March 2014 - Gun Owners Action League
March 2014 - Gun Owners Action League
e GOAL News Print Edition The Official Monthly Publication of Gun Owners’ Action League - Protecting Your Freedom Since 1975 March 2014 Dedicated to Education, Safety, Training, and Support of Massachusetts Firearms Owners Still Waiting Public Safety Committee Yet to Release New Legislation Legislative wait continues. March 12, 2014 tive gun laws in the country and that since those laws were passed our in-state gun related homicides have increased by 67%. Ask that they look at the nation as a whole, remind them how the majority of states have passed laws which lessen restrictions and do away with prohibitions and that during this entire time violent crime and gun related murder has dropped considerably nationwide. By Mike Sweeney The Joint Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security is yet to release any new legislation regarding Second Amendment issues. Over the past month Representative Harold Naughton, the committee chair has been on the road again meeting with citizens on his self named “gun violence” listening tour. Recently his tour made a stop at South Barre Sportsman’s Club where he was joined by local Rep. Joint Committee on Public Safety and Homeland Security Chairman Hank Naughton continues touring the Anne Gobi and a roomful of club state and discussing the issues with concerned parties. Photo by Mike Sweeney members, Second Amendment (2A) advocates and sportsmen and showing up to speak out against any continue a dialogue with your state women (see write up by GOAL BoD and all new restrictions and for re- representative and state senator, storing and protecting our 2A. urge them to pass legislation that President Jay Beard in this issue) punishes criminals instead of law The tour has continued making While we wait for the legislation to abiding citizens. Remind them that stops throughout the state and come out of committee, we would we have some of the most restricGOAL members have continued like to urge our membership to Special Report: Deception - How the Mom’s and Mayors deceive America into believing guns should be banned Thank you everyone for your continued advocacy and support of our Second Amendment freedom. As always we will update as soon as information becomes available. Thank you from GOAL President of the Board of Directors, Jay Beard. of their corporate being, and I do 2/26/14 mean “corporate”, especially with From Merriam – Webster: Last night, Tuesday February 25th the mom’s. de•cep•tion was a very cold night in So Barre, In the days following the horrible but there was a very hot topic being noun \di-ˈsep-shən\ : the act of makmurders in Newtown CT, anti free- discussed inside of the South Barre ing someone believe something dom legislation and groups came Sportsman’s Club with standing that is not true : the act of deceivout of the woodwork. The groups room only for the Second Amending someone : an act or statement suddenly advocating for the disar- ment supporters and many GOAL intended to make people believe mament of law abiding Americans members. The meeting, one of over something that is not true masqueraded as a group of con- thirty attended by State Rep. Hank The old saying about “you can fool cerned mothers, but were they? Naughton, Chairman of Public some of the people some of the Who is this concerned mothers Safety and Homeland Security. As time, but not all of the people all of group anyways? Let’s take a look at stated by Rep Naughton; “By and the time” certainly holds true when a few facts posted by blogger Miguel large these meetings have been dewe’re looking at the operations and liberate ...and respectful on both G on his blog “Gun Free Zone”. methods of the many groups worksides of the argument”. There were “Moms Demand Action for Gun many questions and direct answers ing to erode our basic freedoms. Sense in America is the new astroturf along with some confusion about The mom’s, mayors and “anti gun “grassroots” gun control movement the Joint Committee on Public Safeviolence” groups all run on an enout there. Yes, one tends to be a tad ty and Homeland Security’s mission gine fueled by deceit, it’s at the core Continued on page 10 and the committee appointed by House Speaker Robert DeLeo which released a “gun violence” report on February 6th. Without question, if the public didn’t get detailed coverage provided by GOAL News the sound bite media would have left many confused and in the dark. Deception. GOAL will continue to work with our legislature towards real solutions which address these issues. (see our report response in last month’s issue of GOAL News Print Edition) Pictured: Rep. Gobi, Senator Brewer and GOAL Exec. Director Jim Wallace that kind of support for gun owners and sportsmen and women here in central Mass and on Beacon Hill. GOAL Executive Director Jim Wallace was quick to point out that GOAL has not been sitting back and waiting for a landslide of bills to hit the floor but leading the charge to push back the misinformation and be critical of any and all proposed legislation that would seek to limit or restrict your 2A Civil Rights. At the same time it was good to hear that this committee was strongly in favor of GOAL’s bill which includes creating a State Police registry of violent criminals They were also supportive of beginning an overhaul The best news as pointed out By of the LTC process for new licenses Senator Steve Brewer, Rep. Anne and renewals. Gobi and Rep. Hank Naughton was that the three legislators represent- All together a good night to get ed 59 years of service. They all have the GOAL message out, just as the a GOAL A+ rating, a record that the GOAL Board of Directors did this Senator and GOAL are both very past weekend at the Big-E sportsproud of. We are grateful to have Continued on page 8 Change Service Requested Gun Owners’ Action League PO Box 567 Northboro, MA. 01532 GOAL News Print Edition 2 March 2014 Massachusetts Approved Firearms Magnum Research® Magnum Lite® .22LR Graphite Black Polymer Ambidextrous Thumbhole Stock Rifle MLR22AT (.22LR) Thompson® M1 Semi-Automatic Carbine with 30 Round Surplus Stick Magazine TM1-SMAG (.45ACP) Thompson® 1927A-1 Deluxe with 10 Round Drum Magazine T1D (.45ACP) 1927A-1 Deluxe with 30 Round Surplus Stick Magazine T1-SMAG (.45ACP) 1927A-1C Lightweight with 30 Round Surplus Stick Magazine T5-SMAG (.45ACP) Auto-Ordnance 1911A1 WWII Parkerized w/ U.S. Logo Wood Grips 1911PKZSEWMA (.45 ACP) 1911A1 WWII Parkerized 1911PKZSEMA (.45 ACP) Kahr® Arms P9® w/ External Safety & Loaded Chamber Indicator (LCI) KP9093 (9mm) P40® w/ External Safety & LCI KP4143 (.40 S&W) Kahr Arms, Thomspon and Auto-Ordnance: Factory: 130 Goddard Memorial Drive, Worcester, MA 01603 Sales Support & Service: 508-795-3919 / Fax: 508-795-7046 Websites: | Magnum Research, Inc.: Factory: 12602 33rd Ave. SW, Pillager, MN 56473 Consumer Sales and Service: 508-635-4273 | Fax: 218-746-3097 Website: | Kahr® Arms PM9® w/ External Safety & LCI PM9093 (9mm) PM40® w/ External Safety & LCI PM4143 (.40 S&W) March 2014 GOAL News Print Edition 3 GOAL News • In This Issue: GOAL News Print Edition GOAL News - Print Edition is the Official Journal of Gun Owners’ Action League. GOAL is the official state association of the National Rifle Association. From the Executive Director - Jim Wallace From the Editor - Mike Sweeney Bettina’s Take Patriot Games GOAL Training Schedule Join GOAL - Information/Form Competition & Events Schedule Worcester Pistol & Rifle Club News Reloading Bench - Jim Finnerty Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 16 Page 17 Page 19 Page 20 Page 22 Join GOAL Protecting Your Freedom Begins GOAL is dedicated to education, safety, training Here! and support of Massachusetts Firearms Owners. Gun Owners’ Action League is the official state firearms association in Massachusetts. We are an association of law-abiding citizens who believe Since 1975, GOAL has represented the interests of the law abiding citizens in the basic right of firearms ownership for competition, recreation and self-protection. of Massacusetts. Gun Owners’ Action League Officials GOAL Board of Directors President: Jay Beard 1st Vice President: Steve Moysey 2nd Vice President: Mike Anthony Treasurer: Robert Pepi Secretary: Ellie Horwitz Executive Director: Jim Wallace Term up in 2014 Bruce Hall Michael Concannon Joe Currie Gary Wilk Term up in 2015 Rickard Sitte Bettina Romberg Jim Finnerty Ernest W. Foster Term up in 2016 Mark Jester Ron Amidon Vacant Seat Vacant Seat GOAL works hard to defend the Constitution and the Bill of Rights against those in Massachusetts who wish to infringe upon the freedoms guaranteed by our forefathers. The programs sponsored and developed by Gun Owners’ Action League are supported by competitors, sportsmen, recreational shooters and law enforcement throughout the state. We were formed in 1974 to protect the right to keep and bear arms for lawful purposes in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. We are recognized as the state’s premier gun rights association. Why You Should Join GOAL Every intrusion on our gun rights is an intrusion on all rights. The Constitutional rights and freedoms that you enjoy - and may take for granted - are becoming more fragile each day. Secure your rights for yourself, your family and future generations. Join GOAL and become part of the solution today. Gun Owners’ Action League is a grassroots organization whose members actively participate in the many facets of protecting our Second Amendment rights and passing on the shooting sports traditions. Gun Owners’ Action League - GOAL News “Print Edition” is published No one has any reason to fear the possession of firearms by law-abiding monthly and provided as a membership benefit to all classes of membercitizens. GOAL publishes materials to bring the truth about gun ownership who wish to receive it. ship to the public, the legislature and our members. Submissions of original works are welcomed. However the editor reserves We also provide courses to new shooters, as well as certification training for the right to reject or appropriately edit any submitted material. those wishing to become firearms instructors. We also provide referrals to Reprint permission is granted provided that appropriate credit is given in instructors around the state. the form of the statement: “Reprinted from GOAL News Print Edition”. Join online, at Advertisers should contact Mike Sweeney at 508-393-5333 x25 or GOAL B.O.D. 2014 Meeting Schedule [email protected] for rates and information. GOAL News - Print Edition Chief Executive Officer: James Wallace Editor: Michael Sweeney Contributing Editors: Angela Fisher, Jon Green, Steve Moysey, Jay Beard, Bettina Romberg April 17, May 15, June 12, July 16, August 14, September 11, October 16, November 13, December10. Board of Directors Meetings are open to all GOAL Members in good standing and are at GOAL HQ, 361 W. Main St. Northboro, MA. 01532 Gun Owners’ Action League PO Box 567/361 W. Main St. Northboro, MA. 01532 Phone: 508-393-5333 Fax: 508-393-5222 General e-mail [email protected] Chief of Staff: [email protected] News/Communications/Web e-mail: [email protected] Training/Education e-mail: [email protected] Membership/Club e-mail: [email protected] Gun Owners’ Action League is the official Massachusetts state association of the National Rifle Association. Follow Us Online! Meeting members! GOAL Executive Director Jim Wallace had the opportunity to meet long time GOAL Member John R. Lowell at the recent legislative meeting with Rep. Gobi and Chairman Naughton at South Barre Rod & Gun Club. We would like to thank all of our members for the continued support! GOAL News Print Edition 4 March 2014 From the Executive Director News and Notes by Jim Wallace Update on legislation. At the time of this writing, GOAL has not been made aware of any gun legislation coming out of the Public Safety Committee. While at a few of the recent gun shows, a few people were confused about the release of the report from the House Speaker’s non-legislative committee that released “Strategies for Reducing Gun Violence in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts”. Information on this report can be found at: report-response-2-6-14.html. Some people we talked to thought this was already passed into law, when in actuality it had not even been introduced as a bill yet. This was merely a report and a bad one at that. So bad, in fact, that we have not heard the Speaker defend it once. allowing his child or ward, who has not attained age fifteen, the supervised use of a rifle or shotgun or ammunition therefor, according to the provisions of section one hundred and twenty-nine C, nor from furnishing such child or ward, who has attained age fifteen, with a rifle or shotgun that is not a large capacity weapon or ammunition; provided, however, that said child or ward, being fifteen years of age or older, has been issued a valid firearm identification card or alien permit to possess a rifle or shotgun which is in his possession. Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit an instructor from furnishing rifles or shotguns or ammunition therefor to pupils; provided, however, that said instructor has the consent of a parent or guardian of a pupil under the age of eighteen years. The section intertwines law regardAny potential bills should come out ing aliens and youth making it a of the Joint Committee on Public very difficult read. It also utilizes the Safety. The Committee held five term “furnish” which is not a familformal regional hearings last year iar legal term to most gun owners. and many more informal forums GOAL’s suggested solution was filed throughout the state. What may or at the beginning of this legislative may not come out as legislation is session. H.3273 An Act Relative to still anyone’s guess. As soon as we Youth Firearm Training and Comknow something we will alert our petition was filed on our behalf by members. Representative George Peterson. Youth Firearm Training GOAL continually receives questions regarding youth training and competition. Most of these come from clubs that are not sure what is legal. The problem stems from very confusing language currently in Chapter 140, Section 130: Section 130. Whoever sells or furnishes a rifle, shotgun or ammunition to any alien eighteen years of age or older who does not hold a permit card issued to him under section one hundred and thirty-one H or, except as provided in this section or section one hundred and thirty-one E, whoever sells or furnishes any alien or any person under eighteen years of age a rifle, shotgun, machine gun or ammunition, or whoever sells or furnishes to any person under 21 years of age a firearm or large capacity rifle or shotgun or ammunition therefor shall have his license to sell firearms, rifles, shotguns, machine guns and or ammunition revoked and shall not be entitled to apply for such license for ten years from the date of such revocation and shall be punished by a fine of not less than $1,000 nor more than $10,000, or by imprisonment in a state prison for not more than ten years or by imprisonment in a house of correction for not more than two and one-half years, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Nothing in this section or section one hundred and thirty-one E shall be construed to prohibit a parent or guardian from The bill simply takes the two different subject matters and splits them into two different sections of law. We believe our proposed language change will provide some much needed clarity when it comes to the firearm safety training provided to our junior shooters within the Commonwealth. H.3273 An Act relative to youth firearm training and competition. SECTION 1. Section 130 of Chapter 140 of the Massachusetts General Laws shall be amended by deleting the section in its entirety and putting in its place the following:Section 130. Whoever sells or furnishes a rifle, shotgun or ammunition to any alien eighteen years of age or older who does not hold a permit card issued to him under section one hundred and thirty-one H or, except as provided in this section or section one hundred and thirty-one E, whoever sells or furnishes any alien a rifle, shotgun, machine gun or ammunition, shall have his license to sell firearms, rifles, shotguns, machine guns and or ammunition revoked and shall not be entitled to apply for such license for ten years from the date of such revocation and shall be punished by a fine of not less than $1,000 nor more than $10,000, or by imprisonment in a state prison for not more than ten years or by imprisonment in a house of correction for not more than two and one-half years, or by both such fine and imprisonment. SECTION 2. Chapter 140 of the Massachusetts General Laws shall be amended by inserting Section 130 the following new Section:Section 130A Youth Firearm Training, Competition, Activities Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, it shall be lawful to furnish a weapon, as defined in Section 121 of Chapter 140 of the General Laws, to a minor for purposes of hunting, recreation, instruction, participation in shooting sports and any other lawful uses while under the supervision of a holder of a valid Firearm Identification Card or License to Carry appropriate for the weapon in use, providing the parent or guardian of said minor has granted consent for such activities. Any person violating (a) or (b) above shall be punished by fine of not less than $1,000 nor more than $10,000, or by imprisonment in a state prison for not more than ten years or by imprisonment in a house of correction for not more than two and one-half years, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Changes in Hunting Laws As this column is being written we are approaching the deadline for legislative committees to report out legislation. They basically have three choices when making their reports. They can release bills with a “favorable”, “ought not to pass” or place the bills in what’s called a “study order”. Traditionally study orders are the death of any given bill sent there, but sometimes there is a legitimate need for more work to be done on a particular bill before it is brought to the floor. of age. Many youth hunters miss out on all or a portion of their first hunting season because they turn 15 just prior or during. Massachusetts law requires that once you turn 15 you must have an FID card to hunt with a firearm. Because of a delay in applying and then receiving a card, time is often last. H.809 An Act Relative to the Hunting of Bear filed by Rep. Todd Smola would repeal the prohibition on the use of bait and hounds for hunting bear. This law was the result of the infamous 1996 referendum “Question 1”. As bear populations continue to increase and begin to spread beyond the traditional urban settings it is essential that the Division of Fisheries and Wildlife (DFW) be allowed to manage them. The most effective population management tool is hunting, and baiting bear is the most effective means in fairly urban areas. Baiting allows the hunter to harvest the bear in a safe and controlled manner. H.728 An Act Relative to the Use of Crossbows in Hunting filed by Senator Don Humason and H.713 of the same name are identical pieces of legislation that would simply do away with the statutory prohibitions on the use of crossbows for hunting. As it stands now they can only be used for hunting if one has a medical reason. The passage of Our members are well aware of the these bills would allow the DFW to potential gun bills that might come regulate their use as they do with our way, but we are also waiting to other hunting means. see what might happen with some H.711 An Act Relative to the Use of the hunting legislation. Some of of Shotguns filed by Representative those we are watching are listed be- Anne Gobi would end the statutory low: prohibition on the use of shotgun H.2183 An Act Relative to Youth slugs for bear hunting. With the Hunting Programs filed by Rep. modern design and effectiveness George Peterson would lower the of shotgun slugs there is no reason application age for a Firearms Iden- why this type of ammunition cantification Card (FID) to 14 years not be utilized for harvesting black bear in Massachusetts. March 2014 GOAL News Print Edition 5 From The Editor License inequity March 2014 Here in the Commonwealth there sure has been a lot of license news lately. A couple of months ago, GOAL ran a front page article describing “citizen abuse” by the Commonwealth. This abuse stems from the state’s refusal to issue firearms licenses in a timely fashion as prescribed by law. To make things worse, many citizens who attempt to apply are being abused by their local licensing authority. Many are discouraged from even beginning the process of applying. This discouragement comes in two forms; first, the applicant being rudely treated and often disrespected by their local licensing authority. Second, applicants who live in certain cities and towns are told that they have to make an appointment and wait up to 6 months, just to begin the process of applying! Then, if the applicant is lucky, the police department will issue the license at some point during the next 6-12 months. How deep does the DCF incompetence go? Let’s break it down; the state has over 2400 social workers to keep tabs on things, one-third of which aren’t licensed. The issue comes to light when one child goes missing and gets worse when it turns out that hundreds are missing. So what does Governor Patrick do to fix the problem? He immediately allocates another 32.6 million tax dollars for the DCF so they can hire more social workers. This all happened in the span of a week or two, kid disappears, kids report issues, investigation begins, problems surface and boom 32 million is allocated towards fixing the problem. I’ll bet you that the 32 million won’t even make a dent in the many issues plaguing the DCF. time for “progressive” Massachusetts to rethink that. During the past twenty plus years the majority of the country, 42 states have moved to “shall issue” firearms licenses for a license to carry concealed, in other words, if you’re not a federally prohibited person the state will issue you a license without restriction. During this same time period violent crime and gun related homicides have dropped. Here in MA our stubborn legislature continues to punish the law abiding, refusing to change the law. Our violent crime stats have also bucked the national trend, climbing steadily since the laws were changed in 1998. nals and doesn’t prevent crime, it only makes the law abiding more vulnerable. For this reason I would urge the legislature to work with the same urgency to reform our laws, make them more respectful of the law abiding and restore freedom to the good people of the Commonwealth. I know they can do it, they’ve shown that they can, it’s just a matter of having the courage to do the right thing. As the old saying goes, “Houston we have a problem” yet the MA legislature refuses to acknowledge it and More recently we just had the big continues to keep legislation more “upskirt” scandal in which a man respectful of our Second Amendwas arrested for using his cell phone ment Civil Rights stuck in the comto take photographs up the skirts of Just do it. mittee quagmire. unsuspecting female subway passengers in Boston. Keeping good people from being able to protect themselves by a manLong story short the case made it all ner of their choice and by the most the way to our State Supreme Judieffective means possible is never cial Court. The justices released an good policy. It doesn’t stop crimiRecently I read with interest a cou- opinion that the man was not in viple of stories which nicely frame olation of the law as it was written. our argument that the Common- Much furor and outrage ensued (is G wealth does not want citizens law- anyone else getting sick of “outrage” fully in possession of firearms and on and in the news?) and once again, has little if any interest in fixing the long story short, the MA legislature many broken aspects of our current quickly jumped in. Within 32 hours they changed the law to make the system. actions of the MBTA voyeur illegal. For example: Isn’t it interesting that the goverThe first was a story that broke last nor was able to throw 32 million at month in regard to the Massachua problem in about a week, claim it setts Department of Children and as fixed and jet off to Costa Rica? Families (DCF) employing almost I can’t decide which is more abra800 unlicensed social workers. This sive to me, that or the fact that the accounts for more than one-third legislature and governor were able of all social workers on the state to change the voyeurism law in less payroll. To make things even more than 32 hours. interesting the state has no requirement for their employees to be li- Clearly our government can act censed, if however a social worker quickly when it suits them, or when is not employed by the state, they they look like a large collection of Directions: Rte. 84E to Rte. 90 E (M ass horses asses on the national news. must be licensed. Pike), to Exit 10, 290N to 495S to exit On both issues they moved with The usual do as I say, not as I do 24B (Route 20), go 1 mile to show unprecedented speed and made from the state of Massachusetts. change where they saw fit, or, so This is especially troubling as even they didn’t look like incompetent more recent reports have shown idiots - you decide. that as many as 130 children in DCF custody are now missing. To make I found it very telling that they were things worse, our legislature spent more concerned with stopping voymost of the last year expending a eurs on the Green Line than they tremendous amount of energy on are with stopping rapists all over the making our gun laws even more city of Boston and throughout the strict, (trust me, they didn’t hold state. For two years now we’ve been 8ft Tables For Both Days are $80 ea.( 3 or more $75 ea.) those hearing because they were working to get a pepper spray bill thinking about matching our laws passed. For even longer we’ve been PO BOX 406 - MAHOPAC FALLS, NY 10542 to those of Vermont) we sat through working to reform our current fireFor Additional Information Call Our Office hearing after hearing listening to “if arms licensing laws to make them 9:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. (914) 248-1000 it saves just one child’s life you must more compliant with laws passed by pass this law” all the while kids in an overwhelming majority of states. $1.00 OFF ADMISSION W/THIS AD state care were disappearing with no We know that the state doesn’t beDISCOUNTS: lieve in “self help” but maybe it’s accountability. NewMart Promotions Inc. GOAL News Print Edition 6 March 2014 GOAL News - Print Edition Bettina’s Take: The Shocking Origins of Gun Control The Shocking Origins of Gun Control: The Racist History of an Idea I just finished this terrific little book called, The Truth About Gun Control, by David B. Kopel. It’s a quick read and gives great information about the origins of the abridgment of our rights. I learned a lot from reading this little book, and I thought I’d share some of it with you. It starts with the history of the Second Amendment and how it is an extension of our right to our own lives. were defeated, arms would be taken away and militias and the manufacture of firearms in the colonies would be outlawed. He evidently saw the connection between liberty and firearms! The most shocking part of this book for me was the origin of gun control after we became a country. Did you know that gun control started after the Civil War, because many Southern states did not want former slaves to own firearms? Mississippi, for example, kept freedmen enslaved by enacting codes that said no former slaves were allowed to “keep or carry firearms of any kind or carry ammunition” without police permission. In areas where the Ku Klux Klan was in control, this was the first thing that was done. The KKK was the first gun control group! Firearms have been part of our nation since the early days of settlement. Many colonies required gun ownership in order to reside in the New World. In many cases, colonists were required to carry while traveling – even if they were going Congress did respond with the to church. Freedmen’s Bureau Act and the 14th Cesar Beccaria (1738-1794), an ItalAmendment, which upheld the ian scholar known as the father of right to bear arms for all Americans. criminology after he published his Many Congressmen at the time speinternational bestseller, On Crimes cifically said that the 14th Amendand Punishments, and admired by ment was to guarantee freedmen the Thomas Jefferson and John Adams ability to protect themselves against is quoted: Klansmen. This forced Southern “The laws which forbid men to bear states to repeal laws that disarmed arms…only disarm those who are ex-slaves and instead try chipping neither inclined nor determined to away at their rights by other methcommit crimes. Can it be supposed ods, such as requiring permits and that those who have the courage to banning the sale of certain types of violate the most sacred laws of hu- guns. manity and the most important in Sound familiar? the civil code will respect the lesser and more arbitrary laws? These These infringements were expanded laws make the victims of attack when many Europeans were immiworse off and improve the position grating to the United States in the of the assailant. They do not reduce 19th Century, and continued well the murder rate but increase it, be- into the 1960’s during the Civil cause an unarmed man can be at- Rights Era. tacked with more confidence than Kopel outlines in the book that the an armed man.” first act of totalitarian governments During the Revolutionary War, the is to confiscate firearms. As he says, British Under Secretary of State “Consider the steps: 1) registration; William Knox wrote an essay, What 2) confiscation; 3) extermination. Is Fit to be Done with America? In Steps 1 and 2 do not always result in it, he says that once the colonists step 3. But step 3 is almost always Sportsman’s Show Whitman, MA Hawken Enterprises Show Hours: Saturday, April 5 – 9 am to 5pm Sunday, April 6 – 9 am to 3 pm April 5 & 6, 2014 Location: VFW Post 697 95 Essex St., Whitman, MA (Between Routes 58 and 18) Admission: $10.00* *Join the NRA as a new member and get in free *Renew your NRA membership and get in for $5 For information: John or Linda 781-929-0508 [email protected] preceded by steps 1 and 2.” Kopel continues to explain that many gun control advocates do not believe that citizens with firearms can defend themselves against a government intent on genocide. Just the opposite, Kopel says, as Jews during the Holocaust in Poland, Belarus and Lithuania were able to obtain guns and implement guerilla warfare tactics in these areas, saving many lives. decisions as well as the philosophy behind those who want to infringe. Lastly, Kopel discusses President Obama and his support of a national database of firearms. The author cuts through the rhetoric by saying that a database is just a less politically dangerous word for gun registry. He examines Mr. Obama’s history in this matter, how he has advocated for handgun prohibition in Washington D.C. and Chicago, a 500% tax increase on guns and amKopel talks at length about gun munition, to name just two of his control today, and how advocates endorsements. of such know they cannot demand confiscation outright. Instead they This is a great little book (it’s only work on banning certain firearms. 44 pages long). I encourage you to New guns and guns that look like read it. It is published by Encounter machine guns are on this list. (Well, Books and is $6 at Barnes and Nowe here in Massachusetts have expe- ble. You can find it on Amazon for rience with these things.) He goes less and also in eBook format. into many of the Supreme Court March 2014 GOAL News Print Edition Patriot Games 7 By: Steve Moysey A Deadly Convergence “An appeaser is one who feeds a croc- make that parallel, as it just doesn’t fit the narrative of the Obama adodile, hoping it will eat him last.” ministration . - Sir Winston Churchill Easing of economic sanctions and This great nation of ours, despite freeing up of billions of dollars in what some of our political leaders assets are among the things that may say – is still a great nation, at Iran is readily accepting in a tempoa very perilous crossroads. Through rary deal to halt a weapons program vain and feckless leadership, poor they claim doesn’t exist, while sicabinet appointments and a total multaneously stating they have the lack of believable, or even apparent, right to continue uranium enrichstrategy, this country stands at the ment. brink of one of the most dangerous times since the Cuban missile crisis. Kerry sought to placate an understandably irate Israel over the Iran Five years into this administration’s nuclear deal, insisting it would make term, where are we in relation to our America’s key ally in the Middle national security and foreign poliEast safer over the next six months. cy? The Middle East has been a diWith Benjamin Netanyahu, the Issaster. Obama’s incompetence and failed diplomacy led to the debacle in Syria which, combined with his misguided support of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, paved the path for Russia to resume its role as a central player in the Middle East. Obama’s courting and appeasement of extremist adversaries like Iran and his alienation of friends, and hollow threats, have convinced traditional allies such as Israel that the United States has become a paper tiger and can no longer be relied upon. As far as Israel is concerned, Obama has shown his true colors only just recently. After all, not facing another election means he no longer has to play nice with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. With Secretary of State John Kerry shuttling back and forth pushing his Palestinian agenda down the Israelis throats, and ignoring the Palestinian intransigence and total unwillingness to compromise, Obama made veiled threats to our friend. A veiled threat that, unless Israel made further concessions, the US would be limited in its ability to protect Israel from “international fallout” at the United Nations and other international bodies. With friends like that… raeli prime minister, denouncing the agreement as an “historic mistake,” Kerry issued an assurance that the US was “not being led down the primrose path” by Iran. Netanyahu said the world had “become a much more dangerous place,” but Kerry Then of course we have the laugh- claimed there was “no daylight” beable pantomime with Iran, with tween the US and Israel over Iran’s Kerry and Obama brokering a deal, nuclear program. ostensibly to curtail the develop- Now, Iran claims it does not want ment of an Iranian nuclear weap- nuclear weapons. But the Ayatolons program, and telling us the lahs have a history of lying, going world is a safer place because of the all the way back to 1978-79 when agreement. With the aid of a doting the Ayatollah Khomeini claimed mainstream media, we are all told that he had no interest in governing this is a good thing and we should Iran after the Islamic revolution. He be grateful for the expert statesman- made this statement repeatedly to ship - and the secret backchannel the international media. He was, of negotiation out of Senate oversight course, lying – just as the Iranians scrutiny - that has brought us to the are lying today about their nuclear point of appeasing Iran and their ambitions. Khomeini ruled Iran as relentless grab at nuclear weapons. a totalitarian dictator for an entire Parallels of Neville Chamberlin, decade until his death. Paying attenHitler and the peace in our time tion to the pattern here? agreement are all too chilling right now, but the media is never going to It is once again worth noting that we have seen this scenario before. Back in 1994, in a deal referred to as the “Agreed Framework,” Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter combined to forge a deal with North Korea that was supposed to prevent that country from building nuclear weapons. It failed. In fact, Jimmy Carter can rightly be referred to as the Father of the North Korean Atomic Bomb. North Korea took the largesse that that deal provided and kept up its work on building bombs. Clinton and Carter to this day continue to lie about what the Agreed Framework accomplished. What it actually accomplished was to provide the cover necessary for a rogue nation to become a nuclear power. It is sig- or worse, looking the other way. Let’s not forget that Obama was caught on microphone telling Dmitry Medvedev that he would have more flexibility after his reelection to deal with contentious issues such as missile defense. The exchange between the US and Russian presidents was picked up by microphone without either leader apparently knowing. Obama: “On all these issues, but particularly missile defense, this, this can be solved but it’s important for him to give me space.” Medvedev replies: “Yeah, I understand. I understand your message about space. Space for you …” Obama retorts: “This is my last election. After my election I have more flexibility.” Medvedev finishes: “I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir [Putin].” What kind of flexibility did he mean? nificant that the Agreed Framework was fashioned in such a way as to avoid the necessity for Senate ratification. The Obama-Kerry-Ayatollah agreement does the exact same thing. It bypassed the Senate’s constitutional authority and responsibility to ratify foreign treaties. And the inevitable result will be Iran as a nuclear power. And then there is Russia. Mitt Romney – to his credit - correctly identified the Russian bear as the top geopolitical foe of the US, only to be ridiculed by the Democrat’s as living in a 1980’s cold war time warp. He also correctly characterized Iran as “the greatest national security threat we face.” All of this before Putin rolled up the Crimean region of the Ukraine as we stand by and do precious little, aside from threating sanctions, to stop him from potentially moving into the eastern part of the country to protect “Russian interests.” Obama again said there was a line and if crossed, there would be consequences. Consequences, crossing a line? Sounds like Syria again and I very much doubt that Vlad the Impaler is shaking in his Cossack boots at the thought of Barry’s “consequence” The only consequences I see are a few more rounds of golf for POTUS while the Ukraine spirals into civil war. Vladimir Putin, we all acknowledge, is a former KGB thug who treats Obama with palpable disdain and obvious dislike. Vlad the Impaler , who is a Judo master, horseback riding, hunting shooting and fishing outdoors man, must find our Choom-Gang-pot-head of a president a bit wanting in the manliness quotient . And the way that Obama folds in the face of any Russian aggression or regional assertiveness makes me wonder if Vlad is being Now factor in proposed cuts that offered some sort of free hand in would have the US Army back to exchange for the US doing nothing Continued on page 19 GOAL News Print Edition 8 March 2014 GOAL News - Print Edition Maspenock Junior Rifle League News Maspenock Junior Rifle League March 2014 Match results and final indoor results. The final matches of Maspenock junior Rifle League were held Saturday March 8’th at Harvard and Southborough. - Harvard hosted Maspenock and Marlborough and Southborough hosted Holliston, Riverside and Maynard. Remaining in the season for these competitors is an outdoor match at Harvard March 29th and the awards banquet at Maynard April 12th. The final team rankings are: First Place: Marlborough 3780. Second Place: Southborough 3574. Third Place: Harvard 3512. Followed by Maspenock, Maynard, Holliston and Riverside. The first place team of Marlborough is coached by head coach Mark Tessier, with the help of coaches Vinnie Amatucci, Bobbi Cintolo, Rick Currier & James Lee. It’s only Marlborough’s third season as part of the league, so congratulations on the quick rise for Mark, his team and his coaches. Mark employed a strategy of getting as many competitors to every match as possible. The top four scores at each match count for the team. The more competitors at a match the better chances for high scores. The heavy hitters for Marlborough were A.J. Carmody with a season total of 1016, Colton Valchuis 931, Gianna Ferrecchia 907 and Bradley Smith 882. Paul Ferrecchia with a total of 870 edged out Bradley Smith in two of the matches having his score count for the team. The second place Southborough team is coached by Mark Monique. His lead scorers are Abby Monique 1072, John Renzoni 862, Beau Mumford 830 and Brett LeBow 778. Joel Gardner 768, was in the best 4 for three of the matches contributing 24 points to the team total. The third place Harvard team is coached by Don Miller with 4 assistant coaches. Colleen O’Shea Leads the team with 974 followed by Nick Pelrine 868, Mary Anne Anderson 850 and Haley Dickenson 772. Griffin Millette and Wyatt Moberg each had scores contributing to their team total. It’s important for each team to have many competitors at each match since one of the team leaders may have an off day, miss a competition due to a scheduling conflict or an up and coming team member may have a great day and take one of the top for scores for their team for the day. Along with the three position scores fired by the intermediate and advanced shooters on each team, there are beginning competitors who fire only in the prone position. Some have fired prone all season, some have advanced from prone during the season to three-position and some have just fired their first ever prone match on the final match. Competitors who advanced from prone only to three positions during the season were Ethan Starbard of Southborough, John Sharkey of Holliston, Luke Philips of Harvard, Christian Szretter, Devan Szretter, Ben Plucinski and Nina Eisenhofer of Riverside. The competitors firing their first ever match in the league in March Ben Whitcomb of Maynard fires offhand during a recent competition at Southborough Rod & Gun Club. Photo courtesy the author. were: Matt Young of Maspenock, Bradley Bigelow and Kai Nowers of Harvard and Chris Cousineau of Maynard. (Hudson, MA) and Southborough Rod and Gun Club making for a great end to the indoor competition season. In total, there were 55 competitors at this match, with a total of 68 throughout the season from the 7 teams from Harvard Sportsman Association, Holliston Sportsmen’s Association, Marlborough Fish and Game, Maspenock Rod and Gun Club (Milford, MA), Maynard Rod and Gun, Riverside Gun Club For individual scores, the top performers in three-position were Abby Monique of Southborough (282), Chris Milliken of Maspenock (263), A.J. Carmody of Marlborough (251) and Colleen O’Shea of Harvard (245). As these competiContinued on page 11 GOAL’s Big Bang Annual Raffle is back! Support GOAL & you might win this gun! Savage 110 FCP .338 Lapua Rifle - one of 5 great prizes! (stock photo, not actual firearm) Drawing is April 18th! The Big Bang Annual Raffle is our primary fund raising event for the year and is vitally necessary to our continued success. This year we have 5 fabulous firearms as prizes that you will surely get a “kick” out of! Here is the list of guns: •Savage 110FCP 338LAP Rifle Tickets are also available for pur- Odds of winning are based on the chase in person at: number of entries. You need not be •Black Rain Ordnance PG15 .308 present to win. All federal and state Rifle GOAL 361 W. Main St. Northboro gun laws apply. All guns are to be MA. 01532 claimed within 60 days. Firearms •Smith & Wesson 460XVR Remay be shipped to another FFL at volver or via phone, 508-393-5333 winner’s expense. Please note that •Mossberg 590 Tactical 12ga Cost $10 per ticket 3/$20 or 10/$50. we can not send ticket stubs as it is Shotgun There is no limit to the amount of a violation of federal law. tickets you may purchase. Drawing •Windham Weaponry Varmint will be held at noon on 4/18/2014. Exterminator 223/556 Rifle March 2014 GOAL News Print Edition 9 GOAL News - Print Edition Just Thinking - By: Hank Walker I am getting older. Yet the thermos of coffee still smells and tastes the same, maybe because it is still “Maxwell House” made in my electric percolator. Also…… that deep red purple sunrise over Joppa Flats silhouettes, the handmade wooden decoys we set in the darkness, the sound of “making ice”, excited Labradors, waves and ice banging against the boat, and a far away goose are still the same as I remember, when years ago my father Hank I still shoot my Winchester Model Walker, would put the cover on the 12 pump heavy duck gun made in Thermos, load his pump gun, and the marsh becomes more vulnerable 1941. It seems that is one of the few whisper “Time to Hunt………son” to invasive plants like Phragmities things that have remained the same and Pepperweed. These destructive So it would seem “all and all” over the years. The motor on my plants from Europe totally out combig boat carries names like Hon- despite the changes, the outlook pete native marsh vegetation deda, and even on my wooden Joppa for mallards and mud in my fustroying valuable high marsh which Sneak Floats they say Evinrude, but ture seems good……yet here is the affects wildlife and fin fish. To make under the cover I know it is a To- rub………while my equipment has things worse the warmer winters matsu. Lead shot has been replaced been changing, so has my Great and discharge from the bilges of the by environmentally safe steel or any Marsh, estuary, and associated wasame boats that brought over my number of nontoxic mixtures. I had tershed. Global warming, sea level hunting clothes have introduced a to send my Winchester away to have rise and more frequent 100 year myriad of marine invasive’s to furspecial choke tubes installed to just storms are here. I might question ther stress the estuaries that conshoot the stuff. Cabelas, Bass Pro the rates that are predicted, but let nect our embattled Great Marsh. and Redhead have replaced Sears me assure everyone, I can see the The worst is the European Green and Roebuck and even L.L. Bean. changes. These phenomenon addCrab which has decimated the shell I still wear a lot of wool. The more ed to years of manmade impedifishing in Canada and Maine. The I think about it, there probably are ments to tidal flow are having huge aggressive crab starts with mussels, not many duck hunters where most impacts. Our salt marsh needs not than destroys all aquatic vegetation, of my clothes and equipment are only salinity to remain healthy, but and finally moves on to soft shelled also the sediment carried by an unmade. clams. So between the mechanical restricted tidal regime, mixed with Those “Diamond Blue Cold” effects of climate change, manmade decaying plant matter, to accumumornings do not seem any easier impediments to flow, and finally inlate, so sea level rise does not drown because of my Under Armour unvasives, the Great Marsh and its esit. As the negative process continues derwear, but perhaps that is because tuaries which my family has enjoyed I really like the smell of gun powder and WD 40. It seems to have become a ritual involved in duck hunting. WD 40 does the job, but no better than Rem oil, I used to use, or Hoppes or 3 in 1……before that. Two things I do know, in the salt environment encountered in duck hunting one must clean their gun after every day afield, and the paper towels used in cleaning, sure burn like hell in the wood stove. New Product at the GOAL Store - Buck Alpha Crosslock Made in USA! for years, are in jeopardy. As one of original founders, with Peter Phippen, past Senator Steve Baddour, and Senator Bruce Tarr, of the Great Marsh Revitalization Task Force, a local legislative task involved with research and solutions to the Phragmities problem.. It became apparent to us, that a holistic understanding of the whole Great Marsh and the coastal system is key to long term eradication of Phragmities on the high marsh platform and paramount to a healthy marsh system. These problems are complex and community outreach and education is important. Therefore this will be the first of several articles, which in the near future will provide communication and understanding, so that we all can become more involved, and hopefully stewards of the Great Marsh. Available at GOAL Logo Alpha Crosslock Buck Knife, made in USA! A tough, reliable blade is a necessity in the outdoors. With extra-strong blades crafted of S30V steel, the Alpha PBS Crosslock (Portable Butcher Shop) has a 3” spear point and 3” saw blade with a guthook and anodized aluminum scales. Developed by Crucible Steel, S30V is made up of metallic powders fused together under intense pressure and heat. It is tempered under extremely high temperatures then cooled in a cryogenic freezer. The resulting metal delivers a fine combination of edge retention (45% greater than 420HC), flexibility and hardness (59-61 Rockwell) while remaining easy to sharpen with conventional stones. This steel also has a high chromium content for oxidation resistance. For even greater corrosion resistance, each knife is treated with a titanium aluminum nitride coating. Our field testing and independent Cutlery Allied Trade Research Association tests prove these knives outperform those crafted with other blade metals. Comes with a Cordura® nylon sheath. Made in USA. Closed length: 4-5/8”. Weight: 4 oz. Tech Specs: S30V steel offers superior edge retention and strength Titanium-nitride coating extends blade life, Flexibility and hardness while remaining easy to sharpen $65.00 GOAL News Print Edition 10 March 2014 GOAL News - Print Edition Special Report: Deception - How the Mom’s and Mayors deceive America into believing guns should be banned cynical about these things because of what we have seen in the past. So where does MDAGSA (MDA for short) comes from. According to their own website, their initial name was “One Million Moms for Gun Control” and “formed within 24 hours of the Connecticut elementary school shooting” by Shannon Watts. So who is this person? According to the Huffington Post: Shannon Watts is a 42-year-old mother of five children (two stepdaughters, 23 and 19; two daughters, 17 and 16; and a 12-year-old son). For the past five years, Ms. Watts has been a stay-at-home mom in Zionsville, a suburb of Indianapolis, Indiana. Prior to that, she had a 15-year career as a communications executive for both public relations agencies and Fortune 500 corporations.” But that’s not exactly the truth either, if one were to look at her linked in profile we would see a much different story: President VoxPop Public Relations December 2008 – June 2012 - VoxPop Public Relations is a strategic public relations agency that helps individuals, companies and organizations accelerate their growth, profitability, reputation and market presence through media relations, product launches, new media, events and promotions, messaging and media training, and issues management. To make things more interesting, she changed her name from Shannon Troughton to Shannon Watts. Troughton’s Linkedin information adds a few more pieces to the deception puzzle: Vice President, Corporate Communications WellPoint December 2005 – December 2008 (3 years 1 month) Led communications team for the country’s largest health benefits company and provided communications support for the country’s highest ranking female chief executive officer. Responsible for enterprise-wide media relations, including investor relations. Isn’t it interesting that Shannon, who markets herself as just a “stay at home” mom, is in reality a public relations professional? It’s almost like she was handpicked to run this organization and waiting in the wings for the right moment. Miguel continues on his blog: “Another fast Google-Fu search gives us an article of sudden insur- ish aren’t they? Does anyone question this in the media? Has anyone ever seen an expose by one of the “news team investigates” shows in which they look for the truth about things? Of course not and there’s your answer… The truth about the lie is simple, they count suicides committed with firearms as “gun violence”. They also count justifiable homicides as “gun violence”. In case you don’t know, a justifiable homicide is simply an act of self defense, in which an armed person used their firearm to protect their life, or the life of another from a violent criminal. The bulk of these justifiable homicides involve law enforcement officers protecting The Mom’s are well organized, at the September hearing at the State House they dominated the lower seating. Here they stand and applaud Mayor Menino. Photo by Mike Sweeney Americans from violent criminals. The mayors have even gone so far as ance claim denied by BlueCross to sage.” to count Tamerlan Tsarnaev, one of a 13-year-old boy with heavy brain The deception runs deep. In ad- the Boston Marathon bombers as a damage. The spoke-person for the dition to these facts we have their victim of gun violence, reading his parent company of BlueCross (Wellmethods and communications name aloud at one of their events. point) is Shannon Troughton. There which are for the most part a gross are over 6,000 Google results for the distortion of the truth. They are The mom’s and mayors continually words Shannon Troughton WellPoint. master manipulators, using cherry broadcast the 30K Americans killed Shannon Troughton/ Shannon Watts picked statistics and comparisons by guns lie, they break it down to was also the Director, Global Com- which they spoon feed to an un- per day, per hour, etc… with the intention of shocking people into questioning media machine. munications believing there is an epidemic of GE Healthcare from 2004 – 2006. GE Another old adage and favorite trick “gun violence” (there it is again). Healthcare is the $14 billion health- of practitioners of deceit is a simple A real look at the numbers paints a care (medical diagnostics and devic- one, so simple that people don’t rec- completely different story. The aces) business within General Electric, ognize it for what it is. The trick is tual number of murders by firearm again not your local bake sale to raise telling the same lie, over and over in the United States is just over 7K, and over until people accept it as less than ¼ of the number used over funds for the school band. the truth. Their favorite, “gun vio- and over by the mom’s and mayors. This one is gonna give the hives to lence” “gun violence” “gun violence” Keep in mind, we are a country of many a Hippie out there. For three “gun violence” “gun violence” has 300 million, the causation of the years Shannon Troughton/ Shanbecome so accepted that even pro bulk of these murders is informanon Watts was the Director of Global Second Amendment groups have tion best left for another story, for Public and Corporate Affairs for none fallen into the trap of using it. Our now let’s just say that the bulk of it other than Monsanto. She did her legislature uses it all the time, Pub- is fueled by illegal drugs and a combit defending genetically engineered lic Safety Committee Chairman plete breakdown of “community” crops, fought labeling of genetically Hank Naughton has been touring within densely populated areas. engineered products and defended the state for over a year on his “gun the company’s lawsuits against farmviolence” listening tour, has anyone The Mayors are the puppet masters ers. of the demand a plan groups, pullquestioned the name of that? ing the strings of deceit time and shows that ShanThe term is used in nearly every me- again. Even their name is a lie, “illenon Watts donated to the Democratic dia story regarding firearms, violent gal gun”, a firearm can’t be illegal on Congressional Committee, Barack crime, murder and the combination its own any more than a coffee cup Obama (7 times) and Rob Zerban of the three. The term is accepted could, yet they parade on without who went against Paul Ryan in the and the picture is painted, guns are being questioned. 2012 the 1st Congressional District violent, guns are bad, guns kill peoof Wisconsin. Yes, had to look the guy One of their favorite methods is the ple. The deception is complete. up. use of inflammatory terms to ilAnother favorite of the lie and de- licit a fear response. Among them So, the initial and very amateurceit crowd is the distortion of statis- are “assault weapon”, “high capacish research tells us that Shannon tics to tell their “truth”. By far their ity magazine”, and probably the Troughton/ Shannon Watts is far favorite is how they count Ameri- most ridiculous, “street sweeper” from the image of a traditional mom cans who have died because of “gun firearms. The carefully crafted terwho was baking cookies the day of the violence” (there’s that term again) minology is once again swallowed Sandy Hook Elementary Massacre a fantastic example of this is right whole and regurgitated by a coopand she was so horrified by the achere in Massachusetts, the infa- erative media and the craft of fear tions of Adam Lanza that she ripped mous billboard along the Mass Pike mongering continues for if you oboff her apron and launched herself very near to Fenway Park. The bill- jectify an object as being evil, and on to the streets demanding tougher board, owned by John Rosenthal, repeat the mantra again and again, gun control laws. If anything we have head of “Stop Handgun Violence” people start believing it. here a very experienced Public Rela(there it is again) not only counts tions operative with 20 years worth of dead Americans, it/they also like to experience in manipulating the mescount dead children. Pretty ghoul- Continued on page 15 March 2014 GOAL News Print Edition 11 GOAL News - Print Edition MA Supreme Judicial Court Upholds DFW’s Endangered Species Reg’s Maspenock League News: Indoor Season Wraps Up. Continued from page 8 The SJC decision will benefit all MA wildlife including this Bald Eagle March 6, 2014 By Joe Larson, Ph.D. Member, Massachusetts Fisheries and Wildlife Board DFW’s Endangered Species Regulations A seven year process was completed on February 18, 2014 when the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court issued a decision that upholds the Division of Fisheries and Wildlife’s Natural Heritage Program regulations that the Fisheries and Wildlife Board had adopted for administration of the Massachusetts Endangered Species Act (MESA). In 2007 William and Marlene Pepin, of Hampden, had been given permission to build a home on their land, provided that a deed restriction and conservation easement on a small part of their property was recorded in the Registry of Deeds. These provisions were designed to protect priority habitat for the eastern box turtle. Judge entered a summary judgment in favor of the Division because the Division’s regulations “are consistent with MESA’s prohibition of the ‘take’ of any listed species and MESA’ broad purpose of protecting and conserving wildlife and wildlife habitat.” Undaunted by their losses in Superior Court, in the Pepins took their case to the Appeals Court. But soon thereafter the Supreme Judicial Court transferred the case to itself. Maynard’s Brendan Crowe fires from the kneeling position during a recent competition. tors work through the marksmanship program, they must score a 230, 240, and 250 or better in matches to achieve their expert qualification. These top competitors have either The Supreme Court unanimously achieved or are close to achieving ruled that the priority habitat regu- their expert ranking. lations are valid and consistent with the intent and scope of the Massa- The top individual scores in the chusetts Endangered Species Act. prone only competition were ChrisThey found that the priority habitat topher Thomas of Maynard (251), scheme “is ultimately a flexible one Katie Aiken (246), Alex Clark (244) that give guidance to landowners on and Matt Young (230) all of Masstructuring their projects to avoid penock. Next season these shooters committing takes (killing a state- will likely advance to three-position. listed species or damaging it habi- The awards banquet will be held tat), and, in so doing, ensures them April 12’th at Maynard, contact any a safe harbor from liability under of the teams to attend and learn the statute.” Had the Pepins won more about the league and see the this case, the only way that would many awards which were won by have been left under the existing law the hard working competitors in the would be for the Division to sue a league. landowner after a species was dead Each of the teams is funded in part or the habitat destroyed. by the local program fees, generAs for the Pepins’ complaint that ous sponsorship from their local the Division staff had not prop- club, and grants from the Friends erly followed mapping procedures of the NRA and NRA foundation. to determine priority habitat, the Please consider supporting your loCourt stated “The petitioner’s written testimony amounted to a set of conclusory allegations, and no more. They proffered no evidence of any instance where the division improperly applied its regulatory criteria.” Rather than accept the Division’s conditions and build their house, in 2008 the Pepins entered an administrative appeal that challenged the Division’s method of mapping priority habitat and also challenged the validity of the Division’s priority habitat regulations. The administrative judge dismissed the challenge to the regulations because the validity of state regulations cannot be challenged before an administrative judge. With respect to the challenge to the method of mapping, the judge granted the Division’s motion to dismiss that challenge because the Pepins had “presented The Supreme Judicial Court’s deno credible evidence to support cision has a beneficial spin-off for more than only endangered species. their claim.” When the habitat for one species is The Pepins then took their comprotected it also helps other animal plaints to the Hampden Superior and plant species. This includes speCourt. One judge in that Court decies enjoyed by all who hunt, trap, nied the Pepins request to overturn fish, watch birds and butterflies, and the administrative judge’s previous study wild plant communities. ruling. A second Superior Court cal club or supporting the friends of the NRA by participating in one of their dinners or raffles. Without your support, this league would not be possible. If you would like to learn more about the teams and the league consider attending the March 29 outdoor match at Harvard or the Banquet on April 12th or contact any of the teams in the league. If your club has a junior rifle program and you would like to join the league or you are trying to start a team, contact any of the teams in the league and we will help. Many thanks go out to the head coaches of the teams, the assistant coaches and particularly the parent volunteers who kept the coaches, competitors and spectators fed at the clubs. About the Author: James Lee is a volunteer assistant coach in the league and is the publicist for the league. GOAL News Print Edition 12 March 2014 GOAL News - Print Edition New GOAL Training Class a “Big Hit” Combatives Class with Mike Anthony a big hit with students. By Jon Green My Grandfather Mickey Green was a well know boxer back in the 20’s. He always told me a that a great defense is a better offense. 7th degree black belt and GOAL Board Member Michael Anthony used the phrase, “Hit back first”. In a counter ambush situation, isn’t this one’s only real option? I’m 46, my days of high school wrestling and the college Tae Kwon Do club are distant memories. Sure, I have my pepper spray and pistol whenever possible but these tools are worthless if you can’t get to them. Hell, I’d go as far as saying they are a liability if you can’t retain possession of them. So what’s a dad and husband to do when the hairs on the back of your neck are standing straight up? You know this violent criminal standing in front of you is giving you all the pre-attack cues and is about to pull a shiv or attempt to land a haymaker. May you have Mickey Green on one shoulder and Michael Anthony on the other, telling you to hit back first! A palm strike to the chin or perhaps a heel to the instep may just provide the time and distance to escape and evade. Perhaps you have created enough distance to access your pistol. Context is everything. All is fair when the criminal element wants to keep you from all you hold dear. Michael Anthony’s Close Quarters Combatives class provided students with simple strikes. These strikes were amazingly efficient, effective and simple. Students were able to use these strikes at full speed as Michael was wearing the latest in Kevlar protection. At 6’5, he’s not your GOAL Director of Education Jon Green took the opportunity to participate in Mike’s class, here they go through a striking drill meant to quickly stun an aggressor. cluded finding vulnerabilities on people as they go about their routine business. Watching the countless videos of violent criminals committing evils upon their fellow The movement of the strikes are man. Practicing our strikes on a similar to what humans do daily. heavy bag and watching our strikes Examples include putting on a seatin a mirror. belt, open a jar, pushing your fingers into a container of pickled eggs and Joe Hattabaugh, President of Adapkicking a ball. OK, so pickled eggs tive Firearms Training Systems had are not your thing. You can skip that this to say; one and we’ll move on to the mental “Mr. Anthony facilitated an excelaspect of the course. lent class night. I have attended Michael provided guidance for our many classes on self defense, comhomework. The assignments in- batives, traditional boxing etc. typical knock around guy. I was very impressed as student after student became successful at creating space via injury to their attacker. While all of these courses were informative, I found them to be complex, technique heavy, presented with too much “bravado” and difficult to retain the information presented. Most of these skills will need to employed at “full speed” to be effective. Last night Mr. Anthony facilitated this class in a way where every student walked away with tangible techniques built on gross motor skills. These were skills and techniques that could be instantly employed at full speed (with some “homework”). I walked away from class inspired to learn (and train) more as well as the confidence needed to employ these tactics if needed. As a firearms instructor I encourage my students that physical health, nutrition, strength training and flexibility are just as important as your marksmanship skills. Not every confrontation will be a lethal encounter. Mr. Anthony’s class gave me more depth and tools for my tool box. I am excited to see more from him in this series. I would like to thank you Jon for having the foresight to offer a diverse set of trainings that will appeal to all GOAL members. I am a firm believer that a firearm is just a tool... YOU are the weapon.” Michael Anthony will be offering this course on June 5th, Sept 4 and November 6. The tuition is $60 for GOAL members. You simply won’t find a better value for your time, effort and money. March 2014 GOAL News Print Edition GOAL News - Print Edition GOAL Cup Trap at Southborough, Join Us for a Great Day! 13 GOAL News Print Edition 14 March 2014 GOAL News - Print Edition In Memory: Edward A. George Elizabeth (Neverdauski) George and they raised their family in Watertown and Bethlehem, Connecticut. Edward was a successful building contractor and an enthusiastic boater, fisherman and woodworker. GEORGE, Edward A. Of Charlestown, RI, March 2, 2014. Edward served as a Staff Sergeant during World War II with the 3508th Army Air Force Base Unit in the Rhineland and Central Europe campaigns. He was born in Waterbury, Connecticut, enlisted in April of 1942, he participated in 25 missions in a B-17 flying out of England, was awarded an Air Medal with two Oak Leaf Clusters and was honorably discharged in 1945. Edward was married to the late Mary He is survived by his son Ed George, Jr. and daughter-in-law Dr. Janet George, daughter Lynn Fletcher, daughter Suzanne Murray and sonin law Paul Murray, daughter Elizabeth George, grandchildren Abraham George, Naomi George, Jacob George, Katharyn Fletcher, and Saben Murray. Relatives and friends will gather in honor and remembrance of Edward’s life on Saturday, April 5 at 11:00 a.m. in the Chapel at the Rhode Island Veterans Cemetery, 301 South Country Trail, Exeter, RI. New GOAL Gear! GOAL Military Cap $15.00 GOAL Pink Camo Hat $15.00 Alpha Crosslock Knife Endeavor Sheath Knife Lazer Etched Logo $65.00 Lazer Etched Logo $60.00 GOAL Digi-Cam Hat $15.00 Advertise In GOAL News Print Edition! GOAL New Logo Black Hat $15.00 sl gun shop GUNS BOUGHT - SOLD - REPAIRED 443 Fitchburg Rd., Corner of Rte, 31 & 124, Mason, NH 03048 Phone 603-878-2854 – Fax 603-878-3905 Hours MON-FRI 10am - 7pm; SAT 9am - 6pm; SUN Noon - 4pm WE GUARANTEE THE NEW & USED GUNS WE SELL March 2014 GOAL News Print Edition 15 GOAL News - Print Edition Deceit - How the Mom’s and Mayors deceive America into believing guns should be banned Contd. from page 10 In addition to those, the mayors also like to combine data manipulation with inflammatory terminology, from that they have gleaned some gems which include: “The gunshow loophole”, this is one of the mayor’s personal favorites and something that he has obsessed over for years, to the point that he had NYC Police Department Detectives go to Virginia to purchase firearms (illegally) at a gun show. For the record, no charges were ever pursued against the mayor or any of the detectives who broke numerous federal laws. The term is a complete fabrication in which they fear monger and try to paint a picture of hordes of violent drug dealing criminals and terrorists lining up to purchase the latest in high tech firearms at these shows. This of course couldn’t be further from the truth, there is no loophole, state and federal laws are followed and most gun shows are attended by the ATF, but that doesn’t stop them from using the term over and over. Tamerlan “Speed Bump” Trarnaev was one of many “gun violence” victims who’s name was read aloud at a MAIG event last summer in New Hampshire Another recent favorite was the 40% myth; this one got repeated often enough that it made it all the way to the White House, even President Obama got in on the action. The fabrication entailed a statistic stating that 40% of firearms purchased are purchased without a background check. The National Review covered this lie, this is what they found: Mayor Michael Bloomberg is willing to spend millions of dollars of his own money to push his anti Second Amendment Agenda. “the true number of guns “sold” without check is closer to 10 percent. More important, the number comes from a 251-person survey on gun sales two decades ago, early in the Clinton administration. More than three-quarters of the survey covered sales before the Brady Act instituted mandatory federal background checks on February 28, 1994. In addition, guns are not sold in the same way today that they were sold two decades ago.” And [snip] “the high (40%) figure comes primarily from including such transactions as inheritances or gifts from family members. Putting aside these various biases, if you look at guns Continued on page 21 THIS SLUG GUN IS NO SCATTER GUN. The new 20 gauge slug gun from Savage is engineered around our proven 110 rifle action for rifle-like performance. If your slug gun is built on any other platform, it’s for the birds. GOAL News Print Edition 16 March 2014 GOAL Training 2014 GOAL Training Schedule Below is the schedule for courses held at GOAL Headquarters in Northboro, Massachusetts (unless otherwise noted). All NRA Basic Pistol courses offered through GOAL exceed standards established in accordance with Massachusetts General Law Chapter . 140, § 131P and 515 CMR 3.00 Please note: All courses run 5:30 pm to 9:30 pm unless otherwise noted. All courses require pre-regisration paid in full. This can be done in person at The GOAL office, via phone 508-393-5333 x20, or via email by contacting Angela Fisher. **Please Note** Registration for the three Rob Pincus classes will not open until Tuesday January 7, 2014 Course Date Tuition Time The Art of Concealed Carry in Massachusetts May 8, June 12, September 17, November 19 Members $75.00 / Non-Members $125.00 5:30 - 10:00 PM Basic Metallic Cartridge Reloading March 18-19, 2014 Members $110.00 / Non-Members $140.00 5:30 - 10:00 PM Basic Pistol Course (NRA LTC002) March 11, April 15 Members $95.00 / Non-Members $145.00 9:30 AM - 6:30 PM BFS Primer Course for State Certified Instructors May 7, September 10, November 26 Members $35.00 / Non-Members $65.00 6:00 -10:00 PM (Weeknights) Close Quarters Combatives with Mike Anthony March 4, June 5, September 4, November 6 Members $60.00 / Non-Members $100.00 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Combat Focus Shooting - Advanced Pistol Handling with Rob Pincus **September 22-23, 2014 Members Only $350.00 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Everyday Carry (EDC) Skills & Knowledge - New Class! June 10, July 15 Members $125.00 Non-Members $155.00 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM MA Gun Law for Citizens New Dates Soon! Members $20.00 / Non-Members $75.00 Noon - 3:00 PM Practical Self Defense for Women with Michael Anthony March 20, June 19, September 18, November 20 Members $25.00 Non-Members $25.00 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM Principles of Concealed Carry *NEW CLASS* April 22, May 3, May 27, June 28, July 19, October 18 Members $125.00 Non-Members $175.00 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM Utah Non-Resident CCW May 28, July 26, October 8 Members $80.00/ Non-Members $150.00 12:00 - 5:00 (Weekend Class) 5:30 PM - 10:00 PM (Weeknights) Mossberg 590 Tactical 12ga Shotgun Big Bang Raffle Enter into our Big Bang Raffle and you might win this shotgun! See page 8 for details including the full list of prizes. (Shotgun pictured is a stock photo and not the actual shotgun to be raffled) March 2014 GOAL News Print Edition 17 GOAL News - Print Edition Win a Trip to the NRA Annual Meeting! GOAL is giving away a trip to the 2014 NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits! and silent and live auctions. Join other Second Amendment enthusiasts for a night of fundraising and Drawing is April 4th 2014 - See fun, and support the next generaorder form on page 17 to enter or tion by leaving a legacy for the fu- for defending our freedom and deture of America’s shooting tradivisit tions. All proceeds benefit The NRA feating Barack Obama’s gun control agenda. Seating is limited. The prize package will include three Foundation. nights hotel stay - April 24, 25, 26 in NRA Country an NRA hotel adjacent to the meet- Sponsored by Cabela’s and UniverFriday, April 25, 2014 7:00 PM ings (1 double occupancy room), sal Coin & Bullion. $500.00 to cover airfare and 2 tick- Leadership Forum The Crane Bay - 551 W. Merrill ets to the following events: Friday, April 25, 2014 1:00 PM - Lu- Street, Indianapolis NRA Foundation Banquet cas Oil Stadium Mark your calendars now for the Thursday, April 24, 2014 7:00 PM - Join Wayne LaPierre and NRA- NRA Country Jam on Friday, April Lucas Oil Stadium ILA Executive Director Chris Cox, 25! Past performers include Craig Morgan, Trace Adkins, The Eli Bid on exclusive firearms, outdoor along with our nation’s top Second Young Band and many more. We gear and unique merchandise and Amendment leaders in government, hope you join us for a upbeat, afhunts, this year’s event will feature the media, and the entertainment fordable, family night of great muan exciting evening of food, games industry, as we build our battle plan sic and fun! JW Marriott Indianapolis - White River Ballroom Join over 1,000 NRA members and guests for the NRA Annual Meeting Prayer Breakfast. We welcome Dr. Franklin Graham as our Keynote Speaker. Dr. Graham is an worldrenowned evangelist and missionary. He is the president and CEO of both the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) and the international Christian relief organization Samaritan’s Purse. Sponsored by Trijicon and Universal Coin & Bullion. Sponsored by Bushnell and benefitting Folds of Honor. Celebrations of American Values Saturday, April 26, 2014 7:00 PM Lucas Oil Stadium After a 10-year touring hiatus, legendary country super group ALABAMA will take the stage for a must-see special performance for NRA members. Female Vocalist of the Year award winner Sara Evans will open. Pre-Show sponsored by Remington. Prayer Breakfast The NRA Exhibits - everything you could ever want to see in the gun world, all under one roof! Sunday, April 27, 2014 7:00 AM Join GOAL - Protecting Your Freedom Begins Here! Gun Owners’ Action League is the official state firearms association in Massachusetts. We are an association of law-abiding citizens who believe in the basic right of firearms ownership for competition, recreation and self-protection. GOAL works hard to defend the Constitution and the Bill of Rights against those in Massachusetts who wish to infringe upon the freedoms guaranteed by our forefathers. The programs sponsored and developed by Gun Owners’ Action League are supported by competitors, sportsmen, recreational shooters and law enforcement throughout the state. We were formed in 1974 to protect the right to keep and bear arms for lawful purposes in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. We are recognized as the state’s premier gun rights association. Why You Should Join GOAL Every intrusion on our gun rights is an intrusion on all rights. The Constitutional rights and freedoms that you enjoy - and may take for grant- Join GOAL and become part of the ed - are becoming more fragile each solution today. day. Secure your rights for yourself, your family and future generations. Trace Adkins was the featured performer at the 2013 NRA Country show. Look for a great headline act at this year’s event as well! GOAL News Print Edition 18 March 2014 GOAL News - Print Edition Dan Allie for State Representative Electing One of Our Own We are facing a major battle at the State House. Speaker Robert DeLeo has released a report on gun laws with 44 so-called recommendations to tighten up gun laws. While Massachusetts already has some of the toughest law in the nation on illegal gun usage, the Speaker is now going to pursue a dangerous agenda to limit our Second Amendment rights. We need many dependable voices at the State House standing up for gun owners and sportsmen. Dan Allie is that voice. Dan is running for the State Representative seat vacated by the election of Don Humason to the State Senate. Don Humason is one of the strongest pro-Second Amendment legislators in Boston. You may not be able to vote for Dan, but he sure can vote you for you. issues surrounding lawful gun ownership, but he also knows, as a vetThis veteran, family man and hard eran and Westfield city Councilor, working taxpayer is an unwavering that hindering the right of lawful supporter of the Second Amend- citizens will not reduce crime. ment and Sportsmen’s rights. Dan Dan Allie will work to pass legislaco-authored the Citizens Petition tion that holds the criminals acon the Right to Keep and Bear countable rather than law-abiding Arms, designed and printed 55,000 citizens. He wants real criminals to brochures detailing the deceptive be prosecuted to the full extent of language used by the media and the law. politicians in their attempts at gun control since the Sandy Hook trag- Dan’s other priorities include: edy. Dan spoke at rallies in North ü Lower Our Tax Burden— Brookfield, Marlboro, Boston, and He’s the only candidate who has helped sponsor and organize the signed the No New Taxes pledge. “Protect Our Children and the Our state doesn’t have a revenue Second Amendment Rally in West problem. We have a spending probSpringfield with the Oath Keepers lem. He will use his business expein western Mass. rience to implement common sense As our next State Representative, he policies that restore fiscal responsihas pledged to vote against all at- bilities and lower our tax burden. tempts to limit our rights. ü Strengthening our EconoDan Allie understands that gun con- my--Three out of every four new trol is nothing more than a political jobs are created by the small busismokescreen for politicians who are ness community. We need to create weak on crime. When was the last a more small business friendly entime you heard of drug dealer wor- vironment, so they can create more rying about getting a gun permit? jobs in the Commonwealth. Dan Allie is the only candidate supportDan not only fully understands the ing the Small Business Bill of Rights. This is our most critical year in the Massachusetts House. On Tuesday, April 1st Westfield voters need to elect Dan Allie State Representative to protect our Second Amendment rights. Please vote for Dan Allie for State Representative. For more information, please visit NEShooters Summit 2014 Pelham Fish & Game Club, Pelham, NH NEShooters, LLC is pleased to present our 7th Annual Summit Meeting April 11-13, 2014 [Note: Date Change] The focus this year will be on enhancing your defensive skills. The summit will last for two and a half days and will allow the participants to meet with and learn from the training industry’s leading experts. This is the best value for training this year. Don’t miss it! Scheduled Instructors Our Sponsors - Thank You! Bill Lewitt - Tactical Medicine Cecil Burch - Ground Fighting Wes Doss - Two Man Team Tactics Chris Fry - Shotgun Techniques Dave Harrington - Defensive Pistol Kelly Venden - AR Platform Mike Centola - Computer Security Mike Janich - Intro to Knife Techniques William Aprill - Disarms and Take-aways Mike Seeklander - CCW Handgun Skills Pelham Fish & Game Club Gun Owners of New Hampshire, Inc. Gun Owners Action League Shivworks (SouthNarc) NYFirearms We will be working with the instructors to ensure that this summit will have the best mix of subject matter ever. You can be assured that there will be shooting sessions, hands-on sessions and classroom sessions. Lunch hour lecture. Tune up your skills! Additionally, there will be an industry sponsor grab-bag, a Man-on-Man Shoot Off with prize money added and a raffle. The cost to attend the summit is only $350. Members of Pelham F&G, GOAL, GO-NH, NYFirearms or for two (or more) people signing up at the same time the cost is only $300 each. Advance sign up is required for all. NEShooters, LLC. P.O. Box 243 Hollis, NH 03049-0243 978-815-1764 [email protected] Note: Instructors and class content subject to change without notice. Best effort made for equal value. March 2014 GOAL News Print Edition 19 GOAL News - Print Edition Patriot Games Upcoming Competition and Events Continued from page 7 pre WWII numbers and the Navy at pre WWI levels, and we have a real convergence of dangerous forces. If we are perceived to be a weak nation, with a weakened military and a weak leadership, what deterrent do we have against Iranian aggression against Israel or ourselves, or to stop more land grabbing by Putin? What other state actors are looking on as we continue to decline in the eyes of our enemies, and our friends tremble at the thought of becoming the next Israel, to be rebuffed and belittled on the world stage? The decline of our nation’s stature overseas – a removal of the notion of American exceptionalism as a deliberate policy of this administration – should be of major concern to all patriotic Americans. But then we need to remember that after Putin saved face for Obama over his unwillingness to act after his “red line” in Syria was crossed, he lectured the president in a New York Times op-ed about the dangers of American exceptionalism. No small coincidence – maybe there is that flexibility at work again? Putin believes Obama does not have the intestinal fortitude to stand up to him in Ukraine. He thinks Obama will talk tough and then look for a way out — just like he did with Assad. He also knows that without American leadership to stiffen their spines, our European allies (who depend on Russian natural-gas imports) will not impose any real or lasting consequences on Russia either. Putin calculates that he can do what he wants in Ukraine, and the whole unpleasantness will blow over in a few months. Since coming into office Barack Obama has almost single-mindedly attempted to pull America back to reduce its influence throughout the world. In doing so he has created a •Marlboro Fish & Game Club - 3D archery season began Sunday March 9. Full breakfast & sign up starting at 7 AM in the hall. If you are new to archery this is a fun way to learn to shoot actual 3 dimensional targets in a hunting scenario. Check our website for more details. We will also be having a Saint Patrick’s Day Dinner - Saturday March 15. This dinner is open to everyone so bring your friends & family for an inexpensive meal & some fun. vacuum that will be filled, whether it is the Russians, the Chinese, the EU or the radical Islamic states in the Middle East. The groundwork allowing Putin to put Russian troops into the Crimea was laid long before the first one took a single step. It was American weakness and withdrawal, the hallmarks of Obama’s foreign policy that made it possible. Now all we can do is sit and wait. I for one don’t like the way that makes me feel. God Bless America “Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” Sun Tzu - The Art of War scottmalkasian owner •The CMP is giving CMP affiliated clubs the opportunity to notify surrounding area clubs about there upcoming CMP Sanctioned Match. The Old Colony Sportsman’s Assoc. is holding As-Issued MIlitary Matches on April 14, May 18, June 15, July 13,Aug. 17, Sept. 14 and Oct. 5 , 2014. The location of the range is: Old Colony Sportman’s Assn. in Pembroke, MA. Firing Begins: 8:30am. For more information you may contact the match director: Franco Scarpino at [email protected]. •Swift River Sportsman’s Club Winter Indoor Archery begins on January 3, 2014. Spot League is held on Mondays, Hunter League is held on Tuesdays, Family Fun League is held on Fridays and Youth League is held on Saturdays. Open to the public. For more information please call the club at 413-323-9387 or Dana at 413-583-2304. •Quaboag Sportsmen’s Club will sponsor one child to attend the 2014 Massachusetts Junior Conservation Camp. This camp is open to boys and girls ages 13-17 and will run from August 3rd to August 15th in Chesterfield Massachusetts. Each interested camper must submit a written essay tobe considered and will attend the September QSC meeting to report on their experience. Click here for details. •The Tewksbury Rod & Gun Club’s SCTP trap shooting program This competitive shotgun program is for youth shooters, no experience necessary, in grades 5 thru 12. Please contact Steve Stella, Tewksbury SCTP Head Coach at [email protected] or call 978-328-2120 for more info. The team is waiting to meet you! •Wrentham Sportsmen’s Association - April 6 Turkey/Shotgun (no slugs) #4,5, or 6 shot - April 27 Pistol/Rimfire - May 18 Military Rifle and Pistol (slings allowed). All are $20.00 entry fee. 1:00 pm start. •Petersham Gun Club - Sporting Clays course open every Wednesday at 12 noon. Sundays open 10am till 1pm. Hot lunch served every Sunday. Contact [email protected]. Firearms, ammunition sales, transFers and lots oF other Fun products •If your club has an open to the public event you would like to promote, please email the info to [email protected] 33 pullman street worcester, ma 01606 ( t ) 508.926.8730 ( f ) 508.853.0843 [email protected] Have you been denied an LTC? Edward George & Associates We concentrate in civil litigation representing closely held businesses including negotiation and court appearances in matters involving real estate, business, contracts and environmental disputes. Has an old conviction, minor Þrearms conviction or a minor drug offense caused you to lose your LTC/FID? We also concentrate in representing individuals and families in trust and probate (estate) litigation and administration and personal injury claims. We advise small businesses, clubs and associations regarding compliance with regulations, risk management, employment and related issues. We may be able to help, email [email protected], include the reason the PD supplied for denial. We serve as general counsel to a number of corporations, LLC’s and partnerships. Comm2A has multiple pending cases in federal court in an effort to ensure state Þrearms law treats all lawful residents equally and fairly. Comm2A is a non-proÞt public charity organized under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue code. Contributions made to Comm2A are fully tax deductible and always welcome. [email protected] (617) 942-0660 PO Box 301398 Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 444 Washington St. Suite 510 Woburn, MA. 01801 Tel: 781-281-7288 Fax: 781-305-3259 email: [email protected] GOAL News Print Edition 20 Club News: Worcester WORCESTER CLUB, INC. PISTOL & RIFLE General Meeting March 6, 2014 President Al Bonofiglio opened the meeting at 7:00 pm Guests: One guest was in attendance. Fallen Members: No fallen Members reported Reports: Secretary – Ann Kerouac: Ann read the February 19th E-Board minutes Treasurer’s Report – Mike Swett: Mike presented an accounting of the Club’s current funds. Executive Officer Report Calendar Events: Current 2014 calendars are posted at the club through June. The full year on-line version is posted. Please remember to check the on-line version for updates. We will be adding additional training events through the year. Please review the calendar and contact Bill Hardell with any changes and or corrections. If you have a request to schedule event please see Bill. March Schedule Pistol Team: Every Monday, IR 1800 – 2200 GOAL NRA Basic Pistol: Tuesday 03/25/14, IR 1300 – 1600 HFS: Sunday, 03/23/14, 1300, (Meeting Room) April Schedule IDPA Practice on 04/02//14 @ 1700I D PA Match: 04/12/14 @ 0800 Pistol Team: Every Monday, IR 1800 – 2200 General Meeting: Thursday, 04/03/14, MR @ 1900 GOAL NRA Instructor Course: Sunday 04/02/14, 0700 – 1200, OP or IR GOAL NRA Basic Pistol: Tuesday 04/15/14, OP or IR, 1300 – 1600 GOAL Gun Law Seminar: Thursday, 04/17/14, 1800 – 2100, MR GOAL Principles of Concealed Carry: 04/22/14, AP 0900 – 1700 New Member Orientation (as needed): 04/24/14, 1800, Location TBA GOAL Defensive Carbine: Tuesday 04/29/14, OP and Wednesday 04/30/14, RR 1100 - 1700 Work Party Sunday 04/13/14 @ 0800 Pin Shoots: Sunday 04/27/14, OP, 1200 SetUp, 1230 Registration, 1245 Safety Brief HFS: Sunday, 04/27/14, 1300, (Meeting Room) Reminder: All training events have to be scheduled. Members wishing to conduct a training event must coordinate with the XO. Any non-standard training must have E-Board approval. Please remember to contact Bill Hardell for any additions or deletions to the calendar. You can use the link from the club web-site under the “Club Officers” tab. Any additions / corrections need to be made two weeks out so we can get them posted online. has made numerous changes to the calendar, updated the format to support a new tab with meeting minutes and maintained the home page. Please contact Bill for any questions regarding the website. Membership – Brian Frappier: The current Membership stands at 779 members. This breaks down to 56 Life, 719 Regular, 2 Junior and 2 Honorary. 2014 Renewals are due today March 6, 2014 with no penalty fees. Anyone renewing March 7 thru April 3 will have to pay a $25.00 late charge. Anyone not renewed by the April 3 date will be dropped from Membership and there will be no way to renew the Membership after that. If that former Member wants to have Membership in the Club again they will have to reapply for Membership all over again, including sending in another Application for Membership and being put on the waiting list to attend a Orientation. They will also be put on the bottom of the waiting list. On April 4th the fobs for nonrenewing members will be deactivated. The only exception to this will be LIFE MEMBERS. We still have 70 Members who have not picked up their fobs Fobs paid for but not picked up:12 Fobs not paid for yet: 58 Fobs will be mailed upon receipt of a $8.00 check, made out to WPRC, and mailed to this address Brian Frappier, Membership, 8 Pineview Trail Auburn, MA. 01501-2120 Anyone wanting Membership in the Club must send in a completely filled out and signed Application for Membership. When this is received their name will be put on a waiting list by the date we receive it. We have 70 Applications so far on the waiting list and 15 E-mails we have received and are waiting for an Application for Membership. It looks like we will conduct an Orientation class in April to backfill members who do not renew. Al – gate lock will be changed tonight, so members should use their new keys tomorrow. Cost of keys in increasing, so if you lose your key, you will be charged $10.00 for a replacement. This will be the last round of gate keys purchased. Q – When will we install the new gate system? Al – probably next year. Two members in the room have fence companies and were asked to talk to the E-Board after the meeting. Bill asked Brian if the people who have not renewed are the same people who haven’t picked up their fobs. They are not. Brian and Donna are drafting a letter to those members who have not yet renewed. They are being warned that being dropped from membership will mean that they won’t be able to come back this year. GOAL – Jon Green: Pepper Spray Bill – Rep Kim Ferguson’s Bill is getting a lot of attention and support over the past couple weeks. However, it may be lumped in with a larger domestic violence bill. Still, there’s optimism that it will go through. Reps Naughton and Gobi spoke at the Barre Sportsmens club – very positive in support of gun owners. Indoor / Outdoor Ranges: Mike Henry: The next Work Party is scheduled for 03/09/14. The March Work Party is on 04/13/14. Remember, Work Party credits are tied to the new renewal schedule. Starting with the March Work Party, credits will count towards the March 2015 renewal. Howie Carr will hold an event, “A Night of Crime” at the Marlboro Holiday Inn on March 22nd. Tickets are $45.00 Please remember to use the dud bucket. Try to remember to put duds only in the dud bucket. Expended brass goes in the brass buckets. NRA Annual Meeting Raffle on April 4th – winner gets all expense paid trip to Indianapolis for NRA meeting. Website: Website maintenance continues on an almost daily basis. Craig Hibbert NRA Instructor Course April 3-5 Big Bang Raffle will be conducted next month Gun Law for Citizens will be held here in our Club on from 6-9 pm on April 17th. GOAL will also hold another Handgun March 2014 Pistol & Rifle Fundamentals review class. Both these classes are free for WPRC Members. FOR MORE INFORMATION REGARDING GOAL, GO TO THE WEBSITE AT WWW.GOAL.ORG Worcester County League – Dave Morin: Last meeting was held at the Maspenock Rod and Gun Club on Febuary 21st. Twenty-one clubs were represented. The Guest Speaker was Timothy Deschamps, Executive Director of the Central Mass Mosquito Control Project. Mr. Deschamps spoke on the life cycle of the mosquito and the best ways to control and avoid them. Fifty-one species of mosquitoes exist in Maine. Junior Conservation camp will be held this August. The League is sponsoring the tuition for two campers again this year. Deadline for applications is March 20th. The League Banquet will be held at Wachusett Country Club on March 29th. There will also be a raffle at the Banquet – tickets are $5.00 for one ticket or $20.00 for five tickets. WPRC is allowed four delegates to the League. Andrew Iaccarino volunteered after last months WPRC meeting, so we currently have three. The Club would like one more member to volunteer. Volunteers will please see Dave after the meeting or contact him at 508-450-4416 The next meeting will be at the Otter River Sportsmen’s Club on March 21, 2014. The guest speaker will be Marianne Piché who is a Habitat Management Biologist with Mass Wildlife. Mike, the Raffle Guy – Mike Burchman: Mike explained the Monthly and the Big Spring Raffles Worcester Team – Tim Wells: So far the team has three wins and eight losses. Turnout hasn’t been as great lately. Some other clubs have had snow days and are holding up scoring, so Tim will have a complete update at our next meeting. OLD BUSINESS – none NEW BUSINESS - Range Rules - Tom LaRoche made the motion to modify the Range rules as follows: Item #6 of Indoor range rules – add “these activities must cease when someone enters the building and have been made aware and agree with continuing these activities” – relates to the rule regarding quick draw and combat shooting. Item #8 of Indoor range rules – shorten the “exemptions to say ‘see item 10’” because the exemptions statement is redundant. No functional change there. An addition of Item #10 to the Outdoor Range Rules – “No vehicles are allowed on any range unless authorized by the Executive Board or their designee” – this is to prevent the ranges from becoming full of ruts, which then require repair. The headers of the two changed pages will reflect the new ‘revised’ date, which is the date of the E-Board meeting and if all changes are approved tonight, the ‘effective’ date will be 12:01 am tomorrow morning. Also changed is the front page with the updated revision dates, as well as the change, which adds Jonathan Caparso as our new Vice President. Motion to approve the revisions was seconded and approved unanimously. Steel Plate Challenge: Tom LaRoche entered the motion that the Membership convey to the Executive Board the authority to spend up to $5000.00 to purchase steel plates for the Steel Plate Challenge. The money raised through the matches will be used to pay back the purchase price. Mike French, who ran the IDPA program for the Club previously, has volunteered to run the Steel Match Challenge Program. Motion was seconded. Al described how the Steele Plate Challenge is run. It is less athletic than the IDPA and very family friendly. Lengthy discussion regarding the amount of expense; the amount of time the range would be closed to non-participating members; how much money will be charged; should we survey the full membership, etc. We’ve gone from 7 lanes to 5 in the indoor range. We’re running IDPA, Worcester Team and Pin Shoots and haven’t received any complaints. These matches are very popular and Connecticut has just stopped running them, which means those competitors will be looking for someplace to compete. It’s anticipated that the Club’s investment would be returned within two years. If we pass this tonight, we can begin matches in April. Per Mike Swett, not everything we do has to ‘make money’ - this program will be selfregulating just like all our other programs. If we find that it’s too much, we can always pull back. Move to vote on Tom’s Motion, seconded, passed. Vote on original Motion to convey to the E-Board the authority to spend up to $5000.00 to purchase equipment for the Steel Plate Challenge was unanimously in favor. Schedule to be determined – Mike French is looking at match info from around the area. He thinks the first Saturday of each month may make the most sense. Lee Whitney would like the Club to donate to the History Group from Auburn High School. They recently won the local “We the People” competition and are now raising money to attend the competition in Washington, DC. One of the students is a former WPRC youth shooter and is speaking about the 2nd Amendment in Washington. Each student must raise over $1500.00 and they are not receiving support from their town. Lee would like $1000.00 donated. Tom seconded motion and discussion followed. Mike Swett moved to amend the motion from $1000.00 to $1500.00. Seconded and approved. Membership voted and approved unanimously the motion to donate to the History Group. Tom recommended that Ann write a letter from WPRC to go with the check. Lee will get Ann the contact information. First Aid: A member suggested that perhaps it would be good to have an automated external defibrillator in the Clubhouse. There may be a grant program that could partially subsidize the purchase. The E-Board will look into a First Aid Kit, as well. Good and Welfare of the Club We need more instructors for the Firearms classes. There is one space available at no cost for the Instructor Training through GOAL. Safety Officer: Everyone should also check the First Aid kits in their homes. Next E-Board meeting March 12, 2014 at 6:45 Next General meeting April 3, 2014 at 7:00 Motion to adjourn at 8:16 pm March 2014 GOAL News Print Edition 21 GOAL News - Print Edition Thank You from Jay Beard Continued from page 1 Deceit - How the Mom’s and Mayors Deceive the American Public In order to push their anti Second Amendment Agenda Continued from page 15 that were bought, traded, borrowed, rented, issued as a requirement of the job, or won through raffles, 85 percent went through FFLs; just 15 percent were transferred without a background check. If you include these transfers either through FFLs or from family members, the remaining transfers fall to 11.5 percent.” men’s show in West Springfield at our annual meeting and on the sportsmen’s show floor for four days. I would like to personally say thank you toall of our members, volunteers and board members for their time and dedicationto our mission. our GOAL Staff and Board of Directors are happy to join you at your club or group just drop us an email or call. Regards, Jay Beard President, GOAL Board of Directors Without doubt the 40% myth was quite a lie, another favorite is the “gun trace data” lie in which they insinuate that firearms used in crime are illegally purchased and carried across state lines to be used in crimes (and then recovered and traced back). Fighting back. This past summer thousands of GOAL Members attended public hearings throughout the state, speaking out against the many deceitful statements of the mom’s and mayors. though. They call guns that have been traced “crime guns” (objectification again) and look for guns that crossed state lines, then claim that those were illegally carried across Once again, they take numbers state lines to be used in crime. They and fabricate a tale to fear monger. have no proof that the guns were The number being the amount of illegally brought from one state to firearms “traced” by the ATF, the another and don’t care, they take “trace” doesn’t mean anything other the lie and run with it, repeat it, and than that, the ATF wanted to know repeat it. the origin of the firearm, the bulk of which weren’t actually used in a One of many freedoms that we the crime. That doesn’t stop the mayors people have is freedom of speech; this enables us to speak out against propaganda artists like the mom’s, mayors and those that perpetuate their lies. Should our freedom of speech ever be restricted we would truly be in trouble, for we are reliant upon the truth to shed light upon the many mistruths told by those who lie and distort as part of an effort to erode our freedom. Sunlight is indeed the best disinfectant. GOAL News Print Edition 22 Reloading Bench March 2014 By: Jim Finnerty Bacon - Thanks to My AR15 A Medium Game Hunting Load for the AR-15 Hi Folks, I’ve had a busy month, so it’s going to be a short article. One of my pet peeves is when I hear a politician, anti-gun activist, or even another hunter say something like, “The AR-15 is NOT a hunting rifle.” Since this is a family newspaper, I’ll provide a longer explanation than my usual oneword answer to this statement. The AR-15 is accurate, reliable, and light weight – three of the most important attributes for a good hunting rifle. One semi-valid argument about the typical AR-15 is that the .223/5.56 round for which most rifles are chambered is underpowered for medium game. Fortunately for hunters (and unfortunately for medium game) , the AR-15 is available in chamberings more suitable to deer and hog-sized game. I chose the 6.8 SPC. The 6.8 mm Remington Special Purpose Cartridge (aka 6.8 SPC) is a rifle cartridge that was developed by Remington Arms in collaboration with the United States Special Operations Command. It was intended to be used in the AR-15 platform, and to address the deficiencies of the terminal performance of the 5.56x45mm NATO cartridge. The 6.8 SPC uses a .277” diameter bullet – the same diameter as the .270 Winchester. How’s that for a hunting pedigree? For hog hunting, I chose the Barnes solid copper 95 grain TTSX bullet, loaded over 27.4 grains of Hodgdon 4198, to a cartridge overall length of 2.240”. The chrono data for a 10-shot string is shown below: Max Velocity Min Velocity Avg Velocity Spread Std Deviation 2748 2715 2732 33 9.8 Jim Finnerty is an NRA-Certified Metallic Cartridge Reloading instructor. Jim teaches several different reloading classes at GOAL, as well as at gun shops and clubs around the area. For more information, please visit Jim’s website at During my testing, group size averaged about .75 inches at 75 yards (shooting off a rest with a 4x scope). saxonville armory Advertise In GOAL News Print Edition! March 2014 GOAL News Print Edition 20'' 23 22'' STANDARD LENGTH OF PULL 13.75'' 18.75'' 18'' COMPACT LENGTH OF PULL Power Bedding® Integral Bedding Blocks for Outstanding Accuracy Ruger Marksman Adjustable™ Trigger Provides a Crisp Release with a User-Adjustable 3-5 lb. Trigger Pull 12.50'' Visible, Accessible and Easy-to-Actuate Tang Safety Flush Fit, 4-Round Rotary Magazine One-Piece, Three-Lug Bolt with 70˚ Throw Provides Ample Scope Clearance The 100% American-made Ruger American Rifle ® is another engineering innovation from America’s leading firearms manufacturer. It is available in a variety of calibers and in both standard-size and compact models. Compact models feature a shorter length of pull and a shorter barrel for a reduction in overall length of more than five inches. The Ruger American Rifle® combines the rugged reliability of Ruger’s past with the award-winning ingenuity featured in so many of Ruger’s products. WWW.RUGER.COM/AMERICANRIFLE ©2013 Sturm, Ruger & Co., Inc. 062113