February 2015 Beginner`s Bible (pages 413
February 2015 Beginner`s Bible (pages 413
Twos February 2015 Beginner’s Bible (pages 413-417) This is a recommended schedule. You can adjust, but do make time for the lesson and the activity! 15 minutes 5 minutes 10 minutes 5 minutes 10 minutes 5 minutes 10 minutes Check in and play time Clean up toys Prayer/sing/snack Lesson/story time Lesson activity/craft Song time Play and clean up time As you check in kids, be sure to ask parents if their kids are potty-trained or are working on it. And so you know - if there is an "accident" we've got some clothes available to send them home in. Zacchaeus Jesus Loves Everybody! On Jan. 31-Feb. 1 (Super Bowl Weekend!), all age groups will be learning the story of Zaccheaus. Twoyear-olds will spend all month hearing about it! *Remember, on Super Bowl Weekend, the adult service is 80 minutes. See if you can do all the activities provided in the lesson! In February, we're going to learn about Zacchaeus. This is an exciting story because Zacchaeus was mean to everyone and disliked by everyone…yet Jesus wanted to be his friend! That’s because Jesus loves everyone! 1 2 No Connect Time for Twos. 1 Goal: Engage kids in God’s Story. Why? We believe they can engage, even at age two. The things they learn now will be foundational for the future. Tip: Hold up the Bible and refer to it as “God’s story” to help two-year-olds get familiar with that language. - Jan. 30-Feb. 1 and Feb. 7-8 *On Super Bowl Weekend, so you’ll have extra time! Do both activities, if you can! Today we learned about Zacchaeus. Let’s practice reenacting the story together: • Choose an object or person to be a “tree” (it might just be another adult in the room). • Stand away from the tree and pretend to be short, mean and friendless. • Then stand by the tree, pretend to climb it and look for Jesus • SAY: Remember, Jesus LOVED Zacchaeus! He went to the tree and said, “Zacchaeus, come down! I’m coming to your house!” o Let’s do that together, “Zacchaeus, come down! I’m going to your house!” • Zacchaeus came down and guess what? He was friends with Jesus! o Give somebody a high five and a smile. Have kids sit down. Give each of them a piece of mirror board. Have them practice saying “Jesus loves me!” Then give them a heart sticker to put on their mirror board. Supplies needed: 1 small piece of mirror board, 1 heart sticker - Feb. 14-15, Feb. 21-22 Today we learned about how Zacchaeus wanted to see Jesus, so he climbed a tree to find him. Jesus loved Zacchaeus and wanted to be friends with him. Can you guys say, “Jesus love me!” (Have the kids repeat it back.) Then color a picture of Zacchaeus together. Supplies needed: Zacchaeus coloring page, crayons 2 THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY 1 We're using "The Beginner's Bible" for all of our stories. If you'd like to read another kid version of the story of Zacchaeus, read “The Man Who Didn’t Have Any Friends (None)” from the Jesus Storybook Bible on pages 264-271. Feel free to pause, use voice inflections or voices - remember being animated helps them listen! You can ask questions during the story too! Hold up the Bible and ask, "Does anyone know what this is?" That's right! It's a Bible. And the Bible is a very special book because God gave it to us. It tells us God’s story—and how WE can be a part of God’s story. And the best part? It's all true! Part of God’s story is about how he sent his son Jesus to rescue us, and we’re going to learn even more about Jesus today! We all remember Jesus as a baby - but Jesus grew up - just like you are growing up. And as He grew up, He became a great teacher! Read: "A Short Man" (pages 413-417). Wow - isn't that great? Jesus wanted to be friends with Zacchaeus! He wanted to go to Zacchaeus’ house! QUESTIONS - have the kids repeat the answers with you Did people like Zacchaeus? (No) Did Jesus love Zacchaeus? (Yes) Does Jesus love YOU? (YES!) Let's say thank you to God. "Dear God, we're so happy that you sent Jesus and that you love each of us SO much. We love you, too! Amen." 2 THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY 3 THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY 4 THIS PAGE LEFT BLANK INTENTIONALLY 1 2 No Connect Time in Twos - Jan. 30-Feb. 1 and Feb. 7-8 The Beginner's Bible (pg. 413-417) 1 piece of mirror board 1 heart sticker (any style) coloring page - Feb. 14-15 and Feb. 21-22 The Beginner's Bible (pg. 413-417) Zacchaeus coloring page The Beginner's Bible (pg. 413-417) Working CD player and any Kids’ Club CD Tell me about Zacchaeus? Who does Jesus love? Daily Talk Starts – separate doc
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