Watchful Bargain(Nature Is Big)


Watchful Bargain(Nature Is Big)
Watchful Bargain(Nature Is Big)
Christianity and all Judaic mission are since antiquity born to and focused to this day and forever
to genocide and exterminate gypsies or pagans or Caucasian nobility or real Caucasians.
Real Caucasians are simple and occultist, occult is an art not some hatred. Occult is the apex of
hyper-sensitivity and some truth even if a parallel reality.
The west is genociding Indians that Indians are giving in to the bargain. If the west targets a
strong Indian that shows he/she is locked and genocided and no matter what every strong linked
family member is genocided either by waiting for their death or executing them in misleading
crime reasons. Indians Aryans have not a say and can’t put it on their face that Euro-Christians are
half-semite and not true gypsies and thus a mongrel strong race. Those Indians who are not so
benelolent can tune in with Europeans for business and power and Europeans don’t quite watch
their defects as they are brothers in crime. It would be a BIG LIE to claim Europeans are pure,
naive, stupid, weak. Their cape of LOW is a lie, they prefer the LOW to be at power of high to
corner and genocide the nobility or some over-spoken Brahmin. A true Brahmin if caught is
weaved into a plan, a lie of being evil to catch and execute him/her. The western mission is to
genocide the nobility that actually is timid and weak but true and good. Good is good if it doesn’t
intend bad or punish, good is bad if it’s lazy and asks for worship. Bad is bad because it only
tortures and executes even if they have no business in India. The innocense on the face of
Europeans in a lull to fool the fool more, everyone in India believes Europeans are so naive and
always persecuted and so lollable for a doll, no one sees their camel cape, a robust monster and
devil mind behind an acting of naive that only plans to destroy the right wing Caucasians and
execute the gypsies, European art is sadist and murder not any sageliness, their sages are also
warriors to persecute the still evolving east. Rape is bad, stalking is bad, not a sane person does it,
but a European claiming that on themselves is too easy in comparision to endless hatred they have
for the world and specially for gypsies, they see an easy lure in gypsies and Indians, they want to
attract and catch it and then frame it mount it and execute it. The gypsy had never asked for
foreign things, why accuse your client of theft ass lovers? You bring this gadget internet here to
monitor your convertion mission in India, link it with all kinds of business to make it hard to
eradicate and then begin your gypsy persecution and convertion on this and endless tortures and
misleading hell for gypsies and just a gadget shop and bank check for your converts?
Euro-Christians and their heads only want to and live for executing the true Caucasians, Indians
are not Romans or Greeks, maybe related but not the same, they genocided and exterminated all
of pagan Rome and Greece and now they and their fanatic tedious converts want to blow away
Indian Aryans so that the west is open to China to eradicate the sageness of Buddha and thus
conquer the world. The west is trying to blow out the silk soute and make a sex route. Chinese
don’t really hate Indians, they love Indians all for their Buddha, but the west is wanting to see
how execution looks like, they are nosing the hell hole. Indian stands so west have all their merry
designs, and the west wants India a claimed black country to have as a pet to threaten China and
Mongols. Their fetish is Mongols. Aryans have not great fetish for Mongols though not dislike
them either, a handy replacement rarely.
The western apes just anyhow want to get ahead in evolution, nature doesn’t say it but who have
already made it surely were better, if humans came out of the west the east is much more evolved
and the farthest evolution of Caucasians indeed are Indians, no business here, though the excuse is
always why not Indian doesn’t need world economics and developments, maybe, but Indians are
not some cess children of Europeans, a different evolutionary sub-type, the Europeans are mixed
and brutes. Indians are naive and honest not hard-fucks. If only the west would have respect for
Indians India can also develop in the world and have peace, but then the west thinks why India
needs them and not needs them. The western force is rape and subjugation, they target lock and
execute any strong eastern Caucasian, they are a persecuter not persecuted. The misery of Jesus is
a centuries old lie, anyone would be a fool to belive Europeans or Americans are weak or naive.
They are exterminating the world with a dogged mission. Everyone is right in wanting their own,
and they think they are right, but no one is weak, they think once they are extinct who is asking,
but nature allows you to experiment her, you can never win on mother to make her your bitch,
because you are just a sample out of the universe and never as big.
The west has grown up a lie by never being wrong, never leaving a trace behind, and thus making
it big and attracting it and making it the code of conduct. East or India has revolt and extremism
and truth as the code of their being and thus making it big, no mistake can wrong or try to wrong
truth, but the truthful knows and can see what is truth, both two kinds of perception, nothing is
exactly right, but guess what the western LIE is they are right that is a wrong, as they can sleep
and say never slept, they are kill and never claim they killed, the east bangs and say banged why.
In a sage and hermit religious system as in Indians and the gurukul the principle figure is a sage
and people depend on him/her for deeds and plans and report onto him/her while the sage has all
provided. Such temples are a utopia in the pop culture or the culture of the people that is chaos or
big hunting the small or jungle rule or anything.
In the western religion it’s a mission that infiltrate hosts and destroys other temples. But in the
west there are many sub cultures and paganism and occult that are the same boy scout or pop
culture, gothic, occult etc, they are basically same as the gang preaching and god making that the
missionary hunt of the west lacks, the pop culture in west is pagan while religion is a mission, the
pop culture in east or India is chaos or persuit while the religion is hermit. Reverse effect.