June 2013 - Our Lady of the Holy Angels
June 2013 - Our Lady of the Holy Angels
Our Lady of the Holy Angels Roman Catholic Church The Angelus J u n e 9 , 2 013 Te n t h Su n d ay in O rd i n a r y T im e 465 Main Street Little Falls, New Jersey 07424 Ph: 973-256-5200 Fax: 973-256-0185 www.holyangelscommunity.org www.facebook.com/holyangelschurch Mass Schedule Monday-Friday 7:00 AM, 11:45 AM Both take place in the Chapel. This Week’s SPOTLIGHT! Saturday 5:00 PM, 7:00 PM MINISTERS NEEDED Page 2 Sunday 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM, 11:30 AM, 5:00 PM, 6:30 PM BINGO VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Page 2 FATHER’S DAY MEMORIALS Page 3 Rite of Reconciliation FAITH FORMATION UPDATE Page 6 (Confessions) Saturday: 3:45 PM CAMPAIGN INFO Page 10 Confessions take place in the Church. Other times are available by appointment. Office Hours Contact Us Phone: 973-256-5200 Fax: 973-256-0185 Website: www.holyangelscommunity.org General E-mail: [email protected] Facebook: www.facebook.com/holyangelschurch PASTOR PAROCHIAL VICAR PAROCHIAL VICAR DEACON MUSIC MINISTRY BAPTISM FAITH FORMATION (1-8) FAITH FORMATION SECTY CONFIRMATION YEAR 1 & 2 MARRIAGE FINANCE/OFFICE MANAGER BULLETIN EDITOR Msgr. T. Mark Condon Rev. Ricardo Ortega, Jr. Rev. Edward G. Rama Deacon Joe Sisco Stella Crispo Parish Office Trish Filiaci Josephine Lyons Trish Filiaci Parish Office Beverly Cuccinelli Louise Cox Monday-Friday: 9:00 AM-4:30 PM Sunday: 9:00 AM-1:00 PM x-17 [email protected] x-44 [email protected] x-21 [email protected] x-22 [email protected] x-23 [email protected] x-10 x-26 [email protected] x-24 [email protected] x-26 [email protected] x-10 x-11 [email protected] [email protected] © Copyright 2013, The Angelus, Our Lady of the Holy Angels Church, Little Falls, NJ. All rights reserved. No items may be reproduced without written permission. Weekly Calendar Sunday, June 9th - Fr. English Food Pans Distributed 9:30 AM - Liturgy of the Word with Children 1:00 PM - Communal Baptism 8:00 PM - AA Monday, June 10th 12:30 PM - Rosary Society Meeting 7:30 PM - Year of Faith Catholicism Class Tuesday, June 11th 5:15 PM - Children’s Choir Rehearsal 7:30 PM - Summer Faith Formation Catechist Meeting 7:30 PM - Overeaters Anonymous Wednesday, June 12th 6:30 PM - Bingo 7:30 PM - JPIC Meeting Thursday, June 13th 7:30 PM - Adult Choir Rehearsal Friday, June 14th 8:00 PM - Al-Anon Saturday, June 15th - Return Fr. English Food Pans Frozen 3:45 PM - Reconciliation (Confession) in Church 7:30 PM - Overeaters Anonymous Sunday, June 16th - Father’s Day Maintenance Collection Return Fr. English Food Pans Frozen 9:30 AM - Liturgy of the Word with Children 8:00 PM - AA Maintenance Collection (2nd Collection) Helps defray the costs of rebuilding not covered by insurance and for the general improvement of parish buildings: Saint Francis Hall, Blanche Timm Center, and the School Building. Thank you for your generosity. Lectors and Extraordinary Ministers Needed! Due to graduations and relocations, the parish needs new lectors and extraordinary ministers of the Eucharist. It is a gift and a privilege to be able to distribute the Body and Blood of Christ in the Eucharist and to proclaim God’s word in the scriptures at Mass. We are in need of more members of our community to fulfill these important responsibilities. If you feel that you are able to serve as a lector or an extraordinary minister of the Eucharist, please contact the Parish Ministry Center at 973-256-5200. Thank you for considering this request to serve. Volunteers Needed!! We need volunteers for our weekly Bingo to assist once per month! 6/27-7/6 - Summer Faith Formation Program Bulletin Submissions [email protected] Deadline is Wednesday at 2:00 PM for the following week’s bulletin (ten-day notice). All requests must be submitted in writing (hardcopy or e-mail). Editor reserves the right to schedule, edit or omit articles. Article submission does not guarantee publication. No “ads” are accepted, i.e. for sale, for rent, etc. Parish “CARES Mobile” Mary Dominianni, *973-256-4109 *Please, no calls after 9:00 PM If you need transportation to keep an appointment, or to visit a relative in a nearby hospital or nursing home, please call Mary. Visiting the Homebound and Hospitalized Please call the Parish Ministry Center and let us know that a loved one or dear friend is hospitalized or homebound. Eucharist for the Homebound Agnes Arena, 973-256-5006 If you know of any parishioner who wishes to receive Eucharist at home, please call with the appropriate information, or have them call. We have several trained Eucharistic Ministers for the Homebound available. Anointing of the Sick or Elderly It is generally best to call while the sick person can participate in the rite. Please call the Parish Ministry Center. Novenas after Masses Tues.: St. Anthony & Mary, Mother of God; Thurs.: St. Jude Music Ministry Stella Crispo, 973-256-5200 x-23 Children’s Choir: Sunday 9:30 AM; Adult Choir: Sunday 11:30 AM; Bell Choir. Marriage 973-256-5200 x-10 Arrangements must be made at least 1 year in advance. Infant Baptism 973-256-5200 x-10 We strongly suggest you prepare for your baby’s baptism by attending the preparation class at least 2 months before your baby’s baptism. Both parents are required to attend. Please call the Parish Ministry Center for dates of upcoming sessions. Pre-registration is required to attend a session. JPIC (Justice, Peace, & the Integrity of Creation Committee) Agnes Czaplinski, 973-942-7167 Meetings are the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 7:30 PM. Rosary Society Barbara D’Allegro, 973-808-8568 Al-Anon for Adults & Teens 973-744-8686 Meetings are every Friday at 8:00 PM. Overeaters Anonymous Info Line: 973-746-8787 Meetings are Tuesday & Saturday at 7:30 PM. Single Again Ministry for Separated, Divorced and Widowed If you would like to help, please call Frank Mandala at 973-495-8800 for details. Page 2 Anthony, 973-235-1848 Meetings are the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month at 7:30 PM in the St. Michael Room in the Rectory. The Angelus www.holyangelscommunity.org Mass Intentions In Memoriam, Over the Past 20 Years Saturday, June 8th June 8, 1992 to June 14, 2012 5:00 PM - Daryl Skelton, Richard Fortino, David W. Sayer 06 08 1995 Joan Dvorak 06 12 1995 Chico Fiorella George Finizio 06 08 2000 Edward Conklin 06 12 1996 7:00 PM - Nick Slivka Leonard F. Allgayer 06 08 2003 Eugenie Mae Varga 06 12 2000 Sunday, June 9th Joseph B. Pulicicchio, Jr. 06 09 1996 Leonard J. Marsh 06 12 2001 Frank Morelli 06 09 1999 David Roper 06 12 2003 7:30 AM - Lucia Urbanowicz Dola Canova 06 09 2000 Jane A. Tummino 06 12 2010 9:30 AM - Attilio Rovere Frances Lawson 06 09 2001 Clementina Lluria 06 13 1996 11:30 AM - People of the Parish, Joyce Fittipaldi, Elsie T. Kolatac 06 09 2002 Louise Casilli 06 13 1997 Anna Haddad Carl Haverick 06 10 1997 Lawrence P. Frasco 06 13 1997 5:00 PM - Fred Miller Agnes M. Payton 06 10 1998 Estella Manno 06 13 1997 6:30 PM - Marie Gentile Mary Jane Palazzolo 06 10 2000 Elizabeth Cribbin 06 13 1998 Monday, June 10th Alfred Barone 06 10 2001 Karen Anne Ryan 06 13 1998 7:00 AM - Calogero Gambino Alivia Marie Hart 06 10 2011 Helene A. Sheehan 06 13 1998 11:45 AM - Ed Gallagher Ralph Liscio 06 10 2012 Patricia Cardinale 06 13 2003 Tuesday, June 11th Theresa Daunno 06 11 1993 Claude D. Carter 06 13 2006 7:00 AM - Patty Di Maio Millie Lutri Petrignami 06 11 1993 Joseph Conte 06 13 2009 11:45 AM - Maddalena Solimene Johanna Wetherhold 06 11 1997 James J. Nash 06 13 2012 William T. Blessing 06 11 2000 Joseph N. Mistishin 06 14 1994 Wednesday, June 12th Maria Morano 06 11 2000 Costabile Rossi 06 14 1996 7:00 AM - People of the Parish Roger W. Singerle 06 11 2003 Mario T. Rubino 06 14 1996 11:45 AM - Joseph Tomasi Joseph L. Lazarski 06 12 1993 Theresa Daw 06 14 2004 Thursday, June 13th 7:00 AM - People of the Parish 11:45 AM - James Nash Friday, June 14th Sara Baumann Michael Panas 7:00 AM - Catherine Reilly Novak James Casey, Jr. Patricia Roma 11:45 AM - Matteo and Maria Marucci Jo-Ann Castillo Susan Rowek Saturday, June 15th Rose Cristantiello John (Jack) Shields 5:00 PM - Fathers of the Parish (Living and Deceased) Gerry Di Sanzo Mary Beth Sigle 7:00 PM - Fathers of the Parish (Living and Deceased) Glen DiGirolamo Gisella Sisti Fr. Brian DiTullio Alan Sous Sunday, June 16th Steven Domalewski Dr. Chetan Vaid 7:30 AM - Fathers of the Parish (Living and Deceased) Danny O’Donnell Noreen Ward Fathers of the Parish (Living and Deceased) 9:30 AM Thomas O’Donnell 11:30 AM - Fathers of the Parish (Living and Deceased) 5:00 PM - Fathers of the Parish (Living and Deceased) 6:30 PM - Fathers of the Parish (Living and Deceased) Please Pray for Our Sick Recently Deceased FATHER’S DAY Honor your Father on June 16th with a Holy Angels Spiritual Bouquet!! We are honoring both living and deceased Fathers in our beautiful “Father’s Day Spiritual Bouquet Book.” This book will be placed in the back of the Church for the months of June & July. Please pick up a Spiritual Bouquet packet (which includes a card) at the doors of the church and return the completed envelope no later than Friday, June 14th at 12:00 PM. Envelopes may be returned in the collection baskets or dropped off at the Parish Ministry Center. If you have any questions, please call Beverly Cuccinelli at 973-256-5200 x-11. June 9, 2013 - Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Antoinette Marrone Marion Mulvihill Tabernacle Candle Carolyn Matrisciano Knights of Columbus Annual Birth Haven Drive Our Lady of the Highway Knights of Columbus of Little Falls will be having their Annual Birth Haven Drive on Father’s Day weekend, Saturday, June 15th and Sunday, June 16th, after all the masses. Birth Haven is a home for unwed mothers who chose life over abortion. The Knights of Columbus is taking the place of the fathers for these babies. They are collecting diapers of all sizes, baby powder, new or gently used infant & toddler clothes, layettes and toiletries for moms (shampoo, conditioner, body wash, bar soap, etc.). If you have any questions, please call Mike at 973-907-3229. Page 3 Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Msgr. T. Mark Condon Bingo Volunteers . . . please! A few weeks ago, I made a plea for new Bingo Volunteers. So far, there has been li le or no response. I ask you to recall that the ongoing Bingo fundraiser is an important part of maintaining the financial stability of our parish. I ask you to please once again consider making an investment of your me in this effort. The demands for your me and a en on are many but even a small investment of me toward this effort can make a big difference in allevia ng the stress that is put upon a few members of our parish to maintain a very large enterprise. Please give the request your prayerful considera on. Those who serve our parish by weekly running our parish Bingo provide a very valuable service to our parish; they give the gi of themselves and their me in their parish. Honestly, I don’t know what we would do without their faithful service in opera ng this ongoing and weekly fundraiser. Those who serve the parish at Bingo are becoming a li le bit weary and red because so much work falls to them and there is very li le assistance to be found. From me to me, I have asked for volunteers to serve at Bingo; there are many ways to serve and to help this fundraising effort con nue so that the good work of our parish con nues. I ask you, once again, to please consider serving in this capacity. I understand that all of us can be re cent to make a heavy investment of me and effort when there are so many other responsibili es that call for our me and effort. But please consider making a commitment of two or three hours once a month to help our Bingo volunteers. The Bingo team serves quietly and without much no ce, and I know that they don’t seek it, but I want to thank them for all that they do and for their faithfulness that is much appreciated. Please consider making this contribu on that will cost a li le bit of me but that will come back to you as a reward by mee ng others who are a part of our parish life and are, incidentally, a lot of fun to be around. Thank you and God bless you for your goodness. Please call the parish office if you are interested in volunteering in our Bingo efforts. Second CollecƟon The Maintenance CollecƟon The Maintenance Collec on has been an important means for us to con nue repairs and upgrades to our parish buildings. Though we have done a great deal to help bring the plan up to speed you can see the need for many repairs that will need to be addressed in the future. One look at the terrace in the front of the church is a case in point; thankfully the shrubbery covers most of the unsightly appearance of the terrace but the shrubbery is masking the cosme c aspects of the structure – there is a more important structural aspect to the terrace that will need to be addressed in the not too distant future. Addi onally, I men oned to you in the past weeks that our bells need a significant faceli . The price tag – around $35,000; I know that is a he y piece of change but I hope that we will be able to proceed with the repairs. The bells, real live bells and not digital recordings are rare to find in a parish church and they are an important part of the patrimony of our parish and we have the responsibility to pass them on to future genera ons in good repair so that they con nue to remind us of God’s presence in our midst. For the sake of a recap regarding the bells: It has been an ongoing process of failure and restart in our effort to restore all four bells to working order. Sadly, the parts are no longer made for the outdated system which was installed in the early 1990’s. A new system, now the size of a cell phone, as opposed to a console the size of an old stereo system, is the only solu on to the problem. The fact that we have real bells, not digital that are projected through a speaker, is one of the great Continued on Page 5... Page 4 The Angelus www.holyangelscommunity.org Pastor’s Message (...continued from Page 4) treasures of the parish church. Their upkeep is important. Your generosity in the maintenance collec on will help to bring them up to date and preserve them. Thank you, as always, for your generosity. Vivere Christus Medal CongratulaƟons, Sister Janice Jolin, SMIC Last Sunday, The Most Reverend Arthur J. Serratelli, Bishop of Paterson, awarded the Vivere Christus Medal to Sister Janice Jolin, SMIC. Sister Janice is a familiar and well loved member of our parish family. Sister Janice is ac ve in our Jus ce, Peace and Integrity of Crea on (JPIC) Commi ee and faithfully reminds us of our Chris an responsibility to be aware of the needs of the poorest and those who most need our love and compassion. This award to Sister Janice from Bishop Serratelli in the name of the Diocese of Paterson is really an honor not only for Sister Janice but for all of the Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Concep on who do such faithful work in the name of Christ. Thank you Sister Janice and Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Concep on for all of your faithful, loving service to the Lord and his Church. Congratula ons Sister Janice and God bless you! Congratula ons to all of the JPIC Commi ee for their successful Angola Fundraiser last weekend which raised funds for new desks and chairs for the school in Angola. God bless you, as always, for your generosity. Moving ahead with revisions to our ConfirmaƟon Program As I reported to you last week, there will be significant changes to our Confirma on Program. As always, I want to thank parents for entrus ng their young people to our parish for their prepara on for the sacraments. It is a privilege to assist parents in their responsibility of handing on the faith to their children. I also want to thank Ms. Trish Filiaci for her outstanding work with our young people in all aspects of our faith forma on program. I don’t know what the final tally will be, but right now, it looks as if the parents of young people in our parish are in favor of moving ahead which I requested from Bishop Serratelli and which he graciously gave his approval for; I have not heard any comments opposed to the change as of this wri ng. Earlier this month, I wrote to parents in our faith forma on classes where young people’s prepara on for Confirma on would be most immediately impacted: One of the most important ministries of our parish is our assistance to parents in the educa on of their children in the faith; it is a privilege to share in the faith forma on of the young people of our parish. For several years, it has been a source of concern that many of our young people do not seek the Sacrament of Confirma on. A er considera on and discussion with some parents, faith forma on staff, and Bishop Serratelli, I have sought to seek a means to interest more young people in a Sacrament so vital to their faith that will strengthen them with the special strength of the Holy Spirit that is received at Confirma on. Therefore, I wanted to let you know about a significant revision of our Faith Forma on Program that will, with your support, take place in the upcoming year. At my request, Bishop Serratelli has approved a pilot program for our parish, over a three year period, which will provide for those in 8th grade to receive the Sacrament of Confirma on. The three year Continued on Page 7... June 9, 2013 - Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 5 Faith Formation Corner Registration for 2013-2014 Registration packets for all Faith Formation Programs have been mailed out. If you did NOT receive a packet, please contact Josephine Lyons ASAP at the ministry center to have a packet mailed out to you, 973-256-5200. Please note the deadlines for returning registration forms as a late fee will be charged for registrations received after the due date. We Are in Need of Catechists! Please consider volunteering as a catechist. Without an appropriate number of catechists, we will not be able to offer so many program options. You do NOT need to be a formal educator to become a teacher of our faith. The texts are NOT hard to follow. All catechists are provided with materials and much support to facilitate the lessons and activities to allow the children to successfully learn the content appropriate for them. Our 7th and 8th grade middle school program meets once per month as does our Confirmation Program during the school year and our two week Summer Program begins June 27th. Once again, all catechists are provided with materials and explicit outlines for the monthly lessons. It is the direct result of so many who generously share their time in our faith formation ministry that we are able to offer many programs which continue to educate and strengthen the faith of our youth, who will soon become the leaders of our community. The adults who have been involved in faith formation have been a wonderful example for our children of what it means to volunteer time in ministry, support and service to others, just as Jesus teaches us to do as His disciples. Please contact Trish Filiaci through e-mail at [email protected] or at the Parish Ministry Center to learn about how to become involved, 973-256-5200. Confirmation Program Please see the following list for possible ministry opportunities that all students can become involved with: Fr. English Food Pans Please support the Fr. English Center and support a family or two by making a meal for them to enjoy. Food pans and recipes are available during each confirmation session. All pans should be clearly marked with the meal that it contains and they should be brought back to the next month’s confirmation session FROZEN. Altar Servers This is an important ministry for our parish and your support and involvement once per month is needed! Please contact the Parish Ministry Center (973-256-5200) if you are interested in becoming an altar server. Lectors Readers Wanted! We are in need of lectors to read once per month during one of our liturgies. Please contact the Parish Ministry Center (973-256-5200) if you are interested in becoming a lector. Page 6 Our Music Ministry Needs You! Join us in our Children’s Choir, Bell Choir or Adult Choir as we share our love for the Lord and praise Him through music. New members and instrumentalists are always welcome. Contact Stella at 973-256-5200 x-23 or talk to her after mass. Faith Formation Assistants Classroom Assistants are needed for our Summer Faith Formation Program. Please contact Trish Filiaci if you are interested in volunteering: [email protected] Food Bank Community food bank dates have been set for this year. It is a wonderful ministry and opportunity to work with others to help feed the hungry. For more specific information about dates and what is involved in this ministry, please contact Laura Sodano through our Parish Ministry Center at 973-256-5200. 2013 Rosary Society Trips Holy Angels Rosary Society is sponsoring the following trips for 2013: September 24th-25th Philadelphia, PA November 15th Ed Sullivan’s “Really Big Show” at the Brownstone For further information, call Millie at 973-256-4916. A Family Perspective by Bud Ozar Office of Family Life ~ Diocese of Paterson The widow in today’s gospel was in deep trouble. Her husband and her only son were dead. In that male dominated society woman owned nothing and were totally dependent on men for their livelihood. She would be reduced to begging. Restoring her son to life, Jesus also restored the woman to life. Early-Stage Alzheimer’s Program The Alzheimer’s Association is offering an education program, Living with Alzheimer’s Disease for the Caregiver: Early-Stage, on June 17th and June 24th from 6:30-8:30 PM at the Wayne Public Library, 461 Valley Road, Wayne. It is for family caregivers who have a loved one with early-stage Alzheimer’s disease or a related dementia. This 2-part education program is distinctive in that it covers information specific to the beginning stages of dementia. This program is free and open to the public, but registration is required. Refreshments will be available. Families may call 973-586-4300 to reserve a space. The Angelus www.holyangelscommunity.org Pastor’s Message (...continued from Page 5) provisional period will allow me to assess how our 8th grade students respond to their Sacramental prepara on. This transi on will take place as follows: • Students who are in grades 9 and 10 during the 2013-2014 school year will prepare and receive the sacrament of Confirma on together during the Spring of 2014. The date for ConfirmaƟon is April 22, 2014 at 7:30 in the evening. • In order for students who are in grades 7 and 8 during the 2013-2014 school year to have 2 full years of Confirma on prepara on, they will receive the sacrament of Confirma on together as 8th and 9th graders during the Spring of 2015. • Students who are in grade 6 during the 2013-2014 school year will begin a 2 year Confirma on prepara on star ng in 7th grade and they will be the first “8th grade only” class to receive the sacrament of Confirma on during the Spring of 2016. If you have any ques ons, please contact Trish Filiaci through email: [email protected] or by cell phone: 973-769-8801 and you may always contact me directly at any me; I am most reliable, I confess, with e-mail: [email protected]. Father’s Day Spiritual Bouquets Spiritual Bouquets are available for our living and deceased fathers in honor of our June 16, 2013 celebra on of Father’s Day. Just as we did for our living and deceased mothers, the names of our fathers will be placed in the Father’s Day Book of Remembrance. We thank God for the gi of our fathers and we will keep them in prayer through these spiritual bouquets. Please return the outer envelope of the cards to the collec on basket or parish office by June 14, 2013. Thank you for Peter’s Pence CollecƟon Thank you for your generosity in the Peter’s Pence Collec on; your generosity will help to assist our Holy Father, Pope Francis, in his ministry as Supreme Pastor of the Universal Church. Sincerely in Christ, Monsignor T. Mark Condon Pastor Wiegand Farm Golf Classic Department for Persons with Disabilities Diocese of Paterson Catholic Charities June 24, 2013 Bowling Green Golf Club or Berkshire Valley Golf Course, Oak Ridge $150 includes breakfast, lunch, dinner & 18 holes of golf For more info or to participate, please go to www.dpd.org/wiegand or contact Chris Brancato, Development Office at 973-406-1104 or [email protected]. June 9, 2013 - Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Silver and Gold Wedding Anniversary Mass Couples, were you married in 1988 or 1963? You are warmly invited to celebrate your 25th or 50th Wedding Anniversary with the Diocese of Paterson at Our Lady of the Valley, Wayne on Sunday, November 17, 2013 at 3:00 PM. More information will follow. Page 7 Weekly Readings Faith Sharing Questions June 10th through June 16th visit: www.nccbuscc.org Readings Proclaimed: June 16th Monday: 2 Cor 1:1-7; Ps 34:2-9; Mt 5:1-12 Tuesday: Acts 11:21b-26; 13:1-3; Ps 119:129-133, 135; Mt 5:13-16 1. Wednesday: 2 Cor 3:4-11; Ps 99:5-9; Mt 5:17-19 2. Thursday: 2 Cor 3:15—4:1, 3-6; Ps 85:9ab, 10-14; Mt 5:20-26 Friday: 2 Cor 4:7-15; Ps 116:10-11, 15-18; Mt 5:27-32 Saturday: 2 Cor 5:14-21; Ps 103:1-4, 9-12; Mt 5:33-37 Sunday: 2 Sm 12:7-10, 13; Ps 32:1-2, 5 7, 11; Gal 2:16, 19-21; Lk 7:36—8:3 [7:36-50] 3. 4. 5. 2 Sm 12:7-10, 13; Ps 32:1-2, 5 7, 11; Gal 2:16, 19-21; Lk 7:36—8:3 [7:36-50] At our baptism we were all anointed Priest, Prophet and King, how do we live this? Especially when we believe that every time we celebrate the Eucharist we renew our Baptismal promises? What does it mean to spurn the Lord and do evil in His sight, and even when we know something is wrong why do we continue with that behavior? Take some time to discuss the age-old dilemma: Is salvation gained through faith or works? Those who love little are forgiven little while those who show great love will receive much. In our world today ripe with violence and war, who are those in our midst that are still able to show great love? The gospel tells us to forgive. How do we exercise mercy and forgiveness toward those who may have hurt our family, church or nation? True Love Waits Program for 7th & 8th Graders Anniversary Celebration of Fatima On Thursday, June 13, 2013 The National Blue Army Shrine, Washington, NJ welcomes all to the 96th Celebration of the Apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima on June 13, 1917 to the three shepherd children. By decree His Excellency Most Reverend Paul G. Bootkoski has designated this Shrine as a pilgrimage where the faithful may receive a Plenary Indulgence. Confessions are available starting at 10:30 AM. Celebration begins at 12:00 noon with the Rosary Procession and Holy Mass at 1:00 with Main Celebrant, Rev. Matthew Mauriello. The celebration ends with our traditional Fatima Farewell. For more information, visit our website: www.wafusa.org, or call 908-689-1700. CURSILLO Fall 2013! A 3-Day Course in Christianity Cursillo is an international movement. Literally, hundreds of thousands of Catholics around the world have "made" a Cursillo and found it to be one of the life changing events of their adult Christian life. Not only do people come away from the experience knowing more about faith, they come away with a sense that they belong to a great community of believers with whom they can share and grow in faith, hope and love. LIFENET, in partnership with the Archdiocese of Newark, and Immaculate Conception parish, will be conducting a True Love Waits program for current 7th & 8th graders, a program to empower youth to save sex for marriage. Program is 5 sessions from 4:00-6:00 PM beginning Sunday, June 23rd and ending Thursday, June 27th at Immaculate Conception Church (Madonna Hall), 30 N. Fullerton Avenue., Montclair, NJ. An informational meeting for parents will be on Sunday, June 9th at 11:00 AM. Cost of program is $30 per student which includes light refreshments and sterling silver purity ring for students who make a purity commitment. We are also looking for high school students to serve as volunteers. For more information, call Julissa at 973-744-5650 x-121 or visit www.lifeneteducation.org. Come and See What if...you had a great job, a promising career, and lots of hopes and dreams and God said, “Leave it all behind. Stop looking. I’ve got something better for you!” If you were that young woman and you said, “I’m willing to come and see,” then the “Come and See” Weekend hosted by the Salesian Sisters may be for you! The weekend is for single Catholic women, ages 18-35. If you are looking for such an experience, there are Fall dates available for both women & men: Women’s 168th Cursillo: October 3-6, 2013 Men’s 185th Cursillo: November 21-24, 2013 For more information, please contact Lorraine and Bob Oechslin 973-227-4770. Page 8 When are these Come and See Weekends? July 1-13 and August 1-6 Located at 659 Belmont Avenue, North Haledon, NJ. For information needed to attend a weekend, please contact Sr. Colleen at 732-597-3988 or [email protected]. The Angelus www.holyangelscommunity.org Year of Faith: June 2013 Rediscovering the Eucharist: Celebration and Adoration Meditation May this Year kindle in every believer a resolve to profess the faith in its fullness, with renewed conviction, and to celebrate the faith more intensely especially in the Eucharist, the summit toward which all the Church’s activity is directed and the source from which all the Church’s energy flows. Without liturgy, the profession of faith would lack the grace to bear fruit in Christian witness (see Benedict XVI, Door of Faith, 9, 11). How providential that June opens, in this Year of Faith, with the solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi). June’s Sunday Gospels show Jesus comforting the afflicted and forgiving sin, predicting his saving passion and challenging would-be disciples to take up their cross daily and follow him. But faithful discipleship is impossible without the grace that flows from Christ’s Eucharistic sacrifice, without the comfort bestowed by Jesus’ abiding Eucharistic presence. Thus June becomes a grace-filled opportunity to renew our appreciation of the multiple dimensions of the Eucharist by rediscovering the riches of the Church’s teaching: Eucharist as sacrifice and paschal banquet (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1322–1372, 1382–1390; Compendium, 271, 275, 280281; YouCat, 212); Christ’s Real Presence (Catechism, 1373–1381; Compendium, 282–283; YouCat, 216– 218); full, conscious and active participation (internal and external) (Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, 14; Catechism, 1345–1355); fruits of the Eucharist in our personal and communal lives (Catechism, 1391–1401); Eucharist as pledge of future glory (Catechism, 1402–1405). Mission Study the Church’s teaching on the Eucharist; prepare more prayerfully for Sunday (daily) Mass; spend time each week in Eucharistic adoration. —Peter Scagnelli, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. Diabetes Support Group Chilton Health Network 242 West Parkway, 2nd Floor, Pompton Plains Meets the first Thursday of the month from 10:00-11:00 AM and the third Wednesday of the month from 7:00-8:30 PM Call 973-831-5216 for more information. Please visit www.chiltonhealth.org for information on other support groups. June 9, 2013 - Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time TOTOWA PUBLIC LIBRARY 537 Totowa Road, Totowa Parking is in the rear of the library To register or for more info, call 973-790-3265. Information for Caregivers & Patients The Borough of Totowa Public Library is pleased to present an interesting, informative and free program by Mr. Bruce Weiner. Bruce will present a program regarding "...a discussion that you must have about a rapidly changing topic..." entitled "What You Need to Know Before You Go (to the hospital, rehabilitation center, etc.)." Please join us on Tuesday, June 18th from 6:30-7:30 PM for this program not only directed toward the patient, but the caregiver as well (whether or not you are in this situation now, or just want information to keep current on this subject). There will be a Q/A following. Light refreshments will be available. Registration is suggested. Food Substitution Program The Borough of Totowa Public Library is pleased to present an informative and FREE program by Shop-Rite Dietitian, Laura Becker, MS, RD! Please join us on Thursday, June 20th at 10:30 AM & 7:00 PM for a "hands on" workshop on "Healthy & Tasty Food Substitutions!" Everyone will prepare a few simple recipes that use fat free items. Light refreshments. Registration suggested by stopping by The Totowa Library (& "checking out" some books on healthy living, as well as cookbooks that "cook healthy"), or by calling. Medicaid and Long Term Care Program The Borough of Totowa Public Library is pleased to present an informative, interesting and free program by Barbara Stanley, businesswoman and author. Please join us on Tuesday, June 25th from 6:30-7:30 PM as Barbara presents her program, "Understanding Medicaid and Long Term Care." This is a topic in which the facts/laws change quickly, and it pays to be well informed. There will also be a Q/A period. Light refreshments will be available. Registration is suggested. Lacordaire Academy Theater and Dance Summer Camp June 17-July 3, 2013 9:00 AM-12 noon 155 Lorraine Avenue, Upper Montclair. The program Dance and Acting Classes including Reader’s Theater and Tap Dancing For boys and girls currently in grades 1 through 5 $325 per child for the length of the program Drama teacher Debby Irwin and Tap teacher Carrie Greenberg Go to www.LacordaireAcademy.org and click on “Lacordaire Now” for full brochure and registration form. For further information or questions, please contact Debby Irwin at 973-744-1156 or by email at [email protected]. Page 9 Our Lady of the Holy Angels 2012 Renovation Campaign “Building on Tradition” Our successful capital campaign is drawing to a close. Would you like to be a part of the renovation of our parish church before it finally closes? In a short time we will publish our memorial book which will be a permanent part of our church interior. Thank you for helping us to “Build on Tradition.” Gift Opportunities In Memory of: $2,000 Pledge $200 Initial Deposit Five Years— $30.00 a month _____ Three Years—$50.00 a month _____ $2,500 Pledge $250 Initial Deposit Five Years— $37.50 a month _____ Three Years—$62.50 a month _____ $3,500 Pledge $350 Initial Deposit Five Years— $52.50 a month _____ Three Years—$87.50 a month _____ $5,000 Pledge $500 Initial Deposit Five Years— $ 75.00 a month _____ Three Years—$125.00 a month _____ Name: Street: City-St-Zip: Phone: I/we agree to make a pledge of $ . Please choose one of the options below for payment: Paid in full ____ 12 Mos. ____ 36 Mos. ____ 60 Mos. ____ ____ My/our check is enclosed, Ck #: ____ Cash ____ Credit Card (Visa/MC Only) #: Exp: ____ Direct Withdrawal: Checking or Savings Bank: Routing #: Account #: Signature E-Mail: _________________________________________ Easter 2013 Financial Outlook Ending 6/2/13 Collection Goals 2012-2013 Yearly Collection Goal 2012-2013 Weekly Goal $535,500.00 $10,500.00 Collection 6/2/13 Collection thru envelopes/checks Collection thru Cash Auto Debit Program Weekly Collection Total $8,265.00 $1,818.00 $380.00 $10,463.00 Weekly Collection Analysis Fiscal Year 7/1/12-6/30/13 Collection Shortage - 6/2/13 Cumulative Shortage Page 10 $37.00 $17,477.00 Easter 2013 Maintenance Collection Fund Last Collection 5/19/13 2012-2013 Cumulative Collection Next Collection 6/15/13-6/16/13 $47,792.00 $54,489.00 $3,129.00 $40,733.00 Envelope Usage Registered Households Households Receiving Envelopes Households Using Envelopes 1,872 499 358 Diocesan Assessment Fiscal Year 7/1/12-6/30/13 Monthly The Angelus $81,047.00 $6,753.92 www.holyangelscommunity.org