The Caldwell County News August 5, 2015


The Caldwell County News August 5, 2015
The Caldwell County News
August 5, 2015
75¢ Including Tax
Volume 147 Issue 7
Imogene Pass, Ouray, CO
Harold, Debbie and Ringo Gibson went Jeeping around
Ouray and Silverton, CO recently.
MDC: Have a big Christmas tree
for use at Governor’s Mansion?
MDC is seeking nominations
for candidate trees by Sept. 30.
Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) is conducting its annual search for a large
Christmas evergreen tree for
use on the Governor’s Mansion
lawn in Jefferson City. MDC is
asking landowners, homeowners, businesses, and communities that may have possible
candidate trees to contact the
To qualify, the donated tree
must be 40 feet tall and either
be an eastern red cedar, Norway spruce, or white pine.
Candidate trees must be fully
branched on all four sides and
accessible by large equipment.
The right tree may either be
near the end of its life or may
need to be removed for other
reasons. Once a tree is selected,
MDC staff will coordinate the
cutting and delivery of the tree
to the Governor’s Mansion at
no cost to the owner. The donor will receive a personalized
thank-you from the governor
and an invitation to the lighting ceremony, which usually
occurs the first week of December.
Legion Dance
The Braymer American
Legion Post #117 will hold a
dance at the Legion Building
in Braymer Saturday, Aug. 8
beginning at 8 p.m. Music
by Rewind Band. Open to
the public.
Where in the
world did you
Going on vacation or enjoying a staycation? Send us
a favorite picture or two of
your adventures along with
a description and names
of the people pictured.
We’ll run vacation pictures
throughout the summer.
Email pictures to [email protected]
Braymer Homecoming is
set for Friday and Saturday
Sept. 11 and 12.
“It sometimes happens that
homeowners, businesses, or
communities have wonderful evergreens that need to be
removed for home expansion,
utility work, or other reasons,”
says Forestry Field Program
Supervisor Nick Kuhn. “Having your tree displayed at the
Governor’s Mansion is a wonderful way to share its beauty
with thousands of Missourians
who visit the mansion during
the holidays.”
Kuhn instructs people to
take photos of candidate trees
and email them to [email protected]. Be sure to
include a contact telephone
number, location of the tree,
and several pictures taken from
different angles and distances.
Candidate tree nominations
can also be submitted by mail
to: Missouri Department of
Conservation, ATTN: Mansion
Christmas Tree, P.O. Box 180,
Jefferson City, MO 65102.
All entries must be submitted by Sept. 30. Full guidelines
are available at
For more information or
questions, contact the MDC
Forestry Division at 573-7514115.
MDC’s hunter
Hunting seasons will approach quickly as summer
wanes. Now is a good time to
become hunter education certified through the Missouri
Department of Conservation
(MDC) training to be prepared
for autumn hunts. Missouri’s
Hunter Education Course is
required for anyone born on
or after Jan. 1, 1967, and buys
a firearms season hunting permit, or any person age 11 to 15
who hunts alone. The course
teaches safety, skills and ethics
MDC provides several ways
to become hunter education
certified. The course is divided
into a knowledge section and a
skills session that includes an
exam. Both the knowledge and
skills portion must be completed to become certified.
For the knowledge section, an online study program
is available. Participants must
complete all chapter reviews
online to take the skills session. The cost for those who
complete the course and pass
Highlights from
Kidder Picnic &
Cowgill Day
Little Miss & Mr. crowned at Kidder Picnic
Pictured: Little Miss Alternate, Brooklyn Morgan of Kidder, Brooklyn wants to ride horses when she gets older; Little
Miss Kidder is Cassandra Carlton of Kidder. She will be in first grade this year and wants to be a nurse when she grows
up; Little Mr. Kidder is Daniel Wilkinson of Greenwood, AR. He will be in kindergarten this year and wants to be a train
conductor; Sage Burnett of Cameron is Little Mr. Alternate. Sage will be in second grade this year and wants to play for
the KC Royals as a left fielder when he grows up.
the exam is $15. Participants
can also obtain study guides
for free at MDC offices or by
ordering them online. They
must present completed chapter reviews in the study guide
to instructors at the skills session. MDC also offers a free,
four-hour classroom session
for learning the hunter education requirements that includes
lectures, videos and filling out
chapter reviews.
Missouri Hunter Education
skills sessions are offered at
varying dates at MDC offices
and nature centers, as well as at
conservation partner locations.
In the Kansas City area, MDC’s
Lake City Shooting Range and
Parma Woods Shooting Range
are among the sites that offer
skills sessions, which include
hands-on safety demonstrations and exams. Several other
sites also offer skills sessions
including MDC offices in Sedalia and St. Joseph.
MDC’s Hunter Education
Course has a webpage that
will lead to links to use the
online study guide, to order
printed study guides, to find
class schedules, to find outdoor
skills sessions, or to register for
a session. Visit http://huntfish.
I will be teaching a Hunter
Education Skills Session on
Classifieds ..............................6
Local News ............................4
School/Sports ........................7
Weekly Record........................3
September 9, 2015. The course
will be taught at the Hamilton
Middle School Commons from
Feel free to contact me with
any questions.
Chase Wright Caldwell
County Conservation Agent
6 6 0 - 6 0 5 - 2 9 1 2
[email protected]
Missouri is a great place
to hunt. For more information,
Green Hills Telephone Donates
School Supplies
“Back to School” are three
words people hear and see quite
often this time of year. Whether
they are parents searching for
school supplies or children
counting down their final days
of summer, everyone gets a little anxious about the first day
of school.
Green Hills Telephone of
Breckenridge, MO has had
“back to school” on their mind,
as well. Marketing Associate,
Sherryl Garcia, has been in contact with area schools since June
of this year, working closely
with the superintendents and
principals to determine which
school supplies are in high demand.
“We have been helping our
area schools since 2009,” says
Garcia. “Each year, we touch
base with our schools to find
out what they need and how
we can help.” The list of schools
includes Breckenridge R-I,
Cowgill R-VI, Norborne R-VIII,
Polo VII, Southwest R-I, and
Tina-Avalon R-II. These schools
rely on additional donations as
News and Advertising deadline for The Caldwell County News is Monday at noon
many students struggle to afford the supplies needed in
today’s learning environment.
Garcia adds, “It is so important
for these schools to receive this
support. Each year, we receive
heartfelt appreciation and we
know these supplies will really help a student in need.
Providing these supplies to our
schools makes us feel like we’re
making a difference in our communities.”
If members of the community would like to make a donation, please call the Green Hills
office staff at (660) 644-5411 or
stop by the Breckenridge office at 7926 NE State Route M,
Breckenridge, MO 64625.
About Green Hills Telephone:
Green Hills Telephone is a
local broadband telecommunications provider serving 5
counties in north central Missouri with a full suite of communications services. Headquartered in Breckenridge,
Missouri, Green Hills continues
to expand its services including
local and long distance phone
service, high speed Internet,
unified communications, Ethernet connectivity and customized networking solutions.
Green Hills invests heavily in
the communities it serves by
deploying proven, best in class
infrastructure and technology
while pairing it with a world
class customer-focused experience.
The Caldwell County News
August 5, 2015 - Page 2
This week’s yummy recipe is GRILLED CHICKEN CASSAROLE. I have to thank
Ms. Delores for this week’s and last week’s recipes that were so amazing. She was
the amazing cook that made them for us when were at the
beach on vacation. I just had to share them.
4 grilled chicken breast
½ cup celery
1 cup onion
2 can cream of mushroom soup
1 cup sour cream
1 cup milk
2 cups cheese
1 can water chestnuts
Red’s Ideal
By Stephanie Henry
Cut chicken into cubes. Spray casserole dish. Mix the
other ingredients together in the dish. Add the chicken. Bake at 350
degrees for 30 minutes.
Enjoy! Let me know how you like this recipe and if you change it up any. You may
reach me at [email protected]. Thanks! I can’t wait to hear from
you. Good Gooking!
Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor do not necessarily reflect the views of The
Caldwell County staff and paper
Block Grain Belt Express Reaction to Clean
Line Applying to the PSC for Rehearing:
As expected, Clean Line filed for a rehearing with the Missouri Public
Service Commission (PSC). Often losing parties in a case will exercise this
option, though historically there is a low success rate. Applying for a rehearing however, is a necessary first step toward being able to appeal the
case to the Missouri Court of Appeals. If Clean Line decides to appeal, the
Missouri Landowners Alliance will join the PSC attorneys in defending the
decision to deny Grain Belt. If the appellate court sides with Clean Line
then they could send the case back to the Missouri PSC for review.
We continue to be disappointed by the lack of respect shown by Clean
Line to the impacted landowners, citizens, and decision makers of Missouri. They have been told no in every way possible and yet they persist
in attempting to override the clear will of the people and the decision by
our commissioners. The facts of the case are clear their project does not
benefit and it not needed by the state of Missouri. The time has come for
Clean Line to understand that no means no.
Jennifer Gatrel
Block Grain Belt Express-
Dear Editor:
The Caldwell County Foundation Cancer Assistance Committee would like to invite you to participate in our annual fundraising event to be held Sunday, September
13, 2015 at the Penney Middle School, in Hamilton Missouri.
Events are to include a whole hog dinner from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., a silent auction
from 10:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., and a live auction at 1:30 p.m.
The Caldwell County Foundation Cancer Assistance Committee was formed in
2007 by a group of Caldwell County residents to assist anyone in the county diagnosed with cancer. Allocation of funds is governed by volunteer board members.
Our support is not to replace insurance but intended to be a supplemental support
system to cover unexpected or extra needs.
In 2014, we assisted 41 individuals and paid out $14,300, and our goal is to exceed
this amount in 2015 which is funded in part by this fund raiser.
Any support you can give us for this endeavor will be greatly appreciated. We are
in need of monetary donations or items for both the silent and live auctions.
For more information, please contact Julie Hill at 816-465-0232 or Mickie Cummings at 816-583-2218.
Thank you for your support.
Caldwell County Foundation Cancer Assistance.
Looking Back in Braymer
August 5, 1965
The 21st Annual Fox Hunt, sponsored by the Braymer Fox Hunters Association
will be held Aug. 12-14 at Tait Memorial Park. Preparations have been made to care
for a large crowd of fox hunters from over the state and adjoining states.
Miss Sharon Hatfield will serve as a missionary nurse for the Methodist Church.
She will go to Mozambique, Africa as a missionary nurse in a Methodist hospital.
The Braymer C-4 School is in the process of building an Industrial Arts building to
the Vocational Agriculture building. It will be an 80’ by 32’ brick veneer consisting of
a classroom, shop area, finishing room, storage room and rest room.
Specials at Stratton Oil & Service: brake adjustment & repack front wheel- $3.00;
wheel balance- 4 wheels for $5.
Playing at the B-Bi Theatre: Saturday- “Goldfinger” with Sean Connery; Sunday“How To Murder Your Wife” with Jack Lemmon; Wednesday- “The Tami Show” with
The Beach Boys, Chuck Berry and others.
August 8, 1985
Donald Utt, Cowgill, was recently honored by the Missouri Highway Transportation Department for having completed 25 years of service.
The Braymer Community Fair will be held Aug. 15-17. Blue Valley Shows Carnival
will be open during the fair.
August 3, 1995
Over 100 attended the ice cream social Saturday night held on Foley’s platform
and sponsored by the Braymer Historical Society. This was a fund raiser to raise money to restore the old Tobbin Valley schoolhouse.
Vol. 147 Issue 7 Wednesday, August 5, 2015
Published weekly at 101 S. Davis • P.O. Box 218 • Hamilton, Missouri 64644
Phone (816) 583-2116 • Fax (816) 583-2118 • e-mail: [email protected]
(USPS 233-500) H & H Publishing, L.L.C., Owner • Incorporated under the laws of Missouri
October 1, 2013 Periodical Postage Paid at Hamilton, MO 64644 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: H&H
Publishing, 101 S. Davis St., P.O. Box 218, Hamilton, MO 64644
Eric Pryor, of New York City, will leave Aug. 6 for Sydney, Australia, where he
has accepted the position of art director for Vogue Magazine. He previously was
employed by Vogue in New York City. Pryor is the son of Lee and Pat Pryor of Braymer.
Members of the Carroll County Senior League All-Star ball team will leave for
Rock Fall, IL, for the next round of divisional play, following their win in Bartlesville,
OK. Amber Wiedmier, Marcy Corbin and Rachelle Rogers are members of the team.
Their coach is Kenny Rogers.
Out of the Past in Hamilton
August 5, 1915
A cave in at the Caldwell Coal Company’s mine east of Hamilton about 9 o’clock
Sunday morning put the mine out of commission perhaps permanently. It is possible, of course, to repair the damage but it will cost several thousand dollars and
present owner H. W. Gilbert, does not feel like undertaking to finance the repairs
without assistance. No one was injured as the cave in occurred Sunday.
August 2, 1945
J. C. Penney, who owns and operates eight farms in Missouri has appointed William Rhea of New London to serve as his Missouri representative. Mr. Rhea is nor a
supervisor or general manager of the Penney Missouri Farms, but will serve as advisor and consult to whom the managers of the various farms may bring their problems
and to whom they may turn for highly skilled advice and assistance.
August 6, 1975
The twelfth annual North Missouri Steam and Gas Engine Antique Show and
Demonstration is scheduled for the weekend of Aug. 15, 16 and 17. Exhibitors will
be setting up on the grounds Friday with a Draft Horse Pulling Contest begging at
7:30 p.m.
August 4, 2005
Emergency personal responded to a 9-1-1 call Saturday in Kidder and found an 11
year old boy had been shot with a 22 caliber rifle. Caldwell County Sheriff’s Andrew
Ignatenko reports that two boys were apparently target practicing. One of the boys
thought the gun was unloaded and began to load it when it discharged and hit the
other boy.
August 4, 2010
A home town girl just came back to Hamilton to fulfill her career dream of taking
care of animals. Kris Peck Barnes, a 2004 graduate of Penney High School, says she
has wanted to be a veterinarian since she was six years old. She translated that desire
into action at an early age, helping Dr. Eugene Story work cattle during high school,
college and vet school summers. Kris graduated in May in a class of 70 from the
University of Missouri and now joins her mentor in his Hamilton Veterinary Clinic
Back-to-School Organization Tips for a
Successful School Year
(StatePoint) When the school year begins, students need to quickly get back into
the swing of things. Staying organized from day one can ease the transition.
While every individual needs to tweak his or her routine to best suit personality
quirks and study habits, here are a few tried-and-true organization tricks that will
work for most anyone:
Get Scheduled
While the word “bedtime” may have no meaning on summer vacation, during
the school year, it’s vital. A regular sleep schedule can mean better quality sleep and
higher alertness at school. Likewise, a morning routine can help students focus and
prep for the day.
Family members should share their schedules with each other to ensure everyone
gets to practice, club meetings and other activities on time. Install a household calendar or bulletin board in a central location to ensure everyone stays in the know.
Stomp out Clutter
Lockers and backpacks need to stay organized. Whether notebooks, binders and
textbooks are arranged by sequence of the day, subject or color isn’t important so
long as the system works for you. To create more storage space in your locker, add
durable, stackable locker shelving.
For on-the-go book hauling, look for a backpack such as the Five Star Expandable
Backpack that features two expanding compartments providing additional space,
along with protected storage for laptops.
Its patented zipper allows you to quickly get inside your backpack while it’s hanging in your locker. Ergonomic patent-pending straps distribute weight to comfortably support a heavy load.
Organizational tools such as these can keep your ducks in a row all year long. Also
remember to set time aside weekly to clean out your locker and backpack, throwing
out candy wrappers and crumpled notes.
Students need to be able to keep more belongings than ever with them throughout
the day -- traditional school supplies, paperwork, flash drives, calculators and other
electronics. A binder that can contain it all will give students a chance to make sure
their lives are in order, not just a class at a time. For a secure method of carrying supplies, look for the Trapper Keeper Zipper binder, with pockets and dividers to keep
items organized, and the Five Star Zipper Binder + Expansion Pocket, which features
storage for textbooks and a tablet, and has an adjustable strap that allows you to
carry the binder messenger style or on your back.
Steve Henry, Publisher................ [email protected]
Stephanie Henry, Marketing...... [email protected]
....................... [email protected]
Debbie Rankin, Production ....... [email protected]
Cindy Fickess, Bookkeeping ..... [email protected]
–Subscription Rates–
Dennis Clark, Distribution
1 Yr. - $30 (includes tax)
Allen Gentry and Debby Misel, Sports
Out-of-State: 1 Yr. - $38.00
Weekly Record
The Caldwell County News
August 5, 2015 - Page 3
The following cases were heard in the Caldwell County
Circuit Court by Judges Jason A. Kanoy, R. Brent Elliott or
Tom Chapman:
State cases for defective equipment with $200 fines:
Jason C. Blakley, Chillicothe; Austin L. Bowley, Polo;
Adrienne L. Bowyer, Kansas City; Norman L. Milligan,
Richmond; Darryl W. Schofield, Belton; Eric K. Wright,
Traffic cases: Johathan A. Bales, Kansas City, speeding, $30.50; David L. Clark, Boonville, operating as an
inter-state motor fuel user without a license, $200, also
failure to display plates, $31.50; Harold A. Lockwood,
Stewartsville, failure to display plates, $26.50, also
weight on tandem axle exceeded 36,000 lbs., $801.50;
William N. Warren, Breckenridge, failure to register,
Other State cases: Harry P. Lyon, Polo, trespassing,
Fine Collection Center cases for speeding: Sandra
A. Ceplecha, Bellevue, NE, $30.50; Abigail E. Deaton,
Indianapolis, IN, $55.50; Thomas A. Drake, Leawood,
KS, $55.50; Mary E. Graham, Lawrence, KS, $55.50; Scott
T. Hendricks, Kansas City, $55.50; Charles H. Johnson,
Lenexa, KS, $30.50; Oro R. Olson, Kansas City, $155.50;
Devon T. Petersen, Creston, IA, $30.50; Dominique R.
Sharp, Lee’s Summit, $30.50; Julie R. Talbott, Altamont,
$30.50; Arleen T. Watson, Lansing, MI, $55.50; Chinelle
R. Weatherly, Kansas City, $30.50.
Center cases for seat belt violations with $10 fines:
Beyan I. Gonowolo, Brooklyn Park, MN, seat belt, $10.
Judgment for Full Order of Protection: Annie B.
Moore vs. Jordan C. Riggins, Ludlow.
Civil cases: Director of Revenue vs. Gregory E.
Abraham, Kansas City, judgment against defendant for
individual income tax for $2,013.66 plus interest.
Jesse W. and Cindy Sanson, et al, vs. KB Enterprises,
Kansas City, default judgment against defendant for
$933.07 plus court costs.
Director of Revenue vs. Melissa Montejo, Polo and
Santos Morales, Polo, et al, judgment against defendants for 2013 individual income tax for $6,196.02 plus
Director or Revenue vs. Kim L. and Mark A. Sanders,
Holts Summit, et al, judgment against defendants for
2013 individual income tax for $8,871.73 plus interest.
Ronald R. McClure, Kidder vs. Caldwell County
Clerk, Kingston, because of plaintiff’s death, lawsuit is
dismissed by court.
Ray County Memorial Hospital vs. Genelle M. and
Robert Walters, Braymer, et al, judgment against defendants for $3,589.38 plus interest.
Brian M. McClure, Kidder vs. Director of Revenue,
State of Mo., plaintiff granted limited driving privileges
with installation of ignition interlock device with camera and GPS.
Recorders Office
Warranty Deeds: Grant- Vern Lee, Jr., and Maria S.
Cooper to Bradley and Kenicia Ahart. Hamillton- Lois
Hootman to Johnathan Schieber. Rockford- Wendell E.
Hall to Rick Fields. Kidder- Bank of New York Mellon
Trust Company to Cody A. Archer. Davis- Diana Kay
Cordell, Helen Sue Coe and Doyle Raymond Allen
Culling to Justin and Erika Swindler. Johnnie Swindler
to Darren Swindler.
Beneficiary Deeds: Grant- Phyllis J. Zeikle to Judith K. Gentry, Gary D. Pollard and Barbara S. Moss.
Rockford- Phyllis J. Zeikle to Ralph E. Zeikle, Hubert J.
Zeikle and Roy Aaron Zeikle.
Quit Claims: Kidder- Christine and Loren Foxworthy to Charles and Amanda Pugh. Breckenridge- Tonya
Reed as stockholder of C.A.R.E. to Matt Sievering and
Dylan Sievering.
Marriage Licenses: David William Hughes, 39,
Dawn, and Mary Lucretia Myers, 42, Dawn were married July 26 in Dawn.
Creston Dean Snyder, 23, Hamilton and Megan
Elizabeth Dorton, 22, Cameron, were married July 19
in Dawn.
Cale Matthew Creek Brown, 25, Hamilton and Raychel Genee Whitaker, 26, Hamilton, were married July
16 in Hamilton.
Cheri Ann Barnard
Cheri Ann Barnard, age 63, of Independence, MO,
formerly of Hamilton, passed away Tuesday, July 28,
2015, at Liberty Hospital.
Cheri was born May 18, 1952, in Braymer, the daughter of Dean L. and Opal (Emery) Barnard. She was a
manager at Independence Federal Credit Union.
Cheri was preceded in death by one brother, Danny
Dean Barnard in 1999.
Survivors include her daughter, Dana Barnard of St.
Louis; mother, Opal Pickering of Independence; special
friend, Dave Coen of Independence; two grandchildren,
James and Syvanna of Arizona; and many other special
little munchkins.
Graveside services were held on Monday, Aug. 3, in
Kidder Cemetery in Kidder. A visitation was held Sunday, Aug. 2, at New Salem Funeral Home in Independence.
Arrangements were under the direction of Royer’s
New Salem Funeral Home in Independence, (816) 7968600.
(paid obituary)
Mary Barron
Mary Barron, age 69, a resident of Independence,
MO, passed away on Thursday, July 23, 2015, at Center
Point Medical Center in Independence.
Mary was born Sept. 22, 1945, in Brownwood, TX, the
daughter of Murl (John) Copple and Anna Lee Adams.
She received her nursing license in 1989, and worked
as a registered nurse at Truman Medical Center East in
Kansas City since 2006.
Survivors include two sons, David Yuille (Naomi) of
Braymer and Anthony Barron (Glinda) of Dawn; one
daughter, Amy Barron of Independence; three brothers, Mike Copple, Jerry Copple and John Copple; two
sisters, Teresa Sarver and Stacy Mcguire; 14 grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren.
Mary is preceded in death by her parents and one
son, Danny Yuille.
A memorial service was held at the Lindley Pitts Fu-
Barbara James
Barbara James, age 85, of Kansas City, MO, passed
away on July 29, 2015, at North Kansas City Hospital.
She was born on Oct. 4, 1929, the daughter of Leroy and
Elsie Mae (Morris) Brown in Bethany. She married William E. “Jr” James, Jr. He preceded her in death on Aug.
19, 1995.
She owned and operated James Company Realty until 1990, when she began working as a field manager
for FEMA until she retired at the age of 83. She was
an active member of the Holy Cross Lutheran Church
in Kansas City, and former member of King of Kings
Lutheran Church in Kansas City and the Cameron
Lutheran Church in Cameron. She was also an active
member of the Daughters of the American Revolution.
She loved gardening, reading, music, and watching old
classic movies, especially John Wayne movies. She was
a caregiver, taking in stray children as well as caring for
her grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
She is preceded in death by her parents; husband,
Leroy; son, Ransom David “Perky” Carter; and several
brothers and sisters.
She is survived by three children, Mary Ellen James
Doering of Gladstone, William E. James, III of Smithville and Stephanie James Husted of Broken Arrow, OK;
seven grandchildren; and several great-grandchildren.
Funeral services were held Saturday, Aug. 1, 2015,
at the Bram Funeral Home in Hamilton. A family visitation was held Saturday, Aug. 1, at the funeral home.
Burial was at Highland Cemetery in Hamilton. The
family suggests memorials to the local food bank of
your choice. Online condolences may be left at www.
Bonnie Mae Leakey
Bonnie Mae Leakey (Boswell), a resident of Braymer,
MO, passed away on Monday, July 27, 2015, at Northcare Hospice in North Kansas City.
Bonnie was born on April 6, 1931, in Grayson, the
daughter of Ezra and Mattie (Thompson) Boswell. She
was a 1948 graduate of Gower High School in Gower,
where she was salutatorian of her senior class. She was
united in marriage to Dorris Allen Leakey on July 4,
1952 in Grayson. After their marriage, they moved to
Braymer. He survives of the home.
Bonnie was employed at Kansas City Tractor and Implement Co. for six years. Bonnie was a housewife and
homemaker as well as co-farmed with her husband. She
also loved her gardening and sewing as well as painting.
She was a member of the Catawba Club and a den
mother of the Cub Scouts for several years. She taught
Sunday School at Grayson Community Church until
Bonnie was preceded in death by her parents, one
sister, and one brother.
Survivors include her husband, Dorris, of the home;
one son, Mark Leakey and girlfriend Becky Mitchell of
Braymer; one daughter, Connie McPheeters (Steve) of
Liberty; one brother, Buddie Bosewell (Virginia) of Idalou, TX; three grandchildren, Scott Leakey of Braymer,
Bret McPheeters and Brooke McPheeters of Liberty; and
three great-grandchildren, Taylor, Courtney and Morgan, all of Braymer.
Funeral services were held at the Lindley Pitts Funeral Home in Braymer on Thursday, July 30, 2015.
A scheduled family visitation was held at the funeral
home on Wednesday, July 29. Burial was at Evergreen
Cemetery in Braymer. Memorial contributions may be
made to the Northcare Hospice, and may be left at or
mailed to Lindley Funeral Home, P. O. Box 47, Chillicothe, MO 64601. Online condolences may be made at
Arrangements were under the direction of Lindley
Pitts Funeral Home in Braymer.
(paid obituary)
worked at the Kingston grocery store, had been a school
cook at the Kingston School, a farm wife, and had been
the City Clerk of Kingston.
She was a member of the Breckenridge High School
Alumni Association and had many hobbies including
playing cards, bowling, being an excellent cook and an
avid gardener.
She was preceded in death by her parents; daughter,
Virginia Kay Francis (David); one sister, Twyla Losh;
six brothers, Glen, J.W., Roger, Charles, Kenneth, and
Frank Looney; and nieces and nephews.
Survivors include her grandson, Mike Francis of
Kingston and his significant other, Erin Coin; two sisters, Alene Paustian of Chillicothe and Carol Wells of
Prairie Village, KS; two sisters-in-law, Delia Looney of
Peculiar and Sue Phillips of Kansas City; and numerous
nieces and nephews.
Funeral services were held Monday, Aug. 3, at the
Bram Funeral Home in Hamilton. A visitation was held
one hour prior to the service at the funeral home. Interment was at Kingston Cemetery in Kingston. Memorials
may be made to the Breckenridge Alumni Association.
Online condolences may be left at
(paid obituary)
Hamilton Police Log
July 27: Report of an elderly man missing from Rosewood Manor, located safe and sound. Responded to S.
Dudley in reference to alley way, negative contact with
resident. Report of a disturbance at N. California, party
unwanted at residence, all secure. Responded to N. California on a well being check, all secure.
July 28: Summoned to Supervision Services at W.
School on a Caldwell County warrant (probation violation) Katee Elaine Ridenour violated bond conditions
by testing positive for the controlled substance of methampetamine, original charges: Non child support, Misdemeanor A (X2) bond set at $10,000 cash only. Subject
transported to CCDC. Responded to E. Berry on a well
being check, all secure. Made contact with citizen at
Dudley, advised not to block open alley, all secure.
July 29: Patrol of Hamilton, storming, down pours,
all secure. Walk-in citizens, domestic issues between
parties, departed company, all secure. Patrol in the 100
block of S. Davis, subject spinning tires, cited. Walk-in
reporting stolen property on site, report taken. Mutual
assist at Park St. and Hughes, two subjects arrested by
County Deputy, all secure. Report of suspicious vehicle
in alley at N. Ewing, unfounded.
July 30: Responded to E. Putnam on a lift assist, patient refused transport by EMS. Responded to S. Hughes
on a medical call, patient transported to Cameron Regional Hospital by EMS. Motorist assist at N. Davis and
6th St., vehicle owner contacted tow service and vehicle
cleared from roadway.
July 31: Patrol of Hamilton, citizens at basketball
court on Memorial, advised to return home to residence
due to wee hours of the morning, all secure. Citizen assist on locating Hamilton Vet.
Aug. 1: Responded to W. Samuel on a medical call,
patient transported to Cameron Regional Hospital
by EMS. Funeral escort to Highland Cemetery from
Bram Funeral Home. Requested well being check at S.
Hughes, negative contact.
Aug. 2: Casey L. Jones turned himself in to the Hamilton Police Department on a Caldwell County warrant
for Failure to Appear, original charges: owner operator
MV without maintaining financial responsibility, who
operator who authorized to operate MV financial responsibility (MV Rqrd to be Regd) Misdemeanor-Unclassified, bond set at $200 cash only. Subject bonded
and was released. Patrol of Hamilton, all secure.
July 28: Richard A. Robertson, exceeded posted
speed limit, 51/35 Mph.
July 29: Brandon G. Garton, failed to show proof of
insurance and C&I and Imprudent by spinning tires.
July 31: Robin Ruth Knutter, exceeding speed limit,
48/35 Mph.
Wilma Ruth Lewellen
Caldwell Co. Nutrition Site
Wilma Ruth Lewellen, age 94, of Kingston, MO,
passed away on July 31, 2015, at the Cameron Regional
Medical Center in Cameron. She had lived in Caldwell
County almost all of her life.
Wilma was born on Oct. 5, 1920, in Breckenridge,
to Glenn R. and Katheryn Meneely Looney. She was a
1938 graduate of the Breckenridge high school. She had
Come join us at the center! We offer a free blood pressure and blood sugar check every third Tuesday of the
month. Every Tuesday is our pitch tournament. Everyone is invited to join us for lunch at the center. We are
located at 410 Main Street in Polo. Lunch is served from
11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m., Monday thru Friday. A sugContinued on page 8
Caldwell County News Weather
Aug. 6, 2015
Caldwell County's Seven Day Forecast
Partly Cloudy
Mostly Sunny
Mostly Sunny
Partly Cloudy
Mostly Sunny
Mostly Sunny
Mostly Sunny
High: 80 Low: 62
High: 78 Low: 62
High: 79 Low: 61
High: 80 Low: 61
High: 82 Low: 60
High: 85 Low: 64
High: 87 Low: 65
Weather Trivia
How much energy is
Answer: Enough to light a 100watt light bulb for more than 3
Courthouse News
neral Home in Braymer on Sunday, Aug. 2, 2015. Online condolences may be made at
Arrangements were under the direction of Lindley
Pitts Funeral Home in Braymer.
Weather History
Aug. 6, 1890 - Thunderstorms
left four inches of hail
covering the ground in Adair
County and Union County
in Iowa. The hail drifted into
six-foot mounds and in some
places remained on the ground
for 26 days.
Last Week’s Almanac & Growing Degree Days
Low Normals Precip GDD
Precipitation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.26"
Normal precipitation . . . . . . . . . . 0.83"
Departure from normal . . . . . . . +3.43"
Average temperature . . . . . . . . . . .80.6º
Average normal temperature . . . . .74.9º
Departure from normal . . . . . . . . +5.7º
*GDD - Growing Degree Days
Data as reported from Chillicothe
Sun/Moon Chart This Week
6:20 a.m.
6:21 a.m.
6:22 a.m.
6:23 a.m.
6:23 a.m.
6:24 a.m.
6:25 a.m.
8:23 p.m.
8:22 p.m.
8:21 p.m.
8:19 p.m.
8:18 p.m.
8:17 p.m.
8:15 p.m.
No Rise
12:29 a.m.
1:12 a.m.
1:59 a.m.
2:49 a.m.
3:42 a.m.
4:38 a.m.
1:30 p.m.
2:34 p.m.
3:36 p.m.
4:33 p.m.
5:26 p.m.
6:13 p.m.
6:55 p.m.
Keeping an eye on the weather and on what’s best for our clients!
State Farm Insurance
Mike Green, Agent
100 W. Berry - Hamilton
The Caldwell County News
August 5, 2015 - Page 4
Family Living
Braymer youth attend Nationwide Youth Roundup
This year 30 students and adult leaders from Braymer, traveled to the mountains of Sedalia, CO
for NYR 2015 (Nationwide Youth Roundup). This year’s theme was “Kingdom Come” as the students
spent each day learning about how to talk to God through the example of the Model Prayer (Matthew 6:9-14). Those in attendance (left to right, top to bottom): Alex Walters, Roger Murray, Autumn
Wenzl, Bob Tuck, Haley Jeffers, Dylan Jeffers, Maggie Phillips, Wade Phillips, Mallory Hughson, Drake
Parker, Dillan Hall, Bill Tuck, Joely Hicks, Andrew Webster, Jared Stone, Dallas Hall, Jordan Miller, Austin Stone, Kennedy Stone, Dalton Owen, Katie Owen, John and Faith Haley, Gabe Rogers, Gabby Saul
and Kelsey Stone. Not pictured: Terry & Lesa Haley, Joey Shivers.
Hamilton Elementary School
open house
Hamilton Elementary School will hold Open Enrollment on August 12th from 8:00-3:00. We are asking new
kindergarten students or those who missed Kindergarten Screening in the spring to call to set up an appointment during this time. You can call 583-4811 or email
Kelli Claypool at [email protected]
to set up a time!
A hot dog at the ballgame beats roast beef at
the Ritz.
Humphrey Bogart
Front row: HSR Jo Anna Dale, Judi Lester, State Regent Margaret Maulin, Velva Elder and Jean
Vanderbeek. Back row: Mary Pierson, HSR Estella Morrison, Kathy Duncan, Deanna Swan and Linda
Daughters of American Colonists meet
Osage Chapter, Daughters of the American Colonists, met July 25 at Excelsior Springs Hospital
and Medical Center. They welcomed State Regent Margaret Maulin to the meeting. Margaret is a retired military officer and this is her first full term as Missouri Regent. Her program was on the history
of the Daughters of the American Colonists and contained many references to the early Daughters
from Missouri. There have been several National Presidents from our state.
The chapter is working on projects for veterans, libraries and schools. Any school can request a
program about colonial life by contacting one of the members of Osage Chapter. Other projects include conservation, patriotic education to schools and groups, marking of historical sites and monuments.
After the regular business meeting, the group enjoyed lunch together and then attended the funeral services of one of their own, Carol Dildine. Mrs. Dildine’s mother was an organizing member of
the Osage Chapter, and Carol has served as Chapter Regent many times as well as State Officer and
National Chairman of several committees. Her chapter scrapbook won many state contests, as well
as at the national level.
If you are interested in the Daughters of the American Colonists, please call Osage Regent, Linda
McElwee at 660-255-4768 or Registrar Estella Morrison at 816-637-9585.
Celebrating 100th birthday
Coleta Faye Blackburn will be celebrating her 100th birthday
on Friday, Aug. 14. Birthday cards and well-wishes may be sent to
609 East Berry, Hamilton, MO. 64644.
Golden Age Nursing Home
By Vicky Davidson
We extend our deepest sympathy to the families of
Nellie Gurley, Bessie Sheetz and Bonnie Leakey. Their
smiling faces will be missed by all that knew them.
The birthday party this month will be hosted by
GANH on Aug. 19 at 2:30 p.m. Those celebrating birthdays this month are Marilyn Davis (8/10), Linda Garst
(8/25) and Gary Barnett (8/28). We invite you to join us
in celebrating their birthdays.
Last month we celebrated Creative Ice Cream FlaContinued on page 7
September 11 & 12
Parade: Friday, Sept. 11, 2 p.m.
Football Game: Friday, 7:00 p.m.
Braymer vs King City
Banquet: Saturday, Sept. 12, 6:15 p.m.
Please, no alcohol on school premises.
Please notify friends and relatives of time and date. • The banquet will be
catered by Nadlers. • Please complete the coupon below and make your check
payable to:
Braymer Alumni Association
P.O. Box 444, Braymer, MO 64624
Tickets can be purchased by mail at the above address or from Mary Lue’s
Flower Shoppe, or purchased at the ballgame Friday night at the main entrance
to the football field. Tickets are $13 each or $15.00 if bought on Saturday. For a
receipt please send a self-addressed stamped envelope along with your check.
The Braymer Alumni website is
Your graduation class year:
Banquet tickets are $13 each. Please purchase tickets as early as possible.
Tickets purchased on Saturday at $15 each. Every effort will be made to seat
you with your class, but there is no guarantee with last-minute tickets.
Check Enclosed: $
Begins medical
Mary Beth Shenk, wife of
Michael Shenk, and daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Reed,
was recognized by the University of Missouri Medical School.
A “White Coat Ceremony”
was held July 31, 2015 which
marked the beginning of her
four year medical school program in Columbia, MO.
The Caldwell County News
August 5, 2015 - Page 5
County Highlights
Cowgill Day Car Show
The Annual Dave Culter Memorial Car Show was a great success with a good turnout of cars and
their owners. Several touring the vehicles left with memories and wishful thoughts.
Highlights from the Kidder Picnic
Scenes from Kidder Picnic with the Northwest Missouri Academy of the Arts
Dance team and the Kidder Parade Saturday, Aug. 1.
Dan Dedrick–660-646-8103 Pam Dedrick, Office Manager–660-645-8119
Kurt Kleeman–816-284-7359 Clark Allen–660-973-6826
Wes Gorham– 816-853-7359 LJ Cahill–660-322-1193
A tax rate hearing will be held at 6:00 p.m. on Monday, August 10, 2015, in the FACS Room at Breckenridge
School 400 W. Colfax in Breckenridge, MO. At this time citizens may be heard on the property taxe rates to be set
for the school district. The tax rates are set to produce revenues for the budget for the fiscal year which begins
July 1, 2015. This budget shows the revenues from this property tax to be required. The rate of tax is determined
by dividing the amount of revenue needed by the current assessed valuation. The result is multiplied by 100, so
that the tax rate is expressed in cents per $100 valuation.
Assessed Valuation (by Categories)
Real Estate
Personal Property
RATE (PER $100)
Board of Education, Breckenridge R-I School District
Terri Adams, President
Rosemary Sayers, Secretary
Have something to sell
or want to buy?
Call us at
816-583-2116 by
Friday noon to place
your want ad.
The Caldwell County News
August 5, 2015 - Page 6
DRIVERS: Great pay, benefits/
home time, lots of work and miles,
no layoffs, CDL-A, 1 Yr. OTR
exp., pet friendly, 1-800-831-4832
x1406. (PC6-2w)
HOUSEKEEPING: looking for
new customers, good references,
prefer local area, 660-752-6411,
ask for Gloria. (PC6-4w)
Only $8.50 for 50
words gets your ad in
two print publications
and on the web.
Breckenridge Township
Breckenridge Township will
hold its tax hearing on Aug. 10,
2015, at 6:00 p.m., at the township
Mirabile C-1 School District
will be having a tax rate hearing
on Aug. 12, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. in
the Mirabile C-1 School Planning
C6-2w, July 29, Aug. 5
Gallatin, MO
Ag Lime
All Sizes Crushed Limestone
Trucks Available
7 Miles North of Hamilton
• Gallatin Quarry 660-663-3101
• Nettleton Quarry 660-644-5821
• Office 660-644-5680
Lincoln Township will conduct
a public hearing at 6:30 p.m. on
Aug. 10 at the Lincoln Township
barn for the purpose of setting the
Property Tax Rates for 2015. The
tax rates shall be set to produce the
revenues for the year 2015.
The rate is determined by computation on forms supplied by the
Missouri State Auditor’s Office.
C6-2w, July 29, Aug. 5
GOLD COINS, dental gold, gold
mountings, sterling silver, old
watches and diamonds. Highest
cash price paid. Junior Sandy at
816-632-2126 or 816-390-2027.
(52w #46:5/2016)
C5-4w, July 22, 29, Aug. 5, 12
Mirabile C-1 School District
Linda Shipley
Breckenridge Township Clerk
C6-2w, July 29, Aug. 5
Kidder Township
Kidder Township will conduct a
Public Hearing at 7:00 p.m. on Aug.
11, 2015, at Kidder Fire Station, for
the purpose of setting the Property
Tax Rates for 2015. The tax rates
shall be set to produce the revenues
for the year 2015.
The rate is determined by computation on forms supplied by the
Missouri State Auditor’s Office.
Brandi Crowley
Kidder Township Clerk
C7-2w, Aug. 5, 12
Default having been made in
the payment of that certain note secured by Deed of Trust executed by
Russell J. Suhr and Meredith K.
Suhr, Husband and Wife, dated
October 19, 1999 and recorded
on October 19, 1999 in Book 94,
Page 886, as Document No. 18232,
Office of Recorder of Deeds,
Caldwell County, Missouri. The
Successor Trustee will on August
20, 2015, between the hours of 9:
00 o’clock A.M. and 5:00 P.M.
more particularly at 10:00AM, at
the Caldwell County Courthouse,
Highway 13 & Main St., South
Front door, Kingston, MO 64650,
sell at public venue to the highest
bidder for cash, the following real
The West half of the Southwest quarter (SW 1⁄4) of the
Southeast quarter (SE 1⁄4)
except two (2) acres in the
Southwest corner thereof,
in Section two (2), Township fifty-five (55), Range
twenty-eight (28).
For Rent
FOR RENT in Hamilton,
Gallatin and Kingston, 1, 2, 3 and 4
bedrooms. Shower, air, dishwasher,
$450 and up. Call 816-583-2376 or
816-583-2750. (tfn)
3BR HOUSE for rent, 2 miles
from Hamilton with ten acres, $700
per month, 816-465-0143, 5832376, or 583-2750. (PC52-tfn)
Garage Sales
Church Thrift Shop, Thurs. and
Fri., 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., North
Davis and 6th Streets, Hamilton.
Help Wanted
Truck Driver, must have chauffeur’s license and be able to lift 80
lbs, 583-2420. (PC7)
$2000.00 Sign on Bonus for 2008
and newer, lease purchase options
with financial assistance, average
truck last week $3200 including
fuel surcharge. Owner operators,
this is one of the best stable companies you can contact. Call 888-9925609. (PC7-2w)
The City of Braymer will conduct a Public Hearing at 5:00 p.m.
on August 17, 2015, at Braymer
City Hall, for the purpose of setting
the Property Tax Rates for 2015.
The tax rates shall be set to produce
the revenues for the year 2015.
The rate is determined by computation on forms supplied by the
Missouri State Auditor’s Office.
Tanya Mallory
City Clerk
C7-2w, Aug. 5, 12
Davis Township
A hearing will be held at 7:00
p.m., Aug. 20, 2015, at Braymer,
at the Davis Township office, at
which time citizens may be heard
on the property tax rates proposed
to be set by Davis Township, a
political subdivision. The tax rates
shall be set to produce the revenues
which the budget for the fiscal year
beginning Jan. 1, 2015, shows to
be required from the property tax.
Each tax rate is determined by
dividing the amount of revenue
required by the current assessed
valuation. The result is multiplied
by 100, so the tax rate will be
expressed in cents per $100 valuation. Each tax rate is determined by
computation on forms supplied by
the State Auditor’s Office.
Board of Davis Township
Caldwell County Missouri
By Carolyn Clevenger, Clerk
C6-2w, July 29, Aug. 5
For default under the terms
of the Deed of Trust executed by
Larry R. Jordan and Cynthia L.
Jordan, Husband and Wife, dated
November 18, 2002, recorded on
November 25, 2002 as Document
No. 26114, in Book 96, Page 986,
Office of the Recorder of Deeds,
Caldwell County, Missouri, the
undersigned Successor Trustee
will on Thursday, August 13,
2015, at 12:00 PM at the South
Front Door of the Caldwell County
Courthouse, Highway 13 and Main
Street, in Kingston, Missouri, sell
at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash:
All that part of the Northwest
Quarter of the Southeast
Quarter of Section Twentyone (21), Township Fifty-five
(55), Range Twenty-nine
(29), described as follows:
Commencing 495 feet North
of the Southeast corner of
the Northwest Quarter of the
Southeast Quarter of said
Section 21; thence West 440
feet; thence North 440 feet,
thence East 440 feet; thence
South 440 feet to the point of
commencement in Caldwell
County, Missouri,
1571 Tobin Valley
Kingston, MO 64650
Lot Twenty-one (21) and the
West Half of Lot Twenty-two
a subdivision of the Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4) of the
Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4)
of Section Twenty-two (22),
Township Fifty-five (55), of
Range Twenty-eight (28), in
the City of Polo, Caldwell
County, Missouri. Subject to
all public and private roads
and easements., commonly
known as 101 Ash Street,
Polo, MO, 64671
For the purpose of satisfying
said indebtedness and the costs of
executing this trust.
S&W Foreclosure Corporation
Successor Trustee
SouthLaw, P.C. f/k/a South &
Associates, P.C., Successor Trustee
Pub Commences July 29, 2015
First Publication:
July 29,
2015. For more information, visit
S&K File No.15-026892
By: Shapiro & Kreisman, LLC
Purported address: 1 5 7 1
Tobin Valley Dr., Kingston,
MO 64650
For default in the payment of
debt secured by a deed of trust
executed by Kenneth Oswald and
Christene Oswald, dated November
20, 2007, and recorded on November 26, 2007, Document No. 38277,
in Book No. 100, at Page 362 in the
Office of the Recorder of Deeds,
Caldwell County, Missouri, the undersigned Successor Trustee will on
August 21, 2015, at 1:30 PM, at the
South Front Door of the Caldwell
County Courthouse, Kingston,
Missouri, sell at public vendue to
the highest bidder for cash:
subject to all prior easements,
restrictions, reservations, covenants
and encumbrances now of record, if
any, to satisfy the debt and costs.
C6-4w, July 29, Aug. 5, 12, 19
to satisfy said debt and costs.
Martin, Leigh, Laws & Fritzlen,
Successor Trustee
Gregory D. Todd, Assistant Secretary
(816) 221-1430
(Jordan, 5935.625, Publication
Start: 07/22/2015 )
Grant Township will conduct a
Public Hearing at 6:00 p.m. August
18, 2015, at the township building,
Highway 13 and Zack Wheat Rd.,
for the purpose of setting the Property Tax Rates for 2015.
The tax rate is determined by
computation on forms supplied by
the State Auditor’s Office.
Barbara Allen
Grant Township Clerk
C7-2w, Aug. 5, 12
Public Notices
Grant Township
A public hearing will be held at
the Hamilton City Hall on Wednesday, Aug. 12, 2015, at 5:30 p.m. at
which time citizens may be heard
on the property tax rates proposed
to be set by the City of Hamilton,
Missouri. The tax rates shall be
set to produce the revenues which
the budget for the fiscal year 20152016 shows to be required from the
property taxes. Each tax rate is determined by computation on forms
supplied, reviewed and approved
by the State Auditor’s Office. The
City’s estimated assessed valuation
is $14,982,348 with a total estimated tax rate of $2.34 per $100
assessed valuation. Estimated total
taxes collected at a 96% collection
rate is $336,560.
C5-2w, July 29, Aug. 5
Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, 15 U.S.C.
/1692c(b), no information concerning the collection of this debt may
be given without the prior consent
of the consumer given directly to
the debt collector or the express
permission of a court of competent
jurisdiction. The debt collector is
attempting to collect a debt and
any information obtained will be
used for that purpose Casefile No.
C6-4w, July 29, Aug. 5, 12, 19
Hamilton Rural Fire Protection District will conduct a Public
Hearing at 12:00 p.m. on August
19, 2015, at the Hamilton Rural
Fire Protection District Barn for the
purpose of setting the Property Tax
Rates for 2015. The tax rates shall
be set to produce the revenues for
the year 2015.
The rate is determined by computation on forms supplied by the
Missouri State Auditor’s Office.
Michael R. Brown, Secretary
C7-2w, Aug. 5, 12
Business Directory
Adams Abstract & Title Company
Kingston, MO • 586-2011
For all your tile trenching, dozing and
backhoe needs ~ 10 Year’s Experience
Wesley Lee
Brush removal, ponds,
terrace work & dirt work
Providing Land Title Services for 102 Years
816-244-0557 (Home) 816-586-2102
24 Hour Towing Service
2833 N.E. Persimmon Dr.
Cathy Hevalow
& Vavoom
Call for Appointment
Place Your Ad
Fulbright Contracting
816-284-5556 or 816-288-3348
Title Insurance - Abstracting
Escrow Services - Real Estate Closings
Joe Fulbright
717 S. Davis ~ Hamilton
concrete counter tops and table
tops, concrete sinks & shower floors,
also driveways, steps, interior floors
101 West Bird Street Hamilton
Phone and Fax 816-583-2500
Kay Miller
Julie Evans
Complete Autobody & Fleet Repairs
1281 N.W. Bus. Hwy. 36
Hamilton, MO 64644
Phone: 816-583-7934
Fax: 816-583-2770
Golden Age
Nursing Home
Braymer, MO
The Caldwell County News
August 5, 2015- Page 7
Under the terms of the Deed
of Trust executed by JASON E
dated 09/23/2003, and recorded on
09/26/2003 Book 97 Page 524 in the
office of the Recorder of Deeds for
Caldwell County, MISSOURI, the
undersigned Successor Trustee, will
on 08/13/2015 at 2:30 PM at the
South Front Door of the Caldwell
County Courthouse, 49 E. Main St.
Kingston, MO 64650, sell at public
venue to the highest bidder for cash
subject to the terms announced at
the sale, the realty described in said
deed of trust, to wit:
Substitute Trustee Corporation
Published in the The Caldwell
County News
File #: BOWJABA7
First publication date 07/22/2015
C5-4w, July 22, 29, Aug. 5, 12
For default in the payment of debt
and performance of an obligation assumed by WOLFGANG TELL and
CANDI SYKES TELL, husband and
wife, secured by a Deed of Trust, executed by CLAYTON DENNIS, a/k/
a CLAYTON A. DENNIS, a single
person, and TASHA HULLINGER,
single person, dated September 9,
2005, recorded in Book 98 at Page
916, in the Office of the Recorder
of Deeds of Caldwell County, Missouri, modified, as to the amount of
the debt by Modification of Deed
of Trust, dated October 22, 2005,
executed by CLAYTON A. DENNIS, a single person, and TASHA
K. HULLINGER, a single person,
recorded in Book 192 at Page 933,
in the same records, the undersigned
Trustee, will, on Thursday, August
27, 2015, between the hours of 9:00
a.m., and 5:00 p.m., and specifically
at 9:05 a.m., at the South front door
of the Caldwell County Courthouse
in Kingston, Caldwell County,
Missouri, sell at public vendue to
the highest bidder for cash, the real
estate, legally described in the Deed
of Trust, located in Caldwell County,
Missouri, as follows:
A tract described as follows:
Commencing at the Southwest corner of Section 17,
Township 57 North, Range 29
West; thence along the South
line of said Section South
89°40’42” East, 1179.50 feet;
thence North 02°26‘54” West,
1095.00 feet to the Point of
Beginning; thence continuing
North 02°26’54” West, 225.00
feet; thence South 89°40’42”
East, 608.05 feet; thence South
03°47’32” East, 225.32 feet;
thence North 89°40’42” West,
613.34 feet to the Point of
Beginning; together with the
manufactured home permanently affixed thereto;
together with an easement for
ingress and egress over and
across the following described
real estate: Commencing at
Public Notice
the Southwest corner of Section 17, Township 57, Range
29; thence along the South
line of said Section South
89°40’42” East, 1818.59 feet
to the Point of Beginning;
thence North 03°47’32” West,
1096.55 feet; thence South 89
degrees 40’42” East, 50.13
feet; thence S 03°47’32” West,
1096.55 feet; thence South
89°40’42” East, 50.13 feet;
thence South 03°47’32” East,
1096.55 feet to the South line
of said Section; thence along
said line North 89°40’42”
West, 50.14 feet to the point
of beginning;
tax rates shall be set to produce the
revenues for the year 2015. The rate
is determined by computation on
forms supplied by the Missouri State
Auditor’s Office.
subject to existing public roads
and highways, easements and
restrictions of record, if any;
For questions and bid requirements, please contact Jeff Campbell
at the Caldwell County Road &
Bridge Department, 816-586-2033.
to satisfy said debt and costs.
Robison & Miller, P.C.
113 North Polk Street
PO Box 499
Maysville, MO 64469
Telephone: (816) 449-2132
C7-4w, Aug. 5, 12, 19, 26
For default in the payment of debt
secured by deed of trust executed
by Joseph N. Schriever Jr. a/k/a
Joseph N. Schriever and Dawn N.
Schriever a/k/a Dawn R. Schriever,
husband and wife, dated 5/17/2006,
recorded 5/23/2006 as Document
Number 34776 in Book 99, Page
309, in the Office of Recorder of
Deeds, Caldwell County, Missouri at
Kingston, the undersigned Successor
Trustee will on Thursday, 8/06/2015
between the hours of 9 o’clock a.m.
and 5 o’clock p.m., specifically at
12:30 PM, at the South front door of
the Caldwell County Circuit Courthouse in Kingston, Caldwell County,
Missouri, sell at public vendue to the
highest bidder for cash:
All of Lots Three (3) and
Four (4), in Block One (1), in
Schafer’s Addition to the City
of Hamilton, Caldwell County,
Commonly known as and numbered 503 W. Berry St., Hamilton,
MO 64644.
to satisfy said debt and cost.
Pittenger Law Group, LLC
Successor Trustee
By: _______________
Brandon T. Pittenger
6900 College Boulevard, Suite 325
Overland Park, KS 66211
P.O. Box 7410
Overland Park, KS 66207
(913) 323-4595
(913) 661-1747 fax
Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, 15 U.S.C. Section
1692c(b), no information concerning the collection of this debt may
be given without the prior consent
of the consumer given directly to
the debt collector or the express
permission of a court of competent
jurisdiction. The debt collector is
attempting to collect a debt and any
information obtained will be used
for that purpose.
C4-4w, July 15, 22, 29, Aug. 5
Caldwell County Commissioners
The Caldwell County Commissioners hereby announce a public
hearing and meeting for Monday,
Aug. 10, 2015, at 10:00 a.m. The
meeting location will be in the commissioner’s room in the Caldwell
County Courthouse on the first floor.
The following is to be discussed and
considered at this meeting:
Limited Special Use Permit
for RV Park/Motel applied
for by Robert Ford on property owned by Mike Ford at
1500 N.W. Old Highway 36,
Caldwell County Commissioners
C6-2w, July 29, Aug. 5
Caldwell County Health
The Caldwell County Health Department will conduct a public hearing at the Caldwell County Health
Department on August 27, 2015, at
4:00 p.m., for the purpose of setting
the property tax rates for 2015. The
Shelley Reed, Administrator
Leonard Feil, Board Chairman
C7-2w, Aug. 5, 12
Caldwell County Commissioners
The Caldwell County Commission is accepting written bids for:
1988 International single
axle dump truck
Please submit bids to:
Caldwell County Commission
P.O. Box 67
Kingston, Mo. 64650
Bids will be opened on Aug. 17,
2015, at 1:00 p.m. The Caldwell
County Commission reserves the
right to accept or reject any and all
C7-2w, Aug. 5, 12
abuse or neglect cases while
comprising 31% of our population. Daviess County has 24
(14%) of the pending abuse or
neglect cases while comprising
13% of our population. Livingston County has 40 (24%) of the
pending abuse or neglect cases
while comprising 23% of our
Needless to say, all of us
should be concerned about the
substantial increase in juvenile
abuse and neglect cases. Look
for the next From the Bench
where I will discuss more statistics relating to our Juvenile
month I mentioned attending
Margaret Carson’s 95th Birthday
Bash. I also recently attended
a 90th Birthday wingding for
Lock Spring’s Vic Litton. Victor
claimed old age had made him
so lazy he would not even need
Judge Chapman and Judge Elliott’s famous monopoly “Get
Out of Jail Free Card”. Judges
know a fib when they hear one
– no one who knows Victor will
ever use his name and the word
lazy in the same sentence.
Continued from page 3
Continued from page 4
gested donation for 60 yrs and
over is $3.50 per meal and there
is a charge of $6.35 per meal for
those under 60 yrs. Menu is subject to change without notice.
Our center is also available as
a cooling center for anyone in
need of a place to stay cool. Our
business hours are 7am – 1pm.
The Nutrition Center is also
available for rent after normal business hours and on the
weekends. Call the center for
more information and prices
8/5/15 Wednesday Chicken
& noodles, peas, butter beets,
fruit salad, bread
8/6/15 Thursday Pork chop,
mashed potato/gravy, green
beans, hot roll, oatmeal raisin
8/7/15 Friday Fish/bun,
baked beans, coleslaw, mandarin oranges
8/10/15 Monday Chili dog/
bun, potato wedges, pears,
8/11/15 Tuesday Chicken
salad/croissant, pea salad, pasta salad, pickled beets, banana
Pitch Tournament Winners
for July 28, 2015
First Place: Ella Mae Warner - 229. Second Place: David
Miller – 209. Third Place: Karen
Claypole - 200. Last Place: Roger
McPheeters - 135.
vors Day by eating ice cream
and lots of different toppings.
It was fun to see what different
personalities like to try. I forgot
what we did on National I Forgot Day! We did eat moon pies
for Moon Day, while discussing
where we were when Neil Armstrong landed on the moon. We
dodged the rain and went on
van rides. Brooke, with Three
Rivers Hospice, donated a cake
for the birthday party. It was too
hot to go out on National Drive
Thru Day, so we stayed inside
and made milkshakes then
played Skip-Bo. On National
Milk Chocolate Day we enjoyed
candy bars and chocolate milk
while playing a game.
Here is a list of National Days
for this month:
Aug. 3- Watermelon Day,
Aug. 6- Wiggle Your Toes Day,
Aug. 10- S’mores Day, Aug. 11Play in the Sand Day, Aug. 12World Elephant Day, Aug. 16Tell a Joke Day, Aug. 20-Radio
Day, Aug. 21- Poet’s Day, Aug.
24- Waffle Iron Day, Aug. 31Trail Mix Day.
From the Bench
Circuit Judge R. Brent Elliott’s
“From the Bench” is a series of
articles designed to provide the
public with a better understanding of the judicial system and
changes in the law. No explanation or example utilized herein
should in any way be interpreted as reflecting an opinion,
approval, or disapproval of any
law. A Circuit Judge’s job is to
fairly and impartially apply the
law, not change it.
The last article discussed
the county by county breakdown of pending juvenile delinquency cases in the 43rd Circuit
(Caldwell, Clinton, Daviess,
DeKalb, and Livingston Counties). This month I will provide
statistics revealing an alarming
increase in Juvenile Court abuse
and neglect cases. As pointed
out last month, juvenile delinquency cases involve some sort
of wrongdoing on the part of a
juvenile (minor under the age of
17). Abuse or neglect cases involve some sort of wrongdoing
on the part of a parent or guardian that requires court intervention on behalf of the juvenile.
According to 43rd Circuit Juvenile Office records, there are
currently 167 juvenile abuse and
neglect cases being supervised
by our 43rd Circuit Juvenile Officers. This figure represents a
dramatic 20% increase over the
average number of abuse or neglect cases last year. The breakdown on current abuse or neglect cases is as follows:
DeKalb County has 36 (22%)
of the pending abuse or neglect
cases while comprising 19% of
the 43rd Circuit’s population.
Caldwell County has 17 (10%)
of the pending abuse or neglect
cases while comprising 14% of
our population. Clinton County has 50 (30%) of the pending
Middle School
Currently enrolled students:
Hamilton Middle School registration will be held Tuesday,
Aug. 11. Seventh and eighth
grade registration will be held
from 6:30 to 7 p.m. Sixth grade
orientation will be held in the
gym at 7 p.m. with registration
to follow.
New Students
Registration for students
who are new to the Hamilton
R-2 School District will be held
on Wednesday, Aug. 12, from
9 a.m. to noon and 1 to 3 p.m.
Please call the middle school office at 816-583-2173 after Aug. 4
to schedule an appointment for
your child’s registration. We ask
that you bring the following information for your child: Birth
certificate, social security number, immunizations and proof
of residency in the Hamilton
School District.
High School
Monday, Aug. 10: Seniors - 89:30 a.m.
Juniors - 9:30-11 a.m.
Sophomores - 12 -1:30 p.m.
Freshmen - 1:30-3 p.m.
New student enrollment is
Wednesday, Aug 12. To enroll
new high school students to our
school district please call our
number, 583-2136, after Aug. 5,
to set up an appointment. At
the appointment we will need
doors, but fun in the sun can be
dangerous when the heat and humidity rise. In addition to sun burn,
heat-related illnesses including heat
stroke or sunstroke can send unsuspecting victims to the hospital. The
human body keeps itself cool by allowing heat to escape through the
skin and by evaporating the resulting perspiration. If the body cannot
cool itself enough, the person could
suffer from heat-related illness.
Heat stroke can progress from
milder heat-related illnesses such
as heat exhaustion, heat cramps
and fainting. Illnesses caused by
overheating can become serious,
and even deadly, if not treated. Exposure to heat kills approximately
400 Americans annually.
Everyone is susceptible to heatrelated illnesses, with even young
healthy athletes succumbing to it.
However, those most at risk include
senior citizens, especially those living along in non-air-conditioned
environments; infants and children
and people with medical conditions, especially those with heart
disease and high blood pressure.
The classic warning symptom of
a heat stroke is a body temperature
that is above 104 degrees Fahrenheit, but other symptoms include
fainting, dizziness and light-headedness, rapid pulse, painful muscle
cramps and spasms, headache, lack
of sweating despite the heat, nausea
and vomiting, rapid breathing, dry,
hot and red skin and behavioral
changes including disorientation. If
you or anyone around you has any
of these symptoms, 911 should be
called immediately. As you wait for
emergency services, put damp and
cool cloths or towels on the affected
person and have them lie down until medical assistance arrives.
Being alert to the symptoms
of heat stroke is vital to ensuring
your own health and safety as well
as your friends and family. However, as Benjamin Franklin said,
“an ounce of prevention is worth
a pound of cure” and heatstroke is
preventable. Take these preventative steps to prevent heatstroke this
·Avoid strenuous outdoor activities. Whenever possible, reserve
outdoor activities for the cooler
morning and evening hours.
·Wear lightweight, loose-fitting,
light-colored clothing. Wearing
too much clothing or tight clothing won’t allow your body to cool
down efficiently.
·Stay well-hydrated and avoid
alcoholic and caffeinated beverages.
Staying hydrated helps you maintain a normal body temperature
and drinking excessive caffeinated
or alcoholic drinks can dehydrate,
rather than hydrate, you.
·Eat smaller meals more frequently. Eating small, protein rich
meals throughout the day keeps
your energy level stabilized.
·Never leave children, adults or
pets in a closed, parked vehicle. In
the sun, closed car temperatures can
rise from 78 degrees to 100 degrees
in just three minutes.
For more information on heatrelated illness prevention and treatment, visit the Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention at www., The American Red Cross,
prepare/disaster/heat-wave and
the Mayo Clinic.
The summer months can be the
most joyful of the year, so by following these simple tips, you can
be assured that your summer is full
of all the family fun that you had
Deer and Turkey
Hunting Season
Archery: Sept. 15-Nov. 13
Nov. 25-Jan. 15
Firearms (Main Portion):
Nov. 14-Nov. 24:
Firearms Alternative Methods: Dec. 19-Dec. 29:
Firearms, Antlerless: In open
areas: Nov. 25-Dec. 06.
Firearms, Urban: In open areas: Oct. 9-Oct. 12. (Only antlerless deer may be harvested.
Check with local government
for allowed hunting methods.)
Firearms, Youth:
Oct. 31-Nov. 1
Jan. 2-Jan. 3
Turkey Archery:
Sept. 15-Nov. 13
Nov. 25-Jan. 15
Turkey Fall Firearms:
Oct. 1-Oct. 31
Summer Heat Safety Tips to
Ensure Fun in the Sun
By Ron Rabena
The summer season and warm
weather triggers an urge to be out-
Permits and regulations are
available in July for all of the
Local News
The Caldwell County News
August 5, 2015 - Page 8
Tiger Tracks
Kingston School, Andrea Hieronymus Ed.S.
School starts in just over two weeks! I am hoping the
students are as excited about getting started as I am.
This summer has been very busy with improvement
projects on the interior of the building, teachers attending workshops and everyone preparing for an amazing
school year.
The district will continue with the e-MINTS professional development started during the 14-15 school
year. Teachers will continue to discover ways to incorporate technology with innovative teaching methods to
increase student engagement and achievement.
The Kingston 42 School District is excited to welcome the teachers back. This is their third year together
as a team. Teachers this year include Mr. Jared May, Mr.
Chad Vincent, Mrs. Caitlin Estes, Mrs. Renee Gregory,
Mrs. Beth Singleton and Mrs. Ashley Clark.
I would love to see even more new faces in the form
of volunteers at our school. Many opportunities are
available. We are currently looking for persons willing
to help with website design, library maintenance and
many other projects. Please give me a call if you are
willing to help out in any way.
August 13 will be the annual back to school night
and Title I meeting. The open house will be from 6 to 8
p.m. In addition to the students being able to bring in
supplies and meet their teachers, parents will be able to
deposit money for lunches, receive information about
becoming more involved with the school, meet the staff,
purchase planners, pick up 14/15 state assessment results, and complete student information packets. The
annual Title I meeting will begin at 6:15 p.m. in the
school library.
Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns. You can stop by, call, or email.
Mark your calendar:
Aug. 13: 6-8 p.m. Back to School Night
Aug. 17: 7 p.m. Tax Rate Hearing, 7:15 p.m. Board of
Education meeting
Aug. 19: First day of school
Aug. 21: 1:15 p.m. dismissal
Sept. 14: Grandparents Day
Every effort must be
made in childhood to
teach the young to use
their own minds. For one
thing is sure: If they don’t
make up their own minds,
someone else will do it for
Eleanor Roosevelt
All mothers are physically handicapped. They
have only two hands.
Lawson Cardinal Soccer Club
Ages 3-17
$45 registration fee.
email [email protected]
for registration form. Deadline is Aug. 10.
Continued from page 4
ber, and proof of residency
(utility bill, personal check
with address or driver license, etc.)
Want to be a Conservation
MDC is accepting applications through Aug. 17 for
its next agent trainee class.
JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. -- The Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) is accepting applications
through Aug. 17 for its next class of conservation agent
trainees. Selected candidates will undergo 26 weeks of
intense training in all facets of law enforcement and resource management.
Those who make the grade will receive county assignments and become the face of conservation in their
assigned communities – enforcing the Wildlife Code
of Missouri and helping the public with issues such as
nuisance wildlife and land management.
To qualify, applicants must have a bachelor’s degree
in a field related to the natural sciences or criminal justice.
To apply -- and for more information including salary range, duties and responsibilities, degree requirements, qualifications, and special-ability requirements
-- visit the Job Openings section of the MDC website
Careers page at
For more information, contact MDC Protection Programs Specialist Travis McLain at 573-522-4115, ext.
3261 or [email protected], or MDC Protection Programs Supervisor Cheryl Fey at 573-751-4115,
ext. 3819, or [email protected].
Open House
Polo R-VII School District
Monday, Aug. 17, 2015
6-8 p.m.
Students, parents and Community
Members please feel free to stop by for
a tour to see the new improvements that
have been made over the summer.
Thank you for supporting the
Polo R-VII School District!
Friday, Aug. 7 ~ 8 - 10 p.m.
Hamilton Pool
For Students, staff &
: families
- :
of the Hamilton School District!
2-Family Sports Passes!
3 Backpacks full of school supplies!
5-$10 Thrift Store Gift Cards!
Free Food!
Hot dogs, chips, cookies & lemonade!
Note: In case of inclement weather a free movie
will be shown in the Family Life Center!
Hosted by Hamilton United Methodist Church
Won By One Center, Hamilton
Co-ed Soccer Sign ups
Hamilton High School...
the student’s immunization record, birth certificate, social security num-
Won By One
Ice Cream Social
& Gospel Music
Saturday, Aug. 8
6 p.m.
One cannot and must
not try to erase the past
merely because it does not
fit the present.
Golda Meir
New York
School Reunion
Aug. 9, 2015
Basket Dinner
12:30 p.m.
Hamilton Methodist
Church Fellowship Hall
Hamilton, MO
All former high school
& elementary students,
teachers & friends are