Extractive Fermentations
Extractive Fermentations
Designand MathematicalDescription of DifferentialGontactorsUsed in ExtractiveFermentations Stephen R. Roffler, Charles R. Wilke, and Harvey W. Blanch Department of Chemical Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, Californ ia 94720 Accepted for publication July 9, 1987 The per f or m anceo f d i ffe re n ti a cl o n ta c to rsfo r use i n extrac t iv e f er m enta ti o n i s c o m p l i c a te d b y th e effects of pr oduc t f or m at i o n i n th e c o n ta c to r.Wh e n p roduct form a t i o n i s s i g n i f i c a n ta , p p r o x i m a t ea n a l y t i c a sl o l u t i o n s a r e pr es ent edf o r th e p e rfo rma n c eo f th e c o ntactorfor two limitingcases:high and low substrateconcentrations. W hen pr oduc t s a re fo rme d a t a c o n s ta n t ra te , there i s a m i n i m u m r a f f i n a t es o l u t e c o n c e n t r a t i o nt h a t c a n b e o bt ained,in c on tra s tto th e b e h a v i o ro f a c o l u mn i n the a b s e n c eo f p r o d u c t f o r m a t i o n . G e n e r a le q u a t i o n sd e scr ibingt he beh a v i o ro f th e s y s te m fo r p ro d u ct formati on wit h bac k mi x i n gi n b o th p h a s e sa re p re s e nted.The ca s eof a s t r ippin gfa c to rn o t e q u a lto u n i ty i s c onsi dered. INTRODUCTION Many important industrial fermentationsare adversely affected by the accumulation of toxic metabolitesin the broth during fermentation. Most strains of Saccharomyces yeast, for example, are completely inhibited by ethanol concentrationsabove I l0 glL.t In the acetone-butanol fermentation,a butanolconcentrationof only l0-15 glL totally inhibits product production and cell growth of Clostridium acetoburylicum.2'3'' Product inhibition decreasesfermentor productivity, limits final product concentrationsand requires the use of dilute substratesin the fermentor. Large fermentors are thus required and product separationand stillagehandling costs are high. The effects of product inhibition can be reduced by removing toxic metabolitesfrom the broth during fermentation. One versatilemethod of in sira product removal is extractive fermentation. Here, an organic solvent is contacted with the broth during fermentation;toxic products are extractedinto the solventand product inhibition is reduced. The production of acetoneand butanol by extractive fermentationhas recently been demonstratedin laboratory scalefermentors.t-tFermentorproductivity was increased, concentratedsubstratescould be used, and final butanol concentrationin the extractionsolventwas higher than can be obtained in regular batch fermentation. Extractive fermentation can be carried out in two basically different ways: extractionsolventcan be addeddirectly to the fermentor or whole broth can be cycled to an external vesselwhere solvent is contactedwith the broth. In both (1988) B iot ec hnology and Bi o e n g i n e e ri nVgo,l .3 2 ,Pp .1 9 2 -204 O 1988J ohnW ile y& S o n s ,In c . methods of extractive fermentation, the design of the processis complicatedby the continual formation of products during extraction.Fournier8and Kollerup and Daugulise have presentedmodels describingextractive fermentation processesin which the extractionsolvent is addeddirectly to the fermentor. In production-scalefermentors, however, high agitationis requiredto dispersethe extractionsolvent in the broth. The high shearrate generatedat the impeller can create stable emulsionsof solvent in the broth6leading to difficult separationof solvent and broth in later unit operations.It may thus be preferableto contactthe solvent and broth in an external extractionvessel. In many types of differentialextractiondevices, such as reciprocating-plate or pulsedcolumns, shearrate is relatively uniform over the cross-sectional areaof the column. Agitation in the column can be adjustedto provide good mass-transferwhile preventing the formation of stableemulsions. In this article, approximateanalytical solutionsdescribing performanceof differential contactorsin extractive fermentationare derived. The influenceof different operating variableson extractorperformanceis discussedand a simple method of determining the significance of product formation by the cells in the extractoris described. MODELDEVELOPMENT Figure I showsa schematicdiagramof an extractivefermentationprocess.Whole broth, containing viable cells, is cycled from the fermentor to a differential contactor in which extraction solvent and broth are contactedin countercurrent flow. Inhibitory products in the broth are extracted into the solvent so that product inhibition is reduced.Extractedbroth is recycledto the fermentorwhile the products containedin the solvent are recoveredby suitable means such as distillation or back-extraction. Mass balancesover a differential sectionof a contactor with two phasespassingcountercurrentlyin one-dimensional steady state flow and product production taking place in the continuousphaseyield the following equations: - dtr, t,i7- ,, dr, U, "- , t k q , o ( . . . -c I ) * r r , u u : 0 (l) ccc 0006-3592t88t0201 92- 13$04.00 FERMENTOR BROTH RECYCLE REGENERATED SOLVENT Figure 1. Schematicof an extractivefermentationprocess. E..4:2* u ", -Yn * * dz, dz ''ux*' k o - a ( c ,c-f ) : o (z) where E,E, are effective turbulent diffusion coefficients and 16o6is the rate of product formation in the continuous phase. In order to solve eqs. (1) and (2) the kinetics of product formation must be known. Assuming that Monod kinetics describe cell growth and that sugar is the limiting substrate, the specific growth rate p is given by Itr^Ct tL:vffi, (3) For constantyieldsof cell massandproduct,the volumetric rate of productformationcan be represented by Ypt, ltrrncsc,n 7P''*:ffi Yprsftr,ncm When the concentrationof substrateis high (c, ) K,), the rate of product formation in the extractioncolumn is constantand is given by eq. (6). Assuminga linear equilibrium relationshiprepresented by cl : mc, eqs.(1) and(2) can be expressed in dimensionless form.ro d2X E ^ ^dX - ,,ti- #,. ^ n/r7 - rz\ , NI,P,B(X Y)+ urt rr 8,1cffi: O r , t q r + F N o , P y B- ( Y x ): o (11) wherethe dimensionless concentrations are given by (5) r - -c 1 t,- m - ccr i- m ^u -- cm yc', (r2) u_cr-cl (13) _m(cr-cj) m-1:@ Eliminationof Y betweeneqs.(10)and(11)gives d4x d3x ^dzx dx E-a#-BE-yE-6:0 (6) u, (9) (10) Assuming that the concentration of cell mass is constant throughout the extraction column, the rate of product formation can be expressed as a zero-order reaction TPrd: Case l: High substrate concentrations e) Two usefulsolutionsto eqs.(1) and(2) canbe obtainedby consideringlimiting casesof this kineticexpression. When the substrateis in excess(c, ) K,), the rate of productformationis given by '*d:T LIMITING CASES (14) where where ,,: Ypt,ltr^C^ 3;: const. (7) The secondlimiting caseis for low substrate concentrations (c, ( K,) whereproductproduction,againassuminga constantcell massin the extractor,is proportionalto substrate concentration ux r n o o: 4 c , (8) Equations(1) and (2) canbe solvedfor the two limiting casesrepresented by eqs.(6) and(8). The caseofhigh substrateconcentrationwill be consideredfirst. a,: B(P* - Pr) (1s) F:N*B(P,+FPy)+P,PyBZ (16) l:No,P,P,B2(I-F') (17) ^ o : v,LZFP.BNo, EJco, mct) (18) In eq. (18), 6 representsa dimensionless rate of product formation.The relative importanceof productformation andmasstransferin the contactoris indicatedby the magnitudeof e, - 6ly.At largevalueof e,, concentration changesin the contactorare due primarily to productfor- ROFFLER, WILKE,AND BLANCH:DIFFERENTIAL CONTACTORS 193 mation while at small values of e,, concentration changes are due to mass transfer. The solutions to eq. (10), (11), and (14) are given by x : A, * Are\zz * Are\tz * Aoex+z- a,z wherek : 0, 120, and240ofor trr, trr, andtrorespectively and ("\' Y : A, + Arare\2z + Araret'tz * Aoaoexoz / 1 \ - ".\, * o : \ t *, TB (28) qB n : /o\' G u+rT) + t (2e) (19) Q0) W) ,,: (30) cos-,[",) where the tr, are the roots of the characteristic equation L3-41,2-BI-7:0 (21) and the ai are given by tr, Ii Qr: a r *, "o @ (22a) or,o dd i : _F(l - I\I/P,B) L + I\t/PyB) (22b) The coefficientsA, areobtainedfrom the boundaryconditionsgivenby MiyauchiandVermeulen.ttTheseboundary conditionsassumestep changesin the concentrations of the continuousand dispersedphasefeedsas they enterthe columndue to backmixing,while the phasesleavingthe extractorexhibit no concentration'Jumps". The coefficientsA, aregiven by i ) I",a,A, : e, .'- (23) This solutionis valid if q' - p'< 0 which is normally satisfiedin this application.The full solutionto eqs. (19) and(20) canbe simplifiedby taking advantageof the propertiesof the roots tr,. tr, is large and positive, 1., is large and negativeand .tr.is small and can be positive or negative.r0In orderto obtainsimplifiedsolutionsfor Xr andI0, eqs. (23) to (26) are solvedfor the A, andsubstitutedinto eqs. (19) and (20). On dividing numeratorand denominator by exp(),r),all terms containingeither exp(-l,r) or exp(),r)are neglected.After simplifying the equations,one obtainssimple approximationsfor the concentrationsof soluteexistingthe extractor. Xt - Y': (24) r - +P,B I t l . ++-l ,^,t,: ",lr *,r) No,F P,B ) 3",(t a 194 cos(ul3+ k) e^oc,* c, (32) Cr : Ftrrar(),, - tro) (33) T^ - trr) 7a3aa(lto (34) r / l *F\";* (26) (27) (31) -'] c,:('-rft("+ il es) whereet : 1 and trr : 0. The A, canbe obtainedfor particular problemsby solving eq. 23-26 numerically.The lengthof extractorrequiredfor a givenseparation,however, must be found by iteration sincelength is containedin all tr, terms. Approximateanalyticalsolutionsfor the outlet concentrations Xr and Y0, however,can be obtainedby using a methoddescribedby Hanland and Mecklenburgh.r2 The perfonnanceof extractioncolumnsin extractivefermentationcan then be estimatedwithout the needfor numerical computation.The length of contractorcan also be calculated,althoughstill by iteration, in a straightforward manner. The roots of the characteristicequation),r, ),r, and Lo are given byro t r , : T * 2!p e^ocr(e,C,* 1) * e, CrCu + FCz Cz: i=2 *('-*")o,: e,C2Ca wherethe constantsC, to Cuarc given by a ) L,e^e,- e, o ^ o C t l e , C r1* - 1 / F l l Co= (l / Cr:{1 \ Cu:(1 l 1 \ ry* r*,) -q,)(1.#) .#* (3s) (36) *)(^:il tr (37, -r{r-",G+.i)} - t\*/ 1 - I r \ * ,,u ,*r) (38) Equations(31) and (32) give the outlet concentrations of productin the continuousand dispersedphasesfrom the extractor.Theseequationsare thus useful for simulating the performanceof extraction columns in extractive fermentation.Theseequationscan also be usedfor extractor designby making contactorlength explicit. Length is madeexplicitby substituting),,I : L, andB - Lf Ho,into V OL. B I O T EC H N O L OGY A N D B IO E N GIN EE R IN G, 32,JU LY1988 eqs.(31)-(38)and eqs. (15)-(18).The ),i are foundby solvingan equationanalogous to eq. (21). Whenproductproductionis negligible,eq. (31) reduces to the solutionsgiven by Pratt.lo ,:irL |rraoQt'a- Ij)Xt "'lrtlj(L; tr; r ; ) ( x ' - 1+ Equation(44) describesthe concentrationprofile of substrateover the lengthof the contractorwhen substrateconcentration is low. Combination of eqs.(44), (1), ( 2), and (8) andconversionto dimensionless form leadsto the following equations (3e) | /F) dzx il E-r,Ur-No,P,B(x-Y)+ The contactor length can thus be estimated without iteration when the rate of product formation in the column is small relative to the rate of product mass transfer. dY2 *+ Case ll: Low Substrate Goncentration t(dre^tt * dre*zz):g (49) F N o P y B ( x -r ) : g (50) dY rrt;r+ where When the concentrationof growth limiting substrateis Yr,rkrc? low (c, < K,), the rate of productformation,represented (51) t, ( r l - ^r') by eq. (8), dependslinearly on the concentration of substratein the continuousphase.It is thus necessary to esti- The solutions to eqs. (49) and (50) are as follows mate the substrateconcentrationprofile throughoutthe x : A, * Are\zz* Are\zz* Aoe\tz* Bre^rz * Bre^zz length of the contactor.Assumingthat the substrateis not (s2) extractedinto the dispersedphaseand cell yield and cell massare constantover the contactorlength, a massbalY : A, + Ararexzz+ Ararexzz* Aoaoexoz anceover a differentialsectionof column vields the fol* Brbre^tz + Brbre^r' (53) lowing equation where the a, and 1,,are given by eqs. (22) and (27), a, B are given by eqs. (15) to (17) and the B, and b, are given by +-+c*:o 8 .dz' 1 - u"' . dz KrYr,r"' ( 4 0 ) and y "' form as Equation40 can be expressedin dimensionless d.s d2.s b i : r +No" + - ANorPrB , r - € 4BiNo,PrB (41) E-',t;,-k,s:o @? - qm? - F*? - y*,) 8; : {d,lPrB(FNo,- m,) - *?l where s :c+; (42) U,L, *, ' : (43) KE,Y^ The solutionto eq. (a1) is givenby (4s) m'-PrB*-kr:o andd, andd, are obtainedby substitutingeq. (44) into the boundaryconditionsgiven by Miyauchi and Vermeulen.rr e^ocr(l- r/F) e^oc,* c, * crrt) + en4cra,l +' + Lu,yr''1e^ocre, * cr?r' e^oc, (s7) vo-e^ocr+FC, e^oct+ cz *' PrBe^2 ., l 2 ^ \ n , l C r 1 e ' , O*; o , ) * e ^ o C , , r l t , l e^oC, T wz i=l - mr) (s8) (46) d2 where C, and C, are defined in eqs. (33) and (34) and PrBe^r e^t(P,B - mr) - (*r/*r)e^2(P,B - mt) (47) where o;:1- ,,: *,{!(o,fttr,t7t2: *r,t t +l@,8)' (56) (44) wherem, andm2 areroots of the characteristicequation e^2(P,B - mr) - (*rl*r)t*t(P,B (5s) Approximatesolutionsto eqs. (52) and (53) can be obtainedin the sameway that eqs. (19) and(2) weresimplified. Upon simplification,one obtains Xt- S : dp^rz * dze^22 dr: ?9t D Pi (s4) + ktfi/z (48) L^z - Fb \, ("*7, P-B mi 1l (se) D - # r * , - u+ )( r\- b ) DIFFERENTIAL CONTACTORS ROFFLER, WILKE,AND BLANCH: (60) 195 ,,:(, ;)we#.#-,] ,u,, -F) -b,Ch. o;:(1 V,""G-*") r] (62) o,:u,(r.H-'(' H solutionsfor low substrateconcentrations exhibitedsimilar behavior.The curvesin Figure 2 weregeneratedusing the parameters listed in Table I. In general,the approximate solutionsdeviatedless than SVofuomthe exact solutions whencontactorlengthwas greaterthan4 feet and No,) Z. In practice,the contactorlength is usually much greater than4 feet andthe differencebetweenthe approximateand exactsolutionsis negligible.The approximate solutionsare thus generallyaccuratefor practicalcasesin which Z > 4 feet andNo" ) 2. (63) -(,-b,) r,:*,1#('*(' ;)] H (64) Equations(57) and (58) give the concentrations of productsin the continuousanddispersedphasesleavingthe contactorfor the caseof low substrateconcentration(c, < K"). For contactordesigncalculations,the contactorlength requiredto removea given amountof productfrom the continuousphasecanbe found by iterationafter \iL - ),, and B : Lf Ho. are substitutedinto eqs. (57) to (64), eqs. (15) to (18)andeq. (21). DrscusstoN The equationsderivedin the previoussectionare for the generalcasein which backmixingoccursin both phases and the strippingfactor F doesnot equal 1. If backmixing is absentfrom either phaseor F : I then the solutions presentedarenot valid. In practice,thereis normally some degreeof backmixing in both continuousand dispersed phases.Furthermore,the optimum strippingfactor occurs at ca. 0.7 or 1.4 dependingon the directionof masstransferr3so that the solutionspresented are usuallyapplicable. For casesin which either P, ot P, - m or F - 1, appropriate solutionscan be obtainedby using the limits given by Pratt.ro Accuracy of Approximate Solutions Approximateanalyticalsolutionsgiving the dimensionlessconcentrations leavingthe contactor,Xr and Io, were derivedfor conditionsof low and high substrateconcentration. The accuracyof the approximatesolutionswas tested by comparingpredictionsof Xr and I0 using the approximatesolutionsto valuesgeneratedby the exact solutions. The deviationof the approximatesolutionsfrom the exact solutions.definedas (6s) (66) wascalculatedfor a varietyof operatingconditions.Figure2 showsthat the approximatesolutionsfor high substateconcentrations[eq. (31) and(32)l approachthe exactsolutions as the length of the contactorincreases.The approximate Performance and Design of Differential Contactors in Extractive Fermentation The significanceof productformationon the designand performanceof differentialcontactorsdependson the magnitude of severaloperatingand physical parameters.In general,the effect of product formation on contactorperformanceincreasesas rr : E/7, which is a measureof the relativeimportanceof productformationand masstransfer in the contactor,increases.e, is proportionalto the rate of productproductio,rrs t)xt andthe continuousphaseresidence time in the contactor.At long residencetimes (small (J, or largeL), the contactoracts as anotherfermentorand significant productproductioncan take placein the extractor. The significanceof productformationon the performance of a differentialcontactorcan be gaugedby comparingthe contactorperformancewith and without productformation takingplaceinsidethe contactor.The deviationbetweenthe estimatedconcentrationof soluteleaving a contactorwith and without internalproductformationwas calculatedby AXr:t*(%9 LYo:tn(#) (67) (68) whereXf andI$ arethe outletconcentrations whenproduct formation is neglectedand Xj and Yooarethe outlet concentrationswhenproductformationis accountedfor. In all cases,comparisonswere madeusingthe solutionsfor high substrateconcentrationsand the model parametersshown in TableII. Effect of Product Formation Rate on Contactor Performance The rate that productsare formed during fermentation varieswidely dependingon the organismand processconfigurationused.In batchculture,Clostridiumacetobuelicum producesbutanolat a volumetricproductivityof ca. 0.5 g/ L h.5 Butanolproductivitycan reach3 g/f h when this samestrainis grown in fed-batchextractivefermentation.6 In batchculturesof yeastgrowingon molasses, ethanolproductivityis normally 4-6 g/L ht while ethanolproductivities of over 8 glLh havebeenreportedfor the continuous cultureof yeaston molasses.to Much higherproductivities havebeenobtainedby concentratingcells in the fermentor B I O T E C H N OL OGY A N D B]OE N GIN EE R IN V OL. G, 32,JU LY1988 No o\ : \,li - b u u x - v li .Fl +-) -1 l. li I [:r.. a p-*,40 .C ux : 1 0 t:l: ti, C-) 6 X r: [: nvo Tr li an t\ -) |i f ! t\, ctsr tr20 -tJ - \ U) o 1 0 \ , - . li \.r.++qo*.rtrrrsr X S \..'\... i n * -O + (tsr '6"4t4:'<'^''-"""" -f\/ /,' 4',' tr . +) F< 't -20 AX' -30 Contactor Length, ft Figure 2. Comparisonof approximateand exact solutionsfor the caseof high substrateconcentrations [eqs. (31) and (33)]. Parametervaluesare given in TableI. with ultrafiltration membranes.For example,ethanolproductivitycanreacha0 g/L h in fermentorsthatrecycleyeastr and ethanolproductivitiesof 67 glLh havebeenobtained in a membranereactorusing cells of Khryueromyces fragilis grown on whey.tsSimilar productivitieswere reportedfor Table I. lactic acidproductionfrom Lactobacillusdelbreuckiigrown in a fermentorusingultafilration to maintain high cell denTable II. Parameters co, Parameters used in model comparisons. Parameter Value Units cl l0 0 I 0 .7 40 20 20 100 3 0 .5 s/L cl F m ct" m F Ho, L E* Ey vr U, uy Urtn F cm ft cmzf s cmzf s slL h cm/s cm/s Parameters usedto generatecurvesshownin Figures2 and3. U, uy Ho, F, Ey ux & c! c2 lL Yrr, Ypr, Value 10 0 0.7 1.0 0.5 0.714 80 20 100 a t0 3 10 1.0 0.1 0.5 ROFFLER, WILKE,AND BLANCH:DIFFERENTIAL CONTACTORS Units e/L slL cm/s cm/s cm cmzfs cm2fs e/Lh s/L s/L s/L h-1 s/s o t o o/o DID 197 sities.t6The rateof productfermentation,u,, canthusrange from lessthan I g/t h in batchcultureto 50-60 g/L h in cell recyclesystems. Figure 3 showsthat for evenlow productivityfermentations, productformationcan significantlyaffectthe performanceof a differentialcontactor.For example,by neglecting productformationwhen u, is 5 g/Lh, the estimatedoutlet concenffations of solutefrom the contactor,Y0 andXl, are low by 10 and 37Vo,respectively.The continuousphaseis affectedby product formation to a greaterextent than is the dispersedphasebecauseproductiontakesplace in the continuousphase. The designof differentialcontactorsfor usein extractive fermentationis also complicatedby product formation in the column. Normally, for a linear equilibriumrelationship anda strippingfactorlessthan 1, the concentrationof solute in the continuousphaseleaving the contactor(raffinate) canbe reducedto any arbitraryconcentrationby increasing the contactorlength. Figure4 showsthat this is not ffue in extractivefermentation.At a given volumetricproductivity and set of operatingconditions,thereis a minimum solute concentrationwhich canbe obtainedevenwith an infinitely long contactor.For example,at the operatingconditions shownin TableII anda volumefficproductivityof l0 g/th, the concentrationof solute in the raffinate cannotbe reducedbeyondXr : 0.255. Furthermore,the minimum concentrationof solutein the raffinatedoesnot occurat infinite contactorlength;the raffinatefrom an infinitely long bi (-1 P rtl il -10 lri 4J --, c l-r 0-', -20 b,0 - {J a) a! Z -3 0 X a) d O c2 T) o -40 t-{ -r-? tr )-i >r Volumetric Production Rate, g/Il-lnr Figure 3. 198 Effect of product formation during extractive fermentation. BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOENGINEERING, VOL. 32, JULY 1988 € cFr j rL) rU\J o! - O -1 bBo p O rr( ri (,3 60 0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 X1, Continuous Phase Oullet Concentration, Figure 4. o ^ ' o r+"* )r t' + r .L . -uI:\ fi G f ii Ci- 1.2 Effect of contactor length on exit concentration of product (solute). No minimum exit solute concentration exists. contactor will contain more solute than will most shorter columns. This behavior is due to the counteracting effects of mass transfer and product formation in the contactor. While the rate of product formation is independent of contactor length at high substrate concentrations (c, ) K,), the rate of mass transfer decreasesas contactor length increasestransfer decreasesas contactor length increases. As contactor length increases from L : 0, the solute concentration in the raffinate at first decreasesin the normal fashion as more transfer units are added. As length increases further, however, the rate of mass ffansfer decreasesuntil the average rate of mass transfer in the contactor equals the average rate of product formation. This is the length of contactor giving the minimum raffinate solute concentration, X). Any increase in contactor length beyond this point results in a higher raffinate concentration as the average mass-transfer driving force further decreases. As the contactor length goes to infinity, the raffinate concentration approachesa constant limiting value. The contactor length L* giving the minimum raffinate concentration at high substrateconcentrations can be calculated iteratively from Ci 1.0 dimensionless - C) * ;I-i - rt whereCiaregivenbysubstitutingli L: in eqs. (33) to (36) and ej is given by e', : (70) E,P,(l - f) (cl - mcl) The minimumraffinateconcentration, Xtr, canbeestimated by substitutingL, into eq. (31). The concentration of solute in the raffinatefrom an infinitely long column,Xl, is givenby Xl : X' - e',Ci. lgg (7r) Figure5 showshow Xl, Xt* andL, dependon the rate of product formation in the contactor.When u, : 0, an infinitely long contactorgivesthe minimumraffinateconcentration. At finite valuesof u,, however,the concentration of solutein the raffinateis lower in columnsof finite length. For example,whenv,: 30 g/L h, Xt- :0.9 whileXt from a 9 foot column is only 0.5. At very high ratesof productformation such as thoseobtainedin cell recycle systems,the concentrationof solutecan increasethroughout the length of the contactor.Solute concentrationwill increasein the contactor,regardlessof contactorlength, wheneverthe volumetricproducqionrate,v,, is greaterthan a critical value given by -8,P,(c! (6e) Ir,andB: L/Ho, vrFHs, Ho,F F ) \ ' 4 G | - C t ) + ( F ' - l )| +q C: (72) ROFFLER, WILKE,AND BLANCH: DIFFERENTIAL CONTACTORS 199 X- t A 1.* +J o 1.2 ! c q) P q-i O (-) i B o -{J 1 b0 +_: O - - iJ a) J t v) U) 0.8 q al +J o 6 0 - 6 +i tr c-) v) - X1 = --- J "-/' 40 q) U.6 fi r- --? >< -.'t/a---=---r> 0.4 7 0 1 0 2 0 3 ux 0 - 4 0 5 0 6 0 e\,-nr ' Figure 5. Effect of the rate of product formation on minimum solute concentrations and on minimum tor length. Operation in the critical range can be avoided by increasing the ratio of extraction solvent to feed in the contactor (decreasingF). Thus, when highly productive fermentations are coupled with extraction, the optimal stripping factor in the extraction column will shift to values lower than the standard stripping factor of 0.7. It is apparent from Figures 4 and 5 that Xr can be greater than 1 when v, ) 0; more solute can leave the contactor in the raffinate than entered in the feed. This behavior has been observed during the extractive fermentation of acetone and butanol produced by Clostridium acetobutylicum.l The concentration of acetone in the broth leaving the differential extraction column was often greater than its concentration entering the column. Figure 6 shows that the concentration of solute in the continuous phase can also reach a maximum inside the contactor. At large values of u,, the rate of product formation can exceed the rate of mass transfer over a section of the contactor resulting in a concentration maximum inside the column. The concentra- 200 tion jump at the continuous phase feed inlet can also be positivewhen u" is large. For example,with u,: 30 g/Lh, the continuous phase solute concentration jumps from Xo : 1.0 in the feed to X0 : 1.06 inside the column. Product formation inside a differential contactor must be accountedfor when u, is large. Product formation will also be important when the continuous phase superficial velocity in the column is small Effectof ContinuousPhaseVelocityon Contactor Performance The superficial velocity of the continuous phase, (J*, affects contactor performance in two ways. First, the continuous phase Peclet number is proportional to U, so that the effects of backmixing increase as the velocity of the continuous phasedecreases.Second,the continuousphaseresidence time in the contactor is inversely proportional to U,; more product is produced per pass through the column at B I O T E C H N OL OGY A N D BIOE N GIN EE R IN G, 32,JU LY1988 V OL. CI 0 6 c4 1n a -J p (-, - Y { I H C) - p '-l tL 06 4J O c-) ^ O a A O n V .AT a a) fr a 0,2 >< 0.0 0 o.2 0.4 Z 0.6 0.8 1.0 FLactional Lengfh Figure 6. Concentrationof solutein the continuousphaseas a functionof volumetricproductformationrate (v,). small phase velocities. Both effects act to increase the importance of product formation at low U,. Figure 7 shows the effect of the continuous phase velocity on the concentration of solute in the raffinate from a column operating at the conditions shown in Table II. Although product formation significantly alters the concentration of solute in the raffinate at all superficial phase velocities, product formation is especially significant at low U,. For example, when U, : 0.1 cm/s, X' without product productionis ca. 0.29 while Xr increasesto 0.64 when u, -- 3,0 g/L h in the contactor. Figure 8 shows the strong dependenceof the continuous phase concentration profile on U,. When the continuous phase passes rapidly through the contactor, the effects of backmixing and product formation are minimized, e" is small, and the concentration profile is steep. As U, de- creases, however, backmixing increases and the concentration profile flatens out. At very low continuous phase superficial velocities, product formation becomes very significant (e, ) 1). The concentration at the feed inlet jumps upward (Xo > 1), the concentration profile reachesa maximum inside the contactor, and the outlet concentration is higher than the feed concentration(X' > Xo: 1). Thus, even relatively low rates of product formation can affect contactor performance when the continuous phase velocity in the column is low. coNGLUstoNs The perfofinance and design of differential contactor for use in extractive fermentation is complicated by the effects of product formation inside the contactor. In general, when ROFFLER, WILKE,AND BLANCH:DIFFERENTIAL CONTACTORS 201 P 0.0 Continuous Phase Peclet Number 0.8 1.2 1.6 ?.0 -10 m n g r.z - A ._{ -+J m VX1 t1 C) -/tI \-/ . r-.i ''?-l \J t n 1 -30 -rJ c) l-' rz-i v A v +? Fr n rtl {'ir tr O _40 a0 g O.B -p a) q) d O -cu -NJ "t-? hn w (J X -o E 0 6 -60 m 8 a \ v - /t{ ,..q rv A v a -{ - (Bnv x o.4 -{ L - 'i-i L L tr v X1 with product production -{-i g -80 Q l. L kl - ^ X o,2 T< -90 X1withourorro".;;tt -100 0.2 U* Figure 7. o.4 0.6 r.2 r.4 Continuous Phase Superficial Velocity, crn/s The effect of continuousphasevelocity on the concentrationof solute in the raffinate. substrateconcentrationis high (c, > K,), product formation is significantwheneverer : u,FLf (J,(1 - F')(rl *cfi is of order unity or higher. Parametere, is increased by high ratesof productformation, long continuousphase residencetimes, low productconcentrations,and poor exfractionconditions(strippingfactor -+ 1). When productformation is significant,the performance of differential contactorscan be predictedfrom eqs. (31) and (32) at high substrateconcentrations or from eqs. (57) and (58) at low substrateconcentrations. Although these equationsare approximations,they give resultswithin 5Zo of the exactsolutionswhen contactorlengthis greaterthan 4 f andff0, > 2. For practicaloperatingand designconditions, the differencebetweenexact and approximatesolu- 202 0.8 tions is negligible.when designinga differentialcontactor in which productsare formed at a constantrate inside the contactor,it is importantto note that there is a minimum raffinatesoluteconcentrationthat can be obtained.In contrast to the behaviorof a column without productproduction, the minimum concentrationof solute in the raffinate from a column with internalproductformationoccursat a finite contactorlength. The contactorlengthgiving the minimum concentrationof solute in the raffinate decreasesas e, increasesand for highly productivefermentations,the concentrationof solutecan increasethroughoutthe contactor. For a given set of operatingconditions,the length of contactorgiving the lowestpossiblesoluteconcentrationin the raffinatecan be estimatedfrom eq. (69). BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOENGINEERING, VOL.32,JULY1988 d ':-1 t.2 -. /fi l.{ +? tr C) H .4 1 u* : 0.075 e* : 1.58 p () P-J O a O.B /r{ d n - I 06 d . r-l {--? (- O U": 0'30 €* -: 0.395 0.4 T< U * : 1' 0 e* : 0.118 0 0.0 0.1 o.2 o.4 0 .3 Z 0.5 0.6 o.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 Ffactional LengLh profile. Figure 8. Effect of the superficialcontinuousphasevelocityon thecontinuousphaseproductconcentration The equationspresentedin this paperare for the general casein which backmixingoccursin both phasesand the strippingfactornot equalto 1. Althoughthe equationswere cast such that product formation occursin the continuous phase,the equationsare equallyvalid whenproductformation takesplace in the dispersedphase.In addition, the equationsare not limited to extractionbut can be usedto simulateor design any type of differential contactorin which the kinetics of product formation are zero or first order in substrateconcentration. NOMENCLATURE Ai a d; coefficientin eqs.(19), (20), (52), and(53)(dimensionless) inbJertacial areaper unit contactorvolume, 7z17t - 7-r definedby eqs. (22a) and(22b) (dimensionless) B Bi bi cm cs cx cy Ci di Ej L/Ho, (dimensionless) coefficientsin eqs. (52) and (53), dimensionless definedby eq. (54), dimensionless concenftationof cells in X phase(M/L3) concenffationof substratein X phase(M/L3) concentrationof solutein X phase(M/Lt) concenffationof solutein I phase(MlLt) definedby eqs.(33) to (38) definedby eqs. (46) and (47) (dimensionless) effectivelongitudinaldiffusioncoefficientin thejth phase(L2/T) F stripping(extraction)factor,# uy @i^"nsionless) ("true") heightof an overall transferunit basedon X phase(Z) constantdefinedby eq. (43) (dimensionless) overall masstransfercoefficientbasedon X phase(L/T) sugarsaturationconstant(MlLt) total length of contactor(l) slopeof equilibriumline, dc,f dc, (dimensionless) roots of characteristiceq. (45) Ho, h ko, K, L m nti DIFFERENTIAL CONTACTORS ROFFLER, WILKE,AND BLANCH: 203 No" Pj S Uj X Y Yp6 Yr, Z z number of "true" overall transfer units based on X phase (dimensionless) Peclet number of the jth phase, UjHo,f Ej (dimensionless) generalized substrate concentration in the X (feed) phase (dimensionless) superficial velocity of jth phase (t/I) generalized solute concentation in X (feed) phase (dimensionless) generalized solute concentration in Y (extractant) phase (dimensionless) yield of product (solute) from substrate (M /M , dimensionless) yield of cells from subsffate, M/M (dimensionless) zf L, fractional length within column (dimensionless) length within column measured from X phase inlet (Z) Greek letters d B y AXr Afo defined by eq. (15) defined by eq. (16) defined by eq. (17) deviation between approximate and exact solutions for X phase outlet concenfration, dimensionless deviation between approximate and exact solutions for I phase outlet concentration (dimensionless) definedby eq. (18) 6/7 (dimensionless) definedby eq. (60) 4i di definedby eq. (56) l,j roots of characteristiceq. (21) specificgrowth rate of cells (T-I) lL maximumspecificgrowth rate (?-t) Pvx rate of productformation,definedby eq. (7) (M/L3/f) definedby eq. (51) € cfi definedby eq. (63) o, definedby eq. (59) *, definedby eq. (64) o, definedby eq. (62) Q)i definedby eq. (61) VX' definedby eq. (67) vy0 definedby eq. 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