The Filipino Express v28 Issue 16


The Filipino Express v28 Issue 16
VOL. 28 w
NO. 16 w
APRIL 18 - 24, 2014 w
(201) 434-1114 w
explains 'vodoo'
act vs Bradley
Page 29
After Pacquiao,
BIR chief runs
after boxing
Page 28
President Aquino (left) and US President Barack Obama.
Malacañang file photo
Manny Pacquiao (R) hits undefeated WBO
welterweight champion Timothy Bradley
during their title fight at the MGM Grand
Garden Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada on April 12.
Pacquiao won by unanimous decision. MNS photo
Defense accord with US a 'security cover' for PH
By Nikko Dizon
The new defense agreement the
Philippines and the United States
could sign on or before the visit of
US President Barack Obama later
this month is designed as a “security
cover” for the Philippines amid the
changing security landscape in the
T h i s i s h ow a ra n k i n g
government official privy to the
talks described to the Inquirer the
“Agreement on Enhanced Defense
Cooperation” that gives, among
other things, a boost to the minimum
defense capability posture of the
Armed Forces of the Philippines.
“It's more for deterrence, a
security cover for the Philippines,”
said the official, who requested
anonymity for lack of authority to
speak to reporters.
“We are taking our neighbors
into account as well,” the official
Page 14
added, without referring to China
with which the Philippines is locked
in a bitter territorial dispute in the
West Philippine Sea, the part of the
South China within the Philippines'
370-kilometer exclusive economic
By Tarra Quismundo
the Philippines' filing of a case
before a UN tribunal to settle
The United States has openly
MANILA -- Japan, which is its dispute with China as he
challenged China's claim to 90
facing similar security issues reiterated Tokyo's advocacy
percent of the 3.5-square-kilometer
with China, has reaffirmed its of the rule of law, the
South China Sea and sided with the
support for the Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs
Philippines as well as Japan in the
recourse to international (DFA) said in a statement.
territorial disputes.
arbitration over its dispute
“Referring to the
Japan and China are both
w i t h B e i j i n g i n v o l v i n g Philippines' submission of its
claiming ownership of the Senkaku
territories in an area of the memorial in furtherance of
Islands (called Diaoyu Islands by
South China Sea, called the the arbitration proceedings it
China) in the East China Sea.
West Philippine Sea by the has initiated relative to South
According to the official, the
Philippines, citing its basis in China Sea/West Philippine
draft agreement does not yet spell
international law.
Sea issues, Minister Kishida
out how exactly the US military
Japanese Foreign Minister reiterated Japan's support for
Page 4
Fumio Kishida has conveyed the Philippines' effort to seek
Japan Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida. AFP file photo his government's support for
Page 4
Japan mulls no visa rule for Filipinos
Japan backs PH in case before UN
First Fil-Am elected to Sierra DFA: 2 Filipinos survive
Korean ferry disaster
Madre, CA city council
By Matikas Santos
MANILA -- Two Filipino seamen
were rescued from the doomed
South Korean ferry that capsized and
s a n k l a s t W e d n e s d a y, t h e
By Mico Letargo
Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA)
LOS ANGELES, California -said. “Our Embassy in Seoul has
Rachelle Arizmendi became the first
confirmed that there are no Filipino
non-white and first Filipinocasualties in the sinking of Korean
American member of the Sierra
vessel Sewol,” DFA spokesman
Madre City Council on April 8.
Charles Jose said in a text message.
Arizmendi edged out re“The two Filipinos who are
electionist Gene Goss and two other
working in the vessel are safe and
newcomer candidates for the council
have been brought to the hospital for
seat during the general municipal
treatment,” he said.
elections on Tuesday in Sierra Madre.
Nine people have been confirmed
Arizmendi joins the five-member
because of the ferry that
In this image taken from video released by News Y via Yonhap, passengers
Sierra Madre City Council for an initial
capsized off South Korea's southern
from a ferry sinking off South Korea's southern coast, are rescued by a South
term of four years. She expressed
Korean Coast Guard helicopter in the water off the southern coast near Jindo,
coast. Hundreds are still missing and
delight over her electoral victory.
south of Seoul, Wednesday, April 16, 2014. Nearly 300 people were still
subject of search and rescue
“I am grateful for the faith and
missing Wednesday several hours after the ferry carrying 477, most of them
Rachelle Arizmendi. Contributed photo
high school students, sank in cold waters off South Korea's southern coast. AP
Page 7
April 18-24, 2014
Page 2
'No real progress in PH if dynasties not dismantled’
By Paolo G. Montecillo
The Philippines remains a
fragile democracy despite the
Aquino administration's gains that
have not been enough to make up
for “nearly a decade of regression”
during the previous
A new report by Bertelsmann
Foundation, a German think tank,
said true progress in the
Philippines would be out of reach
u n l e s s t h e i m p ro b a b l e wa s
achieved: Dismantling of
oligarchies that control both
politics and business.
“Since the election of Benigno
Aquino III as president in May
2010, the overall development of
democracy in the Philippines has
regained momentum,” the group's
2014 Bertelsmann Transformation
Index (BTI) 2014 report read.
“However, the corruption and
patronage under Gloria MacapagalArroyo's administration left behind
a difficult legacy for the current
president,” it said.
Bertelsmann said the
dominance of entrenched family
clans in politics and the economy
should be reduced in order to make
politics and economics more
transparent and competitive. The
antidynasty law, which has been
debated in Congress since 1987,
must be passed, it said.
This, however, would be “highly
unrealistic” since President Aquino
himself and about 80 percent of
lawmakers come from these
T h e g ro u p' s BT I re p o r t ,
published every two years,
analyzes and evaluates the quality
of democracy, market economy and
political management in 129
developing and transition
countries. It measures successes
and setbacks on the path toward
democracy based on the rule of law
and a socially responsible market
The Philippines ranked 36th
overall in the 2014 rankings,
improving from 48th in 2012. In
terms of political and economic
transformation, the country ranked
40th and 44th, respectively.
In 2010, the country ranked
49th in the main index and 51st in
2008. The score for 2014 was the
best showing for the Philippines
since the index was launched in
Despite the progress made in
the last four years, Philippine
democracy, the report said,
remained fragile.
“After nearly a decade of
democratic regression under
Macapagal-Arroyo, the current
administration has so far shored up
the country's democratic
institutions, but only to some
extent,” the group said.
It noted that the former
president presided more than 37
consecutive quarters of economic
SKYLINE OVER POVERTY LINE. The towering buildings are at the heart of
Makati City, while the shanties are along an estero in Pasay City. Inquirer file
growth and “adeptly steered” the
economy at the height of the 2008
global financial crisis. However, the
majority of the population did not
benefit from these gains, with just
as many people in poverty at the
end of her term as when it started.
The political gains that would
h ave b e e n a s s o c i a t e d w i t h
economic growth were also eroded
by corruption scandals that rocked
the previous administration.
Government became more
authoritarian during MacapagalArroyo's term. These came in the
form of the prevalence of patronage
for all government positions, a lack
of transparency, a growing number
of human rights violations against
regime opponents and money
politics to co-opt potential
partners, the report said.
She also relied increasingly on
the military to stay in power as
mass demonstrations against her
shook the country and many of the
political and economic elites
turned away from her.
Many of these elements have
been removed from government.
The BTI report said the Aquino
a d m i n i s t ra t i o n' s s u c c e s s i n
impeaching former Supreme Court
Chief Justice Renato Corona, a
midnight appointee of the previous
administration, punctuated these
“(But) Mr. Aquino still has a
long way to go to consolidate
democracy in the Philippines,” it
Bertelsmann noted that the
recent abolition of the pork barrel
system would have far-reaching
effects in reducing corruption and
the improvement of checks and
balances between the executive
and legislative branches of
Bertelsmann said the
lawmakers' pork barrels, officially
known as the Priority Development
Assistance Fund (PDAF), gave
members of Congress unjustified
discretion over public funds. It also
made them dependent on
Malacañang's good will.
Another key reform under the
current administration was the
recent signing of a peace agreement
with the Muslim separatists, a deal
that promises to help usher in
lasting stability in Mindanao.
The government's success in
pushing for the reproductive health
law that intends to reduce the
steadily growing overpopulation
by providing sex education and
facilitating the use of
contraceptives was also cited as a
major achievement.
April 18-24, 2014
Page 3
Massive infra spending set
With just two years to go before
its term ends, the Aquino
administration plans to spend more
on infrastructure and introduce other
reforms to try to make economic
growth inclusive and lift millions out
of poverty.
The revised Philippine
Development Plan (PDP) sets more
ambitious economic targets to
address persistent concerns that
poor Filipinos are not enjoying the
benefits of the country's recent
dramatic economic growth.
Among the new targets is the
lowering of the poverty incidence
from 25.2 percent of the population in
2012 to 16.6 percent by 2016,
economic officials said.
“It does not mean that we can do
nothing but wait until the benefits of
economic expansion 'trickle down' to
the poor,” Socioeconomic Planning
Secretary Arsenio Balisacan said
Monday in an introduction to the
revised plan.
Despite economic growth of more
than 7 percent in recent years, among
the highest rates in Asia,
unemployment has remained high
while the rate of poverty has barely
“Simply stated, the gains have yet
to materialize into actual, tangible
improvements in the lives of the
majority of the people,” the report
Growth targets
Under the revised plan, the
economy is expected to grow 6.5 to
7.5 percent this year, 7 to 8 percent
next year and 7.5 to 8.5 percent in
“The strategies in the PDP
midterm update are directed at
improving the responsiveness of
poverty to growth (which implies
higher incomes), enhancing the
provision of basic services (so that
quality of life is improved) and
increasing resilience to disasters (so
that improved quality of life is
maintained),” said a summary of the
Provinces categorized
It said that for growth to result in
more opportunities and accelerate
poverty reduction, the updated plan
would “deliberately address the
constraints faced by the poor as
summarized by their province of
For “Category 1” provinces with
the highest magnitude of poor
households - Zamboanga del Sur,
Cebu, Pangasinan, Negros Occidental,
Camarines Sur, Leyte, Iloilo, Sulu,
Quezon and Davao del Surpoverty
reduction efforts will be focused on
improving infrastructure to attract
more job-generating investments in
agro-industry, food manufacturing,
information technology-business
process management, logistics and
Category 2 provinces
In “Category 2” provinces, or
those with the highest poverty
incidence based on populationLanao
del Sur, Maguindanao, Eastern Samar,
Apayao, Zamboanga del Norte,
Camiguin, Sarangani, North Cotabato,
Masbate and Northern Samarthe
revised plan calls for putting in place
measures to ensure that basic social
services, such as basic education,
health services, sanitation and water
are accessible.
Following the onslaught of
natural disasters such as the 7.2magnitude earthquake that shook
central Visayas and Supertyphoon
“Yolanda” (international name:
Haiyan) that devastated huge swaths
of central Philippines, the updated
PDP identified 30 provinces, whose
geographies expose them to hazards
like flooding and landslides, as
another set of focus areas.
Included in the disaster-prone
“Category 3” provinces were Ilocos
Norte, Ilocos Sur, Abra, Benguet,
Cagayan, Quirino, Isabela, Nueva
Viscaya, Zambales, Pampanga,
Aurora, Cavite, Laguna, Rizal, Quezon,
A l b ay, C a t a n d u a n e s , A n t i q u e ,
Catanduanes, Antique, Iloilo, Bohol,
Eastern Samar, Leyte, Northern
Samar, Southern Leyte, Zamboanga
del Sur, Zamboanga Sibugay, Dinagat
Islands, Agusan del Norte, Surigao del
Norte and Surigao del Sur.
Focus on risk reduction
According to the plan, the
poverty-reduction strategies in these
30 provinces will be focused on
disaster-risk reduction and
mitigation, income diversification,
and social insurance and protection.
Chief among the poverty-fighting
measures is an increase in
infrastructure spending to 5 percent
of gross domestic product by 2016,
compared with the 2013 level of less
than 3 percent.
These reforms in turn will
improve the connections between
urban centers where growth has been
concentrated and the poverty-
PASSENGER TERMINAL INSPECTION. President Aquino boards MV St. Pope John Paul
II docked at Manila North Harbor's North Passenger Terminal Complex in Tondo,
Manila, as part of his inspection of major passenger terminals in Metro Manila.
Behind him are Transportation Secretary Joseph Emilio Abaya, Communications
Secretary Herminio Coloma and Public Works Secretary Rogelio Singson. Lyn Rillon
stricken rural areas where the
majority of the country's 100 million
people live, the plan said.
One of biggest obstacles
The country's crumbling
infrastructure has long been cited by
businessmen and economists as one
of the biggest obstacles to prosperity,
raising transport and power costs,
keeping regions mired in
underdevelopment and discouraging
Critics charge that only a few
sectors are enjoying the benefits of
the country's economic growth while
many Filipinos have not been touched
by it.
Balisacan last month expressed
doubt about the feasibility of
reducing the incidence of poverty to
16.6 percent by 2016.
He said at the time the poverty
rate was forecast to be 18 to 20
percent by 2016, partly due to last
year's natural disasters.
For University of Asia and the
Pacific economist Cid L. Terosa, the
strategy of accelerating both
infrastructure spending and poverty
reduction will work, citing that “both
complement each other.”
Multiplier effect
“Infrastructure spending
generates multiplier effects and jobs
needed to reduce poverty incidence.
The reduction of poverty creates
more funds for infrastructure
spending in the long run,” Terosa said.
But Benjamin E. Diokno,
University of the Philippines
economics professor, pointed out that
if the slow roll out of the much touted
public-private partnership initiative
was any indication, the
implementation of the updated PDP
would likely be be sluggish.
“So far, for the last three and a half
years, the administration has
consistently failed to implement what
little has been budgeted. It has to
demonstrate better capability to
complete projects,” Diokno said.
April 18-24, 2014
Page 4
Roxas accused of using aidgiving to campaign for 2016
By Leila B. Salaverria
MANILA -- Interior
Secretary Manuel Roxas II was
roundly criticized on Monday,
for appearing to use the
government's rehabilitation of
Super Typhoon “Yo landa”
(Haiyan)-stricken areas to boost
his candidacy in the 2016
presidential elections where he
has been touted to be the ruling
Liberal Party's standard bearer.
Roxas last week went on a
three-day swing through stormhit areas to distribute some P1
billion in financial aid and grace
the groundbreaking for a bridge
and building in Visayan
provinces brought to their knees
by Yolanda, the strongest
typhoon to ever make landfall in
recorded history.
“Mar Roxas and his LP
minions just could not wait to
promote themselves for 2016,
e v e n u s i n g t h e Yo l a n d a
reconstruction efforts as their
election platform. They think
their 'President Mar' branding is
cute, even if uttered before
Yolanda victims still reeling from
the effects of the storm,” said
Renato Reyes of the militant
g r o u p B a g o n g A lya n s a n g
Makabayan (Bayan).
Reyes noted that even
Tra n s p o r t a t i o n S e c re t a r y
Del Rosario of Japan's sustained
support for the Mindanao peace
process as he congratulated the
From page 1
government on the conclusion of the
a resolution grounded on international peace talks with the Muslim rebels and
law, which is consistent with Japan's the recent signing of a final agreement.
Japan was closely involved in
own rule of law advocacy,” the DFA
negotiations with the secessionist
K i s h i d a m e t w i t h Fo r e i g n Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF),
Secretary Albert del Rosario for talks at b e i n g a m e m b e r o f t h r e e
the former's residence in Hiroshima on instrumentalities of the peace
April 11. Hiroshima, which bounced processthe international monitoring
back from the devastation wrought by team, the international contact group
an atomic bomb in 1945, hosted the and the independent commission on
8th ministerial meeting of the Non- policing.
On the ground, Japan is also
Proliferation and Disarmament
implementing grassroots projects to
Initiative (NPDI).
The 12-nation regional grouping of spur development in conflict-affected
ministers was formed in 2010 with the areas across Mindanao through the
goal of a “world free from nuclear broad-based Japan-Bangsamoro
weapons” through advancing nuclear Initiative for Reconstruction and
nonproliferation and disarmament Development. Japan is also locked in a
Local Government Secretary Manuel Roxas II. Inquirer photo
p ro c e s s e s , t h e D FA s a i d . T h e maritime dispute with China for
Philippines joined the initiative in ownership of territories in the East
China Sea, over which China last
September last year.
Joseph Abaya, the LP secretary was “pathetic and insensitive”
November unilaterally declared an air
general, played his part. Abaya and they should stop using the
defense identification zone.
Bilateral cooperation
joined Roxas in his provincial re c o n s t r u c t i o n e f fo r t s to
The Philippines filed a case against
During the meeting, Kishida and
tour, and at one point addressed promote their political agenda.
Del Rosario resolved to promote China before the United Nations
him as “President Roxas.”
Abakada Rep. Jonathan de la
bilateral maritime cooperation, with arbitral tribunal in January last year as
Reyes, however, quickly C r u z , a m e m b e r o f t h e
vowing to sustain its support to a “last recourse” in hopes of clarifiying
explained to his audience that he independent bloc in the House of
boost the capacity of the Philippine maritime entitlements of both sides in
was referring to Roxas as the Representatives, said that even if
Coast Guard through the provision of the South China Sea, nullifying China's
president of the LP.
Roxas' activities were part of his
communication systems, patrol “excessive” nine-dash line claim that
“Transportation Secretary job as interior and local
encompasses 90 percent of the waters,
vessels and personnel training.
A b a y a i s d o i n g m o r e government secretary, political
stopping Chinese incursions into
campaigning than actual work in color could easily be ascribed to
pursue a continuing dialogue on the Philippines' exclusive economic
so far as the MRT commuter his visit due to his double role as
security issues through various zone. While China has refused to take
woes and the questionable PPP a government official and
including the 7th Philippines- part in the proceedings and called for
contracts are concerned,” said stalwart of the Liberal Party.
Japan Political-Military Dialogue to be direct negotiations instead, the
Reyes, alluding to the metro rail
The system of distributing
Philippines is pushing ahead with the
held next month in Manila.
problems in Metro Manila and relief aid has become politicized,
K i s h i d a r e i t e r a t e d J a p a n' s legal action, filing on March 30 a
the government's public-private he added.
c o m m i t m e n t t o s u p p o r t t h e memorial detailing the merits of its
partnership program that
“People will always look at it
reconstruction and rehabilitation of case.
cannot seem to get off the that way, as a political activity. If
The United States, Germany and the
areas devastated by Supertyphoon
g r o u n d . R e y e s s a i d t h e it's Vice President [Jejomar]
“Yolanda.” Tokyo is one of the biggest European Parliament have also
administration officials' display
Page 6
donors to the multinational effort, expressed support for the Philippines'
giving some $120 million in immediate decision to seek arbitration as a
peaceful means of resolving the
The Japanese official also assured dispute.
Japan backs PH ...
Defense accord ...
From page 1
could boost the AFP's capability, but
“we are headed toward that.”
The official noted that the press
statement released by the Department
of National Defense (DND) on Friday
used exact words that would appear in
the text of the agreement, as it
announced the end of the eighth round
of talks where consensus on key
provisions and modalities in the
security deal were reached.
Critical points
These are the “very critical points”
in the agreement, the official said.
The exact lines in the agreement
that were quoted in the defense
department's statement were:
The US access to and use of AFP
facilities and areas will be “at the
invitation of the Philippines and with
full respect for the Philippine
Constitution and Philippine laws.”
That the United States and the
Philippines both understand that the
US will “not establish a permanent
military presence or base in the
territory of the Philippines.”
That the United States agreed that
any equipment and matériel that the US
military may bring into the country
“shall not include nuclear weapons.”
The official said inclusion of the
phrase “at the invitation of the
Philippines” in the agreement for the US
military use of AFP camps “is a nod to
Philippine sovereignty.”
Palace: No rush
The Philippine negotiating panel is
ready to submit to President Benigno
Aquino III the draft provisions on the
key points in the agreement, raising
speculation that the new security deal
would be signed during or before
Obama's visit on April 28 and 29.
But Malacañang said yesterday that
there is no rush to finish the agreement
in time for Obama's visit.
Speaking on state-run radio, deputy
presidential spokesperson Abigail Valte
said President Aquino wanted to make
sure the new agreement would be
consistent with the Constitution.
“There is no deadline. [T]he
instructions of the President is … to
make sure … Everything is laid out well
and nothing [is] overlooked,” Valte said.
Asked to state categorically
whether the agreement was being
rushed so that it could be signed while
Obama is in Manila, Valte replied, “At
least not for the Philippine side.
April 18-24, 2014
Page 5
Estrada, Gigi Reyes denied access
to evidence from other respondents
By Nancy C. Carvajal
MANILA -- The Office of the
Ombudsman (OMB) has denied
motions from Senator Jinggoy
Estrada and Lucila “Gigi'' Reyes
for access to evidence and
statements submitted by other
respondents in the plunder case
filed by the National Bureau of
Investigation in connection with
the P10-billion pork barrel scam,
according to official documents
obtained by Inquirer.
Estrada and Reyes asked the
OMB separately to provide them
copies of sworn statements and
other documents submitted by
other personalities implicated in
the alleged misuse of the Priority
Development Assistance Fund
On March 27, the two
motions were denied by the
Special Panel of Investigators in a
resolution signed by M. A.
C h r i s t i a n O . U y, a g r a f t
investigation and prosecution
“Under the Rules of
Procedure of the Ombudsman,
the respondents are only
re q u i re d to f u r n i s h t h e i r
counter-affidavits and
controverting evidence to the
complainant, and not to other
respondents,” the two identical
OMB orders said.
The Ombudsman said that
they were required to furnish
respondents only a copy of the
complaint and its supporting
affidavits and documents.
It added that OMB had
complied with this requirement
when it furnished respondents
documents attached to its order
to file their counter affidavits
dated Nov. 19 and 29, 2013.
“There is no provision under
the OMB Rules of Procedures,
which entitles respondents to be
furnished filings by other parties,
including the other
respondents,'' OMB said.
Though represented by
different law firms, Estrada and
Reyes had filed similar motions
to be furnished of copies of
counter-affidavits of other
respondents, affidavits of new
witnesses and all other evidence
submitted to the OMB Special
Panel of Investigators.
Estrada, through the law firm
Flaminiano, Arroyo and Duenas
filed the petition on March 20,
asking to be furnished affidavits,
pleadings, counter-affidavits of
witnesses or complainants
presented to the OMB after he
had submitted his counter
affidavit on January 9.
Estrada specifically asked
that he be furnished copies of the
affidavits of his confessed
b a g wo m a n , Ru by Tu a s o n ,
Technology Resource Center
deputy director general Dennis
Cunanan, National Livelihood
Development Center president
Gondelina Amata and
Department of Budget
Undersecretary Mario
Reyes, in a petition filed by
lawyers from Diaz Del Rosario
and Associates, requested that
she be furnished a copy of
Tuason's sworn affidavit and the
transcript of her testimony at a
clarificatory hearing and
documents she submitted during
the hearing.
Both Estrada and Reyes
argued that they should be given
copies of the documents as part
of due process.
On March 28, the OMB
Special Panel announced that
there was sufficient evidence to
indict Estrada and Reyes on a
charge of plunder in connection
with the P10-billion pork barrel
The OMB special panel also
recommended the indictment of
Reyes' boss, Sen. Juan Ponce
Enrile, along with Sen. Bong
R e v i l l a , d e t a i n e d
businesswoman Janet LimNapoles and several others.
United Kingdom eyes
Filipino nurses
By Roy Mabasa
Here comes the good news for
Filipino nurses.
Hospitals in the United Kingdom
(UK) are now training its sights on the
Philippines as one of the prospective
sources of nurses amid forecast of
under supply of British candidates.
UK is opening its doors to Filipinos
through Princess Royal University
Hospital in Farnborough Common as it
announced plans to hire 250 nurses.
Last month, PRUH revealed its
“massive” recruitment drive, which
comes as part of a £3.5 million (roughly
P261.8 million) investment from
King's College Hospital.
According to the hospital, they
have already sent a recruitment team
to the Philippines to fill new nursing
positions. The hospital admitted that
this is the first time that they have
attempted to fill vacancies with nurses
from the Philippines.
Although PRUH expressed hope
that they would be able to fill majority
of the available positions locally, they
said they need alternate sources of
recruits so that they can staff the wards
with adequate numbers of nurses to
maintain safety.
A recent report by the Nursing
Times, the leading weekly magazine
for nurses in the UK, showed that at
least a third of hospitals in England
have had to venture abroad as they
struggle to staff wards.
It said a shortage in the National
Health Service (NHS) has led some
hospitals to recruit dozens of nurses
from across Europe and further afield,
such as those from the Philippines,
with teams warning of potential ward
The Nursing Times noted that
there is indeed a shortage problem of
UK nurses being trained and therefore
many hospitals all over England are
going abroad to find foreign nurses.
In a recent NHS survey, conducted
by public service union Unison, it was
also found that the service is under
“severe strain” with only a few nurses
available to plug the gaps.
The study revealed that 65 percent
of the staffs did not have enough time
with patients and 55 percent reporting
care was left undone. Manila Bulletin
More legal woes
for Cedric Lee
By Christine O. Avendaño
MANILA -- Now faced with
grave coercion and serious illegal
detention charges related to the
Jan. 22 beating of TV host and
actor Vhong Navarro that may
land him in jail pending trial,
Cedric Lee also has to contend
with a tax evasion case filed
against him by the Bureau of
Internal Revenue last month.
The Department of Justice has
set on April 28 the first hearing of
a preliminary investigation it is
conducting on the tax evasion
The BIR has sued Lee and his
company, Izumo Contractors Inc.,
for tax liabilities amounting to
P194.47 million. Also included in
the complaint with Lee, who is
president/chief executive officer,
are Izumo's chief operating officer
John K. Ong and its financial
officer Judy Gutierrez Lee.
They were all charged with
willful attempt to evade or defeat
taxes and deliberate failure to
supply correct and accurate
information in the annual Income
Tax Returns (ITR) for taxable
years 2006 to 2009, in violation of
Sections 254 and 255 of the
National Internal Revenue Code of
Cedric Lee. Inquirer file photo
1997. Senior Assistant State
Prosecutor Edna Valenzuela said
on April 16 she has designated
Assistant State Prosecutor
Stewart Mariano to take charge of
the preliminary investigation of
the tax evasion complaint.
Valenzuela said that she did
not form a panel to do the
investigation anymore because
she did not expect Lee's case
wo u l d i nvo lve vo l u m i n o u s
documents such as the tax evasion
c o m p l a i n t a g a i n s t
businesswoman Janet LimNapoles, the alleged mastermind
behind the P10-billion pork
barrel scam.
For his part, Mariano said, he
sent a subpoena to Lee's lawyer
Page 6
April 18-24, 2014
Page 6
State seeks guilty
verdict for Abalos
By Cynthia D. Balana
M A N I L A - - G ove r n m e n t
prosecutors have sought the
conviction in the Sandiganbayan
of former Commission on
Elections (Comelec) Chair
Benjamin Abalos in connection
with the aborted $329-million
NBN-ZTE deal in 2007.
In a 23-page memorandum
submitted to the antigraft court's
Fourth Division, Ireneo Paldeng
and Jacinto de la Cruz Jr. of the
Ombudsman's Office of the
Special Prosecutor said they were
able to prove that Abalos had
brokered the national broadband
network (NBN) project, having
introduced China's ZTE Corp.
officials to then Finance Secretary
Margarito Teves.
The prosecution said that
Abalos, who then occupied a
constitutional office, made a trip
to China and instantly became the
“fortunate recipient of acts of
generosity and hospitality” from a
corporation which eventually
entered into a multibillion-peso
contract with the government.
Such an act, it said, raised
reasonable questions regarding
the purpose of such generosity.
Former Commission on Elections
Chairman Benjamin Abalos Sr.
Inquirer file photo
The case against Abalos
stemmed from the exposé made
by prosecution witness Rodolfo
Lozada Jr. before the Senate blue
ribbon committee where he
revealed that the former Comelec
chief had lobbied for ZTE Corp. to
get the contract for the broadband
project for a fee.
Lozada testified that he knew
about the NBN deal because he
was involved in the evaluation of
the project as a technical adviser
to then National Economic and
Development Authority (Neda)
Director General Romulo Neri.
Lozada also said that Abalos
Roxas accused ...
From page 4
Binay giving out housing, it would be
the same,” he said.
De la Cruz said the distribution
would have been less of a political
show had all the key officials
involved in the reconstruction
efforts after Yolanda taken part in
the events. Presidential Assistant
for Rehabilitation and Recovery
Panfilo Lacson should have played a
central role, he said.
“What is [Lacson] rehabilitation
czar for?” he said. “I did not see his
shadow there, so how can you say
this was not some sort of precampaign operation?”
De la Cruz said the
administration might also be using
Roxas' distribution of massive
amounts of aid to make it appear
wanted to secure his $130 million,
which Lozada understood to be a
commission for the project.
He said the contract price for
the project that was signed by the
government was $329 million, or
$67 million more than the $262
million evaluation which Lozada
himself had made as a technical
adviser for Neri.
The prosecution said that
Abalos violated Section 3(h) of
Republic Act No. 3019, or the AntiGraft and Corrupt Practices Act, by
“directly or indirectly having
financial or pecuniary interest in
a ny b u s i n e s s , c o n t ra c t o r
transaction in connection with
which he intervenes or takes part
in his official capacity, or in which
he is prohibited by the
Constitution or by any law from
having any interest.”
The Constitution likewise
p ro h i b i t s m e m b e r s o f t h e
Comelec from having a direct or
indirect financial interest in any
privilege granted by the
“Inevitably, a verdict of
conviction must perforce be
pronounced against accused
B e n j a m i n S . A b a l o s ,” t h e
prosecution said.
that it was not insensitive to the
plight of the Yolanda survivors,
especially after President Aquino
made a comment recently that if the
survivors could afford to go to
M a n i l a t o p ro t e s t t h e s l o w
distribution of aid, they should be
able to fend for themselves.
LP member and Eastern Samar
Rep. Ben Evardone, however, was
quick to come to Roxas' defense,
saying there was no political color in
the interior secretary's actions but
that they were part of his job as the
national government's link to the
local government units.
“It's not to advance his political
interests but the interests of the
victims of Yolanda,” Evardone said.
“Secretary Mar should ignore his
critics and just do his job as the point
person of President Aquino on LGU
matters,” he said.
More legal
woes ...
From page 5
Howard Calleja last April 11 and
the latter asked for a delay
because his client was still
working on the two charges
against him in the Navarro case.
Mariano said he set the first
hearing on April 28.
The filing of the tax evasion
complaint against Lee came
a l m o s t t wo m o n t h s a f te r
Revenue Commissioner Kim
Henares said her office was
looking into the financial records
of Lee, who caught her and the
media's attention after Navarro
accused him and his companions
of beating him up and extorting
money from him inside the
condominium unit of Deniece
Cornejo in Makati City last
Navarro had filed multiple
charges against Lee and his
Cornejo also slapped the
television host with a rape
complaint but a DOJ panel has
since dropped the charge.
The DOJ has filed charges of
serious illegal detention and
grave coercion against Lee and
his group and the Metropolitan
trial Court of Taguig has issued
warrants for their arrest.
The group may post bail on
the grave coercion charge but not
in the serious illegal detention
case, which is non-bailable.
L e e c a u gh t t h e B I R' s
attention after he described
himself as a “reputable
businessman” who owned
several companies.
The case against Izumo arose
from confidential information
received by Henares' office
“denouncing the company for tax
evasion committed via nondeclaration of income realized
from its business.”
A BIR check of Izumo's
clients showed the company
received P302.63 million in
payments from 2006 to 2009
from the city governments of
Butuan, San Juan, Pasay as well
as provincial government of
Davao del Sur and municipal
government of Tagudin, Ilocos
But Izumo declared in its ITR
only a total amount of P76.22
million for 2006 to 2009.
“A comparison of the gross
income declared by Izumo in the
said years as against the income
it received as certified by its…
clients… revealed that Izumo
deliberately failed to declare its
correct taxable base by
substantially underdeclaring its
taxable income by P88.79 m or
1,602 percent in 2006, by P36.93
m or 404 percent in 2007, by
P9.49 m or 44 percent in 2008,
and by P91.20 m or 227 percent
in 2009,” the BIR had said in a
Underdeclaring of taxable
income by more than 30 percent
is considered substantial and
constitutes prima facie case of
fraud tantamount to tax evasion,
the BIR said.
April 18-24, 2014
Page 7
Upcoming Independence
Day celebration of OFWs
offends Singaporeans
By Mary Rose A. Hogaza
A Singaporean on Tuesday,
April 15 aired his dismay over
the plans of the Filipino
community in Singapore to
openly celebrate the Philippine
Independence Day right on the
state-island's major shopping
In an open letter posted
anonymously on The Real
Singapore (TRS), a free online
platform where Singaporeans
freely express themselves
without any form of censorship,
the anonymous Singaporean
said Overseas Filipino Workers
(OFWs) should be barred from
celebrating their national event
on Singapore soil, specifically at
the Takashimaya shopping
complex in Orchard Road.
“Remind them that this is
OUR LAND! We urge them,
however, to do so in their own
Embassy compound,” wrote the
anonymous Singaporean.
The letter calls on other
Singaporeans to air their
concern to the Pilipino
Independence Day Council
Singapore (PIDCS), a non-profit
umbrella organization of
Team SF Philippine Consulate at the International Spring Festival at UC Berkeley.
Filipino sweets and info served
at UC Berkeley Spring Fest
The poster created by the Pilipino Independence Day Council Singapore (PIDCS)
which the Singaporeans want to take down. Photo by PIDCS
Filipino Community in
The nameless Singaporean
also complained about the
PIDCS' poster for the event
which used the Singapore
skyline with the words “Two
N a t i o n s ”
a n d
“Singapore only observe
and celebrate our own National
Day on the 9th of August and we
DO NOT and WILL NOT have a
joint-celebration of 'Interdependence' with another
s o v e r e i g n s t a t e ,” t h e
anonymous Singaporean said,
adding that the poster carries a
message that the Singaporeans
First Fil-Am ...
From page 1
confidence of the voters of Sierra Madre.
I look forward to representing the
11,000 residents of Sierra Madre and
working to keep Sierra Madre great!”
Arizmendi said.
Arizmendi is the daughter of
Franklin Pastor from Laoag, Ilocos Norte
and Ofelia Sumagaysay-Pastor from Sta.
Barbara, Iloilo. She is also the niece of
Primo Sumagaysay of the Knights of
Columbus organization based in
Panorama City. She is married to Fili
Arizmendi. They have been living in
Sierra Madre since 2006.
In an email correspondence with
Asian Journal, Arizmendi revealed her
plans for the city.
“I ran for City Council to help
maintain and enhance the quality of life
in our neighborhoods,” Arizmendi said.
Arizmendi said that she would work
towards ensuring that Sierra Madre is
on the right track towards establishing
fiscal discipline, limiting and controlling
urban development, maintaining the
neighborhood-friendly appeal of
downtown Sierra Madre and improving
education in the city.
“As a longtime Sierra Madre
homeowner, I am dedicated to
maintaining home values. That means I
will work towards limiting and
controlling development to preserve the
unique charm of Sierra Madre,”
Arizmendi said.
She also said that in recognition of
the value of strong neighborhood
schools, she would work with the
Pasadena Unified School District to
make sure that Sierra Madre Schools
receive their fair share of resources.
Arizmendi also vowed to prioritize
public safety, neighborhood protection,
and water supply issues.
did not endorse. The PIDCS
immediately removed the
words “Two Nations” in the
poster after hundreds of
Singaporeans protested against
it including a certain Peter Loh
who said: “How can our
government allow this? Soon
they may claim Spore as part of
Philippines? For goodness sake
you are but guests in OUR
country! Do you celebrate you
family birthdays in your
neighbor's house?”
The PIDCS plans to hold
their event on June 8, four days
ahead of the 116th Philippine
Independence Day. Manila
As a graduate of two key leadership
development programs in Southern
California, Arizmendi said that her
choice to be publicly engaged and to be a
“servant-leader” has been at the core of
the guiding principles of how she lives
her life.
Quoting RK Greenleaf, Arizmendi
said “the servant-leader is [a] servant
first. It begins with the natural feeling
that one wants to serve, to serve first.
Then [a] conscious choice brings one to
aspire to lead.”
According to the 2010 US Census,
Sierra Madre's population is comprised
of Caucasians (82 percent), Hispanics
(15 percent), and Asians (8 percent).
As the first Filipino council member
in a predominantly white community,
Arizmendi said that her ethnicity “was
not a driving force” during her campaign
period. She only met four Filipinos in
Sierra Madre during the course of her
12-week campaign.
She said that her focus has been, and
will continue to be, to make a holistic
representation of the entire community
of Sierra Madre.
Nevertheless, Arizmendi said that
she is proud of her Filipino heritage.
“In fact, I as a young child - for over
the course of 10 or so years - performed
the Tinikling, Pandanggo sa Ilaw, played
the banduria and sang Filipino folk
songs in hundreds of events and shows,”
Arizmendi said.
Noting that in some cities in
Southern California, there is low voter
turnout among Filipinos during election
season, Arizmendi said that as a director
for the Pacific Asian Consortium in
Employment, she would continue to
work with Asian communities - the
Filipinos included - in promoting civic
involvement and encouraging a higher
level of engagement at the legislative
and elective levels.
BERKELEY, California -- One of the
many events during Cal Day at the
University of California in Berkeley is
“Spring Fest: The Edith Coliver Festival
of Cultures (International Spring
Festival),” this year on April 12 at the
International House.
Once again the Philippine
Consulate General in San Francisco
participated with a booth,
disseminating information on the
Philippines including its famous tourist
Filipino American students were
also kept up to date on programs and
upcoming events sponsored by the
Consulate and its Filipino community
partners. Visitors also had a chance to
sample native sweets well loved by
every Filipino.
The International Spring Festival is
an annual event organized by the
International House (I-House), an
independent nonprofit organization
that also serves as a residential and
cultural center for foreign students
attending UC Berkeley.
Spring Fest is one of the popular
programs of I-House. It aims to bring
together the world's different cultures
in one extravaganza that is enjoyed by
people of all ages and ethnicities.
Among the festival participants are the
Consular Corps of San Francisco,
foreign student organizations at
Berkeley and businesses.
To learn more about the I-House at
University of California Berkeley: To know
more about events and activities of the
Philippine Consulate General in San
Francisco, like our facebook page:
April 18-24, 2014
Page 8
Cardinal Tagle to faithful: Join politics to clean it
By Avie Gochoco-Perez
Politics in this country too dirty
for you? It is precisely the dirt in
politics that should make you join it
and clean it up.
Luis Antonio Cardinal Tagle,
archbishop of Manila, urged the
faithful during the Holy Week to enter
the very institutions most prone to
corruption, abuse, cheating, and to
“align their affairs” with the “way of
Among these are the worlds of
finance, business, the arts, science and
mass media. Weakness, malice, evil,
faults and corruption stalk their halls
and can be daunting to an upright lay
person, but “with the values of Jesus,”
one can overcome the “poverty” to be
suffered in making the move,
according to the cardinal.
Seek precisely to enter those
“institutions and conditions of the
world customarily an inducement to
sin, to realign them with the kingdom
of God,” he said, quoting the Second
Vatican Council's teachings.
“Huwag kang pahawa sa kanila.
Hawakan mo 'yung corrupt nang
mabawasan ang corrupt (Don't be
swayed or influenced by them. Hold
on to them, so their numbers are
reduced),” he challenged a packed
recollection audience at St. James the
Greater Parish in Ayala Alabang,
Muntinlupa City, last Monday, April
Contagious virus of holiness
“Go be a contagious virus of
holiness!” he thundered. A charming
speaker prone to making light of
heavy Church exhortations, the
cardinal scratched his head and,
quickly changing the somber mood at
the venue, he waved to his audience.
“Hi,” he said, smiling.
Cardinal Tagle then rued the
hiring system in some government
agencies: The well-connected but
who know nothing get hired, not the
competent. This is why some agencies
and institutions continue to achieve
nothing, he noted. Even in church,
there are choir members who can't
sing but due to connections, become
part of the group. Also there are
“treasurers” who are not competent.
“Treasurer pero 'di marunong magtreasure (Treasurer, but does not
know how to treasure things,
In this the Year of the Laity, ahead
o f t h e 5 0 0 t h a n n ive r s a r y o f
Christianity's coming to the
Philippines, the focus is on lay folk
who, as much as the ordained and the
religious, are as much a part of the
Church in bringing God to the
materially, morally and spiritually
Only 6,000 priests
There are 85 million Catholics in
this country but there are only 6,000
ordained priests, he noted. The
predominant number of lay folk
shows their key role in aligning the
affairs of the world with the way of
Upright lay folk should not say,
“Marumi ang pulitika. Ayoko diyan.
Iwas tukso na lang (Politics is dirty. I'd
rather avoid going there),” the
cardinal said. “God should not be
eliminated from the secular world.
The lay person has the conviction in
faith that can realign the faults with
the values of Jesus. It won't be easy but
if we bear the Lamb of God in us, we
can face the sins of the world.”
Even church ministries will have
to change, he said, with the laity doing
more out-of-church ministries to do
good. There are now too many lectors,
commentators, Eucharistic ministers,
collectorsall members of in-church
worship ministries - and not enough
vo l u n t e e r s f o r o u t - o f - c h u r c h
ministries championing human
rights, social and cultural change,
fighting abuse, caring for the
marginalized, even “purifying”
corrupt agencies in government.
NGOs acquired bad name
He is saddened by the bad name
n o n g ove r n m e n t a g e n c i e s , fo r
example, have acquired lately due to
t h e p o rk b a r re l s c a m i n t h e
legislature. Interpreting the Second
Vatican Council's teachings, the
cardinal said Filipinos should seek
those institutions in society
“customarily related to inducement to
s i n . D iya n k ayo p u m a s o k s o
transformation can be effected.”
Those entering such institutions
should be prepared to suffer the
“poverty” Jesus suffered, including the
jealousy of others, betrayal of friends,
empty promises, abandonment.
But because Jesus suffered all that
“when he embraced the human
condition,” Jesus “becomes their
companion so they will never be
alone,” the cardinal said.
He tells a story of why parents
must embrace the “poverty of Jesus”
in disciplining their children. They
must deny themselves vices and
addictions they forbid their own
children to have. How can a father
stop his teenage daughter from
smoking if he himself chain-smokes?
How can a mother insist that her
daughter save money while she
splurges on weekend shopping
sprees? “My father is a fake. My
mother is a fake. You are a fake, all you
adults are fake!” a teenage girl
brought to the cardinal for counseling
screamed at him.
“Gusto kong sakalin ang bata!
Nakakainis talaga! (I wanted to
strangle her! This was annoying!)” a
peeved Cardinal Tagle said. “But I
tried my best to sincerely listen to her.
I asked myself: Is she an enemy with
all her irreverence? I realized she was
not an enemy, she was a friend. She
was looking for someone she could
trust, people with integrity, parents to
lead her to her true humanity.” He said
he told the father to give up his vice
out of love for his daughter and asked
the mother if she could try to be
“poorer” by giving up her addiction to
Misconception of grandeur
The cardinal also rued the
seeming misconception today of the
grandeur of God. One forgets that God
works simply, he said.
On a flight to Rome recently with a
short stopover in Hong Kong, the
cardinal was stopped by a Caucasian
who recognized him and could not
accept that the cardinal was traveling
alone. “You are a cardinal,” the man
exclaimed. “You need an entourage
befitting the dignity of a cardinal.”
Cardinal Tagle could not believe
what he was hearing. “I was made to
Luis Antonio Cardinal Tagle, the
Archbishop of Manila. AP file photo
believe I was doing something wrong.
Is having 20 alalay (aides) accepted as
the norm?” he asked himself. He told
the man that having an entourage
would entail the added expense of
having to feed them. “And I humored
him, saying I was still relatively young
and healthy, I could still push my own
bags. He laughed.”
Celebrity status
There were other occasions when
the cardinal's celebrity status
perplexed him. At a drugstore, the
salesperson recognized him and
brought out even the manager to have
photos taken with him. Security
guards track his every move too, and
sometimes, he had to brush them off,
abruptly turning left or right while
walking, without any signal.
“Bishop, marunong kayong
tumakas (You know how to avoid
them),” said one of his guards. “Aba,
nakalimutan ninyo, galing ako sa
Cavite. Kababayan ko si Tiyagong
Akyat (You must have forgotten, I'm
from Cavite. Tiyagong Akyat, a local
outlaw, is my province mate),” he
recounted, and his audience laughed
with him. The point is, embrace the
poverty of Jesus, he said. That in itself
will enrich you.
April 18-24, 2014
Page 9
How other faiths observe Holy Week
By Inquirer Research
MANILA -- The annual
commemoration of Holy Week
marking the passion, death and
resurrection of Jesus Christ, which
begins on Palm Sunday, climaxes on
Jesus' crucifixion on Good Friday and
culminates in the joyful celebration
on Easter Sunday of the Resurrection
and its pious customs observed in
Roman Catholic tradition also find
expression in the mainstream
Protestant denominations and
evangelical churches. What follows is
an informal survey of what Holy
Week observances are followed by
other faiths.
Aglipayan Church
The Aglipayan Church, officially
the Iglesia Filipina Independiente
(IFI), or the Philippine Independent
Church, follows the same Holy Week
observance as the Roman Catholic
Church, according to Rev. Fr. Terry
Revollido, rector of the Aglipay
Central Theological Seminary.
“I don't see any significant
difference because we're also
following biblical narrative,”
Revollido said.
Like the Roman Catholics, the
Aglipayan faithful begin the Holy
Week with Palm Sunday. On Maundy
T h u r s d ay, t h e re wo u l d b e a
celebration of the Eucharist and the
washing of the feet while on Good
Friday church activities include the
Seven Last Words, veneration of the
cross and processions. The Easter
Vigil mass is held the evening of
Black Saturday and the Salubong
very early on Easter Sunday.
The Aglipayan Church, which
calls itself the national church of the
Philippines, proclaimed its break
from the Catholic Church in 1902 by
the members of the Unión Obrera
Democrática Filipina because of the
alleged mistreatment of Filipinos by
the Spanish clergy. Although a
Christian denomination, the IFI
rejects the spiritual authority of the
Pope and emphasizes patriotism in
its teachings. The members of the
church are called Aglipayans after its
first supreme head, Fr. Gregorio
Iglesia ni Cristo
The Iglesia Ni Cristo, another
homegrown Christian sect, does not
observe Lent or mark the special
observances and services of Holy
Week, as it believes that the pious
customs associated with it derive
from pagan traditions.
Flagellants makes their way to the cross Cutud, San Fernando, Pampanga during Good Friday. Raffy Lerman
For instance, it believes that
Palm Sunday, the beginning of Holy
Week commemorating Christ's
triumphal entry to Jerusalem to
fulfill his paschal mystery, has pagan
origins. The INC says the palm
symbolizes victory, and notes how
victorious armies of pagan nations
decked themselves and their
chariots with palm fronds.
According to the INC, the word
Easter was derived by St. Bede from
Eastre, a forgotten dawn goddess.
Numerous local customs held during
Easter, such as the blessing of meat,
eggs and other foods the partaking of
which was formerly forbidden
during Lent, have pagan origins, the
INC believes.
The INC members believe in
Jesus Christ as the Son of God, and
that God made Him Lord and Savior.
However, while Jesus Christ is holy
and a very special man, he is not God,
he is the only mediator of man to God,
they say.
They also believe that Christ's
resurrection is the main proof that
the dead will rise again. Those in
Christ will rise first to be with Him
forever in the Holy City. Those who
are not of Christ will rise a thousand
years after the first resurrection to be
cast into the lake of fire.
The INC's main activities include
“worship services”, missionary work
and edification. Worship services are
usually held on Thursdays and
Sundays by every local congregation
inside the house of worship. It
consists singing, prayer and study of
God's words for proper application
in daily living.
The members are happy to fulfill
their duty to share the faith by
inviting others to attend Bible study
sessions and worship services. The
INC also uses mass media in
spreading its message of hope to a
broader audience.
For the spiritual welfare of
church members, prayer meetings
are held weekly by each group of
neighboring households for further
instructions in the faith and
announcements about church
projects and activities. Pastoral visits
are also conducted regularly by
church officials for prayer and
spiritual counseling.
The Iglesia Ni Cristo also holds
semi-annual (mid-year and yearend) Pasalamat (thanksgiving) as a
sign of gratitude for God's blessings.
As with regular worship services, it
consists of hymn-singing, prayers
and the study of God's words.
Jehovah's Witnesses
Jehovah's Witnesses, a Christian
denomination whose distinct beliefs
are based on their interpretations of
the Bible, do not observe Christmas,
Easter or other holidays and customs
observed by mainstream
They believe that Jehovah is the
only true God, and Jesus, God's only
begotten Son who served as a
redeemer and a ransom sacrifice to
pay for the sins of humanity as the
only intercessor between God and
While Jehovah's Witnesses
believe in commemorating the death
of Jesus, the Jehovah's Witnesses do
not share many of the beliefs and
practices associated with the Holy
Week of Catholics and other
Christian denominations. The
Witnesses do not practice the Lenten
rituals of fasting, or pilgrimage to
holy places.
The most important and solemn
event for the Jehovah's Witnesses is
the “Lord's Evening Meal” or
“Memorial of Christ's Death,”
commemorated on the date of the
Jewish Passover. “After careful
reading and study of the Bible, [the
Witnesses] found that this is the only
anniversary that Jesus commanded
his followers to celebrate. Before
dying, he commanded his disciples to
keep observing the Last Supper,
otherwise called Lord's Evening
Meal, once every year. Jesus'
command to celebrate this occasion
can be read in the Bible,” said Dean
Jacek of the Watch Tower Bible and
Tract Society, Philippine branch.
[email protected]
To determine the date of the
Memorial each year, the Witnesses
follow the Jewish calendar.
“Under the Jewish calendar,
Jesus' death occurred on the evening
of Nisan 14, 33 C.E. Last year, the date
Nisan 14 fell on March 26, so on this
date Jehovah's Witnesses met
together in their building for
worship (called Kingdom Halls) all
around the earth after sundown. To
celebrate, they did exactly what Jesus
said should be done. Some 20 million
attended the occasion,” said Jacek.
This year's Memorial was marked on
April 14.
Those attending the Memorial
with Jehovah's Witnesses for the first
time will see a functional, clean
venue devoid of religious symbols.
“There may be some simple
flower arrangements, but attendees
will not be distracted by gaudy
bunting or any party atmosphere,”
Jacek noted.
“A q u a l i f i e d s p e a ke r w i l l
consider in a clear and dignified
manner what the Bible says about
the occasion. He will help all to
understand the meaning of Jesus'
death. A simple ceremony, imitating
what Jesus told his apostles to do,
will then follow,” he said.
Seventh-day Adventists
The Seventh-Day Adventist
Church, a Protestant Christian
denomination, does not observe the
practices of the Holy Week as
Catholics or other Protestant
denominations do. Accepting the
Bible as the only source of their
beliefs, Adventists only observe the
practices and faith of the early
Christian church.
The church is distinguished by
its observance of Saturday, the
original seventh day of the JudeoChristian week, as the Sabbath, and
its emphasis on the second coming
(advent) of Jesus Christ.
Adventists believe that the
resurrection of Christ that is
commemorated at Easter is a
h i s to r i c a l eve n t o f i m m e n s e
importance. But they point out that
the Bible only noted that the
resurrection occurred on the first
day of the week and did not suggest
that the resurrection made a new day
Without biblical precedent for
making Easter a special day of
celebration, Adventists observe only
the Sabbath as sacred or holy time
because it is the only holy day of the
week stated in the Bible.
Page 12
April 18-24, 2014
Page 10
Tourism booster
After six years of waiting, the Philippines was upgraded to
Category-1 status by the US Federal Aviation Administration
(FAA), meaning Philippine carriers may now expand their
operations in the United States and, eventually, boost tourism
and businesses between the two countries. The announcement,
first made on Twitter by US Ambassador to the Philippines
Philip Goldberg, came as a surprise as it had been expected to be
made by US President Barack Obama during his state visit later
this month.
Flag carrier Philippine Airlines is obviously the main direct
beneficiary as it already flies to the United States but is
restricted to the West Coast. Apart from adding new routes to
the East Coast, the upgrade gives PAL leeway to replace its aging
aircraft with newer, fuel-efficient planes like the Boeing 777s,
allowing it to save some $160 million in operating costs a year.
Budget carrier Cebu Pacific will also benefit in the future when it
implements plans to mount flights to US destinations like
The FAA downgraded the Philippines to Category 2 in 2008,
saying the country “lacked laws or regulations necessary to
oversee air carriers in accordance with minimum international
standards.” In a statement last week, the FAA said the
restoration of the Philippines to Category-1 status was based on
a March review of the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines
(CAAP), whose current leadership also helped the country exit a
European blacklist in July 2013 following its compliance with
International Civil Aviation Organization (Icao) standards.
The Department of Transportation and Communications
was, of course, quite pleased. “This upgrade cements a
landmark era in the Philippine aviation sector. From one major
achievement to another in a span of less than two years, the
country has made great strides in enhancing its aviation
industry to one that is at par with the best in the world,” said
Transportation Secretary Joseph Abaya. He added that the
upgrade would open more direct flights to and from the United
States, boosting the Philippines' tourism industry and
improving trade relations between the two countries. The
Department of Foreign Affairs also welcomed the FAA
announcement and predicted more routes opening for business
and tourism travel between the Philippines and the United
States, and more opportunities for Philippine and American
The downgrading in 2008 spurred stringent inspection of
the US operations of PAL and barred the flag carrier from
expanding its operations in American states and territories. The
ruling affected only PAL because it was the sole local carrier that
had operations and the capability to fly across the Pacific. Key
reforms followed, which led to the dissolution of the Air
Transportation Office and its replacement with the CAAP. In
2010, however, the Philippines suffered another setback when
the European Union imposed a ban on Philippine carriers, a
year after the Icao found “significant safety concerns” in the
country's aviation standards, particularly on the poor state of
regulation. No Philippine carrier, however, had been operating
in that region for the past several years.
The Aquino administration deserves commendation for
working on improving aviation safety. In April 2011, it enlisted
the aid of Brig. Gen. Tim Neel, a former FAA executive. In March
Work Authorization
for H-1B Spouse
The Obama administration has
recently announced that it will
propose rules that will allow
certain H-1B spouses to work in the
U.S. Under the current law, the
dependent spouse of an H-1B
nonimmigrant worker is not
e l i g i b l e t o a p p ly f o r w o r k
The White House press release
did not specify whether the
proposed rule will be limited to a
certain group of H-4 dependents or
will allow all H-4 spouses to work.
It simply indicated that the
proposed regulation will allow
“spouses of certain high-skilled
workers on H-1B visas” to seek
work authorization.
The draft rule could refer to
dependent spouses of H-1B
nonimmigrants who have been
granted extension beyond the six-
year limit under the American
Competitiveness in the TwentyFirst Century Act of 2000 (AC21).
A foreign worker is allowed a
maximum period of 6 years on H1B status. Under AC21, it may be
extended when the H-1B worker is
unable to adjust status before the
end of the six-year period mainly
because of delays in the
adjudication of employment-based
green card sponsorships and the
unavailability of a visa number.
T h e U. S . D e p a r t m e n t o f
Homeland Security (DHS) made a
similar proposal in its May 2012
Retrospective Review Plan Report.
T h e M ay 2 0 1 2 D H S re p o r t
indicated that the proposal “would
increase incentives of H-1B
nonimmigrant workers who are
allowed to extend their period of
stay under AC21 as they complete
the process to adjust status to that
of a lawful permanent resident by
providing parallel employment
incentives to the H-4 spouse.”
The H-1B program is for foreign
workers in specialty occupations. It
has been frequently used by U.S.
businesses to employ high-skilled
foreign workers with degrees in
science, technology, engineering
and mathematics.
This year, the cap for H-1B
applications was reached in the
first five days of the filing season.
The USCIS received a total of
172,500 H-1B petitions including
those filed under the advanced
degree exemption. A lottery was
conducted to select the 20,000
petitions under the advanced
degree exemption and the 65,000
cap-subject petitions.
The proposal to allow H-4
spouses to work is only one of the
measures the White House is
undertaking to make the United
States “more attractive to talented
foreign entrepreneurs and other
high-skill immigrants who will
contribute substantially to the U.S.
Page 12
Express lane
an effect,” notes the Associated
dissent,” Agence France Presse
Page 12
Only 250,000 can cram into
“Reform the church?” asked
Piazza di San Pietro and Via della
then Archbishop Roncalli. “Is such
Conciliazione. Thus, giant screens
a thing possible?” He was the son of
have been set up in Rome and
Italian sharecroppers who couldn't
provision has been made for the
a f fo rd t h e b u s fa re to h i s
Multiple “historical firsts”
world press. The two women,
ordination. But in 1958, the nearly
explain why all roads lead to Rome
whose healing is attributed to John
77-year-old Roncalli was elected
on April 27where all hotels have
Paul II's intercession, will be
by wary cardinals who pegged him
been booked solid. Institutions like
a transition pope.
Pontificio Collegio Filippino on Via
Will Pope emeritus Benedict
Humor has always been the
Publisher/Editor-in-Chief: Lito A. Gajilan, Jr.
Aurelia are similarly crammed.
XVI attend the rites? He became the
handmaid of sanctity. “Anybody
Pope Francis will declare on that
first pontiff to resign since 1415 AD
can be pope,” Roncalli joshed. “The
Columnists: Reuben S. Seguritan, Esq.,
day Popes John XXIII and John Paul
when Pope Gregory stood down to
proof is I've become one.” Asked
Juan L. Mercado, Joseph G. Lariosa
II saints.
avoid schism. If he does, two living
how many people worked in the
Contributor: Grace G. Baldisseri
It will be the first double papal
and two deceased popes will figure
Vatican, he deadpanned, “About
canonization in two millennia.
in one historic ceremony.
half of them.” In his
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do
not reflect the opinion of the paper nor that of the publisher.
Rites have been simplified.
Francis splices, in one
Hospital of the Holy Spirit visit,
“Sobriety is the order of the day,”
ceremony, two schools of thought
the flustered mother superior
Italian daily La Stampa reported.
on what a pope should be. A simple
introduced herself. “Holy Father,”
Email: [email protected]
There'll be a prayer vigil in 11
parish priest figure, like Angelo
she said, “I'm the superior of the
Phone: 201-434-1114 Fax 201-434-0880
Rome churches the night before.
Roncalli of Italy and a globeHoly Spirit.” “You're very lucky,”
The tapestries to be used are from
trotting superstar like Karol
was the reply. “I'm only the vicar of
2711 John F. Kennedy Boulevard, Jersey City, NJ 07306
the prior beatifications. “The lowWo j t y l a o f P o l a n d . I t ' s “ a
Page 12
frills style of Pope Francis is having
masterstroke that's already stirred
April 18-24, 2014
Page 11
life worth
Ellen Tordesillas
As our flight from Iloilo
(Philippine Airlines 934) was
starting its descent to the Ninoy
Aquino International Airprt, the
pilot announced that we were
number 12 in the queue for
landing and that our arrival would
be delayed by 30 minutes. Reason:
traffic congestion.
This kind of delay due to traffic
congestion at NAIA has become a
standard happening. It has become
p r a c t i c e .
Two weeks ago when we went to
Palawan, our departure was
delayed for about 30 minutes.
We were already seated, our
seatbelts fastened yet we were not
taking until after half-an-hour
l a te r. S a m e re a s o n : t ra f f i c
Standing by up in the air
We encountered the same
problem in our return flight from
Puerto Princesa to Manila. Our
flight was delayed for an hour. The
same reason was given: traffic
congestion at NAIA.
To say that the delay due to
airport traffic congestion is
annoying is an understatement
because it tells a lot of the many
t h i n g s w ro n g t h e way t h e
government handles a most basic
infrastructure in a globalized
world: airports.
Our airports, especially NAIA,
has been left behind by
developments in the travel
industry. Puerto Princesa airport is
another case of a facility not being
able to keep pace with the tourism
boom in the province.
Budget flights have allowed
many Filipinos to travel within and
outside the country, discovering
new places and widening their
Our airports is one aspect that
we can say “It's not more fun in the
Here's one good news:
The Department of Foreign
Affairs announced that after
maintenance service of their
electronic passport system, they
have resumed normal processing
starting April 15. 2014.
Here's the processing period
that they released:
At the DFA-Aseana (Office of
Consular Affairs) at Aseana Center,
Bradco corner Macapagal Ave,
Parañaque City, 15 working days
for regular processing and seven
working days for express
It's the same with passport
application in DFA's satellite
offices in Metro Manila:at SM
Megamall, SM Manila, Metro Mall
Thanks to Philippine Flight Network for this photo.
Page 12
Gov't can't ignore $30-Million extort claim
Now I can understand why
Communications Secretary Sonny
Coloma has become Malacanang's
preferred spokesperson.
Presidential Spokesperson Edwin
Lacierda is too confrontational and
his biases and prejudices are just
too obvious for a person speaking
on behalf of the President. In
contrast, Coloma is cool, cautious
and diplomatic.
Take the case of the allegations
of Czech Ambassador Josef Rychtar
that Metro Rail Transit General
Manager Al Vitangcol III and some
private individuals tried to extort
$30M from Czech company Inekon
Group in exchange for a contract to
supply new coaches for the MRT-3
project. While Lacierda blatantly
called Rychtar a liar and
questioned the ambassador's
motive in reviving his allegations,
Coloma welcomed the
investigation of Rychtar's claims.
Just like his boss, President
A q u i n o , L a c i e rd a d e f e n d e d
Vitangcol and Transportation
Secretary Emilio Abaya based
merely on the say-so of the two
Aquino-appointed officials and
without deferring to the
investigation being conducted by
the National Bureau of
Investigation or the planned probe
of both the House and the Senate.
As presidential spokesperson,
whose statements reflect the
official view of the Office of the
President, Lacierda should not
preempt the investigation by the
NBI or any other government
agency, in the same manner that
Aquino preempted the
impeachment trial of Supreme
Court Chief Justice Renato Corona
by declaring him guilty even before
the start of the Senate trial. The
presidential spokesperson should
act as a buffer between the media
and the public on one hand, and the
President, on the other.
With the official spokesperson
of the President having cleared the
By Val G. Abelgas
accused, will the NBI say
otherwise? Lacierda's statement
cast doubts on the results of the
NBI probe even before the
investigation could be started.
It would seem now that the
reason the NBI investigation is
taking too long, more than 12
months actually since Rychtar
made the allegations in a signed
statement submitted to the NBI, is
that Malacanang is hell-bent on
covering up the mess since
Lacierda, the spokesperson and
close friend of the President, has
shown extreme irritation
nangagalaiti sa galit in Tagalog over Rychtar's reviving the case. He
even called the ambassador a liar!
Lacierda said he asked Abaya
whether he indeed shouted at
Rychtar during a phone call, which
the DOTC chief, of course, denied.
And based on that, Lacierda called
the ambassador a liar. What's his
basis for explicitly saying so? He
could have just stated that Abaya
denied Rychtar's allegations and let
the NBI do its job. But no, he had to
call the ambassador a liar even
before the investigation could
prove that.
An ambassador of a friendly
nation has risked his reputation
and that of his country to make it
known that some high-ranking
government officials tried to extort
$30 million from a foreign firm, and
instead of ordering a thorough and
prompt investigation of the matter,
as a government riding on a reform
agenda would, the Aquino
a d m i n i s t ra t i o n h a s l e t t h e
allegations lay unattended for
more than a year, obviously in the
hope that it would just go away.
That the names of presidential
sister Ballsy Aquino-Cruz and her
husband, Eldon Cruz, have been
dragged into the mess, albeit later
cleared by Rychtar himself, should
give Malacanang better reason to
finish the investigation so that it
could be established beyond
reasonable doubt that Ballsy and
Eldon did not have anything to do
with any extort attempt.
The Czech government
apparently believes the story of
Rychtar as he has remained in his
post despite the scandal that he has
created. It behooves on the Office of
the President to assure the Czech
government that there is no truth
to the allegations after an
exhaustive and fair investigation.
Aquino has been criticized
lately for alleged double standard
in meting out justice unrelenting
Page 12
consensus points for the Moro
peoples,” they said, but have also
“raised a lot of crucial questions
for us indigenous peoples.”
The tribal representatives said
the government seems to have
ignored all of the previous
proposals made by the lumads
over the years. They said that they
have been receiving the same
treatment from MILF, which has
publicly stated a position of “one
a n c e s t r a l d o m a i n ,” t o t h e
detriment of the processes already
spelled out in IPRA.
Indeed, MILF officials led by
BTC chairman Mohaqer Iqbal have
often acted as if only the Manila
government and the Moros are the
sole “peace players” in the creation
of Bangsamoro. In the drafting of
the new Bansamoro Basic Law, for
example, there is no mention of the
lumads by Iqbal's BTC.
“What happened to the many
years of our engagement with the
government , our own local
government units, the MILF and
Office of the Presidential Adviser
on the Peace Process?” they asked.
“Where have all our proposals
gone? Are we to expect the same
treatment and inattention to
happen to our submissions to the
However, the lumads said that
i n t h e i r v i e w, g ove r n m e n t
“surrendered our rights to a
political entity which has yet to
prove or even earn its mantle to
govern.” And they fear that they
would lose whatever legal rights
they have when the shift is made
from ARMM to Bangsamoro.
Ultimately, what the lumads
seek is their own version of
autonomy, “by empowering and
providing us our rights to govern
our own territory, exercising our
culture and recognizing that we
Page 14
The lumad factor
Mindanao isn't just the
homeland of Muslims and
Christians, both of whom are
transplants to the island the first
from the Malay areas of the south
and the second from the Philippine
provinces in the north. But in the
mad rush to seal a new peace
agreement with the secessionist
Moros and to redraw the
boundaries of the strife-torn Land
of Promise, the original settlers are
asking for a little more attention.
As the government and the
Moro Islamic Liberation Front
rush the approval of the law that
will create a new Bangsamoro substate in Mindanao, the oft-ignored
lumads or indigenous people who
have lived for many centuries in
Maguindanao and Sultan Kudarat
are wondering if they will once
again be forgotten. In a letter to
President Noynoy Aquino,
m e m b e r s o f t h e Te d u r a y,
Lambangian, Dulangan Manobo,
Erumanen ne Manuvu and Obo
Manobo tribes asked for help in
formalizing their own claims to
their ancestral lands.
More than 100,000 lumads
within the soon-to-be-abolished
Autonomous Region for Muslim
Mindanao lay claim to an ancestral
lands covering 300,000 hectares of
land and coastal waters in the
province of Maguindanao and
neighboring Sultan Kudarat. “After
seeking guidance from our
ancestors, we decided to do what is
just and fair to our children's
children to carefully prepare the
small space for our tribes to thrive
as distinct peoples and contribute
to the new tomorrow that waits for
us in the Bangsamoro,” the tribal
leaders said in their letter.
The lumad tribes in Mindanao
earlier said that they were left out
of the Comprehensive Agreement
on the Bangsamoro because the
pact did not include provisions on
the Indigenous Peoples' Rights
Act, the framework law that
governs them. The new
Bangsamoro did not also include
the creation of an office for the
National Commission on
I n d i g e n o u s Pe o p l e s , wh i c h
oversees the implementation of
laws governing the various tribes,
including IPRA.
While it is true that the
Bangsamoro Transition
Commission, set up to ease the
creation of the new Moro substate, has two lumad
representatives sitting in it, the
tribesmen still feel neglected,
especially since they have also
been working to contribute to a
lasting peace on the island for
decades. The new agreement and
negotiations “may have answered
April 18-24, 2014
Page 12
How ... From page 9
Gov’t can’t ignore
$30-Million ...
From page 11
and unforgiving against opposition
and critics, while treating allies and
friends with kid gloves, oftentimes
declaring them not guilty even before
an investigation could get started, if
ever there is one.
Aquino is usually the first to say
he has confidence on his friend or ally
who has been accused of graft or
other infraction, instead of waiting
for the results of an investigation or
for additional facts to come in. This
emboldens the culprit and his cohorts
to continue his corrupt ways,
knowing that the President would
stand by him. This obviously runs
counter to Aquino's proclamations
that he would go after all
Express lane
From page 10
As John XXIII, Roncalli, stunned
many by calling out: Apertura a
sinistra. “Open the windows and let
the fresh air in.” Few foresaw that the
Second Vatican Council (Vatican II),
which he convened, would jolt a
sclerotic Church to its founding
John XXIII died in 1963 before
Vatican II ended. What emerged
recast the Church as the “People of
God, with full participation of all the
baptized, yet always in need of
reform.” Council adviser Fr. Joseph
Ratzinger defined this as perennis
reformatio. He repeated that theme
as Benedict XVI.
Vatican II reached out to other
faiths and built bridges to a world
hurtling into a digital age. It asserted
its “prophetic role,” smudged by cozy
accommodation with assorted
“I have the bishops by their balls,”
Ferdinand Marcos scoffed before
Pope John Paul II came to the
Philippines in January 1981. Marcos
touted a cosmetic lifting of martial
law. Imelda decked out the Coconut
Palace for the Pontiff. But John Paul
politely declined and lodged instead
at the sparse nunciature in Pasay City.
“Even in exceptional conditions…
the state cannot claim to serve the
common good when human rights are
Al Vitangcol
Josef Rychtar
perpetrators of graft and corruption,
friend and foe alike.
The Czech ambassador's
allegation of an attempt to extort $30
million in exchange for a government
contract is too serious to be ignored.
Foreign governments and foreign
investors are awaiting the outcome of
this latest corruption scandal to see if
the Aquino administration is true to
its claim of “daang matuwid,” or is just
a duplicitous copy of the previous
([email protected])
not safeguarded,” John Paul II told a
poker-faced Marcos and cronies in
his Jan. 17, 1981, speech at
Malacañang Palace.
Then, he went to Luneta where
he beatified now St. Lorenzo Ruiz,
then flew to Bacolod. There, he
pressed for an end to the exploitation
of sacadas. “This is war,” fumed a
Negros sugar planter.
John Paul II returned in 1995 to
preside over World Youth Day where
over four million people flooded
Luneta to attend the closing Mass.
That's the current world record for
the “largest papal gathering in
Catholic history.”
On entering St. Peter's Square in
May 1981, John Paul II was shot four
times by by Mehmet Ali Agca who
was sentenced to life. The Pope
forgave Agca. At John Paul's request,
Agca was pardoned by Italian
president Carlo Azeglio Ciampi, and
was deported to Turkey in June
The rule books say five years
must pass after a person's death
before even a beatification process
can begin. It took 341 years for Pedro
Calungsod of the Visayas to be
canonized and 28 years for St.
Therese of Lisieux, France.
Mother Teresa of Calcutta was
beatified in October 2003less than
six years after her death. John Paul II
allowed the immediate opening of
her canonization cause. Seen in this
context, the April 27 rites for John
XXIII and John Paul II are on express
lane. This February, the Archdiocese
of Cebu submitted to the
Congregation for the Causes of Saints,
in the Vatican, the conclusion of a 3year study into the life of Bishop
Teofilo Camomot. The late prelate was
known to hock even his pectoral cross
to help the poor.
Msgr. Dennis Villarojo has been
n a m e d a s p o s t u l a t o r fo r t h e
beatification process.
At the end of John Paul's funeral
Mass in 2005, throngs chanted “Santo
Subito!” What were they really saying
in the demand for “Saint Now”? asked
Chicago Tribune's Kenneth
Woodward. “They were crying out
that in Karol Wojtyla, they saw
someone who lived with God and lived
with us.”
Fr. Thomas Rosica, in a September
2013 article, said this of John Paul II:
In over 27 years, as the 263rd
successor to Peter the Fisherman,
John Paul II “traveled the world,
bringing to men and women the
gospel… beyond all geographical
boundaries…. he also crossed
continents of the spirit, often far from
one another and set against each
other… to make room in the world for
the peace of Christ. Truly he has been
Pontifex, a builder of bridges in a
world that too often erects walls and
E-mail: [email protected]
“We just celebrate Sabbath day
as the Lord's day,” said Bro. Emer
Dayo of Lipa Seventh-day Adventist
Elementary School in Batangas
province. “The Bible tells us to
observe it from (Friday) sunset to
(Saturday) sunset. Sabbath is the test
of true obedience to the Lord,” he
said. According to the Adventists'
Biblical Research Institute, however,
some Adventists have introduced
Sunday morning services during
Easter. But this does not mean that
Sunday is to be considered as holy.
Adventists only see Easter as an
opportunity to do evangelical
outreach without assigning any
special religious meaning to the day
United Church of Christ
The United Church of Christ in
the Philippines (UCCP), a Protestant
Christian denomination, observes
the same Holy Week practices as that
of Roman Catholicism, according to
Lowell Tac-An, executive secretary of
Standing ... From page 11
Alabang, Robinsons Galleria and Ali
Mall. That note that it's “working”
days. That means Saturdays,
Sundays and Holidays are not
For passport applications in
Regional Consular Offices like Cebu,
it's 20 working days for regular
processing and 10 working days for
express processing.
For applications filed with
Foreign Service Posts (Philippine
Embassies and Consulates General),
processing is three to four weeks.
Work ... From page 10
economy, create jobs, and enhance
American innovative
The draft rule is presently with
the Office of Management and
Budget (OMB). After initial
clearance with OMB, it will be
published as Notice of Proposed
Rulemaking allowing the public to
comment on it for at least 30 days.
The proposed regulation in its exact
form will not be released until
published in the Federal Register.
the organizational ministry of UCCP.
“We also celebrate Palm Sunday
with a special form of worship. Then
we also observe Maundy Thursday,
Good Friday, and Black Saturday.
There is a reenactment of the Last
Supper and we also do the seven last
words. Easter Sunday serves as the
culmination of the whole Holy Week
celebration,” Tac-an said.
“There isn't much difference
because we also follow what's written
in the bible,” he added.
A c c o r d i n g t o Ta c - a n , o n e
difference between the UCCP with the
Roman Catholic Church is the that the
formers does not believe in purgatory.
“In the basic protestant doctrines, we
also believe in life after death. But
there is no belief in purgatory,” he said.
Aside from Holy Week, the UCCP also
observes other religious Christian
festivities like Christmas and All Soul's
Tac-an said that the UCCP is
divided into seven jurisdictions. Each
jurisdiction has their own bishops.
The UCCP is led by a head bishop who
is elected every four years.
The DFA said for “those with
urgent travel needs due to emergency
reasons (medical emergencies, death
in the family, work) they could still
avail of early release of their
passports as long as they present
documentary proof (valid
employment contract processed by
Philippine Overseas Employment
Ad m i n i s t ra t i o n o r P h i l i p p i n e
Overseas Labor Office, medical
certificate, death certificate) of their
emergency situation in order for DFA
personnel to effectively assist them
and address their concerns.” For fees
and other inquiries, call up 567-1111;
834-4000; 834-3000.
Once the proposed regulation is
in place, the qualifying H-4 visa
holder will be issued an employment
authorization document (EAD)
which will allow them to work in the
U.S. for the period indicated in the
EAD. The validity of their EAD will be
for the same period as their H-1B
family member.
has been practicing law for over 30
years. For more information, you may
log on to his website at or call (212) 6955281.)
Tourism booster
From page 10
2013, the Philippines passed the Icao
assessment, which led to the lifting of the EU
ban four months later, or on July 12, and PAL
was allowed to operate flights to Europe again.
The result was the resumption of PAL's direct
flights between Manila and London late last
year. The FAA announcement last week also
came hours before the EU announcement that
Cebu Pacific would also be allowed to fly into
European airspace. Lance Gokongwei, CEO of
Cebu Air Inc., had told reporters that the
airline planned to make an application to the
European Union to fly to the continent in
This augurs well for the Philippines,
particularly the tourism sector. While the
direct beneficiaries are PAL and Cebu Pacific,
increased access to and from the Philippines
via air transport has the effect of boosting
tourist arrivals. Now, if we can only speed up
the development of key airports in tourist
destinations like Palawan and Bohol, as well as
in gateways like Clark in the north and Cebu in
the Visayas, Philippine aviation will truly soar.
April 18-24, 2014
Page 13
Heroes of Sierra Madre
By Perry Diaz
Since 1999, a World War II-era
navy ship lay aground off Ayungin
Shoal (Second Thomas Shoal), an
uninhabited atoll near the Kalayaan
group of islands in the Spratly
archipelago. The ship, BRP Sierra
Madre, was purposely grounded by
the Philippine Navy to serve as an
outpost in the West Philippine Sea
(South China Sea) after China had
grabbed and occupied the
Panganiban Reef (Mischief Reef) in
1995. Since then, China had
progressively fortified Panganiban
Reef with permanent buildings,
naval guns, and a detachment of
military personnel.
A few years ago, China
unilaterally imposed a 60-mile
restricted “no entry” zone around
Panganiban Reef, which is within
the Philippines' 200-mile Exclusive
Economic Zone (EEZ). That places
Ayungin Shoal, which is only 25
miles southeast of Panganiban Reef,
inside the restricted “no entry”
zone. Since Ayungin Shoal is only
105 miles from Palawan, and within
the Philippines' EEZ, it would give
China a geostrategic foothold on
Philippine territory if China took
possession of Ayungin. And because
of its strategic location, Ayungin is
considered the gateway to Recto
(Reed) Bank, a proven oil- and gasrich region coveted by energyhungry China. And if China had
taken Ayungin, her next logical step
would be to take full control of Recto
Bank. To protect Ayungin, the
Philippines deployed a small
detachment of marines (less than a
dozen) rotated every five months.
The grounded and rusting Sierra
Madre is used as their makeshift
garrison. With no landing strip on
Ayungin, the only way to bring
troops to Sierra Madre is by sea.
R e c e n t l y, C h i n a s t a r t e d
blockading Ayungin to put pressure
on the Philippines to abandon the
Sierra Madre. On March 9, 2014,
Chinese Coast Guard ships blocked
two attempts by the Philippines to
resupply the garrison. Three days
later, the supplies were airdropped.
China's claim
On March 13, China held a media
briefing in Beijing to further her
claim on Ayungin. According to
spokesperson Hong Lei, then
incoming President Joseph “Erap”
Estrada made an “unequivocal
commitment” to China in 1999 that
the Philippines would tow away the
grounded ship. Hong also said that
Estrada's successor, President
Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo,
reiterated Erap's “solemn
commitment” in 2003.
The following day, March 14, the
Philippine Department of Foreign
Affairs released the following
statement in response to China's
charges: “The BRP Sierra Madre, a
commissioned Philippine naval
vessel, was placed in Ayungin Shoal
in 1999 to serve as a permanent
Philippine government installation
in response to China's illegal
occupation of Mischief Reef in 1995.
This was prior to the signing of the
Declaration of Conduct of Parties in
the South China Sea in 2002.”
Last March 29, a Philippine
supply ship was able to evade the
Chinese Coast Guard blockade by
sailing through shallow waters,
embarrassing China to no end. The
Philippine ship brought a fresh
batch of marines to replace the
detachment that was scheduled to
head back home after a five-month
President Aquino honors “Ayungin 9″
Life on the Sierra Madre
The marines keep themselves
busy by diving, fishing, and
wa t c h i n g D V D s . T h e i r o n ly
communication with the outside is
through a radio communication
system and satellite phones.
Occasionally, they have contact with
Filipino fishermen who would swap
BRP Sierra Madre
DVDs with them.
What these marines are doing is
over and above their normal duties
a n d re s p o n s i b i l i t i e s . U n d e r
constant threat of Chinese invasion,
they're prepared to fight to death.
They're also aware that if they were
attacked, they would surely perish
defending their garrison.
Indeed, they're like the Texans
who defended the Alamo in 1836 in
a fiercely fought 13-day battle
against Mexican President General
Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna's
a r m y. O u t n u m b e r e d a n d
Page 14 Chinese fortifications on Panganiban Reef
April 18-24, 2014
Page 14
The lumad factor
From page 11
Kyoto path. Inquirer photo
Japan mulls no visa
rule for Filipinos
MANILA -- Talks are underway to finally lift the
tough visa requirements for Filipinos to visit Japan, a
report said Wednesday, April 16.
Kyodo News reported that the Japanese
government and its ruling coalition “are making
arrangements” to waive the visa requirements for its
visitors from Philippines, Indonesia and Vietnam.
The lifting of the visa is part of the country's “revised
action plan due in June to make Japan a tourismoriented country,” Kyodo News said quoting
government sources.
The measure also aims to increase Japan's annual
tourist arrivals to 20 million as the country prepares for
the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, the report said.
The Japanese Embassy in Manila has yet to confirm
the report.
Japanese visa is known to be among the toughest to
get for Filipino tourists in light of Japan's strict
requirements and screening process.
The Japanese government has eased its visa policy
for Southeast Asian countries last year by only issuing
multiple-entry tourist visas to Filipinos.
Philippine Marines aboard BRP Sierra Madre
Heroes of Sierra ...
From page 13
outgunned, the approximately 250 Texans
fought the 1,500 Mexicans to the last man.
Their brutal defeat inspired and rallied the
Texans under Sam Houston, who went on to
defeat Santa Anna a month later.
Day of Valor
Last April 9, President Benigno Aquino,
spoke during the commemoration ofAraw
ng Kagitingan(Day of Valor) in Mt. Samat in
Bataan. He paid tribute to the brave
marines of the Sierra Madre who are
defending their nation's sovereignty and
territorial integrity just like the American
and Filipino soldiers who made a heroic
stand in Bataan to defend the Philippines
from Japanese invasion in World War II.
“Day and night, on board the stranded
BRP Sierra Madre, their dedication was
anchored on keeping watch over and
safeguarding our territory. This is why,
together with our veterans, soldiers like
them are among those we honor today. The
Filipino nation salutes all of you,” Aquino
told the marines.
If Gen. Douglas MacArthur were alive
today, he would be smiling listening to
Aquino's praise for the marines. After all, it
was MacArthur himself who immortalized
the bravery of Filipino soldiers during the
Korean War when he declared: “Give me ten
thousand Filipino soldiers and I will
conquer the world.”
A few brave marines
But for Aquino, the nine marines are all
he needs to stand guard in a remote and
lonely garrison in the middle of West
Philippine Sea surrounded by marauding
Chinese naval vessels.
But just like the 300 Spartans who
defended Thermopylae in 480 BC against
the invading 150,000 Persians, the nine
Filipino marines wouldn't have a chance of
surviving a Chinese assault. But like the
250 Texan volunteers who gave their lives
to defend the Alamo, and the 300 Spartan
warriors who died defending
Thermopylae, the nine Filipino marines
defending Ayungin are ready to lay down
their lives for their country. These are the
heroes of Sierra Madre.
([email protected])
are distinct peoples part of the
overall peace process.” However, they
are currently unsure of “where we
[are] in the entire picture.”
It is unclear if Aquino would, at
this late stage in the negotiations
with MILF, suddenly work for the
inclusion of provisions in the
proposed Bangsamoro law that will
embrace the lumads as full partners
in the peace process or in the
creation of the new Muslim substate. And this neglect of lumad
rights promises to be become one of
the many infirmities of the entire
policy of “peace at all costs” with the
Moro rebels; it may even escalate
into yet another conflict, if the
lumads decide that they have been
totally ignored in the process.
But that's what happens when
pressured both
externally by Malaysia and the
United States and by the MILF
secessionists internally rushes
headlong into a half-baked peace
with the Moros. And the government
hasn't even started to deal with the
Christian settlers of Mindanao, who
can be expected to resist any plans by
Bangsamoro's leaders to annex their
lands and take over the reins of
government that Manila handed
“Peace in Mindanao” sounds
great in Manila, of course. It's when
these ill-conceived visions of ending
the Moro rebellion meet the realities
on the ground in the Land of Promise
that they get exposed as mere
hallucinations leading to neverending appeasement.
April 18-24, 2014
Page 15
5K race for kidkind and Family Festival Hosted by Wear the Cape Brings New
Jersey Together to Promote Kindness and Good Character
Warren, NJ - April 16, 2014 -- Wear the Cape, a brand
that gives back and aims to restore the power of kindness
and good character with cool, inspirational products and
its non-profit the kidkind foundation, today announced
that it will be hosting a 5K race for kidkind, Kids' 100-Yard
Dash and Family Festival on May 3, 2014 at the Warren
Township Municipal Complex Pavilion. The event will
feature not only a 5K - runners and walkers welcome - but
also a day full of family-friendly activities.
G o
t o to sign up or donate! Preregistration for the 5K is
only $22, and the Kids' 100-Yard Dash is just $7. Day-of,
on-site registration for the 5K is $30. To enjoy
the festival packed with games, crafts, food,
music and fun, a donation is requested if not
running a race. All proceeds from the run and
festivities will be used to fund Wear the
Cape's non-profit the kidkind foundation, the
Warren Recreation Commission's Summer
Camp Scholarship Fund, and the work of
“Cape Kid” Olivia Perlmutter, who founded
Teens Connecting with Teens to bring
students together to help youth with special
“Wear the Cape and our kidkind
foundation are passionate about motivating
and enabling people of all ages to do good
with acts of kindness, big and small, and to be
Better Than That™ - above choices that
reflect poorly on one's character,” said Leigh
Ann Errico, CEO and founder of Wear the
Cape and the kidkind foundation. “Olivia is a
stand-out everyday hero who is changing
lives through Teens Connecting with Teens,
and we are thrilled to help make it possible
for her to expand her efforts and positively
impact more of her peers.”
Errico built Wear the Cape and
established the foundation in 2013 after she
came up short in her search for resources on
kindness and character-building that would
appeal to her own four children. Other
parents clearly had faced the same challenge:
We a r t h e C a p e ' s F a c e b o o k p a g e
( w w w. f a c e b o o k . c o m / w e a r t h e c a p e )
skyrocketed to over 500 “Likes” the day it
launched and has continued to grow
organically ever since.
“Instead of just focusing on the negatives
like bullying, Wear the Cape and the kidkind
foundation are redefining what it means to be
cool and showing kids how they can be
everyday heroes with choices and behavior
that earn respect, help others and pave the
way for their own success and confidence,”
explained Errico. “The goal is to not only raise
awareness about important issues facing our
youth, but equip the adults they look up to
with the awareness and tools to teach solid
Tying in Wear the Cape's mission,
“building heroes, a kid at a time” is the theme
of next month's 5K race for kidkind and
Family Festival. Check-in for the 5K starts at
7:45am, and the race is scheduled to start at
8:30am. The Kids' 100-Yard Dash will take
place at 10am, followed by the Family Festival
that will stretch till 1pm. Prizes will be
awarded for top male and female overall and
group winners at the 5K, and all kids involved
in the 100 yard dash will qualify for a medal.
Local businesses and community
organizations are already rallying around
Wear the Cape's mission by supporting the
5K race for kidkind & Family Festival.
Hometown heroes and top sponsors of the
event include: Gotta Dance, Del Energy Inc.;
TALC Salon, Warren Township Lions Club,
Kings Food Markets, Marie's Italian
Specialties, Peapack-Gladstone Bank, and
The Studdiford Family.
About Wear the Cape and the kidkind
Wear the Cape™ for all kidkind™ is the
first global, mission-powered brand with the
nerve to equate being kind with being cool.
By coaching kids to be BETTER THAN
THAT™, Wear the Cape breaks down barriers
and brings people togethera world of new
values prevails: It's cool to be inclusive,
tolerant and socially responsible. From its
line of kickin' apparel and accessories, to its
educational tools and its own non-profit the
kidkind foundation, Wear the Cape sparks
awareness and raises money to build heroes,
a kid at a time. Wear the Cape's products and
resources are designed to create teachable
moments between kids and the grown-ups
they look up to with Hero Tags that tee up
conversations about what it means to stand
up and stand out; to stick up for the
underdog; to do what's right, not what's easy.
Wear the Cape donates 10% of its net profits
directly to the kidkind foundation, and the
rest is reinvested in the design and
production of new products, as well as
character-building educational materials for
parents and teachers to help the kids they
love. Wear the Cape's work with communities
and schools is helping mold everyday heroes
that will create a kinder, better world for us
all. For more information contact: Lauren
D u B o i s ( 9 1 7 ) 5 7 3 - 2 4 8 5 ,
[email protected].
April 18-24, 2014
Page 16
10 beginner-friendly
mountains to climb
MOUNTAINEERS' DELIGHT. So called because of its friendly trails. Shaped
like a parrot's beak, Pico de Loro in Maragondon, Cavite, and Nasugbu,
Batangas, is 2,178 feet high. Jill Lejano/Contributor
Mt. Pinatubo crater
Mt. Batulao
By Pam Pastor
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Eastern International College Offers AAS Degree Programs in Cardiovascular
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passing NCLEX) and a B.S. in Diagnostic Medical Sonography.
You don't have to be a hard-core mountaineer to climb mountains.
Take it from Mike Abanes, who has been guiding people up mountains
for 17 years now. Abanes, a member of Outdoor Addicts who discovered his
passion for mountaineering in 1992, has climbed so many mountains here
and abroad that he has “lost count.”
It was in 2005 when he first noticed that more people - families,
barkada (group mates) and officemates were developing an interest in
mountaineering. “It has become easier and more convenient for people,” he
said of the pursuit.
“We used to need a week or two to be able to climb mountains outside
Luzon because we would travel by boat. But with airlines now offering
promo fares, weekend climbs have become possible,” he added.
Abanes also noted that more outdoor gear businesses have set up shop
in the country, making it easier for people to buy reliable mountainclimbing gear and equipment. “Dati sa ukay-ukay lang may North Face (It
used to be that only secondhand clothing shops had North Face-branded
gear),” he added.
So, no more excuses! Add to your summer bucket list this list of 10
beginner-friendly Philippine mountains rated according to difficulty by
Abanes himself.
1. Mt. Samat
Location: Pilar, Bataan
Elevation: 1,787 feet
Difficulty: 1 out of 10
Mt. Samat, an extinct volcano, is so easy to climb that you can actually do it
while riding your car. There's a road all the way up to Mount Samat National
Shrine, which was built in honor of Filipino and American soldiers who
fought during World War II.
2. Mt. Gulugud Baboy
Location: Anilao, Mabini, Batangas
Elevation: 1,722 feet
Difficulty: 2 out of 10
Located in a town known for its beach resorts and dive spots, Mt. Gulugud
Baboy (pig's spine) takes its name from the shape of its peaks. You're bound
to encounter cows and goats while climbing this grassy, scenic mountain.
3. and 4. Mt. Manalmon and Mt. Gola
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Location: San Miguel, Bulacan
Elevation: 524 feet
Difficulty: 2 out of 10
Enjoy the unique experience of a twin hike by climbing both Mt. Manalmon
and Mt. Gola. You can also go spelunking at Bayukbok Cave, cross the
Monkey Bridge and go for a swim in Madlum River.
5. Mt. Pinatubo
Location: Pampanga, Zambales and Tarlac
Elevation: 4,875 feet
Difficulty: 2 out of 10
Years after its destructive 1991 eruption, Mt. Pinatubo has become a
favorite among hikers and mountaineers. After a bumpy ride on a fourwheel drive vehicle and an occasionally slippery hike, visitors are rewarded
with the incredible view of the crater lake called Lake Pinatubo.
6. Pico de Loro
Location: Maragondon, Cavite and Nasugbu, Batangas
Elevation: 2,178 feet
Difficulty: 3 out of 10
Another beginner's favorite, Pico de Loro - or parrot's beak - has friendly
trails, fantastic views and, depending on the season, waterfalls.
7. Mt. Pulag
Location: Benguet, Ifugao and Nueva Vizcaya
Elevation: 9,587 feet
Difficulty: 3 out of 10
Page 17
April 18-24, 2014
Page 17
Mt. Gola
Mt. Makiling
Mt. Pulag
Mt. Kalisungan
10 beginner-friendly ...
From page 16
Mt. Pulag is the third-highest mountain in the Philippines. Because of the
high altitude, climbers need to be prepared for cold weather. The best
months to climb Mt. Pulag are from November to March. There are several
trailsAkiki from Benguet province, Tawangan from Ifugao province and
Ambaguio from Nueva Vizcaya provincebut the friendliest for beginners is
Ambangeg from Benguet. Most people who climb Mt. Pulag are hoping to
witness its rolling sea of clouds. Some get lucky on their first climb but
others have reached Mt. Pulag's summit multiple times without seeing this
fantastic view.
8. Mt. Batulao
Location: Nasugbu, Batangas
Elevation: 2,667 feet
Difficulty: 3 out of 10
A popular day hike destination, Mt. Batulao is a favorite among weekend
campers because it is an easy trip from Manila. The trek offers a great view
of Balayan Bay and from afar, there are rock formations that look like a
dinosaur's spine.
9. Mt. Kalisungan
Location: Calauan, Laguna
Elevation: 2,251 feet
Difficulty: 3 out of 10
Mt. Kalisungan may be considered historical, as it is believed that this was
where retreating Japanese soldiers last fought American and Filipino forces
during World War II. Today, this mountain offers an incredible view of
Laguna province, including the Seven Lakes of San Pablo.
10. Mt. Makiling
Location: Los Baños, Laguna
Elevation: 3,850 feet
Difficulty: 4 out of 10
Named after a figure in Philippine mythology, this dormant volcano's
contours are said to look like a reclining Maria Makiling who, according to
legend, is the mountain's guardian. This popular hiking spot has two trails
but the University of the Philippines Los Baños trail is easier and more
commonly used.
right. Acknowledge and understand the risks. Be physically and mentally
fit. Wear good shoes to avoid injury. Look for a guide you can trust. Never
climb alone.
Mt. Manalmon
April 18-24, 2014
Page 18
Arkansas Philippine Association’s 31st Gala and Dinner Dance
Mayor Gary Fletcher, far right, administers the oath of office to APA officers. From
left: Primo Novero, Chairman; Alberto Medel, Director; Roman Novero, Director;
Terrence Garner, Vice-Chairman; Tirso Arcilla, Director; and Milagros Vanderpool,
The Arkansas Philippine Association (APA) held its 31st Gala Awesome dancers. From left: Richard Powell, Glenda Fletcher, Mayor Gary Fletcher,
and Dinner Dance last Saturday, April 12. The officers and Jehan Haston and DJ Michael Bacquial.
members of APA were honored and elated to have no less than
Hon. Gary Fletcher, Mayor of the City of Jacksonville, AR as
special guest at the event.
The APA Was formed in 1983 in Little Rock, Arkansas to
preserve and promote the Filipino culture and to give to
charitable causes and undertake humanitarian projects. The
association has been raising funds from the generosity of its
members and supporters and by various activities like the
annual Miss APA, friendly bowling tournaments and Christmas
caroling to name a few.
The year 2014 will mark 15 years now, that the APA has been
conducting medical missions in underserved areas in the
Philippines. Volunteers from Arkansas and the Philippines work
together to provide medical, surgical and dental services to
residents of poor communities. The APA has also given
monetary contributions to the Moore, OK tornado victims as
well as to the typhoon Yolanda victims in the Visayas.
Please visit us on Facebook, APA Arkansas Philippine APA’s ever lovely and gorgeous supporters and volunteers. From left:
Association or send your enquiries or comments to Arkansas Precy Divino, Beth Greer, Missy Iram, Joy Aguon, Tess Adcock, Raquel
Philippine Association, Inc., PO BOX 23063, Little Rock, AR Summerhill and Baby Solomon.
72221 to learn more about the APA.
Beauties all. Standing: Alicia Powell, 1st Runner-up, Ms. APA 2014; Kimberly Divino,
Princess APA 2014; Anne Cuizon, Ms. APA 2014; and Yolly Seedtibood, Ms. APA 2013.
APA Junior Dance Group members receive Certificates of Appreciation. From
left: Louise Hobby, Giselle Reyes, Reyna Chambers, Hannah Reyes, Kimberly
Divino, Natasha Hobby and Mia Greer.
Another batch of APA’s lovely and gorgeous supporters and volunteers. Shannon
Gilbert, Hariette Gilbert, Lita Noverro, Maribeth Fuller, Millie Vanderpool, Yolly
Seedtibood, Tanisorn Kangkorn, and Ruby Hill.
April 18-24, 2014
Page 19
From left: Lumen Castañeda - Search for Ulirang Guro founder, Ambassador Libran Cabactulan and Mrs. Fe Cabactulan
Search for “Ulirang
Guro” for 2014
The Search for “Ulirang Guro”
(Outstanding Filipino Teachers) of
America had its awarding ceremony
last April 12, 2014 at the Norman
Thomas High School Auditorium
located at 111 33rd Street and Park
Avenue, New York City. This was the
f o u r t h t i m e t h e s e a r c h wa s
successfully conducted since its
inception in 2008.
Ambassador Libran Cabactulan,
Permanent Representative of the
Philippine Mission to the United
Nations, delivered an inspirational
message - lauding the dedication of
teachers who, every so often, are
underappreciated, underpaid, and
under a lot of undeserved pressure.
Yet they hold the future of our
communities and our nation in their
hands. Beyond curriculum,
t e c h n o l o g y, o r c o m m u n i t y
partnerships, teachers are the single
most important factor in a student's
learning. They are the spark that
ignites a student's learning, through
communicating their passion for
their subjects and touching not just
From left: Ernesto Tabajonda (runner-up in the High School level), Leonicita Dionson (2012 Ulirang Guro Awardee), Leila Rodulfa (2014
Ulirang Guro - Elementary level), Julieta Prez (2014 Ulirang Guro - Elementary level), Marvin Cadornigara (2014 Ulirang Guro - Middle
School level), Amelyn Trayvilla (2014 Ulirang Guro (Middle School level), Maria Fe Aguilar (2014 Ulirang Guro - Middle School level),
Ambassador Libran Cabactulan, Mrs. Fe Cabactulan (Lampara awardee), Consul Kira Azucena, Nestor Tebio (2014 Ulirang Guro Business School), Connie Mangaoil (2014 Ulirang Guro - High School level), Emmanuel Malana (2014 Ulirang Guro - High School level),
Ronie Mataquel (2014 Ulirang Guro - High School Level), Melvin Damaolao (2014 Ulirang Guro - High School level), and Lumen
Castañeda. Photo
Photo by Velzon H. Velez
students' minds, but their hearts, as
The Search was founded by
Lumen Castañeda in 2008 after she
witnessed Metrobank's yearly search
for the Ten Outstanding Teachers of
the Philippines and since then has
become a biennial search. The search
not only aims to recognize and honor
exemplary teachers making a
difference in the lives of American
children and youth but also to give
recognition to the teaching
profession. So far, the project has
awarded 23 teachers from the east to
the west coasts since the founding.
For the year 2014, there were 10
awardees - one from CA, one from TX,
one from VA, two from MD and five
from New York City. They represent
the elementary level, middle school,
senior high school, and business
The nominees were judged on
two parts; first, on the documents
submitted and the second part was
an open interview by the predetermined board of judges with
those from out of town, SKYPE was
used in the interview.
The board of judges was
composed of 3 teachers - a retired
teacher and a journalist-teacher.
The Awarding Ceremony was
sponsored by Ms. Loida Nicolas
Lewis of TLC BEATRICE, Kho
Financial Services (New York Life),
GMA Pinoy TV and GMA Life TV, and
other friends in the community.
AWARDEES. Let us remember that to
April 18-24, 2014
Page 20
Rift between PH, China threatens
trade, tourism ties - Global Source
By Doris C. Dumlao
MANILA -- Prolonged
diplomatic chill between the
Philippines and China risks
reversing the trend of “mutually
beneficial” trade and travel ties
that have been growing rapidly
over the years, according to the
New York-based think tank Global
In an April 11 special report
titled “Challenging Goliath,” Global
Source economists Romeo
Bernardo and Marie-Christine
Tang noted that Philippine-China
relations had sunk to a new low
following the Philippines' filing of
a memorial or pleading before a
United Nations Convention on the
Law of the Sea arbitral tribunal.
Citing the view of “cooler” heads
who have said that the Philippines
should “dial down the rhetoric,”
the research noted that President
Aquino's comparison of China's
actions to Hitler's occupation of
Czechoslovakia in the period
leading up to the Second World
War seemed unnecessary.
“Rather, more calibrated and
thought through pronouncements
would enable the country to keep
the moral high ground,” it said.
As it is, the research noted that
given China's non-participation in
the arbitration case, the
Philippines realizes that even
under the best case where the
tribunal accepts jurisdiction and
substantively rules in its favor, the
ruling may be “unenforceable” and
China will still have effective
control of the disputed areas.
“Needless provocation would
likely serve to harden China's
position, which may prove
u n h e l p f u l i n a c h i ev i n g t h e
Philippines' desired outcome,” it
The hope is that despite
China's current insistence in
claiming everything within its
nine-dash line, an opinion from an
impartial international tribunal
that is favorable to the Philippines
will lead to some softening in
China's stance and allow the
Philippines to explore areas that it
is entitled to, the commentary has
Notwithstanding the apparent
overwhelming desire among
Filipinos for its government to see
the case through, the economists
said “not a few local thinkers are
dismayed that relations with a
neighboring economic
powerhouse have deteriorated to
such an extent.”
Cebu Pacific sees
bump in 2014
passenger traffic
The memorial filed by the
Philippines was in connection with
the arbitration case it initiated
against China early last year over
disputed areas in the South China
Sea (referred to as West Philippine
Sea by local authorities) in which it
sought to defend its rights under
the 200- nautical mile exclusive
economic zone of the UN
Convention on the Law of the Sea
In assessing potential
economic costs, Global Source
By Miguel R. Camus
percent of Tigerair Philippines for
noted that Philippine-China
$15 million from shareholders
exports and imports had grown at
MANILA -- Cebu Pacific, the
that included Singapore's Tiger
a compounded annual growth rate
country's biggest budget carrier,
(CAGR) of 17 percent between
will get a lift in terms of passenger
Gokongwei said the company
1999-2013 compared with the 4
t ra f f i c t h i s ye a r w i t h t h e
would achieve the “break even”
percent CAGR in trade between the
acquisition of Tigerair Philippines
point on the acquisition by the
Philippines and the rest of the
and as it increases capacity to
summer season of 2015.
serve new routes, its top official
Cebu Pacific, which already
It also noted that Chinese
cornered half of all domestic
tourists, whom the World Tourism
C e b u Pa c i f i C E O L a n c e
flights in 2013, was on track to
Organization tagged as the largest
Gokongwei told reporters last
expand its long-haul business in
source market for outbound
week that the acquisition of
the Middle East and make its
tourism in terms of expenditures
Tigeriar Philippines, completed in
debut to Australia over the next
since 2012, have only recently
February, would allow Cebu
two years, Gokongwei said.
started to come to the Philippines
Pacific to fly about 17 million
The airline mainly competes
and, despite bilateral tensions,
people this year, up 18 percent
with flag carrier Philippine
grew by 70 percent to over
from 14.4 million in 2013.
Airlines and the local units of
420,000 visitors in 2013.
Without the acquisition,
Malaysian budget carrier AirAsia
“China demonstrated during
Gokongwei said Cebu Pacific
in the country.
the April 2012 standoff that at a
would have grown passenger
Gokongwei was more
traffic by 4 percent this year.
cautious on plans for Europe and
Page 21
“The economy is robust. We
United States, following the dual
see opportunity for growth across
announcement last week that
[international and domestic]
Cebu Pacific was given clearance
markets,” Gokongwei said.
by the European Union and the
The airline, a unit of JG
United States Federal Aviation
Summit Holdings Inc., bought 100
Page 22
$500M investments seen
relocating from China
By Ben O. de Vera
MANILA -- A number of foreign
manufacturers are looking at
investing about $500 million and
employing up to 3,000 workers in
the Philippines in line with moves
to relocate operations from China,
which has become a less attractive
production base, according to the
Philippine Exporters
Confederation Inc. (PhilExport).
PhilExport quoted Foreign
B uye r s A s s o c i a t i o n o f t h e
Philippines (Fobap) president
Robert M. Young as saying that two
potential investors from France
would visit the country this
month, on top of several
companies from Canada, China
and the United States that would
visit in May.
“These people are financially
capable, they are ready, they mean
business, they are serious,” Young
said, adding that these mediumsized firms produce apparel,
garments, housewares, shoes and
According to Young, these
investors were pulling out of China
because of the labor unrest in the
mainland that has resulted in a
shallower labor pool as well as
more expensive capital costs.
The Philippines has beaten its
Asean neighbors as an alternative
investment site to China mainly
“Higher-frequency indicators of demand including vehicle sales will
sustain economic growth this year, according to BSP governor Amando M.
Tetangco Jr.
BSP leading indicators
point to sustained growth
Vehicle sales, manufacturing output growing robustly
By Paolo G. Montecillo
Inquirer photo
because of the quality labor force
available here, he said.
“They went to other Asean
countries but they do not like it
there. [Since] they used to be
buying from Manila, they know
that Filipinos are really good in
skill, quality control and
workmanship,” Young said.
Fobap plans to increasingly
source goods from these soon-to-
be-established factories as the
group's members wanted to
prioritize procurement from local
“Right now, we are running out
of suppliers because in the past
five years, they closed shops one
by one. If they will come back, our
own business will also flourish
together with the Philippine
economy,” Young said.
MANILA -- The Philippine
economy is expected to sustain its
growth this year amid the
acceleration of government
spending, supported by the
strong numbers in several
leading economic indicators.
Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas
(BSP) Governor Amando M.
Tetangco Jr. said indicators
measuring both consumption
and production were
“Higher-frequency indicators
of demand, including vehicle
sales, energy sales and
manufacturing output are still
growing robustly,” Tetangco told
Data from the Chamber of
Auto Manufacturers in the
Philippines Inc. (Campi) showed
car sales rose by 25.4 percent in
Page 22
April 18-24, 2014
Page 21
PH rice imports
to hit 1.2 Million
tons in 2014
By Ronnel W. Domingo
MANILA -- A 71-percent jump in
the volume of rice imports to the
Philippines, totaling 1.2 million
metric tons in 2014, is expected to be
a key driver of a recovery as well as a
new high for global traffic this year,
a c c o r d i n g t o t h e Fo o d a n d
Agriculture Organization (FAO).
In its first rice forecast issued this
year, the FAO predicted a 5.4-percent
rise in the volume of cross-border
trade to reach 39.3 million MT from
the estimated 37.3 million MT in
“That is an increase of more than
one million tons on the 38 million
tons foreseen just four months agoa
new high,” FAO assistant director
general Hiroyuki Konuma said in a
On top of that, global yearend
inventory of milled rice is expected to
grow for the ninth consecutive year
to an estimated 180.5 million tons in
2013, 3.2 percent higher than the
volume at the end of the previous
“Given expectations of an overall
ample supply in major exporting
countries, these harvests could exert
additional pressure on export
quotations,” the report said.
“Against this backdrop, buying
Rift between PH,
China ... From page 20
minimum, it can bar Chinese tourists
from coming to the Philippines and
apply stricter phytosanitary standards
on Philippine agricultural exports,” the
research said, noting that about 30
percent of Philippine exports to China
was estimated by analysts to be
intended for domestic demand and that
this share might grow as China shifts
towards a consumption-led economic
growth strategy.
With a pending court case, the
research noted that China may be
expected to deploy its huge foreign
exchange reserves and continue its
“charm offensive” to win over other
members of the Association of
Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN).
“This would not only isolate the
Philippines in its continuing efforts to
push for a binding Code of Conduct in
the South China Sea among ASEAN
members but would also give the latter
the edge in attracting fast growing
Chinese outward investments ($84
billion in 2012 from less than $3 billion
a decade ago, mostly in Asia),” the
research said.
At present, the research noted
there's very little by way of Chinese
foreign direct investments (FDIs) in the
Philippines, noting that its one large
stake in the electricity transmission
sector was even “being eyed locally
with deep suspicion.”
With this political tension, Global
Source also said it has become “highly
unlikely that the Philippines can
undertake any oil and gas exploration
in the West Philippine Sea.”
Global Source said it would likely
decisions will play an important
role,” it added. “The government of
t h e P h i l i p p i n e s h a s a l r e a dy
announced plans to conduct an
import tender in April.”
The National Food Authority has
called for tenders for a total of
800,000 MT, the biggest volume in a
A unit of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) wants to allow shipments of fresh Philippine
mangoes from areas other than Guimaras. Inquirer file photo
year so far during the Aquino
With some 400,000 MT having
arrived as part of a previous tender
that closed last December, the
Philippines expects a total of at least
1.2 million MT in 2014.
With only 700,000 MT brought in
during 2013, Philippine imports are
expected to balloon by at least 70
By Ronnel W. Domingo
seed weevil and mango pulp
mango pulp weevil,” the Aphis
percent this year.
said in its proposal.
Based on the FAO forecast, the
MANILA -- A unit of the
Currently, Guimaras is the
According to Aphis, it has
Philippines would account for the
United States Department of
only mango-producing area in
reviewed and approved the
eighth-largest import volume in
Agriculture (USDA) wants to
the Philippines that US
survey protocols and other
allow shipments of fresh
authorities recognize as free of
information provided by the
China is expected to remain as
Philippine mangoes from areas
pests. As a result, mangoes from
the biggest rice importer, with
As a result, the agency is
shipments seen rising to 3.3 million
The Animal and Plant
anywhere in the United States.
now preparing to recognize the
MT from the estimated 2.7 million
Health Inspection Service
“These actions are
mango growing regions of
MT imported last year.
Visayas, and Mindanao
According to the FAO, the other
proposed to amend a list of
determined that additional
as free of pests.
big importers are Nigeria (2.8 million
a re a s i n t h e P h i l i p p i n e s
areas within the Philippines are
MT), Iran and Iraq (1.5 million MT
of mango seed weevil and
each), Saudi Arabia and South Africa
(1.4 million MT each), and Cote
d'Ivoire (1.3 million).
Page 22
USDA eyes more mango
shipments from PH
take anywhere from two to four years
for the tribunal to decide on the case,
assuming it would not junk it
immediately for lack of jurisdiction
(take China's position).
Even if the decision comes before
2016, the research said there's not
much optimism among local China
experts that bilateral relations would
thaw under President Aquino. “The
hope now is that in the interim, more
pragmatic minds on both sides of the
disputed seas will be able to work on
preserving and growing economic ties,”
the research said.
Global Source said the Philippine
government's confidence was
“understandable as, legal arguments
aside, the case has ignited latent
nationalistic emotions.” It added that
the country was enjoying broad
international backing, not least from
the U.S. given its pivot to Asia, and
countries with similar disputes with
China, including Japan and some
members of the ASEAN, notably,
Vietnam and Malaysia.
“To be sure, the Philippines'
leaning on US support in its maritime
disputes has drawn strong reactions
from China. It has said that it opposes
these attempts to draw a third party
into the dispute. But it is precisely the
belief in US support the two countries
hold periodic war games, including
near the South China Sea that is
propping up Philippine confidence to
stand up to China,” Global Source said.
“Lacking any credible military
defense capability, the Philippines is
currently locked in negotiations with
the U.S. on a defense treaty that it
expects will be signed during the US
President's scheduled visit to the
c o u n t r y t h i s m o n t h ,” i t s a i d .
UN: Disease threatens
world's bananas
Agence France-Presse
ROME -- The United Nations
warned on Monday of the
potential “massive destruction”
of the world's $5.0-billion (3.6billion euro) a year banana crop
as a plant disease spreads from
Asia to Africa and the Middle
The Rome-based Food and
Agriculture Organization (FAO)
said the TR4 strain of Panama
disease, which has already hit
tens of thousands of hectares in
Southeast Asia, had been
reported in Jordan and
The disease is “posing a
serious threat to production and
export” of bananas, the fourthmost important food crop for the
world's least developed
countries and a key revenue
source for poor farmers, FAO
said in a report.
There is no cure for TR4,
which particularly affects the
Cavendish variety that accounts
for 47 percent of world banana
production - by far the biggest.
The disease affects the trees
but not the bananas themselves
and the only solution is to cut
down the trees, dig trenches
between trees to prevent its
spread and impose strict
quarantine measures.
Top producers in Latin
America, including the world's
main producer Ecuador, have so
far not been affected but FAO
warned there was a “potential”
“I think it's sheer luck. It's
not a question of whether it will
arrive but when. There's no
prevention,” said Gert Kema,
director of the banana research
programme at Wageningen
University in the Netherlands
who manages the site
Kema said the availability of
bananas in Europe and the
United States had not been
affected by the disease because
their main suppliers were in
Latin America and the economic
impact has been focused mainly
in Asia. But he said the key
problem was a “reluctance” in
the industry to realiz the scale of
the problem and its excessive
reliance on the Cavendish
“The sooner we have
replacements for Cavendish that
are resistant to Panama the
better but this is going to take
years,” he said, warning there
was a risk of repeating mistakes
made during a 1950s epidemic.
Page 22
April 18-24, 2014
Page 22
SM named 9th-best retail
brand in Asia-Pacific
By Ben O. de Vera
MANILA -- Retail giant SM
was cited as the ninth-best retail
brand in Asia-Pacific - the only
Philippine brand to land on
Interbrand's top 30 list for the
According to the Best Retail
Brands 2014 report of global
consultancy company
Interbrand, SM's brand value this
year rose by 11 percent to $1.041
According to Interbrand, its
report's brand valuation
methodology “determines, in
both customer and financial
terms, the contribution of the
brand to business results.”
“SM has performed well
despite the growing strength of
local competitors and the
emergence of both regional and
i n t e r n a t i o n a l p l a y e r s ,”
Interbrand said.
The country's leading
retailer has more than 200
department stores,
hypermarkets, neighborhood
grocery stores and
“With a clear goal to become
a world-class Filipino retailer, SM
is stepping up its game with the
48 malls it operates in the
Philippines and five malls in
China,” Interbrand said.
Retail giant SM was cited as the ninth-best retail brand in Asia-Pacificthe
only Philippine brand to land on Interbrand's top 30 list for the region.
Photo from SM City North Edsa website
The company of the Sy family
has “enormous potential for
expanding its footprint” outside
the country, said Interbrand.
According to the global
consultancy company, last year's
opening of SM Aura Premier in
Bonifacio Global City “generated
buzz as 'the new urban market,'
offering international gourmet
fare” as well as locally produced
favorites from different
SM Aura also provides “an
around-the-world shopping
experience - a unique and much
we l c o m e d c o n c e p t i n t h e
Philippines,” it added.
Australian grocer
Woolsworth was Asia-Pacific's
top retail brand with a brand
value of $4.948 billion, followed
by Japan's Uniqlo, Australia's
Coles, South Korea's Lotte and
Hong Kong jeweler Chow Tai
Fook. Rounding up the region's
top 10 were Singapore's Fair
Price, Japan's Lawson, Australia's
B u n n i n g s Wa re h o u s e a n d
Indonesia's Matahari.
On a per sector ranking, SM
was included in the “grocery”
category, where it ranked fourth
in Asia-Pacific behind
Woolsworth, Coles and Fair
PH rice imports ...
BSP leading ...
From page 20
March this year, accelerating
from 16.5 percent the month before.
The industry group expects sales to
grow more than a quarter this year.
Factory output in February grew
by 1.2 percent over the same month
last year, slowing from 5 percent the
month before.
Te t a n g c o a l s o c i t e d t h e
Purchasing Managers' Indices (PMI)
of the manufacturing, services and
retail and wholesale sectors, which
have also continued to point to an
For instance, in January 2014, all
PMI sectors registered increases:
Manufacturing PMI was at 55
compared to 50.1 registered in
December 2013; services PMI at
60.1 from 56.4; and retailers and
wholesalers PMI at 55.2 from 51.4.
The PMI, which is published
locally by the Philippine Institute for
Supply Management (PISM), is a
UN: Disease ...
From page 21 estimates
the global banana crop is worth
around $5.0 billion and over 100
million tons of bananas are traded
every year, with the biggest market
being the United States.
Fazil Dusunceli, a plant
pathologist at FAO, was quoted as
saying: “Countries need to act now
if we are to avoid the worst-case
scenario, which is massive
destruction of much of the world's
banana crop.”
Gianluca Gondolini, secretary
of the World Banana Forum also
based at FAO, said it could hurt
“employment and government
measure of an industry's health
based on new orders, inventory
l e ve l s , p ro d u c t i o n , s u p p l i e r
deliveries and the employment
A PMI score of more than 50
indicates a month-on-month
expansion of an industry, while a
s c o re b e l o w 5 0 i n d i c a t e s a
“Output expansion is expected
to be sustained over the coming
quarters,” Tetangco said.
Other indicators that are
expected to support economic
growth include exports, which rose
by 24.4 percent in February, and
government spending, which was up
15.9 percent in January on the back
of a 45.1-percent expansion in
infrastructure outlays.
The government has set a more
ambitious growth target of 6.5 to 7.5
percent this year, higher than the
2013 target of 6 to 7 percent. The
Philippine economy grew by 7.2
percent last year.
reve n u e s i n m a ny t ro p i c a l
In particular it would impact
“ re g i o n a l m a rke t s ” i n A s i a
“because TR4 is heavily
widespread there and this has
consequences on supply and
The disease is soil-borne and
the fungus can remain viable for
decades and prevention includes
foot baths and measures to avoid
movement of infected soil and
planting materials into and out of
Gondolini said there were
“preventive and quarantine
measures in place but that should
be strengthened.”
From page 21
A 71-percent jump in the volume of rice imports to the
Philippines, totaling 1.2 million metric tons in 2014, is
expected to be a key driver of a recovery as well as a new high
for global traffic this year, according to the Food and
Agriculture Organization (FAO). photo
However, among the top importers, the
Philippines showed the biggest yearly
increase in inbound shipments.
The UN agency noted that ample supply in
exporting countries, due to large harvests
adding to large inventories, were intensifying
competition for markets.
The FAO's latest Rice Market Monitor
report point to a third consecutive season of
subdued growth in global palay output,
pencilled in at 0.8 percent over the 2013
estimate to reach 751 million tons this year.
Cebu Pacific ...
From page 20
Administration restored the
country's category 1 rating.
Right now, Cebu Pacific's longhaul operations are limited to Dubai
using its Airbus A330 planes, whose
11 to 12-hour range places
mainland Europe and the west coast
of the US out of reach for now.
Among domestic carriers, only
Philippine Airlines directly serves
Europe via non-stop flights to
“We still have a lot of work to do.
We are still going to open up Middle
East and Australia in the next couple
of years. These require a lot of
investments,” Gokongwei said.
He said the airline could
capitalize on Europe flights through
commercial agreements with
carriers serving those markets as he
cited intense competition with
subsidized gulf carriers.
“Middle eastern carriers are not
pushovers. They are fantastic
carriers and fantastic competitors,”
said Gokongwei, adding that
potential markets include London,
A m s te rd a m a n d Pa r i s . S u c h
agreements, however, would
require the approval of regulators,
including the Civil Aeronautics
Longer-range planes are not yet
on the horizon for Cebu Pacific,
which is acquiring another 50
planes from European
manufacturer Airbus S.A.S through
2021, Gokongwei said. It had 48
planes last year and plans to end
2017 with 62 planes, comprised of
mid-range A320s and A321s and
A330s, briefing materials posted on
its website showed.
G o ko n g we i wa s m u m o n
whether Cebu Pacific would modify
orders to acquire or lease planes
with extended range, saying these
are “long-term decisions” that
needed to be studied closely.
Cebu Pacific is currently the only
profitable domestic carrier, having
posted a net income of P511.9
million in 2013. That figure was 85
percent below the previous year
mainly due to foreign exchange
losses. Increasing demand for
budget travel boosted revenues to
P41 billion, up 8 percent last year.
April 18-24, 2014
Page 23
Jessica Sanchez gets thumbs up
for 'Lupang Hinirang' rendition
By Allan Nawal
DIGOS CITY -- It was not yet
the Pacquiao-Bradley fight but
the crowd already exploded
into jubilation as FilipinoAmerican singer Jessica
Sanchez, who wowed voters of
American Idol season 11 for her
vocal prowess despite her
young age, belted out the
Philippine national anthem,
“Lupang Hinirang,” in high
“She nailed it,” said a
spectator at a coffee shop here,
where the live telecast of
Pacquiao's fight with the
American pugilist was being
For Len, a bar singer who
was also watching the live
telecast, said she had thought
Sanchez would not be able to
belt out the highest note of the
national anthem.
“Kaya niya. Taas ng boses at
wow, galing ng quality,” she
A spectator, who did not
wish to be identified, said he
did not care if Jessica
mispronounced some of the
lyrics of the national anthem,
such as “nagniningning”
(Jessica was heard saying
nagninigning); and buhay ay
langit (she said buha ay langit).
“She gave justice to the
rendition and I hope we
Filipinos would appreciate it
instead of criticizing her for
Filipino boxing icon Manny Pacquiao poses with actor Mario Lopez for a selfie while
celebrating his unanimous decision over WBO welterweight champion and previously
undefeated Timothy Bradley of the United States at the MGM Grand Garden Arena in
Las Vegas on Saturday, April 12. (Reuters/Steve Marcus)
Entertainer Jessica Sanchez sings the Philippine national anthem
before the WBO welterweight title boxing fight between Manny
Pacquiao and Timothy Bradley on April 12, 2014, in Las Vegas. AP
that small mistakes. She doesn't
speak good Tagalog so what do
we expect?” the man asked.
Another musician said
Jessica's slow rendition of the
song in contrast to the 2/4
marching tempo should also be
“She's a balladeer and there
was no backup so maybe she
was tensed and had not
remembered it should be sung
in an uptempo,” the musician, a
bandmaster, added.
The musician cited
Ashanti's rendition of the
American anthem “Star
Spangled Banner,” which also
elicited a hot response from the
crowd. “The Star Spangled
Banner was also written with a
Brisk tempo but she sang it like
a ballad and she did it well,” he
The wrong interpretation
of the Philippine national
anthem has put into limelight
other Filipino artists in the
But for the group of people
watching the Pacquiao fight at
this particular cafe here, it did
not matter if Jessica sang it
according to what
traditionalists wanted.
“Tinalo nga niya si Ashanti
doon. Kung singing contest
iyon, siya na ang panalo,” Elmer
Santos, a confessed music lover
Brian Poe on his
mom Grace Poe &
grandfather FPJ
By Giselle Sanchez
I regard the King of
Philippine Movies, Fernando
Poe Jr., as the epitome of a
Yes, Robin Padilla may be a
gentleman in that he never
fails to offer a seat to any lady
present, whether an extra or
production assistant; yes,
Piolo Pascual may be a
gentleman in that he
volunteered to carry my
luggage during our Japanese
and European trips; but The
King always comes first for
I still vividly remember
how FPJ came to my rescue
years ago during Ina
Ray m u n d o' s we d d i n g . I
needed to go to the comfort
room but I couldn't find one
near the venue. He
approached me and I told him
the problem. I was actually
meaning to hold it in until
after the ceremonies but he
Celebrities in frenzy over
Pacman's triumph
By Michael Joe T. Delizo
Along with millions of fans
worldwide, celebrities also used social
media in congratulating the WBO
welterweight champion Manny
Pacquiao who outclassed American
Timothy Bradley, Jr. in the ring today,
April 12.
The Filipino boxer was hailed even
by international stars, including actorTV host Mario Lopez who took a selfie
shot with him and the team, including
coach Freddie Roach.
TV host Piers Morgan posted
successive tweets about the fight. He
commented on Pacquiao's mom
Dionisia who was part of some 15,000
fans at the MGM Grand Garden.
“Great fight. Two superb boxers.
But easy win for @MannyPacquiao
“Love @MannyPacquiao 's mother.
Great night for The Philippines,” read
some of Morgan's posts.
Retired world heavyweight
champion Lennox Lewis also posted
messages about the rematch. He hopes
for a Pacquiao-Mayweather megabout before the two finally hang up
their gloves.
“The only difference in this fight
was the judges got it right this time.
Bradley is a warrior. Just not in Mannys
l e a g u e ,” h e t we e te d . “ I t h i n k
@MannyPacquiao and
@FloydMayweather should fight each
other as the last fight for both of them.”
Other athletes who congratulated
Pacman included NBA star Jeremy Lin,
PBA heartthrob Chris Tiu, Pinoy
skating whiz Michael Christian
Martinez, and other local boxing
champs Nonito Donaire, Jr. and Brian
Actor Luis Manzano made a buzz
after posting that he bet “3M” on
Pacquiao, only to clarify later that he
was joking.
“People are once again asking if im
betting 3M again on Pacman , i always
will, ill always put my bet on Pacman!
3M here we go!!!
“My 3M is ready! Pinaghirapan ko
rin tong pusta ko, lets see!!! Wish me
“Yeah baby!!!!!! Nanalo ako 3M
pizza!!!! Magpapabili sila! bakit
naman ako tataya ng 3 million pesos??
Hahahaha,” read his posts. Manila
European holiday
awaits Lovi, Rocco
By Bayani San Diego Jr.
Unlike her contemporaries who are
currently embroiled in all sorts of
skirmishes in cyberspace, GMA 7 actress
Lovi Poe keeps mum in the face of
“I shouldn't be giving advice to
From left: Neil Llamanzares, Hannah, Nica, Brian & Senator Grace Poe-Llamanzares
others [caught in cyber squabbles],” she
said no, “magkakasakit ka
Just recently, I was at
told the Philippine Daily Inquirer. “I've
niyan,” then excused himself.
Balara Elementary School for
had my share of troubles.”
After a few minutes, FPJ an indie movie shoot. I was
Lovi would rather take the high road.
c a m e r u s h i n g b a c k . H e surprised to see a handsome
“Some people can't help expressing
actually looked for and found and charismatic young man
themselves in social networking sites.
a clean comfort room that I giving a speech to graduating
There is a classier way of handling
could use. He even showed me c h i l d re n . I wa s d o u b ly
things. I'd just stay quiet in my corner
where it was. When I came surprised to see the same
and let others do the talking.” Less talk,
out, he was still there waiting. young man join our movie set
less mistakes, as far as she is concerned.
He then escorted me back to after, taking the role of one of
Does the same principle apply to her
the church. That is the kind of my students. His name? Brian
love life? Apparently, yes. Asked about
man FPJ was.
Rocco will join Lovi in Rome, Paris and the state of her heart, she said,
Page 24
the French Riviera.
Page 24
April 18-24, 2014
Page 24
Luis Manzano surprises
Angel Locsin with early
birthday party
MANILA -- Actress Angel Locsin
on April 12 got an early surprise
birthday party from her boyfriend
Luis Manzano, taking to Instagram to
express her thanks to her boyfriend.
“Surprise birthday parteey pala
namin ngayon! Thanks naman sa ate
ko & friends! di ko talaga na halata
kasi ang aga ha! Wala na daw time to
celebrate sa balur, Haha! Kakunchaba
nyo pa si @luckymanzano ha! Ganda
ng set up! Thank you!” Angel said as a
caption to a photo on Instagram
showing her with Luis beside a table
of food.
Angel will turn 29 on April 23.
Angel also posted another photo of
her with her family and Luis, the
actress holding a birthday cake.
Meanwhile, Luis, who was known as
Lucky, also posted a photo on
Instagram of him and Angel.
“Finally spending time with the
beautiful girlfriend
@therealangellocsin ! Days dont get
any better than this. and nagiging
magkamukha na ata kami ha!! Good
for me then!” Luis said in the photo.
Angel and Luis earlier broke up
and got back together in February
after dating other people. Angel
dated soccer player Phil
Younghusband while Luis dated
singer-actress Jennylyn Mercado.
BRIAN's cellphone screensaver: FPJ and Brian back in 1993
Brian Poe ...
From page 23
Screengrab from Angel Locsin's Instagram account
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Poe Llamanzares, son of Senator Grace
Poe and FPJ's grandson.
“Aren't you supposed to be part of
your mom's legislative staff?” I asked
the handsome and intelligent young
man, whom I know as a political
science graduate of Ateneo de Manila
“I still am, but the session is on
break till May 5,” he said.
Everybody knows FPJ but very few
people know his daughter personally,
so, I asked Brian how Grace is as a
“Strict but easy to talk to; she
really tries to makes us adhere to
conservative values. My sister Hanah's
suitor has to come to the house to
court her and my youngest sister Nica,
who is nine years old, is not allowed to
have a cellphone because, according to
my mom, she's too young to have one,”
he shared.
“It's amazing though because,
even if my mom is strict on certain
things, we can really talk to her. My
mom and dad were in their 20s when
they had me so, our age gap isn't that
huge. We're pretty close,” he added.
I then asked him what he does as
part of his mom's staff. “Everyone in
the office is not familiar with my mom.
I feel that my greatest contribution in
the office is helping them get to know
European ...
From page 23
sheepishly: “OK naman. It's easy-going,
relaxed. There's no pressure. I prefer it
this way.” Rumor has it that she is now
involved with fellow Kapuso Rocco
Candidates (from left to right, Front Row) Venia Adelouise
Sipalay, Jazmine Wyra Garcia, Hennessy Cash Tiankee-Caspe,
Andrea Mateo, Shunnar Seif Obeido and Antonnie Edrosa.
(Second Row) Kevin Calvar Oliveira, Claramae Calvar Oliveira,
Caitlen Alexandra Paje Salnave and Aliyah Renee Rodriguez.
Event & Tickets $75. Information: Phone: (212) 682-6610 email:[email protected]
Summer getaway
Lovi volunteered that , this
summer, she is spending time in
Europe with Rocco.
Before starting work on her latest
soap opera “Ang Dalawang Mrs. Real”
in May, Lovi said, “I'm going to Italy
with Rocco. We'll meet up with my
sister there. She's studying in San
Francisco (California), but she's
vacationing there now.”
Their itinerary includes Rome,
Paris and the French Riviera.
This Holy Week, she hopes to hear
Mass in Vatican City. “I've always
dreamed of attending a Mass officiated
by the Pope.”
After the European holiday, she's
slated to slug it out with acting stalwart
Maricel Soriano for the affections of
their leading man, Dingdong Dantes, in
“Mrs. Real.”
Although they costarred in the Jun
my mom better. I also guide them in
how they could provide her what she
needs when she needs them.”
I noticed that his screensaver was
a picture of FPJ carrying him when he
was still a toddler. I asked Brian if he
had a wish for his late grandfather, and
he said, “I wish that he was still around
so he could teach me about things I'm
getting into now.”
The indie movie that Brian and I
are working on is a musical titled
“Filemom Mamon.” Also part of the
cast is Christian Bautista, Rayver Cruz,
Nanette Inventor, and Smokey
Manaloto, among others. He has
religiously attended all the acting
workshops with the other teen
members of the cast and has been
working on his American twang.
Brian admitted that he loves both
politics and show business. I asked
him what he prefers given a choice.
“Legislation gives you a sense of
satisfaction because we help in
drafting the laws that would hopefully
make a difference in our country.
Tu m u t u l o n g p o k a s i k a m i s a
pagbalangkas ng mga batas na
makalilikha ng pagbabago sa ating
bansa na siyang makakatulong para sa
ikauunlad ng buhay ng bawat Pilipino.
But honestly, I would rather be in
show business. I'd like to take care of
my grandfather's legacy. I feel that I
could help my mom more if I will be
able to establish a career in show
business.” Manila Bulletin
Robles Lana film “Yesterday, Today and
Tomorrow” in 2011, Lovi has never
shared the screen with Maricel.
“I'm sure it will be nerve-wracking,
but exciting at the same time,” she
admitted. It's also poignant, because
Maricel acted opposite Lovi's late
father, Action King Fernando Poe Jr. “I
remember their film together, 'Batang
Quiapo' (1986). Maybe we can
reminisce about my dad between
“Mrs. Real” could be her most adult
TV role yet. She plays a young mother
and the “other woman” in a love
triangle. Lovi explained, “She's not
really a mistress. She didn't know that
her husband was married before they
If she found herself in a similar
predicament, she insisted, she
wouldn't think twice about packing
her bags. “I would definitely leave. It's a
difficult situation, heartbreaking.
That's why women should not be
dependent on their husbands. They
should be able to stand on their own. In
the end, all you have is yourself.”
She's unfazed by the prospect of
moralists going up in arms because of
the coming prime-time show's mature
“It's a way of opening people's
eyes,” she said. “This happens in real
April 18-24, 2014
Page 25
Irma Adlawan as
Edna, the OFW
By Crispina Martinez Belen
Several years back,
government propagandists
proclaimed Overseas
Filipino Workers (OFWs) as
the country's new heroes.
We absolutely agree with
the commendation as they
have helped a lot in keeping
local economy afloat. In fact,
most economists would
attest that, without them,
Philippine economy would
have long been derailed.
Note that the country's
almost 10 million OFWs
remit an average of no less
than $20 billion to the
treasury. Also, imagine the
purchasing power they
provide their families.
H o w e v e r, s o m e
government officials, it
seems, have made milking
cows of our OFWs. To think
that they already pay a huge
price for their sacrifices.
Imagine the pain of having to
live abroad, away from your
family for years.
This is what we see in the
movie “Edna,” with awardwinning Irma Adlawan in the
title role.
Edna has been working
abroad for 10 straight years.
Coming home, she is
surprised to see her family
still in the same predicament
she left them. What
happened to the money she
has been sending?
Wo r s e , s h e fe e l s
detached from her family,
who treat her as if she is a
stranger. Years of toiling
abroad practically destroyed
the bond, affection and love
they have for each other.
How can she recapture the
years gone by?
The movie comes in
three parts: Edna's life
abroad, her arrival and her
“My role took so much
out of me,” Irma revealed.
“The concentration I had to
do was so intense. It is the
most challenging role I have
SAN FRANCISCO, California -20 years. Vargas outed himself as an
School of Business and former San
ever portrayed to date.”
Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Jose
undocumented immigrant in a 2011
Francisco Immigrant Rights
Edna is the epitome of a
Antonio Vargas' “Documented a film by
essay published in the New York Times
suffering OFW. She left the
an illegal immigrant undocumented
“Shortly after his TIME magazine
country full of hope, but she
American” will be screened on Sat.,
The screening is hosted jointly by
story on the issue of the
came home to find herself in
April 19, at 4 p.m. at Golden Gate
GGU and the online magazine Positively
undocumented, the U.S. Department of
deep despair.
University (GGU), Room 2201, 536
Filipino. A Q&A with Jose Antonio
Homeland Security announced that it
E xe c u t ive p ro d u c e r
Mission Street, San Francisco.
Vargas follows the screening. Seating is
would no longer deport young
Anthony V. Gedang said he
“Documented” chronicles Vargas'
limited and reservations are required
undocumented residents who qualify
gave all that is necessary to
journey to America from the
at pfpublisher@yahoo.
for the DREAM act,” Gonzalez explains.
make the movie a success,
Philippines as a child; his journey
“Vargas is a rock star in the
“After revealing that he had been an
admitting to having gone
through America as an immigration
immigrant-rights community,” says
undocumented immigrant for more
b e yo n d t h e e s t i m a t e d
reform activist; and his journey inward
Professor Jay Gonzalez III, chair of
than a decade, Vargas has become
as he re-connects with his mother,
GGU's Public Administration
immigrants' most recognizable face
Page 26
Documentary by Fil-Am journalist
Vargas to screen at Golden Gate U
April 18-24, 2014
Page 26
Beware: She's eyeing musicals Teresa 'Tates' Gana,
the usurped in Herbert
Bautista's heart
By Allan Policarpio
From alleged drunken bar
outings to a nasty mishap with a
box jellyfish that landed her in
the hospitalAnne Curtis' recent
ordeals have been fodder for
show biz websites and
Next month, the actress-TV
host is bound to hog the
headlines again with her second
solo concert at the Big Dome,
“The Forbidden Concert Round
2: AnneKapal.” For this she has
vowed to go “all-out.”
The 29-year-old meant she
wouldn't hold back on
production numbers that
involved harnesses, and that she
would go as far as singing
operatic and musical theater
tunes. “I like classical music and
watching theater productions
such as 'The Phantom of the
Opera,' 'Wicked' and 'My Fair
Lady,'” she told the Inquirer at a
press con.
Why not?
“Sometimes I sing numbers
from those musicals out loud,
and people around me say the
songs suit my voice. “So I said,
why don't I?” Anne said,
laughing. Asked what the
highlight of her show would be,
Anne shot back: “Definitely not
my voice!” She had always loved
singing, but was now aware that
singing didn't love her back, she
M A N I L A - - K r i s Aq u i n o i s
considered as the Queen of All Media,
and she also usurped the throne in
Hebert Bautista, replacing one lesserknown woman.
This unknown lady is Teresa
“Tates” Gana, and she is no ordinary
Gana is the president and chief
executive officer of I-Help Foundation,
a non-profit organization that takes
care of children and young adults
suffering from cancer.
According to the foundation's
website, Gana started the foundation
in 2011 after seeing the predicament
of cancer patients when she was
invited at the C.H.I.L.D House, another
non-profit organization that also takes
care of children.
Gana is the mother of Bautista's
children, 10-year-old Harvey, who is
Anne Curtis says
she's always loved
singing, but is now
aware that singing
doesn't love her
“People obviously don't go
to my show for my singing; they
go for the whole productionthe
stunts, costumes and all the
pasabog, pahirapan ng buhay!
(explosive and death-defying
numbers)” Anne said, adding
that doing concerts gives her the
chance to just be herself, “fun
and makulit (playful).” She
quipped, “But I've improved - a
little! I can promise that I won't
be as out-of-tune as I was the
first time.”
Teresa 'Tates' Gana. Inquirer photo
part of Goin' Bulilit, and 17-year-old
Athena, who is also an actress and part
of Joel Lamangan's Sitio Camcam.
PH's biggest metal festival
is just around the corner
MANILA -- PULP SUMMER SLAM is for the third time on the back of one of
the longest running and largest annual the greatest metal album releases of
metal festival in Southeast Asia. Now on 2013, “The Dream Calls For Blood”,
Voice lessons
its 14th year, PULP SUMMER SLAM 14 Death Angel will once again flatten the
That said, Anne is taking up
has seven top international heavy metal denizens of the Slam with their distinct
bands coming in for the single day brand of Bay Area thrash metal.
Page 27
festival, which typically runs 15 hours
Supporting this heavy international
from the opening of gates at noon to the line up are seven local bands bearing
close of the festival a few hours after the pride of Philippines' underground
midnight. This will be the 12th year it music scene. NU Metal band from
has been held at the historic Amoranto Cardona Rizal, Galaw Tao, will be
Stadium in Quezon City, Metro Manila opening the set. This will be followed by
on April 26.
female-fronted Melodic Death/Thrash
This year the festival is co- Metal band Voice of Tranquility, which
headlined by two gigantic acts from the is performing for the second time in the
United Kingdom: Bullet For My PULP Summer Slam Stage. Following
Valentine and Asking Alexandria. Both them is Metalcore band all the way from
bands have never performed live in the Davao - David vs. Goliath, followed by
Philippines and each has millions of Laguna's metalcore band Embercore.
fans across the globe. PULP SUMMER Opening for the first international act is
SLAM 14 will also see the first Metal/Hardcore band from Manila,
performance of thrash metal legends Sickpig. Taking over the stage towards
Kreator and new Japanese metal the end of the festival will be Cavite's
sensation Crossfaith. Returning for the Metal/Hardcore band Sucketseven, and
second time are hardcore favorites finishing this year's Slam is Grindcore
Hatebreed and melodic death metal Metal band from Quezon City, Tubero.
maniacs The Black Dahlia Murder. And
DIRECTOR-ACTOR Ronnie Lazaro with producer Anthony V. Gedang
Irma Adlawan ... From page 25
Veteran actor Ronnie Lazaro directed the movie. He also plays the role of Edna's
husband. “The film is a cooperative endeavor, with Irma contributing much input,”
Ronnie shared.
Like Anthony, Ronnie pushed himself to create a masterpiece in “Edna.” “We
cannot afford to miss such a great opportunity,” he said.
Edna is a unique OFW movie. The quality is top-notch. Check it for yourself when
it is shown in local theaters. Manila Bulletin
April 18-24, 2014
Page 27
Johnny Depp wants to
visit El Nido, Palawan
By Janet Nepales
Children of Bodom
live in Manila
MANILA - PULP Live World
proudly invites you to witness the
return of the original kings of
melodeath (melodic death metal),
Children of Bodom, this May 12,
2014 at the Skydome, SM City North
Edsa, Quezon City.
Children of Bodom are ready to
unleash their brand of melodic death
metal and deliver heavy-hitting
tracks to satisfy your noise-hungry
Beware: ... From page 26
voice lessons, especially since all of her
guests are what she calls “legit singers,
pillars of the industry!” One of them,
she said, asked her what she wanted to
sing. “To which I replied, 'Anything you
want; I will adjust!' It's such an honor to
have this person in my show.”
Show biz writers assumed it was
Lea Salonga, who sang the theme of
Anne's ongoing fantaserye, “Dyesebel.”
Anne was quick to deny, “It's not Ms.
Lea. It's going to be a surprise.”
Is her boyfriend, Erwan Heussaff,
making an appearance? “Pinipilit ko
siya pero ayaw (I was coercing him, but
he did not want to),” Anne said. “He told
me, 'What is ours is ours.' We're open to
the public, but we're not overly show
biz. We want to keep it that way.”
Anne is coproducing the concert
with Viva. She admitted that there's
definitely pressure on her part for the
show to do well. Her first concert,
“Annebisyosa: No Other Concert,” was
sold out, and was toured around the
Album producer
“There's a first time for everything.
ears. Watch Children of Bodom
perform songs from their classic
albums Something Wild,
Hatebreeder, and Follow the Reaper,
as well as new stadium favorites
“Waste of Skin,” “Dead Man's Hand,”
“In Your Face,” and “Halo of Blood.”
Children of Bodom Live in Manila
is brought to you by PULP Live
I'm at this age… I want to start doing
different things; I also want to learn
something business-related,” Anne
said. “Luckily, Viva is supportive and
willing to teach me. They encourage me
to spread my wings.”
Aside from the concert, Anne is the
sole producer of her sophomore studio
album, “The Forbidden Album.” The
new record will feature original songs,
some of them composed by Marcus
Davis, Billy Crawford, Kris Lawrence,
Jay-R and Christian Bautista.
“My first single will be called 'Made
in the Philippines,'” she announced.
Anne is prepared for the inevitable
slew of criticisms from pundits who
believe that non-singers shouldn't be
doing shows or recording albums. “I've
gone through the worst in terms of
criticisms. I don't let them [go to my
head],” she said. “You can't please
She stressed: “I don't want people
to take me seriously. I just want them to
have a great time and come out
Produced by Viva Live and
Annebisyosa Productions, “The
Fo r b i d d e n C o n c e r t Ro u n d 2 :
AnneKapal” is slated May 16 at the
Smart Araneta Coliseum.
Los Angeles Three-time
Academy Award Best Actor
nominee Johnny Depp
expressed his desire to visit El
Nido in Palawan after we
showed him a travel magazine
photo of the vacation resort
when we interviewed him
recently for the sci-fi action
movie “Transcendence.”
The 50-year-old, who owns
the 45-acre Little Hall's Pond
Cay Island in the Bahamas he
renamed Lilly Rose Beach after
his daughter, is an outdoorsy
kind of guy who loves spending
his free time on the beach with
his family.
The actor openly talked
about his love for actress Amber
Heard to whom he has been
engaged since Christmas Eve
last year. The two have been
dating since 2012, after meeting
on the set of “The Rum Diary.”
Johnny announced his
s e p a ra t i o n f ro m Va n e s s a
Paradis, the mother of his two
children (Lily-Rose Melody and
John Christopher III), in June
Johnny disclosed the reason
he has decided to marry Amber.
“Well, I think that every day,
every year that you get a little
older, you get a little wiser. You
have an easier and a better look
at what's going on in life.” It
wasn't easy as “she's everything
that I wouldn't want to be with,
'cause actors and actresses, it's
not an easy deal,” he said.
“But she has a very good
perspective on her career and
one of the first times I sat down
with her, just talking after we
met, I was astonished at how
smart she is, and she is very,
very smart. There's a real strong
JOHNNY DEPP and (inset) his
engagement ring (Photo by
Ruben Nepales)
brilliant woman in there that
has a lot to say. And she has the
ability to bring up the names of
old blues guys, like Slim Harpo
or Tampa Red or any of these
somewhat obscure blues guys,
and she has a great knowledge
of that and country music. There
was no way around it.
“It's an interesting thing
when you realize that you are at
a point in your life where you are
able to dedicate your life to one
person. To love that person as
you do your children. So, yeah, I
guess it's a little combination of
everything, but she's a
wonderful girl and I am very
Then Johnny showed us the
engagement ring. “I picked the
ring,” he confessed. “That's why
I am wearing it. I don't want to
give it to her. I kept this one. She
got the good one. I got the subtle
one.” Who knows, Johnny and
Amber may consider spending
their honeymoon at El Nido,
Johnny is not the only one
who loves El Nido, Palawan.
Both Rachel Weisz and
Jeremy Renner, who filmed “The
Bourne Legacy” at El Nido
Resort s' La g en I sla n d in
Palawan, could not stop talking
about the place.
Rachel said, “Palawan is like
a paradise island. It is more like
the Emerald City. It is like a
fantasy. Maybe it's real to you,
but to me, it looked like a fantasy
place. I definitely would love to
go back to Palawan.”
Jeremy, for his part, said, “It
seems spawned from the
heavens. It is one of the most
beautiful islands I have ever
seen. It's gorgeous!”
“The Bourne Legacy's”
award-winning producer Frank
Marshall who earned five Oscar
best picture nods for “The
Curious Case of Benjamin
Button,” “The Color Purple” and
“Raiders of the Lost Ark,” also
loved Palawan.
He said, “It was the most
beautiful place I had ever been
to. It is just staggeringly
beautiful. Unfortunately, I was in
Palawan for only two days. I
wish we had spent six weeks
Palawan is home to the
exquisite El Nido Resorts' Lagen
Island that has water cottages
and gives visitors the
opportunity to engage in all
kinds of water sports activities.
Other breathtaking El Nido
Resorts developments there are
located at Miniloc, Pangulasian
and Apulit. The resorts there
were not affected by typhoon
“Haiyan.” Manila Bulletin
The changes in Vhong's lifestyle
By Marjorie S. Duran
Vhong Navarro (Photo from
Actor-host Vhong Navarro
admits that getting mauled
months ago has had an impact
on his current activities and
“Kasi dati kaya kong
umalis mag-isa eh, kaya kong
pumunta sa mga malls na
magisa, sa mga kaibigan ko na
magisa, eh, ngayon po medyo
may mga nagbago,” he said on
“Buzz Ng Bayan.”
He has resumed playing
basketball but not as regularly.
A p p a re n t ly, t h e “ I t ' s
Showtime” mainstay is taking
it slow in regaining his old self.
Vhong described himself as
one “na madali makagaanan
ng loob kasi ako 'yung tipo ng
tao na hindi ako namimili kung
sino ang kakaibiganin ko.”
With what he experienced,
he is finding it hard to trust
people as easily as before.
Then again, Vhong's
relationship with his family is
on the upswing.
“Mas nadagdagan (lang)
especially 'yung pagmamahal
nila sakin ngayon, 'yung
suportang kailangan ko nung
mga panahon na sobrang
down ko…” said he.
The incident also allowed
him to see who his true friends
are, saying “Doon mo kasi
malalaman ang isang kaibigan.
Dapat ang kaibigan nandiyan
sa hirap at ginhawa dahil
ganun ako. Hindi ako nangiiwan…”
Asked how the challenges
changed his views in life,
Vhong said that he now has
better understanding of
“Binabase kasi ang duwag
(halimbawa) 'pag hinamon ka
ng suntukan, 'pag hindi ka
lumaban duwag ka ('yun ang
pananaw) ng marami,” he said.
“Pero hindi pala dun makikita
a n g p a g i g i n g d uwa g ( o
matapang). Puwede ka palang
maging matapang sa ibang
paraan (na walang)
April 18-24, 2014
Page 28
After Pacquiao, BIR chief Pacquiao's tax woes
runs after boxing fans cloud latest victory
MANILA -- Revenue
commissioner Kim Henares has
another target after bugging
welterweight champion Manny
Pacquiao about his undeclared tax
liabilities the boxing champion's
This as the Bureau of Internal
Revenue (BIR) chief claimed even
the gambling income among
bettors during boxing bouts should
be taxed.
Gambling money under the
National Internal Revenue Code is
considered taxable. It's just a
matter of enforcing it, Henares said
in a phone interview with on Tuesday.
“That's the law… All gambling
wins whether legal or illegal are
taxable,” Henares said, when asked
if the law even includes bettors
during the boxing fights of
Henares said it may be difficult
to enforce the law as there are no
receipts issued for gambling spoils.
“It's the law. If you're asking me
the legal, I'm answering you legally,”
she said.
By Christian V. Esguerra
BIR Commisioner Kim Henares.
Inquirer file photo
Henares said the revenuecollecting body may only clamp
down on bettors not paying their
taxes through lifestyle checks.
Pacquiao has been the latest
target of Henares after the boxing
champion allegedly failed to pay
over P2.2 billion in tax from his
winnings in 2008 and 2009.
The revenue commissioner
remained persistent on Pacquiao to
declare his income even after his
latest victory against American
boxer Timothy Bradley.
Charity football for 'Yolanda'
victims raises $190,000
By Matikas Santos
MANILA -- The star-studded
charity football match organized by the
United Nations Development Program
(UNDP) raised $190,000 for the
re h a b i l i t a t i o n e f fo r t s i n a re a s
devastated by Super Typhoon Yolanda
(international name Haiyan).
“We are proud that UNDP's 11th
Match Against Poverty provided an
opportunity for the public to support
the affected Filipino communities and
help them rebuild their lives after the
devastation caused by Haiyan,” Maurice
Dewulf, UNDP Philippines Country
Director said in a recent statement.
Football legends Zinedine Zidane
and Ronaldo led the UNDP team for the
charity match where 88 percent of the
proceeds will go to UNDP projects in
the areas devastated by Yolanda.
“The funds for the Philippines will
be used to increase awareness of
disaster risks among the most disaster-
prone communities,” UNDP said in its
“This initiative will thus make a
major contribution to a better
understanding of what the disaster
risks might be and allow all concerned
to prepare and protect themselves
against such disasters,” it said.
The match was held in Bern,
Switzerland and was attended by
21,000 football fans all over the world
who wanted to express their support
for the recovery efforts in the
Philippines. Match Against Poverty is
an annual charity football game of the
UNDP that aims to encourage people to
support UNDP's programs all over the
During the halftime portion of the
match, a short film portraying the plight
of young football players in Tacloban
city was aired with the aim of showing
how su rvivors a re rec overin g .
Memory tourney tests brain power
The Philippine Mind Sports
Association, Inc. is organizing the first
ever AVESCO Philippine International
Memory Championship from May 31 to
June 1.
B a c ke d by CG B P. o rg , W. I . N.
International, Rotary Club Of Pasig City,
Hotel Sogo and Eurotel, the two-day
tournament will be held at the Eurotel
Corporate Center in Quezon City.
Some of the world's top memory
athletes from India, Japan, Indonesia,
Malaysia, Mongolia, South Korea, Hong
Kong, China, Thailand, USA and
powerhouse Germany are coming to pit
wits and brain power with the
country's cream of the crop.
Leading the Filipinos' in this World
Memory Sports Council-sanctioned
event are Erwin Balines and Mark
Anthony Castaneda members of the
AVESCO-Philippine Memory Team
which topped the Hong Kong Memory
Championship and placed fourth
o ve ra l l i n t h e Wo r l d M e m o r y
Championship in London last year.
Balines and Castaneda have also
been invited to compete in the all-GMM
San Diego International Memory
Championship in California on April 2627.
T h e AV E S C O P h i l i p p i n e
International Memory Championship
will follow the WMSC standard of
events that include Names and Faces (5
minutes), Binary Numbers (5 minutes),
Random Numbers (15 minutes),
Abstract Images (15 minutes), Speed
Numbers (5 minutes), Historic / Future
Dates (5 minutes), Playing Cards (10
minutes), Random Words (5 minutes),
Spoken Numbers (200 seconds & 400
seconds) and Speed Cards. Manila
MANILA -- After Sarangani
Representative Manny Pacquiao
thoroughly outclassed Timothy
Bradley last April 12, who's next
for boxing's only eight-division
The overwhelming
consensus among boxing fans is
the undefeated Floyd
Mayweather Jr. in a highly
anticipated bout expected to
become the richest in boxing
But first the Pacman will
have to deal with the local
taxman, Commissioner Kim
Henares of the Bureau of Internal
Revenue (BIR).
Henares was on radio on
Monday reminding the boxing
superstar of his tax liabilities,
which were estimated at P2.1
billion as of December 2012
alone. In a radio interview, she
said the assessment did not yet
include interest.
But a Malacañang
spokesperson said on Monday
that Henares was not out to play
“spoiler to [Pacquiao's] victory.”
“We don't quite think that
Commissioner Henares intends
to be in any way disrespectful, or
that her manner any way tends to
lessen the honor that Manny
Manny Pacquiao, left, of the Philippines, trades blows with Timothy
Bradley, in their WBO welterweight title boxing fight Saturday, April 12,
2014, in Las Vegas. Pacquiao won the bout by unanimous decision. (AP)
Pacquiao has brought to the
country,” Deputy Presidential
Spokesperson Abigail Valte said
in a press conference.
“We don't mean to make it
hard for Congressman Pacquiao.”
One reporter told Valte about
negative reactions online to the
BIR's pursuit of Pacquiao. She
said Henares was just “very
focused on her job and on her
“I don't quite think that she
intends to be offensive. She's just
doing her job,” she said, recalling
that Pacquiao's camp had been
“working” with the BIR on how to
settle his tax liabilities.
Last December, President
Aquino paired Pacquiao with
Henares during a shooting
competition at the Presidential
Security Group's firing range.
But Malacañang was quick to
clarify that the affair didn't mean
that the BIR was letting Pacquiao
off the hook.
Page 29
April 18-24, 2014
Page 29
Pacquiao’s tax
woes ... From page 28
“The BIR case on Representative
Pacquiao's tax accountability
continues to be pursued and he is still
required to fulfill all his legal
obligations to the government,”
Communications Secretary Herminio
Coloma said then.
Aside from his local tax
deficiencies, Pacquiao is also facing a
similar problem with the United
States' Internal Revenue Service,
which was reportedly seeking $18
million in back taxes.
Last year, the IRS issued a levy on
Pacquiao's bank accounts in the US to
recover the alleged tax liabilities
covering 2006 to 2010. The boxer had
also been issued a “notice of federal
tax lien” amounting to $18,313,669.
Last December, Pacquiao's
Philippine lawyer Tranquil Salvador
said the “IRS liens on his properties
and bank accounts” had been
“vacated,” meaning the boxer “has
satisfied the requirements of the US
A USA Today report last April 11
raised the possibility that part of
Pacquiao's $20-million guaranteed
purse for the Bradley fight might go to
the IRS.
Michael Koncz, Pacquiao's
adviser, was quoted as saying that “in
America, there's no issue of tax
evasion or nothing.
“The major issues here are about
four categories of tax deductions. We
have a tremendous accounting team
working for us. We have great tax
lawyers working for us,” he told USA
MANILA -- Manny Pacquiao's
mother Dionisia finally explained
the secret behind her supposed
voodoo act against American
boxer Timothy Bradley.
Turns out, the welterweight
champion's mother was merely
praying to the Santo. Niño not
casting a spell on her son's
opponent, as it would appear to
In a television interview on
Monday, Mommy Dionisia said
she was imploring the Sto. Niño
not to let Bradley knock out her
son during their fight.
“Siya ang bida ng gabing ito
(He is the star of the night),” the
terno-clad Pacquiao matriarch
said, pointing at the estampita or
a small holy picture of the Santo
Niño, who is said to be the child
representation of Jesus Christ.
But it was Mommy Dionisia
who became an instant hit that
night, after she was shown on the
live coverage of the fight holding
her rosary and estampita, on one
hand, and pointing a threatening
finger at Bradley, on the other.
Mommy Dionisia set social
HOW TO PLAY: Place a number from 1 to 9 in each empty cell so that each
row, each column and each 3x3 block contains all the numbers from 1 to 9
Solution to Issue 15 Sudoku
Solution to Issue 15 Crossword
Screengrab from the Vine video that has gone viral, showing Sarangani Rep.
Manny Pacquiao's mother, Dionisia, uttering something in front of TV
cameras while her son was trading punches with Bradley in a world
welterweight title boxing match in Las Vegas, Nevada last April 12.
media ablaze, with her trending
worldwide on Twitter. Netizens
joked that the Pacquiao matriarch
was casting a hex on Bradley.
If it was indeed a hex, it
worked, as the American boxer
was defeated by Manny, who
reclaimed the welterweight
crown after a controversial
defeatto Bradley in 2012.
But for Mommy Dionisia, it
was her prayers to the Child Jesus
that saved her son in the fight.
“Sabi ko, tulungan ko ang kuya
mo na hindi mapabagsak ni
Bradley (I prayed that he help
Manny not to be knocked out by
Bradley),” Mommy Dionisia said.
Asked about her reaction on
the Internet frenzy over her act,
Mommy Dionisia said many
people “liked” her on social
“Okay lang, maraming naglike. Lalo na sa HBO, ni-like nila
ako (It's okay, many people liked
me. Especially on HBO, they liked
me),” Mommy Dionisia said,
referring to the American cable
channel which aired Manny's pay
per view broadcast of the fight.
And to end her act in a
flourish, Mommy Dionisia was
seen hugging Bradley after the
fight but not to lift the curse, as
some netizens would like to
Mommy Dionisia said she
approached Bradley to say sorry
for his loss.
Bradley then supposedly told
Pacquiao's mother, “No problem,”
Mommy Dionisia said.
“Natanggap na niya na talo siya
(He has accepted defeat),” she
April 18-24, 2014
Page 30
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April 18-24, 2014
Page 31
April 18-24, 2014
Page 32