Coalgate man found dead in McCurtain County
Coalgate man found dead in McCurtain County
Volume 132 Number 16 COALGATE, OKLAHOMA 74538 Coal County (USPS 120140) 50¢ Wednesday, JULY 1, 2015 DISTRICT 12 VETERANS — From left (front) - George Matthews, Bob Smith, Louis Daniel, Arvard McLellan, Nellie Hunter, Reuben Burge, Harold Mitchell; (2nd row) - Color Guard John Burleson, Jerry Nanney, Richard Kindig, Donald Stanberry, Leamon Morris, Tommy Morgan, Roger Barnes, Billy Roebuck, Noah Burris, Ernest Dutton, Ellis Carnes, James Harris, Councilman James Frazier, and Color Guard Ronnie Scott. (Story Page A-3) Coalgate, Tupelo 4th of July Schedules Coalgate and Tupelo are planning big Independence Day celebrations. Coalgate events will kick off about 10:45 a.m. with a performance by the Oklahoma Territorial Gunslingers followed by a parade at 11:00. Lots of activities will be going on in the park all afternoon and evening, including a free music concert and a fireworks display. Tupelo’s celebration will start about 5:00 p.m. on Main Street with booths and games. You’ll have time to check all those out before the traditional community softball game begins. After the ball game, head back to Main Street and enjoy some live music and a street dance. The grand finale will be a fireworks display by the Tupelo Fire Department. Coalgate Schedule 10:00 a.m. – Parade lineup near the Coalgate School gymnasium. 10:45 a.m. (possibly a little earlier) – Coalgate’s own Oklahoma Territorial Gunslingers will perform on either the Shamrock Bank parking lot or near the parking lot on Stacy Street. Stacy Street is one block west of Main Street. 11:00 a.m. – Parade begins. Parade theme: “Symbols of Freedom.” Pre-registration is not required. Participants will fill out registration forms during lineup. Following the parade – Lunch at the Coalgate Park Building. Barbecue sandwiches and all the fixin’s. Sponsored by Coal County OHCE clubs. Afternoon and evening Various activities will take place in the park all afternoon and evening, including the always-popular Lions Club train that children love. The Coalgate cheerleaders have several games and events lined up, including a bounce house, dunking booth, golf game, bean bag toss, duck pound and “Plinko.” Other activities will also be taking place. 6:00 – 9:45 p.m. – Free concert by the Rhyne Brothers Band of Wardville. 9:45 p.m. – Fireworks display by the Coalgate Fire Department. Booth space in the park Continued on Page A-3 CHOCTAW SINGERS, led by Paula Carney (left), sing a hymn in Choctaw at the veterans’ appreciation luncheon held at the District 12 Choctaw Community Center in Coalgate. The children shown above are (front) – Jordan Faulkenberry, Thomas McCoy; (back) – Cherokee McCoy, Checotah McCoy, and Chayenne McCoy. Coalgate man found dead in McCurtain County Juan Foreman performing with the Blackhorse Band at a Choctaw Nation District 12 event. Coal County is mourning the death of a Coalgate man who was found dead in McCurtain County on Wednesday, June 24. Charlie Mackey, spokesperson for the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation, told the Coalgate Record-Register that the McCurtain County Sheriff’s Office was called to Kate’s Grocery in Tom, OK, on June 24 at approximately 7:30 a.m. Sheriff’s deputies responding to the call found an unresponsive male identified as 42-yearold Juan Del Foreman in his vehicle on the grocery store parking lot. Foreman reportedly had rescued a fawn beside a roadway, and the baby deer was alive and well in the vehicle, Mackey said. The McCurtain County Sheriff’s Office requested the assistance of OSBI, he said, and agents Whitten Kent and Steven Carter processed the scene. Foreman’s body was transported to the state Medical Examiner’s Office in Tulsa for autopsy. Mackey advised late Tuesday afternoon, June 30, “Evidence in the investigation indicates that his death was the result of a self-inflicted gunshot wound.” When asked if the self-inflicted gunshot wound was accidental or with intent, Mackey replied, “Selfinflicted does not imply intent or anything.” OSBI is awaiting the toxicology report from the Medical Examiner’s Office, he said. A spokesperson with the Medical Examiner’s Office said Tuesday morning that the toxicology lab report could take up to 60 days. Continued on Page A-3 PAGE A-2—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—JULY 1, 2015 At our 50th Class Reunion this past weekend we shared a lot of memories, including our haircuts. I had a flat top in high school and Herman Apple was my barber. When he finished the cut he would always put butch wax in my hair. It made what little hair was left stand up and it also smelled good. On the way home, the bugs that flew near me would get stuck in my hair. It was better than fly spray and often my mom would have me walk thru the house before dinner to rid our home of flying insects. The girls also discussed their hairstyles which came from area beauticians such as Nell Baldwin, Velma Berryman, Irene Barnhart, Bonnie Nowlin, Nora Parker and Minnie Sweeney. The girls’ memories made me think about one of my favorite “hair” stories shared by Dennis Swanberg. The Toni Sucrets? Not many of us ever took one of those elusive throat lozenges, but we can sure remember things that were stored in the boxes long after the lozenges were gone. A Sucrets box was a multifaceted thing. Our family had one that was mainly used to store bobby pins; it only came forth t a special time in our life – when Mama got a Toni! Mama periodically saved up to buy a Toni homepermanent kit. She got so excited when she purchased one at the supermarket. She was pumped! It was a monumental moment for Mama. Her getting a Toni was likened in the Swanberg family to her being the winner on the fifties television show Queen for a Day. It was Mama’s new lease on life. It was her moment in the sun and our moment of nasal dismay. That stuff stank! It was an event that was precipitated by many phone calls to aunts, grandparents, sisters and friends. It was almost newsworthy in the local Grit magazine. And it was the catalyst for Mama’s disposition for the next couple of months. We would pray, “Lord Jesus, give us a good Toni for the family’s sake. If Mama’s not happy, nobody’s happy.” On some Toni adventures, we traveled to Grandpa and Grandma Johnson’s house in the country. Grandma Bell would administer the Toni on the front porch, next to the old church bench. All of the Toni paraphernalia would be laid on the church bench, but not to rest. We kids usually sat out in the cotton field on a terrace and watched. This was a sight that I must explain. Grandma always began by washing Mama’s hair in a big white porcelain pan with a red rim, the one we kids were bathed in when we were babies. After slinging Mama’s hair back, Grandma twisted it to wring it out. Then out came the comb. Grandma pulled in through Mama’s hair, taking out the tangles. We watched Mama wince, but she was willing to endure the pain for the excitement of getting a Toni. Grandma started with a strand of hair, poured on the milky solutions, and then put a square of toilet tissue on Mamas hair. Next she rolled that strand of hair around a pencil and slid the curl down to Mama’s head. With two bobby pins from the Sucrets box, she pinned Mama’s new Toni curl down! We were waiting for the Toni bottle; that stuff stank to high heaven. It was not a sweet aroma to the Lord. But Grandma seemed to enjoy the smell. When she took that bottle and poured it on Mama’s hair, the ozone layer visibly changed. We cringed, Mama held her nose, and Grandma inhaled. Even the mud daubers took off from their next under the eaves of the porch! We loved watching those mud daubers get out of the way. Their formation was, everyone on your own; abandon mission. They weren’t the Blue Angels, but they were the Flying Daubers, reminiscent of the Flying Tigers of World War II! We kids qualified Mama’s Toni’s by how many mud daubers were affected when Grandma dabbed on that stinky, milky, murky liquid. That day on Grandma’s porch, Mama’s Toni was a ninedauber ‘do. Others ranged between four and seven, but that day was the one and only nine-dauber ‘do. Those were the days. Life’s joys were there for all of us: Mama, Grandma, we kids, and the mud daubers. We enjoyed the elementary things of life. Looking back, I realize that those times were memorable and noteworthy. They were our basic education before entering the upperlevel courses of life. Mama was satisfied with a Toni, whereas moms today want a nine-dauber special at a nine-chair salon. Who know how they do hair today? It’s all done behind closed doors. In those days, it was done on the porch. We were family, and we all experienced it together. Mama even went to the grocery store with her hair in pins to show off her impending moment of glory. Her hair would soon unfold and hold. We would be blessed, and Mama would be transformed. Now when I open my medicine cabinet and see a Sucrets box, I remember those Toni moments and am reminded of how good life was, is, and will be. Every family needs a box of memories. —CC— The older I get the more I enjoy taking trips down “Memory Lane” . . . Forty years ago this weekend a dazzling American writer with a massive following died far too young. You never see his name on most-esteemed-author lists alongside Hemingway or Faulkner or Fitzgerald; the sentences he wrote were not intended to appear on a printed page. Rod Serling was 50 years old when, after open-heart surgery, he passed away on June 28, 1975. Tens of millions of television viewers knew him solely as the host/narrator of “The Twilight Zone” series, which ran from 1959 to 1964. There is twist to that worthy of a Serling script: He ended up on camera only because CBS’s first choice, Orson Wells, was asking for too large a salary. So Serling, the creator of the series, was called to step in front of the lights. In retrospect, he was ideal for the role, and for the medium: dark-haired, intense and sharp-featured, often wearing a black suit, white shirt and black necktie as he introduced a black-and-white tale of which “lies between the pit of man’s fears and the summit of his knowledge.” His crisp delivery registered with the clarity of hard-metal typewriter letters slapping against a brand-new ribbon onto a pristine sheet of paper. Yet for all the lasting cultural cachet of “The Twilight Zone,” Serling’s genius as a writer was first, and best, seen in the years before the series went on the air. When television was still a novelty, Serling – an undersized World War II paratrooper attempting to find his footing back home – wrote a string of tele-plays, presented live, that eve today are stunning in their power and maturity. “Patterns” – he was still in his 20s when he wrote it – was the Kraft Television Theatre production that, on the night of January 12, 1955, made his name. A tale of betrayal and cruelty in executive suites, it presaged the visceral understanding of the human heart that would be his touchstone. “Requiem for a Heavyweight,” the story of a prizefighter tossed into life’s garbage heap when he ceases to be a meal ticket for his manager, may be Serling’s finest work, but there were so many others: “The Comedian,” about television’s capacity to make monsters of its stars; “The Velvet Alley,” about Hollywood’s perilous seductiveness; “The Arena,” about Capitol Hill politics corroding the souls of those who toil at it. Coast-to-coast television was still new. With only a handful of channels available, much of an enthralled nation witnessed each live production. Serling’s most impressive contribution may have been the respect he had for the intelligence of his audience; his faith that people were willing to watch stories with serious adult themes, in the years before “adult content” came to mean curse words, gratuitous nudity and toilet humor. In the first season of “The Twilight Zone,” Serling wrote 28 of the 36 weekly episodes. He would write the majority of the 156 productions during the series’ five-year run. The deadline swore him out; toward the end of his life he briefly hosted a TV game show and did commercials for beer and floor wax. For all his 30-minute tales of other worldly phenomena, the most vivid theme in his writing was a constant longing for home, a yearning for the place where all of us have our beginnings. He is buried in Seneca County in upstate New York, not far from where he grew up. One of the most-admired episodes in the series that made him a celebrity and that ultimately exhausted him was called “Walking Distance,” about an advertising executive with car trouble on a country road. The man walks to the small town where he was born – and discovers himself, as a boy, in a place where nothing has changed, and where he knows he cannot stay. Here are the final words in that night’s show, heard in Serling’s voice-over narration, describing the character but also likely speaking of someone else: “Martin Sloan, age 36, vice president in charge of media. Successful in most things, but not in the one effort that all men try at some time in their lives – trying to go home again. And also like all men, perhaps there’ll be an occasion, maybe a summer night sometime, when he’ll look up from what he’s doing and listen to the distant music of a callipe, and hear the voices and the laughter of the people and the places of his past. And perhaps across his mind there’ll flit a little errant wish: that a man might not have to become old, never outgrow the parks and the merry-go-rounds of his youth. And he’ll smile then too, because he’ll know it is just an errant wish, some wisp of memory, not too important, really: some laughing ghosts that cross a man’s mind, that are a part of the Twilight Zone.” — Bob Greene Wall Street Journal I still enjoy watching Twilight Zone reruns. There are few shows that equal those filmed during the “good old days.” My Blessed Mess July 11 9:00 am Doors open at 8:00 am Featuring: LeAnn Hart Cost: $10 LeAnn was born in Louisiana and now lives in Marietta, OK. She lives a very fast paced life with her husband, J. W. Hart and their two children, Wacey and Makayla. She has many boots to fill as a wife, mom, witness for Jesus Christ. She will captivate you with her songs and messages. Please join us in welcoming her to our city bringing the word of God. Cornerstone Praise and Worship Center 1103 S. Wrangler Blvd. Coalgate, OK. To make reservations, please Call: 580-927-3900, 580-258-1947 or 580-258-0551. Lunch will be provided and a love offering will be taken. No child care available. Choctaw Nation District 12 pays honor to veterans Continued from Front Page United States military veterans of District 12 of the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma were recognized at an appreciation luncheon and ceremony held June 17 at the Choctaw Community Center in Coalgate. Eighteen veterans were present. District 12 Councilman James Frazier emceed the event, with posting of colors by the Choctaw Nation Coalgate, Tupelo 4th of July Schedules Continued from Front Page is still available for $10 per booth ($25 for food booths). Information booths are free of charge. Anyone interested in having a booth or sponsoring a game should contact Coalgate City Hall at 580-927-3914. The concession stand will be open. The Coalgate swimming pool will be open on July 4. Remember – there is an ordinance against shooting fireworks in Coalgate city limits. Tupelo Schedule (times are approximate) 5:00 p.m. - Vendor booths, kid games, bounce houses, and turtle races on Main Street. 6:00 p.m. - Community softball game, followed by free watermelon for everyone. 8:00 p.m. - Street dance with the Local Neighborhood Outlaws Band on Main Street. Mitchell Trimmer will also perform. Main Street will be closed to traffic. Dark - Fireworks display by Tupelo Fire Department. Coalgate Man Found Dead Continued from Front Page Funeral services for Juan were held Sunday, June 28. His wife, Renay Foreman, expressed her appreciation for the support she and her family have received and asks for everyone’s continued prayers. “We are so very thankful for our family, friends and community,” she said. “Everyone has gone above and beyond to help us in any way possible. Please continue to pray for my babies!” A Public Letter to the President Dear Mr. President: Millions of God Loving American citizens were stunned and disappointed to see their cherished White House used to promote what God calls “wicked” and “evil”. And guess what, “Ignorance of God’s Law is no excuse.” One can say the same to those judges in the Supreme Court who apparently don’t know those laws either. And I hate to correct you, but I did hear you say, “it’s my House,” referring to the White House. That crown jewel belongs to “we the people.” We do not appreciate it (the White House) being used to promote abomination. Of course, that is exactly what your staff did when they celebrated the High Court’s decision to gay marriage, by lighting up “our house.” They disgraced us before the world, but most important, before our “Creator, God Almighty, the Supreme Judge.” That Supreme Judge left plenty of examples in the Holy Bible to keep future generations from making the same mistake and ending up being destroyed, like Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah, and Zeboim. Those cities/nations incurred God’s wrath because of same-sex. In 2 Peter 2:6 you will find that these cities were made “an example, unto those that after should live ungodly.” Now the USA has taken it even further by saying to same-sex partners, “you have the right to get married.” Instead of listening to the Word of God, you elected to come out in favor of moral perversion. We know, from God’s Word, that those who practice same-sex, God will give “them over to a reprobate mind.” That, after death, means eternal damnation, first in “Hell and later “ the lake of fire” forever and ever. So ask yourself, “why would a well-meaning and loving person want anyone to pursue such a life-style? And you are promoting this life-style from our White House!!!! We need to correct a misconception: God loves us, and we who have been saved by God’s grace, love Him and all mankind in the world. There is only one race, the human race. However, rejecting The Word of God, which was made flesh in the person Jesus Christ our Savior, will lead to Hell, because by doing so, one rejects God’s last chance to Mankind for forgiveness for our sins. The Holy Bible states, “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3:23). He is “the way, the truth, and the life,” (John 14:6) as he said. S)Manuel Ybarra, Jr. Rt. 5 Box 1550 Coalgate, OK 74538 Phone: (580) 428-3242 Color Guard. The following veterans are listed on the current District 12 veterans’ roster: Roger Barnes, U.S. Army, 1967-69; David L. Battles, U.S. Army, 1968-74; Reuben Burge, U.S. Army, 1953-55; Noah Burris, Oklahoma National Guard, 1973-87; Ellis Carnes, U.S. Air Force, 1961-65; Louis E. Daniel, U.S. Army, 1963-65; Ernest Dutton, U.S. Army, 1963-65; Marvin Hampton, U.S. Army, 1965-67; James Harris, U.S. Army/ OKARNG, 1959-63, 196570, 1974-78; Nellie Hunter, WAC, 1957-60; Richard Kindig, U.S. Army, 196668; George Matthews; Arvard McLellan, U.S. Army, 1942-45; Dwayne E. Miles, U.S. Army, 196971; Lyndal G. Miles, U.S. Army, 1970-72; Harold Mitchell, U.S. Army, 195355; Tommy Morgan, U.S. Army/National Guard, 1974-78, 1978-79; Leamon Morris, U.S. Army/Military Police, 1954-56; Jerry Nanney, U.S. Army, 196064; Billy J. Roebuck, U.S. Army/National Guard, 1967-70, 1978-98; Robert L. Smith, National Guard, 1963-69; Donald Stanberry, U.S. Army, 1965-68; David Stiles, U.S. Army, 1965-67; Arvard J. Ward, U.S. Army, 1968-70; Bobby Willard, U.S. Air Force (retired), COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—JULY 1, 2015—PAGE A-3 Dinner at Park Building July 4 - 11:00 - 1:30 Sponsored by OHCE (Homemakers) Menu BBQ Sandwich Baked Beans Chips-Relishes Drinks - Desserts Adults $700 Children under 10 $350 Palace Drug& Gifts 104 West Ohio • Coalgate, Ok - 580-927-2064 FREE LOCAL DELIVERY (cut off delivery time 3pm) Hand Therapy (many scents) Art Prints by Dale Adkins Illustrator for magazine & Book Covers for Louis L’Amour & Zane Gray Western Decor Diamond Gussett Jeans up to 1/2 Off PAGE A-4—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—JULY 1, 2015 Service Sunday, July 12, for Patti Hudson Martha Patton “Patti” Hudson was born at home in Coalgate, OK on 4/29/1925, to William Hunter and Ruth Castle Hudson. She was the oldest of 3 children. She graduated from Coalgate High School and attended Oklahoma College for Women for 2 years, then graduated from the University of Oklahoma with a BA in English and minor in French. The following year, she attended the University of Pittsburgh and completed a master’s in retail. She moved to Oklahoma City and worked for Haliburton’s Department Store as Kathryn Lipe’s assistant in the children’s clothing area. When Kathryn opened her own children’s clothing store, Patti joined her as a buyer. The business thrived, and Patti worked there 23 years. She loved the personal contact with customers and she eventually managed and bought for the Juniors Department. She then took a job with Street’s women’s and children’s specialty store as girl’s clothing buyer, and during her time there the business expanded from 4 to 13 stores, with 12 having children’s departments. She loved helping build a strong, successful business and networking with people in the field. She had a natural gift for knowing what her customers needed and wanted. She was a member of the Oklahoma Chapter of Fashion Group for women in the fashion field. She was a lifelong member of the United Methodist Church and sang in the choir for many years. After retirement, she enjoyed bridge clubs and book clubs, and lunched with friends almost daily. She moved to Durant, Oklahoma in recent years to be near family, whom she dined with every Sunday in the last years of her life. She was preceded in death by a brother, William Castle Hudson, a sister, Julianne Downs, and a nephew, Kyle Hunter Hudson. Her survivors included nieces, a grandniece, and grandnephews. A celebration of Patti’s life will be held at 2:00 PM Sunday, July 12, 2015 at Brown’s Funeral Service Chapel, Durant, Oklahoma. Condolences may be sent to the family at . Arrangements are under the direction of Brown’s Funeral Service, Durant. Service Held for Juan Foreman It’s your future, Plan Plan ahead. It’s you future. ahead It’s your future and your choice. At Brown»s Funeral Service we»ll guide you through the process of prearranging your funeral wishes. We offer a variety of payment plans to –t almost every lifestyle. You may choose to pay in full, or select a payment plan from 12 months to 10 years. It’s your choice. We also offer life insurance and monuments. Call Jeremy Burris for a no-obligation consultation. B Brown’s $60 Funeral Service 400 W. Queen Coalgate, OK 580-927-6915 or 927-2101 Conceal Carry Class Thursday, July 16 • 6 p.m. Moss High School per person Contact Tom Cartwright • 405-380-6729 Weapon will be provided! ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS MONDAY & THURSDAY AT 8:PM SATURDAY MORNINGS AT 8:AM ST. PETERS EPISCOPAL CHURCH 107 HANOVER COALGATE OK 580-927-0229 MICHAEL L. DIAL, D.D.S. Family Dentistry & Orthodontics 104 Ruth Avenue, Atoka •Crowns • Bridges • Fillings •Root Canals •Cosmetic Dentistry •Oral Surgery •Teeth Whitening •Sedation Office hours by appointment (580) 889-2505 Major credit cards accepted Funeral services for Juan Del Foreman, a Coalgate resident, were held Sunday, June 28, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. at Brown’s Funeral Chapel in Coalgate with Rev. Bob Graham officiating. Burial was in Byrd’s Prairie Cemetery with Brown’s Funeral Service of Coalgate in charge of arrangements. Juan was born July 14, 1972 to Deljuan and Inez Carleen (Vick) Foreman at Ada, OK and passed away June 24, 2015 at Tom, OK at the age of 42. He graduated from Coalgate High School in 1990 and served in the United States Air Force. Juan married Renay Morgan on December 20, 1996 in Coalgate and was a heavy equipment operator for Venables. He was a member of the First Baptist Church of Centrahoma. Survivors include his wife, Renay (Morgan) Foreman of the home in Coalgate; sons, Ridge of Ada, Joseph, Seth and Luke all of Coalgate; father, Deljuan Foreman of Coalgate; mother, Carleen (Vick) (Foreman) Jemison and husband, James of Wapanucka; brothers, Jeremiah Foreman and wife, Sage of Coalgate and Marshall Jemison of Wapanucka; grandmother, Alice Vick of Coalgate; father and mother-in-law, Tommy and Shirley Morgan of Centrahoma; sisters-in-law, Christy Davis of Coalgate and Leandra Morgan of Ada; aunts, Sheila Nelson and husband, Curtis of Olney, Cajuana Moore, Kathy Coffee, both of Coalgate and Faye Winningham of Wapanucka; uncles, W. C. Vick and wife, Elizabeth (Liz) of Coalgate and Keith Foreman and wife, Jan of Sulpher; nephews, Jacob Foreman, Zayne Davis, and Zachary Davis; nieces, Carlee Foreman, Miah Foreman and Morgan Davis; special friend, Lisa Blackmon; along with a host of cousins, other relatives and many friends. He was preceded in death by his grandparents, Clinton and Hazel Foreman and Carl Vick. Casketbearers were Jeremiah Foreman, Jimmy Lampkin, Milo Nelson, Josh Nelson, Brian Ringels, Jerry Davis, Ralph Wilson and Brian Ward. Honorary casketbearers were the Coalgate graduating class members of 1990 and all former band members. Service Held for Velma Virgie Vieux Funeral services for Velma Virgie (Edge) Vieux, a longtime Atoka resident, since1962, were held Monday, June 29, 2015 at 10:00 a.m. at Brown’s Funeral Chapel in Atoka with Bro. Kevin Angel officiating. Burial was in Memory Gardens Cemetery at 2:00 p.m. in McAlester, OK with Brown’s Funeral Service of Atoka in charge of arrangements. Mrs. Vieux was born December 22, 1922 to Archie and Virgie (Hopper) Edge at Hartshorne, OK and passed away June 26, 2015 at Hartshorne, OK at the age of 92. She attended school in Pittsburg County, graduated from Ashland High School, attended Poteau Jr. College and received her Master Degree in Education from Southeastern Oklahoma State University. Velma married Clarence Vieux on January 7, 1943 in McAlester, OK. He preceded her in death in 2007. Velma was a reading specialist at Atoka schools for 27 years. She was a member of First Baptist Church in Atoka, and a member of Atoka County Retired Teacher’s Association. She loved to sew, write, and read. Velma wrote her own memoirs. Survivors include her children, Roy Vieux and wife, Karen, of Wilburton, OK, and Janifaye Vieux of Austin, TX; grandchildren, Jennifer Hopson and husband, Owen of Bastrop, TX, Kerri Briggs and husband, Darren of Sallisaw, OK, and Joye Angel and husband, Kevin of Atoka; great grandchildren, Shaye Angel, Liam LaVance, Riley Briggs, Hope Angel, Cavan LaVance, Rian Briggs; along with numerous nieces, nephews, other relatives and many dear friends. She was preceded in death by her husband; parents; and siblings, Elbert Edge, Earl Edge, Doyle Edge, Clarence Edge and Ida Faye Rock. Casketbearers were Shaye Angel, Liam LaVance, Riley Briggs, Hope Angel, Cavan LaVance, and Rian Briggs. Riverside Autoplex 3224 Hwy 48 In Holdenville [405] 379-5424 COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—JULY 1, 2015—PAGE A-5 2015 Emerson Elementary Awards Assembly 2008 Chevrolet Silverado 2008 Buick Lucerne *$279 a month* *$219 a month* 2014 Chevrolet Silverado 2007 Buick Rendevous *$329 a month* *$199 a month* 2014 Chevrolet Sonic 2014 Buick Verano *$279 a month* *$319 a month* - All payments with approved credit - INTRODUCING NEW SERVICE OPTIONS Now open Saturday 9:00am - 1:00pm for Quick Lubes FREE Check engine code readings! FREE multi-point inspection with any service $19.99 for Standard Oil Changes $39.95 for Dexos (Synthetic) up to 5 Quarts Excludes Disels $99.00 Window Tint 4 Door Cars $49.99 2 Roll Ups (Reg. Cab Trucks) EMERSON AWARDS ASSEMBLY — Journey Holt, Fourth Grade Perfect Attendance, with Principal Greg Davidson. OHP Report Drinking Speeder Arrested A 20-year-old Sasakwa, OK man was arrested shortly before 1:00 a.m. June 21 after he was stopped for speeding. He was charged with driving under the influence by person under 21, transporting an open container of 3.2 beer and speeding. Trooper John Ivey said he was sitting stationary at the SH 3/US 75 junction west of Coalgate when he tracked a vehicle traveling 93 mph in a 65 mph zone. He said when he made contact with the driver, Aaron Del Harjo, he detected an odor of alcohol from Harjo’s breath. Harjo admitted to drinking earlier in the evening but said there was no alcohol in the vehicle. An open container of beer plus several unopened containers were found in the back of the vehicle, Ivey said. Harjo failed a field sobriety test and agreed to take the state’s test at the Coal County Sheriff’s Office. He failed the state’s test with a BAC reading of 0.07. Harjo has pleaded not guilty to the charges and is scheduled for a return court appearance on September 11. He has been released from custody on $1,907 bond. Obstructing an Officer A Durant truck driver was arrested the afternoon of June 24 after his truck apparently got stuck on SH 3 near Caney Creek and he refused to follow a state trooper’s instructions. Trooper John Benedict said when he arrived at the scene of a reported semi tractor-trailer accident on SH 3, a 2000 Freightliner sitting on the north side of the road appeared to be stuck. When he asked the driver, Donald Evans, for his driver’s license and vehicle registration, Evans became very argumentative, refused to furnish the requested items, and got in the truck, Benedict said. Evans stood on the truck step rails several times “in an aggressive manner” and was told if he kept refusing to cooperate, he would be arrested. Evans continued to ignore the trooper’s orders and was told he was under arrest and needed to step out of the vehicle, which he refused to do. Trooper Benedict said he then reached inside the vehicle and attempted to extract Evans, but Evans began resisting. At that point, Coal County Undersheriff Bobby Hatton and deputies Nicholas Davis and Jeff Wortman assisted the trooper. He was removed from the truck, handcuffed and transported to the Coal County jail. Evans has pleaded not guilty to the charge and has been released on $1,000 bond. His case is set on the September 11 disposition docket. EMERSON AWARDS ASSEMBLY — Dalana Lawson, Breana Hale, Fifth Grade Perfect Attendance, with Principal Greg Davidson. EMERSON AWARDS ASSEMBLY — Johnithan Parrilla, Hallie Wilson, Cord Coffee, Sunni Dillard, Jeffrey Hampton – Third Grade Perfect Attendance. Behind the students is Principal Greg Davidson. EMERSON AWARDS ASSEMBLY — Hannah Hall, Jacob Strother, Jake Coffee, Kallie Chapman, Sixth Grade Perfect Attendance. PAGE A-6—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—JULY 1, 2015 Commissioners’ Proceedings The Board of County Commissioners of Coal County met for a regular scheduled meeting on Monday, June 22, 2015 at 9:00 a.m. in the conference room of the County Commissioners Building. Michael Hensley called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. Roll was called by Michael Hensley. Those present were: Michael Hensley, Vice-Chairman, Johnny Ward, Member, Eugina Loudermilk, County Clerk, and Landi Frazier, Deputy Clerk. at the City Hall. Hensley said to get the problem fixed. Johnny Ward made a motion to adjourn from the meeting at 9:23. Hensley seconded. Ward and Hensley approved. ______________________________ _____________________________ Brock Jones, Chairman Michael Hensley, Vice-chairman _____________________________ ______________________________ Johnny Ward, Member Attest: Eugina Loudermilk, County Clerk LEGAL NOTICE Guests present were: Jennifer Green, Cherry Hefley, Bryan Jump and Berney Blue. Johnny Ward gave the invocation. Johnny Ward made a motion to approve the minutes from the previous meeting. Hensley seconded. Ward and Hensley approved. Johnny Ward made a motion to approve transfers of appropriations for the Sheriff, Assessor and Treasurerʼs office within the General fund. Hensley seconded. Ward and Hensley approved. Johnny Ward made a motion to approve purchase orders for payment. Hensley seconded. Ward and Hensley approved the following: Fiscal Year: Payments by Fund Approved 2014-2015 From: 6/19/2015 To: 6/24/2015 Warrant No. Vendor Name 911 COLLECTIONS 60 AT&T 61 AT&T COUNTY SALES TAX 1654 BOB BARKER CO. INC. 1655 KENT'S BODY SHOP 1656 GALLS AN ARAMARK COMPANY 1657 AT&T 1658 C & C HARDWARE 1659 C & C HARDWARE 1660 C & C HARDWARE 1661 AT&T 1662 US CELLULAR 1663 C & C HARDWARE 1664 RECORD REGISTER 1665 RECORD REGISTER 1666 C & C HARDWARE 1667 RICKS OIL COMPANY 1668 C & C HARDWARE 1669 OCI-OSI 1670 PITNEY BOWES 1671 LAMBERTS MECHANICAL 1672 DOUBLE S LUMBER 1673 MIDWEST PRINTING CO. 1674 RICKS OIL COMPANY 1675 C & C HARDWARE YELLOWHOUSE MACHINERY 1676 CO 1677 COALGATE FUELS 1678 RICKS OIL COMPANY 1679 AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER 1680 KOUNTRY STORE 1681 KOUNTRY STORE 1682 TUPELO TRAVEL STOP, LLC 1683 C & C HARDWARE 1684 FAMILY DOLLAR STORE Amount Purpose $3,589.65 $3,618.20 911 SERVICE 911 SERVICE $65.00 $250.00 $540.91 $133.49 $25.25 $44.54 $6.57 $230.72 $577.87 $13.99 $299.10 $299.65 $133.72 $35.76 $18.97 $2,479.84 $150.00 $71.50 $129.99 $670.09 $36.01 $43.96 SHERIFF OFFICE SUPPLIES SHERIFF DEPT REPAIRS SHERIFF DEPT EQUIPMENT OSU SERVICE SUPPLIES LIBRARY SUPPLIES SUPPLIES EMER MNGMT AND 911 SERVICE EMER MNGMT AND 911 SERVICE DHS SUPPLIES PUBLICATION PUBLICATION SUPPLIES FUEL INMATE WORK CREW SUPPLIES FURNITURE RENTALS SERVICE SUPPLIES SUPPLIES FUEL SOLID WASTE SUPPLIES $134.89 SOLID WASTE PARTS $82.90 $60.00 $98.15 $28.16 $83.06 $68.05 $34.95 $66.00 1685 COLLINS, TWYLA $125.00 1686 AMERICAN ELECTRIC POWER $96.17 1687 1688 1689 OCI-OSI OCI-OSI OCI-OSI COAL COUNTY AUTHORITY $6,377.38 $417.21 $421.00 SOLID WASTE SUPPLIES SOLID WASTE SERVICE CLARITA RFD SERVICE CLARITA RFD FUEL CLARITA RFD FUEL CLARITA RFD FUEL CLARITA RFD SUPPLIES CLARITA COMM CENTER SUPPL CLARITA SENIOR CITIZENS SERVICE CLARITA SENIOR CITIZENS BLANKET SUPPLIES FAIRBARN SUPPLIES FAIRBARN SUPPLIES $34,636.38 TAX COLLECTION $73.98 SERVICE GENERAL BUDGET ACCT. 1473 AT&T 1474 MILLER OFFICE EQUIPMENT 1475 C & C HARDWARE 1476 AT&T 1477 ABC OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY 1478 BOB BARKER CO. INC. 1479 CANNON FINANCIAL SERVICES 1480 AT&T 1481 QUILL CORP 1482 RECORD REGISTER $28.89 $593.26 $75.98 $187.69 $133.55 $1,325.72 $3,000.00 $28.39 $169.96 $23.78 SHERIFF OFFICE SERVICE MAINTENANCE CONT SHERIFF DEPT SUPPLIES SHERIFF OFFICE SERVICE SHERIFF DEPT SERVICE INMATE CARE COPY MACHINE SERVICE ELECTION BD SUPPLIES ASSESSOR PUBLICATION HIGHWAY 2617 2618 2619 2620 2621 2622 2623 $161.81 $28.87 $51.36 $116.16 $9.60 $82.38 $79.65 DIST 1 SHOP SUPPLIES DIST 2 PARTS DIST 2 PARTS DIST 2 PARTS DIST 2 SUPPLIES DIST 2 SERVICE DIST 2 FIRST AID SUPPLIES $318.52 DIST 2 PARTS $67.91 $67.91 $70.00 $539.36 $272.50 $182.72 $158.29 $943.71 $31.61 $62.00 $6,320.81 $11,883.81 $3,894.67 DIST 2 SHOP SUPPLIES DIST 2 SHOP SUPPLIES DIST 3 RENTAL DIST 3 GRAVEL DIST 3 PARTS & LABOR DIST 3 SUPPLIES DIST 3 SHOP SUPPLIES DIST 3 BLANKET PUBLICATION COMMISSIONER SERVICE RENTALS RENTALS RENTALS $147.29 TRANSFER OF FUNDS MD-1A MD-1C MD-2 HEALTH BUDGET ACCT 228 OK STATE DEPT OF HEALTH 229 OKLAHOMA DENTAL 230 QUILL CORP $15,833.37 $600.00 $1,007.93 HEALTH DEPT SALARIES HEALTH DEPT SERVICE HEALTH DEPT SUPPLIES RESALE PROPERTY 86 MILLER OFFICE EQUIPMENT 87 CANNON FINANCIAL SERVICES $31.80 $2,458.56 MAINTENANCE CONT COPY MACHINE 1690 HEALTHCARE DRUG COURT CASH FUND 107 2624 2625 2626 2627 2628 2629 2630 2631 2632 2633 2634 2635 2636 2637 SPRINGHOUSE WATER B&S SUPPLIES O REILLY AUTO PARTS JIMMIE S AUTO SUPPLY DAVIS FLEET PART & SERV C & C HARDWARE NIX AUTO ABC OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY YELLOWHOUSE MACHINERY CO ARAMARK ARAMARK WOLFPACK RENTALS DOLESE CO RICKS OIL COMPANY C & C HARDWARE B&S SUPPLIES BLESSING GRAVEL LLC RECORD REGISTER AT&T U-VERSE SHAMROCK BANK FIRSTBANK WELCH STATE BANK LAW LIBRARY LAW 34 FUND LIBRARY REVOLVING Johnny Ward made a motion to approve the interlocal agreement between Coal County and CED#4. Hensley seconded. Ward and Hensley approved. Johnny Ward made a motion to approve ACCO-SIG (property and liability) membership for FY2016. Ward also made a motion to pay the premium of $57,067 in one lump sum payment out of the sales tax account. Hensley seconded. Ward and Hensley approved. Johnny Ward made a motion to approve a contract for membership with Air Med, which will cover each of the county employees and their household. Hensley seconded. Ward and Hensley approved. Johnny Ward made a motion to approve the resolution to declare a copier surplus in the Assessorʼs office. Ward said he would like to receive the copier and put it on District 2ʼs inventory. Hensley seconded. Ward and Hensley approved. Next on the agenda was to take action and approve renewal of cooperative agreement between Coal County and Oklahoma Dept. of Agriculture, Food, and Forestry Wildlife Services Division for predator and rodent services for FY2016. Johnny Ward made a motion to approve the agreement and pay the annual amount of $2400 out of the sales tax account. Hensley seconded. Ward and Hensley approved. Next item on the agenda was to discuss and take possible action regarding a request for funding for the Southern Oklahoma Rural Transportation System operated by Big Five Community Services, Inc. Johnny Ward said he felt that this is something that the Board should consider doing again as they have in the past. He said SORTS does a lot to help the community with transportation needs for the school and senior citizens. He said the Board should look at it again around budget time. Hensley made a motion to table this matter so it can reviewed during the budget meetings. Ward seconded. Hensley and Ward approved. Next on the agenda was to open and award bids for the lease purchase of a 2015 model or newer mid-sized SUV for the Assessorʼs office. Clerk Loudermilk said she only received one bid from Bob Hurley Ford. The bid was for a 2016 Ford Explorer in the amount of $25,021.00. Clerk Loudermilk read aloud the 3 different payment option plans with financing through Welch State Bank: TERM INETEREST RATE MONTHLY PAYMENT 36 Month 2.73% $730.62 48 Month 2.95% $557.84 60 Month 3.08% $454.23 Cherry Hefley said she would like to go with the payment option of 48 months, which is around the amount she has put in her budget for the next year. Johnny Ward made a motion to accept the bid and select the payment option of 48 month lease purchase. Hensley seconded. Ward and Hensley approved. Next item on the agenda was to discuss and take possible action to allow the Sheriffʼs office to purchase a new patrol unit. Bryan Jump said they are looking at a Dodge Durango SUV 4X4with patrol package for the resource officer at the school, and it is on the state bid contract for $29,453.00. It needs lights and a radio. He added that he would like to purchase the vehicle out of his surplus budget money. Johnny Ward made a motion to allow the Sheriffʼs office to purchase the vehicle. Hensley seconded. Ward and Hensley approved. Old Business: Johnny Ward said that Shelly Williams with ODOT has rescheduled the inspection for major collectors due to a backlog with other counties during the recent flooding. New Business: Bryan Jump said the drains in the jail have an awful smell like sewer coming out of them. He said the toilets may not have any p-traps to contain the smell. They have tried pouring every kind of substance down the drains to help and nothing is working. Michael Hensley said to contact a plumber and get the problem fixed. Johnny Ward said to try contacting Rodger Cosper and see if there is anything they can do at the City Hall. Hensley said to get the problem fixed. Johnny Ward made a motion to adjourn from the meeting at 9:23. Hensley seconded. Ward and LEGAL NOTICE (Published in the Coalgate Record Register June 17, 24 & July 1, 2015, 3t) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF COAL COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA ROBERT WALKUP and JONATHAN HEATH DAVIDSON, Plaintiffs, vs. The Unknown Heirs, Executors, Administrators, Devisees, Trustees and Assigns of GURTHA LEWIS, deceased; the Unknown Heirs, Executors, Administrators, Devisees, Trustees and Assigns of LORIEN BENTON LEWIS, deceased; the Unknown Heirs, Executors, Administrators, Devisees, Trustees and Assigns of JUANITA LEWIS now WALLACE, deceased; the Unknown Heirs, Executors, Administrators, Devisees, Trustees and Assigns of CUBBY EDMOND LEWIS, deceased; the Unknown Heirs, Executors, Administrators, Devisees, Trustees and Assigns of ETEY LEWIS s/p/a PENNY ETOY FULTON, deceased; and THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA, ex rel. OKLAHOMA TAX COMMISSION; Defendants. CV-2015-14 NOTICE BY PUBLICATION THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA TO: THE ABOVE-NAMED DEFENDANTS GREETINGS: Take notice that you and each of you, have been sued in the District Court of Coal County by the above-named Plaintiffs in the above numbered and styled cause of action. This suit is brought for the purpose of quieting title in and to the property described as follows: E/2 SE/4 SE/4 (less 1.42 acres for C & C Ry) and North 4.52 acres of SW/4 SE/4 SE/4 and W/2 SE/4 and NW/4 NE/4 SE/4 (less 1.57 acres) and NW/4 SE/4 SE/4 (less 1.53 acres), all in Section 34, Township 1 North, Range 8 East, and S/2 NE/4 SW/4 and NW/4 NE/4 SE/4 and NE/4 NW/4 SE/4 of Section 2, Township 1 South, Range 8 East, Coal County, State of Oklahoma. in which Plaintiff, Robert Walkup, owns the entire surface interest and Plaintiff, Jonathan Heath Davidson, owns an undivided 101/189 mineral interest in said properties. Defendants must answer the Petition herein on or before the 28th day of July, 2015, or the allegations of said Petition will be taken as true, and a judgment will be quieting title in and to the real property as prayed for in the Plaintiffs’ Petition and excluding Defendants from any claim in the above described real property. WITNESS my hand and seal this 8th day of June, 2015. Rachel Nix, Court Clerk Coal County, Oklahoma By:S)Brittany Brice Deputy Peary L. Robertson, OBA #22895 Robertson Law Office, PLLC P.O. Box 2336 Seminole, OK 74818 Tel: (405) 382-7300 Fax: ((405) 382-2887 LEGAL NOTICE (Published in the Coalgate Record Register June 24 & July 1, 2015, 2t) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF COAL COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA THE BANK, N. A. A Corporation, Plaintiff, v. GEORGE W. CLARK, and SHERRI E. CLARK, a/k/a SHERRIE CLARK, Husband and Wife, Defendants. CJ-2015-1 NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE Notice is given that on the 11th day of August, 2015, at 10:00 o’clock a.m., at the front door of the Coal County Courthouse (lobby) in Coalgate, Coal County, Oklahoma located at 4 North Main, Coalgate, Oklahoma 74538, the undersigned Sheriff of said County will offer for sale and sell at public auction, for cash, to the highest bidder, all that certain real property located in Coal County, Oklahoma, which is more particularly described as follows: See attached Exhibit “A” subject to unpaid taxes, tax sales, assessments, if any. The sale will be made pursuant to Special Execution and Order of Sale With Appraisement issued upon a judgment entered in the District Court of Coal County, Oklahoma, in Case No. CJ-2015-1, wherein The Bank, N. A. is the Plaintiff, and George W. Clark and Sherri E. Clark, a/k/a Sherrie Clark, are the Defendants to satisfy a judgment on its first cause of action in favor of The Bank, N. A., in the current principal sums of not less than $69,790.29, together with interest accrued in the amount of $865.07, as of December 18, 2014, and accruing at the contract rate of 8.75% per annum, which is $16.73 per diem, late charges accrued in the amount of $315.00, as of December 18, 2014, and accruing, and other charges accrued as of December 18, 2014 in the amount of $829.50, and accruing, and a reasonable attorney’s fee in the amount of $5,000.00, all as set forth in the Foreclosure Journal Entry of Judgment which is incorporated herein by reference. The value of the Property as determined by appraisers appointed by the undersigned Sheriff is $52,500.00. Without limiting the foregoing, the persons or other entities together with such persons’ or other entities’ unknown successors, having an interest in the Property whose interests are sought to be extinguished, including those whose actual address is unknown being hereby notified are: George W. Clark 1722 S. Carson, Apt. 2008 Tulsa, Oklahoma 74119 Sherri E. Clark a/k/a Sherrie Clark 600 Broadway Haskell, Oklahoma 74436 WITNESS my hand this 19th day of June, 2015. Sheriff of Coal County, State of Oklahoma By: S)Brian Jump Deputy Konsure Law Firm M Todd Konsure, OBA #13891 Josh Reid, OBA #21787 Attorneys for The Bank N. A. P.O. Box 1031 McAlester, Oklahoma 74502 Phone: (918) 426-0700 Fax: (918) 426-1870 EXHIBIT “A” Three tracts of land located in the NW/4 of SW/4 of NE/4 of Section 36, Township 1 North, Range 11 East of the Indian Base and Meridian, Coal County, Oklahoma, more particularly described as follows: Tract 1: Commencing at a point located 210 feet North of the SE corner of the NW/4 of SW/4 of NE/4 of said Section, thence West a distance of 210 feet, thence North a distance of 210 feet, thence East a distance of 210 feet, thence South a distance of 210 feet to the point of beginning. Tract 2: Beginning at the NE corner of the NW/4 of SW/4 of NE/4 of said Section, thence South a distance of 210 feet, thence West a distance of 210 feet, thence North a distance of 210 feet, thence East a distance of 210 feet to the point of beginning, with a 30 feet road easement on the East side. Tract 3: Commencing at a point located 420 feet East of SW corner of said NW/4 of SW/4 of NE/4, thence East a distance of 210 feet to a point on the South boundary line 30 feet West of the SE corner of NW/4 of SW/4 of NE/4, thence North on a line parallel with the East boundary line of the NW/4 of SW/4 of NE/4 a distance of 210 feet, thence West on a line parallel with the North boundary line of the NW/4 of SW/4 of NE/4 a distance of 210 feet, thence south on a line parallel with the West boundary line of the NW/4 of SW/4 of NE/4 a distance of 210 feet to the point of beginning. LPXLP COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—JULY 1, 2015—PAGE A-7 Cottonwood K-4 Graduates BEST FRIENDS Harley Fortenberry, left, and River Allen on graduation day at Cottonwood Elementary. Harley and River were among 21 K-4 students who received their diplomas on May 11. K-4 students Autumn Scott and Danny Scott in the 2015 graduation processional. Adrian Childers, left, and Presley Humphreys pose for a BFF photo before the processional begins. K-4 BUDDIES William Wiseman, left, and Isaac Roberts on graduation day. COTTONWOOD 2015 K-4 GRADUATES Johnny Coplen, Mavryck Cole and Katlyn Holloway, from left, pose for a photo as they wait for the processional to begin. PAGE A-8—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—JULY 1, 2015 CHS 2015-2016 Junior Class is hosting a Hamburger Fundraiser for the Foreman Family FRIDAY, JULY 3RD 11:00 am to 1:00 pm Coalgate First United Methodist Church $6 includes a Large Hamburger, Chips, Drink& Dessert eRY LIv R De Ut o o Y ARR n, C I For delivery please contact e DIn Jackie Horton 399-5398 Kim Barnes-elkins 927-0733 or Melissa Casey 927-5110 “Oh Long May It Wave O’er the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave!” – Francis Scott Key Happy Birthday Sweet Land of Liberty! Service Today for Raymond Carson Cleveland Funeral services for Raymond Carson Cleveland, a Wapanucka, OK resident, will be held Wednesday (today), July 1, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. at Brown’s Funeral Chapel in Atoka with Bro. Leon Crites officiating. Burial will be in Rosehill Cemetery in Wapanucka with Brown’s Funeral Service of Atoka in charge of arrangements. Mr. Cleveland was born February 9, 1925 to Tom and Lillian (Belcher) Cleveland in Johnston County, OK and passed away June 27, 2015 in Atoka, OK at the age of 90. He attended Pleasant Hill School in Atoka County and proudly served his country in the U. S. Army during WWII, where he was honored with the purple heart and three bronze stars. Raymond married Orvizine (Nichols) on October 31, 1944 in Atoka, OK. They were married for 70 wonderful years. Raymond was a self-employed carpenter, was of the Pentecostal faith and enjoyed fishing, playing his guitar and enjoyed camping and going on vacation. Survivors include his wife, Orvizine Cleveland of the home; son, Kenneth Cleveland and wife, Mary of Wapanucka, OK; daughters, Janice Brown and husband, Robert of Coppell, TX, Doris Grimsley and husband, Randy of Atoka, Carlene Murphy and husband, Jerry of Wapanucka; eleven grandchildren; twenty-two great grandchildren; four great, great grandchildren; sister, Vera Ables of Coalgate; brother, Darin Cleveland of Wapanucka; along with numerous nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends. He was preceded in death by his parents; step-mother, Leona Cleveland; sister, Elizida Cleveland; brother, Thomas Edward Cleveland; daughter, Charlene Cleveland; son, Dwayne Cleveland; grandson, Michael Brown; and great grandson, Cody Chambers. Casketbearers were Bobby Cleveland, Jeff Cleveland, David Brown, Brian Grimsley, Ryan Anthony Grimsley, and Aaron Colton. Honorary bearers will be Richard Stevens and Johnny Bowman. Christola “Christi” Scott Passes Away Wishing all of our friends and neighbors here in the community a safe and happy July 4th. We hope your weekend is a blast! GOD BLESS We will be closed Saturday, July 4, 2015 in observance of Independence Day. We will resume regular business hours Monday, July 6, 2015. Antlers • 100 N. High St. • (580) 298-3368 Atoka • 701 S. Mississippi • (580) 889-7357 Coalgate • 704 S. Broadway • (580) 927-3555 Hugo • 1501 E. Jackson St. • (580) 326-4958 Kiowa • 100 Harper Valley Rd. • (918) 432-3400 Check out our assets for sale at! Christola “Christi” Scott, a Caddo, OK resident, passed away June 24, 2015 at Caddo, OK at the age of 53. She was born January 12, 1962 to Pleas and Sherry Jean (Jeter) Scott at Ft. Worth, TX. Christi and was a housekeeper and attended Stoneburg B a p t i s t Church. She enjoyed fishing, her grandchildren, gardening and was a good cook. Survivors include her sons, Ryan Sessom of San Star Spangled 4 Day Event Friday July 3 - Monday July 6 J.B.’s Lumber & Ace Home Center 1407 North Country Club Road • Ada, Oklahoma • (580)436-3992 Store Hours: Mon - Fri 7:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. • Sat 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. • Sunday 12 noon to 6 p.m. Angelo, TX and Josh Tate of Bowie, TX; grandson, Bryce Tate of Bowie, TX; granddaughter, Claire Sessom of San Angelo, TX; sisters, Debi Scott of Caney, OK and B. J. Mashburn of Luther, OK; brothers, Dennis Scott of Caney, OK and Mickey Scott and wife, Karen of Bowie, TX; along with numerous nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents; and sister, Teresa Scott Miller. No service is planned at this time. Independence Day Closings The Coal County courthouse and Coalgate City Hall will be closed on the following days in observance of Independence Day: Courthouse – Friday, July 3. Regular office hours will resume on Monday, July 6. City Hall — Monday, July 6. Regular office hours will resume on Tuesday, July 7. COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—JULY 1, 2015—PAGE B-1 The Paul Hooe Outfit Hopes You Can Join Us On SATURDAY, JULY 11TH 11:00 AM TO 2:00 PM At The Fellowship Hall Of The First United Methodist Church Coalgate, Oklahoma Located on the Corner of Hwy 3 & Newell St Six juveniles are put to work repairing damage they caused to the rear exterior wall of the Coal County Public Library. Coalgate Police Report Citations The following citations were issued by the Coalgate Police Department from Monday, June 15, through Sunday, June 28: Rose Marie Hunter, Atoka, OK – Failure to yield. James Wesley Hill, Antlers, OK – Interfering with a police officer in line of duty. Shaunda M. Gray, Coalgate, OK – Petit larceny. Eddie Lee Moon, Atoka, OK – Leaving scene of accident; improper parking. Ben P. Jernigan, Gilmer, TX – Speeding. Jessica C. Taylor, Coalgate, OK – Petit larceny. Brandy M. Pearce, Kingwood, TX – Speeding. Travis L. Walker, Coalgate, OK – Driving under suspension; no insurance. Timothy Matthew Burke, Calvin, OK – Petit larceny. Gaven Hawk Ott, Coalgate, OK – No insurance. Indiana Race Lee, Atoka, OK – Failure to yield from stop. Breaking and Entering; Petit Larceny A Coalgate woman was charged June 22 with petit larceny and breaking and entering with unlawful intent after she allegedly went into a residential garage without the owner’s permission and removed several items. According to officer Cristine Hennessee’s probable cause affidavit, the property owner claimed that Jessica Coline Taylor Stiles, 36, took two extension ladders, a chainsaw, power drill, 44-gallon trash can and several other items from his garage. She was doing some cleanup work on the property but was not given permission to go into the garage or to remove anything from the property, he said. Stiles claimed she thought the items were scraps that he wanted to get rid of and she was hauling them off to throw in a dumpster. Her pickup was sitting partially in the man’s yard with the front of the pickup facing the garage when Hennessee arrived at the residence. Several of the items were in the truck, she said. Stiles stated that she had taken the trash can to her residence so she could use it to clean up her residence because she was about to be evicted. She was issued a city citation for petit theft for the trash can that was retrieved from her residence. Two witnesses told Hennessee they had seen Stiles with an extension ladder, and one said she had asked him on several occasions if he wanted to buy some tools. Stiles was taken into custody on an outstanding Coal County warrant. The following day when Hennessee attempted to talk with her at the Coal County jail, she refused to sign the Miranda Rights document and told the officer she did not have any of the property. She said the witnesses lied. During Stiles’ initial court appearance without an attorney, the court entered a plea of not guilty on her behalf and set bond at $1,500. Her next court appearance is scheduled for September 11. The District Attorney’s office has filed an application to accelerate a deferred sentence Stiles was given in May for cashing several stolen/forged checks and knowingly concealing the stolen checks. Domestic Abuse Wesley Ray Barger, 54, Coalgate, was charged June 29 with domestic abuse assault and battery and obstructing an officer in the performance of his duty. Assistant Chief of Police Steven Jett said he was dispatched to a Newell Street residence the evening of June 27 regarding a possible domestic. He said after he knocked and announced twice at the front door without a response, a female began walking toward him from a neighbor’s residence. The woman told him that her ex-husband, with whom she had been living for the past three years, was drunk and had assaulted her. Barger opened the door and stepped onto the porch while holding the screen open, Jett said, but started back inside the house when Jett asked him about assaulting his ex-wife. Barger ignored the commands and went inside. He was restrained in a bedroom and transported to jail. During Barger’s initial S For more information call 927-2262 927-2057 or 927-0542 court appearance without legal representation, the Court entered a plea of not guilty on his behalf and set bond at $2,000. The case is set for hearing on September 11. We will be celebrating Paul’s 80th Birthday by doing lot’s of visiting and eating burgers and hotdogs and all the fix in’s at noon If you’re not able to be with us, he would enjoy a call at 580-927-3206 or he loves getting cards No Gifts, Please, Other Than The Pleasure Of Your Company Continued on Page B-2 RED TAG SALE NIX AUTO CENTER in McAlester is overstocked with a large number of new demos, program vehicles, as well as OFF lease returns! All demos qualify for factory rebates as well as 0% financing on select vehicles. 20 to choose from. Program cars are reduced as much as $3,000 per car for this special offer to the public, with over 50 to choose from. Select from over 500 vehicles total. The largest selection in SE Oklahoma. HURRY THESE VEHICLES SELL FAST! SALE DATES Start Date: THURSDAY, JULY 2nd End Date: SATURDAY, JULY 4th THIS HUGE EVENT IS AT: 700 S. George Nigh Expressway ● McAlester, OK 918-423-6200 ● 1-800-400-6201 u F n r P e a m r t m y u July 11, 2015 6:00 p.m. Coal County Fair Barn Good Food!!! Good Prizes!!! Good Time!!! Fish Dinner 20 $ for 2 with all the trimmings. Tickets may be purchased 1st place $2,000 from a Fair Board Member or Coal County Extension Office 2nd place- Metal Garden Bench Live Music 3rd place- $100 Sponsored by Coal County Fair Board PAGE B-2—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—JULY 1, 2015 ATOKA LIVESTOCK AUCTION SALE EVERY MONDAY Weekly Market Report Monday, JUNE 29, 2015 SALE RESULTS CATTLE SOLD 1232 STEERS 200 - 300 lb .....$2.10 300 - 400 lb......$2.00 400 - 500 lb......$1.97 500 - 600 lb......$2.00 600 - 700 lb......$1.50 - $4.20 - $3.75 - $3.32.5 - $2.62.5 - $2.43 Police Report Continued from Page B-1 HEIFERS 200 - 300 lb......$2.40 - $3.30 300 - 400 lb......$2.00 - $3.02.5 400 - 500 lb......$1.90 - $2.79 500 - 600 lb......$1.74 - $2.40 600 - 700 lb......$1.70 - $2.45 PAIRS $1500-$2950 • STOCKER COWS $1400 - $2600 PACKER COWS 1.00 - $1.28 LOW DRESSING .90¢ - $1.00 • PACKER BULLS $1.25 - $1.55 BULLS PER hEAD $2500 - 3000 • BABY CALVES - $300 - $675 Owners & Operators Phil & Paula Hatridge Mob. 918-424-1754 ~ Office 580-889-3264 PO Box 1103 - Atoka, Ok 74525 WE WILL HAVE A SALE ON MONDAY, JULY 6TH WE WILL NOT HAVE OUR POULTRY/EQUIPMENT AUCTION ON SATURDAY, JULY 4TH LEGAL NOTICE (Published in the Coalgate Record Register July 1, 2015, 1t) BEFORE THE CORPORATION COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA APPLICANT: bravo arkoma, llc RELIEF SOUGHT: SEPARATE ALLOWABLE LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SECTION 1, TOWNSHIP 1 NORTH, RANGE 10 east, COAL COUNTY, OKLAHOMA CAUSE CD NO. 201502974-t NOTICE OF HEARING TOALLPERSONS, OWNERS, PRODUCERS, OPERATORS, PURCHASERS AND TAKERS OF OIL AND GAS, INCLUDING Adam Vaughn; Alton and Lavon Gore; Amy Vaughn; Angela Heard Harmon; Anne Vaughn; Apple Blossom Royalties, LLC; Arc Properties, LLC c/o David Hull; Arlene Rosalind Bergner, Life Tenant; Aquaenco, Inc. ; Avanzini Family Trust of April 9, 1993 William G. Avanzini and Joy A. Avanzini; BP America Production Company; Bebe Bunch Williams; Beta Shale, LLC; Canaan Resources, LLC; Carlysle Exploration, Inc.; Carolyn Joyce Young; Clifford Ray Heard, Jr.; Coal-gate Holdings, LLC; Coastal Management Trust; Commissioners of the Land Office; Continental Resources, Inc.; Cosmo Energy, LLC; D.S.C.M., Inc.; Darr Investments, LLC; David L. Spears; David Vaughn; Davis Hudson; Debbie Barnhill; Dee Ann Allen and Kent W. Allen; Della K. Watson; Devil River Investments, Inc. c/o George W. Owens, President; Donna J. Campbell; Dorothy Diane Mayer, now Grigg; Eagleton/ Haddad, LLC; Eli T. Mayer; Foreman Enterprises, Inc.; Frances Celia Schimmel, Life Tenant; Gary D. Wilson; George N. Haddad Trust Robert Haddad, Trustee; Gore Exploration, LLC; Holly Goozen; Iris Scott; Island Energy, LLC; J.D. Ray, Inc.; Jacky D. Phillips; JahreeStandridge Revocable Living Trust; James E. Stephens and Shelby Stephens; JoAnn McMasters Restated and Amended Revocable Trust dated June 1, 2007 JoAnn McMasters, Trustee; John Heard; John Hudson; John Mark Miller and Lois Kay Miller; John D. Muselmann; Jones Energy, LLC; Joyce Parks Tomlinson, Personal Representative of the Estate of P.G. Parks aka Pete Parks, Deceased; Julie McKinney Thomas; Kenneth R. Carlock and Ginger Carlock; Leah Kuten; Legacy Royalty, LLC; Leon Lanoy and Mary Pauline Lanoy; Lynda G. Allen; Lois Diane Hampton; Lonnie Sims; Mark Heard; Mitchell Royalty A, LP; Newfield Exploration Mid-Continent, Inc.; Orville Duncan and Donnie Ray Shores, LLC; Pagosa Resources, LLC; PEC Minerals, LP; Pebblestone Properties, LLC; Petroquest Energy, LLC; Randy Robson; Randy Robson and Donna Robson; Richard McKinney; Ronald Paul Mayer; Ross Nerenberg; Rymee R. Mayer c/o Shannon Bryant, Guardian; Sandra K. Peters; Sarah Vogel Family Trust, dtd. 9/20/2004 Anita Webber, Trustee; Sekani Exploration, LLC; Shores Oil Corporation; Sinclair Oil and Gas Company; Southridge Energy, LLC; Southwest Petroleum Company, LP; Spartan Resources, LLC Attn: Accounting Office; Susan Garnett; Tim W. Munson, LLC; Titan STC, LLC; Twin Rivers, Inc.; Vanguard Operating, LLC, f/k/a Vanguard Permian, LLC; Vicki Lynn Massie, now Vaughn; Wade T. Pebworth; William Richard Haddad Trust William Richard Haddad, Trustee; William C. Haddad and Susan Haddad; XTO Energy, Inc.; Yale Oil Association, Inc.; and all persons if living and if deceased, their known and unknown successors and all corporations existing and if dissolved, its known and unknown successors and all other persons having an interest in the lands covered hereby, particularly in Coal County, Oklahoma. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Applicant has filed an Application for an increased well density for the Section 1, Township 1 North, Range 10 East, Coal County, Oklahoma, Cause CD No. 201502992-T. That the Applicant is requesting that the Commission enter its order allowing Applicant to produce the requested two increased density wells from the Woodford common source at the greater of a shared allowable with the existing wells in the unit of supply or a separate allowable for the common source of supply named above underlying Section 1, Township 1 North, Range 10 East, Coal County, Oklahoma and designate Applicant or some other party as operator. The separate allowable for each well granted shall be from the date of first production. The separate allowable for each well is to be calculated by the greater of the minimum allowable or the percentage of the well’s wellhead absolute open flow potential. There shall be no transfer of the separate allowable between the wells and any other well within the unit. In addition, there will be no underage or overage pertaining to the separate allowable transferred between the wells and any other well in the unit. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this cause be set before an Administrative Law Judge for hearing, taking of evidence and reporting to the Commission. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this cause will be heard before an Administrative Law Judge on the Initial Hearing Docket at the Corporation Commission, Eastern Regional Office, 440 South Houston, Tulsa, Oklahoma, 74127, Oklahoma, at 8:30 a.m. on the 20th day of July, 2015 and that this notice be published as required by law and the rules of the Commission. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that in the event this cause is uncontested, the Applicant, its representatives, witnesses and other proponents of the Applicant may appear and testify by telephone. The cost of telephonic communication shall be paid by the person or persons requesting its use. Interested parties who wish to participate by telephone shall contact the Applicant or Applicant’s attorney, prior to the hearing date, and provide their name and phone number. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all interested persons may appear and be heard. For information concerning this action, contact Mike Ledbetter, Bravo Arkoma, LLC, 1323 E. 71st Street, Suite 400, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74136, 918/894-4469 or Ron M. Barnes or Grayson Barnes, BARNES LAW, PLLC, 1648 S. Boston Ave., Ste.100, Tulsa, Oklahoma, 74119, 918/382-8686. CORPORATION COMMISSION OF OKLAHOMA S)BOB ANTHONY Chairman S)DANA L. MURPHY Vice Chairman S)J. TODD HIETT Commissioner DONE AND PERFORMED this 24th day of June, 2015. BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION: S)PEGGY MITCHELL Secretary LEGAL NOTICE (Published in the Coalgate Record Register July 1, 2015, 1t) IN THE DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR PONTOTOC COUNTY STATE OF OKLAHOMA IN THE MATTER OF THE JOINT ESTATES OF GLENDA JOHNSTON and SAM JOHNSTON, Deceased. PB-14-66 NOTICE OF HEARING RETURN OF SALE OF REAL PROPERTY Notice is hereby given that Carolyn Newton, Personal Representative of the estates of Glenda Johnston and Sam Johnston, deceased, has returned and presented for confirmation, and filed in said court her return of the sale of the following described real property of said estate, to wit: Coal County, Oklahoma: W/2 of Lot 2, W/2 of Lot 3 and W/2 of Lot 4 of Section 30, T3N, R9E, containing 47.56 acres, mol. to John Steven Walker and Vickie Jo Reifsnider for the sum of $56,988.00 and that Honorable Steven Kessinger, the 13th day of July, 2015, at 11:00 o’clock a.m. at the court room of the district court in the courthouse in the City of Ada, in said County of Pontotoc and State aforesaid has been duly appointed by said court for hearing said return, at which time any person interested in said estate may appear and file his exceptions in writing to said return and contest the same, and are hereby referred to said return for further particulars. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said court this 24th day of June, 2015. S)Steve Kessinger Judge of the District Court School Vandalism Two 8-year-old boys have been accused of busting eight windows in a Coalgate High School classroom building located behind the main building. The incident occurred on June 20. A surveillance video shows one of the boys riding his bike into the area behind the high school and the second boy running behind the bike. After the bike was set on the ground, both boys ran out of camera view where seven windows were busted. A few minutes later, one of the boys walked up to a window and hit it several times with an object he picked up off the ground, but the window remained intact. The second boy then picked up the same object and began hitting the window without any success. The first boy then came back into camera view with a mop. After busting the window with the mop handle, he threw the mop through the window. The case has been turned over to juvenile authorities. Library Vandalism Six juveniles were captured on a surveillance video last week as they painted graffiti on the rear exterior wall of the Coal County Public Library with an aerosol can of hairspray and then set the hairspray on fire. Ranging in age from 12 to 17, the five boys and one girl were ordered to be at the library at 9:00 o’clock Monday morning to scrape the damaged area and paint the entire rear wall of the building. Police Chief Kenny Pebworth said the county bought the paint, which cost almost $200, and a Coalgate firefighter supervised the project. Coal County District Court Records Misdemeanors Jessica Coline Stiles, Kenefic, OK – Breaking and entering with unlawful intent; petit larceny. Aaron Del Harjo, Sasakwa, OK – Driving under the influence by person under 21; transport open container of 3.2 beer; speeding. Donald Eugene Evans, Durant, OK – Obstructing an officer. Wesley Ray Barger, Coalgate, OK – Domestic abuse assault and battery; obstructing an officer. Civil National Credit Adjusters LLC vs Curtis Carter – Indebtedness. Small Claims C&C Hardware vs Ericka Mae Brice – Money judgment. C&C Hardware vs Darwin Sport Roberts – Money judgment. C&C Hardware vs Robert Wilson – Money judgment. Paula Ennis vs Jessica Coline Taylor – Eviction. Rick’s Oil Co. vs Justin Parker – Money judgment. Rick’s Oil Co. vs Justin and Samantha Franklin – Money judgment. Marriages James Hubert Cooper and Carol Ann Mitchell, both of Coalgate, OK. Stacey Brett Williams, Coalgate, OK, and Crystal Dawn Cagle, Tecumseh, OK. Wade Garrett Lytle, Coalgate, OK, and Alyssa Gail Coffman, Atoka, OK. Raymond Davon Miller and Rhoda Marie Schrock, both of Coalgate Assembly of God Tuesday Evenings 7:00 pm Hurts, Hang-Ups, & Habits Christian 12 Step Program Pastors Billy & Linda Wilson For information call Pastor Billy at 580-927-5588 or 580-927-3020 Pastors Billy and Linda are licensed counselors and experienced 12 step leaders. Meeting will be Christ centered dealing with the reasons people turn to addictions. We deal with all addictions the same, whether it is alcohol, drugs, anger, eating disorders, gambling or any other addictions. Jesus is the answer. LEGAL NOTICE May 06, 2015 Unless otherwise noted in the proposal, all bids must be submitted over the Internet via Bid Express. When written bids are allowed, sealed proposals sent by registered mail will be received through the ODOT Office Engineer Division until 30 minutes prior to the scheduled bid opening. From 30 minutes prior to the bid opening until the time of the bid opening, bid proposals must be turned in directly to the ODOT Commission Room located on the east side of the lobby. The scheduled bid opening is 10:30 A.M. July 23, 2015 for the work listed below. No Proposal for construction or maintenance work of the department will be issued to any contractor after 10:30 A.M. on the working day preceding opening of bids for any contract. Each bid shall be accompanied by a Certified or Cashier’s Check or Bid Bond equal to 5% of the bid made payable to the State of Oklahoma, Department of Transportation, as a proposal guaranty. Proposal checks will be held or returned by the Department as per Section 103.04 of the State Standard Specifications. The minimum wage to be paid laborers and mechanics employed on this project shall be included in the proposal. Bids must be prepared as directed by the State Standard Specifications. Plans, proposals, and specifications may be examined in the plan room or in the Office Engineer Division at the Oklahoma Department of Transportation central office in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. This work will be done under the Oklahoma Department of Transportation applicable specifications for highway construction as depicted on the lower left corner of the plan’s title sheet. Plans and proposal forms may be ordered from the Office Engineer Division, Oklahoma Department of Transportation Building, 200 N.E. 21st Street, Oklahoma City, OK 73105. Cost of Bidding Documents is $50.00 + tax for each Bidding Proposal. State Standard Specifications may be purchased for $55.00 + tax. (Oklahoma tax is 8.375%). Plans (Reduced Size Complete) $19.51 X-SEC $10.84 + postage/handling. Make checks payable to Oklahoma Department of Transportation. No refunds will be made for bidding documents or Specification books purchased. Unless otherwise noted in the proposal, upon award of the contract to the successful bidder, the contract will be completely and correctly executed by the contractor and returned to the Department within ten (10) working days from the date of award. The Department will have fourteen (14) working days from the date of award to complete it’s execution of the contract. The Oklahoma Department of Transportation (ODOT) ensures that no person or groups of persons shall, on the grounds of race, color, sex, age, national origin, disability/handicap, or in income status, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any and all programs, services, or activities administered by ODOT, it’s recipients, sub-recipients, and contractors Description of work and location of project: Job Piece No. STP-115C(076)CI COUNTY ROAD COAL 2494404 GRADE, DRAIN AND SURFACE COUNTY ROAD (NS-382): FROM EW-167, EXTEND NORTH NEAR COALGATE. STATE OF OKLAHOMA, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION By: Mike Patterson, Director. LEGAL NOTICE (Published in the Coalgate Record Register July 1, 2015, 1t) BEFORE THE CORPORATION COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF OKLAHOMA APPLICANT: bravo arkoma, llc RELIEF SOUGHT: INCREASED WELL DENSITY LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SECTION 1, TOWNSHIP 1 NORTH, RANGE 10 east, COAL COUNTY, OKLAHOMA CD 201502992-T AMENDED NOTICE OF HEARING TO ALL PERSONS, OWNERS, PRODUCERS, OPERATORS, PURCHASERS Coalgate Record-Register AND TAKERS OF OIL AND GAS INCLUDING Adam Vaughn; Alton and Lavon 2 col,Amy 12pVaughn; Angela Heard Harmon; Anne Vaughn; Apple Blossom Gore; Royalties, LLC; Arc Properties, LLC c/o David Hull; Arlene Rosalind Bergner, Life Tenant; Aquaenco, Inc. ; Avanzini Family Trust of April 9, 1993 William G. Avanzini and Joy A. Avanzini; BP America Production Company; Bebe Bunch Williams; Beta Shale, LLC; Canaan Resources, LLC; Carlysle Exploration, Inc.; Carolyn Joyce Young; Clifford Ray Heard, Jr.; Coal-gate Holdings, LLC; Coastal Management Trust; Commissioners of the Land Office; Continental Resources, Inc.; Cosmo Energy, LLC; D.S.C.M., Inc.; Darr Investments, LLC; David L. Spears; David Vaughn; Davis Hudson; Debbie Barnhill; Dee Ann Allen and Kent W. Allen; Della K. Watson; Devil River Investments, Inc. c/o George W. Owens, President; Donna J. Campbell; Dorothy Diane Mayer, now Grigg; Eagleton/ Haddad, LLC; Eli T. Mayer; Foreman Enterprises, Inc.; Frances Celia Schimmel, Life Tenant; Gary D. Wilson; George N. Haddad Trust Robert Haddad, Trustee; Gore Exploration, LLC; Holly Goozen; Iris Scott; Island Energy, LLC; J.D. Ray, Inc.; Jacky D. Phillips; JahreeStandridge Revocable Living Trust; James E. Stephens and Shelby Stephens; JoAnn McMasters Restated and Amended Revocable Trust dated June 1, 2007 JoAnn McMasters, Trustee; John Heard; John Hudson; John Mark Miller and Lois Kay Miller; John D. Muselmann; Jones Energy, LLC; Joyce Parks Tomlinson, Personal Representative of the Estate of P.G. Parks aka Pete Parks, Deceased; Julie McKinney Thomas; Kenneth R. Carlock and Ginger Carlock; Leah Kuten; Legacy Royalty, LLC; Leon Lanoy and Mary Pauline Lanoy; Lynda G. Allen; Lois Diane Hampton; Lonnie Sims; Mark Heard; Mitchell Royalty A, LP; Newfield Exploration Mid-Continent, Inc.; Orville Duncan and Donnie Ray Shores, LLC; Pagosa Resources, LLC; PEC Minerals, LP; Pebblestone Properties, LLC; Petroquest Energy, LLC; Randy Robson; Randy Robson and Donna Robson; Richard McKinney; Ronald Paul Mayer; Ross Nerenberg; Rymee R. Mayer c/o Shannon Bryant, Guardian; Sandra K. Peters; Sarah Vogel Family Trust, dtd. 9/20/2004 Anita Webber, Trustee; Sekani Exploration, LLC; Shores Oil Corporation; Sinclair Oil and Gas Company; Southridge Energy, LLC; Southwest Petroleum Company, LP; Spartan Resources, LLC Attn: Accounting Office; Susan Garnett; Tim W. Munson, LLC; Titan STC, LLC; Twin Rivers, Inc.; Vanguard Operating, LLC, f/k/a Vanguard Permian, LLC; Vicki Lynn Massie, now Vaughn; Wade T. Pebworth; William Richard Haddad Trust William Richard Haddad, Trustee; William C. Haddad and Susan Haddad; XTO Energy, Inc.; Yale Oil Association, Inc.; and all persons if living and if deceased, their known and unknown successors and all corporations existing and if dissolved, its known and unknown successors and all other persons having an interest in the lands covered hereby, particularly in Coal County, Oklahoma. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Applicant in this cause is requesting that the Commission enter its order to increase the density by the drilling of two additional wells in Section 1, Township 1 North, Range 10 East, Coal County, Oklahoma for production from the Woodford common source of supply as an exception to Order No. 517464 and designate Applicant or some other party as operator. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this cause be set before an Administrative Law Judge for hearing, taking of evidence and reporting to the Commission. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that this cause will be heard before an Administrative Law Judge on the Initial Hearing Docket at the Corporation Commission, Eastern Regional Office, 440 South Houston, Tulsa, Oklahoma, 74127, Oklahoma, at 8:30 a.m. on the 20th day of July, 2015 and that this Amended Notice be published as required by law and the rules of the Commission. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that in the event this cause is uncontested, the Applicant, its representatives, witnesses and other proponents of the Applicant may appear and testify by telephone. The cost of telephonic communication shall be paid by the person or persons requesting its use. Interested parties who wish to participate by telephone shall contact the Applicant or Applicant’s attorney, prior to the hearing date, and provide their name and phone number. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that all interested persons may appear and be heard. For information concerning this action, contact Mike Ledbetter, Bravo Arkoma, LLC, 1323 E. 71st Street, Suite 400, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74136, 918/8944469 or Ron M. Barnes or Grayson Barnes, BARNES LAW, PLLC, 1648 S. Boston Ave., Ste.100, Tulsa, Oklahoma, 74119, 918/382-8686. CORPORATION COMMISSION OF OKLAHOMA S)BOB ANTHONY Chairman S)DANA L. MURPHY Vice Chairman S)J. TODD HIETT Commissioner DONE AND PERFORMED this 25th day of June, 2015. BY ORDER OF THE COMMISSION: S)PEGGY MITCHELL Secretary COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—JULY 1, 2015—PAGE B-3 Coalgate 8th Grade Graduation WALLACE BYRD MS GRADUATE David Napier with his “big sister,” Destini Sjulestad. Brianna Martinez, Jacob Hales and Tylissa Ragland, from left, were among the 54 Wallace Byrd MS who received their eighth grade diplomas on May 14. IT’S ON TO HIGH SCHOOL for these 2015 Wallace Byrd Middle School graduates Isaac Adcock, Jayce Barnes, Sarah Barton, Abigail Benedict, Maylin Burns and Lakota Campbell. The eighth grade graduation was held May 14. patriotism We will be the land of the free as long as we are home of the brave. This newspaper celebrates all patriots who have served this country and fought to defend its freedoms. We commend our veterans and military service members, and believe in pledging allegiance to our flag and our country. Patriotism matters to this newspaper, and we commend those who demonstrate the loyalty and courage necessary to assure the survival and success of liberty. PATRIOTISM MATTERS IN THE PAPER PAGE B-4—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—JULY 1, 2015 Coalgate 8th Grade Graduation 2015 WBMS GRADUATE Karlie Russell with her proud mom, Maggie McTee. WBMS GRADUATE Bryce Hill is congratulated by his favorite teacher, Ms. Shala Wood. HAPPY GRADUATES! Wallace Byrd MS eighth grade graduates Laura Kersey, left, and Abbigale Daffern wait for the processional to begin. Jayda Reed, left, and Brooklynn Riley on graduation day as they wait for the processional to begin. WBMS GRADUATES Anna Humphreys and Braelynn White-Wardrope are all smiles on graduation day as they wait for the 2015 commencement to begin. LAST DAY OF MIDDLE SCHOOL! Wallace Byrd MS 2015 graduate Thomas Jackson with his mother, Cinda Jackson, on graduation day. WALLACE BYRD MIDDLE SCHOOL GRADUATE Maylin Burns with her parents, Lori and Michael Burns, on graduation day. Maylin is an honor student. Sarah Barton and Lee Kennedy in the Wallace Byrd MS graduation processional. COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—JULY 1, 2015—PAGE B-5 Kathy’s Happy Independence Day! SUMMER DRIVER’S ED Korner, Sandmann Law Office TBHC JULY 6-10 5 DAYS CLASSROOM - 30 HOURS Delivers, 8:00 A.M. - 2:30 P.M. and United LUNCH EACH DAY Mazzio’s • Subway • Taco Mayo Methodists ZONES: M,1,2,4 6 Hours Driving Until All Students Complete Course Johnny, Tara, Amelia, and Elizabeth Sandmann Plan Food Must Be 15 Before Course Ends On September 30 Candi Russell and Imogene Mowdy for week of June 28, 2015 Johnny Sandmann $150 2x2 ads may run anywhere in your newspaper. Don’t forget to remind your classified department to Drive Attorney at Law download the line ads for this week at ATOKA HIGH SCHOOL th 00 Contact: Pat Turner Kathy’s TO Korner StopWIDTH by the Sandmann Law Office on July 4th during - CHOOSE THE AD SIZE CLOSEST YOUR and COLUMN 580-889-7097 (after 5:00 p.m.) TBHC Delivers, the largest the parade for free popsicles (while supplies last). 580-889-0281 (cell) distributor of Hunt Broth- ers® Pizza, have partnered together along with the GIVE AN OKLAHOMA VETERAN United Methodist Church of THE CHANCE TO BE HONORED. Coalgate to help the hungry Your tax-deductible donation to OKLAHOMA in Coalgate this summer. HONOR FLIGHTS will help transport One in five children in the Oklahoma veterans to Washington, D.C. to visit memorials dedicated to honor their service and U.S. are food insecure, acsacrifices. cording to Feeding America. For more information on how to donate, visit Many of those children live right here in Coalgate. That is or call (405) 259-9000 why Kathy’s Korner, TBHC Delivers and the United Methodist Church of Coalgate have joined together to help make the summer even brighter for local families in need. Gary Townsend & Letitia Townsend The drive for non-perishable food items will take place at Kathy’s Korner July 6 – 20. Visitors to Kathy’s (580) 927-0882 • (580) 927-0047 Korner can bring non-perishable food items or purchase them in-store and drop them in the donation box at checkout. Kathy’s Korner worked with the United Methodist Church of Coalgate to coordinate the drive and will deliver all donated food to local children and families who struggle with hunger. Guests who participate in the food drive will also receive a coupon for a free Hunk of Hunt Brothers Pizza upon return to the store. This food drive is part of a nationwide initiative by TBHC Delivers called Provide, which strives to offer basic life necessities to those in need. About Provide: An initiative of TBHC Delivers, whose mantra is to “be a blessing to others,” Provide gives basic life necessities that many take for granted, such as a warm coat, food on the table or school supplies for children, to communities across the country. The initiative was launched locally in Nashville, Tennessee in June 2014 and serves TBHC Delivers markets nationwide. For more information about Provide, please visit About TBHC Delivers: TBHC Delivers is the McAlester Stockyards country’s largest single disMarket Report tributor of Hunt Brothers PizTuesday, June 23, 2015 1300 cattle. Steers $2 to $4 Lower. za, the largest independent Heifers Steady. “But everyone who hears these sayings of brand of hot, fresh-baked pizMine, and does not do them, they will be like a foolish man za in the convenience store who built his house in the sand:” Matt: 8:26 market. Headquartered in Weight Range #1 Steers #1 heifers Nashville, Tennessee, TBHC 225 to 300# $385 to $450 $331 to $340 Delivers improves profit300 to 350# $341 to $376 $315 to $327 ability for convenience store 350 to 400# $316 to $332 $290 to $303 400 to 450# $303 to $317 $279 to $292 owners through the sales 450 to 500# $273 to $285 $236 to $270 and ongoing service of high500 to 550# $257 to $270 $238 to $254 quality, turn-key food service 550 to 600# $250 to $263 $227 to $243 programs. The company pro600 to 700# $227 to $250 $207 to $233 vides comprehensive sales 700 to 750# $219 to $230 $202 to $215 training, weekly service and 800 to 850# $218 to $221 $185 to $194 fresh products for more than 200 Cows & Bulls sold at the evening sale. PACKER COWS StEAdy tO $8 highER And BullS $9 highER 3,000 independently operhigh yielding packer bulls sold from .....................$148 to $155 ated, in-store Pizza Shoppes Average yielding packer bulls sold from................$144 to $147 in 14 states. With a mission low yielding packer bulls sold from.......................$135 to $140 to be a blessing to its conhigh yielding packer cows sold from.....................$115 to $122 venience store partners and Average yielding packer cows sold from...............$112 to $117 the communities they serve, low yielding packer cows sold from .....................$105 to $114 TBHC Delivers is a “GodSale Every tuesday Stocker & feeder cattle begin at 10 a.m.Cows and Bulls tuesday evening, 6 pm first” business with a central OPEn 7 dAyS/WEEK & 24 hOuRS/dAy focus on making a positive 2 RECEiVE & CARE FOR yOuR liVEStOCK inVEStMEnt! impact in the lives of others. Julie Grant Offfice: 918-423-2834 Laura Sherrill george tarr lindsey grant donny Shadwick Richard Magby For more information about 918-423-4498 918-421-9057 918-649-4750 580-889-6049 TBHC Delivers, please visit 918-424-1464 918-548-3478 918-655-7754 580-889-1329 THANKS FOR YOUR BUSINESS! Townsend Constrution Remodeling & New Construction Sandmann Law Office GIVE AN OKLAHOMA VETERAN Attorney Johnny Sandmann PLLC THE CHANCE TO BE HONORED. 28 N Main Your tax-deductible donation to OKLAHOMA Coalgate, OK 74538 HONOR FLIGHTS will help transport Oklahoma Phone: 580-927-2314 veterans to Washington, D.C. to visit memorials 580-927-2315 dedicated to honor their service andFax: sacrifi ces. For more information on how to donate, visit Andy’s or call (405) 259-9000 MUFFLER & ALIGNMENT 203 N. Main - Coalgate, OK ~SPECIAL~ TRANSMISSION FLUSH ANY VEHICLE $16999 Come By or Call for Appointment We’re Your Diesel Performance, DPF & EGR Delete Headquarters • Exhaust - A/C - Tune-Ups • Minor to Major Auto Repair • Alignments starts at $55 Large Or Small We Fix Em All 580-927-2729 Spray-On Truck Liner • Enhances and protects new and used trucks • Sprayed directly onto the truck bed • Unique black textured non-slip finish seals out dirt, moisture and rust • Guaranteed not to peel, buckle or warp • It looks Awesome Charles Dove - (580)272-7014 901 Arlington • Ada • (580)332-8668 Coalgate Assembly of God Church 3 North Byrd • Coalgate, OK ~ Church phone: 580-927-3020 Pastors Billy and Linda Wilson, and Mary Jo Johnson Pastor Billy is a licensed Clinical Pastoral Counselor Pastors Linda and Mary Jo are licensed counselors ServiCe tiMeS: Sunday School 10:00 am ~ Sunday Night 6:00 pm Wednesday Night 7:00 pm We at the Coalgate Assembly of God are looking for the hurt, neglected and unloved people of the community. We want you to know that Jesus loves you just the way you are today and wants to bring you into a relationship with him. Our pastors have years of experience in the deliverance ministry. We are also gifted in healing through Christ Jesus. if you are fighting addictions we are looking for you. We want you to be set free. Free counseling available by appointment Call Pastors Billy & Linda at 927-2050 or Mary Jo at 927-2898 PAGE B-6—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—JULY 1, 2015 YARD SALE—503 S. Clark Street. 8:00 to YARD SALE—Friday, 4:00. Thurs. July 2nd & July 3, next to Curio Fri. July 3rd. (1tp16) Corner & Coalgate Video, 9 till 4. Children’s FOR SALE clothes & shoes, women’s FOR SALE—Approx. clothes, cocktail table, 2 160.0 acres in Sec. student desk, 2 bicycles, 18-1S-11E in Coal household items, lots of County, east of Lehigh, stuffed toys, and misc. OK. Native grass, (1tp16) timber, fenced, ponds, GARAGE SALES running creek, hunting, and road frontage on 3 sides. $2,000/ac. 580467-4022. (4tp15) Spec. Gov. Programs ZERO DOWN if you own land or have family land lenders offered. FREE APPLICATION. Can do septics/elec and water. Call 918-4371870. (8tc20) FOR SALE—3-Heavy duty industrial sewing machines, washer & dryer, small dressers and odds & ends furniture. Call 405-221-3466. (tfn) FOR SALE—4x5 round bales of hay. Bermuda & rye mix. Fertilized and weed sprayed. 580258-8660. (6/17tfn) FOR RENT Storm Shelters 10 yr. Manufactured Warranty on leakage Jerry English 580-927-5493 Installed All Concrete Now Accepting Choctaw Vouchers General Backhoe Work ~ Dozer Work ~ Septic Systems BAR H AG. SERVICES FULL SERVICE AG. SERVICES Hay Bailing - Weed Spraying - Fertilizer Spreading - Fencing - Seeding - Ground Prep - Brushhogging - Mowing - Hauling NO JOB TOO BIG OR TOO SMALL... THE WEEK OF JUNE 2015. Reasonable Rates •28, Free Estimates CAll (580) 927-0980 Leonard Howell OKLAHOMA CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING NETWORK AUCTION HUNTER’S PARADISE AUCTION - Red River Ranch 960± Acres, Davidson, OK. July 9 at 10 AM. .75± mile Red River frontage with riparian corridor. 1+ mile of creek, excellent hunting. UC-Buford Resources Real Estate and Auction. 405-833-9499. Surface only. 10% BP. ABSOLUTE AUCTION 83.5± Acres • Grassland Timber • Hunting Lincoln County Ok Meeker Ok Area Friday • July 31st • 10 am ABSOLUTE AUCTION MEDICAL BILLING SPECIALIST NEEDED! Train at home for a career working with Medical Billing & insurance Claims! No experience needed! Online training at Bryan University! HS Diploma/GED & Computer/Internet needed. 1-877-259-3880. CAN YOU DIG IT? Heavy Equipment Operator Career! We offer training and certifications running bulldozers, backhoes and excavators. Lifetime Job Placement. VA Benefits Eligible! 1-866-362-6497. RN’S UP TO $45/HR, LPN’s up to $37.50/hr. CNA’s up tp $22.50/hr. Free gas/ weekly pay $2,000 bonus. AACO Nursing Agency 800-6564414. LEGAL SERVICES 40± Acres • Pasture SOCIAL SECURITY AND DISABILITY CLAIMS Saunders & Saunders Attorneys at Law. No Recovery - No Fee. 1-800-259-8548 DRIS Elmore City Ok Area Friday • July 31st • 3 p.m. CAREER TRAINING Timber • Garvin County Ok HELP WANTED 25 DRIVER TRAINEES NEEDED! Become a driver for Stevens Transport. NO EXPERIENCE NEEDED! New Drivers earn $800+ per week! PAID CDL TRAINING! Stevens covers all costs! 1-888-748-4133 TAKE OVER 5 ACRES! No Down, No Qualifying. Beautiful Trees, Deer, & Turkey. $59/month. Wilburton, OK (818) 340-1912. AIRLINE CAREERS begin here – Get started by training as FAA certified Aviation Technician. Financial aid if qualified – Job placement assistance. CALL Aviation Institute of Maintenance 866-802-6655. ADVERTISE STATEWIDE ADVERTISE STATEWIDE! For more information or to place an ad contact (405) 499-0020 or tollfree in OK at 1-888-815-2672. CAXCA OCAN062815 FOR MORE INFORMATION ON STATEWIDE ADVERTISING, CALL 1-888-815-2672 “ FOR RENT—1, 2, 3 & 4-Bdrm houses 580-2588856, cell. (11/24tfn) HOUSES FOR RENT—Furnished or unfurnished. All bills paid on some. 927-5171. (3/10tfn) FOR RENT—Office spaces: one is 800 sq. ft. and one is 2400 sq. ft. Also have house for rent. Call Rebecca Washburn 580-927-5332 (1/18tfn) FOR RENT—1bdrm apts. with stove, refrigerator, CH/A, 3 walk-in storm shelters, water sewer & garbage paid. Laundry facility on property. Handicap assessable apts available. At least 62 years of age may apply at Louis Sandmann Senior Housing, 1201 Cedar Way, west of Coalgate football field. 580-9272781. Office hours M-F 9:00 to 1:00. (4/3tfn) FOR RENT—House on 7 N. Byrd, 3-bdrm, 1-bath, close to library, Coalgate. 580-239-2170. (12/3tfn) WANTED WORK WANTED—I will do lawn mowing and/or weed eating. Call Peydon at 580-9275857. (tfn) WORK WANTED— Osborn Tree Service, trimming-pruningremoval-stump grinding. Licensed, bonded, insured, free estimates. Jackie Osborn 580-399-4499, osborntreeservicellc. Ranch Specialist Cheyenne Stanley E-mail: [email protected] 918-557-5308 580-889-7977 Atoka, Oklahoma • 1384 + acres....pristine whitetail and turkey habitat. High fenced. 30 acre lake. 6 acre lake. 2 cattle working areas. 100+AU capacity. Property is fenced and cross fenced. 3 high fenced wildlife breeding pens. 60’x80’ metal barn with 3 bdrm/2bth bunkhouse. • 300 acres - Great hunting land. Electricity and water available. East of Durant • 19.77 acres....3,000+sq. ft. amazing new home. 4 bdrms/3bths. Office. Solid hardwood floors. Exotic granite counters. Gas log fireplace. Landscaped with sprinkler system. Underground electric fence. Attached double car garage. Workshop. Pond • 125 acres - Complete mini ranch. 2 homes. 1 guest cottage. Barns. Steel pens. 4 ponds. Hay meadow. 95% cleared. Clear Boggy upland. $399,000 MANY MORE LISTINGS AVAILABLE. PLEASE CHECK OUR WEB SITE FOR ALL LISTINGS WITH com (1/21tfn) C&M Brush Hog & Lawn Service. Call for Estimates. (405) 5929843. (4tp16) Quality vinyl siding, guttering and windows. Anderson Home Improvement. Wetumka/ Calvin, Oklahoma. Russell Anderson. 405-380-4151. Free estimates. In business since 1975. (tfn) 603 East Lafayette/Hwy 43 - Coalgate, OK HOME FOR SALE 4 Bedroom - 3-1/2 Bath, Formal Living Room, Kitchen with Eating Area, Den with Bar Area. Large Basement with 1/2 Bath, 1 Car Garage, 1-Detached Garage, Carport Separate Fenced Garden Area Magnolia & Pecan Trees, Double Lot Yard $130,000. 580-927-5215 SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY We Can Help Call for Free Consultation 1-800-658-1596 (918) 423-0421 Allen’s Gravel & Rock Hauling 580-364-6643 Tank Truck Drivers Needed A&A Tank Truck Co. – Calvin, OK A&A Tank Truck Co is currently hiring Night Drivers for our Calvin, OK yard. This position will work 4 On 2 Off schedule with the possibility to go to Days in the future. Our drivers are Home every day! Competitive Wages, Medical, Dental, Life Insurance, Paid Time Off, 401K and other benefits available. REQUIREMENTS: · Must possess a valid Commercial Driver’s License with Tank Endorsement · Must provide 3 years verifiable Work History · Oilfield Experience preferred Please contact Frank Williams @ 405-431-8188 or Dispatch @ 580-399-6357 Real Estate Land for Sale New Listing: 603 East Lafayette, 2,800 sq ft, 1.5 story brick home, 4 bdrm, 3.5 bathrooms, full basement, garage on 2 lots, with fenced yard and out buildings. Priced at $128.500. New Listing: Wrangler Blvd. 3 lots with 3 RV hook-ups, and storage building with living quarters. Priced at $20,000. New Listing: North of Wardville, 230 acres with lots of wildlife, several ponds, very secluded. Priced at $380,000. New Listing: 7 N. Broadway - 3 bdrm., 1 bath frame home. Priced at $25,000. 303 West Hooker - 3 bdrm, 1.5 bath, brick home, with 1313 sq ft, carport, on large lot, Priced at $85,000. Hard to find 10 acres on Pine Tree Lane, with pond, water and electricity. Priced at $30,000. North of Coalgate - 3 bdrm, 2 bath frame home with in ground pool, barn with water and electricity. Priced at $168,000. 205 South Dewight, 3 bdrm, 2 bathroom, frame home, with handicap walk-in tub and a nice quite neighborhood. Priced at $89,000. REDUCED TO $79,000.00 North of Coalgate - 754 acres or recreation land, on Caney Boggy Creek with lots of wildlife, electricity on property. Priced at $1,450.00 per acre. For all your auction and Real Estate needs call: Haney Auction and Real Estate 203 North Mississippi • Atoka OK • 580-889-3497 Kevin Haney Auctioneer/Broker • 580-927-5029 Sales Associate: Joel Coffee • 580-927-5563 Honest, Hardworking & Dependable! COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—JULY 1, 2015—PAGE B-7 FOR ALL YOUR PHYSICAL THERAPY NEEDS Suffering from pain, weakness or joint stiffness? Having difficulty getting around? We can help. Call or stop by for a free screening or just for some friendly advice. Steve Penney, PT 1004 S Broadway, Coalgate. ~ 580-927-9121 Dr. Donald Dingle, D.C. Treating Auto accident victims and other dull matters. Call me: 580-889-3338 Johnnie’s Remodeling • Reliable and Dependable • Over 30 years´ Experience Sheetrocking, Painting-Int. & Ext., Decks, Patios, Ceramic Tile, Custom Showers “For All Your Home Improvement Needs” For Free Estimates Call Johnnie Foster Home: 580-428-3266 or 580-320-4582 Quality Work ~Affordable Prices —Photo submitted COALGATE BIG C.A.T.S. GYMNASTS Shelbie Roebuck and Shantell Roebuck brought home medals from the state U.S.A. Gymnastics competition held May 2 in Bartlesville. Shelby won 5th in the Xcel Gold Division; Shantell won 4th in the Xcel Silver Division. This is the first year Shelbie and Shantell have participated in gymnastics. Between them, they have received 90 awards at competitions held throughout Oklahoma. Shelbie is a sixth grade student at Emerson Elementary. Shantell is in the 8th grade at Wallace Byrd Middle School. They are shown above with Coach Heidi Lewis, owner/head coach at Big C.A.T.S. Gymnastics & Training in Atoka. The Tire Shop Highway 1 •Calvin, Oklahoma 1-580-889-0592 or 1-405-332-3212 24 Hr Road Service • Bunk House Spaces for Rent Services Offered: Threads of Cleo LeVally the days that relatives came. home made ice cream. If it was On the 4th of July holiday we the year that we had strawgot out the freezer and made berries, it was strawberry ice cream. If there were no strawberries, it was just vanilla ice cream. Usually the ice cream For All Your Carpentry Needs freezing took place in the back yard or on the big porch off Residential & Commercial the kitchen. It depended on the Free Estimates number of relatives who came and where there was the most Quality Work Since 1974 room for everyone. “No Job Is Too Big Or Too Small” In the fall on Labor Day, it was a day for the men to kill Cell (580)927-5349 a hog and the relatives made the sausage, dressed and hung the hams in the smoke house, cooked spare ribs for the family dinner, etc. The best time I remember was the sitting 240 East Boggy Depot Rd around on the porch and the Atoka, Oklahoma 74525 visiting. Every holiday was a big day at our house. Relatives Phone: 580-364-6643 came from far and near. A lot of Free pickup & delivery within 30 miles of visiting took place. Now a holiAtoka, Oklahoma day at my house is almost like any other day of the week. No FAst DEPEnDABlE sERvicE company comes. No big dinner is prepared. A couple of years ago out of town guests came in on the 4th of July and we took them down to Lake Murray to show them the lake. As we parked in ir t D the parking lot, I noted the lil Fil cense plates of the cars. Most Top everyone had an out of state Soi l Jerry Lemons tag. Lake Murray is very popHome ular with people who are not Cell 580-258-0282 local, but the lake gets a lot of 580-428-3166 traffic on weekends and holidays. It is amazing how our lives have changed over the years. Holidays were for families. (Corner of Newell & Queen) Another thing that has changed is how we spend our time. When I was growing up, my spare time was spent at 11:00 a.m. out doors. In the summer it was swimming or fishing for would like to invite you to join them in worship crawdads in the farm pond. In 580-258-8856 or 580-927-2267 the fall and winter it was picking up pecans or hickory nuts or hunting rabbits. Now when you see two or more teenagVaughn’s ers together, each one of them are talking or posting on a cell phone. I have a cell phone but it is only to be used for an emergency if I have an accident or Free Estimates flat tire on the road. Do I need to change or just 580-364-4391 (Sam) keep on enjoying my life as it Serving SE Oklahoma Since 1973 is? We repair and sell new, used and recap tires for 18 wheelers, cars, pickups, tractors, backhoes, and lawn mowers. We sell batteries, hydraulic oil and we do oil changes. For years the 4th of July holiday and Labor Day were big days at our house. Those are GREG PETERS 3.5” x 2.5” | Maximum Font Size: 30 pt Keep a level head in an up-and-down market. Taylor P Howard Financial Advisor . 1500 Hoppe Blvd Suite 11 Ada, OK 74820 580-436-1632 Allen’s Tractor & Dozer Repair Dozer Work Gravel Hauling PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH = Meeting Each Sunday Roofing & Construction Member SIPC ATTENTION•••••••••••• The Town of Tupelo is looking for venders to set up booths in the 4th of July Celebration events booth spaces are available at no cost For more information please call Kallie at (580) 845-2412 1Scott McCormack Cell 580-310-4389 West of Ada on Hwy 3W • (580)436-5033 Thank You for your patronage & support! Stockers & Feeder • Pairs, Cows & Bulls Wednesdays starting at 9:00 a.m. Average Report for 6/24/2015 Total Head: 1500 Steers 265-290 ...............$340.00-$377.50 305-340 ...............$330.00-$372.50 350-397 ...............$310.00-$326.00 405-425 ...............$290.00-$308.00 459-494 ...............$275.00-$290.00 505-520 ...............$272.00-$278.00 508-524 ...............$249.00-$260.00 555-595 ...............$235.00-$249.50 600-648 ...............$238.00-$251.00 706-745 ...............$228.50-$229.00 716.....................................$221.00 755-775 ...............$223.00-$230.00 805-816 ...............$215.00-$217.50 859-890 ...............$210.00-$215.50 Heifers 260-295 .............. $300.00-$317.50 305-330 .............. $315.00-$322.50 358-383 .............. $280.00-$305.00 403-447 .............. $271.00-$287.00 436.................................... $258.00 500-538 .............. $238.00-$241.00 550-579 .............. $230.00-$238.00 603-632 .............. $221.00-$229.00 666.................................... $207.00 803-824 .............. $193.00-$198.50 901.................................... $187.50 Sale Every Wednesday PAGE B-8—COALGATE RECORD REGISTER—JULY 1, 2015 ATTENTION The ANNuAl mEETINg of the Centrahoma Cemetery Association will be July 14, 2015 - 7:00 pm Centrahoma Community Center Please plan to attend Thank You Thanks from the Helen Compton family for your phone calls, flowers, cards and prayers. Also to the Brown’s Funeral Home for their preparations and to The Flower Garden. A special thanks to the Ladies Bible Class of the Church of Christ for the lunch and to L.D. McElhaney (minister). God Bless from the! Comptons, Barnes, Carwile and many more relatives MIDWAY NOW SERVING DOUGH BOYZ PIZZA also New Burgers Daily Lunch Specials Mon. - Fri. - call - in orders welcome Drive Thru Window e Prices Competitiv Large Selection of Liquor & Beer Wine Room (580) 927-3334 Lehigh, Ok OHCE WEEK — The Coal County OHCE ladies hosted a quilt show at the new OSU Extension Building during OHCE Week made by Bethel Lee of Coalgate. Bethel was 88 when she made the quilt in 1999. She is now 104. Shown with the quilt is Karen Eddings, Coal County Extension Service. Some jewelry displayed patented (US Pat. No. 7,007,507) • © 2015 Pandora Jewelry, LLC • All rights reserved • PANDORA.NET Food Stamps Accepted (580)927-1112 OHCE WEEK — Audra Price, left, Coal County OSU Extension Service secretary, and Kelsey Ratcliff, Coal County FCS/4-H Extension Educator, serving punch and cookies to guests attending the quilt show. july 2-12 FREE RING* with purchase of any two rings *Free ring(s) must be of equal or lesser value to the least expensive ring purchased. Valid at participating retail stores only. While supplies last. Void where prohibited. Not valid with other PANDORA offers or prior purchases. No rain checks. Restrictions apply. See store for details. 100 E MAIN ADA, OK 74820 © 2015 Pandora Jewelry, LLC • All rights reserved • PANDORA.NET OHCE WEEK — Margie Gibson, left, and Judy Wilson were among the guests attending the OHCE quilt show held during OHCE Week. The quilt the ladies are looking at is a king size yo-yo quilt made about 15 years ago by Frances Brown of Coalgate. Loans come in all different sizes, but our commitment to Shamrock Bank loan customers is always the same. Whatever your loan needs might be, we’re committed to giving you our very best effort.
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