mudra institute of communication ahmedabad


mudra institute of communication ahmedabad
(For the Academic Year 2016-17)
Shela, Ahmedabad - 380 058
Phone : 02717-237946 – 51, 308250
02717- 308349
Website :
As approved by MICA Academic Council for the Academic Session 2016-17
No part of this Manual may be reproduced or utilized in any form without the written permission of MICA
Curriculum design
Credit Structure
Term Registration & Fee Payment
The evaluation system
Promotion to 2nd year and Requirements for the Diploma
PGP terms and schedules
Attendance and leave of absence
Rules for Re-assessment
Continuation and probation rules
Role of student course coordinators
Examination rules & regulations
Make-up examination
Final Examinations, Thesis and Dissertation
Summer Internship
Assessment Board
Academic Discipline
Student Code of conduct
Student dress code
Class room discipline
Health and Wellbeing
Withdrawal on account of Leave of Absence
Re-enrollment and re-admission
Fee regulation and schedule
Guidelines for Student Committees
Guidelines for participating in events at other Mgmt. Institutes
IT services
KEIC (Library)
Hostel rules and regulations
Guidelines for availing MICA services / facilities
Use of Hostel rooms during summer breaks
Laundry facility
Medical facilities
Caution Deposit regulations
Release Formality (No Due Certification)
No Dues Certificate Form
Application for Reassessment
Application for participating in events outside MICA
Travel Reimbursement Voucher
Student Leave Application ( PGP-1 & PGP-2)
LIST OF STUDENTS ( 2016-17 )
Page No.
10 -12
13 - 14
14 - 15
15 - 16
16 - 17
17 - 18
18 - 19
20 - 21
21 - 22
22 - 24
24 - 26
26 - 28
28 - 29
29 - 31
36 - 37
39 - 47
48 - 53
Dear Students,
Welcome to the Post Graduate Diploma in Management –Communications (PGDM-C) Programme at MICA
for the year 2016-17.
This manual is intended to familiarize you with the programme and to indicate how the facilities on campus
will support your academic pursuits. It describes the programme, procedures, course requirements,
facilities and learning opportunities. As a student of MICA pursuing the PGDM-C programme you will be
governed by these policies and practices and are expected to be familiar with them. All your thoughts,
words and deeds during the coming year as a MICAn need to be in line and sync with the rules and
regulations mentioned herein in this Manual.
The Manual has 2 Sections : Section A deals with all Academic issues and information while Section B
contains general and non-academic information.
Sethu Iyer
Executive Registrar
Note: The policies, programmes, activities, courses, descriptions, faculty and calendar listed in this manual
are subject to change, revision, modification and/or deletion at any time without notice. It is mandatory for
the students to go through the manual and should check the CMS for the changes / revisions etc.
For all dates, deadlines and schedules please check the PGDM-C academic calendar.
In accordance with the Vision and Mission, MICA strives to develop innovative leaders in the
practice, development and management of Strategic Marketing and Communication; to serve
the needs of industry and society through education, research and advocacy. To achieve this
end, the following course work, procedures and academic regulations shall be adhered to.
The PGDM-C is a two year flagship programme offered by the institute with course work and
concentration subjects to prepare brilliant youngsters for professional careers as Business
Leaders with focus on Strategic Marketing and Communications. It will equip them with theory
and practical training in communication for professional practice in the industry.
Curriculum design
The PGDM-C is organized into the following components viz.
2.a. Core courses,
2.b. Specialization courses
2.c. General Elective courses and
2.d. Dissertation/Advanced courses/DCM Project
The students are required to complete all the academic requirements set by the Institute. The
core courses impart the knowledge and analytical tools essential to prepare for a career in
communications management. They provide the foundation for the advanced work required
in concentration courses. Presently opportunities for concentration, will be in the areas of (i)
Media & E n t e r t a i n m e n t Management (ii) Brand Management (iii) Marketing Research &
Analytics (iv) Advertising Management (v) Digital Communications & Management and (vi)
Development Management and Social Enterprise
The registration to the concentration will be decided on selection by merit, if the numbers are
more than expected. Minimum cap for Elective Courses is 20, and 10 for Advanced Courses. The
Curriculum Committee will review the selection of courses and dropping of courses, if any, will be
decided after the stipulated date for Elective Registration. Subsequent communication for choice
of alternate courses will be sent to the students whose courses are dropped by the 1st week of
As a rule, the substitution of one concentration for another is not permitted. However, in
special circumstances such a request by a student may be considered by the academic
committee. Request for change of concentration must be made in writing to the Executive
Registrar within two weeks from the date of opting the required concentration. Thereafter, it is
at the decision of the Academic Committee.
Course Credit Structure
First Year
Term 1 :
Core Courses - 19 Credits
Term 2 :
Core Courses - 19 Credits
Term 3 :
Core Courses - 23 Credits
Second Year
(Term 4, 5 & 6)
Specialization Electives - 15 Credits
Electives from other Specialization, Minor & General Electives - 10 Credits
Compulsory Courses - 4 credits
Dissertation / Advanced Courses / DCM Project – 6 credits
One session is of 60 minutes duration.
1 credit = 10 sessions. 2 credits = 20 sessions and 3 credits = 30 sessions.
Extra Credit / Audit Course: Students are given an option for extra credit / audit course in addition
to the stipulated credit courses, upto a maximum of 4 Credits. No withdrawal is permitted once
these courses are opted by the student. Though the extra credit will not be considered for
calculating the CGPA, the course name and the grade will reflect on the transcript. However, the
attendance and the evaluations for the are compulsory as per the rules and regulations governing
the credit courses.
Non-Credit: Students can opt for non-credit courses where participants will be awarded letter
grades on completion of the course along with indicative equivalent credits. Such credits will not be
considered in computation of CGPA of the students.
4. Term Registration & Fee Payment
Students will have to complete pre-registration and Fee Payment during each trimester and submit
the Registration Form and Fee Payment by the date stipulated in the academic calendar and as may
be intimated by the PGDM-C Office.
a) Students, who fail to register and submit the Registration Form on the stipulated date of
registration (as intimated by the PGDM-C Office), shall be deemed to have withdrawn from the
course, unless they have written permission of the PGDM-C Office and/or the Executive
Registrar. Attendance will be awarded only from the date of submission of Registration Form to
the Programme Office, in person.
b) Any delay in Term Fee Payment will attract a fine of Rs.100/- per day from the fee payment due
date stipulated by the PGDM-C Office.
The evaluation system
Grading System
Letter Grade
90 and above
A = 4.00
80 – 89
A- = 3.67
75 – 79
B+ = 3.33
70 – 74
B = 3.00
65 – 69
B- = 2.67
60 – 64
C+ = 2.33
55 – 59
C = 2.00
50 – 54
C- = 1.67
45 – 49
D+ = 1.33
40 – 44
D = 1.00
35 – 39
D- = 0.67
34 and below
F = < 0.67
A = >3.67
B = > 2.67 & < 3.33
C = > 1.67 & < 2.33
D = > 0.67 & < 1.33
F = < 0.66
MICA awards the grade to the students at the end of every term on successful completion of the
While the end grade will be A, B, C, D or F (without + or -), the individual component may be
graded with + or - so that the final grading is more holistic. In case no grade is reported by the
faculty at the end of a course for a particular student, it will be treated as Grade F.
A course may be recorded incomplete when the student has completed the class work but is
unable to take the end of course examination or complete any other segment of the course
requirement because of illness or other acceptable reason.
Under these circumstances, the Assessment Committee will ask the Faculty member to revisit
coursework so that the students can then undertake this work on a referral basis. If they pass,
then the work can be accounted at the next Assessment Board. There will be at least two
Assessment Board Meetings in one Academic Year.
An ‘I’ in a course, will be replaced /deleted and another grade is recorded if the student
completes the required work. Otherwise, it is automatically becomes an F and no credit is given.
In such case, the student must retake the course if she/he wishes to earn a grade for it.
Normally, a student may carry only one incomplete grade at a time. Students carrying more
than one incomplete grade at the end of a term will have their progress reviewed by the
PGDM Academic Committee.
A change of grade may be authorized by the Assessment Board depending on merit of the
case under extraordinary circumstances or a genuine mistake.
Grade point average (GPA)
The GPA is calculated by adding the grade points obtained by the student taken from A, B,
C, D or F and divide it by the total credits in each Term. The GPA is calculated for each Term.
The Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is used in determining academic standing for the
CGPA = Total of Grade Points obtained in all courses divided by Total of Credits of all courses.
Promotion to 2nd year and Requirements for the Diploma
Enrollment as a residential student: Residence requirements are intended to provide each
student an adequate contact with the Institute, with the faculty, library and other facilities
for study and research. It is expected, therefore, that every student will undertake a full
time residential programme of study including placements and a dissertation (if opted), for
a minimum of two calendar years.
A. PGDM-C-1 (for 1st year students for promotion to 2nd year)
A student shall fulfill the following minimum requirements for promotion to the second year
of the programme.
Enrollment as a residential student.
A minimum grade point average of 2.00
F in no more than one course (1 F)
D in no more than three courses provided the student has not obtained an F in any course (3 D
and 0 F).
D in no more than two courses if the student has already obtained an F in one course (2 D
and 1 F).
Attendance in each course should be not less than 70% of the number of sessions held, all
permissions/approvals included. If a student has less than 70% attendance on the day of final
examination, he/she will get an automatic F for that course. The minimum overall attendance
requirement will remain 80% for all courses together at the end of each term.
A student is permitted to be absent from the class only on medical reasons, any unavoidable
emergency or valid reason to miss class/(es) should have concurrence from the respective
Programme Coordinator, and the Executive Registrar. Award of Attendance for such
absenteeism will be considered subject to student’s submission of relevant supporting
documents on the day of resumption to the class, to the Programme Office. The leave
application on medical reasons should have medical prescription, medical report and certificate
issued and/or certified by the MICA approved panel of doctors listed under medical facility.
Attendance in such cases will be awarded only upon approval from Programme Coordinator
and the Executive Registrar.
If a student has an overall CGPA of less than 2.00 at the end of the first academic year, s/he is
treated failed and shall repeat his/her first year of classes.
If a student has a CGPA higher than 2.00 at the end of the first academic year, but obtains
more than 1 F and 2 Ds or 0 F and 3 Ds, a chance of improvement upon the F or 1 D will be
permitted with the permission of the Executive Registrar. The course, for which the retest
will be given, will be administered and decided by the Academic Committee. Option of retest
will be given to the students who have obtained up to maximum of 4 Ds, 3 Ds & 1 F or 2 Ds &
2 Fs. There will be no change in GPA and subsequently in CGPA in case of retest. However, if a
student has D or F due to grade cut on account of shortage of attendance, will not be eligible to
appear for any re-test or evaluation.
If the grades do not improve after this chance, and the student still has more than 1 F and 2 Ds
or 0 F and 3 Ds, he/she is declared failed.
Such students have the option of:
 Repeating the entire first year curriculum upon payment of appropriate fees as decided by the
Academic Committees or
 Withdrawal from the program There will be 8 weeks’ of summer internship at the end of 3rd term (1st year) during summer
vacation. It is mandatory to complete internship for promotion to the 2 nd and final year of the
PGDM-C-2 (for fulfillment of the programme requirements and the award of diploma)
A student shall fulfill the following minimum requirements in the second year of assessment for the
award of Diploma:
Enrollment as a residential student:
A minimum grade point average of 2.00
F in no more than one course (1 F)
D in no more than three courses provided the student has not obtained an F in any
course (3 D and 0 F).
D in no more than two courses if the student has already obtained an F in one course (2
D and 1 F).
Successful submission of Dissertation (if opted).
If a student obtains more than 1 F and 2 Ds or 0 F and 3 Ds, s/he is treated failed and
cannot get her/his diploma.
Attendance in each course should be not less than 70% of the number of sessions held,
all permissions/ approvals included. If a student has less than 70% attendance on the day
of final examination, he/she will get an automatic F for that course.
7.b.viii. The minimum overall attendance requirement will remain 80% for all courses together.
Students are allowed one time of academic probation; students who do not achieve the
minimum GPA by the end of the probation period would be suspended from the Diploma
Second year students who fail to qualify for award of degree will be given one opportunity
for re-tests to that extent absolutely necessary to be eligible for award of certificate as per
these guidelines. The rules for re-test for the second year students remain the same as for
unsuccessful first year students.
PGDM-C terms and schedules
The programme begins in end – June / early - July each year. Students are admitted in an
annual cycle starting June-July. The minimum duration of study for the diploma
is two
consecutive years after the student’s first registration.
If a student seeks an extension of these time limits, an application should be addressed to the
Executive Registrar, giving reasons for the request and plans for the completion of the work. A
student who exceeds the time limit may be required to take additional examinations or repeat
course work or both as decided by the Academic Committee.
The maximum number of years for completing the course is 4 years from the date of
Each academic year at MICA includes three terms of three-months each. Each term is
approximately twelve weeks duration
Term I & IV - June – September Term II & V
October - December
Term III & VI - January - March
Classes are held during the day. Classes can also be scheduled during evening hours as well as
on weekends to accommodate visiting faculty and / or guest faculty. However, one day weekly
off will be given during each week. PGDM-C courses will, as far as possible, be scheduled in
predictable annual cycles.
Attendance and leave of absence
Attendance is compulsory for all lectures and workshops. The final grade assigned to the
student for each course will have the component of his/her class attendance record /
percentage. Absence from class (without permission) will result in loss of grade points and, in
certain circumstances students may have to repeat a course.
Students may be granted leave of absence on any of the following grounds :
Illness of self
Sudden demise of parents, spouse or child.
Marriage of self and siblings. (Invitation card need to be appended along with the
application for leave) maximum 3 days including event and transit
Sudden serious illness of parents, spouse or child (any specific duration)
Participation in external competition / event approved by MICA (maximum limit being 1 per
student per year subject to the approval of Associate Dean)
Student committee / event related participation.
The Leave of absence has to be approved by the Student Affairs Incharge and / or Executive
Registrar post recommendation from the faculty aligned to the activity on the prescribed form
which is available in the Student Manual.
In case of non-submission of academic work due to illness, accident or any other problems, the
student has to produce a Mitigating Circumstances Note to the Academic Committee at MICA.
Absence in excess of 50% of the classes on medical grounds, the student has to submit an
application with relevant documents to the Executive Registrar. This will be examined through the
Academic Committee for diligent verification and internal process. If found eligible, shall be
granted attendance and advice remedial evaluation.
9.a. Attendance in excess of 70% but less than 80% in each course will result in a grade cut of one sub
grade (i.e. 0.33).
For e.g. in a 10 session course Minimum attendance needed to qualify for exam – 7 sessions
(70%). Attendance greater than 7 (70%) but less than 8 (80%) sessions – grade cut of 0.33.
9.b. If a student fails to achieve a minimum 70% of attendance in any subject/s shall not be allowed to
sit for the end-term examination of that subject/s and it will result in an automatic ‘F’ for the rest
of the assessment of that subject/s. It is the sole responsibility of the student to verify the
attendance on CMS on regular basis and keep track of shortage if any.
9.c. Leave Application on Medical Grounds supported by the prescription and medical bills along with
Certificate approved by MICA Medical Officer should be submitted to the PGDM-C Office on the
day of resumption to the class. Any late submission will not be entertained.
9.d. Prior Approval from the faculty aligned to the specific student activity, Student Affairs Incharge and
the Executive Registrar is mandatory for absence on account of participation in any extra-curricular
activities approved by the Institute including Placements, MICANVAS, Sankalp etc., failing which it
will be treated as invalid. Those students who have attended any event outside MICA or
Participated in organizing events as part of approved committee work and face shortage of
attendance, may be given a maximum grace attendance of 10% to achieve 80% attendance.
Application on these grounds duly approved by the Student Affairs - Incharge / Executive Registrar
of MICA should be submitted to the PGDM-C Office within 24 hours of receiving the intimation on
short fall of attendance. Course Instructor will follow the general rules on attendance, penalize
absence and ensure smooth and undisturbed learning in class.
9.e. In case, you are leaving campus on any emergency issue, you may kindly send your intimations by
email to the respective Programme Co-ordinator. This should be done before you leave the
campus. However, you need to follow this up by formalising such email requests/intimation by
submitting a proper Leave Application (in hard copy) to the respective Programme Co-ordinator.
9.f. Barring term end breaks students are not permitted to leave campus and stay overnight / go out of
station except for any emergency issues.
Rules for Re-assessment:
The PGDM-C office will announce a schedule for display of corrected answer scripts of Mid
Term and End-Term Exams for each trimester to the students at scheduled day and time.
10.a. For Reassessment the student must apply within three working days from the date of declaration
of the results for his/her own answer books only.
10.b. The student has to submit duly filled application form for Reassessment along with prescribed
fee(s) in stipulated time.
10.c. For Reassessment no fee shall be returned irrespective of whether the marks are changed or not.
10.d. Student getting “F” in more than two courses/term is not be eligible to apply for Reassessment.
10.e. Reassessment can be applied for maximum three courses per term.
10.f. The student shall abide by result after the Reassessment even if it is adverse.
Fee structure for Reassessment is mentioned below:
For one course – Rs. 200/For every additional course – Rs. 300/11.
Continuation and probation rules
PGDM-C students are considered to be in good standing if they:
have removed within stipulated time any “provisional” admission conditions
(ii) have a minimum cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 2.00, and
(iii) are making satisfactory progress towards diploma requirements.
At the close of each Academic Year, the Assessment Board meets to examine and assess the
progress of each student. It is each student’s responsibility to keep track of his/her Grades and
make sure they are making satisfactory progress. If the overall progress is deemed unsatisfactory,
the student will be placed on probation with specific remedial action suggested by the Committee
within the specified time period. Even after this, if the student fails to take corrective action
satisfactorily, she/he will be dismissed from the programme.
If a student has any query regarding the matters specifically dealt with in the evaluation, she/he is
encouraged to discuss them with the concerned faculty. If a student feels that any aspect of the
evaluation are inaccurate or that the evaluation fails to take into account significant information,
the student is encouraged to write to the Executive Registrar/the person authorized by the Dean. If
necessary, such issues shall be referred to the Academic Committee (comprising of PGP Chair +
Area Leaders) for reconsideration.
Student, upon approval of the academic committee, may be dismissed if she/he,
has not completed the procedures for leave of absence.
the accounts with the Institute are overdue for more than three months.
the period of residence exceeds the maximum permitted tenure (to be decided on case to
case), and
the period of leave of absence exceeds one year.
To facilitate the smooth functioning of academic and administrative matters between the
faculty, PGDM-C Office and students, a student coordinator is appointed for each course in
each term. The primary responsibilities of the course coordinator are two- fold: routine and
developmental. The specific responsibilities will include:
12.a. Obtaining the course outline and transmitting the same to all before commencement of the
12.b. Help in compiling initial documentation of the course
12.c. Ensuring circulation of the study material on time
12.d. Ensuring, in close co-ordination with the faculty, conduct of the classes in time. In case, there
is any change in schedule, ensuring that each student receives this information
12.e. Ensuring feedback to the faculty and arranging for mid-term corrections, if needed.
12.f. Arrangement of the class and ensuring availability of gadgets such as microphone, overhead
projector, and other teaching aids in the class
12.g. Ensuring student attendance for each class. Monitor discipline in the class (late coming etc.)
12.h. Coordination between instructor and class on academic and administrative matters in close
liaison with Programme Office. Capture classroom discussions and share the same with the
course faculty. Discuss with the faculty member about future classes, topics, cases etc. in
advance and pass on relevant information to the class.
12.i. Suggesting new topics and innovation in the course in consultation with the faculty
A student course coordinator is as an extension of the faculty/staff coordinators in discharging the
above responsibilities. The Student Course Co-ordinator, however, has no role in examination
related /project work or assignments.
If a student believes his or her dismissal was improper, the student shall forward a written
request for review of his or her dismissal to the Dean. The student’s letter should outline his or
her grievances in reasonable details. The Institute has developed the following review
procedures in such cases.
13.a. The Dean, upon the recommendation of the Executive Registrar, shall appoint a review committee
to look into the Appeal..
13.b. The Review Committee shall convene a meeting as soon as possible and if required the student
requesting the review shall have the opportunity to discuss his or her grievances directly with
the committee and provide any supporting material relevant to the review.
The review committee shall then determine what additional information or consultation is
necessary to complete its review.
Upon review of the relevant information, the review committee shall communicate its findings and
recommendations in writing to the Dean. The Executive Registrar shall inform the student in
writing the result of his or her appeal. In cases where the appeal is rejected, a summary of the
major considerations in the decision will be provided to the student. Normally it is expected that
the review process will be completed within four weeks of its formal initiation by the student.
Examination rules & regulations:
Student must ensure to carry their name plate and place it at the space provided on the table.
Also the following items are permitted for taking the Exam: Foot-ruler, Pen, Pencil, Eraser and
Calculator (if permitted).
Students must bring their MICA’s (ID) card to all examinations. Students should be present at
the examination venue 15 minutes before the published time.
No student will be permitted to enter the examination venue more than 15 minutes after the
published time. Only in exceptional circumstances and at the discretion of the Chief Invigilator
will a student who arrives late be granted extra time at the end of the examination.
Students must follow the instructions of the Invigilator / Invigilating staff. Any student whose
conduct is, in the opinion of the Chief Invigilator, disturbing to other students and who persists
in such behavior after receiving a warning from an invigilator shall be required to leave the
examination venue immediately.
Students cannot go out of the examination hall during examination hours, except for natural
emergency. No student may leave the examination venue during the first 30 minutes of the
examination. Note that a student who leaves the examination venue without taking permission
of the Invigilator will not be allowed back into the venue.
Students must ensure submitting to the Invigilators any book, paper or other notes which they
had carried to the Exam Hall before commencement of the exam. Bags and other such articles
must be left in designated areas. No student may take into the examination room books,
papers or electronic aids unless specifically authorized or communicated by the Examination
Students cannot refer to any book, paper or other notes unless it is an open book examination.
In an open book examination, reference will be allowed only to books and notes relevant
to the course/material distributed by programme office. Consultation with other student(s)
orally or with his/her book(s)/note(s) is prohibited.
Mobile, laptops/ Notebook/ Tablet and any kind of Bluetooth or electronic communication
device are strictly prohibited inside the examination hall. Likewise, outside food and drinks are
not permitted inside the examination venue(s). Students are not permitted to keep any
electronic devices in their possession during the course of examinations. These include mobile,
music players, electronic gadgets and smart watches etc.
The student must report absence from an examination due to illness or other exceptional
circumstances by submitting a Certificate of Absence in as soon as he or she is able to do so,
preferably before the examination is due to take place and in any case no later than 24 hours
after the examination. Medical or other relevant supporting evidence may be required by the
Institute in support of the student's request for alternative arrangements.
14.k. The examination timetable will be communicated to you. While every effort will be made by
Institute and the Examinations Office to prevent timetable clashes, in the rare event of this
happening, the student must notify the Examinations Office at the earliest possible opportunity
and in any event no more than one day after the timetable is published.
14.l. Students are responsible for correctly noting the dates, times and venues of their examinations
and are advised to check their mail/exam timetable immediately before the exam date for any
possible changes to venues etc. No extra time will be granted to students who arrive late at the
examination venue because they have noted the examination date, time or venue incorrectly.
14.m. Students who have a disability and/or medical condition and who may require special
examination arrangements must ensure that they have informed the Examination Office via
Executive Registrar at least three working days prior to the examination. Failure to inform the
Examination Office prior to these deadlines may result in the Examinations Officer being unable
to provide the student with special examination arrangements.
14.n. Penalty for the breach of examination rules and regulations may invite to award of “F” grade /
expulsion from the Programme.
14.o. Under no circumstances the answer book(s) are to be taken out of the exam hall. Returning the
answer book(s) back to the Invigilator will be the sole responsibility of the student before leaving
the exam hall.
14.p. Students have to occupy the seat as per the seating arrangement decided/conveyed during the
exam by the Invigilator.
Make-up Examination
If a student has missed the mid-term/end-term examination, or quizzes or assignments for
reason other than illness of self or sudden serious illness of parents, spouse or child,
sudden demise of parents, spouse or child, he/she will not be awarded any marks for the
missed components of evaluation.
Make-up examination shall be conducted only for students who were absent during the midterm or end-term examination or quizzes or assignment submissions due to illness of self or
sudden demise of parents, spouse or child or marriage of self or sibling or attending an
event/competition duly sanctioned by Executive Registrar.
If student is missing any component of evaluation due to absence or sanctioned leave, s/he
should apply for the makeup examination to the Executive Registrar’s office within three days
from the day of the examination/quiz/assignment that s/he has missed.
In case, a student seeks permission to appear in the make-up examination for illness, than
prolonged illness, he/she should produce a certificate (along with prescription) from the doctor
and bills of prescribed medicines. Such documents should be submitted along with
application for leave immediately on joining he institute, In case, a student has left the hostel
after obtaining approved a prior leave of absence from PGDM-C office due to illness, or sudden
serious illness of parents, spouse or child, he/she will have to produce a certificate from a MICA
approved Medical Panel along with prescription and the bills of prescribed medicines purchased
to be eligible to appear in the make-up examination. This certificate along with prescription and
bills will have to be submitted on the day the student returns to the Institute, or the first working
day that follows, in case the student returns to the Institute on a holiday. In case, a student seeks
permission on the ground of demise of parents, spouse or child, he/she will have to produce
death certificate to be eligible to appear in the make-up examination.
The final discretion regarding eligibility for make-up examination will lie with the Academic
Final Examinations, Thesis and Dissertation (Optional)
The final examination of a diploma student is the diploma thesis / dissertation, where a blind
review takes place. Students who are found to lack a suitably high level of achievement may be
required to repeat this examination with an oral defense in the presence of an external
The final Assessment takes place under the auspices of the students’ thesis / dissertation
committee. For situations that require a re-sit examination a panel with external and internal
members is constituted by the Dean, on recommendation of the Dissertation Committee which
assesses the students’ dissertation. The dissertation/ thesis will be graded in a phased manner.
Summer Internship
The aim of the internship programme is to integrate classroom learning with practical work by
placing students in industry/organization positions related to their academic studies.
The Placement Office, in conjunction with the Programme Office and/or Executive Registrar,
works with students and organizations to ensure that students are provided with a worthwhile
practical learning experience closely related to their academic programme and as far as possible,
in an organization related to student’s approved concentration area.
To be eligible, student must have completed qualifying examinations of all courses in the
preceding terms and must be in good academic standing with at least 2.00 CGPA.
Successful completion of the summer internship programme is a pre-requisite for promotion to
the second year of the programme.
Any extension for Summer Internship duration would not be beyond a week or subject to the
decision of Dean.
Assessment Board
The Assessment Board (comprising of Dean and Area Leaders) will be formed by the Dean and is
responsible for the promotion of students and their fulfillment of diploma requirements.
Roles and responsibilities of the Assessment Board will be as follows.
Verify the assessment criteria mentioned in the module plan are implemented and they meet the
intended outcomes.
Summarize the results for all the subjects and all the programs at the end of each term and
decide the continuation of the students.
Approve the final grades to be announced by the Exam Cell
Academic Discipline
1. Students are expected to come to class with proper pre-reading. Failing which he/she may be
asked to leave the class
2. Participant must maintain regular and prompt attendance in classes, group work sessions and
scheduled beyond class room activities. As per the Institute rules, 80% attendance is
compulsory for all scheduled sessions without attracting any academic penalty.
3. Participants are expected to be in class at least 5 minutes before start of the session, A
participant entering late for the class will be automatically marked absent for the respective
The Institute expects that all students will adhere to the proper standards of intellectual honesty
in the written and spoken presentation of their work. All students will be evaluated and graded
on their individual merit, and all work submitted for evaluation should clearly indicate that it is
the student’s own contribution. All written work will be verified by Turnitin – a software for
identifying similarity with texts of other authors.
Students often have to use the ideas of others as expressed in written or published work in
preparing essays, papers, reports, thesis and publications. It is imperative that both the data
and ideas obtained from any and all published or unpublished material be properly
acknowledged through quotation marks and paraphrasing and their sources cited. Failure to
follow this practice constitutes plagiarism and is considered a serious offense by the Institute. As
per the norms of institute up to 15% of similarity with texts of others / published material will
be accepted. Any submission with more than 15% of similarity will result in rejection. Before
calculating similarity index, references and quoted text will be excluded and then final similarity
index will be calculated.
Where plagiarized work has been submitted and detected, an F grade shall be assigned by the
faculty both to that assignment and to the course. In more serious cases, e.g. breach of the
above regulation on more than one occasion and upon recommendation by the Academic
Committee disciplinary action be taken, the matter will be submitted to the Dean and upon
approval, the Executive Registrar shall administer appropriate sanctions, which include
admonition, censure, disciplinary probation, suspension or expulsion.
In case of any doubt, students are strongly urged to consult with faculty. In cases where students
feel that their intellectual materials have been plagiarized, a complaint should be made to the
It is not permissible for an essay or other paper to be submitted twice. It is expected that a
paper, essay or report has not been, and is not concurrently being, submitted for credit for two
courses. In exceptional circumstances and with the prior agreement of the faculty, a student
may use research completed for one course as part of his or her written work for a second
Note: Works of any kind created by students in fulfillment of class assignments or study project
belong to the students and subject to reasonable reservations may be used for educational and
promotional purposes by the Institute.
Following this policy, the Institute may retain a reasonable number of student works for the
inspiration of future classes and students and for other educational uses. In addition, such works
may be used in Institute publications and other activities.
Student Code of conduct
It is assumed that all students will conduct themselves with maturity and responsibility. They
will remain fully respectful to each other, the staff and the faculty members and the
infrastructure and facilities.
The following rules govern Conduct of students at MICA:
As per the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) regulations governing Prevention and
Prohibition of Ragging in Technical Institutions, and as per the directive of the Supreme Court of
India in this regard, MICA views ragging as a very serious offence and has a strict policy governing
the same. To this effect, MICA has in place an Anti-Ragging Squad (comprising of Prof.Falguni V
O, Prof.Pravin Mishra, Prof. Harmony S and Prof. Santosh P) that shall address all concerns and
complaints relating to ragging and any such act which constitute ragging as per the AICTE Act in
this regard. These include among others, any conduct by any student or students which has the
effect of teasing, treating or handling with rudeness, which causes or is likely to cause annoyance,
hardship, physical or psychological harm or to raise fear or apprehension thereof, which has the
effect of causing or generating a sense of shame, or torment or embarrassment so as to adversely
affect the physique or psyche of such fresher or any other student. Strict action will be taken
against those found guilty of indulging and abetting ragging.
MICA is committed to providing a place of work and study, free of sexual harassment,
intimidation or exploitation. It is expected that all students, faculty, staff, and officials will treat
one another and visitors to MICA with respect. Anyone violating this policy is subject to
disciplinary action. Reports of sexual harassment are taken seriously and will be dealt with
promptly. The specific action taken in any particular case depends upon the nature and gravity of
the conduct reported and investigated. MICA recognizes that confidentiality is important and will
respect the confidentiality and privacy of individuals reporting or accused of sexual harassment
to the extent reasonably possible. Reprisals against an individual who in good faith reports, or
provides information in an investigation, about behavior that may violate this policy, are
against the law of the land as well as the guidelines of this policy. However, disciplinary action
may be taken against those that intentionally provide false information. Towards this, MICA has
constituted a Gender equality and anti-sexual harassment (GEASH) Committee (which comprises
of Prof.Harmony S, Prof.Manisha S, Prof.Siddharth D and Dr. Lavji Z ) as per the guidelines of
AICTE which addresses all such cases that constitute sexual harassment as per the guidelines
drawn by the Supreme Court of India.
A comprehensive manual relating to all terms and conditions that govern Gender equality and
anti-sexual harassment (GEASH) is available for reference in the CMS.
Gujarat is a dry State. The State law prohibits consumption of alcohol. Drinking, possession
or distribution of alcohol or illegal drugs on the Institute premises and elsewhere is strictly
forbidden. Anyone found in inebriated condition or in possession of Alcohol / Drugs will be
liable to face disciplinary action and imposition of penalty as appropriate and decided by the
Committee. Comprising of Prof Anita Basalingappa, Prof Rasananda Panda, and Prof
Rajneesh Krishna.
MICA campus is NO SMOKING zone. Chhota canteen is the only ‘smoking zone’ on the
campus. MICA ensures to be an eco-friendly Institution and it discourages pollution of any
Abuse, vandalism, theft of Institute property, or unauthorized entry/use of Institute facilities
may constitute grounds for immediate dismissal.
Students who knowingly obstruct or disrupt Institute activities may be subject to disciplinary
action; disorderly conduct shall include acts which violate the rights of others, which tend to
break the peace, or which are deemed lewd, indecent, or obscene.
All forms of dishonesty, including cheating, knowingly furnishing false information to the
Institute, forgery, alteration or fraudulent use of Institute documents or instruments,
identification with intent to defraud, and plagiarism, will be dealt severely.
Assault to any student or person on-Campus/Off-Campus during the term of the programme
will be dealt severely.
Students are expected to behave in an ethical and moral manner during their stay at MICA
and not engage in any corrupt practices. Failure to observe this could result in dismissal.
The student Code of Conduct is administered through the office of the Executive Registrar.
Violation of the Code of Conduct calls for suspension/dismissal from the programme.
Student dress code
The Students are MICA’s ambassadors. They are expected to dress professionally as the
institution regularly hosts international faculty and national business leaders and holds
important Conferences and Meetings.
Students are also expected to turn up for their classes and for their interaction with faculty and
staff in proper and decent clothing. Casual wear (shorts/capris/bermudas etc.) are not
For the annual Convocation function the recommended dress code is as follows:
For men – Dark trousers and white shirt (navy blue, blue, black or dark grey)
For women – White or Off-white saree.
Class room discipline
No student shall leave the class while the session is in progress.
A student shall not be allowed to remain absent from a class without prior permission from
the Executive Registrar. This also applicable for group activities. This type of unauthorized
absence shall attract initiation of disciplinary proceedings besides penal provision of
downgrade for the said course.
Food and drinks are not permitted in the class.
Use of mobile phone is not permitted in class and should be in the switch off mode. Laptop
is permitted in the class only when there is specific requirement in the class and instructed
by the tutor.
It is expected that students will respect the sanctity of the class room and avoid
inappropriate attire, sitting postures and talking out of turn in class.
Health and Wellbeing
For the Health and Wellbeing MICA provides the following facilities:
Tennis/ Badminton/ Basketball/ Football/ Volleyball/ Cricket Pitch
Student community centre with indoor games facilities for Snooker, Table Tennis, Caroms
Withdrawal on account of Leave of Absence
In cases where leave of absence is of a long duration because of illness or other unavoidable
circumstances beyond the control of the student, s/he may be granted leave of absence from
the programme for up to a maximum period of one year. The request for leave of absence must
be submitted for each term to the Executive Registrar through the Programme Office.
In such cases the Executive Registrar in consultation with the Dean will decide on the student’s
continuation in the programme.
Re-enrollment and re-admission
A student who has been on leave of absence may be re-enrolled, upon submission of an
application and obtaining approval of the academic committee. Such an application shall be
addressed to the Executive Registrar with relevant supporting document deemed necessary by
the academic committee. Students shall be re-enrolled at the beginning of a term. The period of
absence must be made up in residence in order to meet the requirements of the diploma.
The units of credits (i.e. courses) and years of residence earned during the period of the
previous enrollment will be counted for graduation requirements. If necessary, additional course
requirements upon re-enrollment may be assigned by the academic committee.
The amount of tuition fees and other programme related expenses to be paid upon reenrollment will be as per the Fee structure finalized for the year of re-admission.
Fee regulation and schedule
Fees are due and payable on or before regular term classes begin. It is the responsibility of the
student to ensure that deadlines are met as per communication from the PGDM (C) Office.
Student who is unable to complete payment of fees by the prescribed due date must arrange for
a fee deferment request Fee deferment request is accepted under exceptional circumstances.
Application for fee deferment should be addressed to the Executive Registrar through the
Programme Office at least 7 working days before the Fee payment date .
A student who has failed to comply with the above regulations may have his or her admission
cancelled as of the date on which the unpaid fees were due.
Information concerning academic results of any student who has an overdue debt owing to the
Institute shall be withheld until the debt is settled.
Any student whose admission has been cancelled for default of payment is required to apply
for reinstatement of registration to the Programme Office. If the application is approved, a
reinstatement fee of Rs.100/- along with a fine of Rs.500/- per day of delay will be charged. Any
student who has an unresolved grievance concerning fees or other charges may present an
explanatory application to the Executive Registrar for consideration.
The MICA Scholarships are a small yet significant contribution towards a social cause and
helping needy and meritorious students in their pursuit of higher education. These are
awarded based on the students overall academic performance and family income. The current
scholarships are being awarded to students currently pursuing studies at MICA and benefit
students both of the 2-year flagship programme Post-Graduate Diploma in Management 21
Strategic Marketing and Communication (PGDM(C) and the 1-year Crafting Creative
Communication Certificate Programme (CCC). The process of evaluating and awarding the
Scholarships is detailed and rigorous. Currently, 5 students from PGP-1, 5 students from PGP-2
and 1 student of CCC based on their selection after due process and evaluation will stand to
receive an annual scholarship which shall cover 30% of the annual fees per student in the
Guidelines for the Activities by Student Committees:
a) Pre-approval for all procurements should be taken from the Executive Registrar.
b) The committees should not enter into direct agreement or MOUs with outside
companies/agencies. The documents should be jointly signed on MICA letter head by one of
the authorities & student coordinator and the agency. The record should be maintained in
the office of Executive Registrar.
c) All the committees should plan for their activities well in advance. At least 10 days before if
any cash advance is required.
d) All other payments should be made only though cheque except petty expenses.
e) All the bills/receipts should be submitted along with detailed expense sheets within
2 weeks of drawing cash advance.
f) A detailed statement, including name of the person(s), date, destination (from where to
where), the amount, with support of bills/receipts should be submitted for claiming of
reimbursement of local conveyance expenses by any committee.
g) All designs, logo of MICA, samples of any material to be procured, should be got approved
from the Executive Registrar before one week time.
h) All procurements above Rs.20,000/- should be processed through Purchase Committee.
i) Committee members taking part in logistics, etc. For any activity / event should take prior
approval for attendance, under ‘Events’ category. No request for attendance will be
entertained after the event is over.
j) Cash advance will be given to any committee only up to 10th March of the financial year. No
advances will be made after this date so as to facilitate accounting work.
29 Guidelines for MICA students participating in events at other Management Institutes:
Pre Requisites
The Students must be regular in attendance (minimum 85%) and should have no record of
misconduct or disciplinary action.
The paper/competition should be relevant to the Student’s area, program and the institute.
The conference/ competition must be of high quality and should have been organized by any
institute/organization of repute ( e.g. Top 30 India, Top 30 BW, Next 30 BW, Economists) and preapproved by the Institute.
MICA students are encouraged to participate in the Student Management Festivals, paper
presentations etc. at other select prestigious management Institutes/ colleges in the
country. (List to be pre-approved by Executive Registrar) The participation has to be
approved by the Executive Registrar as.
One student is permitted to take part in two event / competition outside MICA in a year and
no permission will be given for any student to fly by air. If there is a paper presentation, a
copy of the presentation should be submitted to Library.
Students, interested in participating in any event, are required to submit a filled prescribed
form to the Executive Registrar’s Office (copy attached) through MCSA for pre approval.
The form is required to be submitted along with the copy of the invitation letter/document
received from the participating Institute/college confirming the selection to the Executive
Registrar’s office for approval.
The Institute will support:-
3 tier A/c railway concessional fare by the shortest route.
- TA/DA subject to a maximum of Rs.300/- per day.
- One way airfare may be permitted if the travel cannot be done vide overnight journey. This
will be subject to prior approval from the sanctioning authority.
The students winning trophies and cash prizes should declare the same and deposit the
trophies with the Institute immediately after the event. Cash prize winners will not be eligible
for TA/DA. Not reporting prizes won in the events will invite disciplinary action. (policy to be
reviewed in terms of sharing of cash prize money as the institute is bearing the cost of the
travel and granting attendance to the student)
If transport is not made available, students can make their own arrangement and get the
same reimbursed. They should attach a note from transport department that no transport
was provided for this travel.
The expenditure incurred by the Institute will be refundable to the institute if the students
get reimbursement from the host Institute/college or winning prize money.
All activities should be planned and indicated to the Students Affairs Incharge well in
advance. Budget for participating in such events should also be approved at least a month
prior to the activity.
Any expense/s to be incurred for any activity should be known to the MICA Officer at least a
week to ten days before the event. This will avoid last minute hic-ups and give enough time
to the Accounts department for arranging the cash / cheques.
No expenses will be reimbursed in absence of a proper bill / invoice.
Reimbursement towards local conveyance and telephone expenses relevant to a particular
activity should be forwarded on a monthly basis.
For purchasing any mementos / take away gift article/s – kindly get at least 3 quotations
before finalising on one vendor / supplier. The quotations will be verified by the MICA
Officer and then place the written order.
All payments to the vendor should be done on deliver of the product / service. No advance
payment will be made to anyone. If required a written note from the Institute on letter
head, will be provided to the vendor, to place the order with the terms of payment.
Advance for any student activity should be cleared/ settled within a week post return from
the competition. Only on clearance of one advance, will a second advance be provided.
Besides, this type of advance should NOT be utilized for direct payment/s to the Supplier /
Student services
IT Services
Institute provides 24X7 Internet connectivity for Institute’s mission of education, instruction,
learning, research and administrative, community services.
Each hostel room is equipped with cable network. Wi-Fi is available for outdoor network
Students are provided with round the clock IT support. To avail IT support students may take
their laptop to IT support room.
Any network related problem shall be attended on site/hostel room..
Network and internet facility should not be misused for entertainment and such other
Media Lab provides computing resources for media research and instructional use by faculty,
staff and students. This computer centre can be used only for programme related work.
Each student is expected to have his/her own laptop computer.
Video Conferencing facility can be availed by the student only on prior permission from concern
area head.
At any given condition, maintaining and safeguarding electronic data, including email is wholly
user’s responsibility.
It is students' responsibility to cover their laptop or other equipments under insurance.
Any pirated, unauthorized or illegal software/s installed in your Laptop/Mobile will be sole
responsibility of individual Student only. MICA cannot be held responsible for any pirated,
unauthorized or illegal software/s installed in your Laptop/Mobile. Students can not involve
MICA or MICA’s employee for any End User License infringement found in your laptop/mobile
by Compliance Team of any Software vendor/s.
MICA Knowledge Exchange & Information Centre (KEIC)
The MICA-KEIC is primarily meant for Faculty, Researchers, Students, Staff and the Members of
the KEIC. The following Dictums are the guiding principles to help and promote rather than to
constrain the utility of the KEIC.
1. The KEIC follows an open access system. The KEIC functional from Monday 9.00am. to Sunday
6.00am. and Sunday 9.00am. to Monday 6.00am. KEIC observes holidays as per the list
announced by the Institute.
2. The readers should not reshelf books or other materials taken from the stacks. These should
3. The users of the KEIC are requested to leave their Personal Belongings such as Bags, Purses,
Briefcases, Parcels, etc. at the designated area near the entrance. Please do not carry them
into the Stack Area. However, you may carry notebooks and loose papers inside.
4. Users leaving the KEIC should allow the KEIC staff to examine their personal belongings.
5. Users should maintain silence and should not in any way disturb other users.
6. Do not deface, mark, mutilate, cut or damage any KEIC material. If anyone, is found doing so,
will be charged the full replacement cost of the material at the current prevailing rates.
The Faculty Members, Visiting Faculty Members, Students, Researchers and Staff of MICA will
have the Borrowing Privileges at KEIC. A separate borrowing account will be maintained for each
of the KEIC users. This account will be updated with each transaction. The KEIC users can have a
read only access to their accounts through KEIConline. The users can also check availability of
the books at the KEIC through KEIC online. A lot of KEIC resources are available on the Intranet
(KEIC online). Users are requested to make optimum use of these resources as against the hard
copies of the same.
1. Every PGDM/CCC student will be allowed to borrow 4 (Four) books for 14 days and FPM
student will be allowed to borrow 8 (Eight) books for 30 days against his/her
account with
2. Before taking the books outside the KEIC, the students should write their name and
account number on the book card and ensure that the book return date is stamped at the
prescribed place in the book. The book card is to be submitted to the KEIC staff at the
Circulation Desk.
3. The books can be borrowed for a period of 14 days. For any delayed return a fine of Rs. 10/per day per book will be charged. To avoid paying fines, the students are advised to renew the
books before or on the return date. Books reserved by other users will not be renewed.
4. The textbook will be issued only for 48 hours and those who failed to return in time will have
to pay overdue charges Rs. 5/- per hour.
5. The Reference Books (books having orange tags on them), Journals, Periodicals, Dissertations,
Summer Reports and loose materials will not be issued out of the KEIC, unless for some
specific photocopying purpose. In such cases, these materials can be borrowed for an hour
only. Failing to return the same within an hour will attract a fine of Rs. 5/- per hour.
6. The Books kept in the New Arrivals section will not be issued till one week from the date of
their arrival in the section.
7. The student leaving the campus for more than three days at a stretch has to return all the
KEIC materials before leaving the campus.
8. The KEIC reserves the right to recall any issued material before its stipulated return date.
9. The KEIC has subscribed to many online databases and resources. These can be accessed
through the KEIC online on MICA campus. Remote access is given to FPM and PGDM-I during
summer internship.
10. During weekdays (Monday to Saturday 9.00am. to 7.30pm.), the students are expected to
follow the dress code as announced by the institute.
11. Users are not allowed to take any KEIC resources or its copies or copies of any of the online
resources, in full or a part, outside the campus unless duly authorised.
Hostel rules and regulations
Students’ safety and security is Institute’s concern. Students are therefore, required to adhere to
the following rules strictly:
B.(4).(a).The students staying on the campus are advised to enter required particulars in the
register kept at the main gate while they go out of the campus after 8.00 pm and while they come
B.(4).(b). All students must be back to campus before 11.00 pm and those who are compelled to
go out of the campus thereafter, shall make entry in the register at the main gate.
B.(4).(c). Visitors to students must leave the premises before 9.00 pm.
B.(4).(d). Parents/ Guardians/Local Guardians/Immediate relatives are allowed to officially stay on
the premises of MICA, but not in the hostel. If approved by MICA Authorities at least one week
prior to the date of arrival of Parents/ Guardians/Local Guardians/Immediate relatives, and if
available, accommodation shall be availed in the guest house or other facilities at the rate per day
per occupancy noted by the Facility and Estate Manager during the approval process. The
payment shall have to be made upfront in order to avail such an accommodation.
B.(4).(e). The students are required to keep the hostels neat and clean. Their co-operation in its
maintenance and overall up keep is sought.
B.(4).(f). Noise Pollution
Use of stereo systems permissible in hostels is subject to following condition:
All speakers/boom boxes/loud speakers shall be turned off after 10:30 PM till 8:00 AM, unless
there has been a preapproved permission granted by MICA Authorities to operate the
external speakers between these hours.
In case you have to use the stereo systems during the hours listed above, headphones must be
used instead of external speakers.
B.(4).(g).Jurisdiction: The courts of general jurisdiction located within Ahmedabad shall have
exclusive jurisdiction over any and all disputes arising out of, relating to, or concerning MICA.
B.(4).(h).No painting/coloring on the walls of the hostel room/office/classroom windows or
doors is permitted.
B.(4).(i). Security of student belongings is their own responsibility. The students have to make
sure that they lock their rooms properly whenever they leave their rooms.
B.(4). (j). HDFC Bank official visits the campus on Thursdays from 12.30 pm - 2.30 pm. Students
may open an account with them. There is an HDFC Bank ATM near Chhota. Students advised
not to keep too much cash in their rooms. If they do so, it is at their own risk.
B.(k). A locker and study table has been provided with keys in each room. Loss of keys and
subsequent expenses of replacement of these will be borne by the student.
B.(4).(l).The students are required to deposit the duplicate key of their rooms with the
hostel supervisor. This will help him in getting the rooms cleaned.
B.(4).(m).The telephone extensions have been provided in the hostels as under :
Care Taker (Ashoka)
To make local calls, please dial “0”. Please do not use office staff phones for such purposes.
B.(4).(n).Please do not carry out any modifications inside the rooms. The cost for repair of any
damage to civil works on this account will be borne by the students.
B.(4).(o). Electricity is very costly in Gujarat. The students are advised to switch off lights/fans when
they go out of their rooms. For their convenience, control switches are provided outside
the rooms. Wherever possible please save energy and water consumption. We expect
MICA students to set the trend in sustainable living.
B.(4).(p). Use of electrical gadgets such as press, heater or immersion rod, etc. is not allowed in
hostel rooms. Electrical cables provided in the rooms can take the load of lighting/fans
only. Use of other power consuming gadgets may lead to a short circuit and can be a fire
B.(4).(q). Please take care of the furniture provided in the rooms. In case any repairs are required,
students may inform the hostel supervisor for necessary action.
B.(4).(r). The campus has Centralised RO treated water through water cooler. The students are
advised not to waste water.
B.(4).(s). Painting / coloring on the walls, windows or doors of the hostel room/office/class rooms is
not permitted.
B.(4).(t). Laundry facility has been provided on the campus. Please do not wash clothes in
bathrooms of hostel blocks. Drying cloth stands are provided in each hostel blocks.
Please make use of it. Please don’t hang clothes on the verandahs of the hostel blocks.
B.(4).(u). To provide adequate time to the canteen staff to serve the students better,
advised to adhere to the following meal timings:
they are
Weekdays / Holidays (Rest day)
07 30 - 09 30
13 00 - 15 00
17 00 - 18 00
20 00 - 22 00
B.(4).(v). Parties/Celebrations on Campus/Hostels should be as per Institute’s norms with preapproval.
B.(4).(w).The institute may authorize surprise inspections of the hostel premises if it become
necessary to maintain discipline.
Guidelines for availing MICA Guest House facility for the Alumni / Students / Parents of the
students and Duplicate Certificates / Transcripts.
Alumni and parents of the students will be provided Guest House facility subject to the
availability of room. Written application will be made to the Head (Estate & Logistics) for the
approval. Minimum 3 days advance information will be required.
The charges will be paid in advance or at the time of confirmation of room.
There will not be any cancellation charges if a booking is cancelled.
Food charges, transportation charges etc. will be borne by the incumbent directly.
Any damages to the Institute’s property will be charged separately. Convincing reason(s) only
will be entertained. If the visit is official s/he has to bring company’s recommendation letter
duly signed by the authorized person.
Personal visit(s) will not be permitted in hostel(s).
Students seeking accommodation have to submit the details of the guest i.e. name, age,
relation etc. They may have to produce photo identity card if required by the Manager
(Estate & Logistics).
Duplicate Transcripts: The institute will issue duplicate certificate/transcripts to alumni on
a written application and payment of the prescribed fee of Rs.5000/- (upto set of five
copies) per certificate / transcript and Rs.500/- for each additional certificate / transcript
to MICA if it is to be delivered within India and Rs.7000/- per duplicate certificate/transcript
and Rs.500/- for additional transcript if it is to be delivered outside India.
Duplicate certificate/Transcript will be delivered within 15 days of receiving the prescribed
fee. The documents will be delivered to the latest address given by the Alumnus in the
application or will collect it himself or will be given to an authorized person.
Use of hostel rooms by the current students during summer breaks
Room will be provided subject to the availability for official purpose/valid reasons only
(located in Ahmedabad) on payment basis.
Written application has to be submitted to Head, Estate & Logistics department at least a
week in advance.
Food charges, transportation etc. will be borne by the student directly.
Institute will reserve the right to cancel the booking without giving any reason, whatsoever,
depending on necessity.
Laundry facility
Laundry facility is available on campus. Clothes will be collected daily for washing and ironing.
Bill will be settled directly by the student.
Medical facilities :
Every student upon joining MICA is covered under a Mediclaim and Personal Accident Policy
which provides for any serious medical with hospitalization expenses while during the
student’s stay in the campus or while outside the campus but during the course of the study
of the programme. The student on yearly basis will have to renew the same till the period of
his/her programme. MICA is already empanelled with one of the leading Hospitals in
Ahmedabad and reference in case any serious ailment details. Details as given below.
Health care services for MICA students are provided by the following doctors. Students do not
have to pay consultancy fee for minor illness. However, they will have to pay for any medicines
prescribed by the doctor and/or for consultancy of major illness. First Aid boxes are provided at: i)
Mess, ii) Chhotta Canteen, iii) Library, iv) Guest House, v) Main Gate, vi) Administration Office
vii) Reception ix) Dean's Office x) Hostel xi ) MCSA
MICA Campus Doctor on Monday / Wednesday /
Friday/ Saturday (from 4:00 to 6:00 pm)
Dr. Tushar Kapadia (MD) 9824044303
Dr. Paulomi Kapadia (MBBS) 9898618450
Krishna Shalby Hospital –
319, Green City - Bopal,
Ghuma, Ahmedabad - 380058
Contact Name & No : Mr Avdhut Kothari - DGM - Corporate
Development - 9726936616
Email [email protected]
Vijesh Barot - Manager - Corporate
Development - +91- 9624744421.
Lists of Doctors are available on call at a lower consultation charge. You are required to call on
the numbers provided to fix an appointment with the relevant doctor beforehand. Please ensure
that you carry a valid MICA Identity card to avail the reduced consultation charges. Standard
Insurance rules apply.
Name of Doctor & Address
Dr. Tejas Gandhi
Contact Details
Consulting Fees
Amount (Rs)
Tel: 26568434 /
(M) 9825289683
200.00 (First Time)
100.00 (Follow-up)
(M) 9825089700
250.00 (First Time)
150.00 (Follow-up)
Upnishad 3, 1st Floor,
Above Hero Honda Show Room
Nr. Shreyas Railway Over Bridge
Ambavadi, Ahmedabad-380015
Dr. Manisha A. Soni
Shalin Hospital
ENT & Maternity Nursing Home
302, 303, 304, 3rd Floor
Upnishad Complex
Above Hero Honda Show Room Nr.
Shreyas Railway Over Bridge Ambavadi,
Dr. Amrish Soni
Shalin Hospital
ENT & Maternity Nursing Home
302, 303, 304, 3rd Floor
Upnishad Complex
Above Hero Honda Show Room Nr.
Shreyas Railway Over Bridge Ambavadi,
Tel: 26565787
(M) 9825688700
250.00 (First Time)
150.00 (Follow-up)
Tel: 26405480
(M) 9904551444
150.00 (First Time)
100.00 (Follow-up)
: 26769647
Clinic : 26730963
(M) 9327024875
100.00 (First Time)
50.00 (Follow-up)
Dr. Nimisha D. Pandya
Implant Centre
G-10, Swiss Plaza
Nr. Devdarshan Tower Opp. BOB
Manekbaug Hall Nehrunagar,
Ambavadi Ahmedabad – 380 015
Dr. Jaladhi M. Parikh
(Eye Surgeon)
1st Floor, Manek Apartment
Nehrunagar Char Rasta Near Jain
Derasar Ahmedabad – 380 015
Caution Deposit Regulations
Please note that there will be a deduction from caution deposit of a student to cover the
15.(a). Any damage / loss caused to any property / infrastructure of the institute. 15.(b).
Loss / theft of books borrowed / issued from KEIC.
15.(c). Courier charges of group photograph / individual photograph of convocation, copy of
convocation DVD (if asked for). Photograph (Individual + Group)
15.(d). Non-return of Convocation stole and hat given to student.
Release Formality (No Due Certification)
On completion of the course or on withdrawal from the course, the students are required to
complete a set of procedures including the return of Library books and materials, setting
outstanding dues, alumni information documents etc. Details of these procedures will be
intimated to you separately. The PGDM-C office will take appropriate action where students
fail to complete the formalities specified in the exit procedures document which may include
withholding of graduation diploma/ or transcripts.
PGDM (C) - II (Batch 201 - 201 )
You are requested to obtain signature certifying that there is NOTHING DUE from you to any of the following
departments. This certificate should be submitted to the PROGRAMME OFFICE latest by
Name :
Roll #_________________
Photocopying Centre
Alumni Activities
Student Activities
CHOTA__________________ MICAFE _______________
Estate/Hostel/Gen. Admn.
Programme Office
Executive Registrar
______________________ [with rubber stamp]
Please furnish your mailing address for dispatching Transcript & Convocation Group Photograph.
Mailing Address (Permanent)
Parent’s Contact #
Application for Reassessment Student
Name :
Mob. No. :
Mail ID : _ _
Student ID :
_ _ _
Course :
Term : _
Date of declaration of result : _
The Executive Registrar MICA
Respected Sir,
I would like to apply for Reassessment in the following course(s) in theory exam as detailed below
with the rules of the Institute as amended from time to time.
Sr. No.
Course Name
Date of Exam
I hereby agree to abide by rules for reassessment of the Institute. Moreover, I confirm that all the
details provided above are correct and I agree that the result declares after reassessment will be
considered as my final result for the above examination(s) and binding to me even if it will be adverse.
Copy of my downloaded grade(s) is attached herewith.
Date : _
_ _
_Signature of student : _
_ _
Institute Examination Cell Copy :
Mr./Ms. _
_ _ _
has paid Rs.
for the above mentioned examination & course(s).
as reassessment fees
Date : _
_ _
_ _
Fees Receiver’s Signature : _
Copy :
Mr./Ms. _
_ _ _
has paid Rs.
for the above mentioned examination & course(s).
Date : ____
Fees Receiver’s Signature :
as reassessment fees
Application for Participation in Extra-Curricular Activities outside MICA
(One Event / Competition Per student per year, outside MICA)
(Hard copy of the application to be submitted to the PGDM Office on the day of resumption to the class)
Name of the Student :
Programme & Batch :
Details of participating Event to be attached:
Roll No.
PGDM-C - 1 / PGDM-C - 2
Name of the Event
Name of the Organization / Institute:
Full Address :
Title of the Event / Programme
No. of days
Are you seeking travel support from MICA ? If yes, to what extent ?
(MICA assistance is provided only if the host institution does not provide any assistance)
(a) 3 AC Train Fare (b) Boarding & Lodging
(c ) both (a) and (b)
Details of Last Event participated :___________________________________________
Details of the classes missing (attach separate sheet if required) :
No. of
Signature of the Applicant (Student)
Recommended by Associate Dean
Industry and Alumni Partnerships
Approved by
Executive Registrar
Date of submission to the Programme Office:
Note : Cash prize winners will not be eligible for reimbursement of TA/DA from MICA. Student should
declare the amount of cash prize and deposit the trophy (if any) to MICA
Travelling Voucher
Departure Date
Place Of Visit :
Arrival Date
Fare Particulars
Mode of Travelling
Paid in
Paid in
Paid in
Total A
Halting Details (Attach all supporting Vouchers):
Place where you
Total B
Local Transport
Mode of Travelling
Total C
Other Expenses (Attach all supporting
Paid in
Total D
Total of (A+B+C+D) :
Result of the
(i) First Prize
(ii) Second Prize
(iii) Third Prize
Total Expense
Type of Prize
Certificate /Cash
Signature of the
PGDM (Communications)
Term - 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 ("v" the term applicable)
(Hard copy of this application to be submitted to the Programme Office)
1. Name: _
2. Date: From:_
to _
Roll No:
No of days __
3. Details of session/s missed: (attach separate sheet if required) :
No. of
4. Reason:
Detail of supporting documents attached
Date of Submission:
Signature of the Student_
Programme Coordinator
Contact # of the Student
Executive Registrar
(Recommendation / Approval is subject to satisfactory submission of proof/ duly certified document
as per provision mentioned in the Student Manual Clause no 6 ( c ) and 6 (d ) and Page # 14 / 15)
(D) Core Faculty (in alphabetical order)
Anita Basalingappa
MBA, Ph.D.
Dr. Anita Basalingappa is a Professor in marketing and Chairperson - Research and FPM. Prior to joining
MICA, she was associated with Vishesh Advertising Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore, Indian Institute of Management,
Ahmedabad and Karnatak University, Dharwad.
Dr. Anita Basalingappa worked on ‘Introducing Common Market Identity’ during her fellowship at Judge
Business School and Sidney Sussex College, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK, in 2008. Her current
areas of interest include marketing and competition, social media behavior, marketing decision making,
relationship marketing in rural retail, clothing as communication and CSR. She has been teaching
MARKSTRAT, Return on Marketing Investment, Marketing Theory, Customer Relationship Marketing,
Services Marketing, Brand Theory and Research and Blue Ocean Strategy Simulation across programmes at
MICA since 2004. She has presented and published papers across conferences of repute, serves as a
reviewer for various journals and is on the advisory board for a couple of organizations. She has also been
guiding doctoral level theses since 2010. In addition, she has headed the marketing department for 4 years
and the admissions committee for 3 years at MICA, apart from being a member on various other
She holds a Bachelor of Science (Honours) degree in Mathematics, an MBA in Marketing and a Ph.D. in
Customer Relationship Marketing from Karnatak University, Dharwad, India.
Anjali Bansal
Ph.D., MBA
Dr. Anjali Bansal is working as an Assistant Professor, and a key member of ICMC and dissertation
committee at MICA. Anjali holds her Bachelor's degree in Biotechnology, and her Master's degree in
Business Administration, and has been the university rank holder in both. She has earned her PhD in HRMOB from FMS, Delhi. She has been awarded by UGC's JRF and SRF fellowships.
Previously, Anjali has worked with University of Delhi, UPTU and Indiamart Intermesh Ltd on full time
basis. Her teaching interests are OB, HRM, Organizational Dynamics, Cross-cultural Management and
Change Management. Anjali has contributed to various internationally acclaimed journals, conferences
and book chapters also. Anjali’s scholarly interests are ‘role of HR during change’, ‘mergers and
acquisitions (M&A)’, ‘due diligence and integration during M&As’, ‘employees’ psychological phenomena’,
‘cross- cultural management’, ‘training transfer’ and ‘women empowerment’. Anjali has also been
awarded by Dr. Kiran Bedi for winning a university level chess tournament.
Dipti Kulkarni
Ph.D., Master in Communication Studies
Prof Dipti Kulkarni teaches subjects related to communication and qualitative research. She has a PhD in
Linguistics from the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi and a Masters in Communication Studies from the
University of Pune. Prior to joining MICA, Prof Kulkarni has worked with Centre for Media Studies, a
research organization based in New Delhi and has taught at various mass communication colleges in
Mumbai and Delhi. Her research interests include language and social interaction, pragmatics, philosophy
of language and communication and computer-mediated communication. She has presented and
published her research nationally and internationally.
Falguni Vasavada
Ph.D., M.Com
Dr. Falguni Vasavada-Oza is a double gold medalist working as an Associate Professor and the Chairperson
of Online Programmes at MICA. Prior to MICA, she has worked with the MBA Department of Saurashtra
University and Christ College.
Dr. Falguni Vasavada-Oza has researched and published papers on cross cultural communication, content
analysis, account planning and portrayals in Advertising. Currently she is working on Advertising and IMC,
Account Planning, Social Media Insights, Youth as Consumers, Portrayals in Advertising, Content Analysis of
Commercials and Public Relations.
She holds a Bachelors and Masters degree in Business Administration and a Ph.D. in Advertising.
Harmony Siganporia
Ph.D., M. Research
Harmony Siganporia teaches in the area of Culture and Communication at MICA. She has a Ph.D. in social
history, and her thesis was on the langue and parole of reformist discourse around the ‘women’s question’
in late-19th century Western India. A practicing musician, Harmony’s other research interests include
ethnomusicology, gender and performativity, culture and conflict, the role of music in the emplacement of
exilic identities, and semiotic theory.
Kallol Das
Ph.D., MBA
Dr. Kallol Das started his career in the corporate world with the likes of multinationals like Caltex and Gulf
Oil. Subsequently, he moved to brand and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) consulting. After 5
years in the industry, he shifted to academics, where he found his true calling. He has been now in the
teaching profession for more than 13 years. His teaching interests include qualitative
research, gamification, services marketing, CRM and basics of management. He has authored a large
number of research papers/ case studies in reputed national / international publications, as also two books
on CRM. He has delivered talks at prestigious forums such as IRMA, NIFT, British Council, etc. He is the
pioneer of the photo-novel genre of literature in India, besides being an award-winning filmmaker.
Madhukar Kamath
Madhukar has been associated with MICA since 2003 as Chairperson of the Governing Council. An
Economics graduate from Loyola, Chennai, he studied Management at XLRI Jamshedpur. Along with the
Governing Council and Leadership team at MICA, Madhukar has led the transformation of the institute
from providing best in class talent to the Advertising fraternity to creating leadership in Strategic
Marketing and Communication.
He has more than three decades of experience in Marketing Services and has spent close to twenty five
years in erstwhile Mudra now the DDB Mudra Group, in two separate stints. Under his leadership, Mudra
transformed itself from an Advertising Agency into one of India’s leading Integrated Marketing
Communications Groups. In between his two stints at DDB Mudra Group, Madhukar led Bates India as its
CEO and was instrumental in the acquisition and successful integration of Clarion.
In 2011, Madhukar helped Omnicom in acquiring Mudra Group and in steering its integration into DDB
Worldwide as the DDB Mudra Group. Since then he has been leading the group’s aggressive growth
agenda – organically and through strategic partnerships/acquisitions.
He takes great pride in his journey over the decades in Marketing Services and Advertising. Apart from
growing personally and professionally in Mudra, and now leading the DDB Mudra Group, he takes pride in
the acquisition of his alma-mater Clarion, bringing Bates and Zenith Media into the Country, facilitating the
entry of Abbys in Goafest, opening the doors for Media Agencies into AAAI, chairing the highly successful
AdAsia 2011 in Delhi, among other milestones.
A Board Member of Plan India, Madhukar has been a part of the leadership team for their Country
Strategic Plan, to reach and impact the lives of 10 million children.
Madhukar loves to travel. He believes in exploring countries only by road, which has ensured he has
clocked in thousands of kilometers behind the steering wheel, something that he loves apart from sport.
Manisha Pathak Shelat
Ph.D., M.Sc.
Prof. Manisha Pathak Shelat has taught and worked as media consultant/trainer and researcher in India,
Thailand, and the US. She has a Ph.D. in Mass Communication from the University of Wisconsin-Madison,
USA and in Education from the Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, India.
Prof. Shelat's special interests are new media, civic engagement, transcultural citizenship, young people’s
media cultures, media literacy and gender. Broadly, her research over the years has addressed the
question of how ordinary individuals engage with media to experience agency, to explore identities, and to
participate in social change. At MICA, she collaborates with colleagues from other areas to examine how
civic and consumer cultures intersect in digital practices. Recent projects include a partnership project on
digitisation of learning with the University of Tampere, Finland; Academy of Finland sponsored multicountry youth media participation project, a study on online civic engagement and transcultural
citizenship, and a study on digital youth cultures in India. She continues her association with UW-Madison
as a collaborator on a digital archive of grassroots feminist political media from South Asia. Prof. PathakShelat has shared her research on several international platforms and her work has been published in New
Media & Society, Journal of Children and Media, Communicar, Media Asia, and as chapters in several
books. She has received a number of awards and fellowships including The Soviet Land Nehru Award,
Shastri Indo-Canadian Faculty Research Award, The Salzburg Seminar Fellowship and TATA Fellowship for
the Study of Contemporary India.
Mini Mathur
Ph.D., MBA
Dr. Mathur has been with MICA for about 13 years. She has worked in the industry in business
development and marketing for over 3 years and spent about 16 years in academics. She has been
instrumental in introducing the one-year PG programme in Retail at MICA. She has worked in the domain
of Retail Management for last fourteen years, published, conducted industry programmes and PG
programmes. She has coauthored a book, ''Retail Management; A Strategic Approach'' 11thed. by Pearson
Niyati Bhanja
Ph.D., M.Phil
Dr. Niyati specializes in Economics & Finance with specific interest in Econometrics, Exchange Rates &
Inflation. She previously worked as Assistant Professor at University of Petroleum and Energy Studies,
Dehradun (India).
Her higher academic credentials include an MPhil & PhD from Central University of Pondicherry & UGCNET qualification. As an avid researcher, she has published her work in internationally acclaimed and
accredited journals of repute. Her research specialties lie in Macroeconomics & Econometric Modeling.
When she’s away from scholastic pursuits in Academia, she prefers to travel to serene destinations,
experiment with various forms of Indian music across genres and read non-fiction books.
Pooja Thomas
Ph.D., M.Phil.
Pooja Susan Thomas specializes in urban culture with a specific interest in Ahmedabad. Her other research
and teaching interests also include visual cultures, discourse analysis and critical theory. She has
contributed her research to journals, books and refereed conferences. She has previously taught at St.
Stephen's College and Kamala Nehru College, University of Delhi. She has a PhD from IIT Gandhinagar and
M.Phil (with distinction) from University of Delhi. She took her B.A and M.A in Literature from St.Stephen's
College, University of Delhi. She is UGC-NET qualified. While reading and writing are professional
mainstays, Pooja also dabbles in some poetry, fiction and music.
Pravin Mishra
PG in Communication Design, NID,
Graduate in Applied Arts, Calcutta
Prof. Pravin Mishra is a social activist, communication designer, filmmaker, painter and a traveller. He was
profiled on the cover of international design magazine POOL in December 2011. Pravin is a graduate in
Applied Art from Govt. College of Art, Kolkata and a post-graduate in Animation Film Design at National
Institute of Design (NID), Ahmedabad.
Pravin’s animated short film ‘Dharamveer’ won the National Critics Award at the Mumbai International
Film Festival (MIFF) in 2004. His film ‘Azadnagar Gulamnagar’ won the best documentary at the
Ahmedabad International Film Festival (AIFF) in 2009. His film ‘The Mystery Painter’ won the best film at
Ahmedabad Film Project 2011. In 2011, his film ‘Sumangali’ was premiered in Jeevika Asia Livelihood
Documentary Festival.
Pravin has conducted creative workshops in various design schools and government departments in India.
Pravin is a weekly columnist with TOI’s Ahmedabad Mirror since June 2010 and writes on a variety of
subjects. At MICA, Prof Mishra is an Assistant Professor and is Co-Director of the CCC programme.
Preeti Shroff
Ph.D., M.Phil
With over 25 years expanding impact with proven design, implementation and management
accomplishments in the field of international development, democratic governance, youth and women’s
leadership, civil society capacity development. Experience in program management in Africa, Asia, Middle
East, Europe and North America supported by USAID, the US State Department, US State department’s
Bureau of Human Rights (DRL) and the Middle Eastern Peace Initiative (MEPI), World Bank, Institute for
Inclusive Security, Peace Corps, Atlas Corps, Ford Foundation, The Zonta Foundation, Canadian Ministry for
Economic Development, OXFAM, Social and Health Ministry of Government of Finland, Misereor of
Germany, UNICEF and Government of India. Emphasis on Next Generation Leadership and solutions
through innovative organizational enterprise, youth education and partnerships, cross-sector resource
sharing, technology platform leveraging and engaging communities for social innovations. Currently
leading MICA – The School of Ideas, as Dean and Director of Centre for Development Management &
Rajneesh Krishna
His teaching interests are Consumer Behaviour, Research Methodology, Qualitative Research
Methodology, Consumer Insight Mining and Statistical Methods in Data Analysis. He has worked in the
industry as well as in the academics. After doing his PhD, he joined Drshti Strategic Research Services Pvt.
Ltd. Mumbai which is a marketing research firm. His last designation in Drshti was Associate Director and
he headed the Rural Research Cell. In Drshti, he participated in the formulation of corporate policy
decisions, research operations, quality and cost control of projects. He helped clients to develop strategies
based on information from marketing research to achieve marketing goals. In academics, he has worked in
MICA and also in FLAME University as Dean, FLAME School of Communication. In MICA he founded
MICAMINDS, a students' consultancy wing. He also played a key role in formulating and launching the
specialization of Digital Communication Management His research interests are the socio-cultural and
psychological roots of consumption behavior. In the recent years he has also become interested in the
domain of emerging Digital platforms and its impact on behavior and communication. He has presented
papers in various national and international conferences and published papers in reputed journals. He has
also authored a text book on Consumer Behavior which has been published by Oxford University Press.
Rasananda Panda
Ph.D., MA
Dr. Panda, specialises in Macroeconomics and Applied Econometrics. Prior to his current position at MICA
as Professor of Economics and Area Leader - Business Management Area, Panda has worked as an
Associate Professor, Economics, School of Petroleum Management (2007-2011), a constituent School of
the Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University (PDPU), Gandhinagar. He was Chief Economist (on contract) at
the Gujarat State Petroleum Corporation (GSPC) – a Govt. of Gujarat undertaking from October 2009 to
September, 2010. He was also with MICA between 2002 to 2007 as an Associate Professor in Business
Economics and Finance. He started his career as a Trainee Academic Associate in Economics Area at the
Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad (IIMA) and worked there for three years. He was a Lecturer
and Senior Lecturer for five years with the P.G. Centre for Management Studies (self- financed, (SLIMS)),
Gujarat University, Ahmedabad. His recent areas of interests are studying the dynamics of business and
economic environment of India along with other emerging markets. A consultant to select industries and
organisations, Dr. Panda is widely published.
A vivid reader and analyst of post independence political and economic history of India, his current areas
of research and consultancy are in the field of Industry Analysis, Behavioral Economics, Political Economy
and Econometric Modeling.
Dr. Panda is 45 years old, married to his teen-age girl friend Rashmi who is a Ph.D. in history and is
currently in sabbatical from her academic job to take care of the study of their son Rishav who is in 10th
standard and studying at Zydus School for Excellence, Ahmedabad. A native of the State of Odisha
keeping active interest in Odisha politics, Dr Panda has been living in Gujarat (Ahmedabad) since last
twenty three years.
Santosh K. Patra
Ph.D., M.Phil.
Santosh's teaching and research interest cuts across different subfields in social studies, which include
digital sociology, self and cyberspace, media sociology and political economy of space. His basic orientation
is rooted in sociological understanding of critical social inquiry. In the past, he has worked in various
capacities for different research and advocacy organizations like Transparency International India (TII) and
the National Social Watch Coalition (NSWC). He has contributed in the areas digital sociology, media
sociology, political economy of media, sociology of religion etc. and has been published widely both in
national and international journals. He constantly contributes and writes opinion pieces for different
national and regional news papers and magazines. He is a political observer and most of his research, talks
and writing reflect the political complexities and raise the concern of power and authority in the society.
Shaliesh Yagnik
Ph.D., M.Lib. & Inf. Sc.
Dr. Shailesh Yagnik has 35 years of experience in the field of Library & Information Science and a Ph.D. in
“Information Management in the Advertising Industry in India.” He had worked with Sarabhai Research
Centre (SRC), Operations Research Group (ORG) and Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India
(EDII). He is a resource person, member on research committee in the field of library and information
science. Dr. Yagnik has presented papers in national and international seminars and conferences. He has
also compiled more than 400 product information reports for industries and organizations. Moreover, he is
one of the team members of the MICA Indian Marketing Intelligence (MIMI) research project. At MICA, he
is heading the Knowledge Exchange and Information Centre and actively involved in its information literacy
Shubhra Gaur
Ph.D., MA
Dr. Shubhra P. Gaur has a D.Phil. in Psychology from the University of Allahabad (Allahabad) and has
twenty five years of research and teaching experience. She has been awarded fellowship from the
University Grants Commission. Currently, she is the Programme Chair- PGP and Chairperson Admissions
(PGP) at MICA.
Earlier, she has held many key positions in the institute including that of Head: Faculty Affairs, Convener:
Academic Committee, Chairperson: Admissions (PGP), Gender Equality and Anti sexual harassment
committee and General Management Area. She has taught at the University of Delhi and has been a
visiting faculty at the IIM Ahmedabad, the School of Petroleum Management, Pandit Deendayal Petroleum
University (PDPU) Gandhinagar and the Mahatama Gandhi Labour Institute, Ahmedabad, amongst many
others. She is the recipient of The Dewang Mehta Business Award for Best Teacher in Human Resources
Management in 2011, which recognises talent and leadership amongst Business Schools across India.
She has several publications in the area of creativity, leadership, gender issues, psycho-social competence
and work related stress, learning style and interpersonal and internal communication. Her teaching areas
are personal, interpersonal, group and organizational dynamics, creativity, stress management and cross
cultural and gender issues at workplace.
Siddharth Deshmukh
Siddharth graduated as a "first MICAn" in 1996 (first batch of MICA’s two-year flagship PGDM) and returns
back to his Alma Mater in a new capacity. Siddharth will lead MICA's foray into the digitally enabled world
– through the “Digital Platform and Strategies” Area.
Siddharth has been teaching at MICA for last three years in his capacity of an adjunct faculty. He cocreated MICA's Digital Communication Management (DCM) Specialization along with other MICA faculty.
He has mentored over 50 students to convert their ideas into prototypes and potential ventures (this is a
six-month project for MICA’s second year PGDM students in lieu of dissertation). He also teaches
foundation courses in Digital Transformational Frameworks and User Experience Design. Besides these,
Siddharth has taught various other digital and non-digital courses across institutes.
Siddharth's first two jobs were with Sony Entertainment Television and AT&T (before it became Idea
Cellular). He has, since that time, been an entrepreneur and digital venture/product development
evangelist for over a decade – with his earlier UK based company, Cohezia. He remains on Cohezia's
Advisory Board and the various ventures it develops and grows.
Besides teaching, Siddharth’s mandate is to connect and build the MICA brand with industry, alumni,
students and other stakeholder partnerships. He will be the in-charge of Marketing, Alumni Relations,
Placements and MDP functions at MICA.
Sunita Mall
Ph.D., M.Phil.
Dr. Sunita Mall specializes in Quantitative Techniques and Operations Management. She has a Ph.D. in
Statistics from Utkal University, Odisha . She has her M.Phil and M.A. from Dept. of Statistics, Utkal
University. She did MBA from Sikkim Manipal University. Her teaching interests are Quantitative
Techniques, Operations Research, Operations Management, Research Methodology and Multivariate
Analysis. She has contributed her research to peer reviewed journals, book chapters, Monographs,
National and International Conferences. Sunita's research interest includes Analytics in Financial
Institutions, Risk Management, Market Research, Consumer Behaviour .
T.T.Sreekumar Pillai
Ph.D., M.Phil.
T T Sreekumar holds an M.Phil. in Applied Economics from Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU), New Delhi
and a PhD in STS (Science, Technology & Society) from the School of Humanities & Social Science, Hong
Kong University of Science & Technology (HKUST), Hong Kong.
Currently teaching at MICA-The School of Ideas, Ahmadabad and heading the Communication Area, he has
previously taught at the Communication and New Media Department, National University of Singapore
(NUS), and at the Division of Social Sciences, HKUST, Hong Kong. His areas of interests include New Media
and Technoculture, Impact of Internet in Developing Countries, Mobile communications, Civil Society in
South Asia, Political Economy of Development; Tourism and Development; Religion and New Media,
Cyberculture and Global Civil Society and New Social Movements.
He is the author of the book ICTs & Development in India: Perspectives on the Rural Network Society
(Anthem Books, London, 2011). Widely published in National and International Journals, Sreekumar has
research experience in India, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam and Singapore.
He has presented research papers in major Communications and Social Science Conferences/Seminars held
in Asia, USA, Europe, Africa, New Zealand, Canada and Latin America. He is the Editor in Chief of Journal of
Creative Communications (peer reviewed, international Sage Publication), Associate Editor of Media Asia
(Taylor & Francis) and editorial board member and manuscript reviewer for several other prominent
He was the Conference Chair and Organizer of the 2nd International Communication Management
Conference (ICMC) Digital Future: Content, Community, Communication-held at MICA, Ahmadabad, India,
during 19-21 February 2015. A prolific writer and columnist in his mother tongue Malayalam, Sreekumar
has authored /edited 8 books (two more are in the press) and written over 300 articles in Malayalam. He is
also closely associated with several civil society organizations in India.
U.T. Rao
Prof. UT Rao , is a passionate academician and an entrepreneur, currently he is the chairperson of MICA
Incubator ( India's only Communication Technology focused incubator supported by the Dept of Science
and Technology , Govt of India ) . MICA Incubator is now recognised incubator under the start up india
scheme as well as nodal agency for start up assistance scheme for Govt of Gujarat . Having taken over the
Incubator operations in 2013, he build from scratch the Incubator operations to sync/work better with the
new paradigms in and building the startup ecosystem of tomorrow. Has nearly 18 years of experience
including 7 years as senior management/leadership role specifically education and healthcare. Lead Sense
International‘s South Asia operations for nearly five years.
As an early stage investor and mentor in start ups, he has invested in several early stage start ups namely
e Swasthya Mediserve Pvt Ltd , Openfuel and few others . He is also on board of few private incubator like
Innovify and LEAF ( GLS University ) .
Loves to interact with today’s youth and imparts training in Entrepreneurship & Finance courses across
some of India’s best educational institutions as well as internationally as visiting and guest faculty. In the
last couple of years he has taught at the Haas School of Business, University of California Berkeley, IITRoorkee, IIT- Gandhinagar, IMT Ghaziabad , National Institute of Design ,DAIICT, MICA University Sains
Malayasia,Univers,ity of Waikato ( New Zealand).
He writes for newspapers and scholarly journals on entrepreneurship and currently he is doing a survey on
entrepreneurship in technology institutes and management institutions across India. He is also a TiE
charter member and board member of TiE , Ahmedabad chapter and is very actively involved with the local
entrepreneurial community. Prof. Rao is also invited committee member in several central govt
committees and State Government of Gujarat on promotion of entrepreneurship , innovation and
incubation . He is also invited speaker at several forums and events on entrepreneurship in India including
Tiecon, and Chintan Shivir (senior functionaries of Gujarat government )
He is widely recognized for his work for promotion on entrepreneurship in India and has also felicitated
with awards and honors , to name a few
Start up Gujarat – Stand Up Gujarat award by the honorable education minister , Govt of Gujarat for his
contribution to start up Gujarat 2015
Visionary incubation manager by the Indian STEP and Business Incubator Association 2014
Pioneer Award by eChai Start up community 2015
Varsha Jain
Ph.D., MBA
Dr. Varsha Jain is an Assistant Professor in Integrated Marketing Communications and the Chair,
Dissertation at the MICA (India). Dr. Varsha has authored 83 publications in international, national and
trade journals, book chapters and case study collections, including the Journal of Product and Brand
Management, the Journal of Marketing Communication, Healthy Marketing Quarterly, the International
Journal of Mobile Marketing, the Journal of Consumer Marketing, Young Consumers, the Asia-Pacific
Journal of Business Administration, Middle East Media Educator, Marketing Insights and Marketing News,
Ivey Publishing and the Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies Collection. She has also won gold medals
in the categories of not only, “Young Outstanding Management Researcher – 2013”, but also “Outstanding
Woman Management Researcher–2012”, awarded by AIMS (The Association of Indian Management
Scholars) International. In her research and teaching career, she was visiting scholar and guest at The
Medill School, Northwestern University, USA in May 2013 and April 2015, and visiting professor at the
Indian Institute of Management (IIM), Indore in July 2013 and IIM, Trichy in December 2014. Her research
specialties lie in mobile and digital marketing, luxury branding, and digital natives. Dr. Varsha’s current
work entails writing a book on Indian Consumer Behavior in an Interactive Market Place with Prof. Don
Schultz (Northwestern University, USA)
(E) List of students :
PGDM-C-1 (2016 - 2018) :
MICA PGDM ( Communications)
Batch 2016 - 18
Student Roll #
Section A
Roll #
Aakanksha Dhawan
Aakash Ahuja
Aayush Dube
Abhigyan Anand
Abhinav Koranne
Abhishek Agrawal
Abhishek Paul
Aditya Gupta
Aishwarya Gupta
Ajay Gupta
Aman Totla
Amaresh Mohapatra
Amogh Deshmukh
Ananthu Ravi
Angad Singh Bhullar
Ankita Madan
Ankita Vijay Mohan
Anurag Singh
Aparna N
Artira Sen
Arushi Walecha
Ashutosh Shrivastava
Ayan Bairoliya
Ayushi Mona
Ayushi Shrivastava
Bhalerao Rasika Suresh
Bhavya Singh Bishnoi
Charmy Ashish Chitnis
Devvrat Chandra
Disha Samir Jariwala
Divjyot Kaur
Esha Agarwal
Haldipur Raunak Rajesh Shobhana
Harshit Sharma
Henna Jai Shah
Hindol Mukherjee
Ishani Sanyal
Jasmine Kamal Dugar
Jyotsna Singh
Kajol Gupta
Karthik Jagdish Rao
Kumar Dattani
Lima Anna Stephen
Mallika Yamdagni
Manaswini Yerram
Manu Pratap Singh
Mithila Bhaktha
Monica Chandil
Nandita Paul
Nishant Sawant
Nitika Nijhawan
Paavani Pratap Jain
Paras Ramesh Sanghvi
Prerna Singh
Priyanka Neelakantan
Priyanshi Poddar
Rahul Rakesh Yadav
Rashi Motiani
Ridhima Duggal
Rishi Raj Singh Rathore
Rituraj Singh
Rohan Desai
Sagar Mukund Lokhande
Sagun M Nagar
Samant Siddharth Mahadeo
Sanjana Chandrakant Jain
Sayantani Sarkar
Shashank Kumar Srivastava
Shiraley Chandra
Shrey Ratan
Shreya Ramakrishnan
Siddharth P Singh
Sinu Daniel Varghese
Snehel Chakraborty
Somdatta Roychowdhuri
Stuti Sethi
Sugandha Gera
Sumitabh Uzir
Swati Bhargava
Tanmay Himanshu Shah
Tarun Shrivastava
Tushaar Katewa
Tushar Nandkeoliar
V Srinath
Varun Verma
Vasundhara Yadav
Vedabrata Rao
Vivek Nair
Waquee Ahmed
Section B
Roll #
Aakarsh Sood
Aarooshi Kothari
Abhinav Khanna
Abhinav Ramesh Chandekar
Abhishek Angira
Aditya Dhupar
Aditya Sudhakar Dubash
Ajay Charanjit Singh
Alisha Singhal
Amandeep Singh
Ammaar Saifuddin Golwala
Amrutha R
Ananya Vashishtha
Animesh Gupta
Ankita Sharma
Ankur Dey
Anurodh Upadhyay
Apurva Bhinda
Arushi Chak
Ashita V
Ashna Shah
Avanindra Jha
Aysha Azam Shaikh
Ayushi Sah
Bhaskar C Joshi
C L Chandhni
Deepika Jindal
Dhru Jamwal
Divay Agarwal
Divyansh Hiren Bhatt
Farheen Haider
Harshili Malhotra
Harshit Talwar
Himani Singh
Ishaan Humble
Ishita Singh
Jessica Mohapatra
K Shyam Kumar
Karan Sachdeva
Khushboo Kumari
Kunwar Sanjit
Madhulika Kaul
Manasvi Srivastava
Manshi Khemani
Megha Gautam
Moksha Bhambhani
Namita Kulkarni
Nirmit Girish Shah
Nitesh Kumar Rath
Nitika Satya
Parag Agrawal
Praptee Sharma
Pritesh Prafullchandra Desai
Priyansha Jain
Rahul Dinesh Dubey
Rao Malavika Shamsunder
Rhea Vishal Jain
Rishabh Bucha
Robin Bhateja
Roli Agarwal
Sagorika Mozumder
Sahil Bhatia
Samiksha Sunil Jaiswal
Shalaka Yadav
Shesha Hitesh Shukla
Shreesh Deepak Pant
Shreya Gulati
Shyamsunder Iyer
Siddharth Shankar Bhatnagar
Smriti Chadha
Soham Mishra
Somil Makhija
Subhasish Sahu
Sumedha Chatterjee
Swastik Banerjee
Tamanna Kakkar
Tanvi Gupta
Tilak Pradeep Dugar
Tushar Gupta
Upender Singh Adhikari
Vaidyanathan lakshman Iyer
Vasudha Pande
Vatsal Sethi
Vikas Gupta
Vyom Vidyut Vasavada
Zainab Darukhanawala
Ahmedabad City
Bastion of Education
Life in Ahmedabad
Identification Card & Name Plate
MICA Council for Students’ Affairs (MCSA)
Teaching Aids
Helmets and License
Mailing Address
Contact Persons
Logistics and other support services
General Information
MICA is located in the serene surroundings of Shela village, about 15 kms from Ahmedabad City one of India's largest commercial centres. MICA is a self contained campus with all the basic
Ahmedabad - the city
Ahmedabad City, built by Ahmed Shah, a medieval ruler of Gujarat, is known for its rich past, its
association with the Mahatma Gandhi and freedom movement. It has been a hub for famous
textile mills and is aptly referred to, as ‘Manchester of the East’. The city offers the traveler - IndoIslamic style of architecture, a unique style blending of Hindu and Islamic architectural styles. The
city’s built environment, presents a harmonious mix of ancient heritage and a vibrant present. It is
a rich kaleidoscope of history, art and culture, architecture with imposing monuments. The Walled
City in Ahmedabad takes one down the memory lane, making one aware of the city’s glorious past.
Tourists can visit Ahmedabad throughout the year and it offers all the better things of life, be it
food or amusement. The life here is enjoyable.
As the seventh largest city in India, Ahmedabad is well-connected with the rest of the country via a
large air, rail and road network. It has an international airport from where all major domestic and
international airlines provide air services to all important cities in India, in the Middle East, Europe
and USA. The Western Railway network links the city with the all the other important cities in the
country. The prestigious Rajdhani Express daily service connects Ahmedabad to New Delhi. The
Shatabdi Express and Karnavati Express trains provide convenient daily service to Mumbai. The
State Road Transport Corporation connects the city by road all the major cities and towns of Gujarat
and other states in the country. Here are a few facts about the city:
72.08 lacs
Literacy Rate
Gujarati is the local language. Hindi and
English are understood and spoken by the
business community.
8086 sq. kms.
55 meters above sea level
23°N and 72.58°E
Summer : 45°-25°C
Winter : 35°- 8°C
Bastion of Education
Ahmedabad is one of India's most important seats of learning with large number of educational
institutions including some of the institutions that have earned international reputation for high
quality of education. Besides our own MICA, the other renowned institutions in this city are:
Center for Environment, Planning and Technology (CEPT)
Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (EDI)
Gandhi Labour Institute (GLI)
Gujarat Institute of Development Research (GIDR)
Indian Institute of Management (IIM-A)
Institute of Plasma Research (IPR)
National Institute of Design (NID)
Nirma Institute of Management and NIRMA University (NIM)
Sardar Patel Institute of Economic and Social Research (SPIESR)
Life in Ahmedabad
Ahmedabad offers a gamut of facilities and activities for the local inhabitants and visitors alike
with traditional fervor and modernity that enable its people pursue personal styles and enjoy the
life. Whether it's shopping at the large shopping malls on
C.G. Road, eating out at various cafes and restaurants, enjoying the local Gujarati theatre, or
boogying away at the discos - the city has it all to entertain every one. The friendly and
entrepreneurial Gujarati people have made Ahmedabad, a city of affluence.
The fun loving people of Ahmedabad celebrate the traditional festivals with great fervor and
excitement. Makar Sankranti, in the month of January, is celebrated with frenzied kite-flying,
literally covering the sky with kites of all shapes, sizes and colours. The nine
nights of Navratri (September/October) immediately imply long hours of Garba dancing evening
onwards. The Rath Yatra is an annual tribute to the famous Lord Krishna and his siblings Balaram &
The Gujarati cuisine is exciting and delicious. Though the food available here is primarily vegetarian,
one can also find non-vegetarian and seafood. The meat preparations of the Gujarati Muslims and
Zoroastrians are delicious. There are also different specialty restaurants of South Indian, Chinese
and Continental Cuisine.
5. Equality
MICA as a body corporate believes in Equality. MICA does not discriminate on the basis of caste,
class, religion, gender, nation or sexual orientation.
Identification Card & Name Plate
All students must be in possession of a valid multipurpose MICA Photo ID Card to certify their
enrollment in the Institute. It serves to borrow library books, to obtain health care services, and to
use the computer centre. Students may collect the ID card and Name plate from the Programme
office free of cost. For the lost, damaged and/or misplaced card, students have to pay a
replacement fee of Rs.200/-.
It is compulsory for the student to display the Name Plate in the class room during the class
hours, and during the Exams at the space provided on the table.
MICA Council for Students’ Affairs (MCSA)
MCSA is a platform for the students to come together and organize Academic, Social, Cultural,
Recreational activities and to utilize all the facilities available at the Institute. The MCSA and the
committee members liaise with the Programme Officers and the Executive Registrar only for the
Common Agenda (academic and/or administrative activities). For individual needs the students are
required to directly deal with the Programme Office for Academic activities, and Estate &
Administration for infrastructure related issues.
The other committees and their respective members will be notified separately after their due
selection process:
Teaching aids
The institute has state of the art teaching aids such as LCD Projector, Audio Video Systems, DVD
Players, Wi-Fi, etc in all the Class Rooms and the Auditorium. The students are expected to handle
them properly and they are collectively responsible for any damage that may happen to these
equipments on account of improper / negligent handling.
Helmets and license
It is mandatory for the students to use ISI Certified helmet (including pillion riders), while riding two
wheelers (Motor Cycle/Scooter) for protection and should hold a valid driving license.
Mailing address
The address should have the following details
Name of the Student
Name of Hostel
and Room Number
Shela, Ahmedabad-380 058
Phone : 02717-308250 Fax : 02717-308349
Each student will be given an E-mail id.
11. Contact persons (PGDM)
Following persons may be contacted:
Mr. Rajaram Iyer
Mr. Rajesh Nair
Mr. Harshan V.V.
Mr. Chintan Shah
[For PGP - 1] Manager (Programmes)
[For PGP - 2] Executive (Programmes)
[For CCC]
Executive (Programmes)
[For Exam]
Senior Officer (Examinations)
Contact #
Student Activities
Ms. Perpetua Fernandes
Senior Manager - President &
Dean's Office & Student Affairs
Contact #
Any emergency requirement of vehicle after the office hours for the students on
account of Illness / Hospitalization, Injury / Accident
Mr. Himanshu Patel
Ms. Perpetua Fernandes (Julie)
Mr. Sunjay Chandwani
O f f i c e r (Admin)
Senior Manager - President & Dean's
Office & Student Affairs
Contact #
Head-Estate & Campus Admin
If Executive Registrar’s intervention is required on the matters shown above, you may contact
Mr. Sethu Iyer, Executive Registrar on +91- 9825439597
The staff in the following departments will be glad to assist during office hours on week days.
President & Dean’s Office
Associate Dean ( Industry and Alumni
Partnerships)'s Office
Ms. Perpetua Fernandes (Julie)
Mr Ernest Highland
Mr Vijay Borse
Programme Office
Audio Visual/Class Room Admn.
Mr. Rajaram Iyer
Mr. Rajesh Nair
Mr. Harshan V.V.
Mr. Manu Parmar Mr.
Praful Sevak
Mr. Shantilal Patel
Examination Cell
Mr. Chintan Shah
Estate & Administration
Mr. Sunjay Chandwani
(Head-Estate & Campus Admin)
Dr. Shailesh Yagnik (Head - Library &
Information Services)
Mr. Jaydeep Vaghela
Mr. Prakash Gajjar
Mr. Himanshu Patel
Mr. Jigar Bharwad
Dr. Niraj Patel
Dr. Lavji Zala
Mr. Ashok Chauhan
Mr. Bikhabhai Chauhan
IT Cell
Design and Publications
Mr. Himanshu Patel (Sr. Manager - I T)
Mr. Nimesh C. Pancholi
Mr. Setu Modi
Accounts Office
Mr. Jalp Lakhia (Manager)
Mr. Deepak Shah ( Head - Finance )
Mr. Samir Patel
Mr. Vihar Desai
MICA Incubator
Mr. Narayanan Nair (Head - M D P)
Mr Brahma Ghosh Raval
Prof. U. T. Rao
MDP Cell
Human Resource (HR)
Ms. Snigdha Mandal (Sr. Manager)
Mr. Murali Nair
Mr. Hardik Shah
Admissions & Students Financial Assistance
Prof. Shubhra Gaur ( Chair Admissions)
Mr. Lav Thaker
Mr Jayaraj Nair
Logistics/Repair & Maintenance and Other Services
The following staff may be contacted for all logistical services like water supply, sanitation,
electrical/plumping repair and maintaining works, IT, Bank, Doctor, etc.:
Description of
Responsible person
In case of difficulty, please
Air Ticket booking /
train ticket booking
Mr. Himanshu Patel
Mr. Jaydeep Vaghela
Mr. Sunjay Chandwani (137)
Air conditioning /
Mr. Himanshu Patel
Mr. Sunjay Chandwani (137)
Mr. Sameer Patel
Mr. Vihar Desai
Mr. Deepak Shah (138)
Furniture & fixtures
Mr. Jaydeep Vaghela
Mr. Sunjay Chandwani (137)
Mr. Manu Parmar
Mr.Praful Sevak
Mr. Shantilal Patel
Mr. Jigar Bharvad
Mr. Sunjay Chandwani
Mr. Raju Kalsuwa
Mr. Himanshu Patel (140) Mr.
Sunjay Chandwani (137)
Mr. Rajaram Iyer (194)
Mr. Rajesh Nair (145)
Mr.Deepak Shah (138)
Classroom after
office hours
Cleaning of Hostels
Reception/Courier /
Distribution of
Reading Materials
Drinking water
Teaching Aids
(Class Rooms)
Mr. Manu Parmar
Mr. Praful Sevak
Mr. Shantilal Patel
Mr. Sunjay Chandwani
Mr. Jaydeep Vaghela
Mr. Manu Parmar
Mr. Praful Sevak
Mr. Shantilal Patel
Mr. Rajaram Iyer
Mr. Rajesh Nair
Fee details to be
provided to
Fees Collection & Issue Mr. Sameer Patel
of Fee Receipt
Mr. Vihar Desai
Mr. Rajaram Iyer (194)
Mr. Rajesh Nair (145)
Mr. Sunjay Chandwani (137)
Mr. Sunjay Chandwani (137)
Mr. Sunjay Chandwani (137)
Mr. Rajaram Iyer (194)
Mr. Rajesh Nair (145)
Mr Sethu Iyer (139)
First Aid Medicines
Food – Chhota
Food – Dining
For any emergency
- vehicle requirement
Mr. Himanshu Patel
Mr. Bharat Pandya
Mr. Sunjay Chandwani (137)
Mr. Sunjay Chandwani (137)
Mr. Jaydeep Vaghela (141)
Mr. Chirag Mehta
Mr. Bharatbhai
Mr. Himanshu Patel
Mr. Sunjay Chandwani (137)
Mr. Sethu Iyer (107)
Mr. Sunjay Chandwani (137)
IT related
IT Help Desk
Mr. Nimesh Pancholi
Dr. Lavji Zala/
Mr. Ashok Chauhan
Mr. Bhikhabhai Chauhan
Mr. Ajay
Mr. Himanshu Patel (135)
Mr. Sunjay Chandwani (137)
Mr. Jaydeep Vaghela (141)
Mr. Sunjay Chandwani (137)
Mr. Jaydeep Vaghela
Mr. D. C. Thaker (Security)
Mr. Jaydeep Vaghela
Mr. Himanshu Patel
Mr. Raju Kalsuwa
Mr. Sunjay Chandwani (137)
Night emergency
Dr. Shailesh Yagnik (167)
Dr. Niraj Patel (168)
Mr. Sunjay Chandwani (137)
Students Medical
Mr. D.C. Thaker
Mr. Rajaram Iyer
Mr. Sunjay Chandwani (137)
Mr. Sethu Iyer (139)
Mr. Jagdish Chavda
Alka Photocopying Centre
Timing : 8 00 AM - 8 00 PM
Mr. Rajaram Iyer (194)
Mr.Rajesh Nair (145)
Mr. Harshan VV. (148)
For any bulk printing /
photocopying, please
intimate him well in advance
Lighting for Sports
Activities at night
SCAM should send Pre
approval mail to Mr. Sunjay
Chandwani. Lighting will be
made available upto 10.00
pm only.
[email protected]
HR & Personnel
Mr. Murali Nair
Mr. Hardik Shah
Ms. Snigdha Mandal (383)