Poster Displays - Lakeview Waterfront Connection
Poster Displays - Lakeview Waterfront Connection
LAKEVIEW WATERFRONT CONNECTION PROJECT Index Ap p rs o Se OPG Lands nC re ek le w oo d GE Booth WWTF Lakeview Waterfront Connection LAKE ONTARIO C re ek L-00 TITLE SHEET L-01 TRAIL LAYOUT & GRADING PLAN L-02 WETLAND GRADING DETAILS & CUT/FILL L-03 SERSON CHANNEL GRADING DETAILS L-04 RESTORATION PLAN L-05 OVERALL PLANTING PLAN L-06 SERSON CHANNEL & WETLANDS PLANTING PLAN DETAILS L-07 CROSS SECTIONS L-08 CONSTRUCTION DETAILS L-09 EXAMPLE PHOTOS L-10 MASTER PLAN Date: November 2015 95 FOREST RIPARIAN ZONE MEADOW WETLAND (WEST) 95 CHANNEL (SERSON CREEK DIVERTED) RIPARIAN ZONE 90 RIPARIAN ZONE EMERGENT ZONE SUBMERGENT ZONE EMERGENT ZONE RIPARIAN ZONE MEADOW ARMOURSTONE LOOKOUT MEADOW 90 85 85 PROPOSED PIKE SPAWNING CHANNEL LOG / ROOT WAD WITH STONE PILE PLANTED ROCK SHOAL 75 80 HWL: 75.8 ASWL: 75.0 AWL: 74.2 1:1 ELEVATION (m) 80 70 70 EXISTING ARMOURSTONE WALL TO REMOVE 65 PROPOSED GRADE 0 DISTANCE (m) PROPOSED PIKE SPAWNING CHANNEL EXISTING GRADE IMPORTED EARTH FILL STONE / PEA GRAVEL PIT PROPOSED LEVEE HABITAT PILE (STUMP/ LOG / STONE) STUMP FIELD 65 50 100 150 200 SECTION A - A' D 95 MOWN GRASS ARMOURSTONE LOOKOUT MEADOW SEATING NODE 95 TRAIL A 90 D C 90 ' CALIPER SIZE TREE PLANTING 85 80 PROPOSED GRADE ARMOURED REVETMENT SEATING STONE 75 LAKE ONTARIO 4.5m WIDE GRANULAR PAVING 2± HWL: 75.8 ASWL: 75.0 AWL: 74.2 1 B ELEVATION (m) A' 80 85 70 70 ENGINEERED FILL EXISTING GRADE 65 65 0 DISTANCE (m) 50 100 SECTION B - B' 100 FOREST WET FOREST FOREST MEADOW AMPHI-THEATRE / SEATING NODE 100 TRAIL 95 95 90 90 CALIPER SIZE TREE PLANTING PLANT WITH FAST GROWING & EARLY SUCCESSIONAL PIONEER SPECIES WITH BERRY PRODUCING NATIVE UNDERSTORY PLANTS. 85 ELEVATION (m) 80 85 SEATING STONE PLANT WITH WET TOLERANT SPECIES 75 EXISTING ARMOURSTONE WALL TO REMOVE 70 80 COBBLE BEACH PROPOSED GRADE HWL: 75.8 ASWL: 75.0 AWL: 74.2 70 ENGINEERED FILL IMPORTED EARTH FILL EXISTING GRADE LAKE ONTARIO 4.5m WIDE ASPHALT PAVING 65 65 0 DISTANCE (m) 50 100 150 200 SECTION C - C' 90 FOREST RIPARIAN SHRUB EMERGENT ZONE SUBMERGENT ZONE EMERGENT ZONE RIPARIAN ZONE MEADOW BRIDGE CROSSING SAND FILL ROCK SHOAL / WOODY DEBRIS 90 ARMOURSTONE ISLAND 85 85 ELEVATION (m) 80 80 ARMOURED REVETMENT 76.5± LAKE ONTARIO 75 1 EXISTING ARMOURSTONE WALL TO REMOVE 70 EXISTING GRADE STONE PILE 4± 2± HWL: 75.8 ASWL: 75.0 AWL: 74.2 1 ENGINEERED FILL 70 PROPOSED GRADE ENGINEERED FILL 65 65 0 DISTANCE (m) 50 100 150 200 NO VERTICAL EXAGGERATION SECTION D - D' PROJECT TITLE: REVISIONS LAKEVIEW WATERFRONT CONNECTION PROJECT NO. PRINTING DATE: 2015-11-12 FILE: J:\CorpAutoCAD\CVC\LAKEVIEW WATERFRONT\L07-L09.dwg DRAWING TITLE DESCRIPTION APP'D. CROSS SECTIONS SCALE: BAR SCALE DESIGN C COPYRIGHT TORONTO & REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY DATE DRAWN CHECKED DWG.NO L07 FILE NAME: L07-L09.dwg REV. DATE 2015-11-12 SOD 150mm TOPSOIL A' EDGE AT 45° ANGLE, WELL TAMPED, UNIFORM SMOOTH, CLEAN EDGE SOD 150mm TOPSOIL 100mm 3/4" CRUSHED LIMESTONE EDGE AT 45° ANGLE, WELL TAMPED, UNIFORM SMOOTH, CLEAN EDGE SLOPE TO DRAIN CROSSFALL OR CROWN AT 2% 40mm HL3 ASPHALT 100 LIMESTONE SCREENING SURFACE 10m 0m 150 R2 m R24 225 150 150 75 min R28m 150 50 2% SLOPE MIN W 1.5m 2% SLOPE MIN 40 SLOPE TO DRAIN CROSSFALL OR CROWN AT 2% L 1.2m - 1.8m x W 0.8m x H 0.5m MIN. STONE LINK ARMOURSTONE OR APPROVED EQUAL. MEADOW 50mm HL8 ASPHALT BINDER 6.5m 15 x TREMBLING ASPEN (60mm / CAL) 150mm GRANULAR 'A' COMPACTED TO 95% S.P.D. 4.5m ASPH WIDE ALT T RA IL OPTIONAL: 270r GEOTEXTILE FILTER FABRIC IN WET AREAS OR AS REQUIRED OPTIONAL: 270r GEOTEXTILE FILTER FABRIC IN WET AREAS OR AS REQUIRED 150mm GRANULAR 'B' COMPACTED TO 95% S.P.D. DEPTH FROM APPROVED SUBGRADE TO BOTTOM OF GRANULAR 'A' 225mm GRANULAR 'A' COMPACTED TO 95% S.P.D. SUBGRADE COMPACTED TO 95% S.P.D. SUBGRADE COMPACTED TO 95% S.P.D. NOTES: 1. ALL DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETRES. 2. ASPHALT AND GRANULAR BASE DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE MINIMUM AFTER COMPACTION 3. SLOPE SUBGRADE PARALLEL TO FINISHED GRADE (MIN. 2% SLOPE). 4. EXCAVATE TO 350mm MINIMUM DEPTH, CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT OF ANY UNSUITABLE SUBGRADE MATERIAL SUCH AS TOPSOIL. REMOVE ALL EXCAVATED MATERIAL AND DISPOSE OF OFF SITE. NOTES: 1. ALL DIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETRES. 2. ALL GRANULAR BASE DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE MINIMUM AFTER COMPACTION. 3. SLOPE SUBGRADE PARALLEL TO FINISHED GRADE (MIN. 2% SLOPE). 4. EXCAVATE TO 275mm MINIMUM DEPTH, CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT OF ANY UNSUITABLE SUBGRADE MATERIAL SUCH AS TOPSOIL. REMOVE ALL EXCAVATED MATERIAL AND DISPOSE OF OFF SITE. 28m DESIGN WATER LINE 1 PRIMARY TRAIL - ASPHALT PAVING N.T.S. L-8 4.5m WIDE, VEHICULAR ACCESSIBLE 2 SECONDARY TRAIL - GRANULAR PAVING N.T.S. L-8 2.5m - 4.5m WIDE, VEHICULAR ACCESSIBLE = 75.8 A 10m - 15m ENSURE TIGHT JOINTS MAX 50mm SEPARATION 50 MAX. 8m - 10m COMPACTED LIMESTONE SCREENINGS 75 mm COMPACTED LIMESTONE SCREENINGS 0.4m VARIES 10 ±90.0 3 1 COBBLE BEACH TRAIL CALIPER TREE PLANTING (TREMBLING ASPEN / 60mm CAL) L 1.2m - 1.8m x W 0.8m x H 0.5m MIN. STONE LINK ARMOURSTONE OR APPROVED EQUAL. 150mm GRANULAR 'A' COMPACTED TO 98% S.P.D. MIN. 1m x 0.8m x 0.5mm LIMESTONE BLOCK AMPHI-THEATRE / SEATING NODE MEADOW PLAN ELEVATION PLAN L 1.2m - 1.8m x W 0.8m x H 0.5m MIN. STONE LINK ARMOURSTONE OR APPROVED EQUAL. ±78.0 PROPOSED GRADE SEATING STONE LAKE ONTARIO 4.5m WIDE ASPHALT PAVING 100mm COMPACTED LIMESTONE SCREENING DWL: 75.8 ASWL: 75.0 225mm GRANULAR 'A' COMPACTED TO 98% S.P.D. SECTION COMPACTED SUBGRADE IMPORTED EARTH FILL SECTION 3 SEATING STONE PLACEMENT N.T.S. L-8 4 ARMOURSTONE LOOKOUT L-8 TYPICAL ENGINEERED FILL SECTION A-A' EXISTING GRADE N.T.S. 5 L-8 AMPHITHEATRE & SEATING NODE BAR SCALE PROJECT TITLE: REVISIONS LAKEVIEW WATERFRONT CONNECTION PROJECT NO. PRINTING DATE: 2015-11-12 FILE: J:\CorpAutoCAD\CVC\LAKEVIEW WATERFRONT\L07-L09.dwg DRAWING TITLE DESCRIPTION CONSTRUCTION DETAILS APP'D. SCALE: BAR SCALE DESIGN C COPYRIGHT TORONTO & REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY DATE DRAWN CHECKED DWG.NO L08 FILE NAME: L07-L09.dwg REV. DATE 2015-11-12 1. Typical Wetland 2. Naturalized Creek / Channel 3. Riparian Planting & Wetland 2 1 3 4. Observational Boardwalk 12 1 4 1 5. Secondary Granular Trail 2 11 1 9,10 11. Primary Asphalt Trail 13 7 6 5 8 6. Armourstone Lookout 12. Sand + Cobble Beach 7. Secondary Mown Grass Trail 8. Seating Stones 9. Amphi-Theatre (Typical) 10. Caliper Tree Planting & Seating Stones 13. Cobble Beach PROJECT TITLE: REVISIONS LAKEVIEW WATERFRONT CONNECTION PROJECT NO. PRINTING DATE: 2015-11-12 FILE: J:\CorpAutoCAD\CVC\LAKEVIEW WATERFRONT\L07-L09.dwg DRAWING TITLE DESCRIPTION APP'D. EXAMPLE PHOTOS SCALE: BAR SCALE DESIGN C COPYRIGHT TORONTO & REGION CONSERVATION AUTHORITY DATE DRAWN CHECKED DWG.NO L09 FILE NAME: L07-L09.dwg REV. DATE 2015-11-12 PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION ACCESS ROAD (W10m / 1m SHOULDER ON BOTH SIDES) GE BOOTH WWTF K CR EE CO KE SE RS 53 +76. OPG LANDS ON CR E EK MARIE CURTIS PARK ET O BI MAINTAIN EXISTING SAND BEACH FOR TURTLE HABITAT OPERATIONAL ACCESS THROUGH WWTP SERSON WETLAND (WEST) ENTRANCE FEATURE & STAGING AREA PRIMARY TRAIL (W4.5m ASPHALT) OBSERVATIONAL BOARDWALK ACCESS TO WETLAND RE-FORESTATION PLANTING ENTRANCE STAGING & SIGNAGE APPLEWOOD WETLAND BANK SWALLOW HABITAT FEATURE PROPOSED CVC OPERATIONS STAGING AREA SERSON WETLAND (EAST) RE-FORESTATION PLANTING LAKE ONTARIO WET FOREST FOREST BRIDGE CROSSING (APPLEWOOD CREEK) 4.5m WIDE x BRIDGE SPAN 20m @76.0 SECONDARY TRAIL (W2.4m GRANULAR) FOREST MEADOW AMPHITHEATRE AREA WITH CALIPER TREE PLANTING & SEATING STONES FENCE & GATE SYSTEM NODAL TREE PLANTING BRIDGE CROSSING (SERSON CREEK) 4.5m WIDE x BRIDGE SPAN 16m @76.0 SECONDARY TRAIL (W4.5m GRANULAR) PEDESTRIAN NODE FEATURE SEATING NODE SECONDARY TRAIL (W2.4m MOWN GRASS) FLAT / OPEN GRASS FIELD TO ACCOMMODATE PUBLIC GATHERINGS ARMOURSTONE LOOKOUT AMPHITHEATRE & SEATING AREA L-10 MASTER PLAN Environmental Component Criteria Vegetation/habitat removed or disturbed during construction of site access road and laydown area Natural Environment Disruption to Applewood or Serson Creek Disruption related to natural hazards (floodplain, erosion) New – Influence of timing of establishment of fish and terrestrial habitat elements in construction phasing Indicator Area and significance of vegetation removed •Limited Vegetation Removal including removal of a couple of large, mature shade trees, a stand of staghorn sumac and shrubs and younger undergrowth. •There are no Species of Concern within the immediate footprint of the widened construction access road alignment, through a few Butternut were observed within 25 m of the route •Generally speaking, most of the habitat removed involves communities of lower conservation concern •Route does exit through to the Lake Ontario shoreline onto an L2 and L3 beach habitat condition Potential for forest habitat fragmentation •There is generally no increase in fragmentation •Alignment does occur through two distinct forest patches which possess higher general functioning than the Route 1c alignment Length and nature of disruption to waterbodies (including Applewood, Serson and Etobicoke Creeks and wetlands) Potential to impair water quality in Arsenal Lands wetland areas and wetland habitat along Serson Creek north of the railway spur culvert Nature of change to flood capacity and exposure to natural hazards Potential to advance earlier habitat gains for fish and terrestrial habitat in the construction phasing strategy Summary Length of Trail disrupted Disruption to use and enjoyment of Waterfront Trail Disruption to use and enjoyment Area of Marie Curtis Park of Marie Curtis Park disrupted Social Environment •~50m from amphibian breeding pond •Fairly low risk of impacts on amphibian ponds due to siltation, dust and release of contaminants along the route due to its distance. •Route 2 will not impact the wetlands along Serson Creek wetland habitat north of the railway spur. •~30 - 50m from the wetland habitats along Serson Creek north of the railway spur culvert. •Though located closer to the wetland habitats than Route 2 is proximity of the amphibian ponds, the quality of habitat is lower and the wetlands are upstream of the proposed route. •Route 1c will not impact the amphibian breeding ponds in Arsenals •Access road is not located near hazard areas. While Lake Ontario is a hazard area, that is associated with the land creation area, not the construction access road •Temporary bridge crossing over stormwater channel has potential to restrict flood flows upstream •The existing culvert north of the WWTF has the small potential for failure under the railway spur north of the WWTF •Construction access entering from the far eastern portion of the project site prevents early establishment of wetland habitats and terrestrial elements given that construction access is required through this narrow portion of the Project area. •With the construction access coming down the west bank of Serson Creek, the first confinement cell and western wetland area on land creation area can be completed within 2-3 years of commencement of the project. Construction access can then shift to the east side of the Serson Creek channel and progress eastward, avoiding construction impacts on the recently established early habitat gains. Less Preferred •Requires closure of 750m of Waterfront Trail through the Arsenal Lands, including ~400m of trail that is destroyed •Requires dead-ending of the Trail within Marie Curtis Park •Construction of 380 to 420m of new temporary Waterfront Trail along the south side of Lakeshore during construction from Small Arms Building to Marie Curtis Park West •Will not likely require flagging at the one point of crossing for user safety •Construction access road crosses Marie Curtis Park West Beach just east of the Applewood Creek outlet, preventing access along the beach to the west. •Maintaining construction access road for duration of the construction through Arsenal Lands and through the western limit of the Marie Curtis Park Beach West produces visual distractions and noise and dust adjacent to Beach and Park users. More Preferred •Requires one point of crossing of the existing Waterfront Trail at an existing industrial access road to the G.E. Booth WWTF •Does not impact Waterfront Trail in Arsenal Lands •Does not impact Waterfront Trail in Marie Curtis Park •Does not require a temporary trail •No physical disruption to users of Marie Curtis Park •Construction access road is located on the west side of the G.E. Booth WWTF thus greatly reducing visual distractions and noise and dust impacts •Impacts limited to the Small Arms Building area and trails adjacent to riffle baffles •Potentially delays Master Planning activities for Arsenal Lands •No impacts to the Small Arms Building area or trails adjacent to the riffle baffles •No impacts to potential Master Planning activities for Arsenal Lands. NEW - Disruption to redevelopment of Inspiration Lakeview Lands Potential for disruption for implementation of Inspiration Lakeview Plans •Route 2 does not impact planning and implementation of the Inspiration Lakeview Lands. •In the event that Inspiration Lakeview does not advance to the point of permitting access from the west side of the LWC at the conclusion of the construction, an interim egress/access point cannot be established along the decommissioned Route 2 that would provide such access. •While located along the far eastern limits of the proposed Inspiration Lakeview Lands, the proposed construction access route does not impair the further planning or implementation of the Inspiration Lakeview Plans as construction completion schedules are not anticipated to impair initiation of the Inspiration Lakeview plans. •In the event that Inspiration Lakeview does not advance to the point to permit access from the west side of the LWC at the conclusion of the construction, an interim egress/ access point along the decommissioned construction access route could be sought with Route 1c NEW - Disruption to interim use of OPG Lands Potential for disruption of uses of •Route 2 does not impact interim uses by OPG on their lands. OPG Lands Potential to disrupt traffic on Lakeshore Boulevard Potential for truck traffic to affect •Existing signal light at Lakeshore so no new disruption the flow of traffic on Lakeshore •Traffic can move straight across Lakeshore at the lights to and from the entrance to the Small Arms building Boulevard Proximity to heritage features Summary Less Preferred •Nearest features (Small Arms Building ) is ~5m •Crosses through the Arsenal Lands Property Distance between road and heritage features Potential for unearthing •Route deemed to be heavily disturbed due to past industrial activity – archaeological potential is low archaeological resources as part •Stage 2 assessment conducted cleared the route of possessing archaeological heritage resources of access road construction Less Preferred •While located along the far eastern limits of OPG Lands, the proposed construction access route does not impair uses by OPG on their lands. •Existing right turn off of Dixie onto Lakeshore •Left turn from Lakeshore onto GE Booth WWTF industrial road on existing left hand turn lane. •With a right hand turn off of Dixie required and changing from the right hand lane to the centre median before the access to GE Booth WWTF, the impacts on traffic may be moderately higher than Route 2 More Preferred •Nearest feature (Long Branch Indoor Rifle Range – 1300A Lakeshore Road East) is ~50m away from the closest portion of the Access Road Most Preferred •Route deemed to be heavily disturbed and consists extensively of past lakefill activities – archaeological potential is low •Stage 2 assessment conducted cleared the route of possessing archaeological heritage resources Ease of construction Issues which will complicate construction •1 or 2 mature trees removed with stand of Sumac and understorey •~400m of Waterfront Trail will be destroyed •~380-420m of new Trail along Lakeshore required for construction period •~800m of new construction access road to be created Ease of decommissioning List of issues which will complicate decommissioning •~460m of Waterfront Trail decommissioning required back to existing conditions. •May dovetail with future implementation works of the Arsenal Lands Master Plan (or alternative planning process). These plans have not yet commenced as a clear direction has not yet been selected. More Preferred •Approximately 30 younger trees are required to be removed along the west side of the Serson Creek stormwater channel, as well as several recently planted seedlings require relocation •None of the Waterfront Trail will be destroyed •No temporary trails required for duration of construction •Temporary construction bridge and abutment required for stormwater channel crossing of Serson •~910m of construction roadway to be created including the movement of earth along the western stormwater channel berm for ~390m •There will need to be a section of 1 lane traffic along abandoned railway spur north of WWTF between 20m and ~165m to the stormwater channel crossing. Two lanes the rest of the distance. While this is not a constructibility issue, will require consideration from an operations perspective to ensure truck safety and scheduling. •Given the need for a bridge, the single lane section and proposed widening of the Serson Creek Stormwater Channel berm as part of the road construction, Route 1c is deemed less preferred •Waterfront Trail does not require decommissioning •Decommissioning will tie in with costs for widening the Serson Creek stormwater channel and completing the baseflow hydraulic connection to the land creation area. Limited extra costs involved with these activities, which will likely dovetail with implementation works for the future Inspiration Lakeview lands. •Potential for contamination from munitions and other industrial activities on portions of the route – testing required ~4000m2 •Potential for coal and associated contaminants along access road as part of stormwater channel. Testing completed and all soils and groundwater meets Table 1 conditions Less Preferred More Preferred ~800,000.00 ~$1,900,000.00 Potential to disturb contaminated Area of contaminated soils soils crossed Summary Cost •Limited Vegetation Removal required for access road installation. While a number of younger trees will be removed along the west side of the Serson Stormwater channel, these trees were going to be removed to accommodate the proposed 5m widening of the stormwater channel to improve aquatic and riparian habitat conditions, and hydraulic conveyance. A number of young seedlings recently planted along the railway spur north of the WWTF will also be relocated. •For the most part, habitat removed includes communities of lower conservation concern, though two locally rare plants (Silky Dogwood and Foxglove Beardtongue) were observed on either end of the railway spur north of the WWTF. These plants may or may not be impacted. •Bobolink have been observed in 2013 and 2015, but no evidence of breeding has been observed. •Route 1c exits through to the Lake Ontario shoreline onto a rubble armoured shoreline. •There is generally no increase in fragmentation •Located on highly disturbed former transportation and industrial storage land uses. Alignment does go through two forest patches on the north and south side of the railway spur north of the WWTF. These forest patches possess less functioning than Route 2 alignment •Rest of the route is located on the margins of a regenerating open meadow. •Access road will travel along railway spur over culvert conveying existing baseflows for Serson Creek and will cross over the stormwater channel with a new temporary bridge crossing. •Potential for erosion, siltation and other contaminants in the area of the Serson Creek crossing. •Potential for flood impacts resulting from the new temporary bridge crossing over the stormwater channel. Nature of disruption to redevelopment activities Potential for Archaeology Resources Technical/Engineering No waterbody disruption involved with the construction of the access route. Crossing over Applewood Creek occurs in the land creation area as such, is part of the primary design evaluation previously completed. Route 1C Disruption to redevelopment of Arsenal Lands and Marie Curtis Park Summary Cultural Environment Preferred Alternative (Route 2) Alternative Route Cost of construction, operations and decommissioning OVERALL SUMMARY Order of magnitude costs More Preferred PROS Route 1c: •Majority of Project can be implemented away from users of Marie Curtis Park Beach, Arsenal Lands and Waterfront Trail. •Goes through less functional habitat conditions and potentially impacts less rare vegetation species, but needs to consider the potential impacts •Has much lower impacts on built cultural heritage resources •Further soils studies and treatment are not required. Less Preferred ISSUES Route 1C •Needs to consider potential Bobolink habitat Closer proximity to water courses (Serson Creek) than Route 2 and must address stream crossing issues Has potential to delay traffic on Lake Shore, but centre median left hand turn out lanes should minimize impacts. A pinch point occurs north of the WWTF – depending on mitigation approaches, could range from 20m to ~165m in length Costs are higher, but acceptable given the anticipated reduction in public use, planning and built cultural heritage resource conflicts Less Preferred More Preferred