NUCA OF NORTH FLORIDA, INC. THE FLOW May 2014 Night at The Jacksonville Suns May 29th $26 per person See details on page 15 Scholarship Applications Available Now! Do you have a child currently in college or entering college this fall? There are a number of scholarships available from our local chapter, our state association and our national association, NUCA. See details on page 10 INSIDE THIS EDITION President’s Message 2 Calendar of Events 3 Golf Tournament a Big Hit! 4 Golf Tournament Sponsors 5 Golf Results 6 State Conference Information 7 NUCA News 8 Golf Photos 9 Scholarships Now Available 10 Legislative Report 11 Board Member Spotlight Drew Lane 13 Safety Update 14 Night at Jacksonville Suns 15 Blue Book Showcase 16 Sunshine 811 17 PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE 2014 OFFICERS & BOARD OF DIRECTORS I knew the time would come when I would have to write my last president’s message, I just never expected it to be this soon. I am going to be changing jobs and moving to Lakeland, FL for a great opportunity to run a 4th generation company. Vogel Brothers Building Co. builds water and wastewater plants as well as performs CM work for three school districts in the Polk/Pasco/ Hillsborough County area. The company has a young upcoming staff and a strong reputation in the market place. On a personal note, my wife and I are excited for the move and have already been exploring the area and found some great neighborhoods and people. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE President Bill Bocchino, Layne Heavy Civil President Elect Jon Woodall, John Woody, Inc. Vice President I Elliot Jones, A.J. Johns, Inc. Vice-President II Tripp Brown, Godwin Pumps Secretary/Treasurer Kim Bryan, Petticoat-Schmitt Civil Contractors Past President Mike Woodall, John Woody, Inc. General Counsel Tony Zebouni, Regan, Zebouni & Atwood The hard part for me was tendering my resignation at the April Executive Board Meeting. Mike Woodall has graciously agreed to complete my term to give our new younger generation the time it needs to complete their transition into the leadership of our association. I have seen in these short four months that we really have some great young talent to take our association into the future and I strongly encourage other young members to get involved and help us to continue to grow and improve in the future. One of the saddest parts about leaving is not being able to accomplish all of the things that I wanted before I left. In particular, my goal to reintroduce free educational opportunities to our members. Ellis and Associates will be presenting one in the very near future (watch for Kathy’s emails!!!) and I hope other members will step up and do the same in the upcoming year. BOARD OF DIRECTORS Lauren Atwell, Layne Heavy Civil William Hood III, J.B. Coxwell Contracting Mike Kivlin, John Woody, Inc. Joe Maguire, Coastal Utility Constructors Brian Pate, Petticoat-Schmitt Civil Con. Ed Porter, Barco Duval Engineering Jennifer Setzer, United Service Connection Wayne Atkinson, County Materials Corp. Josh Dyer, Staff Zone Mike Gruber, Ellis & Associates, Inc. Drew Lane, Advanced Drainage Systems Ryan Pugh, Ferguson Waterworks Robert Rowley, Fortiline Waterworks Jarod Wolford, Martin Marietta Materials Finally, we had a great turnout for our golf tournament and everybody had a great time. We should all give a big thank you to Jon Woodall and his golf committee the next time you run into them. Please do not forget we still have some great events coming up and some things going on in Jacksonville that we as an industry need to keep an eye on. I hope all of you will get involved and continue to grow our chapter. I want to thank all of you for your support during my presidency (especially Kathy Blackman who does so much to keep this Association running!!!) and wish everyone a safe and prosperous year. If you are ever down in Lakeland please feel free to look me up. Thanks, Alternate Jamie Saalfield, Beard Equipment Co. Bill Bocchino 2 2014 OFFICIAL SPONSORS CALENDAR OF EVENTS Platinum Sponsor May 19 to 22nd NUCA Washington Summit Beard Equipment Company May 29th Board of Directors 4:30 pm Cecil W. Powell & Company Gold Sponsor United Rentals Trench Safety May 29th Jacksonville Suns Baseball Grounds 6:05 pm Silver Sponsors Layne Heavy Civil Efficiency Shoring & Supply Standard Precast, Inc. July 17th to 20th NUCA of Florida State Conference Renaissance Sea World Orlando Bronze Sponsors A.J. Johns, Inc. Ellis & Associates July 24th Board of Directors 4:30 pm Petticoat-Schmitt Civil Contractors July 24th Scholarship Night Location to be determined 3 GOLF TOURNAMENT A BIG HIT! We had an absolutely spectacular day for our annual golf tournament on April 1st at St. Johns Golf & Country club. The day began with registration, putting contest and lunch before our shotgun start. We had a few great challenge events on this year’s tournament including corn hole toss where your team where could move ahead to the next tee box, Skirts for Steaks where if your team wore a skirt you could hit from the ladies tee box, and Daytona Speed Challenge where the team to finish the hole the quickest would win tickets to a race at Daytona. We had a four hole-in-one challenges as well as a variety of proximity games. After the tournament, we had a wonderful Italian buffet dinner, awards ceremony, and distributed door prizes. A listing of all the winners is location on a separate page in this edition of the newsletter. We appreciate Beard Equipment Company as our Platinum Sponsor of the tournament. Thank you to our Vendor Showcase Participants, Event Sponsors, Tee/Green Sponsors, and our door prize sponsor, Commercial Real Estate Solutions. Please see a complete lists of sponsors on the following page. We are grateful to our golf committee for all their hard work: Chair, Jon Woodall, Mike Woodall, Mike Gruber, Jamie Saalfield, Rob Rowley, Josh Hunt, Lauren Atwell, and Saraveen Fields. Thank you to all our volunteers: Ashley Adams, Bill Bocchino, Saraveen Fields, John Guy, Bryant Ring, Jennifer Setzer and Mike Woodall. 4 5 GOLF TOURNAMENT RESULTS 1st Place Team - John Woody, Inc. Rick Roark, Jon Woodall, Steven Elliott, Mark Young 2nd Place Team - Linder Industrial Machinery Chris Cantiello, David Peacock, Brandon Parks, Darius Prentice 3rd Place Team -Ferguson Waterworks Marty Adams, Ryan Pugh, Josh Hunt, Darren Campbell Daytona Speed Challenge - American Cast Iron Pipe Scott Turnquist, Christopher Jarrett, Rick Ratcliff, Rob Pinkston Putting Contest Winner Ken Purcell Longest Drive Hole #2 Mark Young Longest Drive Hole #16 Chris Cantiello Closest to the Pin Hole #13 Buddy Heldreth Longest Putt Hole #15 Bill Byrer Closest to the Pin Hole #5 Buddy Heldreth 6 Make your reservation here: For more information: To sponsor: 7 Washington Summit is Your Chance to Make a Difference! The annual Washington Summit, May 19-22, is NUCA's premier opportunity to impact our industry and your business by lobbying Congress. This year's schedule (preliminary schedule here) includes committee meetings, a legislative briefing, federal issues conference, a luncheon with the renowned Capitol Steps--a troupe of American political satirists--and the opportunity for you to sit down with your Congressional Representatives on Capitol Hill and advocate for what you know best-- your business and our industry. You don't want to miss this opportunity! The Summit will be held at the Holiday Inn Hotel and Suites in Alexandria, VA, and on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. Register for the Summit and book your room here. NUCA Accepting Scholarship Applications Funded by the NUCA Foundation for Education and Research, four scholarships are available ranging from $1,000 to $8,000. Any high school senior whose parent or guardian is employed by a NUCA member company in good standing may apply. Student employees, including students who work part time are eligible, as are dependents of NUCA Chapter Executive Directors. Please print the scholarship announcement and distribute it to your high school-aged employees or your employees with high school kids. Click here to link to the application and instructions. Application deadline is Friday, May 24, 2014. EPA Clarifies Buy American Requirements for SRF Programs The EPA has released FAQ's for how it will implement the American Iron and Steel (AIS) requirements associated with SRF appropriations in FY2014. NUCA joined a small group of industry representatives in discussing the implementation of this requirement with EPA and helped to ease the AIS requirements on contractors. Please contact Will with any questions or concerns . Click to read the EPA's implementation FAQs. 8 GOLF TOURNAMENT PHOTOS 9 Do you have a son or daughter currently in college or ready to start college in the Fall? NUCA of North Florida, Inc. has the following scholarships available: Mike Allen Scholarship is for any high school Sr., High School graduate, Undergraduate College Student or Graduate Student who is the daughter or son of a NUCANF member company employee, and will be enrolling full or part time in an academic institution of higher education, beginning in September. The enrollment may be in any curriculum for any number of years. This may be a four-year college or a community college anywhere in the United States. The Mike Allen Scholarship is a $1,000 one-time award. Special consideration will be given for those pursuing degrees in a construction related field. You can get an application on line at the bottom of the page at Call the NUCANF office at (904) 296-1230 if you have questions. Application deadline is Monday, June 2nd. J. Richard Baker is for any high school student or high school graduate who is the daughter or son of a NUCANF member company employee, and will be enrolling full or part time in an academic institution of higher education, beginning this summer/fall. The enrollment may be in any curriculum for any number of years. This may be a four-year college or a community college anywhere in the United States. The J. Richard Baker Scholarship is a $2,000 one-time award. You can get an application on line at the bottom of the page at Call the NUCANF office at (904) 296-1230 if you have questions. Application deadline is Monday, June 2nd. NUCA Scholarships Funded by the NUCA Foundation for Education and Research, four scholarships are available ranging from $1,000 to $8,000. (Contractors & Associates Only) Any high school senior whose parent or legal guardian is employed by a NUCA member company in good standing at the time of the application deadline may apply. Student employees, including part-time employees, are also eligible. The applicant must be graduating from high school in 2014 and enrolling full time in an accredited two-year or four-year college or university for his or her freshman year beginning in the fall of 2014. You can get an application on line at or by calling the NUCANF office at (904) 296-1230. Application deadline is May 23rd. Andrew Scott Johnson Memorial Scholarship is also available from our state office, NUCA of Florida. Any seniors in high school or any student pursuing an undergraduate degree are eligible. Previous recipients may reapply. This scholarship is available to all NUCANF member firms. Applications are available on line at Please contact the NUCA of Florida office at (850) 5145183 to get an application or additional information. Application deadline is Friday, June 20th. 10 LEGISLATIVE REPORT By Tony Zebouni, Legislative Chair On March 25 NUCANF members enjoyed breakfast with Reps. McBurney, Van Zant and Ray and had the opportunity to discuss our issues with them in a personal and meaningful manner. The House and Senate have approved their respective budgets and the final draft will be hammered out in Conference Committee. During our March 24-5 a delegation from our chapter met in Tallahassee and “walked the halls” to discuss several issues that were identified by NUCA Florida as most relevant to our industry . As of April 7, 2014 the proposed budget fully funds the Transportation Work Program at $8.9 billion. Senate Drinking Water and Wastewater Revolving Fund Programs are funded at $225.2 million. House Water Projects are funded at $110.5 million. The “Fair Competition Act”, was amended to require at least 20% state funding to pre-empt local preference. The House bill has three more committees to clear and with the time left in session it is not likely that this bill will ever get to the floor for a final vote. The Notary Log bill has been amended to exclude documents that NUCANF raised in our meetings with the elected officials. It does not appear that this legislation has a clear path to approval however. “Baby Hometown” legislation that will prohibit local initiatives appears to have a clear path to being heard and probably approved this session. 11 MORE GOLF PHOTOS 12 BOARD MEMBER SPOTLIGHT * DREW LANE * Tell us about the services your company provides. ADS is the world’s largest producer of corrugated polyethylene and polypropylene drainage systems. We develop state-of-the-art products and services that help solve storm water management challenges, while setting industry-wide standards for quality, durability and performance. Today, the engineered plastic system is a reality, providing better hydraulic performance, extended service life, and reductions in installation and maintenance costs. Tomorrow, you will continue to see new products and applications from ADS, the world leader in HDPE & Polypropylene drainage systems. I want to throw in a plug for our newest product that is taking off throughout the United States which is High Performance (HP) Polypropylene (PP) Pipe, which is Fully Approved for FDOT 100 year Design Service Life Applications. What is your business philosophy? I want to be the industry expert and resource for drainage solutions in Northeast Florida. It is my goal for Civil Engineers and Site Contractors to reach out for my help in designing the most economic and functional drainage systems available. What are your hobbies or interests outside of work? I love to fish! I’m from Georgia and Alabama, so I grew up a bass fisherman. Now residing in Jacksonville, I really want to get into inshore/ offshore fishing. What is your favorite travel location? Any tropical beach. My ideal vacation would be a week at a Caribbean Island, spend 6 days doing nothing, just hanging out on the beach and one full day of charter fishing. If you could have dinner with anyone, living or deceased, who would it be and why? This is a tough one… I’m a die-hard Bama fan, so I would have to go with Bear Bryant or Nick Saban. If I had to pick one, I choose the Bear. He was a great coach and leader. It would be fascinating to sit with him and listen to all his old football tales and philosophies. What are you currently reading? The War of Art, By Steven Pressfield Grill master or reservations? Grill Master for sure! The best steaks are always made at home. 13 NUCA SAFETY NEWS By Jeff Blomgren Continued Training When it comes to training, there is a program, standard, regulation, guideline, mandate, etc. for almost any act of work we perform. The 29 cfr 1926 OSHA Standards for the Construction Industry is sometimes bewildering in complexity with cross references, addendums, interpretations, and yet, we need to know how to navigate this sometimes confusing collection of regulations if we are to comply. It’s not only the 29 cfr 1926 but there’s the 1910.146 rules for confined space and the ANZI Standards and NIOSH and on and on. No one can know all there is to know about every subject but it is in our best interest to be aware of the tools available to help guide us in the right direction toward compliance. Training is the key. OSHA is very specific on training for employees no matter what their function or how complicated their task is. Many companies can’t afford training and so they continue without it hoping they can get by. However, best defense to an OSHA inspection is having qualified employees and a documented training process. If it’s too costly for a smaller company, sometimes the smaller company can piggyback with larger companies who are doing the training for a lesser cost. NUCANF is very good about helping to schedule training and letting members know where and when training will occur. This gives members a chance to fill a class especially when attendance is capped or requires more attendees than you might have to train. NUCA is a good source for basic and advanced training needs and insurance carriers and vendors will often have qualified trainers in areas where our industry has requirements for that training. JEA, NEFSC and OSHA have good training programs. Many of the OSHA programs are free. There’s a good free ladder safety slide program that is available Through OSHA. Did you know that we have to train employees on how to use ladders? There is no doubt training makes you better. JEA has done a great job of raising the bar with their required safety orientation and leadership training available through NEFSC. Look around out there. You can be better equipped for compliance and build a better trained and more competent work force and there’s no down side to that. 14 NIGHT AT THE JACKSONVILLE SUNS Come join us on Thursday, May 29th at The Baseball Grounds of Jacksonville as we see the Jacksonville Suns take on the Montgomery Biscuits. We will enjoy an 75 minute MVP BBQ in the Palm Tree Pavilion located on the third base line. Cost is $26 per person and includes BBQ Chicken, ribs, baked beans, potato salad, cole slaw, and soft drinks plus a reserved seat and a Free Suns Cap. Please note that this is also Thursday night Throw down and you an enjoy Buds for a Buck and 2-for-1 cocktails . Buffet begins at 6:05 pm. This is a great event for the whole family! Click here to register. 2014 NUCA WASHINGTON SUMMIT MAY 19TH TO 22ND The 2014 Washington Summit will be held at the Holiday Inn Hotel & Suites Alexandria-Historic District in Alexandria, VA. The room rate will be $149 for single or double. Room rate includes complimentary shuttle service to and from Reagan National Airport. 15 16 17 18
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