September 2014 Newsletter - Florida State Taxidermists Association
September 2014 Newsletter - Florida State Taxidermists Association
September 2014 Newsletter Florida State Taxidermist’s Association, Inc. To All My Fellow Taxidermist and Friends, FSTA Board: President: Garry Miller 407-252-4662 Vice President: Shawn Logan 850-877-2552 Secretary/ Treasurer: Carol Smith 863-858-2832 Board of Directors Donnie Gordon 850-322-3734 Richard Perry 352-817-8811 Jeff Whitlock 386-547-2139 Hope this finds everyone well and able to stay in, out of the heat. It seems as I get older it is harder to stay out in the sun and work. For the Members that did not attend the Trade Show this year, you missed a good time at the new venue, but the good thing you will get another chance. The Trade Show of 2015 is going to be on January 29th, 30th and 31st, 2015, at the Best Western Gateway Grand in Gainesville again. Our turnout was down this year but we had a good time. The President’s Challenge this year will be a White Tail Shoulder mount. At our last Board meeting it was decided the President’s Challenge is going to add a bonus… a JACKPOT! The pot will start with a minimum of $250.00 and could possibly go up depending on the number of entries. Everyone needs to get to work on your entry because the show is only 5 months off! At the last Board Meeting Shawn Logan and myself informed the Board that we would be stepping down at the end of the year, as well as Scott Staton, whom has also resigned from the Board, effective immediately, due to time constraints. Also, due to the bylaws Carol Smith must end her time as Secretary/Treasure so that means we are going to need some new people to step up and take a place on the Board of Directors. We still are in the process of putting together a seminar this summer but at this time I don’t have any information to pass on. With only 5 months to the next show we may not be able to get one going, so that would be a good reason for you to come to the show. Hope everyone has a great summer and hunting season has already started in some areas so maybe the mounts will start coming in. Sincerely, L. Garry Miller, President D O N A T I O N S D O N A T I O N S D O N A T I O N S THE NEVER ENDING STORY! WE NEED DONATED ITEMS FOR THE AUCTIONS!!! IF YOU HAVE ITEMS TO DONATE OR INFO CONCERNING SUCH…. PLEASE CALL A BOARD MEMBER AND WE WILL ARRANGE TO PICK IT UP OR MAKE CALLS FOR YOU!!! REMEMBER THIS IS WHAT HELPS PAY FOR THE FOLLOWING YEARS CONVENTION! D O N A T I O N S D O N A T I O N S D O N A T I O N S A SNEEK PEEK…… THE JUDGES FOR THE 2015 CONVENTION ARE: RICK KRANE – FISH BILLY OLLIE - BIRDS RICK DUNLAP – WHITETAILS, GAME HEADS, MAMMALS Florida State Taxidermists Association, Inc. Membership Application Preserve Your Profession! Membership Status: O New O Renewal Share taxidermy with friends and family! Annual membership: $50.00 (membership from January 1st through December 31st) NAME______________________________________________________ DATE OF BIRTH______________________________________________ ADDRESS___________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ CITY____________________________STATE_______ZIP____________ TELEPHONE (DAY)_________________(EVENING)_______________ Email Address:________________________________________________ My contribution to the Charlie Fleming Education Fund: _____$5 _____$10 _____$25 _____$50 _____other My contribution to the NTA Wildlife Conservation Fund to oppose anti hunters: _____$5 _____$10 _____$25 _____$50 _____other Please make check payable to your state association. Mail completed membership application to: Florida State Taxidermists Association, Inc. Attn: Carol Smith 13460 Moore Rd. Lakeland, FL 33809 863-858-2832 FLORIDA STATE TAXIDERMISTS ASSOCIATION, INC. Annual Convention and Competition January 29-31, 2015 BEST WESTERN PLUS GATEWAY GRAND Gainesville, FL Name: ________________________________Spouses’ Name: __________________________ Childrens’ Names: __________________________________________________________________ Phone Numbers: ___________________________________________________________________ Please check here if you or your spouse will volunteer to help during the convention Registration Information Registration/Seminar Fee (Family Included): $45.00__________ (Pre-Register prior to December 30, 2014 to receive your first mount entry free) Day of show Price:$65.00 _________ Saturday Night Dinner, Award Banquet and Auction Number of Adults: ___________ Number of Children: ________ (children 12 and under are free) (each) $30.00 ________ Competition Entries Number of Mounts: _______ Amateur (A) or Professional Division (P) Number of Mounts: _______ Masters (M) Division Number of Mounts: _______ Habitat (H) Number of Mounts: _______ Commercial (C) Number of Mounts: _______ Youth (Y) Division Number of Mounts: _______ Challenge of the Arts (COA) Number of Mounts: _______ Presidents Challenge (PC) (each)$15.00 _________ (each)$20.00 _________ (each)$5.00 _________ (each)$10.00 _________ (each)$10.00 _________ (each)$15.00 _________ (each) $10.00 _________ TOTAL DUE: _________ Please use the highlighted code above and indicate what you are bringing to competition, be sure to indicate whether it is a wall, table or floor mount. If your mount will take up more than a 2’ X 2’ space please let us know that as well: _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ *I agree all mounts entered have been completed by me or my studio and failure to comply with FSTA competition rules will result in my disqualification for ribbon points.* Signature:____________________________________ Date: ____________________________ Mail completed registration forms to: FSTA, Inc. Attn: Carol Smith 13460 Moore Rd Lakeland Florida 33809 Preserve Your Profession! National Taxidermists Association Membership Application Share with friends, family and taxidermy CATEGORIES OF MEMBERSHIP O U.S. Individual---$65.00 O U.S. Family---$88.00 O Business---$138.00 includes business name in Outlook Magazine O Renewal NTA Certification---$20.00 O Renew NTA Judge Fee --- $10.00 O NTA Lifetime Judges Fee---$50.00 One Year Membership includes $12,000 Accidental Death Insurance Policy, optional health and business insurance, 6 issues of Outlook Magazine, reference photo, pocket card, certificate, convention, Certification program, Award of Excellence program, Education and protecting your rights. One-Year Membership Year: January 1st to December 31st Membership Status: O New O Renewal __________NTA MEMBER NUMBER NAME__________________________________________ DATE OF BIRTH_______________ ADDRESS_______________________________________ ________________________________________________ CITY__________________STATE_______ZIP__________ TELEPHONE (DAY)________________(EVENING)_______________ Email Address:_________________________________________ If family or business membership, please issue insurance policy in this name:________________________________ My contribution to the Charlie Fleming Education Fund: _____$5 _____$10 _____$25 _____$50 _____other My contribution to the NTA Wildlife Conservation Fund to oppose anti hunters: _____$5 _____$10 _____$25 _____$50 _____other Please make check payable to your state association. Mail completed membership application to: Florida State Taxidermists Association, Inc. Attn: Carol Smith 13460 Moore Rd Lakeland, FL 33809 863-858-2832 When you join the NTA you become a better-informed taxidermist. Your dues work for your rights to hunt and practice taxidermy. The NTA has a primary focus of unity and education. In order to save funds the NTA is mailing you this renewal notice. Your membership includes your membership to the National Taxidermists Association, Six issues of Outlook Magazine, a $12,000.00 AD&D Insurance Policy, optional health and business insurance, reference photograph, certificate and pocket card. Your membership number is important if you are interested in NTA Certification or NTA Award of Excellence programs. The NTA is Not-for-profit, educational organization striving to improve our profession, educate, and promote conservation of wildlife. And remember: the NTA is concerned about the future of all taxidermists.
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