Private Vocational Schools
Private Vocational Schools
Private Vocational Schools Administration and Policy Manual 2014 The information in this Manual is provided for reference purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for requirements set forth in The Private Vocational Schools Regulation Act, 1995 and The Private Vocational Schools Regulations, 2014. Please consult with the Private Vocational Schools Unit of the Universities and Private Vocational Schools Branch of the Ministry of Advanced Education, if you have any questions regarding interpretation of requirements. Table of Contents Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Act and Regulations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Provincial Government Contacts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Registration as a Private Vocational School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Categories of Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 List of Registered Private Vocational Schools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Registration as a Category I School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Initial Registration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 Approval of Facilities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Fire Inspections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Health Inspections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Building Inspections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Initial Training Completions Fund (TCF) Contribution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Fees for Initial Category I Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Employment and Social Development Canada Certification for Tax Receipts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Program Registration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Remedial Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Instructor and Examiner Registration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Registration of Instructors or Examiners. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Security Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Training Completions Fund. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Student Enrolment Contract. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Student Records. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Contents of Student Files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Retention of Student Records. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Dispute Resolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 School’s Internal Dispute Resolution Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Ministry Procedure for Responding to Student Complaints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Refund and Retention of Fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Power to Cancel a Student Contract . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Student Absence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23 Refunds and Retaining Fees and Other Payments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Full Refund of Fees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Payment of Refunds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Reporting to the Ministry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Examples of Tuition Refund Calculations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 School Visits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Educational Visits. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Monitoring Visits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Financial Reporting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Confidentiality. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Year-End Financial Reporting Process. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Annual Statistics Reporting. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Update of Student Employment Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Change of Ownership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Advertising . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Registration as a Category II School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Initial Registration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 Fees for Initial Category II Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 Annual Renewal of Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 Fee for Annual Renewal of Category II Registration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Important Dates for Administrative Compliance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 School Closure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Application for Issuance of Initial Certficate of Registration - Category I School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Business Plan Outline. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Training Completion Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Application for Registration of Instructor or Examiner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Guarantee Bond Template . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 Program Registration Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Application for Renewal of Certificate of Registration - Category I School. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Sample Enrolment Contract. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 School Visit Checklist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Monitoring Checklist - Student File Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Refund Calculator - Manual Version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 Sample Refund Calculator - Example #1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 Sample Refund Calculator - Example #2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Sample Refund Calculator - Example #3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Sample Refund Calculator - Example #4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Sample Student Profile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Sample Student Statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Change of Ownership Checklist. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Change of Ownership Application. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Application for Issuance of Initial Certificate of Registration - Category II School. . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Application for Renewal of Certificate of Registration - Category II School. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Introduction The purpose of this Manual is to provide information regarding the regulatory requirements for private vocational schools operating in Saskatchewan. “the Ministry”: Ministry of Advanced Education “the Branch”: Universities and Private Vocational Schools Branch “the Unit”: Private Vocational Schools Unit “PVS”: private vocational school(s) “the Act”: The Private Vocational Schools Regulation Act, 1995 “the Regulations”: The Private Vocational Schools Regulations, 2014 “the Minister”: the Minister of Advanced Education “TCF”: Training Completions Fund “TCP”: Training Completion Plan Act and Regulations In Saskatchewan, private vocational schools are regulated under authority of The Private Vocational Schools Regulation Act, 1995 and The Private Vocational Schools Regulations, 2014. The following links will provide web access to these documents: • To view The Private Vocational Schools Regulation Act, 1995 please visit • To view The Private Vocational Schools Regulations, 2014 please visit Administration and Policy Manual 1 Universities and Private Vocational Schools Provincial Government Contacts Universities and Private Vocational Schools Branch The Branch works with the University of Saskatchewan, the University of Regina, and their federated and affiliated colleges, as well as with Gabriel Dumont Institute, NORTEP/NORPAC and private vocational schools. Within the Universities and Private Vocational Schools Branch, the Private Vocational Schools (PVS) Unit administers the legislation governing private vocational schools. The PVS Unit: • acts as the government liaison to the PVS sector in the province; • registers Category I and Category II private vocational schools; • registers PVS training programs and instructors; • monitors PVS operations and reporting; • works with schools and students to resolve student concerns; and • administers the Training Completions Fund. Contact information: Ministry of Advanced Education - Universities and Private Vocational Schools Branch 1120 - 2010 12th Avenue REGINA SK S4P 0M3 General Inquiries: 306-787-5763 Fax: 306-798-3379 Website: Student Services and Program Development Branch The Student Services and Program Development Branch administers several federal and provincial programs that provide financial assistance to qualified Saskatchewan residents enrolling in approved programs of study. The Student Services and Program Development Branch also has responsibility for designating post-secondary institutions for student loan purposes. Designation is the process by which a school is recognized as being able to serve students receiving Canada and Saskatchewan student loans. For information regarding financial assistance programs and/or designation criteria, contact Student Service Centre. Ministry of Advanced Education - Student Services 1120 - 2010 12th Avenue REGINA SK S4P 0M3 Main Inquiry Line: 306-787-5620 Fax: 306-787-1608 Toll free (outside Regina or within Canada): 1-800-597-8278 Email: [email protected] For information regarding designation, contact: 306-787-5620 2 Registration as a Private Vocational School Any organization in Saskatchewan offering training programs or a series of courses that leads to employment in a vocation and that comprises more than 50 hours of instruction, and in the case of a Category I school, imposes a tuition fee of more than $1,000, is required to register with the Ministry as a private vocational school. Exceptions to this include organizations offering training which is governed by another Act of the Legislature or the Parliament of Canada or training which is specifically exempted by The Private Vocational Schools Regulation Act, 1995 (the Act) and The Private Vocational Schools Regulations, 2014 (the Regulations). Categories of Registration There are two categories of registered private vocational schools: • Category I schools offer vocational training to fee-paying students; and • Category II schools offer vocational training that is contracted by a sponsor and not by students enrolled in the private vocational school. List of Registered Private Vocational Schools Find a list of Registered Private Vocational Schools here. Administration and Policy Manual 3 Universities and Private Vocational Schools Registration as a Category I School A Category I private vocational school delivers vocational training to fee-paying students. Initial Registration Registration as a Category I private vocational school occurs in two phases. Note: Phase 1 must be approved before the applicant can move to Phase 2. When registered, the school receives a Certificate of Registration which is valid for the school year July 1 to June 30. The Certificate must be prominently displayed in the school. Phase 1: To register as a new Category I school, the following Phase 1 forms must be submitted to the Ministry: • an Application for Issuance of Initial Certificate of Registation - Category I School; • a Business Plan describing the operating plan for the school and proposed marketing activities. A financial analysis, including financial forecasts and cash flow projections, must also be provided. Refer to the Business Plan Outline for further guidance regarding the content of the Business Plan; • a Program Registration Application including a Training Completion Plan for each registered program; • an Application for Registration of Instructor or Examiner; and • other documentation as required. A complete checklist of required documentation is included in the Application for Issuance of Initial Certificate of Registation - Category I School. Note: The checklist asks that schools include fire, health, and building safety reports. These reports may be included in Phase 2. Phase 2: Please do not proceed with any aspect of Phase 2 until the Ministry has confirmed that you have successfully completed Phase 1 of the application. Once Phase 1 is approved you will be required to submit the following Phase 2 forms: • Private Vocational School Security Requirements (Complete Guarantee Bond Template if bond) • Safety Reports ¾¾ Fire safety report ¾¾ Health safety report ¾¾ Building safety report • Training Completions Fund payment 4 Approval of Facilities Section 36 of the Regulations states that no operator of a Category I school shall provide any program or course unless the premises have been approved by the Minister. The premises, equipment and other facilities used to provide the program/course must comply with all applicable building safety, fire safety, and health/sanitation laws. As part of Phase 2 of the initial registration process, the Ministry requires inspection reports as proof of compliance with facilities requirements. Reports may also be requested when a registered school changes location or when a facilities-related student concern is brought forward to the Ministry. Fire Inspections Fire inspections are required to ensure training facilities adhere to the National Fire Code and are appropriately maintained. School operators should contact their local fire safety authorities (e.g. Saskatoon Fire and Protective Services’ Fire Prevention Branch) or a private inspection service to arrange for a fire inspection. Health Inspections Health inspections are required to ensure training facilities meet health/sanitary standards. Regional Health Authorities will conduct health inspections if requested by a school operator or by the Ministry. New school operators are asked to arrange for a health inspection and then provide a copy of the report to the Ministry. Building Inspections Building inspections are required to ensure training facilities adhere to the National Building Code. This inspection may include a fire inspection. The Saskatchewan Building Officials Association (SBOA) provides on its website a listing of licensed building inspectors who can provide inspection services. The following is a link to the SBOA website: Initial Training Completions Fund (TCF) Contribution A contribution to the Training Completions Fund is required when a new school is registered and every year thereafter. For newly registered schools, a one-time payment of 1 per cent of projected revenue or $2,000 (whichever is greater) is mandated. This payment is required in Phase 2 of the new Category I School Application. (See Training Completions Fund for a more detailed explanation of the TCF.) Fees for Initial Category I Registration The registration fee is based on the number of registered programs the school plans to offer. The base fee is $300, which includes registration of the school and one program. For each additional program, a fee of $75 is charged. Note: For the 2015-16 Private Vocational School year only, the registration base fee is $250 and for each additional program, a fee of $62.50 will be applicable. Administration and Policy Manual 5 Universities and Private Vocational Schools Employment and Social Development Canada Certification for Tax Receipts Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) certifies private educational institutions to enable students to qualify for Tuition, Books and Education Tax Credits. Additional information is available on the ESDC website at: In order to be able to issue tax receipts to their students, newly registered private vocational schools must apply to ESDC for certification. To apply for ESDC Certification, contact: Employment and Social Development Canada C/o Certification of Educational Institutions Learning Branch 200 Montcalm Street, PO Box 2090 GATINEAU, QC K1A 0J9 Toll Free: 1-866-517-5650 Fax: 819-997-4660 Email (scanned documents): [email protected] 6 Program Registration Subsection 2(j) of the Regulations defines a program as “a series of courses that leads to employment in a vocation and that comprises more than 50 hours of instruction”; and in the case of a Category I school, imposes a tuition fee of more than $1,000. Program registration involves completion of a Program Registration Application. The form includes a checklist of documentation that must be submitted for review and approval by the Ministry and includes the following: 1. Private Vocational School Fill in the name, address and contact information of the school and principal/manager as outlined. 2. Program Title, Length, Fees Program Title Provide the formal name of the course or program being registered. Program Length Provide detailed information about the course or program as outlined. Work placements/practica may or may not be eligible for student loans. For student loan eligibility purposes refer to the Educational Institution Manual for the Canada Saskatchewan Integrated Student Loans Program and Other Financial Assistance, or the Saskatchewan Designation Policy Manual. Program Fees The Program Registration Application requires a breakdown of program fees into the following categories: • Tuition • Non-refundable registration fee* • Texts, books, instructional material, and equipment • Other fees • Contract extension fees (if applicable) * Pursuant to Section 25 of the Regulations, a school may charge a non-refundable student registration fee, only if the registration fee is stipulated in the student contract and the registration fee does not exceed the lesser of: • 10 per cent of the tuition payable pursuant to the student contract; and • the following amount for the school year: ¾¾ $125 for 2015-16; ¾¾ $175 for 2016-17; and ¾¾ $250 for 2017-18 and each subsequent school year. Administration and Policy Manual 7 Universities and Private Vocational Schools “Other fees” may include, but are not limited to, the following: • student fees; • graduation fees; • lockers; • student field trips/shows; • memberships in professional organizations related to the training program; • criminal reference checks; and • examinations from external organizations. Note: A student is not required to pay any amount with respect to a course or program more than three months before the date on which the course or program is to commence. 3. Program Options A school may offer optional units for specialized study. Each option must be clearly defined as providing additional skills or knowledge to the core program. The total hours of instruction of an option must not exceed 50 per cent of hours of instruction of the core program and must not be dependent on other options. Program options must be registered with the Ministry. Student enrolment contracts must clearly identify the core program and any options in which the student is enrolled. 4. Required Program Information Prepare documentation as specified for all checklist items in the Program Registration Application and attach the information. 5. Letters of Support Provide three original letters of support from potential employers who have reviewed the program and attach them to the Program Registration Application. Note: Generic form letters will not accepted. 6. Industry or Professional Association Registration If applicable, contact the industry or professional association and obtain a letter confirming their acceptance of the course or program. Attach the letter to the Program Registration Application. 7. Evidence of Employment Prospects Provide evidence-informed documentation that indicates how many jobs currently exist in the local and provincial labour market and the outlook to absorb graduates of the program. 8 8. Training Completion Plan A Training Completion Plan (TCP) is a required element of a Program Registration Application and all Category I schools are required to have a TCP for each program offered. The purpose of a TCP is to provide information that will assist the Ministry in identifying alternative training providers in the event that a school is unable to complete the delivery of a training program. The TCP should either identify alternative programs that are compatible with the program under consideration (e.g. similar programs delivered by other training providers in the province) or flag the fact that the program is unique and that alternative training may not be available or feasible. In situations where a program is unique, the Ministry will require the school to inform students (via the student enrolment contract) of this fact and of how students will be compensated if the program cannot be delivered to completion. 9. Instructor/Examiner Registration Pursuant to Section 35 of the Regulations, every Category I school must ensure that each instructor and examiner employed in a course or program offered by the school is approved by the minister. Complete the Application for Registration of Instructor or Examiner and attach it to the Program Registration Application. (See Instructors and Examiner Registration for more information.) Pursuant to Subsection 35(6) of the Regulations, every operator of a Category I school shall immediately notify the minister when an instructor ceases to teach at the school, ceases to teach a particular course or program or when the information provided by the school changes in any way. 10.Advertising Registration Pursuant to Section 37 of the Regulations, schools must ensure that advertisements are not misleading to the public and do not claim that the Government of Saskatchewan, the minister or any official of the ministry has approved the school or its course or program. Refer to the Regulations for more information on advertising requirements. Attach samples of school and/or program advertisements planned for use upon receiving Registration in Principle for this program. (See #14: Registration in Principle for more informtion.) 11.Program-Related Fees Fees for program registration or re-registration Program registration fees are charged at the time of initial and annual school registration. The fee for initial and annual school registration ($300) includes registration of one program. For each additional program offered in a school year, a fee of $75 is charged. If a school offers online or distance education versions of the registered face to face program, it must be registered as a separate program. Note: For the 2015-16 Private Vocational School year only, the base fee will be reduced to $250 and a fee of $62.50 for each additional course or program offered will be applicable. Administration and Policy Manual 9 Universities and Private Vocational Schools Upon completion of the registration or re-registration process, a new Certificate of Registration will be issued. Category I schools must renew their registration each year. Schools must submit the Application for Renewal of Certificate of Registration - Category I, with appropriate fees, no later than June 1 of each year. Fees for initial program assessment A fee of $100 is charged for the initial assessment of a program and is payable upon submission of the program application form in addition to the program registration fee ($300 + $75 for each additional registered program). If there is more than one program being registered at a time, the $100 initial assessment fee will only be charged once (e.g. if there are five programs being registered, the fees will total $700. This include $100 assessment fee + $600 registration fee ($300 + (4 x $75)). Fees for program revisions An assessment fee of $100 may be charged for substantive program revisions (e.g. revisions to curriculum, major program changes). There is no charge for fee increases or minor program schedule changes. Program revisions may be submitted to the Branch at any time during the year; however, revisions to program tuition fees and program length must be submitted no later than March 31st of each year in order for the changes to be reviewed and approved by the Branch and then put into effect by the Student Services and Program Development Branch for the upcoming student loan year (August 1 to July 31). Program revisions submitted to the Branch after March 31st will still be reviewed, and may be approved; however, the approval date will be aligned with the upcoming loan year. The program revision approval letter issued by the Branch will clearly indicate the date (e.g. August 1, 20xx) upon which the revisions can be implemented. The following schedule highlights key dates for the next three years: Completed application for program revision received at the Branch by: March 31, 2015 March 31, 2016 March 31, 2017 If approved, revisions may be implemented on (and not before): August 1, 2015 August 1, 2016 August 1, 2017 To ensure consistency in student contracts for a given time period, the implementation timelines shall apply to all student contracts, regardless of whether or not individuals are receiving student loans. To apply for program revisions, use the Program Registration Application and check () “Revisions to Existing Program” at the top of the form. 10 12.Other Program Information The Ministry may request additional documentation from the school if the program is unique and/or unavailable elsewhere. Documentation for any Ministry requests may be attached to the program application form under this title. 13. Signatures The program application form must be signed and dated by the school official. When the registration is processed, it will also be signed and dated by the Ministry official. 14.Registration-in-Principle Registration-in-principle is the first stage of approval provided by the Ministry when the Ministry has reviewed and is satisfied with the program documentation that has been submitted. Upon receiving registration-in-principle, a school may begin advertising the program; however, student registrations cannot be accepted until final registration is granted. 15.Final Registration When the Ministry is satisfied that all registration requirements have been met, it will issue a letter confirming final program registration, at which time the school may begin registering students. Prior to granting final registration, an on-site visit by the Ministry may be required to confirm that instructional facilities/resources are in place. Remedial Education A student enrolled in a vocational program may require an enhancement or development of skills not deemed vocational in nature in order to be successful in the vocational program. The acquisition of these skills is generally part of the pre-vocational pre-requisites. Acquiring such skills in the vocational program would be considered remedial. Basic reading, writing and mathematics skills development would constitute the bulk of this remediation. Remedial education (refresher, basic skill instruction, employability skills or “occupational upskilling”) as a component of private vocational school programs is as follows: • Entrance tests and other assessment and placement instruments used must be available and open to review/examination by the Ministry. • Entrance requirements must be satisfied prior to enrolment in the program. • Remedial education must be integrated into the program to satisfy a specific deficiency enabling the student to be successful within the vocational program. • A maximum of 6.25 per cent up to 100 hours of remedial education may be approved by the Ministry for any PVS program. Note: Equates to 2.5 hours per week for a 40-hour per week program, to a maximum of 40 weeks. Forty weeks is generally recognized as a one-year program. • For competency-based programming, the amount of remedial education provided to the student must be individualized, but not to exceed 6.25 per cent up to 100 hours, and tuition deemed accordingly as per the previous item. Administration and Policy Manual 11 Universities and Private Vocational Schools Instructor and Examiner Registration Registration of Instructors or Examiners Section 35 of the Regulations addresses the approval of instructors or examiners employed at private vocational schools. • An instructor or examiner is an individual who is employed in a course or program offered by the school, is approved by the Minister, and; a) possesses a degree from a university recognized by the minister in an area of study directly related to the vocation to be taught and has at least 12 consecutive months of occupational experience in that vocation; b) is a graduate of an educational institution recognized by the minister in an area directly related to the vocation to be taught and has at least 12 consecutive months of occupational experience in that vocation; or c) has at least three years of occupational experience in the vocation to be taught. Operators of Category I schools must ensure that instructors and examiners are approved by the Ministry before they commence their training/examination duties. To obtain approval, please submit the Application for Registration of Instructor or Examiner. The application will be reviewed by the Branch to ensure that the applicant meets the educational and occupational experience requirements of the legislation or policy. An operator is required to notify the Branch if an instructor ceases to teach at the school or ceases to teach a particular program; and when any of the information originally provided on the Application for Registration of Instructor or Examiner changes (e.g. instructor teaches a different course or program). Operators of Category I schools cannot employ any person to be an instructor of a course or program who does not have the qualifications or experience prescribed in Section 35 of the Regulations, without obtaining the prior written approval of the minister. Maintenance of Staff/Student Ratios In all situations, staff/student ratios approved upon initial registration of school program should be maintained. Processing of Instructor/Examiner Applications In order to expedite the processing of Instructor/Examiner approvals, it is important that application forms be completed in full, be duly signed by both the applicant and the school representative, include no fewer than three references and clearly indicate how the applicant meets the prescribed academic and occupational experience requirements. 12 The approval form must indicate the specific programs in which the applicant will instruct or examine. This means that all programs for which the instructor or examiner will be responsible must be listed on the form. The statement “all programs” or similar statements should be avoided. The Ministry will process the approval forms as quickly as is practical and will send the school a letter confirming final approval. If an application is rejected, a letter will be sent to the school explaining the criteria used in assessing the application and the reason for the rejection. Normally, the instructor/examiner registration process should not require more than one week to complete, assuming complete information is initially provided by the school. In urgent situations (e.g. the sudden departure of an instructor), conditional approval of registration may be granted. Security Requirements In accordance with Sections 12-18 of the Regulations, every operator of a Category I school is required to post security for the due performance by the school of its student contracts. The Ministry monitors security provisions. On an annual basis, operators are required to submit documentation confirming that the posted security is up to date and of the appropriate amount. Security requirements are determined based on the school’s tuition revenue in the most recently submitted year-end financial statements. The Ministry will send every registered Category I school a separate individualized letter confirming the tuition revenue and new security requirement. The following chart identifies the security amount required as determined by the annual tuition revenue of the school. The security provided must be in the form of a note, bond, debenture or other evidence of indebtedness issued or guaranteed by an authorized issuer. The operator is required to post as much of the required security amount as possible in the form of a surety bond. If the operator is unable to obtain a surety bond, the remaining amount can be posted in the form of a trust, an irrevocable letter of credit, or any other form of security that is acceptable to the minister. Complete the Guarantee Bond Template to demonstrate that a bond has been posted. Administration and Policy Manual 13 Universities and Private Vocational Schools Annual Tuition Revenue (in most recently submitted year-end statements) 0 - $100,000 $100,001 - $200,000 $200,001 - $300,000 $300,001 - $400,000 $400,001 - $500,000 $500,001 - $600,000 $600,001 - $700,000 $700,001+ Year 1 (2014-15) $10,000 $10,000 $15,000 $20,000 $25,000 $30,000 $35,000 $37,500 Security Requirement Year 2 Year 3 (2015-16) (2016-17 or after) $10,000 $10,000 $15,000 $20,000 $22,500 $30,000 $30,000 $40,000 $37,500 $50,000 $45,000 $60,000 $52,500 $70,000 $56,250 $75,000 Subsection 16(1) of the Regulations outlines the process in the event of a forfeiture of security. The financial security may be forfeited (and paid to the Crown for deposit into the TCF) if the Category I school: a) is unable to continue providing the course or program for which a student has signed a contact or is unable to meet its other obligations as specified in any terms and conditions attached to the certificate of registration; b) is convicted of an offence pursuant to the Act; c) is convicted of an offence pursuant to The Criminal Code of conspiracy to commit an offence involving fraud or theft, and the conviction has become final; d) is unable or refuses to refund applicable fees to a student or students; e) does not comply with provisions set out in these regulations requiring evidence that the security is being maintained in accordance with these regulations, either annually or on request from the minister; f) is undergoing proceedings to wind up the school; or g) is the subject of proceedings pursuant to The Canada Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, including a consumer proposal. 14 Training Completions Fund The Training Completions Fund (TCF) was established under the Act and provides consumer protection to students attending Category I private vocational schools. The TCF is used to provide financial resources to assist students affected by the closure of a school, either through continued training at an alternate institution or through a refund of the unearned portion of tuition fees paid to the closed school. The revenue of the TCF consists primarily of contributions that PVS operators are required to provide on an annual basis in accordance with Sections 19 through 23 of the Regulations. Revenue also includes donations to the TCF and earnings from the investments of the TCF. The method for determining the annual contribution to the TCF is as follows: • 1.0 per cent of total annual tuition revenue for school in operation for 5 years or less. • 0.75 per cent of total annual tuition revenue for schools in operation more than 5 years and fully compliant with all legislative and regulatory requirements. • An annual minimum contribution of $500 (if the above formula results in a sum of less than this amount). • A one-time, 1 per cent of projected revenue or $2,000 (whichever is greater) contribution for newly registered schools. • A 0.25 per cent of tuition revenue surcharge in any year following a year in which there is a draw on the fund. For the purpose of determining the annual TCF contribution, annual tuition revenue is based on the most recently submitted year-end financial statements prior to the date of invoicing, typically in January each year. Every registered Category I school will receive a letter explaining the calculation of the required contribution along with an invoice in January/February and payable by March 31st. The TCF contribution formula will be phased in over a five-year period, as follows: Training Completions Fund Contributions 5-Year Phase-In 2014-15 2015-16 Contribution (percentage of annual tuition revenue) 0.2% 0.3% 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 or after 0.45% 0.6% 0.75% Audited financial statements for the Training Completions Fund are produced annually. Schools will be notified annually of the most recent financial statement when it is posted on Administration and Policy Manual 15 Universities and Private Vocational Schools Student Enrolment Contract In accordance with Section 13 of the Act, no operator shall use any form of student contract without obtaining the prior written approval of the minister. Note: Approval is required if/when changes are made to the student contract. Pursuant to Section 24 of the Regulations, every operator of a Category I school shall ensure that every student has a fully executed (dated and signed by both parties) copy of his or her student contract. The contract is a legal agreement that establishes the terms and conditions of a student’s participation in a program, associated fees, and school policies and procedures. The contract should clearly indicate what is expected of the student and what the student can expect to receive from the school. In order for the minister to approve a student contract there are a number of items to include in the document. A Sample Enrolment Contract is provided. Schools may also use the following checklist as a guide for what to include in the student contract. School Information Operating and registered corporate names Address Student Information Full name Street address Telephone and/or email address Birth date Grade level upon entrance; transcript of previous studies Program Information Program title Length of program (total hours/weeks) Hours/day Start date End date Training schedule (e.g. indicate school holidays) Program Outline (to be attached to contract and to include) Program title Program goals Courses in program 16 Description of each course Hours of instruction (classroom) Hours of practical (including off-site practica/work placements) Instruction methods Evaluation criteria Instructional Resources and Program Costs (per program registration; attach itemized list to contract) Non-refundable student registration fee Tuition Fee Texts, books, manuals Instructional materials and equipment Other costs (e.g. learning resources, field trips, examinations) Payment Arrangements Method and terms (e.g. cash, credit card, student loan) Payment schedule Eligibility for $500 Saskatchewan Advantage Scholarship Refunds State refund provisions in accordance with Sections 26 and 27 of the Regulations. Refunds of “Other Fees” should not be calculated in conjunction with tuition or texts, books and other instructional material or equipment refunds. Refunds for “other fees” are administered by the school and must be reflected in the Student Enrolment Contract. Student Contract Cancellation State student contract cancellation provision in accordance with Section 28 of the Regulations. The statement may include the following: In accordance with Section 28 of The Private Vocational Schools Regulations, 2014, a student may cancel his or her student contract within 10 days after entering into the student contract if the student has not attended any course or program contracted for in the student contract. The school will then provide a refund to the student for tuition fees, and any other moneys that the student has paid for texts, books, and other instructional material and equipment that the student has not received. School Policy and Procedures Attach to contract Administration and Policy Manual 17 Universities and Private Vocational Schools School’s Dispute Resolution Mechanism Describe the process students should follow or provide the school policy to resolve issues that may arise and how they may be resolved (e.g. access to student council, school counselor, instructor, principal) – if separate document, attach it to the contract. To inform students about the role of the Ministry of Advanced Education and their ability to access its resources, the student contract must include the following statement: Private Vocational Schools are registered with the Ministry of Advanced Education which monitors and serves as a support to both the school and students. Inquiries may be directed to: Ministry of Advanced Education - Universities and Private Vocational Schools Branch 1120 – 2010 12th Avenue REGINA SK S4P 0M3 Telephone: 306-787-5763 Training Completion Plan and Training Completion Fund Ensure the student is aware of the school’s responsibility to implement a Training Completion Plan that explains provisions for each course or program in the event it is discontinued for any reason before the student has completed the course or program. To meet this requirement, the following statement should be included in the student contract: In accordance with Section 11 of The Private Vocational Schools Regulations, 2014, every Category I school shall have a training completion plan for each course or program offered to ensure that students are compensated for the discontinuation of the course or program or are able to complete the course or program with a post-secondary educational institution that is recognized by the minister. If the school has identified that the course or program in which the student is enrolled is unique and unavailable elsewhere, the student should be advised of this in the student contract. Ensure the student is aware of the school’s responsibility to participate and contribute annually to the Training Completions Fund, the purpose of which is to compensate students in the event a course or program is discontinued. To meet this requirement, the following statement should be included in the student contract: In accordance with Section 19 of The Private Vocational Schools Regulations, 2014, every operator of a Category I school provides the minister with an annual contribution to the Training Completions Fund. This fund may be utilized in the event a course or program is discontinued. (See Training Completions Fund for a more information.) 18 Guarantee of Employment Ensure the student is aware that completing the school’s course or program does not constitute a guarantee of employment. The following statement should be included in the student contract: (Name of school) is prohibited under Section 38 of The Private Vocational Schools Regulations, 2014, from guaranteeing employment to any student or prospective student. Information Sharing – Reports and Records Ensure the student is advised that their information will be shared with the Ministry of Advanced Education. Pursuant to Subsection 32(3) of the Regulations, schools are required to submit reports and records containing the following information with respect to each student enrolled in a course or program for the previous reporting year: • the student’s ¾¾ full name; ¾¾ gender; ¾¾ date of birth; ¾¾ residential address and permanent address; and ¾¾ residential telephone number and permanent telephone number; • the courses or programs in which the student is enrolled; • the enrolment date for each course or program; • the completion or discontinuance date for each course or program; and • the academic or equivalent qualifications for the student at the time of enrolment for each course or program. Acklowledgements The student contract should state that the signer has read, understood and received a signed copy of the contract and related attachments in accordance with Section 24 of the Regulations. Signatures Contract requires signatures of both school official and student Date signed Administration and Policy Manual 19 Universities and Private Vocational Schools Student Records Contents of Student Files In addition to the school’s electronic files, a hard copy of the student file should contain the following documentation: • contractual arrangements with the school (e.g. student enrolment contract; list(s) of instructional resources/ supplies provided to the student by the school); • admissions requirements (e.g. placement tests; evidence of prerequisites); • records showing academic progress (e.g. transcripts, assignments, tests/examinations); • credentials (e.g. Certificates/Diplomas issued by the school; industry certifications); • attendance records; documentation regarding program withdrawal or discontinuation; • financial matters (payment plan, if any; record of payments made by student to school; record of funds received from third parties). • records of complaint, resolution; • refunds (copy of the Refund Calculator form); and • student loan documentation. Requirements for student files will be reviewed during educational school visits (see School Visit Checklist) as well as monitoring visits (see Monitoring Checklist). Retention of Student Records Section 34 of the Regulations addresses retention of student records as follows: Retention of student records 34(1) Every operator of a Category I school must keep, with respect to each student, a file of all of his or her exams and assignments for at least two years after the student has completed his or her course or program or has left the course or program. (2) If an operator’s certificate of registration expires and is not renewed, if an operator ceases to operate or if an operator’s certificate of registration is cancelled, the operator must immediately send to the minister: (a)all files and other records held by the operator relating to present and former students; and (b)any other information that the minister may request. Generally speaking, the Ministry requires schools to keep academic/financial records indefinitely (i.e., for the life of the school). Schools are also encouraged to maintain off-site backups. Upon closure of a school, records must be provided to the Ministry for archiving. 20 Dispute Resolution School’s Internal Dispute Resolution Process In accordance with Section 29 of the Regulations, every operator of a Category I school shall establish an internal dispute resolution process by which complaints will be addressed and ensure that students are informed of the process. The dispute resolution process must be registered with the Ministry at the time of initial school registration and should be kept up to date. At a minimum, the resolution process should identify the following: • the process by which individuals can make complaints; • the school official to whom complaints should be addressed; • the process to be followed by the school and the student when complaints are formalized or brought forward; and • the manner in which complaints and their resolution will be recorded. Subsection 29(3) of the Regulations also requires the operator to maintain a record of all complaints received and the resolution of those complaints. Records must be made available to the Ministry upon request. Ministry Procedure for Responding to Student Complaints Nature of complaints The Ministry responds to student complaints within the provisions of the Act and the Regulations. The following procedure is employed: Point of first contact with a student • The usual first contact from a student is by telephone. • The complaint is heard and clarified by the Ministry staff. • If health or safety issues are at stake, the school or another agency (e.g. public health authority) may be contacted directly. • If the student has not already followed the school’s internal dispute resolution process, he/she may be asked to do so prior to further Ministry involvement. • If the complaint relates to a breach of the Act or the Regulations, the student is requested to document the complaint (in writing) and send it to the Ministry. • If the complaint does not relate to a breach of the Act or the Regulations, and the school’s internal dispute resolution process has not resulted in resolution of the issue, the student may be advised to seek other options (e.g. Human Rights Commission, civil action). Administration and Policy Manual 21 Universities and Private Vocational Schools After a letter of complaint from a student is received by the Ministry • Through correspondence from the Ministry, the school is presented with the student complaint and is asked to respond in writing to the Ministry with a proposed means of resolution. • Before and after receipt of the school’s letter of response, the Ministry may have further contact with the school and the student to clarify issues. Contact may take the form of telephone conversations, email or other written correspondence, and/or meetings with the school. After the review is complete • The Ministry will determine if the school is in breach of the Act or the Regulations and will inform the school and student of its findings. • The Ministry will require compliance by the school with all sections of the Act or the Regulations. If the school is in breach of the Act or the Regulations, the Ministry will inform the school of the provisions of Sections 15 and 16 of the Act, relating to suspension or cancellation of the school’s Certificate of Registration. If the school is designated for student financial assistance purposes, the Student Services and Program Development Branch of the Ministry may also be informed of the situation so that the designation status of the school can be reviewed. Mediation Pursuant to Section 30 of the Regulations, a student of a Category I school who wishes to have a dispute mediated must give written notice to the minister and the operator of the school. The written notice must set out the issues that the student wishes to have mediated. If the minister appoints a mediator, the mediator shall endeavour to assist the parties to settle the issues that are the subject of the mediation. 22 Refund and Retention of Fees The Regulations govern the procedures to be used for the refund of tuition fees to students who leave a training program prior to program completion. The Regulations also include provisions for the handling of refunds of books/supplies and other fees and for the cancellation of student contracts. The following guidelines are intended to provide an explanation in a simplified form. Please refer to the Regulations – Sections 25, 26, 27, and 28 for the full legal text governing this subject. Power to Cancel a Student Contract Other than a registration fee, a student is not required to pay any fees prior to three months before the start of a training program. A student contract can be cancelled within ten days of its signing, as long as the training program hasn’t started. Tuition fees must be refunded and in accordance with subsection 25(2) of the Regulations, the registration fees are non-refundable. If the student cancels the contract more than 10 days after its signing but prior to the training program starting, the school will reimburse the tuition fee paid and retain the nonrefundable registration fee. Student Absence Pursuant to Section 27(3) of the Regulations, if the student is absent from a course or program for 21 consecutive calendar days, the student is deemed to have discontinued the course or program and the school will provide written notice to the student that the operator, in accordance with subsection 27(5), will retain the applicable proportion of the tuition fee payable for the course or program. A written notice sent by the school to the student is deemed to have been received by the student on the tenth day after it was mailed, unless the student establishes that, through no fault of his or her own, the notice was received at a later date. It is the shared responsibility on the part of students and school operators to communicate with each other regarding program withdrawal/discontinuation and the refund/retention of tuition fees. Administration and Policy Manual 23 Universities and Private Vocational Schools Refunds and Retention Fees and Other Amounts Tuition Fees In general, once a training program has started the tuition refund requirements of the Regulations are in effect. The Regulations prescribe the percentage of the tuition fee payable which may be retained by the school, based on instructional hours offered by the school. Note: A refund is based on the amount of training that has been offered by the school and not on the actual attendance of the student. • If a school offers 20 per cent or less of the instructional hours of a program, then the school may retain 25 per cent of the tuition fee payable for that program. • If a school offers more than 20 per cent but 50 per cent or less of the instructional hours of a program, then the school may retain 60 per cent of the tuition fee payable for that program. • If a school offers more than 50 per cent of the instructional hours of a program, then the school may retain 100 per cent of the tuition fee payable for that program. Other requirements to keep in mind • “Tuition fee payable” refers to the program’s tuition fee as registered with the Ministry at the time the contract is signed. Tuition fee payable does not include the nonrefundable student registration fee or texts, books, instructional materials, equipment and other fees. • For programs of more than one year in length, the tuition fee payable amount is to be limited to the tuition fee due for the applicable year only (i.e. year-one tuition or yeartwo tuition, but not both combined). • The non-refundable registration fee is separate and apart from the total tuition fee and is therefore not included in the refund calculation. • If the tuition refund calculation (using either the Refund Calculator - Manual Version or the Refund Calculator - Electronic Version) yields a positive ‘balance owing’, then the student owes the outstanding balance to the school, even if the student is no longer attending the school. Refunds for books and supplies fees The calculation of refunds for books and supplies is treated separately from tuition fee calculations. The school must refund all money paid for texts, books and other instructional material or equipment the student did not receive. The school should keep on file an itemized list which has all items received, initialed by the student and a school official. The student should also be given a copy of this list. 24 Other Fees Fees classified as “Other Fees” may include (but are not limited to) fees for: • lockers; • student field trips/shows; • memberships in professional organizations related to the training; • criminal reference checks; and • examinations from external organizations. Refunds of “Other Fees” should not be calculated in conjunction with tuition or textbooks and other instructional material or equipment refunds. Refunds for “Other Fees” are administered by the school and must be reflected in the Student Enrolment Contract. Full Refund of Fees The student must be given a copy of the fully executed enrolment contract. The contract may be void if: • the school and/or training program is not properly registered with the Ministry; or • the school has made a “false or misleading statement regarding the program or course contracted for, or the nature of the student contract, which induced the student to enter into the student contract”. In such circumstances, the student would be entitled to a full refund of all amounts paid to the school. If the school does not fully deliver a training program, the student is entitled to a pro-rated amount of the tuition fee already paid by the student. Alternatively, the school, with the agreement of the student, may “make up the deficiency” by providing the program in some equivalent way (e.g. provided by another qualified trainer or school). Payment of Refunds Payment of a tuition refund by a school must be made within 30 days. Refunds to students with Canada- Saskatchewan Integrated Student Loans must be sent to the National Student Loans Service Centre. Reporting to the Ministry When a student withdraws or is discontinued from a program, the Refund Calculator must be completed and sent to the Ministry, whether or not there is a tuition refund due or the student owes money to the school. Examples of Tuition Refund Calculations The following are some examples of tuition refund calculations. Administration and Policy Manual 25 Universities and Private Vocational Schools Program Scenario A student has signed an enrolment contract for a 200-hour (10-week) program that is offered four hours per day, five days per week (20 hours/week). The program is scheduled to begin on September 10, 2013 and end on November 19, 2013. The tuition fee for the program is $2,000; books and supplies are an additional $300. Example #1 – No Refund The student begins training on September 10, 2013 and attends until October 24, 2013 at which time he withdraws from the program, providing written notice to the school of his withdrawal. The student paid all fees (tuition, books/supplies) at the outset of the program and received all books/supplies. Calculation Program Hours made available by the school. September: 15 days at 4 hours/day = 60 hours October: 17 days at 4 hours/day = 68 hours Total hours made available: 128 hours Percentage of program made available: 128/200 x 100 = 64 per cent School can retain 100 per cent of tuition fee payable. No refund. See Sample Refund Calculator - Example #1 for this example. Example #2 – Tuition Refund The student begins training on September 10, 2013 and withdraws from the program (providing written notice) on October 2, 2013. The student has a student loan. The school has received the entire tuition fee payable from the Canada Student Loan Program. The student has paid for and received all books/supplies. Calculation Program Hours made available by the school. September: 15 days at 4 hours/day = 60 hours October: 2 days at 4 hours/day = 8 hours Percentage of program made available: 68/200 x 100 = 34 per cent School can retain 60 per cent of tuition fee payable: 0.60 x $2000 = $1,200 Tuition paid: $2000 Refund = $1,200 - $2,000 = - $800 (negative balance indicates refund; to be sent to National Student Loans Service Centre by November 2, 2013) See Sample Refund Calculator - Example #2 for this example. 26 Example #3 - No Tuition Refund. The student begins training on September 10, 2013 and withdraws from the program on October 2, 2013, without giving notice to the school. The student has a student loan. The school has received the entire tuition fee payable from the Canada Student Loan Program. The student has paid for and received all books/supplies. On October 24, 2013 the school sends a registered letter to the student advising that a portion of the tuition fee will be retained by the school unless the student advises the school of his intention to return to the program. The school does not hear back from the student. Calculation Hours made available by the school. September: 15 days at 4 hours/day = 60 hours October: 2 days at 4 hours/day = 8 hours Program hours made available during 21 days of absence: Between October 3 and October 23, there were 14 days of program hours made available by the school. 14 x 4 (hours per day) = 54 hours Total Program hours made available to student: 60 + 8 + 54 = 124 Percentage of program made available = 124/200 x 100 = 62 per cent School can retain 100 per cent of tuition fee payable = $2,000. No refund. See Sample Refund Calculator - Example #3 for this example. Example #4 - Tuition Owed to the School The student begins training on September 10, 2013. He is paying the tuition in installment payments of $200/week. He has paid for and received all books/supplies. His last day of attendance is October 2, 2013. The student does not advise the school of his withdrawal from the program and has no further communication with the school. On October 24, 2013 the school sends the student a letter informing him that a portion of the tuition fee payable will be retained by the school unless the student advises the school of his intention to return to the program. The school does not hear back from the student. Calculation Program Hours made available by the school. September: 15 days at 4 hours/day = 60 hours October: 2 days at 4 hours/day = 8 hours Program hours made available during 21 days of absence: Between October 3 and October 23, there were 14 days of program hours made available by the school. 14 x 4 (hours per day) = 54 hours Total Program hours made available to student: 60 + 8 + 54 = 124 Percentage of program made available = 124/200 x 100 = 62 per cent School can retain 100 per cent of tuition payable = $2,000. Administration and Policy Manual 27 Universities and Private Vocational Schools Tuition paid by student = $600. Balance owing = $2,000 - $600 = $1400 to the school. See Sample Refund Calculator - Example #4 for this example. Refer to the flowchart of the Tuition Refund Process below for a graphic overview of the steps involved in tuition refund calculations. Student leaves school Student provides written notice Refund calculated as of discontinuation date and processed within 30 days (Subsection 27(6) of the Regulations) Student does not provide written notice of intent to discontinue 21 days after last day of attendance Student is deemed discontinued and the school provides written notice to student about applicable refund – sent by ordinary mail, courier or hand delivery Applicable refund processed within 30 days – calculated based on number of days the program was made available by the school while the student was registered at the school and during the 21 days of absence (Subsection 27(5) of the Regulations) Student returns to school If a student has paid for but not received texts, books, or other instructional material or equipment, the school is required to refund the student. 28 School Visits Educational Visits Educational school visits are conducted by staff from the Branch. The purpose of the visit is to share information and answer questions relative to the requirements of the Act and the Regulations. The School Visit Checklist is used by staff to review the status of a school with respect to various administrative requirements. Monitoring Visits Monitoring visits are conducted by staff from the PVS Unit of the Branch. Monitoring visits involve a more detailed examination of school records (e.g. student files) to determine compliance with regulatory requirements. The Monitoring Checklist will be used as a guide in reviewing records. Financial Reporting The purpose of year-end financial reporting is to provide the Ministry with an indication of a school’s financial strength. Monitoring of financial health over time allows the Ministry to assess whether a school may be experiencing financial difficulties and to proactively communicate with a school owner if concerns arise regarding ongoing financial viability. Requirements for financial reporting are provided in Section 29 of the Act as follows: The Lieutenant Governor in Council may make regulations: (w)respecting annual returns, financial statements and the furnishing of other information to the minister by operators, including the deadlines by which the annual returns, financial statements or other information are to be furnished;” In Section 32(5) of the Regulations as follows: Every operator of a Category I school shall provide the minister: (a)within 120 days of the end of the school’s fiscal year, a copy of the school’s financial statements for the previous fiscal year; and (b)any other information, in a form satisfactory to the minister, that the minister may request.” Administration and Policy Manual 29 Universities and Private Vocational Schools Confidentiality Financial information provided to the Ministry will be treated confidentially under The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act as follows: “19(1) Subject to Part V and this section, a head shall refuse to give access to a record that contains: … (b) financial, commercial, scientific, technical or labour relations information that is supplied in confidence, implicitly or explicitly, to a government institution by a third party. (2) A head may give access to a record that contains information described in subsection (1) with the written consent of the third party to whom the information relates.” The Student Contract must include a statement whereby the student provides consent to the school to allow the Ministry of Advanced Education access to the student file which contains confidential information. See Sample Enrolment Contract for an example of what to include in this statement. Definitions The following definitions will aid in understanding the reporting process: Accountant: A person with a designation such as Chartered Accountant, Certified Management Accountant, or Certified General Accountant. Review Engagement Report: A review of the financial statements is carried out to determine the credibility of the school. A Review Engagement Report is generally limited to inquiries of management and a review of financial data. It provides some assurances of the reliability of the financial statements. Auditor’s Report: Based on an independent verification, it is a study and evaluation of internal controls and tests of records and balances. This report represents the highest level of credibility and reliability that an accountant can express about financial statements. Year-End Financial Reporting Process Step 1: Letter of Notice Approximately two to four weeks prior to a school’s fiscal year-end, the Ministry will send a letter of notice of financial reporting coming due. The Ministry will only accept financial statements accompanied by either the Auditor’s Report or a Review Engagement Report prepared by a designated accountant. A ‘Notice to Reader’ Statement is not acceptable. The Minister reserves the right to ask for additional financial information and documentation at any time. 30 Step 2: Submission of Financial Report to the Ministry Per Subsection 32(5) of the Regulations, the required financial documentation must be submitted to the Ministry within 120 days of a school’s fiscal year-end. Step 3: Ministry Review The two reporting options culminate with the Ministry conducting an assessment of financial strength. The Ministry may request additional information as required and may wish to discuss financial matters directly with a school operator if questions/issues arise as a result of the review process. Annual financial reporting provides one indicator of the financial strength of a private vocational school. The analysis over a period of time may assist schools and the Ministry to provide solutions to potential problems which may threaten the school or the students in the school. However, it must be reaffirmed that no review can consistently predict future financial viability. The Training Completions Fund contribution for each school is calculated using the information provided in the school’s most recently submitted year-end financial statements. (See Training Completions Fund for a more more information.) Annual Statistics Reporting In May of each year, the Student Profile and Student Statistics forms are issued to schools by the Ministry. The forms are sent by email to schools. (See Sample Student Profile and Sample Student Statistics forms.) In order to maintain student confidentiality, schools are required to send files through a secure file transfer. Instructions will be provided. Schools are required to return the completed forms by August 1st of each year. Update of Student Employment Information Schools may update employment information on students by resubmitting the Student Statistics Form, with amendments to Employment Status and Occupation and Employer, by October 31st. Administration and Policy Manual 31 Universities and Private Vocational Schools Change of Ownership The Act addresses change of ownership in the following two provisions: • Section 7 allows for the transfer of a Certificate of Registration of a private vocational school with the prior written approval of the Minister. Limitation on transfer of certificate 7(1) No operator shall transfer the operator’s certificate of registration to another person without obtaining the prior written approval of the minister. (2) The minister shall not unreasonably withhold his or her approval of a transfer of a certificate of registration. • Section 10 requires the operator of a private vocational school to inform the Ministry of any fundamental change to the ownership or corporate structure of the school. Operator to advise of fundamental change 10 Every operator that is a corporation shall immediately advise the minister of: (a)a change in the ownership or share or equity holdings of the corporation; or (b)any continuance, amalgamation or other fundamental change involving the corporation. If approval is being sought for the transfer of a Certificate of Registration of a private vocational school, both the SELLER and the PURCHASER must meet the requirements set forth in the Ministry’s Change of Ownership Checklist. The first step in the change of ownership approval process is the completion of a Change of Ownership Application. This form provides the Ministry with essential information concerning the proposed ownership of the school and the date when a change of control is anticipated. Please allow adequate time in advance of the transaction closing date for Ministry review and approval. While some change of ownership transactions may be relatively minor and have minimal impact on the day-to-day operations of a school and its students, other transactions may be more involved and require comprehensive review by the Ministry to ensure student protection matters have been adequately and appropriately addressed. Please note that in some instances, the Ministry may seek the assistance of the Ministry of Justice in reviewing legal documentation associated with the transfer. 32 Advertising Requirements related to advertising are prescribed in Section 26 of the Act and Sections 37, 38, and 39 of the Regulations. The following are additional guidelines: 1. All programs advertised by Category I schools are to include the identification of the school and be clearly directed to training. 2. Advertised job expectations must be realistic. 3. All testimonials are to be substantiated within a Saskatchewan context. For example, a school may claim it is “number one”, “the leader” or that a certain percentage of graduates received employment in an area directly related to their field of study; however, such statements must be substantiated with statistical information. 4. Student financial assistance is not to be the primary focus of a school advertisement. The availability of financial assistance is not to be presented as an endorsement of the program value. The following wording may be used to advertise financial assistance: “Financial assistance may be available to qualified students.” 5. Using the Canadian Code of Advertising Standards as a reference, consider the following: • Advertising should reflect high standards of honesty, truth, accuracy and fairness. • Advertisements may not contain inaccurate, exaggerated or deceptive claims or statements, either direct or implied. • In assessing the truthfulness of a message, concern is not with the intent of the sender or the precise legality of the phrasing. Rather the focus is on the message as received or perceived, that is, the general impression conveyed by the advertisement. 6. For new programs, Category I schools must submit advertisements to the Ministry after program approval in principle has been granted. Administration and Policy Manual 33 Universities and Private Vocational Schools Registration as a Category II School A Category II private vocational school delivers training only to students whose tuition fees are paid for by a sponsoring agency (e.g. Workers’ Compensation Board, First Nations band). If a school delivers training to both sponsored and fee-paying students, it must register as a Category I school. Initial Registration For registration as a new Category II School, the applicant must submit a Application for Issuance of Initial Certificate of Registration - Category II School. A registered school receives a Certificate of Registration which is valid for the school year July 1 to June 30. The Certificate must be prominently displayed at the school. Fees for Initial Category II Registration A registration fee of $150 is charged. Category II schools are not required to contribute to the Training Completions Fund. Annual Renewal of Registration Any Category II school wishing to renew their registration must have the Application for Issuance of Initial Certificate of Registration - Category II School submitted by July 1st of each year. Fee for Annual Renewal of Category II Registration Similar to initial registration, a renewal registration fee of $150 is charged annually. Upon completion of the renewal of registration process, a new Certificate of Registration will be issued. Note: For the 2015-16 private vocational school year only, the fee will be reduced to $125. 34 Important Dates for Administrative Compliance The following table summarizes key dates/deadlines attached to various administrative requirements. PVS Activity Dates Training Completions Fund Contributions (Category I) • The Ministry issues invoices to schools January/February • Deadline for invoices to be paid by schools March 31st Anytime New program applications (Category I) Program revision applications (Category I) • Deadline for receipt by the Branch in order for revisions to be approved March 31st for implementation in the following student loan year (August 1st) Annual Renewal of School Registration (Category I and Category II) for July 1st to June 30th period. • Registration package sent out to schools March • Deadline for submission of application to the Ministry Annual Student Statistics and Student Profile Reports (Category I) June 1st • Reporting forms sent to schools May • Deadline for submission of forms to the Ministry August 1st • Deadline for submission of employment status updates Financial Reporting (Category I) October 31st • First reminder letter sent to school 2-4 weeks prior to school’s fiscal year-end • Second reminder letter sent to school Two weeks prior to due date Within 120 days of a school’s fiscal year-end Deadline for submission of financial reports to the Ministry School Closure A school closure can occur for various reasons and may be planned or unexpected. In all cases, the Ministry will work with the school, its students, and the PVS sector to ensure that students’ interests are addressed. The Ministry has worked with the PVS sector to develop a Train-out Management Committee Manual that provides guidance in the event of a school closure. The Manual addresses principles to be adhered to and processes to be followed in a school closure situation in order to minimize disruption and anxiety for students, co-ordinate train-out activities in an efficient and timely manner and address media inquiries. Administration and Policy Manual 35 Application for Issuance of Initial Certificate of Registration Category I School Private Vocational Schools July 1, 20____ to June 30, 20____ Primary Applicant Contact Information Full Name: _________________________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address: ____________________________________________________________________________ Daytime Telephone: __________________________ Fax: ______________________ Other Telephone: ____________________________ Email: _________________________________________________ Business Information Business/Corporate Name: ___________________________________________________________________ Registered Owner: ___________________________________________________________________________ Business Address: ___________________________________________________________________________ Date of Corporate Registration ________________________________________________________________ Business Classification Is your business a: Sole Proprietorship Partnership (Include copy of Corporation Not-for-Profit partnership agreement.) Franchise: Yes No (If yes, include a copy of the franchise agreement.) Fiscal year end for your business (mm-dd): _____________________ | 306-787-5763 Applicant Information Please list the name of each applicant (i.e. sole proprietor in a proprietorship; all partners in a partnership; all directors in a corporation) and attach a completed Applicant Profile Form for each person named. Applicant 1 Name: __________________________________________________________________________ Applicant 2 Name: __________________________________________________________________________ Applicant 3 Name: __________________________________________________________________________ Applicant 4 Name: __________________________________________________________________________ Applicant 5 Name: __________________________________________________________________________ Applicant 6 Name: __________________________________________________________________________ Applicant 7 Name: __________________________________________________________________________ Applicant 8 Name: __________________________________________________________________________ Applicant 9 Name: __________________________________________________________________________ School Information School Name: ______________________________________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Other School Location(s): ____________________________________________________________________ Principal/Manager in Saskatchewan: __________________________________________________________ (Please attach an Applicant Profile Form for the Principal/Manager of the school in Saskatchewan, if he or she is not identified above as an applicant.) Telephone: ___________________________________ Fax: _______________________________________ Email: Website: _____________________________________________________________________________ Course/Program Information Please list the name of each course or program you are applying to offer. You must attach a completed New Course/Program Registration Application for each course or program listed here. Course/Program 1: __________________________________________________________________________ Course/Program 2: __________________________________________________________________________ Course/Program 3: __________________________________________________________________________ Course/Program 4: __________________________________________________________________________ Course/Program 5: __________________________________________________________________________ | 306-787-5763 Registration Fee • assessment of new courses/programs $100 • registration of first course/program $300 • registration of additional courses/programs x $75 each Total + $ ________ = $ ________ *For the 2015-2016 private vocational school year only, the Registration Fee is: • assessment of new courses/programs $100 • registration of first course/program $250 • registration of additional courses/programs x $62.50 each + Total = $ ________ $ ________ Training Completions Fund Contribution • An amount equal to the greater of: a) 1% of projected tuition revenue for first year of operation; and b) $2,000. The Training Completions Fund Contribution must be paid on final approval of this application and before the issuance of a Certificate of Registration. Supporting Items Please check () that the following items are attached: Copy of Certificate of Incorporation or Registration (Obtain from Corporate Registry, Information Services Corporation (ISC)) PVS Security Fire Safety Report Health Safety Report Building Safety Report Business Plan Applicant Profile Form(s) Course/Program Registration Application Form(s) Registration Fee (Cheque made payable to Minister of Finance) The Training Completions Fund Contribution must be paid on final approval of this application and before the issuance of a Certificate of Registration. | 306-787-5763 Declaration and Consent I certify that the information provided in this application, including the attachments, and in all other communications relating to this application, is correct. I understand that registration fees paid are not refundable. I understand that this application will expire six (6) months after the date on which it is submitted to the Minister of Advanced Education (Saskatchewan) if I have not successfully completed the application requirements within that period. Applicant’s name (please print): ______________________________________________________________ X _______________________________________________________________________ Signature of Applicant Date | 306-787-5763 Business Plan Outline Private Vocational Schools Cover Sheet • business name, address, telephone and fax numbers • operator’s name • principal/manager in Saskatchewan • date Executive Summary • brief description of product/service, staff, location and facility/facilities • short history of venture • highlights of the local/national industry (e.g. markets; customer profile(s); developments; competition; growth potential) Marketing Plan • should cover scope and results of market feasibility analysis ¾¾ location of operation and market ¾¾ product ¾¾ price ¾¾ promotion/advertisement ¾¾ distribution ¾¾ market monitoring | 306-787-5763 Operating Plan • scope and results of operation analysis ¾¾ technical aspects of operation ¾¾ legal structure (proprietorship, partnership, corporation) ¾¾ roles of officers (include résumés – listing experience, etc.) ¾¾ directors, officers and key management ¾¾ share options, contracts, agreements ¾¾ labour requirements ¾¾ location of facility ¾¾ floor plan, list equipment and job stations ¾¾ control systems ¾¾ maximum occupancy load (requirements under Fire Regulations) Financial Plan • outline financial feasibility analysis ¾¾ assumptions used for financial planning ¾¾ financial forecasts (balance sheet, income and expense statement, cash flow projection) | 306-787-5763 Training Completion Plan Private Vocational Schools 1. Private Vocational School School Name: ______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Street/PO BoxCity/TownPostal Code Telephone: ___________________________ Fax: _____________________________ Website: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Principal/Manager (in Saskatchewan): _________________________________________________________ Email: _____________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Program Information Program Title: ______________________________________________________________________________ 3. Program Description Please check () as applicable: A description of the program content and the instructional resources (e.g. textbooks, supplies, equipment) used in the program is on file with the Ministry. A program description is attached. 4. Training Completion Options Please select either (a) or (b) as appropriate: (a) The program is generally compatible with the _____________________ program offered by Name of Program ______________________________________ located in _______________________________________ Name of Training Institution(s) City/Town, Province OR (b) To the best of my knowledge, the program is not compatible with another program of a post-secondary institution recognized by the Minister. | 306-787-5763 If (b), please describe below how students will be informed of (i) the uniqueness of the program; (ii) the fact that alternative training may not be available in the event the school is unable to complete the training; and (iii) how students will be compensated in the event the program cannot be delivered to completion. ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. Student Compensation Plan Pursuant to clause 11(2)(c), if the course or program be discontinued for any reason before students have completed the course or program, students will be compensated for the discontinuation or they will be able to complete the course or program with another post-secondary educational institution that is recognized by the Minister. Costs incurred to complete training and/or costs to compensate students financially will be drawn from one or more of the following sources: the school’s general revenue, the security posted by the school, and/or the Training Completions Fund. __________________________________________________ Name (please print) of Authorized School Representative X _____________________________________ Signature of Authorized School Representative | 306-787-5763 _______________________________ Date Application for Registration of Instructor or Examiner Private Vocational Schools This form must be completed for each individual who will be instructing or examining in a program in a private vocational school. The applicant must be registered by the Ministry prior to commencing any training/examination duties. The Ministry registers instructors/examiners based on the provisions of The Private Vocational Schools Regulations, 2014, which specify criteria related to education and occupational experience. Please refer to Section 35 of the Regulations for further information on requirements pertaining to instructors or examiners. Forms not fully completed may be returned to the school. Applicant Information 1. School Name: ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. Program(s)/Courses for which this applicant will be responsible: ________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Applicant’s Name: _______________________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________________________ Street/PO Box ________________________________________________________________________________ Province Telephone: ________________ City/Town Postal Code Email: _________________________________________________ Instructor or Examiner Information Please check () the appropriate choice in #4 and #5: 4. The applicant will be working: Full Time Part Time On Contract 5. The applicant will be:: an Instructor an Examiner Both 6. If this is not an initial application for this applicant, please indicate date of previous registration in Saskatchewan and school: _________________________________________________________________ | 306-787-5763 7. Applicant’s Educational Background: Graduated from: _________________________________________________________________________ InstitutionLocation ________________________________________________________________________________________ Program Area, Subject or Major AchievedDate ________________________________________________________________________________________ Degree, Diploma or Certificate(s) held (Include copy/copies) ________________________________________________________________________________________ Professional Designation (if any, including Journeyperson status) Certificate Number (Include copy/copies) 8. Additional Education (other than above): Please list any additional related program and/or education or experience which qualifies the applicant to instruct the program(s) course(s) listed: __________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. Employment History The instructor or examiner is able to demonstrate one or more of the following requirements: a degree from a university recognized by the minister in an area of study directly related to the vocation to be taught and has at least 12 consecutive months of occupational experience in that vocation; is a graduate of an educational institution recognized by the minister in an area directly related to the vocation to be taught and has at least 12 consecutive months of occupational experience in that vocation; has at least three years of occupational experience in the vocation to be taught. Provide a list of employers and related information that demonstrates the appropriate qualifications as indicated above. Begin with the most recent and include a separate page if necessary: Employer #1: ____________________________________________________________________________ Address of Employer: _____________________________________________________________________ Telephone: _______________________ Email: ___________________________________________ Job or Position: __________________________________________________________________________ Name of Supervisor: ______________________________________________________________________ From (mm/yyyy): ______________________ Full Time (%): _________ To (mm/yyyy): ______________________ Part Time (%): _________ | 306-787-5763 Employer #2: ____________________________________________________________________________ Address of Employer: _____________________________________________________________________ Telephone: _______________________ Email: ___________________________________________ Job or Position: __________________________________________________________________________ Name of Supervisor: ______________________________________________________________________ From (mm/yyyy): ______________________ Full Time (%): _________ To (mm/yyyy): ______________________ Part Time (%): _________ Employer #3: ____________________________________________________________________________ Address of Employer: _____________________________________________________________________ Telephone: _______________________ Email: ___________________________________________ Job or Position: __________________________________________________________________________ Name of Supervisor: ______________________________________________________________________ From (mm/yyyy): ______________________ Full Time (%): _________ To (mm/yyyy): ______________________ Part Time (%): _________ 10.Employment References: Three employment references are required. 1. Name of Employer: ____________________________________________________________________ Contact Person for Reference: ___________________________________________________________ Address of Employer: __________________________________________________________________ Telephone: _______________________ Email: ___________________________________________ Position Held with this Employer: _______________________________________________________ 2. Name of Employer: ___________________________________________________________________ Contact Person for Reference: ___________________________________________________________ Address of Employer: __________________________________________________________________ Telephone: _______________________ Email: ___________________________________________ Position Held with this Employer: _______________________________________________________ 3. Name of Employer: ___________________________________________________________________ Contact Person for Reference: ___________________________________________________________ Address of Employer: __________________________________________________________________ Telephone: _______________________ Email: ___________________________________________ Position Held with this Employer: _______________________________________________________ Personal employment references checks are the responsibility of the school. | 306-787-5763 To be completed by the Applicant: Permission is granted to conduct a reference check with listed employers. I certify that the information supplied in this application is true and correct. X _________________________________________________________________________ Signature of ApplicantDate To be completed by the School: To the Minister: I expect to employ this applicant to instruct the program(s)/course(s) listed. I have examined this application and am satisfied that the information provided by the applicant is true and correct. X _________________________________________________________________________ Signature and Name PrintedDate (School Owner/Principal/Manager) Telephone: _______________________ Email: _________________________________________________ where the Ministry may contact school with questions about this application. FOR MINISTRY USE: Ministry Approval: The applicant described above has been registered by the Ministry for the program/course(s) listed above for the school listed above. X _________________________________________________________________________ Signature of Ministry Official Date | 306-787-5763 Guarantee Bond Template Private Vocational Schools (Per Section 12 of The Private Vocational Schools Regulations, 2014) UNDER THE PRIVATE VOCATIONAL SCHOOLS REGULATION ACT, 1995 (“the Act”) KNOW TO ALL BY THESE PRESENTS that ______________________________ (“the (registered Corporate name) Principal”) as operator of a private vocational school under the Act and _________________ (“the Surety”) a body corporate licensed pursuant to The Saskatchewan Insurance Act to transact guarantee insurance, are jointly and severally bound unto Her Majesty the Queen in right of Saskatchewan represented by the Deputy Minister of Advanced Education (“the Obligee”), in the penal sum of _______________________________ ($ __________) dollars of lawful money of Canada, for which payment well and truly to be made, the Principal and the Surety each bind themselves and their respective successors and assigns firmly by these presents. SEALED with the respective seals of the Principal and the Surety this _________ day of _______________, 20____. WHEREAS, by the Act, and The Private Vocational Schools Regulations, 2014 (“the Regulations”), the Principal is required to provide to the Obligee and maintain in force a bond securing the due performance by the Principal of contracts entered for the provisions of instruction of courses or programs (“student contracts”). NOW THEREFORE, the conditions of this obligation are such that as long as the Principal shall a. comply with the provisions of the Act and the Regulations as amended from time to time, b. perform its student contracts and pay any amounts payable thereunder, and c. satisfy any judgment in favor of a student that has become final rendered by any court of Saskatchewan against it in an action arising out of a student contract or the Act or the Regulations, then the obligation shall be void and of no effect, but otherwise shall be and remain in full force and effect. PROVIDED that if the Surety shall, at any time, give thirty days’ notice in writing to the Principal and to the Obligee of its intention to put an end to this suretyship, then this Bond shall from and after the last day of such thirty days, cease and determine in respect only of any acts or omissions of the Principal subsequent to such determination, and the Surety shall remain liable for any failure on the part of the Principal to fulfil its obligations under its student contracts and the Act and the Regulations which were incurred before the date of determination. | 306-787-5763 PROVIDED FURTHER that the obligation of the Surety shall be with respect only to claims made known to the Obligee or the Surety within one year from the date of the determination of this Bond, whether or not an action has been commenced or a final judgment has been obtained on such claims. SIGNED, SEALED AND DELIVERED X ___________________________________ Surety X ___________________________________ Principal Amount of Security Required (Per Subclause 12(4) and Table 1 of The Private Vocational Schools Regulations, 2014) Annual Tuition Revenue (in most recently submitted yearend statements) 0 - $100,000 $100,001 - $200,000 $200,001 - $300,000 $300,001 - $400,000 $400,001 - $500,000 $500,001 - $600,000 $600,001 - $700,000 $700,001+ | 306-787-5763 Year 1 (2014-15) $10,000 $10,000 $15,000 $20,000 $25,000 $30,000 $35,000 $37,500 Security Requirement Year 2 Year 3 (2015-16) (2016-17 or after) $10,000 $10,000 $15,000 $20,000 $22,500 $30,000 $30,000 $40,000 $37,500 $50,000 $45,000 $60,000 $52,500 $70,000 $56,250 $75,000 Program Registration Application Private Vocational Schools New Program Revisions to Existing Program 1. Private Vocational School School Name: ______________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ (street/PO Box)City/TownPostal Code Telephone: ___________________________ Fax: _____________________________ Website: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Principal/Manager (in Saskatchewan): _________________________________________________________ Email: _____________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Program Title (Core) Title/Name of Program: ______________________________________________________________________ ‘Program’ is defined as a series of courses that leads to employment in a vocation and comprises more than 50 hours of instruction, and, in the case of a Category I school, imposes a tuition fee of more than $1,000. Program Length Total Hours Hours/Day Instructional Time (i.e. in the classroom) Work Placement/Practicum: Mandatory (required for program completion) Included in total program length Optional Not included in total program length Other time (not charged to student; please specify) Total Program Length (Not including Optional Work Placement) | 306-787-5763 Days/Week Total Weeks Program Fees Tuition Non-refundable Registration Fee Total Tuition & Registration Fee Texts, Books, Instructional Material and Equipment Other Fees - please specify: $ $ Contract Extension Fees $ $ $ $ (e.g. lockers, field trips; memberships in professional organizations related to training; criminal reference checks; examinations from external organizations) 3. Program Option(s) A program may offer optional units for specialized study. Each option must be clearly defined as providing additional skills or knowledge to the core program. The total hours of instruction of an option must not exceed 50 percent of the hours of instruction of the core program. Options must not be dependent on other options. If there are no program options, advance to section 4 of this form. If more than one option, attach additional pages. Program Option Title #1: _____________________________________________________________________ #1 Option Length #1 Option Fees Total hours: ________________________________ Total Tuition: _______________________________ Total weeks: ________________________________ Books/Supplies: _____________________________ Days per week: _____________________________ Other Fees: _________________________________ Hours per day: ______________________________ 4. Required Program Information For new program applications: Use each of the following items as a heading and prepare statements on separate sheets providing the required information. Attach sheets to this program application form. For program revisions: Check off only those items that have been revised and attach appropriate information. Goals and objectives (including job title or vocation to which the training leads) Instruction standards and methods Instruction content/curriculum (provide details of hours assigned to major components of curriculum) Student evaluation criteria for successful completion Admission methods and requirements (grade level or equivalent; mature admissions policy; intake process) | 306-787-5763 Maximum number of students per instructor (in the core program or program option) Program length (in hours/weeks; provide breakdown of time in classroom & in practical training) Student handbook (provide a sample of the school’s student handbook) School policy and rules pertaining to the program Registration and tuition (listing cost details and the basis on which the costs are to be calculated and when they are to be paid) Equipment, supplies and textbooks required to be purchased by student (itemized listing by name and price, and the basis on which the costs are to be calculated and when they are to be paid) Instructional texts, materials or equipment to be provided by the school (This list will provide the basis for an on-site evaluation required for final approval of the program) Student contract (provide sample of document stating contractual arrangement between the school and the student - see the Ministry guidelines) Student attendance record format Certificate/diploma (Provide sample of certificate/diploma that will be awarded to student upon successful completion of this program) 5. Letters of Support A minimum of three letters of support from potential employers who have reviewed the program, attest to its appropriateness, and confirm the need for the program. Attach letters to this form. Note: Generic form letters will not be accepted. Attached 6. Industry or Professional Association Registration If an appropriate industry or professional association exists, attach a letter from the association indicating acceptability of the school’s program content. Attached 7. Evidence of Employment Prospects Attach documentation that will indicate how many jobs currently exist in the local and provincial marketplace and the outlook to absorb graduates of the program. Attached 8. Training Completion Plan A Training Completion Plan (TCP) is required for each registered program. Complete the Training Completion Plan form and attach to the Program Registration Application. TCP Attached | 306-787-5763 9. Instructor/Examiner Registration Attach a completed Instructor/Examiner Registration form for each individual who will be employed to instruct in this program. Attached 10.Advertising Registration Attach samples of advertisements planned for use upon receiving Registration in Principle for this program. Attached 11.Program Related Fee(s) Program Registration Fee = $300 for first program ($75 for each additional program) Program Re-Registration (annual renewal) Fee = $300 for first program ($75 for each additional program) Program Assessment or Revision Fee = $100 (if registering a new program or making substantive revisions to an existing program (e.g. revisions to curriculum, major program changes)) Program Fees Enclosed (Please make cheque payable to “Minister of Finance”.) Please note: Applicants may be asked for additional information as required. When duly signed, this document constitutes final registration. I certify that the information provided is correct and I agree to abide by The Private Vocational Schools Regulation Act, 1995 and The Private Vocational Schools Regulations, 2014 as they apply to this program. X _________________________________________________________________________ Signature of Applicant (School Official) Date of Application by School FOR MINISTRY USE: X _________________________________________________________________________ Signature of Ministry Official Date of Registration | 306-787-5763 Application for Renewal of Certificate of Registration Category I School Private Vocational Schools July 1, 20____ to June 30, 20____ Please review the following information and make any necessary changes. This information will appear on your new Certificate of Registration. Operator Information Registered Business or Corporate Name: _______________________________________________________ Registered Business or Corporate Address: ______________________________________________________ President/Owner: ___________________________________________________________________________ Email: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Registered School Name: _____________________________________________________________________ School Location and Mailing Address: _________________________________________________________ School Contact Information Telephone: ____________________________ Fax: _______________________________ Email: _________________________________ Website URL: __________________________________ Registration Fee • registration of first course/program $300 • registration of additional courses/programs x $75 each Total + $ ________ = $ ________ *For the 2015-2016 private vocational school year only, the Registration Fee is: • registration of first course/program $250 • registration of additional courses/programs x $62.50 each + Total | 306-787-5763 = $ ________ $ ________ Training Completions Fund Contribution The applicable Training Completions Fund Contribution must be paid: a) before the renewal of a certificate of registration; or b) with the prior written consent of the Minister of Advanced Education, in quarterly instalments at those times consented to by the Minister of Advanced Education. Supporting Items Please check () that the following items are attached: Course/Program Reporting form Instructor Reporting form Registration Fee (Cheque made payable to “Minister of Finance”) The Operator confirms that he/she: a) will comply with all requirements for a private vocational school as prescribed in The Private Vocational Schools Regulation Act, 1995 (the Act) and The Private Vocational Schools Regulations, 2014 (the Regulations): b) has security in place as prescribed in the Regulations; c) is not insolvent and is not likely to be insolvent; d) will employ only approved instructors in accordance with the Regulations; and e) will offer approved courses or programs in accordance with the Regulations. Declaration and Consent I certify that the information provided in this application, including the attachments, and in all other communications relating to this application, is correct. I understand that registration fees paid are not refundable. Applicant’s name (please print): ______________________________________________________________ X _______________________________________________________________________ Signature of Applicant Date Please note: This application is due by June 1, 20______ . Your existing Certificate of Registration expires on June 30. If any information contained in or attached to this form is incomplete as of the June 1 submission deadline, registration for the next school year (beginning July 1) and the issuance of a new Certificate of Registration may be delayed or denied until all information is complete and the school is in compliance with the Act and Regulations. | 306-787-5763 Sample Enrolment Contract Private Vocational Schools SCHOOL NAME ADDRESS ENROLMENT CONTRACT Category I Private Vocational School Full Name: _________________________________________________________________________________ Date of Birth (dd/mmm/yyyy): _______________ International Student Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Telephone: ______________________ Email: ___________________________________________ Grade Level: _____________________ Receipt of Transcript: ______________________________ Program Title: ______________________________________________________________________________ Contract Start Date (dd/mmm/yyyy): _______________ Contract End Date (dd/mmm/yyyy): _____________ Note: The total contract period (start date to end date) must include the program length (as summarized below) and all statutory holidays and scheduled school closures. Program Length The program length is the instructional time in the classroom and/or all instructional activity and must be the same as the registered number of hours for the program. Total Program Hours Hours/Day Days/Week Received Program Schedule Yes No Received Program Outline Yes No Received List of Resource Materials Yes No | 306-787-5763 Total Number of Weeks of Instruction Non-refundable Student Registration Fee: $ _____________________________ Tuition Fee$ _____________________________ Books/Supplies$ _____________________________ Other Fees (Field trips, examinations) $ _____________________________ Total Fees$ _____________________________ Extension Fees If a student does not complete the program within the contract period and chooses to extend the contract in order to complete the program, an extension fee of $ _________________________ may apply. Payment Arrangements Payment Date Type of Payment (Cash/debit/cheque/credit) 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Amount $ $ $ $ Eligible for $500 Saskatchewan Advantage Scholarship. Refunds Refunds are provided in accordance with Sections 26 and 27 of The Private Vocational Schools Regulations, 2014. See attached excerpt. Refunds are generally calculated according to the following criteria: • school has provided 20% or less of instructional hours – school may retain 25% of tuition fee payable • school has provided more than 20% but 50% or less of instructional hours – school may retain 60% of tuition fee payable • school has provided more than 50% of instructional hours – school may retain 100% of tuition fee payable If a student provides written notice to an operator that he or she intends to discontinue taking the course or program, the operator may retain the applicable proportion indicated in the criteria provided above. If a student is absent from a course or program for 21 consecutive calendar days, the student is deemed to have discontinued the course or program and the school shall immediately provide written notice to the student that the operator will retain the applicable proportion. | 306-787-5763 Student Contract Cancellation In accordance with Section 28 of The Private Vocational Schools Regulations, 2014, a student may cancel his or her student contract within 10 days after entering into the student contract if the student has not attended any course or program contracted for in the student contract. The school will then provide a refund to the student for tuition fees, and any other moneys that the student has paid for texts, books, and other instructional material and equipment that the student has not received. Received School Policy/Procedures Yes No Internal Dispute Mechanism Provide an explanation or attach a separate document outlining the school’s dispute resolution process. Private vocational schools are registered with the Ministry of Advanced Education, which monitors and serves as a support to both the school and students. Inquiries should be directed to: Ministry of Advanced Education Universities and Private Vocational Schools Branch 1120 - 2010 12th Avenue REGINA SK S4P 0M3 Telephone: 306-787-5763 Training Completion Plan In accordance with Section 11 of The Private Vocational Schools Regulations, 2014, every Category I school shall have a training completion plan for each course or program offered to ensure that students are compensated for the discontinuation of the course or program or are able to complete the course or program with a post-secondary educational institution that is recognized by the minister. If the school has identified that the course or program in which the student is enrolled is unique and unavailable elsewhere, the student should be advised of this in the student contract. Training Completions Fund In accordance with Section 19 of the Regulations, every operator of a Category I school provides the Minister with an annual contribution to the Training Completions Fund. This fund may be utilized in the event a course or program is discontinued. Placement (School Name) is prohibited under Section 38 of The Private Vocational Schools Regulations, 2014, from guaranteeing employment to any student or prospective student. This contract is subject to the provisions of The Private Vocational Schools Regulation Act, 1995 and The Private Vocational Schools Regulations, 2014, of Saskatchewan. | 306-787-5763 Information Sharing – Reports and Records In accordance with Subsection 32(3) of The Private Vocational Schools Regulations, 2014, schools are required to submit reports and records containing the following information with respect to each student enrolled in a course or program for the previous reporting year: • the student’s ¾¾ full name; ¾¾ gender; ¾¾ date of birth; ¾¾ residential address and permanent address; and ¾¾ residential telephone number and permanent telephone number; • the course or program in which the student is enrolled; • the enrolment date for each course or program; • the completion or discontinuance date for each course or program; and • the academic or equivalent qualifications for the student at the time of enrolment for each course or program. I have READ, UNDERSTOOD AND RECEIVED a signed copy of this contract, and I agree to allow (School Name) to provide the Ministry of Advanced Education my personal information as required by regulation. X _________________________________________________________________________ Signature of StudentDate X _________________________________________________________________________ Signature of School Official Date | 306-787-5763 School Visit Checklist Private Vocational Schools Date of Visit (dd/mmm/yyyy): ________________ Name of School/Location: ____________________________________________________________________ Type of Visit: Educational Monitoring Ministry official(s) present: 1. ___________________________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________________________ School representative(s) present: 1. ___________________________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________________________ TO BE COMPLETED BY THE MINISTRY IN ADVANCE OF VISIT: Notification of visit sent to school? Security posted is current? Financial statements current? Student statistics current? Training Completions Fund invoice paid? Outstanding student concerns? Program/Instructor registration issues? Other? (e.g. Internal Dispute Mechanism; Student Enrolment Contract; Student Manual; Advertising) | 306-787-5763 Yes No N/A Comments Date: Attachments: TO BE COMPLETED BY THE MINISTRY DURING VISIT: A.Premises Yes No N/A • Facilities are separate? • Student rates for service posted for public viewing? Site inspection issues? Yes No N/A Yes No N/A Current PVS Certificate of Registration posted? Fire/Building Inspection Certificate(s)? Health Inspection Certificate? (if relevant) School operates as part of another business (e.g. beauty salon)? Comments B. School Policies and Procedures Comments School policy and procedures documented? (e.g. student handbook) • Distributed to students? • Referenced in student enrolment contract? • Addresses school dispute resolution process? • Addresses tuition refund policy? C.Student Records Student records stored on site? Off-site back-up of student records? • Location? | 306-787-5763 Comments Do student files contain: Yes No N/A Copy of student enrolment contract? • Signed by student? Signed by school official? • Contract meets requirements (as per PVS Administration & Policy Manual)? Admissions documents? • Evidence of prerequisites? Attendance records? Academic progress report(s)? Transcript(s)? Exams/assignments? Did student complete the program? • If yes, is copy of Certificate/ Diploma on file? • If no, reason for non-completion? • Date of discontinuation/ withdrawal? • Notice(s) in writing by student or school? Tuition Refunds • Copy of Refund and Retention of Fees Form on file? • Copy of form sent to the Ministry? • Refund calculated correctly? • Evidence of refund having been sent to student/NSLSC/other funding source? Financial records? • Payments by student to school? • Student loan documents? • Other financial documents? (e.g. third-party funding arrangements) | 306-787-5763 Comments Records of complaint and resolution? Yes No N/A Comments Documentation related to work placements/practica? • Host employer/location? • Insurance coverage? • Evaluation/assessment? If monitoring visit: # student files reviewed? ________________________ D.Programs Programs being delivered are registered per current Certificate of Registration? Yes No N/A Yes No N/A Yes No N/A Comments E. Instructors All instructors are registered? Comments F. Advertising Comments Obtain copies of any advertising/ publications for new school registrants, new programs or cases of concern. Advertisements: • Are not misleading to public; • Do not state or infer that the school’s programs are approved by the minister, ministry or any official of the ministry; and, • Clearly identify the name of the school. Note: Advertisements may state that the school has a certificate of registration. G.Follow-Up Required ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ | 306-787-5763 Monitoring Checklist Student File Review Private Vocational Schools Date (dd/mmm/yyyy): ________________ Name of Student: ___________________________________________________________________________ Social Insurance Number: ___________________ Program: _____________________________ Name of School: ____________________________________________________________________________ Copy of student enrolment contract? Regulation 24 Yes No Report Comments Start Date: • Signed by student? Signed by school official? End Date: • Contract meets requirements (per PVS Administration and Policy Manual - Student Enrolment Contract)? • Tuition correct? (Does not exceed approved amounts) Admissions documents? Regulation 9(1)(a) • Evidence of prerequisites? Attendance records? Regulation 27 (for refund calculating) Academic progress report(s)? (good practice) Transcript(s)? Regulation 31(2)(b) Exams/assignments? Regulation 34 - 2 yr retention Did student complete the program? • If yes, is copy of Certificate/Diploma on file? Regulation 31 immediately issue • If no, reason for non-completion? • Last day of attendance • Date of discontinuation/withdrawal? • Notice(s) in writing by student or school? Regulation 27 | 306-787-5763 Yes No Report • Copy of the Refund Calculator form on file? • Copy of form sent to the Ministry? • Refund calculated correctly? • Evidence of refund having been sent to student/NSLSC/other funding source? Financial records? Regulation 32(5) • Payments by student to school? • Student loan documents? • Other financial documents? (e.g. third-party funding arrangements) Records of complaint and resolution? Regulation 29(3) Documentation related to work placements/practica? (good practice) • Host employer/location? • Insurance coverage? • Evaluation/assessment? Other? Comments Tuition Refunds Regulation 27 Notes/Comments: __________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ X __________________________________________________________________ Signature of AnalystDate | 306-787-5763 Refund Calculator - Manual Version Private Vocational Schools *Electronic version of the Refund Calculator can be found at Name of Student: ____________________________________________________________________ Name of School: _____________________________________________________________________ Reviewd by: For Office Use Only Date: Name of Program: ____________________________________________________________________ Start Date of Program (dd/mmm/yyyy): ______________ Scheduled Program End Date (dd/mmm/yyyy): ______________ Program Length (hours): _______________ No Credential Provided Note: Only check box if: the full program was delivered and the student did not receive their credential.Please fill out the student and program information. A refund calculation is not required Student’s Last Day of Attendance (dd/mmm/yyyy): ______________ (Leave Blank if Written Notice Provided) Student’s Written Notice of Last Day (dd/mmm/yyyy): ______________ (If Applicable) Days #of # of Month in Teaching Hours Month Days per Day Jan 31 Feb 28 Mar 31 Apr 30 May 31 Jun 30 Jul 31 Aug 31 Sep 30 Oct 31 Nov 30 Dec 31 Total Hours Made Available: Total Hours in Month | 306-787-5763 Date of Deemed Discontinuation (dd/mmm/yyyy): ______________ (21 calendar days after student’s last day of attendance) STEP 1: Enter the number of teaching days in the month where mandatory attendance was required and multiply that by the number of hours provided per day to get total hours for the month. Complete for each month or part month the student attended class up to and including the date of discontinuation. The date of discontinuation is either the date the student provided written notice to the school or the last day of attendance plus 21 calendar days. STEP 2: Sum the hours for each month and enter the total here. STEP 3: Take the “Total Hours Made Available” number and divide that by the “Program Length” number you entered earlier. Multiply that number by 100 and you will have the percentage of the program that was made available to the student. Percentage of Program Made Available: _____ ÷_____ x 100 = _______ * The number of hours per day includes program hours available to the student had they attended every classroom day, and not the actual number of hours the student attended. Proceed to Page 2. Tuition Refund Calculator Paid by: Program Tuition: Non-Refundable Registration: Books, Course Materials, and Equipment: Other Approved Fees: Total Contracted Fees: Canadan Student Loan Student Other: _____________________________________ Refund Calculation Precent Delivered Tuition to be Retained Percentage of Program Delivered (Page 1): Allowable Tuition to be Retained: Books, Course Materials, and Equipment: Prorated Tuition: (Tuition x Allowable %) Books, Course Materials, and Equipment: (Only include items received by Student) Other Approved Fees: Total Prorated Fees: % % Less than 20%25% 50% or less60% Greater than 50% 100% A B C Total of lines A, B, and C above Total Amount Paid by Student: Tuition Refund: Subtract the Total Paid by student from the Total Prorated Fees. A negative number indicates that no refund applies. Please print the two pages of the Refund Calculator form for your own reference and place them in the student file. Send copies of the Refund Calculator form, along with a copy of the refund cheque (if applicable) and the front page of the Student Enrolment Contract to: Ministry of Advanced Education - Universities and Private Vocational Schools 1120 - 2010 12th Avenue REGINA SK S4P 0M3 | 306-787-5763 Sample Refund Calculator - Example #1 Private Vocational Schools | 306-787-5763 | 306-787-5763 Sample Refund Calculator - Example #2 Private Vocational Schools | 306-787-5763 | 306-787-5763 Sample Refund Calculator - Example #3 Private Vocational Schools | 306-787-5763 | 306-787-5763 Sample Refund Calculator - Example #4 Private Vocational Schools | 306-787-5763 | 306-787-5763 Sample Student Profile Private Vocational Schools School Name: ________________________________________________________________________ July 1, 20XX - June 30, 20XX Please provide information for ALL students who were in ATTENDANCE at the school between JULY 1, 20xx and JUNE 30, 20xx regardless of how long they attended or whether their start date and/or end date were within this time period. Please sort this list by student last name. Last Name First Name Telephone # Address City/ Town/ Village Postal Code Education Gender Upon Entry Date of Birth (D-M-Y) Mature Funding Education Admission Source* Equity** (Yes/No) *Funding Source: 1=Self-funded, 2=Social Assistance, 3=Employment Insurance, 4=Workers’ Compensation, 5=Employee Assistance for people with disabilities, 6=Indian & Northern Affairs, 7=Pathways, 8=Skills Training Benefits, 9=Provincial Training Allowance (PTA), 10=Students Loans, 11=Other **Education Equity:1=Aboriginal Ancestry, 1a=Métis, 1b=Status/Treaty, 1c=Non-Status, 1d=Inuit, 2=Visible Minority, 3=Disability | 306-787-5763 Sample Student Statistics Private Vocational Schools School Name: ________________________________________________________________________ July 1, 20XX - June 30, 20XX Index to columns below Definitions and instructions for completing each column below Program Name Full Registered Name of Program (Indicate if 1st or 2nd Year or Semester if applicable). Only report programs 50 hrs. or more in length. Sort this table by Program Name, then by Student Last Name. Last Name Provide information for ALL students who were in attendance at the school between JULY 1, 20xx and JUNE 30, 20xx in programs 50 hrs. or more in length, regardless of how long they attended or whether their start date and/or end dates were outside of this range. Within each program, sort by Last Name, then First Name. First Name Start Date Start Date for each student (If students were in the 2nd year of a two-year program, give the start date of their 2nd year) PLEASE FORMAT AS DD/MMM/YYYY. Exit Date Each student’s exit date from program, only if student has left school or completed. PLEASE FORMAT AS DD/MMM/YYYY. Time Completed Enter one of the following codes for the percentage of full program time student has completed: C1=75-100%, C2=50-74%, C3=25-49%, C4=6-24%, C5=0-5% Completion Status Enter code for successful completion (if applicable): G1=Qualified for Diploma or Certificate, G2=Completed but did not take exams. Reason Left Enter code for reason for discontinuation (if applicable): D1=Medical or Maternity, D2=Student Withdrawal, D3=Discontinued by School. Employment Status Enter code for employment status: E1=Employed in related field, E2=Employed in Unrelated field, E3=Unemployable due to medical reasons or maternity, E4=Unemployable - student continuing training. Occupation and Employer Program Name Sort by Program Name of Job, and Name, Address & Phone Number of Employer/Self Employed (if applicable). Last Name First Name Within program, sort by student last name | 306-787-5763 Start Date Exit Date dd/mmm/yyyy Time Completed C1, C2, C3, C4, C5 Completion Reason Employment Status Left Status Occupation and Employer D1, D2, D3 Job, Employer Information G1, G2 E1, E2, E3, E4 Change of Ownership Checklist Private Vocational Schools Requirements for the Purchaser Change of Ownership Application Form Upon being notified of a pending change of ownership, the Ministry of Advanced Education (the Ministry) will request the purchaser to complete a Change of Ownership Application form. This form provides the Ministry with information on the nature of the purchasing organization, the proposed date for change of control from seller to purchaser, financial security arrangements (i.e. bond), facility inspections, and program/instructor information. The Change of Ownership Application Form confirms submission of a Business Plan, which the Ministry will review to assess short and long-term financial viability and determine if the purchaser has the financial means to assume and maintain the operation of the school. Please consult the Business Plan Outline. Along with the Change of Ownership Application Form and Business Plan, evidence of business registration and/or incorporation with Corporate Registry, Information Services Corporation (ISC) must be provided. Change of Ownership Application Form submitted to the Ministry. Date submitted: ___________ Certificate of Registration with Corporate Registry, Information Services Corporation (ISC) submitted to the Ministry. Date submitted: ___________ Business Plan submitted to the Ministry. Date submitted: ___________ Business Plan includes either a personal net worth statement or corporate financial statements, as appropriate. Purchase/Sales Agreement or Asset/Purchase Agreement A copy of either the unsigned purchase/sales agreement or unsigned asset/purchase agreement, along with any attachments and/or amendments, must be submitted to the Ministry. Please ensure sufficient time is allowed for detailed Ministry review prior to the closing date of the transaction. The agreement should provide details of any conditions on the previous owner/purchaser with regard to outstanding/pending tuition refunds, settlement of outstanding or pending student complaints and responsibility for outstanding debts in general and attached to the sale/purchase. Please note that the Ministry may seek the assistance of the Ministry of Justice in reviewing the agreement. Purchase/sales agreement submitted to the Ministry. Date submitted: ___________ | 306-787-5763 Agreement specifies date of closure of agreement. Agreement clearly identifies terms/conditions of the sale and liabilities being assumed by the purchaser. Legal counsel for purchaser (name and contact information): ____________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Legal counsel for seller (name and contact information): ________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Security Pursuant to Section 12 of The Private Vocational Schools Regulations, 2014 (the Regulations), the type and value of the security requirements that must be obtained by a private vocational school owner is specified. Security is to be issued or guaranteed by an authorized issuer or guarantor and made payable to the Crown. Security posted and confirmation received by the Ministry. Date received: ___________ Information on bond documentation is in order (e.g. name and address of Obligee (Deputy Minister) is correct). Past History/Involvement of the Purchaser in Private Vocational School Sector The Ministry requires information regarding the past history of the purchaser with respect to private vocational school ownership/operation. Purchaser has previously owned and/or operated a private vocational school. If checked (), provide details: ____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Purchaser has previously been involved in a private vocational school closure. If checked (), provide details: ____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Financial Background of the Purchaser Purchaser has previously declared bankruptcy. If checked (), provide details: ____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Purchaser has pending litigation or other encumbrances (e.g. unexecuted judgments, writs of execution, maintenance orders, garnishment of wages, seizure of property, taxes owing, etc.). If checked (), provide details: ____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ | 306-787-5763 Awareness of Private Vocational School regulatory requirements It is important that the purchaser be fully aware of the requirements which must be met to fulfill registration under The Private Vocational Schools Regulation Act, 1995 and the Regulations. This is particularly critical for owners who may be new to the private vocational schools (PVS) sector. The PVS Manual provides information on many aspects of PVS regulation. The Manual is accessible on-line. A meeting between the purchaser and Ministry staff is required to allow for full discussion of regulatory matters. Purchaser has met with The Universities and Private Vocational Schools Unit to discuss PVS regulatory requirements. Communication with Student Services and Program Development The Student Services and Program Development branch (SSPD) of the Ministry designates eligible educational institutions for Canada-Saskatchewan Integrated Student Loans and part-time Canada Student Loans. It is essential that the purchaser contact SSPD to discuss matters related to the designation status of the school. The purchaser must enter into a Memorandum of Agreement to maintain designated status and where necessary develop a Performance Improvement Plan. The purchaser has informed SSPD of the potential sale of the school. The purchaser has met with SSPD staff to discuss requirements of the Saskatchewan Designation Policy Framework. The purchaser has entered into a Memorandum of Agreement with SSPD. Where necessary, the purchaser has developed and agreed to a Performance Improvement Plan. There are unresolved student loan issues. If checked (), provide details: ____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Operational Considerations The Ministry requires information regarding the impact the sale will have on the day-to-day operations of the school. The name of the private vocational school will change as a result of the change of ownership. If checked (), provide new name: _________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ There will be changes to the school’s management personnel (e.g. new Principal). If checked (), provide details, including new management contact information: _________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ The location of the school will change. If checked (), provide details: ____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ | 306-787-5763 There will be renovations to buildings and/or classrooms as a result of the sale. If checked (), provide details: ____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Health/building/fire inspection reports have been submitted to the Ministry as required. All current and historical student records (financial, academic, attendance) have been transferred from the former owner. Arrangements have been made for records storage/security. There will be changes to the equipment/instructional resources inventory of the school. If checked (), provide details: ____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ The purchaser has had the opportunity to confirm equipment/instructional resources inventory. Software licensing agreements have been amended as necessary. Student Considerations The Ministry will seek confirmation from both the purchaser and the seller that students attending the school will not be negatively impacted by the change of ownership. Of particular concern is whether contractual matters (i.e. student enrolment contracts) have been appropriately addressed so there is no confusion on the part of students and/or the seller and/or the purchaser as to students’ academic status and students’ financial status with respect to payment of fees for tuition, books and supplies, etc. The school’s student enrolment contract may also require amending to reflect the new legal entity and/or any changes in programs, tuition fees, school policies, etc. The Ministry will request information regarding how the change in ownership will be communicated to students and if the purchaser has had the opportunity to meet with students to discuss any implications regarding contracts, training programs, etc. If the transfer of ownership will result in a change to the name of the school, it is important there be discussion regarding the credentials that students will receive upon completion of their training under new ownership. There are plans for public notification of the change in ownership (e.g. media announcement, press release, etc.). If checked (), provide details: ____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Students/parents have been informed of the change in ownership. The purchaser has been given the opportunity to meet with students. Student enrolment contract has been amended as necessary. Copy of amended contract submitted to the Ministry. Date submitted: Students’ status (academic and financial) in programs has been clearly established. | 306-787-5763 There will be a change to the credentials that graduates will receive following the sale of the school (e.g. new name of school). If checked (), provide details: ____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ If there will be a change in the credentials that graduates will receive, students have been informed. The issuance of income tax forms (T2202A) to students has been addressed. Instructors The Ministry will need to be informed of any changes to the instructional staff at the school as a result of the sale. New instructional staff may require registration. The status of instructors’ records (e.g. daily logs, lesson plans, attendance records, transcripts, student work) should also be reviewed to ensure the appropriate transfer, as required, of information from outgoing to incoming staff. There will be changes in instructional staff. If checked (), provide details, including names of any instructors leaving and any new instructors: ________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ New instructors have been registered with the Ministry. All relevant instructor records have been appropriately transferred. Requirements of the Seller: Status of Compliance with Private Vocational School Legislation The Ministry will review the PVS compliance status of the seller to ensure there are no outstanding requirements which may go unmet after the sale. Unmet requirements will need to be addressed before the Ministry will approve the transfer of the school’s Certificate of Registration. All required financial statements/reports have been submitted to the Ministry. Training Completions Fund contributions are up to date. Reporting of student statistics is up to date. Statistical reporting requirements (i.e. submission of annual enrolment statistics to the Ministry) have been addressed by the seller and purchaser. There are program applications (revisions and/or new programs) pending. If checked (), please list: ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ There are program registration fees outstanding. If checked (), please list: ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ There are instructor registration applications pending. If checked (), please list: ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ | 306-787-5763 There are outstanding student issues (e.g. tuition refunds). If checked (), provide details and documentation: ___________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Please provide seller’s forwarding address/contact information (mailing address, telephone, fax, e-mail): ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________ X ____________________________________________ Applicant’s Signature _________________________ Date X ____________________________________________ Original Owner’s Signature _________________________ Date | 306-787-5763 Change of Ownership Application Private Vocational Schools Original Information School Name: ______________________________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________________________ Street/PO BoxCity/Town ________________________________________________________________________________ ProvincePostal Code President: ______________________________ Principal/Manager: __________________________ Telephone: _____________________________ Fax: _____________________________ Email: _________________________________________________ Website: _________________________________________________ Applicant Information Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________________________ Street/PO BoxCity/Town ________________________________________________________________________________ ProvincePostal Code Telephone: _____________________________ Fax: _____________________________ Email: _________________________________________________ Proposed Ownership of School Single Proprietorship Partnership Corporation Date Incorporated: __________________ School Name: ______________________________________________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________________________ Street/PO BoxCity/Town ________________________________________________________________________________ ProvincePostal Code | 306-787-5763 President: ______________________________ Principal/Manager: __________________________ Telephone: _____________________________ Fax: _____________________________ Email: _________________________________________________ Website: _________________________________________________ Date Change of Control: __________________ Administrative Type of security: _____________________ Security Company: _____________________ Security Amount: _____________________ Business Plan Attached: Yes Business Fire Certificate: _____________________ Health Certificate: _____________________ Programs to be offered Instructors Hours Status (Full-time/Part-time) Weeks Tuition Program/Course to Instruct No Books/Supplies Date Approved X _____________________________________________________________________ Applicant’s SignatureDate X _____________________________________________________________________ Original Owner’s SignatureDate | 306-787-5763 Application for Issuance of Initial Certificate of Registration Category II School Private Vocational Schools July 1, 20____ to June 30, 20____ Business Information Business/Corporate Name: ___________________________________________________________________ Registered Owner: ___________________________________________________________________________ Business Address: ___________________________________________________________________________ Date of Corporate Registration (mm/dd/yy): ____________________________________________________ Current Directors (if a corporation): ___________________________________________________________ School Information School Name: ______________________________________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Other School Location(s): ____________________________________________________________________ Principal/Manager in Saskatchewan: __________________________________________________________ Telephone: ____________________________ Fax: _______________________________ Email: _________________________________ Website URL: __________________________________ (Please attach information for any Principals/Managers at other locations.) Proposed number of students to be enrolled: ____________________________________________________ | 306-787-5763 Supporting Items Please check () that the following items are attached: Copy of Certificate of Incorporation or Registration. (Obtain from Corporate Registry, Information Services Corporation (ISC).) Copy of contract(s) between the applicant and sponsor(s) and of any proposal(s) prepared by the applicant and given to the sponsor. Registration Fee of $150. (For the 2015-16 private vocational school year only, the Registration Fee is $125.) (Cheque made payable to “Minister of Finance”.) Declaration and Consent I certify that the information provided in this application, including the attachments, and in all other communications relating to this application, is correct. I understand that registration fees paid are not refundable. I understand that this application will expire six (6) months after the date on which it is submitted to the Minister of Advanced Education (Saskatchewan) if I have not successfully completed the application requirements within that period. Applicant’s name (please print): ______________________________________________________________ X _______________________________________________________________________ Signature of Applicant Date | 306-787-5763 Application for Renewal of Certificate of Registration Category II School Private Vocational Schools July 1, 20____ to June 30, 20____ Please review the following information and make any necessary changes. This information will appear on your new Certificate of Registration. Operator Information Registered Business or Corporate Name: _______________________________________________________ Registered Business or Corporate Address: ______________________________________________________ President/Owner: ___________________________________________________________________________ Email: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Registered School Name: _____________________________________________________________________ School Location and Mailing Address: _________________________________________________________ School Contact Information Telephone: ____________________________ Fax: _______________________________ Email: _________________________________ Website URL: __________________________________ Supporting Items Please check () that the following items are attached: Copy of the contract(s) between the applicant and sponsor and of any proposal prepared by the applicant and given to the sponsor. Registration Fee of $150. (For the 2015-16 private vocational school year only, the Registration Fee is $125.) (Cheque made payable to “Minister of Finance”.) | 306-787-5763 Declaration and Consent I certify that the information provided in this application, including the attachments, and in all other communications relating to this application, is correct. I understand that registration fees paid are not refundable. Applicant’s name (please print): ______________________________________________________________ X _______________________________________________________________________ Signature of Applicant Date | 306-787-5763 Private Vocational Schools Administration & Policy Manual 2014 For more information, please contact Private Vocational Schools Unit of the Universities and Private Vocational Schools Branch of the Ministry of Advanced Education: Regina 1120 - 2010 12th Avenue REGINA SK S4P 0M3 Inquiry: 306-787-7381 Fax: 306-798-3379