PROTUtrTRIVIEIIiTsi Rewed! Obsessions of a Midlife Motorcyclist By Ron Dovis #1 11820 LOOKING FOR A MOTORCYCLE book featuring life or death encoun- var)4ng length such as "Terrors ters with road bandits, heroic expeditions crossing trackless wastelands, or tense confrontations with armed border guards? To paraphrase that Splitting in La -La Lart$' Rew ed! easiy kept me engaged. Kirk's storytelling is free from awkward prose and long, philosophical dis- famous Stormtrooper, this Tracki "Finding My Nichel' and of the "Lane temically seeks out motorcyclist gath- is to find a not the book you're looking for. ering points Instead, Revved! Obsessions of a Midlife Motorcycllsf by Stuart A. like-minded riders and then describes the benefits of riding with a group have made me reconsider this dimension of motorcycling I'm sure many riders enjoy. As community buiiding is one of the most remarked-on benefits of belonging to the MOA, I m sure many member-readers rvill be nodding in agreement as they "listen' to the quiet conversation Kirk's book Kirk offers a thoughtful, elegantly-written narrative of one man's reintroduction to the motorcycling life that will resonate with practically any rider who shares his'bbsessions." Following a preface by Melissa Holbrook Pierson (Tfte Perfect Vehicle), Kirk's story begins with an ignominious account of his first real ride Readers will also appreciate Kirkt descriptions of some of the best roads for motorcycling in Southern Caiifornia and Arizona. Having orvned something like 30 motorcycles and toured over much ofthe country, Stuart Kirk can obviously speak with the voice of experience, and though some a 20-year break from motorcycling. Aboard his shiny, fresh-out-of- the-box BMW R 75 S, he crashes. But instead of giving up his dream of becoming a motorcyclist, he begins a of the authort advice on gear and techniques like cornering and lane splitting may be familiar to more methodical journey through stages ofstudying, outfitting himself with the proper gear, attending training classes, experienced riders, these and practicing riding neophytes and are not delivered pedantically. Revved! Obsessions of a Midlife Motorcyclist is a road map for those just saddling up for their journey into on the road to experiencing the sublime pleasures motorcycling can present. wouldnt read "the Lord's own book'if it didnt hold her attention. It's a r,lew I share, especially since in my role as an English teacher, I'm besieged each day with all kinds of writing I hat,eto read, whether it holds my attention or not. Divided into a series of essavs of passages will be helpful to technique, which he comes to recognize are essential milestones Flannery O'Connor once wrote something to the effect that she group of provides. after taking 26 on social welfare, psychiatry, and psychology, Stuart Kirk devotes considerable space to his efforts to join and even create small communities of riding compatriots. Ive never been much of a joiner when it comes to riding, but reading how Kirk sys- courses, and this kept me reading at a steady pace, almost like a gentle cruise down a favorite highway. One facet of the book I found intriguing lvas the attention Kirk gives to the social aspect of his burgeoning motorcycling experience. A former professor of social welfare at UCLA and Columbia as well as the author and co-author ofa host ofbooks motorcycling and, at the same time, a reflective trip log for those who have been riding for years. "Obsessed" or not, riders of all tlpes are sure to find a run through this book wiil enhance their joy of motorcycling. Revved! Obsessions of a Midlife Motorcy- clist, 178 pages, Corkscrew Publishing. Available from, $16.95 paperbacU$9.95 Kindle. O