

Kunming, China Nov.13-15, 2015
CITM – The largest professional travel show in Asia
A gathering of the world’s tourism circles
> CITM is an annual event that is held in Shanghai and Kunming alternately. As the largest professional travel show in
Asia, CITM has drawn the attention of people in the tourism industry worldwide.
> Participants in CITM come from all sectors of the travel industry, including international and domestic tourist
organizations(including China’s 31 provinces, autonomous regions and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan),
travel agencies, hotels, airlines and related travel companies.
> The CITM Organizing Committee is sparing no effort to invite, through various channels, buyers with strong competitiveness
from China (including Hong Kong SAR, Macau SAR, and Taiwan Region) and other countries and regions in the world, to
participate in the mart. Strict participation conditions and invitation procedures will guarantee the quality of buyers, so that the
exhibitors will surely enjoy the great benefit at CITM.
> Professional trade days will be arranged exclusively for registered delegates so as to ensure your participation in
CITM valuable. In the day open to the public, exhibitors can promote tourist products and show advantages of tourism resources
to the mass directly.
> The CITM Organizing Committee will also invite a large number of correspondents of domestic and overseas media
to cover the mart in an extensive and intensive way. Exhibitors may take the chance to increase their exposure and
promote the reputation of their products.
CITM – The largest international tourism fair in Asia featuring rich contents
As the largest international tourism fair in Asia featuring the most preferential price, CITM will surely make the
participants in the mart have a bumper harvest:
> Exhibitors will have many opportunities to meet the personages from the tourism circles and establish extensive
business contacts with them.
> Participants may attend specialized symposiums and lectures to trace the latest development trend of international tourism.
> Press conferences or cultural performances will be held at the mart to fully display the exhibitors’ new tourism products.
> The mart will be open to tourism-related personnel and the public. It is predicted that tens of thousands of people will visit it.
> Participants may hold various promotional activities; introduce the tourism resources of their own countries so as to
tap the most opportunities.
China National Tourism Administration
■ Civil Aviation Administration of China
■ Yunnan Provincial People’s Government
Time: November 13 (Friday) to November 15 (Sunday), 2015
Venue: Kunming Dianchi International Convention & Exhibition Center
Scale: Area: 50, 000 sq m Number of standard shell scheme booths: 2,400
Exhibitor’s Profile:
Tourism administration, tourism association, travel agency, tourist attraction, airlines, cruise company, car-rental company,
hotel/hotel management group, holiday resort, convention and exhibition center, computerized reservation and other
related software development company, consulting organ for marketing development, and tourism media etc.
As an exhibitor, you can expect:
> Numerous top-quality buyers worldwide;
> Two trade days kept exclusively for registered delegates and one day open to the public;
> Press conferences and symposiums for exhibitors to further promote their products and obtain insights in the international
tourism market;
> Thousands of people to visit your exhibition booth;
> Well-arranged social activities for exhibitors to establish close ties with buyers.
Nov. 10, 2015 (Tuesday)
Nov. 11, 2015 (Wednesday)
Nov. 12, 2015 (Thursday)
Nov. 13, 2015 (Friday)
Nov. 14, 2015 (Saturday)
Nov. 15, 2015 (Sunday)
Nov. 16, 2015 (Monday)
09:00 - 17:00
09:00 - 17:00
09:00 - 17:00
09:00 - 17:00
09:00 - 17:00
09:00 - 17:00
After 17:00
09:00 - 18:00
Note: The Schedule is subject to change with notice.
Registration/booth construction
Registration/booth construction
Registration/booth construction
Professional Trade
Professional Trade
Open to the public
Withdrawal of exhibition
Withdrawal of exhibition
Brief Introduction To CITM 2014
The CITM 2014, jointly sponsored by the China National Tourism
Administration, Civil Aviation Administration of China and Shanghai
Municipal People’s Government, was held at the Shanghai New
International Expo Center from November 14 to 16, 2014. The CITM
2014 covered an area of 57,500 square meters, attracted the exhibitors
from 106 countries and regions and had 2,427 exhibition booths,
including 1,491 domestic booths and 936 overseas booths. There were
a total of 278 exhibitors, of which 206 were overseas exhibitors; and
the buyers numbered over 1,200, of which 850 were invited overseas
buyers, and 350 were overseas private buyers. The United States
served as the Guest of Honor.
The CITM 2014 made remarkable achievements. During the mart,
4.85 million copies of promotion materials were distributed; about
3,600 contracts were signed; and the total number of the people under
contracts registered about five million. During the two professional
days on November 14 and 15, about 18,000 Chinese and foreign
tourism-related people were present; and on the public open day on
November 16, over 30,000 citizens visited the mart. It totally received
over 80,000 visitors during the mart.
The main characteristics of the CITM 2014 are as follows:
(1) All the related foreign and domestic sectors attached great
importance to the CITM. During the mart, the China National
Tourism Administration and the UN World Tourism Organization
jointly organized the China International Tourism Forum 2014, at
which the development opportunities of China’s tourism and the
development future of the world tourism were explored and discussed.
(2) Overseas honored guests actively participated in the mart.
The delegates from tourism departments of 31 countries, such as
the Republic of Malaysia, Thailand, Japan, Laos, the United States,
Russia, Croatia, etc. and some international organizations such as
the UN World Tourism Organization and the South Pacific Tourism
Organization and 30-plus overseas VIP groups from Hong Kong,
Macao and Taiwan had attended the mart. Among them, there were 7
honored guests of minister rank and 19 of vice minister rank.
(3) Science and technology were mixed with tourism more
closely. The year of 2014 is the “Year of Wisdom Tourism”. In the
year, the scientific and technological information was integrated
with tourism more tightly; the use of the new media showed the
new normal in the marketing of the tourism brands; and more new
products were promoted. All the exhibition booths made a good use
of the wisdom means to promote their new products, and the CITM
New Media Marketing Center was set up, providing technologies
and a platform for the promotion of the brands, products and travel
routes of the exhibitors through network live broadcast, non-interview
live broadcast, special topic show, on-site interaction and other
dissemination modes.
(4) The characteristics of the local cultures were shown more
prominently. Both overseas and domestic exhibitors vied with each
other for promoting their “local cultures”. They displayed their
local cultural traditions through the decoration of their booths and
promotion materials, the costumes of their staff members and their
promotion programs, presenting a strong visual impact and spiritual
shock at the mart.
(5) A large number of online and offline activities and forums
were organized. The Organizing Committee of the CITM 2014 held
a large number of activities to enrich the mart’s contents. The “Night
of Beautiful China”, a tourism presentation with “Explore Beautiful
China along the Silk Road” as the theme, was held at the Shanghai
Kerry Center on November 13. The sponsor displayed the glamour of
civilization, the enthusiastic vitality and the boundless potentials of
beautiful China and the Silk Road to the overseas and domestic guests
with a wonderful activity which integrated oriental characteristics
with fashionable elements. The China International Tourism Forum
2014 and other professional talks were also held during the mart.
Regulations on Participating
> Organizer and Manager
The exhibition is organized by the CITM Organizing
Committee, and the CITM Secretariat, as the permanent working
body of the Committee, is in charge of the organization and
> Qualification for Participating in the Exhibition
Upon receiving the application and full payment of the participation
cost for the CITM 2015, the CITM Secretariat will confirm your
qualification as an exhibitor through the web office system of CITM’s
official website (www., and the “Exhibitor Service
Manual”, “Confirmation Letter on Exhibition Booths” and “Map of the
Exhibition Booths” will be mailed to you too.
> Exhibition Booths
1.Allocation-Booth/space will be allocated at the CITM
Secretariat’s full discretion in registration sequence, reservation of
booth areas and request of exhibitors. The Secretariat has the right
to change the allocation of booths of exhibitors.
2. Booth Construction
A. The construction of a raw-space booth can only be carried
out by the Official Construction Contractor designated by the
CITM Organizing Committee or a construction company
designated by the exhibitor. If an exhibitor selects an outside
construction company, booth construction work cannot be carried
out unless the construction has been approved by the CITM
Secretariat and a security deposit in an amount of RMB10,000
yuan has been made to the CITM Secretariat.
B. If an exhibitor renting a shell scheme booth wants to
decorate it, the decoration must be carried out by the Official
Construction Contractor designated by the CITM.
3. Rent
A. Standard Shell Scheme Booth (RMB 19,100 yuan/booth)
Each standard shell scheme booth covers an area of nine sq m
(3 m x 3 m). An exhibitor shall rent a booth at least. Each booth
is only allowed to be used by one unit, including four exhibitor
passes. Each booth contains four chairs, one table for business
talks, one consulting table, one fascia board, carpets, two spot
lights, a wastepaper basket and a power socket.
B. Raw Space (RMB 17,200 yuan/9 sq m)
a) A space-only site covers an area of nine sq m, and an
exhibitor shall rent four space-only sites (36 sq m) at least. Each
stand (nine sq m) is only allowed to be used by one exhibitor,
including four exhibitor passes.
b) An exhibitor that shall rent a space-only site to build a twostory booth must pay the additional fee: the area of the second
story x (the price of the space-only site per sq m ÷ 2). The exhibitor
shall pay the fee after the Secretariat issues the demand note upon
the approval of its design drawing.
An exhibitor shall not share a booth with other exhibitors or
transfer a booth to others without permission of the Organizing
> Exhibitors
1. Each shell scheme booth shall be entitled to have four
delegates at most.
2. Those who have no booth/space shall not be admitted to
CITM 2015 without permission of the CITM Secretariat.
3. Each exhibition booth (nine sq m) is only allowed to be used
by one exhibitor, including four exhibitor passes.
> Preferential Clause
1. Those who apply for the exhibition and pay the lump sum
before June 30, 2015 can enjoy a reduction of RMB700 yuan for
every 9 sq m(Both payment eligibility and exchange rate are based
on the date of bank remittance).
2. Those who apply for 10 or over 10 booths can enjoy the
preferential treatment of “rent 10 booths, get one free”.
> Cancellation and Refund
1. Cancellation must be made in a written notice to the CITM
Secretariat before August 30, 2015.
2. A cancellation fee, 20 percent of the total amount, shall be
3. Refund shall not be made to those whose application for
cancellation is received on or after August 30, 2015 (based on the
postmark/fax), or to those who fail to show at the CITM 2015.
4. Service charges of bank transferring will be reduced out of
the refund. All refunds will be made after December 1, 2015.
> Security
All exhibitors are required to strictly abide by the laws, rules
and regulations on fire, security and health issued by the state
and the local governments, the CITM Secretariat, the official
construction contractor, and the owner of the exhibition hall.
> Risks and Liabilities
The CITM Organizing Committee shall not be liable for any
loss or damage to the exhibitor’s property caused by any reason
whatsoever or for lost shipments during transportation.
> Remarks
1. The CITM Secretariat reserves the right to disqualify any
exhibitor whose status is incompatible with the application and
registration, and the relevant fees shall not be refunded.
2. The CITM Secretariat has the right to disqualify any
exhibitor who violates the above-mentioned rules and regulations,
and terminate its participation.
3. The CITM Secretariat reserves the right to revise these
regulations at any time and work out new regulations according to
the actual preparation work.
4. Application can be made by logging onto,
on which the latest news and information will be released.
China International Travel Mart 2015
Booth Application
Deadline: July 30, 2015
(Fill in the Booth Application on Only the booth reservations through
the website are received by the mart; any other ways is not acceptable. )
Name of company:
Contact person:
Job title:
II.Reservation of Shell Scheme Booths
Standard shell scheme booth: RMB19, 100 yuan per booth (Each standard shell scheme booth is 9 m2 and one booth at least. A
standard booth includes four chairs, a table for business talks, a consulting table, and a fascia board, a piece of carpet, two lamps, a
waste paper basket, a socket and four exhibitor passes.)
Raw space: RMB17, 200 yuan / 9 m2 (Each unit is 9 m2 and four units at least)
Those who apply for the exhibition and pay the lump sum before June 30, 2015 can enjoy a reduction of RMB700 yuan for every 9m2.
Applying for 10 or over 10 booths, please see the 5th item — Preferential Clause of the “Regulations on Participating in the CITM 2015”.
Standard Shell Scheme Booth (RMB 19,100 yuan/booth)
We ask for a reservation of
standard shell scheme booth (s). The total cost is RMB
We ask for a reservation of
square meters of raw space. The total cost is RMB
Raw Space (RMB 17,200 yuan/9 sq m and 36 sq m at least)
We have remitted the participation cost RMB
yuan / US$ through
(month/date/year) to the designated bank (please upload in a copy of receipt of remittance on
Payment must be made to Beijing Sunny International Convention & Exhibition Ltd.
Account number: 860581586710001
Bank: Chang An Avenue Sub-branch, Beijing Branch, China Merchants Bank
Address: 11 Jianguomennei Ave., Beijing 100736, China
I have read the relevant rules and regulations mentioned in the brochure and agree to abide by them.
Remarks: 1. Application for stand will be invalid if no payment before July 30, 2015.
2. Please indicate that the payment is made for registration in CITM 2015.
CITM Secretariat Operation Department
Add: Room 3214, Hostel of CNTA, A9, Jianguomennei Ave., Dongcheng District, Beijing 100740, China
Tel: 86-10-65201858, 56266741, 56266740
Fax: 86-10-65201859
E-mail: [email protected]
China International Travel Mart 2015
Questionnaire For Exhibitors
Deadline: July 30, 2015
For the following questionnaire, please fill in the Exhibitor Registration form on
Contact person:
Job title:
Name of company:
Fax: _
Please check the boxes below that describe the products/services your company provides:
□1. Travel wholesaler
□12. Camping
□23. Adventure tour
□2. Tourist attraction
□13. Convention/exhibition
□24. Boat excursion/hire
□3. Cruise company
□14. Group tour
□25. One-day tour □4. Vehicle rental company
□15. Incentive tour
□26. FIT service
□5. Hotel/hotel group
□16. Tourism administration
□27. Special tour
□6. Holiday resort
□17. Tourism association
□28. Ground service
□7. Conference/banquet
□18. Airline company
□29. Fitness tour/spa holiday
□8. Computerized reservation system
□19. Rail tour
□30. Golf holiday
□9. Consulting organ for market development
□20. Theme park
□31. Ski holiday
□10. News media
□21. Wildlife zoo
□32. Others (please specify)
□11. Business tour
□22. Youth tour
Company Description
CITM Secretariat Operation Department
Add: Room 3214, Hostel of CNTA, A9, Jianguomennei Ave., Dongcheng District, Beijing 100740, China
Tel: 86-10-65201858, 56266741, 56266740
Fax: 86-10-65201859
E-mail: [email protected]
Brief Introduction to the Venue of CITM 2015
The Window of the Conventions and Exhibitions of Southeast Asia — the Dianchi International Convention
& Exhibition Center
To meet the needs of the internationalized development of Kunming, the Dianchi International Convention & Exhibition Center
(DCEC) was constructed in 2013, aiming to set up a new urban centurial masterpiece by Dianchi Lake that takes in lead domestically
and internationally, and integrates conventions, exhibitions, tourism, leisure, holidays, commerce and trade by Dianchi Lake. DCEC in
Kunming is a window of conventions and exhibitions geared to Southeast Asia.
Situated in the Fubao Peninsula of Dianchi, DCEC covers an area of about 155.4 hectares, with an overall floorage of 5.4 million square
meters and a total investment of 37 billion RMB yuan. The floor area covered by the exhibition halls and the service supporting facilities
come to about 1.17 million square meters.
DCEC contains 23 modernized exhibitions, including 13 non-column halls and 10 pillared halls. The indoor exhibition area registers
about 300,000 square meters, of which 200,000 square meters are covered by the non-column halls, and about 100,000 square meters, by
the pillared halls. The No. 6, 7 and 8 non-column halls are the main exhibition halls, where various types of exhibitions and conventions
can be held, such as the reception of political and business affairs, opening and closing ceremonies, press conferences, large banquets,
shows of high-quality products, and exhibitions of culture, arts, science and technologies. The outdoor exhibition area is about 100,000
square meters; and the area covered by the supporting meeting halls, banquet halls, multi-function halls, negotiation rooms, VIP rooms
and the relevant management rooms is about 100,000 square meters. DCEC holds 45 meeting halls in various sizes, a multi-functional hall
with an area of 1,620 square meters, 12 banquet halls in various sizes and a lecture hall. With the multi-function meeting systems, DCEC
can provide high-quality hardware equipment and excellent service for different types of meetings and activities, in addition to 8,000 fixed
parking spaces.
Dianchi International Convention & Exhibition Center
Add: Bufao Peninsula (near to East Huanhu Road), Guandu District, Kunming, Yunnan
Exhibition Hall Guide Map
Preface Hall
Meeting/Lecture Hall
Multi-functional Hall
Exhibition Hall
Business Area
Delivery Center
Laundry Room
Vertical Transportation
VIP Car Parking
Non-motor Vehicle Parking
Dianchi International Convention & Exhibition Center
Add: Bufao Peninsula (near to East Huanhu Road), Guandu District, Kunming, Yunnan
Kunming North Bus
Passenger Station
Kunming North
Train Station
Kunming Beltway
Second Ring East Road
Second Ring South Road
Line 2
Line 8
Changshui Airport
Kunming East Bus
Passenger Station
Second Ring West Road
Guannan Avenue
Kunming West Bus
Passenger Station
Train Station
Kunming Beltway
Exhibition Center North Station
Wangjiaying Railway
Freight Station
Changhong Road
Feihu Avenue
Fubao Road
East Huanhu Road
Dianchi Road
Hang Rui Expressway
Line 5
Gongjiacun Station
Kunming East Bus
Passenger Station
Fubao Road Station
East Huanhu Road
East Huanhu Road Station
Exhibition Center Station
Baofengcun Station
Kunming New Administrative
Region – Chenggong District
The DCEC is located in a core area connecting Kuming’s city center, the Chenggong District and the Airport Economic
Development Zone.
Circled by the East Huanhu Road, the city’s Beltway and Airport Expressway, which link the old and new urban areas, the DCEC
boasts convenient, easy and fast access to traffic. The metro lines No. 2, 5 and 8 run through the city zone, shaping a half-hour
economic circle connecting all the urban areas.
Yunnan is located in southwest China in the middle reaches of
the famous Lancang-Mekong River, which is praised as the
oriental international river. With its 4,061-kilometer-long boundary lines, the Province respectively borders on Vietnam, Laos
and Myanmar, while it is in close vicinity of Thailand, Cambodia, India and Bangladesh. For this reason, Yunnan is China’ s
important gateway leading to Southeast and South Asia. Yunnan
covers a total area of 394,000 km 2 with a population of
45,000,000. Owing to that it includes 25 ethnic minority groups,
Yunnan is China’ s only province that has the greatest number of
ethnic minority groups. Yunnan boasts convenient transportation
facilities, which include 13 national first-class ports, 12 civil
aviation airports, more than 317 domestic air routes and 50 international air routes. The mileage of its high-class highways totals
209,000 km.
Yunnan is one of the Chinese provinces and regions that have
the richest tourism resources, and its fantastic and beautiful natural scenery, colorful ethnic folk customs, long-standing history
and culture, inclusive religious belief, and warm and ideal
climate make it a natural ideal place for vacation. Represented
by Kunming, those areas in Yunnan at the elevation between
1,800 and 2,000 meters are neither too cold in winter nor too hot
in summer, and the annual average temperature of 15℃ has
created the eternally spring-like climate. Countless highland
lakes and ideal ecological environment of Yunnan have nurtured
unique tourism resources, making Yunnan the eternally springlike tourist destination for vacationers and holidaymakers in
southeast Asia.
After construction of decades, Yunnan has formed six major
tourist areas, namely International Business Tourist Area in
central Yunnan (taking Kunming as its center), Shangri-la Ecoculture Tourist Area in northwest Yunnan (including Dali,
Lijiang, Deqen, Nujiang), Foreign Scenery Tourist Area in west
Yunnan (including Dehong, Baoshan), Tropic Rainforest and
MeKong River Scenery Tourist Area in southwest Yunnan
(including Xishuangbanna), Karst Landscape Tourist Area in
southeast Yunnan (including Qujing, Wenshan, Honghe) and
Northeast Yunnan Culture Tourist Area of Ancient Town in
Zhaotong. And Yunnan is reputed as China’ s famous “Paradise
for Sightseeing”, “Paradise for Culture Experiencing”, “Paradise
for Health and Entertainment” , “Paradise for Science Researching and Exploring” , “Paradise for Living” and “Paradise for
Delicious Food and Shopping”.
Over the past years, Yunnan Province has been promoting
Kunming-Dali-Lijiang-Deqen Shangri-la eco-culture tourist
itinerary. Meanwhile, it actively promotes to domestic and overseas visitors tropical rainforest and Mekong River tourist itinerary in southwest Yunnan, volcano, geothermal and cross-border
tourist itinerary in west Yunnan, karst landscape and crossborder tourist itinerary in southeast Yunnan, and vacation and
leisure tourist itinerary. Yunnan will also promote more tourist
products, such as eco-tour, hot spring and golf, small towns,
world heritages, cultural experiencing, ethnic customs and
border scenery.
The colorful Yunnan is indeed tourists’ paradise. The warmhearted and hospitable people of all Yunnan ethnic groups cordially
welcome the domestic and overseas friends to tour Yunnan, so as
to share the joy of returning to the nature and the perfect harmony
between man and nature, and experience the entire process to
upgrade delight from the scenery to emotions in the heart, then
from heart’s content and to happiness of the fairyland.
For more information,
please log onto:
Focus on Yunan Tourism
How to Make Online Booth Reservation on the CITM Official Website
1. Enter the CITM homepage through, and click
the button of “Exhibitor Login / Registration” (as red area in pic. 1
shows). See as below:
3. By clicking the button of “Exhibitor Login” (as red area in pic. 1
shows), exhibitors can enter the page as below:
2. All exhibitors can enroll through the buttons of “Exhibitor Login
/ Registration” in the CITM homepage. By clicking the button of
“Registration” (as red area in pic. 1 shows), you can enter the registration page, put the information required (Note: please set the username and password for logging into Exhibitor Application Management System hereafter) and finish it by clicking the button of
“Submit”. See as below:
4. After input the username and password and then click the button of
“Login” (as the red area in pic. 3 shows), exhibitors can enter the Exhibitor
Application Management System. If the qualification approved, the exhibitors can start the following items: “Booth Application”、“Submit the Information for CITM 2015 Official Directory & List of Exhibitors”、“Application for Additional Exhibitor Passes”、“Application for News Conference/
Presentation”、“Application for Performance in the Day Open to the
Public” and “check the results of each application”. See as below:
To learn more detailed information, you could download How to register and what to do online as an exhibitor on to register and what to do online as an exhibitor.pdf