November 15, 2015 Jim Umlauf Jeremiah 32:17
November 15, 2015 Jim Umlauf Jeremiah 32:17
GRACE EVANGELICAL CHURCH STAFF THIS WEEK AT GRACE... Dr. James R. Young, III Sunday, November 15 9:25am Worship Service 10:55am Worship Service Monday, November 16 12:30-3:00pm Loving Stitches 6:30-8:00pm GriefShare 6:30pm Ladies Bible Study 7:00pm Zumba Tuesday, November 17 7:00am Men’s Prayer Group 9:30am Women’s Prayer Group 9:45am Ladies Bible Study Wednesday, November 18 5:30pm Wednesday Night Dinner 6:30pm Worship, Truth Trek, Jr and Sr High 8:30pm College Class Bible Study @ Brady’s house (4889 Mockingbird Ln. Memphis) Saturday, November 21 8:30am Men’s Breakfast Rev. Randy Carstens Rev. John K. Ottley III Minister of Adult Outreach/Pastoral Care Jim Umlauf Minister of Worship Chris Leuck Minister to 20s&30s / Men’s Ministry Kim Killebrew Women’s Ministry Brent Wilkins Minister of Adult Discipleship/ Interim Children’s Ministry Pastor Landon Ditto College /Sr High Director Olivia Hughes Sr. High Girls Director Rev. Johnathan Todd Missions Pastor Brady Johnston Jr. High Youth Minister GRACE ATHLETICS Kevin Wieters Scott Elliott Athletic Director Rev. Justin McCain Pastor of Athletics OFFERTORY SPIRIT OF THE LIVING GOD Words and Music: Jacob Sooter and Mia Fieldes No Wednesday Night Service Mancake A French Christmas No Wednesday Night Services Christmas Food Boxes Christmas Concert Calvary Colony Christmas Party Christmas Eve Service 4:30 & 6pm College Class Conference Mancake Wednesday Night Worship resumes Rosaria Butterfield 25 Years of Life Together SYMPATHY TO… Cathy and Matt Sprayberry, William, Eli and Griffin, at the death of her mom, and their grandmother Judy Hearn. Spirit of the living God. Spirit of the living God, we only want to hear your voice. We’re hanging on every word. Spirit of the living God. Spirit of the living God, we’re leaning in to all you are. Everything else can wait. Spirit of the living God. Spirit of the living God, we want to know you more and more. We’re hanging on every word. Spirit of the living God. Spirit of the living God, come now and breath upon our hearts. Come now and have your way. (Chorus) Cause when you speak and when you move, when you do what only you can do, it changes us. It changes what we see and what we seek. When you come in the room, when you do what only you can do, it changes us. It changes what we see and what we seek. You’re changing everything. (Chorus) When you move, you move all our fears. When you move, you moves us to tears. When you fall, we fall on our knees. When you fall, we fall at your feet. (Chorus) SERMON NOTES ORDER OF WORSHIP College Ministry Exec. Dir. Grace Athletic Ministry Kyle Jacobson Director of Admin. and Operations DATES TO REMEMBER… November 25 December 2 December 5 December 9, 16,23,30 December 12 December 13 December 16 December 24 Dec 29 - Jan 2 January 6 January 6 February 5-6 February 28 November 15, 2015 Senior Pastor OPENING PRAYER Jim Umlauf Jeremiah 32:17 10,000 Reasons Come Thou Fount LIFE TOGETHER Chris Leuck Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee Our God Arise, My Soul, Arise PASTORAL PRAYER OFFERTORY Dr. Jimmy Young Claire Ottley Spirit of The Living God SERMON Dr. Jimmy Young “Men At Work” Nehemiah 6:1-6 CLOSING Beautiful Savior Services begin promptly at 9:25 and 10:55 W ELCOME TO G RACE E VAN If you’re new to our church, we want your visit to be worshipful, informative, and comfortable. Along with the worship service, there 9750 Wolf River Blvd. Germantown, TN 38139 901.756.7444 are many other resources available including Sunday School for nursery through 5th grade, youth ministries, and adult classes. They’re a great way to more intimately find the pulse of who we are as a church and connect with others. Just ask any one of our greeters to direct the way. You can find much more on our website at We’re glad to have you. CONGREGATIONAL MEETING ELDER ELECTIONS MEN'S BREAKFAST This Saturday at 8:30am in the Fellowship Hall. Bring $5. CHRISTMAS FOOD BOXES Join us Dec12th @ 9am as we pack and deliver 300 boxes of food for the underresourced. We’ll also wrap 100 gifts for NCC Truthseekers. We need volunteers to help put together boxes, load trucks/ trailers, and deliver them. If you can help, please contact Johnathan Todd ([email protected]). Your gift of $50 will provide one food box. To give, drop a check in the offering plate, (designate “food box” on your check), or pay online at If you’d like to give a box in memory or honor of someone, you may pick up a beautiful notification card at the Info Desk next Sunday. Join us Dec 5th (11am-midnight) as we travel to French Camp Academy, to help the students and staff enjoy a very Merry Christmas. We will decorate the dining hall, then serve at their Christmas banquet. This is a great service opportunity for the whole family. Tickets are $10/ adults, $7/ kids (12 and under) or $45 max per family. Limited number of seats available. No refunds. Sign up in the foyer. The following men have been nominated for the office of Elder. On Dec 2 @7pm we will have a congregational meeting to elect five of the men from this list of thirteen. Plan on being with us for this most important meeting, where you choose your leaders. Blake Dickens Carl Elliott Ben Granger Floyd Harvey Tom Jordan Carr Kelsey Tim Morgan Jon Roberts Rick San Roman Brad Smith David Strand Greg Strawn Randy Turner ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES seniorhigh You can purchase her book at the Info Desk for $15. YSE TUTORING Tues, we welcome YOU to serve the youth of Frayser by tutoring students weekly. Meet in Mike’s Place at 3:30pm. SR GIRLS BIBLE STUDY Biblical hospitality is Tues. We’ll gather to learn about how to love like Jesus. Meet @ Olivia's (2363 Massey) at 7:30pm. WED NIGHTS @6:30 It’s an hour in the middle of your week centered on community and truth. HUNGER GAMES PREMIERE Thurs night we’ll head to the Collierville Malco to watch the last installment of the Hunger Games trilogy. Must buy tickets from us in advance. Exact show times TBA. A SR MOMENT Class of 2016, keep your Saturday open for an unforgettable ‘senior moment.’ We’ll share the deets with you soon. 9:25AM Chris Leuck BROWN ROOM 10:55AM #410 TAUGHT BY RANDY CARSTENS & FRIENDS RM 302 This week: 1 Corinthians 7-9. CARPENTER’S CLASS YULETIDE BASH DUFFEL BAGS FOR CALVARY COLONY Duffel bags for Memphis Union Mission’s Calvary Colony will be available for pick-up Nov 29. Instructions and wish lists are included. Return filled bags Dec 6. This is the highlight of Christmas for these men who are committed to turning their lives around. CALVARY COLONY CHRISTMAS PARTY We will have a program, desserts and give out the bags, Dec 16 @ Calvary Colony. We’re serving salad, spaghetti and garlic toast. 20’s and 30’s serves You’re invited to the Christmas party event of the year! Mon, Dec 7 @ Wyndyke Country Club. We’ve got a great night and a great menu planned and it’s only $15 per person. If you’d like to attend, contact Nadine ([email protected] or 756-7444). COLLEGE STUDENTS We’re headed to Chattanooga for 5 days to attend a winter conference. There will be great speakers, awesome worship and relevant seminars to meet you where you are. Join us Dec 29-Jan 2. Cost is $99 and includes transportation, conference registration and lodging. Does not include meals. Deadline to register is Nov 29. For more details contact Brady, 901-828-0734 or visit the website FELLOWSHIP HALL juniorhigh FALL DESSERTS WEDNESDAY We’ll have some of everyone's favorite fall desserts this Wed night. BCA SERVICE PROJECT We will serve dinner at Binghamton Christian Academy on Thurs. Those who signed-up, meet at Grace at 4:15pm and be picked up at 7:30pm. 6TH GRADE LASER TAG Meet at 4:15pm on Fri for Laser Tag. Let Kyle know if you ‘re coming and bring $15. Studying the Gospel of Luke Taught by Floyd Harvey John Ottley WE MEET TODAY - 10:55 IN MIKE’S PLACE WED NIGHT BIBLE STUDY - 8:30pm @ Brady’s NEW YEARS CONFERENCE - CHATTAGNOOGA ALL COLLEGE STUDENTS Dec 29 - Jan 2. $99. Register @ or contact Brady 828-0734. GRACE EVAN FINANCES 10/1/2015 - 11/08/2015 ESCRA and Instructional basketball registration deadlines: Now – Nov 27 without late fee; Nov 28 – Dec 1 with late fee. Registration closes Dec 1! Don’t delay!!!!! (ESCRA – U8 to U18| Instructional – U6 to register. Instructional – Taylor Dix ESCRA – Scott Elliott Crosscheck - Kevin Wieters GENERAL OFFERINGS - FISCAL YTD: This year = $364,080 Behind Last Year = - $68,050 Behind 3-Year Average = - $73,840 GRACE VENTURE: Given to / Given Away / Balance = $22,215 / 7,800 / 15,113 Distributed this week: French Camp MIT 2015-2016 Budget - $7,800
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