copy of Alberta Perennial Trial Garden Evaluation 2006-2008
copy of Alberta Perennial Trial Garden Evaluation 2006-2008
Project Protocols The Alberta Perennial Trials introduces approximately 50 new perennial varieties and cultivars annually to the project. Plants are evaluated over three seasons with a total of approximately 150 varieties/cultivars under evaluation in any given growing season. In most cases plants are supplied in sufficient numbers for each site to evaluate a minimum of five to six plants of each type. Reports are published annually. This report contains the results of the 2006 – 2008 series of plants. A mandate of the project is that growing conditions should reflect those encountered by home gardeners. Planting beds were amended with organic matter prior to planting, no additional fertilizers were applied. Soil tests were collected to ascertain baseline growing conditions. A low maintenance regime was followed including irrigation and weeding as required and cultural methods to control pest and disease problems. Staking and deadheading for the first two growing seasons was limited to half a plant grouping, the other half were left alone to evaluate performance without these activities. The perennials were planted in late June 2006 and condition on planting was rated. Data collected throughout the growing seasons included: evaluation of winter survival; monthly measurements of height and spread; weekly assessment of bloom; and ongoing monitoring for pests and disease. Plants were evaluated for overall landscape appeal at the end of each growing season. Mitigating factors that may have interfered with plant performance were also recorded. Plants that did not over winter were not routinely replaced. Weather data was collected from the appropriate Environment Canada weather stations. Appendix A briefly summarizes weather patterns for the duration of the trial. Both Calgary and Olds received higher than normal amounts of precipitation during the years of the trial. Most of the excess precipitation was received during June in all three growing seasons. Test plots at Olds College suffered from severe flooding during the first week of June 2008. Notes are provided in the Comments sections to indicate where plant performance has been impacted. Overall the 2008 growing season was delayed at both Calgary and Olds. Spring temperatures were colder than normal. The excess rain likely kept soil temperatures cool enough to affect the emergence and growth of the plants. Plant growth noticeably improved when soils dried out near the end of July. Peak temperatures for July in 2006 and 2007 were slightly warmer than normal at all three locations. The Muttart site recorded lower than normal annual precipitation for the duration of the trial. Beds were hand watered to mitigate the decrease in precipitation. Site Information The Calgary Zoo test beds with the surrounding arboretum and plantings offers the most sheltered location for plant material. Due to the sheltered location, presence of an irrigation system and good soil conditions, overall survival rates were slightly higher than the other two test locations. Soil tests taken in 2008 showed nutrients and organic matter all to be within the normal range. Rodents (squirrels and mice) caused damage to the crowns of some plants during the winter of 2006/07. Rodent damage was noted on all Sempervivum cultivars throughout the duration of the trial. Leaf tier was a significant issue in 2008 for the Delphinium collection. Finally, a minor irrigation break occurred in June of 2008, with minimal impact to the collection. The Olds College beds are semi sheltered by surrounding buildings. The shade bed skirts plantings of trees and shrubs and some reduction in maximum growth of plants in these beds may be related to root competition. Soil testing indicates low nitrogen but organic matter levels are adequate. The gardens receive supplemental water from the irrigation system when required. Insect damage affected plant vi performance in some instances. Leaf tier damage to the Delphinium cultivars was significant in 2008. The appearance and performance of Ranunculus repens ‘Buttered Popcorn’ was noticeably affected by pest damage in 2008. The Muttart Conservatory test beds offer the most exposed site for plant material. Compost and peat moss were added to various sections of the beds to improve moisture retention and tilth. A slow leak in an irrigation supply line in late 2006 resulted in boggy soil conditions in a small portion of one test bed. Repairs were undertaken in spring 2007 and with a few exceptions there was no impact on the plants in this series . Soil tests drawn in 2007 revealed low nitrogen amounts in the beds at the time of testing however overall plant health and organic matter levels are satisfactory. Theft of some plant specimens occurred in 2006 and 2007. Antitheft signs were installed in July 2008, reducing the incidence of theft significantly. Notes on Data • Cultural information noted in this document was collected from outside sources (see References). Species/cultivars were compared to descriptions given in reference material to confirm the identity of plant material. • Heuchera ‘Orange Man’ and Heuchera ‘Hercules’ were excused from the study due to very poor condition of plant material upon introduction to the study. • The plants in this study were evaluated in each of the following categories: Winter Survival Ratio indicates the number of plants that overwintered/number of plants supplied to the project. Bloom Rating 5 = 81 – 100% plants bloomed; 4 = 61 – 80% plants bloomed; 3 = 41 – 60% plants bloomed; 2 = 21 – 40 % plants bloomed; 1 = 1 – 20% plants bloomed; 0 = 0% plants bloomed Average Maximum Height and Spread The average of the maximum heights / spreads the group of plants attained at a location Incidence of Pests or Disease Name and year of incidence of pests and/or disease. Comment section provides further details as required. Overall Quality Rating 5 = highly recommended; 4 = recommended; 3 = recommended with limitations (may relate to hardiness issues or severe pest/disease problems); 2 = not recommended; 1 = failed due to unfavourable conditions unrelated to hardiness • Plant measurements in this document are given in centimetres. The following table provides Imperial equivalents to frequently used metric measurements: Centimetres 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Inches 3.9 7.9 11.8 15.7 19.7 23.6 27.6 31.5 35.4 39.4 vii photo not available Gypsophila fastigiata ‘Silverstar’ lawn chamomile Plant Form: low mound Foliage: bluish-green linear leaves Bloom Description: airy panicles of tiny white flowers, blooms July and August ; fertile, well drained soil Culture: specimens supplied were small and sparse, plants sparse, emerged late and grew slowly, mass plant for good effect, will rebloom later in the season if sheared after bloom, plants competed at Muttart with invading quack grass Comments: Calgary Zoo 2006 Winter Survival Bloom Rating Average Max. Height / Spread n/a 5 Incidence of Pests or Disease Overall Quality Rating Light Conditions: Full Shade 2007 Olds College 2008 2/3 1/3 5 5 30 cm / 40 cm 2006 n/a 5 2007 Muttart Edmonton 2008 3/3 2/3 3 5 25 cm / 45 cm 2006 n/a 5 2007 2/3 3/3 5 5 30 cm / 40 cm none none none 2 4 4 Part Shade Full Sun n/a: not applicable + : number of replacement specimens planted if required Blank Spaces in table indicate a selection not grown that year or that more information was required before assessment could be made. 16 2008 Hemerocallis ‘Ruby Stella’ daylily Plant Form: vase shaped Foliage: medium green, long linear keeled leaves Bloom Description: close racemes on tall flower stems, trumpet-shaped bloom of ruby red, blooms mid June to frost, repeat bloomer, smaller dainty blooms ; well drained soil, average fertility, tolerates a wide range of soil conditions, drought tolerant once established but performs best with even soil moisture developed by Anthony Tessleaar International, mid size dwarf form, everblooming, long bloom period however blooms sparse at any given time Culture: Comments: Calgary Zoo 2006 Winter Survival Bloom Rating Average Max. Height / Spread Incidence of Pests or Disease Overall Quality Rating n/a 3 2007 Olds College 2008 5/5 5/5 5 4 65 cm / 100 cm 2006 n/a 0 2007 Muttart Edmonton 2008 5/5 5/5 5 5 60 cm / 90 cm 2006 n/a 1 2007 5/5 5/5 5 5 60 cm / 65 cm none none none 4 4 4 Bloom Rating: 5 = 100% plants bloomed; 0 = 0% plants bloomed Overall Quality Rating: 5 = highly recommended; 4 = recommended; 3 = recommended with limitations; 2 = not recommended; 1 = failed due to unfavourable conditions Winter Survival ratio indicates the number of plants that over wintered successfully/number of original plants 17 2008 Heuchera ’Dolce Key Lime Pie’ coral bells Plant Form: low clump Foliage: basal rosettes of rounded trilobed leaves with scalloped margins, lime green turning to chartreuse/yellow in higher light conditions, some amber fall colour racemes of tiny white flowers, insignificant ornamental effect Bloom Description: ; protect from afternoon sun, evenly moist but well drained soil, soil rich in organic matter developed by Terra Nova Nurseries, specimens supplied small, poor viability following winter at all three sites, plant crowns appeared to be heaved out of the soil, may perform better with winter mulch Culture: Comments: Calgary Zoo 2006 Winter Survival Bloom Rating Average Max. Height / Spread n/a 0 Incidence of Pests or Disease Overall Quality Rating Light Conditions: Full Shade 2007 Olds College 2008 3/5 1/5 2 5 25 cm/ 25 cm 2006 n/a 0 2007 Muttart Edmonton 2008 4/5 0/5 1 0 15 cm / 20 cm 2006 n/a 0 2007 3/5 0/5 0 0 15 cm / 25 cm none none none 3 2 2 Part Shade Full Sun n/a: not applicable + : number of replacement specimens planted if required Blank Spaces in table indicate a selection not grown that year or that more information was required before assessment could be made. 18 2008 Heuchera ‘Frosted Violet’ coral bells Plant Form: dense mound with erect branched airy flower stems Foliage: basal rosettes of plum coloured leaves over silver green base Bloom Description: light pink buds, airy racemes of tiny white flowers, blooms July to September Culture: ; protect from hot afternoon sun, performs best in soil rich in organic matter, moist well drained soil developed by Charles Oliver, includes native H. villosa in parentage, tolerates full sun, crown of one specimen destroyed by mice at the Calgary Zoo, two specimens each at the Calgary Zoo and Muttart appeared to be heaved out the soil after winter, the remaining specimens were vigorous Comments: Calgary Zoo 2006 Winter Survival Bloom Rating Average Max. Height / Spread Incidence of Pests or Disease Overall Quality Rating n/a 0 Olds College 2007 2008 5/5 5 2/5 5 2006 n/a 0 Muttart Edmonton 2007 2008 4/5 5 3/5 4 2006 n/a 0 2007 2008 3/5 5 3/5 5 80 cm / 75 cm 40 cm / 45 cm 70 cm / 50 cm mice damage 2008 1 specimen none none 5 4 4 Bloom Rating: 5 = 100% plants bloomed; 0 = 0% plants bloomed Overall Quality Rating: 5 = highly recommended; 4 = recommended; 3 = recommended with limitations; 2 = not recommended; 1 = failed due to unfavourable conditions Winter Survival ratio indicates the number of plants that over wintered successfully/number of original plants 19 Heuchera‘Peach Flambe’ coral bells Plant Form: low mound Foliage: basal rosettes of rounded, ruffled leaves, emerges orange-red turning fiery orange red towards the end of the season racemes of tiny white flowers on tall scapes, blooms June through July, blooms are insignificant in terms of ornamental value ; protect from hot afternoon sun, well drained soil, average fertility, performs best in soil rich in organic matter striking foliage, performed well at Muttart, late spring emergence, poor viability and growth at the Calgary Zoo and Olds Bloom Description: Culture: Comments: Calgary Zoo 2006 Winter Survival Bloom Rating Average Max. Height / Spread n/a 0 Incidence of Pests or Disease Overall Quality Rating Light Conditions: Full Shade 2007 Olds College 2008 2006 4/5 1/5 3 0 25 cm / 40 cm n/a 2 2007 Muttart Edmonton 2008 4/5 3/5 0 0 20 cm / 25 cm 2006 n/a 2 2007 5/5 5/5 3 1 40 cm / 40 cm ants 2007 none none 2 3 4 Part Shade Full Sun n/a: not applicable + : number of replacement specimens planted if required Blank Spaces in table indicate a selection not grown that year or that more information was required before assessment could be made. 20 2008 Heucherella ‘Stoplight’ foamy bells Plant Form: low mound Foliage: lime green to chartreuse trilobed leaves with a ruby centre and veins Bloom Description: short racemes of cream coloured flowers, blooms for the month of June, blooms not significant in terms of ornamental value ; morning sun only or dappled shade, well drained soil, average fertility, performs best in soil rich in organic matter Heucherella is a hybrid between Heuchera and Tiarella, outstanding foliage colour and variegation, great contrast plant, performed well at the Calgary Zoo and Muttart sites Culture: Comments: Calgary Zoo 2006 Winter Survival Bloom Rating Average Max. Height / Spread Incidence of Pests or Disease Overall Quality Rating n/a 5 2007 Olds College 2008 5/5 5/5 3 3 45 cm / 35 cm 2006 n/a 4 2007 Muttart Edmonton 2008 0/5 0/5 0 0 25 cm / 35 cm 2006 n/a 2 2007 5/5 5/5 5 5 45 cm / 40 cm none none none 5 2 5 Bloom Rating: 5 = 100% plants bloomed; 0 = 0% plants bloomed Overall Quality Rating: 5 = highly recommended; 4 = recommended; 3 = recommended with limitations; 2 = not recommended; 1 = failed due to unfavourable conditions Winter Survival ratio indicates the number of plants that over wintered successfully/number of original plants 21 2008 Iris ‘Clarence’ tall bearded iris Plant Form: upright clump Foliage: narrow linear medium green leaves Bloom Description: pale blue upright petals, ruffled violet blue falls with white beard, blooms mid June to mid July, fragrant, may rebloom later in the season ; well drained fertile soil, does not tolerate boggy soil Culture: huge beautiful and showy blooms, visitor favorite, rebloom in 2007 at Muttart, lost one plant due to an irrigation break at the Calgary Zoo, poor performance at Olds site may be related to root competition with neighbouring spruce Comments: Calgary Zoo 2006 Winter Survival Bloom Rating n/a 0 Average Max. Height / Spread Incidence of Pests or Disease Overall Quality Rating Light Conditions: Full Shade Olds College 2007 2008 5/5 1 5/5 4 2006 n/a 0 Muttart Edmonton 2007 2008 7/8 0 6/8 1 2006 n/a 0 2007 2008 8/8 3 7/8 4 70 cm / 60 cm 40 cm / 40 cm 70 cm / 65 cm none none none 5 3 4 Part Shade Full Sun n/a: not applicable + : number of replacement specimens planted if required Blank Spaces in table indicate a selection not grown that year or that more information was required before assessment could be made. 22 Lathyrus vernus perennial sweet pea/spring vetch Plant Form: irregular mound Foliage: light green compound pinnate leaves with acute tips Bloom Description: raceme of deep mauve blue sweet pea-like flowers, blooms early May to early June Culture: ; performs best in well drained humus rich fertile soil, will tolerate a wide range of soils received the Royal Horticultural Society’s Award of Garden Merit, non climbing, great early spring bloom, attractive seed pods, foliage stayed fresh looking all season, minor hail damage at Olds site in late June, 2008 Comments: Calgary Zoo 2006 2007 Olds College 2008 Winter Survival Bloom Rating Average Max. Height / Spread n/a 0 5/5 5/5 3 4 40 cm / 50 cm Incidence of Pests or Disease Overall Quality Rating mild slug damage at season’s end 2007 4 2006 n/a 0 2007 Muttart Edmonton 2008 5/5 5/5 0 4 25 cm / 45 cm 2006 n/a 0 2007 4/5 4/5 5 5 35 cm / 45 cm ? caterpillar damage 2008 none 4 4 Bloom Rating: 5 = 100% plants bloomed; 0 = 0% plants bloomed Overall Quality Rating: 5 = highly recommended; 4 = recommended; 3 = recommended with limitations; 2 = not recommended; 1 = failed due to unfavourable conditions Winter Survival ratio indicates the number of plants that over wintered successfully/number of original plants 23 2008 Leucanthemum x superbum ‘Crazy Daisy’ shasta daisy Plant Form: upright clump Foliage: long dark green serrated leaves with rounded tips Bloom Description: large semi-double white ray florets with yellow disc centres, blooms mid July to September, attracts butterflies ; well drained soil, average fertility, must have good winter drainage Culture: attractive, large flowers, poor viability and performance at the Calgary Zoo, surviving plants were very floppy and had few blooms, likely due to wet and heavy soil Comments: Calgary Zoo 2006 Winter Survival Bloom Rating Average Max. Height / Spread n/a 0 Incidence of Pests or Disease Overall Quality Rating Light Conditions: Full Shade 2007 Olds College 2008 3/5 2/5 5 2 70 cm / 75 cm 2006 n/a 0 2007 Muttart Edmonton 2008 5/5 4/5 5 5 55 cm / 65 cm 2006 n/a 2 2007 5/5 5/5 5 5 90 cm / 75 cm slugs 2006 minor spittle bug 2008 none 2 4 4 Part Shade Full Sun n/a: not applicable + : number of replacement specimens planted if required Blank Spaces in table indicate a selection not grown that year or that more information was required before assessment could be made. 24 2008 Ligularia ‘The Rocket’ ligularia/leopard plant Plant Form: large mound with flower scapes rising above foliage Foliage: large, deeply incised arrow/heart shaped medium green leaves Bloom Description: long racemes of small bright yellow star shaped florets, blooms mid July to September Culture: Comments: ; moist to wet organic soil reliable performer, wilts readily during hot spells of the summer, requires shade and even moisture Calgary Zoo 2006 Winter Survival Bloom Rating Average Max. Height / Spread Incidence of Pests or Disease Overall Quality Rating n/a 5 2007 Olds College 2008 5/5 5/5 4 5 165 cm / 125 cm 2006 n/a 4 2007 Muttart Edmonton 2008 5/5 5/5 5 5 100 cm / 75 cm 2006 n/a 5 2007 4/5 4/5 3 5 100 cm / 55 cm slugs 2007 none none 5 5 4 Bloom Rating: 5 = 100% plants bloomed; 0 = 0% plants bloomed Overall Quality Rating: 5 = highly recommended; 4 = recommended; 3 = recommended with limitations; 2 = not recommended; 1 = failed due to unfavourable conditions Winter Survival ratio indicates the number of plants that over wintered successfully/number of original plants 25 2008 Miscanthus ‘Giganteus’ giant silver grass Plant Form: tall erect grass with arching foliage Foliage: broad strap-like bluish grey green leaves with a silver stripe down the centre Bloom Description: large showy pinkish red panicles, did not bloom during trial period ; average to moist well drained , tolerates poor soil Culture: tall and stately, plants in study showed sparse foliage, not reliably hardy Comments: Calgary Zoo 2006 Winter Survival Bloom Rating Average Max. Height / Spread Incidence of Pests or Disease n/a 0 Overall Quality Rating Light Conditions: Full Shade 2007 Olds College 2008 5/6 1/6 0 0 180 cm / 135 cm 2006 n/a 0 2007 Muttart Edmonton 2008 4/5 0/5 0 0 140 cm / 150 cm 2006 n/a 0 2007 2/5 0/5 0 5 185 cm / 100 cm none none none 2 2 2 Part Shade Full Sun n/a: not applicable + : number of replacement specimens planted if required Blank Spaces in table indicate a selection not grown that year or that more information was required before assessment could be made. 26 2008 Miscanthus ‘Purpurascens’ orange flame grass Plant Form: upright vase shape with arching tips Foliage: green grassy foliage in the summer changing to orange/rust in fall Bloom Description: tassel-like reddish panicles fading to silver white ; average to moist well drained soil, average fertility Culture: Comments: selected in Germany in the 1960’s, attractive orange foliage later in the season, spectacular when back lit with morning or evening sun , lack of vigour at Olds site may be related to heavier soil, adds great texture to the perennial garden Calgary Zoo 2006 Winter Survival Bloom Rating Average Max. Height / Spread Incidence of Pests or Disease Overall Quality Rating n/a 0 2007 Olds College 2008 6/6 6/6 0 0 105 cm / 80 cm 2006 n/a 0 2007 Muttart Edmonton 2008 5/5 5/5 0 0 65 cm / 65 cm 2006 n/a 0 2007 5/5 5/5 0 2 110 cm / 75 cm none none none 4 3 5 Bloom Rating: 5 = 100% plants bloomed; 0 = 0% plants bloomed Overall Quality Rating: 5 = highly recommended; 4 = recommended; 3 = recommended with limitations; 2 = not recommended; 1 = failed due to unfavourable conditions Winter Survival ratio indicates the number of plants that over wintered successfully/number of original plants 27 2008 Miscanthus sinensis ‘Huron Sunrise’ maiden grass Plant Form: tall vase shape Foliage: large grass-like foliage, medium green leaves with cream mid ribs Bloom Description: airy brownish rose plumes fading to brown ; well drained soil, average fertility, tolerates wide range of soil conditions Culture: developed by Martin Quinn of Canada, graceful and unusual plumes, surviving plants at the Calgary Zoo and Olds showed poor viability and sparse growth Comments: Calgary Zoo 2006 Winter Survival Bloom Rating Average Max. Height / Spread Incidence of Pests or Disease n/a 5 Overall Quality Rating Light Conditions: Full Shade 2007 Olds College 2008 6/6 4/6 0 0 115 cm / 70 cm 2006 n/a 0 2007 Muttart Edmonton 2008 5/5 2/5 0 0 55 cm / 60 cm 2006 n/a 1 2007 5/5 0/5 5 0 100 cm / 60 cm none none none 2 2 2 Part Shade Full Sun n/a: not applicable + : number of replacement specimens planted if required Blank Spaces in table indicate a selection not grown that year or that more information was required before assessment could be made. 28 2008
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