program guide and class catalog - Jewish Community Centers of
program guide and class catalog - Jewish Community Centers of
Jewish Community Centers of Greater Boston Leventhal-Sidman JCC/Newton • Metrowest • South • Metro North Last Printed Issue! See back cover for details Spring 2013 PROGRAM GUIDE AND CLASS CATALOG A rich variety of programs, classes and events for all ages and abilities. Classes begin week of April 3 Register online at Registration begins February 25 (members) and March 4 (nonmembers) Open to the entire community CONTENTS 1 JCC EVENTS & PERFORMANCES Leventhal-Sidman JCC What’s for Dinner? Whole Foods Market® Cooking Demonstration PJ Library® Splash Party Happy Birthday PJ Library Alice Hoffman – The Dovekeepers Hot Buttons, Cool Conversations Metrowest Community Potluck Shabbat Ask the Experts. A Welcome Baby Brunch Lag B’Omer Hike and Picnic Metrowest Mitzvah Day Metro North Havdalah Dance Fest Taste and See, Shabbat and Me Family Playdate at the Discovery Museums Welcome Baby! Brunch Community Fun on the Farm Day South What’s for Dinner? Whole Foods Market Cooking Demonstration Lag B’Omer 2 3 2-3 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 ADULTS HEALTH & WELLNESS Leventhal-Sidman JCC Health & Wellness Information Take It Off™ Weight Loss Program Personal Training The Pilates Studio Registered Dietician Rock Wall and Adventure Course Tennis Complimentary Group Fitness Classes Aquatics Premium Adult Classes Pilates General Classes Basketball 6-9 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 8 8-9 8-9 9 9 RYNA GREENBAUM JCC CENTER FOR THE ARTS Leventhal-Sidman JCC 10-13 Hebrew 10 Writing Workshops and Classes 10 Music 10 Israeli Dance 10 Social Games 10 Fabric Arts Classes 11 Printmaking Workshops and Classes 11 Mixed Media Workshops and Classes 11 Drawing/Illustration/Painting/ColoredPencil 11-13 General 13 ELCs, CAMPS, SUMMER, VACATIONS JCC Early Learning Centers Open Houses School Vacation Programs JCC Camps and Summer Programs Day Camps Overnight Camps JCC Camp Open Houses and Events Lenny Krayzelburg Swim Academy 4 14 14 15 16 16 16 16 17 FAMILIES, YOUTH & TEENS PARENT & CHILD Leventhal-Sidman JCC General Metrowest South Metro North Entire Community 18 18 18 18-19 19 20 PRESCHOOL Leventhal-Sidman JCC Fitness & Sports JCC Dance Program Arts, Crafts and STEM 21-23 21-22 22-23 23 YOUTH Leventhal-Sidman JCC General Sports Martial Arts Golf Tennis Climbing Art 24-25 24 24 24 24 24 25 TEENS Leventhal-Sidman JCC Leadership and Community Service General Sports Training 5 25 25 25 25 SPECIAL NEEDS ADULTS Leventhal-Sidman JCC Classes Metrowest South Brookline 26 26 27 27 27 CHILDREN Leventhal-Sidman JCC Classes South 27 27 28 TEENS Leventhal-Sidman JCC Classes South 28 28 28 6 SENIORS Leventhal-Sidman JCC Classes Brookline South 7 LSJCC INFORMATION Membership Class and Program Registration Information Telephone Directory Hours and Holidays Shabbat Flowers Adult Class Index Children and Teen Class Index Babysitting Information 8 30-31 30-31 31 32 32 32 32-33 33 33 34-35 36-37 39 METRO REGION CLASS INDEX Metrowest – Adult Class Index South – Adult Class Index Brookline – Adult Class Index Metrowest – Children and Teen Class Index Metro North – Children and Teen Class Index South – Children and Teen Class Index 9 BIOGRAPHIES Biographies 10 40 40 40 40 40 41 42-43 REGISTRATION FORM Class Registration Form 44 All JCC arts and humanities offerings are programs of the Ryna Greenbaum JCC Center for the Arts. WELCOME! Spring is when you feel like whistling even with a shoe full of slush. - Doug Larson LAG B’OMER (April 28) According to the Torah, we are obligated to count the days from the second night of Passover to the day before Shavu’ot, seven full weeks. This period is known as the Counting of the Omer. The counting is intended to remind us of the link between Passover, which commemorates the Exodus, and Shavu’ot, which commemorates the giving of the Torah. It reminds us that the redemption from slavery was not complete until we received the Torah. Traditionally, this period is a time of partial mourning, during which weddings, parties, and dinners with dancing are not conducted, in memory of a plague during the lifetime of Rabbi Akiba. Haircuts during this time are also forbidden. The 33rd day of the Omer (the 18th of the Hebrew month of Iyar or April 28) is a fun holiday commemorating a break in the plague. The holiday is known as Lag B’Omer. The mourning practices of the omer period are lifted on that date. The word “Lag” is not really a word. It is the number 33 in Hebrew. Lag B’Omer is typically celebrated with bonfires. One explanation for this is that bonfires represent the light of the Torah. The JCC will celebrate Lag B’Omer with two family events – one in Newton (with a large outdoor bonfire!) and one in Natick. See page five for details. Sampling of new classes this spring! ADULT FITNESS Fundamentals of Boxing ZENGA Drop-in Specialty Fitness classes ADULT ARTS Basic Drawing Oil Painting with David Wells Roth Bravura Oil Painting Craft Beermaking at Home PRESCHOOLERS Preschool T-ball Introduction to Golf Budding Naturalists YOUTH Beginner Lacrosse Introduction to Golf Robotics Register for classes online at (Source: BIG CHANGES AHEAD This is also the final printed version of the JCC Program Guide and Class Catalog that you will receive. The JCC is moving to a more ecological, cost efficient way of registering for classes and programs. Beginning this summer, class registration will take place primarily online through a new, highly interactive, digital program guide. You will enjoy how easy it will be to search for and register for the JCC programs and classes. We’ll email you a link to the Program Guide each season or you’ll be able to view the Program Guide on our website at your convenience. You’ll also be able to register in person at the front desk in the JCC lobby with the help of our Member Relations staff. See the back cover of this Program Guide for details. Big changes are also ahead in our wesather. Spring is around the corner. The JCC continues to breathe fresh air into its programs and services. Enjoy all we have to offer. Pg 1 1 JCC EVENTS & PERFORMANCES Spring is nature’s way of saying, ‘Let’s party!’ - Robin Williams Leventhal-Sidman JCC FAMILIES & CHILDREN Lag B’Omer – A Family Celebration Sunday, April 28 (4-6pm) Join in this festive day, Israeli Style. Live music, food, games, races, sing-a-longs and a camp fire! Picnic food available for purchase. JCC West Lawn. No charge For details, call 617-558-6480 What’s for Dinner? Whole Foods Market® Cooking Demonstration (Parents of young children, adults only) Thursday, May 9 (7-9pm) Discover how to make quick, kid-friendly, nutritious meals for your family. Learn how to make multiple uses of leftovers, make meals on the go, and add healthier ingredients to your favorite recipes. Includes a healthy meal overview and taste testing. Start eating your way to wellness. Whole Foods Market Wellness Center Legacy Place, Dedham Cost: $20/person Register: Contact: [email protected] or 617-558-6414 PJ Library® Splash Party at the JCC Outdoor Pool (Families with children ages 2-6 yrs) Coming in June! Swim, socialize and enjoy the kiddie pool and the zero-depth-entry main pool. Program will include PJ Library story time and craft project. Date and time to be determined. Cost: $15/family JCC member cost: No charge Walk-ins: additional $5 Register: Contact: [email protected] or 617-558-6587 Happy Birthday PJ Library® Special Concert with Josh and the Jamtones (Families with children ages 2-6 yrs) Sunday, June 9 (10-11:30am) Prepare to party to celebrate five years of PJ Library in Greater Boston. Rock out with Josh and the Jamtones during this special interactive family concert. Surprises in store for all! Cost: $15/family JCC member cost: $10/family Walk-ins: additional $5 Register: Contact: [email protected] or 617-558-6587 All JCC arts and humanities offerings are programs of the Ryna Greenbaum JCC Center for the Arts. Josh and the Jamtones Pg 2 ADULTS Alice Hoffman – The Dovekeepers The Dovekeepers is Alice Hoffman’s most ambitious and mesmerizing novel, a tour de force of imagination and research set in ancient Israel. An Amazon Best Book of the Month selection. Two author events are scheduled around this remarkable novel. Tuesday, March 5 (7:30pm) Read the novel and then join in a spirited, facilitated discussion about the book. No charge. Call 617-558-6480 to register. Tuesday, March 12 (7:30pm) An opportunity to hear Alice Hoffman as she discusses her latest novel in an intimate setting. Co-sponsored by Hadassah. Cost: $8 JCC member: $8 Tickets: or 617-965-5226 Hot Buttons, Cool Conversations Thought-provoking discussions with leading 21st century thinkers. Moderated by Leonard Fein. A program of the Ryna Greenbaum JCC Center for the Arts Can the Olam be Tikkuned? (Can the world be repaired?) With Rabbi Sharon Brous, journalist Eugene Joseph “E.J.” Dionne, Jr. and Rabbi Ari Hart Thursday, February 28 (7:30pm) Can the idea of tikkun olam (repair the world) be taken more seriously than the over-used motto that has become tedious in the Jewish community? A panel of experts will delve into issues of social justice, poverty, violence and issues of civil society in Israel. Jews and Money: The Benefits – and Hazards – of Prosperity With CLAL president Irwin Kula, Metropolitan Council on Jewish Poverty CEO William Rapfogel and Ackerman Institute Money and Family Life Project director Judith Stern Peck Thursday, March 21 (7:30pm) Jews are the wealthiest ethnic/religious community in the United States. How does that fact play out in the community and in the lives of Jews? What about those Jews who do not share in that prosperity? Jews: How we see ourselves, how we present ourselves, how we are seen by others With author/columnist James Carroll, author Abigail Pogrebin and U.S. Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism Hannah Rosenthal Thursday, May 9 (7:30pm) Around the world and across the generations, Jews see themselves, present themselves, and are seen by others in new ways. Three distinguished scholars will lead a discussion on this provocative topic. Metrowest FAMILIES & CHILDREN Community Potluck Shabbat (Families with young children) Friday, April 5 (5:30-7pm) Shabbat is a time to unwind, relax and take a break from the week’s routines. Celebrate Shabbat with family and friends new and old while sharing in great food, conversation and a family-friendly sing-along. You will receive potluck instructions upon registration. Whitney Place Community Room 3 Vision Drive, Natick No charge Register: Contact: [email protected] or 508-879-3300 Ask the Experts A Welcome Baby! Brunch (Families with children ages 0-1 yr) Sunday, April 21 (10-11:30am) Bond with your baby and meet other families with children under age one. Learn from a guest speaker about your little one and your growing family. There will be plenty of time for bagels and meeting other local families with young children. Community Room at Whitney Place 3 Vision Drive, Natick Cost: $15/family Walk-ins: additional $5 Register: Contact: [email protected] or 508-879-3300 Lag B’Omer Hike and Picnic at Broadmoor Wildlife Sanctuary (Families with children ages 3-6 yrs) Sunday, April 28 (10:30am-12pm) Lag B’Omer is a time to remember scholars and heroes and a joyful day to picnic outdoors. Enjoy a family nature adventure led by a Broadmoor Educational Specialist, followed by a picnic. Families provide their own picnic food. Dessert provided. Dress for a hike. Broadmoor Wildlife Sanctuary 280 Eliot Street, Natick Cost: $15/family Walk-ins: additional $5 Register: Contact: [email protected] or 508-879-3300 Metrowest Mitzvah Day Community-wide Event (Families with children ages 3-6 yrs) Sunday, May 19 (10-11:30am) Even little hands can do a mitzvah (good deed). Join Jewish Family Network and other Metrowest synagogues and schools as you work as a community to learn about performing good deeds and acts of loving kindness. Program emphasizes ways of giving and performing good deeds in terms little ones can understand. Location: TBD No charge Register: Contact: [email protected] or 508-879-3300 Register for Metrowest area programs:, 508-879-3300 or [email protected] Programs in Metrowest are part of the Jewish Family Network, a collaboration between the Jewish Community Centers of Greater Boston, Jewish Family Service of Metrowest and Combined Jewish Philanthropies. Cost: $18/event JCC members, students and seniors cost: $15/event Tickets:, [email protected] or 617-965-5226 Pg 3 1 Metro North FAMILIES & CHILDREN Havdalah Dance Fest (Families with children ages 2+ yrs) Saturday, April 13 (6-7:30pm) Join in a lively celebration to mark the end of Shabbat with Israeli dance and other movement activities led by Angela Shatz. Enjoy a casual pizza dinner, make Havdalah candles and end the evening with a sweet havdalah ritual. Arlington Senior Center 27 Maple Street (behind Arlington Town Hall), Arlington Cost: $15/family Walk-ins: additional $5 Register: Contact: [email protected] or 617-841-8009 Taste and See, Shabbat and Me (Families with children ages 2+ yrs) Friday, May 17 (10-11am) Welcome Shabbat through story and song with Education Director Laurie Shapiro from Congregation Eitz Chayim. Meet other families and create a special Shabbat craft to bring home. Location: TBD No charge Register: Contact: [email protected] or 617-841-8009 Family Playdate at the Discovery Museums (Families with children ages 2+ yrs) Sunday, April 28 (program at 11am, stay as long as you want) Meet new friends, and explore exciting environments at the Discovery Museums. Gather in the classroom to do a project together led by museum staff, meet outdoors for a picnic lunch and roam the museums at your leisure. Bring a picnic lunch. Dessert and drinks provided. Discovery Museums 177 Main Street, Acton Cost: $10/per person includes museum admission Register: Contact: [email protected] or 617-841-8009 Pg 4 Welcome Baby! Brunch (Families with newborns to pre-crawlers) Sunday, May 5 (10:30am-12pm) A special morning just for you and your baby. Meet other families with little ones in your area. First time parents and “veteran” parents welcome. Bagel brunch provided. Temple Shir Tikvah 34 Vine Street, Winchester Cost: $15/family Walk-ins: additional $5 Register: Contact: [email protected] or 617-841-8009 Community Fun on the Farm Day (Families with young children) Sunday, June 2 (10-11:30am) Rain Date: Sunday, June 9 (10-11:30am) Learn all about where our food comes from. Help with planting raised beds on the farm. Visit real beehives and learn how bees help make food and the honey we eat on Rosh Hashanah. Enjoy a farm-to-table snack in a solar powered kitchen and design a souvenir of your day on the farm. Waltham Community Farms 240 Beaver Street, Waltham Cost: $15/family Walk-ins: additional $5 Register: Contact: [email protected] or 617-841-8009 Register for Metro North programs:, 617-841-8009 or [email protected] Programs north of Boston are presented in collaboration with Jewish Family & Children’s Service of Greater Boston with support from Combined Jewish Philanthropies. South FAMILIES & CHILDREN What’s for Dinner? Whole Foods Market® Cooking Demonstration (Parents of young children, adults only) Thursday, May 9 (7-9pm) Discover how to make quick, kid-friendly, nutritious meals for your family. Learn how to make multiple uses of leftovers, make meals on the go, and add healthier ingredients to your favorite recipes. Includes a healthy meal overview and taste testing. Start eating your way to wellness. Cost: $20/person Whole Foods Market Wellness Center Legacy Place, Dedham Register at Contact: [email protected] or 781-795-0510 Register for South area programs:, 781-795-0510 or [email protected] Programs south of Boston are presented in collaboration with Jewish Family & Children’s Service of Greater Boston with support from Combined Jewish Philanthropies. All JCC arts and humanities offerings are programs of the Ryna Greenbaum JCC Center for the Arts. 1 LAG B’OMER Lag B’Omer is a joyous Jewish holiday that falls between the holidays of Passover and Shavuot – a period typically known as the Counting of the Omer. Lag B’Omer is celebrated on the 33rd day of this Counting. To observe the holiday, families go on picnics and outings. Three-year-old boys are traditionally given their first haircuts. Children go out to the fields with their teachers with bows and rubber-tipped arrows. And the most well-known custom of Lag B’Omer is the lighting of bonfires. One explanation for this is that bonfires represent the light of the Torah. The following two JCC family events will mark this year’s Lag B’Omer celebration. Leventhal-Sidman JCC Lag B’Omer – A Family Celebration Sunday, April 28 (4-6pm) Join in this festive day, Israeli Style. Live music, food, games, races, sing-a-longs and a camp fire! Picnic food available for purchase. JCC West Lawn. No charge For details, call 617-558-6480 Metrowest Lag B’Omer Hike and Picnic at Broadmoor Wildlife Sanctuary (Families with children ages 3-6 yrs) Sunday, April 28 (10:30am-12pm) Lag B’Omer is a time to remember scholars and heroes and a joyful day to picnic outdoors. Enjoy a family nature adventure led by a Broadmoor Educational Specialist, followed by a picnic. Bring a picnic lunch. Dessert provided. Dress for an outdoor hike. Broadmoor Wildlife Sanctuary 280 Eliot Street, Natick Cost: $15/family Walk-ins: additional $5 Register: Contact: [email protected] or 508-879-3300 Pg 5 2 ADULTS Winter is on my head, but eternal spring is in my heart - Victor Hugo HEALTH & WELLNESS Leventhal-Sidman JCC Fitness Center – jccFITplan Access to the Fitness Center is FREE with Leventhal-Sidman JCC membership. All new members are entitled to participate in the jccFITplan Fitness Introductory Training program and receive four complimentary, 45-minute fitness appointments. Sessions must be used within 60 days of joining. (Please note that there is a 24-hour cancellation policy in effect so that you don’t lose your appointment time.) To schedule these appointments, please call 617-558-6458. Complimentary Group Fitness Classes Yogalates, boot camp, spinning, kickboxing, belly dancing, J Barre, Zumba, NIA, and some Pilates and yoga classes are complimentary for JCC members. Pick up a group fitness schedule at the JCC or view the schedule at For more information, contact 617-558-6459 or [email protected] Take It Off™ Weight Loss Program Join more than 400 JCC members who have lost more than 5,000 pounds of weight through the JCC’s Take It Off program! Meet one-on-one with a nutrition coach each week based on your schedule. No group meetings. With the Take It Off personalized weight loss program, you can lose weight, keep it off and develop a healthier lifestyle in the comfortable, convenient and supportive environment of the JCC. Combined with an exercise regimen using the JCC’s top-flight facilities, it’s all the motivation you need to lose weight and keep it off. Contact: 617-558-6458 or [email protected] Contact: 617-558-6458 or [email protected] Personal Training One-on-one instruction, supervision and motivation with a certified personal trainer is available to all members. Whether you are training to run a marathon or simply trying to improve your overall fitness, you will be matched with a trainer to help you reach your specific fitness goals. Personal training sessions are available whenever the Center is open. For scheduling, call 617-558-6462. $45/30-minute session $60/45-minute session $75/One-hour session Save when you purchase a package: 10 One-hour sessions: $680 15 One-hour sessions: $1,000 20 One-hour sessions: $1,300 10 45-minute sessions: $530 15 45-minute sessions: $780 20 45-minute sessions: $1,020 10 30-minute sessions: $380 15 30-minute sessions: $575 20 30-minute sessions: $750 Contact: 617-558-6462 or [email protected] Some insurance accepted ROCK WALL & ADVENTURE COURSE Wall Rentals/Birthday Parties Rock wall rentals are available for corporate outings, scout troops, temple groups, youth groups and birthday parties. We can create a program to suit your needs. Birthday parties include a room for cake and ice cream. Rock wall birthday parties are now available on Saturdays. To learn more about the JCC’s rock wall and adventure program, contact 617-558-6453 or [email protected] TENNIS Group personal training: (2-3 participants) one-hour session: $45 10 one-hour sessions: $400 Private Lessons Cost: $80/hour; $50/half-hour JCC member cost: $75/hour; $45/half-hour (3+ participants) one-hour session: $40 10 one-hour sessions: $350 Semi-Private Lessons Cost: $55/hour per person JCC member cost: $55/hour per person The Pilates Studio The Pilates Studio at the Leventhal-Sidman JCC is a peaceful, sunlit space where you and certified instructors practice STOTT® Pilates – a safe, contemporary approach to the original Pilates exercise using dedicated equipment. Everyone, regardless of age or athletic ability, can benefit from Pilates exercise. All sessions are by appointment. Private, duet and trio sessions available. Packages available. Contact: 617-558-6460 or [email protected] Pg 6 Registered Dietician Meet with the JCC’s professional nutritionist to work out a healthy eating plan for you and your family. One-hour session: Cost: $125 JCC member cost: $100 Design Your Group Get your group together and schedule your own class with the pro. Limited to four players. Cost: three players: $45/each JCC member cost: three players: $45/each Cost: four players: $40/each JCC member cost: four players: $35/each For more information about tennis classes and lessons, contact [email protected] or 617-558-6453. If you’d like to speak directly to the tennis pro, Doug Maynard, call 617-558-6473. Summer tennis lessons are available and can be formed around your convenience. Call 617-558-6453. Register online at • Registration begins February 25 (members) and March 4 (nonmembers). COMPLIMENTARY GROUP FITNESS CLASSES Group Fitness class schedules are available on, at the Member Relations Center, and at the Health and Fitness Desk at the JCC. These classes are available at no charge for JCC members. Minimum age for classes is 13 at the discretion of the group fitness director; age 16 for spinning classes. Aqua Zumba Aqua Zumba is a ‘pool party’ workout which will work your cardiovascular system, tone your body and improve your general health and fitness while being fun and safe. Belly Dance Belly Dance is a sensual art form that will inspire your heart and body. Class incorporates posture, muscle isolation, flexibility, and fun dynamic combinations. Discover a new creative way to spice up your exercise routine and find your playful spirit! Body Sculpting A total body workout using free weights for the upper body and a combination of free weights and the step for the lower body. Boot Camp/Cardio Circuit Enhance your strength and aerobics capacity in this new cardio circuit class. This class will challenge everyone…from the beginner to the most athletic individual. Dancercize This invigorating workout goes beyond cardiovascular improvement by combining ballet, jazz and latin music for a fun workout! Forever Fit This class is designed for the older adult and combines low impact aerobics with stretching, weight training and balance work. Hi-Lo A multi-level cardio workout combining power, high and low impact movements. Hour of Power This high intensity workout is sure to leave no muscle untouched! Class will include cardiovascular training, weight training and stretching. Improves muscle tone, endurance and overall strength. J Barre J Barre is an invigorating, non-impact, total body workout that combines Pilates, strength training and yoga along with ballet barre flexibility routines. J Barre targets all major muscle groups. Muscle Conditioning A total workout strengthening all muscles of the body. Class utilizes free weights. NIA (Neuromuscular Integrated Action) Dance, punch and kick your way to a stronger, more agile body. NIA is a fun, cardiovascular workout based on dance and martial arts, fueled by inspiring music, drums and rhythms. For all fitness levels. Pilates A holistic approach to total body conditioning emphasizing the use of the mind and breathing for the execution of controlled and concentrated movements. Can be easily modified to individual body needs. Power Low Low impact but lots of fun. An aerobics class designed to minimize stress on joints. Spinning Spinning is a stationary cycling workout that simulates riding positions used on road racing bikes. Participants follow the beat of music to transform energy from the music into powerful pedal strokes. • Reservations can be made by phone 24 hours in advance, 617-558-6417. One sign-up per phone call ONLY. You may also sign up at the Member Relations Desk for Sunday 8:30am class on Friday at 8:30am and at 10am Friday for the Sunday 10am class. NO sign-ups allowed on Shabbat (sundown Friday until sundown Saturday). • New spinners must arrive 10 minutes prior to class to get set up on bikes; all other participants must arrive five minutes prior to class. No exceptions. Turbo Kick Kick, punch and jump for an incredible full-body workout. Learn many different martial arts moves. 20/20/20 20 minutes of low-impact aerobics, 20 minutes of muscle strengthening, 20 minutes of stretching. Ultimate Cardio Sculpt A high energy class that combines multi-impact cardio training and weight intervals for a total body workout! Class may use step, free weights and other weight training equipment. World Dance Jam A dynamic dance class that includes a combination of NIA, Zumba, Israeli, funk, pop, African, Cajun and Indian dances. This is a fun, high energy dance class! All levels are welcome and no dance experience is necessary. Yoga Tones the whole body and brings you greater strength, stamina, flexibility, structural alignment, balance and most importantly, helps you stay relaxed. Yogalates Yogalates combines the flexibility, meditative, and weight loss elements of yoga with the muscle strengthening and toning of Pilates. Zumba A fusion of Latin and international music dance themes creating an exciting, effective fitness system! The routines feature interval training with a combination of fast and slow rhythms that tone and sculpt the body with easy to follow dance steps. Step ‘n Sculpt A combination of an intense step workout with muscle conditioning utilizing free weights. Stretch, Strengthen & Tone A combination of weight training, stretching and abdominal work geared for all fitness levels. Pg 7 2 AQUATICS Spring Adult Aquatics Class Schedule Tuesdays, April 9-June 11 9 classes Thursdays, April 4-June 13 9 classes Aqua Aerobics An exciting challenge. This is an exhilarating workout to strengthen your overall fitness level. Improve your cardiovascular strength, muscle tone and flexibility, while decreasing body fat. No swimming skills necessary. Great music, too. Mon, Wed & Fri (ongoing) 9:30-10:15am No charge for members Aqua Zumba Aqua Zumba is a pool party workout for all ages. You’ll enjoy safe, effective and challenging water-based workouts that integrate the Zumba formula into traditional aqua fitness disciplines. Fridays (ongoing) 10:30-11:30am Arthritis Foundation This class, taught by an Arthritis Foundation certified instructor, is intended for those who have been diagnosed with arthritis. No matter what your swimming abilities are, this course will help you increase flexibility and range of motion of various joints. Tuesdays and Thursdays 11:30am-12:15pm LACAAF01 Cost: $297 JCC member cost: $153 DROP-IN SPECIALTY FITNESS CLASSES Cost: $20/class JCC member cost: $15/class Boot Camp Total body functional workout. Gym Jen Davis Fridays 8:30-9:15am and 9:15-10am TRX Suspension Training TRX is a gravity and body-weight based workout that helps build strength, balance, flexibily, core stability and prevents injuries for people of all fitness levels. Energy Arts Studio Rob Howitt Tuesdays 6:30-7:15am Jen Davis Wednesdays 9:15-10am BURN BURN calories, BURN fat and get the AfterBURN! Both traditional and nontraditional strength and metabolic training exercises are used to gain lean muscle in this workout creating the most efficient fat burning effect. Various types of equipment will be used to get the maximum results. Muscles will burn during the workout and fat will burn for hours after. Gym Gregg Smith Thursdays 9:30-10:15am PREMIUM ADULT CLASSES Personal Strength and Flexibility Training A 60-minute class led by a personal trainer focusing on strength training and flexibility. Learn proper form for various exercises and why each exercise is important in your overall conditioning. Class includes strength training for upper and lower body, core work for abdominals, flexibility and stretching. A complete workout for all fitness levels. John Clinkscale April 5-June 14 (10 wks) LFCASS01 Fridays 6-7am Cost: $225 JCC member cost: $170 Pg 8 Core Fitness for Moms A total fitness class with a JCC personal trainer focusing on tightening and toning your entire post-baby body, including arms, legs and back. Specific exercises to target and restore core/abdominals and flatten the belly area, as well as to improve posture and reduce lower back pain. Alexis Ribak Deutsch April 9-May 21 (6 wks) LFCACF01 Tuesdays 9:15-10am Cost: $120 JCC member cost: $90 Cardio Boxing 45-minutes of cardio boxing fun. Jump rope, hit the heavy bag, hit the mitts, work your abs, relieve stress. You control the intensity. All fitness levels welcome. Limited to 10 participants. Dan Edelston, Aaron Balk April 4-June 13 (9 wks) LFCABX01 Thursdays 7-7:45pm Cost: $180 JCC member cost: $135 Forever Fit A fun, light beginner fitness class mixed with dance, ballet barre, stretching and weights. A 45-minute workout that will work all of your muscles. Jill Meyer April 8-June 10 (8 wks) LFCAFF01 Mondays 11-11:45am Cost: $145 JCC member cost: $100 PILATES On the Ball A full body, intense workout that challenges core strength, balance and coordination while increasing flexibility. Using large Swiss balls, bands, magic circles and weights, you will engage in a variety of demanding and fun movements based on Pilates and weight lifting exercises. Bonnie Lerner April 8-June 10 (8 wks) LFCAP101 Mondays 9:30-10:20am Cost: $150 JCC member cost: $135 Register online at • Registration begins February 25 (members) and March 4 (nonmembers). Men’s Pilates The integrative component of Pilates can be especially beneficial for men whose workouts often emphasize a part-by-part approach to muscular development. Increasing flexibility is a goal that this class addresses in a way that is relevant for men working toward functional fitness. Bonnie Lerner April 4-June 13 (9 wks) LFCAP301 Thursdays 8:30-9:20am Cost: $170 JCC member cost: $155 Pilates on the Mat and Ball with Individual Attention (Intermediate/Advanced) This class, taught by a JCC Pilates instructor with more than 10 years of experience, is small by design. Get individual attention to perfect your form and adapt the exercises to your particular needs and/or limitations. The class is taught half on the physio ball and half on the mat. Bonnie Lerner April 4-June 13 (9 wks) LFCAP201 Thursdays 9:30-10:20am Cost: $170 JCC member cost: $155 Chair Pilates Do you want to try Pilates, but have difficulty getting up and down from the floor? Then this class is for you. Pilates improves strength, stamina, flexibility, and posture. Using props and easy-to-follow exercises, this class will provide a full body workout while seated. Bonnie Lerner April 5- June 14 (10 wks) LFCAP401 Fridays 1-2pm Cost: $190 JCC member cost: $170 2 New! Fundamentals of Boxing Lace up your gloves and learn the fundamentals of boxing. Improve eye-hand coordination and footwork, strengthen your core and develop better balance. Gloves provided. Jonathan Levens April 6-May 18 (6 wks) LFCABX05 Saturdays 1:30-2:15pm Cost: $120 JCC member cost: $90 New! ZENGA ZENGA is an innovative fusion of ancient mindful movement (such as dance and yoga) with modern exercise science (such as Pilates). ZEN represents the search for inner discovery, and GA comes from YOGA and symbolizes the way to reach it. Zenga focuses on core stability, stamina and resilience while attaining a state of presence. The fluid movement sequence uses balls and flex bands and relieves the body from negative tension. Yael Zohar-Gabay April 5-May 3 (4 wks) LFCAZN01 Fridays 9:30-10:30am Cost: $80 JCC member cost: $60 BASKETBALL Men’s Basketball Leagues League play begins in April. Includes 10 games plus playoffs. Individual and team sign-ups available. Contact 617-558-6464 or [email protected] for information and team prices. Placement onto teams for individual registrants will be done by committee to ensure league parity. • Team sponsorships are available for $150/team for the season. Basketball Under 40 League LRLASB02 Thursdays 6:30-9:30pm Cost: $165, JCC Member cost: $120 Team Fee: $950 (individual sign-ups limited) Basketball Over 40 “A” League LRLASD01 Wednesdays 6:30-9:30pm Cost: $165, JCC Member cost: $120 Team Fee: $950 (team sign-ups only) Basketball Over 40 “B” League LRLASD02 Sundays 7:30-10:30am LRLASD02 Wednesdays 6:30-9:30pm Cost: $165, JCC Member cost: $120 Team Fee: $950 Pg 9 RYNA GREENBAUM JCC CENTER FOR THE ARTS HEBREW The Beginnings of Hebrew: Shulchan Ivrit Workshop This program is much more than the basic skills of reading Hebrew letters and vowels. You’ll explore the history of and learn interesting facts about the aleph-bet. Additionally, you will be exposed to elementary vocabulary and grammar. Includes materials. Rabbi Sam Seicol April 7-June 9 (7 wks) LJCAH101 Sundays 7-9pm Cost: $170 JCC member cost: $125 WRITING WORKSHOPS AND CLASSES Writing for Children Through in-class work and a strong focus on voice, character, and plot, develop your skills writing for children. Genres may include picture books, bridge books, middle-grade novels, and young adult novels. Fiction and nonfiction writers welcome. Julie Ham April 7, May 19, June 2 LVWAZC01 Sundays 10am-12pm Cost: $120 JCC member cost: $90 Children’s Book Publishing: The Editorial, Design, and Marketing Process From manuscript acquisition to publication, sketches to final art, and initial proposals to realized marketing endeavors, discover the inner workings of children’s publishing. Develop a thorough understanding of how the creative process and the business model operate. Discuss and analyze authentic rejection and editorial letters, proposals, original sketches, and more. Julie Ham April 7, May 19, June 2 LVWAZB01 Sundays 1-3pm Cost: $120 JCC member cost: $90 $25 discount when registering for both Writing for Children and Children’s Book Publishing classes. Call 617-558-6480 to register. Pg 10 MUSIC Klezmer Plus (All levels) While klezmer music, a centuries-old folk art from Eastern Europe, is emphasized, we will also explore the multi-faceted palate of Jewish music. Almost any instrument (winds, brass, strings, voice and piano) can be worked into this ensemble. Includes coaching and historical background with occasional performances. Barry Shapiro April 9-June 11 (8 wks) LPCAM602 Tuesdays 8-9:30pm Cost: $200 JCC member cost: $150 ISRAELI DANCE Israeli Dance Drop-in (All levels) Israeli dance is fun, heartfelt, and great exercise. You will be introduced to a variety of steps, styles, and rhythms as participants develop a repertoire that will keep everyone moving through the entire class. Latishya Steele April 7-June 9 (7 wks) LPCADK02 Sundays 6:15-8:15pm Cost: $9/class JCC member cost: $7/class April 9-June 11 (8 wks) LPCADK01 Tuesdays 7-9:30pm Cost: $10/class JCC member cost: $8/class SOCIAL GAMES Mah Jongg (Beginners, some experience) Learn the fundamentals necessary to play the game using National Mah Jongg League rules. Enjoy the game, camaraderie and ritual that goes along with this traditional pastime that is once again gaining in popularity. Amy McLoughlin April 4-May 23 (6 wks) LJCAG101 Thursdays 7-9pm Cost: $120 JCC member cost: $95 Beginner Social Bridge (Beginners) For people who do not know how to bid or play Bridge. Develop the skills needed to enjoy playing in a social setting. Basics will be covered, including point counting, opening bids, responses, overcalls, bidding to contract, and basic elements of playing the hand. Sam Seicol April 8-June 10 (8 wks) LJCAG403 Mondays 10:30am-12:30pm Cost: $160 JCC member cost: $125 Playing Better Bridge (Beginners/Intermediates) Designed for Social Bridge players who know how to bid to contract and would like to improve their play. Improve declarer play at No Trump and Suit contracts; defender leads and signals; and tips for planning the play. Advanced bidding techniques will be explored. Duplicate players welcome. Sam Seicol April 8-June 10 (8 wks) LJCAG401 Mondays 1-3pm Cost: $160 JCC member cost: $125 Register online at • Registration begins February 25 (members) and March 4 (nonmembers). FABRIC ARTS Collage Quilting – By Hand (All levels) Learn how to assemble fabrics, collage-style, to create one-of-a-kind small quilts – all without a sewing machine. Explore a range of surface design methods, including fusing fabrics, couching, inclusion of laces and buttons, upcycling garments, weaving strips of fabric, raw-edged appliqué and the more traditional turned-under appliqué. Materials not included in cost. Dee Mallon April 7-June 9 (7 wks) LVCAF101 Sundays 1-4pm Cost: $225 JCC member cost: $165 Table Textiles Workshop Explore creative techniques to bring personal style to your tabletop. Create a wine wrap or table runner using simple sewing skills. You are encouraged to bring vintage or sentimental fabrics and embellishments to include in your design. A selection of materials will be available to purchase. Familiarity with sewing machines is recommended. Amy Lassman, Karin Chin Sunday, April 7 LVWATT01 1-4pm Cost: $35 JCC member cost: $25 PRINTMAKING WORKSHOPS AND CLASSES Woodblock Printmaking (All levels) This course will introduce traditional woodblock printmaking techniques, including the use of electrical tools. We will start with the 17th Century style of hand-printing then move on to reduction printing using more than one block, multicolor inking, and the printing press. Materials list provided at first class. Alla Lazebnik April 8-June 10 (8 wks) LVCABW01 Mondays 9:30am-12:30pm Cost: $245 JCC member cost: $185 Monotype – Using a Press (All levels) Explore the process of creating monotypes, employing a variety of processes including direct painting, viscosity, direct trace drawing, relief printing, and chine colle (monotype collage). Non-toxic water soluble inks. Materials not included in cost. Elizabeth Carter April 9-June 11 (9 wks) LVCAB202 Tuesdays 9:30am-1:30pm Joni Levy Liberman April 3-June 12 (9 wks) LVCAB201 Wednesdays 9:30am-1:30pm Cost: $400 JCC member cost: $300 Monotype – Using a Press (Intermediate and advanced, new students with instructor’s approval) Develop a body of work in a variety of processes including direct painting on plates, viscosity, trace monotype, relief printing and chine colle. Materials not included in cost. Includes open studio with approval of instructor. Joni Levy Liberman April 4-June 13 (9 wks) LVCAB203 Thursdays 9:30am-1:30pm Cost: $400 JCC member cost: $300 2 MIXED MEDIA WORKSHOPS AND CLASSES Creative Arts Sampler Workshop (Beginners) Do you want to learn how to paint but don’t know where to start? Learn how to create charcoal value sketches and progress to full color pastel, acrylic, and watercolor paintings. All supplies included. Anne Steinman April 5-June 14 (10 wks) LVCAA201 Fridays 12:30-2:30pm Cost: $215 JCC member cost: $170 Mixed Media Collage (All levels) Explore collage, a process of building, looking, revising, and refining. In this class, we will examine composition, color, pattern and texture, working with a wide range of materials, from paper to photographs to found objects – creating new images that are greater than the sum of their parts. Elizabeth Carter April 8-June 10 (8 wks) LVCAC101 Mondays 9:30am-12:30pm Cost: $265 JCC member cost: $200 DRAWING/ILLUSTRATION/PAINTING COLORED PENCIL The Colored Pencil Discover the broad range of expressive possibilities of colored pencils. Through demonstrations, students will learn about the uses of linear strokes, layered tonal effects, color mixing, value relationships and more. Work with still lifes provided by the instructor or objects of your own choosing. Materials list available upon registration. Cyrus Whittier April 9-June 11 (9 wks) LVCAW201 Tuesdays 12:30-3pm Cost: $320 JCC member cost: $230 Pg 11 New! Basic Drawing (All levels) For students who have never taken a drawing class or students returning to art making. While drawing from basic still lifes, you will learn about basic drawing materials and techniques, with a focus on use of line, value, texture, proportion, composition and expression. David Wells Roth April 9-June 11 (9 wks) LVCADB01 Tuesdays 9:30am-12pm Cost: $320 JCC member cost: $230 New! Oil Painting with David Wells Roth (Beginner/Intermediate) Learn to see and interpret the world around you in paint. Explore fundamental techniques of painting and utilizing color. Emphasis will be on understanding the use of light, value and form while developing drawing skills as a framework. Still life, photos and art of the masters will provide sources for projects. Materials list available upon registration. David Wells Roth April 4-June 13 (9 wks) LVCAOR01 Thursdays 7-9pm Cost: $320 JCC member cost: $230 Watercolor Basics (Beginners) This class is designed to explore many exciting watercolor techniques and styles. Drawing skills, composition and creativity are not necessary, but a willingness to experiment is. Materials list available upon registration. Paula Schatz April 4-June 13 (9 wks) LVCANP01 Thurdays 10am-12pm Cost: $205 JCC member cost: $160 Pg 12 Watercolor Studio (All levels) Explore color, textures and different techniques unique to watercolor. We will work in realistic and abstract forms in a supportive environment. Composition and drawing are an integral part of this course – but no previous experience is necessary. Marjorie Gerber Gold April 8-June 10 (8 wks) LVCAN901 Mondays 9:30am-12:30pm Cost: $300 JCC member cost: $225 Watercolor Painting from Photographs (All levels) Explore composition and drawing, value studies, basic washes, masking and common watercolor techniques. While all painting styles are encouraged, the instructor specializes in tightly rendered realistic works. Richard Denzer April 9-June 11 (8 wks) LVCAWP01 Tuesdays 6:30-9pm Cost: $230 JCC member cost: $170 Paint a Masterpiece (All levels) Using oil/acrylic/pastel, choose a Master from your favorite artist of the past or subject matter of your own choosing. Complete either a rendering or your impression of the masterpiece. Explore the color palette and come to understand the style of the artist. Your choice of medium and master. Materials list available upon registration. Susan Kelley April 8-June 10 (8 wks) LVCAN801 Mondays 1-3pm Cost: $180 JCC member cost: $135 New! Bravura Oil Painting (All Levels) Looking to masters such as Sargent, Hals, Degas, and Freud, learn various oil painting techniques. Explore brushwork, palette knife, texture, color theory, and underpainting. Your photos and Master copies will provide sources for projects. A background in drawing is an integral part of this course, but no previous experience is necessary. Materials list provided at first class. Rich Pellegrino April 3-June 12 (9 wks) LVCAOB01 Wednesdays 10am-12:30pm Cost: $270 JCC member cost: $210 Oil and Acrylic Painting (Intermediate/Advanced) Study color theory and the fundamental concepts of mixing and controlling color. Emphasis will be on students’ needs and styles of expression. Still life, photos, art of the masters, and imagination will provide sources for projects. New students welcome with permission of instructor. Materials list available upon registration. Ruth Kates April 9-June 11 (9 wks) LVCANA01 Tuesdays 9:15am-12:15pm Cost: $315 JCC member cost: $240 Painting in Style (Intermediate/Advanced) Bring your style to new frontiers using diverse painting media (oils, acrylics, collage) and a wide range of special effects. Color theory, composition and drawing skills are an integral part of this course. Learn to communicate your ideas and to critique your work in a relaxed, creative atmosphere. Materials list available upon registration. Marjorie Gerber Gold April 3-June 12 (9 wks) LVCAN001 Wednesdays 9:30am-12:30pm Cost: $300 JCC member cost: $225 Register online at • Registration begins February 25 (members) and March 4 (nonmembers). Introduction to Pastel (Beginners) Work with a wide range of objects and textures to discover the limitless possibilities that pastels have to offer. By learning about linear strokes, cross-hatching, scumbling, feathering, and blending, you will gain facility with pastels and find ways to express your own personal style. Materials list available upon registration. Cyrus Whittier April 3-June 12 (9 wks) LVCAND01 Wednesdays 1-3:30pm Cost: $255 JCC member cost: $195 Pastels (All levels) Explore and understand the subtle yet lush nuances of this accessible medium. Learn how to choose and develop subject material; which pastels and techniques to explore while working on your personal style. Study elements include photos, set-ups, and a JCC backyard plein air experience (weather permitting). Materials list available upon registration. Susan Kelley April 9-June 11 (9 wks) LVCAP201 Tuesdays 10am-12pm Cost: $210 JCC member cost: $160 Introduction to Paint and Pastel (Beginners) Learn the basics – handling materials, values, edges, composition, and mixing color – in your choice of medium, working from your still life or photos. Bring a sketch book, pencils and a kneaded eraser to the first class. Materials list available upon registration. Susan Kelley April 3-June 12 (9 wks) LVCANC01 Wednesdays 9:30am-12pm Cost: $255 JCC member cost: $195 2 Pastel and Oil Portrait/Landscape (All levels) Elevate your understanding of values, color, form and composition using your landscaped photographs. Sight-sized method can be explored in this class. Bring in family photos to work with. Materials list available upon registration. Susan Kelley April 4-June 13 (9 wks) LVCANB01 Thursdays 9:30am-12:30pm Cost: $295 JCC member cost: $225 En Plein Air with Susan Kelley (All levels) In a variety of mediums, including pastel, oil and acrylic, you will address the challenges of painting outdoors, finding compositions, changing light, color in direct light and shadow, as well as finding values outside. Weather permitting, sites may include Elm Bank Horticultural Society in Wellesley, South Natick Falls among others. First class and back-up studio at JCC. Materials list supplied at registration. Susan Kelley May 10-May 31 (4 wks) LVWAN601 Fridays 9:30am-12:30pm Cost: $135 JCC member cost: $105 GENERAL New! Craft Beermaking at Home Learn how to become a craft brewer. Randy Baril from Homebrew Emporium will teach you how to brew beer at home – what equipment you need, how to properly sanitize, how to set up your brewing area, proper bottling and the difference between basic beer styles. Randy Baril Sunday, May 19 LPWABB01 1-2:30pm Cost: $75 JCC member cost: $60 Contact: [email protected] or 617-558-6480 Pg 13 3 EARLY LEARNING CENTERS, CAMPS, SUMMER PROGRAMS & SCHOOL VACATIONS Spring is a heart full of hope and a shoe full of rain - Unknown JCC EARLY LEARNING CENTERS Register Register your child at one of the JCC’s Early Learning Centers (ELCs). The six area ELCs share an educational approach by providing a rich early learning experience inspired by Jewish values and traditions, but each has its own unique personality. Hours, tuition and programs vary by location. Contact any center to meet the school’s director and educators and to arrange a tour. Or visit JCC Early Learning Center, Brookline/Brighton (Ages: 15 mos-5 yrs) Session 1: Monday, June 24-Friday, July 19 Session 2: Monday, July 22-Friday, August 16 Special 9th week: Monday, August 19-Friday, August 23 (9am-1pm) Early drop-off (8-9am) and extended day (until 4pm) options available 50 Sutherland Road, Brighton Contact: [email protected] or 617-278-2950 x221 JCC Early Learning Center, Hingham (Ages: 15 mos-5 yrs) Monday, June 24-Friday, August 16 (9am-1pm) (Two-week minimum) Early drop-off (8-9am) and extended day (until 3pm) options available 1112 Main Street, Hingham Located at Congregation Sha’aray Shalom Bernice B. Godine JCC Early Learning Center, Newton (Ages: Summer only 2.9-5 yrs; year-round 6 wks-5 yrs) Session 1: Monday, June 24-Friday, July 19 Session 2: Monday, July 22-Friday, August 16 (9am-1pm) Early drop-off (8am) and extended day (until 4 or 6pm) options available Located at the Leventhal-Sidman JCC 333 Nahanton Street, Newton Contact: [email protected] or 617-558-6420 Open Houses Wednesday, March 13 • 5-6pm Wednesday, April 17 • 9-10am Wednesday, May 15 • 5-6pm Tour the Bernice B. Godine JCC Early Learning Center. Meet the school’s director, assistant directors and educators. JCC Early Learning Center, Wayland (Ages: 15 mos-5 yrs) Monday, June 24-Friday, August 16 (9am-1pm) (Two-week minimum) Early drop-off (8-9am) and extended day (1-2pm) options available 141 Boston Post Road, Wayland Located at Temple Shir Tikva Contact: [email protected] or 508-358-5331 JCC Early Learning Center, Acton (Ages: 15 mos-5 yrs) 133 Prospect Street, Acton Located at Congregation Beth Elohim Contact: [email protected] or 978-266-9988 Gilson JCC Early Learning Center, Sharon (Ages: 15 mos-5 yrs) Monday, June 24-Friday, August 23 (9am-1pm) (Four-week minimum) Early drop-off (7:30-9am) and extended day (until 4pm) options available 25 Canton Street, Sharon Located at Temple Sinai Contact: [email protected] or 781-795-4900 Contact: [email protected] or 781-752-4000 Pg 14 Register online at • Registration begins February 25 (members) and March 4 (nonmembers). SCHOOL VACATION PROGRAMS Leventhal-Sidman JCC JCC Kid’s Choice Passover School Vacation Program Thursday, March 28 and Friday, March 29 (9am-4pm) • Grades K-6 Now with more choices and special events. Daily choice of electives including sports, swimming, arts and crafts, board games, drama, rock climbing wall, cooking and more. Daily special events. All meals and snacks are included in tuition and are kosher for Passover. Come for one day or both. 10% discount on tuition for siblings. Early drop-off: 8:15am; extended day: until 6pm. Register by March 1 Cost: $125/day JCC member cost: $105/day Early drop-off: $15/day; extended day: $30/day Register after March 1 Cost: $135/day JCC member cost: $115/day Early drop-off: $20/day; extended day: $35/day Register: Contact: [email protected] or 617-558-6529 JCC Kid’s Choice Passover School Vacation CIT Program Thursday, March 28 and Friday, March 29 (9am-4pm) • Grades 7-9 Develop leadership skills and learn responsibility through helping younger kids. Come for one day or both. 10% discount for siblings. Early drop-off: 8:15am; extended day: until 6pm. Register by March 1 Cost: $75/day JCC member cost: $65/day Early drop-off: $15/day; extended day: $30/day Register after March 1 Cost: $85/day JCC member cost: $75/day Early drop-off: $20/day; extended day: $35/day *Additional costs for days with performances Register: Contact: [email protected] or 617-558-6529 JCC Kid’s Choice April School Vacation Program Monday, April 15-Friday, April 19 (9am-4pm) • Grades K-6 Now with more choices and special events. Daily choice of electives including sports, swimming, arts and crafts, board games, drama, rock climbing wall, cooking and more. Highlights include Yom Ha’atzmaut (Israel Independence Day celebration), trip to the Wheelock Family Theater to see Pippi Longstocking, and additional daily special events. Come for one day or all. 10% discount on tuition for siblings. Early drop-off: 8:15am; extended day: until 6pm. Register by April 1 Cost: $110/day JCC member cost: $90/day Early drop-off: $15/day; extended day: $30/day Register after April 1 Cost: $120/day JCC member cost: $100/day Early drop-off: $20/day; extended day: $35/day *Additional costs for days with performances Empow Learning (formerly icamp™) at the Leventhal-Sidman JCC Computer game design, robotics, engineering, programming, digital music creation, movie production, news casting, and animation are some of the exciting possibilities. For boys and girls who are in, or have completed, grades two to eight at the time of the session (ages 8-14). Children who are in, or have completed grade one may attend for half-day. The curriculum encourages creative thinking through age-appropriate projects, with outdoor breaks and group games throughout the day to complement individual exploration. Campers go home with digital copies of their individual projects. Early drop-off and extended day available. Session 1: Monday, August 19-Friday, August 23 Session 2: Monday, August 26-Friday, August 30 Contact: 617-558-6529, [email protected] or Register: Contact: [email protected] or 617-558-6529 JCC Kid’s Choice April School Vacation CIT Program Monday, April 15-Friday, April 19 (9am-4pm) • Grades 7-9 Develop leadership skills and learn responsibility through helping younger kids. Come for one day or all. 10% discount for siblings. Early drop-off: 8:15am; extended day: until 6pm. Register by April 1 Cost: $65/day JCC member cost: $55/day Early drop-off: $5/day; extended day: $10/day Register after April 1 Cost: $75/day JCC member cost: $65/day Early drop-off: $5/day; extended day: $10/day *Additional costs for days with performances Register: Contact: [email protected] or 617-558-6529 Pg 15 2 JCC CAMPS AND SUMMER PROGRAMS When school’s out, the fun begins! The JCC day, overnight and specialized camps and programs provide a fun, safe and nurturing Jewish environment for learning new skills, developing self-confidence, and making new friends. For information about JCC camps and summer programs, visit DAY CAMPS First-time overnight campers: register for a minimum of two weeks at JCC Maccabi Camp Kingswood (the JCC overnight camp) and either JCC Grossman Camp or JCC Kaleidoscope Creative Arts & Science Camp and save $500. JCC Jacob and Rose Grossman Camp Hale Reservation in Westwood is perfect for land and water activities. For campers ages 41⁄2 to 15. With a wide variety of activities, campers have a place to be active, make friends and build skills and community. CIT program available. Register for two to nine weeks, consecutive or your choice. Busing from more than 38 towns. Extended day available in Newton and Framingham. Contact: 617-244-5124, [email protected] or visit JCC Kaleidoscope Creative Arts & Science Camp A program of the Ryna Greenbaum JCC Center for the Arts Campers in grades K-8 and CITs in grades 9-11 make friends and spread creative wings! Art, drama, science, cooking, dance, music, games, sports, swimming, fishing, boating and more. Register for two to eight weeks. Buses from Brookline, Wayland and Framingham available. Early drop-off and extended day available. Contact: 617-558-6523, [email protected] or visit Summer Sports Camps at the Leventhal-Sidman JCC JCC Summer Sports Camps offer children entering pre-K to grade 12 (depending on the camp) the opportunity to learn and improve skills in specific sports. Week-long camps are offered throughout the summer in tennis, basketball, baseball, soccer, golf, mini-sports, all-sports, swimming and more. Buses from Brookline, Wayland and Framingham available. Contact: 617-558-6456 or [email protected] or visit OVERNIGHT CAMPS First-time overnight campers: register for a minimum of two weeks at JCC Maccabi Camp Kingswood and either JCC Grossman Camp or JCC Kaleidoscope Creative Arts & Science Camp and save $500. JCC Maccabi Camp Kingswood A dynamic overnight camp for boys and girls entering grades 3-11, offering oneto seven-week sessions, and a wide range of activities in a diverse and welcoming Jewish community. Located in the lakes region of southern Maine. Contact: 617-558-6528, [email protected] or visit Zohar Special Needs Program at Kingswood Overnight camping program for adolescents with developmental challenges. Participants are fully integrated into camp life and participate in all camp-wide programs with support and supervision. Register for 2-week or 31/2-week sessions. Contact: 617-558-6528, [email protected] or visit Kingswood Family Camp August 16-18, 2013 A weekend of fun for all ages. Connect with new and old friends, enjoy a spiritually inclusive family Shabbat experience, and all the camp activities you can handle: campfires, lake swimming and boating, hikes, and your favorite sports. Support for family members with special needs available. Camp K’tzat August 18-21, 2013 Four, fun-filled days that provide a taste of camp life for new overnight campers entering grades 1-5. Swimming and boating, hikes, arts activities, sports, campfires and more. Coming to Kingswood Family Camp? Stay for K’tzat and extend the fun. Contact: 617-558-6528, [email protected] or visit JCC CAMP OPEN HOUSES AND EVENTS All-Camp Fairs Sunday, March 24 (2-4pm) Leventhal-Sidman JCC 333 Nahanton Street, Newton • JCC Grossman Camp • JCC Kaleidoscope Creative Arts & Science Camp • JCC Maccabi Camp Kingswood • JCC Maccabi Camp Kingswood Zohar Special Needs Program • JCC Kingswood Family Camp • JCC Camp K’tzat • JCC Summer Sports Camps • JCC Early Learning Center Summer Programs • JCC School Vacation Programs • Empow Learning (formerly icamp) JCC Grossman Camp Open House/Tours Sunday, March 10 (2-4pm) Sunday, April 14 (2-4pm) JCC Grossman Camp Dover Road, Westwood JCC Kaleidoscope Creative Arts & Science Camp Open House A program of the Ryna Greenbaum JCC Center for the Arts Sunday, March 3 (12-2pm) Open House/Tours Leventhal-Sidman JCC, Newton Learn more. Visit a JCC camp. For an appointment or for more information, visit or call 617-244-5124. Contact: 617-558-6531, [email protected] or visit Pg 16 Register online at • Registration begins February 25 (members) and March 4 (nonmembers). 3 LENNY KRAYZELBURG SWIM ACADEMY AT THE LEVENTHAL-SIDMAN JCC Anyone can be a happy, safe and confident swimmer. This is the philosophy of the Lenny Krayzelburg Swim Academy (LKSA) at the Leventhal-Sidman JCC, a unique aquatics education program organized around swimming fundamentals and designed with an emphasis on safety. Starting at the age of three months, children can begin at any time and learn and progress at their own pace! ACADEMY HOURS Monday through Friday (1-5:30pm) (group and private lessons) Saturday and Sunday (9am-2pm) (group and private lessons), (2-4pm) (private lessons only) Call 617-558-6468 to request a free evaluation. The Krayzelburg program has helped our son become far more confident in the water. The incentive program is brilliant, getting the children enthusiastic to attend lessons and earn stickers toward their next swim level. I highly recommend LKSA to all parents. -Matt A., JCC member THE LENNY KRAYZELBURG SWIM ACADEMY What is the program? Following a free evaluation, swimmers are assigned to a swim level. • Parent-Tot lessons (max 8/class) • Group lessons (max 4/class) • Private lessons Students are taught the SwimRight® method, which focuses on correct body positioning and proper alignment from the early stages of lessons. Progress is captured in personal swimming journals complete with fun exercises and lots of positive reinforcement! As swimmers advance, they participate in safety tests to confirm their proficiency, enabling them to move ahead with a sense of accomplishment and pride. How does the Krayzelburg program compare with the American Red Cross program? The Red Cross program is very highly regarded and the JCC has hosted it for many years. The selection of the Krayzelburg program is inspired by the emphasis on safety from a very young age, and by the flexibility it allows families and children who want to enter the program and learn at their own pace. How long are the lessons? How frequent? Lessons are 25 minutes in length for group lessons and 15 minutes in length for private lessons. It is recommended that students take at least one class per week, year round. Consistency is the most important factor in gaining proficiency and confidence in the water. Who are the instructors? All instructors are accomplished aquatics instructors who are trained in the SwimRight® method. LEARN MORE For more information about the Lenny Krayzelburg Swim Academy at the Leventhal-Sidman JCC, contact [email protected], 617-558-6468 or visit To learn more about Lenny Krayzelburg, four-time Olympic® swim champion and founder of the Swim Academy, visit the Lenny Krayzelburg Swim Academy website at There are some parallels in proficiency levels between the two programs, but no swimmer will be automatically assigned to a new level based on where they are in the Red Cross system—everyone gets evaluated so that the instructors know exactly how to work with their individual students. In only a few short weeks, the new Lenny Pg 17 4 FAMILIES, YOUTH & TEENS Spring is the time of plans and projects. - Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina PARENT & CHILD Metrowest South GENERAL Weekly Playtime Meet-up Drop-in Playgroup (Ages: 0-4 yrs, with adult) A great opportunity for young children up to age four to play in a safe and fun environment while adults can meet and connect. A light snack will be provided for the kids. The Children’s Room Jewish Family Service of Metrowest 475 Franklin Street, Framingham Thursdays 9:30-11:30am No charge Registration not required JCC South Mom’s Book Group Join with other moms for a lively discussion about current books. For April, please read The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield. For May, please read Unorthodox by Deborah Feldman. Panera Bread, Walpole Mall Mondays, April 8, May 13 (2 sessions) 7:15-9pm No charge Leventhal-Sidman JCC Kick & Play (Ages: 12-24 mos) From the creators of Super Soccer Stars, Kick & Play is a pre-soccer and movement program specifically designed for toddlers between 12-24 months. Experienced instructors along with puppet friends Mimi and Pepe take you and your little one through a world of exciting physical activity. Individual attention, positive reinforcement, and engaging original music help to develop pre-soccer skills that will have your toddler learning to balance, run, kick and play. Held in the JCC Children’s Gym. Super Soccer Stars staff April 9-June 11(9 wks) LFCPKP01 Tuesdays 9:30-10:15am Cost: $225 JCC member cost: $180 April 5-June 14 (10 wks) LFCPKP02 Fridays 9:15-10am Cost: $270 JCC member cost: $220 JamBaby (Ages: 6 mos-4 yrs, with adult) Sing songs, play instruments, dance around and jam. JamBaby classes provide a fun and interactive atmosphere while promoting musical learning, socialization and the joy of music. Curriculum follows the National Standards for Music Education. A “Jammin’ with You” instructor utilizes a variety of instruments, exposing children to weekly, live, musical performances. Beth Pacione April 5-June 7 (9 wks) LPCFMR01 Fridays 9:30-10:15am Cost: $195 JCC member cost: $160 (No charge for siblings under 6 months) WEEKLY DROP-INS For more information on classes and programs in Metrowest, visit or contact 508-879-3300 or [email protected] Programs in Metrowest are part of the Jewish Family Network, a collaboration between the Jewish Community Centers of Greater Boston, Jewish Family Service of Metrowest and Combined Jewish Philanthropies. WORKSHOPS & CLASSES Register: Contact: [email protected] or 781-795-0510 Rock-A-Baby Music Jam (Ages: 0-3 yrs, with adult) Your child has a chance to be “in the band” with Rock-A-Baby. With a trio of musicians, three zany puppets, dancing, instruments and music ranging from classical to jazz to children’s songs to rock and roll, Rock-A-Baby gives your child a stimulating and educational musical experience. Sharon Community Center 219 Massapoag Avenue, Sharon Fridays, April 26-June 7 (7 wks) Session 1: 9:30-10:15am Session 2: 10:30-11:15am Cost: $140/session Please note: fee is for one child plus an adult. Additional sibling is $84/session. Register: Session 1: Session 2: Contact: [email protected] or 781-795-0510 All JCC arts and humanities offerings are programs of the Ryna Greenbaum JCC Center for the Arts. Pg 18 Register online at • Registration begins February 25 (members) and March 4 (nonmembers). Stroller Walk (Ages 0-2 yrs in stroller, with adult) Connect with other parents while getting fit and feeling good on a weekly springtime stroll with your baby. In case of inclement weather, call 781-795-0510 by 9am for program updates. French Memories (meeting location) 10 Post Office Square, Sharon Tuesdays, May 7-June 25 (8 wks) 11am No charge. No registration required Contact: [email protected] or 781-795-0510 PJ Library Bagels and Books Drop-in Group (Ages: 0-4 yrs, with adult) Treat yourself and your child to a fun weekly activity in a welcoming and relaxed environment. Grab a bagel, hear a story and meet other parents while your children socialize and have fun. Two locations. Ongoing through April 2013, except during school vacation week. Temple Sinai 25 Canton Street, Sharon Wednesdays 9:30-11am No charge Congregation Sha’aray Shalom 1112 Main Street, Hingham 1st and 3rd Fridays of every month, 9:30-10:30am (includes weekly Tot Shabbat) No charge 4 Metro North MEET-UPS AND DROP-INS Welcome Baby! Meet-ups (Parents, with babies 0-1 yr) Meet other parents with babies over coffee in a relaxed setting the first Wednesday of each month. Staff from the JCC and JF&CS will welcome you and tell you about resources and upcoming programs. Panera Bread 5 White Street, Porter Square Shopping Center, Cambridge First Wednesday of each month (ongoing) 11am-12:30pm No charge Check out Welcome Baby! on Facebook Playground Meet-ups (Ages: 6 mos-5 yrs, with adult) Play, make friends, and have some summer fun. Snacks and drinks provided. Fridays, June 7-28 10-11:30am No charge Visit for locations and schedules For more information on classes and programs in Metro North, visit or contact 617-841-8009 or [email protected] Contact: [email protected] or 781-795-0510 To register for classes and programs in the south area, visit or contact 781-795-0510 or [email protected] Programs north of Boston are presented in collaboration with Jewish Family & Children’s Service of Greater Boston with support from Combined Jewish Philanthropies. Programs south of Boston are presented in collaboration with Jewish Family & Children’s Service of Greater Boston with support from Combined Jewish Philanthropies. Pg 19 ENTIRE COMMUNITY Welcome Baby! (Ages: 0-6 mos, with parent) WelcomeBaby! is your gateway to the Jewish community. If you are expecting soon or know someone who is, or if you have adopted a baby in the last six months, please contact us so you can receive a free WelcomeBaby! gift package which includes a free PJ Library subscription. Register: baby Contact: 781-693-5635 or [email protected] Check out WelcomeBaby! on Facebook at Welcome Baby! is presented by the Jewish Community Centers of Greater Boston, Jewish Family & Children’s Service of Greater Boston and Jewish Family Service of Metrowest in cooperation with local synagogues and with generous support from Combined Jewish Philanthropies. PJ Library (Ages: 0-5 yrs) Free children’s books and music sent to your home. Receive a monthly mailing of a Jewish children’s book or music CD. National project created by the Harold Grinspoon Foundation and administered locally by the Jewish Community Centers of Greater Boston, with additional funding from local donors. No charge Register: Contact: [email protected] Pg 20 Register online at • Registration begins February 25 (members) and March 4 (nonmembers). PRESCHOOL Leventhal-Sidman JCC FOR BERNICE B. GODINE PRESCHOOL PARENTS To make the class registration process easier, there is no longer a separate fee (nor separate registration) required to accompany your child to enrichment classes. Children will be escorted by a JCC staff person at no extra charge. e Escort available for preschool classes (no charge) FITNESS & SPORTS Kiddie Karate (Ages: 3.5-5 yrs) Children will learn basic body awareness, balancing and tumbling while having fun with their friends. Participants will be introduced to social skills and learn about basic Japanese/Asian culture. Noah Lucia April 7-June 9 (7 wks) LFCPK102 Sundays 3-3:45pm Cost: $160 JCC member cost: $135 April 8-June 10 (8 wks) LFCPK101 Mondayse 2:30-3:15pm Cost: $185 JCC member cost: $155 Yoga for Preschoolers (Ages: 3.5-5 yrs) This class will integrate, in a playful and age appropriate way, physical and mental activities that will build a strong foundation of health. Children will expand their awareness and self-control and build self-esteem as they learn to move gracefully, breathe smoothly and deeply, and sustain concentration. Irene Kam April 8-June 10 (8 wks) LFCPY101 Mondayse 1:15-2pm Cost: $170 JCC member cost: $140 Mini Sports I (Ages: 3 yrs) Coordination and motor skills will be developed in an age appropriate play setting. Emphasis is on fun, team spirit and cooperative group play as children practice movements, basic ball skills and play modified games. Peter Sylvester April 9-June 11 (9 wks) LFCPM201 Tuesdayse 1:15-2pm Cost: $190 JCC member cost: $155 Mini Sports II (Ages: 4 yrs) Learn games and have fun while developing basic motor skills, such as kicking, dribbling, throwing and catching. Isaac Brown April 8-June 10 (8 wks) LFCPM301 Mondayse 2:05-2:50pm Cost: $170 JCC member cost: $140 Peter Sylvester April 4-June 13 (9 wks) LFCPM302 Thursdayse 1:15-2pm Cost: $190 JCC member cost: $155 New! Preschool T-ball (Ages: 3-4 yrs) An introduction to the sport of baseball. Children will work on hitting, fielding, base running and sportsmanship. Children will learn all the basic rules and fundamentals of the sport. Peter Sylvester April 7-June 9 (7 wks) LFCPTB01 Sundays 11-11:45am Cost: $150 JCC member cost: $120 Pre-K T-ball (Ages: 4-6 yrs) An introduction to the sport of baseball. Children will work on hitting, fielding, base running and sportsmanship. Children will learn all the basic rules and fundamentals of the sport. Peter Sylvester April 7-June 9 (7 wks) LFCPKT03 Sundays 11:50am-12:50pm Cost: $165 JCC member cost: $150 April 8-June 10 (8 wks) LFCPKT01 Mondayse (8 wks) 1:15-2pm Cost: $185 JCC member cost: $170 April 4-June 13 (9 wks) LFCPKT02 Thursdays 4:30-5:30pm Cost: $210 JCC member cost: $190 Step to Gymnastics I (Ages: 3-4 yrs) This class introduces children to tumbling and basic skills on all gymnastic apparatus, developing body awareness, strength and flexibility. The focus is on coordination, confidence, discipline and creativity in a nurturing environment. Isaac Brown April 8-June 10 (8 wks) LFCPG201 Mondayse 1:15-2pm Cost: $170 JCC member cost: $140 Step to Gymnastics II (Ages: 4-5 yrs) Development of strength, sequencing and responding to visual cues are emphasized at this level. Children learn beginning handstands, rolls, leaps, body positions, names of skills and more. Isaac Brown April 3-June 12 (9 wks) LFCPG303 Wednesdayse 1:15-2pm Cost: $190 JCC member cost: $155 Pg 21 4 Circus Silks (Ages: 4-5 yrs) This class uses aerial silks as seen in circuses and performances worldwide. Kids will learn how to use the fabric in different movements and skills while being suspended above the floor (at a safe and very low level). This is a unique program that combines gymnastics, aerial arts, stretching, and strengthening skills all into one incredible program. Held in the Children’s Gym. Isaac Brown April 3-June 12 (9 wks) LFCPCS02 Wednesdayse 2:05-2:55pm Cost: $245 JCC member cost: $200 Level I Tennis – Little Sneakers (Ages: 4-5 yrs) Children will learn the basics of tennis in a fun atmosphere. Emphasis is placed on developing all-around athletic skills in a tennis environment. USTA QuickStart is a new format to help children that are age ten and under learn to play tennis. To make it easier to learn the game, the court size, racket size, the balls, the scoring system, even the net height is made age-appropriate. Peter Sylvester April 4-June 13 (9 wks) LFCPT103 Thursdayse 2:05-2:55pm LFCPT104 Thursdayse 3:30-4:15pm Cost: $190 JCC member cost: $155 Preschool Bouldering and Adventure (Ages: 4-5 yrs) A combination of running games, modified cooperative activities, rock wall climbing, mini zip-lines, and other activities will stimulate your child’s imagination in a safe and fun environment. Isaac Brown April 8-June 10 (8 wks) LFCPA106 Mondayse 3:30-4:30pm Cost: $215 JCC member cost: $175 April 9-June 11 (9 wks) LFCPA104 Tuesdayse 1:15-2:15pm LFCPA105 Tuesdayse 2:20-3:20pm April 4-June 13 (9 wks) LFCPA101 Thursdayse 1:15-2:15pm LFCPA102 Thursdayse 2:20-3:20pm Cost: $245 JCC member cost: $200 Pg 22 New! Introduction to Golf (Ages: 5-10 yrs) Children will learn the basic fundamentals of golf using the SNAG® golf system. SNAG Golf has built a premier learning system recognized by industry leaders as the superior method to teach golf fundamentals in a fun and easy way. Learn more about SNAG golf at Golf instructor from Ponkapoag Country Club, Canton April 24-May 29 (6 wks) LFCCG102 Wednesdayse 3:30-4:30pm Cost: $180 JCC member cost: $150 Super Soccer Stars Dynamic international coaches work with children to improve their skills and develop self-confidence and teamwork in a fun, non-competitive environment. Engaging warm-ups, activities and games, along with positive reinforcement and a low child-tocoach ratio provide an opportunity for each child to improve his/her soccer skills. Each child receives a free t-shirt. Super Soccer Stars staff (Ages: 2 yrs) April 9-June 11 (9 wks) LFCPS201 Tuesdays 9:30-10:15am April 3-June 12 (9 wks) LFCPS204 Wednesdays 10:30-11:15am Cost: $225; JCC member cost: $180 April 5-June 14 (10 wks) LFCPS202 Fridays 10:30-11:15am Cost: $250; JCC member cost: $200 April 6-June 8 (7 wks) LFCPS203 Saturdays 9-9:45am LFCPS207 Saturdays 11:10-11:55am April 7-June 9 (7 wks) LFCPS205 Sundays 11-11:45am Cost: $175; JCC member cost: $140 (Ages: 3-4 yrs) April 6-June 8 (7 wks) LFCPS301 Saturdays 9-9:45am LFCPS313 Saturdays 11:10-11:55am Cost: $175; JCC member cost: $140 April 3-June 12 (9 wks) LFCPS303 Wednesdayse 1:15-2pm Cost: $225; JCC member cost: $180 April 7-June 9 (7 wks) LFCPS305 Sundays 12:10-12:55pm Cost: $175; JCC member cost: $140 April 4-June 13 (9 wks) LFCPS307 Thursdayse 1:15-2pm Cost: $225; JCC member cost: $180 April 5-June 14 (10 wks) LFCPS309 Fridays 9:30-10:15am LFCPS312 Fridayse 3:30-4:15pm Cost: $250; JCC member cost: $200 (Ages: 4-5 yrs) April 9-June 11 (9 wks) LFCPS406 Tuesdayse 1:15-2:15pm LFCPS408 Tuesdayse 3:15-4:15pm April 3-June 12 (9 wks) LFCPS404 Wednesdayse 1:15-2:15pm LFCPS401 Wednesdayse 3-4pm Cost: $245 JCC member cost: $200 April 5-June 14 (10 wks) LFCPS407 Fridayse 2:20-3:20pm Cost: $270 JCC member cost: $220 April 6-June 8 (7 wks) LFCPS403 Saturdays 10-11am April 7-June 9 (7 wks) LFCPS405 Sundays 12:10-1:10pm Cost: $190 JCC member cost: $155 JCC DANCE PROGRAM The JCC Dance Program is based on the concept of STAGES: stages of development, individual readiness for the fundamentals of movement, discipline of the art form and the competencies for performance. Students move with their peers through creative dance classes emphasizing kinesthetic awareness, coordination, rhythm, body alignment, flexibility and posture. Through these concepts, children will experience a variety of dance styles while learning to exhibit grace, musicality, self-expression and confidence. Ballet, Jazz, Tap Combo (Ages: 3-5 yrs) Combination class will work on level appropriate fundamentals and combinations/variations. Classes begin with a warm-up, center stretch and ballet position barre work followed by progressions across the dance floor. Attire: leotards for girls, dancewear for boys. Leather ballet slippers and black Velcro tap shoes. Alyson Abramson April 9-June 11 (9 wks) LPCPDB03 Tuesdayse 1:15-2pm Cost: $170 JCC member cost: $140 Register online at • Registration begins February 25 (members) and March 4 (nonmembers). Little Ballerinas (Ages: 3.5-5 yrs) Your dancer will be introduced to the world of ballet with emphasis on the elements of dance, rhythm, self-expression and confidence. Attire: leotards for girls, dancewear for boys. Nancy Krieger April 3-June 12 (9 wks) LPCPD504 Wednesdayse 1:15-2pm Cost: $170 JCC member cost: $140 New! Dance Combo and Acro (Ages: 3.5-5 yrs) A fast paced dance class that combines a variety of dance styles including ballet, jazz and hip hop with acrobatics. Children master acrobatic moves such as cartwheels and backbends along with basic dance movements. The goal is to increase coordination, flexibility and overall body strengthening while having fun. Alyson Abramson April 4-June 13 (9 wks) LPCPAT01 Thursdayse 1:15-2pm Cost: $170 JCC member cost: $140 ARTS, CRAFTS AND STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) Exciting and nurturing classes in arts and science where children explore and learn in a non-judgmental environment and create at their own pace. Focus is on development and inspiration of children’s imaginations and talents with emphasis on process. STEM classes provide hands-on learning that encourages children of all learning styles to develop the critical thinking and problem solving skills needed in our rapidly changing world. Cooks and Books – Storytime and Cooking (Ages: 3-5 yrs) Little chefs will begin each class listening to a story followed by a (clean) hands-on creation of a delicious and creative snack that relates to the book. Recipes include Pizza Pear Mouse, Veggie Puppets, Bread-Robot and more. Nut-free. Diane Benson April 4-June 13 (9 wks) LVCPX101 Thursdayse 1:15-2pm Cost: $205 JCC member cost: $165 Pint Sized Science (Ages: 3-5 yrs) Science fun for your little one. Creative and thrilling hands-on science activities will spark and expand your child’s curiosity in the sciences. Experiments include air and gravity, kid-made clay, magnets and more. New experiments each session. Diane Benson April 8-June 10 (8 wks) LVCPT101 Mondayse 1:15-2pm Cost: $175 JCC member cost: $145 JamKids (Ages: 4-6 yrs) Children will play a variety of instruments, sing songs in different keys and rhythms, learn to write music and dance and play. Taught by an experienced teacher from Jammin’ With You, this class will help your child develop a strong musical foundation. Beth Pacione April 3-June 12 (9 wks) LPCPMR01 Wednesdayse 1:15-2pm Cost: $205 JCC member cost: $165 Little Carpenters: A Child’s Introduction to Wood Construction (Ages: 4-6 yrs) Under close supervision, little carpenters, wearing goggles, will use hammers, nails and saws to craft bookends, birdhouses, boats, and more. Measuring, hand-eye coordination and safety awareness are among the life skills taught. BJ Comerford April 9-June 11 (9 wks) LVCPW101 Tuesdayse 1:15-2pm Cost: $205 JCC member cost: $165 LEGO® Engineering (Ages: 4-6 yrs) Levers and wheels and axles, oh my! Young learners get a hands-on introduction to simple machines. Children will construct devices from LEGO DUPLO® kits and experience simple machines in action. At the end of the session children receive a digital slide show of their projects. Empow Learning (formerly icamp) instructors April 5-June 14 (10 wks) LVCPT501 Fridayse 1:15-2pm Cost: $220 JCC member cost: $180 Top Banana Preschool Math (Ages: 4-6 yrs) Through interactive games and activities, preschoolers will begin learning about numbers. Counting and measuring, comparing and drawing, coins and shapes, numerals and clocks, calendars and abaci…who said math isn’t loads of fun. Top Banana Math instructors April 9-June 11 (9 wks) LPCPLM01 Tuesdays 1:15-2pm Cost: $205 JCC member cost: $165 Shining Stars Musical Theatre (Ages: 4-6 yrs) Adventures in acting, singing and teamwork culminate in a final performance of a mini-musical for family and friends. This is an exciting and fun introduction to the world of musical theatre in a warm, inclusive and supportive environment. April 8-June 10 (8 wks) LPCPMT01 Mondayse 1:15-2pm Cost: $155 JCC member cost: $130 New! Budding Naturalists (Ages: 3-5 yrs) Come explore nature. The professional nature educators from PUDDLESTOMPERS will use hands-on exploration to guide children in exploring the natural world. From worms to seed growth to metamorphosis and animal homes, this class will help your child discover the excitement of the wonders of new life in spring. PUDDLESTOMPERS staff April 3-June 12 (9 wks) LVCPPS01 Wednesdayse 1:15-2pm Cost: $205 JCC member cost: $165 All JCC arts and humanities offerings are programs of the Ryna Greenbaum JCC Center for the Arts. e Escort available for preschool classes (no charge) Pg 23 4 YOUTH Leventhal-Sidman JCC GENERAL SPORTS New! Beginner Lacrosse (Ages: 5-7 yrs) Children will learn the introductory skills of lacrosse from stick handling, cradling, shooting and passing. Boys and girls will be separated into different groups. Sticks will be provided for everyone. Girls will need goggles and boys will need a helmet. All other equipment will be provided. Peter Sylvester April 7-June 9 (7 wks) LFCCL101 Sundays 3-4pm Cost: $165 JCC member cost: $150 Basketball (Ages: 6-8 yrs) Take the next step in basketball skills development. The first half of the class will focus on the rules of the game, ball handling, passing, shooting, and defense. The second half will be a controlled scrimmage. Peter Sylvester April 8-June 10 (8 wks) LFCCB202 Mondays 6-7pm Cost: $185 JCC member cost: $170 Super Soccer Stars (Ages: 5-7 yrs) Dynamic international coaches work with children to improve their skills and develop self-confidence and teamwork in a fun, non-competitive environment. Engaging warm-ups, activities and games, along with positive reinforcement and a low child-to- coach ratio provide an opportunity for each child to improve his/her soccer skills. Each child receives a free t-shirt. Super Soccer Stars staff April 6-June 8 (7 wks) LFCCS503 Saturdays 10-11am April 7-June 9 (7 wks) LFCCS505 Sundays 11am-12pm Cost: $190 JCC member cost: $155 April 9-June 11 (9 wks) LFCCS507 Tuesdays 4:25-5:25pm Cost: $245 JCC member cost: $200 Pg 24 Aerial Arts (Ages: 8-12 yrs) Learn how to suspend, swing and spiral your body into and out of various positions using suspended silks. Improve flexibility, grace and strength. Learn different floor skills and movements to music along with the aerial arts. Isaac Brown April 8- June 10 (8 wks) LFCCC104 Mondays 5:35-6:35pm Cost: $220 JCC member cost: $180 April 3-June 12 (9 wks) LFCCC105 Wednesdays 4:35-5:35pm April 4-June 13 (9 wks) LFCCC106 Thursdays 5-6pm Cost: $245 JCC member cost: $200 MARTIAL ARTS Karate (Ages: 5-10 yrs) Sanchin Martial Arts is a derivative of Uechi Ryu Karate, a form of self-defense that develops total body awareness, confidence and self-control. The emphasis will be on learning stances, balance, blocks, strikes, kata and sparring techniques. The last class will be an open house for family and friends. Testing fees are not included in the class fees. Noah Lucia April 8-June 10 (8 wks) LFCCM101 Mondays 3:30-4:30pm Cost: $200 JCC member cost: $180 April 7-June 9 (7 wks) LFCCM102 Sundays 4-5pm Cost: $175 JCC member cost: $155 GOLF New! Introduction to Golf (Ages: 5-10 yrs) Children will learn the basic fundamentals of golf using the SNAG golf system. SNAG Golf has built a premier learning system recognized by industry leaders as the superior method to teach golf fundamentals in a fun and easy way. Learn more about SNAG golf at Ponkapoag Country Club, Canton Golf instructor April 24-May 29 (6 wks) LFCCG102 Wednesdayse 3:30-4:30pm Cost: $180 JCC member cost: $150 TENNIS Tennis development is most successful with a combined program of individual and group lessons. Students gain more from group instruction after receiving private or semi-private instruction. For information regarding class content and proper placement, call 617-558-6473 to speak to JCC tennis pro Doug Maynard. If you would like to create a class, please contact 617-558-6453. Create a Class! If you don’t see a class that fits your schedule, or if you would like private sports lessons, contact 617-558-6453. GROUP PERSONAL TRAINING Available for youth, pre-teens and teens. Contact [email protected] or 617-558-6458. CLIMBING Climbing & Adventure (Ages: 6-8 yrs) This introduction to rock climbing will keep your child’s interest and challenge their bodies. Students learn how to put on a harness, tie knots, and become comfortable on the JCC’s rock wall. Isaac Brown April 8-June 10 (8 wks) LFCCA502 Mondays 4:35-5:35pm Cost: $215 JCC member cost: $180 April 4-June 13 (9 wks) LFCCA501 Thursdays 3:45-4:45pm Cost: $245 JCC member cost: $200 Climbing & Adventure II (Ages: 7-9 yrs) This class is for children who have completed the Climbing & Adventure class or have previously taken a climbing class. Students will learn to use the language of climbing while focusing on the following goals: to become proficient with several knots, to be able to belay a partner, to understand all of the safety rules and to have fun. Isaac Brown April 3-June 12 (9 wks) LFCCA601 Wednesdays 3:30-4:30pm Cost: $245 JCC member cost: $200 Register online at • Registration begins February 25 (members) and March 4 (nonmembers). ART LEGO® Engineering (Ages: 6-8 yrs) LEGO swing rides, golf-putters, and swamp boats are just a few of the projects students will build while learning the principles of construction and engineering. After building, students will modify their creations and motorized devices with hand-powered generators or direct drives. Students receive a digital slide show of projects. Empow Learning (formerly icamp) instructors April 28-June 9 (6 wks) LVCCT502 Sundays 2-3pm Cost: $150 JCC member cost: $125 New! Robotics (Ages: 8-12 yrs) LEGO® MINDSTROMS® will be used in the construction of motorized programmed devices ranging from pneumatic claws to motorcycles. During construction, children will learn about proper design and application of structural elements. Once built, projects are motorized and programmed on a computer. Students will receive a digital slide show of their projects. Empow Learning instructors April 28-June 9 (6 wks) LVCCTR01 Sundays 3:30-5:30pm Cost: $205 JCC member cost: $175 Race Time (Ages: 7-12 yrs) Get your motor running! This fun and exciting program incorporates team building, fitness and best of all, car racing. Kids will learn how to build a miniature remote controlled race car and then will work as a team for fitness and race car challenges. Weather permitting, races will take place outdoors. Isaac Brown April 9-June 11 (9 wks) LVCCRT02 Tuesdays 3:30-5pm Cost: $265 JCC member cost: $225 April 7-June 9 (7 wks) LVCCRT01 Sundays 2-3:30pm Cost: $205 JCC member cost: $175 Hip Hop (Ages: 8-11 yrs) High energy, non-stop fun. This contemporary hip hop class starts with a basic warm-up and then moves on to hip-hop combinations. Class is geared for beginners and welcomes both boys and girls to participate. Children will be instructed by a professional modern dancer and educator. Tony Tucker April 7-June 9 (7 wks) LPCCDC01 Sundays 3-4pm Cost: $220 JCC member cost: $180 TEENS Leventhal-Sidman JCC LEADERSHIP + COMMUNITY SERVICE JCC Diller Teen Fellows Information Session The national leadership program for 10th and 11th grade students Sunday, April 28 (5-7pm) and May 19 (6-8pm), Leventhal-Sidman JCC Join local teens in this transformative 15-month Fellowship program focusing on community service, Jewish identity, leadership development and Israel education. Create and implement service projects, and participate in monthly workshops, three Shabbat retreats, a three-week Israel trip in the summer, and a 10-day Boston-Israel peer-to-peer exchange. Applications accepted 4/28-5/31. Contact: [email protected] JCC Youth Literacy Corps (YLC) (High school students) Travel to Boys and Girls Clubs and elementary schools to mentor children one day a week after school – while making friends, earning community service credit and gaining leadership experience. Transportation provided from Lexington High School (Tuesdays) and Needham High and Newton South High School (Thursdays). A partnership with JCRC TELEM. Contact: 617-558-6512, [email protected] or 4 GENERAL SPORTS Private Basketball Lessons If you would like private basketball lessons with basketball trainer Rudy Crichlow, contact [email protected] or 617-558-6453. Rudy Crichlow has been coaching basketball for more than 10 years. He has coached players who have played in professional leagues in Europe. Boot Camp for Teens (Ages: 13-17 yrs) Improve your muscle tone, endurance and overall strength with this fun, teen-oriented workout. Includes cardio, weight training and stretching with a JCC personal trainer using traditional and new forms of exercises and equipment. Bring your friends and have fun working out together. Choose either Monday or Friday session. Jen Davis April 8-June 10 (8 wks) LFCTBT01 Mondays 3:45-4:30pm Cost: $160 JCC member cost: $120 Rob Howitt April 5-June 14 (10 wks) LFCTBT02 Fridays 3:45-4:30pm Cost: $200 JCC member cost: $150 Teen Fitness Sampler (Ages: 12-17 yrs) An introduction to all the JCC has to offer to help you reach your goals to stay fit. Sample various fitness options including Pilates, weight training, TRX, spin and Zumba. JCC fitness instructor April 28-June 2 (5 wks) LFCTTF01 Sundays 1-1:45pm Cost: $100 JCC member cost: $75 TRAINING Babysitting Training (Ages: 11-15 yrs) This basic course is filled with fun, interactive activities. Participants will receive certification in CPR (infant and child) and First Aid. Payment of the course fee is not a guarantee of certification. Michelle Levenson LFCCF401 Sunday, 4/28, 5/5 10am-3pm Cost: $85 JCC member cost: $80 Pg 25 5 SPECIAL NEEDS Where flowers bloom so does hope - Lady Bird Johnson ADULTS Class Registration Information Individuals with special needs are encouraged to participate in any mainstream or special needs service offered by the Jewish Community Centers of Greater Boston. Placement in appropriate classes is determined by the JCC Special Needs Services staff. If you are signing up for a class for the first time, please register by calling Special Needs Services directly at 617-558-6507/6508. If you have participated in previous Special Needs classes, please register online at The JCC Special Needs Services department offers financial assistance to those who qualify. If you are in need of financial assistance or a payment plan, or have questions regarding payment for registration, contact [email protected] or 617-558-6507. In addition, when two or more children in a family are taking the same JCC special needs class, the second sibling receives 25% discount off the registration fee. For other information regarding membership, registration, fee adjustment or special accommodations (e.g., locating an interpreter, accessibility, etc.), please contact Special Needs Services at 617-558-6507/6508 or [email protected]. All JCC arts and humanities offerings are programs of the Ryna Greenbaum JCC Center for the Arts. Pg 26 Leventhal-Sidman JCC Adapted Aquatics (Ages: 22+ yrs) Weekly swimming class adapted to the needs of adults with physical challenges. Taught by a certified aquatics instructor, this class offers exercise and socialization to swimmers and non-swimmers in an accessible and supportive environment. Lucinda Parker April 8-June 17 (9 wks) LNCAAA01 Mondays 10:30-11:45am Cost: $180 JCC member cost: $135 Young Adult Social Group (Ages: 18-30 yrs) Social, cultural and recreational activities for young adults with mild/moderate challenges. Includes a variety of leisure-time activities taking place within and outside the JCC, chosen by group members with assistance from their advisors. Participants pay for outside activities. Breanna Robinson, Liz O’Brien April 21, May 5, June 2 LNFAYG01 Sundays 1-5pm Cost: $120 JCC member cost: $90 Gentle Yoga (Ages: 25+ yrs) Designed for people with Multiple Sclerosis and other physical limitations, this class follows the “Body Awareness” approach of Pathways Yoga. Gentle restorative exercises are used to help relieve pain and anxiety, optimizing the participant’s physical, psychological and spiritual well-being. Class is designed for participants to either stay in a chair or go on a mat. Angela Wasson, Mieko Yamamoto April 4-June 13 (9 wks) LNCAY101 Thursdays 12-1pm Cost: $225 JCC member cost: $180 Adult Social Group (Ages: 31+ yrs) Socialize, dine out, work out in the gym and see a show. A group for adults with mild special needs. Group members decide their own leisure-time activities with the assistance of an advisor. Participants pay for outside activities. Trudy Bauer April 9, 30, May 7, 21, June 4, 18 (6 wks) LNFASG01 Tuesdays 7-9pm Cost: $180 JCC member cost: $138 Register online at • Registration begins February 25 (members) and March 4 (nonmembers). Metrowest Adult Activity Group (Ages: 25+ yrs) A group for adults with moderate special needs, offering a variety of activities designed to enhance social skills and independence within the community. Going out to dinner, bowling, and mini-golf are some of the activities the group will enjoy together. Participants pay for outside activities. Cindy Campbell, Charlotte Ruskin April 7, May 5, June 9 MNFAAG01 Sundays 4-6pm Cost: $75 Metrowest Adult Social Group (Ages: 25+ yrs) Join other adults with mild special needs for dining, mini-golf, movies and other leisure-time activities. Group members decide on their own activities with the assistance of advisors. Participants pay for outside activities. Lisa Dwinnells, Charlotte Ruskin April 28, May 19, June 9 MNFASG01 Sundays 5-7pm Cost: $75 South South Area Adult Activity Group (Adults) A monthly social group for adults with moderate developmental challenges, offering opportunities for a variety of leisure-time activities such as dancing, craft projects, miniature golf, and cooking. Maryellen McNally, Erin Donahue April 22, May 13, June 17 SNFAAG01 Mondays 6:30-8:30pm BAMSI Day Habilitation 531 Washington Street, Stoughton Cost: $75 Brookline Mass Self-Advocates/Friends (Ages: 25+ yrs) A weekly drop-in mutual support and self-advocacy group for adults with intellectual disabilities. David Wizansky, Trudy Bauer April 9-May 28 (6 wks) (MSA) Tuesdays 7:30-9pm April 4-June 13 (9 wks) (FDI) Thursdays 7:30-9pm JCC Early Learning Center 50 Sutherland Road, Brookline Nominal fee Tikvah Jewish Social Group (Ages: 31-60 yrs) Enhance social and community skills and celebrate Jewish holidays with adults with mild/moderate special needs. Activities include visits to museums, parks, the beach and concerts. Meetings are held in Brighton and throughout the community. Participants pay for outside activities. Frank McManus, Rebecca Brigham April 28, May 12, June 9 LNFATG01 Sundays 12-5pm JCC Early Learning Center 50 Sutherland Road, Brighton Cost: $120 JCC member cost: $90 5 CHILDREN Leventhal-Sidman JCC Adapted Aquatics (Ages: 2+ yrs) Weekly swimming class adapted for children and teens with developmental, neurological, physical and emotional needs. Half-hour sessions grouped by skill levels. Taught by a certified adapted aquatics instructor. Sessions scheduled in coordination with the instructor. Lucinda Parker, Krista Aronson April 8-June 10 (8 wks) Mondays 1-6pm April 9-June 11 (9 wks) Tuesdays 1-6pm April 3-June 12 (9 wks) Wednesdays 1-6pm April 4-June 13 (9 wks) Thursdays 1-6pm April 6-June 15 (7 wks) Saturdays 9am-3pm Each half-hour class: Member: $34/private, $26/semi-private, $23/group Nonmember: $45/private, $35/semi-private, $30/group Mini-Sports for Children with Different Learning Styles (Ages: 7-12 yrs) A program that uses games to help develop basic motor skills, such as kicking, dribbling, throwing and catching, while participants learn the importance of teamwork through cooperative play. Matthew Kuklentz April 8-June 10 (8 wks) LNCCF201 Mondays 4:30-5:30pm Cost: $200 JCC member cost: $160 Dance Jam (Ages: 7-10 yrs) A dance and movement class that provides body awareness while exploring a variety of movement styles. Using improvisational dance, students will learn the joy of moving to music while improving such skills as social interaction, endurance and flexibility. This class is taught by a board-certified dance/movement therapist. Nancy Krieger April 4-June 13 (9 wks) LNCCM100 Thursdays 4:30-5:30pm Cost: $225 JCC member cost: $180 Pg 27 TEENS Just Dance for Girls (Ages: 11-16 yrs) Dance and exercise just for girls. Class begins with a yoga warm-up (breathing exercises and stretching). Body awareness and the joy of self-expression through dance will be emphasized as participants move to music. Instructor is a board-certified dance/movement therapist. Nancy Krieger April 4-June 13 (9 wks) LNCCJD01 Thursdays 5:30-6:30pm Cost: $225 JCC member cost: $180 Get in Shape for Preteens and Teens (Ages: 11-17 yrs) An activity-based exercise program for preteens and teens with mild challenges who want to build self-confidence and achieve good health through movement and exercise. Small group orientation allows for individual attention and support. Participants will have access to the full complement of fitness equipment at the Leventhal-Sidman JCC. Bryan Agurcia April 4-June 13 (9 wks) LNCTGS01 Thursdays (A) 5-6pm Cost: $225 JCC member cost: $180 April 6-June 8 (7 wks) LNCTGS02 Saturdays (B) 11am-12pm Cost: $175 JCC member cost: $140 Teen Activity Group (Ages: 12-16 yrs) An activity group designed to help teens enhance and practice social skills while creating greater independence in the community. Activities might include dining out, bowling, miniature golf, crafts, and community service events. Participants pay for outside activities. Jeremy Lewis, Rachel Kindos April 7, May 5, June 2 LNFTFG01 Sundays 1-4pm Cost: $120 JCC member cost: $90 Pg 28 South Adapted Aquatics (Ages: 2-22 yrs) A swim class for children with developmental, perceptual, and/or physical challenges. Dates and times to be scheduled between students and the JCC Special Needs Services department. JCC programs for children and adults with special needs are supported with contributions from generous donors. To help, visit or call 617-558-6447. Thank you! Private, 30-minute individual instruction with experienced adapted aquatics instructors focuses on basic strokes and water safety. For information and to register, contact 617-558-6507 or [email protected]. A select number of spaces have been reserved for JCC and Old Colony YMCA members along with a discounted rate. Please inquire. Lucinda Parker, Danielle Slaney April 5-June 14 (9 wks) Fridays 3-7:30pm April 6-June 15 (7 wks) Saturdays 1-5:30pm April 7-June 16 (8 wks) Sundays 10am-2pm Fun and Games (Ages: 4-7 yrs) A program designed to help children learn skills related to playing games and interacting with others. Geared to the needs of children with attention issues or mild developmental concerns who may benefit from a smaller class size. Meaghan Kearney, Emily Quinlan, Jason Mitchell April 28-June 16 (7 wks) SNCCFG01 Sundays (A) 11:30am-12:15pm SNCCFG01 Sundays (B) 12:30-1:15pm BAMSI Early Intervention Program Site 801 Pleasant Street, Brockton Cost: $140 South Area Teens in Action (Ages: 12-16 yrs) An activity group for teens who want to enhance and practice their social skills while gaining greater independence in the community. Activities might include dining out, bowling, live theatre, and community service events. Participants pay for outside activities. April 7, May 5, June 2 SNCTFG01 Sundays 1-4pm BAMSI Day Habilitation 531 Washington Street, Stoughton Cost: $120 Register online at • Registration begins February 25 (members) and March 4 (nonmembers). JCC CAMPS AND SUMMER PROGRAMS JCC day, overnight and specialty (arts, sports, technology, science) camps. JCC camp options for boys and girls from preschool to high school with transportation from many locations in Greater Boston. JCC Grossman Camp JCC Sports Camps Westwood/Dover Day camp for ages 4.5-15 JCC Maccabi Camp Kingswood and Zohar special needs program Maine Overnight camp for children entering grades 3-11 JCC Kaleidoscope Creative Arts & Science Camp Newton Day camp for children entering grades K-11 Newton Day camp for children entering grades PreK-12 Empow Learning (formerly icamp) Newton Adventures in technology for children entering grades 2-8 JCC Early Learning Center preschool summer programs 5 sites in Boston area Summer programs for children ages 15 months - 5 years. See page 14 for program details and locations. A program of the Ryna Greenbaum JCC Center for the Arts JCC Kid’s Choice School Vacation Program Newton Open to all Day program for children entering grades K-6 and CITs in grades 7-9. 9am-4pm All school vacations: April, August, December, February and Passover Pg 29 6 SENIORS An optimist is the human personification of spring. - Susan J. Bissonette Leventhal-Sidman JCC Wednesdays at the JCC Ongoing (10am-3pm) A full-day program is available to seniors on Wednesdays, 10am-3pm (April 10-June 12) and 9am-12pm (June 19-Sep 11). Fee includes discounts to all adult programs and discounts for Ryna Greenbaum JCC Center for the Arts Events & Performances. Each week offers a variety of activities, including lectures, fitness, discussion groups, and entertainment. Typical courses include current events, Jewish history and Torah study, play reading, nutrition, Yiddish, art, and music appreciation. To reserve a kosher lunch on Wednesday, please call 617-558-6596 by noon the Friday before the Wednesday program. There is a $3 suggested donation for lunch. If you are a Brookline or Brighton resident, transportation is available on Wednesdays. For transportation reservations, please call 617-558-6484. Wednesday program fee: Use of indoor JCC Health & Fitness facilities included in both sessions Senior Adult Wednesday Spring Program April 10-June 12: LSJSW101S3 Individual: $85 LSJSW102S3 Couple: $145 Senior Adult Wednesday Summer Program June 19-September 11: LSJSW101M3 Individual: $50 LSJSW102M3 Couple: $90 All JCC arts and humanities offerings are programs of the Ryna Greenbaum JCC Center for the Arts. Pg 30 The World Today Share opinions about local, national or world news events and politics as well as issues facing the Jewish community. Healthy Aging Sponsored by Senior Health at Beth Israel Deaconess-Needham Medical Center Medical professionals from BIDMC will speak about health related topics including Living with Osteoarthritis, Fitness Matters, and Aging Without an Expiration Date. Wednesday Book Club A lively discussion of Jewish and secular nonfiction and fiction books. Each month, discuss a book the group has selected to read. For more information, please call 617-558-6443. First Wednesday meeting of the month, 2-3pm. Books to be read are determined at prior month’s meeting. Member: No charge Art History Artists and art teachers will lecture on an art subject. Choral Group for Seniors (2-2:50pm) The choral group will be held every second and fourth Wednesday of each month. Ruth Boynick, Choir Director Member: No charge Jewish Potpourri Jewish educators will lead a discussion to help you further understand Jewish history, laws, and customs. Play Reading Read parts from different plays. Wednesdays Member: No charge Nutrition If you have questions about nutrition, we’ll find the answers. All above programs held as part of “Wednesdays at the JCC” are free for Wednesday program participants. Play Reading Plays come alive in this fabulous group that reads and discusses plays from days gone by. Information For more information on classes and programs for seniors, call 617-558-6443. Afternoon Program Enjoy entertainment by musical performers, dialogue with local rabbis, meet community experts and watch Jewish-themed movies. Bereavement Support Group Held on the second and fourth Wednesday of each month (11am-12pm) Jewish Family & Children’s Service of Greater Boston Jewish Healing Connections offers a bi-weekly Bereavement Support Group at the JCC which provides emotional and spiritual support for people living with loss. For more information, please call 781-647-5327, ext. 1984. Yiddish and Yiddishkeit Enjoy learning Yiddish expressions, idioms, proverbs, and songs and share memories. Mini Series Classes A four-week class covering topics such as line dancing, chair yoga, silk painting, poetry, and Tai Chi. Register online at • Registration begins February 25 (members) and March 4 (nonmembers). JCC Without Walls JCC Without Walls is a collaboration between the JCCs of Greater Boston, Temple Ohabei Shalom, Congregation Kehillath Israel, and Young Israel of Brookline to bring Jewish programming to seniors in Brookline and surrounding towns. These events are traditionally held three times a year. To learn about the next JCC Without Walls event, contact [email protected] or 617-558-6443. Summertime in the Berkshires Two upcoming JCC trips: Trip I Sunday-Wednesday, July 7-10 Highlights include Boston Pops at Tanglewood featuring Keith Lockhart and special guest Vince Gill; New York City Ballet at Saratoga Performing Arts Center; Berkshire Theater performance; and visit to Norman Rockwell Museum, The Mount and the Frelinghuysen House. Nine meals, three nights stay at the Holiday Inn Express in Great Barrington, air-conditioned coach (with restroom) and time for relaxation. Cost: $750 JCC member cost: $730 Single room: additional $200 Trip II Sunday-Wednesday, August 11-14 Highlights include Boston Symphony Orchestra at Tanglewood (all-Beethoven program); Capitol Steps political satire; The Williamstown Theatre Festival performance of Bridges of Madison County; and tour of Bennington, VT and the Bennington Museum, Williams College Museum and the Bridge of Flowers in Shelburne Falls. Nine meals, three nights stay at the Williams Inn in Williamstown, air-conditioned coach (with restroom) and time for relaxation. Cost: $785 JCC member cost: $765 Single room: additional $200 Brookline Oneg Shabbat Fridays (11am-2pm) Join your friends on Fridays for an Oneg Shabbat program. Lectures are held from 11am-12pm followed by a kosher Shabbat lunch. From 1-2pm there is entertainment. Transportation available for Brookline and Brighton residents. Suggested donation of $4 for lunch and programming. Center Communities of Brookline 1550 Beacon Street, Brookline (3rd floor Community Room) For lunch and transportation reservations, call 617-558-6596 by Wednesday at noon. Striar Club Monthly meetings from September to June Second Monday of the month (12-2pm) (some exceptions) A Kosher snack and entertainment. Membership in Striar Club required. All of the above JCC South Senior programs take place at: Ahavath Torah Congregation 1179 Central Street, Stoughton To register for any of the above programs or for more information on JCC programs for seniors in the towns south of Boston, contact 339-364-1488 or [email protected] South Super Tuesday Tuesdays (10am-3pm) Continuing a JCC tradition, seniors are invited to enjoy a day of lively discussions, programs that challenge the intellect and enrich the spirit, guest lecturers, entertainers, and special events – including socializing at a kosher lunch. Kosher lunch requires a reservation at 339-364-1488 or [email protected]. Monthly Sabbath Delight (dates to be announced) Prepare to greet Shabbat in the company of friends. Enjoy the insights of guest speakers, with time for discussion and socializing and a kosher Kiddush. Pre-registration required. Mayer “Buddy” Rossman Memorial Short Story Hour The fourth Tuesday of the month (1pm) Join Ed Curelop in a lively discussion on a selected short story. Copies of story available in advance. The JCC serves 50,000 people of all backgrounds, beliefs, ages and abilities each year. Strengthen our community— support the Annual Fund. To help, visit or call 617-558-6447 To register, contact 617-558-6448 or [email protected] Pg 31 6 7 LEVENTHAL-SIDMAN JCC INFORMATION MEMBERSHIP AT THE LEVENTHAL-SIDMAN JCC Whatever your goals, from fitness and wellness to family fun, cultural and performing arts to learning and celebration, the Leventhal-Sidman JCC offers a warm, inclusive community to explore a world of opportunities. Membership is open to everyone, regardless of age, race or religion. There is something for everyone at the JCC…a fully equipped fitness center, indoor and outdoor pools, preschool and camp programs for children, senior programs, programs and classes for children and adults with special needs, a chance to connect with friends and more. Your JCC membership entitles you to: • Priority registration for classes • Priority registration for camps and preschool • Discounted class fees • Discounts on JCC Magic Ark Performing Arts Series for Families, Ryna Greenbaum JCC Boston Jewish Book Fair and Events & Performances series and other events • Unlimited use of the fitness center • Cardio deck with personal TVs • Free group fitness classes • Children’s gym • Large main gym • Indoor pool and track • Basketball leagues* • Private Pilates studio* • Professional, experienced personal trainers* • Take It Off® weight loss program* • Tennis courts • jccFITplan fitness orientation program • Kosher café • Community events and family programs • Guest passes * fee-based activities For more information on JCC membership or renewal, contact the Member Services team at 617-558-6411 or [email protected]. Of course, you’re invited to take a tour of the JCC at any time, so call to arrange a time today! Pg 32 CLASS AND PROGRAM REGISTRATION INFORMATION Spring Class Schedule Sunday, April 7-June 9 7 classes Monday, April 8-June 10 8 classes Tuesday, April 9-June 11 9 classes (for classes before 6pm) 8 classes (for classes after 6pm) Wednesday, April 3-June 12 9 classes Thursday, April 4-June 13 9 classes Friday, April 5-June 14 10 classes Saturday, April 6-June 8 7 classes Most classes adhere to this schedule. Please refer to individual class descriptions for schedule variations. Register online…It’s easy! • Full class information • Instant registration confirmation • Register for events 1. Log in or create your account. 2. Add selections to your cart. 3. Select the right participant for each program. (Use Edit Profile to add family members or contact us.) 4. Safely submit payment information (VISA® or MasterCard®) to complete your registration. Registration for all classes and programs, including personal training and Pilates studio sessions, is also available at the Member Relations Center (front desk) in the Leventhal-Sidman JCC lobby. If you are a JCC member, please remember to bring your JCC ID each time you visit, along with your class confirmation for the first class. If you are not a member, please bring the confirmation and a photo ID to present at the front desk each time you come for class. If you do not have your JCC ID or class confirmation with you when you come to the JCC, you will be asked to show your driver’s license. Note to Leventhal-Sidman JCC members: We need your email address to recognize you as a member and qualify you for discounted member rates. Check to see if we have an account for you or reset your password at Please contact [email protected] or 617-558-6417 if we do not have your current email address. *Class registration confirmed unless a class doesn’t run because of under-enrollment. Enroll now to ensure a space. TELEPHONE DIRECTORY LSJCC Main Number 617-558-6JCC (6522) TDD (hearing impaired) 617-965-5175 Business Office 617-558-6405 • Fax 617-244-8290 [email protected] Membership 617-558-6411 • [email protected] Class Registration & Information 617-558-6522 • [email protected] HEALTH & WELLNESS Fitness Desk 617-558-6451/452 • [email protected] Weight/Cardio Rooms 617-558-6458/459 • [email protected] Aquatics (pool) 617-558-6468/469 • [email protected] Group Fitness 617-558-6462 • [email protected] Pilates Studio 617-558-6460 • [email protected] Summer Sports Camps 617-558-6456/453 • [email protected] Take It Off® Weight Loss Program 617-558-6458 • [email protected] Register online at • Registration begins February 25 (members) and March 4 (nonmembers). Joseph Greenbaum Men’s Health Center 617-558-6464/465 • [email protected] Gann Women’s Adult Locker Room 617-558-6466 • [email protected] Babysitting Room 617-558-6457 • [email protected] Box Office 617-965-5226 • [email protected] JCC PROGRAM DEPARTMENTS Ryna Greenbaum JCC Center for the Arts 617-558-6480 Development 617-558-6519 Early Learning 617-558-6586 Family Life 617-558-6440 Fitness & Recreation 617-558-6456 Special Needs 617-558-6507/508 Camping 617-244-5124 ALSO ON THE GOSMAN CAMPUS at the Leventhal-Sidman JCC Bernice B. Godine JCC Early Learning Center 617-558-6420 • [email protected] JCHE Coleman House (located next to the JCC) 617-244-1867 Dushez Café and Catering 781-933-5853 Gateways: Access to Jewish Education 617-630-9010 • Jewish Big Brothers Big Sisters 617-965-7055 Shuki’s Gift Shop 617-558-6485 Wellesley Physical Therapy 617-559-0800 Private Parties and Celebrations Whether it’s a Bar or Bat Mitzvah, family celebration or corporate affair, everything you need for a memorable event is available at the Leventhal-Sidman JCC. Available facilities include a large auditorium, gym, rock climbing wall, swimming pool, meeting rooms, art rooms, and kosher catering; plenty of close, convenient, free parking is available for guests. The JCC’s personable event coordinator will help you plan every detail. Contact 617-558-6453 or [email protected] 7 HOURS & HOLIDAYS Building Hours Monday-Thursday 5:30am-10pm Friday 5:30am-6pm Saturday 7am-7pm Sunday 7am-8:30pm June, July and August: Building closes at 5pm on Saturdays and Sundays. Group Fitness and Spinning classes will run on all days that the Center is open. Please visit for the most up-to-date group fitness class schedule. The indoor pool closes 15 minutes prior to the building closing. Please adjust your workout schedule so you are able to exit the building at closing. To schedule a tour of the JCC, please call 617-558-6411. Important JCC news is often sent out via a weekly email newsletter. If you do not currently receive these emails, please send your current email address to [email protected] with the subject line “subscribe” and your name in the body of the message. Your email address will not be given to any other organization or used for any purpose other than JCC news. Holiday Hours April Monday, April 1 Tuesday, April 2 Sunday, April 7 Saturday, April 13 Sunday, April 14 Monday, April 15 Tuesday, April 16 Wed-Thu, April 17-18 Friday, April 19 Saturday, April 20 Sunday, April 21 Sunday, April 28 May Wednesday, May 8 Tuesday, May 14 Wednesday, May 15 Thursday, May 16 Saturday, May 25 Sunday, May 26 Monday, May 27 Holiday Building Hours Paid Classes Pesach - 7th day Pesach - 8th day Yom Hashoah Vacation week Vacation week Patriots Day/Vac wk Yom Hazikaron Vac wk/ Yom Ha’atzmaut Vacation week Vacation week Vacation week Vacation ends Lag B’Omer 5:30am-10pm 5:30am-10pm 7am-8:30pm 7am-7pm 7am-8:30pm 5:30am-10pm NO NO NO NO NO NO 5:30am-10pm 5:30am-10pm 5:30am-6pm 7am-7pm 7am-8:30pm 5:30am-10pm NO NO NO NO NO YES Yom Yerushalayim Erev Shavuot 5:30am-10pm 5:30am-10pm Shavuot Shavuot Memorial Day wknd Memorial Day wknd Memorial Day 5:30am-10pm 5:30am-10pm 7am-5pm 7am-5pm 7am-3pm YES YES until 6pm NO NO NO NO NO Shabbat Flowers 2nd Friday morning of each month On Fridays in Israel, it’s customary to buy flowers in anticipation of Shabbat. Whether you include flowers on your Shabbat table, or just enjoy their beauty in your home, flowers will make your day special. Shabbat flowers are available for purchase in the lobby. Pg 33 LEVENTHAL-SIDMAN JCC ADULT INDEX LEVENTHAL-SIDMAN JCC ADULT INDEX Time Age Class Name Class Code Dept. Cost Mem Cost* Page # Sunday 7:30-10:30am 10:30am-12:30pm 1-3pm 1-4pm 1-4pm 1-5pm 3-5pm 6:15-8:15pm Adult Adult Adult Adult Adult 18-30 yrs Adult Adult Men’s Over 40 “B” Basketball Writing for Children Children’s Book Publishing Collage Quilting Table Textiles Workshop Young Adult Social Group Beginnings of Hebrew Israeli Dance Drop-In LRLASD01 LVWAZC01 LVWAZB01 LVCAF101 LVWATT01 LNFAYG01 LJCAH101 LPCADK02 Health & Fitness Center for the Arts Center for the Arts Center for the Arts Center for the Arts Special Needs Center for the Arts Center for the Arts $165 $120 $120 $225 $35 $120 $170 $7/class $120 $90 $90 $165 $25 $90 $125 $9/class 09 10 10 11 11 26 10 10 Monday 9:30-10:15am 9:30-10:20am 9:30am-12:30pm 9:30am-12:30pm 9:30am-12:30pm 10:30-11:45am 10:30am-12:30pm 11-11:45am 1-3pm 1-3pm Adult Adult Adult Adult Adult Adult Adult Adult Adult Adult Aqua Aerobics Pilates - On the Ball Watercolor Studio Mixed Media Collage Woodblock Printmaking Adapted Aquatics Beginner Bridge Forever Fit Better Bridge Paint Masterpiece N/A LFCAP101 LVCAN901 LVCAC101 LVCABW01 LNCAAA01 LJCAG403 LFCAFF01 LJCAG401 LVCAN801 Aquatics Health & Fitness Center for the Arts Center for the Arts Center for the Arts Special Needs Center for the Arts Health & Fitness Center for the Arts Center for the Arts No charge $150 $300 $265 $245 $180 $160 $145 $160 $180 $135 $225 $200 $185 $135 $125 $100 $125 $135 08 08 12 11 11 26 10 08 10 12 Tuesday 6:30-7:15am 9:15-10am 9:15am-12:15pm 9:30am-12pm 9:30am-1:30pm 10am-12pm 11:30am-12:15pm 12:30-3pm 6:30-9pm 7-9pm 7-9:30pm 8-9:30pm Adult Adult Adult Adult Adult Adult Adult Adult Adult Adult Adult Adult TRX Suspension Core Fitness for Moms Oil/Acrylic Painting Basic Drawing Monotype: Using a Press Pastels Arthritis Foundation The Colored Pencil Watercolor Paint from Photos Adult Social Group Israeli Dance Drop-in Klezmer Plus N/A LFCACF01 LVCANA01 LVCADB01 LVCAB202 LVCAP201 LACAAF01 LVCANW201 LVCAWP01 LNFASG01 LPCADK01 LPCAM602 Health & Fitness Health & Fitness Center for the Arts Center for the Arts Center for the Arts Center for the Arts Aquatics Center for the Arts Center for the Arts Special Needs Center for the Arts Center for the Arts $20/drop-in $15/drop-in $120 $90 $315 $240 $320 $230 $400 $300 $210 $160 $297 $153 $320 $230 $230 $170 $180 $138 $10/class $8/class $200 $150 08 08 12 12 11 13 08 11 12 26 10 10 Wednesday 9:15-10am 9:30-10:15am 9:30am-12pm 9:30am-12:30pm 9:30am-1:30pm 10am-12:30pm 1-3:30pm 6:30-7:30pm 6:30-9:30pm Adult Adult Adult Adult Adult Adult Adult Adult Adult TRX Suspension Aqua Aerobics Intro Paint & Pastel Painting in Style Monotype: Using a Press Bravura Oil Painting Introduction to Pastel Men’s Over 40 “A” Basketball Men’s Over 40 “B” Basketball N/A N/A LVCANC01 LVCAN001 LVCAB201 LVCAOB01 LVCAND01 LRLASD02 LRLASB02 Health & Fitness Aquatics Center for the Arts Center for the Arts Center for the Arts Center for the Arts Center for the Arts Health & Fitness Health & Fitness $20/drop-in $15/drop-in No charge $255 $195 $300 $225 $400 $300 $270 $210 $255 $195 $165 $120 $165 $120 08 08 13 12 11 12 13 09 09 *JCC member cost Pg 34 Register online at • Registration begins February 25 (members) and March 4 (nonmembers). 7 LEVENTHAL-SIDMAN JCC ADULT CLASS INDEX Time Age Class Name Class Code Dept. Cost Mem Cost* Thursday 8:30-9:20am 9:30-10:15am 9:30-10:20am 9:30am-12:30pm 9:30am-1:30pm 10am-12pm 11:30am-12:15pm 12-1pm 6:30-9:30pm 7-7:45pm 7-9pm 7-9pm Adult Adult Adult Adult Adult Adult Adult 25+ yrs Adult Adult Adult Adult Men’s Pilates Burn Pilates on Mat and Ball Pastel/Oil Portrait/Landscape Monotype: Using a Press Watercolor Basics Arthritis Foundation Gentle Yoga Men’s Under 40 Basketball Cardio Boxing Mah Jongg Oil Painting/David Wells Roth LFCAP301 N/A LFCAP201 LVCANB01 LVCAB203 LVCANP01 LACAAF01 LNCAY101 LRLASF01 LFCABX01 LJCAG101 LVCAOR01 Health & Fitness Health & Fitness Health & Fitness Center for the Arts Center for the Arts Center for the Arts Aquatics Special Needs Health & Fitness Health & Fitness Center for the Arts Center for the Arts $170 $155 $20/drop-in $15/drop-in $170 $155 $295 $225 $400 $300 $205 $160 $297 $153 $225 $180 $165 $120 $180 $135 $120 $95 $320 $230 09 09 09 13 11 12 08 26 09 08 10 12 Friday 6-7am 8:30-9:15am 9:15-10am 9:30-10:15am 9:30-10:30am 9:30am-12:30pm 10:30-11:30am 12:30-2:30pm 1-2pm Adult Adult Adult Adult Adult Adult Adult Adult Adult Strength/Flexibility Training Boot Camp Boot Camp Aqua Aerobics Zenga En Plein Air Aqua Zumba Creative Arts Sampler Chair Pilates LFCASS01 N/A N/A N/A LFCAZN01 LVWAN601 N/A LVCAA201 LFCAP401 Health & Fitness Health & Fitness Health & Fitness Aquatics Health & Fitness Center for the Arts Aquatics Center for the Arts Health & Fitness $225 $170 $20/drop-in $15/drop-in $20/drop-in $15/drop-in No charge $80 $60 $135 $105 No charge $215 $170 $190 $170 08 08 08 08 09 13 08 11 09 Saturday 1:30-2:15pm Adult Fundamentals of Boxing LFCABX05 Health & Fitness $120 09 $90 Page # *JCC member cost Pg 35 LEVENTHAL-SIDMAN JCC CHILDREN & TEEN INDEX LEVENTHAL-SIDMAN JCC CHILDREN & TEEN CLASS INDEX Time Age Class Name Class Code Dept. Sunday 10am-3pm 11-11:45am 11-11:45am 11:50am-12:50pm 11am-12pm 12:10-12:55pm 12:10-1:10pm 1-1:45pm 1-5pm 2-3pm 3-3:45pm 3-4pm 3-4pm 3:30-5:30pm 3:30-5pm 4-5pm 11-15 yrs 2 yrs 3-4 yrs 4-6 yrs 5-7 yrs 3-4 yrs 4-5 yrs 12-17 yrs 18-30 yrs 6-8 yrs 3.5-5 yrs 5-7 yrs 8-11 yrs 8-12 yrs 8-12 yrs 5-10 yrs Babysitting Training Super Soccer Stars Preschool T-Ball Pre-K T-ball Super Soccer Stars Super Soccer Stars Super Soccer Stars Teen Fitness Sampler Young Adult Social Group LEGO Engineering Kiddie Karate Beginner Lacrosse Hip Hop Robotics Race Time Karate LFCCF401 LFCPS205 LFCPTB01 LFCPKT03 LFCCS505 LFCPS305 LFCPS405 LFCTTF01 LNFAYG01 LVCCT502 LFCPK102 LFCCL101 LPCCDC01 LVCTT502 LVCCRT01 LFCCM102 Health & Fitness Health & Fitness Health & Fitness Health & Fitness Health & Fitness Health & Fitness Health & Fitness Health & Fitness Special Needs Family Life Health & Fitness Health & Fitness Family Life Family Life Family Life Health & Fitness 2-22 yrs 3-5 yrs 4-6 yrs 3.5-5 yrs 3-4 yrs 4-6 yrs 4 yrs 3.5-5 yrs 5-10 yrs 4-5 yrs 13-17 yrs 7-12 yrs 6-8 yrs 8-12 yrs 6-8 yrs Adapted Aquatics Pint-Sized Science Shining Stars Musical Theatre Yoga for Preschoolerse Step to Gymnastics Ie Pre-K T-balle Mini Sports IIe Kiddie Karatee Karate Pre Bouldering & Adventuree Boot Camp for Teens Mini-sports/Diff Learn Styles Climbing & Adventure Aerial Arts Basketball N/A LVCPT601 LPCPS101 LFCPY101 LFCPG201 LFCPKT01 LFCPM301 LFCPK101 LFCCM101 LFCPA106 LFCTBT01 LNCCF201 LFCCA502 LFCCC104 LFCCB202 12-24 mos 2 yrs 2-22 yrs 3 yrs 3-5 yrs 4-5 yrs 4-6 yrs 4-5 yrs 4-5 yrs 4-5 yrs 4-5 yrs 8-12 yrs 5-7 yrs Kick & Play Super Soccer Stars Adapted Aquatics Mini Sports Ie Ballet, Jazz, Tap Combo Top Banana Math Little Carpenters Super Soccer Starse Pre Bouldering & Adventuree Pre Bouldering & Adventuree Super Soccer Stars Race Time Super Soccer Stars LFCPKP01 LFCPS201 N/A LFCPM201 LPCPDB02 LJCPLM01 LVCCW101 LFCPS406 LFCPA104 LFCPA105 LFCPS408 LVCCRT02 LFCCS507 Monday 1-6pm 1:15-2pm 1:15-2pm 1:15-2pm 1:15-2pm 1:15-2pm 2:05-2:50pm 2:20-3:05pm 3:30-4:30pm 3:30-4:30pm 3:45-4:30pm 4:30-5:30pm 4:35-5:35pm 5:35-6:35pm 6-7pm Tuesday 9:30-10:15am 9:30-10:15am 1-6pm 1:15-2pm 1:15-2pm 1:15-2pm 1:15-2pm 1:15-2:15pm 1:15-2:15pm 2:20-3:20pm 3:15-4:15pm 3:30-5pm 4:25-5:25pm Pg 36 Cost Mem Cost* Page # $85 $175 $150 $165 $190 $175 $190 $100 $120 $125 $160 $165 $180 $185 $175 $175 $80 $140 $120 $150 $155 $140 $155 $75 $90 $150 $135 $150 $220 $225 $205 $155 25 22 21 21 24 22 22 25 26 25 21 24 25 25 25 24 Special Needs Family Life Family Life Health & Fitness Health & Fitness Health & Fitness Health & Fitness Health & Fitness Health & Fitness Health & Fitness Health & Fitness Special Needs Health & Fitness Health & Fitness Health & Fitness $405 $145 $130 $170 $170 $185 $170 $185 $200 $215 $160 $200 $215 $220 $185 $306 $175 $155 $140 $140 $170 $140 $155 $180 $175 $120 $160 $180 $180 $170 27 23 23 21 21 21 21 21 24 22 25 27 24 24 24 Health & Fitness Health & Fitness Special Needs Health & Fitness Family Life Family Life Family Life Health & Fitness Health & Fitness Health & Fitness Health & Fitness Family Life Health & Fitness $225 $225 $405 $190 $140 $165 $165 $245 $245 $245 $245 $225 $245 $180 $180 $306 $155 $170 $205 $205 $200 $200 $200 $200 $265 $200 18 22 27 21 22 23 23 22 22 22 22 25 24 Register online at • Registration begins February 25 (members) and March 4 (nonmembers). 7 LEVENTHAL-SIDMAN JCC CHILDREN & TEEN INDEX Time Age Class Name Class Code Dept. Wednesday 10:30-11:15am 1-6pm 1:15-2pm 1:15-2pm 1:15-2pm 1:15-2pm 1:15-2:15pm 2:05-2:55pm 3-3:45pm 3-4pm 3:30-4:30pm 3:30-4:30pm 4:35-5:35pm 2 yrs 2-22 yrs 3-4 yrs 4-5 yrs 3 - 5 yrs 3-5 yrs 4-5 yrs 4-5 yrs 3-5 yrs 4-5 yrs 7-9 yrs 5-10 yrs 8-12 yrs Super Soccer Stars Adapted Aquatics Super Soccer Starse Step to Gymnastics IIe Little Ballerinas JamKids Super Soccer Starse Circus Silkse Budding Naturalists Super Soccer Stars Climbing & Adventure II Intro to Golf Aerial Arts LFCPS204 N/A LFCPS303 LFCPG303 LPCPD504 LPCPMR01 LFCPS404 LFCPCS02 LVCPPS01 LFCPS401 LFCCA601 LFCCG102 LFCCC105 Health & Fitness Special Needs Health & Fitness Health & Fitness Family Life Family Life Health & Fitness Health & Fitness Family Life Health & Fitness Health & Fitness Health & Fitness Health & Fitness Thursday 1-6pm 1:15-2pm 1:15-2pm 1:15-2pm 1:15-2pm 2:05-2:55pm 1:15-2:15pm 2:20-3:20pm 3:30-4:15pm 3:45-4:45pm 4-5pm 4:30-5:30pm 5-6pm 5-6pm 5-6pm 2-22 yrs 3-5 yrs 3-5 yrs 4 yrs 3-4 yrs 4-5 yrs 4-5 yrs 4-5 yrs 4-5 yrs 6-8 yrs 6-9 yrs 4-6 yrs 8-12 yrs 11-14 yrs 11-17 yrs Adapted Aquatics Dance Combo and Acro Cooks and Books Mini Sports IIe Super Soccer Starse Tennis - Little Sneakerse Pre Bouldering & Adventuree Pre Bouldering & Adventuree Tennis - Little Sneakerse Climbing & Adventure Dance Jam Pre K T-ball Aerial Arts Just Dance for Girls Get in Shape for Teens N/A LPCPAT01 LVCPX101 LFCPM302 LFCPS307 LFCPT103 LFCPA101 LFCPA102 LFCPT104 LFCCA501 LNCCM100 LFCPKT02 LFCCC106 LNCCJD01 LNCTGS01 Friday 9:15-10am 9:30-10:15am 9:30-10:15am 10:30-11:15am 1:15-2pm 2:20-3:20pm 3:30-4:15pm 3:45-4:30pm 12-24 mos 3-4 yrs 6 mos-4 yrs 2 yrs 3-5 yrs 4-5 yrs 3-4 yrs 13-17 yrs Kick & Play Super Soccer Stars JamBaby Super Soccer Stars LEGO Engineering Super Soccer Starse Super Soccer Stars Boot Camp for Teens Saturday 9-9:45am 9-9:45am 9am-3pm 10-11am 10-11am 11am-12pm 11:10-11:55am 11:10-11:55am 2 yrs 3-4 yrs 2-22 yrs 4-5 yrs 5-7 yrs 11-17 yrs 2 yrs 3-4 yrs Super Soccer Stars Super Soccer Stars Adapted Aquatics Super Soccer Stars Super Soccer Stars Get in Shape for Teens Super Soccer Stars Super Soccer Stars Cost Mem Cost* Page # $225 $405 $225 $190 $140 $165 $245 $245 $165 $245 $245 $180 $245 $180 $306 $180 $155 $170 $205 $200 $200 $205 $200 $200 $150 $200 22 27 22 21 23 23 22 22 23 22 24 24 24 Special Needs Family Life Family Life Health & Fitness Health & Fitness Health & Fitness Health & Fitness Health & Fitness Health & Fitness Health & Fitness Special Needs Health & Fitness Health & Fitness Special Needs Special Needs $405 $140 $165 $190 $225 $190 $245 $245 $190 $245 $225 $210 $245 $225 $225 $306 $170 $205 $155 $180 $155 $200 $200 $155 $200 $180 $190 $200 $180 $180 27 23 23 21 22 22 22 22 22 24 27 21 24 28 28 LFCPKP02 LFCPS309 LPCFMR01 LFCPS202 LVCPT501 LFCPS407 LFCPS312 LFCTBT02 Health & Fitness Health & Fitness Family Life Health & Fitness Family Life Health & Fitness Health & Fitness Health & Fitness $270 $250 $160 $250 $180 $270 $250 $200 $220 $200 $195 $200 $220 $220 $200 $150 18 22 18 22 23 22 22 25 LFCPS203 LFCPS301 N/A LFCPS403 LFCCS503 LNCTGS01 LFCPS207 LFCPS313 Health & Fitness Health & Fitness Special Needs Health & Fitness Health & Fitness Special Needs Health & Fitness Health & Fitness $175 $175 $360 $190 $190 $175 $175 $175 $140 $140 $272 $155 $155 $140 $140 $140 22 22 27 22 24 28 22 22 e = Escort available for preschool class (no charge) *JCC member cost Pg 37 JOIN THE JCC OUTDOOR POOL FAMILY FUN ALL SUMMER LONG Barbecues • Activities for kids • Convenient • Comfortable Family-friendly atmosphere • Lap swimming Outdoor café • Swim lessons • No initiation fee this year! • $100 if you refer a new pool member • Six guest passes when you join • Monthly payment plan – now until June • August only membership option • More healthy café options • Extended café hours To join, contact [email protected] or 617-558-6419 Pg 38 Register online at • Registration begins February 25 (members) and March 4 (nonmembers). 7 BABYSITTING INFORMATION Babysitting Pre-registration Mail-in/Drop-off Registration Babysitting is available at the Leventhal-Sidman JCC for children three months to eight years of age and is specifically reserved for parents or adults who are participating in activities at the JCC. Both adult and child(ren) must be members. Because of limited space, pre-registration is suggested during peak hours and for infants up to 15 months. There is a two-hour maximum for each visit, 1.5 hours/day for children 15 months and younger. There are two ways to pre-register: • Individual coupons: $4/hour per child • Bulk coupons: Bulk coupons may be purchased at a savings from the Fitness Desk (across from the café) after availability has been confirmed. Please call 617-558-6457 to confirm space availability. Babysitting Hours Monday-Friday 8:30am-12pm Saturday & Sunday 8-11:30am Drop-ins: $5/hour per child (availability only), $3/half-hour per child (availability only) For more information, please call 617-558-6456. Pg 39 8 Time METRO REGION CLASS INDEX Age Class Name Class Code Dept. Fee Page # METROWEST ADULT INDEX Sunday 4-6pm 5-7pm Adult Adult Adult Activity Group Adult Social Group MNFAAG01 MNFASG01 Special Needs Special Needs $75 $75 27 27 SOUTH ADULT INDEX Monday 6:30-8:30pm 7:15-9pm Adult Adult Adult Activity Group Moms Book Club, Walpole SNFAAG01 N/A Special Needs Family Life $75 No charge 27 19 Thursday 7-9pm Adult What’s For Dinner? Demo N/A Family Life $20 02 Tikvah Jewish Social Group LNFATG01 Special Needs $120 BROOKLINE ADULT INDEX Sunday 12-5pm 31-60 yrs $90 27 JCC member cost Tuesday 7:30-9pm Adult Mass Self Advocates N/A Special Needs Nominal fee 27 Thursday 7:30-9pm Adult Friends Drop-In N/A Special Needs Nominal fee 27 N/A Family Life No charge 18 METROWEST CHILDREN INDEX Thursday 9:30-11:30am 0-4 yrs Weekly Playtime Meet-up METRO NORTH CHILDREN INDEX Wednesday 11am-12:30pm 0-1 yrs Monthly WelcomeBaby! Meet-up N/A Family Life No charge 19 Friday 10-11:30am 0-5 yrs Weekly Playground Meet-up N/A Family Life No charge 19 Pg 40 Register online at • Registration begins February 25 (members) and March 4 (nonmembers). 8 Time Age Class Name Class Code Dept. Fee Page # SOUTH CHILDREN & TEEN INDEX Sunday 1-4pm 1-1:45pm 2-2:45pm 10am-2pm 13-19 yrs 3-6 yrs 3-6 yrs 2-22 yrs South Area Teens in Action Fun & Games Section (A) Fun & Games Section (B) Adapted Aquatics SNFTIG01 SNCCFG01 SNCCFG02 N/A Special Needs Special Needs Special Needs Special Needs $120 $140 $140 $405 27 27 27 27 Tuesday 11am-12pm 0-2 yrs Strollerwalk, Sharon N/A Family Life No charge 19 Wednesday 9:30-11am 0-4 yrs PJ Bagels and Books, Sharon N/A Family Life No charge 19 Friday 9:30-10:15am 9:30-10:30am 10:30-11:15am 3-7:30pm 0-3 yrs 0-4 yrs 0-3 yrs 2-22 yrs Rock-A-Baby Music Jam, Sharon PJ Bagels and Books, Hingham Rock-A-Baby Music Jam, Sharon Adapted Aquatics N/A N/A N/A N/A Family Life Family Life Family Life Special Needs $140 No charge $140 $405 19 19 27 27 Saturday 1:30-5pm 2-22 yrs Adapted Aquatics N/A Special Needs $315 27 Pg 41 9 BIOGRAPHIES Rachel Abelow (Assistant Fitness Director) holds a BS from Ithaca College in Exercise Physiology. Her certifications include CPR, AED, Spinning, Pilates, TRX and Water Aerobics. Alyson Abramson (Dance) received her undergraduate degree in dance and fine arts. Throughout her dance career she has received numerous awards including four-time national dance competition champion. She is also an accomplished choreographer and has over 20 years experience teaching children in Boston, Providence and New York. Rudy Crichlow (Basketball Trainer) has been coaching basketball for more than 10 years. He coaches the AAU MetroWest Titans 11U and 12U. He has coached players who have played in professional leagues in Europe. He has also coached a girl who made the Junior National 12U team and a boy who played on a national travel team. Rudy played basketball for Chowan University in North Carolina from 1995-1999. Richard Denzer (Watercolor) has been painting and teaching for more than 30 years. Diane Benson (Children’s Art and Science) has worked with children of all ages for more than 20 years. She has an MA in Education from the University of Massachusetts in Amherst. For many years, Diane worked in both the school and recreational setting before starting her own children’s event company. Adrian Eagles (Head Coach of Karishim Swim Team) has been coaching swimming for 11 years. He has coached multiple top ten swimmers in New England and Florida. Since taking over the Karishim Swim Team in October 2009, the team has scored points at the New England Championships and has had multiple qualifiers in the New England Age Groups. Isaac Brown (PE Instructor), owner of Rock on Adventure in Norwood, holds a BS in Physical Education from Plymouth State College. Isaac is certified to teach grades K-12 and has experience in coaching fitness and aquatics. Isaac also holds a degree in Health Education. Audrey Edwards (Wellness Director) has been with the JCC since 1995. She is a certified personal trainer, certified Well Coach, certified spin instructor, trained STOTT® Pilates instructor, certified TRX trainer, and certified functional training instructor. Elizabeth Carter (Collage) holds bachelors and masters degrees in fine arts. She shows her work both locally and nationally. Recent shows include New Hampshire Institute of Art’s Biennial, MGNE’s “Art of the Unique Print” and the Cambridge Art Association’s “Northeast Prize Show.” Elizabeth is a member of Galatea, an artist cooperative gallery in Boston’s South End. Nathan Eisenberg (Swim Instructor) has been teaching youth swim lessons for more than five years. He is a certified Water Safety Instructor and specializes in children ages 6 mos-15 yrs. Nathan teaches private, group and adaptive swim lessons. BJ Comerford (Children’s Art) BFA, Boston University. BJ has more than 15 years experience as a multi-media artist, concentrating in set design, landscape painting, and still-life painting. She has taught children and adults for more than 10 years. Pg 42 Marjorie Gerber Gold (Watercolor/Oils/Acrylics/Drawing) is a graduate of the School of the Museum of Fine Arts Boston and, in addition to her work in painting, is an award-winning sculptor. She has been teaching adults at the JCC for 26 years. Barry Goldstein (Director of the Men’s Health Center) is a certified personal trainer. Barry enjoys working with physically challenged children and adults. He is an avid basketball player and combines motivation and support to develop practical training and sports training programs. Julie Ham (Writing) edits books at Charlesbridge, an independent children’s book publisher in Watertown. She graduated with a Master of Arts in Children’s Literature from Simmons College, where she was also a teaching assistant to creative writing courses. Ruth Kates (Oils/Acrylics) received her BFA in painting and MFA in Art Education from Mass College of Art. The winner of a number of awards, including the prestigious Grumbacher Award, she is an experienced art teacher and a practicing artist. Susan Kelley (Painting & Pastel) has studied the Boston Realist Tradition with David Curtis and Master Painter Robert Cormier. A member of the Rockport and North Shore Art Associations, she paints landscapes, figurative genre paintings and portraits in oil, pastel and charcoal. Nancy Krieger (Movement and Ballet) has an MA in Dance from SMU, Texas. She is a registered dance therapist, specializing in developmental and creative movement for children and adults. Amy Lassman and Karin Chin (Textiles) are the founders of AKDesign, an emerging textile art and home decor company specializing in custom design. Their handcrafted wares include handbags, table runners, and other accessories to wear and display. Register online at • Registration begins February 25 (members) and March 4 (nonmembers). 9 Jonathan Levens (Women’s Self-Defense) holds a first degree brown belt in Kenpo Karate. He has been teaching boxing, women’s self defense and kickboxing for over 20 years. Jonathan is certified in CPR, First Aid and AED and has worked for the JCC for more than nine years as a fitness professional. Rich Pellegrino (Painting) BFA in Illustration, RISD. He has illustrated seven picture books. His clients include LucasFilm, Eric Clapton’s Crossroads Guitar Festival, Spoke Art Gallery, Gallery 1988, and Gallery Nucleus. He has lectured at Rhode Island School of Design and currently teaches at the New Hampshire Institute of Art. Latishya Steele (Israeli Dance) Brandeis, PhD, University of Chicago, Genetics. In 10+ years, she has pursued her passion for Israeli dance by attending and teaching at weekly sessions in Boston, Chicago and New York City; founding and serving as Artistic Director for Shalechet-Aviv, a Chicago-based adult Israeli dance performance troupe. Joni Levy Liberman (Printmaking) BFA in Printmaking and Art, UMASS and MEd in Art Therapy, Lesley College. She is a printmaker and illustrator whose work has appeared in more than 40 publications including The Boston Globe, The Washington Post, and the Chicago Tribune. Arlynn Polletta (Theatre) has an MA in Theatre Education from Emerson College. She has extensive experience directing and teaching theatre to children of all ages and for the past two years has been the Associate Director at the Charles River Creative Arts Camp. Korrinn Lubarsky (Aquatics Director, JCC Lenny Krayzelburg Swim Academy Director) has more than 17 years of teaching and coaching experience in the aquatics field. She is a water safety instructor, lifeguard, certified pool operator, and is CPR, AED, and First Aid certified. She has a BS in Business Management from Bridgewater State College and an MBA in Marketing from Northeastern University. Sharlene Sallet is an American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) certified personal trainer. Her results-oriented approach helps teens, adults and seniors build core strength, endurance, stability and balance. Sharlene is certified in CPR and AED and holds a Masters degree in Management of Human Services and a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology. She is an avid rock climber and in-line skater. Amy Steinberg (Assistant Aquatics Director) has a BS in Recreation Management and Policy from the University of New Hampshire. She has been in the field of aquatics administration for more than five years and has been teaching children and adults for more than eight years. Amy is a water safety instructor, lifeguard, certified pool operator, and is CPR, AED, and First Aid certified. Doug Maynard (Tennis Pro) has more than 25 years of tennis and athletic administrative experience at the professional, collegiate, interscholastic, and club/resort level. He is a USPTA certified professional. He has held Tennis Director positions at clubs in North Carolina, Florida and Massachusetts. Doug is a former North Carolina and Southern champion and was ranked in the nation’s top 15. He has coached national junior champions, trained touring pros ranked in the world’s top 30 and was a past NCAA Conference Coach of the Year. Paula Schatz (Watercolor) holds degrees in both studio arts and electrical engineering. She has taught art in the public school system as well as at the JCC. Paula has also worked as a drafter and engineer, which complements her analytical style. Amy McLoughlin (Mah Jongg) has been a Mah Jongg player for many years and is dedicated to bringing new enthusiasts to the game. Her love of the game and exhaustive knowledge of the rules have made her an ideal instructor for both beginner and intermediate players. Beth Pacione (Music) is a graduate of the Berklee College of Music where she majored in Music Education and Songwriting. Beth is the Assistant Director of Jammin’ With You and has taught music in a variety of school and camp settings. Sam Seicol (Bridge, Hebrew), an ordained rabbi and Jewish chaplain, has taught bridge since 1984. He is member of the American Bridge Teachers Association and holds degrees from Harvard University and Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion. Barry Shapiro (Klezmer) is a musician and founding member of the Klezmer Conservatory Band, Shirim and the BSO (Barry Shapiro Orchestra). He is a graduate of and former instructor at the New England Conservatory of Music. Heidi Stapleton (Director, Youth & Family, Health & Recreation) has a BS in Physical Education with a minor in Recreation from Bridgewater State College. She has coaching experience in tennis at the high school and collegiate levels. Heidi is certified in CPO, LGT, CPR, AED and First Aid. Anne Steinman (Adult Art) is a graduate of the University of Southwestern Louisiana at Lafayette. She teaches painting and drawing classes at North Shore Community College, Brookline Arts Center, and various senior centers. In 2009, she won first place at Topsfield Fair’s Professional Watercolor Show. Peter Sylvester (Sports & Recreation) has more than 10 years of teaching and coaching experience in fitness and recreation. Tony Tucker (Dance) is a dancer, choreographer, performer and educator. Tony is a member of Modern Dyscomfort, a Boston based dance company and performs for The Braintree Ballet Company/Dance Studio. Cyrus Whittier (Pastels, Charcoal/Drawing) graduated from the Art Institute of Boston and specializes in portraiture. Cy has taught for more than 20 years at the DeCordova Museum School and through the Brookline Adult Education Program. David Wells Roth (Drawing, Painting) BFA, Painting, Boston University. He is a painter with solo exhibitions at the French Library in Boston and The Copley Society as well as numerous group shows in Paris and the US. He recently completed a 33-portrait commission for the US Federal Court of the District of Puerto Rico. Pg 43 10 10 CLASS REGISTRATION FORM Complete this form, or register online at Please register early to ensure a space. Benefit for Bernice B. Godine preschool parents...To make the class registration process easier, there is not a separate fee (or separate registration) to accompany your child to enrichment classes. Children will be escorted by a JCC staff person at no extra charge. Register online at or mail in/drop off completed form below. Please print all information clearly. Be sure to list each class or program by both name and code. Participant’s name and membership number should appear on all checks. Please list an alternate class as your second choice. To qualify for priority member registration and member discounts, you must be a member on or before the time of class registration and you must remain a member throughout the semester. Keep a copy of this form for your records. Note: The JCC reserves the option to cancel classes due to low enrollment or extenuating circumstances. You will be notified seven days before the first class meeting of any cancellations and other options by phone or email. Transfers: Each member unit entitled to one transfer from one class to another within the same session (if space allows) at no cost. After that, a $15 fee is charged per transfer. Refunds: Full refunds will be made for withdrawal seven or more calendar days prior to class start. Refund minus $15 fee will be made 1-6 days prior. A prorated class credit minus $15 fee will be issued for withdrawal from the first day of class to the start of the third class session. No subsequent refunds or credits are given. There are no refunds or credits for missed classes due to vacation, travel or illness. If the JCC cancels a class for any reason, registrants will be issued a class credit to apply to any JCC class or ongoing service. Credits (now transferrable): Credits may be transferred among individuals living at the same address only. They may be applied to new classes or services, or to open balances for most JCC services including preschool, camping and membership. They cannot be applied to online registration, nor to services that have already been paid in full nor to one-time events (e.g., concerts or other performances). Credits can be used through the end of June each year; if they are not used, you will receive a check for the amount of the credit. Guardian/Parent Last Name________________________________________________________ Guardian/Parent First Name___________________________________________ Membership Number________________________________________ ❑ Nonmember ❑ Check Here if New Address Address______________________________________________________________________ City______________________________________ State_______ Zip Code________________ Day Phone_____________________________ Evening Phone_____________________________ Email______________________________________________________________________ Registrant’s Name__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DOB________________________ Class____________________________________________________________________ Time________________ Day_____________________ Code____________________ Fee___________ Alternate Class_________________________________________________________ Time_______________ Day_____________________ Code____________________ Fee___________ Registrant’s Name__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ DOB________________________ Class____________________________________________________________________ Time________________ Day_____________________ Code____________________ Fee___________ Alternate Class_________________________________________________________ Time_______________ Day_____________________ Code____________________ Fee___________ Make checks payable to JCCGB. Full payment must be enclosed. Check #_______________________________ Amount________________________ Visa/Mastercard Number___________________________________________________________________________ Expiration Date_______________ Name on Card______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Amount_______________________ Please note: A $20 fee will be charged for any returned check or declined credit card transaction. Photo Permission: ❑ Yes, you may use my child’s/my photo or video in JCC promotional materials, communications, on the JCC website or in cooperation with media outlets and other organizations without consent. Children and teens 18 and under must have parent’s permission. Names will not be used. ❑ I agree to the above terms. Signature_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Child’s Name (if applicable)______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The JCCGB reserves the right to change instructors at any time without notice. I hereby unconditionally release the Jewish Community Centers of Greater Boston, Inc, and Combined Jewish Philanthropies, Inc., and any of their officers, directors, executives, employees, agents, volunteers and anyone working under, through or in connection with any of them with respect to any incident, claim, occurrence, loss, injury, or damage whether known or unknown, present or future, foreseeable or not, that could or may arise out of such participation in any and all programs and activities, including provided travel to and from, in which I participate at the Jewish Community Centers of Greater Boston, Inc. Signature________________________________________________________________________ Printed Name__________________________________________________________________ Date____________________ Please mail in or drop off to: Leventhal-Sidman JCC, 333 Nahanton Street, Newton, MA 02459 Attn: Class Registration Pg 44 For office use only ❑ Received ❑ Registered ❑ Confirmed Register online at • Registration begins February 25 (members) and March 4 (nonmembers). DIRECTIONS TO THE JCC Leventhal-Sidman JCC 333 Nahanton Street, Newton 617-558-6522 JCC office, Metrowest 327 Union Avenue, Framingham 508-879-3300 JCC office, South at Temple Sinai 25 Canton Street, Sharon 781-795-0510 JCC Metro North 617-841-8009 [email protected] Directions to the Leventhal-Sidman JCC in Newton: By ‘T’: Green D (Riverside) Line to Newton Center and then take the 52 bus. The bus leaves Centre Street in Newton Center every hour on the half hour from 6:30am to 6:30pm. It takes approximately 20 minutes to get to the JCC. You can also catch the 52 bus at Newton Highlands by coming out of the T station and walking 2 blocks to Centre Street or by taking the 59 bus to Newton Highlands. By Car: From the North (Route 128). Take exit 19B (Highland Ave.) towards Needham. Take a left at the first traffic light (Hunting Rd.). Take a left at the first traffic light (Kendrick St.). After crossing over Route 128 and the Charles River, take a left at the second traffic light into the JCC. From the South (Route 128). Take exit 18 - Great Plain Ave. and turn right at the end of the exit (towards Needham). Take a right at the first traffic light (Greendale Road). Then take a right at the first traffic light (Kendrick St.). After crossing over Route 128 and the Charles River, take a left at the second traffic light into the JCC. From Brookline (Route 9). Take Hammond St. south to the rotary. Get off at the second spoke (Newton St.). Newton St. becomes Brookline St. Approximately 1 mile later, take a right onto Dedham St. Almost immediately, take the left fork onto Nahanton St. After passing Winchester St. take a right at the first traffic light into the JCC. From Newton Center From Centre St. south, take the left fork onto Parker St., just south of Newton Center. When Parker St. ends, take a left onto Dedham St. After passing Charles River Country Club, take a right onto Nahanton St. After passing Winchester St. take a right at first traffic light into the JCC. Hours Monday–Thursday 5:30am-10pm Friday 5:30am-6pm Saturday 7am-7pm Sunday 7am-8:30pm June, July, August: Building closes at 5pm on Saturdays and Sundays Jewish Community Centers of Greater Boston Leventhal-Sidman JCC • Metrowest • South • Metro North 333 Nahanton Street Newton, MA 02459 Jewish Community Centers of Greater Boston Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Holliston, MA Permit #72 Open to the entire community Visit Copyright © 2013, Jewish Community Centers of Greater Boston, Inc. All rights reserved. LAST PRINTED ISSUE! Beginning this Fall, JCC class registration will take place mostly online. Printing fewer catalogs is more ecological and saves considerable resources. Please be sure we have your email address so you can receive notification when classes take place. (See below for instructions.) A new, highly interactive, mobile-friendly catalog will be emailed to you, and will be available on our website. All classes and events will have links directly to registration. The new version will make it easy to search for classes and programs and will include an interactive table of contents, zoom features, and the ability to add bookmarks and notes to individual classes. You’ll also be able to access the catalog and register for classes using your tablet or other mobile device. If you prefer, you can register in person at the front desk in the JCC lobby with the help of our Member Relations staff. Unless you tell us otherwise, we will no longer send you a printed version of the JCC Program Guide and Class Catalog. • If you still wish to receive the printed version, please let us know by emailing [email protected] or by calling 617-558-6410 and clearly leaving your name and address. If you send an email, insert the subject line: Print catalog. • If you wish to receive the Program Guide via email but do not currently receive emails from the JCC, please send your name and email to [email protected]. Insert the subject line: Email catalog. WE KNOW YOU’LL ENJOY THIS NEW, EASY WAY TO REGISTER FOR JCC CLASSES AND PROGRAMS.
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