I coach Feb 2016 - New Zealand Pony Club


I coach Feb 2016 - New Zealand Pony Club
NZPCA Coaching Magazine
February 2016
The NZPCA National Coaches and invited guests will be delivering the Coaches Conference this year with a series of exciting and educational seminars. The
Conference is being held in Christchurch, Saturday 28th May is at the Sudima Hotel, Christchurch and Sunday we are at Christchurch RDA indoor arena. This
years theme will be ‘Coaching with Clarity’ More details about the programme are to be published on Facebook and the NZPCA Website as they come
Last years conference was so oversubscribed that we increased the numbers to accommodate more coaches and still some coaches were unable to attend.
So this year we increased the capacity again, so hopefully we can cater for all. However there will still be a cap on numbers, make sure to get your
registrations in early this will assist us to plan the event effectively. Registrations for Coaches Conference are open now so head to the NZPCA website here
The South Island venue was chosen to be as central as possible in line with the feedback from last years conference. The Sudima Hotel at Christchurch has
Airport pick ups and there will be a bus to take everyone from the Sudima to the RDA /arena on Sunday Morning and return back to the Sudima on Sunday
Most importantly we will be awarding the NZPCA Coach of the Year - It could be YOU!! Nomination forms have gone out to Branches already.
There will be a gala dinner on Saturday night at the Sudima Hotel, which is included in the price ($285.00) where we will have a guest speaker and will be
awarding the National Emeritus Coaches badge to Jennifer Howard and, as was mentioned earlier, awarding the NZPCA Coach of the year
This Conference is for ALL COACHES, there will be seminars to suit and enthuse everyone. This is an opportunity to share ideas, techniques and exercises, to
make new friends and meet up again with old friends. You can register for the conference on the NZPCA website here. As last year, its first come first served.
So don’t delay.
If you wish to stay at the Sudima, you can use the following promotion code to get a cheaper rate than usual #1075932. There is plenty of alternative
accommodation nearby.
So what else do we have for you in this in this issue?
National Coach Kevin Lawrence BHSI is going to run a very special one off Horse Management Coaches Course at Arion Riding Centre. 890 McLeans Island
Road, McLeans Island, Christchurch. I know!!!! When have we had one of those? This will be for all coaches, only $80.00 per coach. This will tick the box for
our ECTP H level Coaches but also will be of value to everyone who is looking to coach upwards from C+ level. There will be lunging and ride and lead demos,
which will be very useful for any coaches who are dealing with riders considering taking their H Certificate. The date is 1st May 2016 If you want to be included
in this event please fill in the form Click Here;
There is a new NZPCA National Coaching Advisory Panel (NCAP) full details of this can be found on page 8
NZPCA will be at HOY again this year, we will be at the end of the Dressage arena, stand number C8
At the recent H and A Exams Lead Examiner Jacque McKinley reports that we had 100% pass rate, congratulations to all who attended. A full list of passes
can be found here
In this edition we have:
Page 2 –4 The next episode of Kevin Lawrence’s articles; Shoulder In—Applications and Exercises
Page 4 Diary Dates
Page 5 Article by Jeanette Garrett
Page 6 Another great article by Hayley Jane Malcomson of Prydes EasiFeed
Page 7 E and D update and Diary Dates
Page 8/9/10 Interesting items from the NZPCA e-gazette and News of the National Coaching Advisory Panel
See you at Horse of the Year or at Coaches Conference!!!
Next in the series of articles by National Coach Kevin Lawrence BHSI
Thank you Kevin Lawrence for this informative series. You can re-read the previous
articles in this series on the NZPCA website here
From Jeanette Garrett
Kris Russell—30 years of NZPCA service
I went over to Golden Bay yesterday for the last day of their summer camp they held a
fund raiser old style gymkhana, at the lunch break everyone gathered and Kriss was
blown away by what happened. The riders had created a song with a mum on her
guitar to the tune of Santa got ran over buy a reindeer but they called it Kris got ran
over by my pony it had about 7 verses !!! She was presented with a top notch all mod
con riding helmet, Shelly Pomeroy the president read out a poem all about Kris and I
was on hand to present Kriss with a certificate of appreciation from NZPCA for her 30
year devotion. It was also Kris’s 60th birthday and she suddenly said “I’ve spent half of
my life in pony club”.
Kris is amazing, totally for the riders and getting them going on ponies – she has a
depth of knowledge from when she was a young rider in USA and studying fulltime as
an equestrian there before coming out to New Zealand we have so much to thank her.
She also happens to be the Golden Bay Farrier for Golden Bay. Thank you Kriss
Good use of tongs, Jeanette
Vitamins and minerals are important for so many reasons and do a whole range of jobs.
Macro minerals are needed in larger amounts per day and include Calcium, Phosphorus,
Magnesium, Sodium, Chloride and Potassium. Micro minerals are needed in smaller amounts and include
Copper, Zinc, Selenium, Manganese, Iodine, Cobalt and Iron etc. You need to be careful not to overdo or underdo minerals. All horses should have access to a salt lick (Sodium Chloride) in the paddock even if there is
salt in the feed. They will access it if they need it.
Vitamins are split into 2 main groups; the fat soluble vitamins (e.g. A, D, E and K), and the water soluble vitamins (e.g. B1, B2, Niacin, B5, B6, B12, Folic Acid and Biotin).
Here are few scenarios to help you work out if your horse is getting all the vitamins and minerals they need for
Horse is in holding condition on grass/hay alone and does not require a calorie-providing hard
NZ grass is typically lacking in important vitamins and minerals. If your horse is holding condition on grass/hay
alone without needing a hard feed, it should still ideally have a vitamin/mineral supplement of some sort. The
Pryde’s 150 pellet is great for this as you can feed it on its own unlike powders that you need to mix with
something. The Pryde’s 150 pellet is also at a low feeding rate so won’t put more condition on your horse.
This is ideal for feeding when your horse is turned out in the off season and/or proving a very good doer.
Horse is on a reputable, good quality hard feed and is being fed the recommended rate on bag.
When you feed a quality, complete hard feed, AT THE RECOMMENDED RATES ON THE BAG, it should
provide all the vitamins and minerals your horse needs for maintenance. Toxin binders and joint supplements
are different and can be fed generally at the same time. We also still recommend giving your horse more
electrolytes on really hot days if they sweat (There is enough in the Pryde’s feed on the other days though).
Horse needs some hard feed but would get too fat at if you fed the recommended rates on the bag
Sometimes your horse needs a hard feed for more condition but not the full recommended rate on the bag.
Let’s say the feed was designed to be fed at 3kg/day. 3kg is where a top quality feed has all the vitamins and
minerals required for maintenance. If you’re only feeding 1.5 kg (because your horse would get too fat on 3kg,
then the feed is only providing ½ the daily amount of vitamins and minerals you need because you are feeding
only ½ the recommended daily rate of 3kg. in this situation you would top up with ½ the daily rate it says on
the bag for say the Pryde’s 150 Pellet or a vitamin and mineral powder.
Just a note: People ask “What about ‘mineral blocks’ instead?” The answer to this is that they are better than
nothing and great for salt, but sometimes the horse would need to lick them a lot of times to get the daily mineral requirement! Ask your Pryde’s nutritionist about this one for your particular fertiliser and horse situation.
Email the Pryde’s Easifeed NZ Nutritionist on [email protected] for any topics you’d like covered in
the future or if you have any questions.
Education and Development Update
I am pleased to report that much progress is being made on our work plan listed on the website. Members of this
committee have been assigned to projects and reported on progress through consultation at our teleconference on
12th February.
Sport NZ
NZPCA have again been supported by Sport NZ with funding to cover projects relating to growing involvement,
coaching and examining /moderation.
Delivery of Resources
Andy Parker in consultation with Yvonne is preparing a paper on “Utilising I T Programmes” to make it easier to for
branches to access NZPCA resources and making online payments seamless. With members having access to
Notebooks, IPads and smartphones we need to be considering how best we can use these communication tools.
Coach of the Year
Application forms are with Clubs and Branches. This is a great opportunity to give recognition to your coaches by
putting their names forward to Area for selection. Applications close on 30th April with the “Coach of the year being
awarded at the National Coaches Conference. Hope to see you there.
Dudley Brown, Chair of Education and Development
Dates for your 2016 Diary
April 1/2/3rd Franklin Thames Valley D level Fast Track ECTP Coaches Clinic., if you are interested in
attending contact [email protected]
April 8/9/10th Marlborough Nelson West Coast D level Fast Track ECTP Coaches Clinic. If you are
interested in attending contact [email protected]
April 2/3rd Senior Coaches Clinic. Canterbury Area at North Otago Pony Club Click here for
registration form
April 30th/1st May Senior Coaches Clinic. Wellington Wairarapa at Masterton Click here for
Registration form
1st May Kevin Lawrence’s H M Coaches Course, Arion Riding Centre. Click here for the Registration
28th/29th May NZPCA National Coaches Conference Click here for more Information and Registration
The following items are from the NZPCA e-gazette, you can read the full edition on
the NZPCA web site
A new National Coaching Advisory Panel (NCAP) to be launched.
A review of the Education & Development Committee and its activities carried out by
its Chair following the NZPCA Conference 2015 recommended the formation of a
National Coaching Advisory Panel (NCAP). The NZPCA Board were happy to support
this recommendation and provided support in ensuring this new advisory panel was
set-up and had terms of reference in line with current practice for such advisory
The National Coaching Advisory Panel will have 7-9 members and will meet once to
twice a year with teleconferences in between as necessary. The main objectives of
the National Coaching Advisory Panel are:
To provide advice to NZPCA (primarily the Education & Development Committee) on
current and future issues and developments in the field of equine coaching
To provide ongoing advice regarding the NZPCA Certificate System and NZPCA Equine
Coaches Training Programme to the organisation (primarily the Education &
Development Committee)
To assist NZPCA (primarily the Education & Development Committee) in the
development of educational strategies and materials for riders and coaches.
An Agreement setting out the purposes and structure of the new National Coaches
Advisory Panel was drafted and sent to the National Coaches for review. All the
National Coaches have been invited to join the new NCAP and a NCAP Agreement
sent to them to sign. At this stage it is anticipated that nearly all the National
Coaches will be on the National Coaching Advisory Panel (NCAP). Unfortunately,
Nicola Ward has already said she won’t be able to be involved, however she is an
active and valued member of the Education & Development Committee. Other
members of the NCAP will include the NZPCA Coach of the Year, Louise Ilton and our
new Emeritus National Coach, Jennifer Howard.
The first of these meetings should take place in the next couple of months or so. The
Agenda for all NCAP meetings will also be posted in the NZPCA website at least a
month before any meeting as is the case for Board meeting. Members are
encouraged to provide feedback on any Agenda items, so keep an eye out.
Members of the NCAP will be paid a fee for their attendance at NCAP meetings in
recognition of the professional service and advice they will provide. A “standard”
NCAP Agreement will be posted on the NZPCA Website so that anyone can see what
is involved in the coming months.
NZPCA Head Office and the Education & Development Committee continues to actively support the ECTP Programme.
In fact it was NZCPA Head Office Staff with Board support that
came up with the Fast Track Weekend the first of which was run
so successfully in conjunction with the Hawkes Bay Area Pony
Club in 2014. This weekend resulted in 16 new ECTP D level
coaches joining the ranks of NZPCA qualified coaches.
An information pack was sent to all Areas by Head Office providing advice on how to run and seek local funding for ECTP Fast
Track Coaching Weekends in 2015. Bay of Plenty (BOP) Area did
use the funding advice and obtain funding for 11 coaches to be
enrolled on the ECTP programme in 2015/16, but unfortunately
no Areas were able to run with idea that year.
The table below provides information of total ECTP enrolments
and passes since 2012 – you can clearly see the impact the Head
Office initiative had on both enrolments and passes. The figures
below are available in the NZPCA Annual Report published each
year at the NZPCA Conference
YTD 2015/16
Total ECTP Enrolments
Total ECTP Passes
In the 2016 calendar year, NZPCA Head Office is planning to run 2
-4 ECTP Fast Track Weekends around the country including one
possibly for C Level Coaches. At this stage Head Office are working on ECTP Fast Track Weekends in MNWC and FTV Areas which
will be run before the end of the financial year 2016. You will find
more information on the MNWC and FTV Fast Track weekends on
the NZPCA Website.
National Coaches are the “Master Trainers” of our Organisation.
At this year’s Conference during the Education & Development Committee session a
slide was presented that clearly showed where the National Coaches stood in terms
of the Association. The presentation given by the Chair of the Education &
Development Committee at Conference 2015 has been available on the NZPCA
website for the past six months (http://www.sportsground.co.nz/files/site/202/95/
In line with Sports NZ guidance to National Sporting Organisation (NSO) such as
NZPCA, the National Coaches are the Master Trainers of our Organisation. An
updated Position Profile for National Coaches and Employment Contract in line
with today’s Employment Law has recently been agreed and signed by all the
National Coaches. This Position Profile will be posted on the NZPCA website
Since Sports NZ is one of NZPCA’s major funders especially for Education and
Development it is important that we align our delivery and development of
coaching with the vision of Sports NZ. Anyone involved with coaching or
administration at Pony Club should go to the Sports NZ website
(www.sportsnz.org.nz) where there is a huge wealth of general but nonequestrian coaching resources.
The National Coaches continue to contribute to NZPCA. In addition to running
clinics and examinations for coaches and examiners nationwide, the National
Coaches also helped develop the programme and played a central role in the
first NZPCA Coaches Conference at Manfeild. As well as this very practical
“hands-on” contribution, the National Coaches have continued to contribute to
the direction of coaching within Pony Club. They have been involved in the
Education & Development Committee and the Single Coaching Pathway project
from the beginning. Two National Coaches (Nicola Ward and Jane Withers) and
one former National Coach (Sue Graham) have been members of the
Educational & Development Committee since its formation in 2013. In addition
when the Single Coaching Pathway Project was set up all the National Coaches
were invited to be on the Steering Group for the project teams. The two teams
formed to undertake work on the Single Coaching Pathway Project each had a
National Coach member (Kevin Lawrence & Nicola Ward). Unfortunately the
other National Coaches were unable to volunteer for either team due to work
commitments but were still happy to be involved in the Steering Group and
called upon on an ad-hoc basis.
New Code of Welfare for Horses & Donkeys comes into effect now!!!
Click Here
New minimum standards and best practice guidelines for the management of domestic horses and donkeys have been developed in a new code of welfare.
The new code comes into effect on Thursday (28 January 2016) and includes
standards for equine management, food and water requirements, handling, training and equipment, husbandry practices and equine health.
The code has been developed by the National Animal Welfare Advisory Committee
(NAWAC) and applies to horses, ponies and donkeys and their hybrids kept for
any purpose including those kept as companions (pets), for breeding, sport, entertainment or as working animals. The code also applies to foals and any horse captured from the wild.
The chair of NAWAC, Dr John Hellström, said the code of welfare expands on the
requirements of the Animal Welfare Act 1999 with minimum standards and recommended best practice guidelines designed to provide for animals’ overall physical
health and behavioural needs.
“The code should be considered by all owners or persons in charge of horses and
donkeys as essential reading as it clearly outlines expectations for the management of these animals to ensure their wellbeing”, said Dr Hellström.
NAWAC is an independent committee formed to give advice about animal welfare
to the Minister for Primary Industries. The code has been issued by the Minister for
Primary Industries.
The NZ Equine Health Association, comprising all equine interests including NZPCA, has made submissions to NAWAC on the proposed code during its development.
That’s all for now, I hope to see you at HOY.