Fall 2015 Hard
Fall 2015 Hard
Bulletin Fall 2015 ■ WHO WE ARE Hadassah, The Women’s Zionist Organization of America, is a volunteer organization that inspires a passion for and commitment to its partnership with the land and people of Israel. It enhances the health of people worldwide through its support of medical care and research at the Hadassah Medical Organization in Jerusalem. Hadassah empowers its members and supporters, as well as youth in Israel and America through opportunities for personal growth, education, advocacy and Jewish continuity. Dear Boston Chapter Members, I hope you have had a wonderful summer and are ready for the busy season ahead. As I write this I am energized from the Annual Hadassah National Business Meeting and Symposium in Philadelphia I attended in July. It was an exciting gathering where we met with colleagues and learned about issues of importance to Hadassah, including research, advocacy, and our various projects in Israel and at home. I hope to share what I have learned with you in the coming months. The news is promising. The emergency rooms and surgery theaters of our Sarah Wetsman Davidson Hospital Tower in Jerusalem will open shortly. Though the 19-story building’s designation as the “tower” is accurate, five key floors housing the ERs and surgery units are underground, for maximum security in a region where security is often threatened. Varda E. Farber, Hadassah Boston President “I urge you to join me, the women of our chapter, and Hadassah Northeast, to enjoy that collaborative spirit, to learn from and with others, and to feel the power of women who do.” Area Contact Information Hadassah Northeast 1320 Centre Street, Suite 205 Newton Centre, MA 02459 ph (781) 455-9055 fax (857) 404-0599 [email protected] Hadassah Boston President: Varda E. Farber [email protected] Hadassah Northern New England President: Carole Greenfield cgreenfi[email protected] Hadassah Southern New England President: Susan Shikora [email protected] Hadassah Upper Mid-Atlantic President: Janet Deixler [email protected] 2 The Power of Women Who Heal has always been a centerpiece of our agenda. This continues at Hadassah Medical Organization (HMO), as we treat one million patients a year without regard to race, religion, or nationality. Breakthroughs in medical research keep Hadassah as a world leader in medical research with new partnerships with US hospitals. There have also been changes that focus on improving and stabilizing HMO financially through a recovery plan that has resulted in greater efficiencies, a stronger HMO board and improved hospital practices. Electing our leadership was an important part of the meeting. On January 1, 2016, Ellen Hershkin, our new National president, will take over for Marcie Natan, who has been serving as president since 2011. כולנו ביחדKulanu b’yachad are the words Ellen used as she addressed those of us at the National Business Meeting. All of us, together, will further the mission of Hadassah, here in the US, in Israel, and around the world. That means each of us is a needed, valued, and important part of Hadassah’s work to bring about tikkun olam, repair of the world. “I am energized to continue Hadassah’s critical work in saving lives through ground-breaking medical research at the Hadassah Medical Organization, and in empowering Jewish women to be leaders by addressing today’s most relevant issues,” said the president-elect. I urge you to join me, the women of our chapter, and Hadassah Northeast, to enjoy that collaborative spirit, to learn from and with others, and to feel the power of women who do. Take a look at the calendar of upcoming events for opportunities to mix, mingle and learn with other Hadassah women. כולנו ביחדKulanu b’yachad There’s strength in numbers, in terms of advocacy, to urge our legislators to further causes that we hold dear. You have the chance to add to Hadassah’s strength and our numbers by giving the gift of a free annual membership, now through December 31, 2015. Do you have a friend, a family member, or a colleague whom you feel would like to be connected to other women who are passionate about Zionism and improving the health and well-being of others? Would she enjoy the opportunity for personal growth, education, advocacy, and Jewish continuity? She would be an asset to Hadassah. Go to hadassah.org/gift or contact our membership team and they will welcome her to Hadassah. Enjoy perusing this bulletin to see the many activities that Boston Hadassah women have been enjoying over the summer and to read about upcoming programs, including our Walk for Health and Opening Program in September. כולנו ביחדKulanu b’yachad. As we prepare to stand together to hear the sound of the shofar, welcoming 5776, I wish each of you, and those dear to you, a sweet, happy, and healthy new year. Shana tova u’metukah !שנה טובה ומתוקה B’shalom, בשלום Varda E. Farber Hadassah Boston President UPCOMING EVENTS SAVE THE DATE An Evening with Author Naomi Ragen Monday, November 2, 2015 Join us to hear Naomi Ragen discuss her tenth novel, The Devil in Jerusalem. The story – inspired by true events – begins with two brothers admitted to Jerusalem’s Hadassah Hospital with horrific injuries while their mother, a young American, devoutly recites Psalms at the bedside and refuses to answer any questions. The Devil in Jerusalem is a chilling tale of the paths that so easily lead us astray, and the darkness within us all. Co-sponsored by Hadassah Northeast and Temple Emanuel Sisterhood in Newton, Mass. More details to follow. SAVE THE DATE Saturday Evening, November 21, 2015 A Hadassah Northeast Concert with a special reception for Keepers of the Gate featuring Jewish music and more performed by... Rosalie Gerut, Hankus Netsky and Friends Me'ah: A Gendered Lens on Jewish History Gann Academy 333 Forest Street Waltham, MA 02452 More details to come! Offered in partnership with the Jewish Women's Archive and Hadassah Tuesdays, 7:00-9:30 p.m., beginning October 13, 2015 Jewish Women's Archive, One Harvard Street, Brookline This special course will explore Jewish history from biblical through modern times with particular attention to women's experiences and the role of gender in Jewish life and thought. Me’ah (Hebrew for 100) comprises 100 hours of class time, divided into four semesters over two years: Bible and Rabbinics in the first year, and Medieval and Modern Jewish History in the second. For more information: [email protected] • hebrewcollege.edu/meah 3 NATIONAL NEWS Give us a year . . . Experience the New Hadassah Give a free annual membership to someone new. Share our power. the power of women who DOTM Gift online @ hadassah.org/gift or complete Gift Enrollment Form or call 800-664-5646. Hadassah Missions to Israel S tart packing. Hadassah missions offer unforgettable journeys through Israel, whether you’re a first-timer or an experienced Israel traveler. Visit Israel soon: it’s fun, surprising, impressive, inspiring and spiritual. You will come home refreshed and renewed. October 8 - 19, 2015 October 28 - November 7, 2015 Takin' it Easy Israel Mission led by Marlene Kaplan, Darlene and Norman Padnos Stop and savor every experience as you move at a leisurely, less physically demanding pace. A Unique Trip by Land and Sea: Mission to Israel with Optional Rome and Cruise Extension led by Sophie Gottlieb See Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, and the Eshkol Region, then continue on for an optional visit to Rome and optional trans-Atlantic cruise. October 11 - 21, 2015 Hadassah Southern California: The People & Passion of Israel led by Sandi Sadikoff Experience the tapestry of our homeland as we explore ancient ruins and modern industries. Volunteer at an IDF base and, in the Hula Valley, observe the annual migration of birds from all over the world. December 2 - 14, 2015 Central Pacific Coast Discovery Mission led by Sandy Sidorsky Share the wonders of Hadassah and Israel as we visit Hadassah Medical Organization and Meir Shfeya youth village. See the historical sites of Jerusalem, Safed, Rosh Pina and Tel Aviv while also experiencing modern day Israel. October 18 - 28, 2015 FREE Annual Membership Life Members or Associates can give the gift of membership. Present this priceless gift to: Hadassah Associates: Modern Life in an Ancient Land led by Jeff Richardson and Fern Tannenbaum Explore Israeli history, politics, security and technology as you travel through Israel's glorious past and innovative future on an Associates Mission like no other. For additional information: 800-237-1517 or hadassah.org/missions Check out exciting 2016 missions to Cuba, Poland, Israel and Amsterdam at http://www.ayelet.com/hadassah.html • Guests at events • Friends and family • Prominent women in your community Offer valid July 1 - December 31, 2015 Call 800-664-5646 or visit hadassah.org/gift for more information. The gifting campaign offer is from July 1 December 31, 2015. Only current Hadassah Life Members and Associates are eligible to take advantage of this offer to gift a membership. The gifted member must be a U.S. resident and at least 17 years old. The gift membership is only valid for a new member and cannot be used to renew annual membership. The gifted membership is an annual membership and runs for one year from the date of enrollment of the gifted membership. 4 Hadassah National Convention All are welcome Mazal Tov Ellen Hershkin! Delegates at Hadassah's National Business Meeting in Philadelphia have elected Ellen Hershkin the 26th National President. She will succeed Marcie Natan on January 1, 2016. E llen will be Hadassah’s 26th national president and will lead our 300,000-member organization through its early second century, overseeing Hadassah's renowned efforts in the areas of groundbreaking medical research, support for Israel, public advocacy and leadership. As Hadassah continues to evolve, Ellen will be instrumental in guiding the organization through challenging circumstances and setting and achieving aggressive programing and financial goals. She will also play a vital role in attracting new women to join and advance the organization and in supporting the lifesaving research and care provided at Hadassah's two world-renowned hospitals and research center in Israel. Ellen is currently Coordinator of the PRAZE (Programming, Advocacy, Zionism and Education) Division. She joined Hadassah in 1973 and has held numerous leadership positions throughout the 42 years since then – including National Vice President, National Secretary, National Chair of Membership Outreach, National Coordinator of Young Judaea, and many others. Ellen studied speech and education at Hofstra University and Jewish studies through a program of the Melton School of Jewish Education/ Hebrew University. She was a travel consultant for 20 years and specialized in Israel travel. In accepting the honor, Ellen thanked Marcie Natan for her "tireless commitment, devotion and leadership to Hadassah" and said she is "humbled and energized to continue Hadassah's critical work." Hadassah National President-elect Ellen Hershkin and current Hadassah National President Marcie Natan Outgoing National President Marcie Natan, whose term ends December 31, 2015, led the organization for four years, negotiating the historic agreement between the Government of Israel, Hadassah Medical Organization and HWZOA and advocating on key issues of national importance. Hadassah National Board members congratulate Hadassah National Presidentelect Ellen Hershkin upon her election. 5 Calendar Fall 2015 D E CE MBE R NOVEMBER OCTOBER SEPTEMBER Boston Chapter 6 7 L A B O R D AY 9 Board Meeting at 7:00 pm HNE Office 14 ROSH HASHANA (NEW YEAR) 15 ROSH HASHANA II 16 TZOM GEDALIAH 20 Hadassah Northeast Walk at Chestnut Hill Reservoir, Cleveland Circle, Brighton; Registration at 1:30 pm.; walk at 2:00 pm 23 YOM KIPPUR 28 SUKKOT I 29 SUKKOT II 30 S U K K O T I I I / Opening Meeting at 7:30 pm, Temple Beth Avodah, Newton Centre 1 SUKKOT IV 2 SUKKOT V 3 SUKKOT VI 4 SUKKOT VII/HOSHANAH RABAH 5 S H M I N I AT Z E R E T/S I M C H AT TO R A H 12 C O L U M B U S D AY 13 Salon Series on Wise Aging 1:00-2:30 pm at HNE Office (bi-weekly/6 wks)/Board Meeting at 7:00 pm at HNE Office 13 Me’ah Course begins (weekly) 7:00-9:30 pm 21 HNE Panel on Domestic Violence at Temple Emunah, Lexington 28 Henrietta Szold Group Opening Meeting, 1:30 pm at 1550 Beacon Street, Brookline 31 HALLOWEEN 1 Daylight Saving Time ends 2 Salon Series featuring author of Devil in Jerusalem Naomi Ragen, Temple Emanuel, Newton 11 V E T E R A N S D AY 14 Advocacy Conference at the Jewish Federation in Albany, NY 15 Advocacy Conference at the Jewish Federation in Albany, NY 16 Board Meeting at 7:00 pm HNE Office 19 Salon Series with author Tilia Klebnov Jacobs speaking on “Jewish Characters in Literature,” 12:00–1:30 pm at HNE Office 21 Hadassah Northeast Concert and Keepers of the Gate Reception at Gann Academy, Waltham 26 THANKSGIVING 7 H A N U K K A H 1 ( H O L I D AY O F L I G H T S ) 8 HANUKKAH II 19 HANUKKAH III 10 H A N U K K A H I V / Board Meeting at 7:00 pm, HNE Office 11 HANUKKAH V 12 HANUKKAH VI/ROSH CHODESH TEVET 13 HANUKKAH VII 14 HANUKKAH VIII 24 CHRISTMAS EVE 25 CHRISTMAS 31 NEW YEAR’S EVE Sizzling Summer Social with Boston Hadassah Friends A big thank you to everyone who joined Hadassah Boston for the Sizzling Summer Social this past July in New Seabury, Mass! Once again demonstrating The Power of Women Who Do, the women raised enough money to purchase an infusion pump for an operating room in the Sarah Wetsman Davidson Hospital Tower. The weather made for a perfect Cape day, with breathtaking views of boaters and kayaks set against blue skies from Judy Miller's seaside deck. Guest speaker Dr. Ruth Nemzoff was informative, delightful and engaging. An anonymous donor provided a matching gift of $2,500, and the group raised well above the expected goal! Everyone had a wonderful morning celebrating Hadassah friendships! Hadassah Boston members Mady Donoff, Linda Cohen and Noreen Goldwasser Hadassah Boston Welcomed New Members at Paint Bar Social Hadassah Boston welcomed new members to their chapter by hosting a special social at The Paint Bar in Newtonville, Mass. this past July. Attendees left with a unique creation and new Hadassah friends. In addition, free annual memberships were gifted to five new members who joined Hadassah Boston that evening. Meet Hadassah Boston, New Members since January 2014 We welcome you to Hadassah and look forward to getting to know you! NEW ANNUAL MEMBERS Sheila Berenson Norma Chase Debbie DeBotton Florence Halperin Ashley Kochanek Rosalyn Kramer Barbara Osband Robin Pruss Vardit Ringvach When You Shop at The Butcherie, Hadassah Benefits When you bring your stamped Butcherie receipts to Hadassah Boston, The Butcherie returns a percentage of the receipts back to the chapter. It is an easy grassroots fundraising project. The mailing address for receipts is: Hadassah Boston 1320 Centre Street, Suite 205 Newton Center, MA 02459 Attention: The Butcherie NEW LIFE MEMBERS Rivka Baronofsky Wilma Benjamin Melissa Chaikof Kayla Dines Vivienne Greenstein Miriam Halperin Maya Melissa Jacobs PAID Shoshana Kessel Kendra Klein Mascia Teri Krassan Amanda Kulick Deborah Lushan YOUR EMAIL PLEASE . . . One Lucky Member Wins a Fitbit® While Hadassah is excited to launch a series of hard copy newsletters to be distributed via mail every fall, winter and spring, the majority of news will be communicated on a monthly basis through email. If you are not receiving our emails, please send us your full name, chapter, phone number and email to Hadassah Northeast at [email protected] and be entered in a raffle to win a Fitbit. Sophia Nyokabi-Perlmutter Leah Reich Raina Rothschild Susan Servais Emma Wantman Joyce Wishnick We also welcome new Hadassah Boston members who have transferred from other regions. 7 1320 Centre Street, Suite 205 Newton Centre, MA 02459 www.hadassah.org (781) 455.9055 [email protected] S AV E T H E DAT E Girlfriends Take Heart! A Women’s Heart Health Program Presented by Hadassah Boston Please mark your calendars for Hadassah Boston’s Opening Meeting, “Girlfriends Take Heart! A Women’s Heart Health Program” on Wednesday, September 30, 2015, at Temple Beth Avodah 45 Puddingston Lane, Newton Centre at 7:30 p.m. Hadassah Boston is pleased to announce guest speaker Dr. Malissa Wood, who is co-director of the Corrigan Women’s Heart Health Program at Massachusetts General Hospital and assistant professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School. In addition, Valerie Lowenstein, past president of Hadassah Boston, will share her own personal journey with heart disease. Healthy refreshments will be served. ✃ RSVP by filling out and mailing the form below. Girlfriends Take Heart! A Women’s Heart Health Program Name Please enclose a check payable to Hadassah or call the office at 781-455-9055 to register. Giving suggestions: Mailing Address Registration: $18 Phone and Email Walk: $36 Sprint: $54 Mail to: Hadassah Northeast, 1320 Centre Street, Suite 205, Newton Centre, MA 02459 Run: $72 Other: ______________
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