmation. literature, of ovules with curved are Potamoge- the ovule of Potamogeton present study resulting of the part the share in the ovule no campylotropous so (1829) already. ovules without a distinct basal a the to conflicting families amphitropy bryo be has at with the camptotropous type. Schacht (1850) rectified sacs, amphitropy, they distinguished the of denominated as Mirbel campylotro- compared application of the terminology. Several families have authors, ent type and has diverse at often in campylotropous sity embryo mostly are may be ridge, a almost of ovule shape of mesocarp tissue campylotropous ortho-campylotropous. families and ovules and seeds proliferation recognized was new The of ovule and fruit. The proliferation Ruppia (Ruppiaceae) Ovules with curved met bifacial carpel locule, leaving endocarp. of the ovule and stated that it should be description in the related genus fill the growth The unique lycotropous type. According be can a the fruit wall and differentiates like the other to mesocarp. seems plant. den’s initials exhibiting apical and the present in the form of seed Schleiden’s fully found in many other body body of the endo- and parts rim of the by wall. This carpel seed proper, remains attached or a integument outer and seed is the result of pous of means ovule and seed space between the no by of cell division. nucellus The great a as diversity 532 T. in the distribution and that mental Very of structure has campylotropy developed pathways during than the evolution of the little attention has been ovules renders it campylotropous more in the paid and once, TAKASOAND F. BOUMAN angiosperms (Bouman pertaining among In the gioody). the In flowering plants, that tubes curvature anatropy route. ovuly. It is mostly or even touching mogeton is as one longer, so quences have have better ty or pyle According for the way the brought pollen found in families with stylar tissue. As exceptions in this embryos length and, longer the in way for to the mono- campylotropous the funicle. Pota- evolutionary advantage development. Campylotro- long as the seed itself or without much longer embryos of the seeds. and and/or cotyledons, seeds have ana- seeking with are long embryos reaching even conse- Long supposed establishment. It is evident that the seedling campylotropous mostly near dispersal potential hypocotyls the base of the ovule, most micropyle as be reached By ovule directed towards erect respect. The twice to up a so, roots, possibilities is the to walls. tube and facilitates the regards fertilisation, having anatropous near an- reach micropylar droplet. is correlated single a in ones To to the present authors the in ontogeny and diversity the classify which required, studies. For majori- from micro- cannot curved embryo different prefixes sacs. it terms do not reflect campylotropy an extensive established without detailed seems ana-, in advisable hemi-, This may prevent ontogenetic campylotropy become reasons existing adequately of the ovules and seeds with curved shape existing diversity practical with the facultative of the to can chalaza. to sacs. has been better pollen and the ovules have angiosperms orthotropy campylotropy all perhaps In contain can that to the affixed stigmas becomes manifest at later stages of for the embryos micropyle of the few of campylotropy pous seeds the shortens the right ovules behave the caught by growing along the inside of the carpel (stylar) of the is is so common occur- angiospermy (or ovules of gymnosperms the micropyle directly, mostly by becoming tropous the is related with mainly orthotropous angiosperms pollen by pollen so the develop- 1984). literature to the functional aspects of the differentovule types. The anatropous ovule, of rence plausible several along apply ortho, the term developmental campylotropy, for all ovules and seeds with further confusion until involved and the processes has been extended or to embryo terminology our insight in functional consequences satisfactorily. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors and to Mr. are R. indebted van to Professor A. D. der Meer and Mr. Relations Directorate of the Dutch to work at the Hugo de J. Meeuse C. Bakker Ministry for the critical for technical reading assistance. of Education and Sciences A of the grant of has enabled manuscript the Internal the first author Vries-laboratorium. REFERENCES Aalto, dian M. (1970): Potamogetonaceae species. Acta Bol. Fenn. 88: fruits. I. 1-85. Recent and subfossil endocarps of the Fennoscan- 533 OVULE AND SEED IN POTAMOGETON NATANS Bocquet, G. (1959): — & J. D. Bersier Sci. The campylotropous (1960): F. D. & A. F. M. T. (1908): Club Toney Bol. Davis, G. 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