
Thursday, May 7, 2015
72"d Session of the 9111 Council
Call to order
Moment of Silence or Invocation
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
Authorization to Excuse Members from Meeting
Amendments to and approve of the agenda
Approval of the Minutes
1. April30, 2015
Mayor Report
Departmental Head Reports
Community Announcements
Recognition of Elected Officials
Public Comment
Agenda Items
Old Business
2. Report received from the Mayor regarding the Senior Center Rental Fees (Deferred from the April DPW
Subcommittee Meeting).
3. Report received from the City Administrator regarding the proposal for additional zoning projects-REVISED.
(Deferred from Community Development Subcommittee Meeting.)
4. Report received from the City Administrator to purchase lots on Woodward and Wessen and 217 N. Saginaw
(Deferred from 3-26-2015 for one month)
5. Report received from the City Administrator regarding the School Liaison Officer Agreement.
Consent Agenda
6. Resolution for the April2015 DPW Subcommittee Meeting.
7. Resolution for Mary Lynn Yvonne Ferguson.
8. Report received from the City Administration regarding the amendment of TIF A 2 district boundaries.
Clerk and Council Closing Comments
April30, 2015
Official Proceedings
Pontiac City Council
71 st Session of the Ninth Council
A Regular Meeting ofthe City Council of Pontiac, Michigan was called to order in City Hall,
Thursday, April30, 2015 at 5:30p.m. by President Patrice Waterman.
Invocation - Kermit Williams
Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call
Members Present: Holland, Pietila, Taylor-Burks, Waterman, Williams and Woodward.
Members Absent: Carter
Mayor Waterman was present
Clerk announced a quorum.
Excuse Councilman Randy Carter. Moved by Councilperson Woodward and
supported by Councilperson Holland.
Ayes: Holland, Pietila, Taylor-Burks, Waterman, Williams and Woodward
No: None
Motion Carried.
Councilman Randy Carter arrived at 5:33p.m.
All Agenda Items deferred until each Department Head or Contracts report
in front of City Council. Moved by Councilperson Williams and supported by Councilperson
Ayes: Carter, Holland, Pietila, Taylor-Burks, Waterman, Williams and Woodward
No: None
Deferred until each Department Head or Contracts report in front of City
Approval of the Agenda. Moved by Councilperson Woodward and supported by
Councilperson Taylor-Burks.
Ayes: Carter, Holland, Pietila, Taylor-Burks, Waterman, Williams and Woodward
No: None
Motion Carried.
Journal of April 23, 2015. Moved by Councilperson Pietila and supported by
Councilperson Taylor-Burks.
April30, 2015
Ayes: Carter, Holland, Pietila, Taylor-Burks, Waterman, Williams and Woodward
No: None
Motion Carried.
Mayor Reported
Departmental Head Reports- Joseph Sobota, City Administrator
Special Presentation -Advanced Disposal
Community Announcements - Beatrice Wright
Recognition of Elected Officials - William Carrington
There were 10 individuals who addressed the body during public comments
City Clerk Sherikia L. Hawkins, Councilman Don Woodward, Councilwoman Doris TaylerBurks, Councilman Mark Holland, Councilman Randy Carter, Councilman Kermit Williams,
Pro-Tem Mary Pietila and President Patrice Waterman made closing comments.
Councilman Don Woodward left meeting at 7:06p.m.
Councilman Kermit Williams left meeting at 7:41p.m.
President Patrice Waterman adjourned the meeting at 7:56p.m.
To: Pontiac City Council
From: Mayor Deirdre Waterman
Date: April 16, 2015
Re: Exemption for Senior Center Rental Fees
Currently there are 2 Senior Community Centers in the City of Pontiac, the Bowen Center and the Ruth Petersen
Center. The activities of these centers are currently financed by a 10 year millage that was passed by the voters in
November 2006. It has been policy of this Mayoral administration to support the activities at those centers and to adopt
policies that provide a senior friendly community. This agenda is aided by existence of such senior oriented
organizations as the Golden Opportunity Club and L' Amistad.
Under the Order S-330 of the Emergency Financial Manager, fees were set for the use of the Senior Community Centers
which included the use of the centers by both of the recognized senior clubs. To support the agendas of those clubs,
and other city related agencies which offer educational and civic awareness opportunities accessible at the senior
centers, this resolution seeks to exempt such organizations from the fee structure set by the Emergency Financial
Manager under Order S330.
WHEREAS, THE CITIZENS OF Pontiac have two senior community centers, the Bowen Center and the Ruth Petersen
Center, that are being funded through a millage until 2016; and
WHEREAS, the gth Council and the Mayor desire to make every effort for all residents of the City of Pontiac to be able to
utilize the said facilities; and
WHEREAS, the gth Council and the Mayor further desire to sustain accessibility to senior related educational, civic and
recreational opportunities in support of a Senior Friendly Community; and
WHEREAS, the L' Amistad and the Golden Opportunity Club have an established record and schedule of offering
opportunities and activities to senior citizens in the above listed categories; and
BE IT RESOLVED, that the Pontiac City Council waives all usage fees for the Senior Community Centers for non-exclusive
use of a center during normal busi1:1ess hours by any organization whose membership is primarily senior citizens and
whose scope of activity is geared toward providing programming, educational, or social networking activities for seniors
and who are non-partisan, non-religious and not tied to any commercial enterprise and where a member is a resident of
the City of Pontiac, such exemption may be granted provided the organization does not charge admission to the facility
or event except for an annual membership fee.
BE IT ALSO RESOLVED, that the Pontiac City Council waives all usage fees for the use of a center by an official
government body of the City of Pontiac, County of Oakland or State of Michigan for a meeting at any time.
BE IT ALSO RESOLVED, the usage fee for Saturday meetings is set at $25.00 per hour with a minimum booking of four
hours. For all other Saturday functions the rate of $100 per hour will require a minimum four hour reservation.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that events such as parties or dances held at the senior citizen centers for
beverages and or food are served, there shall be a $100 refundable deposit which must be paid upon booking a
Pontiac City Council Resolution
WHEREAS, the 2014 Master Plan calls for the creation of three new overlay districts and the
implementation of a Complete Streets Program; and
WHEREAS, the Pontiac City Council believes that these components of the Master Plan should be
implemented; and
WHEREAS, the Pontiac City council has received a proposal from Wade Trim dated March 18, 2015 for
additional zoning projects;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Pontiac City Council accepts the revised proposal from
Wade Trim dated February 13, 2015 for additional zoning projects as presented in the amount of
March 18, 2015
Mr. Joseph Sobota, City Administrator
City of Pontiac
47450 Woodward Ave.
Pontiac, M I 48342
Proposal for additional zoning projects- REVISED
Dear Mr. Sobota:
The first step in implementing the action items contained in the City's updated Master Plan
is to do an update of the Zoning Ordinance. There is a significant amount of minor updating
that Wade Trim staff will perform in the normal course of duty. For these text and map
amendments, James Sabo will coordinate all updates with the Planning Commission, who
will ultimately recommend adoption to City Council.
There are three major zoning updates that fall outside of the scope of services contained in
our contract. All of these projects are recommended specifically in the Master Plan and
called out in the Implementation Plan. We believe that it is important to capitalize on the
community enthusiasm and support for the Master Plan and to build on that energy to
complete the necessary zoning updates.
These projects, proposed professional fees and proposed schedule are listed below:
1. Develop Entrepreneurial Residential-Commercial and Entrepreneurial
Industrial-Commercial Overlay District standards.
Developing new overlay district language for the two proposed entrepreneurial
districts is the foundation of the City's neighborhood economic development strategy
and should be the top priority.
Wade Trim staff will develop draft ordinance language and present to the Planning
Commission for initial review. Following the first review by the Planning
Commission, staff will revise the ordinance language based on comments from both
the public and Planning Commission. The revised ordinance language will be
presented to the Planning Commission as part of a public hearing. Following the
public hearing, Planning Commission will vote to recommend that Council adopt the
ordinance language and map. Staff will also present the proposed ordinance to City
Council for a first reading and public hearing. At this point, council may offer and
changes to the ordinance text or map. At the second reading, Council will be asked
to adopt the proposed ordinance and map.
Wade Trim Associates
500 Griswold Avenue
Suite 2500
Detroit, Ml 48226
313.961.0898 fax
• Entrepreneurial Residential-Commercial and Entrepreneurial IndustrialCommercial Overlay District text and maps. Additionally, these overlay
districts will include the following:
o Purpose statements
o Listing of allowable uses
o Building and design standards
o Performance standards
o Review and approval procedures
• Attend four (4) meetings as described below
• Attend two Planning Commission Meetings
• Attend up to two City Council Meetings (or one City Council meeting and one
Community Development subcommittee meeting)
Additional meetings outside of the four included will be billed at $WG $400
per meeting
Professional Fees: $17,000. $15,000
Target completion date: October 2015.
2. Develop and adopt a new ordinance and policy document for a Complete
Streets ordinance.
The Master Plan contains a recommendation to "create a safe and connected multimodal transportation network that provides an expanded range of transportation
options and alternatives for all residents." Specifically, the plan calls for the adoption
of a Complete Streets Ordinance.
Wade Trim will work with the City Engineer, our transportation staff and City Council
to develop a Complete Streets Ordinance. The final deliverable will be an ordinance
based on industry best practices and practical design solutions.
• Complete Streets Ordinance
• Attend &BE three (3) meetings as described below
• Attend up to two one (1) Planning Commission Meetings
• Attend up to two (2) City Council Meetings (or one City Council meeting and
one Community Development subcommittee meeting)
Coordinate on kick off and one revie\v meeting '.'lith City Engineer.
Additional meetings outside of the three included will be billed at $aGO $400
per meeting
Professional Fee: $10,000$1,500. Target completion date: June 2015
3. Develop Transit Oriented Development Overlay District and incentives.
Wade Trim will work with the Planning Commission to develop language for the
Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Overlay district. Process will include at least
two coordination meetings with City Engineer, Oakland County Planning & Economic
Development staff and SMART officials.
Wade Trim staff will develop draft ordinance language and present to the Planning
Commission for initial review. Following the first review by the Planning
Commission, staff will revise the ordinance language based on comments from both
the public and Planning Commission. The revised ordinance language will be
presented to the Planning Commission as part of a public hearing.
Following the public hearing, Planning Cornmission will vote to recommend that
Council adopt the ordinance language and map. Staff will also present the proposed
ordinance to City Council for a first reading and public hearing. At this point, council
may offer and changes to the ordinance text or map. At the second reading, Council
will be asked to adopt the proposed ordinance and map.
• Transit Oriented Development Overlay District and Map
o Includes potential development incentives
o Purpose statement
o Listing of allowable uses
o Building and design standards
o Performance standards
o Review and approval procedures
• Attend four (4) meetings as described below
• Attend two Planning Commission Meetings
• Attend up to two City Council Meetings (or one City Council meeting/public
hearing and one Community Development subcommittee meeting)
Additional meetings outside of the four included will be billed at $WG $400
per meeting
Professional Fee: $10,000. Target completion date: December 2015.
Again, we relish the opportunity to be a part of the Pontiac team and look forward to
discussing this further at your convenience.
Very truly yours,
Wade Trim, Inc.
Charles Smith, AICP
Project Manager
Pontiac City Council
Jo"ph M. Sobota, M.P.A., City
March 6, 2015
Offer to purchase lots on Woodward and Wessen and 217 N. Saginaw
Since August, the City has been receiving offers from two parties to purchase the two lots located at
the southwest comer of Woodward and Wessen, bordered by the railroad tracks on the west (see
attached map). As a result, I ordered an appraisal of the prope1ty, and received one dated September
5, 2014 (see attached). None of the offers was considered serious until the offer received March 2
from Woodward Wessen HCP LLC (attached). The other pmty that was interested in the property
withdrew. Mr. King, has also advised me that the railroad may be interested in acquiring the
property, but the City has not received an offer from the railroad (and railroad property is tax
In addition to the two parcels at Woodward and Wessen, the remaining interested party has also
included a city-owned lot in downtown Pontiac at 217 N. Saginaw in his offer to purchase (see
attached map). The City has not obtained an appraisal on this parcel.
I advised the purchaser that his offer did not meet the appraised value of the two lots on Woodward,
but he requested that I submit the offer to the City Council for consideration. I am required to present
the fmal formal offer to the City Council for consideration. The purchaser believes that his offer to
construct new rental apartments on the site, thus increasing the taxable value of the prope1ty would
improve the value to the City of his offer. Although the City is not looking to increase the number of
rental units in the City, the occupancy rate for rentals in downtown Pontiac is 93%, meaning there is
a demand for rental housing downtown. Furthermore, I have no indication to believe that these will
be subsidized rental units based on the targeted demographic. Therefore, although the offer is
significantly below the appraised value of the two lots on Woodward, I believe that the offer has
merit and should be given consideration by the City. If the City Council believes that additional
study of the proposal is necessary, then consideration should be granted to refer the offer to the
Community Development Committee and report to City Council.
(Full disclosure: after having conversation with the signer of the offer, I realized that we attended the
same school together over 30 years ago, but the signer was six years ahead of me, hence the familiar
tone of the offer.)
If City Council believes that enough information has been presented to formally consider the offer,
then section 3.113 of the City Charter requires the City Council to hold a public hearing on the offer
before authorizing any sale of these parcels. If after the public hearing City Council wishes to
approve the sale, I am recommending that the following resolution be adopted:
March 6, 2015
Whereas, the City of Pontiac has received an offer in the amount of$55,000/i'om Woodward
Wessen HCP LLC to purchase parcels 14-29-258-007 (2 17 N Saginmv), 14-29-233-001, and
14-29-233-002; and,
Whereas, the City of Pontiac has obtained an appraisal, based on the sales comparison
approach, which values lots 14-32-233-001 and 14-32-233-002 at $78,000; and,
Whereas, the Pontiac City Council had a public hearing on the offer at a meeting held on
{insert date};
Now, therefore, be it resolved, after consideration ofpublic comment and the report of the
City's administration, the Pontiac City Council hereby approves the sale ofparcels 14-29258-007, 14-32-233-001, and 14-32-233-002 in the amount of$55,000 with the condition that
the purchaser constructs a new rental apartment on the property at Woodward and Wessen
within two years of acquisition and authorizes the City Administrator to sign the letter of
interest dated March 2, 2015.
City ofPontiac
Appraisal of2 Vacant Parcels 14-32-233-001 & 002
Jere D. Neill
Accurate Appraisa~s & Realty
31 Oakland Avenue
2nd Floor, Suite A
Pontiac, MI 48342
2 Parcels of Vacant Land
Measuring Approximately 1.06 Acres
Parcel ID# 14-32-233-001 & 1432-233-002
SW Corner of Woodward Avenue and Wesson Street
Pontiac, Michigan
City of Pontiac's
City Administrator
Mr. Joseph M. Sobota
Effective Date of Appraisal:
September 5, 2014
Fee Simple Market Value:
Seventy-Eight Thousand Dollars
P. 1
Woodward Wessen HCP LLC
Pier & Associates
656 W. Randolph Street
Suite 5E
Chicago, IL 60661
Via Email
March 2, 2015
Joseph M. Sobota, M.P.A.
City Administrator
RE: Woodward Wessen Lots
Pontiac, MI 48342
Letter of Intent
Dear Joseph:
Woodward Wessen HCP LLC, an Illinois limited liability company, or its assigns
("Buyer"), hereby expresses its interest in negotiating and entering into a formal contract
(the "Contract") to purchase from the Owner(s) of Record ("Seller"), the following
14-29-258-007-217 N Saginaw
14-32-233-001 -Woodward Ave./Wesson St
14-32-233-002- Woodward Ave./Wesson St.
The purpose ofthe acquisition is new construction of rental apartments to serve medical
education students and St. Joe and McLaren Hospitals.
The terms and conditions of this letter of interest are as follows:
Purchase Price:
Fifty Five Thousand Dollars. ($55,000.00)
Terms of Payment:
The Purchase Price, inclusive of any Earnest Money Deposit, shall be paid in cash at
closing, plus or minus any prorations.
Earnest Money:
Within five (5) business days after the date of the final execution and delivery of the
Contract by both Seller and Buyer, Buyer shall deposit in escrow the sum often thousand
dollars ($10,000.00) ("Earnest Money Deposit") with First American Title Insurance
Company. The form of this Earnest Money deposit will be in cash and is refundable at
any time during the due diligence period.
Investigation/Due Diligence Period:
For a period of thirty (30) days after the execution date of the Contract
("Investigation/Due Diligence Period"), Buyer or its representative shall have the right,
but not the obligation, to perform the following procedures, unless stated otherwise:
Physical- Inspect all physical aspects of the Property, including all building systems,
components, and construction.
Regulatory - Investigate all zoning, code, and governmental requirements.
Environmental- Enter onto the Property to inspect, audit and test the property for any and
all environmental conditions, and any and all violations of environmental laws (the
"Environmental Audit"). Such tests shall include, but not be limited to, the performance
of engineering studies, soil tests, environmental tests, and preparing Phase I and Phase II
Title- Review title reports and survey.
Seller covenants and agrees that within ten (10) days after the execution of the Contract,
Seller will deliver to Buyer: (i) copies of the reports of any tests, investigations, or
inspections with respect to the Property undertaken by or at the direction of or otherwise
in the possession of Seller; (ii) all notices received from any governmental authority with
respect to the Property; (iii) a copy of the most recent tax bill(s) covering the Property;
and (iv) copies of all Records in Seller's possession and control. Buyer shall conduct all
its required Property inspection in a manner not disruptive to the tenants or the operation
of the Property.
After such investigation, if Buyer, in its sole and absolute discretion, determines that the
Property is not satisfactory for purchase or operation by Buyer, then Buyer may terminate
the Contract.
Closing Date:
The closing of the purchase of the Property ("Closing") shall take place at the offices of
First American Title Insurance (local office closest to the Property) within five (5) days
after all contingency periods.
Title and Survey:
Seller will provide Buyer with a recordable general wananty deed and will convey good
and marketable title to the Property and all personal property, which is free and clear of
all liens, defects and encumbrances. Seller will provide Buyer at buyer's expense with
title insurance in the full amount of the purchase price issued by the Title Company
(including customary endorsements) and cunent ALTA survey in form required by Buyer
and its mortgage lender.
Upon acceptance by Seller ofthis letter of interest, Buyer and Seller shall negotiate in
good faith a formal Contract consistent with the terms and conditions and containing such
additional covenants, representations and conditions as are customary for transactions of
this type and/or as may be reasonably required by Buyer and its mortgage lender.
If the terms of this letter are acceptable to you, please execute the enclosed duplicate
copy in the space below and return it to the undersigned so that we may direct our
attorneys to commence preparation of the Contract. If Seller has not executed this letter
and delivered a copy to Buyer on or before 5:00p.m., central time, three business days
from the date of this letter, the terms ofthis letter shall be automatically revoked.
Woodward Wessen HCP LLC
Loren Guzik
Woodward Wessen HCP LLC
day of
, 2015
By: __________________________
Its:-------------AGREED AND ACCEPTED this
day of
By __________________________
, 2015
Pontiac City Council
April 30, 2015
School Liaison Officer Agreement
The agreement with the Oakland County Sheriff identifies that one of the positions provided by
contract is for a school liaison officer position. The Pontiac School Board has approved a formal
agreement for this position through June 30, 2016. The School District is agreeing to pay $130,000
and any ove~time incutTed over $5,000. The City will be responsible for paying about $13,000 of the
total cost. Considering that school is not in session every day, the share born by the City is
reasonable. Also, the School District's budget would not allow additional costs through June 30,
2016. Discussion of future extensions and modifications of this agreement would begin in February
of each year, and would allow the City and the School District to budget appropriately.
The School Board approved the attached agreement, which the City Attorney has reviewed, in April.
The agreement is based on a similar agreement that other communities in Oakland County have with
their school districts in which the Oakland County Sheriff provides law enforcement services.
Assuming Council approves the Police School Liaison Program agreement between the School
District of the City of Pontiac and the City of Pontiac, the City Council is requested to adopt
the following resolution:
WHEREAS, the School District of the City of Pontiac desires to have an increased official
law enforcement presence within the District and has approved an agreement with the City of
Pontiac; ancl,
WHEREAS, the City of Pontiac sees a benefit in hm,ing an official law enforcement presence
in the District; and,
WHEREAS, the Oakland County Sheriff's Office finds the school liaison officer program as a
benefit to all parties involved; and,
WHEREAS, the City Attorney has reviewed the agreement;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Pontiac City Council accepts the Police
School Liaison Officer Program Agreement between the School District of the City of Pontiac
and the City of Pontiac and authorizes the City Administrator to sign document as presented.
fhi•, /\J~If>('i11Pnl, ic. milde this __ day of i\pril201'), by and !Jet ween the SCHOOL DISTHICT Or: THE CITY
OF PCJf'ITI/\C, il Michigan School District, whose address i~, 47200 Woo<lwmcl Avenue, Pontiac, Michigan
183,12, tile CITY
Michigan municipal corporution, vvhose address is t17tl50 Woodw<H·d
/wenuc, Pontiac, Michig<m tJB342.
WHEI\1:/\S, the City of Pontiac is municipal government located in the County of Oakland and the State of
IVlichigan, and School District of the City of Pontiac is
a public school district educating students residing
within the boundaries of the unit of government which is a party to this Agreement.
WHE 1\EAS, the parties are joining together to finance and provide for a police-school liaison educational
progn1rn by entering into this Inter-Governmental Agreement pursuant to, and under the authority of
Act 35 of the Public Acts of 1951 of the State of Michigan, as amended (MCL 121\.1 et seq.),
WHEIIEI\S, the pJrties hereto believe the involvement of police in the educutionol program of the
co!lllll\Hlity's elementary and secondary schools would be of great public benefit by building respect for
l;l\v Pnfom·nlcnt ;mel pr·f!Venting present and future crime, among other reasons, ancl that the various
unit;, ,11 ~~uverrllllL'11l should shnre the cost and responsibility for a polin~-school liaison education
NOW THEHI:FOHE, the parties hereto agree:
To est,lblish, on a yeJr to year basis, beginning each July 1 and ending each June 30, a police
education program to be carried on in the el(>mc~ntary and secondary schools for children attending
the School District of the City of Pontiac. ror the first year of the program, the stnrting date shall be
1'\priiJS, 2015 and shall end June 30, 2016.
Till~ Policc"School Liaison Officer will be assigned to the program by the Oal<lzmd County Shr:riff's
Office (OSCO). Staffing levels will be determined by the School District of the City of Pontiac and
through budget <JIIocations of the School District of the City of Pontiac.
1 r";po!l',!llilil
The Liaison Officers'
ir", shi"!IIIH' tn:
l'wvicle eighty (80) hours of law enforcement ser\lices by il!l Oilklilnd County Sheriff's
Deputy fo1' any bi~weekly period.
Conduct education progr;Hns.
Enforce state law and local ordinances on school premises.
Heport to and take direction from the Management Team.
\IVIwreilS, the officers Me contracting to serve as school liaison officers, and whereas, the officers
•ll<' houc.ecl and work on a dailv basis within lilt: confines of the School District of the Citv of Pontiac,
•IIHiwlll•r r;F,, the ~upervision of the program will be CIS unique as the program itself, there are three
(:~) m<~jor area~; which will require supervision:
1\outine PerformJnce and Speciill Duties.
Criminal Complaints.
Policy, Procedures and Finance.
J\ two-member lv1anagement Tr:am comprised of the commanding officer of the O.C.S.O., <mel
School District of the Citv of Pontiac designee appointed by the Superintendent, shall be responsible
lor ov0rsceing the liaison officers' routine performance and special duties, and specifically to:
M<lllage, on a daily basis, the liaison officers' Jctivilies and duties.
Implement program objectives and meRsurement methods.
Hal<~ nee the eciu(ution
Provide feedback ilnd r·eports.
Provide an annu<11 report by June 15 of each vear, for distribution to the School District of
and lilw enforcement roles of the liaison officers.
the Citv of f'onti<IC Superintendent and to the City Administrator for the City of Pontiac.
Upon the elimination of the position of City Administrator, such <.~nnuill report Shill! be
provided to the Mayor.
fV1Jintaining the program's philosophy of crime prevention through education and
npproprialr' l,1w enforcement practices.
Oversight and administration of the police-school liaison program.
hl<lillislum:nt and implementation of the goals ancl objectives for the program.
He solution of conflicts concerning program direction or content.
Submitting a proposed annual budget to the School District by the City of Pontiac no later
than February 15 of P.ach calendar vear.
l~ccommendinr, any changes to the Police-School LiCJison 1'l.grecment.
\t\lherea~, tiH~ liaison officers are polico officers first and vvhereasl they rnust work vvith n1r1ny la\v
enforcement agents, as well ils school and comrnunitv orgilniziltions:
The officers will, from time to lime, be involved with incidents which occur on sr:hool
premises and shillll)p responsible for prepuring
appropriate reports <mel assist with law
c:nforcement incidents as needed.
Tllr.• tott1l co•;t of the program shall be
Tlw total cost of the program, including any overtime, shall be the les5er of City of Pontiac's
cost for a Sheriff's Deputy under the law Enforcement Services Al_lreement (attached hereto
as Exhibit A) that the City has with the Oakland County Sheriff's Department or $130,000, on
<111 annualized basis, except the City's responsibility for overtime shall be limited to $5,000.
The cost of materials and any other cost agreed to by the parties hereto, provided that the
aggn?gate cost does not exceed the amounts set forth in Section 6<1, above.
The City shall invoice the School District monthly for total costs incurred by the Citv the
previous month.
The School District shall pay the City within 30 days of the elate of the
invoice .. Failure of the School District to pay the City within 60 days of receiving the service
~hnll allow tlw City to cancel this 1\grccment and stop the provision of services
fliP City of l'onliac shall be responsible for ilclrninistering the moneys lor carrving on
scl\ool c·ducation progrillll.
tlu: police-
The Citv of Pontiilc shilll pily Oakl<md County Sheriff's Office <Jt such
interviliS Js arr! required bv the Law Enforcement Services Agreement for Sheriff's deputies.
The officl'r'> involved in the program shall continue to be the employees of the Oakland County
Sheriff', Department, and shall not be ernplovees of tile Citv or the District. The parties expect that
t lw
officers involved shall cooperate in respect to the carrying on of the program, the content of the
pnwrarn anti all reliltcd details.
Tile School District of the City of Pontiac shall provide sp<Ke, a desk, a phone, and other relilted
vquipmer1t for the officers, and shall cooperate in the program so that the officers may be involved
in the educational process for the benefit of as many students as possible.
10. 1\clmowledgement is hereby given by the School District of the City of Pontiilc for providing space,
phone ilnd related equipment, and services nre provided above the finilncial commitment required
lly this /\Kfecment.
ll. '>ubjed to the following Paragraph, this Agreement shall become effective at 12:01 A.M., April 15,
20.1 S, Jml sh,lll remdin in effect continuously until it expires, without any further act or notice being
required by either party, at1l:59 P.M. on June 30, 2016. In addition, any party may terminate this
!1grecment by giving written notification to all others at least ninety {90) days prior to the proposed
ll~rmination date, which cltlte
shall be clearly stated in the written notice. Upon the P.Xpiration or
termination of this Agreement, all further obligations to provide LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICES to
the UISTHICf ttnclr.r this Agreement shall encl.
l?.. In llw event that the
DISTI~ICT wishes to enter into
a new uereement for LAW ENFORCEMENT
SEIWICES upon the expiration of this /lgreen1ent, it will notify the City of Pontiac, in writing, of this
intent no later than December 31, 2015. If the DISTIIICT, as above, notifies the City of Pontiac of its
intc•nt to enter into a new agreement, and the City of Pontiac
Ponti<lc :,hall
has a
similar interest, the City of
DISTHICT with a new proposed agreement
ElllrOHCEfvlENT SERVICES on, or before, January 31, 2016.
for continued
In no event shall this paragraph be
intr:rpretecl to obligate the City of Pontiac or the DISTHICT to continue any Agreement for any Lf\W
ENrORCEMENT SEfWICES beyond the expiration of this Agreement unless a new fully executed
contract is executed by the pMlies. In the event lhal the DISTHICT terminates this Agreement or
elects not to enter into a subsequent agreement because it decides to establish its own police
clep<Htmenl, the DISTRICT shall not be obligated to hire anybody who worked with the City of
Pontine or the O.C.S.O. pursuant to this ilgreernenl.
13. 1\ftt•r it is dt•trnninccl to proceed with the upcoming year's program, the City of Ponliuc shall make
:Hr:mgenwnts with the Oakl;md County Sheriff's Department for the availability of the deputies for J
lilw [H'riod.
J4. Neither tile School District of the City of Pontiac nor the City of Pontiac shall be responsible for nny
ollicer(s) in the progrnm.
Each of the parties hereto shall carry liability insurance to protect
them selves for any liability or cost which 111<1y occur as a result of this Agreement. This Agreement
shall be binding lliJOn <Jnd inure to the benefit of the pill'ties hereto. Subject to Parar;raph 15, each
!>arty shall ile responsible for any CL!~IMS made against that Party and for the' acts of its E111ployees
I '1. To the <'xtent the City of Pontiac h entitlf'ri to indemnification from the OCSO pursuant to its Law
1: nforccn1ent Services /1grcement with OCSO, as a result of OSCO services conternplatcd her·ein, the
City of Pontiac shall indemnify, defend and hole! harmless the Sd10ol District, its f3oilrd of Eclrrciltion,
its llo;ud rvtembt>rs, in their official and individual capacities, its administrators, employees, agents,
contractors, successors, and assignees, frorn and against any and all cluims, counterclaims, suits,
rh>llts, demands, actions, judgments, liens, costs, expenses, damages, and liabilities, including actual
.1t tomey's fees and actuill expert witness fees arising out of or in connection with The City of Pontiac
tl<?rfonnance of the Services pursuant to this Contract and/or from The City of Pontiac's violation of
;my of the terms of the Contract, including, but not limited to: (i) the negligent acts or willful
misconduct of The City of Pontiac, its officers, directors, employees, successors, assignees,
contractors, agents; (ii) any breach of the terms of this Contract by The City of Pontiac, ils officers,
director,,, employees, successors, assignees, contr<Jctors, and agents; (iii) any violation or breach by
Tht.' City of f>ontiar, its officers, directors or employees, successors and assignees of any ilpplicablc
Fedt"'<ll, Stale or local law, rule, regulation, ordinance, policy and/or licensing and permitting
rc!quirements applicable to providing the Servic('s; or (iv) any breach of any representation or
l>y The City of Pontiac, its officer',, directors, employees, successors, and assignees, under
thi•; ContrMt. The City ol Pontiac shall notify the School District by certified rn<Jil, return receipt
requested, immediately upon actual knowledge of any claim, suit, action, or proceeding for which
tlw School District may be entitled to indemnification under this Contract.
This paragraph shall
~urvive the expiration or earlier termination of this Contract.
1G. T11is /~rnended Agreement is intended to, and hereby docs, supersede and replace any and all pcior
ar;rt'(~mcnts among the parties relative to the police-school liaison program.
J /. Thi·; 1\greement is made <llld entered into in the State of Michigan and shall in all respects be
itltcrprt?lr'd, t'-nforced, dlld governed under the lavvs of tile State of Michigan. The language of all
of thi•; t\greement slldll in all cast's IJe construed as a whole, according to its fair meanin[,!, and
not mn•,trucd strictly for or ilp,ainst any p<lrly. 1\s used in this Agreement. the >ingular or plural
lltlillber, the possessive or nonposses~ive, shall be deemed to include the other whenever thr~
context so indicates or requires.
18. /1bsent ;111 c•>:prcssly written waiver, the f,Jilure of any purl'{ to pursue any right granted under this
1\r;reement shall not be deemed a waiver of that right with regard to any existing or subsequent
hredch or default uncler this Agreement. No failure or delay by ony party in exercising any rip,ht,
power or privilege hereunder shall ope1ate
as a waiver
thereof, no1· sholl a single or parlial exercise
;my right, power, or privilet;e preclude any other or further exercise of any other right, power or
19. This
shi111 be binding upon r>ach party to the extent permitted by law, upon their
~uccPssors and assigns, and all
pcl'sons acting by, through, under, or in concert with any of them.
City of Pontiac
School District of th~
f!. '' ')
Jmeph fvl. Sobota, f'vl.P./1..
K~IIey Willj{(ts
rhi~i ;\qrc:emenl i:; ::t:lde <:mrJ e:~torccl i1•to IJetw.;:ertlln; Clf Y 01' F'ONTif\C, a !·,iidtitl"fl
Const:tutio:Yt<JI a11d r\·lunicipal· Cc:rpr11 ntion cllld pcdtic;!l s'Jbdivision of the Stat.o: of fvllchicwn,
lot::ilorJ witi1in O;:tl\l:•mr! Cmmt~/, wilw:n mid~oss is ~~'f,lbO Woodvmrd fwenue. Ponti8c, -lvlir;hi[Ji3n
·'·tl:H~~·<LU'I, (Lero:.lfter the "iviUNiCIPALITY"). nncl t!w COUNTY OF 01\f(I/\ND, a Miclli\)Em
( :nnstitt.tional 21m! Municipal Cr.rpcri!lion and political Sl!bdlvision of the State of Mlchin::m,
·Nl" >!':) .r·:.:clru:::; is 1200 Nortlllelewap:o Rllud, Pontim:, Michigc.m iJ-Kl4 ·j (horonllor lhH
"COULTY"), end/or H-1e 0!\1\LAND CCH)'J l'Y SrERIFF, in the cnpacity of;; lvllchigan
Con:;tilutiunai OJiir:er whoso ~c~ddro:;~; is County f'nrvice Center, Bldg, i/3[\ [':ast, 1200 f'!.
uph Rond, IJont:ilc. fviichi)Jilll'l3341-10'1'l (hrereaflm tile ''SHERIFF'') .. :1 this 1\Qmt~merrt,
:.h,·r•JvPr the COlJI,JTY and :3Hl':!~IFF are intenclo<l ns joint or cr;-oblluors they will bo roforwd
·,~· r:•.ill• :,_::ively as d1u "OAKU\NI l COLJ~HY SIII:T~IFF'S DIT!CE'' or, ns abbr~JVi; 11wl, t:•(:
"0 <: :3.0.", ·:>t•1mv.r:;u, "COUNTY'' <Jnd '.SHEI·~IFF" o:IH>il rdor only lo il".diviti:lul descrillf:d
1:'/".m ucr\'i, the 1·:\Uf\HCiP/\',JlY is 2uthnri7r;d to proviue polico services for rosici<:nts of the
iv',\ J\i!CI :::>1\l.ITY; and
Wh~rrms. tnc 0 .C.S.O. h; m1t'nori:'t.!d to pr,;vil'.n V•lic.,, !lDPiicns lfll' r•Jsidnn\c> o1 O~lki:JIId CrJur:ry
t111L :-1!J:''~nt i'lfl i-i(:rocrJH;nl ~;uch ;·m this. ha~; only lirnit(~d resprmsibilily fo: police set vic::~: r:1 lh:
r•.\1 11-n: ::t'''' 1: Y:
.\'h:H):!··:. II:•! !).. ;,~.).0. :r:rl \IF·: k\UNIClf'/\LIT't r11:1y •,:nt\;r into atllHJrLlenJotJI whr·;rc t:u
U.C :::.u wnllld JJ::iorm adrJi\irJnal LN/.J I::NFOI·:U.'fl·iH•H SeRVICES in ll:e lviUI,IICif".4LI-IY:
'Nl1: n'm~. thA ;,ftLJI'>J\ClP;\LITY desiro:: to contrnct wilit the O.C.S.O. for such mklition;;.l Law
1': ::::•rr.ernr:nl S•.'lrlir;m: in the rv\U:--IICifJ ALl TY; ;::nrl
Wh,:rons, the O.C.S.O. is agreeabl\-l to pr-:;vidin!~ ;Jdditiunill LAW Et'-IFOr,CEiv'ENT SEHVICES
in tl\1: i'vtUI,!ICIPALIT'( v,;i·.h thn zrddillonal pmsonn,::l ;Jtl)Vided under the lorms <'IIJd conditions of
thi'.' 1\grcomunt:
Tll!-:1\EFO!·:f~. in con~•idurnUun ;:I tft,;.:;n prtH:1ises nnd the mutual prorni!;es,
;;-'-!-~~,~~~~-~-:-t;_;\~~~;;,~~;,;;;i clrJro,~nwn!s set Iotti' in lhb /\~:reen1C'll, und lor othm (!t:cd nnd v;'litJ::Jblo
cun:;tdur ilticn. tile rC;C8if·,t :md adcquf:r:y of whicli i:; hmelry <lcknowlecloed, tlv~ COUNTY. the
:;;-:·:r:UI r, ami th•: MUHICIIJ/\lrY lllliluaily apreu:
Ut:skl()>; th: icrn1:; "COUt'-l iY", ''MUt,!CIP/dJT't', ''SHERIFf'", "01\1'\LMJD COUNTY
'-H·, ..· {If'':'<.'(\L"IC!'"
· :1urc1u th:lt for <ill purp.::;scs.
1 ·' ·'' :· • -' , wu.J'•·c··•'('''
U. _··'-'· -'· as def:ned
2bove, t:~,, pml:r:~; id w:ud th'<JIJUhnr.t Uus ;\~nec;n;enl, the :011owina tc:rrm; unrJ r;.xples,;lons \Vhetl~or lmed in
llru ~rnuulnr cr ;Jiural, ;:o:::seseive or non-pos::m;~;ivo. ll'~c!/or uitiH"r v.~thin or witllout qlll)l:,\lon
rn:,ul·.r;, ":hall :)e ueinlf;d 2nrlr:':erprne:d as prc•;idod hwe:n. The patiiG~ furthm :rnrco tl\:1! as
df:JfHW:d m·mc;rn lnfl tnnm; ":VlUNICJPIIUTY Of'FICI/\L", "fviUNICIPALITY ;\()[NT", '\XJUt,JTl
OFFICI;\L", 'SHER!r'F'S Dl:f'IJfY" <llid "Silf:t\IFF'S DEPU"IES" shallrn-::ludn :.!11'/f."cr:oon·:,ho
-''tile tirnc relc•mnt to any ii>SIIu, cl:-1irn. iii' int•;rpmt<ltion of this 1\grcem811!, w:J:' •-;iillur a
"I.IUNICIF-'!\l.ITY UFFICI;\L", "MI!!,IICIF'i\i.!iY N3ENT", ''COUt,JTY OITIC!/~l.", or 'f3HEf=(1fT3
Di::i"UTY" bu1. lor any rmli~nn. is no lont~ur t;mployod in t:'l::>;. cupai;ity.
"CIIIFv1S'' :nenns any ,'!lleoed l:;13so:;, cl<!ims, comp!air.ts, rJernnnds fer· roliof c·r
d;rrn:1nc1:;, wits, causes ui ar:lron, nroctx:dinos, judqnwnts, r:cfir:irmclt::,, li:ibilily,
pcr•;iltb;, litigation. costs, and!Dr n>:;.l<::nr,;Gs of Jny kinl whicl\ <•re 'mposed upon.
iltuHui.'l t:y, or :mt'''H!ed clt,;<llll:'i 11 p<.ll'ty.
'COUNTY OITICIAI." ~;h1ll bn dofiPed tu im:iude <my and ull COU~JTY
c:let:ti"d by i'<.1Dil 1<1r vote: to a CUUN·ry office or liiH:il per;;vns apuuir1lmi,
DUre>U<ld lu slato law, lc 'ill d vacant dt;c:ted office pfmding ;m sledion.
";\·1UNiC!PALITY OITICit\L" shc;lloe dofinud to
it~cludc mi'l
;rnd ctll
MUNICIPALJr( mprr.snnlntivns elected by popular vote jo a MlJt--liCIP;\LITY ,jfficc:.
:.;w;l 1 r.;orsons Bppcintcd, pur!lu:mt ~o st;1to li.l'N, to filli1 vacant elected office ;)endill[) an
uluctior1 or nn Er1rer~Jt!11cy fvl<mugr;r Hppointm! um!er the Locnl Covernment and School
I 'iiL;~ricl Fisc::1l Respom~ii!lllty Act. /l.ct No. •1 of lhu Public AGIE of 2(!11, CJnd lhu:;u
individusllv1UHICIJ>/\LITY employees or agents whose Sjmcific job responsibilities
tl!i'tnc!CJ!•'! the e:r1fon:ument of slate sLJtules 1.1r IOC<ll tYdin::mces such :1:; thl! Hro f•.i;Jm!lclll.
~nCJir~Gerins c:r ;.bus;r'g ,nspestor, Urdlnance Offit:<H, or 1Neigh rnm;tor.
"N~[!'-Jr shall bo dolir·.cd to includo :111y <lr.d nli II'IUNICIP/-'>LITY or COUI'll Y
ornployoos, rnw1ngcrs, dnpnrtrnents, d!vl~-;iorl~'. voluntef:r~;. aue:IIS. r·eprc:Soll::ltivm;,
prcd·~c:o~sors, sur.cussor,;, atwweys. or <H.Iditors, oH~er lhilll MUI•!ICiPAUTY and
dtJ:ir·od abovo (wlmther such pmcwm; m:\, cr <·lded, i:~ thoir
pt 11 c:onar. re,;rn~entntivc, or offidal cnpncities), and/or rrny and 8!1 purl>Ons 8Clino b/.
inrouqh. under. or in concert with any ol them.
<;C.ll.lf\lTY OFFICIALS :1>;
"MI.H,Jil:IPt-.I.ITY l.i/\100N" sl~:ill he do'im"d cls thn E111r!r~:ency lvhor;n(t•;r
Clppoinlcd uncJor the Loc8l (o<J\'I,)i';llliO:'t and ~1cho01 clislric:t l''~.cni Rc:sponsibility ;\ct,
!'11! ,Jir: /\t~l t'-Ju. -1 ul :'.0 1 I "' :lie• bnnrt_Kr;cy Finunci;ri P.·l:,mn!.)er U{:rnint8cl llll<.it:r t:1o Lo,:::tl
r;r.'ter :'!lH;nt fiscal f:~r!'iiKHl!i'bility Act. f'11blic 1\ct t'-h T?. ol1990 nnd if flf) Emoruu~11:y
i'.·l<:ll1;·rgcr c:r [':1\1fJT)lli~CY firl~l'~CI<II lvl<illit;J81' is in piRCO, 11··e chief Olnclul! Offtciai of ti11;
\!UNIC!f.l;\;.1'1 Y (!.()., Cil'! ~kryor ur T<;wn~ilip Supel'tisor) or such othor lmli·lidtml ns
·ie;o;rnr:;tr:d in l':ri:ins
tho ~!UNICIPNITY I.I/1ISON to 3d i11this cap<icily for nil
purposes under •.his i\t)r<wrnen.
"O.C.S 0, 1.1;\1!.30H" sl<:'lll bt: ih<' dr:'!ned :1s ;1 SHERIF~'?, D!T'UTY con(r:H;\<·::!
for c:nd assipr1eil io providf! LAW [I,WORCEVEI'iT SEF<VrCES to !hr. iv!UHICIP;\UTY
trrlcor· this f\;n;c:rn<;nt, who h' i\m;ipnated !ry :I H) ~iHERIFF to lll<llnl~lin nil lines oJ
c:umrnunrc:rti{)ns wi:h tho fviiJNICIPALITY Llt\I~>ON, ns \ldir;mJ l\•3r0IP. Thn O.C.S.O.
LI/\I~;ON will g<:norolly bn ll!c co·':lrnnnr~'r:~l •)tficer, if CH'e. or a SHERiF I~'\:-; Dlf-'IJ'f"/
do~.r!JIWtod, in .vr'lirru. by ll\•0! SHt':~~:iT to fJC'rform lhis !tinction.
O.:::,;,,o. 201:; liiW l·t;F!lf\CFMUIT SF.P.VICE!i AGREEMF..'JT 1'-lll'H 1IIE CI1Y OF
"'./\'/·,' U·!/'l)I~CUv\H'JT SEF~VICES'' and 'or <Iii ;:uroor~t:s 1.nder tlii;:; ;\qrer!rJ!r:lli
c:di·~ed and Interpreted <IS tne ['Jrevenlion ;md ck:tecrion of crinw and U~o
I:J!forcnment ui lito (JGner:JI •:rinunnl !;ms ollliis slate, us prr;videcf for by stole statutm;
<1i1d 1v1Ui'IICIPJI.UTY ordimmr.r;s, includin~) the v;rltir\g of tir.kots fnr f\~U1\JICIPALITY motor
'/ehrclo <md traffic ordinBnce vioi;Jtil.•ns <Hl(liaws of this state. ;md shall Ellso lnciude roa,_i
P"trol, <;nmo dotoctioll, r:rirnn nr<l'.'l)lttiun, and crimill<.ill.lppmhnnsion, as well ao.; UllY
IIC:ce~;:;;uy g!Jper;ision or ~111H\IFF'S o::PUTIES, or other cirr.·.Jr;;s\;cmr,es involvinu
lcllblic safety.;; l::eadt ol pedcb, c:vil infr;-lc\ion:;, accidents or acr:icr.'n!ul injuries, 2nd
i 111y n::l:lll!d !JUVt:J Ill fl(~ntollaw unfor<;rmtcnl lutrGticr~s iJS :IIJthorl;·od ami/or rn•,ndnted l))'
l;1w :~:: dtnitcd
by <w.c: to the extent of Uw Number(s) an<! f'\;mll(s) of m-lEIC::IFF'S
DEPLJr:t:s coPtradec for by lho Ml;i'JICIP/o,liTY in this Aorcomont. i'h•:? 9ovcrnn1m'l::11
i.,\W El··lfOHCEiv1Eh!':· SEJ\VICi":S contomplnltH; <IIHl to be provided tl!'i<h:r this
IVJreement aro strictly limitn<llo thosP. gcvmnmrdnl LAW ENFORCEMENT :3ERVICES
: llllilom:ed by law lobe p\ltf<lmH:<l t1y the O.C.S.O. l.AvV El\jfORCEMl::NT SERVICES
:dmli 81:;o include ~he filinu of all necessary wtd k:~Jally required crime reports to St<liD
:H1Li F r~dC!:·c:t offices on bulla if of the i\-\UNICIP;\t.ITY and the supervision of school
:nssin\J guards as required by :viCL /.57.1313r;, LAW ENFOI\Cl:t\·iENl SERIJICC:~l !lh<LI
IK;{ inclucl\~ O.C.S.O. puliccr·r<-Ji:::ted "SuotHllt Sorv!ces." such as ~vimine Divi:;ion, />.r>•nn
lnvesti~plion. Dt"tt"divc and Crime l_ab ~:c1vicos, wllicll tl:t: O.C.S.O. now providos on a
( :ounly-1nicJo b<J;;,;;, unless expmssly ~;luted to the contrary nr:reln. Nevor the less, s:Jcll
: 1drliticr:c!! "S11ppor1 S~.;rvb::c~" sh;!ll ccntintlt:e to br} rtKKin availell;lo, ;Jt no ndditional •.::)~;\
:c h•'! ;\'iJ\J!C!f'/\tJ;·y, to th;-; !;;JI'H} <:;\\(!!1( tl·.at \1m O.C.S.O. crll\linue:; to make ~>IJCfl 18\';
..• t:IUICI!I11(J:1t "S~1ppo1i Servict;~;' nvailn::ie, nt Itt: additiiJnal cil<;o. lo iill olhor
'-''.•lllllllllllliu:s wi:hin 0Gkl;wd r :vwty.
''SHERIFF'~~ DEPUTY" or "SHl:Rl!'F'S Dl:I'Ur!ES'' shall h; defined to illl:luck
Hny CciOlclill, Lk!l:!nn;mt, Sr:rne:.wt, De[)uty ll, Joputy I, Patrol lrwostigalor, Dntcctive
:'iu1·qoc;:1t, or a11y c'.h:lr per~on or persons of uny rank, clar;:;lflc.:aticn, or lillu ,,\;lm,
:ur~unnt to s\alt) lf1V,, i!J 2 sworn Dcp>lty of the SHERI~+. I he U.C ~;.o. ''!p;;es U:a: cdl
h r:l-lime iviUf'.JICIPALI'-:-Y P:1troi Officer:~. I lntnr.tlvf:s, E;or!Jtlants, Lir:t:lonnnts, Capt:.dns,
;md tho Cl1id <H<! nlioilllntu apply and, in :hu ~lhndf':; so((, clisr:rnli<Jn, 1m>y lJc; l1ired as
1-'rovi:il!Jil<·ll SHEf~IFf'':;~ DE?UTIES for tim o.c.~>.U. if liHoy (<!)<lie: curr(:nlly lit;em;erJ L•\'
II''·' 'vlicllignn Cor:1:1>i~;sillll en IJYN r:n:orrx:men: Standards (I;) S8t:sfactorily pass a
!."l<;kgrr:.J:·d ir'wu:;liDidcw and ora! intcr:iuw; (c) p:tss G physical m:::llrdnu!'cm; nnd :<~)
pc1SS a dr U~l ~;c:rr;.m. Tim Siler iii rolnirn oxclu;;;ivu disetutiun in the :,;<;w<:ninr.J nne! l~irin(J
p1 uccss <md not~ling 1n this 1\prr:~~~qc:nt sh~Juld be con~;trued to gunr;mlee employrnnnt
fnr ;my ivHJI'-JICIPi\LITY Patrol Officer. Dctccllvo, Sor(~<nmt, Lieutmt<lllt:;, Captain or
Chic!! witl1 !IH-t COU~HY and/or the O.C.:'-),0,
i i\rr, Sill':;:; FF shnll n'minn S•~EF:IFF'~-} DEPUTIE~>. in such Number(s) ancl H1111k(s)
/•,::::;I<:~Nt:D TO MUNICII'/ILITY (hcrc<tltcr "SJ~H.';'~;:JU!,L~6"), 'Nhiclll:; tit!nchnd to, lrtcorp:x;·Hc:t:
i11 iltHJ llkidt'l p<ltt of tim; Aqrccrncnt, to periorn1 nny l!'1d all O.C.~>.O. U\W ENr'Ori.CEMENT
: ;; i\VICES r:nnlt:mplatrm in lh1s i\(JW8111fH;t willlin 1:10 r:orpnralr~ lit nit:> r:f :hr! MliNICIP /1i.ITY.
··1dudi1'~l all ~;riv;·Jlu rD<Jd~.
The 1•,.\U!-.JICII')/ILI"'Y ilCXrlcwledGeS thill, t:;<copt 2;; providc:d for um:r-)r tlw lr:tTI~'
t:l this 1\vro0mot1l, tile SHEHifT hafi only limited respoii:OI{;illty for LAW
H'lFORCf~rvlENT SEI'NICE:S i11 tho lviUNICIPi\LITY and i~: rot otlH31W'';q raquin:;::i.
u:<t:npt :1s pri!Vir!ed IKm:in, to nsSirJn any spoci!ir; Nurnbcr(s) or F\<mk(::) of SHEf\11 T'S
l H-:PUTif.<) I() ;:1cvicln I.NN L:NFORCEMI+JT SERVICI.:S lu tl~b i\·llJtiJIC!P!\LITY.
C,:;.s.O. 7:JD t.Nl: ENFC:t-:C1:ME.\T
St:r\ViC:-~; AGfU:E!~,ct\f
WlfH THE C!JY 01
The ~:HERIFF will rnaku (;ve:-y reil3(Al:ible 'J'fotl tu Pit vid1; prcim:sional L/1.\N
.· ' ... " .•oc·I
,r.. 0,\JI('<:t·
.. c:,, l o l''•. u· ·,v,'11"11'"11"/
.. .- '" · 1.t 1·1·y . 1u 11 cwtn!J
!J<:.'n<:Ja II y <Jccoptcd
:~::w::u:ds for polwc: proteclinn. 'Nitli lllc: :t:vllls of st;-11'' pr\tJi<iP.d 1or i:1 SCJ:!£Dl ll.fA
1'/nlwilli:;l:ll:riill[l !111'/ nt:1r)r provis:on i:·Jthis /\!JfOl'llntml, I hi:: .'\qrc~cttWitl ~lhlllnot
';e it:lct ;,tulod to 1:1Ciudo <.my \'mrr;mty, pro111ise <)r IJWH<.IIlly, either u;r;ro~s or implied, t•r
• d :lll)' l•.:r".! or nature whal:wc'llor, in fmor of Hm MUNICIPALITY arHJior any di11:r
_:1nrson w· MUi'IJCIPALITY ro~>kh'lnl th:-1t ti!f'J CJ.C.S.O.'S ptnvi:,'on of\N
~:r'I!FOI~CUv1Ei'lT s:::RVICES under tlli:; A(J(<::Gment will result in a;1y specific reduction
ur pr~;:vu11lion of crirnir~c:l ac:ivity within tile !vlUNICIPALITY or <HIY otiH:r porfor:nancu:_;:J~;ocJ OU!Ct)l)]tJ.
T!1r; O.C.~:3.0. ctnd lllc: lvlUNICIPAl.ITY <HiliH! lil;ll fliH snit; :md cxt:lt.::dvr: pur:JOc'e of tht:>
•\wfmrrh;nt ;:3 to pruvidt: u:Jvr1rnmentnll.NN [l•li"Of::cD..tENT SERVICE:; i:1 and for trF,
·::. :'itC!F';\l.l"! Y. b:t:r:p< ;3s otherwise c::<prc:>sly provided fnr in this A!)r<)(Jtnent. (he
.··.iUi\iC::fJ,\11"1 Y <t;.JII":Uti tir:.lll.hi'C> .;l.urec'llunt duu:; 11ot, and is not irttundr~d to. creole, ily
imp :c:}tion nr oi!wrwise, ar.y s;)~;citk:. dime! or 'ndirect obligation, duty, prcrni;;fl, bnrH"fit, <:~neil or
sre::iat i(Jht to O.C.S.O.' s I.AW EI\FCF\CEH!~~T SERVICES in favo: of cr to t:<o b1-mefit of '-'"Y
pm\icul2r p'.:rc>on(u) beyond tho O.C.S.O.'~~ andlor 0ny SHE:I~IFF'S DEPUTY'S i::t'N enforcwncn\
c'ficd du:y. :'IS (J>;l:lhlished under n.xistit'!J ':·lW, tc tile qrmeml public.
Except as otherwise expressly pwvidod for in \hh; Aoreen1enl, ally SHL:r~IFF'S DI~PUTY
contracted lor and <:lsrsinned to provide LAW F.NFOI\CEMENT SERVICES to the
MUNICi::>A:.ITY, as provided for in f3CHEDULC1\. ~:lmll work, during those hot1rs for which tho
fviUNICIP/\~JI Y is beitHJ clmr~Jrxl, unly on lv\tJ~liCir}/\LITY-ro uled police matll:ll~>. ll is
: ·":k·r:>ll>:)d ::md H(.)rt:f'!d, hJWOVtor, \h<:t ":v\tiltral flid" bc:two(:rl cnmmunitios rray liP. rwwi<il·:d lo
,,:n:,:~di~<U CCii:'l~1unitiu:;. ··~.1utL:al /<.:d.· :t:; Ucitc.l ir: tht;; previous sentcncu. means \hnl :·lilY
:.'·1 i! I·! H··::_; U{:Yt..:·\·y c:otltfi.H'.',e(l {tY <Jnd uss:r;l\or! to \:w lv',UNICIP!\1 .TY may ::oo ii;J::(HJt from
II 11 • lvlliNICIJ' t\L:T':', :<: !vll.JNiC: f·).J\, iTY (1Xpt;:]:;u, wll<clf1 tGmpom(ly called IIJ Hhl air! of anotllur
• ••rrrtTtU:\tly d,,,J \1) fltl r.:mer~]fent:y or otht':r (;).cq;tional r:'rcum:>:ilrv:o or t1oca:r:-;e n SHEF:FF'S
t lt~ F'!J r·/ j";\;:,:sc:;ses sorne :;pt]<:ic:l skill •Jr qu:1 ilic:1licn tnmpurw ily nentlct! in thnt otl\1)1"
Ur~dcr irm torn1s of this /'.'Jfl!l1rnn:1t, tl1u U.c.::;.O. shnll a:;::i!Jrt to the iv:UNICIPi\LITY ib;
.'.J·tt!J:,::(s) and i-.:w;k(s) of .SHE=Kif'r·'.S DF.PUTii=f' !>h,)Wi1 in !?._((}-lr:DLLE f.\ to :mrfonn nil of 11\c,
Lf!.-// G·IFOr.;:cc:vH.::I'r;· SERV.C[S contHmplntc:d under tllis 1\gmenmrt. /\~;used \nr()U}JIJout
litis ;\pr•JI1tii<Hll, any referl:rtt;t: to tbe Numbcr(s) of SHERIFF'S DEPUTIE:3, rls shown :n
SCt!fD)!. [;._t\. sh:1!: br" ddinud and qtt.1niil'ed ns EIGHTY (BO) HOURS :)i LAW
F.NFOf':CE::vtEHT SEF:VICES durinq at;i-·wDtlkly pmiml by any SHEf\IFPS Dl:PUTY of lhu
SPO• ;;(jer.; ::;en!:-:;.), for um:i1of lh•:i SHE'\IFF'S DEPUTI['~) contrm;tr:tl for u:v.l ossi:;m:d t.>y tile
'>"." niFF to prc:·-;idc t.NN r~NFOECf-:lv'F.NT SEf~V:cr:::; lo ~hn MUNICIP/\LITY.
Exc(:p\ as may otherv,1se t:e ex.pressly provided in llli::: ~:uL'[YJri.l9r:Jpl' or in
whoiJcver uny SHERJFr:·s DEPUTY conttur.;ted for nnd nsslgned \<)
vovidn i.A'N ENFORCr:tvli2NT SE~VICG3lv the MUNICIF'AUTY is not pmsent in ti'e
fvLJ~IICIPALITY ~JOOfJrilp'lical area, due lr> clll)' of the rensons det;crilx.:d in
~;ui.Jpar2graplls ·t • G b<.'im'l, !:'UC:l poriods of !ino __tl:~all L'B ir1fJ! i:1 ;,r.cJ ccunt<·ld lowmd
1!1(; EIGHTY (au) 110\JF,S of l.f\'.f'/ ENF0f.';(C.'-:tl1f':.NT SER1/ICES for \110 !Ji,wrtek!y :wriori
in v:hich it Gccurrcd.
TrcM'il t11nc. (Jfl "daily bt~>iF. to or frorn t11u O.C.S.O. in Pontiac,
ot tiro beginPino or nnd of ony shill. /.Jy any SHFJ\!ITS DEPUTY. if !IJH
SHERIFF'S l.lLPtr·y·:s ::hift ·.;twt;; 1.•r utds !11 Ponliuc:
----- ---·
O.C.s.u. 201:> L/\\'1 E ~HJIWcMUll"
P11un ·1
tl. I!L 12
/~llendr.mce (not tu m:cncd 100 hours per SHEF~IFF'S DEPUTY per
c:::lendw· YL~ilr) al any O.C.S.O. authorized or required trninrnn sr::c-ciOJl, 11 r:Uc 11
(]( JTlE8tillLJ;
f\pph:wmce in llliY Court or :1i nny rnoutinq with :1nv otlwr ':1w
t-:nlorl.:e:nenl nuoncy in c~mn•Jc!io:l wrih any pro:o0~:1 1tio1 1or' Court npp•;rlr<~nc.t)
rr;l,iletJ !u II<':Ui•dC!P/•.L !TV law eniorcmnenl nctiviliEs:
F'erforn~nnco of Dny IJ,V•I Ei'JF'Of\CEMEI'II SERVI<T~-; !'or :!11:
i•;llJNICI/'1\UTY lh:Jt \ulws any SHERIFF'S DEPUTY outsiJc, :he
i:llJNICIPi\LITY'S oeonraphic::;! area; cll'lrl
/1ny appr\w·~d pori1xl oi H!H1W-JIIeeve, sick le~we. holidoy luavo, pnrsonal
loave, or any othnr aporovod, 1;<1id lenve (m:c8pt any p1id disc:iplirtmy lunv1;
<:lnolor lono-tenn di~d::llty le<we extending boy<md a pmiod of ::v.-:; ( 5) workin[)
days) gnmtod to cmy !3Hf::P.IH::•s i)cPUTY In uc~:ordon•;IJ v.ith ::lpplicnblo
O.C.S 0. pollci1~~:, prur:fJc!Uref;, :'ll1\l/or nn1ployrnnnt contn:wl~;.
Stll.rjw:! to the £iHI~H:Ff--'::) riui~l \o conso!idato the ossigned shift~; of ~:,1-!ERIF::·s
,~ffons to meet rmrti!:uinr l:r1:
enf·:<rcoment priori -.toe; ar'd nr:eds, th0 SHfl\lfT sr.nll as-sign ~''•ib to ~>IIU<IFF'S
UEPUTiE3 contr:Jctetl for um:er this !lgrc,;:nunt so us to providu tiw llroadost possiblu
covmnrJo of LAW ENFORCE1v':C:Ni :-iCI\VICES lo !he Mt JI'!ICIPI\IITY.
All O.C.S.O. policies. proc!odums, employment conlracls, ek, which liJ<lY be
: !pplicablt; to J.his /\~WJentenl sl\nll be mndo avadablo by thfl SH!::RII-'F for in~'.JY.Oct\on by
·.llf:; rvllJNIC!P/\LITY U/ilSON :.1l i!10 O.C.S.O., by <:ippointmenl, drrrin\1 lH.Hrmil bustncs:;
')Euur:Es inGrdm In r_:uncrrntr::lte Ia'.'! enforct'rllJCnl
~-it11ljm:l :c :hn SHH W 1:·~: so:•: di,:;:retint: :1r1d jur.lornenl m; to \lin r:otltl()'·widll
prir Jriti%C!I:on of r8scurr:cs and lnw cnfcrcnrn!Jil( ll8P.ds, rmy SII£::1\IFF'S DEPlf;-'( ~; LAW
l-:f\lFOI~CEivll~NT ~)L'I-\1/.CES, IYcyono \Ito i:IGJ-i':-y (80) HOURS of LAIN DIFOf;;(~Er•,.\E~·lT
.'-:t-t=;VICI~~: dur111~J n bi-wocklv pnr.ud, ss provided fo; :n this 1\urenmenl, may be m;:,ch: :Jv<liiHbk:
I"Y IIH: :>1 !ERIFF !o thr; IVHJNICIP/UTY on 'm ovo1li1'1e basis. F.:xcopt lor ovorlhnn inc:;rred due
·.:: 1:1:-=: ca:ls, repmt wli!inq, court app•~nmnce:>, emor~oncir;s (inclt.ding, but nullirni(ml l:'l,
ur::H;trt.:ip::Jtel! nnd l:1::t -rninute position f'!J.Jn sr:h()dulir.\j decif>ions), or llnlid<i':/ p: 1y ovortirnc, <I:~
:;iJov.-n in GCIIUJULE 13- HOLIDAY PI\'( (IH>Jr;artor "§_<;_1i[J~~JLE [:}")which is attnched tc,
in_·,;.:T>or::tl\-:d irr :.111d :nade a pml of thb /v,w:emenl, all other overtin~e Gi':ar~ws illcurrecl by any
~)<"rr;UI'r'~_; DEPUTY, which mo •;liarqt:ci to t:1n lvlUi,JICif'/\UTY, s!~all l1l! upproved. In advunt;e,
in wrtlino, hy the MUI,liCIPi\LilY l.I;\ISON. /1ny :.uch n<idit:onal hot:rs of ;)I ![!:;:IFF'S
D[l'lff:ES' L:O.,VV ENFORCEr<oHC:NT SERVICE:> provided :;hn!l bB invoin~d lo and paid nl li1l:
Y"' uly r ale in '.'ihich llwy v;um performed by tiH! i'v'.UNICIPi\L!TY rllwctl;ll.O th~· COU0fl Y lhtJ
P'.'':rlirr,o l·'our:y f:C:nlo:; ::hown :n SCH~DtJLE C- lotH:;:LY Rt\ Tf'.f; (1101'08 ..\er ''§_Qti)Jj~IJ~j_::_Q_")
\'chid' is al~nclwd \:J, incorporated in 2nd n:mJr; cl pmt of !his Ann:wmonl, ar.d Sholl hr; in addition
•,-, .:ll't/ <11!10tllllc; othcrwisu <Juo and O\\inu undur lllo ter·ns of tills ;~uroernort. If, howover, In tile
t:P iL,tdy r!vtrl ·t I hat tho O.C.S.O. is wmhlo lo provide ilny SHU~lFr'S DEPUTY'~) l /\W
Ei,in.-mcTtviEHr SEfWICES as rwJucs\od by tho MUNICIPALiTY''' at!C:it.ion lu ll1c EIGHTY
(Wi~ I lOt IF\:_::; of LAW r:r,JFORCc:lv11·;NT SEHVICE;S durlnr; n !JI-wud;iy putiod. <I~; provided frn :n
I ill:' 1\qrumm:nt, wrlhot1! the O.C.S.O. aclllally inr:url'inp <my clrect or indirnr;t ob!ig<Jtion lo p:-1y
:liJ'i rovurlir~le pn:nnium to <111)' DHf.:I{.Jf"F'S DEPUTY us 8 result, tho l~qJular 1-lou:!y Rill,;:; ;.;hown
111 .':t:,;_l:-_!:.:_p_lLI_,.J_:.. ~~ for tliu:;u adcition<d :1our'; of U\vV ENFORCEMGHT SEFNICES for which lhe
!1. \ ~)' • ~~
O.C.S.O. dons not ;nclu dll),. oVHitirne l)bli[J:c;fi:,n >;hnli i>n il•v:>:c·~d <IIHI caid hy the
1\llJI\:C.iP/\Lrll <I-S oll\l,·l\'.'i:;n providNI IKJreln. Allliolid:-Jy pay charqc:;. to tho i'.·\UN'CU'i\1.1 i !'
~~-~:'1111.··'' :::liciJ!<J\(·:c ;;:·c inv~)lt>:ci in accord<mcu w1!1·.
.:;_cr-u:~_[)l.ii.f :~.
7 II ,, i';llli··IIC1l-'i\LITY shc:ilnot h<we the ri~;ht undnr this /lg:eon•cnlto <J~;·,;iun. dtJicuatn. ur
olli::I•Ni~;<). tran:-:;fcr. promise, commit, or lond a11y O.C:.S.O.'S cr SHEI;;IJT'S DEPUTY'~ snrvk:r;,;,
'li.lti(:l'.'· ()!' c•bliUiltions .Jr1clur Ihi~~ ;\~)rcJ(·lln:nt to any other public or private p!;rson, co1 pmation,
t:~:: iV. "' <1'9<:1nlzatic'n of :-lily ';ind . .r1lhe evon\ lhnt u·.e1vilJI·IICIP/\LITY pcr:_~nivns thn nuod for :Jr-:y
~::--H::::-;IIT'S ~EPUTY'S LAW Ei'WOR.CEIVIENT SEf\VICF:-; boyond those SI·!ERIIT~:-; DEPUTIES'
:;u •lk:'"~ conlri.icle:.l for ill _§(..:f-iEL{\J1E;___6, duD to sornu unus~al lv\UHICJf:>!ILfTY chcumsl<ulcu~:
;i;:,l, !lllhe MUf'.IICIP/I.LITY'S juc!~Hnenl, may roquim additional LAW f:NFUI\CF:-f\IEI'-JT SE!\ViCI~S.
l1K1 lviUNICIPI\L.ITY shall adchGt>s t>~.Jcn c:)ncernr. for additional lJ\VV EHt=CRCE:•.iC.NT Sl~f'\V\CES
[q lh•., ;3HERIFF as provicl0d for in this :\oroemno1t (I.e., precedin~J [>;_;;a9rar.h).
The MtH•<ICiP/•.LITY will p<IY tile U.C.S.O. fnr iill ~>IIU-:IFF'S DEPtH II~S' LAW
:·enrlu1\:tl pursuant \o th1!> Agreement at thn bi-v:eeldy rates ;;hown
i• :(;U ltJ._)Jl_L.E A The iviUNICPN.ITY undr;rstnmh; llwllhs yomiy 1;.1tw; fnr :::fiEHIFF'~)
;_;t:I-'~HIE:..:;· l ..i 1,'N ENFOF\CEiv\ENT SERVICF:3 n:e rln\?.rmirod L>v l110 Od:land Counlvl3omu o!
Cu~r;•;ril;~_;i<.HIC:i>. TIH: Ml JI\ICIP!\LITY cl\)rcu:; it will pny tho O.C.S.O. ut \he: y•:miy r:ltli:; :;nt hy lilfl
0:-\1\l;md COU11\y i5omd of Cornn~issioi'IJI s for all SHERii'F'S DEPtJJ'IES' !.1\W li'!FORCEivli'JIIT
:_~.u~v·ccs perfo111H~d in thuse Y'cJam. Tilo iv1UI·IIClF'1\lJ:·y further agrtH;ls to roirnbu~::~n ll1•::
•:1.(:.::;.:_\. iur ; my :111d all r1dditiom1l '·1ours of worx, overtime. and/or holid<IY r><'Y co:::t~; it n;un ud by
lllo lU:.S.O. in pi'nvidi•·g ~P;\1 ENIOf\CE,\•lENT Sf:INICE:.S to tlw lviUNIClPi\l.ITY undur b'o
\•): 111:i of tillS .u.(l/ w:lllCI''.. ·;·tle \IUI,!ICIP/\l.ITY shu II p;>.v, in <:dvnm:t·,, to U·,,; COUNTY :,: ba;;o
:::ll<• oi Stn'f,ll(i.!JO (t\Jhl Hundrrod a:1d St:vm· l'hot:>fiiiC, One Humlr•J<J :.111<: !;-;ix\r-;cq doll:1r~
!::~,f'DRC!::IvH::i'fi SFR 1/ICES
. 111•! I :r:y cr:11ls ) fnr 21)'13. S·'l20,/D/.DI (Eight Hui>lilfJcltind Twunty Thcw~:11·tl. :;;:wE':n I luiiclred
.:w-<.: ::;o.c•:r d(!IJ::rs anc l'::n.:ty Om: c:ents) lor ~~o:.~ an:J Sil:l·l.f13.GG (Einltlllv•drer~ an1.i i l1i1\y
F :.u Thousond, S<-;ver· hum:: nd and Thir\o~·,n de! Ems &nd ()ix\y Sb: cent:; !or 2015 per lllnnth. T!,,-,
:1:1:;u ~111\Uillll pe1y:nent consists :Jf ·t/'12 of \ho sub-:c.•\al ostirnated co:llt:·!Cl price wt klrt!l in
~:;r:lll:<:ulu /\. Thr-, b:l:>" :ui\(;Unt p8:tmcr': dor;s lil'l im: 1ut'lt' overtimo :md :ront·dnt;k ~;(y_:ttL\y co:;!:;.
Dvr :tlin-c :mel lronHird<: 0r,~r;udly cost!> sh;lll bF! hilled by monthly irvoice. F':l)'lllr-:nb·; si1:Jil t:•)
l!.:l•!u iiS ft)!IOViS:
;~.. !
Coclt monthly br"sc f-lnyme·1t slmlllle paid in advar.ce on tho iiflecnlh (HS' ') of nach
t11<:•1tl·1 for survi<X:f; lo llo ronilE:wd !n tl1e follov,·:ng calcnd~1r n~omh, By vmy vf illus\r;l~lun.
pay, nent for (-\U\)u:;t LAW ENFOI~CE1·1IEN' St.~RVICES under this A9mu1 nom shall b()
dllf.l :,md p<l'I<<IJin ::m lhe fiftn•mlh ( i 511') ci<lY of July.
/\II monthly :x·;:a~ ;mwunl ~Jayment:; :-;hnll be duu and ;)aynbk1
:t.trll11'' l''.l(IC',: "' dCIII\:inr! fiOiil !l:n COL:NTY
.': :1
r:ac.'l ::x,nlllly b1S'3 c:mounll>:·l},.:ren! sk:ill:<t~ 'ncHIE: by wire tram/m or <:IH,d. dm·nn :111 :1
:-,i'JI•IIC!i 11\l,·l '( ucccunt :.nrd ::'I:Jill;'.' 11'<1:!n payabiP. to lilt: Cuun\:1 uf O:.Jk!Dil'J ;_mr;
<h,i'v,-:r-:::\1 Ill 1hr: ~ltlcn:'on ol: Oak!<~nc Cotmly lreasu1o1. 12:)0 N. Tult:fi'<tJih i:;:;:J<i.
Pcnli:·,,: 1\'1! -Hl:J4 \-04 7lJ <or i10 ~illY n;ar;wll directed by I he COUHTY.
::: .. :
1~: 11.:i 1 nmn\·':ly bnw payn·,ent sf·.all d~'ady identify :h<.1t 11 is u 1Pcnt11ly m1su pbynJCrli :n:·.Hlu
; to the ;\grcc~rncnl cmc 1den~Hy 1.'1u n:onth f(Jr which 'viUI•J!CIPt\t.r:Y 111tends \lit!
P''~-':nent to clpp y. The COlJI\!'1 Y. in ;ts diBCit:tion, may nppiy any mo11U 1Iy poynror1t
w.:dV<!d frnrn MUNIC:P/\LIIY to ,·1ny pn:;t due c'irnount or monthly puymnnt tllt~ll dun ilt1d
mvinq to t71G COlJNTY purst:nn( to lhi:.: /ILjltWrnr;nl.
MU:,J!CII"f\:.l't'Y wi:hcul
O.C.!i.O. :!o·;:l L>WI l'NI'Cll<t;t::.IUH SERV:cu; t\GRl'E'.!ENT VI\ Til WE CiTY or 1'01·1/1,\G
1\Hjl,: 6
I hu jv:U,\:CiP.U.:.IT''i' cl\Jf•}ns ''' :1a~.' :::II 1 ·1Cw:~il)' ir·vuin:!' :m "v"rtirnr; nnd frv1l-cr;:·:k
·.v;:hin 30 d:c)'S rd thf! il·vo:c•.: datr;.
Si·•.. ·ulc! ·.:ll: .\IU>11CIP/\I.J':·y f:lil. for r1ny rf!:Cl!onn. to iimt~ly ony tl11; COU~ITY the <HllO!ili(~;
''''!tilii"d unl.lor this 1\~)re:mH>.nt :;ilhm ten ( 10) <lajs of the due dwlt.:, tlw :\1'--i•!ICIPALITY amom;
U1:11 l.pon '113\i::l: fl u111 !h• 0<Jkbv) Co1111ly f reclsurur to tho T:D<I'>III •!r nt lhr; :3lule of Michi~FII 1 l,:;r
'.lilY 'Jlr>t'· St<llo of Mir;i:if)'lt' :Jffil: :1! r:ulilCll i;:ad lo dislnm;c funds :o the; f.,;!Jf'J!CIP;\1 l'f Y), t11u St:c1tn
·.I l1 ',i<:J;:~Ir•:: i:,; <Juthurllud In J;ithl:oiJ «::y funds ·'Jue \he i\lUI•liCiP;l,LITY from :no Z.~tu:e c:nd 2:ssiun
ti·:,:;r: f1J11ds to p;llli::~ly or :;(Jmpl(!lAiy off8rct :Jny d<:!H.:.enc:t by tho ic~UNICII-'IIIX\ Y to th:: C·;,111ty.
~',;,,::11 funds :.;h;lll h: p8icl clirndy lo the COU.'HY. further, tho MUHICif"AUT'( \V31'18E FillY cl:lirm;
: hF Iii ,;,;1 Ill!: : '.1:;\u ()f CDU I'>JTY, or their rcmpcctlve officials, for any ~;uch cli11Cciii(S paid lo the
<.XH il•; i Y Ftillhurmorr;, should tlio iv!UNICtF'ALI lY f<lil for any 11mson :o lir:mly pay tho COUI,lTY
l!1'." H·"z:un:s mqt1irod L:nder this f!.grerenmnt, the County Treasur8r ~~hall be er·:ittod to sut-off :md
rd;;ir1 <my ;Hrruu·tU; due the lvlUNICII'!\i ITY from Deiinquertl !'ax R<c!Volviny Fund ("DTRF") or any
n'l',rlr snurc;, c>f fu!'ds duo to the i\LlNiCIP/\L!TY :n possession oi the County, lo :lar11nlly m
cr.Jilli. lutely uffc;d <my deficiency l)y tho fvlU~IICIP?.UTY ni :my time and without fUI~her noticf:! to
tile rv!iJNICIP;\IITY .. Such Hlr<msiur Dlmll be considered an assinr:men\ by !he MUNICIPJ\I.IIY to
ihP. COt;f\!TY. 1·\HihGr, :he lv\Ui'!ICIF'J\LITY waivos nny dnlrns "~Flim;l tim COUNTY, or il!;
:A[tcicllf;, lor any such arnolJP\~ puid to the COUNT". Nolhino ir. this J\~)reernc1\ shall opor:·i!'i: lo
:':nit in t;:ty 'lray !he COU~JTYS right to pursue·: <my other lcgniJnmodies a~1nin~~~ ll\tJ
i<i\l!I•)ICIPJI,,.ITY for the mimLursR·:>nn\ of nn:mw.\s dt.r;l the CDUIHY unrlw !hie; /\f]We!>I011L lite
rr,:·wdies in t:·1i!J p:ragruph nre av;.;ikJ!liD to tho COUN~'{ or: nn onooino ar·.~; succes<;iV<! l11lsis. :':~
\1·..:· i\'lUi'oJICIP/\'.. 1: Y l;r;r;omcs dclin:l' 1unl In its payrrH:tti!>. In nddilio:: \u <:m:; riJh\ rA setoff or
mcor.Jp1nc·nt rnJVioF:d hy ;opplic:.1llkJ law, uli <.lllKHJntn dr.:e to tl·u iviUNICP!\I.ITY shall hn
:;un:;.k'ercd lli>t of inc!r;b\t:dnc~;s of thP. f'.•1Uf'.!ICIJ''/\LITY ~o tho COUHTY nnd \111: COUI.,!r! ::>shall
l'ldVI ;!:u :'!JI•t tu se( .. off 8CPliiiB\ur recoup lrotn <HI)' !IIIH>unb due \'J tllC iviiJI~ICif)At.ITY' :1: i.lflY tirnc
:md .';:\1,:::1 furtiiCI nnt!r:t~ \1) the io\UHICIF'/1LIT\
11 I, he ~..H. i'~IC!f) ;\LiTY (:) f:t:l3 for ;;ny J(::::.:cn to tlf':K:Iy pay the COU!,JTY any :Hn•Jur,:
:!iJ<:t:ndnr !hi:- ;\1;r<:t:n\l:nt.; (2) i:,il:' :u pl':rfvlll <Ill)' uthor ntJiiO•llioll r.-quired t::1uer this f\CJr<:t;'ilnnl:
.•1 1:;) ::t·!l·::::; d<IIIH Jii(Y (roni tiYJ !JOVCI1101' ancl ~>l~llu tr·23Sli:e:· J() j':ri)Cl;Cid llllliur ti\k.J 'I ·1 of tile lJ•ti\ed
.'it.l:<:<l ,=··.:·>~. 1 t t JSC 10 l tc l :,:l2: the !,IUNICYi\UTY shall bn in <lofault of !hie; ;\vroonmnt. 1 h•:
l'.'lli :a':lld ·:11rllnn n1:lit:t'l c..f ;mv t~•,b::t•;i;r fiu;: cln:,~> 111Ail to th: :\·1,!\JICIF'I\LITY LIAISUr•J
If Jr,p, clef;IIJil ic: ··,~·: within lhirty (:JO) :Jny:; frr.m the d;JI(" Ji the liC•tict:l, lPG COU0JTY rna:,c:
i 0. ~:
ndr:rin !rom providinu any fun'<ur servictJ:; or perfor rning under '.i:is 1\qreemcnt, ''::\C•.,r:\
tu lh'-: uxtcnt the COU!•I';'Y is n:qui:cd to prcr:id1: n Jllirlirnmt cHrHHl'll of police
r:nforce:·v;mt smvicc:G rE:ouircfi t.ndor stnte ltN/.
llecl::tm nil ur;puid arnCJunt owod undm thu 1\ureenmnl ,fllfnediately uLHo til Hi :r<Jynbh:
without fur thr;r presedmcnt, den>and. protu:-;t or other r~ollco of any kind, all of whk:h a•e
expressly wilived by the MUHICIPALITY.
· il.d
1::<nrci~;o <:my and nil rin'nts ;::,nr. rf:n<edies availiib!r'l to It undor the i·.()Wfllll(Jnt or
clllplic<tll!G l2;w,
·,.::. ',W:;if''.'\LITY anrdJf, iu ;:'1arr1 :·mil Jllif'tir:e il complt,tG copy oi ;J.IIinCJI1Ci;;, ,·,por~~;
1:U~Ji'<JTY ·:,·i::~in n !i1c!SOiieiiJI8 time not lu e:,•::er:d 10 (iur;)
'!<lv" '''''' ".';irl'J e1 r··:qiH:~:: I.Jy lim COI;'-11 Y.
by U·n i.LJi,!ICIP;\l.ITY to till:
U.t:.s.o. 20~3 LAW f:t\F~lHCf;;,\1E.'H SEHVICE:; 1\Gi\E~Mf:NT Wll H TH2 Ct1Y
(JI P0l~T1,.\C
I;;,,. ·~. ~
l~'•. ~:il!f'liCiF>J\i.ITYand :floc: C.S.O. 09ree and warrnnt l11nlnui\hcr tho O.C.S.O. 1:or
· 11 ·> • ·· .L hi! f ,--, 1-f::pu 1Y, ilj' VIrtue of tills A~Jrcornt:Jl(IJr <Alic:vm;o, shall be consitlunnJ or dnirJ:n,;
lu :J!: <n crnploye9 of the i'vll'i'IICIP/o,LITY and fLullli·JI uoree thGt, at all limos <llld for all rx:•pcses
u;1de~ :.1.10 lorrns oi lhi~ A!)mF;menl, Ulu D.C.S.O.'s lec:Jsl ;;latus Hnd rcln(iun~;hip to tl~cl
lvrLlt·li•... d-'1\L.I f Y srnll ile thnt :1f :lrr lh!Df:Pt=f\JDENT CO:,JTRf\CTOI\. Tl1e iV.Jf•JIC!PI\LI lY :tbl
<19rut;::; :h:·Jt in 811)' 'Nrilinf) or :my olhur con~municatior· ;:1opured i;y, fo;, or at. :.ho c!iwchlll ')(the
ivHJf\/ICI')!\l..ITY, the lvlf li·IIC:Ii'/\l.!TY sh!lln•:illtr:r c>I:Jir:, s:.t,;gust, nor kn;)i)' !IH:l <Ill)' l.:'l:~plu·>lil('11l
::.t;dli~i ;;·~:lhr "'lllli•:)'rlt<':nl rc:l:;\i:,·:E·.hip •:>:i,,t:·; ht!:·:l'''''ll :-my ;~HERIFF'S Dc·:''IJTY ara: lh::
r. HII,!ICI::':\:_1·'·'1
The fv\UI,iiCih\L.I':..Y :md liJ<} U.C.S.O. ;·,\w:n and warrant l!1at, nl nil timcc; <Jnd br all
,,,.;p:;,';'(~S mlevan! to this Aon:erncnt. \he O.C.S.O. sltnil remain the soiP. nnd oxclusiv0 err.ofcvcr ·.~f
:.111 SHf=:Riff-''('; i)ITU IIL:s c!i'd thnt >it•: O.C.S.O. ;;hul' ;e:rmin snl<>.ly IHtd tl:dt1sivc,ly rnspon,,i.iil<'
1rl1· lhu p;iyrne!'l ni Hfl ~;HEr-:IFF'S DEPUTii~~:>' W<llJf.lS, compensation, DVW'.itne wng\Js, exponset;,
frins;<! IK!:mfit:;, P•"JI1Sion or ·etimrn,:nt bnndils. travel expenses, tllilenge wlowar"cos, truinin9
<:xpcn::l::;, 11 :.Jil:>fHIJ \t;tlon costs. and/or o~h()r <JiiOW<1nces or n:'illiULHsemcnts of nny kind, includir.IJ,
I 11.: 11ul limilod lo, wor'-<81:".' oisc·lbilily r:ornJ.:Hm>ation, unemployment compons<:~Unn, !:.locial Security
1\r:t pr·l'i:l;c.:Uon(s) ;Hld hunnfits, <'lilY en;ploymon\ ta:>:c·s, and/or uny other slalcllory or r;cntmctual
ripl1! t •I ::enofit b<Jsed, In ar1y \'lilY, Ufl\Xi any SHEF\!FF'S D~~PUTY'S status m; :m c,n·ploym: of ~hn
<if:.: ..( ·1. ~>:c<·:pl a:, rL.;pn"·,,.Jy p:cviclnd oti181VJb'l in this t\!)roement, the MUNICIPALITY shall not
:: '· w~. Five, .;;i: ow, J'·ily, r oin•bur;;e, •:ompon::catc. eo; otherwise ;Jrovide any vmvor>, fringn /)r;nent:.;,
uihs, oqu1pnwnl, outorncbil1·::;, purs,.mal t';ropfJ!ty, supplies, il•:m,fits, t~ntit!o:nrml,
,,,,;-,~::·J•:nticrJ (rnr>nr"t2.ry or othlorwisc·li or nny o1h.:r thino of Villue, oithor d:r0ctiy or indirectly, \o, for
liK) li!'G by. •X on bdi8lf of, any indivk:ual SHE:HIFI:'s DEPuTY. Any cc:1sidr:rution, nYm•J!ary ur
ollwrwhu. m!L<:l ~ireclly to \II!; COUNl Y ami/or c:1y personal property, autornubi'm;, or any portab\8
oquiplli<.Jnl (e.£1 .. putable telephones, pnrlnb!e ccmputom, beepers, etc.) fillppliorl, provider!,
CJW!/or ie<Jsed ~Er.<LEtlY. lo tl~e CO~JNTY :>hall not, for any purpoo;e of lhl::; Aoreement, be intorprotcr:
;,:; L>(;in\J provided by the :viUI'!iCIPfiLII Y, either dimctly or imllrm:tly, lo, fm tho I.IS'o by, or 011
!·,.,l,,lH nf, ~my indivirlw:1l SHF::I~IFF'S DFPU1Y
lh" 1\~LNICIF'i\l.l'l Y IJl<ly, in its cli:;crc\ic.,n, in :;uch lc>cdliom> ;md circl,:n:;l;Jnccs ac~ il
!li.n::tl•:::. pro'lidc ~uilnbln oflb~ sp01:.,, ofllr;e equ'pmonl, all requirnd ulililins and rul<llcd "aci!ilio::
k:.p. d,,;!.;:;, c:h:·lirs. 1.opyinS) n~ach!nes, 'nx nJflt:hin(:s. typewr:~cr:;, p<Jrrn.:mo:~\1)' ill\ilul'ed
l•.lt:pl"l:i!'~~. lnck(nc;,lodw: :on· l;:cilitie:;, uniforlli :;l18nrJillf) nt<:t.;s, elc.) inl/llr'-l1Ct 1:>f,.l..l'l \'.m'lli<~cl
'·· ·,., ::;r:d :.'l:r.dii hJ:; :n lhn O.C.S.U. for by :;t IEF<.:r:::·s D[PUTIES w;~;iunr:d to t:1e
io,·:'.H·iiCIP/\LITY, Nhi:;h :~h<~li!Jo rofGn·scJ In <1:·; 2lvllJI'<ICIP.z\I.IT'( ''Sull-::Jtati<.•P''. ;:;.ll•.!ICteltive:y. lil(l
(! (,.:·.•. D. nt<l)' :.JIOVide) or StJ;:rlcmnn: :,;:w cxiu!i:1g desk!;, r:h<3irs, cr;opyillfllnar:hinr~s. l~li: rnar.hir m;.
;:k:. lnc:·~t:d ill :hr; 1J11JNIC1r'f\LITY Stih·:!lnlion v:ith o.c.s.o. persOIJi:tl rropmty cHld equbm;e:nl.
·: 111~ :·:11 t··JIC~).t\UTt ~H;knowledqr:s that !lie t...IUNICIF'/\LITY h~nefits In pRl'licling <.1 Sub-Stnti:Jrl ior
.-~:· C.').O. u::;c by minirJJiz'nn the.tinm sp1mt by SHEf~!PP'S DEPlJ'i 11:73 c:s:'i~ull:d to lhr
i1.:i :i·~IC!i'!\l.ITY drivirHi frorr· tho rn;iilt U.C.S.O L:tv/ i~nforcf!lllOill Comp:ex in r>ontiar., i•:licili\;:.m,
to till: :.. tur,ltCIP/'d.IT\/'to pwfonn C<!r:aln pap(~r <)nd uu::;k work nnd climinalin~J \llo ''irJst driV(:! li1~1o"
i<, 1•I•J·/;te L/\I:V U!I'ORCEiviENT SI::JWICES withill t11e 1v1UI•IICIPAUTY du<'; lo I he fact \h;;t
r:t li:CI\IF"'S OE:I'IJTIE:S olhei'Ni:..;c would IH:Qin :md ,~net their wcrk shift(s) ot !ltcJ n:ain O.C.~>.D.
1 >~VI r: nicrcun:ent Com pit::< in~·,: end of v,ithin tho fv\Ut-JICIP/\LI TY. T:1o MUNICIP/.o.,LITY'S pro•.rision
,;' ;·,ny ~)ui>-.'3\;,ttion 'acilit.ies wlli/or tlw L:se c,f <cmy S,JLI-~)lation laciiiti(·s l•Y :hn D.C.S 0. ~:;h:1ll :;;, hy
tl'· ..::urt: :1l_ilt·:cmenl <\IKI con~nnt of tho p<vtit"'· Under 110 circumstancos shall the rvHJNICW1\LI"'·y
t I>'
111\CF;f the \t.:rii'S of thiS f.\r.J!I)(!r!l()tli lo p!l1Vide z-ony S\ICI\ ~~Ub-Station f~IGilitif:S, JDI' s: 1<111
tlv· (1 c.:;.o, be :Jbli(]cllntJ lc U!1C 'HlY S!lt;h Sub·Stnlion far.ilit:es i( olfc)rcd. Tlw rv1Ui':\C:IP/,U'f'(
11&: di:•xf•3cl it will p!ovidl! Uw o.c.s.o. 'Nitll s~:h·:'il:'lllon f<'lr:ilitli;S and tl1t: O.C.0.0. has '~ijCC:t!d to
•::·, · :;uci' Sub-St:·;\iun fac:ililic·s, !'ubjoc.t :o Ihe fnllm<.ing terms and condiliorl!;:
t>.c.·.u:.\ £0 lJ
'l. l ~I. 1?
::NI Of{C.I:\lltn· :3EhVIC!' t) AltHfFMFt~l WllH rHE Cll i' CF POt, TIAC
l'<1q(: H
t_L;I,· ·A cl SL.i> ::.:l:t:irw :s:ldL be) c;oer:1ecJ lobo a iv!UNJCIF/.,:JTY nrnnl of <'1
~<NPc·.:,bkc, m)IH:xclw;ivr.• I icun,;r•: 1."/W lhnt portion of such iv!Ut,IIC:P/\LITY prcrnh;o:; fur
u~:o hylho O.C.~;.O, und Ullf:'HIFf'S DEPL'Ti!=S a:;siunnd lo ihn MUI'JIClr'!II.ITY.
:'· ,
Thr: MLI·!ICIP/\l!T( willl·tl m:,;p•JnsiL:c for rnuinton<Jncc of ·,1 e premises. vii lie);
l'lCIUdes: any nec::;ssnry mpalrs. improvements, insi;Jitutinn .•md mainl<Jilance uf <Ill
lrnc.2::;r;;cl(y :;;t.,cunly I•Jcl\~i. dcvic.:r"s and fim snfo:y tit:Niccs and safety DfF)C<lu:inns,
r1.:construction, custodial SGI'Iicos, includinrj wtJbish and trash rcHno•/ai :or the Fadtity,
<lr·U e1iso includes thu ;~rovlsion of utilitlos mquirod iCJ opm<1lc !fH) facility for lh0 pwpo~;r;s
nf this Licem'O. inr:lt>din[), but not ilmi:ad lo, heal, air condltlolling, powor, and vmter (hut
oxcluding any nJonlhly tolephon11 clmr[JOS fur permanently ln:;l::lllou Sub-!:-)tallon
l<:tcphone), n\ no cost lo the O.C.S.O.
\ h:r:: of \l~e Sub-Stnliot1 Lj,;(.;ns,'l shall nnrl upon thu tc:rrnirL,lion or B:qJir<llion of
\hi~; ;\\.,:rocmcnt as provitjer! lwrr;in. /v~y ~·uch Sub-Station i ·~:onse shn:l nho ll<-:
lt)J •J:II'•iiiJI,:, ,;( ;.JIJY :'•ne w1cl br· ilr:y ·r;n.-:o:J, by thn iviUI,IICIP/\LITY, :llnt.:our,JTY, or tho
. ~>lll~i~::'F'S Dl:PiJTtl-_::; shall LUI:! dtH: caro in their u~;e of <my Sub-St;lif<Xi
L•:(.;ilitico:' ami uquip111nnl. Tno VU\IC!P!ILIT'( Efc)ff:es th;j[ !:'n MIJ:,liCIP/\1 J; Y :·HXI IlK•
MU:•I\Cii);\l."fY'S i~'scrwrcH Carr or v;il! l'::tive all rights d suomn:,J:jon cloainst
ON~LJ\ND t:Ot JNTY fur :my lw;~\ or d<Ji'ltl\JO to tho Sub,S:allon prc:r:rtsos or ;)roporly
·.hc:rtlln whid1 is ownocl or :nmrred by lhtl lvlunidpnli\y. Tho lv1UN,CJI:.ll\LITY will provirtc
the :::our•nY witn a Certlficatn cf insuwnco that r.cnt8ins the followinrJ IRn[lml[Jn: 'Thn
fvlUI·IICIP/IL''I Y and \he lnc<U:ctllr;•J Cmder norncc: herein aqme to waive all r'o'1ts Di
sullroqaliorr i\(IClinsl Oakland Co11nty lor nny 1CJss or damar,ie to prern(srJs or pror:erty
owner! by 01 ir.surecf hy tilo h11lJNICII";\LlTY". Thr:l MUh!!CIPAt.ITY wiil provide th's
C·cH\ift(::ttrJ of lnsc:anr;c; to Jonnifm !.h8nt:t:!y, Oukland County Sheriff's Office, Coun:y
:'~·~rvicn Ce:iilor·, F.ilil9. i/38 E<~sl, 12DO f\l. Tolo(Jrapn Homl, Ponti;:,~e, Michi[J<Hl 4Wl'll-11.l:.J'l
prior to .JHnua:y I, :WI :_l, ! 1.11 C(lrtifir.a\us of lnsuranco nre subje::\ to approval by the
Orlklund Cuumy Ofliu; of Ri:;k fl'l;maoc:nH:nt.
l f!.
Except e.c:. oxpre:o.sly provided fo; in \!lis /19rDfHnent, \he :vllmiCIPI\L.ITY agraBs ll~8l this
/v;rcunlorll dee" nni, ::mel is !lOl inter!l.!ul! IG. transfer. ddogsie, or as:oiun to liHJ COUt•JT'( lhf:
::;c II ·i \if-' F, il11dlor <.Hiy SHF. RI:T'S DEPUTY any civil or leo21 r0sponsibllity, 11bli9<1tion. r.ltrly or carr;,
nr li;;.oility m:sociil!cd with ;my gClvernmt::ntall~enction delcgatncl ond/or onlrt.:slml to tho
!vll i>).t::ff-'/IL!TY lUH]IJI r:>:islif!(jlelW,
1-:xcopl ;t!; oxprsf;sly provided fer urid(X ho /.r}rfr'~' of thig i\[)[Dernellt, 110 SHCR!rr··s
Ill ·1~1 II Y v:!li!•: rc::t:n\J umk~r the to·ms rJ~ ti1is 1\urccn~cnt c;\1;11! porlorm any :;mvice8 r:lir~;t;lly or
ctlill':rvviS<-> l·w, ;w:·Jii:-l:IIF. In pndcrrn rmy :Jthc:r •t~··::rk t!i :.lssionmrlllls. cllld no :;Ht:f~IFF'S l)EPUT'(
·-II' :II ·:,c •J\Ji,)fv:b:~ e:~1pioycd .:,r utill:r.ud, in arty 111:1'H18r or C<'IJliJCily, !J/ tllfc: :V\UNICIP1\UTY.
[ lm O.C.S.O L!.'\i:'>OI'I v;il. tl1:1i>'!i'lin requk1r lin.::; of wmmunic~liion will1 liH:
lv1Ui !ICii'/ILI-.. Y _!i\l:;oi'J wvi will i;u ro~.porcs!vu ;o ~idnJii\IStli:.ti•;o and opemtiunrd 11r;eds d t'm
\:,ur·.::u I ';\Lt 1Y. i'l:u O.C.S.U. l.t1\I~~OI'>J •,1ii1De ;:vailal)lr; lo meet weekly c)l' Wi'(ol\ otherwb:
ll·qu•"r:ted by the• MlJI>JiC::IP!\IJiY I.IAISON to disc;1ss p:1rticulm law Ot1forc:x:K!Itl nc:c:ds wvJ will
l'l'>'lidrJ a v:nddy report ·.:l 11\o MLJ~IICIP/>,LJTY L!I\ISOI'iiBtJardin~J mlevnnt crif!le rqx,,ts ;H~·J
:.l:!li•:IJii"i 1\,:ttrn tllfc: 1viUNiCFJALITY. ·~II\~ I'.IL.NICIP!\JTY lt/\ISON rnay EJiso hrinq to lhE~
~;1-IE'~IIT'~; ::1lte·":::H·I >IllY cm:cnrn~. i11dl tho .V,lJi'IICIP,\ 1 ITY 11/\ISOI'/ rnny huve re~urtliiiD \lm
:1~:~i1:nn rullt of ,-,11/ ~;lll:I·~IF'F'S DrJ'\Jl Y to l'ln tv1LH~ICIP/IlJTY. Tho SIIERiFF .siJal! pr·ovicr~ Ilin
i1ll :;'11, ,lf 0 /'.l.ll">' Ut\iSO•\! "n oppurt1.:nity to i11lorvie•N ano n1Get any corcmCJncl oflicor~ !xdom they
rH,: <~: .. :. i~Jnnd U: Um fi.·IUI<!CIF';\U I'Y; hown•;rn, lhr: .SIIf'J~/Ff:'s dnci1;ion oniiH" :.msi[Jnr::rcr;t of :rny
0,\;,s.o. LO l:l LNN rto'!"IH-\C:EMFnl !lrHV!CES AnrU:f:'l.f:NT WI'! II l-HI-: CriY 01- PONTIAC
P.ltjtJ 9
·--1 ii:I~IIT ::; LlfJ 'IJ I Y :;l~:1ii be fii1;1l. I h: U C S.O. LIAISON shall, only to \ilu n:<lc:nt the1t <:nv sud>
...'dllllll/1 w ::,fkHI V/OIIII i no! i1·:\:1 fun: i11 r.~·1 01 :•:loinu criminal ilwQ:.rtip; rticH, :-'' p:u~.liJcution, 1.1~er~· ~ho
lviUI·liCif '/• .JTY L !i\I~;()!'J ll:cJsonai:lly inion:·Ed m~vml nq cric1itd nncl/or l<w.· ;~nforcAnltWt nctiv1li''''
w1!ivn :ivJ lv:u:·n;?l~!'l, r~ ~:::'ndacvh_;; !IF.: ~,;:_II•JICIPALrfY U/\t~;ON. as soon"" pr8clic1bln, of ''ll'i
'" .l!;y ..,llt:hiH· ,, Dl:PI.J I 'I con'.'·:,ctuo fur and ;n.rt:iq!lOd to :Jcrfu:m LNN
f'l!i:\:'I~CUv'.Un C.)[f:;:VICC:S to tim MUN!CIP!\L IT'( ;lnder II~« lerrns of this Aon•'"'""'ll.
l•!t;t'lcl(h:;twldlri[J the above, however, r:eitl:or tho :•;lUNICIP.~\UTV nor tiw MLH,!ICif'IIL!n· Ll.t\ISOH
:;·1:1!1 nlh,::~·Nisn provide, furnish or as::i!Jil '~'IY SHL:F:IFF'S DEPlF'Y with nny job instruro!ior,s, job
tk:s,;riptions, job .S!:ecif:caliunc<, or jolr dutio;;, or in ;:my rnannnr ~1tlmnpt to co1;tml, supt')IY:Fo, t1;dn.
u <!irc·::l <HW .~3HE31FF'S DEPu·ry inlll<: perforrnance ol :111y or:.s.o:s cluty or obli(]ntion undcn
ill•.: :,.-,r ... ~; ui lhic: 1\qrm:mr:lll
Th: MUI,liCIPt\i.ITY agrees lo promptly notify and/or iWovidr-: lhc SHERIFF with uny
infnrm:·J(H:nlhat llkl)' con:n toils ~:ncw!edge or [HlS~~H%ion reomdino any act contrmy lo the torrr.:;
,md cundi;lon::> of this ;\greement, or any nlhr;r quostion8bh-) nGI(s) or omissim(s), or any allesiJtion
d snnw, iJy ill!'/ SHEf-\IFF'S DEPUTY. lilt! ii·IUNICIPAI.ITY ulso <ltJrGes lhat i\ sh:.:ill promptly
deliver In tiH; SHERIFF written notice copie.s of <lilY (;Ornplaint(s). chnrge(s), or (-tny other
:::c:.:u:;:1tion(s) or alle!J<1tion(~;) of wmngdoinn. wl;ether d•Jil or criminal in nature, wl-:ich llie
lviUNICIPAUTY t;1~c:on:os uware of r~Jwdino ;:u:y SHERIFF'S JlPUTY. Thr: MUNICIPALITY
:~qn:c:s tn u:one:rO:JW willl lhtl O.C.S.O. in ww in•mslionl.ion conducted Lw thn ~'iHI~I\lFF into lhn
ci;:J~c:. t;:,r and>or fitm,s:; of <1nY GhERIFF'~3 L)U'UTY~
i IH> l l.C.~).O. ~;111111 be soir:ly cHid e:<c!usivnly fO!i;/:j:,sibl(-l for jmwkf.r,o SHE!::; liT'S
with :1!! ncce:ss<cl:\' tools. <IIJiomr:bib;, r:·ldim;, cr.>mr:Hmic;!t\ons oquipr.:rml. !lrearmc;,
::.; ;d ·1ny :.11;<.! :;II c•;.h:1 cquipn~cw: \iml tiw O.C.S.O., in i:s ~K>Ie judgrn:)nt. deems roquinJ:l or
h:,·:r.:'i·.: ::1 fr.>~· the· ,:.omplclion of any o.c:.::;.o:s duty under the to:1nr.; of \his /\rJIWlllllml Th,;
() C ;,;.()_ f>hr'll! ;·tb·.o he so:c,[y Gnd m:clu:;i•mty 1"'~l'lHdble 'cr nny and 811 SH[Fl.IFF'S DEPUTICf.;'
t·usim:::;,; •o'.'peil:w:;, iiccmsc-;;;, !a:<ns. urHf!lrrn or uquipmont co:;t::;, lnsLrnncc(:;), supplies, de.,
c;:<c:epl thm w•y :.;t;.nionety, notice:;, forms. MUNICIP;\LITY o1dinancn c!ppoamn(:n lickrJt:;, de: ..
whic:; ;:r<: wquimd to hear the namo of the MUNiCIPi\l.ll Y. shall be suppliGd \o tho O.C.S.O. by
the: f•,Jl.JI•l.CII.·'t\LITY <1\ the MUNICtr (\,..11 '!' ~:; soln cost and ex;;en::;e, In t11u ev8nt \lllll Ow
~..lUt'-JtC:I~·'.t\1 ITY 'N<Hlls any spnc1<1l or wldi!icnDI f.~31sunnl propmly or t-)quipnwnl (l.r~ .. ::\'lllular
t:~l,cqlhnnus., !;o!sonal itoms or equioment. portable ccrnpulers. c.Ltornol!ilns, •notorcyclc:s,
,.,,.-.)\"hi; provic!c,l:, a1 rviUI\iCIPALITY e-:.:pc:nsr: or ctivmvise, to any SHE!RIIT'S DEPUTY
n;;:;i;;·:cd tc thr~ iv',t!i'JICIP;\LI'!Y, tiHJ lv1UI·JICJF:lf\i.ll v sh•JII dimct such -rxpic!sls to the U.c.:;;.Q.
•t:lli•:i' <·hnll S<•'nly dedrle wlwlhor such p,;n;nn:1l propRrty or spncial nquip1nrmt shall hi'! prov>.Jed.
;\m ::.11~ <lil :;L.(:<·, ndditlon:JI pu1:.>onn1 propcily, i'Vi<illlo or individual w;e cquiDmenl o: proputly,
:m<.:.'ul ""~' spt:dal,:quipnwnllo be provided Ly tltt) tv\UNICtPI\LITY shall t;o !lf<>vidnd dirnctly nne!
1).\C:Il: .. i•.'niy to tho O.C.S.O., anrl th1W Ql:I!::X rurr.uillil to a sopardte written le<.:~;u ''~Jrcement
t.>c:\'.'cen :ho ivlUI'JIC!P/\UTY and the COUHTY. 1\s Intended tJy lhls PHranwpl1 nnd (ol::>ewhere In
tlli:; /\greemtHll, no personnl propcJrty, supplim>, or olhor uquiprnont. r.or thn usn thRreuf, :.hnll ho
pro•;id(~tf ol' rnade avaii<'Jble by the MUHICII'/\LITY dlmclly lo any SHEf~:)T'S DEPUTY, t:xcq;t
'.:llullqh :1 .v1 iltr:n lem~c-: eli-' pr;1VidmJ for in this pa~asr.1pl'.
:)I- ~'UTIE~1
F:dc·1 f':;;:y sh::~ll be n:sponsibl•:, for any Cl Alrv',S mado noainsltha\ F'mty and for tl:n
: 11:l~o d .~s b :1ploy(~cs or AC1ENT~;. 1: t,rther, th; Mlii•HCII) t\lJfY :J!)rces lhal it si1HII nmmin ~;o\[:,;y
:1110 crJin;.l!r;tely li:·1blc for 2.'1)1 and ;ill C~_i\I;\!S tt:ut ntlliel moG0 or l1avo their b:J:~i!; in ci;cum~;t;-~ncc::o
n( ::'lr:rlt:; >li:t:ulli!IU I:P.f:'lrfJ l'-111 dfndiVB d3t0 of :Iii:'; 1\(;'eement, induci:10 but fllollimited tn, cJIIY
,.,.,,:trn or b·~llf:lil ':;s11e~. an;/ o:>i't:c'ive b<1r9<1ininp o!J:iqations, or any other r·::lalt:d ernpk:ymenl
r:;:iJ:' ')J oi>lk.;nli'l"·!:i such <:l~; 'iiO::<w 01· ur:nrnp!nyrncn: co:·npc:m;c,l(!on llm;r,:d r;pun :1r:y p<.:1son~,
~:ill I·, .,.,. ,, ·11t IJ\ IIH, iviUI,JICII 't\L 1'1 ~· r'·iol lu 11\e f>ffec1iv0 dail) of !his /\fJrP.enwnl.
O.G.S.O. 2fl1'l I)\\'/ UIFORSEMEI<T 'ii:HVICUI ;,GREU.\E.'JI
1\JjjO j(l
\'Jil H >liE
c;Ty 01' I'UI·l lf!,c;
F~:<c~:~pt :-1~:. "::thet\\:l-~0 providt";d i1~ tl1l~ /\gruf~l11f!nl. !\t;<ltur Pnrty shr.::~ hclvu i.H1 I!iqht undr;~
;~:ir. jpJo lo bf: ini!<~mmil'cd by thr1 r;tlH;r t:\rrty ur <lilY d rts employees or :'\cr::'>r;-:; ir1
.: .o: ~"'"',~:tior• .vith r,:1y I :1 1\\M.
Tlri;; !\()! eement does not. and is no! :nt<JiiCt'd ;o, lmpr",'r, dve~;: !lnh:!Jdl•'' or· cor :r;wtJnCJ
<lllcl/ur mhr·r hlfplright, prrvilene, povvm. ~JIJiiqat:un, dut:r· or immunity
<1l !ltu p,_,,•,ie:;. Nothing in \!:is /l,rw::omcml cdwll be construed as a vmivur uf qovcrmn8nt31 inn1Ullll'/
fm uith:>r ?z;·ty.
.111y ,.,,,, •:~;'itulinnal, s\a\utnr~/,
Ti1is ;\~;reemnnl shal! bor;omo effoclive at 12:01 A1v1., Jar'uary '!. :.!013 unrl c.ila!lrernJin
ill cilt"ct continuously until il m:pirc!;, witi'OLt any :urtl:or net or notice beinp :cquiretl by either
p<~r ty, ; 1l ·11 :5~l P.M. on Dccemh:r 31, 20~1 fi. In addilirm, either p:3rty mny lmT:1inate this Aijrr:em• H:~
fn1 C• llrv•mrnnc:o OJ' for ;my nn:;on ll[J01 thirt:; (:10) days prior written notk:u. \.lptJil no;icc of
\<:! ltlirt:lio~:li. C~]lli,JTY will co:::im;r; lo pro\'ic0 Lf\1/\1 rcHFORCEMEt•n SEI\V!CES lhrm.qh tho d::~te
:d lt~llll!rll::ron und tltc; CITY :;l;nll t;u li8hlc for illll pilyrnenl of ali LI\"N [';f\jfCOf'ICE~:lENT
::1 .F\'.'1 C:E:3 providnd. Ull1rJ1 pa:~y may terrninHtn th!s /'.[.Jmernont lor cause Uf.'<:•li th·:ty (:'.C) dciY~'
:.'r;i:•~':l nol:cn if ;l1n other pm\y :'aill! \iJ cutnp!y wi:h any :naler!al tc<rm (;r c:;n::itinn of this
:\ur•_cHIH!Il\. im:luliirl!J without timitution fnilurn to ~iJnul~l gubm<t full psyrn•Jnt. In the C'leni of
i>•tr:.:nation for :.;ausH, lr.c non-terminating party l·:ilall be liab!e fur lite re<Jsonalllu co:;tg incurred I~)
llH) tc:rtninntln<J part:; related lo the tunnir<ll on, it~: ;lfldition to any nnd all other romHrJios avail<'tillc
Ill ll:l: tnr:ninat'ng pmty. If 11 determinaticn in made that thE' /Vjreement was irnproperiy terrnhnlud
lnr .~:llt:;n, then the twrnin<11ion sha!l bo diwr~10d lo hnve booll for converti(mco. If t:·1is f.;,nrnonre1t
::', tormi:1<l:ed, \he MUNICIPALITY \'till fuliv wim:>ursc lhn COUf,!'Y for all d::ec:t and indirect I;)IJor
cT'.l:: ir1currutl b~: IlK! COUNTY as n rm;utl Dr the Aor;;emcnt's lerrninntion. Such costs ir1c!udo, but
:.,:n nullimilm! tc. ur·r"npl,)yn1tmt compc;nsation claim~; made DY COUNTY t~:npl<.>yc<.1!i l1in:d by lht-:
( ;uUI\ITY \o fulfill thu tnrrns of this /\\.]rc.:r.;!~JDr~(. Upu11 lllu c:xpirnlion or lrmnirF:Unn of thi~.
!\qroerr.e:lt, :;d l•11ttw: O.C.~).l)' :; ollli:J:ltinn to pruvide LAW Cf,II:Of~CEtvi::t•lT :;;t-:1\VICC::::; to lll•J
I·.H If'. Ul\\'-.1 i '(under thi~; 1\ij(C\Jifll:nt shR:I en<:. Unc•n the oxpiwticn Gr lt~t:ni11::·.ifln <lf lhr:~;
. \n:~<'!•:nor1:. clll iu:i.fwr O.C.S.O.'S ohligmiv1:1 In pmvkin U\W EHFORCf:MENT SERVICT:'.i to lh€·
1.'. ,r-.JIUF'ALITY u·rr!ur ::·ir: i\ur-cc,:nlt11lt sl·;1ll oml.
Thi:; f,[;mwnent, and any s.JI>~el1•;cnt <ll'l<:ndmunt:;, shn 1Jnot ber.nmt: (:'fuc\i\:;, prk-r \n
!I''·: ;;ppmv:J !:·y tllu CDUN'I'~ Bomd 11f Cr;mmi~.siollcr~l. the dul;' nppointed ":rn•:r:;luncy lv:anH>J';r or
;11•: t:u:v ::Jt!l<JIIltud En~Brqen::v l'in<mci<JI f'.i<li\ClOer cf tho M\JNICIPI'.U~"Y ur hi•; :~uccnssor :n :>if!(::<J,
•JI', if ~(; c:>··,~ruu:\cy fll,.:m~yer.l!r i:.mer(lency l"i;:<tnci:~\1 fvlD11U!:r:r is currenlly nppornV:d, !Jy
.,~ < lutkJI1 :;f il1e ii\UNIC!PAU 1Y (-:;ovcominn Umi;/. Thn approval nnd terms of this 1\·~;rt:!r.::nnnl :Jrlrrll
... ' ~,, :lnt• "J in thcJ .~J[<l n 1ilrutes and 1:rccrJmlinqs of tllo CClUNTY Bm.11 d of C.:unrmit::•,rc·,p,;r:;; ,1nr!
\P. >liUP!\LITY <H'.tl sh;dl nl;;o !Jr: hliid Wl\lt trl\~ ufilt.:u of tho Cl<irk for tho COIJ~ITY Htlli thu
'.iU·IICIF'/\LITY. In :,Hidil.i:·n, this ;\urt:~::n·::t;l ccilld clllY subsequent ;HnondrTt(!t1ls ''l1a!IIJo ii!mi witr1
til<.: ;~;i!cr, :1:11 ':' . 11 :'Jt;J:c: fo: :Lo ~)I:~Jte of ivlichioarl hy lho O.C.S.O. und shn:: f1iJ\I:c;r:mnr; <:ffu:tivd :::r·
mpiornc:l\:d ;lrior to its fiiin:; 'Nitil tilo Sccrct~uy t•f Slc-tlc.
lr' ti1n •:VtJil! \li;·li tno M'.JH!CII)/,,.IT'( ·.vir;hr:s to nnter into ::1 nnw c'l(Jreemet;\ fnr l.i\W
UJI r..:I·:C[I/i[I'!T ~3EINICES upon tllr; n>:;)iratio:' oi tlri~; fi~Jrt;81llt:llll, il will notify thu O.C.~3.0., in
\'it't::q, of th\!; ir.:,':nt. if tho MUHICI.:..>;\t ·ry, m; :1bcwu, nonfles the O.C.S.O. r:·! its :ntr:n: to e;\c:;
i!il<: :1~nnw <J!.J''"'"t t~rrl, ami tho OC.~).O. !lt:s ll c\in:ibr tnterf!!'il, tiro O.C.S.O. :;hall pre:::ent lhn
lvll H•HCIP/II.ITY wi:l' <1 nt':'.'/ fYOpos<HJ agreement fot continued l./\W F:NFCncF:'v1Ei'IT SEr\V!CES
oil, '.lf !lf:for•:,, /ltHJUbt :D2, 201 ::>. In 110 <.N('nl s:;;:lllilis pilm(lrapil ~)rt infcrpro!mf to obliualo tho.:
1l.·:~.:-:.<J. : .; :I u: iviUI·~ICIP1\LITY :o 1;onlinrre any .t\urocrnont for nny L/,W F.Nf'OI'·!CE1..1ENT
0.\i.S.U. ,!0 t:l I AW FI'F01\CEMI'H I SERVICFS ,\Gf\Ft:r.\ENr WITH ;m. 1!1'11' Of PONTI/•t;
Pngc 1 t
.::;t::r-:·:IC[~) b•:Jyor::l rhe r::q:ir:.Hionn:· !hi;; 1-v;:r.;e:,,~unt .mlc:ss a new fully e?:ecuwd c,y,lmr:l '~;
""''. lutliJy tho pc:rtiu;;, In Ow uvnnt lllilt tho MLi'liCWI\LiTY ltlrrnimtes this l~.greomrml. \.>r -:"led~
1\rH t<: Ull•.d liil() :1 •;ub~;oqt.t1rll Cl[JI<Hlrnc:nt ile•~auso it doclrln~> to m.tnblit;l\ il~; own policu
<kp<Jru m:r 1!. tho fvllJI'IICinl\LITY <J!)f•:r:!; to consider for c~mpfoyllient in its p(jlice rJepartmnnt m~y
:,;Hb·:lf-·1· 'S DE PLY! y vvho :l!ny h: l;,hf off L>y llw O.C s.o. il:; :J I [)~lull or thi:3 decision, but in nc
evnn~ shall liHl tvlUNICIP1\UTY !x: c,blifl:'Jlr;d to h:re any such SHERIFF'S DEPUTY. If this
1\qm::m1ent is terrninated for any rm)St)ll lhb l\tllJNICIP/-1UTY •.viii fully reimburse the COUNTY for
nil ccsts inr::urrod !Jy tl1•" COUNTY ns" r<.;)sult of tr1o lloreement's terrninalion. S11clt cos!t> inclt!dr~.
lJul ar.:J no! limited to, Ul~t:n~ployrnP.nt compensRlion 1£lims made hy O.C.S.O. u~:1ployees l·trr::d by
the CJunty to fulfil: the terms of this Aornoment.
I h:: P<Hiiu::: ,~},;:It S(m:t, loy fits! ciHss •na,•, nii c:YrTei;r,:Jndence and w-ritten notice~;
ro• :l!ircd or pErmiltur: by H1is ;\greement to each si~JI1Rt:xy to this A(Jr'1C:Hnent. or :Jrty t>i\lllili<Jr/
!HH:r:f:r.::_;ur in :lfiice, to thn udrJres~nr; shown in hiG ;\gr\!OnJUnL f:xc,_,pl u:; cthurwi:;t) prtl'lide,_; for
IK·I'Oit 1. ."ill ::or r·nc;pondt'mt:e or wriU;-:n notices shill I bo umsidmed dnlivmed io a p:vty ns of tho dato
:lui r;ucilnotic:f:, i',; deposited with sufficient post0ge with tho U.S. Pm;t;ll ::;01vir:e.
This /'lq:-Donwnl ·s neither intt:nded, nnr shed! it})(! intnrprnlr:d, to r:m(,t8, dmnw:. rnodify, r;111C111, :;upt-Jrsodr:, m othe·wis'.' •·'.iiect 01· :;ontrol, in any manner or at <lnY lime, lhe lorms or
cl;'ll.iltiur~r; ul emploj·rncn'. of cny SHERIFF'S DEPUTY '.\i\11 the C.C.~:LO, ::my applicnble u.c.:~~.O.
nr··,; . lo~:~nont anc.'0( •.;nion cuntn:ct. andlnr Any D.c.~; 0. rute(s), f(~!-Jl.ln\Jcn(s), hour~s of work, shiit
l!:.o;i;.)lllilf.,f'\. C•rdc;r(S), policy(i8s), proccdtJn:(s), dln:di•/{I(S), e:tllicai !.)\:idolinn(S). t)IC .. 'Nhch srall.
suir:iy HJ:d Oi:·_:!tii'iVr·:ly, qovorn ann co11trfl' tlw (!:nplnymr:nl rei<Jiinnr;hip l!t:i'J.t!rJn the O.C.S 0 CHH.i
::111)' SHE;:;:~=:::·s DEPUTY :md/or ;lw crllduct :Jr~d <Jc:ions of :-my ~}I II.C!;:IFF'S DEPUTY. To
'llu:'T:J(\~. t:• :! :1::>t o!ht:r·.vhl limit, this /\gf('oment doc:.: not :rnd ::;hall not be interpreted lo il'ilil,
. n~ H ·ry, {'t ~~ ·t' 1 d. u1 ulltet\Vi~~e aft eel, in n11:. :ni1r IIH-:1.
The comolnlo and unilat,::r<ll di:scmlion of tile ~'iHU\IFF lu ei!IH-:r continuo :)1'
rcvuke the cit)plllit:'1lion o: cmy SHERtr:f='S DEPUTY, or nny othur pur~on who, in \lH;
SHERIFF'S f,olo judnment, hi; dom; no: belirwo is qualifiP.d or o!hmwisr: fit to be~'
SlltO: RIFf'S IJ'-:f='UTY.
1!~n O.C.S.O.'S so!,:; and l.lXc\n;ive rigt·t, ohiiuatiol\ ru!.;puns!bility, ~mel discrr:l.irJI\
tn r.:mp:oy, camoensa(;:, ass f)n, mDssffJn, trilnsfer. promotu, reclassify, cJiscipiim.;,
Jr:·•·,,JW. layoff, 'urloug11, dischwg8 any SHERIFF''8 I li:·VU fY and/or ;my ;·my ::rul HII
:3:... :: Rl Fl-';~ DE:'t ITY'S wtrut·:t:, salmics. <t'low;JtH:r):;, rcimbtll·semenl:>. Crlillpens:.;liol1,
lr .n(N bDnc:fit:;, or other-.vlso (k;ddc c1r,y nnd :.til ;;.uch terms and condilion:o of
ernploy111Dill :Jnd makc.: nny ~mt: ~;II nlnpk>J'IliOIJl cocisions t\1;1( :1ifrrcl, in nhy way, lh13
I:IIIJ;ir l','lnonl of nny SI·IEF:II-F'.S DL'PlJi Y •~>ith th•= O.C: ;:;.o, ~-;'.Jbjcct only tc :1:s coklt:li•:f;
\.1:11 '·F-IillbJ ;\g ·eemr:nl:~.
·: 10 SHEf~IFF'S Golo :J!Hl o:<du:;ive r:qht, obli!]ntillt::. :md rc:sponsibility to
dotnnninc,, c:stablish, :110dir'y, ur implernel'·l an)' nnd ~11! opnmlional pulicies, pior:~.~durcs,
•Jrderf;, ru'cs, r\!gula\ions, etllical guidelines, ;mel/or nny oi11L:r judurnunt, pulley <'ll
dlr,~!':tivn which, in c:ny way, uovorns or crmtrols <my ;)c!ivity of nny :31 ll:I\IFF'S DE'Pt!TY.
m:y ncr:t.!ssmy SHEI~IFF'S Dl:PlJT'(~; !mining standards or ptr>lidency(l•ls), rm/' love! IJI
:w;cL:··~t of required su:>ervi~'iotJ. nny <~nd a'i ;;t<lfldard:,; <.1f p•Jilonn~Hlcc, <lilY :;nqt.:~tH.:e 1)1
tn~m,:c:r nf pmftrnKmce. :11\rl any IENt~l(s) c' nxpr.:rk:tiCc, trainin~). or edJcation f(·lq:Jircd
f;>r .=:r·l/ ShERIFF'3 DG'lJI Y porformi:Jg a::y O.C.0.0. c!uly o: ohliu<tliDII unclm lhrl tu1m;
•.:i :lli~' /lfli<" 'Ill! Jill.
~ ~~
1111\1 In
·.-rw :·III!TWT <:nd tho C()UI'-rl v wst)l'.'(' tP thernselvns 2ny rir;<:!~: :111d CliJiiuations
·IJ, • )lii•Vi~;/t.lll nl any nm' :dl fll),iCU il11dl0f \)tWOrT\fTIO'IUli Li\I,V E:'\FO."U.:f::[Vii:N J'
O.c.:;.::. :111':1 LA\'i El'IFDRCEMEIIT :;FIN!Cf:S ,1\IJREEMENT V/1'111'\1112 CIIY OF i'ONll/IC
Pil<JO 12
SEf\ylc::s, 2nd 'his IID!'eernr:nt docn lltl!, :111:i ·r, nc•t intendnc! to, diminish, ddno:Jli). 11ive:c;!,
lll'fX:llr, or conlrsvene any constitulicn:1l. t;lututory, ond/or other legnl ri9ht, priviiO~JcJ, power,
~~L>II~;:tliCJII, duty, C.'clpncily, itnmunily, 01 char11cter of office of oitlwr tho Sl!l:+UFF, !110 COUNi Y.
nmilor <'lilY SHERii"l:··:~ DH"l!TY. The COtJNTY ;cmr! lh8 SHI:Fili"l: flnihnr ndmllwk:dqe :cmd :ln: 1.;e
llut t!1is 1\!;i\IWII<?nl !:> neithor intn.1dr:d, nor shall it bn interprett~d. so as to cmnlo, wnr;t, lil<!lFiy,
: 1ll! :r.•: :;•.:t H1, :rltr~r. or c:han9e, in :w.;~ munnur 01 k>i 111, :lilY 1iqht, privilc·l9U, t;uw;iil, :>r ell:)' ulilur t1:rn:
•H cnr:t::tinl: nf <':inplnymo·::, ni any :<.ind or n:rlu!l·) '.dliitsoe;er, in, r1pon, or l::r any C>l·:[f~II"F'~~
l.ll ., 'I. · Y 1)1 <Hi)' .SHERir:;.. ·s DErUTY'~; :HJont(:;), :epresentntivn(:>). unicm{~ ), or H1c
,,,. :
'.'! till)' of thr,nJ.
rjt"ment is rn11de nnd entotod into in the Stme of Michigan ili1cl ~;hnll in clll
rc:,:pnct~; hu it·l<:rpwted, enforcr!d and qovcrrH~d lllrcie1 tiH; law~> of the State of l;lichin~:iiL I he
!a:1ur.wqo of all pr:rt~; of !his /\grer:rnod :':1a:l in u I Ca!iHS h·J construed as n whole, a::cordin9 to its
fcm til<)<·lllii:~J, '1nd not construed !;lridly for or against pnrly. ;\s used in illis li!.Jicurmml, tilo
c:ilt!J:!kll ur piUI<.11 m:rnbor, tho pnss\':ssivo nr llOII·Dm:r:essive, shall be clmw:~;d In inciucle thr; ,:t!H:I
'Nhcnc.;c:!· l'1o contP.:d so !n:Jk:ates or roqu'rcs .
f\:.1~:("~' .:111 (;xpwss!y wril!nn v:aiV(;··, \lin f:,oi!urn ::Jf a·1y p:iriy to pursue'-"' 1y riollt'.;.Jrantnd
: Pidr:~· tlli:; 1\qr·,l\C~'H)rll :..hull not in': dm~mod a wc.1iver cA that riul1l '.Vtlh reomd to <w.y uxislinD or
:>uh:,cquer.t txe<:ll.'l' m default under this 1\qruemcnt. 'lo failure! or delay b:1 <l!lY purl:1 in oxurcr:.,inu
.til) 1 •JII:, 1 'J'Nnr· 01 ;:rivilt~(;u hormmch;r shrill npr:mto :1s n walv<1r thnmd, mJr s!1all a sir.glr: m
: '· r;ti; ,, c:1:cr r:isc Gf cmy li!;nt. powor or privi!(>()O ;Jrt;c!::de any other O' fttrtlier (::~r:rclse of ;;r,y otrw:r
··•:.:Ill. jl< '~''''' 1:r :;:'vileor..
'"his 1\riitnmH:nt shnll br: 1Ji1:dinu upon the COUNTY, the SIIEI'\IFF, illlU tllo
lviU l·iiCI P/'.LIT'( l•J the extsnt pennittod by law, upr.ln t11eir sut:co:;sol s Dssiqn:), urd :.;\i ,YJI c;uns
:·J<:',i<l\) t;.y, 11\r mt\:)1\, undr.r, or· n: co~:cort with :my ut 1:1eni.
This t'\Gr•:lornent, <.:onsistit'D cl !1<c!\•entcr:n \ 1/) pagus, irdudli1\l ,SC[if;Dl)l :: ~\.
/ILJr<Jnrr:r""t Lc;I•Ni;)<::n
of L/\V•/
l I'I'·'JI~Ci:vlEi'IT ~>C:RVICES apt!for any SHEI\I!TS DEPUTY'S servir:o:; tu l'w MUNICir>;\UTY,
rrH! i .ill:,r ''l fJUrc:cdc;; un:; wvl ull prinr ngmru1rr:>1lf> nr urrdf:rs!iH1dinus llolween them iP any 1\il)'
n!l:11t .. · l<• tl:•': ;:ubjed matlnr !H:r<':nf. It is frH tl"::r unc:8r:;tood anclauroml thnl\h() tnnns of this
1\<:r u •: r.<:r 11 Dll'l contr:·u:\1 :ill r:nd am not lll(:rf) recrU1Is ;.rnd H1e.t tli8ro me no olhc<' aqmements,
u;·dor::lu1:din;1s, :Jr rnpr(.),l(''''\atimts :x"tv;ee:- t!te O.C.S.O. and thr: lv\lJNICIF'/\t.ITY tn any vmy
1•:1: ll<:t: lo ·.he~ ~·t:hjf:d rnP11t0.1 rtu:eof, <J>:c0pt 0~; e:<plll:;sly ~tntod herein. This ;\qn~ernent shulln:l\
::r1 ch:.Jnurct.l or supplen:entcd omlly. This Aurnor'Hent rnay bn n1nended only :1y concunc·11t
: es•Jl:.rtii.Hl~' ot tho COUNTY Gomd of Colmlris:;ioiH!m unl E:nurgcr;cy v\an<r~Jc:· appointed .:ndur
IIH· t,,, :::1 Cov,,rnmur;t rwd ;;icllool District Fi:::cal Re.spom;ibilily Act, Ad No. t\ t)f Public Acts l)f
20 11 or lno l':mcrnency iimmci81 lvlanager <lpf/Dinted \lnder thr:; LrJcal (\twornrnnnl l·it.a.:::tl
0.~~ q·J l\.LL.':J2. w:c ;}C.:Ul:l)ULE (~ (i1:crn por:1lcd 111 :ron), ~;ol,; fo1l11 tho r:lr>tirn
ell\: () \ :.~';.<). CIIHI !h) lviUNICIP/\LITY 'i.~tl: mu;m: :u lh•3 O.C.c3,U.'S f.lF~.';Islon
1\cJ!OIHHt:;ii;ilily ;\~1. P11blic /lcl
of 18UO, :.;r:d if 11u l'i1101Qt'!i1CY 1\·inmtucr C>r Emergency rtn<w.cial
f..i:H1:•!1'" i.', in pl8cn. thu chid cloctml of7icial of the MUNICIPALITY (i.e., Ci(y fvl<lyor or ·:-ov,•n:;hip
r;1 11:·· :1 vif:nr) nccnrdino :o tire procedrut::; ~;nt f11rll· irr this AureorrronL
---···------·-·----·-------n.c s.u.
Pane 13
ir•! .':'ITI\'C:SS Vl/l\EI-;[01-, l.OlJ!:3 f1CIIIMivliJ., Emerr;ency Fin<111cia/ Munaonr for the
i\':JI .IC:IP!\UTY, iunt::by Hckno.vludf.JCS tlmt h1s beEcn auth:Jri:/nd I.Jv tho L()(;al Governrnent fiscal
:~, ~~;r,.:•i:stbiiitv A(:l, F)ub/ic ;\ct f:J <)( 1D~IO to m:e<;ulc: this i\uranmet~t on br:IKtlf uf MUr--JICIP;\l.ITY
ciCCept~; (:Htd,}.lir:ds llle lv1UhiCIPf1ll'! Y to :lHl torrns and conditi::;m; of !11k; i\cJrec::JH~nt
. :!ny or ..(.kri0~;JL
__ ,
::1 lvlichiuan
Municipal C>Jt·pur:.Jlitw
r:,J \·~·A.-'~"~.:::-_ 'i ).. :~~;-;::,,,,~)._,:·~::-=-~\!
lOlli!'> s.cHu,:rvH":.
t:rner·~Jfli1C)I Fir·uncral f'.olar.aqr;r
II·~ '/i1Ti'E:3~?
Vv'HEREOF. Michuel J. Gingeli, .. Chairperson, Onkland County 13o;~rd of
hereby acknowlm.!nes ti18t he ':as been aulilo!izt~d by a -o::olu!ion ~~r H~e
< l<iklwxl C:ou1:ty 8oarrJ of Crxnn:i!;:;it•ners (o <;t~rtilincl copy of Which is alti1ch.:\:) to 8:\ecUI\: \his
llwr:r:rnr:nt on tJP.Imlf oi tr.e COUN iY OF CJJ,J<l.llt•D ond ilcn·)ClY w::c,~pt~: :J<:o binds tho
C( i'"·t,n ':' OF 0;\I<LAr·m \o thu terms and ccndltions of the i\qreemenl on Ihis___
d:1y r{
_. ·--- ·------ _. :w1:1.
f•,h mlc:ipal Corporallon
MiGllucl .1. Gingell
Ct;ai.·pcrson. Oakl~md Cour.ty DoD~d
of Cu:nmissio11u1 s
I!•! '.\'!I Nr:SS \\'Hf:Hl~Or', Mic:H/\U. w'. 1301..\ :IIN\'U, :n h ;; <lifici.'ll en pacify ns li!D O;;kiami
( ;, .:1:\') Slmriff, " lv\id lifJcHI Cci,Gtil<i\!')!lal Offku, hcrd;y accept<\ and hinds lh<; COUI,iT'r' OF
0;\><U\I•ID :r;o tilr; [('IIlllS cllld cc•ndition~; of tho i\!JIUUI!lUrt or\ this.,_,___ riay ui
·------- ·--' 201 ?..
Consl;lutiunal Offlce1
--·---·-· ....
i:l Mlchl~;<lr'l
tv)I(>-11\EL J. f3C,JCII.'\RD,
CJ<jr:land CoUtlly .SI:cr'ff
O.<.:.S.O. ',10 1:1t /,W EI,FOHCI !,\I'Nl SI'HVICF:i i\tJllEEMC'1' WHH l HE CITY Oi' I'O.'JTIAC
P,lq•' 1·~
/lntemlrncnt 4
Pt.rr~~ ."lr:t to paragraph 2..! of the 2012 Law Enforcement Services /~greeme:J\ bc\WC81',
the COUNTY a·1d lhe CITY o:: PON-IAC. the parlies hereby Hgree to omer'd saki conlr<~cl rn
Deco: cbncG wilh the ntiachec: Sch0dule A
.4.11 other contractua 1 provisions, of the 2013 Law Enforcement S<"lvicos f.\gn.:ement not
olh(:;rwise affected by the an<:~ched Sch(·Hlules I\ remain in full for·ce 8nd (-lffect.
FOR AND IN CONS!DEHATION of the mutual assurancm;, prcti:ises, acV.novlleclgn·r.~nl!;, set
forth in \IllS /vne:ldment 4 to u·,e ~013<W15 Law Enforcement Sel'liCBS Aw-een·.ent, ("A'l\oncJment") 3'ld
for o111er goocr an\1 valuablo eons:chJralion, U1e receip: <Jnti :.Jd<:1quacy o' which is lwreby uckno-.'lleclgi;'J.
the u:1llersi•;J'1Cd r1ereby CJXncut•J l111s /1rner~rJrnen: 1.111 !Jeiwli of :he Partie';, <l'~o by clo!ng sc• legfllly
olrlt(_:CJ'-·~: <liH.i b11vi :h1r l'ar<;es to u·.e terrns and condit·ons :.lf :•1is Con\rnr:t
IN VIJITNESS WHEREOF i.OIJI!; :~cllilrmnl. EtnHgr.rH:y Manager of the City of Por.tiac, ner<StJy
he heroby t'!Xf:JCU\Gs :his /\111P.ndnient on bel1alf of the tv1unicip31t:y and
'·cct;'/ 3ccepts ar~d bind~, the fvlunicip8lity :o the twms and conditions or this Amendment
;1:-;,<.t'O\'Jir~::~J(~s u-t;rt
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, \)
t.odis Sch:mmel
l:mergenc)' 1\lt&:l~l'~r·
- ·l"..-1--::o
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, MiciHwl ,J. Gingell, Cl\t1irperson, Oaklnnci County Board of
Corwni:-;:;icners 11ereb)' acknowledges that he has b8E:n autl1orized by a resolutron of the
O;:tkl;md County Board of Commissioners, to exec.Jio this Ac1endmc11l on l)e!H.llf of Oil:<.lantJ
County. ;:Jt'd hereby accepts ::md binds Oakland CotJnty to the :erms ;mel conclitio:1s of :ills
/\111 c11d 11\~;r'·~.
t:'!~~ ~~L\_ .~t\•·J:_~O,J~3 1·~:-.:~0l tJTI(~H
) 1
f'.Llfi(', :-)lT.-'
-~~;:, Cc:Jwl ~l·.:v f)i 1
II·! !\1': Slwrilf':; Office-Conlr<tct Atii!OtHiuwnt i/4 for l.ow Enforcement Setvicos in tlia City of
I' ott! ioc-20'1 0-20 1 G
'! ·: 111:.: ':>;rkurd C:JL:n:1• bc:J:cJ •.Jf Cv1 r'li:;•ww<'·:.
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WHt·f-\1:~\S \!10
Ci:y <::1 F'l."i!lac 11a:; CP'ltr;,co:,,d \'liillh: 0<Jkl:rl111 Co.H1Iy ~~h:ri'f''' Offc0 tc' vo.,·i,Jr:
l::v: •:n·o,cc!lrent c.L;I';k:eo ftx :!Je Crly 1(/J\. !11:?3H). and
'.oVHr::ru::As thi;; co·ttract -,,,s be:~:r a·wmded by rd.!\. fi130Gi Jnd M I\ n·11c; and
1/v:IFf'{E/\S paragrBph 2·\ of 1'1ls Ccntn1c\ prtwid•1rJ ti1.1t .in am,;ncn~ont \0 ll'i'; Conlr"';;t •rust be
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:,;.·1;1! iKt as a (H:tft::Jkld
Sc~tool O'L(Of v.~th n ~ho
Belie•:. I 0 1;;1r '~-
Community Profile ........................................................................................................................................ 3'J
Organizational Chart ..................................................................................................................................... 4
Budget Process .............................................................................................................................................. 5
Description of Funds Subject to Appropriation ............................................................................................ 7
Description of Activities, Services, and Functions ....................................................................................... 10"
Budget Message- City Administrator ........................................................................................................ 11
Financial and Operating Plan- Progress Report ......................................................................................... 23°
Capital Projects ........................................................................................................................................... 37
Debt Obligations ......................................................................................................................................... 41
Proposed Tax Rates to Support 2014-15 Budget ........................................................................................ 44
Performance Dashboard ............................................................................................................................. 45
Trends ..........................................................................................................................................................46
Budgeted Third Party Services with Direct Cost to the City, 2014-15 ................................................ , ....... 50
Budgeted Third Party Services with Direct Cost to the City, 2015-16 , ....................................................... 52
Services Provided by other Governments at No Cost to the City ..................... ,......................................... 53
Staffing Levels ............................................................................................................................................. 54,J"fr«,,,
Cost of Employees ....................................................................................................................................... 55
Glossary ....................................................................................................................................................... 60
Budget Summary, 2014-15 Fiscal Year .........................................................................................Appendix A
Proposed 2014-15 Budget Amendment.. .................................................................................... Appendix B
Budget Summary, 2015-16 Fiscal Year ........................................................................................Appendix C
Proposed General Appropriations Ordinance, 2015-16 Fiscal Year ............................................ Appendix D
Charts of General Fund Revenues and Expenditures ......................................................................... Appendix E
Page 2 of 62
Pontiac City Council Resolution
Be It Further Resolved that The Pontiac City Council has accepted the written and oral report for the
April 2015 DPW Subcommittee Meeting. The City Clerk will properly file and keep all records.
DPW Sub Committee
Present, Terrance King, Director, Mayor Waterman, Don Woodward, Councilman,
Kermit Williams, Councilman, Doris Taylor-Burks, Councilwoman
April 2015 Meeting
Meeting opened at Spm.
City Wide Clean up there will be 11 dumpsters and paint will be donated for graffiti clean-up .
The position of right of way inspector has been filed .
The DPW Department will be completing work for pot holes and catch basins
Current the Purchasing Agent Position is unfilled, henceforth delaying various contracts, i.e.
Street sweeping .
There will be proposals for Hazard Waste and Bulk Pick up .
Detroit Memorial will help clean up Oak Hill Cemetery. DPW Director, Mr King, will have the
roads and has plans on putting a new French Black Chain Fence around the University side of
the cemetery to replace the old fence .
The Downtown Business Association will be taking over the Dream Cruise .
Senior Center Rental Fees
Alcohol is not allowed at any events at either of Pontiac Senior Centers.
Meeting adjourned at 6 pm
Doris Taylor-Burks, Chairperson
Pontiac City Council Resolution
Whereas, Mary Lynn Yvonne (Perry) Ferguson, a member of the Pontiac Chapter (Theta Lambda Omega)
of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated, envisioned a cotillion that would provide educational
scholarships to be used for the continuation of educational goals for Pontiac Senior High School ladies;
Whereas, The Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority agreed to host the Scholarship Cotillion Committee chaired by
Mary Lynn Yvonne (Perry) Ferguson who planned the first Scholarship Cotillion held on May 25, 1973, at
the Holiday Inn in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan; and,
Whereas, the primary focus of the Debutante Scholarship Cotillion is scholarships, academic excellence,
community service, and social enrichment experiences; and,
Whereas, with the overwhelming support of the community with scholarships and generous
contributions, the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority has continued to carry out the vision of the first
Debutante Scholarship Cotillion annually and has expanded beyond the Pontiac Community and includes
experiences and scholarships for escorts as well; and,
Whereas, more than 800 young ladies and men have been awarded more than $1 Million Dollars of
scholarships to continue their education and community service; and,
Whereas, Mary Lynn Yvonne (Perry) Ferguson continues to be involved in her legacy with the Alpha
Kappa Alpha Sorority with chairing committees and participation with the Debutante Scholarship
activities and the annual giving of her "Dream Come True" Scholarships.
Now, Therefore, Be It Resolved, that the members of the Pontiac City Council encourage all citizens to
recognize the valuable contribution Mary Lynn Yvonne (Perry) Ferguson has made in this community
and surrounding areas throughout Oakland County.
Pontiac City Council
Joseph M. Sobota, M.P.A., City
April 20, 2015
Amendment ofTIFA 2 district boundaries
In 2013, the City of Pontiac in conjunction with Oakland County created a brownfield district to
assist the developers of the M1 Concourse. The owners of the M1 Concourse have applied to the
State of Michigan for another grant. While researching the property, Oakland County discovered that
the parcels comprising the M I Concourse must be removed from the TIF A District to allow the
brownfield plan to fully capture all taxes. Because the current value of the parcels are significantly
less than the base value, the City will benefit if the parcel was removed from the TIFA district.
The base value and the cunent value of each of the parcels are as follows:
2014 Taxable 2014 Captured Value
(206,1 00)
(1,577,31 0)
The process to remove a parcel from a TIFA district is the same as creating a TIF A district, and is
governed by MCL 125.1803. First, the City Council must pass a resolution of intent to amend the
boundaries and in that resolution set a date for a public hearing with notice published twice in a
newspaper of general circulation not less than 20 days and not more than 40 days before the date of
the hearing. In addition, notice must be mailed to the prope1ty taxpayer of record in the effected area,
and the notice of the hearing must be mailed by certified mail to the governing body of each taxing
jurisdiction levying taxes that would be subject to capture if the amendment is approved. The notice
shall state the date, time, and place of hearing, and shall describe the boundaries of the proposed
district. At the hearing, a citizen, taxpayer, or the property owner of the City has the right to be heard
in regard to this matter. After the hearing, if the City Council intends to proceed with the
amendment, the City Council shall adopt, by majority vote of its members, a resolution designating
the boundaries as amended. Such resolution is subject to the veto process established by the city
charter. Upon final approval, the resolution is to be filed with the secretary of state and published at
least once in a resolution of general circulation.
I have attached a map of the subject parcels.
April 20, 2015
City Council action is requested as follows:
At the Council meeting on April23, 2015, adopt the attached resolution setting the date and time
of the required public hearing.
The City Clerk is to publish the notice of public hearing to appear on Monday, April27 and
Tuesday, April 28 in the Oakland Press.
The City Council holds the public hearing as part ofthe meeting on Thursday, May 21.
The City Council votes on the resolution amending the district boundaries on Thursday, May 21
after the public hearing.
The schedule outlined above will allow the TAB to confirm Council's action to amend the TIF A
district at the TAB meeting of June 17, 2015.
If Council concurs, please pass the following resolution:
Whereas, the City of Pontiac has been advised that an existing brownfield district lies within
an existing TIFA district; and,
Whereas, in orderfor the brownfield capture to be fully realized, the parcels must either be
removedfl'om the TIFA district or the district must be removedfl'om the TIF development
plan; and,
Whereas, because the current parcels' taxable values are significantly below the base value
of the parcels, removal of the parcels from the TIFA district is most desirable; and,
Therefore, be it resolved that the Pontiac City Council shall hold a public hearing during its
regular scheduled City Council meeting at 5:30p.m. on Thursday, May 21, 2015 in Pontiac
City Hall, City Council Chambers, 47450 Woodward Ave. for the purpose of receiving public
comment on the proposal to removefi·om the boundaries of the Tax Increment Finance
Authority parcels 64-14-33-351-012, 64-14-33-351-001, 64-14-33-302-001, 64-14-33-302002, and 64-14-33-302-003, legally described as:
88-08-45 W 262.0 FT FROM NE COR OF PLAT, TH S 01-35-00 W 139.67 FT, TH
DIST OF 186.14 FT, TH S 55-08-30 E 15.8 FT, TH ALG CURVE TO RIGHT, RAD
299.5 FT, CHORD BEARSS 60-13-00 W 256.5 FT, DIST OF 264.96 FT, TH S 0426-00 E 18.32 FT, TH ALG CURVE TO RIGHT, RAD 747.3 FT, CHORD BEARS N
89-26-00 W 130.27 FT, DIST OF 130.53 FT, TH N 84-26-00 W 933.97 FT, TH N 0508-00 E 248.5 FT, TH N 88-09-00 E 279.1 FT, TH N 02-09-00 E 182.4 FT, TH N 8429-10 E 1063.83 FT TO BEG, ALSO LOTS 2 TO 16 INCL EXC ELY PART
WITH NLY LINE OF SOUTH BLVD, TH N 84-29-13 W 19.0 FT, TH N 33-51-26 E
19.97 FT, TH S 22-53-27 E 20.0 FT TO BEG, ALSO ALL OF 'DONALDSON ADD'
OF 'SACHSE ADDITION', THS 00-30-00 W 182.40 FT, TH W 279.10 FT TO SW
COR OF 'SACHSE ADD', TH S 02-17-10 E 248.50 FT ALG W LINE OF LOT 1, TH S
84-26-00 E 933.97 FT, TH ALG CURVE TO LEFT, RAD 747.30 FT, CHORD BEARS
April 20, 2015
S 89-26-00 E 130.27 FT, DIST OF 130.53 FT, TH N 04-26-00 W 18.32 FT, TH ALG
CURVE CONCAVE LEFT, RAD 299.50 FT, CHORD BEARS N 60-13-00 E 256.50
FT, DIST OF 264.96 FT, TH N 55-08-30 W 15.80 FT, TH ALG CURVE CONCAVE
NWLY, RAD 625 FT, CHORD BEARS N 26-19-30 E 185.40 FT, DIST OF 186.14 FT,
TH N 01-35-00 E 139.67 FT, TH S 84-29-10 W ALG N LINE OF SD LOT 1 TO BEG,
TO LOTS 7 TO 421NCL 12-20-13 CORR.
T3N, R10E, SEC 33 ASSESSOR'S PLAT NO. 90 LOTS 11 & 12, ALSO N 1/2 OF
Be it further resolved that the Pontiac City Clerk shall cause notice of such hearing to be
published in the Oakland Press on April 27 and April 28;and,
Be it fitrther resolved that the Pontiac City Clerk shall cause notice of such hearing to be
mailed by certified mail to all taxing jurisdictions that have property taxes subject to capture;
Be it fitrther resolved that the Pontiac City Clerk shall cause notice of such hearing to be
mailed to the property tax payer of record not less than 20 days before the hearing.