legal notice - Coalgate Record Register
legal notice - Coalgate Record Register
COALGATE Volume 131 Number 36 COALGATE, OKLAHOMA 74538 RECORD REGISTER Coal County (USPS 120140) 50¢ Wednesday, NOVEMBER 19, 2014 Tupelo Schools Honor Veterans VETERANS DAY AT TUPELO SCHOOLS — The above Student Council members were responsible for the Tupelo Schools Veterans Day program. From left (back) - Caleb Watson, John Whitlock, Kyle Bailey, Jace Eidson; (front) - Lana Nelson, Keara Bourland, Hailey Ellis, and Courtney Hickman. (See story and more photos pages B-3, B-7 and B-8.) Hawkins facing multiple charges Multiple criminal charges have been filed against former Tupelo police officer Johnnie Lewis Hawkins II in connection with an October burglary of the Tupelo Police Department. A gun safe, six weapons and other property belonging to the police department were stolen during the burglary. Hawkins was charged November 13 with felony Veterans Day at Emerson will be published next week EARLY DEADLINE NEXT WEEK! Coalgate Record Register All ads, legal publications, etc. must be in no later than noon on Monday, November 24. burglary in the second degree, larceny of controlled dangerous substance, and knowingly concealing stolen property. He also faces two misdemeanor charges for destroying evidence and malicious injury to property. According to a probable cause affidavit filed by Tupelo Chief of Police Trevor Dean, the police department was broken into the night of October 28 or early morning October 29. An air conditioning unit was removed to gain entry into the building. Stolen items included a gun safe, six guns, miscellaneous ammunition, three bullet resistant vests, and two pieces of evidence listed as a drug pipe and a half-smoked marijuana cigarette. The McClain County Sheriff’s Office arrested Hawkins on November 7 after Coal County Undersheriff Bobby Hatton notified McClain County that Hawkins was believed to be at the years of experience in choir. They learned two songs of their voice part and sang for the judges in a room from behind a makeshift wall. The judges did not see the students, nor could the students see their judges. Maylin auditioned for the Soprano 1 section and Hannah auditioned for the Alto 2 section. On November 3 and 4, the students, along with their teacher Nancy Jo Hestand and their families, traveled to Guthrie for two days of rehearsal with a special clinician, Ginny LeDoux, whose expertise is in children’s choirs. LeDoux is the founder and Artistic Director/Conductor Emerita of the Tulsa Children’s Chorus. She holds degrees from Westminster residence of his girlfriend in Byars, OK. According to Dean, Hawkins admitted during questioning by Dean and Hatton to breaking into the police department and taking the guns and other items. He denied having any assistance, stating that he worked alone. Hawkins was wearing one of the stolen guns at the time of his arrest, authorities said. Continued on Page A-4 Election Story Page B-8 Coalgate students selected for All-District Choir Two Coalgate School students represented their community and Coalgate Schools in the East Central Oklahoma Choral Directors Association (ECOCDA) AllDistrict Choir. Maylin Burns, an eighth grade student at Wallace Byrd Middle School, was selected to the choir for the second year in a row. Hannah Hall, Emerson Elementary sixth grade student, was selected for her first year. At an audition held at OBU in Shawnee on October 6, approximately 600 students from central Oklahoma auditioned for three choirs that totaled 250 singers. These students were selected through an anonymous audition where judges knew nothing of the size school or the students’ COALGATE SCHOOL STUDENTS Hannah Hall, left, and Maylin Burns with Vocal Music Director Nancy Hestand. Choir College and the Peabody Conservatory of Music. Her outstanding work with children’s choirs and time as an adjunct professor at Tulsa Community College has earned her acclaim throughout Oklahoma. She is an active clinician and has been a leader in the American Choral Directors Association for many years. Ginny currently serves as Director of Children’s Music Ministries at Boston Avenue Methodist Church and is a music teacher at Holland Hall. The final event of the twoday festival was a concert held at the beautiful Shriners Temple in Guthrie. The girls sang in the Treble Choir and also heard students who had been selected for the JH Chorus and HS Chorus. ECOCDA is the most competitive, outstanding choral district in the state of Oklahoma. It includes all Oklahoma City schools, Norman, Guthrie, Choctaw, Shawnee, Ada, and many smaller schools throughout central Oklahoma. Selection for these choirs requires much practice time outside of the regular school day, a commitment from the students’ parents to support them, and a desire to be one of the best. Coalgate was very well represented with these two fine young ladies. Congratulations, Maylin and Hannah! PAGE A-2—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—NOVEMBER 19, 2014 Christmas Parade Set for December 13 The Coal County Chamber of Commerce announced today that the annual Parade of Lights and other Christmas activities are scheduled for Saturday, December 13. No pre-registration is required for the Parade of Lights. Participants will be given a registration form to fill out during the parade lineup. The annual “Night in Bethlehem” will be held December 13 following the parade. Plans for the Christmas events are being finalized and will be published in the paper as soon as they become available. In the meantime, mark December 13 on your calendar. Coalgate man injured in Garvin County Crash A Coalgate man was transported to an Oklahoma City hospital on November 12 after his vehicle was involved in an accident in Garvin County. The Oklahoma Highway Patrol reported that Daniel Bailey, 49, Coalgate, was driving a 2001 Dodge Dakota pickup east on a county road south of Maysville when the pickup failed to stop at a stop sign and was struck by a northbound vehicle. The second vehicle was a 2004 Chevrolet Tahoe driven by Wayman G. Potts, 45, of Maysville, OK. Bailey was transported from the scene by Air Evac Lifeteam air ambulance to OU Medical Center in Oklahoma City. He was admitted in good condition with trunk internal injuries. Potts was treated at the scene for minor head injury. Two juveniles in the vehicle were uninjured. An airbag in Potts’ vehicle deployed. Seat belts were in use in Potts’ vehicle. Bailey was not wearing a seat belt. The accident was investigated by trooper Tommy Riddle of the Garvin County detachment of Troop F. Riddle was assisted by trooper Kevin Sparkman of Troop A, the Maysville Fire Department, Lindsay EMS and Maysville Police Department. More Scams Reported in Coal County The Sheriff’s Office has received recent reports of more telephone scams. Once again, citizens are warned to NEVER, NEVER furnish personal or financial information of any kind to an unknown caller – regardless of who they claim to be. Scammers know all the tricks to get your money, so don’t fall for anything they tell you. Hang up the telephone! This is not the time to be polite. One Coal County man reported that he received a call from a woman claiming to be a paralegal working on a particular case and asked the man for his name and Social Security number. He was smart enough to not furnish either. When the number (1-888-7200162) was called by the Record Register, a recording identified the company as Delaware Asset Management. Scammers are also still targeting people through fraudulent IRS calls. The IRS is warning people to be aware of any telephone call or email that uses the IRS as a lure. The IRS will always send taxpayers a written notification of any tax due via the U.S. mail. The IRS does not initiate contact with taxpayers by email or telephone to request personal or financial information. Never open any attachments or click on any links contained in an email message. These so-called IRS callers are frequently insulting or hostile - apparently to scare their potential victims. Some potential victims have even been threatened with arrest. Once again, NEVER furnish any kind of personal or financial information to any caller or email sender. The consequences can be devastating. Tips from a Trooper By Trooper John Ivey Well, we’ve had several freezes, the season’s first snow has arrived, and we can put the lawn mower away. It’s deer season once again, and the deer are moving! Hunters from the metro areas always ask me if I see many deer around here. I normally answer them by saying, “If you can’t get one with a gun or a bow, you can surely get one with your vehicle!” If you do get in a collision with a deer, you do need to report it merely for insurance purposes. I don’t believe the deer’s family will be filing a lawsuit, but by having an official at the accident scene your insurance company cannot deny that you have hit a deer. If possible, pull your vehicle to a safe place off the roadway and contact the appropriate agency. They will let you know what to do. Also, you didn’t think I was ending this article without mentioning seatbelts, did you? Wear your seatbelt or expect a citation! There, I’m not sure I could be any clearer. You will always be better off wearing a seatbelt than not wearing one. The Oklahoma Highway Patrol will be out with extra patrols on the travel days this holiday season, so be safe…and save room for dessert on Thanksgiving Day! Coalgate Police Report Traffic Citations The following traffic citations were issued by the Coalgate Police Department from Monday, November 10, through Sunday, November 16: Jay Dylln Johnson, Ada, OK – Public intoxication; carrying a concealed weapon. Matthew Alexander Johnson, Euless, TX – Driving under suspension. PUNT, PASS, KICK CHAMPIONS! Two Coalgate School students traveled to the AT&T Stadium (Cowboy Stadium) in Arlington, TX, for the NFL Punt, Pass and Kick Cowboys team championship held November 1. Tristin Trevathan competed in the 6-7 year-old boys division and Bryce Hill competed in the 1415 year-old boys division. Both students placed second in the competition and did an excellent job representing the Coalgate School District and the State of Oklahoma. Tristin and Bryce are shown above with Debra Shockey, Coalgate School Physical Education teacher. OLNEY REUNION 2014 — Bill Piearcy and Elvira Riley Drawbaugh represented the Olney HS class of 1950. Winston Rice thanks supporters–––––––––– I would like to thank the 150 persons who supported me in the District 3 Coal County Commissioner election. We made a showing but came up short. I ran a clean campaign, albeit limited. I was completely transparent about my experiences, education and objectives with articles submitted to the Coalgate Record Register and posting them on the Clarita Oklahoma Facebook page. I also provided a link on Facebook and a web address in the newspaper to my biographical sketch at I did not put any signs up or knock on any doors. I ran as a Conservative Republican. I also invited everyone in Coal County to a meet and greet dinner at the Iron Horse Smokehouse on October 25th. Unfortunately, Halloween activities seemed to overshadow our efforts to get the message out. Although many people came, we expected more. Only 40% of the registered voters in Coal County went to the polls to vote. The breakdown on voters who supported me in this year’s election is as follows: Lehigh – 65; Olney – 43; Valley Insurance – 23; Clarita - 19 I’m not done yet. I know I can make a difference as a private citizen. I will continue my work here in Clarita and I am always available to help others around Coal County to develop their exciting ideas. I would also like to reach out to all the wonderful people who believed in me to come together to share ideas to get our county headed in the right direction. Please contact me. It is not too soon to start planning our future. You can call or text me at 580-5599970, or you can message me on the Clarita Oklahoma Facebook page. My email address is [email protected]. Hurley Manor Volunteers In Lieu of the Annual Hurley Manor Volunteers Bazaar A Bake Sale Will Be Held November 22, 2014 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Hurley Manor All contributions of bAked items will be welcomed (Proceeds Dedicated to Hurley Manor Residents) * Residents will also have some of their crafts for sale* COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—NOVEMBER 19, 2014—PAGE A-3 COTTONWOOD BAPTIST CHURCH George Marty Brock REVIVAL! SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 23 morning & evening service Monday 24, Tuesday 25 & Wednesday 26 7:00 pm nightly IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT FALL FEAST REVIVAL LUNCHEON NOVEMBER 23 AT NOON AFTER MORNING SERVICE Invite a friend, come and fellowship with the church and our guest Brother Marty Brock PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH = (Corner of Newell & Queen) Meeting Each Sunday —Photo submitted YOUNG HUNTER Trevor Robson was one of the many Coal County kids that participated in the 2014 youth deer gun season held October 17-19. The 4-point buck shown above was bagged the opening evening of the youth hunt and was Trevor’s second deer of the day. That morning, he harvested a doe. Trevor is already a seasoned hunter at the age of 7. He killed his first deer when he was 5 and to date has a total of four under his belt. Posing with her big brother is 2-1/2-year-old Tori Plunkett. OHCE Leader Lesson Friday Oklahoma Home and Community Education Clubs of Coal County will hold their monthly Leader Lesson on Friday, November 21, at 1:30 p.m. at the new OSU Extension Building at 1501 S. Broadway in Coalgate. Kelsey Ratcliff, Coal County FCS/4-H Educator, will be presenting “Camp Dutch Oven Cooking.” This lesson will teach the basics of camp Dutch oven cooking and a sample of a Dutch oven dish will be served. The OHCE Leader Lessons are open to all Coal County citizens who want to participate, whether or not they are OHCE members! For more information, please call Kelsey Ratcliff at the OSU Extension Office, (580) 927-2262. Oklahoma State University, U.S. Department of Agriculture, State and Local Governments Cooperating: The Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service offers its programs to all eligible persons regardless of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, or status as a veteran, and is an equal opportunity employer. at 11:00 a.m. would like to invite you to join them in worship 580-258-8856 or 580-927-2267 New Lower Auto Rates The Coal County District Court Records Felonies Johnnie Lewis Hawkins II, Tupelo, OK – Burglary in the 2nd degree; larceny of controlled dangerous substance; knowingly concealing stolen property. Misdemeanors Willie Doyle Manion, Ada, OK – Driving a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol. Johnnie Lewis Hawkins II, Tupelo, OK – Destroying evidence; malicious injury to property. Civil Midland Funding vs Randall Rice – Indebtedness. OLNEY REUNION 2014 — Irene Williams Stutte, Clarita, left, and June Riley Scott, Stonewall, represented the class of 1947. Call or Come by for a Free Quote PAGE A-4—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—NOVEMBER 19, 2014 Daniel Dillard Passes Away Daniel Vaughndale Dillard, I, a longtime Atoka resident passed away November 14, 2014 at Oklahoma City at the age of 58. He was born October 29, 1956 to Edward and Lillie Mae (Mosley) Dillard at Ft. Worth, TX and attended school at Mamie Johnson and Atoka High School. Daniel proudly served his country in the Navy and was a truck driver. He married Rita Ann (Green) Dillard May 17, 1980 at Coalgate. Daniel was a member of Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s Witness of Atoka. He enjoyed spending time with the children and grandchildren, deer hunting, fishing, raising chickens and music. Survivors include a son, Daniel Dillard, II and wife, Amanda of Phillips, OK; daughters, Jennifer Dillard, Amber Manion and husband, Adam all of Atoka; sisters, Donna Waller and husband Clyde, of Calvin, Debra Casey of Coalgate and Lora Gwinn and husband, Joe of Bromide; thirteen grandchildren; along with nieces, nephews, other relative and many dear friends. He was preceded in death by his parents; wife, Rita Dillard; great grandson, Lucas Crum; and brother, David Hicks. Casketbearers were James, Carter, Michael Sherwood, Jessie Self, Jody Casey, Adam Manion, and Tony Airington; honorary bearers were Phillip Goode, Shannon Bays, and Bobby Hunt. Service Thursday for Alva Ray Fortenberry It’s your future, Plan Plan ahead. It’s you future. ahead It’s your future and your choice. At Brown»s Funeral Service we»ll guide you through the process of prearranging your funeral wishes. We offer a variety of payment plans to –t almost every lifestyle. You may choose to pay in full, or select a payment plan from 12 months to 10 years. It’s your choice. We also offer life insurance and monuments. Call Jeremy Burris for a no-obligation consultation. B ...Hawkins Funeral Service 400 W. Queen Coalgate, OK 580-927-6915 or 927-2101 Brown’s Continued from Front Page The other weapons, vests and ammunition were recovered in the trunk of his girlfriend’s car. The safe was recovered in a ditch on SH 48 north of Tupelo, where Hawkins said he had discarded it. He destroyed the drug evidence, he said. During Hawkins’ initial court appearance on November 13 without an attorney, the Court entered a plea of not guilty on his behalf to all the charges. He is scheduled for a November 20 preliminary hearing conference on the burglary charges plus an unrelated felony charge filed in September for unauthorized use of a police vehicle. He is being held in the Coal County jail on $277,000 bond. The Tupelo burglary investigation was a top priority case involving the Coal County Sheriff’s Office, the Tupelo Police Department, and the McClain County Sheriff’s Office, Sheriff Bryan Jump stated. Hawkins has been charged in McClain County with felony knowingly concealing stolen property. J & N Construction 17350 CR 3700 Coalgate, OK Free Estimates Sidewalks Custom Steel Buildings Metal Roofs James Troyer Phone: 580-428-3159 Cell: 580-258-0911 Funeral services for Alva Ray Fortenberry, a longtime Atoka resident, formerly of Oklahoma City and Checotah area, will be held Thursday, November 20, 2014 at 10:00 a.m. at Brown’s Funeral Chapel in Atoka with Bro. Arvel Hall officiating. Family night will be Wednesday evening 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. Burial will be in Tushka Cemetery with Brown’s Funeral Service of Atoka in charge of arrangements. Mr. Fortenberry was born January 26, 1941 to Thomas Loyd and Leona (Hanson) Fortenberry at Atoka, OK and passed away November 15, 2014 at Durant at the age of 73. He attended Atoka High School and married Agnes “Neoma” (Graham) August 13, 1960 at Tushka. She preceded him in death July 18, 1982. He later married Gequita Walker. Alva worked concrete construction and was of the Baptist faith. He loved hunting, fishing, raising beagles and coon dogs. Survivors include his children, Tammy Herring and husband, Shriver, Boyd Fortenberry, Brad R. Fortenberry and wife, Pam, all of Atoka, Lisa Hyde of Tulsa, Rocky Nevada Fortenberry of North Dakota and Nikki Nicole Fortenberry of Atoka; brothers, Dale Fortenberry, Victor Fortenberry and wife, Ermie of Topeka, KS, Bobby Fortenberry and wife, Faye of California, Curtis Fortenberry and wife, Sue of Oklahoma City, Vernon “Bulldog” Fortenberry of Atoka, Kenneth Fortenberry and wife, Minnie of Checotah and Delbert Fortenberry of Atoka; sisters, Marlene Gabriel of Atoka, and Patricia Rector and husband, Steve of Lane, OK; fifteen grandchildren; six great grandchildren; former wife and mother of Rocky and Nikki, Gequita Walker-Edinger, along with nieces, nephews, other relatives and many dear friends. He was preceded in death by his parents; first wife; son, Allen Lee Fortenberry Bartels; brother, Thomas Fortenberry and sister, Winnie Lou Donihoo. Casketbearers will be Travis Allen, Shane Herring, B. J. Haggard, J. D. Fortenberry, Devian Fortenberry and Dillian Fortenberry. Private graveside services for Patricia (Bagwell) Tramell, an Atoka resident, were held November 18, 2014 at Westview Cemetery in Atoka. Arrangements were under the direction of Brown’s Funeral Service of Atoka. Ms. Tramell was born March 29, 1934 to Amos and Pearl (Billingsley) Bagwell at Atoka and passed away November 15, 2014 at Atoka at the age of 79. She graduated from Atoka High School in 1952, and then attended Oklahoma A&M College. On May 15, 1952 she married Ben “Scoot” Tramell in Atoka. He preceded her in death December 1, 2000. Patricia was a homemaker and was a mem- ber of the First United Methodist Church in Atoka. She loved bowling, golf and was a member of Red Rose Garden Club. Patricia enjoyed traveling, spending time with children and was always involved in her activities. Survivors include two sons, John Tramell and Robert Tramell, both of Atoka; daughter, Linda Nickles and husband, Marty of Auburn, KS; grandchildren Melinda Nickles, Kayla Nickles and Cody Nickles, all of Auburn, KS; along with other relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by her parents; husband, Scoot Tramell and sister, Juanita Rogers. Graveside Service Held for Patricia Tramell It’s Poinsettia Time! Don’t miss out! If you want to order a potted poinsettia from Coal County 4-H, the deadline is Friday, November 28. These are beautiful 10” potted red poinsettias with lots of blooms for only $20. They are very large, with rich and brilliant red blooms of excellent quality at a great price. They would retail for at least $50-$75. Payment must be given at time of order. The poinsettias will be available for pickup at the Coal County Fair Barn in early December. Orders may be placed with any Coal County 4-H member or the Coal County Cooperative Extension Office. The telephone number is 9272262. All proceeds from this fundraiser are used to sponsor 4-H programs and events in Coal County. Oklahoma State University, U.S. Department of Agriculture, State and Local Governments Cooperating. The Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service offers its programs to all eligible persons regardless of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, disability, or status as a veteran, and is an equal opportunity employer. FOR ALL YOUR PHYSICAL THERAPY NEEDS Suffering from pain, weakness or joint stiffness? Having difficulty getting around? We can help. Call or stop by for a free screening or just for some friendly advice. Steve Penney, PT 1004 S Broadway, Coalgate. ~ 580-927-9121 COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—NOVEMBER 19, 2014—PAGE A-5 Service Held for Dennis “Denny” Hilburn Funeral services for Dennis Dewayne “Denny” Hilburn, a lifelong Wapanucka, OK resident, were held Friday, November 14, 2014 at 2:00 p.m. at the Wapanucka High School Cafeteria. Interment was in Rose Hill Cemetery in Wapanucka with Brown’s Funeral Service of Atoka in charge of arrangements. Mr. Hilburn was born October 1, 1949 to James and Helen Vonice (Cartwright) Hilburn at Wapanucka and passed away November 12, 2014 at Wapanucka at the age of 65. He attended Wapanucka High School and married Kelli Denise (Foster) June 11, 1979 in Tishomingo. Denny was a retired truck driver, and helped operate Kelli’s Kitchen in Wapanucka. He was of the Baptist faith and was a member of Wapanucka Baptist church. Denny was an avid OU fan, loved doing mechanic work, loved to cook and drag race. He also loved spending time with the grand babies, loved to fish and was a member of the Choctaw Gaming Club. Survivors include his wife, Kelli Denise Hilburn of the home in Wapanucka; sons, Travis Hilburn and wife, Ashley of Wapanucka, Bryan Hilburn also of Wapanucka; grandchildren, Zane, Faith, Grace, Carter and Mia Hilburn; brother, Clay Hilburn and wife, Christine of Wapanucka; mother-in-law, Marg Foster of Bromide; in-laws, Kim Wood and husband, Pat of Ada, Lisa Foster of Wapanucka, Steve Foster and wife, Lisa of Bromide, Stacy Foster and wife, Kim of Coleman, Kristi Green of Bromide, along with numerous nieces, nephews, cousins, other relatives and many dear and loved friends. He was preceded in death by his parents; brothers, Mike and Robby Dale Hilburn; father-in-law, Pete Foster; sisters-in-law, Angel Sartin and Debbie Parnell. Casketbearers were Sid Gloyne, Tommy Brooks, Ward Wallis, Boyd McGuire, Kenneth Cleveland and Brandon Hall. Honorary bearers were Robin Smith, Marvin Smith, Steve Foster, Stacy Foster, Chad Hilburn, Guy Sartin and Ronnie Plumley. 3224 Hwy 48 in Holdenville - (405)379-5424 Graveside Service Held for Rosalie Jenkins Graveside services for Rosalie (Thomas) Jenkins, a Purcell resident, formerly of Coalgate were held Wednesday (today), November 19, 2014 at 11:00 a.m. at Coalgate Cemetery with Mr. Lloyd McElhaney officiating. Brown’s Funeral Service of Coalgate was in charge of arrangements. R o s a l i e was born October 11, 1931 in Coalgate, OK to Ralph and Ella Taylor Thomas and passed away November 14, 2014 at her home in Purcell at the age of 83. She grew up in Coalgate and graduated from Coalgate High school, class of 1949. Rosalie started out as a beauty operator after high school and moved to Oklahoma City where she met and married Aubrey Jenkins, also from Coalgate, February 14, 1956. She began working as a long distance operator on a switchboard at Southwestern Bell Telephone Company where she eventually retired, after 33 years of loyal service. Rosalie and Aubrey were half owners of the Post 29 Mobile Home Park in MWC, OK and the Garden Oaks Mobile Home Park in OKC. They had raised cows and with the help of her son, Randy, she has kept the cattle business going after Aubrey’s death. She had the knack to attract homeless animals of all kinds for as long as anyone can remember, and there was always enough food and love for one more. After Aubrey’s death in 1983, she eventually sold her home in Moore and moved to Purcell on a farm and at one time also lived in Coalgate part time where she enjoyed seeing old friends and dancing at the local dances. Rosalie died peacefully with her son, Randy and her faithful dog, Bud by her side. She is survived by her two children, son Randy Jenkins of Purcell and daughter, Angie Jenkins Long and husband, Randal, Clarita Community Center Hosts Blood Drive November 26 As Bedlam nears, Oklahoma Blood Institute (OBI) and Clarita Community Center are giving area residents the opportunity to get their game on. Each donor from 3 to 7 p.m., Wednesday, November 26, will receive the choice of an OU or OSU Tshirt. All donors will be entered to win a pair of tickets to the 2014 Bedlam football game in Norman. All healthy adults, 16 years and older**, are encouraged to give. Donations take about an hour and can be made every 56 days. Oklahoma Blood Institute is Oklahoma’s blood center, exclusively providing every drop of blood needed by patients in 141 medical facilities across the state. Donors can opt to forgo the T-shirts. Funds designated for them will be directed to an international charity, Global Blood Fund. It is a nonprofit that provides blood center technology and supplies to struggling blood centers around the world so they can meet local needs through voluntary blood donation. “As we get fired up for this great Bedlam rivalry, surely we can get just as passionate about saving lives of our neighbors and friends,” said John Armitage, M.D., Oklahoma Blood Institute president and CEO. “People are counting on us to step up and give.” Appointments are encouraged and can be made at or by calling 877340-8777. and only grandson, Timothy Long of Moore, OK; her double cousin, Bettie Thomas Levingston as well as her Eddings family nieces and nephew. Preceding her in death were her parents; husband; and sister, Evelyn Aline Thomas Eddings. She was buried in the Coalgate Cemetery next to Aubrey; the same cemetery where her and Aubrey’s parents and other family members are buried. EAT BETTER. MOVE MORE. BE TOBACCO FREE. WALK OUT, SMOKE OUT, COOK OUT GASO EVENT 2014 Head County Fair Headout outto toCoal Coalgate Park for Barn the Great American Smokeout on November 20th. We’ll have booths and activities that will help families learn how to: • Get moving • Eat better • Promote tobacco-free environments Plus, enjoy FREE turkey dogs, chips and drinks! PARK COALCOALGATE COUNTY FAIR BARN NOVEMBER 20, 2014 3:30-5:30PM Sponsored by the Atoka/Coal Partnership for Change Coalition 578 579 PAGE A-6—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—NOVEMBER 19, 2014 Commissioners’ Proceedings The Board of County Commissioners of Coal County met for a regular scheduled meeting on Monday, November 3rd, 2014 at 9:00 a.m. in the conference room of the County Commissioners Building. Michael Hensley called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. Roll was called by Michael Hensley. Those present were: Michael Hensley, Chairman, Johnny Ward, Vice-chairman, Brock Jones, Member, and Eugina Loudermilk, County Clerk. Invocation was given by Johnny Ward. Guests present were: State Representative Donnie Condit and Sheriff Bryan Jump. Johnny Ward made a motion to approve the minutes from the previous meeting. Brock Jones seconded. Ward, Jones and Hensley approved. Johnny Ward made a motion to approve the county officialsʼ October monthly reports for the offices of the Assessor, County Clerk, Treasurer, Health Department, and Sheriff. Brock Jones seconded. Ward, Jones and Hensley approved. Brock Jones made a motion to approve blanket purchase orders for November. Johnny Ward seconded. Jones, Ward and Hensley approved the following: November, 2014 PO# VENDOR ACCOUNT AMOUNT BLANKET PO'S 1695 KOUNTRY STORE B-8 $2,000.00 1696 OK DEPT OF SAFETY B-8 $350.00 1697 PEC B-8 $25.00 1698 RICKS OIL B-8 $1,500.00 1699 FAMILY DOLLAR B-8 $400.00 1700 C&C B-8 $50.00 1701 McNUTT AUTO B-8 $300.00 1702 CIRCLE N B-8 $175.00 1703 SONNY'S B-5 $600.00 1704 GUDERIAN FOOD B-5 $900.00 1705 RICKS OIL T-2A#1 $3,500.00 1706 C&C T-2A#1 $1,000.00 1707 KOUNTRY STORE T-2A#1 $9,000.00 1708 FITTSTONE T-2A#1 $5,000.00 1709 HALLS AUTO T-2A#1 $500.00 1710 BLESSING GRAVEL T-2A#1 $5,000.00 1711 PEC T-2A#1 $125.00 1712 COALGATE FUELS T-2A#2 $5,500.00 1713 MISTY VALLEY WATER COMPANY T-2A#2 $100.00 1714 RICKS OIL T-2A#2 $1,000.00 1715 C&C HARDWARE T-2A#2 $500.00 1716 RED ROCK PIT T-2A#2 $1,500.00 1717 C&C HARDWARE T-2A#3 $700.00 1718 RICKS OIL T-2A#3 $1,500.00 1719 COALGATE FUELS T-2A#3 $7,000.00 1720 MILLER MART T-2A#3 $5,000.00 1721 PEC T-2A#3 $145.00 1722 BLESSING GRAVEL T-2A#3 $4,500.00 1723 CLARITA OLNEY WATER DEPT. T-2A#3 $30.00 1724 DOLESE T-2A#3 $4,000.00 1725 SONNYS S-C-2 $700.00 1726 CLARITA OLNEY WATER DEPT. S-C-2 $20.00 1727 AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER S-C-2 $150.00 1728 COUNTRYSIDE VALUES S-C-2 $600.00 1729 CHARLES STOVER S-C-2 $380.00 1730 SONNYS S-C-3 $200.00 1731 AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER S-C-3 $250.00 1732 CENTERPOINT S-C-3 $150.00 1733 SONNYS S-C-4 $500.00 1734 PEC S-C-4 $500.00 1735 FAMILY DOLLAR S-C-4 $50.00 1736 AT&T S-C-4 $35.00 1737 CENTERPOINT ENERGY S-C-4 $150.00 1738 DORIS KAHLE S-C-4 $625.00 1739 C&C HARDWARE R-2 $100.00 1740 RICKS OIL R-5 $250.00 1741 TINA STOWE MD-2 $350.00 1742 C&C MD-2 $100.00 1743 1744 FAMILY DOLLAR C&C MD-2 CD-4 $150.00 $100.00 There were no transfers of appropriations. Johnny Ward made a motion to approve the purchase orders for payment. seconded. Ward, Jones and Hensley approved the following: Fiscal Year: Payments by Fund Approved 2014-2015 From: 10/28/2014 To: 11/6/2014 Warrant No. Vendor Name 911 COLLECTIONS 19 AT&T U-VERSE 20 WINDSTREAM Amount Purpose $105.00 $461.32 SERVICE SERVICE C & C HARDWARE $34.98 11 STAPLES CREDIT PLAN $407.46 12 GE CONSUMER FINANCE $388.76 BLANKET EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SUPPLIES SUPPLIES $24.15 $50.00 $166.50 $262.85 $24.36 $10.50 $47.60 $14.84 $63.74 $318.34 $87.50 SUPPLIES REPAIRS SUPPLIES SERVICE PUBLICATION SUPPLIES SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE $785.00 CONSTRUCTION SERVICE $125.00 $24.06 $75.00 $75.00 $88.80 SERVICE BLANKET SERVICE SERVICE BLANKET $75,564.77 TAX COLLECTION $23.37 $509.95 $81.25 $35.00 $57.91 $240.40 $17.05 $271.00 $8.75 $43.30 497 FAMILY DOLLAR STORE $62.00 498 499 500 501 502 AT&T AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER TERMINIX PEST CONTROL CLEMENS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY C & C HARDWARE AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER PEOPLES ELECTRIC CO-OP FAMILY DOLLAR STORE COLLINS, TWYLA $1,152.38 $193.02 $194.12 $90.04 $90.00 BLANKET PO OFFICE SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES SERVICE SUPPLIES PUBLICATION PUBLICATION PUBLICATION SHIPPING SERVICE COMMISSIONER SUPPLIES SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE $19,330.00 SERVICE $56.97 $52.30 $69.13 $33.65 $125.00 SUPPLIES SERVICE SERVICE SUPPLIES SERVICE 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 CLARITA OLNEY WATER PEOPLES ELECTRIC CO-OP COURT CLERK REVOLVING CASH FUND SOUTHWESTERN STATIONARY 17 BANK SUPPLU INC. & DRUG COURT CASH FUND 47 AT&T 48 SPRINGHOUSE WATER 49 HUMPHREY, JUSTIN $12.50 $225.16 BLANKET BLANKET $273.17 SUPPLIES $301.89 $85.91 $1,500.00 SERVICE WATER SALARY $450.00 ESTIMATE PREP $68.10 SUPPLIES $23.95 $70.77 $110.98 $58.73 $45.99 $36.16 $68.97 $34.70 $100.00 $104.96 SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SUPPLIES SERVICE SERVICE INMATE CARE SERVICE SUPPLIES EMS 1A & 2 & 1C CASH ACCT. WILSON DOTSON & ASSOCIATES F-3 COUNTY CLERKS LIEN FEE ACCT 37 KELLPRO COMPUTER SOLUTIONS GENERAL BUDGET ACCT. 570 ADA PAPER CO. 571 STAPLES CREDIT PLAN 572 STAPLES CREDIT PLAN 573 STAPLES CREDIT PLAN 574 STAPLES CREDIT PLAN 575 AT&T 576 AT&T 577 PALACE DRUG 578 COALGATE FIRE DEPT 579 STAPLES CREDIT PLAN COAST TO COAST COMPUTER SERVICE SUPPLIES $259.98 SUPPLIES $75.35 $52.15 $40.00 $40.65 $166.00 $78.05 $56.03 SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE REGISTRATION REIMBURSEMENT REIMBURSEMENT HIGHWAY 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 948 949 950 BLUE LINE RENTAL JAMES SUPPLIES & RENTAL CO O REILLY AUTO PARTS HISLE BROS. INC ENGELS SAND PIT ALLENS TRUCK & TIRE SHARE CORP. RED ROCK PIT DOUBLE S LUMBER O REILLY AUTO PARTS YOUNG, BETTY MCNUTT AUTO REPAIR C & C HARDWARE O REILLY AUTO PARTS ARAMARK O REILLY AUTO PARTS CERTIFIED LABS C & C HARDWARE BLESSING GRAVEL LLC HISLE BROS. INC ATOKA AUTO PARTS WELCH STATE BANK SHAMROCK BANK FIRSTBANK TEXOMA UTILITY EQUIPMENT INC DIRECT DISCOUNT TIRE STAPLES CREDIT PLAN $308.56 $124.50 $166.39 $37.91 $60.00 $879.50 $232.89 $541.05 $46.80 $25.42 $1,000.00 $368.00 $55.98 $24.30 $53.22 $115.39 $1,159.80 $470.93 $3,729.18 $224.48 $336.72 $5,821.17 $6,320.81 $17,969.47 $773.72 $793.71 $53.95 DIST 1 RENTAL DIST 1 OXYGEN DIST 1 SUPPLIES DIST 1 PARTS DIST 1 SAND DIST 1 REPAIRS DIST 2 SUPPLIES DIST 2 BLANKET DIST 2 CEMENT DIST 2 PARTS DIST 2 DIRT DIST 2 TIRES DIST 2 SUPPLIES DIST 2 SUPPLIES DIST 2 SUPPLIES DIST 2 PARTS DIST 2 SUPPLIES DIST 3 EQUIPMENT DIST 3 BLANKET DIST 3 FREIGHT DIST 3 BATTERIES RENTALS RENTALS RENTALS DIST 1 PARTS DIST 1 TIRES DIST 1 OFFICE SUPPLIES 580 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 PEOPLES ELECTRIC CO-OP CENTERPOINT ENERGY ARKLA VYVE BROADBAND AT&T AT&T ARAMARK C & C HARDWARE DOLESE CO JB RANCHES O REILLY AUTO PARTS COALGATE FUELS C & C HARDWARE O REILLY AUTO PARTS WINDSTREAM B&S SUPPLIES CLARITA OLNEY WATER PEOPLES ELECTRIC CO-OP $125.00 $85.66 $78.09 $36.16 $69.85 $53.22 $15.97 $333.42 $750.00 $5.29 $286.44 $28.95 $57.59 $64.41 $299.19 $26.20 $145.00 DIST 1 BLANKET DIST 2 SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE DIST 2 SHOP SUPPLIES DIST 2 SUPPLIES DIST 2 GRAVEL DIST 2 LABOR DIST 2 SUPPLIES DIST 2 FUEL DIST 2 BOLTS DIST 2 PARTS DIST 3 SERVICE DIST 3 SHOP SUPPLIES DIST 3 BLANKET DIST 3 BLANKET LAW LIBRARY 12 LAW LIBRARY REVOLVING FUND $229.48 TRANSFER OF FUNDS MD-1A MD-1C MD-2 HEALTH BUDGET ACCT 61 ECOM FOLDERS 62 COALGATE MINI STORAGE 63 QUILL CORP 64 PUBLIC WORKS AUTH 65 DIRECT TV 66 CENTERPOINT ENERGY ARKLA 67 AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER 69 PITNEY BOWES INC 70 C & C HARDWARE 71 FAMILY DOLLAR STORE 72 STOWE, TINA 73 MAGBY, CARMINIA $121.58 $35.00 $389.88 $56.72 $88.98 $27.98 $393.37 $174.00 $10.99 $98.40 $350.00 $184.24 SUPPLIES RENTALS SUPPLIES SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE HEALTH DEPT LEASE BLANKET BLANKET BLANKET TRAVEL $222.52 PAPER SUPPLIES $33.65 SERVICE $226.00 SUPPLIES RESALE PROPERTY SOUTHWESTERN STATIONARY 10 BANK SUPPLU, INC. 11 AT&T SO-6 ASSESSORS HARDWARE UPGRADE 1 COUNTY RECORD INC CD-4 10 COUNTY SALES TAX 469 C & C HARDWARE 470 BOBBYS MUFFLER SHOP 471 SHIPMAN COMMUNICATIONS 472 US CELLULAR 473 RECORD REGISTER 474 C & C HARDWARE 475 CENTERPOINT ENERGY ARKLA 476 CENTERPOINT ENERGY ARKLA 477 CENTERPOINT ENERGY ARKLA 478 AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER 479 SOUTHEASTERN ALARM CO. CLEMENS CONSTRUCTION 480 COMPANY 481 COLLINS, TWYLA 482 CENTERPOINT ENERGY ARKLA 483 COSLOW, SHAYLYN 484 COSLOW, SHAYLYN 485 AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER COAL COUNTY HEALTHCARE 486 AUTHORITY 487 PEOPLES ELECTRIC CO-OP 488 STAPLES CREDIT PLAN 489 STAPLES CREDIT PLAN 490 AT&T U-VERSE 491 GE CONSUMER FINANCE 492 RECORD REGISTER 493 RECORD REGISTER 494 RECORD REGISTER 495 LEGAL DIRECTORIES PUB. 496 CENTERPOINT ENERGY ARKLA 2 Brock Jones $100.00 $104.96 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 COALGATE FIRE DEPT STAPLES CREDIT PLAN COAST TO COAST COMPUTER PRODUCTS INC AT&T AT&T TREVATHAN, BONNIE AT&T WYNDHAM GARDEN HOTEL HEFLEY, CHERRY WILLIAMS, JOYCE OFFICE Johnny Ward made a motion to approve resolutions to declare surplus the following equipment: 2003 Ford Crown Victoria Vin 2FAFP71W83X221570 1998 Ford Crown Victoria Vin 2FAFP71W2WX127074 1999 Ford Crown Victoria Vin 2FAFP71W4XX236184 Brock Jones seconded. Ward, Jones and Hensley approved. Johnny Ward made a motion to approve a resolution to allow Clarita Rural Fire Department to sell a 1999 GMC 6500, Vin 1GDJ7H1C2XJ507795 to Summit Volunteer Fire Department in Muskogee, OK for $25,000. Brock Jones seconded. Ward, Jones and Hensley approved. Two bids were received for a Livescan fingerprinting machine for the Sheriffʼs office. Bids were opened and tabulated as follows: Crossmatch Technologies Total bid $26,318.03 *bid covers first year of maintenance support only Post-warranty maintenance: 12 mos. 24 mos. Scanner Hardward: $1304.63 $2478.80 Enrollment Software: $272.03 $516.85 Submission Software: $90.68 $172.28 Peripherals: $272.03 $544.05 Totals: $1939.37 $3711.98 DataWorks Plus Total Bid $23,918.00 *bid covers first year of standard warranty and maintenance Post-warranty maintenance: $3,348.00, renewed in 12-month increments At the request of Sheriff Jump, Johnny Ward made a motion to table the award of the bid to allow the sheriff time to review the bid packets. Brock Jones seconded. Ward, Jones and Hensley approved and tabled the item until the next meeting. The next item on the agenda was to go out for bids to remodel the old District Attorneyʼs office to convert it to a jury room. Johnny Ward said it will probably be under the bid amount of $15,000, but it would probably be best to bid the project. He said the work to be done is to tear out carpeting and lay a new ceramic tile floor, cut out door from the courtroom into the jury room, remove a partition wall, paint and replace ceiling tiles. Hensley said he wanted to go over the specifications very close so that the bid doesnʼt not go over 5 or 6 thousand dollars. Ward made a motion to go out for bids on the project. Jones th seconded. Ward, Jones and Hensley approved. Bids will be opened November 24 . Old Business: Brock Jones asked about the last remodel job that was done in the new District Attorneyʼs office. He noted that the project went over the bid by almost $6,000. Ward said the Assistant District Attorney added new lights, rubber bases, new outlets and covers, and crown molding around the windows. Hensley asked if the ADA signed off on the additional work. Clerk Loudermilk said she took the invoice to him to verify the additional work and he signed off on it, so it is included with the weekly purchase orders. Hensley said if he approved it, then he didnʼt have a problem with signing off on it. Jones said the next time the county has a project bid, it needs to be closer than that. Ward said there is always extra things that come up in a project that isn't foreseen when the bid is originally done. Jones said he felt that any additional work outside of the scope that was originally contracted should be approved in a meeting. Hensley said the OSU agreement has already been approved, but needs to be signed. He said in a previous meeting, it had been discussed that they would tweak the wording to say that the county would pay the utilities, such as the electric, gas and water, but that OSU would pay the phone and internet bills. He said Claud Bess had called him and said if the wording was tweaked, it would have to be done in all 77 counties because it was a state wide contract. Hensley said it was approved in the minutes of a meeting what each department would be responsible for, so he felt that the Board could go ahead and sign off on the agreement. New Business: Ward said the City of Coalgate has agreed to share the cost of advertising the surplus auction. Coalgate will pay for the advertisement in the Ada paper and the county will pay for the advertising in both Coalgate and Atoka newspapers. State Representative Donnie Condit suggested that the county list the routine business items under a consent agenda, which would require a one-time vote and save time. He said any board member can request an item be moved for discussion if needed. He said it is a time saver during longer meetings. Brock Jones made a motion to adjourn at 9:38 p.m. Johnny Ward seconded the motion. Jones, Ward and Hensley approved. ______________________________ _____________________________ Michael Hensley, Chairman Johnny Ward, Vice-chairman _____________________________ ______________________________ Brock Jones, Member Attest: Eugina Loudermilk, County Clerk LEGAL NOTICE OF NEEDS LPXLP & (Published in the Coalgate Record Register November 12 & 19, 2014, 2t) TIB – THE INDEPENDENT BANKERS BANK, Plaintiff, v. MICKEY PALMER; TERRI PALMER; JOHN DOE, OCCUPANT; AND GE MONEY BANK, Defendants. CJ-2014-13 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE NOTICE IS GIVEN TO Mickey Palmer; Terri Palmer; John Doe, Occupant; GE Money Bank that on December 22, 2014, at 10:00 o’clock, a.m., at the front of the County Courthouse in Coalgate, Coal County, Oklahoma, the Sheriff of said County will offer for sale and sell for cash at public auction to the highest and best bidder, with appraisement, all that certain real estate in Coal County, Oklahoma, to wit: LOT 4, BLOCK 125, CITY OF COALGATE, COAL COUNTY, STATE OF OKLAHOMA. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 207 S. Newell Street, Coalgate, OK 74538 subject to taxes and tax sales, said property being duly appraised at $40,000.00. Sale will be made pursuant to an Order of Sale issued upon a judgment entered in the District Court of Coal County, Oklahoma, in case No. C-2014-13, wherein TIB – The Independent Bankers Bank is Plaintiff and Mickey Palmer and Terri Palmer are Defendants to satisfy said judgment in the sum of $46,565.71 together with interest at 7.875% per annum from March 1, 2013, including late charges, $1,800.00 for attorney’s fee, $225.00 advances for title search, taxes, insurance, property preservation and all costs of this action accrued and accruing. WITNESS MY HAND this 7th day of November, 2014. Bryan Jump Coal County Sheriff By:S)Bobby Hatton Deputy SHAPIRO & CEJDA, LLC 770 NE 63rd St. Oklahoma City, OK 731056431 (405) 848-1819 Attorneys for Plaintiff File No. 14-119175 Tigers bring 2-2 record into week’s action —Tupelo crushes visiting Calvin, drops road game to Asher Indians By HERMAN BROWN Tupelo correspondent The Tupelo Tigers will be looking to improve a 2-2 record during action this week. Coach Clay Weller’s THS team is scheduled to play at home twice this week. They will take the court at Tupelo High School on Tuesday against the Vanoss Wolves and again on Friday against the Stonewall Longhorns. Tupelo has split two games in each of the first two weeks of action during the early portion of the basketball program. The Tigers blasted the Calvin Bulldogs by 43 points on Veterans Day evening, notching a commanding 77-34 victory. However, THS was on the wrong end of an 18-point decision on Friday. Coach Weller’s squad fell 55-37 on the road against the Asher Indians. On Tuesday, Tupelo set the tone in the first quarter in the easy win over Calvin. The Tigers bounced out to a 20-10 lead in the first quarter. They went on to outscore the visitors 22-3 in the second quarter for a 42-13 advantage. The Tigers outscored the visitors 16-8 in the third period and 19-13 down the stretch. The full effort extended the final margin to 43 points at 77-34. A dozen different Tigers scored in the game. Caleb Watson led the balanced attack with 11 points. Bry Bratcher followed with 10. Ben Meek just missed double digits with 9 points. Joshua Gragg was next on the long list of scorers with 8 points. See the complete list below. Tupelo pumped in 8 treys in the win. Bratcher and Dalton Barnes connected on a pair of 3-balls each. The others connecting on treys were Watson, Pendleton, Miller and McLean. Coach Weller was happy with the performance of his Tupelo players. “They played much cleaner than we had in the previous 2 games,” he said. “Everybody got minutes and everyone scored, so that’s always nice to see. I really liked our half court defense and our aggressive approach.” On Friday, the performance was not nearly as smooth. Tupelo was beaten 55-37 at Asher High School to even the win-loss total to 2-2 on the season. The teams were tied 9-9 after one quarter of play. Asher then opened a 20-14 edge going into the halftime break. The Indians extended the lead to 36-28 at the end of the third quarter. But, with only a singledigit deficit facing them, the Tigers were still very much in the game. Asher refused to surrender the lead. Instead, they outscored the visitors 19-9 to blow open the 18-point margin of victory at 55-37. Joshua Gragg produced Tupelo’s only double-digit showing in the game with 10 points. Coach Weller pointed to turnovers and cold shooting on the long-range shots as the downfalls for his Tigers. “The 22 turnovers and 2-19 on 3-point shooting is a recipe for losing,” the coach said. “The bottom line, top to bottom, we’ve all got to make adjustments and improvements. It’s still early and I believe in my players.” --AT A GLANCE Nov. 11 @ Tupelo Tupelo 77, Calvin 34 Calvin - 10 - 3 - 8 - 13 - (34) Tupelo - 20 - 22 - 16 - 19 – (77) --Pontotoc Conference Dec. 1-6 @ Stonewall --Dec. 9 @ Stuart Dec. 12 @ Milburn Dec. 16 vs. Sasakwa Jan. 6 vs. Allen * Jan. 9 @ Coleman Jan. 13 vs. Earlsboro Jan. 16 @ Roff * Jan. 19-24 @ Roff Tournament Feb. 3 vs. Wapanucka Feb. 9 @ Victory Life Feb. 10 vs. Kiowa *Conference games. --Playoffs District Tournament COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—NOVEMBER 19, 2014—PAGE A-7 Jackie Cooksey Medical Benefit December 6th Lehigh Community Center We are selling tickets on a “Brand neW” Henry “Golden Boy” 22 caliBer lever action rifle to help with medical and travel expenses for Jackie cooksey while she is waiting for a liver transplant. Hamburgers & Hot Dogs starting at............. 11:00 Drawing for rifle at......................................... 5:30 Bingo at.......................................................... 6:00 Tickets are $5 ea. or 5 Tickets for $20 Drawing will be December 6th For Tickets call Ricky at 580-775-3467 or Rachel at 580-927-0695 Call Buddy for donations 927-0437 Tupelo scoring: Watson 11, Bratcher 10, Meek 9, Gragg 8, Pardue 7, D Barnes 7, McLean 7, McCollum 6, Pendleton 5, Miller 3, Hogue 2, Leland 2. Calvin scoring: Iker 8, Bear 6, Halman 5, Ward 5, Turpin 5, Bain 3, Flowers 2. 3-point scoring Tupelo (8) - Bratcher 2, Barnes 2, Watson, Pendleton, Millerand McLean. Calvin (5) - Iker 2, Ward, Turpin and Bain. --Nov. 14 @ Asher Asher 55, Tupelo 37 Tupelo - 9 - 5 - 14 - 9 - (37) Asher - 9 - 11 - 16 - 19 - (55) Tupelo scoring: Gragg 10, Barnes 6, Watson 5, Hogue 3, McCollum 3, Bratcher 3, Pardue 3, Meek 2, McLean 2. Asher scoring: Johnson 15, Fowler 12, Dubler 9, Fleming 8, Patton 4, Pence 3, Pybas 2, Carpenter 2. 3-Point Shooting Asher: Fowler, Dubler and Pence. Tupelo: Bratcher and Hogue. --Tupelo Tigers schedule Nov. 4 @ Stringtown, won 5950 Nov. 7 @ Wanette, lost 43-34 Nov. 11 vs. Calvin, won 77-34 Nov. 14 @ Asher, lost 55-37 Nov. 18 vs. Vanoss Nov. 21 vs. Stonewall * Ready For Some Fall Weather? Come See Our New Inventory! Great Sale Prices on Jeans! Miranda Callicoat - Hair Stylist Models some new Fall Clothes at Pizazz...Come see her Tuesday-Friday, 10-4, Mondays and Saturdays by appointment. Offers: Color, Cut, Style Makeup, Mani and Pedis, Gelish Nails. Cell # 580-239-0311 Malisa Sweeney - Hair Stylist Models some lovely Palazzo Pants. She does cuts, colors Monday-Wednesday; Thursday-Friday (by appointment only.) Cell # 580-399-2916 BIG CITY FASHION . . . SMALL TOWN PRICE Great Plus Size Dresses, Shirts (Also Junior Plus Sizes) Dress With Pizazz and Family Hair Care Center 314 E. Court • Atoka, OK 74525 (580) 889-7704 Owner: Barbara Callicoat HOURS: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Be friends with us on Facebook! See photos of what’s new! PAGE A-8—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—NOVEMBER 19, 2014 Thank You Thank you very much for your votes in the recent School Board Election. I appreciate your confidence. You have placed your trust in me. The children of this school district are my top priority for they are our future. Please contact me with any concerns you may have. Wardville Pie Supper December 1st ~ 7:00 pm Wardville Community Center Thank You OLNEY REUNION 2014 — O.N. Riley, Clarita, visits with Sandra Leonard Dacus and Sandra’s daughter, Susan Hughes. Sandra and Susan live in Duncan, OK. Sandra is a member of the Olney HS graduation class of 1955. O.N. graduated from Olney in 1953. For all your support and help during our BBQ Fund Raiser to help us build our church. It was greatly appreciated. Genealogical Society Holds Regular Meeting God Bless from the Jesus Name Church Family Cottonwood School sponsored by the Library. Both meetings were very successful and well attended with over 40 people at each meeting. President Verdell is doing much better and taking care of some of his business and going out to eat each day to Brandin’ Iron. Bill needs more family stories for the December/ Christmas newsletter. New officers will be nominated at the next meeting. The society still has copies of the reprinted Volume I and the new Volume II Coal County History Books. They make great gifts and contain a lot of information on Coal Happy Thanksgiving! The Coal County Genealogical Society’s monthly meeting was held on Monday, November 10, 2014 in the Coal County Library. Members in attendance were: Lorene Caruthers, Elsie Rumley, Berniece Crane, Julia Hampton, Bill Wilson, Bill Avanzini and Leona Mastan. There have been several visitors and requests for records and etc. Elsie continues with family research. Ms. Roda would like to thank all the members of the Society for their help with the “Dust Bowl” and “Depression Days” program l Pie Aucti a u on n n A Cake Walk Silent Auction & Pie Auction Thursday, November 20th Cottonwood Gym Cake Walk begins at 6:00 Silent Auction 6:30 Pie Auction begins at 7:00 (Proceeds go to Cottonwood School students Christmas) % 30OFF UP TO LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED THURS., NOVEMBER 20 TH ALL KENMORE APPLIANCES ® THRU WED., NOVEMBER 26 , 2014 TH 1 40% SAVE $540 45% OFF ON THE PAIR OFF 44999 $ 4.3 EA. Kenmore 4.3 cu. ft. 37% OFF cubic feet capacity washer 02625132 Reg. 719.99 ea. Kenmore 7.0 cu. ft. capacity electric dryer 02665132 Gas dryer priced higher. REFRIGERATED DRAWER 50% OFF SAVE $600 ON THE PAIR 59999 $ SAVE $110 $ 479 99 Kenmore® 18-cu. ft.† refrigerator 04660412 Reg. 589.99 SAVE $740 109999 $ $ Kenmore 28-cu. ft.† 1999 OFF STEAM Samsung 7.5 cu. ft. french door refrigerator with fresh storage drawer 04672383 Reg. 3699.99 Additional discounts and offers do not apply. 33% capacity front load washer with steam 02646442/WF42H5200AW Reg. 899.99 ea. 99 Kenmore 26-cu. ft.† french door refrigerator with ice maker 04670413 Reg. 1839.99 EA. Samsung® 4.2 cu. ft. SAVE $1700 12¢ per save $20, load sale 19.99 ™ Ultra Plus 175-load liquid detergent 0321123 STEAM capacity electric dryer with steam 02686442/DV42H5200EW Gas dryer priced higher. Optional pedestals sold separately. Additional discounts and offers do not apply. 4.2 cubic feet (1) Advertised savings are valid in-store only and range from 5%-30%. (1,3) Exclusions apply. See below for details. Offers good thru 11/26/14. (4) See below for offer details and for Important Special Financing/Deferred Interest Details. Offer good thru 11/26/14. †Total capacity. On all appliances: Colors, connectors, ice maker hook-up and installation extra. 24MONTHS % 20OFF EXTRA SPECIAL FINANCING 4 20% OFF OFF 44 CRAFTSMAN POWER LAWN ‡ & GARDEN 99 SAVE $40 Advertised savings are valid in-store only and range from 5%-20%. Offer excludes Everyday Great Price items, clearance, closeout, generators, accessories and attachments. Offer good thru 11/26/14. ‡ VIP EVENT saving� blower/vac 07174899 SAVE $25 In participating stores. Local curbside delivery. Additional fees may apply. See store for details. 25% Craftsman® electric ® WITH YOUR SEARS CARD WITH YOUR SEARS CARD SAVE $15 $ FREE DELIVERY ON APPLIANCES OVER $499 ALL APPLIANCES3 ON ALL APPLIANCES OVER $499 WITH A QUALIFYING SEARS CARD UP TO 5% OFF 20% FOR ALL SEASONS OFF 9999 $ 15999 $ Craftsman 18-in. 42cc gas chain saw with case 07134190 SAVE $80 199 $ Craftsman 25cc 200-MPH/ 99 28% OFF Craftsman 20-in. 50cc gas 430-CFM gas blower 07179460 chain saw with case 07135098 COME IN WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26TH AND GET BLACK FRIDAY PRICING FROM 5PM-8PM Sears Hometown Stores may be independently operated by authorized dealers of Sears Authorized Hometown Stores, LLC or by authorized franchisees of Sears Home Appliance Showrooms, LLC. The SEARS mark is a service mark of Sears Brands, LLC. IMPORTANT SPECIAL FINANCING/DEFERRED INTEREST DETAILS (when offered): Interest will be charged to your account from the purchase date if the purchase balance is not paid in full within the promotional period or if you make a late payment. Minimum payments required. With credit approval, for qualifying purchases made on a Sears card (Sears Commercial One® accounts excluded) Sears Home Improvement AccountSM valid on installed sales only. Offer is only valid for consumer accounts in good standing; is subject to change without notice; see store for details. May not be combined with any other promotional offer. Sears cards: As of 8/4/2014, APR for purchases: VARIABLE 7.24%-27.24% or NON-VARIABLE 14.00%-29.99%. MINIMUM INTEREST CHARGE: UP TO $2. See card agreement for details, including the APRs and fees applicable to you. Sears cards are issued by Citibank, N.A. APPLIANCE OFFER: (1) Advertised savings are valid in-store only and range from 5%-30%. (2) Advertised savings are valid in-store only and range from 5%-10%. (1,2,3) Bosch®, Whirlpool®, KitchenAid®, Maytag®, Amana®, LG® and Samsung® appliances limited to 10% off. Offers exclude Hot Buys, Super Hot Buys, Special Purchases, Jenn-Air®, Dacor, GE®, GE Profile™, GE Café™, air conditioners, water heaters, water softeners, dehumidifiers, closeouts and Everyday Great Price items. Offers good thru 11/26/14. (3) Cannot be combined with other Sears card discounts. Excludes Sears Commercial One® accounts and Outlet Stores. Sears Home Improvement AccountSM applies on installed merchandise only. (4) Offer applies to appliances over $499 after discounts and coupons when you use a qualifying Sears card. See above for Important Special Financing/Deferred Interest Details. Excludes Outlet Stores. Offer good thru 11/26/14. Ada 1101 Lonnie Abbott Blvd Ada, Oklahoma 74820 580-332-8763 Sample text goes here. County families businesses, churches and etc. Also, they are a matched set. The Genealogical Society meets the second Monday of each month at 10:30 in the Coal County Public Library. Members and visitors are welcome. We would like to have some new members. Come join us! Our next meeting will be held on December 8, 2014 at 10:30 a.m. Coal County Genealogical Society P.O. Box 436 Coalgate, OK 74538 Phone: 580-927-1185 Email: ccgs101@yahoo. com Website: LEGAL NOTICE (Published in the Coalgate Record Register November 12 & 19, 2014, 2t) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF COAL COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA First America Bank, Stonewall, Oklahoma, Plaintiff, vs. Nathan Cunningham and the successor of Regina Cunningham, deceased, Defendants. CJ-2014-16 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE Notice is hereby given that on the 17th day of December 2014, at 10:00 o’clock a.m., at the front door of the Coal County Courthouse situated in Coalgate, Oklahoma, the undersigned Sheriff of Coal County, Oklahoma, will offer for sale and sell for cash at public auction, to the highest and best bidder, all of the following described real property with all improvements thereon situated in Coal County, Oklahoma: All of Lots 1, 2, 9, 10, 11 and 12, in Block 17, in the Town of Centrahoma, Oklahoma. (204 East 3rd, Centrahoma, Oklahoma) subject to taxes accrued since January 1, 2014, said real property having been appraised to be worth the sum of $25,000.00. This sale is being made pursuant to a Special Execution and Order of Sale issued upon a judgment rendered in the above numbered and styled cause of action in favor of the plaintiff and against the defendant, Nathan Cunningham, in the sum of $19,571.98, with interest thereon at the rate of 7 1/2% per annum from June 3, 2013, until paid, together with costs and attorney fees. Dated this 6th day of November, 2014. Bryan Jump, Sheriff Coal County, Oklahoma By:S)Bobby Hatton Deputy James R. Scrivner, P.C. 120 East 14th street Post Office Box 1373 Ada, Oklahoma 7821-1373 LPXLP COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—NOVEMBER 19, 2014—PAGE B-1 Proud Sponsor of Coalgate Wildcat Athletics All new Chrysler 200 Come see Cade!! 1109 N Broadway Ave., Ada, OK 74820 (580)332-9400 • up to $6,000 Off Wildcats fall to Leopards in Class 2A playoffs —Coach Dusty Newberry believes future is very bright for Coalgate football By HERMAN BROWN Coalgate correspondent The Coalgate High School football season ended Friday evening at Lindsay. The CHS Wildcats were eliminated from the Class 2A state playoffs on a 58-14 loss to the hosting Lindsay Leopards. The first-round setback was disappointing for Coach Dusty Newberry and his hardworking Wildcats. Even so, it does nothing to take away from the exciting turn-around the team engineered in 2014. “We were 1-9 last season,” Coach Newberry said. “To go from that to being 5-5 and making the playoffs was a wonderful accomplishment from this team. I am so proud of them and how we took such a big step forward this year. A lot of people figured we’d win one or maybe two games. Our guys proved those people wrong.” Coach Newberry praises his players for their determination to get the Wildcats back on track in football. He points to the seniors as providing strong play on the field and strong leadership for the younger players. “They (seniors) really came up big for us this season,” the coach said of seniors Ricco Bellettini, Jansyn Pebworth, Logan Layton, Gaven Ott and Chisolm Jones. “They helped us get things turned around and get back on the right track. We made the playoffs and we intend to go back to the playoffs for the next few years. I believe we have a bright future here at Coalgate High School. We won’t just settle on going to the playoffs. We will be looking to get there and stay in it for a while.” Last Friday, Lindsay proved to be too tough a foe. The Leopards scored early and often en route to a 5814 victory in the first-round showdown. Lindsay recorded a safety Position Vacancy Construction Technology Instructor Atoka Campus PRIMARY FUNCTION: This program provides students with the skills and knowledge needed to become employable in the construction industry. Training includes the use of hand and power tools, safety practices, site preparation and layout, foundations, framing and sheathing, roofing, windows and doors, exterior finish, stairs, cabinetry and interior finishing. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Applicants must possess a high school diploma/GED or higher with a minimum of five (5) years experience in construction and must be knowledgeable of all facts of the construction industry. The successful candidate must be eligible for a provisional level 1 teaching certification and be willing to obtain a Bachelor’s Degree. Career Readiness Certification are preferred but not required. The successful applicant will be required to obtain a bus driving Certificate. DEADLINE FOR APPLYING: November 26, 2014 Interviews by invitation only. A skills exercise may be required. STARTING DATE: December 10, 2014 (10-month teaching position) SALARY: Based on KTC Salary Schedule. New employee will be employed initially on a Temporary Contract. (School Laws of Oklahoma 70-6-101.23) A complete application, transcripts, educational certifications and resume’ including complete employment experience, verifiable references and other appropriate information should be sent to: Jay Warren Kiamichi Technology Centers PO Box 548, Wilburton, OK 74578 Applications may be obtained at your nearest KTC campus, in the Human Resources section at www. or by contacting [email protected] Kiamichi Technology Center does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, genetic information or disability, or veteran status. Inquiries concerning this policy may be referred to: Compliance Coordinator, PO Box 548, Wilburton, OK 74578. (888) 567-6807. at around the 8:00 in the first quarter. The defensive tally put the home team ahead 2-0. The Leopards increased the lead to 8-0 with a TD pass with about 3:00 to go in the period. Coalgate battled back to make it a close game late in the quarter. Colby Jones ran a quarterback keeper and scored on a 1-yard TD run with about 50 seconds to go. When the conversion try failed, CHS remained on the short side of an 8-6 score. Lindsay responded very quickly. The Leopards tossed a TD strike with 20 seconds remaining before the first quarter expired. The PAT kick was good, making it a 15-6 lead. The home team added three more touchdowns in the second quarter to pull away to a comfortable 36-6 halftime advantage. Lindsay ran for a TD at the 10:00 mark. The Leopards added another rushing touchdown later in the quarter. Then, with about a minute to go, the Leopards scored on defensive touchdown to swell the lead to 30 points at the break, 366. The third quarter was more of the same for the Leopards. The home team ran for a touchdown at 9:30, turned an interception into a touchdown seconds later, and added a passing touchdown with 5 minutes to go in the period. The combination of scores pushed the lead to 58-6. Coalgate would respond with a touchdown in the fourth quarter. Ricco Bellettini bolted into the end zone on a 1-yard run with 9:00 left to play. The senior running back also scored on the conversion run to make it a 58-14 game. There would be no additional scoring and Lindsay would walk away with the 58-14 playoff victory. Offensively, Coalgate would end up with 199 yards of total offense. The Wildcats rushed for 105 yards and two touchdowns on 48 carries. Coalgate would pass for 94 yards on 13 completions. Colby Jones was the workhorse in the rushing attack. The quarterback led the team in carries with 21 and in rushing yardage with 48 yards. He also scored one of the team’s two touchdowns. Kevin Lee was second in rushing yardage with 30 yards on 10 attempts. Ricco Bellettini ran 15 times for 20 yards. He finished his career with a rushing touchdown and a 2-point conversion run. Nate Hardy rounded out the rushing list with 2 carries for 7 yards. In passing, Colby Jones was 13-for 28 for 94 yards and 3 interceptions. Dakota Powell was the leading receiver with 5 catches for 46 yards. Cutter Brown followed with 2 receptions for 20 yards. Rob Penney added 2 catches for 15 yards. Nate Hardy provided 2 receptions for 7 yards. Ricco Bellettini rounded out the list with 2 receptions for 6 yards. Dakota Powell was the most active defensive player for Coalgate. Powell led the team in tackles with 13 stops. He also hauled in an interception against the Leopards. Kevin Lee had 7 tackles and forced a fumble. Rob Penney added 7 tackles and recovered a fumble. Reece Heck also logged 7 tackles. Three seniors added 5 tackles each, including Ricco Bellettini, Logan Layton and Jansyn Pebworth. After the game, Coach Newberry credited his players for the effort against such a strong opponent. “We competed for a while,” he said. “But they ended up taking over and it got away from us. There is not a lot to say about the final score. But I do believe this was a good experience for us. We had been out of the playoffs for two years. We got back into it this season and got a taste of playoff football. It was a learning opportunity and one Continued on Page B-2 —Photo by Sherry Loudermilk COALGATE VS LINDSAY — Tough Cody Brown #65 blocks for his quarterback Colby Jones #5. Flanking is David Hemphill #71. —Photo by Sherry Loudermilk COALGATE VS LINDSAY — Nate Hardy #12 and Chisolm Jones #10 both try for an interception. —Photo by Sherry Loudermilk COALGATE VS LINDSAY — Rob Penney #9 and Dakota Powell #7 team up to bring down the big boy. PAGE B-2—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—NOVEMBER 19, 2014 Wildcats fall to Leopards in Class 2A playoffs —Coach Dusty Newberry believes future is very bright for Coalgate football Spray-On Truck Liner • Enhances and protects new and used trucks • Sprayed directly onto the truck bed • Unique black textured non-slip finish seals out dirt, moisture and rust • Guaranteed not to peel, buckle or warp • It looks Awesome Charles Dove - (580)272-7014 901 Arlington • Ada • (580)332-8668 Continued from Page B-1 we’ll be better for having played. As I said before, I think the future looks very bring for this program. We’ll go into the off-season with this experience and work hard to improve for next season.” Coach Newberry wants to extend a huge thank-you to the Coalgate community for such wonderful support this season. “We have the best fans in the world,” he said. “We really appreciate all the support.” --AT A GLANCE Class 2A Playoffs Nov. 14 @ Lindsay Lindsay 58, Coalgate 14 Coalgate - 6 - 0 - 0 - 8 - (14) Lindsay - 15 - 21 - 22 - 0 (58) First Quarter Lindsay – Safety @ 8:00, 2-0 --Lindsay – TD Pass @ 3:00 (Kick failed), 8-0 —Photo by Sherry Loudermilk COALGATE VS LINDSAY — Junior linebacker Seth Walkup #24 tackles a Lindsay runner. Sophomore Nathaniel Daniel #19 makes sure the runner is down. JESUS IS COMING SOON If you are not at peace with what this means, please continue reading and follow the Lord’s very simple instructions on how to gain genuine peace in knowing you will spend eternity in heaven. We will all go somewhere for eternity when we die or when Jesus returns, whichever comes first. If you want to go to heaven to be with Jesus, you must truly believe in and confess him as your Lord and Savior, repent (turn away from) your sin, and allow him to change your heart. • There is only one way to heaven. It is through the Lord Jesus Christ. “Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father (God) except through me…” John 14:6. • He loves YOU…He turns no one away. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16. YOU ARE WHOSOEVER! • However, He never forces Himself on anyone. He waits until you invite Him into your life. “Here I am! I stand at the door (to your heart) and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in…” Revelation 3:20. • He says that we are all sinners-that we are separated from God by sin. “…for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God…” Romans 3:23. • But He willingly took our sin upon Himself when He died on the cross so that we might become God’s children through Him. “God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” 2 Corinthians 5:21. Won’t you realize that nothing in this world can fill the empty inside of you except Jesus? Then before you die or He returns, you will KNOW that you will be with Him in heaven for eternity instead of burning in hell for eternity. Either place, you will be conscious of where you are. If you have not received Him as your Lord and Savior and He returns before you die, you will be left behind in a world where His Holy Spirit has been removed. Satan will have full control. Think about how much killing, rape, lying, thieving, ugly-talking, and meanness there is in the world right now. Do you really want to be left in a world completely without God, where Satan and his demons have full control? AND THEN comes the Day of Judgment: Jesus Christ will welcome you into heaven as a good and faithful servant, or you will be cast into hell as he says, “Away from me, I never knew you.” It is 100% your choice. The fact of the matter is, you don’t know if this very moment might be your last chance. Death can come as quickly as the blink of an eye. Or His return. It is very simple. You can pray similar to this, and mean it with your whole heart: “Lord Jesus, I realize that I am a sinner, and the only way for me to be saved is to give my heart to you and stop fighting against you. I give my heart to you. You love me so much you died for me. No one else can or would ever die for me, to save my soul from hell. Thank you for giving me a new life, devoted to you. Amen.” Please choose Jesus, and find a church that teaches the gospel (true story) of Christ. He is THE ONLY WAY to be saved from hell, and to make your life abundant while you’re here. --Coalgate - Colby Jones, 1-yard run @ 0:50 (Conversion failed), 8-6 --Lindsay – TD Pass @ 0:20 (Kick good), 15-6 --Second Quarter Second Quarter - About 10 minutes to go Lindsay - Rushing TD @ 10:00 (PAT kick), 22-6 --Second Quarter - About 2 minutes to go Lindsay - Rushing TD @ 2:00 (Kick Good), 29-6 --Lindsay - Defensive TD @ 1:00 (Kick good), 36-6 --Third Quarter Lindsay - Rushing TD @ 9:30 (Kick good), 43-6 --Lindsay – Defensive TD @ 9:30 (Kick good) 50-6 --Lindsay – TD Pass @ 5:00. (2-point pass good), 58-6 --Fourth Quarter Coalgate - Ricco Bellettini, 1-yard run @ 9:00 (Bellettini run) 58-14 --INDIVIDUALS Rushing Colby Jones, 21 for 48 yards, 1 yard run TD 1 qtr Kevin Lee, 10 for 30 yards Ricco Bellettini, 15 for 20 yards, 1 yard TD, 2-point run Nate Hardy, 2 for 7 yards Team: 48 for 105, 2 TDs --Passing Colby Jones, 13-28-3 for 94 yards --TEAM Receiving Dakota Powell, 5 for 46 yards Cutter Brown, 2 for 20 yards Rob Penney, 2 for 15 yards Nate Hardy, 2 for 7 yards Ricco Bellettini, 2 for 6 yards --Rushing Touchdowns Colby Jones, 1 Ricco Bellettini, 1 --2-point conversion Ricco Bellettini, 1 --DEFENSE Tackles & other Dakota Powell, 13, interception Kevin Lee, 7, forced fumble Rob Penney, 7, fumble recovery Reece Heck, 7 Ricco Bellettini, 5 Logan Layton, 5 Jansyn Pebworth, 5 Seth Walkup, 3 Nate Hardy, 2, interception Chisolm Jones, 2 David Hemphill, 2 Scott Beam, 2 Cutter Brown, 1 Avery Gould, 1 --District 2A-4 Final Standings School W-L All PF PA Davis 6-0 11-0 515 115 Kingston5-1 9-1 349 89 Coalgate 4-2 5-6 233 362 Hugo 3-3 4-7 190 370 Marietta2-4 3-7 224 363 Tishomingo1-5 1-8 107 314 Atoka 0-6 1-9 180 296 --AT A GLANCE Date Opponent Score_____ 09/05 Stratford (L) 29-13 09/12 Savanna (L) 22-19 09/19 Hartshorne (L) 47-0 09/26 *Tishomingo(W) 28-26 10/03 Hugo (W)28-13** 10/10 *Atoka (W) 28-20 10/16 Valliant (W) 36-7 10/24 *Kingston (L) 47-0 10/31 *Davis (L) 55-8 11/07 Marietta (W)59-36*** *District Game **Homecoming ***Senior Night --Playoffs – First Round @ Lindsay Nov. 14 - Lindsay 58, Coalgate 14 ATOKA LIVESTOCK AUCTION SALE EVERY MONDAY Weekly Market Report Monday, NOVEMBER 17, 2014 STEERS 200 - 300 lb .....$2.90 300 - 400 lb......$2.85 400 - 500 lb......$2.70 500 - 600 lb......$2.40 600 - 700 lb......$2.15 SALE RESULTS CATTLE SOLD 885 - $3.60 - $3.65 - $3.35 - $2.90 - $2.51 HEIFERS 200 - 300 lb........$2.90 - $3.45 300 - 400 lb........$2.80 - $3.25 400 - 500 lb....... $2.40 - $3.00 500 - 600 lb....... $2.10 -$2.52.5 600 - 700 lb........$2.00 - $2.30 PAIRS $1800 - $2350 • STOCKER COWS $1500 - $2750 PACKER COWS $1.00 - $1.20 LOW DRESSING .85¢ - .99¢ • PACKER BULLS $1.25 - $1.35 BULLS PER hEAD NONE • BABY CALVES NONEOwners & Operators Phil & Paula Hatridge Mob. 918-424-1754 ~ Office 580-889-3264 PO Box 1103 - Atoka, Ok 74525 th Tupelo girls looking to rebound this week COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—NOVEMBER 19, 2014—PAGE B-3 —Lady Tigers coming off back-to-back losses to Calvin and Asher By HERMAN BROWN Tupelo correspondent The Tupelo Lady Tigers played a close game last Tuesday with the Calvin Lady Bulldogs. THS was unable to keep it close Friday in the road game at Asher. These were very different games for Coach Shawn Reeves. However, the end result was the same – loses to both Calvin and Asher. The back-to-back setbacks came a week after Tupelo won the first two games of the season. The Lady Tigers saw their record even up at 2-2 heading into Week 3 of the fall campaign. Coach Reeves’ squad was set to play at home Tuesday against Vanoss and at home again Friday against Stonewall. Calvin dominated the first half of last Tuesday’s game at Tupelo High School. The Lady Bulldogs took a 14-9 lead in the first quarter and turned it into a 24-11 halftime cushion. Tupelo played a much stronger second half. The Lady Tigers outscored the visitors 12-10 in the third period to get the game to within 11 points. Then, in the fourth quarter, THS got hot and outscored Calvin 17-9. The late surge erased 8 points off the deficit. However, it was not quite enough. The Lady Bulldogs held on to escape town with a 43-40 victory. Brittany Sanders scored a teamhigh 16 points in a losing cause. Sanders knocked down three treys as a part of her offensive performance. Flo Chamberlain also landed in double-digit scoring with 10 points. Coach Reeves pointed to a cold night of shooting as the reason for the loss. “We shot 11-55 from the field and 9-22 from the free throw line,” the coach said. “The Calvin girls played hard and got loose balls. We need to refocus and put forth better effort for four quarters.” On Friday, Tupelo took the trip to Asher to play the talented Lady Indians in varsity action. Tupelo went toe to toe with the hosting squad in the first half. The Lady Tigers trailed 9-8 in the first quarter, but tied the game at 15-15 at the break. Asher came out in the third quarter and took control of the game. The Lady Indians outscored the visitors 17-7 for a 10-point lead at 32-22. Asher then salted away the win by outscoring Tupelo 18-8. The effort extended the final margin of victory to 20 points at 50-30. Hayley Reeves was the only Lady Tiger to score in double figures on Friday. Reeves dropped in 10 points in the loss. “We played with better effort,” Coach Reeves said. “We just need to play a complete game.” --AT A GLANCE Nov. 11 @ Tupelo Calvin 43, Tupelo 40 Tupelo - 9 - 2 - 12 - 17 - (40) Calvin - 14 - 10 - 10 - 9 - (43) Tupelo scoring: Brittany Sanders 16, Flo Chamberlain 10, Kaitlin Watson 6, Keara Bourland 4, Hayley Reeves 2, Kaitlyn Ellis 1 and Lana Nelson 1. Calvin scoring: A. Gilean 18, L. Carter 8, S. Jennings 6, A. Harris 6, M. Blalock 5. 3-point scoring Tupelo: Sanders 3 Calvin: Gilean 2 --Nov. 14 @ Asher Asher 50, Tupelo 30 Tupelo - 8 - 7 - 7 - 8 - (30) Asher - 9 - 6 - 17 - 18 - (50) Tupelo scoring: Hayley Reeves 10, Brittany sanders 7, Chamberlain 4, Kaitlin Watson 3, B Keara Bourland 2, Kaitlyn Ellis 2 and Lana Nelson 2. Asher scoring: Fleming 17, Dubler 15, Frazier 11, bottom 4, Odell 4. --Tupelo Lady Tigers Nov. 4 @ Stringtown, won 50-21 Nov. 7 @ Wanette, won 59-21 Nov. 11 vs. Calvin, lost 53-50 Nov. 14 @ Asher, lost 50-30 Nov. 18 vs. Vanoss Nov. 21 vs. Stonewall * --Pontotoc Conference Dec. 1-6 @ Stonewall --Dec. 9 @ Stuart Dec. 12 @ Milburn Dec. 16 vs. Sasakwa Jan. 6 vs. Allen * Jan. 9 @ Coleman Jan. 13 vs. Earlsboro Jan. 16 @ Roff * Jan. 19-24 @ Roff Tournament Feb. 3 vs. Wapanucka Feb. 9 @ Victory Life Feb. 10 vs. Kiowa *Conference games. --Playoffs District Tournament Woody’s Automotive • Full Service Shop • ~ NOW HAVE ~ New Front End Alignment Machine come see me for your alignment needs Prices starting as low as $60 1005 S. Broadway 580-258-8825 Fincher & Son’s Pipe & Steel 16 Mi. South of Atoka, Hwy. 69 & 75 Call: 580-889-6778 or 800- 889-6778 Custom Built Corral and Pasture Gates Metal Buildings ALL TYPES OF METAL FABRICATION FOR ALL YOUR PIPE, STEEL, LIVESTOCK HANDLING, & EQUIPMENT NEEDS CONTACT US Round bale feeders........................................................starting at $119.00 Round bale hay cradle...................................................starting at $395.00 8’ 12’ 16’ troughs...........................................................starting at $119.00 5x10 light round panelss.............................................................$69.00 5-1/2 x 12 Heavy Duty Corral Panels..........................................$119.00 ea. Self-Catching Head Gate............................................................$429.00 6’ Creep Feeder - 850 Lb Capacity.............................................$695.00 8’ Creep Feeder - 1 Ton Capacity...............................................$1,150.00 3-1/2 Ton Bulk Feeder on Wheels..............................................$1,955.00 2 ton feed buggy.........................................................................$2495.00 7’ x 12’ Steel Cattle Guard............................................starting at $595.00 7’ x 16’ Heavy Duty Oil Field Cattle Guard.................................$1,075.00 7’ x 16’ Super Heavy Duty Oil Field Cattle Guard ........starting at $1,395.00 7’ x 20’ Super Heavy Duty Oil Field Cattle Guard......................$1,875.00 Colored Sheets, Doors, and Concrete Additional Charge on Building VETERNS DAY AT TUPELO SCHOOLS—Tupelo High School teacher and U.S. Navy veteran Jim Davis and his grandson, Gregory Rider. Visit our website Grand Prize Drawings November 26 | 8pm GIFT of the MONTH Glass Lamp GRAND PRIZE DRAWINGS Saturdays in December at 9pm Earn entries every Thursday–Saturday from 9am–9pm for your chance to win a flat screen TV. Earn 65 points to redeem! Receive one entry for every 5 points earned. Tuesdays in December 10am–8pm Hwy 69 • Stringtown, OK See Choctaw Rewards Club for details on all promotions. Management reserves all rights. Gambling Problem? Call 1.800.522.4700. PAGE B-4—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—NOVEMBER 19, 2014 Commissioners’ Proceedings The Board of County Commissioners of Coal County met for a regular scheduled meeting on Monday, November 10th, 2014 at 9:00 a.m. in the conference room of the County Commissioners Building. Michael Hensley called the meeting to order at 9:00a.m. Roll was called by Michael Hensley. Those present were: Michael Hensley, Chairman, Johnny Ward, Vice-chairman, Brock Jones, Member, and Eugina Loudermilk, County Clerk. Johnny Ward gave the invocation. Guest present was Sheriff Bryan Jump. Johnny Ward made a motion to approve the minutes from the previous meeting. Brock Jones seconded. Ward, Jones and Hensley approved. Brock Jones made a motion to approve transfers of appropriations in the Sheriffʼs B-4, General and Sales Tax funds. Johnny Ward seconded. Jones, Ward and Hensley approved. Johnny Ward made a motion to approve payroll claims for November 1-15, 2014. Brock Jones seconded. Ward, Jones and Hensley approved. Brock Jones made a motion to approve the purchase orders for payment. Johnny Wardseconded. Jones, Ward and Hensley approved the following: Fiscal Year: Payments by Fund Approved 2014-2015 From: 11/7/2014 To: 11/14/2014 Warrant No. Vendor Name 911 COLLECTIONS 21 FAMILY DOLLAR STORE 22 AT&T B-7 SHERIFF ANIMAL ESTRAYED 1 RECORD REGISTER CBRIF 105 13 WYRICKS LUMBER Amount Purpose $10.00 $857.56 OFFICE SUPPLIES SERVICE $6.50 PUBLICATION $533.94 DIST 1 SUPPLIES $520.84 WATER PAYMENT $342.45 $1,368.12 $31.96 $170.40 $144.00 $33.00 $159.62 $90.00 SHERIFF DEPT REPAIRS BLANKET PO BLANKET PO BLANKET PO BLANKET PO BLANKET PO TRAVEL SERVICE $2,955.00 EQUIPMENT $2,300.00 $103.00 $100.00 $179.60 $997.94 $1,495.00 $37.08 $82.53 $206.00 $62.02 $18.86 $422.82 $51.85 $822.80 $24.95 $69.60 $95.00 $256.76 POSTAGE SERVICE SERVICE BLANKET JUVENILE DEL ROOM AND BOARD SERVICE SERVICE LIBRARY SUPPLIES SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE SOLID WASTE SUPPLIES SERVICE SERVICE CAIRO RFD PROPANE BLANKET BLANKET $48.75 BLANKET $49.03 BLANKET $500.00 $490.41 BLANKET BLANKET COURT CLERK REVOLVING CASH FUND 18 AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER $21.31 SERVICE F-3 COUNTY CLERKS LIEN FEE ACCT 38 360 COMMUNICATIONS LLC $44.95 SERVICE GENERAL BUDGET ACCT. 588 ADA PAPER CO. 589 GUDERIAN FOOD 590 BOB BARKER CO. INC. 591 SONNYS GROCERY 592 J P COOKE CO 593 C & C HARDWARE 594 SALMON, VICKY 595 RICKS OIL COMPANY $26.73 $500.31 $40.26 $437.07 $147.50 $66.94 $175.00 $47.23 SUPPLIES BLANKET PO SUPPLIES BLANKET PO COUNTY CLERK SUPPLIES BLANKET ELECTION BD EXP CLAIM ASSESSOR FUEL HIGHWAY 968 $2,839.26 DIST 1 RENTAL $25.69 DIST 1 SERVICE $2,836.81 $2,437.06 $314.53 BLANKET DIST 1 BLANKET DIST 1 BLANKET $1,310.18 Dist 1 EQUIPMENT $171.90 $1,667.28 $93.22 $202.50 $636.00 $4,790.52 $5,556.80 $201.53 $67.00 $39.95 $2,300.86 $334.18 $104.15 $88.67 $56.80 $49.92 $28.40 $6.99 $5.98 $442.73 $64.76 $733.22 DIST 1 FIRST AID SUPPLIES DIST 1 TIRES DIST 1 WATER DIST 1 LABOR DIST 1 GRAVEL DIST 1 BLANKET DIST 1 BLANKET DIST 1 BLANKET DIST 1 SERVICE DIST 1 SERVICE DIST 2 RENTAL DIST 2 DIESEL DIST 2 FUEL DIST 2 GAS DIST 2 GAS DIST 2 SHOP SUPPLIES DIST 2 PARTS DIST 2 SUPPLIES DIST 2 SUPPLIES DIST 2 BLANKET DIST 2 SERVICE DIST 2 BLANKET $1,128.89 DIST 2 OIL $39.95 $298.08 $4,543.91 $997.14 $16,495.71 $5,388.35 $277.78 $2,991.50 $5,285.58 $4,427.82 $349.80 $152.94 $526.98 $59.93 $620.17 $530.00 DIST 2 SERVICE DIST 2 GRAVEL DIST 2 BLANKET DIST 2 BLANKET DIST 3 BUSH-HOG DIST 3 BLANKET DIST 3 PARTS DIST 3 OIL DIST 3 BLANKET DIST 3 BLANKET DIST 3 BLANKET DIST 3 WATER DIST 3 EQUIPMENT DIST 3 SHOP SUPPLIES DIST 3 REPAIR DIST 3 TIN HORNS $481.93 $991.22 DIST 3 BLANKET DIST 3 BLANKET $42.69 $214.41 $31.80 $140.00 $509.63 $84.00 $172.92 SUPPLIES HEALTH DEPT OFF SUPPLIES MAINTENANCE CONT RENTALS JANITORIAL SUPPLIES SERVICE SERVICE $546.00 SERVICE CDBG WATER GRANT 5 OK DEPT OF COMMERCE COUNTY SALES TAX 511 MCNUTT AUTO REPAIR 512 KOUNTRY STORE 513 C & C HARDWARE 514 FAMILY DOLLAR STORE 515 MCNUTT AUTO REPAIR 516 CIRCLE N MARKET 517 PRICE, AUDRA 518 TERMINIX PEST CONTROL SUNNY COMMUNICATIONS, 519 INC 520 PURCHASE POWER 521 TERMINIX PEST CONTROL 522 TERMINIX PEST CONTROL 523 RICKS OIL COMPANY 524 COMMUNITY WORKS 525 AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER 526 PUBLIC WORKS AUTH 527 C & C HARDWARE 528 TERMINIX PEST CONTROL 529 PUBLIC WORKS AUTH 530 PUBLIC WORKS AUTH 531 PUBLIC WORKS AUTH 532 C & C HARDWARE 533 ALLIED WASTE 534 360 COMMUNICATIONS LLC 535 W E ALLFORD PROPANE 536 STOVER, CHARLES H 537 SONNYS GROCERY CENTERPOINT ENERGY 538 ARKLA 539 FAMILY DOLLAR STORE 540 541 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000 1001 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 1010 1011 1012 1013 1014 KAHLE, DORIS SONNYS GROCERY JOHN DEERE FINANCIAL CENTERPOINT ENERGY ARKLA RICKS OIL COMPANY BLESSING GRAVEL LLC HALLS AUTO SUPPLY CHICKASAW COMMUNICATIONS ABC OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY T & W TIRE SPRINGHOUSE WATER WARD, ARVARD J FITTSTONE INC FITTSTONE INC KOUNTRY STORE C & C HARDWARE TERMINIX PEST CONTROL 360 COMMUNICATIONS LLC OK DEPT OF TRANS COALGATE FUELS RICKS OIL COMPANY RICKS OIL COMPANY COALGATE FUELS ARAMARK O REILLY AUTO PARTS C & C HARDWARE C & C HARDWARE C & C HARDWARE PUBLIC WORKS AUTH RICKS OIL COMPANY ERGON ASPHALT & EMULSIONS INC 360 COMMUNICATIONS LLC FITTSTONE INC COALGATE FUELS RED ROCK PIT JOHN DEERE COMPANY COALGATE FUELS O REILLY AUTO PARTS HOOTEN OIL CO MILLER MART BLESSING GRAVEL LLC DOLESE CO SPRINGHOUSE WATER ELLIOTT OUTDOOR POWER ARAMARK STUTEVILLE FORD MERCURY ALLEN LUMBER & GRAIN C & C HARDWARE RICKS OIL COMPANY MD-1A MD-1C MD-2 HEALTH BUDGET ACCT 74 SANOFI PASTEUR 75 QUILL CORP 76 MILLER OFFICE EQUIPMENT 77 US POSTMASTER 78 AMSAN 79 TERMINIX PEST CONTROL 80 AVAYA INC RESALE PROPERTY KELLPRO 12 SOLUTIONS COMPUTER Johnny Ward made a motion to approve resolutions to dispose of surplus equipment from the County Clerk, Treasurer and Court Clerkʼs offices. Brock Jones seconded. Ward, Jones and Hensley approved. Loudermilk asked about the tables and chairs in the front lobby of the courthouse. She said someone had asked about getting something nicer or having them refinished. Ward said they came from the old courthouse and would like to keep them. The others agreed that they wouldnʼt have a problem with fixing them up. The next item was to take action to award the bid for the Livescan fingerprint machine for the Sheriffʼs office. Sheriff Jump said he liked the bid from Crossmatch, which was the cheapest. He said he has left messages and would like to visit with them more before a decision is made. Ward made a motion to table the bid award until next week. Jones seconded. Ward, Jones and Hensley approved. Hensley said he is selling District 3ʼs service truck in the county surplus auction. He said he would like to go out for bids on a newer one, with a heavy duty wench. Jones made a motion to allow has left messages and would like to visit with them more before a decision is made. Ward made a motion to table the bid award until next week. Jones seconded. Ward, Jones and Hensley approved. Hensley said he is selling District 3ʼs service truck in the county surplus auction. He said he would like to go out for bids on a newer one, with a heavy duty wench. Jones made a motion to allow District 3 to go out for bids. Ward seconded. Jones, Ward and Hensley approved. Brock Jones made a motion to approve a resolution allowing District 1 to purchase a Bowmag from District 3 in the amount of $20,000. Johnny Ward seconded. Jones, Ward and Henlsey approved. Old Business: Johnny Ward said Allen Leaird has called him about a $7500 donation to Southern Oklahoma Rural Transportation Services (Big 5) that was discussed during budget time. Chairman Hensley said he has visited with the Assistant District Attorney and he is checking the legality of the county donating money. He said as soon as he hears that it is okay, he has no problem with it. He said the auditors had said during their audit that the county was not supposed to donate money. Ward said he feels that it makes sense to give back to the community with the sales tax money that they help generate. Hensley said since the auditors told the board that they werenʼt supposed to donate the money, he wonʼt proceed without the blessing from the Assistant District Attorney. Clerk Loudermilk said she has received the monthly reports from October for the Court Clerk and Sheriffʼs offices that were approved at the last meeting. The commissioners signed the reports. New Business: Brock Jones said he has been called several times about the brush pile at the fairbarn. He said the main complaint was that there was a huge turnout for a goat and sheep show over the weekend and there was not enough parking. He said he would like to clear it all out and make a parking lot in that area. Hensley agreed and said that people have threatened to call DEQ and the county needs to do something before they get involved. Ward said he has been trying to get it cleaned up for 10 years. He said he has seen people dumping old appliances and furniture while he has been down there and he told them to take it to the recycling center. Jones said the fairboard told him they would help put a fence around it if the county will clean it up. Brock Jones made a motion to adjourn at 9:24a.m. Johnny Ward seconded the motion. Jones, Ward andHensley approved. ______________________________ _____________________________ Michael Hensley, Chairman Johnny Ward, Vice-chairman _____________________________ ______________________________ Brock Jones, Member Attest: Eugina Loudermilk, County Clerk LEGAL NOTICE (Published in the Coalgate Record Register November 19 & 26, 2014, 2t) IN THE DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR COAL COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF OPAL LEE JORDAN, DECEASED. Case No. PB-2014-15 NOTICE OF HEARING FIRST AND FINAL ACCOUNT, PETITION FOR DECREE OF DISTRIBUTION, APPROVAL OF ATTORNEYS’ FEES, COSTS AND EXPENSES, AND DISCHARGE OF PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE Notice is hereby given that Chris Jordan, the duly appointed and qualified Personal Representative of the Estate of Opal Jordan, Deceased, has filed his Final Account, Petition for Decree of Distribution, Approval of Attorneys’ Fees, Costs and Expenses, and Discharge of Personal Representative. A hearing has been fixed by the Judge of the Court for December 11, 2014, at 10:00 a.m., in the District Courtroom, County Courthouse, Coal County, Oklahoma, and all persons in the Estate are notified to appear and show cause, if any they have, why the Account should not be settled and allowed, the Estates distributed, the Attorneys’ fees, costs, and expenses approved, and the Personal Representative Discharged. DATED this 10th day of November, 2014. S)Paula Inge JUDGE OF DISTRICT COURT Trae Gray, OBA # 21196 LandownerFirm, PLLC Rt. 5 Box 305 Coalgate, Oklahoma 74538 (580) 428-3005 Office (580) 927-2315 Facsimile LEGAL NOTICE (Published in the Coalgate Record Register November 19 & 26, 2014, 2t) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF COAL COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF LOUIS B. SANDMANN, DECEASED. Case No. PB-2014-10 NOTICE OF HEARING FIRST AND FINAL ACCOUNT, PETITION FOR DECREE OF DISTRIBUTION, APPROVAL OF ATTORNEYS’ FEES, COSTS AND EXPENSES, AND DISCHARGE OF PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE Notice is hereby given that Susan Eddings and Steven Sandmann, the duly appointed and qualified Personal Representatives of the Estate of Louis B. Sandmann, Deceased, has filed their Final Account, Petition for Decree of Distribution, Approval of Attorneys’ Fees, Costs and Expenses, and Discharge of Personal Representative. A hearing has been fixed by the Judge of the Court for December 11, 2014, at 10:00 a.m., in the District Courtroom, County Courthouse, Coal County, Oklahoma, and all persons in the Estate are notified to appear and show cause, if any they have, why the Account should not be settled and allowed, the Estates distributed, the Attorneys’ fees, costs, and expenses approved, and the Personal Representative Discharged. DATED this 10th day of November, 2014. S)Paula Inge JUDGE OF DISTRICT COURT Trae Gray, OBA # 21196 LandownerFirm, PLLC Rt. 5 Box 305 Coalgate, Oklahoma 74538 (580) 428-3005 Office (580) 927-2315 Facsimile LEGAL NOTICE (Published in the Coalgate Record Register November 5, 12, & 19, 2014, 3t) IN THE DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR COAL COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA JAMES SMITH, Petitioner, - vs BAILEE MONIQUE DAN, Respondent. Case No.: FP-2014-11 ALIAS SERVICE OF SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION NOTICE State of Oklahoma To: BAILEE MONIQUE DAN TAKE NOTICE that a Petition has been filed in the District Court, Coal County, State of Oklahoma, Case No. FP-14-11 styled James Smith, Petitioner vs. Bailee Monique Dan, Respondent. The Petition alleges that Petitioner is the biological father of JJS, a minor child born January 30, 2007, and he is entitled to and should be awarded full custody of JJS, a minor child born January 30, 2007, and that Petitioner should be judicially determined to be the biological father of said child. The Petition further alleges that the District Court, Coal County, Oklahoma, has subject matter jurisdiction under all applicable law concerning the custody, visitation, and support of said minor children and that all such jurisdiction should be exercised herein. Said Petition further alleges Petitioner should be granted the exclusive custody of JJS, a minor child born January 30, 2007. The Petition alleges that you should have visitation with the minor child. The Petition alleges that you should pay child support to Petitioner. Said Petition further alleges that you should pay all costs and attorneys’ fees. You are notified that you must file a Response to said Petition on or before December 16, 2014, which is at least 41 days after date of first publication, or the allegations contained in the Petition will be taken as true and judgment will be entered against you and in favor of Petitioner as prayed for in his Petition. Given under my hand and seal on the 30th day of October, 2014. Rachel Nix, Court Clerk [SEAL] By S)Cheryl Hobgood Deputy Court Clerk Jason D. Christopher, OBA #17383 Sweeney, Draper & Christopher, PLLC P.O. Box 190 Ada, Oklahoma 74821 Telephone: (580) 332-7200 Facsimile: (580) 332-7201 Attorney for Petitioner LEGAL NOTICE (Published in the Coalgate Record Register November 12 & 19, 2014, 2t) The Board of Education of Tupelo hereby provide legal notice that the annual school election filing period for candidates will open on Monday, December 1, 2014 at 8:00 a.m. and will close Wednesday, December 3, 2014 at 5:00 p.m. or when the Coal County Election Board Office close for business that day. An annual election for the School District Elector of Tupelo, District no. I-002 of Coal County, Oklahoma, will be held at the regular voting places with the School District on the 10th day of February, 2015, and the second election, if needed, on the 7th day of April, 2015, beginning at 7:00 a.m. and closing at 7:00 p.m. on said date, to consider or vote upon: Member of Board of Education Office Number 5 (5 year term). LEGAL NOTICE (Published in the Coalgate Record Register November 12 & 19, 2014, 2t) The Coal County Board of Commissioners is accepting bids on behalf of District 3 for a 2006 or newer super duty one-ton truck or larger with the following: diesel engine, extended cab, 4wheel drive, utility bed, extended boom, with at least a 6,000 lb auto crane, and an air compressor. Bid specifications are available in the County Clerk’s office at 4 North Main, Suite 1 Coalgate, OK 74538. Bids will be received until 4:00 p.m. on Friday, November 21st, 2014. Bids will be publicly reviewed and awarded on Monday, November 24th at 9:00 a.m. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. LEGAL NOTICE (Published in the Coalgate Record Register November 19 & 26 2014, 2t) The Board of Education of Coalgate Public Schools District hereby provides legal notice that the Annual School Election filing period for candidates will open on Monday, December 1, 2014 at 8:00 a.m. and will close Wednesday, December 3, 2014, at 5:00 p.m. or when the Coal County Election Board Office closes for business that day. Board Member Position on Ballot: The voters shall elect a board member for board position No 5, which has a 5 year term of office. LEGAL NOTICE (Published in the Coalgate Record Register November 12 & 19, 2014, 2t) The Coal County Board of Commissioners is accepting bids for the remodel of the old District Attorney’s office inside the courthouse. Work included in the bid will be remodeling bathroom to ADA compliance, removing partition wall, replacing ceiling tiles, painting ceiling grid, laying ceramic tile flooring, and cutting out doorway from jury box inside the courtroom. Bid is for labor and all materials. Bid specifications are available in the County Clerk’s office at 4 North Main, Suite 1 Coalgate, OK 74538. Bids will be received until 4:00 p.m. on Friday, November 21st, 2014. Bids will be publicly reviewed and awarded on Monday, November 24th at 9:00 a.m. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. LEGAL NOTICE (Published in the Coalgate Record Register November 19 & 26, 2014, 2t) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF COAL COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF MARGIE BLUE, DECEASED. Case No. PB-2014-11 NOTICE OF HEARING FIRST AND FINAL ACCOUNT, PETITION FOR DECREE OF DISTRIBUTION, APPROVAL OF ATTORNEYS’ FEES, COSTS AND EXPENSES, AND DISCHARGE OF PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE Notice is hereby given that Gilbert Wayne Blue, the duly appointed and qualified Personal Representative of the Estate of Margie Blue, Deceased, has filed his Final Account, Petition for Decree of Distribution, Approval of Attorneys’ Fees, Costs and Expenses, and Discharge of Personal Representative. A hearing has been fixed by the Judge of the Court for December 11, 2014, at 10:00 a.m., in the District Courtroom, County Courthouse, Coal County, Oklahoma, and all persons in the Estate are notified to appear and show cause, if any they have, why the Account should not be settled and allowed, the Estates distributed, the Attorneys’ fees, costs, and expenses approved, and the Personal Representative Discharged. DATED this 10th day of November, 2014. S)Paula Inge JUDGE OF DISTRICT COURT Trae Gray, OBA # 21196 LandownerFirm, PLLC Rt. 5 Box 305 Coalgate, Oklahoma 74538 (580) 428-3005 Office (580) 927-2315 Facsimile LPXLP COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—NOVEMBER 19, 2014—PAGE B-5 LEGAL NOTICE (Published in he Coalgate Record Register November 19, 2014, 1t) BEFORE THE CORPORATION COMMISSION STATE OF OKLAHOMA APPLICANT: pablo energy ii, llc RELIEF SOUGHT: separate or spEcial ALLOWABLE AS AN EXCEPTION TO RULE NOS. 165:10-13-9(b) AND 165:10-17-11 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Section 21, Township 1 north, Range 10 EAST, COAL County, Oklahoma Cause CD 201408546 NOTICE OF HEARING STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: All persons, owners, producers, operators, purchasers and takers of oil and gas, and all other interested persons, particularly in Coal County, Oklahoma, and more particularly: Andrew Kenneth Morrison; Arbor Petroleum Corporation; Areta B. McKenzie Trust, Milton D. McKenzie, Trustee; Arrow Financial Corporation; Audrey Louise Mayer; Barbour Energy Corp.; Beta Shale, LLC; Betty J. Marcum; Patty LEGAL NOTICE (Published in the Coalgate Record Register November 19, 2014, 1t) BEFORE THE CORPORATION COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA APPLICANT: PABLO ENERGY II, LLC RELIEF SOUGHT: HORIZONTAL DRILLING AND SPACING UNITS LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SE/4 SECTION 14 and SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 1 NORTH, RANGE 9 EAST, COAL COUNTY, OKLAHOMA Cause CD 201408479 NOTICE OF HEARING STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: All persons, owners, producers, operators, purchasers and takers of oil and gas, and all other interested persons, particularly in Coal County, Oklahoma, and more particularly: Agnes Mae Bohannon; Alva C. Rice; Anderson B. White; Andrea Michele Morton, Trustee, Andrea Michele Morton Trust; Andrew Altman; Ann Harrington, Trustee, Harrington Family Trust “A”; Anna J. Jones, Trustee, Floyd G. Jones and Anna J. Jones Revocable Trust; Anna Pearl Hyatt; B&G Royalties; B. Mike Hall; Banc First, Trustee, Tom Yoakim Morton Trust; BancFirst, Trustee, Sarah Morton Trust-GST Exempt; BancFirst, Trustee, David Michael Morton Trust-GST Exempt; BancFirst, Trustee, Benjamin Franklin Morton Trust-GST Exempt; BancFirst, Trustee, Mary Morton Trust-GST Exempt; Barbara Dees Francis; Barbara Elizabeth Dale Brookshire; Benjamin Franklin Morton; Bernard Darvin Heer; Beta Shale, LLC; Betty Ruth Hyatt Johnson; Betty S. Altman and Lawrence C. Altman, Co-Trustees, Lawrence C. Altman Revocable Trust; Beverly A. Filson and Cheryl Baker, Sucessor Co-Trustees, Henry F. Filson Trust; Billie Clark Dees; Billie Kathryn Lingle; Billy Ray Brown; Bobby G. Bates and Amelia S. Bates, Trustees, Bobbby G. Bates and Amelia S. Bates Trust; Bobby Jack Dees; Bobby Shawn Carnes; Bo-Mc Enterprises, LLC; Bonnie Jean McBride Wear Estate; BP America Production Co.; Brian Scott Manning Living Trust, Brian Scott Manning, Trustee; Brookline Minerals, LLC; Burton Dale Steward and Barbara Ann Steward, Trustees, Burton Dale Steward and Barbara Ann Steward Rev. Liv. Trust; C.D. Dale III; Carlow Corp.; Carole J. Gay; Centrex Operating Company; Chaparral Royalty Company; Charles and Penelope Holbert Revocable Trust, Charles and Penelope Holbert, Co-Trustees; Charles F. Larecy; Christy Merrill; CIANNA Resources, Inc.; Cindy Roy; Colonial Royalties Limited Partnership; Connie Morris; Connie Morris, Trustee, Connie Morris Family Trust; Continental Resources, Inc.; Daniel James Gayer; Daniel R. Willits, Trustee, Summit Trust; David A. Bash, Jr., Trustee. David A. Bash, Jr. Living Trust; David Michael Morton; Deborah G. Morris; Delbert R. Goodin and Jarita E. Goodin, Trustees, Goodin Living Trust; Denise Altman; Dennis R. McCollum; Don and Hazel Elder; Don Bohannon; Donald E. McMahan; Donna D. Wilson, Trustee. Phyllis Denton Trust; Donna K. McMahan Scholl; Donna Lasher; Dorothy Altman, Trustee, Dorothy Altman Family Trust; Dorothy Johnson; Dwight Delsigne; Carolyn Ann Delsigne; Edna J. Bohannon; Encore Energy Partners Operating, LLC; Ernest Dale Holderman and Peggy Jane Holderman, Trustees, Holderman Family Trust; Eva Hefner Trust #2, Trustee; Fenway Land, LLC; First Presbyterian Church of Oklahoma City; First United Methodist Church of Ada Foundation, Inc.; Flora G. McCollum; Forrest A. Goodell; Fred Bohannon Royalty Company; Fred D. Johnson; Gail Colleen Bohannon; Gary Neal Hunt; Gay Barnett; Gentry Minerals, LLC; George E. Bohannon; Georgia A. Bohannon, Trustee, Georgia A. Bohannon Family Trust; Georgia M. Whittern; Gill Investment Company; Gill Royalty Company; Great Sky Partners, LLC; Greenstar Resources, LLC; Guy L. Strunk and Vernice Lee, Trustees, Vivian Pasquali Rev. Living Trust; GW Wallace Family, LLC; H.N. Murray Symonds Revocable Trust, Trustee; Helen C. Hickman, Trustee, Helen C. Hickman Living Trust; Helen Knight Waterhouse Combs Estate; Hubbartt Family Trust, James E. Hubbartt and Mary Louise Hubbartt, Trustees; J. Edward Bates; Jack R. Crissup; Jack Stokes; James Vandiver and Linda Vandiver, Co-Trustees, Ben James Family Trust; Jamie Bates White; Jan Carl Evans, Jr.; Jerry B. Baker; Jerry Reese Bohannon; Jerry Wayne Speer; JJWA, L.L.C.; Joe Marion Bohannon; John Batdorf; Patricia Batdorf; John D. Coble; John Edmund Heer; John Edward McMahan; John J. Schulke; John Lyndon Dale, Jr.; Johnny Kenneth Wheat; Jon Michael Jones; Jones Energy, Inc.; Joyce Parks Tomlinson; Judith Marie Thompson; JW Oil & Gas, LLC; Karen Kay Rice; L.E. Fitzsimons, Trustee. John L. Fitzsimons Childrens Irrevocable Trust; L.Z. Williams Energy Inc.; Larry B. Pope; Janet E. Pope; Lefty and Rebecca Wilson Trust; Leon Chester Gage, Jr.; Linda Goodrich; Linda Kodis, Trustee. Richard David Kodis and Linda Kodis Family Trust; Linda Lasher; Lucky Pair, LLC; Lynette Layton Children Trust #7000019700; Lynn Cole; Mack Kimbrough, Trustee, Lucinda Lucille Kimbrough Trust; MAP2009OK; Margaret Rebecca Dale Millanez; Marianne Bohannon William Jost; Marie Green Evick, Trustee, Marie Green Evick Revocable Trust; Mary Ellen Murdoch, Trustee, Mary Ellen Murdoch Revocable Trust; Mary Lou Nickerson Peggs; Mary Morton-Johnson, Sole Trustee, Misskittie Living Trust; Maryln G. Harman, Trustee, Marilyn G. Harman Revocable Trust; Mascene Biswell, Successor Trustee, Maxine Jarvis Dougherty Rev. Trust; Melinda Geyer; Melinda McBride Cralle; Michael C. Johnson, Sole Trustee, Yvone C. Johnson Revocable Trust; Michael Ragsdale; Misty Lynn Bohannon; Mitchell Royalty Limited Partnership; Mixed Minerals, LLC; Nancy C. Baglione; Nancy Lou Ball Estate; Nancy Lou Ball Estate, Michael D. Ball, Executor; Norma C. Corsini and Tommy G. Corsini,Co- Trustees, Norma C. Corsini Living Trust; Notting Hill Properties, LLC; Oklahoma City University BOKF, NA, Agent; Patrick M. Hall and Jeffrey L. Hall, Co-Trustees, Hall Family Trust; Patsy Carmony; Paul Dan Droke, Trustee, Pauline E. Mayer Trust; Paul M. Bohannon; Pentagon Oil Company; Perkins Family Revocable Living Trust of Wewoka, Oklahoma; Petroquest Energy, LLC; Phoenix Dewayne Brown; PR Crawford Royalty Co. LLC; Professional Title Agency, Inc.; Randal Petroleum Corp.; Randy Dean Whittern; Ray A. Mauldin; Richard H. Rose; Richard McBride; Rivendell Royalty Corp.; Robert A. Bohannon, Jr.; Robert A. Hefner Trust #2, Trustee; Roberta May Green; Roger L. Beavers, Inc.; Ronald C. Gay; Ronald Gage; Rose Marie Heer Snell; Sarah Morton Schwab; Sarah Patricia Gayer; Scout Royalty Corp.; Seibold Energy Co., Inc.; Shale Royalties 3, LLC; Shale Royalties 4, LLC; Shirley Lou Taylor; Shirley Smith; Sinclair Oil & Gas Company; SM Energy Company; Smack Dab, Ltd.; Stacy Hays; Stella Sue Smith; Susan McBride Otstott; TCD Exploration, LLC; Terry Gay; Thomas J. Warne; Troutman Ranch, Inc.; Vanguard Permian, LLC; Velma Earlene Neuschaefer; Vickie Gage-Taylor; Virginia S. Lay; Wayne Evans; Wendell Dean Hunt; Wentworth Operating Co.; William C. Langdon & Company; William David Jones; William E. Secrest, Jr. Living Revocable Trust; William G. Avanzini, Trustee, Avanzini Family Trust; William J. McCaw; William Roger Pyeatt; Willie B. Phillips Revocable Living Trust of Tulsa, Oklahoma; WSGP Gas Producing, LLC; Wyoming Property Investments; Bill Rice; Douglas Gay; Gladys Rice; James E. King; Lorene Carnes; and Pat Rice; if living or deceased, dissolved or liquidated, the known and unknown successors, heirs and assigns, immediate and remote, of any and all of the above named parties. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Applicant is requesting that the Commission enter an Order (a) establishing a 480-acre irregular horizontal drilling and spacing unit for the Woodford common source of supply, underlying all or substantially all of the SE/4 Section 14 and E/2 Section 23, Township 1 North, Range 9 East, Coal County, Oklahoma; and (b) establishing a 320-acre stand-up horizontal drilling and spacing unit for the Woodford common source of supply, underlying all or substantially all of the W/2 Section 23, Township 1 North, Range 9 East, Coal County, Oklahoma. Per OAC 165:10-3-28(c)(2)(B), the permitted well location will be no closer than 330 feet to any unit boundary of the 480-acre irregular horizontal drilling and spacing unit for the Woodford common source of supply, underlying the SE/4 Section 14 and E/2 Section 23, Township 1 North, Range 9 East, Coal County, Oklahoma; and 330 feet to any unit boundary of the 320-acre stand-up horizontal drilling and spacing unit for the Woodford common source of supply, underlying the W/2 Section 23, Township 1 North, Range 9 East, Coal County, Oklahoma. IT IS ORDERED AND NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that this Cause will be heard before an Administrative Law Judge on the Initial Hearing Docket at the Corporation Commission, Jim Thorpe Building, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, at 8:30 a.m. on the 8th day of December, 2014, and that this Notice be published as required by law and the Rules of the Commission. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that Applicant and interested parties may present testimony by telephone. The cost of telephonic communication shall be paid by the person(s) requesting its use. Interested parties who wish to participate by telephone shall contact Applicant or Applicant’s attorney, prior to the hearing date, and provide their name and telephone number. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all interested persons may appear and be heard. For information concerning this action, contact Pablo Energy II, LLC, P.O. Box 2945, Amarillo, Texas 79105; or John E. Lee, III, Wright & Associates, P.C., 1800 Canyon Park Circle, Suite 201, Edmond, Oklahoma 73013, Telephone: (405) 844-7000. CORPORATION COMMISSION OF OKLAHOMA S)BOB ANTHONY CHAIRMAN S)PATRICE DOUGLAS VICE CHAIRMAN S)DANA L. MURPHY COMMISSIONER DONE AND PERFORMED THIS 12th DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2014. BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION: S)PEGGY MITCHELL LPXLP Commission Secretary Marcum Reed; BP America Production Company; Brookline Minerals, LLC; Canaan Resources, LLC; Castello Enterprises, Inc.; Claude E. Éclair; Connie Morris; Connie Morris, Trustee, Connie Morris Family Trust; Continental Resources, Inc.; Cosmo Energy, LLC; Dana Lee Long; Dortha Marie Pendley Breaux; Emma Regina Mayer Hendrix; Eryn Marie Pendley Housinger; Frances Ann Mayer Paresa; Gary Lonnie Sims; Gentry Minerals, LLC; Jahree Standridge Rev. Living Trust, Jahree Standridge, Trustee; James E. Eclair, Jr.; James Éclair; James Eric Owens, Jay Owens, Successor Trustee; James Vandiver and Linda Vandiver, Co-Trustees, Ben James Family Trust; Jamie Eclair McGaugh; Jamie Marie Mayer O’Shields; Janice Hixon; Jason Éclair; Jay Owens; Jeffrey Éclair; Jerry Wayne Speer; JJWA, LLC; John Sandretto; Jones County Minerals, Inc.; Jones Energy, Inc.; Journey Oil & Gas, Inc.; Joyce Parks Tomlinson; Lana S. Mayer Wyche, Trustee, Mayer Family Revocable Trust; LMR Minerals, LLC; Lucky Pair, LLC; Mayer Investment Company, LLC; MES Minerals, LLC; Michael Dane Vaughan; Michael Patrick Mayer, Successor Guardian of James Bruno Mayer; Michael Patrick Mayer; Notting Hill Properties, LLC; Parthenon Trading Company; Patricia Gow Banta, Patricia Kalchert Power of Attorney; Paul Dan Droke, Jr.; Penroc Oil Corporation; Randal Petroleum Corp.; Rena C. Murphy Koppelman; Sharon Lee Sims Bardin; Sinclair Oil & Gas Company; SM Energy Company; Snuffys Oil Field Service, Inc.; Stephen Grant Grove III; Steve Delmas, Inc.; Susan Pilar Grantham; TCD Exploration, LLC; TGM Properties, Inc.; Thomas Dell Mayer; United States Department of Interior, Bureau of Land Management; Vanguard Permian, LLC; Wentworth Operating Company; William Gordon Gravitt; WLM Energy Co., LLC; Wyoming Property Investments; and XTO Energy, Inc.; if living or deceased, dissolved or liquidated, the known and unknown successors, heirs and assigns, immediate and remote, of any and all of the above named parties. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Applicant is requesting that the Commission enter an Order, as exception to Rule Nos. OAC 165:10-13-9(b) and OAC 165:1017-11, amending Order No. 530231 and Order No. 618975 to authorize each of the Gravitt 3H-21, Gravitt 4H-21, Gravitt 5H-21, Gravitt 6H-21, and Gravitt 7H-21 wells the greater of a separate minimum production allowable or a separate production allowable based upon the absolute open flow of each well, to be calculated each year, as to the Woodford common source of supply underlying Section 21, Township 1 North, Range 10 East, Coal County, Oklahoma. Applicant also requests that there be no transfer of the separate allowables among the Gravitt 3H-21, Gravitt 4H-21, Gravitt 5H-21, Gravitt 6H-21, and Gravitt 7H-21 wells and other wells within the unit. Additionally, Applicant requests that there be no underage or overage pertaining to the separate allowables transferred among the subject wells or other wells in the unit. IT IS ORDERED AND NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that this Cause will be heard before an Administrative Law Judge on the Initial Hearing Docket at the Corporation Commission, Jim Thorpe Building, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, at 8:30 a.m. on the 8th day of December, 2014, and that this Notice be published as required by law and the Rules of the Commission. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that Applicant and interested parties may present testimony by telephone. The cost of telephonic communication shall be paid by the person(s) requesting its use. Interested parties who wish to participate by telephone shall contact Applicant or Applicant’s attorney, prior to the hearing date, and provide their name and telephone number. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all interested persons may appear and be heard. For information concerning this action, contact Pablo Energy II, LLC, P.O. Box 2945, Amarillo, Texas 79105; or John E. Lee, III, Wright & Associates, P.C., 1800 Canyon Park Circle, Suite 201, Edmond, Oklahoma 73013, Telephone: (405) 844-7000. CORPORATION COMMISSION OF OKLAHOMA S)BOB ANTHONY CHAIRMAN S)PATRICE DOUGLAS VICE CHAIRMAN S)DANA L. MURPHY COMMISSIONER DONE AND PERFORMED THIS 14th DAY OF NOVEMBER, 2014. BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION: S)PEGGY MITCHELL Commission Secretary Starting Tuesday November 18, 2014 7:00 pm Coalgate Assembly of God Hurts, Hang-Ups, & Habits Christian 12 Step Program Pastors Billy & Linda Wilson Yvonne Adcock For information call Pastor Billy at 580-927-5588 or 580-927-3030 Pastors Billy and Linda are licensed Counselors and experienced 12 step leaders. Yvonne is a recovered person of addiction and speaks in Universities across the country about human trafficking. Meeting will be Christ centered dealing with the reasons people turn to additions. We deal with all addictions the same whether it is Alcohol, Drugs, Anger, Eating disorders, gambling or any other addiction, Jesus is the answer. McAlester Stockyards Market Report Tuesday, NOVEMBER 11, 2014 sold 1850 cattle Compared to two weeks ago. Steers $2 to $5 higher. Heifers $3 to $8 higher. The high end of market reflects OQBN/weaned cattle. Next Special Cow & Bull Sale is Dec. 13. Consignments are open. “For the same reason you also be glad and rejoice with me.” Phill. 2:18 weight Range 225 to 300# 300 to 350# 350 to 400# 400 to 450# 450 to 500# 500 to 550# 550 to 600# 600 to 700# 700 to 750# 800 to 850# #1 Steers $385 to $415 $357 to $380 $325 to $353 $299 to $318 $280 to $295 $262 to $276 $253 to $265 $228 to $255 $221 to $236 $208 to $216 #1 heifers $301 to $330 $306 to $321 $295 to $310 $267 to $281 $253 to $266 $235 to $253 $223 to $236 $213 to $240 $205 to $219 $190 to $210 260 Cows & Bulls sold at the evening sale. paCKeR COwS $1 TO $5 hIGheR anD BuLLS $6 hIGheR high yielding packer bulls sold from ......................$138 average yielding packer bulls sold from................$134 Low yielding packer bulls sold from........................$125 high yielding packer cows sold from .....................$117 average yielding packer cows sold from ..............$112 Low yielding packer cows sold from ......................$105 to $141 to $137 to $130 to $122 to $118 to $112 Sale Every Tuesday Stocker & feeder cattle begin at 10 a.m.Cows and Bulls Tuesday evening, 6 pm Open 7 DayS/weeK & 24 hOuRS/Day 2 ReCeIVe & CaRe FOR yOuR LIVeSTOCK InVeSTMenT! Julie Grant Offfice: 918-423-2834 Laura Sherrill Lindsey Grant Richard Magby George Tarr Donny Shadwick 918-421-9057 580-889-6049 918-423-4498 918-649-4750 918-548-3478 580-889-1329 918-424-1464 918-655-7754 Ken Sherrill 918-421-0257 Curt Krigbaum 918-650-8013 THANKS FOR YOUR BUSINESS! Coalgate Assembly of God Church 3 North Byrd • Coalgate, OK ~ Church phone: 580-927-3020 Pastors Billy and Linda Wilson, and Mary Jo Johnson Pastor Billy is a licensed Clinical Pastoral Counselor Pastors Linda and Mary Jo are licensed counselors Cudd Energy Services is hiring Class A CDL Drivers/Equipment Operators for its office in Seminole, Oklahoma. • HazMat and tanker endorsements a plus Contact Jim Riddle or Linda Elliott at 405.382.5166 for an application and interview. ServiCe tiMeS: Sunday School 10:00 am ~ Sunday Night 6:00 pm Wednesday Night 7:00 pm We at the Coalgate Assembly of God are looking for the hurt, neglected and unloved people of the community. We want you to know that Jesus loves you just the way you are today and wants to bring you into a relationship with him. Our pastors have years of experience in the deliverance ministry. We are also gifted in healing through Christ Jesus. if you are fighting addictions we are looking for you. We want you to be set free. Free counseling available by appointment WWW.CUDD.COM Call Pastors Billy & Linda at 927-2050 or Mary Jo at 927-2898 PAGE B-6—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—NOVEMBER 19, 2014 FOR SALE—2013 Mercury Grand Marquise. New tires, in good shape. $2,500.00. 580-258-8660. (3tc37) 2003 HONDA ACCORD— Fully loaded. Drives great. 117,000 miles. ONLY $5,995.00. Call 580-9271117. (10/22tfn) FOR SALE—Square bales of Bermuda grass hay. $6.00 bale. 580-428-3301. (3tc36) FOR SALE—Approxi- Coalgate HHRV Park on Hwy 75 in Phillips has 30 amp & 50 amp spaces available. Also has drop off laundry service available We accept all credit cards 927-3168 • 927-5603 • 927-6419 BIG FIVE HEAD START APPLICATIONS NOW BEING ACCEPTED The Big Five Head Start Program is currently accepting applications for the 2014 – 2015 school year at the Big Five Community Action Office at 210 North Main Coalgate. Eligibility in the program is determined by the child’s age and family income based on the 2014 Family Income Guidelines. Ten Percent of enrollment must be made available to children with disabilities. Parents should bring birth certificate, current shot record, SS#’s for all family members, SoonerCare and /or CDIB cards and income verification. Cottonwood, Coalgate and Tupelo for more information contact Tammy Golden or Ione Haney at 580-927-2381 POSITION AVAILABLE Ruth Wilson Hurley Manor Has a position available for a full-time cook. We offer competitive wages and a benefit package. Please apply at 405 W. Clay. EOE Scott McCormack Cell 580-310-4389 West of Ada on Hwy 3W • (580)436-5033 Thank You for your patronage & support! Stockers & Feeder • Pairs, Cows & Bulls Wednesdays starting at 9:00 a.m. Average Report for 11/12/2014 Total Head: 1680 Steer 239.....................................$370.00 299.....................................$360.00 305-345 ...............$348.00-$377.50 350-385 ...............$334.00-$362.00 400-433 ...............$300.00-$320.00 457-495 ...............$281.00-$288.00 520-546 ...............$269.00-$272.00 504-510 ...............$266.00-$270.00 557-565 ...............$258.00-$266.00 601-628 ...............$239.00-$240.00 639-648 ...............$230.00-$236.00 662-691 ...............$229.00-$233.50 726-727 ...............$227.00-$230.00 808.....................................$224.50 923.....................................$219.00 Heifers 205-211............... $300.00-$340.00 260-296 .............. $300.00-$319.00 340-345 .............. $290.00-$310.00 365-398 .............. $290.00-$300.00 403-439 .............. $274.00-$286.00 450-485 .............. $264.00-$285.00 504-549 .............. $232.00-$243.00 550-592 .............. $229.00-$245.00 561-580 .............. $221.00-$230.00 586.................................... $225.50 605-645 .............. $220.00-$237.00 674.................................... $220.00 701.................................... $217.50 mately 160.0 acres (surface only). Sec. 18-1S-11E in Coal County, east of Lehigh, OK on Division St. Native grass, timber, hunting, county roads on 3 sides, $2000 per acre. Call 580-4674022. (4tp36) FOR SALE—Beautiful hardwood office furniture: Desk with 6 side drawers, file racks and lap drawer (72x35.5x31.5); matching bookshelf with glass door hutch (90x72x19.5). Asking $2999, but all reasonable offers considered. Call Darla at (918) 298-0100 days or (918) 230-6077 cell. (tfn) Special Gov’t Program! Own Land/Family land ZERO down! Don’t prejudge your credit. E-Z qualify by phone. 2,000 furniture package with purchase. Homes starting at 26,500 and up. W.A.C. 405631-7600 or 405-206-3693. (10/24tfn) FOR SALE—2-story house, approx. 2840 sq. ft. with 5 bedrooms, 4-bathrooms, 2 living areas, & formal dining. Has fireplace, new CH/A and is located on 5 acres with scenic view. 1 mile SE of town of Coalgate on Industrial Boulevard. Asking price is $189,000.00. 580-272-8395 or 580-9272621. (8/6tfn) FOR RENT FOR RENT—1, 2, 3 & 4-bdrm houses. 580-2588856, cell. (11/24tfn) HOUSES FOR RENT— Furnished & unfurnished. All bills paid on some. 9275171. (3/10tfn) FOR RENT —Office spaces: one is 800 sq. ft and one is 2400 sq. ft. Also have house for rent. Call Rebecca Washburn 580-927-5332 (1/18tfn) FOR RENT—1-bdrm apts. with stove, refrigerator, CH/A, 3 walk-in storm shelters, water sewer & garbage paid. Laundry facility on property. Handicap assessable apts available. At least 62 years of age may apply at Louis Sandmann Senior Housing. 1201 Cedar Way, west of Coalgate football field. 580-927-2781. Office hours M-F, 9:00 to 1:00. (4/3tfn) FOR RENT—3-bdrm, 2-bath mobile home in Centrahoma. Call 901-491-1027. (10/8tfn) FOR RENT—4-Bdrm, 1 1/2 bath, brick house for rent at 106 S. Ada St. $800 per month, $400 deposit. Call 580-235-7660. (4tp38) WANTED Tax Preparer/Bookkeeper— Tisdale C.P.A. is seeking to fill a full time position as tax preparer/bookkeeper. Applicant should have experience relating to individual income tax preparation or bookkeeping. Candidate should have good interpersonal skills to interact with both clients and staff as well as excellent computer skills; proficient with Microsoft Word, Excel, and Quickbooks. Experience in A/R, A/P, bank reconciliations, preparation of quarterly and annual pay- net or at 205 S. Mississippi in Atoka. (4tc36) HELP WANTED—McNutt Auto Service is seeking an experienced Mechanic/ Technician. Experienced with late model electronics ALL ZONES FOR SALE ATTENTION OCAN COORDINATO from the OP roll tax and sales tax returns Please fax resume Lookpreferred. for your insertion ord is required. Wages com- to 580-927-9069 or apply (You inwillperson receive an insertio mensurate with experience. at McNutt Auto Please submit your resume Services, 308 East Lafayads may be place by email at tiddalecpa@att. 2x2 ette, Coalgate, OK 74538. (11/5tfn) LOST & FOUND THIS COPY ONLY FOR TH LOST—Small white Billy goat. Lost in Cairo area near Cairo school. If seen call 927-3361. (1tc36) OKLAHOMA CLASSIFIED A D V E RT I S I N G N E T W O R K HELP WANTED HEALTH/MEDICAL DRIVER TRAINEES NEEDED! Become a driver for Stevens Transport! NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED! New drivers earn $800+ per week! PAID CDL TRAINING! Stevens covers all costs! 1-888-748-4133 drive4stevens. com ATTENTION: VIAGRA & CIALIS USERS! A cheaper alternative to high drugstore prices! 50 Pill Special - $99 FREE shipping! 100 Percent Guaranteed. CALL NOW: 1-800-5196148 ATTN: DRIVERS $$$ Up to 50 CPM + bonuses $$$ Be home for the holidays! BCBS + 401k + Pet & Rider. Free clinics + family friendly. Spanish/ English Orientation available. CDL-A Req - (877) 258-8782. meltontruck. com/drivers SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY BENEFITS. Unable to work? Denied Benefits? We can help! WIN or Pay Nothing! Contact Bill Gordon & Associates at 1-800-970-7845 to start your application today! $2000 BONUS! Oilfield drivers. High hourly, Overtime. Class A-CDL/ Tanker. 1 year driving experience. Home monthly. Paid travel, lodging. Relocation NOT necessary. 1-800588-2669. MISCELLANEOUS EARN $100,000 1ST YR. INCOME selling funeral ins. to seniors. Daytime market. Leads furnished. Complete training. Daily pay. Health/Dental provided. Call 1-888-713-6020. CENTRAL OKLAHOMA EQUIPMENT AUCTION Farm equiment and more! Thursday, December 4. 8332 W I-40 Service Rd, OKC, OK 73128. Top Hand Auction 405-919-2271; 405-5505151 A-CDL DRIVERS OILFIELD NOW HIRING! 2 yrs experience, No LABOR just drive, OKC and Woodward location, housing provided. Average 52k + bonus. 1-866-501-7549. ADVERTISE STATEWIDE ADVERTISE STATEWIDE! For more information or to place an ad contact us at (405) 499-0035 or toll-free in OK at 1-888-815-2672 LEGAL SERVICES SOCIAL SECURITY AND DISABILITY CLAIMS Saunders & Saunders Attorneys at Law. No Recovery - No Fee. 1-800-259-8548 DRIS OCAN111614 CAXCA FOR MORE INFORMATION ON STATEWIDE ADVERTISING, CALL 1-888-815-2672 Storm Shelters 10 yr. Manufactured Warranty on leakage Jerry English 580-927-5493 Installed All Concrete Now Accepting Choctaw Vouchers General Backhoe Work ~ Dozer Work ~ Septic Systems ir t lD l i F Top Soi l Dozer Work Gravel Hauling Jerry Lemons Home 580-428-3166 Cell 580-258-0282 Real Estate Sale Land for 502 East Vincent on corner of Vincent & Coe -3 bdrm. 1 bath, brick home, on corner lot. Priced at $49,000. 1003 West Blair - Large 3 bdrm. 2 bath, brick home, recently remolded with new privcy fence and new covered back patio. Very nice house with granite counter tops and plantation blinds. Priced at $105,000. 711 S. Railroad - 3 bdrm. 1.5 baths, brick home, on 2 large lots, with privacy fence, very nice house in a good neighborhood. Priced at $99,000. 403 W.Fautt St in Phillips - 3 bdrm., 2 bath brick home on 10 lots. Nice 24x40 metal shop building. Priced at $85,000. Sale Every Wednesday 205 South Dewight, 3 bdrm, 2 bathroom, frame home, with handicap walk-in tub and a nice quite neighborhood. Priced at $89,000. 306 N. Byrd - 3 bdrm. 1 bath, framed home with 1,783 sq ftwith fenced yard. Priced at $69,000. North of Coalgate - 754 acres or recreation land, on Caney Boggy Creek with lots of wildlife, electricity on property. Priced at $1,450.00 per acre. For all your auction and Real Estate needs call: Haney Auction and Real Estate 203 North Mississippi • Atoka OK • 580-889-3497 Kevin Haney Auctioneer/Broker • 580-927-5029 Sales Associate: Joel Coffee • 580-927-5563 Honest, Hardworking & Dependable! Tupelo Schools honor area veterans On November 11, Tupelo Schools hosted a Veterans Day assembly in the high school auditorium. All area veterans were invited. Veterans attending the event were: Vernon Bailey, Oklahoma National Guard; Jim Davis, a Vietnam veteran for the U.S. Navy who was assigned to the U.S. Marines in Vietnam and the U.S. Army; Bobby J. Ingram, Army veteran of the Korean Conflict; Dale Marshall, U.S. Army; Lee Murphy, 1957-1963 U.S. Marines Corps; Windred Westbrook, U.S. Army; and Frank Williams, U.S. Marine Corps. Following the assembly, Trent Bourland, a U.S. Air Force veteran, was able to join the others at the complimentary lunch in the school cafeteria. The Student Council conducted the assembly, a time of educating the students on the meaning of Veterans Day, as well as using the time to show appreciation to veterans. Student Council members who helped with the assembly were Keara Bourland, Jace Eidson, Hailey Ellis, Courtney Hickman, Lana Nelson, Caleb Watson, and John Whitlock. Kyle Bailey operated the equipment and created the PowerPoint. U.S. Marines veteran Frank Williams with granddaughters Kaitlyn and Hailey Ellis. COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—NOVEMBER 19, 2014—PAGE B-7 nas Paradise Cove e h t r Be Antiques & Collectibles 203 East Ewing Avenue & North Broadway - 580-579-3967 Open Thursday, Friday, Saturday - 9:00 am to 4:00 pm - 580-579-3967 Local Hand Crafted YOUR WELCOME TO ATTEND THE COALGATE CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE COSTUME JEWELRY Necklace & Pierced Earring Set Price Firm $2000 Single Earring Sets $6 ea or 2/for $10 00 Read John 3:16 00 Have a Blessed Day Listen to 88.3 THEGOSPELSTATION.COM SERIOUS INJURY & WRONGFUL DEATH Medical Malpractive • Defective Products • Industrial Accidents Railroad Accidents Call for Free Consuultation 323 E. Carl Albert Parkway, McAlester, Ok. 423-0421 • 1-800-658-1596 Dr. Donald Dingle, D.C. Treating Auto accident victims and other dull matters. Call me: 580-889-3338 U. S. Army veteran Bobby Ingram with wife Edna and daughter-in-law Kathy Ingram, a teacher at Tupelo High School. U.S. Air Force veteran Trent Bourland with nephew Colton Bourland, niece Keara Bourland, and nephew Ty Bourland. PAGE B-8—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—NOVEMBER 19 , 2014 Filing Period Near for City Council, School Board Offices Veterans Day at Tupelo Schools The filing period for two seats on the Coalgate City Council and one seat each on the Coalgate, Tupelo and Cottonwood Boards of Education begins Monday, December 1, Coal County Election Board Secretary Vicky Salmon announced today. Declarations of Candidacy will be accepted at the Coal County Election Board office for the following offices: Coalgate City Council — Ward 3 (currently held by Joe Ward) Coalgate City Council — Ward 4 (currently held by Muriel Parker) Coalgate School District – Office No. 5 ZONES: M,1,2,4 Cottonwood School District – Office No. 2 for week of NOVEMBER 16, 2014 Tupelo School District – Office No. 5 2x2 run anywhere in your newspaper. Don’t forget to remind your classified department to Theads filingmay period opens Monday, December 1, at 8:00 a.m. and download the line ads for closes Wednesday, December 3, atthis 5:00week p.m. at - CHOOSE AD atSIZE CLOSEST TO YOUR COLUMN WIDTH The Coal County Election Board office isTHE located 18 N. Michigan Street in Coalgate (behind the post office). The telephone number is 580-927-3456. GIVE AN OKLAHOMA VETERAN THE CHANCE TO BE HONORED. Your tax-deductible donation to OKLAHOMA HONOR FLIGHTS will help transport Oklahoma veterans to Washington, D.C. to visit memorials dedicated to honor their service and sacrifices. For more information on how to donate, visit or call (405) 259-9000 GIVE AN OKLAHOMA VE THE CHANCE TO BE HON Your tax-deductible donation to OKLA HONOR FLIGHTS will help transport veterans to Washington, D.C. to visit m dedicated to honor their service and s Tupelo Ag teacher Steve Ake, left, with U.S. Marines veteran Lee Murphyon and For more information howwife to don Eileen. oklahomahono or call (405) Andy’s Muffler & AliGNMeNt re-Opening Soon 203 N. Main - Coalgate, OK MICHAEL L. DIAL, D.D.S. Family Dentistry & Orthodontics U.S. Army veteran Dale Marshall with grandson Taylor Miller, daughter Jennifer Miller, and wife Marie. 104 Ruth Avenue, Atoka •Crowns • Bridges • Fillings •Root Canals •Cosmetic Dentistry •Oral Surgery •Teeth Whitening •Sedation Office hours by appointment (580) 889-2505 Major credit cards accepted Tupelo High School student Kyle Bailey with his grandfather, Winfred Westbrook, right, a U.S. Army veteran, and his dad, Vernon Bailey, an Oklahoma National Guard veteran.
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