GRV Circular Formwork Tie-less Circular Formwork with
GRV Circular Formwork Tie-less Circular Formwork with
GRV Circular Formwork Tie-less Circular Formwork with Articulated Waling GRV Edition 08/2009 PERI GmbH Formwork Scaffolding Engineering P.O. Box 1264 89259 Weissenhorn Germany Tel +49 (0)73 09.9 50-0 Fax +49 (0)73 09.9 51-0 [email protected] Important Notes: Without exception, all current safety regulations must be observed in those countries where our products are used. The illustrations in this brochure are photographs of real site situations. Safety or formwork anchor details are therefore not to be taken as a definitive guide to the way the equipment is to be used. Safety precautions and allowable loads are to be strictly observed. Separate structural calculations are required for any deviations from the standard design data. The information contained herein is subject to technical changes in the interests of progress. Contents 2 GRV Articulated Waler Circular Formwork For circular structures without ties 4 Cost-effective customized solutions 6 Assembly service 8 Example of use 10 The GSRV Articulated Spindle Waler 12 Planning aid for circular tank 14 Components 20 PERI International 1 GRV Articulated Waler Circular Formwork For circular structures without ties When used in a closed ring of any radius the GRV system requires no ties. The savings achieved in this way are considerable: Ties cost money, and introduce the risk of impairing the concrete’s watertightness in, for example, sedimentation tanks. Taking the erection and dismantling times into account as well, it be-comes obvious why the PERI GRV system saves so much time and material. The GRV system can also be used for special formwork with ties. GRV in use as tapering circular column formwork. Complete circular tank shuttered with GRV without using any ties. 2 Circular formwork with GRV on PERI KGF 240 climbing platforms. Funnel-shaped formwork for a stormwater settlement tank. 3 Cost-effective customized solutions Arched Bridges with GRV PERI GRV articulated waler is always the most economical solution for circular, segmental, compound and other arch shapes. Combined with GT 24 Girders, PERI push-pull props and compression braces, almost any arched bridge can be shuttered almost entirely with standard components. Irrespectively of the size of the arch. 13.50 m wide and 8.40 m high arch formwork. GRV articulated waler with GT 24’s and supported by RS 1000 push-pull props. 4 R=1 0.0 0 m Multipurpose Connector GRV for attaching compression spindles. Detail T G 24 G RV 90 T G 24 VT 20 Bearing Bloc GRV left or right Wedge Lowering Device 420 kN Bearing Block GRV, left Bearing Block GRV, right 230 DW 15 Anchor Sleeve DW 15 5 The PERI assembly service The basic assembly of the GRV panels is carried out on site, or more efficiently and economically in PERI’s preassembly shop. Even complicated cross sections for settlement tanks are simple with PERI GRV. To achieve the required accuracy this arched bridge form is fully preassembled, then split into segments for delivery to the site. Assembly of GRV panels with segment boards. 6 The GRV articulated waler is continuously adjustable to accommodate virtually all circular structures. Note: Preassembled GRV panels must not exceed the permissible width during transportation. 3. Insert adjusting screws with M24 nuts loosely fitted, then tighten the two nuts on the inside waler. Now use the two remaining nuts to line up the outside walers with the drilled holes. (Fig. 3) This procedure eliminates wale pin play, with the inside formwork in compression, and the outside formwork in tension. The girders can now be fitted as required. 90 Hole ø 40 mm Waler Waler R 2. Lay the three articulated walers on the template and connect with two pins. Only line up the two outside walers roughly with the hole drilled. (Fig. 2) 90 90 h Pin pitc dius circle ra 1. Mark out the pin pitch circle radius required on a template, and drill four 40 mm holes at the appropriate spacing for the size of articulated waler chosen – 900, 750, 600 or 300 mm – centrally on the circular arc. (Fig. 1) Waler Assembly template 3000 Fig. 1 Insert pins Position pin roughly on pitch circle Fig. 2 Fig. 3 7 Example of use Tank with haunch Inside radius: 6.00 m Wall thickness: 0.30 m Pour height: 5.00 m ra A Assembling panels Inside panel s diu 6.3 0m A Outside panel Li Lo Assembly platform The panels’ formlining joint is lined up radially with the centre line of the pin between the girders. 8 Timber cleat GRV 90 60 5.00 Section A-A 35 30 Alternative formlining joints TPA filler support 1. Formlining joint between the girders With TRIO BFD alignment coupler and filler support. BFD alignment coupler Plywood Strip 4 x 20 mm nailed on center Timber spacer 2. Formlining joint on the girders With a clamping device and the DW 15 anchor bolt sleeve, Item no. 026280. Timber DW 15 anchor bolt sleeve Plywood Strip 4 x 20 mm nailed on center Timber spacer Wingnut Pivot Plate DW 15 tie rod Timber 9 The GSRV Articulated Spindle Waler Continuously adjustable to any radius Ways of adjusting the PERI GRV system The patented joints of the GRV waler allow the following minimum pin pitch circle radii. GRV GRV GRV GRV 90, 75, 60, 30, r r r r min min min min = = = = 1.80 m = concrete radius* of 2.10 m 1.50 m = concrete radius* of 1.80 m 1.20 m = concrete radius* of 1.50 m 0.60 m = concrete radius* of 0.90 m *when formwork erected in the normal way Conforming to small radii. Tie-less shuttering, even with large radii, particularly cost-effective when several identical circular structures are to be concreted in succession. 10 Adjusting the articulated spindle waler with the GSRV hook spanner. Adjustability of the GRV joint The STS 360 adjusting spindle is used for all GRV 90, 75, 60 and 30 connections as well as with GSRV 65 – 90. 39 α Outside form Spindle STS 260 a = 18° Spindle STS 360 a = 26° Note: When usisng the GRV 30 the STS 260 adjusting spindle must be fitted on the inside ring. Pin pitch circle radii less than 1.0 m can be set with shortened spindles. 235 mm long spindles are employed for the smallest pitch circle radius of 0.60 m. max. 14° GRV 9 GRV 0 = 1.80 75 = m GRV 1 60 = .50 m GRV 1 30 = .20 m 0.60 m 350 sma lle circl st pin p e rad itch ius 39 Inside form 11 12 [m] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m] - , , , 0, 2 4 , 0, 0 3 inside No. GRVs Na = Qty = Ui = Ni walers Li/panel width for Ui = 2 x ri x π Li/waler section Internal circumference inside Na x 3 or 2 = Qty outside outside Lo/waler section Lo/waler section for [m] = = = walers = Length = Ua = Na External circumference Ua = 2 x ra x π [m] [m] = = inside Check this quantity against the number of walers / ring actually chosen Length 4. Determine length of formlining L Ni x 3 or 2 = 3. Number of girders N up to ø Qty Total up to ø 30 m 20 m 10 m [m] [m] [m] 3 2 1 Recommendation: Spindle waler per ring up to ø Spindle waler Qty GRV 60 6,974 GRV 90 = 8,369 GRV 75 = 10,462 GRV 60 = 9 0 Outside rings x Na GRV 75 , , , 0, 2 4 , 0, 0 3 Qty GRV 90 + + + + + outside [m] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m] [m] pin pitch circle radius x Outside pin pitch circle radius Outside concrete radius Ra Formlining thickness Timber Boarding PERI girder Packing timber as required up to pin centre line outside x Ni Inside rings 6,988 GRV 90 = 8,385 GRV 75 = 10,482 GRV 60 = 9 0 inside GRV 75, 60, 30 and GSRV 60 – 90 spindle walers are used for closing the circumference. pin pitch circle radius x Total requirements No. GRVs Ni = 2. Number of articulated walers N Inside pin pitch circle radius Inside concrete radius Ri Formlining thickness Timber Boarding PERI girder Packing timber as required up to pin centre line 1. Determination of pin pitch circle radius R Planning aid for circular tank Table for determining pin pitch circle radius and number of articulated walers required approximately. The exact values can be determined on a full scale plan or with the aid of a CAD system. The PERI GRV system takes a maximum compression or tension force of 400 kN in a complete circle. For calculating the actual waler tension force: Example: Radius r = 14 m Concrete pressure Pb = 30 kN/m2 Loading height h = 90 cm The external ring tension force (Zring), is critical, since the inner compression force (Dring) is always smaller. Zring = 14 m x 30 kN/m2 x 0.90 m Zring = r x Pb x h Zring = 378 kN < 400 kN permissible where: r = outside radius [m] Pb = concrete pressure [kN/m2] h = height of load carried by the waler [m] External tension forces Zring Internal compression Dring 13 GRV Circular Formwork Item no. Weight kg 021140 021130 021120 021110 17,600 23,900 27,100 30,200 Articulated Waler GRV Articulated Waler GRV 30 Articulated Waler GRV 60 Articulated Waler GRV 75 Articulated Waler GRV 90 For tie-less forming of circular structures with closed formwork ring. L 380 680 830 980 X 300 600 750 900 Technical Data Permissible compression and tension load 400 kN. L X Ø40 021150 49,200 Articulated Adjustable Waler GSRV 65-90 For tie-less forming of circular structures with closed formwork ring. For the infilling, adjustable from 650 to 900 mm. 82 70 152 Ø21 Technical Data Permissible compression and tension load 400 kN. min 730 max 980 min 650 max 900 022210 1,900 82 70 140 Ø40 Pivot Pin GRB, galv. For connecting of GRV Articulated Walers and GSRV 65-90 Articulated Adjustable Waler. 200 145 Ø6 022230 14 0,033 Accessories Cotter Pin 5/1, galv. Ø40 GRV Circular Formwork Item no. Weight kg 022230 0,033 Cotter Pin 5/1, galv. For pins Ø 25 mm to Ø 40 mm. Ø5 2,450 Hook Spanner HKS for GRV For adjusting of the GSRV 65-90 Articulated Adjustable Waler. 40 105 021160 385 021240 021250 0,907 1,260 Adjusting Bolt STS Adjusting Bolt STS 260, galv. Adjusting Bolt STS 360, galv. For adjusting of GRV Articulated Walers and GSRV 65-90 Articulated Adjustable Waler. 18 Note Spanner size SW 17. 260 / 360 M 24 022250 021260 0,100 0,178 Accessories Nut ISO 4032 M24-8, galv. Half-Round Washer HRS, galv. 022250 0,100 Nut ISO 4032 M24-8, galv. SW 17 Note Spanner size SW 36. M 24 SW 36 0,178 Half-Round Washer HRS, galv. Ø26 44 021260 16 58 15 GRV Circular Formwork Item no. Weight kg 021270 15,000 Bearing Block GRV, left For the use of GRV Articulated Walers for special applications. 70 210 150 Ø40 200 021280 15,100 200 Bearing Block GRV, right For the use of GRV Articulated Walers for special applications. 82 210 150 Ø40 200 021290 4,880 200 Multi-purpose Connector GRV For the use of GRV Articulated Walers for special applications. 190 100 Ø21 100 16 90 190 100 60 50 Ø22 17 18 19 PERI International 42 19 20 22 32 34 18 38 11 52 6 01 PERI GmbH Rudolf-Diesel-Strasse 89264 Weissenhorn info @ 21 1 5 17 2 46 30 3 16 13 29 28 9 53 24 48 4 41 61 33 02 France PERI S.A.S. 77109 Meaux Cedex [email protected] 09 Italy PERI S.p.A. 20060 Basiano (MI) [email protected] 16 Austria PERI Ges.mbH 3134 Nußdorf ob der Traisen offi[email protected] 23 Korea PERI (Korea) Ltd. Seoul 135-080 [email protected] 29 Slovania PERI SLOWENIEN 2000 Maribor [email protected] 03 Switzerland PERI AG 8472 Ohringen [email protected] 10 Japan PERI Japan K.K. Tokyo 103-0015 [email protected] 17 Czech Republic PERI spol. s r.o. 252 42 Jesenice [email protected] 24 Portugal PERIcofragens Lda. Linda-a-Pastora 2790-326 Queijas [email protected] 30 Slovakia PERI spol. s r.o. 903 01 Senec [email protected] 04 Spain PERI S.A. Sociedad Unipersonal 28110 Algete/Madrid [email protected] 11 United Kingdom/Ireland PERI Ltd. Rugby, CV23 0AN [email protected] 18 Denmark PERI Danmark A/S 2670 Greve [email protected] 05 Belgium/Luxembourg N.V. PERI S.A. 1840 Londerzeel [email protected] 12 Turkey PERI Kalıp ve İskeleleri Kıraç - Büyükçekmece/ Istanbul 34500 [email protected] 19 Finland PERI Suomi Ltd. Oy 05460 Hyvinkää 06 Netherlands PERI B.V. 5480 AH-Schijndel [email protected] 13 Hungary PERI Kft.. 1181 Budapest [email protected] 14 Malaysia 07 USA PERI Formwork Malaysia PERI Formwork Systems, Inc. 43300 Seri Kembangan, Elkridge, MD 21075 Selangor DE [email protected] [email protected] 08 Indonesia PT Beton Perkasa Wijaksana 15 Singapore PERI ASIA Pte. Ltd Jakarta 10210 Singapore 387355 [email protected] [email protected] 20 20 Norway PERI NORGE AS 3036 Drammen [email protected] 21 Poland PERI Polska Sp. z o.o. 05-860 Płochocin [email protected] 22 Sweden PERIform SVERIGE AB 30013 Halmstad [email protected] 25 Argentina PERI S.A. (1625) Escobar/Prov. Bs. As. [email protected] 26 Brazil PERI Formas e Escoramentos Ltda. CEP 06730-000 Vargem Grande Paulista São Paulo [email protected] 27 Chile PERI Chile Ltda. Colina, Santiago de Chile [email protected] 28 Romania PERI România SRL 077015 Baloteşti - ILFOV [email protected] 31 Australia PERI Australia Pty. Ltd. Glendenning NSW 2761 [email protected] 32 Estonia PERI AS 76401 Saku vald Harjumaa [email protected] 33 Greece PERI Hellas Ltd. 194 00 Koropi [email protected] 34 Latvia PERI SIA 1057 Riga [email protected] 35 United Arab Emirates PERI (L.L.C.) Dubai [email protected] 12 44 36 43 7 50 39 60 49 47 23 51 37 40 57 56 54 58 59 35 10 55 63 14 15 8 26 62 27 31 45 25 42 Iceland 36 Canada MEST ltd., PERI Formwork Systems, Inc. 220 Hafnarfjordur Bolton, Ontario [email protected] L7E 1K1 [email protected] 43 Kazakhstan TOO PERI Kazakhstan 37 Libanon 050010 Almaty PERI GmbH [email protected] Beirut P.O. Box 90 416 Jdeidet [email protected] 44 Russian Federation OOO PERI 142403 Noginsk 38 Lithuania [email protected] PERI UAB 02300 Vilnius [email protected] 45 South Africa PERI Wiehahn (Pty.) Ltd. Bellville 7535 39 Marocco [email protected] PERI S.A. Tanger [email protected] 46 Ukraine TOW PERI Ukraina 02002 Kiew 40 Israel [email protected] PERI Formwork Engineering Ltd 49002 Israel 47 Egypt [email protected] PERI GmbH 11361 Heliopolis Cairo 41 Bulgaria [email protected] PERI BULGARIA EOOD 1839 – Sofia [email protected] 48 Serbia PERI Oplate d.o.o. 11070 Novi Beograd offi[email protected] 49 Mexico PERI Cimbras y Andamios, S.A. de C.V. Estado de México, C.P. 54680 [email protected] 50 Azerbaijan PERI Kalıp ve İskeleleri Baku [email protected] 51 Turkmenistan PERI Kalıp ve İskeleleri 744035 Aşgabat [email protected] 52 Belorussia PERI Belarus 220030 Minsk [email protected] 53 Croatia PERI oplate i skele d.o.o. 10 250 Donji Stupnik/ Zagreb [email protected] 54 Iran PERI GmbH Building No. 4 P.O. Box 1939793669 Teheran-Iran [email protected] 55 India PERI (India) Pvt Ltd Mumbai – 400064 [email protected] 62 Peru PERI Peruana SAC Lima/Peru [email protected] 56 Jordan PERI Jordan 11947 Amman [email protected] 63 Panama PERI Panama Inc. 587 Panama City [email protected] 57 Kuwait PERI Kuwait 13011 Kuwait [email protected] 58 Saudi Arabia PERI Saudi Arabia Jeddah - 21463 K.S.A [email protected] 59 Qatar PERI Qatar LLC Doha [email protected] 60 Algeria Société PERI S.A.S. Kouba - Alger [email protected] 61 Albania Autostrada TIRANE-DURRES Tirane / ALBANIA [email protected] 21 Wall Formwork Panel Formwork Girder Formwork Circular Formwork Facade Formwork Brace Frame Climbing Systems Climbing Scaffold Self-Climbing System Climbing Protection Panel Platform Systems Column Formwork Square Rectangular Circular Scaffold, Stairways, Working Platforms Facade Scaffold Working Platform Weather Protection Roof Stairway Access Slab Formwork Panel Formwork Beam Grid Formwork Girder Formwork Slab Table Beam Formwork Bridge and Tunnel Formwork Cantilevered Parapet Carriage Cantilevered Parapet Platform Engineer’s Construction Kit Shoring Systems Steel Slab Props Aluminium Slab Props Tower Systems Heavy-Duty Props Services Formwork Assembly Cleaning / Repairs Formwork Planning Software Statics Special Constructions Additional Systems Plywood Formwork Girders Stopend Systems Pallets Transportation Containers PERI GmbH Formwork Scaffolding Engineering P.O. Box 1264 89259 Weissenhorn Germany Tel +49 (0)73 09.9 50- 0 Fax +49 (0)73 09.9 51- 0 [email protected] D e 08/2009 5ma Art.-Nr.: 790443 © Copyright by PERI GmbH PERI Product Range
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