Curso Matrimonial
Curso Matrimonial
Fourth Sunday of Easter St. Sylvester R. C. Church Saturday/April 16, 2016: 8:30AM— 5:00PM– Sunday/April 17, 2016: 8:30AM10:00AM–Por el alma de Denise Perez, Por el 11 aniversario del alma de Armulfo Mendoza, Por el primer aniversario del alma de Mack Derreck Santiago y por el alma de Luis Rivera 12:00Noon-For the speedy recovery of Felicia Avishkar Maraj Monday/April 18, 2016: 8:30AM–For all parishioners Tuesday/April 19, 2016: 8:30AM-In memory of Thelma Perez Wednesday/April 20, 2016: 8:30AM-Members of the purgatorial society Thursday/April 21, 2016: 8:30AM— 7:30PM— Friday/April 22, 2016: 8:30AM— Saturday/April 23, 2016: 8:30AM— 5:00PM– Sunday/April 24, 2016: 8:30AM-For the 9 yr. old birthday blessing of Nicholas W. Lemus 10:00AM–Por las almas de Ana Lucresia Baez, Luz S. Vega, Denise Perez, Jose Taveras, Manuela Guzman en su 4to aniversario, Michael Tenorio en su 1er aniversario April 17, 2016 Saturday/ April 23, 2016 5:00pm Carmen Carvajal Sunday/ April 24, 2016 8:30 AM Daisy Robles Page 1 Luz Rodriguez Carmen Alfonso Victor Rosario Sergia Pineda Mercedes Abreu Ramon Abreu 10:00 AM Julio Estevez Francisca Estevez Amelia Juarbe Carmen Perez Dulce Perez Jose Perez Nalda Guerrero Jose Guerrero Juana Benoit 12 Noon Fanny Rodriguez Luz Rodriguez Carmen Alfonso Victor Rosario Curso Matrimonial Se invita a las parejas casadas y a las que bien en “unión libre”, al taller que se llevara a cabo todos los martes de 7:30 p.m. a 9:30 p.m. en la auditorio de San Silvestre empezando el 19 de Abril. En total serán 6 semanas, se les pide no faltar a ninguna. Para mas información adicional, favor de contactar a la Señora Marina Castillo: (347)304-7178 12:00Noon-In memory of the soul of Jose Cintron For the Week of April 17th thru April 23rd, 2016. Para la Semana del 17 de Abril hasta el 23 de Abril del 2016. Sunday/April 17, 2016: Acts of the Apostles 13:14, 43-52; Psalm 100:1-2, 3, 5; Revelation 7:9, 14b-17; John 10:27-30 Monday/April 18, 2016: Acts of the Apostles 11:1-18; Psalm 42:2-3; 43:3, 4; John 10:1-10 Tuesday/April 19, 2016: Acts of the Apostles 11:19-26; Psalm 87:1b-3, 4-5, 6-7; John 10:22-30 Wednesday/April 20, 2016: Acts of the Apostles 12:24-13:5a; Psalm 67:2-3, 5, 6 & 8; John 12:4450 Thursday/April 21, 2016: Acts of the Apostles 13:13-25; Psalm 89:2-3, 21-22, 25 & 27; John 13:16-20 Friday/April 22, 2016: Acts of the Apostles 13:26-33; Psalm 2:6-7, 8-9, 10-11ab; John 14:1-6 Saturday/April 23, 2016: Acts of the Apostles 13:44-52; Psalm 98:1, 2-3ab, 3cd-4; John 14:714 Weekly Offering Report/ Reporte Semanal de Ofrendas We are a Tithing Community following God’s Plan for Giving in return for the Lord’s generosity, in the last week our people returned to his Church the following: For April 10, 2016 / Para el 10 de Abril del 2016 Last week we received the Following/La semana pasada recibimos lo siguiente First Collection/Primera Colecta: $- 2367.00 Second Collection/Segunda Colecta: $- 836.00 Children’s Collection/Colecta de Niños: $-99.00 “Our weekly offering is one way of saying: we belong to the Lord… and one another. What Does YOUR weekly offering Say? Pray for His guidance THEN renew your commitment to Tithing”. Fourth Sunday of Easter St. Sylvester R. C. Church Dear Dearbrothers brothersand andsisters sistersininChrist: the Jesus Christ: “The Lord is good: his kindness endures forever, and his faith“Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord.” fulness, to all generations.” We need to transmit this legacy of With entry of Jesus in age. Jerusalem we open this the faiththe totriumphal the new generations age by Yesterday our children Palm Sunday toward Holy Week, the center and reason of received the grace of confession for the first time, recognizingour faith, through whichthat thisthey realhave Manbroken and real who was their faults, realizing theGod friendship with born, lived, fully his mission, died and victoriously God whenever theyfulfilled intentionally do something against thy neighresuscitated from death, invites us makes to accompany Him thisin bor. This examination of conscience them grow in in love, itinerary in those holy days. We ask all of you to please note better human relations, to live by fully loving God and thy neightheasschedules of masses and be provided bor oneself. This way we doservices not fall that in thewill tendency of blaming duringofthis important week of our That we re-discover others, indicating others faults, wefaith. learn to be compassionate this the mystery of the leave it to our Himchildren, to resuscitatwith fragilities of salvation others. Weand congratulate may ed us to a new life more that compromised the that restoration they continue discovering confession with is a gift comes from God's Kingdom, here now. We you to forimprove. our dithe mercy of God, to feeland justified and wait with for desires Let's verse keep celebrations on prayingand forthat the new God generations may wrap us sowith that they his grace may continue this service and illuminate us. and continue being part of the future of the Church. Blessings Blessings Father Jose Francisco Herrera Fr. Jose F. Herrera Administrator Administrator April 17, 2016 Page 2 Queridos hermanos y hermanas en Cristo: “El Señor es bueno, su misericordia es eterna, su fidelidad por todas las edades”. Este legado de la fe la tenemos que transmitir a las nuevas generaciones de edad en edad. Nuestros niños ayer recibieron la gracia de confesarse por primera vez, de reconocer sus culpas, de haber roto la amistad con Dios cada vez que se hace algo intencional contra el prójimo. Ese examen de conciencia los hace crecer en el amor, en mejores relaciones humanas, para vivir a plenitud el amor a Dios y al prójimo como a uno mismo. Así no caemos en la tendencia de inculpar a otros, de señalar las faltas ajenas, aprendemos a ser compasivos con las fragilidades ajenas sin convertimos en cómplices, peor jueves. Felicitamos a nuestros niños, que vaya descubriendo que la confesión es un regalo que viene de la misericordia de Dios, sentirnos justificados y con deseos de mejorar. Sigamos orando por las nuevas generaciones para que tomen esta posta de servicio y de ser Iglesia en el futuro. Bendiciones P. José F. Herrera Administrador Senior Housing Progress of Peoples Management Corporation, an affiliate of Catholic Charities Brooklyn & Queens, is pleased to announce the opening of the waitlist for the St. Teresa of Avila Apartments, located at 555 Saint Johns Place, Brooklyn, NY 11238. The building, which includes handicap accessible units, is for elderly residents and couples where the head of household or spouse is 62 or older. Income restrictions apply and are based on Section 8 guidelines. Interested applicants can obtain an application by: Writing to: St. Teresa of Avila Apartments c/o POP Management Corp. 191 Joralemon Street, 8th Floor Brooklyn, NY 11201 We ask you (and anyone else who is not yet officially registered as a Parishioner) to please use this form to register. Please either give it to a Priest or put it in the collection basket in order to receive your Church envelopes every month./Si usted desea estar oficialmente registrado/a como miembro en la lista de nuestra parroquia llene este formulario y entrégueselo a uno de nuestros sacerdotes o échelo en la canasta de las colectas, de esa forma quedará inscrito en la parroquia y podrá recibir los sobres para las ofrendas semanales. Mr. and Mrs. or Ms.________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Address:_ _______________________________________Apt#____________ City/State___________________________________ Zip _________________ Todos están invitados al desayuno y misa con Radio María. Desayuno Día: Sábado 14 de Mayo Lugar: Auditorio de la escuela Hora: 10am Misa Lugar: Iglesia de San Silvestre Hora: 1pm Tel. # __________________________________Correction ________or New Membership___________ Oraciones para los Enfermos/Prayers for the Sick Los siguientes miembros/amigos de la parroquia se encuentran enfermos/The following members or friends of the parish are sick especially: : Mike Fila, Anna Weih, Luz M. Rivera & Fela Vargas. Recordémoslos en nuestras oraciones/Remember them in your prayers. The deceased/Por los difuntos The following parish members or friends have died especially/Los siguientes miembros/o amigos que han fallecido, en especial. . Remember them in your prayers/Recordémoslos en nuestras oraciones.