HD 200 Heavy-Duty Prop Heavy-duty support system with 200
HD 200 Heavy-Duty Prop Heavy-duty support system with 200
HD 200 Heavy-Duty Prop Heavy-duty support system with 200 kN load capacity Edition 09/2010 PERI GmbH Formwork Scaffolding Engineering P.O. Box 1264 89259 Weissenhorn Germany Tel. +49 (0)7309.950 - 0 Fax +49 (0)7309.951- 0 [email protected] www.peri.com Important Notes: Without exception, all current safety regulations must be observed in those countries where our products are used. The illustrations in this brochure are photographs of real site situations. Safety or formwork anchor details are therefore not to be taken as a definitive guide to the way the equipment is to be used. Safety instructions and load specifications are to be strictly observed at all times. Separate structural calculations are required for any deviations from the standard design data. The information contained herein is subject to technical changes in the interests of progress. Errors and typographical mistakes reserved. Content 2 PERI HD 200 Heavy-Duty Prop Support system for heavy loads 4 Practical accessories for ease of use 6 Example of use 8 Load capacity diagram 10 Components 20 PERI International 1 HDS 270, alu PERI HD 200 Heavy-Duty Prop Support system for heavy loads ... The HD 200 heavy-duty prop carrying 200 kN makes all that a thing of the past. The HD 200 heavy-duty prop system offers the user decisive advantages when erecting support structures. Simple assembly Captive connectors can be operated without tools. Low weight Max. component weight of 29 kg largely avoids reliance on a crane. Easy to use The lowering device is easily released, even under full load, using a simple power drill. The system’s primary beam Eliminates time-consuming site operations. PERI HD 200 supporting precast prestressed concrete beams. 2 min 1.65 m max 2.10 m min 1.05 m max 1.50 m HDS 30, alu 22 5 HDS 90, alu Any scaffold tube bracing required can be connected to the 48.3 mm diameter chord section. min 2.85 m max 3.30 m ø 48.3 min 3.45 m max 3.90 m HDSS 210, steel For bridges, tunnels, renovation - in fact, wherever substantial loads have to be transferred, a construction site used to need 3 things: a lot of space, heavy support structures and, above all, time. ... offering versatility in application The HD 200 system is made of aluminium to make it much lighter than conventional heavy-duty props. This allows erection of the prop sections by hand. The HDS 270, for example, weighs only 29 kg. 60 m long flyover on HD 200 props. Use inside a building being renovated. HD 200 heavy-duty props can also be used costeffectively for low heights. 3 PERI HD 200 Heavy-Duty Prop Practical accessories for ease of use PERI places a great deal of importance on the site benefits in terms of utilisation and accessories, and hence the cost-effectiveness of the construction. A complete range of accessories with: Primary Beams HDT in different lengths. With couplings, through holes for centring the props and holes for diagonal tie rod bracing. Trolley HD for removing the secondary beams under the concreted member. Scaffold Bracket HD 75 for enabling work on the support scaffolding and abutments to be carried out safely. Diagonal bracing with DW 15 tie rod. Bracket HD 75 for a 75 cm wide working scaffold. Max spacing: 1.25 m. Allowable load: 150 kg/m2. The primary beams can be coupled to resist tension, especially in longer structures. 4 Trolley HD for removing the secondary beams after concreting. The Trolley HD moves loads of up to 2,500 kg. Simple assembly All sections can be extended and connected without using any small parts that could get lost. The chord couplings are operated without any tools. Insert prop section ... Easy to use Even under full load, controlled lowering is easy with the lowering device. The 10 cm range allows easy striking. ... and connect with chord couplings. A conventional power drill with 19 mm socket is used to operate the device (no power wrench). 5 PERI HD 200 Heavy-Duty Prop Example of use Abutment Connector Kicker / Push-Pull Prop allow kickers and push-pull props to be fixed. This arrangement is used to carry horizontal forces and align primary beams. Connector Kicker AV / Push-Pull Prop Connector Kicker AV / Push-Pull Prop Centring Bolt HD M12 For positioningthe HDA lowering device or HDK 45 head spindle accurately on the HDT primary beam. 6 Centring Bolt HD M12 The 48 mm diameter chord section also allows the connection of scaffold tube bracing. Main Beam Clamp HD, 40 mm Used to help erect the prop sections, and to connect primary and secondary beams. Push-Pull Prop Connector Push-Pull Prop Connector HDR For connecting push-pull props to HDS prop sections. Base Adapter HD For HDS prop sections being employed without lowering device. Used in combination with PERI wedge lowering device. The centring bolt allows the load to be transferred centrally. Base Adapter HD Wedge Lowering Device 7 Prop Sections HDS Alu Resistance J HD 200 Heavy-Duty Prop Restrained at the Top, H ≤ 11.00 m max. 386 HDT HDK 45 H HDS Alu Impact pressure q [kN/m2] q = 0.0 kN/m2 q = 0.2 kN/m2 q = 0.9 kN/m2 q = 1.3 kN/m max. 2 x 300 max. 345 q = 0.5 kN/m HDS Alu max. 2 x 900 2 HDA 2 300 Design value of the resistance of the axial prop force NR.d [kN] 294.7 289.6 279.7 285.5 265.4 250 247.3 240.3 232.1 218.6 208.8 200 199.7 197.5 184.3 168.9 155.5 150 150.3 135.8 118.9 102.8 100 102.5 98.7 4.00 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 9.00 Prop height H [m] Intermediate values as a result of other wind loads may be determined by linear interpolation between the carrying capacity curves. Calculation of the permissible axial prop force: resistance divided by partial safety factor of the effect GF . 8 10.00 max. 386 J Prop Sections HDSS Steel Resistance HDK 45 H HDSS Steel Impact pressure q [kN/m2] q = 0.2 kN/m2 q = 0.9 kN/m2 q = 1.3 kN/m Design value of the resistance of the axial prop force NR.d [kN] 300 max. 2 x 300 max. 345 q = 0.5 kN/m HDSS Steel max. 2 x 900 2 HDA 2 max. 1.80 m q = 0.0 kN/m2 298.1 290.0 299.5 294.3 293.9 287.4 286.2 270.9 292.2 290.8 271.7 276.1 275.4 263.2 256.1 250 240.7 242.5 241.1 229.4 215.9 217.9 201.9 202.5 200 190.9 188.6 185.5 179.7 168.7 158.8 154.1 150 100 6.80 7.00 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 12.20 Prop height H [m] Intermediate values as a result of other wind loads may be determined by linear interpolation between the carrying capacity curves. Calculation of the permissible axial prop force: resistance divided by partial safety factor of the effect GF . 9 HD 200 Heavy-Duty Prop Item no. Weight kg 5,310 11,200 29,700 28,200 63,500 Prop Section HDS /HDSS Prop Section HDS 30 Alu Prop Section HDS 90 Alu Prop Section HDS 270 Alu Prop Section HDSS 90 Steel Prop Section HDSS 210 Steel Prop sections made of aluminium or steel. With chord couplings for the connection. L 340 940 2740 940 2140 X 300 900 2700 900 2100 X L 022006 022005 022004 111276 103993 243 022020 3,310 273 225 Ø 48 Coupling Section HD 30 Coupling section for connection of the chord coupling on both sides e.g. using HD 200 segments with Head Spindle HDK at both ends. 243 290 10 273 225 Ø 48 HD 200 Heavy-Duty Prop Note Only use fully extended. Never use an impact wrench to operate as this can break the Shear Pin HDA, Item no. 022018! min 242 453 Lowering Device HDA For easy release of high loads on Heavy Duty Prop HD 200. max 344 Item no. Weight kg 022003 31,400 250 0,002 022018 0,002 022007 25,700 Accessories Shear Pin HDA Shear Pin HDA For assembly in the Lowering Device HDA Head Spindle HDK 45 Head spindle for the Heavy Duty Prop HD 200. With integrated chord couplings for the connection. Can be tited up to 3° along one axis. Note Loads > 60 kN cannot be released with the Head Spindle HDK 45! min 77 max 386 022018 300 50 120 220 Ø13 180 333 666 360 50 55 330 022027 4,230 022027 4,230 Accessories Wing Nut Spanner HD Wing Nut Spanner HD For easy release of the Head Spindle HDK 45 and MULTIPROPs. 985 Ø48 11 HD 200 Heavy-Duty Prop Item no. Weight kg 024590 32,000 Wedge Lowering Device 420 kN For releasing and lowering high loads. Note Consider Type Test. Spanner size SW 46. Technical Data See Type Test. 230 min 168 max 268 260 022013 0,137 Centering Bolt HD M12, galv. For system HD 200. Complete with 1 pc. 710330 Nut ISO 4032 M12-8, galv. 35 80 SW 19 M 12 022019 18,500 Base Adapter HD For use with prop sections HD 200 on wedge lowering device 420 kN. With removable centring device. M 24 325 SW 24 Ø26 295 Brace Connector HDR For connection of push-pull props and kickers to Prop Section HD and HDSS. Complete with 1 pc. 027170 Bolt Ø 16 x 42, galv. 1 pc. 018060 Cotter Pin 4/1, galv. 171 1,300 75 022016 130 14 028080 2,970 Connector AV/Push-Pull Prop, galv. For connection of kickers and push-pull props and kickers to the Main Beam HDT. Ø16x42 60 Complete with 1 pc. 027170 Bolt Ø 16 x 42, galv. 1 pc. 018060 Cotter Pin 4/1, galv. 200 12 100 12 85 Ø25 HD 200 Heavy-Duty Prop min 523 max 990 Compression Brace Spindle HD In use with Prop Section HDS and HDSS as push props (also inclined). Only in connection with Base Plate HD. 870 Item no. Weight kg 022023 22,200 265 295 022022 22,000 Compression Head HD In use with Prop Section HDS and HDSS as push props (also inclined). Ø36 325 125 110 225 295 Fußplatte HD In use with Prop Section HDS and HDSS as push props (also inclined). Complete with 1 pc. 722465 bolt 35 x 160, galv. 1 pc. 710304 Cotter Pin 7, galv. Ø52 175 13,200 Ø36 300 400 Ø32 Ø26 Ø22 120 022024 13 HD 200 Heavy-Duty Prop Item no. Weight kg 022017 5,040 Bracket 75 HD For erecting working scaffolds. With nailing strip. Complete with 1 pc. 034580 Guardrail Post HSGP-2 Technical Data Permissible load 150 kg/m² with a maximum width of influence of 1.25 m. 100 370 855 4,730 116292 4,730 Accessories Guardrail Post HSGP-2 Guardrail Post HSGP-2 As guardrail for different systems. 65 022008 14 1130,000 Main Beam HDT 880 System steel beam for use with HD 200 Main Beam frames and special constructions. Profile HEB 300. 35 1300 1050 450 120 116292 Complete with 1 pc. 105435 Bolt Ø 50 x 330, galv. 1 pc. 722457 Sleeve ISO 8752-10 x 70, galv. 1 pc. 710618 Cotter Pin 8, galv. Technical Data Wy = 1680.0 cm³, Iy = 25170 cm4 HD 200 Heavy-Duty Prop Complete with 1 pc. 105435 Bolt Ø 50 x 330, galv. 1 pc. 722457 Split Pin ISO 8752 10 x 70, galv. 1 pc. 710618 Cotter Pin 8, galv. Technical Data Wy = 1680.0 cm³, Iy = 25170 cm4 Complete with 1 pc. 105435 Bolt Ø 50 x 330, galv. 1 pc. 722457 Sleeve ISO 8752-10 x 70, galv. 1 pc. 710618 Cotter Pin 8, galv. Technical Data Wy = 1680.0 cm³, Iy = 25170 cm4 022010 379,000 Main Beam HDT 280 System steel beam for use with HD 200 Main Beam frames and special constructions. Profile HEB 300. 022025 1,970 Centering Bar HD 40 x 20 x 400 For centering secondary beams on the primary beam HDT. 400 022011 13,200 40 20 Main Beam HDT 440 System steel beam for use with HD 200 Main Beam frames and special constructions. Profile HEB 300. Double Tie Yoke HDD For anchoring with Tie Rod DW 15 and DW 20. 600 500 161 Ø25 Ø 60 Item no. Weight kg 022009 582,000 15 HD 200 Heavy-Duty Prop Trolley HD For moving secondary beams on the Main Beam HDT. Technical Data Load capacity 2,5 t. 80 157 663 Item no. Weight kg 022021 31,900 2,200 Main Beam Clamp HD 70 mm, galv. For connecting beams running crosswise. 320 410 Safety Instructions Observe construction approval! 1,780 Flange Clamp IPB 300 – 1000 To prevent tilting taking place. 22 130 70 022026 37 54 150 101916 22,500 50 16-70 106183 800 1043 Ø25 72 88 Height Compensation HD, h = 200 mm For height adjustment, h = 200 mm. 200 026430 022250 16 0,334 0,100 Accessories Bolt ISO 4014 M24 x 70-10.9, galv. Nut ISO 4032 M24-8, galv. 300 295 120 200 190 Ø25 HD 200 Heavy-Duty Prop Ladder 180/6, galv. For accessing PERI formwork systems. Complete with 4 pc. 710224 Bolt ISO 4017 M12 x 40-8.8, galv. 4 pc. 710381 Nut ISO 7042 M12-8, galv. 450 Item no. Weight kg 051410 11,700 5 x 298 = 1490 83 1960 0,684 Ladder Hook, galv. For adjusting the lower ladder. Always use in pairs. Complete with 2 pc. 710266 Bolt ISO 4017 M12 x 25-8.8, galv. 2 pc. 710381 Nut ISO 7042 M12-8, galv. 330 103718 10,400 Access Ladder 180/2, galv. For accessing PERI formwork systems. Complete with 4 pc. 710224 Bolt ISO 4017 M12 x 40-8.8, galv. 4 pc. 710381 Nut ISO 7042 M12-8, galv. 450 103724 SW 18 298 1200 1885 2,180 Ladder Base, galv. As bottom end piece and for preventing the ladders sliding on platform decking. 210 051460 405 50 17 HD 200 Heavy-Duty Prop Item no. Weight kg 104646 4,170 Ladder Connector HD 200 For connecting ladders to HD 200 Prop Section. Complete with 2 pc. 701763 Clamping Plate Fl 25 x 10 x 90 1 pc. 710266 Bolt ISO 4017 M12 x 25-8.8, galv. 725 104132 051450 15,600 25,200 Ladder Safety Cages Ladder Safety Cage 75, galv. Ladder Safety Cage 150, galv. Ladder cage for PERI ladder access. 178 452 230 30 626 Complete with 4 pc. 710266 Bolt ISO 4017 M12 x 25-8.8, galv. 4 pc. 701763 Clamping Plate Fl 25 x 10 x 90 026415 026417 026411 026412 026413 026414 026419 026418 3,550 0,000 3,550 7,100 10,650 14,200 17,750 21,600 Scaffold Tubes Steel Ø 48,3 x 3,2 Scaffold Tube Steel Ø 48.3 x 3.2, per m Cutting Costs for Scaffold Tubes Scaffold Tube Steel Ø 48.3 x 3.2, I = 1.0 m Scaffold Tube Steel Ø 48.3 x 3.2, I = 2.0 m Scaffold Tube Steel Ø 48.3 x 3.2, I = 3.0 m Scaffold Tube Steel Ø 48.3 x 3.2, I = 4.0 m Scaffold Tube Steel Ø 48.3 x 3.2, I = 5.0 m Scaffold Tube Steel Ø 48.3 x 3.2, l = 6.0 m 704 750 / 1500 710 L 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 L Ø48,3x3,2 1,120 Standard Coupling NK 48/48, galv. For scaffold tubes Ø 48 mm. Note Spanner size SW 19. (9) 017020 SW 19 18 HD 200 Heavy-Duty Prop Swivel Coupling DK 48/48, galv. For scaffold tubes Ø 48 mm. Note Spanner size SW 19. (27) Item no. Weight kg 017010 1,400 SW 19 19 PERI International 42 19 20 22 32 44 34 18 38 11 52 6 21 01 PERI GmbH Rudolf-Diesel-Strasse 89264 Weissenhorn info @ peri.com www.peri.com 1 5 46 17 30 2 3 16 13 29 28 9 24 53 4 48 41 61 33 12 02 France PERI S.A.S. 77109 Meaux Cedex [email protected] www.peri.fr 09 Italy PERI S.p.A. 20060 Basiano [email protected] www.peri.it 16 Austria PERI Ges.mbH 3134 Nußdorf ob der Traisen offi[email protected] www.peri.at 23 Korea PERI (Korea) Ltd. Seoul 135-080 [email protected] www.perikorea.com 29 Slovania PERI Slowenien 2000 Maribor [email protected] www.peri.com 03 Switzerland PERI AG 8472 Ohringen [email protected] www.peri.ch 10 Japan PERI Japan K.K. Tokyo 103-0015 [email protected] www.perijapan.jp 17 Czech Republic PERI spol. s r.o. 252 42 Jesenice u Prahy [email protected] www.peri.cz 24 Portugal PERIcofragens Lda 2790-326 Queijas [email protected] www.peri.pt 30 Slovakia PERI spol. s r.o. 903 01 Senec [email protected] www.peri.sk 04 Spain PERI S.A. 28110 Algete - Madrid [email protected] www.peri.es 11 United Kingdom/Ireland PERI Ltd. Rugby, CV23 0AN [email protected] www.peri.ltd.uk 18 Denmark PERI Danmark A/S 2670 Greve [email protected] www.peri.dk 25 Argentina PERI S.A. B1625GPA Escobar – Bs. As. [email protected] www.peri.com.ar 31 Australia PERI Australia Pty. Ltd. Glendenning NSW 2761 [email protected] www.periaus.com.au 05 Belgium/Luxembourg N.V. PERI S.A. 1840 Londerzeel [email protected] www.peri.be 12 Turkey PERI Kalıp ve İskeleleri Esenyurt / İstanbul 34510 [email protected] www.peri.com.tr 19 Finland PERI Suomi Ltd. 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PERI Formwork Systems, Inc. 220 Hafnarfjörður Bolton, ON – L7E 1K1 www.armar.is [email protected] www.peri.ca 43 Kazakhstan TOO PERI Kazakhstan 37 Lebanon 050014 Almaty Lebanon Representative Office [email protected] Jdeideh www.peri.kz [email protected] www.peri.de 44 Russian Federation OOO PERI 38 Lithuania 142407, Noginsk District PERI UAB [email protected] 02300 Vilnius www.peri.ru [email protected] www.peri.lt 45 South Africa Wiehahn Formwork and 39 Morocco Scaffolding (Pty) Ltd. PERI S.A. 7600 Stellenbosch Tanger [email protected] [email protected] www.wiehahn.co.za www.peri.com 40 Israel PERI Formwork Engineering Ltd Petach Tikva, 49002 [email protected] www.peri.co.il 41 Bulgaria PERI Bulgaria EOOD 1839 Sofia [email protected] www.peri.bg 46 Ukraine TOW PERI Ukraina 07400 Brovary [email protected] www.peri.ua 47 Egypt Egypt Branch Office 11361 Heliopolis / Cairo [email protected] www.peri.com.eg 48 Serbia PERI Oplate d.o.o. 11272 Dobanovci offi[email protected] www.peri.rs 49 Mexico PERI Cimbras y Andamios, S.A. de C.V. 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Luanda [email protected] www.peri.pt 58 Saudi Arabia PERI Engineering Division of Jamjoom Consult Saudi Arabia 21463 Jeddah [email protected] www.peri.com.sa 65 Nigeria Heights Access Nigeria Ltd. Victoria Island, Lagos [email protected] www. heightsaccessng.com 59 Qatar PERI Qatar LLC P.O.Box: 31295 - Doha [email protected] www.periqatar.com 66 Oman PERI (L.L.C.) Muscat [email protected] www.perime.com 60 Algeria Société PERI S.A.S. Kouba - Alger [email protected] www.peri.fr 61 Albania PERI Sh.p.k. Tirane [email protected] www.peri.com.tr 21 Wall Formwork Panel Formwork Girder Formwork Circular Formwork Facade Formwork Brace Frame Climbing Systems Climbing Scaffold Self-Climbing System Climbing Protection Panel Platform Systems Column Formwork Square Rectangular Circular Scaffold, Stairways, Working Platforms Facade Scaffold Working Platform Weather Protection Roof Stairway Access Slab Formwork Panel Formwork Beam Grid Formwork Girder Formwork Slab Table Beam Formwork Bridge and Tunnel Formwork Cantilevered Parapet Carriage Cantilevered Parapet Platform Engineer’s Construction Kit Shoring Systems Steel Slab Props Aluminium Slab Props Tower Systems Heavy-Duty Props Services Formwork Assembly Cleaning / Repairs Formwork Planning Software Statics Special Constructions Additional Systems Safety Systems Plywood Formwork Girders Stopend Systems Pallets Transportation Containers PERI GmbH Formwork Scaffolding Engineering P.O. Box 1264 89259 Weissenhorn Germany Tel. +49 (0)7309.950-0 Fax +49 (0)7309.951-0 [email protected] www.peri.com D e 01/2011 5ma Art.-Nr.: 790368 © Copyright by PERI GmbH PERI Product Range
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