Pictet-Timber Fund
Pictet-Timber Fund
For professional investors only Pictet-Timber Fund 33 c.160 % companies active along the timber value chain estimated growth in Chinese import of wood fibre between 2015 and 2020 1 Invest in one of the future’s key strategic natural resources 80 Single family home starts in the US still have to increase % to sustain long term 2 trend needs Source: RISI Inc. 2013 China Timber Outlook Source: Bloomberg, U.S. Census Bureau, Pictet Asset Management estimates, as of 31.08.2015 1 2 Pictet-Timber Fund REASONS TO INVEST Increasing demand Helping the environment Economic and demographic growth, especially in Asia, will drive demand for timber in key areas such as building, construction and personal consumption. While the average American uses nearly 300kg of paper a year, the global average is only 55kg.3 As living standards improve in the emerging nations, consumers will require more processed timber, particularly paper, food packaging and hygiene products. Forests store an enormous amount of carbon – more than is currently contained in the Earth’s atmosphere.5 Wood is carbon-neutral, absorbing as much CO2 as it releases when burnt. Timber can also be turned into a highly efficient biofuel. Unlike other plant-based ethanols, biofuel from trees does not reduce the land available for growing food. Shrinking supply The fund’s investable universe includes around 160 companies, two thirds of which are located in developed markets. It invests in companies active throughout the entire timber supply chain, from growing the raw material to processing it for consumer goods. There is a strong focus on companies that own or manage forests and timber land. Across the world, forest land is lost each year due to deforestation. c.20% of US Softwood demand is historically imported from British Columbia, but a pine beetle infestation has damaged an estimated 50% of trees in the region.4 Decreasing availability and a growing demand for timber will inevitably lead to an increase in the price of wood. Wide exposure to opportunities A growing asset Because the value of timber increases with age, it is largely unaffected by a slowdown in economic activity – profits are simply deferred to a later date, when the trees are even more valuable. 3 Source: Finnish Forest Industries Source: Ministry of Forests, Lands and Natural Resource Operations, British Columbia 5 Source: Global Forest Resources Assessment 2005, FAO 4 WHY NOW? After a slowdown in house-building over the last few years, the US housing market is growing again. Chinese imports of North American Lumber has increased more than tenfold in the last five years.6 Timberland holdings of listed companies are severely undervalued by the market, some by as much as 30% below the private equity market.7 In our view, this is an excellent time to invest in timber as the sector is well-placed to benefit from a recovery in the US housing market and growing demand from Asia. WHAT IS IT? HOW CAN IT HELP? WHO IS IT FOR? The fund aims to deliver long-term capital growth by investing in companies with a high exposure to timber resources, primarily as forest land, but also including wood-related materials such as pulp, paper and board, packaging and processing. Traditionally, this valuable resource has only been accessible through private equity schemes. By investing in publicly listed companies, the fund offers investors exposure to the benefits of the asset class with higher liquidity and better diversification in terms of regional exposure and segments than a direct investment in timber land. The fund could be suitable for investors who are prepared to invest for the long term and are willing to take a potentially higher risk with their investment. Pictet Asset Management 6 Source: FAOSTAT Source: Pictet Asset Management estimates, as of 31.08.2015 7 2 Timber will be one of the key strategic resources of the future. An extremely versatile material, it is more energy-efficient, renewable and recyclable than concrete, brick or steel. Forests cover 30% of the world’s land, but only a third of this is available for productive forestry.3 With growing demand, limited supply and increasing environmental pressures, we believe timber represents a compelling investment opportunity for the longer term. GABRIEL MICHELI Senior Investment Manager SUPPLY SQUEEZE: A LIMITED RESOURCE UNDER PRESSURE Global forested areas have decreased, with developing countries leading annual net loss (1990-2015). Eastern Canada has significantly reduced its annual allowable cut. NET LOSS More than 500,000ha • >100,000-500,000ha • >10,000-100,000ha • South East Asia has one of the worst track records in deforestation, as the forest is replaced by palm oil plantations. Brazil’s awful deforestation record is slowly improving. Fast growing Eucalyptus plantations can provide a sustainable alternative for pulp production and export. Africa: remaining forest under intense pressure. Sustainable forestry opportunities very limited due to severe political, governance and infrastructrue challenges. Source: FAO 2015, Pictet Asset Management as at 31.08.2015 BIOLOGICAL GROWTH – VALUE OF FORESTS INCREASES WITH AGE WHAT ARE THE RISKS? Example: timber value in southern yellow pine. • Past 1 foot = 30.48 cm 1 inch = 2.54 cm Height in feet 100 $21/ton average value 80 60 40 • The $8 – 12/ton average value Premerchantable 8 13 19 24 years years years years 1st Thin* 100% pulpwood 2nd Thin* 42% pulpwood 50% chip-n-saw 8% sawtimber Final Harvest 20% pulpwood 30% chip-n-saw 50% sawtimber 20 0 $32/ton average value * Thinning is the cutting down and removal of a proportion of trees in a forest crop Sources: Plum Creek, Pictet Asset Management, 2015 performance is not a guide to future performance. The value of an investment can fall as well as rise and you may not get back the amount originally invested. fund may be invested in emerging markets. Investments in emerging markets can potentially be of higher risk and volatility than those in developed markets. • Investments are made in assets that are denominated in foreign currency and are not hedged back to the base currency of the fund. Changes in exchange rates may therefore affect the value of the investments. Pictet-Timber Fund3 HOW WE INVEST INVESTMENT THEME INVESTABLE UNIVERSE The Pictet-Timber Fund invests in companies with a high exposure to timber resources that have the potential to generate attractive returns over the long term. We focus on those companies owning forests and timberland. We invest only in listed securities. c. c. c. Quantitative screening of a global equity database of 40,000 companies to create our universe of potential investments. We only invest in companies that have more than 20% exposure to the theme of timber. Initial portfolio weights are based on the theme purity and portfolio construction factors, such as trading liquidity, and share price volatility. The portfolio target weights are based on the initial portfolio weights adjusted for company factor scores (quality of management, business franchise, valuation) and industry factor scores. 160 stocks KEY PRODUCT FACTS INVESTMENT TEAM September 2008 Gabriel Micheli Christoph Butz REFERENCE INDEX PRODUCT SPECIALIST Marc-Olivier Buffle LEGAL STATUS Sub-fund of the Luxembourgregistered Pictet SICAV WANT TO FIND OUT MORE? 80 stocks PORTFOLIO CONSTRUCTION 40-60 stocks ABOUT PICTET ASSET MANAGEMENT LAUNCH DATE MSCI World SHORTLIST Pictet Asset Management is a specialist asset manager offering investment solutions and services to investors around the world. Today we manage CHF 152 billion/EUR 146 billion/GBP 103 billion/USD 162 billion of assets across a broad range of equity, fixed income, alternatives and multi-asset strategies. Our mission is to build lasting partnerships with our clients by exceeding their expectations for investment performance and service. Our clients include some of the world’s largest pension funds, sovereign wealth funds and financial institutions. We have 764 employees spread across 17 offices worldwide including 7 investment centres (Geneva, Zurich, London, Milan, Singapore, Tokyo and Hong Kong). We are part of the Pictet Group, founded in Geneva in 1805, which also specialises in Wealth Management and Asset Services. Privately owned and managed by seven partners, the Pictet Group has 3,919 employees in 26 offices around the world. All data as at 30 June 2015 Disclaimer For professional investors only—This marketing material is issued by Pictet Asset Management (Europe) SA. It is neither directed to, nor intended for distribution or use by, any person or entity who is a citizen or resident of, or domiciled or located in, any locality, state, country or jurisdiction where such distribution, publication, availability or use would be contrary to law or regulation. Only the latest version of the fund’s prospectus, KIID (Key Investor Information Document), regulations, annual and semi-annual reports may be relied upon as the basis for investment decisions. These documents are available on or at Pictet Asset Management (Europe) SA, 15, avenue J. F. Kennedy L-1855 Luxembourg. The information and data presented in this document are not to be considered as an offer or solicitation to buy, sell or subscribe to any securities or financial instruments. Information, opinions and estimates contained in this document reflect a judgment at the original date of publication and are subject to change without notice. Pictet Asset Management (Europe) SA has not taken any steps to ensure that the securities referred to in this document are suitable for any particular investor and this document is not to be relied upon in substitution for the exercise of independent judgment. Tax treatment depends on the individual circumstances of each investor and may be subject to change in the future. Before making any investment decision, investors are recommended to ascertain if this investment is suitable for them in light of their financial knowledge and experience, investment goals and financial situation, or to obtain specific advice from an industry professional. The value and income of any of the securities or financial instruments mentioned in this document may fall as well as rise and, as a consequence, investors may receive back less than originally invested. Risk factors are listed in the fund’s prospectus and are not intended to be reproduced in full in this document. Past performance is not a guarantee or a reliable indicator of future performance. Performance data does not include the commissions and fees charged at the time of subscribing for or redeeming shares. This marketing material is not intended to be a substitute for the fund’s full documentation or any information which investors should obtain from their financial intermediaries acting in relation to their investment in the fund or funds mentioned in this document. © Copyright 2015 Pictet – Issued in September 2015. Pictet-Timber Fund4