the aqua tooter - Aqua Tutus Diving Club


the aqua tooter - Aqua Tutus Diving Club
On the web at
February 2007
Since 1958... a publication from the Aqua Tutus Diving Club, a non-profit organization established to promote Water Safety
and to further the sport of SCUBA Diving.
March 2007 Meeting Entertainment
For the March 1, 2007, General meeting, we will show a
series of short film segments by Nick Martorano. Nick used
to reside in the Bay Area, was
a member of Valqueros Del
Mar dive club, and is an excellent photographer and videographer.
A couple of years ago Nick
quit his practice to become a
full-time professional videographer and dive instructor,
and now resides in Santa Barbara. Nick is President and
Founder of Ocean Wonders, an
underwater video production
company whose ultimate mission is to educate people on the importance of protecting the
oceans through the power of the visual media.
Nick has been able to travel to many exotic dive destinations
and his video shorts have now won prizes at international
competitions at LAUPS, NCUPS, and were finalists at UW
film festivals in San Diego and Antibes, France. He recently
received the Bob Commer Award for Excellence in Underwater Photography. His productions capture exciting and interesting actions, and are well-edited.
You can check out Nick’s website at
for some of his work. He has made a DVD of some of his
work (“Ocean Wonders”) and has give permission to show
them at our meeting. Bring your friends and family along and
The BOD has selected April 21-22 as
Club Dive days for north coast diving.
Mark your calendars, and check the club calendar on
Upcoming Club Dive Activity
Feb 25
Mar 18
Apr 21-22
Club dive at Monterey, Wharf 2
Club dive, North Monastery
Salt Point St. Park
check the club calendar on
Aqua Tutus Diving Club's
next regular meeting:
March 1st 7:30 p.m.
Round Table Pizza
20920 Redwood Rd.
Castro Valley
Renew your Membership
2007 Club membership dues are due not later than the
April Membership meeting. $40 Regular, $10 Associate, $25 Student
If you can’t attend, send your dues to Debbie Driggers,
2712 Argyle Ave, Concord, CA 94520
Oliver is diving Pt Lobos on March 24.
Give him a buzz at [email protected] to see if
his one open spot is still available. The Pt. Lobos
web site indicates all reservations are now full.
Dive Fiji with Arnie, Nov 3-13
Aboard the luxury motor sailer “Nai”a
There are 7 available spots left of the 18 spaces ...there is a good
group forming…
Contact Carol Herrlie [email protected] or
Arnie Warshawsky [email protected]
What’s Inside
Entertainment Report
BOD Minutes—January
Membership Meeting—Feb
BOD Minutes— Feb
Activity Calendar
Aqua Tooter —
Page 2-3
Page 3
Page 4-5
Page 5-7
Page 8
Page 9
Pleasanton, California
Entertainment Report, February, 2007
Reported by Alan Throop
At the February 1 General Meeting, Tom Kendrick presented
a very entertaining program on sea
urchin diving, taken from his book
“Bluewater Gold Rush”, published in October, 2006. The book
was recently featured in the Dec
2006 California Diving News and
can be checked-out and ordered at Tom
mentioned that it is now in its second printing and a screenplay is in
the works, so it’s doing well. His
book will also be featured in an
upcoming PBS broadcast of Huell
Howser’s California Gold, and in the magazines The Surfer’s
Journal and National Fisherman.
Tom is an excellent speaker and story-teller. He brought his
books, a nice display, and a slide program that captivated the
Tom was a
surfer who initially began
sea urchin diving to locate
surfing sites, and eventually spent over 22 years in
the sea urchin industry.
Tom and his book describe
the exciting earlier days of
urchin fishing, from about
1978 to the late1990s. In
the early days, urchins
were overpopulating the
sea-floor, and destroying
the kelp beds due to lack
of their natural predator, the sea otter. Life was simple then, lessregulated, and there was money to be made by those who were
willing to gamble on boats and equipment, and risk battling the
ocean elements, since there was a huge new Japanese sushi market for their roe. He tells of the people and his friends in the urchin industry - some of whom have been lost - and captures the
excitement and dangers of this life. It’s a good read.
Tom started by telling of a dive in the Fall of 1991 in the Farallon Islands, when he was collecting urchins in 30’ of water,
about 300’ from the boat, with 40’ vis, when he saw a ghostly
shape in the distance that turned and began to come toward him.
It was a White Shark and was clearly intent on HIM … more at
the end of the report.
In his slides and program, Tom told of his background, presented
some interesting natural history of urchins, and described the
surfing, diving, and urchin-hunting of the day. He mentioned that
roe can’t be frozen and in 1972 - with the urchin population a
problem on the California coast from 100 years without the otter,
and a big market in Japan - the first California urchins were
shipped to Japan and a big boom in the urchin industry began.
Processing is very intensive and there were lots of middle -men as
well as urchin fishers making money for over a decade.
February 2007 —
Page 2
Tom got into the business when he was a surfer- and diver-bum
in Santa Barbara and signed onto an urchin boat as a tender/deckhand to check out some of the surfing spots he heard of in the
Channel Islands. He quickly became captivated by the urchin
industry. In the early days there were no size or quantity limits,
there were about 900 urchin permits, and a boat could make several thousand dollars per day. Tom said his biggest day was
$12,000. Urchins
were taken by
hand by a limited-number of
divers, supported
by tenders on the
brought some of
with him for
were part of the
business and it
was also a
crazy life style
- see the elephant
and note the
beer in his
hand! By the
mid-80’s, the
was way-down
and it became
an endangered
1987 a moratorium
placed on urchin permits, as well as several other regulations,
including size-limits, and seasonal closures. There are now about
300 permits and it’s a smaller, controlled, sustainable fishery.
Tom told of his adventures and friends - some lost - as he moved
from a boat tender, to diver, through a series of boats that he
owned, to his retirement in 1999. I’ll let you read about them
in the book, since they are engaging stories. He and his friends
had talked about how someone should tell about and record their
lives, camaraderie, adventures, and the industry and events of the
day. Tom said that he was happy and honored to be the one to do
it, even if it took eight years.
During the Q&A period, Tom gave some interesting facts. He
said that the farming of sea urchins has been attempted a number
of times - even by Tom - but with no success, so they still have
be hunted in the wild. He said that while about 90% of the urchins went to Japan in the 70s, now about 70% stays in the U.S.
They dive with hookah: a boat-mounted air compressor and a
400-600’ hose, for about an hour per dive, and make 4-6 dives a
day. Prior to the mid-60s, commercial abalone diving was done
by “hard-hats”; but Ron Radon (the maker of the boats that Tom
described) pioneered the use of “light gear” (wetsuit, fins, and
Aqua Tooter —
Pleasanton, California
Entertainment report—continued
SCUBA regulator) for game taking. When the urchin business
began in 1972, the boats, and diving technology was already in
place, due to men like Radon.
The availability of the Oceanic Data Max dive computer was a
big safety breakthrough. Many of the divers got the bends
(DCS), since they were up & down a lot, but Tom was lucky –
his “hits” did not leave permanent damage. He contributes his
long, successful diving career to his habit of slow ascents, following his smallest bubbles.
Recreational divers with a fishing license can take up to 30 urchins per day, with size limits (3.5” for the most-popular red sea
urchin). Audience members related some of their stories of sea
urchin encounters, and Tom told of his recent encounter in
Hanauma Bay, Oahu, where “the expert” got stuck by an unfamiliar species and had to (embarrassingly) ask for first-aid!
…. Oh … on the White Shark at the Farallones … Tom almost
forgot to finish the story at the meeting … the shark closed in to
about 5’ from him, then turned away. Tom had no defense, so he
was lucky. It left him with his heart pounding, appreciative of the
power and control of these animals … but with his limbs and life
intact. Unlike his friend Weener, described in the book, who lost
his life to a similar attack.
Many thanks to Tom for a very interesting program. Tom wrote
to me “Very enjoyable evening, and a great club you folks have.”
Mar – Nick Martorano of VDM series of short videos
Apr – Video from Connie Klein
The date for Patti Shannon’s diving in Bonaire presentation is to
be determined. Alan is considering presenting an excerpt from
Greg Gleeson’s Bikini trip and another open projector night for
club members.
Treasurer’s Report (Connie Klein)
General account
Class account
$ 330.00
Checking Acct
Petty Cash
$ 153.71
Total Funds
Membership (Debbie Driggers)
Total Membership: 75
Regular: 51
Associate: 13
Lifetime: 8
Student: 3
Director of Training (Dennis Hocker)
May do an Oxygen provider class if there’s enough interest.
Newsletter (Don Kelsey)
Newsletter is in the mail. Will publish club meeting minutes as a
separate issue.
Webgoddess (Patti Shannon)
New calendar is live on club web site. Patti will keep the old calendar in an archive section of the web site. Would like to get feedback from members and depending on input, may stop keeping
both calendars updated.
Special Committee: Holiday Party
Members who bought supplies for the Holiday party should turn
in their receipts for reimbursement. Board is considering having
the next holiday party catered, but reached no decision.
We enjoyed having Tom entertain us and will watch for his
book on the big or little screen.
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Date: January 18, 2007
Reported by Jim Driggers
Meeting called to order at 7:15 pm by President Greg Gleeson at
his home.
Officers Present: Greg Gleeson, Debbie Driggers, Jim Driggers,
Patti Shannon, Dennis Hocker, Alan Throop, Connie Klein, and
Don Kelsey.
Entertainment (Alan Throop)
• Feb – Tom Kenrick and California diving, “Bluewater Gold
Rush” about sea urchin fishing
Aqua Tooter — Pleasanton, California
Greg was approached at work by a co-worker who mentioned
Sport Chalet might be interesting in offering a 15% discount to
club members; nothing definite yet.
Board voted to send flowers on behalf of club to memorial for
Norbert Rodrigues who passed away on January 16th . Board authorized Connie to spend $100 at Elaine Florists for arrangement.
Alan is continuing to research purchasing a projector for club
Feb 25
Dive at Wharf 2 Meet at 9:00 am. POC is Alan.
Breakfast will be at Black Bear at 8:00.
Next Membership meeting: Thursday 2/1/07, 7:30 pm, Round
Table, Castro Valley (7 pm social)
Next BOD meeting: Thursday, 02/15/07, Greg Gleeson’s house
(6:30 pm dinner/7:00 meeting).
Meeting adjourned 8:27 pm
February 2007—
Page 3
General Meeting Minutes
Date: February 1, 2007
Reported by Jim Driggers
Meeting called to order by President Greg Gleeson at Round
Table Pizza in Castro Valley, CA at 7:35 pm.
Entertainment Director
A big thank you to Tom Kendrick for his sea urchin fishing presentation. He had a lot of stories and pictures to show from his 22
years of diving for sea urchins.
Old Business
Dennis is holding an option for a second date on the Odyssey in
2009. Second dates would be July 19-Aug 2 (immediately following the first dates) Please contact Dennis ASAP if you’re
interested, he can only hold this second date for a short time.
The plan is to have the first group (July 5-19) focus on the shallower dives and the second group focus on the deeper dives beyond recreational limits.
Training (Dennis Hocker)
Not present.
Past Dives
• Matt dove two weeks ago with Jim Hamilton at Breakwater.
Jim Steele was teaching a class. Dive had a lot of surge with
waves reaching up to bottom steps at top of beach. Matt’s recent
rescue class training came in handy as he helped a student at the
surface whose inflator hose was not connected. No one was hurt
on dive, but lots of masks were lost. Jim H had the experience of
getting his BC caught with a 12-year-old’s fish hook. Fearing the
hood was caught in BC’s bladder, he swam to the surface (quite
surprising the fisherman) and cut the line. Alan was helping one
of Jim’s students get out of the surf, when Jim Steele fell and
knocked Alan down. The student got out of the surf okay.
• Jeff Tindall did a dive the same day out to Metridium Field.
Visibility was bad until he reached the end of the pipe where it
opened up to about 15 feet.
• Oliver dove last Saturday at Monastery and had visibility of
40 feet on first dive. Near end of first dive saw a leopard shark.
Jim Driggers dove with Debbie and Larry at Breakwater last
week. On the second dive Jim and Larry followed the pipe until
they lost sight of it 35 down. At the bottom, visibility remained
at 35 feet, good enough to see several metridium covered clumps
of rocks at the same time.
For more information on training contact Neil Benjamin (510)
673-0073 [email protected] or Dennis Hocker (510)
792-5606 [email protected]
Bone Award
Bone goes to Jim Driggers for not checking before arriving at the
dive site that his tank was refilled after getting it hydro tested.
Treasurer’s Report (Connie Klein)
Not present. Amounts are unchanged from previous general
meeting minutes
General account
Class account
$ 195.00
Checking Acct
Petty Cash
$ 138.71
Total Funds
Membership (Debbie Driggers)
Total Membership: 77
Regular: 52
Associate: 13
Student: 4
Lifetime: 8
Welcome to new member Kaveh Astaneh and guests Wayne
Michaud, Vince and Becky Hoffmann
Time to renew membership for 2007! Please see Debbie for
Membership forms. Membership packets and Club rosters
CenCal Report (Steve Campi)
Not present.
Newsletter (Don Kelsey)
Not present.
Web Goddess (Patti Shannon)
Not present.
Entertainment Report (Alan Throop)
Mar – series of short videos by Nick Martorano of VDM
Apr – To be determined
Sometime before June, Patti will do a presentation on Bonaire.
Special Committee: Holiday Party
Site has been reserved.
New Business
• Salt Point is now open for camping.
Oliver and Fritz both expressed interest in diving with other
club members in upcoming week.
February 2007 —
Page 4
Aqua Tooter —
Pleasanton, California
Jan Meeting minutes—continued
Thanks to Steele’s Dive shop.
• Kaveh Astaneh – License plate holder, aqua seal, and multitool
• Vince Hoffman – Retractor
Greg – Defog, Tom Kendrick book (Thanks Tom, for donating the book!)
Becky Hoffman – Water bottle, Snorkeling for Dummies
Jeff Tindall – Cup holder with air card
Fritze – Odor killer
“Dinner At Banchero’s
Reported by Alan Throop
Board of Directors and friends, at the annual transition dinner at
Bancheros Restaurant in Hayward on Jan 20. This is an opportu-
Bonnie Hamilton – Mask strap and air card
Oliver – Dive site map
Liz Harrison – Dive log
Wayne Michaud – Monterey dive book
Susan – tethers
Upcoming Activity and Dives
25 – Club dive at Monterey Wharf 2. Meet at 9:00 am. Point of
contact is Alan Throop. Some members will meet for breakfast at
Black Bear Diner in Monterey at 8:00 am.
1 - General meeting
29-July 14 – Bonaire Contact: Patti Shannon
3-13 - Fiji aboard the Nai’a Contact: Arnie Warshawsky
8 – Holiday Party
22-Jan 6, ’08 Cozumel Contact: Patti Shannon
5-19 – Chuuk on the Odyssey Contact: Dennis Hocker
nity for outgoing Board members to meet with incoming members in a relaxed social setting, and to enjoy a good multi-course
Italian dinner - great Scalone (Abalone + Scallops) and garlic
bread! All club members are always invited. Also, the
monthly Board meeting is also open to all club members.
Besides the club business that needs to be done, the monthly
BOD meeting is a fun social event and a great way to learn some
of the history and tradition of the club. Just see any club officer
for information. The locations and dates are announced at the
club general meetings.”
Reef Shark, taken at Mala Wharf , Lahaina,
Maui, by Gary Pederson
Next BOD/Membership meeting:
BOD: Thursday 02/15/07, 6:30 dinner, meeting at 7:00 at
Greg Gleeson’s house
Genera Meetingl: Thursday 03/01/07, 7:30 pm, Round Table, Castro Valley (7 pm social)
Meeting adjourned at 9:20 pm.
JOY JOHNSON, RS, ABR. 808-960-1705
Aqua Tooter — Pleasanton, California
February 2007—
Page 5
Nice Ling Cod, at Butterfly House, Carmel 12/30/06
Photos from Oliver Edwards
“Ships anchor” outside Gerstle Cove,
Salt Point 10/8/07. This one was taken at the club dive last
Metridium in good vis, North Monastary 1/27/07
Ouch!! Urchin at Salt Point, 10/7/06
Photo from new member Brad Farmer
A view from Stingray City, Cayman Islands
February 2007 —
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Aqua Tooter —
Pleasanton, California
Tindall’s Rumored To Be
New Grandparents
Although they haven’t broadcast it widely, Jeff and Mary are
rumored to be the new grandparents of Sean and Juliana.
'Ghost Fleet' ship's final resting place to be
Key West
The Associated Press
NORFOLK, Va. - A World War II troop carrier that saw duty in
the Cold War and had a role in a movie is destined to become the
largest artificial reef in Florida.
The 533-foot Gen. Hoyt S. Vandenberg, among the hulks in the
ever-thinning James River Reserve Fleet, will be towed to waters
off Florida's Key West, probably in one year, the U.S. Maritime
Administration announced Tuesday.
For more details, check out the Jacksonville Times, at
And check out additional SCUBA news, at,
Among the first underwater photo’s from Don’s new
camera (Canon Power Shot SD800 IS). He’s still
learning how to operate it, but at least he hasn’t
drowned it yet. Pic taken at St. Thomas, USVI., Jan
Congratulations Jeff and Mary!! (and thanks to Joe
and Donna Timmons for the tip)
Info from Patti to all club members
The club calendar is at
Or click on the "Events Calendar" link at
Aqua Tooter — Pleasanton, California
February 2007—
Page 7
Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Date: February 15, 2007
Reported by Jim Driggers
Meeting called to order at 7:20 pm by President Greg Gleeson at
his home.
Officers Present: Greg Gleeson, Debbie Driggers, Jim Driggers,
Patti Shannon, Dennis Hocker, Alan Throop, Connie Klein, Don
Kelsey, and Matt Warren.
Entertainment (Alan Throop)
• Mar – Nick Martorano of VDM, series of short videos, or
presentation group called Reef Check
• Apr – Club member Gary Pederson and a presentation about
the Alameda County Underwater Recovery Divers
• The date for Patti Shannon’s “Diving in Bonaire” presentation
is to be determined.
• Alan is considering presenting an excerpt from Greg Gleeson’s
Bikini trip and another open projector night for club members.
• Connie’s “underwater volcano” video was deemed too long to
show at 45 minutes in length.
• Debbie gave Alan gave contact information of a man who
fishes from his kayak.
Treasurer’s Report (Connie Klein)
General account
$ 966.72
Class account
$ 330.10
Checking Acct
Petty Cash
$ 137.64
Total Funds
Membership (Debbie Driggers)
Total Membership: 79
Regular: 53
Lifetime: 8
Student: 4
Associate: 14
Club membership roster will be purged in April. Members should
pay their dues by then or be removed from club roster.
Director of Training (Dennis Hocker)
May do advanced open water class later in year.
Newsletter (Don Kelsey)
Now working on March newsletter. Need input by 2/20. Newsletter will be published on 2/23. Don has enough material for the
March newsletter, but is looking for more input for later issues.
Webgoddess (Patti Shannon)
• Not much activity on calendar. A few members have used it,
mostly Oliver and Alan.
• Board discussed having advertisements on club website and on
newsletter. Agreed to allow it on a case-by-case basis.
Special Committee: Holiday Party
Holiday party committee has disbanded until later in year. No
other special committees currently exist.
be on underwater photography techniques and tips. Afternoon
session will be on using Photoshop.
Feb 25 Dive at Wharf 2 Meet at 9:00 am. Contact is Alan.
Breakfast will be at Black Bear at 8:00.
Mar 18 Dive at North Monastery or more protected area if
weather does not permit diving at Monastery.
Apr 21 Salt Point. Not camping at the Group Campground. Instead folks planning to attend should reserve a site and
those arriving first will try to get sites next to each other.
Next Membership meeting: Thursday 03/1/07, 7:30 pm, Round
Table, Castro Valley (7 pm social)
Next BOD meeting: Thursday, 03/13/07, Greg Gleeson’s house
(6:30 pm dinner/7:00 meeting).
Meeting adjourned 8:27 pm
NCUPS Sponsored
Underwater Digital
Photography Workshop
March 10, 2007
For those who want to either develop and/or learn more to
improve your underwater photography techniques, this is a
HUGE opportunity for you! As mentioned in a recent eblast, it's time to reserve your spot for the upcoming Jack
& Sue Drafahl seminars scheduled for Saturday, 10 March
The cost for the full day workshop, lunch included, is only
For details, just visit the NCUPS website at and follow the instructions.
Jack and Sue Drafahl are a husband and wife team of professional photojournalists, lecturers and multimedia producers. For over thirty years their articles have appeared in
Sport Diver, Skin Diver, Dive Training, Diver, Petersen's
Photographic, Rangefinder, and National Wildlife Federation Magazines. They are the founders of the Oregon
Coast Digital Center , an enhanced learning facility designed to help others learn Photoshop skills. They have
been actively involved in the digital transition since the
early 80's and are software and hardware Beta testers for
companies like Adobe, Applied Science Fiction, Kodak,
Corel and Ulead Systems.
See their website at
Alan reported that NCUPS is hosting an all-day seminar by underwater photographers Jack and Sue Drafahl. Morning session will
February 2007 —
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Aqua Tooter —
Pleasanton, California
Calendar of Events
Check for the latest calendar
Feb 25
Club dive, Monterey Wharf #2 , contact Alan Throop [email protected]
Mar 1
ATDC regular membership meeting, 7:30 pm, Round Table, Castro Valley (7 pm social)
Mar 13
Mar 18
April 5
BOD meeting at Greg Gleason’s house, 6:30 dinner, 7:00 business
Club dive, North Monastery, meet at 9am. Breakfast 8:00am, Black Bear Diner, Contact Dennis dennis@
ATDC regular membership meeting, 7:30 pm, Round Table, Castro Valley (7 pm social)
April 21-22 Club dive, Salt Point State Park
Jun 29
Bonaire dive trip, Contact Patti Shannon [email protected]
Nov 3-13
Fiji dive boat “Nai’a”, Contact Arnie Warshawsky [email protected] or Carol Herrlie [email protected]
Cozumel dive trip, Contact contact Patti [email protected]
July 5-19,
and July 19-Aug 4 Truk, Contact Dennis dennis@
ATDC Dive Training
For complete details and directions, go to the
web at
Rescue Diver completed in Nov.
• Dates are tentative and depend on participation.
• Classroom sessions held at 38962 Larkspur
Street, Newark, CA
• For more information contact Neil Benjamin:
(510) 673-0073 [email protected]
Dennis Hocker: (510) 792-5606 dennis@
Thanks again to Original Steele’s
(Oakland) dive store for donated
and discounted merchandise for
the Aquatutus Diving Club
monthly raffles.
Keep up with California Diving,
read California Diving News
2007 Club Officers/Volunteers
Greg Gleeson
[email protected]
Vice President
Matt Warren
[email protected]
Jim Driggers
[email protected]
Connie Klein
[email protected]
Membership Chair
Debbie Driggers
[email protected]
Training Director
Dennis Hocker
[email protected]
Cen Cal Representative:
Steve Campi
[email protected]
Entertainment Chair
Alan Throop
[email protected]
Newsletter Publisher
Don Kelsey
[email protected]
Board Members @ Large:
Alan Throop
[email protected]
Amanda Kahn
[email protected]
Oliver Edwards [email protected]
2006 Past President
Steve Johnson [email protected]
Web Master
Patti Shannon
ATDC Web page:
[email protected]
Aqua Tooter — Pleasanton, California
February 2007—
Page 9
For quick access to Chuck Tribolet’s
Internet Resources
for the Bay Area Diver
News from the Monterey Bay
National Marine Sanctuary
Keep in touch by surfing over to:
For updates on the Joint Management
Plan review process, surf over to:
For Cencal updates and calendar
Aqua Tutus Diving Club
P.O. Box 11952
Pleasanton, CA 94588
North Coast Diving since 1958
Aqua Tooter —
Pleasanton, California