September 6, 2015 Jim Umlauf My Faith Has
September 6, 2015 Jim Umlauf My Faith Has
GRACE EVANGELICAL CHURCH STAFF THIS WEEK AT GRACE... Sunday, September 6 9:25am Worship Service 10:55am Worship Service Monday, September 7 Church and Athletic Offices closed for Memorial Day Tuesday, September 8 7:00am Men’s Prayer Group 9:30am Women’s Prayer Group Wednesday, September 9 6:00am Mancake 5:30pm Wednesday Night Dinner 6:30pm Wednesday Night Worship, Truth Trek, Jr and Sr High 8:30pm College Class Bible Study @ Brady’s house (4889 Mockingbird Ln. Memphis) Dr. James R. Young, III ORDER OF WORSHIP Senior Pastor Rev. Randy Carstens Rev. John K. Ottley III Minister of Adult Outreach/Pastoral Care Jim Umlauf Minister of Adult Discipleship/ Interim Children’s Ministry Pastor Landon Ditto Minister of Worship Minister to 20s&30s / Men’s Ministry Kim Killebrew Sr. High Girls Director Exec. Dir. Grace Athletic Ministry Scott Elliott Jr. High Youth Minister Brent Wilkins Brady Johnston GRACE ATHLETICS Kevin Wieters Olivia Hughes Kyle Jacobson Women’s Ministry Missions Pastor Athletic Director Director of Admin. and Operations Rev. Justin McCain Pastor of Athletics OFFERTORY September 20 September 23-27 September 27 September 28 - October 26 October 7 October 23-25 October 29 November 4 December 2 Father to the fatherless Defender of the weak Freedom for the prisoner We sing A Recipe for Reading Revelation Mission Conference Taste of Grace Picnic A Grace Day for Life - Mondays Mancake 4th & 5th Grade Retreat Carpenters Cup Mancake Mancake (Chorus) This is God in his holy place This is God clothed in love and strength Sing out, lift your voice and cry out Awesome is our strong God Mighty is our God With us in the wilderness Faithful to provide Every breath and every step We see SYMPATHY TO… Rosemary and Mark Tilson, Anna, Lindsay and Will Tilson, Owen and Kate, at the death of her mother, their grandmother, and their great-grandmother, Ann McCrosky. OPENING PRAYER Jim Umlauf My Faith Has Found A Resting Place Isaiah 53:6 All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name LIFE TOGETHER Kyle Jacobson STRONG GOD J. Ingram, J. Egan, M. Andrews Arr. By Brad Henderson DATES TO REMEMBER… September 6, 2015 College Ministry College /Sr High Director Chris Leuck Rev. Johnathan Todd (Chorus) Romans 5:8 Jesus, Thank You Jesus Saves Sing out, raise your hands and shout out Awesome is our strong God Mighty is our God PASTORAL PRAYER There is no higher, no There is no greater, no There is none stronger than our God Sing out, lift your voice and cry out Awesome is our strong God Mighty is our God Sing out, raise your hands and shout out Awesome is our strong God Mighty is our God OFFERTORY Dr. Jimmy Young Claire Ottley Strong God SERMON Dr. Jimmy Young “Fervid Tears” Nehemiah 1:1-3 CLOSING Jesus, Thank You SERMON NOTES Services begin promptly at 9:25 and 10:55 W ELCOME TO G RACE E VAN If you’re new to our church, we want your visit to be worshipful, informative, and comfortable. Along with the worship service, there 9750 Wolf River Blvd. Germantown, TN 38139 901.756.7444 are many other resources available including Sunday School for nursery through 5th grade, youth ministries, and adult classes. They’re a great way to more intimately find the pulse of who we are as a church and connect with others. Just ask any one of our greeters to direct the way. You can find much more on our website at We’re glad to have you. ADULT SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES seniorhigh Ladies of Grace presents, A Recipe for Reading Revelation, by John Ottley. How often have you wondered how to read Revelation well? John will teach a seminar on doing just that. Join us Sept 20 at 6:30pm in Rm 302 for coffee, dessert, and teaching. LADIES BIBLE STUDY THE FORGOTTEN CHILDREN OF SHELBY COUNTY 2015 MISSIONS CONFERENCE Wed Sept 23 – Sun Sept 27 God has a heart for orphans and the fatherless. Ever wonder how He might use you to care for them? Come discover your role at this year’s mission conference. SCHEDULE Wednesday - Dinner & Interviews Sept 23 – 5:30pm Saturday - Conference Sept 26, 9–11:15am There will be 4 presentations and you’ll pick 2 to attend. Topics include: *Standing in the gap for the unborn *Adding to my family through adoption *Being a “safe family” for children in crisis *Jonah’s Journey – A better foster care system Sunday Message-Robert Farris Sept 27, 9:25am & 10:55am VP-Strategic Initiatives for Palmer Home for Children Sunday - Taste of Grace Picnic Sept 27, 5:30pm Shrimp boil, s’mores, hayrides, horse rides, games and music. Missed the first week of Bible Study? Don’t worry! There’s still time to join us for The Sermon on the Mount. Stop by the Info Desk to register today. Stand with us during 40 Days for Life for a peaceful protest in front of Planned Parenthood. The recent revelations about PPs activities make it even more crucial that we prayerfully stand against abortion. Grace’s Days are 5 Monday’s, 9am 12noon, beginning Sep 28 through Oct 26. You can sign up at We hope you’ll make a time to join us. YSE TUTORING Starting Tues, we welcome YOU to serve the youth of Frayser weekly. Meet in Mike’s at 3:30pm. Make sure to sign up as there are a limited number of spots available. SR GIRLS BIBLE STUDY: BIBLICAL HOSPITALITY. Let’s gather together to learn about how to love like Jesus. Meet at church, 7:30-9pm on Tues. JR DINNER Wed, all of the studly class of 2017 is invited to meet at El Mez across the street @ 5pm for some serious salsa and salty socializing. WED NIGHTS @6:30 It’s an hour in the middle of your week centered on community and truth. 9:25AM Chris Leuck BROWN ROOM 10:55AM #410 Studies in the last book of the Bible. juniorhigh SERVICE PROJECT If you signed-up for our service project, meet at church @ 4:15pm. We will drive to Binghamton Christian Academy and eat dinner with the students. We’ll be back by 7:30pm. Bring $2 for dinner. 7TH GRADE OUTDOOR LASER TAG On Sat the 19th, 9-11:30am, we’re going to Shelby Farms to play outdoor laser tag. Email Kyle to sign up. SEPTEMBER CALENDAR Pick one up in The Refuge or you can always print one off the website. THE CARPENTER’S CLASS FELLOWSHIP HALL YSE MIT Needs Drivers ART GALLERY ROTATION LIFE TOGETHER - GRACE GROUPS If you’re interested in being a part of a Grace group or want to know more, stop by the Info Desk or sign up online at We begin next week! OFFICES CLOSED In observance of labor day, the church & athletic offices will be closed tomorrow. The next art gallery rotation submission deadline is October 16. Submit your artwork now to Registration is open to everyone, and the guidelines are available there. Direct questions to Millie Brummet, ([email protected]). Come showcase your creative talents in "The Gallery" doing it all for the His Glory! ALTAR FLOWERS WEDNESDAY NIGHTS AT GRACE The flowers are in celebration of Betty Bolton’s 80th birthday! We’re serving salad, grilled chicken, roasted potatoes and green beans for dinner. StoneWashed serves John Ottley WE MEET TODAY - 10:55 IN MIKE’S PLACE WED NIGHT BIBLE STUDY - 8:30pm @ Brady’s house (4889 Mockingbird Ln). Each Tuesday at 3:45pm, Youth Striving for Excellence (YSE) MIT needs drivers to take a group of Sr high students from GEC to tutor YSE children in Frayser. If you are available to help drive at least once a month, contact Caroline Craft, ([email protected] or 428-5811). TAUGHT BY RANDY CARSTENS & FRIENDS RM 300 This week: When Christians are not being Christian... 1 Corinthians 1-3. Follow us on Twitter @GECollege CHILDREN’S NEW MEMBER CLASS There’s a class beginning Sept 30 continuing on Wednesday’s through Oct. If you have a child (2nd through 5th grade) interested in joining the church, contact [email protected] for info or to sign up. 4TH & 5TH GRADE RETREAT October 23-25 at Victory Ranch in Bolivar, TN. Sign-ups will begin Wed for Grace Evan 4th & 5th graders & Sept 13 for non-Grace Evan 4th & 5th graders. Pick up a brochure across from the Fastrak check-in, complete and turn in with your payment, or @ Studying the Gospel of Luke Taught by Floyd Harvey INSTRUCTIONAL AND ESCRA Schedules for both leagues have been posted. For more info contact: Instructional – Taylor Dix ESCRA – Scott Elliott GRACE EVAN FINANCES 10/1/2014 - 8/30/2015 GENERAL OFFERINGS - FISCAL YTD: This year = $4,260,900 Ahead of Last Year = + $289,590 Ahead of 3-Year Average = + $411,950 GRACE VENTURE: Given to / Given Away / Balance = $191,407/ 218,194 / 26,573 Distributed this week: SALT/ Steve Torgerson for 4 month lease on vehicle - $2,400
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