Old City District 2012 Annual Report
Old City District 2012 Annual Report
Old City District 2012 Annual Report Table of Contents Introduction ……………………………………….……….………….1 Clean & Safe ………………………………………….……………...2 Economic Development ………………………….…….……………3 Streetscape Improvements ………………………….……………...6 Marketing & Promotions……………………………………………...7 Looking Ahead ………………………………….…….…….……...…8 Board of Directors and Staff……………………………….………...9 Leadership & Operations ………………………….………………..10 Old City in the News ……………………………….…….………….11 Introduction We are pleased to present this annual report and share with you the recent successes of our organization and the significant events affecting our neighborhood. 2012 was a banner year for the Old City Special Services District. In our 14th year of public service, we continued to maintain and improve the Old City neighborhood, and a number of key projects have come together to benefit our stakeholders. Old City District Founded in 1998, Old City District (OCD) was established by ordinance of Philadelphia City Council and in accordance with state law, organized as a municipal authority. Our mission is to improve Philadelphia's historic district as a place for people to work, shop, dine and live by supplementing municipal services with maintenance, public safety, economic development and promotional programs. Neighborhood Assets The Old City neighborhood is comprised of an impressive collection of assets. Here in America’s most historic square mile, Independence National Historic Park attracts 3.5 million visitors per year from around the world. Also important culturally and economically, Old City is home to world-class museums, theatres and art galleries, a variety of dining and nightlife establishments, independent retailers and a diverse mix of technology, media, professional and service organizations. Our local employers, large and small, range from major institutions to solo entrepreneurs, together representing a significant segment of our regional economy. We are proud to be the stewards of this great neighborhood. Clean & Safe Keeping our Neighborhood Clean The function of keeping Old City’s streets clean and safe is central to OCD’s mission and serves as the foundation of our programming. Our street and sidewalk cleaning crew works 365 days a year, through all weather conditions. We provide services in manual and mechanical sweeping, graffiti and sticker removal and power washing of sidewalks. In 2012, the cleaning crew gathered approximately 7,460 bags of trash, and removed 149 graffiti tags & stickers from public property including mail boxes, parking kiosks, & utility poles. In addition, OCD staff has coordinated with with the City of Philadelphia’s Graffiti Abatement Team to remove 74 additional graffiti tags from private businesses & residences. Creating a Safe Environment To keep the streets safe, OCD took a series of actions. We successfully lobbied to have the City provide additional police officers on the streets, and we continue to fund supplemental police during peak weekend hours. We hired a private security firm, serving as additional “eyes and ears” on the streets during weekend evenings. Additionally, we organized a radio communications network, consisting of nightlife establishments and our security firm. Old City District also coordinates with operators of nightlife establishments, and with various city and state agencies and elected officials in the ongoing regulation and monitoring of these establishments. We will continue our commitment to increase both the reality and perceptions of public safety in Old City. Economic Development With a clean and safe neighborhood as a foundation, we foster a positive environment which enables our diverse local economy to flourish and expand. Old City District works to promote the neighborhood’s economic vitality through a number of approaches. Working with the Real Estate Community To attract new and retain our existing businesses in Old City, we maintain an inventory of available commercial properties on our website, which we provide to real estate brokers, developers and businesses. We organized a Brokers’ Breakfast and Walking Tour and worked with a network of economic development agencies, including Philadelphia Commerce Department, Philadelphia Industrial Development Corporation and Select Greater Philadelphia. Securing Grants for Local Businesses Local retailers and gallery owners received Storefront Improvement Grants via Philadelphia Commerce Department with OCD support. These matching grants for façade improvements are designed to assist the businesses while improving the look of our historic neighborhood. We also assisted other businesses to secure financial assistance grants through The Merchant’s Fund. Economic Development Registered Community Organization In 2012, the City of Philadelphia completely revamped its zoning code - a landmark event - and as a result, OCD is now playing an increased role in the community. We received designation as a “Registered Community Organization,” which authorizes us to conduct reviews of zoning applications within our district boundaries. This role places OCD in the important community discussions that impact local land use, zoning and development decisions. Burgeoning Tech Scene in Old City Our growing tech and creative sector serves an increasingly important role in the local economy, and has gained broad attention in City government and the media. This year, OCD co-led a walking tour featuring Old City tech firms, in support of Mayor Nutter’s announcement of a new City of Philadelphia fund for tech startup ventures. This acknowledgement followed a series of high-profile news articles covering Old City’s critical mass of software developers, IT consultants, marketing agencies, robotics engineers, co-working spaces and other tech/ creative firms. Courtesy of CJ Dawson Photography Old City Named one of America’s Top 12 Artplaces Old City as an arts district also received national recognition as one of America’s Top Twelve ArtPlaces, designated by a nationally-focused organization that ranks, promotes and funds cultural place-making. ArtPlace’s study highlighted the importance of the arts as an economic stimulus in downtown districts. To review this report, go to www.artplaceamerica.org. In each of these recent initiatives, Old City District played a supporting role and heralded our neighborhood’s valued institutions. Economic Development New Business Openings During the past year, Old City has seen impressive levels of private investment and growth, despite the country’s economic downturn. We identified 42 new business openings, 8 relocations within our district and 3 expansions of existing businesses, This includes the grand opening of the Hotel Monaco, the Kimpton Hotels’ major transformation of a previously vacant office building adjacent to Independence Hall into a world-class property. Notable Expansions Other notable economic development events in 2012 include the expansion of two more important local institutions. The venerable Arden Theatre, one of Old City’s cultural anchors, is expanding its education and production space in a nearby industrial building now under renovation. Indy Hall, Old City’s acclaimed co-working space for the tech and creative communities, expanded again on the hot tech corridor affectionately dubbed N3rd (Nerd) Street. New Business Openings By Category Restaurants: 10 Art Galleries: 2 Tech startups: 5 Services: 6 Home Design: 6 Museums: 1 Fashion Boutiques: 7 Hotels: 1 Misc Retail: 3 Marketing and Promotions Guide to Old City Brochure OCD created a new marketing brochure a year ago to promote our great businesses and assets. This promotional brochure - featuring history, arts & culture, shopping, dining and lodging - was such a fundraising success last year that the ad proceeds fueled a subsequent marketing initiative. In 2012, OCD embarked on a neighborhood branding project, hiring a local marketing agency to gather community stakeholders’ input, identify key messaging and create a bold new graphic identity for the Old City neighborhood. Neighborhood Branding This branding has been applied to new streetlight banners, storefront window stickers and the 2013 brochure cover. The branding launch event was held at the new Hotel Monaco, and the graphic design has received media attention and critical acclaim. Look for additional applications of the new brand as we continue to roll it out in 2013. First Friday E-Newsletter New marketing communications in 2012 also included a monthly eNewsletter, featuring First Friday events and beyond. This new publication highlights Old City’s numerous gallery openings plus other events and promotions from our local businesses. To sign up for the eNewsletter, visit www.oldcitydistrict.org. Streetscape Improvements 3rd Street Pedestrian Street Lighting Major improvements to streetscape and infrastructure in Old City occurred this year. New pedestrian street lighting was installed along North 3rd Street, from Market north to Race Street in one phase, and on South 3rd Street, Market to Chestnut Streets, in a second phase. Lighting of this dark stretch of roadway in the heart of our business district has been on our project list for a number of years. Outgoing Councilman Frank DiCicco was instrumental in targeting municipal funds for this key streetscape project. His successor, Councilman Mark Squilla, championed the cause in the follow-up phase. Old City District contributed funds to bridge the financing gap and served as liaison between the City and businesses. South 3rd Street Reconstruction & District-Wide Repaving This 3rd Street lighting project between Market and Chestnut Streets was intended to provide support to the local business and property owners that had experienced a disruptive, year-long utility construction job, now completed. The replacement of a failed, 160-year-old sewer line beneath S. 3rd Street ultimately has resulted in new street paving, sidewalks, street lighting and banners, enabling business to resume to normal, with a fresh new look. Additional infrastructure improvements include street paving that occurred throughout Old City, with City of Philadelphia and federal funding. New Street Trees & Market Street Holiday Lights Twenty new street trees were planted this year based on a partnership between OCD and Philadelphia Parks & Recreation Department, and this planting and tree maintenance will continue. We also conducted a street tree inventory to better enable the ongoing management of our green urban environment. Finally, OCD provided the snowflake lights that lit up Market Street this holiday season, welcoming visitors and shoppers to the district. Looking Ahead Upcoming Developments & Expansions We look forward to 2013 for exciting new developments in Old City, and in our organization. On the business expansion front, we share the excitement of the Arden Theatre’s expansion and pending project completion. 320 Walnut Street is another development project in process - the conversion of a long-vacant office building into upscale apartments and first-floor commercial space. One Franklin Place, aka 401 Race Street, also is moving forward with the redevelopment of an empty industrial building into a hotel/mixed use project at the foot of the Ben Franklin Bridge. The American Revolution Center at 3rd & Chestnut Streets continues its planning for the development of a new history museum. First Friday Weekends The arts and business communities are launching First Friday Weekends, as the next generation of a successful Old City tradition, featuring our nationallyacclaimed art galleries and boutiques. At Old City District, we plan to redesign our website, further implement the new neighborhood brand, continue to recruit retail, restaurant and tech/creative businesses, and work to reduce blighted properties in our district. Feedback Old City District is here on a mission to continuously improve our neighborhood, and we always welcome your input & participation. Old City District Board of Directors & Staff 2013 Officers Joseph Ritchie, Board Chair - Birchwood Partners H a r v e y S p e a r, B o a r d V i c e C h a i r, C l e a n & S a f e C h a i r - E - Z P a r k / C e n t r a Associates David Neff, Board Secretary - Neff + Associates C h r i s t o p h e r M c G i l l , B o a r d Tr e a s u r e r - E a s t R i v e r B a n k Board M embers S h e r y l B a r, M a r k e t i n g C o m m i t t e e C h a i r - R e s i d e n t Ryan Berley - Franklin Fountain/Old City Civic Association Jane Cowley - Independence National Historic Park Reginald J. Cummings – Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. Rob Dingman - Artist & Craftsman Supply Nick Gregory - Hotel Monaco Ly n n M a r t i n H a s k i n - P h i l a d e l p h i a A s s o c i a t i o n o f C D C s Avram Hornik, Economic Development Committee Chair - FCM Christopher Laufer - Omni Hotel at Independence Park Patricia Lavelle, Board Development Committee Chair - Colonial Penn Life Insurance Company J a f a r M a l e k i - O l d C i t y F r o z e n Yo g u r t P e t e r C . R o t h b e r g - C o l d w e l l B a n k e r C o m m e r c i a l N RT C a r o l y n P f e i f f e r - K a i s e r m a n C o m p a n y, I n c . Luca Sena - Penn’s View Hotel/Ristorante Panorama Sonia M Silverstein - Law Offices of Sonia M Silverstein Hon. Mark Squilla - Philadelphia City Council L a u r i e To w n s e n d - R a p p - S a m u e l s & S o n S e a f o o d C o . A l b e r t A . Ta u s - A l b e r t Ta u s & A s s o c i a t e s , A r c h i t e c t s Counsel Josh G rime s, Esq. - G rime s La w Offices, LL C S taff Graham Copeland - Executive Director [email protected] B r e t t T. M a p p – D i r e c t o r o f O p e r a t i o n s [email protected] Gregory M. Diehl – Economic Development Coordinator [email protected] Office Contact Information: 231 Market Street P h i l a d e l p h i a PA , 1 9 1 0 6 (215) 592-7929 Leadership & Operations Leadership OCD is governed by a volunteer board of directors, who represent our community stakeholders. The group is comprised of commercial property owners, local business people and residents, who have a deep commitment to the improvement and maintenance of Old City. Operations The organization is supported by a staff of three who conduct the ongoing management and operations. Our relocation last year to a storefront location at 231 Market Street has enabled us to better serve the public. GPHA Headliner Award In 2012, OCD was honored to receive the Greater Philadelphia Hotel Association’s Headliner Award at its annual Heart of Philadelphia award ceremony. This recognition was made for OCD’s “efforts to preserve, revitalize, and promote Philadelphia.” Old City in the News Old City 2012 Press Headlines “A bubbling of tech firms in Philadelphia's Old City” Philadelphia Inquirer “N3rd Street: a Cluster of Tech Businesses Claim a Corridor from Old City to Northern Liberties” Technically Philly “Nerd alert on 3rd: N3rd St. designation for technology cluster” Philadelphia Business Journal “The 17 Coolest Co-working Spaces in America” (#9 Indy Hall) Business Insider “Weekly jams help Old City's Cipher Prime Studios develop online games” Philadelphia Inquirer “WebLinc's expensive, but worth it meeting” Philly.com “Weblic in Philly” (Video) Philly.com “Philadelphia’s Old City has a new Marketing Campaign” Philadelphia Business Journal “Old City Among Top 12 Art Places in US” PlanPhilly.com “ArtPlaces Names Old City in Philadelphia to its Top 12” Philadelphia Business Journal “Old City Named One of America’s Top Art Places for 2013” Uwishunu.com “Art, Commerce Make Old City a Top Place to be: Report” Philadelphia Real Estate Blog “Craig Leban Review: Fork” (Three Bells) Philadelphia Inquirer “The Hotel Monaco, Center City’s 47th Hotel, Opened Thursday” Philadelphia Inquirer “Hotel Monaco Opens in Center City” 6abc.com “Hotel Monaco Opens in Center City” philadelphia.cbslocal.com “The Hotel Monaco Will See You Now” Curbed Philly “Philly’s New Hotel Monaco First to Overlook Liberty Bell” hotelchatter.com “In a Sweet Ending, ‘Oldest Candy Store’ Spared” The Philadelphia Inquirer “Sweet: Shane’s Candy Store Finally Looks Ready to Open” The Philadelphia Inquirer “Merchants of Cool: Classic Candy purveyors Shane and a slew of super-local, super-cool holiday hot spots” Cover story, Grid Magazine “Resetting the Table: New York import Eli Kulp polishes up Old City standby Fork” Citypaper “Fork’s Eli Kulp Bringing In Some Heavy Hitters For a Collaboration in Honor of Fabrizia Lanza’s Visit” Grubstreet Philadelphia “Shop is a Salute to the U.S.A.” (US&U.S.) The Philadelphia Inquirer “Philadelphia Public Interest Information Network Continues The Same Great Work, Gets Much Shorter Name [Axis Philly]” Philebrity.com