2010 Operating Budget - Detroit Public Schools
2010 Operating Budget - Detroit Public Schools
CREATING CENTERS OF EXCELLENCE in Every School And Every Neighborhood DETROIT PUBLIC SCHOOLS FY2010 Operating Budget LETTER FROM THE EMERGENCY FINANCIAL MANAGER To all Parents, Students, Teachers, Staff, and Stakeholders: The Detroit Public Schools (DPS) now faces unprecedented challenges, but there are more than 90,000 reasons why our turnaround must succeed. Our children depend on the District for a quality education. In March 2009, Governor Jennifer Granholm and the Michigan Department of Education declared DPS to be in a fiscal emergency, leading to my appointment to address both a budget crisis and a crisis of confidence. The District had carried forward a $139.7 million deficit from prior fiscal years, and was projected to add another $165.7 million by the end of FY2009, for a total projected legacy deficit heading into FY2010 of $305.4 million. Without corrective action, the District budget would remain imbalanced, adding another $211.8 million in FY2010 for a total deficit of nearly half a billion dollars by the end of the fiscal year ahead – almost half of total yearly spending. At the same time, enrollment has declined sharply, and is continuing to fall. From over 168,000 students at the start of the decade, DPS enrollment had dropped to 94,054 by the Fall of 2008. Despite many positive programs across the District, DPS is no longer the first choice for too many Detroit families. We must stem and reverse this decline, by reconstructing our system for excellence. To address these dual challenges, this budget document sets forth the dramatic steps necessary to create a stable base from which we can rebuild a strong school system that addresses the needs of our students. While we must cut – and some of these budget reductions are difficult – we must simultaneously invest in safe and secure learning environments, quality facilities, and 21st Century teaching and learning. We take these steps with the goal of creating a competitive education system in Detroit that puts our children at the center of everything we do. We cannot overcome the challenges ahead individually, but, working together – parents, teachers, students, administrators, staff, and communities – we can create centers of excellence in every school and every neighborhood. Sincerely Robert C. Bobb Emergency Financial Manager Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 1 DETROIT PUBLIC SCHOOLS LEADERSHIP Robert C. Bobb Emergency Financial Manager BOARD OF EDUCATION Carla D. Scott, M.D. Margaret L. Betts, M.D. President District 1 At Large Rev David Murray Ida Short At Large At Large Marie L. Thornton Otis Mathis, III At Large District 2 Annie Carter Tyrone Winfrey District 3 District 4 Anthony Adams Terry Catchings District 5 District 6 Marvis Cofield Teresa Gueyser District 7 Acting Superintendent EXECUTIVE TEAM Robert Boik, Chief of Staff Leon Glaster, Deputy Chief of Staff Ricardo A. Kisner, CPA, Chief Financial Officer Delores Brown, Deputy Chief Financial Officer John E. Bell, Inspector General Odell W. Bailey, Auditor General Steve Wasko, Chief Communications Officer Kevin Clinton, Executive Director of Funds & Development Angela Joyner, Director of Budget Barbara Byrd Bennett, Ed.D., Chief Academic & Accountability Auditor Dianne Fleming, Assistant Superintendant Derrick Coleman, Assistant Superintendant Daveda Colbert, Assistant Superintendant Tracy Martin Thompson, Deputy Chief Academic & Accountability Auditor Sherry Ulery, Deputy Chief Academic & Accountability Auditor Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS LETTER FROM THE EMERGENCY FINANCIAL MANAGER .................................................................... 1 DETROIT PUBLIC SCHOOLS LEADERSHIP ............................................................................................. 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................................................... 3 BUDGET OVERVIEW & HIGHLIGHTS........................................................................................................ 4 Overview of Emergency Financial Manager Role and Local Government Responsibility Act .................. 4 Summary of Revenues & Expenditures .................................................................................................... 5 Gap Projection ........................................................................................................................................... 6 Restoring Accountability and Rightsizing the Budget................................................................................ 8 Reconstructing For Excellence / Academic Strategy ................................................................................ 9 Stimulus Funding Plan – Reinvestment in Detroit’s Children .................................................................. 11 SUMMARY OF REVENUES ....................................................................................................................... 12 State Aid Revenues ................................................................................................................................. 13 Local Tax Revenue and Other Local Sources ........................................................................................ 14 Description of the Top 10 DPS Revenues............................................................................................... 15 DPS Revenues, 2008 – 2010 .................................................................................................................. 19 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES .............................................................................................................. 20 General Purpose Fund – Fund 11 ........................................................................................................... 20 Key Budget Drivers.................................................................................................................................. 20 Workforce ................................................................................................................................................ 23 Other Funds ............................................................................................................................................. 24 Categories of Expenditures ..................................................................................................................... 26 DPS Expenditures, 2008 – 2010 ............................................................................................................. 28 DPS FY2010 Expenditures by Fund ....................................................................................................... 28 SPECIAL EDUCATION FUND 22 .............................................................................................................. 29 Special Education Fund 22 Revenues .................................................................................................... 30 Special Education Fund 22 Expenditures ............................................................................................... 31 BUDGET RISKS ......................................................................................................................................... 32 CAPITAL INVESTMENT ............................................................................................................................ 33 Capital Program....................................................................................................................................... 33 Bond Funds ............................................................................................................................................. 33 SCHOOLS BUDGETS ................................................................................................................................ 35 GLOSSARY .............................................................................................................................................. 337 BUDGET OVERVIEW & HIGHLIGHTS Overview of Emergency Financial Manager Role and Local Government Responsibility Act In December 2008, Michigan Superintendent of Public Instruction Mike Flanagan made the difficult decision to declare a financial emergency for the Detroit Public Schools (DPS). The impetus for the declaration was a severe budget deficit that led to staff layoffs and unpaid vendors. Effective March 2, 2009, Michigan Gov. Jennifer Granholm appointed Robert C. Bobb as Emergency Financial Manager (EFM) for DPS. By law, such appointments are for a term of one year, requiring reappointment to continue. Mr. Bobb is the former President of the State Board of Education for the District of Columbia, and one of the most experienced City Managers/City Administrators in the nation. He is also the former City Administrator and Deputy Mayor for Washington, D.C. and served as the District of Columbia‟s Homeland Security Advisor. He managed a workforce of approximately 20,000 employees and an annual budget of $8 billion dollars. He served as the City Manager of Oakland, California and Executive Director of the Oakland Redevelopment Agency, City Manager of Richmond, Virginia, City Manager of Santa Ana, California, and City Manager of Kalamazoo, Michigan. Mr. Bobb holds the distinction of having served on a continuous basis as the longest tenured African-American City Manager/City Administrator in the nation. He is an expert on the issues facing urban government in the realms of education, economic development, community and neighborhood development, municipal budgeting and finances, contract negotiations, public/private partnerships of sports franchises, libraries and recreation facilities, and social problems such as crime and grime. A DUAL CHALLENGE FOR THE DISTRICT The EFM is tasked with creating a sustainable framework for the funding of educational programs for the children in the Detroit Public Schools. Fiscal stability must be achieved while, at the same time, creating an educational system that empowers all students to thrive. The District must reduce and eliminate its deficit… cutting non-critical spending to create a smaller, more agile system with increased flexibility, credibility, and accountability… st …While investing in the future… for 21 Century teaching and learning, and to develop safe and secure learning environments and quality facilities so that our children can achieve. While there is inherent tension between these dual goals, both are fundamental to providing for the District‟s children and both are being pursued aggressively. In balancing these goals, the EFM will focus on what is good for kids, what moves the dial academically, and what gives high quality teaching and learning in the classroom a fighting chance. Public Act 72 of 1990: An act to provide for review, management, planning, and control of the financial operation of units of local government, including school districts; to provide criteria to be used in determining the financial condition of a local government; to permit a declaration of the existence of a local government financial emergency and to prescribe the powers and duties of the governor, other state boards, agencies, and officials, and officials and employees of units of local government; to provide for a review and appeal process; to provide for the appointment and to prescribe the powers and duties of an emergency financial manager; to require the development of financial plans to regulate expenditures and investments by a local government in a state of financial emergency; to set forth the conditions for termination of a local government financial emergency; and to repeal certain acts and parts of acts. Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 4 Summary of Revenues & Expenditures Summary - General Purpose Fund 11 Revenues Expenditures Surplus / (Deficit) FY2008 Actual $772,792,495 $905,416,536 ($132,624,041) FY2009 Revised $703,178,096 $840,285,106 ($137,107,010) FY2010 Budget $638,258,367 $635,429,968 $2,828,399 Summary of General Purpose Fund 11 Revenues & Expenditures 2008 – 2010 Summary - All Funds* Revenues FY2008 Actual $1,179,985,287 $1,315,932,621 ($135,947,334) FY2009 Revised $1,247,703,656 $1,384,810,666 ($137,107,010) FY2010 Budget $1,159,591,691 $1,142,218,964 $17,372,728 Expenditures Surplus / (Deficit) *All Funds includes the General Purpose Fund, Designated Special Purpose Grants, Adult Education, and Special Education Summary of All Funds Revenues & Expenditures 2008 – 2010 Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 5 Gap Projection What is the Gap? The projected FY2009 Year-End cumulative deficit of $276.8 million – reduced from the original projections at the beginning of the emergency financial period – is equivalent to 43.6 percent of the General Purpose Fund 11 expenditures projected for the year. If budget trends were allowed to continue in FY2010 without corrective action, it is estimated that the deficit would grow to over half a billion dollars by the end of FY2010. This tremendous gap results from seven consecutive years of deficit spending beginning in FY2003. During the period of FY2002 – FY2009, the District‟s only year of positive operating budget results was FY2005, when DPS borrowed $210 million to pay off the deficit at that time, and to cover the underlying imbalance between spending and revenues that was still continuing to grow. At a time when proper stewardship of DPS‟s limited resources was most important, difficult decisions were not made, and those that were made were not executed. For FY2010, the deficit requires dramatic steps to rein in spending and to create a financial structure that will be sustainable in the long-term. By cutting expenditures and maximizing revenues, the 2010 Budget projects a $17.4 million year-end surplus – a turnaround of more than $150 million from the prior year‟s use of $137.1 million of Fund Balance despite ongoing revenue decline. DPS Operating Results & Fund Balances FY2002 – FY2010 ($millions) Fiscal Year FY2002 Calendar Year 2001 Board Chairman / President W. Frank Fountain William C. Brooks Dec 2000 - Feb 2003 March 2003 - December 2005 Chief Executive Officer / Superintendent FY2003 2002 FY2004 2003 FY2005 2004 FY2006 2005 FY2007 FY2008 2006 2007 Rev. Jimmy Womack, M.D. FY2009 2008 Kenneth S. Burnley, Ph.D. July 2000 - June 2005 July 2005 - March 2007 * Jan 2008- Present Connie K. Calloway, Ph.D. July 2007- Dec 2008 Emergency Financial Manager 2010 Carla D. Scott, M.D. Jan 2006- Dec 2007 William F. Coleman, III FY2010 2009 Teresa Gueyser, Esq. January 2009 - Present Robert C. Bobb March 2009 - Present * Lamont Satchel, Esq. served as Interim Superintendent from March – June, 2007. Red denotes spending that exceeded revenues Blue denotes a balanced budget Source: FY2008 DPS CAFR, pgs.89-90; DPS Secretary of the Board Beyond the decisions made by past Administrations, there are significant factors that impacted the deficit. Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 6 Trends in Enrollment In the Fall of 2008, DPS enrollment in K-12 was 94,054 – more than 70,000 students fewer than in the Fall of 2000 (166,887). District demographers project a further decline of 10.7 percent (10,277 students) by the Fall of 2009, reducing enrollment to 83,777 students - roughly half of 2000 levels. DPS Fall Enrollment K-12, FY2000 – FY2010 While regional economic decline has contributed to this trend, the drop in DPS enrollment far exceeds the decline in City population. In large numbers, DPS students are choosing to leave the system to attend charter schools, private schools, and open enrollment public schools in neighboring communities because of an erosion of confidence in the quality of a DPS education. Throughout the decade, the decisions made to invest more in the status quo than in children have contributed to the District‟s downward spiral. While some offsetting savings can be realized from staffing reductions as enrollment declines, many overhead costs are fixed (e.g. debt service) or cannot be captured as quickly as revenues fall (e.g., decommissioning costs for closed schools). Reversing the District‟s enrollment decline is critical to the long-term financial health of DPS. If the District were to stem the anticipated loss of students, then DPS would receive an additional estimated $63.9 1 million in FY2010 foundation allowance alone. These additional students would require 329 more teachers at a cost of $31.6 million, and transportation at a cost of $5.2 million. The net fiscal benefit of stemming this decline would be approximately $27.1 million. To stabilize enrollment, DPS will launch an unprecedented Fall enrollment drive to recruit students back to the many positive options available across the District, and will invest in dramatic reforms to improve the quality of a DPS education. Other Key Budget Drivers Along with declining enrollment, the District budget faces budgetary pressure from multiple factors further detailed in the Summary of Revenues and Summary of Expenditures sections to follow. These factors include: Cuts in Michigan per pupil funding as a result of statewide economic pressures; Weakness in local property tax receipts due to regional industry, commercial, and housing market decline; Extraordinary debt service resulting from the FY2005 decision to pay off the deficit in that year with borrowed funds; Rising healthcare and pension costs for District employees, consistent with national benefit cost trends; Central administrative staffing that had not been reduced in prior years at a pace commensurate with declining enrollment; High facilities maintenance and utility costs associated with aging infrastructure; 1 The weighted figure from projected Fall and Spring counts, based on formula used by the State, is 9,855 Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 7 Outdated technology and inefficient practices, resulting in transportation and other operations costs at levels well above national urban district averages; Inadequate integration of special education services into the District‟s regular education programs, requiring large General Purpose Fund subsidies; High rates of poverty and crime in the surrounding community, contributing to greater needs for school security and safety than in other Michigan districts; and Historically weak management systems and internal controls, eroding accountability and integrity of the dollars spent by the District. Restoring Accountability and Rightsizing the Budget Restoring Accountability Since the appointment of an Emergency Financial Manager at the beginning of March, quick and aggressive action has been taken to improve DPS fiscal accountability and integrity: Executive Orders have been issued to assume control over all school district fiscal matters, and to address other priority needs, including: - to require screening of all contracts for legal services by the General Counsel and approval by the Emergency Financial Manager, - to suspend all travel at District expense, - to establish a standing order mandating document production and testimony, - to mandate retention of District records, files, and documents; and, - to require reporting of waste, fraud, and abuse; Confidential hotlines have been established; A new Inspector General position has been created, opening 85 investigations as of June 30, 2009 to weed out fraud, abuse, and waste. As of that date: 19 cases had been closed; 10 employees were referred for prosecution; nine employees were recommended for Disciplinary Hearings for termination; three employees were recommended for Hearings short of termination; three employees resigned in the face of Hearings; two vendors were decertified; and 11 laptop computers were recovered. Nine employees/vendors were cleared of allegations; An audit team was engaged to address 27 material weaknesses and 57 significant deficiencies in the Single Audit as identified over the past several years by three separate, independent audit firms. The audit team will also develop an improved long term plan and procedures; At the school level, an additional 35 audit professionals conducted audits of 194 schools in 21 days, identifying problems ranging from improper payment of sales tax to loans made to school officials using school funds. A corrective action plan is now underway; To verify that no improper payroll payments are being made, all DPS employees were required to pick up their paychecks or direct deposit remittance advices, in person, with their employee ID card and number, for the June 9, 2009 payroll. 257 employees on payroll did not pick up their checks, and these cases have been referred to the Inspector General for further investigation. While some of these cases may have legitimate explanations, the dollar value of the checks not picked up totaled $208,383 for a single pay period – $5.4 million if annualized over 26 pay periods; and Also in June, DPS launched an employee benefits audit to verify eligibility of covered dependents. During an initial amnesty period, 411 ineligible dependents turned themselves in, which should save the District approximately $2 million per year. Full results of the verification are expected over the summer months ahead. Budget Highlights As further outlined in the Summary of Expenditures section to follow, the FY2010 Budget includes aggressive action to bring current year spending into line with available resources: Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 8 29 schools closed, reducing 2.1 million square feet of facility space and lowering net annual operating and staff expenses by over $14 million, with further consolidation and reinvestment to come; - At the same time, 35 schools are to receive new students and investments, using capital dollars to invest $22 million in receiving schools and $4 million to complete unfinished improvements to the 2007 receiving schools; Headcount reduction of 2,451 employees – 17.7 percent of the total DPS workforce; - Staffing cuts include central office reductions from 424 to 120 General Purpose - Fund 11 employees – a 72 percent cut; Employee benefits reform strategies, including dependent eligibility verification, vendor rebids, and plans to negotiate a more affordable healthcare program with the District‟s collective bargaining units; Redesign of special education services to intervene at earlier grades and to increase special education participation in general education programs; Managed competition and best practice adoption to transform facilities management, student transportation, and other non-classroom support functions to provide services at more competitive costs; and Investment in an innovative and responsive student information system that, among other management benefits, will support improved Medicare reimbursements from the Federal government to a level of $13.9 million. Reconstructing For Excellence / Academic Strategy Even as the overall budget is being cut, the District must also invest in academic gains to change the District. In part, this is a fiscal matter – as academic decline drives more students out of DPS, resulting in further enrollment-based revenue losses and a continuing downward spiral. First and foremost, however, this is a matter of doing what is right for the children of Detroit. Further stagnating test scores and eroding hopes simply cannot be tolerated. In recent years, student scores on the Math section of the Michigan Educational Assessment Program (MEAP) have risen, but reading scores have been flat – and both Math and Reading levels, as well as high school graduation rates, remain well below statewide averages. Source: Michigan Department of Education Restructuring and High School Transformation In 2010, DPS will focus on restructuring all schools and transforming High Schools to enhance the quality of service throughout the District. Principals, as the key school leaders, will be given the authority to determine the individuals that will serve in their buildings, and the authority and accountability over all Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 9 facets of the schools operation. This Fall, 19 of 42 high schools will open with new principals. A national search firm will work with the District to conduct a leadership search for the principal positions at 10 schools. Additionally, 37 of the District's principals will receive new assignments, and 44 others will not have their contracts renewed. Also, to begin building the next generation of school leadership, the District will remake the Principal and Assistant Principal Academies. Additionally, DPS will implement an unprecedented redesign strategy that will allow four educational partners with a proven track record of raising student achievement to spearhead an historic transformation of 17 of the District‟s lowest-performing high schools. The educational partners overseeing the schools‟ redesign are: New York-based Edison Learning, Cincinnati-based EdWorks, New York-based Institute for Student Achievement, and Bellevue, Washington-based Model Secondary Schools Project. These organizations will each have performance-based, multi-year contracts and will be monitored to ensure success. High School Graduation Rates* 2004 - 2008 *Calculations for 2007 and 2008 are based on a “four year adjusted cohort graduation rate,” figures considered to be more accurate than previous methodologies Academic Accountability To enhance student achievement for all DPS students and schools, a new DPS-Stat system that will be used as a tool to drive data-driven decision making. This will include conducting “A School Performance Indicator Review for Excellence” (ASPIRE) in targeted schools, building a user-friendly, information rich data system for tracking students. Redesigning Academic Leadership Similar to leadership in our schools, the DPS Central Administration Team will be redesigned to better provide the services that are so desperately needed by our students. Going forward, the District will have a smaller, more focused central leadership team, better positioned to both lead and support all of our students. With 54 positions already eliminated as part of the first steps in redesign, DPS will maximize support to the different regions and develop leadership capacity in schools. Early Childhood Education Early Childhood Education is critical for providing young learners with a strong start, and also forges positive linkages to DPS K-8 programs important for rebuilding long-term enrollment. In 2010, the Budget includes funding for 3,049 Pre-K students in 158 classrooms. This includes $6.2 million in General Purpose Fund 11 support for Pre-K programs, leveraged against $14.3 million in state funding for the Great Start Readiness Program (GSRP) and $9.0 million in Federal Head Start and Title I funding. Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 10 Stimulus Funding Plan – Reinvestment in Detroit’s Children In July 2009, complementing the Adopted FY2010 Budget, DPS announced a $148.4 million reinvestment plan to transform the District‟s educational system. To fund this education plan, the District is submitting applications to the Michigan Department of Education for Federal stimulus funds under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA), the legislation passed by Congress and signed by President Obama to create and save jobs, jumpstart the economy, and build the foundation for long-term economic growth. Key components of the $148.4 million budget for academic enhancement include: $18.2 million for class size reductions in the early learning grades; $15 million for Learning Village, a web-based product that features online lesson plans, on-going assessments to measure student achievement, and supplemental literacy materials, all of which will ensure that teachers are able to create, organize, and deliver effective, individualized instruction; $16.5 million for an extended day program consisting of two hours a day, three days a week for 20 weeks, which is designed to provide additional support in reading and mathematics; $1 million for a Professional Development software tracking program to ensure that teacher professional development activities are directly tied to student achievement and to assist administrators in determining additional professional development needs for their buildings; $1.7 million for "Double Dosing" ninth grade mathematics and English language arts courses for struggling students to ensure success in ninth grade, which is the greatest predictor of improved high school graduation rates; $14.2 million for Netbooks, supporting over 36,000 students and 4,000 teachers in grades 6-12 through cost-effective access to technology that will support hands-on, project-based learning; $25 million to provide supplemental materials for the mathematics and literacy initiatives to fill the gap between the District‟s adopted materials and state assessments and to offer support to students who need additional learning opportunities; $1 million for NovaNet, which will provide credit recovery opportunities for students, helping them to stay on track with their graduation requirements; and $11.2 million for extensive professional development to support these initiatives. In addition, as part of the District‟s initiative to turn around failing high schools, the plan includes $20 million for all 40 high priority schools so that each will have a Turnaround partner with a proven track record in raising student achievement – such as EdWorks, Edison, Model Secondary Schools Project, and the Institute for Student Achievement. Funding for the academic improvements will be available as soon as September 1, if approved by the Michigan Department of Education. The Title I stimulus funding will save a total of 192 educators‟ jobs. DPS has already begun work to enable a rapid launch of these reforms upon approval, and will implement a financial tracking system to effectively monitor the spending of funds. Separately, the District is also completing the Michigan Department of Education‟s Project ReImagine application, and will pursue competitive “Race to the Top” federal Stimulus funding. To date, DPS has already applied for competitive ARRA grants, including: Equipment Assistance Grant for School Food Authorities ; Education for Homeless Children and Youth Grant; and Head Start In addition, the District will also set forth a massive facilities modernization and investment plan later this summer, which will be a key piece of the puzzle to reinventing the District‟s education model and ensuring student success. Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 11 SUMMARY OF REVENUES During the 2010 Budget process, DPS developed a comprehensive multi-year revenue forecast. This forecast considered several key revenue projection factors, the major driver being enrollment. For each factor, growth trends were determined and applied to each major revenue source where applicable to determine the long-range impact of the changes in the local economy. For FY2010, total projected revenues for DPS all funds are projected to be $1.2 billion. 2010 Projected Revenues - All Funds Declines in Major Revenue Sources Looking at the three major categories of General Purpose Fund revenue sources, DPS is anticipating a net decline of nearly $150.4 million from the levels of just two years earlier (FY2008), even assuming $45.8 million of federal stimulus aid to offset a portion of projected State cuts. Additionally, a net reduction of $110 per pupil in State foundation aid (even after use of stimulus funding) is projected to result in a loss of $9.2 million in DPS revenue independent of enrollment decline. FY2008 FY2009 FY2010 Actual Projected Revised Two-Year Change: FY2008 to FY2010 Local Property Tax $100,631,922 $95,542,286 $91,012,729 ($9,619,193) State Foundation Allowance $623,375,133 $535,348,181 $441,645,974 ($181,729,159) Stimulus Backfill -- $32,449,494 $45,828,666 $45,828,666 $12,549,627 $8,425,262 $7,712,011 ($4,837,616) State Other Impact of the Economic Downturn In 2008 and 2009, a severe recession has weakened the United States economy as a whole, with a particularly adverse impact on the State of Michigan and City of Detroit. At 28.2 percent as of June 2009 (preliminary), unemployment rates in Detroit were nearly triple the national unemployment rate, which was approaching 10 percent. Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 12 Since the recession began, declining property values in Detroit have also outpaced the national average, even though the region did not see the strong “boom” growth of other regions earlier in the decade. Year of Year Change in Home Values 2005 – 2008* *Source: S&P / Case-Shiller Home Price Indices. Detroit data is for the Metropolitan Area Both unemployment and declining property taxes have a significant negative impact on DPS revenues, especially on property tax revenue. State Aid Revenues Over the last ten years, Detroit Public Schools funding from the State of Michigan decreased at an average rate of four percent annually. In only the last five years, funding from the State has decreased at an average rate of nearly eight percent annually. These revenue declines parallel the downward trend in overall DPS enrollment in Detroit, and are projected to accelerate in FY2010 with the further impact of State per pupil aid cuts. Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 13 Basic Education Subsidy The State of Michigan provides three basic education revenue sources to subsidize DPS education sources: 22a Proposal A, 51c Special Education Headlee Obligation, and 22b Discretionary Payment. Like many state governments during this recession, the State of Michigan is struggling to contain its own deficit, both for the current fiscal year and for FY2010. Given compounding problems ranging from the auto industry struggles to a high foreclosure rate, the State is anticipating a significant shortfall in educational funding for both its categorical grants, as well as its education subsidy 22b Discretionary Payment. In order to cover the shortfall, the State plans to use $634.1 million Statewide in American Recovery and Reinvestment (ARRA) State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF) money. To bring the DPS per pupil foundation to the FY2009 level less $110 per student, the State will use ARRA SFSF money to backfill the DPS foundation level to $7,550. Final action establishing the per pupil foundation will take place when the State of Michigan adopts the FY2009-2010 budget on or before September 30, 2009. Since SFSF money is being used to prevent an even larger decrease in the per pupil foundation, there may be additional cuts to other state programs resulting from use of all SFSF money for basic education. Other State Funding In addition to the Foundation allowance, the State also provides for a number of categorical grants. These grants are provided at the discretion of the legislature, and can be reduced or eliminated at any time. Included in the General Purpose - Fund 11: 26a Renaissance Zone ($2.4 million): Reimbursement for lost revenue in Renaissance Zones. 29 Declining Enrollment ($5.3 million): Funding to provide transition dollars to districts experiencing declining enrollment. Based on difference between average of prior three years and current year. Some categorical funding is in various Grant or Special Use Funds including: 31a At Risk ($43.5 million): Equal to 11.5 percent of the foundation allowance minus a proration factor for every pupil participating in Free and Reduced Lunch. The rate for DPS is currently 82 percent; 107.1 Adult Education ($4.7 million): The lesser of $2,850 per student or the prior year expenses; 61a.1 Vocational Education ($1.9 million): Funding not to exceed 75 percent of the cost of the program; 31d School Lunch ($1.8 million): Reimbursement of 6.0 percent of expenditures; and 32d Michigan School Readiness ($14.3 million): The Great Start Readiness Program (GSRP) provides formula driven state aid funds to public school districts and public school academies only. The purpose of the funding is to provide preschool programs for four-year-old children who may be "at risk" of school failure. Local Tax Revenue and Other L ocal Sources As a result of weakness in collections and property values due to the recession, local school tax collections are projected to decrease by 13 percent in FY2008-2009 (the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009) and then are projected to decline by 4.7 percent ($4.5 million) in FY2009-2010. Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 14 Property Tax Revenues 2002 - 2010 In addition to the local property tax, Wayne County levies a tax of 3.3678 mills under Act 18. Wayne County uses the Act 18 revenues to fully fund center-based Special Education programs. Detroit Public Schools expects to receive nearly $74.0 million to cover the costs of providing services to the District‟s special education center-based educated students. Along with local tax revenue, Detroit Public Schools earns interest on investments and receives miscellaneous revenues from sources including community use charges, Medicaid reimbursement, food sales to pupils, and the ROTC program. In the FY2010 Budget, the District is implementing new initiatives to increase Medicaid reimbursement, and to increase cost recovery from food services. Federal Funding Recurring Federal grants are expected to decrease in FY2009-2010. This is due to decreases in grant funding based on enrollment, as well as a significant decrease in Title I from FY2008-2009, when Detroit Public Schools was able to recapture nearly $20 million in prior year grants revenue. Beyond the $45.8 million in State Fiscal Stabilization Funds, FY2010 federal funding is forecast to increase substantially, as a result of a projected $85.8 million in ARRA funding for DPS, including: $74.2 million in additional Title I (A) funding to improve instruction in high-poverty schools; and $11.6 million in additional Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) funding to support special education programs and services for student with disabilities Description of the Top 10 DPS Revenues (1) State Foundation Aid Changes by -17.5 percent in 2010 Changes by -14.1 percent in 2009 FY2010 Revenue % of Total Revenue 441,645,974 39.2 State Foundation Aid: State Foundation Aid is the main funding source for general operating revenue for school districts across the State. Foundation Funding ordinarily has 2 parts: - 22a Prop A Obligation (makes the District whole to the FY1995 foundation level from what is collected through local property taxes) - Discretionary Payment (set by legislative action at the State level through the annual budget process) These two pieces together make up the Per Pupil Foundation amount. Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 15 Enrollment is estimated using 25 percent of the Spring 2009 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) count and 75 percent of the Fall 2009 demographer projection for enrollment FTEs. The 25 – 75 percent formula is set by State of Michigan law, and final revenues will be based on the actual, audited results for each count. Based on the Governor‟s FY2010 Proposed Budget, foundation funding is projected to be $7,550 in FY2010, $110 less than the FY2009 level. State Fiscal Stabilization Funds will be used to make up a portion of this funding and is described ahead. Estimates for adjustments due to General Education and Special Education non-residents within DPS are based on State of Michigan FY2009 data, held constant in the FY2010 estimate. (2) Title I Title I: This is the largest federal entitlement grant, which enables DPS to provide supplemental programs to improve the academic achievement of disadvantaged students. Spending of Title I funds is based on strict guidelines of student eligibility. These funds are also subject to non-supplant and maintenance of effort requirements that preclude direct use for deficit reduction. In 2009, there was a $20.3 million carryover of Title I funds. State Aid – Special Education: The 51c Special Education Headlee Obligation is equal to the District‟s FY2009 special education instruction costs ($233,248,013) multiplied by .286138 plus the District‟s special education transportation costs ($36,601,933) multiplied by .704165. Percentage factors are set by State of Michigan law. Property Taxes: Local property tax is calculated by applying the School District‟s operating millage of 17.8308 mills to the taxable value of the nonhomestead residential property. For FY2010, property tax revenue was projected by using the preliminary assessed value for 2009 of $5,221,379,320. Additionally, property tax revenues are collected by applying the School District‟s 5.8308 mills to the taxable value of the personal commercial property. For FY2010, these revenues were projected using the preliminary assessed value for 2009 of $697,810,565. Changes by -7.1 percent in 2010 Changes by 47.3 percent in 2009 FY2010 Revenue $162,125,573 % of Total Revenue (3) 14.4% State Aid – Special Education Changes by -3.1 percent in 2010 Changes by 8.1 percent in 2009 FY2010 Revenue $92,514,920 % of Total Revenue (4) 8.2% Property Taxes Changes by -4.7 percent in 2010 Changes by -5.3 percent in 2009 FY2010 Revenue % of Total Revenue $91,012,729 8.1% The total revenue from Property Taxes for FY2010 is projected to be $91.0 million, which includes adjustments for special taxing districts and delinquent property taxes. Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 16 (5) Act 18 – Special Education Changes by 4.2 percent in 2010 Changes by ‐6.1 percent in 2009 FY2010 Revenue $74,000,000 Act 18 – Special Education: Act 18 is legislation to provide revenue for center-based special education programs for the neediest students. The purpose of this funding is to provide revenue for the costs of providing services not covered by State Aid for center based special education. Act 18 funds are supported through a millage levied on local property taxes regionally and allocated to participating Districts. This funding was authorized by voter referendum and is administered and allocated through Wayne County RESA, the intermediate school district of which DPS is a part. (6) Other General Purpose ‐ Fund 11 Revenues Other General Purpose Fund 11 Revenues Include: - Earnings on Investments - Transfer from Food Service, to cover indirect overhead costs - Medicaid Reimbursement, expected to increase in FY2010 due to improved DPS procedures State Fiscal Stabilization Funds (SFSF): In order to cover the shortfall in State education funding, the State plans to use $634.1 million Statewide in American Recovery and Reinvestment (ARRA) SFSF money. To bring the DPS per pupil foundation to the FY2009 level less $110 per student, the State will use ARRA SFSF money to backfill the DPS foundation level to $7,550. Changes by 65.7 percent in 2010 Changes by ‐33.8 percent in 2009 FY2010 Revenue (7) 52,058,987 State Fiscal Stabilization Funds Changes by 41.2 percent in 2010 New Funding in 2009 FY2010 Revenue $45,828,666 (8) 31a ‐ At Risk Changes by ‐9.7 percent in 2010 Changes by ‐14.7 percent in 2009 FY2010 Revenue 43,500,000 31a – At Risk: The State provides DPS with additional revenue for students qualifying for free and reduced lunch. This funding is based on 11.5 percent of the foundation ($7,550) less a pro-ration factor for each student qualifying for free and reduced lunch. Over the past three years, an average of 82 percent of DPS students qualified for free and reduced lunch. For FY2010, it is assumed that 82 percent of the enrollment projection would qualify (enrollment assumption the same as 22a and 22b). This estimate uses the proration factor released by the State as of June 22, 2009; however, this pro-ration factor will fluctuate slightly each month. Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 17 (9) Fund 25 – Food Service Fund 25 - Food Service: The primary source of funding for Fund 25 – Food Service is the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Free and Reduced Lunch Reimbursement Program. Funding is based on the number of participating students, with set rates for meals. Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA): IDEA is the primary federal funding stream for special education. In exchange for federal dollars, schools must guarantee that all children with disabilities receive a ‘free appropriate public education.’ Changes by –5.0 percent in 2010 Changes by ‐8.4 percent in 2009 FY2010 Revenue $31,978,414 (10) IDEA Changes by –5.7 percent in 2010 Changes by 10.5 percent in 2009 FY2010 Revenue $19,803,710 Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 18 DPS Revenues, 2008 – 2010 Fund 11 General Fund Property Tax State Aid 22a Prop A Obligation 22b Discretionary Payment 26a Renaissance Zone 29 Declining Enrollment State Fiscal Stabilization Funds Other Earnings on Investments Transfer from Food Service Medicaid Reimbursement ROTC E-Rate Reimbursement Reimburseable ExpenseUnion Dues Other Total Fund 11 Fund 13 Adult Ed State Aid Prior Year Adjustment Transfer/Fund Balance Total Fund 13 Fund 14 Grants*** Title I 31a At Risk IDEA Title II Great Start Readiness (Early Childhood Education) Other Grants Total Fund 14 Fund 21 Athletics Fund 22 Special Ed Act 18 State Aid Prior Year Adjustment Transfer from Fund 11 Total Fund 22 Fund 25 Food Service USDA Free and Reduced Lunch Food Sales to Pupils 31d School Lunch Grant: State Aid Other State Aid Total Fund 22 TOTAL FY2008 Actual* FY2009 Adopted FY2009 Revised** FY2010 Budget Change FY09 - FY10 $100,631,922 $83,404,408 $95,542,286 $91,012,729 -4.7% $484,703,347 $138,671,786 $5,249,096 $7,300,531 $0 $434,696,885 $133,295,510 $4,952,202 $7,000,000 $0 $435,027,098 $100,321,084 $2,423,437 $6,001,825 $32,449,494 $379,003,290 $62,642,684 $2,401,484 $5,310,528 $45,828,666 -12.9% -37.6% -0.9% -11.5% 41.2% $2,261,347 $1,139,899 $6,067,827 $1,510,903 $11,852,286 $3,450,000 $1,075,629 $3,500,000 $1,200,000 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 $1,075,629 $5,642,444 $1,200,000 $2,540,291 $850,000 $2,500,000 $13,879,200 $1,200,000 $2,150,743 -15.0% 132.4% 146.0% 0.0% -15.3% $0 $2,000,000 $2,000,000 $0 -100.0% $24,648,450 $784,037,394 $12,446,445 $688,521,079 $17,954,510 $703,178,096 $31,479,044 $638,258,367 75.3% -9.2% $2,187,177 $159,431 $0 $2,346,608 $5,729,000 $0 $0 $5,729,000 $4,729,681 -$202,615 $0 $4,527,067 $4,729,681 $0 $11,302,920 $16,032,601 0.0% 254.1% $92,104,841 $55,241,229 $18,791,347 $9,986,183 $128,524,550 $52,935,937 $21,379,976 $21,171,690 $174,607,435 $48,159,854 $21,004,224 $18,053,388 $162,125,573 $43,500,000 $19,803,710 $19,800,000 -7.1% -9.7% -5.7% 9.7% $15,878,000 $15,878,000 $15,653,600 $14,307,200 -8.6% $46,511,126 $238,512,726 $30,341,889 $270,232,042 $35,675,482 $313,153,984 $22,483,974 $282,020,457 -37.0% -9.9% $0 $2,527,200 $2,527,200 $3,444,714 36.3% $75,300,000 $87,717,651 $2,897,074 $44,335,122 $210,249,847 $68,000,000 $88,717,651 $0 $59,955,000 $216,672,651 $70,998,322 $95,481,335 $7,763,684 $52,601,168 $226,844,509 $74,000,000 $92,514,920 $0 $56,765,346 $223,280,266 4.2% -3.1% -100.0% 7.9% -1.6% $28,808,279 $27,466,201 $26,569,448 $25,230,652 -5.0% $5,586,393 $5,703,834 $6,603,834 $4,185,638 -36.6% $1,801,477 $1,700,000 $1,801,477 $1,846,514 2.5% $3,136,891 $39,333,040 $2,248,750 $37,118,785 $2,954,514 $37,929,273 $715,610 $31,978,414 -75.8% -15.7% $1,274,479,615 $1,220,800,757 $1,288,160,129 $1,195,014,819 -7.2% *Detailed data shown is from unaudited General Ledger reports, and may vary somewhat from audited CAFR results **Revised as of July 1, 2009 based on revised year-to-date actual data; does not reflect any additional changes to be accrued after close of fiscal year ***Does NOT include $418.9 million in expected Stimulus funding Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 19 SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES Detroit Public Schools has a total operating budget of $1.2 billion in Fiscal Year 2009-2010. This budget supports the education of approximately 90,000 students in 172 schools. Beyond general classroom instruction, this budget also funds center-based special education programs, the operation and maintenance of all district buildings, the provision of public safety, food services, and student transportation services, as well as all central administrative functions. The following functional categories represent the major cost drivers in the FY2010 budget. General Purpose Fund – Fund 11 The General Purpose Fund covers the District’s core operating expenses. This Fund is budgeted at $635.4 million in FY2010 and represents over 55 percent of the total operating budget. Over half of the General Purpose Fund budget is spent directly in schools. Other major cost drivers include central administration, physical plant operations, transportation, public safety, and district-wide costs. General Purpose Fund Expenditures Key Budget Drivers DPS FY2010 deficit reduction measures are focused to the greatest extent possible on cuts that will not impact educational programs. Beyond the classroom, major District cost drivers include the following: Cost Driver Debt Service – Financing Operations 2010 Projected Spending ($ millions) $37.3 Employee Health Care (all funds, 2009) $127.7 Employee Pension Contributions (all funds, 2009) $116.7 Physical Plant $103.5 Utilities $32.2 Transportation $32.6 Special Education $56.7 Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 20 Debt Service In order to finance DPS capital investments, such as school construction and renovation, voter-approval has previously been granted to levy new taxes outside of the District‟s General Purpose Fund. The basic principle for the issuance of such debt is to finance capital investments, such as school construction and renovation, for long-term use – thus spreading the cost beyond the current users, and the resulting debt service is fully supported by the voter-approved levies. When the District issued $210 million in bonds four years ago to finance its FY2005 deficit, however, it created a long-term obligation for a short-term benefit. In turn, this action also created an annual obligation through FY2020 for debt service payments from the General Purpose Fund, as opposed to typical DPS debt service, which is funded through the levying of new taxes outside of the General Purpose Fund. As a result, before DPS budgets one penny for the classroom in FY2010, it must first set aside $21,834,512 for these debt service payments. In addition, DPS budgets $15.3 million from its General Purpose Fund for interest payments on notes and loans associated with the District‟s cash flow borrowing. Because the State distributes revenue to the District on an October 1 fiscal year cycle and the District operates on a July 1 fiscal year cycle, DPS must issue revenue anticipation notes to meet cash flow needs until State revenue becomes available in October. Due to the current financial circumstances, the cost of this borrowing is higher in FY2010 than it would have otherwise been. For reference, the total $37.2 million debt service expenditures are equivalent to the wages and benefits for approximately 330 teachers. Some capital lease payments and interest on utility bonds are also paid from the District‟s General Purpose Fund. These payments total under $100,000 in FY2010. Workforce: Employee Health Care Over $350 million in General Purpose Fund dollars was allocated to schools for FY2010. This is primarily composed of salary and benefits for over 3,000 teachers. With more than two-thirds of total FY2009 projected District spending on personnel such as teachers, principals, custodians, and security officers, escalating workforce cost trends nationally are particularly difficult for DPS. DPS is projecting to spend $127.7 million on active employee health benefits in CY2009 (All Funds), and underlying costs per employee are expected to increase by approximately 10 percent in FY2010. Workforce: Employer Pension Contributions According to the State of Michigan, Office of Retirement Services, DPS will need to contribute $116.7 million to the Michigan Public Schools Employees Retirement System in FY2009 (All Funds) for pensions and retiree medical care at a rate of 16.5 percent of salaries. At the start of the decade (FY2000), the rate was just 11.7 percent. Next year, the FY2010 rate will rise again to 17.0 percent Physical Plant Operations The District is responsible for approximately 18.6 million square feet of property. With a budget of $103.5 million, this function includes the maintenance, repair, engineering, custodial, and grounds costs for the District‟s schools and other facilities. With aging buildings and decades of deferred maintenance, the cost to maintain one square foot of facilities in DPS ($4.20) is more than 20 percent higher than the national urban average of $3.45 cited by the Portolan Group. These facilities also account for another $28.2 million in utilities costs. Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 21 Among the budget challenges related to physical plant operations are the maintenance of an aging infrastructure, management of overstaffing and excessive overtime among building engineers, and high utilities costs. In addition, DPS has not efficiently managed personnel costs associated with Physical Plant operations, with 122 of 361 engineers earning more than $100,000 in 2008. In FY2010, 29 schools will be closed to reduce 2.1 million square feet of facilities. The Emergency Financial Manager is developing a master facilities and capital improvement plan that will result in savings in ongoing building costs, and will launch a managed competition program to ensure competitive physical plant operations. Central Administration Central Administration includes the District executive leadership and administrative support functions. These functions are driven heavily by purchased service contracts for Information Systems Management in the IT Department, Risk Management Services in the Finance Department, and Legal Services in the Office of General Counsel. Employee wages and benefits account for a little over one third of the $99 million central administration budget. Right sizing the central administration function in line with enrollment decline has also been a challenge for the District. As the number of students has been declining, the number of administrators has not been reduced proportionately. As a result, the District has almost twice as many administrators per students as other large urban districts. Over 300 layoff notices have been issued to central administrative staff to address this problem. Inadequate management of service contracts has also created budget pressure for the District. Payments to vendors based on outstanding invoices that DPS staff did not report to the Finance Department until June 2009 contributed to the projected $137 million operating deficit in FY2009. Appropriate controls are being put in place to ensure that this problem does not occur in the future. Transportation DPS transports 17,000 students at an average cost of $2,800 per student. Because of outdated routing practices and widespread use of taxis (1,155 students) and other inefficient special education transportation practices, such spending is well above the national urban average of $1,425 as cited by the Portolan Group. The transportation needs of the student population receiving special education services are not funded by Special Education revenue sources and must be covered by the General Purpose Fund. Rapid enrollment decline creates another budget challenge as bus routes have not been optimized to match the changing student populations each year. The FY2010 Budget of $32.6 million includes a managed competition initiative, as well as multiple best practices measures, to reduce transportation costs from an estimated base budget of $48 million. Public Safety The District‟s public safety budget of $17.4 million covers the cost of over 60 sworn police officers and over 300 security officers. Safety and security in schools is a high service priority for the District. Due to a reduction in grant funding in FY2010, DPS has funded 13 Public Safety Officers through the General Purpose - Fund 11 previously funded by the State. District-wide Expenditures District-wide expenditures include centrally budgeted expenses such as utilities, claims and judgments, lease payments, interest on bonds and notes and transfers to other funds. Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 22 With a number of older facilities, the District‟s high utility costs are compounded by outdated energy conservation practices. A master facilities and capital improvement plan is being developed to help address this and other issues related to the District‟s aging infrastructure. Excessive reliance on leased space has also created budget pressures for the District. Analysis being performed in accordance with the aforementioned facilities plan will determine the best way to utilize vacant space that the District already owns and reduce the cost of leased space. The gross FY2010 budget for district-wide expenditures is $141 million. This includes a budget of $32.1 million for utilities, $37.3 million in debt service, and $71.6 million in transfers to other funds, including Special Education – Fund 22. Also budgeted in the District-wide account are savings targets that would impact departments and functional areas across the District. These targets include labor concessions, adjustments to staffing allocations, and reductions in vendor contracts. These savings targets total $109 million, leaving a net budget of $32.0 million for District-wide expenditures. Workforce As of June 30, 2009, the Detroit Public School District had a workforce of 12,593 full-time equivalents (FTEs) as well as an additional 1,420 part-time employees (on a head count basis). This represents a decrease of 7.6 percent in full-time employees and 31.9 percent in part-time employees from the staffing levels one year prior. Part time employees include substitute teachers, noon hour aides, and student assistants. These employees are analyzed on a head count basis because they do not typically have a standard work week by which full-time equivalency can be determined. Detroit Public Schools Full-Time Staffing Officials, administrators, managers Principals Assistant principals Classroom teachers Guidance Psychological Librarians/Audio-Visual staff Consultants/Supervisors of instruction Other professional staff Teacher aides Technicians Clerical/Secretarial staff Service workers Skilled crafts Laborers - Unskilled TOTAL FTEs *As of June 30 of the Fiscal Year FY2006 Actual* 199 229 173 7,628.20 289.5 100.5 63 295.2 612.2 1,712.00 21 910 2,259.00 427 42 14,960.60 FY2007 Actual* 215 220 148 7,064.40 263.8 102 58 289.2 618.6 1,616.00 22 902 2,189.00 487 28 14,223.00 FY2008 Actual* 200 187 150 6,269.30 234.5 100 49 265.9 601.5 1,539.00 21 845 2,684.00 460 27 13,633.20 FY2009 Actual* 218 184 131 5,797.10 216 90 47 246.4 579.9 1,486.00 19 775 2,380.00 405 19 12,593.40 FY2010 Budget 243.1 160 94 5,146.40 119.6 92.5 34 106.4 500.4 1,479.10 25 632.2 1,993.00 389 17 11,031.70 Detroit Public Schools Part-Time Staffing Part-time staff Substitute staff: Instructional Non-Instructional TOTAL PART TIME (Head Count) *As of June 30 of the Fiscal Year FY2006 Actual* 2,318.0 1,673.0 599.0 1,074.0 3,991.0 FY2007 Actual* 1,785.0 945.0 561.0 384.0 2,730.0 FY2008 Actual* 1,106.0 980.0 682.0 298.0 2,086.0 FY2009 Actual* 791.0 629.0 500.0 129.0 1,420.0 FY2010 Budget 969.1 850 738 112 1,819.1 Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 23 On June 30, 2009, the District employed almost 5,800 classroom teachers representing 46 percent of the District‟s full time workforce. The number of classroom teachers has been decreasing at an average rate of 8.7 percent since June 30, 2006, while the K-12 student population has been decreasing at an average rate of 10.5 percent over the same period of time. This data is evidence of a general trend of inadequate leveling practices in these years. Looking beyond classroom teachers, the total full-time workforce has been decreasing at an average rate of 5.6 percent since 2006, suggesting insufficient right-sizing of the District generally. Actual Rates of Workforce Decline vs. Actual Rates of Enrollment Decline Decline in K-12 Enrollment Decline in Teacher FTEs Decline in All Full-Time FTEs 2006-2007 9.3% 7.4% 4.9% 2007-2008 11.2% 11.3% 4.1% 2008-2009 10.9% 7.5% 7.6% Average 10.5% 8.7% 5.6% As the result of numerous initiatives intended to right-size the District and restore structural balance, the FY2010 budget proposes the elimination of 2,541 positions. DPS Full-Time Employment and Student Enrollment FY2006 – FY2010 Note: Instructional Staff includes Principals, Assistant principals, Classroom teachers, Guidance, Psychological, Librarians/Audio-Visual staff, Consultants/Supervisors of instruction, and Teacher aides Other Funds Expenditures – All Funds Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 24 Special Education Educating students with Special Needs is one of the highest priorities of any school district. However, these students also require additional support and supervision, requiring greater costs per pupil. And, while DPS enrollment has dramatically reduced over the past decade, the number of students receiving special education services in DPS exceeds the statewide rate. For example, 20.4 percent of DPS special education students have cognitive impairments, compared to 10.1 percent statewide. The District Special Education Fund has a budget of $208.7 million in FY2010. Of the total budget, about $166.5 million is funded through special revenue from the County and State. The other $56.8 million is supported by a subsidy from the General Purpose Fund. Special Education transportation costs are also covered by the General Purpose Fund. The Special Education needs of Detroit Public Schools exceed those of neighboring school districts. Inadequate mainstreaming of special education students creates further budget pressures as more students are kept in costly center-based programs. The District‟s Special Education function is undergoing a comprehensive, expert assessment to determine strategies to maximize effectiveness and minimize costs, with FY2010 savings projected at a minimum of $12.5 million. Food Service In FY2009, DPS served over 8.5 million lunches and almost 5 million breakfasts to its student population. The District‟s Food Service function is financed through an enterprise fund with a total budget of $32 million. The Food Service Fund generates revenue primarily from a federal subsidy, although additional revenue is also generated through ala carte sales and catering. In FY2010, DPS will implement a series of initiatives to improve the participation of student in the free and reduced meals program. By increasing participation, DPS will strive to provide improved all-around student services, allowing students to achieve in the best possible environment. Athletics DPS maintains a distinct fund to account for its athletic programs. The budget for the Athletics Fund is $3.4 million and is subsidized entirely by the General Purpose Fund. The Athletics Fund accounts for the athletic operations of the District‟s middle and high schools. This Fund also supports its numerous athletic programs for boys and girls during the fall, winter and spring seasons on both the junior varsity and varsity levels. Adult Education The Adult Education Fund accounts for state and local revenue to be used for Adult Education. The fund has a Total FY2010 budget of $16 million. Grants The District‟s Grants Fund has an FY2010 budget of $282 million in County, State, and Federal revenue for supplemental academic programs. The largest components of this fund are federal Title I funds, 31a At Risk, IDEA, Title II, and Great Start Readiness Early Childhood Education Grants. One of the District‟s major budget challenges has been ensuring proper grant compliance. Spending on grants that does not meet compliance standards could fail to be reimbursed causing these costs to be Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 25 absorbed by the General Purpose Fund. New leadership in the Grants and Development Office has made grant compliance a top priority. Categories of Expenditures Across all funds, personnel costs, including salaries, benefits, contributions to the State pension fund, and payroll taxes, account for $737 million of the FY2010 expenditure budget. Non-personnel costs, such as purchased service contracts, materials, supplies, utilities and other fixed costs, total $440 million. Categories of Expenditures, All Funds Wages The FY2010 budget includes $487 million in employee wages. As teachers account for the largest proportion of the District‟s workforce, their pay is the largest cost driver affecting the budget. Teacher salaries total more than half of all budgeted salaries in FY2010. Controlling this cost in light of current economic conditions and rapid enrollment decline is one of the District‟s major budget challenges. In addition to the Detroit Federation of Teachers, there are nine other unions representing the District‟s 16 total bargaining units. Each union contract has specific requirements for overtime pay, special salary premiums, and layoff and recall policies that significantly drive employee salary costs. All union contracts expired on (or prior to) June 30, 2009. The renegotiation of these contracts presents an opportunity to reduce the costs associated with salaries and wages for the various employee groups. The FY2010 budget targets $66.9 million in salary savings through the current round of negotiations. Overtime is also a consistently major cost driver. The majority of overtime costs come from Operations and Transportation, and has declined in recent years along with enrollment. DPS Overtime Expenditures 2005 - 2010 Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 26 Benefits Benefits costs are budgeted at $133 million in FY2010. This includes $6.5 million in unemployment insurance and $14.2 million in Worker‟s Compensation. The remaining $112.3 million is budgeted for health, dental, life, and vision benefits (HDLV). The District is primarily self-insured for employee benefits. A different package of the District‟s eight health plans, five dental plans, and two vision plans are offered to each of the 16 employee groups. Rising benefits costs have created significant budget pressure for the District in past years. The FY2010 budget includes an assumed savings of $20 million in benefits costs through initiatives including: a dependent eligibility verification audit, benefit plan redesign, renegotiation of vendor contracts, and benefits savings achieved through labor negotiations. In future years, the annualized impact is projected to be even greater. The District has engaged an outside benefits consulting firm to support these initiatives. Pension/FICA The budget for pension costs in FY2010 is $80.7 million, while FICA is budgeted at $35.7 million. The District participates in a State administered pension fund, the Michigan Public School Employees Retirement System (MPSERS). Contributions to the State fund are based on a set percentage of total employee wages. Payroll taxes are also based on a set percentage of total employee wages. Any salary savings realized in FY2010 will result in corresponding savings in pension contributions and payroll taxes. Non-Personnel Costs Non-personnel costs account for about one-third of the District‟s expenditure budget. Purchased services represent the largest spending category with approximately $122 million in budgeted expenses in FY2010. Supplies and materials are budgeted at $67 million. Non-personnel spending is driven primarily by purchased services in the central administration and physical plant functions, as well as utilities costs, debt service, and fund transfers budgeted as districtwide. Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 27 DPS Expenditures, 2008 – 2010 Fund 11 General Purpose Fund Fund 13 Adult Education Fund 14 Grants FY2008 Actual FY2009 Adopted FY2009 Revised FY2010 Budget $926,440,340 $688,521,079 $840,285,106 $635,429,968 $2,346,608 $5,729,000 $4,527,067 $16,032,601 $238,512,726 $270,232,042 $313,153,984 $282,020,459 Fund 21 Athletics Fund 22 Special Ed Fund 25 Food Service TOTAL $0 $2,527,200 $2,527,200 $3,444,714 $210,252,142 $216,672,651 $226,844,509 $208,735,935 $39,333,040 $37,118,785 $37,929,273 $31,978,414 $1,416,884,856 $1,220,800,757 $1,425,267,139 $1,177,642,089 DPS FY2010 Expenditures by Fund Fund 11 Fund 13 Fund 14 Fund 21 Fund 22 Fund 25 General Purpose Fund Adult Education Grants Athletics Special Education Food Services Wages Benefits Pension FICA Purchased Services Repairs and Maintenance Supplies and Materials Utilities Transfers Debt Service Other 227,074,431 72,971,801 36,715,939 15,904,417 78,167,937 39,762,801 19,634,119 32,177,449 71,552,980 37,281,025 4,187,064 2,656,068 484,512 448,950 203,189 179,898 2,582,669 75,747 9,401,566 121,206,478 30,264,905 20,485,754 9,252,671 42,718,077 7,902,443 15,944,901 55,009 3,415,381 30,774,837 1,131,681 161,960 73,140 536,933 690,000 451,000 400,000 126,236,928 26,720,988 21,358,384 9,657,332 561,504 6,258,669 16,848,384 1,093,744 8,852,177 3,322,473 1,551,736 728,941 2,500 270,360 14,079,264 2,500,000 670,961 TOTAL $635,429,968 $16,032,601 $282,080,459 $3,444,714 $208,735,935 $31,978,414 Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 28 SPECIAL EDUCATION FUND 22 Fund 22 accounts for a majority of the Special Education revenues and expenses for the Detroit Public Schools. Special Education services include educational accommodations, modifications, and supports to ensure student access to a free, appropriate public education. Special Education services are available to eligible students from birth through high school graduation or age 26, as appropriate. Services include center-based special education programs operated by the District as well as non-center based programs. Center-based programs are special education programs provided for the most impaired portion of the Special Ed. population and/or for the most specialized needs. These programs include programs for various levels of cognitive impairment, emotional disturbance, autism, and other developmental disabilities as well as for visually and hearing impaired students. The District also provides non-center based special education programs for students who spend a portion of their time in general education classes but are provided additional supports either through resource room programs or programs provided in the classroom. Special Education Fund revenues are budgeted at $223.3 million for FY2010, with a projected enrollment 2 of 7,849 students, a decline of 6.2 percent over the prior year . The FY2010 budgeted expenses represent an increase of less than one percent over the projected FY2009 actual expenditures. Fund 22 Revenues & Expenditures ($$millions) In addition, federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) grants will provide another $19.8 million in DPS special education funding in FY2010, budgeted in the Grants Fund. Further, the majority of special education transportation expenditures remain budgeted in the General Fund. Paralleling General Education enrollment, Special Education enrollment has declined annually with a corresponding reduction in revenue and expenses. Special Education Enrollment 2 Based on unaudited State Aid Membership – Fall Count enrollment of 8,364 Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 29 Special Education Fund 22 Revenues DPS has budgeted $223.3 million for Fund 22 Special Education revenues, including $92.5 million in State Aid, $74.0 million in Act 18 funding, and $56.8 million from the General Purpose Fund 11. Again, federal IDEA dollars are separately budgeted within the Grants Fund. State Aid Revenue State Aid Revenue is governed by Section 51c in the school funding legislation and is also referred to as the Headlee obligation. This funding source has two parts: Special Education Program revenue and Special Education Transportation revenue. Special Education program revenue is based on 0.286138 times the total Special Education Expenses from the prior year, totaling $66.7 million for FY2010. The second part of the 51a revenue is for Special Education Transportation for which the District is reimbursed 70.4165 percent of the prior year expenses. This revenue for FY2010 totals $25.8 million. ACT 18 REVENUE Act 18 is legislation to provide revenue for center-based special education programs for the neediest students. The purpose of this funding is to provide revenue for the costs of providing these services not Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 30 covered by State Aid for special education, and it is supported through a millage levied on local property taxes regionally and allocated to participating Districts. This funding was authorized by voter referendum and is administered and allocated through Wayne County RESA, the intermediate school district of which DPS is a part. For FY2010, the District has budgeted $74.0 million for Act 18 funding based on anticipated operating costs for center-based programs. General Purpose Fund 11 Transfer The last component of Special Education Revenue comes from a subsidy from the General Purpose Fund 11. The General Purpose - Fund 11 covers any portion of funding needed to fund projected expenses not covered by the State Aid or Act 18 funding. This year it is anticipated that the District will need to subsidize the General Purpose - Fund 11 for $56.8 million. It should be noted that any surplus realized in this fund will reduce the subsidy from the General Purpose - Fund 11 accordingly, reducing expenditures in Fund 11. Special Education Fund 22 Expenditures Fund 22 expenditures are budgeted at $208.7 million. A majority of these expenditures are for personnel costs, together totaling $184.0 million or 88.1 percent of the budgeted total. Fund 22 Expenditures The adopted budget for Fund 22 supports 2,198 FTEs of which 1,244 are teachers. Positions Teachers Aides Guidance Counselors Therapists Psychologists Social Workers Other Specialists Nurses Principals and Asst. Principals Administrators Other Support Staff TOTAL FTEs 1,244.1 551.0 4.0 66.5 73.2 100.5 76.8 29.0 13.0 37.0 3.0 2,198.1 Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 31 BUDGET RISKS All budgets rely on assumptions subject to change as events unfold. In the current economic downturn, DPS faces an unusually high level of revenue uncertainty associated with the still to be determined State of Michigan Budget, as well as risks to other key revenue and expenditure categories, that will require particularly close monitoring. To manage these risks, DPS will implement an active budget tracking and reporting program, and will be prepared to make any necessary mid-course corrections as the fiscal year progresses. The following are among key identified budget risks: As the State of Michigan Budget takes shape, different education funding proposals are under negotiation regarding foundation levels and other state grant programs that could significantly reduce funding for DPS. The DPS Budget already assumes $55.0 million in State funding cuts, with federal Stimulus funding available to offset only $45.8 million of this amount, for a net loss of $9.2 million. To avoid more severe cuts in District programs, it is critical that even deeper State funding reductions proposed by some legislators not be adopted. The June 30 Budget is based on enrollment projections developed by the District‟s demographer, and reflect continued declines from 94,054 in FY2009 to 83,777 for FY2010 consistent with recent trends. Because a high percentage of DPS funding is enrollment-driven, negative variances from these projections could further reduce revenues from projected levels, in turn requiring additional teacher and general school-based headcount reductions. At the same time, positive experience and strong participation in District membership counts hold the potential for actual revenues to exceed budgeted levels. Because nearly two-thirds of total DPS expenditures are dedicated to employee wages and benefits, with a majority of employees union-represented, the outcome of ongoing collective th bargaining will have a significant impact on budget results. The June 30 Budget assumes successful partnership with the District‟s unions on health benefit reforms, development of more efficient work practices, and the achievement of overall cost savings targets. Budgeted utility and transportation expenditures are based on reasonably conservative estimates of energy and fuel prices, consistent with mainstream forecasts. A period of unexpected volatility in energy prices, however, could drive spending above budgeted levels. Similarly, while budget assumptions are consistent with typical DPS experience, extremely severe weather conditions could also create energy demands beyond budget assumptions, and increase costs for snow removal and other weather-sensitive expenditures. To address these risks, the District is actively pursuing energy management initiatives, however, some market risk will remain. th Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 32 CAPITAL INVESTMENT Capital Investment in the District is funded through the issuance of bonds and is used for acquisition, construction, renovation, and closing of buildings, as well as furnishing and equipping major capital facilities. Most Capital Investment expenses are treated as capital expenditures. Despite general financial difficulties, capital investment is still a necessary and important part of the District-wide goal of creating centers of excellence at every school, for every child, in every neighborhood. Capital Program A Six-Year Plan For District-Wide Reconfiguration, Rebuilding, And Renovation Subject to the approval by the State and the voters in the City of Detroit, Detroit Public Schools plan to transform the District‟s infrastructure in FY2010 through FY2014 with an aggressive capital program totaling $1.14 billion – focused on continued closings of schools to right-size the District and rebuilding or renovation of every remaining school building. The plan is structured to utilize Federal stimulus funds provided in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) in its first two years to complete $249 million in capital improvements in FY2010 and $251 million in FY2011. Each of the final three years of the plan calls for spending of $202 million. Highlights of the capital program include: A new Finney High School in the first year (FY2010); Construction of a new building for Mumford High School in year two (FY2011); A new school in the Brightmoor neighborhood; Closure of 60 schools over the next five years within a layered approach to school capital improvement; and A master facilities plan for maintenance of new and renovated buildings More details regarding this plan are anticipated to be announced later in the summer. Bond Funds The current budget for capital investment anticipates State Loan Fund revenues of $127 million in FY2010 and FY 2011, combined with direct federal stimulus funding of $123 million in each year. During FY2012-FY2015 further State Loan Fund revenues of $202 million per year is anticipated. The current plan does not anticipate revenues from any State federal stimulus funding, intra-city funding or issuance of any Qualified Zone Academy Bonds (QZABs). Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 33 DETROIT PUBLIC SCHOOLS – FY2010 OPERATING BUDGET Schools Budgets SCHOOLS BUDGETS School expenditures are the focal point of the effort to Create Centers of Excellence at Every School, for Every Child, in Every Neighborhood. The aim of the 2010 Budget is to maximize the funding driven to DPS classrooms. Restructuring and transforming schools management is one of the major objectives for FY2010, and every effort will be made to increase academic accountability. Progress will be measured using the key methods established by the State and the US Department of Education, The Michigan Educational Assessment Program (MEAP) and Michigan Merit Exam (MME), and Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP). The Schools Budgets section includes information on each school and its budget and performance level. Key information presented includes: Mission: Each school‟s philosophy for how it aims to instill excellence in all students. Contact Information: Provided for each school. AYP Status: Did the school meet the Adequate Yearly Progress requirements set by the federal No Child Left Behind Act? Enrollment by Grade: The number of students attending each school in the previous academic year. MEAP Percentage of Students Proficient: The percentage of the School‟s students scored proficient on the Michigan Educational Assessment Program. Position Summary: The total number of Full-Time Equivalent (FTEs) staff who work at a school. Financial Summary: Summary of expenditures by school. Partners: Description of Community Partnerships established with businesses that support the school. What are AYP and the NCLB? Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) is the cornerstone of the Federal No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB). In Michigan, it is based on student scores on the following: Michigan Educational Assessment Program (MEAP) and Michigan Merit Exam (MME), depending on student grade level, as well as on the number of students that participate in the assessments; Average daily attendance; and High school graduation rates AYP is calculated annually for every public school and public school academy in Michigan, as well as for each school district. For a school to be classified as meeting AYP, 95 percent of its students must have been tested using the MEAP or MME. Additionally, the school must reach a target achievement goal (a percentage of test takers who receive a passing score on the statewide test). These achievement goals have increased each year since NCLB was put in place and, during 2013-2014 school year, will max out at 100 percent of test takers passing both the language arts and mathematics portion of the statewide tests. Additionally, schools must determine if they have any subgroups of students (30 students or more) falling into any of the following categories, and must meet the AYP goals within such subgroups. These subgroups include: economically disadvantaged students, students from major racial and ethnic groups, students with disabilities, and students with limited English proficiency. If a school receives Title I funds, there are consequences for failing to meet AYP for two consecutive years (which results in a school being indentified for improvement). Schools identified through the AYP process must develop and two-year plan for improvement in consultation with parents, school district Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 35 staff, and outside experts. The plan must then be approved by the District through a peer review process and implemented by the beginning of the school year following the year the school was identified (i.e. a school identified for improvement during the fall of 2009 will have to implement an improvement plan by the fall of 2010). In addition, schools involved in improvement plans must dedicate 10 percent of their Title I funding for staff professional development and inform parents of their AYP status. Parents of students attending schools cited for improvement must be given the option of enrolling their child in a different school within the District that has not been identified for improvement (on a space-available basis) and the District must pay for the cost of transportation to the alternate school within reasonable limits. Schools that continue to miss AYP targets must take additional steps including offering students access to free supplemental education services outside of the school day for low-income students, outside tutoring with state approved agencies for students who request it, firing staff whose students are not meeting standards, extending the school day or school year, and in the most severe cases closing and re-opening the school – either with completely new staff, under the management of a private organization, or as a charter school. What are the MEAP and the MME? The State of Michigan assesses student achievement using two different tests, the Michigan Educational Assessment Program (MEAP) and the Michigan Merit Exam (MME). The MEAP was first administered during 1969-1970 school year to track student achievement in language arts and mathematics at various points in the school career. The MME was created in 2007 to replace high school MEAP tests, and high scores of the MME can qualify students for a state funded scholarship for higher education expenses. MEAP tests are given annually to all students enrolled in grades 3-8 within the state of Michigan and cover a variety of subjects. MME tests are given annually to Michigan High School students. On each test students receive a score from 1-4 (1: Exceeds Standards, 2: Meets Standards, 3: Basic, 4: Apprentice), with scores of 1 or 2 considered proficient and scores of 3-4 considered non-proficient. Since the passage of the No Child Left Behind Act, MEAP and MME scores in Mathematics and Language Arts have been used to determine statewide Adequate Yearly Progress under the law. WHAT ARE PARTNERSHIPS? Detroit Public Schools has a variety of community partnerships with businesses that support the local schools. There are different levels of support offered as a result of these agreements within local schools. The exact nature of the supports and activities offered from school to school differs – some is monetary, while other companies provide volunteer partnerships where they go into the local schools and offer services for students and parents. All partnerships encourage students to excel and reach their full potential at their community school. Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 36 Ann Arbor Trail Magnet Middle School Mission Ensuring academic success for all students allows our students to leave Ann Arbor Trail with an appreciation for lifelong learning, an increased awareness of the global community, and their role in that community. Our vision is to produce students that are competitive with their academic achievement with skills that enable them to be a peer leader of today, as well as a driving force in the future. Creating an environment that not only challenges but also educates students to higher levels of achievement ensures that students will become more successful when working in a global society. The administration and staff at Ann Arbor Trail is focused on providing the students a learning environment that is student focused, loving, caring, and nurturing. We are committed and diligent for the education of our students. Time is precious and it is essential that we maximize our time with students to gain the optimum learning opportunities for students. We are a choice school that is the right choice for educating the children in the City of Detroit. Principal Address Deborah Ferguson 7635 Chatham Detroit, Michigan 48239 AYP Met Phone (313) 274-8560 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 274-8074 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading 86 78.6 90.5 PK 16 3 K 46 4 94 78.8 94.1 1 48 5 100 58.3 100.0 2 34 6 83 77.6 81.8 3 34 7 65 71.0 66.2 4 34 8 62 62.7 54.4 5 30 6 68 7 59 8 48 SP 27 Total: Science Writing Social Science 64.3 55.9 61.1 94.4 77.9 92.1 65.7 51.5 69.1 444 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 1.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 19.00 18.50 16.50 Guidance Counselor 1.00 0.00 0.00 Noon Time Aide 1.00 1.00 4.00 Other Support Staff 14.00 9.00 7.00 Total 36.00 29.50 28.50 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 1,398,727 594,283 45,052 1,353,985 602,183 17,478 1,168,437 532,689 22,562 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 2,038,062 1,973,647 1,723,688 62,485 74,333 55,761 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 37 Ann Arbor Trail Magnet Middle School 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 29,586 152,483 0 0 51,702 135,025 2,500 -1 57,509 157,379 500 0 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 244,554 263,559 271,149 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 142,277 52,525 711 170,486 60,591 3,600 175,517 83,476 3,500 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 195,513 234,677 262,493 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 17,520 4,848 16,231 3,927 15,531 3,819 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 22,368 20,158 19,350 2,500,497 2,492,041 2,276,680 School Total 2008 Partners of Ann Arbor Trail Magnet Middle School Lawrence Tech University Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 38 Langston Hughes Academy Mission Langston Hughes Academy's vision focuses on achievement in academia and participation in effective communication skills. We use our curriculum as a means of giving our students an edge and making academia more attractive. In our world of fast-paced mediums and technology, educators have to work harder expanding the hearts and minds of our children. Effective communication is our "hook" and our children will become more competitive in the various mediums . Our mission emphasizes the belief that we will successfully educate all children from all socioeconomic levels, ethnic backgrounds and gender groups. We will accomplish this mission by infusing effective communication skills with a high integration of technology in a strong academic program. Our ultimate objective is to produce students who will become productive competitive citizens of the twenty-first century. Principal Address Angela Broaden 19900 McIntyre Detroit, Michigan 48219 AYP Met Phone (313) 831-9182 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 831-9195 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing PK 17 3 72 61.1 66.7 K 28 4 30 72.2 45.0 1 47 5 50 21.7 60.9 2 21 6 46 50.0 46.4 42.9 3 21 7 67 57.6 60.6 60.6 4 23 8 58 36.5 57.7 5 25 6 26 7 42 8 49 SP 43 Total: Social Science 38.9 5.0 52.2 42.3 31.8 46.4 61.5 342 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 1.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 11.50 11.50 13.00 Guidance Counselor 0.00 0.50 1.00 Noon Time Aide 1.00 1.00 3.00 Other Support Staff 20.00 13.00 13.00 Total 33.50 27.00 31.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget 913,619 398,225 19,157 1,750 689,670 295,487 892 0 775,528 358,928 17,666 0 1,332,751 986,049 1,152,122 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total Fund: 12 - GRANTS Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 39 Langston Hughes Academy 700000 - Other than Personal Services 0 4,364 0 Fund: 12 - GRANTS Total 0 4,364 0 70,454 38,090 18,917 0 138,812 75,636 12,109 1,005 130,425 71,500 13,604 12,530 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 127,462 227,562 228,059 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 320,577 150,079 2,023 489,183 206,564 2,400 320,274 184,790 3,000 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 472,679 698,147 508,064 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 22,627 6,280 14,763 3,571 20,970 5,156 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 28,907 18,334 26,126 1,961,799 1,934,455 1,914,371 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 800000 - Operating Expenses School Total 2008 Partners of Langston Hughes Academy Wolverine Sports Conservation Providence Hospital Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 40 Bagley Elementary School Mission The mission of John J. Bagley, in collaboration with the community, is to provide all students a quality education that allows them to compete academically, on a statewide and national level. Our students will be productive and responsible citizens in our multi-cultural, technological society. Principal Address Deborah Winston 8100 Curtis Street Detroit, Michigan 48221 AYP Met Phone (313) 494-7175 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 494-7173 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing PK 18 3 51 61.6 55.4 33.3 K 62 4 58 70.1 69.2 16.7 1 78 5 49 40.0 64.7 2 82 6 67 61.1 66.7 3 59 4 56 5 59 6 57 SP 31 Total: 64.7 Social Science 32.9 65.8 38.4 502 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 1.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 17.00 18.50 19.00 Guidance Counselor 1.00 1.00 1.00 Noon Time Aide 1.00 1.00 5.00 Other Support Staff 17.00 17.00 14.00 Total 37.00 38.50 40.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 1,584,611 663,129 45,892 1,317,344 565,171 1,599 1,435,782 638,793 26,852 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group 2,293,632 1,884,114 2,101,427 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 118,245 53,469 154,511 0 270,105 149,879 71,885 2,500 154,101 102,728 46,572 0 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 326,225 494,369 303,401 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 112,686 46,057 161,080 67,895 167,070 62,982 Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 41 Bagley Elementary School 700000 - Other than Personal Services 1,964 3,600 3,500 160,707 232,575 233,552 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 25,770 7,115 16,263 3,934 20,970 5,156 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 32,884 20,197 26,126 2,813,449 2,631,255 2,664,506 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total School Total 2008 Partners of Bagley Elementary School Big Brothers Big Sisters Savon Foods U of D Jusuit Academy Girl Scouts of America / Metro Detroit Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 42 Golightly Career and Technical Center Mission Golightly CTC partners with parents, business, industry and the community to successfully prepare all students in a technologically advanced facility to compete in a global workforce. Principal Address 900 Dickerson Detroit, Michigan 48215 AYP Phone (313) 822-8820 Fax (313) 822-3131 Email Enrollment Grade M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading PK 32 3 75 78.1 84.4 K 51 4 72 76.0 84.0 1 62 5 63 48.6 67.1 2 63 6 62 46.0 64.0 3 55 7 75 79.1 71.4 4 63 8 70 52.6 69.1 5 67 6 70 7 80 8 82 SP 34 Total: Science Writing Social Science 45.3 25.3 69.9 47.9 58.1 59.3 73.6 66.0 75.3 659 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 2.00 2.00 1.00 Teacher 35.00 32.50 25.50 1.00 1.00 0.00 Guidance Counselor 1.00 1.00 7.00 Other Support Staff Noon Time Aide 26.00 21.00 16.00 Total 65.00 57.50 49.50 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 2,567,526 1,073,228 48,791 2,220,830 951,803 19,519 1,647,853 775,006 32,882 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 3,689,545 3,192,152 2,455,741 Fund: 12 - GRANTS 700000 - Other than Personal Services 0 16,805 0 Fund: 12 - GRANTS Total 0 16,805 0 36,956 21,619 70,440 0 172,985 125,448 114,676 300 163,383 102,367 101,773 3,300 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 43 Golightly Career and Technical Center 800000 - Operating Expenses 0 0 846 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 129,015 413,409 371,669 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 355,309 124,007 3,022 383,590 124,735 4,400 373,049 156,613 5,000 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 482,339 512,725 534,662 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 23,411 6,479 33,765 9,376 41,940 10,312 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 29,890 43,141 52,252 4,330,789 4,178,231 3,414,324 School Total 2008 Partners of Golightly Career and Technical Center Detroit Institute of Arts Detroit Repertory Theatre Detroit Instituite of Arts Wayne State University Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 44 Barton Elementary School Mission Barton Elementary School is committed to teaching students to read, improve communication skills (oral and written), and learn basic math skills. Students are encouraged to become self -directed, self-governed, and productive decision-makers who are able to get along with themselves and others. The staff will continuously stress and foster excellence in all academics and social areas. The students, parents and community fully support the district’s goals that states “Every Child Will Learn” in a clean, safe, and healthy environment. Principal Address Wendy Shirley 8530 Joy Road Detroit, Michigan 48204 AYP Met Phone (313) 873-0655 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 873-0755 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing PK 16 3 83 76.6 87.2 47.9 K 36 4 31 64.9 52.8 24.3 1 49 5 46 56.5 50.0 2 41 3 36 4 26 5 32 SP Total: 76.1 Social Science 37.0 8 244 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 1.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 15.00 10.70 11.00 0.20 1.00 0.00 Guidance Counselor 1.00 1.00 2.00 Other Support Staff Noon Time Aide 10.00 10.00 7.00 Total 27.20 23.70 21.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 1,078,284 466,474 26,457 827,958 376,221 5,332 833,171 433,583 13,694 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 1,571,214 1,209,511 1,280,448 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 154,405 76,920 20,264 170,707 81,219 6,427 98,348 67,981 13,168 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 251,589 258,353 179,497 72,646 29,406 72,516 31,096 72,516 32,742 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 45 Barton Elementary School 700000 - Other than Personal Services 1,157 1,200 2,000 103,208 104,812 107,258 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 23,263 6,450 19,878 4,808 15,531 3,819 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 29,713 24,686 19,350 1,955,724 1,597,362 1,586,553 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total School Total 2008 Partners of Barton Elementary School Wilma Angel of Mercy Electric Communications Commercial Business Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 46 Beard Elementary Early Childhood Center Mission Beard Early Childhood Center’s mission is to ensure a quality education in a safe, clean, and nurturing educational environment where each student is valued and is actively involved at an early age of becoming lifelong learners and productive citizens in a global world. Principal Address Sabrina Evans 840 Waterman Detroit, Michigan 48209 AYP Phone (313) 849-3183 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade PK 97 K 71 Total: (313) 849-5010 English Math Reading Science Writing Social Science 168 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 1.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 4.00 2.00 2.00 Noon Time Aide 0.00 0.00 2.00 Other Support Staff 5.00 7.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 20.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 267,266 112,245 15,544 260,639 115,749 6,773 255,838 150,507 9,818 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 395,055 383,161 416,163 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 0 0 59,107 0 0 82,654 51,718 62,498 7,981 0 102,552 87,408 66,729 4,400 500 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 59,107 204,851 261,589 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 18,894 5,227 11,939 3,057 20,970 5,156 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 24,121 14,996 26,126 478,284 603,008 703,878 Total Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group School Total 2008 Partners of Beard Elementary Early Childhood Center M/M El Bosque Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 47 Bennett Elementary School Mission To educate and empower our students for full participation in a rapidly changing society; to build, sustain, and extend a learning community to meet the social and economic needs of society and to improve the quality of life. The School’s philosophy supports the position that effective schools are characterized by a positive climate in which the staff has high expectations for all students. Further, we firmly believe that all students can learn, to the best of their abilities, the skills necessary for excellence in all subject areas. Based on a belief that all students can learn and become successful, we are committed to developing in each student a high degree of self -worth, multicultural awareness and pride, and respect for self and others. We continue to believe that involvement of staff, students, parents, and community persons will lead to improved educational opportunities and future educational attainment for all students. Principal Address Antonia Gonzalez 2111 Mullane Detroit, Michigan 48209 AYP Met Phone (313) 849-3585 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 849-1169 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading PK 17 3 74 86.8 80.3 K 97 4 50 72.4 59.2 1 96 5 50 54.1 54.8 2 97 3 75 4 70 5 67 SP Total: Science Writing Social Science 39.2 21.6 62.9 43.5 7 526 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 2.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 31.50 28.50 27.00 Nurse 0.00 0.00 1.00 Noon Time Aide 1.00 1.00 5.00 Other Support Staff 17.00 14.00 19.00 Total 51.50 44.50 53.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 1,281,885 544,942 60,037 1,979,979 802,419 23,507 1,795,812 809,611 28,076 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group 1,886,864 2,805,905 2,633,499 Fund: 12 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 1,145 80 0 0 0 43,114 0 0 0 Fund: 12 - GRANTS Total 1,225 43,114 0 Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 48 Bennett Elementary School Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 200,320 100,538 154,808 0 366,430 172,820 169,827 964 460,234 310,521 26,624 500 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 455,666 710,041 797,879 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 73,085 24,431 1,155 73,216 24,085 1,200 73,216 25,016 2,000 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 98,671 98,501 100,232 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 30,684 8,409 21,087 5,101 26,409 6,493 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 39,094 26,188 32,902 Fund: 44 - CAPITAL PROJECTS 900000 - Restricted Control 1,860,853 0 0 Fund: 44 - CAPITAL PROJECTS Total 1,860,853 0 0 School Total 4,342,374 3,683,749 3,564,512 2008 Partners of Bennett Elementary School Exhon Mobil Bridgepointe, Inc Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 49 Bow Elementary School Mission To develop a customer and data driven, student centered learning environment in which students are motivated to become productive citizens and lifelong learners, equipped with skills to meet the needs of their next customer, higher education or the world of work. Principal Address Ernestine Woodward 19801 Prevost Street Detroit, Michigan 48235 AYP Met Phone (313) 852-0500 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 852-0508 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing PK 47 3 53 67.7 63.9 40.7 K 62 4 75 89.6 81.8 37.7 1 67 5 60 77.8 59.7 2 67 3 59 4 55 5 67 SP 45 Total: 72.2 Social Science 48.6 469 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 1.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 24.20 22.10 19.10 1.00 1.00 5.00 Other Support Staff 15.00 10.00 11.00 Total 41.20 34.10 36.10 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 1,506,939 657,990 48,600 7,883 1,310,173 559,773 14,749 0 1,145,821 530,656 25,169 0 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 2,221,412 1,884,695 1,701,646 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 252,508 99,981 15,764 215,710 87,817 18,955 249,676 160,419 59,023 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 368,253 322,481 469,118 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 231,818 109,833 3,576 317,721 161,552 6,000 233,459 124,014 5,500 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 345,227 485,274 362,973 Noon Time Aide Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 50 Bow Elementary School Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 15,919 4,415 16,263 3,934 20,970 5,156 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 20,333 20,197 26,126 2,955,225 2,712,647 2,559,863 School Total 2008 Partners of Bow Elementary School 1st Baptist Institutional Church Arts League of Michigan Open Arms / St. John Health Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 51 Bunche Elementary School Mission To continuously research and provide a learning environment for each child to achieve the skills necessary to become lifelong learners and key contributors in the diverse multicultural society of the 21st Century. We believe that education is a cooperative venture between students, teachers, parents, and community. We support the belief that all students are unique and can achieve individual goals, and master or exceed basic grade level skills in reading, math, science, writing, and social studies. Principal Address Marvin Franklin 2601 Ellery Street Detroit, Michigan 48207 AYP Met Phone (313) 866-7926 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 866-7943 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing PK 34 3 48 59.2 59.2 22.9 K 35 4 71 77.8 79.5 18.2 1 44 5 82 54.3 85.1 2 36 3 34 4 33 5 34 SP 64 Total: 70.2 Social Science 57.8 314 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 1.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 23.00 20.00 19.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 Other Support Staff 20.00 16.00 12.00 Total 45.00 38.00 35.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 642,262 246,867 32,505 1,002,700 403,467 10,460 896,689 383,461 17,264 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 921,634 1,416,627 1,297,414 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 202,703 94,924 69,762 1,345 0 287,567 139,180 163,853 4,645 1,522 138,660 70,043 9,109 3,950 0 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 368,734 596,766 221,762 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 454,643 534,867 537,401 Noon Time Aide Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 52 Bunche Elementary School 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 207,998 7,020 247,721 13,000 271,484 13,700 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 669,662 795,588 822,585 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 10,611 2,930 14,699 3,557 20,970 5,156 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 13,541 18,256 26,126 1,973,571 2,827,238 2,367,887 School Total 2008 Partners of Bunche Elementary School 21st Century Community Learning Centers After School Programs Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 53 Burns Elementary School Mission The mission of Robert Burns School of Math, Science, and Technology is to be a local institution of high achievement focused on Head Start through Grade 8 students from the Detroit Metropolitan area. The School will strive to ensure that our students will have a strong performance culture in which innovative teaching strategies, effective use of data and assessment and use of technology and parental involvement will support accelerated learning. The school will empower students to excel and be positive contributors to society as leaders in the 21st Century. Principal Address Charlene Harper 14350 Terry Detroit, Michigan 48227 AYP Met Phone (313) 852-0534 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 852-0539 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing PK 34 3 45 58.2 52.6 22.1 K 67 4 62 69.3 64.9 39.5 1 69 5 48 19.2 52.6 2 67 6 55 49.3 50.7 59.2 3 69 7 59 47.1 62.4 57.8 4 69 8 48 38.3 46.3 5 66 6 67 7 60 8 71 SP Total: 35.9 36.1 Social Science 23.4 48.6 55.4 47 686 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 2.00 2.00 1.00 Teacher 28.50 32.50 27.50 Guidance Counselor 1.00 2.00 1.00 Social Worker 1.00 1.00 1.00 Noon Time Aide 1.00 1.00 7.00 Other Support Staff 28.50 26.50 25.00 Total 62.00 65.00 62.50 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 1,695,704 701,284 78,416 2,363,177 978,638 18,168 1,669,940 733,979 34,178 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group 2,475,403 3,359,983 2,438,097 Fund: 12 - GRANTS 700000 - Other than Personal Services 1,467 2,034 0 Fund: 12 - GRANTS Total 1,467 2,034 0 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 54 Burns Elementary School 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 249,311 91,683 252,567 262 0 589,762 243,723 269,849 7,421 0 692,837 378,661 47,621 1,000 3,000 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 593,823 1,110,755 1,123,119 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 242,853 99,674 3,531 290,764 120,539 4,800 290,764 111,813 3,500 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 346,059 416,103 406,077 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 46,021 12,704 27,911 6,921 31,848 7,830 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 58,726 34,832 39,678 3,475,478 4,923,706 4,006,971 School Total 2008 Partners of Burns Elementary School Generation of Promise 3M Center First Book National Book Bank Communities In Schools Oakland Church of Christ Honeybaked Ham NBA Detroit Pistons/WNBA Detroit Schock Gleaners Community Food Bank City of Detroit/Mayor's Office Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 55 Burt Elementary School Mission The mission of Thomas Burt Elementary is to develop a customer and data driven, student-centered learning environment in which students are motivated to become productive citizens and lifelong learners, equipped with skills to meet the needs of their next customer, higher education or the world of work. Principal Address Carol Garland 20710 Pilgrim Detroit, Michigan 48223 AYP Not Met Phone (313) 494-7487 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 494-7718 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing PK 33 3 71 65.7 79.5 35.3 K 26 4 24 66.7 46.9 10.3 1 31 5 44 19.4 56.8 2 27 6 57 26.5 54.3 3 28 4 26 5 25 6 26 SP 35 Total: 38.9 Social Science 22.2 60.0 28.6 257 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 1.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 19.00 17.00 12.50 Guidance Counselor 1.00 1.00 1.00 Noon Time Aide 1.00 1.00 3.00 Other Support Staff 16.00 12.00 17.00 Total 38.00 32.00 34.50 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget 801,316 323,585 30,782 957,760 382,334 5,380 748,822 332,139 14,357 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 1,155,683 1,345,473 1,095,318 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 106,732 36,478 47,084 0 0 125,225 41,778 21,506 0 1,570 158,947 70,020 38,168 7,453 800 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 190,295 190,080 275,388 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 420,422 479,639 405,276 Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 56 Burt Elementary School 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 196,075 2,672 236,319 6,600 213,590 5,500 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 619,169 722,558 624,366 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 19,663 5,463 16,263 3,934 20,970 5,156 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 25,127 20,197 26,126 1,990,274 2,278,308 2,021,198 School Total 2008 Partners of Burt Elementary School New Redford Grocery Store Mt. Vernon Missionary Baptist Church Trinity Developmental Community Center, Inc. Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 57 Burton International School Mission A multi-lingual and multi-cultural city-wide school, our mission is to encourage and develop all students to their highest potential - fulfilling those they already know and embracing new ones. Mutual respect and understanding are expected of all persons. The Burton International family is expected to function in a non -violent, non-racist, non-sexist, cooperative and collaborative manner. Burton values and respects the ethnic, racial and cultural heritage of all its students and plans it programs to support these qualities. Principal Address John Wilson 1333 Pine Detroit, Michigan 48201 AYP Met Phone (313) 596-3800 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 596-3807 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing PK 32 3 95 98.6 95.9 74.3 K 45 4 62 89.1 65.1 39.1 1 45 5 95 93.2 94.9 2 56 6 92 89.2 90.4 85.5 3 58 7 96 87.6 93.3 88.8 4 56 8 93 90.9 89.7 5 60 6 72 7 79 8 69 SP Total: 86.4 90.8 Social Science 93.1 88.0 86.2 26 598 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 2.00 2.00 1.00 Teacher 28.40 26.40 20.00 Guidance Counselor 1.00 0.00 0.00 Noon Time Aide 1.00 1.00 6.00 Other Support Staff 13.00 10.00 9.00 Total 45.40 39.40 36.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 2,237,769 916,368 65,568 2,005,594 854,460 24,311 1,496,044 711,335 29,954 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 3,219,704 2,884,364 2,237,333 31,740 13,655 74,171 0 77,109 58,468 35,812 2,500 77,070 51,370 33,937 3,755 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 58 Burton International School 800000 - Operating Expenses 0 0 300 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 119,567 173,889 166,432 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 106,788 45,453 3,367 175,731 73,020 3,600 115,289 42,373 4,000 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 155,607 252,351 161,662 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 27,025 7,490 21,087 5,101 20,970 5,156 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 34,515 26,188 26,126 3,529,393 3,336,792 2,591,553 School Total 2008 Partners of Burton International School Detroit Police Department King/Chavez Yes for Prep-Coleman Young Foundation Greening of Detroit Wayne State University Math Bridge Skillman Foundation Henry Ford Health System Ford Motor Company/U.A.W./Visteon Youth Education Sponsors Program Daimler Chrysler Corp Wayne County Community College DTE Energy Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 59 Carleton Elementary School Mission Carleton Elementary School is a school that is “on time, on task, and on a mission”. We interact with our community to ensure the success of our students. We emphasize an interdisciplinary approach to education – to know a subject, to know it in relationship to other subjects, and to know it in relation to the world beyond school. Our school is organized to provide all students with an opportunity to receive a well-rounded, quality education. Principal Address Rachel Anderson 11724 Casino Detroit, Michigan 48224 AYP Met Phone (313) 866-8322 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 866-8333 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing PK 32 3 47 43.9 57.9 14.0 K 59 4 38 57.4 49.2 3.3 1 59 5 36 26.0 45.5 2 49 3 50 4 52 5 55 SP 37 Total: 63.0 Social Science 32.9 393 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 1.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 22.00 18.00 17.00 1.00 1.00 1.10 Guidance Counselor 1.00 1.00 4.00 Other Support Staff Noon Time Aide 20.00 12.00 7.00 Total 45.00 33.00 30.10 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 1,113,508 460,983 55,072 1,160,128 470,232 8,079 1,071,756 482,623 21,293 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 1,629,563 1,638,438 1,575,672 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 325,571 143,700 79,832 18,042 336,973 159,018 86,140 2,613 159,872 82,776 23,831 0 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 567,145 584,744 266,479 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 153,574 66,284 256,434 112,726 250,381 120,276 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 60 Carleton Elementary School 700000 - Other than Personal Services 2,958 3,600 5,000 222,816 372,760 375,657 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 32,193 8,893 20,925 5,062 20,651 11,810 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 41,086 25,987 32,461 2,460,610 2,621,930 2,250,269 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total School Total 2008 Partners of Carleton Elementary School Detroit Community Initiative Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 61 Carstens Elementary School Mission At Carstens Elementary School, where no child will ever be left behind, we strive both diligently and collaboratively to provide a highly strategic and effective educational model of excellence. Collectively, we facilitate a thriving and progressive "learning" community based upon administering to the biological, psychological and sociological needs of the "Whole Child". We also perpetually strive to equip each and every student with the essential skills necessary to attain academic mastery as well as exemplary achievement. This will unquestionably empower and equip each and every student with the essential life skills and social integrate to become responsible citizens and productive contributors within today's ever changing global society. Principal Address Theresa Mattison 2592 Coplin Street Detroit, Michigan 48214 AYP Met Phone (313) 852-8070 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 852-8075 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading K 27 3 95 95.2 97.6 1 40 4 85 82.5 90.0 2 36 5 65 77.5 77.5 3 30 4 34 5 28 SP 53 Total: Science Writing Social Science 68.3 35.0 76.9 32.5 248 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 1.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 19.60 20.00 15.00 Nurse 0.00 0.00 0.50 Noon Time Aide 1.00 1.00 2.00 Other Support Staff 11.00 10.00 10.50 Total 32.60 32.00 29.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 1,177,648 466,140 27,438 944,994 391,839 11,144 827,238 363,840 13,898 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group 1,671,226 1,347,977 1,204,976 Fund: 12 - GRANTS 700000 - Other than Personal Services 0 14 0 Fund: 12 - GRANTS Total 0 14 0 145,905 49,542 50,894 257,751 105,677 45,321 202,759 103,895 54,170 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 62 Carstens Elementary School 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 0 0 50,107 119 5,000 0 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 246,341 458,975 365,824 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 239,348 94,524 3,352 288,559 119,199 6,000 288,689 125,327 7,000 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 337,225 413,758 421,016 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 25,154 6,958 16,263 3,934 20,970 5,156 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 32,112 20,197 26,126 2,286,903 2,240,921 2,017,942 School Total 2008 Partners of Carstens Elementary School Community Christian Fellowship Chrysler Corp Hope Community Church Christ the Lord Christian Center St. John's Hospital Kids Snacks Meals Wagner Enterprise Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 63 Carver Elementary School Mission The George Washington Carver Learning Community believes in continual improvement of all its’ stakeholders while developing individual learners. Principal Address Ronald Peart 18701 Paul Detroit, Michigan 48228 AYP Not Met Phone (313) 240-6622 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 240-8741 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading PK 32 3 67 68.9 75.6 K 45 4 36 73.6 42.3 1 52 5 46 44.6 55.4 2 44 6 50 43.8 58.3 3 44 7 48 54.0 52.0 4 41 8 46 41.7 46.0 5 44 6 42 7 39 8 33 SP 23 Total: Science Writing Social Science 41.9 11.8 69.1 32.7 47.9 39.6 46.9 51.0 41.7 439 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 2.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 26.50 24.40 15.40 1.00 0.00 0.00 Guidance Counselor Social Worker 0.50 1.00 0.00 Noon Time Aide 1.00 1.00 4.00 Other Support Staff 16.00 15.00 11.00 Total 47.00 42.40 31.40 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 1,898,541 749,462 52,961 1,551,901 630,506 11,496 1,145,088 507,716 22,322 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 2,700,964 2,193,903 1,675,126 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 182,734 81,745 54,142 12,082 203,702 113,033 49,435 2,500 128,062 82,348 47,114 2,000 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 330,702 368,670 259,524 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 64 Carver Elementary School Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 308,704 118,799 2,399 0 183,634 104,336 3,400 500 92,972 48,266 3,000 0 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 429,902 291,870 144,238 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 24,726 8,154 14,601 3,532 20,651 12,090 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 32,879 18,133 32,741 3,494,447 2,872,575 2,111,629 School Total 2008 Partners of Carver Elementary School Al Long Ford Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 65 Chrysler Elementary School Mission To challenge the minds of High achievers to set realistic goals that yield academic and learner that strives for excellence in an environment that is resourceful and respected. Principal Address Linda Whitaker 1445 East Lafayette Detroit, Michigan 48207 AYP Met Phone (313) 494-8440 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 494-8367 Grade English Math Reading 100.0 K 25 3 100 100.0 1 29 4 93 100.0 93.3 2 28 5 96 92.6 100.0 3 28 4 26 5 lifelong M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Total: social success creating a Science Writing Social Science 85.2 66.7 96.3 85.2 28 164 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 1.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 7.00 6.50 6.50 Noon Time Aide 1.00 1.00 2.00 Other Support Staff 5.00 5.10 4.00 14.00 13.60 13.50 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 643,255 262,189 26,307 602,757 256,158 1,009 603,707 273,813 9,614 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 931,751 859,924 887,134 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 19,430 8,958 21,493 0 36,597 15,063 17,997 6,500 19,953 8,229 8,426 4,000 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 49,881 76,156 40,608 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 12,907 9,180 25,302 16,121 0 0 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 22,086 41,423 0 9,139 2,529 13,222 3,198 10,531 3,819 Total Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 66 Chrysler Elementary School Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total School Total 11,668 16,420 14,350 1,015,387 993,923 942,092 2008 Partners of Chrysler Elementary School Daimler Chrysler Corp Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 67 Clark Elementary School Mission The mission of Clark School is to provide students with an education program that emphasizes academic achievement and develops good moral character. Principal Address Cindy Lang 15755 Breman Detroit, Michigan 48224 AYP Met Phone (313) 417-9340 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 417-9345 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading PK 46 3 81 93.9 89.6 K 42 4 53 82.9 62.5 1 33 5 63 38.1 66.7 2 33 3 33 4 24 5 24 6 32 7 46 8 47 SP 73 Total: Science Writing Social Science 35.4 20.0 73.2 46.3 433 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 1.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 18.20 18.20 16.20 1.00 1.00 4.00 Other Support Staff 12.00 8.00 11.00 Total 32.20 28.20 32.20 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 1,205,402 496,610 25,949 974,923 395,077 0 883,857 433,781 23,333 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total Noon Time Aide Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group 1,727,961 1,370,000 1,340,971 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 103,421 42,860 17,551 0 0 286,745 159,866 59,484 0 19,592 251,726 127,111 71,163 2,000 6,623 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 163,831 525,687 458,623 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 209,448 261,339 247,035 Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 68 Clark Elementary School 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 87,834 100 90,702 4,600 129,947 7,500 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 297,382 356,641 384,482 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 19,991 5,360 14,763 3,571 20,970 5,156 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 25,351 18,334 26,126 2,214,526 2,270,662 2,210,202 School Total 2008 Partners of Clark Elementary School Chrysler Corp St. Thomas A Becket Church GMAC Insurance New rising star Missionary Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 69 Clippert Academy Mission Clippert Academy Multicultural Magnet School will be a forerunner in academic success through the use of best practice strategies in education and accountability, fostering continuous improvement of student achievement, fiscal responsibility , and building relationships within the school and community. We strive to help all of our children reach their fullest potential, thus making Clipper Academy the school of choice for residents and other middle school students in the community. To this end, the mission of Clippert Academy Magnet Middle School is to provide a supportive, nurturing, yet customer and data-driven learning environment, striving to keep communication open and timely. We are committed to challenging our students both academically and socially, while encouraging them and building within them a sense of personal and communal pride. We believe that this environment will ensure a high quality education, which will equip our students with the skills, knowledge and character necessary to meet the challenges and opportunities of the rapidly changing world of work and higher education. Principal Address Kim Gonzalez 1981 McKinstry Detroit, Michigan 48209 AYP Met Phone (313) 849-5009 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 849-5740 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing 63.6 18.2 6 150 5 36 36.4 45.5 7 106 6 60 80.7 58.1 68.1 8 98 7 77 84.3 73.8 79.2 3 8 81 75.5 75.8 SP Total: 76.5 Social Science 72.5 79.6 357 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 1.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 16.00 16.00 13.00 Guidance Counselor 1.00 1.00 0.00 Noon Time Aide 1.00 1.00 4.00 Other Support Staff 16.00 13.00 14.00 Total 35.00 32.00 32.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 1,362,046 554,823 40,266 1,340,457 592,542 7,353 1,025,021 450,144 17,315 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 1,957,136 1,940,351 1,492,480 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 138,981 74,530 98,384 0 0 229,428 112,032 117,533 0 1,065 228,356 143,749 132,118 16,017 0 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 311,895 460,057 520,240 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 70 Clippert Academy 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 0 0 546 1,200 0 2,000 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 0 1,746 2,000 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 24,448 6,707 20,672 5,000 20,787 5,111 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 31,155 25,672 25,898 Fund: 44 - CAPITAL PROJECTS 900000 - Restricted Control -416 0 0 Fund: 44 - CAPITAL PROJECTS Total -416 0 0 2,299,770 2,427,827 2,040,618 School Total 2008 Partners of Clippert Academy DHDC Strategic Staffing Solutions International Bridge Company Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 71 Cooke Elementary School Mission The mission of the Cooke School is to strive to provide all of our students with the best education possible, as we maintain high expectations for students and staff. With parents that value education and help us to facilitate programs which allow our children to prosper, we will move forward to face new challenges, maintaining our mission of ensuring that all students develop academically, socially, creatively and physically. Principal Address Arthur Flowers 1800 Puritan Detroit, Michigan 48223 AYP Met Phone (313) 494-7458 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 494-7759 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing PK 32 3 69 57.1 81.6 22.4 K 48 4 84 83.7 83.7 50.0 1 41 5 86 70.2 87.7 2 37 6 69 86.0 73.8 3 41 4 34 5 35 6 35 SP 29 Total: 86.0 Social Science 26.8 60.5 62.8 332 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 1.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 15.00 13.50 12.50 1.00 1.00 3.00 Other Support Staff 12.00 10.00 12.00 Total 29.00 25.50 28.50 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 1,003,205 403,158 34,312 900,228 364,704 11,116 914,337 414,094 18,182 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 1,440,675 1,276,048 1,346,613 Fund: 12 - GRANTS 700000 - Other than Personal Services 66 1,455 0 Fund: 12 - GRANTS Total 66 1,455 0 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 30,059 7,827 58,667 0 84,152 53,235 23,548 0 76,889 81,098 3,860 14,266 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 96,553 160,936 176,113 Noon Time Aide Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 72 Cooke Elementary School Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 110,049 41,351 3,329 217,548 92,439 3,600 145,032 61,067 3,500 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 154,730 313,587 209,599 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 26,908 7,397 16,263 3,934 15,970 5,156 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 34,305 20,197 21,126 1,726,329 1,772,222 1,753,451 School Total 2008 Partners of Cooke Elementary School Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 73 Crary Elementary School Mission Crary Elementary School’s vision is to set high standards for academic and behavioral performance and to offer students enriched learning experiences in technology, business management and media production. In addition, the School strives to encourage students to pursue individual and collective interests. Crary seeks to realize this vision by connecting the school to the community. Principal Address Diane Goins 16164 Asbury Park Detroit, Michigan 48235 AYP Not Met Phone (313) 852-0612 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 852-0617 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing PK 32 3 55 55.7 59.0 31.7 K 41 4 43 54.0 49.0 14.0 1 37 5 36 27.0 45.2 2 37 3 44 4 49 5 37 SP 44 Total: 41.0 Social Science 17.5 321 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 1.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 19.20 18.00 14.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 Guidance Counselor 1.00 1.00 3.00 Other Support Staff Noon Time Aide 18.00 17.00 15.00 Total 39.20 37.00 34.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 1,132,837 482,869 45,223 1,058,454 463,157 7,731 838,055 390,146 17,621 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 1,660,929 1,529,342 1,245,822 77,090 33,035 68,972 0 250,677 123,748 115,647 528 234,768 152,335 106,070 25,573 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 179,097 490,600 518,746 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 283,094 114,776 349,195 165,729 328,754 146,608 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 800000 - Operating Expenses Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 74 Crary Elementary School 700000 - Other than Personal Services 4,026 4,800 5,000 401,897 519,724 480,362 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 22,890 6,331 16,263 3,934 20,970 5,156 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 29,221 20,197 26,126 2,271,144 2,559,863 2,271,056 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total School Total 2008 Partners of Crary Elementary School Identity Source Ident-A-Kid Services of America Detroit Dept. of Health and Wellness Beautiful Minds Latchkey Wal Mart Jewish Community Council Children's Inc Ford Van Local Marygrove College Inform Yourself, Inc. Skillman Foundation Wendy's Mobile Dentist Pizza Hut Metroparks Learning CTR Meijer Greenfield Supermarket Learning for Life Communities In Schools Walter P. Chrysler Kids Kicking Cancer SBC Jim Tuman & Friends Assembly Volunteers Wayne County Community College Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 75 Thurgood Marshall Elementary School Mission Based on a belief that all children can learn, the mission of Thurgood Marshall is ensure that all children reach their full potential. The school utilizes research based approaches and strategies to reach the individual needs of our students. Principal Address Willye Jean Pearsall 15531 Linwood Detroit, Michigan 48238 AYP Not Met Phone (313) 494-8820 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 494-7294 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading PK 16 3 90 100.0 89.5 K 41 4 77 86.0 82.0 1 42 5 79 79.2 83.3 2 38 6 95 100.0 93.0 3 46 4 32 5 39 6 27 SP 39 Total: Science Writing Social Science 68.4 39.6 97.8 47.9 93.2 97.7 320 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 1.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 22.20 19.50 15.50 1.00 1.00 3.00 Other Support Staff Noon Time Aide 18.00 14.00 14.00 Total 42.20 35.50 33.50 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 1,109,637 480,528 41,800 1,198,664 509,248 15,460 915,716 423,268 17,570 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 1,631,965 1,723,372 1,356,554 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 132,657 70,775 208,141 0 0 188,172 98,893 122,172 0 1,551 137,121 76,280 137,970 3,000 0 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 411,573 410,788 354,371 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 292,854 144,177 10,992 325,758 165,802 11,000 300,743 166,013 13,900 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 76 Thurgood Marshall Elementary School Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 448,022 502,561 480,656 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 27,320 7,529 20,893 5,055 20,651 12,090 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 34,849 25,948 32,741 2,526,409 2,662,668 2,224,322 School Total 2008 Partners of Thurgood Marshall Elementary School Wayne County Community College PILGRIM VILLAGE Big Brothers Big Sisters Comerica Bank Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 77 Campbell Elementary School Mission The mission of the School is to provide a data-driven, student-centered learning environment in which each student will be able to achieve and perform at his or her highest potential academically, physically, socially, culturally and creatively to be productive participants in a global society. Principal Address Charlene White-Bryant 2301 East Alexandrine Detroit, Michigan 48207 AYP Met Phone (313) 494-2052 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 494-7878 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing PK 25 3 53 55.6 55.6 25.0 K 38 4 42 61.3 41.9 19.4 1 37 5 33 33.3 40.0 2 30 3 30 4 33 5 28 SP 34 Total: 46.7 Social Science 30.0 255 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 1.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 16.40 16.00 11.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 Other Support Staff 18.00 15.00 14.00 Total 36.40 33.00 29.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget 991,741 403,571 27,175 848,097 331,870 8,206 715,774 310,089 14,255 Noon Time Aide Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 1,422,487 1,188,173 1,040,118 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 222,200 99,888 78,823 11,122 298,334 144,175 145,288 2,669 180,432 95,179 109,946 3,000 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 412,032 590,466 388,557 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 258,437 130,951 4,682 321,320 166,050 6,000 227,352 128,637 5,500 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 394,070 493,371 361,489 Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 78 Campbell Elementary School Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 14,065 3,917 18,731 4,532 20,970 5,156 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 17,982 23,263 26,126 2,246,571 2,295,273 1,816,290 School Total 2008 Partners of Campbell Elementary School Pepsi Bottling Company Federa; Reserve Bank DMC-School Based Clinic Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 79 Westside Multicultural Academy Mission To provide a diverse, data-driven, student-centered learning environment in which each students will achieve academically and become productive citizens in a global society. Principal Address Frano Ivezaj 4700 Vinewood Detroit, Michigan 48208 AYP Not Met Phone (313) 596-4939 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 456-8001 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading PK 16 3 52 69.7 54.5 K 23 4 19 56.3 34.4 1 33 5 50 53.6 57.1 2 30 6 50 40.0 43.6 3 24 7 57 80.0 53.3 4 24 8 49 40.5 52.6 5 25 6 25 7 29 8 24 SP 18 Total: Science Writing Social Science 36.4 9.4 42.9 28.6 55.0 32.5 61.3 57.9 43.2 271 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 1.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 18.00 16.50 12.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 Other Support Staff 16.00 17.00 12.00 Total 36.00 35.50 28.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 1,116,759 476,401 34,388 1,003,054 429,432 10,533 741,999 403,217 13,008 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total Noon Time Aide Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group 1,627,548 1,443,019 1,158,224 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 187,902 94,984 45,003 1,046 0 311,180 144,961 148,073 4,177 0 243,410 129,056 25,080 2,983 19,290 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 328,936 608,391 419,819 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 171,623 199,972 139,880 Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 80 Westside Multicultural Academy 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 91,848 4,271 108,925 3,400 86,092 0 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 267,742 312,297 225,972 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 25,005 6,915 23,878 5,776 15,531 3,819 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 31,920 29,654 19,350 2,256,145 2,393,361 1,823,365 School Total 2008 Partners of Westside Multicultural Academy MSU Student Teachers University of Michigan (BEAR) Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 81 Robeson Academy Mission The Paul Robeson Academy is founded on the belief that staff, parents, and the community are responsible for educating our children in a clean, safe, and healthy environment. Our purpose is to provide academic excellence through an African-Centered curriculum that is multidimensional and global in approach. We will empower students to achieve their best by instilling a strong sense of identity through positive expectations, values, and self-discipline. We will also empower young people through an appreciation of their ancestral heritage - including: ** - The practice of Harambee, ** - Our regular “let’s pull together" assemblies ** - The seven principles of Nguzo Saba. Our mission is also to educate students in the likeness of the famous Paul Robeson, a Rhodes Scholar, two-time Heisman Trophy winner, and renowned actor and performer. Our focus is to provide an educational experience that encompasses the academic, physical, and cultural development for each child. It will empower him /her for successful living as a productive member of this fast-paced, global society. Principal Address Jeannette Collins 2701 Fenkell Street Detroit, Michigan 48238 AYP Met Phone (313) 494-8100 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 494-7287 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing PK 94 3 62 58.6 82.8 K 71 4 38 84.0 50.0 1 67 5 53 59.5 61.9 2 57 6 62 52.7 56.4 58.2 3 51 7 55 82.5 53.6 61.8 4 27 8 69 64.2 68.7 5 21 6 39 7 46 8 48 SP Total: Social Science 44.8 16.7 51.2 56.7 43.9 49.1 53.7 7 528 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 3.00 2.00 1.00 Teacher 28.00 19.00 16.00 Guidance Counselor 1.00 1.00 1.00 Noon Time Aide 1.00 1.00 5.00 Other Support Staff 17.00 11.00 11.00 Total 50.00 34.00 34.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget 1,975,093 1,565,841 1,115,374 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 82 Robeson Academy 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 802,956 51,156 659,656 8,769 523,173 26,594 2,829,205 2,234,265 1,665,141 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 248,357 82,695 123,547 0 220,347 87,820 39,172 306 247,253 96,093 159,973 25,117 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 454,598 347,645 528,436 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 0 0 0 70,747 31,511 1,200 72,516 24,843 2,000 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 0 103,458 99,359 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 29,648 8,236 28,540 6,904 30,743 14,572 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 37,884 35,444 45,315 3,321,686 2,720,812 2,338,251 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total School Total 2008 Partners of Robeson Academy Spirit and Truth Ministries Wayne County Community College Ethiopian Community Wayne Community College Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 83 Davison Elementary School Mission Davison Elementary School strives to offer a well-rounded curriculum with a focus on improving student achievement . MicroSociety is the school's reform model that offers students (K-5) an opportunity to improve reading and mathematics skills through the operation of businesses, ventures and agencies. In addition, we have bilingual programs to support our diverse student population. We offer computer classes, art classes, physical education, music and library classes. Principal Address Dianne Holland 2800 E. Davison Detroit, Michigan 48212 AYP Not Met Phone (313) 252-3118 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 866-0919 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing PK 34 3 87 81.6 88.9 60.2 K 90 4 73 88.5 81.0 33.1 1 89 5 65 50.0 71.4 2 85 6 78 91.3 78.3 3 101 4 88 5 102 6 91 SP 89 Total: 74.3 Social Science 58.7 64.8 66.3 769 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 2.00 3.00 2.00 Teacher 46.00 43.00 43.00 Nurse 1.00 1.00 1.00 Noon Time Aide 1.00 1.00 8.00 Other Support Staff 21.00 24.00 24.00 Total 71.00 72.00 78.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 2,564,237 1,061,965 95,218 2,389,130 1,002,075 16,723 2,317,853 1,043,966 40,469 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group 3,721,419 3,407,928 3,402,288 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 336,652 144,658 191,855 0 0 523,029 235,273 343,724 0 0 466,214 240,825 337,100 15,485 64,424 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 673,164 1,102,026 1,124,048 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 84 Davison Elementary School 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 680,390 269,009 4,891 751,426 313,410 17,680 730,731 328,632 15,100 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 954,290 1,082,517 1,074,463 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 45,528 12,588 35,818 8,665 36,501 8,975 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 58,115 44,483 45,476 5,406,989 5,636,954 5,646,275 School Total 2008 Partners of Davison Elementary School Lens Crafters Girl Scouts of America / Metro Detroit Mobile Dentist Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 85 Dixon Elementary School Mission The mission of Samuel B. Dixon School is to be the educational system of choice for all of its students, parents and staff . The goal is to ensure academic success for all stakeholders, through improved educational techniques, providing a safe environment and enhanced community involvement. Principal Address Ora Beard 19500 Tireman Detroit, Michigan 48228 AYP Not Met Phone (313) 582-1330 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 582-3953 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing K 52 3 92 95.2 93.8 55.4 1 56 4 55 83.3 77.6 9.1 2 46 5 50 42.9 53.6 3 53 6 49 65.2 56.5 4 50 7 58 91.5 61.0 5 47 8 74 63.8 75.0 6 42 7 57 8 54 SP Total: 74.5 Social Science 38.9 56.5 55.1 58.6 61.5 69.2 32 489 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 2.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 30.00 27.00 21.00 Guidance Counselor 1.00 0.00 1.00 Noon Time Aide 1.00 1.00 5.00 Other Support Staff 18.00 12.00 11.00 Total 52.00 41.00 39.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 1,989,140 791,680 54,132 1,791,158 713,700 11,709 1,353,948 573,046 24,722 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 2,834,952 2,516,567 1,951,716 Fund: 12 - GRANTS 700000 - Other than Personal Services 873 1,061 0 Fund: 12 - GRANTS Total 873 1,061 0 228,918 94,387 146,708 0 369,856 156,392 141,599 2,500 210,829 107,069 36,946 500 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 86 Dixon Elementary School 800000 - Operating Expenses 0 360 0 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 470,013 670,707 355,344 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 208,490 83,863 433 276,032 107,948 3,600 218,248 93,982 5,000 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 292,787 387,580 317,230 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 12,523 3,499 21,087 5,101 26,409 6,493 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 16,022 26,188 32,902 3,614,647 3,602,103 2,657,192 School Total 2008 Partners of Dixon Elementary School Firs Grace United Methodist Church University of Michigan America Reads Communities In Schools Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 87 Dossin Elementary School Mission Dossin school is a community that develops a technologically data driven, lifelong learners who successfully contribute to and participate in a global society. Principal Address Linda Porter-King 16650 Glendale Detroit, Michigan 48227 AYP Met Phone (313) 866-9390 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 866-9386 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading PK 33 3 42 72.0 54.2 K 28 4 58 70.7 69.2 1 37 5 65 14.3 70.0 2 33 6 61 41.7 66.7 3 23 4 16 5 27 6 26 SP 16 Total: student-centered learning environment for Science Writing Social Science 20.8 24.4 57.5 45.2 51.4 27.0 239 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 1.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 18.00 16.00 9.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 Other Support Staff Noon Time Aide 16.00 11.00 14.00 Total 36.00 29.00 26.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget 887,302 415,731 39,158 992,167 462,160 7,949 700,140 364,086 13,439 1,342,191 1,462,276 1,077,665 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 177,116 76,039 34,588 0 170,991 77,321 5,732 2,500 170,218 114,587 10,012 2,629 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 287,743 256,544 297,446 84,055 37,182 240 62,332 31,799 1,200 72,516 36,224 2,000 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 88 Dossin Elementary School Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 121,477 95,331 110,740 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 17,479 4,813 14,731 3,564 20,970 5,156 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 22,292 18,295 26,126 1,773,703 1,832,446 1,511,977 School Total 2008 Partners of Dossin Elementary School Detroit Wheels Botech Corporation Boys & Girls Club Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 89 Duffield Elementary School Mission It is our mission to create lifelong learners by educating our children to read with comprehension, write with clarity , compute with accuracy and think with independence. Principal Address Kenneth Jenkins 2715 Macomb Detroit, Michigan 48207 AYP Met Phone (313) 494-8350 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 594-8354 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading PK 33 3 60 48.5 71.0 K 32 4 35 50.0 46.7 1 40 5 19 16.7 19.4 2 13 6 54 47.6 57.4 3 18 7 54 56.9 60.3 4 18 8 49 43.1 44.6 5 16 6 39 7 33 8 24 SP 76 Total: Science Writing Social Science 18.8 17.2 16.1 9.7 49.2 43.3 49.1 50.0 45.9 342 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 2.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 32.00 28.50 19.50 1.00 0.00 0.00 Guidance Counselor 1.00 1.00 3.00 Other Support Staff Noon Time Aide 24.00 16.00 13.00 Total 60.00 46.50 36.50 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 1,823,194 790,028 30,271 0 1,299,253 548,950 13,263 24,108 845,540 402,480 17,666 0 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group 2,643,493 1,885,574 1,265,686 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 199,344 105,994 26,225 1,056 0 206,850 136,850 107,802 2,500 19,706 126,234 89,750 55,092 0 0 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 332,620 473,708 271,076 Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 90 Duffield Elementary School Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 787,280 311,216 6,464 649,455 289,314 17,200 651,706 306,554 14,600 1,104,959 955,969 972,860 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 19,171 5,339 19,393 4,692 25,443 13,269 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 24,510 24,085 38,712 4,105,582 3,339,335 2,548,334 School Total 2008 Partners of Duffield Elementary School Pewabic Pottery Detroit Zulueta Family Quiznox Rest Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 91 Edison Elementary School Mission At Thomas A. Edison Elementary School, we will educate all students in Pre -Kindergarten through fifth grade through collaboration between students, teachers, administration, parents and community at large. We will work diligently to improve all standardized test scores and mastery of curriculum objectives, so that no child is left behind. Principal Address Beverly Green 17045 Grand River Detroit, Michigan 48227 AYP Met Phone (313) 852-1066 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 852-1060 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing PK 34 3 64 95.5 72.7 38.6 K 40 4 83 91.7 83.3 41.7 1 40 5 66 59.4 71.9 2 45 3 33 4 32 5 27 SP 27 Total: 68.8 Social Science 43.8 278 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 1.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 16.00 13.00 11.00 0.00 1.00 0.00 Nurse 1.00 1.00 3.00 Other Support Staff Noon Time Aide 11.00 9.00 15.50 Total 29.00 25.00 30.50 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget 984,356 388,295 25,393 853,059 330,953 16,969 795,298 328,756 15,428 1,398,044 1,200,981 1,139,482 Fund: 12 - GRANTS 700000 - Other than Personal Services 364 0 0 Fund: 12 - GRANTS Total 364 0 0 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 112,133 49,330 98,830 0 152,786 79,990 63,346 2,500 126,467 67,955 90,678 0 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 260,292 298,622 285,100 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 92 Edison Elementary School Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 221,063 100,255 3,470 288,295 133,455 4,800 145,032 68,966 4,000 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 324,789 426,550 217,998 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 17,942 4,973 14,731 3,564 20,970 5,156 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 22,915 18,295 26,126 2,006,403 1,944,448 1,668,706 School Total 2008 Partners of Edison Elementary School M.D. Computers The Family Place Foster Agency Unlimited Solutions, Inc. YES Foundation Big Brothers/Big Sisters Art Road NonProfit Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 93 Edmonson Elementary School Mission The mission of Edmonson Elementary School, a family oriented learning environment, is to ensure that students receive a strong and solid academic foundation through the integration of services promoting their physical, emotional, social, and intellectual development in a data-driven learning center. Principal Address Clarence Hayes 1300 W. Canfield Detroit, Michigan 48201 AYP Met Phone (313) 494-2242 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 494-1113 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing PK 51 3 60 57.1 62.5 24.4 K 40 4 30 51.5 45.5 9.1 1 36 5 33 27.6 40.7 2 28 3 28 4 23 5 19 SP 35 Total: 53.6 Social Science 25.0 260 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 1.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 14.00 12.00 10.00 1.00 1.00 0.40 Guidance Counselor 1.00 1.00 3.00 Other Support Staff Noon Time Aide 11.00 10.00 11.00 Total 28.00 25.00 25.40 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget 938,840 408,561 37,409 825,205 366,950 639 662,596 321,599 14,510 1,384,810 1,192,794 998,705 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 11,527 5,859 105,181 0 184,476 103,149 58,687 2,500 174,955 85,819 36,060 3,775 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 122,566 348,812 300,609 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 226,013 91,221 2,662 268,716 95,933 5,800 191,437 113,681 6,500 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 94 Edmonson Elementary School Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 319,896 370,448 311,618 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 21,707 6,031 20,672 5,000 20,970 5,156 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 27,738 25,672 26,126 Fund: 44 - CAPITAL PROJECTS 900000 - Restricted Control 1,604 0 0 Fund: 44 - CAPITAL PROJECTS Total 1,604 0 0 1,856,614 1,937,727 1,637,058 School Total 2008 Partners of Edmonson Elementary School Detroit Public Library Wayne State University Library System International Institute of Metro Detroit I Am My Brother's Keeper Gleaners Community Food Bank Detroit Opera House Cherry Hill Presbyterian Church Bethel AME Church First Circle Inc, Wayne State University Physician Assistant Studies Schools of the 21st Century (After School Program) Communities In The Schools First Street Presbyterian Detroit Instituite of Arts Detroit Fire Department Boy Scouts of America Alternative For Girls Woodbridge Community Youth Center Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 95 Fitzgerald Elementary School Mission The mission of Ella Fitzgerald School is to create a community of empowered, lifelong learners in a safe, supportive environment that promotes self-discipline, perseverance, pride, respect, integrity and dependability. We are dedicated to excellence in education and building relationships with parents and members of the community . Together we will develop scholars who will succeed, contribute, and compete globally. Principal Address Lachelle Williams 8145 Puritan Detroit, Michigan 48238 AYP Met Phone (313) 494-3830 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 494-3829 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing PK 47 3 48 43.6 50.0 16.1 K 47 4 18 45.7 34.1 8.3 1 53 5 24 21.8 35.7 2 52 6 49 45.2 49.2 51.6 3 49 7 51 52.2 48.3 52.7 4 43 8 24 19.1 25.0 5 40 6 40 7 51 8 73 SP Total: 35.2 26.1 Social Science 16.4 29.0 26.9 47 542 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 2.00 2.00 1.00 Teacher 37.00 31.00 21.00 Guidance Counselor 1.00 0.00 0.00 Noon Time Aide 1.00 1.00 5.00 Other Support Staff 26.00 17.00 15.00 Total 67.00 51.00 42.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 1,803,444 731,607 67,346 0 1,749,298 710,395 12,345 3,866 1,268,575 609,010 27,266 0 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 2,602,397 2,475,904 1,904,851 493,498 196,510 122,558 638,912 306,224 76,525 362,726 205,708 52,447 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 96 Fitzgerald Elementary School 749100 - Other Purchased Services 1,887 17,508 0 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 814,453 1,039,169 620,881 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 316,633 152,499 4,246 328,893 163,162 6,000 275,483 141,311 6,000 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 473,378 498,055 422,794 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 24,880 6,862 20,640 4,993 15,531 3,819 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 31,742 25,633 19,350 Fund: 44 - CAPITAL PROJECTS 900000 - Restricted Control 53,508 0 0 Fund: 44 - CAPITAL PROJECTS Total 53,508 0 0 3,975,478 4,038,761 2,967,876 School Total 2008 Partners of Fitzgerald Elementary School Mobile Dentist Swift Track Club, Inc. Michigan Metro Girl Scouts Legacy Associates Foundation Boys & Girls Club Concerned Parents and Citizens of MI Detroit Area Pre-College Engineering Program Eastside Athletic Club Boy Scouts of America Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 97 Fleming Elementary School Mission The mission of Fleming Elementary School is to provide a free, quality public education to all of its students and offer comprehensive and competitive education as a commitment to current and future generations of lifelong learners who can be successful in a global society. Principal Address Ronnie Sims 18501 Waltham Detroit, Michigan 48205 AYP Met Phone (313) 852-8557 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 852-8559 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing 34 3 46 45.6 53.9 17.6 107 4 33 43.2 44.0 9.6 1 99 5 18 16.0 20.7 2 112 3 99 4 108 5 82 SP 31 PK K Total: 23.7 Social Science 14.3 672 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 2.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 30.00 29.50 26.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 Guidance Counselor Nurse 0.00 1.00 1.00 Noon Time Aide 1.00 1.00 7.00 Other Support Staff 20.00 18.00 22.00 Total 54.00 51.50 58.50 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 1,860,913 775,090 73,178 1,838,506 772,505 21,681 1,742,769 787,847 35,522 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 2,709,181 2,632,692 2,566,138 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 339,683 173,931 184,463 34,790 0 478,065 319,499 196,268 6,037 0 382,434 304,307 118,105 14,000 5,927 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 732,866 999,869 824,773 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 339,984 361,544 390,284 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 98 Fleming Elementary School 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 154,795 8,317 172,924 6,600 194,107 9,700 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 503,097 541,068 594,091 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 23,003 6,381 14,601 3,532 20,651 12,090 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 29,383 18,133 32,741 3,974,527 4,191,762 4,017,743 School Total 2008 Partners of Fleming Elementary School Orchard's Children's Services VIP Mentoring LEAR Corporation Youth Development Commision Gleaners Community Food Bank Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 99 Moses Field School Mission The Moses Field motto is "students first". This statement serves as the guiding principle for the mission statement. The staff at Moses Field will ensure that the education our students receive will make a positive, observable change in the way they communicate and participate in all phases of school, home and their communities. Principal Address Steven Artt 1100 Sheridan Detroit, Michigan 48214 AYP Met Phone (313) 866-5790 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment SP Total: (313) 866-9896 Grade English Math Reading Science Writing Social Science 153 153 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 1.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 24.00 23.00 21.00 1.00 1.00 2.00 Other Support Staff 28.00 26.00 23.00 Total 54.00 51.00 47.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget 80,073 42,061 0 0 0 0 Nurse Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 122,134 0 0 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 363 32 71,925 0 712 171 32,726 11,203 0 0 45,192 118,837 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 72,320 44,812 164,029 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 2,498,867 1,037,014 69,319 2,376,374 1,024,553 86,735 2,464,644 1,107,321 102,739 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 3,605,200 3,487,662 3,674,704 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 15,589 4,320 9,939 2,404 15,531 3,819 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 19,908 12,343 19,350 3,819,561 3,544,817 3,858,083 School Total Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 100 Moses Field School 2008 Partners of Moses Field School Career Staff Unlimited Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 101 Gardner Elementary School Mission Gardener Elementary School, with its diverse cultures, and in collaboration with the parents and community, will educate all our students in a safe, caring and creative environment, preparing them for success in the next step of their educational pursuits. Principal Address Karen Doneghy 6528 Mansfield Detroit, Michigan 48228 AYP Met Phone (313) 581-4615 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 581-4582 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing PK 32 3 97 97.1 97.1 82.4 K 42 4 42 68.8 58.1 6.5 1 38 5 78 58.6 85.2 2 36 3 30 4 22 5 17 SP 16 Total: 41.4 Social Science 55.6 233 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 1.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 14.00 14.50 9.50 1.00 1.00 2.00 Other Support Staff 11.00 8.00 10.00 Total 27.00 24.50 22.50 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 1,065,524 438,201 28,027 1,017,064 414,660 442 726,213 328,455 13,133 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total Noon Time Aide Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group 1,531,752 1,432,166 1,067,801 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 188,467 71,244 59,647 1,925 220,709 108,766 135,184 9,632 211,660 140,529 7,987 0 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 321,282 474,291 360,176 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 145,925 54,764 1,818 145,732 55,181 2,400 72,516 32,742 3,500 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 202,507 203,313 108,758 Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 102 Gardner Elementary School Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 21,507 5,957 15,763 3,813 15,531 3,819 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 27,464 19,576 19,350 2,083,005 2,129,346 1,556,085 School Total 2008 Partners of Gardner Elementary School Lutheran Social Services Family Counseling Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 103 Gompers Elementary School Mission Samuel Gompers Elementary School serves the City of Detroit. Home-School-Community collaboration ensures that students have the skills to become contributing members of a global society. Our school will successfully educate students in a clean, safe, and healthy environment. We will meet the needs of the whole child through the developmental pathways: cognitive-intellectual, physical, social-interactive, speech and language, moral, psycho-emotional. Principal Address Bobbie Posey-Milner 20601 West Davison Detroit, Michigan 48223 AYP Met Phone (313) 494-7495 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 494-7636 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing PK 16 3 89 91.1 89.1 78.3 K 40 4 82 91.8 89.3 44.6 1 44 5 65 60.9 77.6 2 44 3 50 4 40 5 43 SP 11 Total: our all six and 91.8 Social Science 51.0 288 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 1.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 15.70 13.00 12.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Guidance Counselor Nurse 0.00 0.00 0.00 Noon Time Aide 1.00 1.00 3.00 Other Support Staff 11.00 8.00 10.00 Total 29.70 24.00 27.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 1,079,700 455,810 47,186 976,688 418,037 11,925 903,697 416,830 15,938 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group 1,582,696 1,406,650 1,336,465 Fund: 12 - GRANTS 700000 - Other than Personal Services 3,202 8,401 0 Fund: 12 - GRANTS Total 3,202 8,401 0 195,956 62,477 57,032 205,076 99,397 13,631 253,989 108,895 23,171 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 104 Gompers Elementary School 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 0 0 560 1,567 3,250 0 315,465 320,231 389,305 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 72,992 23,927 1,193 72,516 23,915 1,200 72,516 24,843 0 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 98,112 97,631 97,359 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 18,396 5,083 16,263 3,934 26,409 6,493 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 23,479 20,197 32,902 2,022,953 1,853,110 1,856,031 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total School Total 2008 Partners of Gompers Elementary School Brightmoor Community Center Omankane: The Collective V.I.P. Mentoring Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 105 William Beckham Academy Mission Our mission William J. Beckham Academy is based on a belief that all students can achieve learning success through continuous focused work. Our purpose is to educate the whole child. We believe that motivating students to learn in a nurturing atmosphere with united staff, parents, and community, their efforts to ensure that students achieve their maximum potential. We will provide a data-centered learning environment in which special education and at -risk students receive additional educational, social, and technology support. Principal Address Janet Glenn 9860 Park Drive Detroit, Michigan 48213 AYP Met Phone (313) 852-8500 Fax Email [email protected] (313) 852-8511 Restructuring for academic year 2009-2010 Enrollment Grade M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing 34 3 51 61.5 54.3 27.5 K 113 4 48 52.0 60.2 18.4 1 122 5 34 24.0 42.1 2 127 3 116 4 115 5 101 PK SP Total: 47.4 Social Science 18.9 57 785 Position Summary FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 2,339 803 1,185 0 0 3,600 0 0 5,000 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total Staffing Total Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group 4,326 3,600 5,000 Fund: 44 - CAPITAL PROJECTS 900000 - Restricted Control 23,893 0 0 Fund: 44 - CAPITAL PROJECTS Total 23,893 0 0 School Total 28,219 3,600 5,000 2008 Partners of William Beckham Academy Kiwanis Club of New Center Detroit Black Data Processing Associates Concerned Postal Employees Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 106 Greenfield Union Elementary School Mission Greenfield Union Elementary/Middle School will educate the whole child, creating an atmosphere where education is cherished, nurtured and appreciated. Greenfield Union has high expectations for every child and promotes daily academic excellence. Greenfield Union’s students will become productive, technologically literate, lifelong learners, educated in a clean, safe and caring learning environment. Principal Address Beverly Campbell 420 West 7 Mile Road Detroit, Michigan 48203 AYP Met Phone (313) 866-2999 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 866-2362 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing PK 51 3 71 88.7 76.9 38.5 K 56 4 47 77.2 53.7 17.5 1 57 5 35 38.6 56.4 2 47 6 70 60.4 73.9 59.2 3 52 7 57 49.1 56.4 54.7 4 38 8 49 50.8 47.5 5 40 6 37 7 43 8 24 SP 52 Total: 48.3 49.2 Social Science 14.0 64.0 52.5 497 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 3.00 3.00 1.00 Teacher 30.00 29.00 18.00 1.00 1.00 5.00 Other Support Staff 20.00 18.00 14.00 Total 54.00 51.00 38.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 2,571,051 574,561 62,342 1,946,350 873,656 16,202 1,219,255 593,304 25,106 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 3,207,954 2,836,208 1,837,665 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 240,494 42,827 305,523 11,304 0 436,921 226,897 379,048 8,465 4,784 133,028 76,510 192,625 500 0 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 600,148 1,056,114 402,663 Noon Time Aide Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 107 Greenfield Union Elementary School Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 428,992 84,086 524 382,564 171,883 6,000 312,250 141,615 8,500 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 513,602 560,447 462,365 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 33,054 5,426 29,371 8,557 31,062 7,638 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 38,480 37,928 38,700 Fund: 44 - CAPITAL PROJECTS 900000 - Restricted Control 169,633 0 0 Fund: 44 - CAPITAL PROJECTS Total 169,633 0 0 4,529,818 4,490,697 2,741,393 School Total 2008 Partners of Greenfield Union Elementary School General Motors World of Motion University of Michigsn School of Art and Design Arab-American Chaldean Council Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 108 Bethune Academy Mission Mary McLeod Bethune Academy, in partnership with students, staff, parents and community, will be at the forefront of education. An evolving learning environment where a collaborative culture is established. Instruction is relevant and adjusted to meet the needs of the students, assessments are ongoing and informative and all staff members participate in purposeful collaboration on a regular basis will ensure that all students learn and lead for today and tomorrow. Principal Address Pamela Askew 10825 Fenkell Street Detroit, Michigan 48227 AYP Met Phone (313) 873-9460 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 873-9459 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing PK 34 3 54 74.0 68.0 22.4 K 74 4 53 77.8 63.2 15.8 1 80 5 36 82.9 50.0 2 79 6 36 42.9 40.9 40.3 3 72 7 58 48.0 58.7 47.2 4 53 8 62 38.6 61.4 5 52 6 49 7 52 8 48 SP 82 Total: 43.9 30.6 Social Science 26.2 23.9 57.3 675 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 3.00 3.00 1.00 Teacher 29.00 28.00 29.00 1.00 1.00 7.00 Other Support Staff 20.00 17.00 15.00 Total 53.00 49.00 52.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 2,132,346 860,848 71,811 2,015,349 797,284 14,700 1,672,291 786,321 33,650 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 3,065,005 2,827,333 2,492,262 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 66,772 30,562 290,348 0 0 146,077 108,796 420,095 11,897 13,272 202,978 162,963 171,786 4,945 303 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 387,681 700,137 542,975 Noon Time Aide Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 109 Bethune Academy Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 286,942 113,440 4,013 340,658 133,003 7,200 376,744 161,891 8,500 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 404,395 480,861 547,135 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 40,243 11,092 24,702 5,975 36,501 8,975 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 51,335 30,677 45,476 3,908,417 4,039,008 3,627,848 School Total 2008 Partners of Bethune Academy First Community Baptist Church New Foundations Christian Center Love Mercy Ministries Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 110 Glazer Elementary School Mission Glazer School's mission is to fulfill the requirements of No Child Left Behind (NCLB) and to help all of our students attain and maintain high academic achievement. There is a high degree of cooperation on the part of students to improve their own learning. Students shall: - Encourage their parents to attend school events. - Participate in after school and summer programs - Actively take part in classroom lessons, - Practice skills of good citizenship, and - Strive for excellence in all academic endeavors. The students and parents of Glazer take great pride in their school and work with the staff to maintain the beauty and cleanliness of the building. Principal Address Bennie Glenn 2001 Labelle Detroit, Michigan 48238 AYP Met Phone (313) 852-1500 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 852-1499 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing PK 34 3 33 71.8 47.6 7.1 K 48 4 41 60.0 43.1 24.5 1 49 5 43 31.3 51.1 2 41 3 41 4 34 5 37 SP 39 Total: 61.2 Social Science 20.4 323 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 1.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 14.50 16.50 14.50 1.00 1.00 3.00 Other Support Staff 11.00 9.00 10.00 Total 27.50 27.50 28.50 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 1,000,753 387,719 38,644 1,125,820 446,878 9,301 959,001 425,127 17,723 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 1,427,116 1,581,999 1,401,851 105,078 60,683 73,230 81,645 42,840 97,785 137,569 74,146 98,505 Noon Time Aide Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 111 Glazer Elementary School 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 0 0 2,500 0 8,470 10,765 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 238,991 224,770 329,455 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 256,175 116,063 2,478 235,387 112,011 6,000 207,363 94,787 6,000 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 374,716 353,398 308,150 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 17,569 4,871 15,940 3,857 20,970 5,156 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 22,439 19,797 26,126 2,063,262 2,179,964 2,065,582 School Total 2008 Partners of Glazer Elementary School Temple Bethel Focus Hope Detroit Club of Nat'l Assoc. of Negro Bus. & Prof. Women's Clubs, Inc. Second to None Club Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 112 Hally Magnet Middle School Mission The Mission of Hally Magnet Middle School is to provide a clean, safe, learner centered environment where teachers, students, parents, administrators, community and school partners work collaboratively in the educational process to prepare students to be lifelong learners and productive citizens equipped to succeed in a diverse society. Principal Address Rita Davis 2585 Grove Street Detroit, Michigan 48221 AYP Met Phone (313) 494-3939 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 494-7089 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing 6 68 6 82 71.2 79.5 84.9 7 166 7 82 87.3 81.4 77.9 8 141 8 89 74.5 85.9 SP Total: 83.1 Social Science 78.1 84.2 25 400 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 2.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 23.00 19.00 15.00 2.00 1.00 0.00 Guidance Counselor 1.00 1.00 4.00 Other Support Staff Noon Time Aide 17.00 15.00 16.00 Total 45.00 37.00 36.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 1,973,933 779,517 69,674 1,576,012 656,060 11,551 1,111,836 469,717 19,250 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 2,823,124 2,243,623 1,600,803 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 27,620 7,479 58,016 0 0 119,604 68,748 120,373 0 5,684 95,741 44,579 76,984 4,391 28,752 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group 93,116 314,410 250,447 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 122,137 49,626 1,538 124,212 59,516 2,400 128,968 72,028 3,500 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 173,301 186,128 204,496 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 113 Hally Magnet Middle School 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 14,838 4,111 14,763 3,571 15,531 3,819 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 18,948 18,334 19,350 3,108,489 2,762,495 2,075,096 School Total 2008 Partners of Hally Magnet Middle School Gear-Up Big Brothers Big Sisters Drug Free Youth in DET Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 114 Hamilton Elementary School Mission The Hamilton School staff, in collaboration with the home and the community believes that all students can learn and achieve mastery of grade level skill in a clean, safe and healthy environment. We believe this can happen regardless of a student’s previous academic performance, family background, socio-economic status, race or gender. We will encourage growth in our students in both the cognitive and effective domains. Principal Address Jacqueline McNeal 14223 Southhampton Detroit, Michigan 48213 AYP Not Met Phone (313) 866-4505 Fax Email [email protected] (313) 866-4493 Restructuring for academic year 2009-2010 Enrollment Grade M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing K 27 3 68 52.2 77.3 20.5 1 32 4 32 65.5 47.8 3.4 2 35 5 19 10.5 28.0 3 36 4 36 5 36 6 50 7 45 8 50 SP Total: 48.1 Social Science 7.4 85 432 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 1.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 14.80 13.50 14.50 1.00 1.00 4.00 Other Support Staff Noon Time Aide 10.00 7.00 11.00 Total 26.80 22.50 30.50 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget 887,901 336,702 29,023 785,842 291,760 8,230 908,330 412,621 21,986 1,253,625 1,085,832 1,342,937 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 160,049 57,016 86,187 0 151,575 91,362 59,835 4,000 162,360 102,115 45,560 7,075 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 303,252 306,772 317,110 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 206,832 159,047 145,032 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 115 Hamilton Elementary School 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 66,703 3,508 45,971 3,600 49,686 4,500 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 277,043 208,618 199,218 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 27,772 7,693 23,587 5,706 26,409 6,493 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 35,466 29,293 32,902 1,869,386 1,630,514 1,892,167 School Total 2008 Partners of Hamilton Elementary School Learning Consultants Waller-Williams & Associates Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 116 Barbara Jordan Elementary School Mission At Barbara Jordan School we believe that collaboration leads to lifelong learning. We are dedicated to meeting the many challenging needs of all our students and the community. Our child -centered approach to learning, community involvement and family style of operation encourage our students to understand and enjoy learning in a secured, caring, and nurturing environment. We will motivated our students to embrace and assume responsibility for their own learning. Principal Address Marcia Morrow 3900 Pickford Detroit, Michigan 48221 AYP Not Met Phone (313) 494-7300 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 494-7304 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing PK 16 3 73 73.7 81.6 59.5 K 27 4 44 68.6 52.9 20.6 1 27 5 67 47.1 69.7 2 30 6 47 34.2 47.4 55.3 3 34 7 52 53.3 50.8 53.9 4 38 8 43 38.6 44.5 5 29 6 33 7 119 8 114 SP 107 Total: 63.6 40.1 Social Science 47.1 37.8 42.6 574 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 2.00 2.00 1.00 Teacher 33.50 37.50 25.20 1.00 1.00 0.00 Guidance Counselor 1.00 1.00 6.00 Other Support Staff Noon Time Aide 21.00 24.00 15.00 Total 58.50 65.50 47.20 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 2,091,288 812,893 73,228 1,971,520 797,093 25,073 1,276,067 569,697 28,802 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 2,977,409 2,793,686 1,874,566 167,088 52,467 110,341 1,145 0 315,420 184,690 111,251 10,407 2,287 98,319 34,741 209,398 0 36,821 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 117 Barbara Jordan Elementary School Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 331,041 624,055 379,279 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 836,322 372,943 4,804 729,236 333,002 15,600 597,540 286,273 14,000 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 1,214,068 1,077,837 897,813 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 36,259 10,077 34,026 8,400 37,287 9,167 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 46,336 42,426 46,454 4,568,854 4,538,004 3,198,112 School Total 2008 Partners of Barbara Jordan Elementary School Reading is Fundamental Young Men in Transition Math Counts Family Independence Agency Academic Games Beyond Basics Reading First Life Skills/Charm School Communities In Schools Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 118 Foreign Language Immersion and Cultural Studies School Mission The Foreign Language Immersion and Cultural Studies School (FLICS) is a diverse, unique and innovative Detroit Public School of choice that teaches English and foreign languages (Spanish, French, Japanese and Chinese). Its mission is to assure that each student achieves maximum academic growth and personal development through the intensive study of language and culture, by providing a rigorous curriculum, and by promoting respect and appreciation for diversity and global awareness, in a safe, caring environment of shared responsibility, supported by the commitment, dedication and involvement of students, teachers, family and community. Principal Address Ineala Chambers 6501 West Outer Drive Detroit, Michigan 48235 AYP Met Phone (313) 651-2400 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 651-2401 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing K 92 3 75 82.6 80.2 1 96 4 73 86.4 85.2 2 75 5 72 68.0 72.0 3 77 6 83 72.9 83.3 75.0 4 73 7 89 80.0 90.9 80.0 5 71 8 88 81.3 85.4 6 67 7 51 8 43 SP Total: Social Science 44.2 23.8 81.1 89.6 56.8 70.8 91.7 6 651 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 2.00 2.00 1.00 Teacher 31.50 30.50 26.00 0.00 0.00 7.00 Other Support Staff 30.00 20.00 19.50 Total 63.50 52.50 53.50 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 2,312,192 976,297 95,872 2,350,107 1,004,083 13,757 1,934,814 915,699 32,498 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 3,384,362 3,367,947 2,883,011 Fund: 12 - GRANTS 700000 - Other than Personal Services 0 1,240 0 Fund: 12 - GRANTS Total 0 1,240 0 65,518 22,259 145,124 58,204 96,531 60,523 Noon Time Aide Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 119 Foreign Language Immersion and Cultural Studies School 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 68,894 0 0 91,553 2,500 232 19,191 0 0 156,671 297,613 176,245 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 0 0 0 20,663 13,999 1,200 0 0 0 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 0 35,862 0 97,098 72,563 96,595 80,627 65,927 39,410 169,661 177,222 105,337 3,710,694 3,879,884 3,164,593 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total School Total 2008 Partners of Foreign Language Immersion and Cultural Studies School Renaissance Optimist Club Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 120 Hanstein Elementary School Mission All students will flourish and be prepared for further education through collaboration with parents, community, and data driven, research learning environments. Principal Address Bernadine Carroll 4290 Marseilles Detroit, Michigan 48224 AYP Met Phone (313) 417-9370 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 417-9296 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading PK 34 3 38 64.7 51.5 K 34 4 52 85.2 55.6 1 37 5 59 51.5 63.6 2 33 3 45 4 32 5 24 SP 22 Total: Science Writing Social Science 15.6 22.2 59.4 50.0 261 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 1.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 13.00 12.40 11.40 1.00 1.00 3.00 Other Support Staff 12.00 12.00 12.00 Total 27.00 26.40 27.40 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget 885,243 381,985 33,645 904,514 391,727 3,500 792,058 366,569 14,561 1,300,874 1,299,742 1,173,188 25,995 23,469 56,280 0 108,151 92,131 35,860 0 73,916 54,963 29,849 23,686 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 105,743 236,141 182,414 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 153,014 76,402 2,805 166,793 80,267 3,400 189,101 97,310 3,500 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 232,222 250,460 289,911 Noon Time Aide Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 800000 - Operating Expenses Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 121 Hanstein Elementary School Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 17,210 4,787 16,263 3,934 20,970 5,156 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 21,997 20,197 26,126 1,660,835 1,806,540 1,671,639 School Total 2008 Partners of Hanstein Elementary School Lunchbox Deli West Wind Mills Benito's Pizza Uniited States Navy Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 122 Harms Elementary School Mission As committed and concerned stakeholders in the future of our global society, the mission of Harms Elementary School is driven by the belief that all students will learn. Students will learn in a caring, clean, safe, healthy multi-cultural environment. This environment will nurture self esteem and enable students to reach their maximum potential as lifelong learners. Principal Address Karen White 2400 Central Detroit, Michigan 48209 AYP Met Phone (313) 849-3492 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 849-4690 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing 32 3 75 90.6 81.6 49.5 K 105 4 61 86.6 66.2 39.1 1 107 5 62 66.1 64.4 2 128 3 98 4 79 5 51 SP 25 PK Total: 74.6 Social Science 50.0 625 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 1.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 27.20 24.50 24.50 0.00 0.00 0.50 Nurse 1.00 1.00 6.00 Other Support Staff Noon Time Aide 27.00 25.50 32.50 Total 56.20 52.00 64.50 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 1,708,796 674,201 65,311 37,491 1,761,394 720,389 16,187 0 1,826,346 823,193 33,227 0 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 2,485,799 2,497,970 2,682,766 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 196,462 148,697 135,486 0 0 346,035 322,049 155,066 6,460 296 320,267 368,915 221,932 15,515 0 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 480,645 829,906 926,630 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 123 Harms Elementary School 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 62,725 21,277 224 155,410 55,310 1,200 62,331 22,339 2,000 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 84,226 211,920 86,670 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 30,453 8,417 21,055 5,094 26,409 6,493 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 38,870 26,149 32,902 3,089,540 3,565,945 3,728,968 School Total 2008 Partners of Harms Elementary School YES Foundation Wayne State University Jewish Community Council Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 124 Holcomb Elementary School Mission At Samuel D. Holcomb, “We Care” about our students, our community, and our school. We believe we can and will make the difference in the lives of students who are sent to us for their educational growth and needs. Through school and home collaboration, Holcomb Elementary School will successfully educate all students in a clean, safe, and healthy learning environment. Principal Address Kimberly Davis 18100 Bentler Detroit, Michigan 48219 AYP Met Phone (313) 494-7498 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 494-7499 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing PK 34 3 90 92.9 93.1 44.8 K 35 4 46 76.2 52.4 24.4 1 37 5 63 61.4 60.5 2 33 3 28 4 26 5 30 SP 27 Total: 65.9 Social Science 55.8 250 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 1.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 16.00 15.00 12.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 Guidance Counselor 1.00 1.00 3.00 Other Support Staff Noon Time Aide 11.00 9.00 15.00 Total 30.00 26.00 31.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 1,043,222 475,199 40,410 846,736 393,267 12,273 753,247 376,210 14,000 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 1,558,831 1,252,276 1,143,457 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 39,206 23,496 229,045 0 0 145,328 102,038 180,514 4,200 13,549 134,093 66,278 190,919 5,950 0 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 291,747 445,628 397,240 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 252,685 265,179 234,814 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 125 Holcomb Elementary School 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 103,574 4,752 122,241 4,800 138,323 6,000 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 361,011 392,220 379,137 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 22,150 6,111 21,087 5,101 20,970 5,156 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 28,261 26,188 26,126 2,239,849 2,116,313 1,945,960 School Total 2008 Partners of Holcomb Elementary School Northwest Detroit Neighborhood Development Corp. Detroit Public Library - Redford Branch Project Seed Mobile Dentist Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 126 A.L. Holmes Elementary School Mission The mission of A. L. Holmes Academy, in cooperation with students, staff, parents and the community is to educate all students through diverse and rich academic, social, physical and creative opportunities. We accept the responsibility to teach all students to succeed in becoming lifelong learners and global problem solvers. Remember, it's about the children! Principal Address Delores Harris 8950 Crane Detroit, Michigan 48213 AYP Not Met Phone (313) 866-5644 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 866-2299 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing PK 51 3 32 36.8 42.1 16.4 K 43 4 29 46.3 40.0 7.5 1 51 5 19 20.0 28.0 2 55 6 35 30.4 31.3 3 31 7 33 39.3 38.7 4 53 8 44 28.6 46.5 5 48 6 43 7 33 8 43 SP 82 Total: 32.7 Social Science 14.6 47.8 23.4 26.2 45.2 47.7 533 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 2.00 2.00 1.00 Teacher 36.00 35.00 26.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Guidance Counselor 1.00 1.00 5.00 Other Support Staff Noon Time Aide 26.00 20.00 20.00 Total 66.00 59.00 53.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 2,089,825 817,754 72,415 1,780,978 725,473 4,593 1,294,474 556,597 26,834 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 2,979,993 2,511,044 1,877,905 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 327,960 158,673 210,751 2,263 0 349,158 207,746 202,896 5,662 0 251,112 160,330 9,303 0 125,613 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 699,647 765,462 546,358 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 127 A.L. Holmes Elementary School Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 837,000 377,639 11,528 828,865 388,108 15,600 757,158 399,140 18,200 1,226,168 1,232,573 1,174,498 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 22,251 6,148 23,263 5,627 26,409 6,493 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 28,399 28,890 32,902 4,934,206 4,537,970 3,631,663 School Total 2008 Partners of A.L. Holmes Elementary School Detroit Public Library Author Day Program Nasa -Nasa Explorer School General Motors Volunteer Reader General Motors A World in Motion Greening of Detroit Girl Scouts of America / Metro Detroit Junior Achievement Huron Clinton Metro Parks - Belle Isle Nature Zoo Adventure Program Proctor & Gamble School Program Junior Achievement YES Foundation UAW - Region 1A, Local 600 Lowe's Starbase Junior Achievement - Price Waterhouse Coopers UAW - Region 1A, Local 600 NASA - NASA Explorer School Detroit Police Department G.R.E.A.T. Programs Wayne County Family Resource Center Project Detroit Community Initiativee Detroit Blue Pigs Solid Rock Baptist Church Walter P. Chrysler Museum Cranbrook Institute of Science Detroit Blue Pigs Detroit Blue Pigs Detroit Fire Department Safety Program Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 128 O.W. Holmes Elementary School Mission The mission of O.W. Holmes Elementary School is to develop a customer, data driven, student centered learning environment in which students are motivated to become productive citizens and lifelong learners. O.W. Holmes will foster the continual academic and social growth of all students by engaging them in challenging and enriching learning experiences that meet their individual needs. Principal Address Stephen Black 4833 Ogden Detroit, Michigan 48210 AYP Met Phone (313) 582-4300 Fax Email [email protected] (313) 585-7861 Restructuring for academic year 2009-2010 Enrollment Grade M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing K 53 3 60 67.9 65.4 28.8 1 61 4 38 70.2 51.1 24.4 2 41 5 63 51.3 63.2 3 36 4 37 5 25 6 44 7 114 8 125 SP Total: 51.3 Social Science 41.0 73 609 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 1.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 21.00 23.00 23.00 1.00 1.00 6.00 Other Support Staff Noon Time Aide 14.00 12.00 16.00 Total 37.00 37.00 46.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 1,306,893 557,097 36,437 1,255,304 533,513 2,015 1,404,824 704,661 30,482 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 1,900,427 1,790,832 2,139,967 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 140,083 51,350 19,893 0 163,375 69,008 13,441 0 191,465 79,497 180,833 200 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 211,326 245,824 451,995 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 475,909 444,609 392,149 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 129 O.W. Holmes Elementary School 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 201,976 1,145 187,806 9,400 198,982 5,700 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 679,030 641,814 596,831 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 27,921 7,702 18,263 4,587 20,970 5,156 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 35,624 22,850 26,126 2,826,407 2,701,321 3,214,919 School Total 2008 Partners of O.W. Holmes Elementary School Greening of Detroit Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 130 Howe Elementary School Mission The mission of Howe, a neighborhood elementary school within the Southeastern Village, is to educate the whole child for academic success through powerful learning experiences in a safe nurturing environment. Principal Address Russell Covington 2600 Garland Detroit, Michigan 48214 AYP Met Phone (313) 642-4801 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 642-4802 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading PK 51 3 65 86.0 68.4 K 81 4 58 66.1 67.7 1 90 5 55 54.4 58.6 2 91 3 85 4 74 5 78 SP 53 Total: Science Writing Social Science 47.4 14.5 63.8 43.1 603 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Teacher 0.00 1.00 0.00 Other Support Staff 3.00 1.00 0.00 Total 3.00 2.00 0.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget 73,152 31,954 0 0 0 0 105,106 0 0 Fund: 12 - GRANTS 700000 - Other than Personal Services 750 59,226 0 Fund: 12 - GRANTS Total 750 59,226 0 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 64,826 23,856 45,148 17,026 0 0 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 88,682 62,174 0 194,537 121,400 0 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total School Total 2008 Partners of Howe Elementary School St. John Hospital Unknown Southeastern Optimist Club Southeastern Village Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 131 Hutchinson Elementary School Mission The mission of Hutchinson Elementary School, in cooperation with students, parents, and community, is to teach the knowledge, skills and behaviors necessary for every student to lead a successful life. Hutchinson is committed to providing a learning environment dedicated to family and community partnerships, enhancing the lives of all children through academic challenges and meaningful experiences. The school utilizes data driven strategies to produce independent, responsible, lifelong learners. Hutchinson will set high expectations and standards for the academic and social development of all students. Hutchinson School will continue to improve the relationships between parents , community, students and staff. Principal Address Stanley Johnson 5221 Montclair Detroit, Michigan 48213 AYP Met Phone (313) 852-9900 Fax Email [email protected] (313) 852-9911 Restructuring for academic year 2009-2010 Enrollment Grade M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading PK 32 3 51 63.3 57.1 K 41 4 38 78.0 46.0 1 42 5 44 41.3 48.9 2 46 6 53 71.9 59.4 3 38 4 38 5 37 6 18 SP 34 Total: Science Writing Social Science 22.4 18.0 50.0 37.0 46.7 53.3 326 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 1.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 22.40 20.10 14.10 1.00 1.00 3.00 Other Support Staff 15.50 14.50 15.00 Total 39.90 36.60 33.10 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 1,316,396 538,298 45,954 1,242,788 514,127 15,614 888,239 401,600 17,876 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 1,900,648 1,772,529 1,307,715 283,751 117,455 30,125 2,652 0 139,664 91,993 48,625 2,500 0 228,055 132,291 121,273 2,500 8,999 Noon Time Aide Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 132 Hutchinson Elementary School Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 433,983 282,782 493,118 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 355,571 142,343 6,674 305,821 125,590 7,000 300,421 135,224 8,000 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 504,588 438,411 443,645 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 21,869 6,045 16,263 3,934 20,970 5,156 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 27,914 20,197 26,126 2,867,133 2,513,920 2,270,604 School Total 2008 Partners of Hutchinson Elementary School Boy Scouts of America Donation Store Mobile Dentist Newspapers in Education Kensington Mobile Learning Center World Vision Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 133 Hancock Elementary/Middle School Mission The mission at Hancock is to provide an academic curriculum, with emphasis on behavior modification for expelled Detroit Public Schools students, kindergarten through eighth grade. Our program is designed to assist students in managing their behaviors, understanding the dynamics of Conflict Resolution, improving their social skills and working toward becoming productive citizens in any academic surrounding. Principal Address Coy Robinson 1745 West Hancock Detroit, Michigan 48206 AYP Met Phone (313) 578-0250 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade 3 2 4 4 1 5 5 1 6 6 2 7 7 7 8 8 21 SP Total: (313) 578-0255 English Math Reading Science Writing 28 11.5 34.6 19.2 28.0 Social Science 3 37 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 0.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 1.00 7.00 7.00 Guidance Counselor 0.00 1.00 1.00 Social Worker 0.00 2.00 1.00 Other Support Staff 0.00 4.00 5.00 Total 1.00 15.00 15.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 193,159 80,374 3,224 225,160 107,757 1,858 117,239 54,234 3,692 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 276,757 334,775 175,165 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 627,308 250,083 47,425 0 659,629 288,468 36,378 0 610,014 308,620 7,726 1,150 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 924,817 984,475 927,510 53,257 18,738 0 53,154 19,232 1,200 55,251 20,599 1,000 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 134 Hancock Elementary/Middle School Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 71,995 73,586 76,850 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 4,313 1,192 5,115 1,237 10,092 2,482 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 5,505 6,352 12,574 1,279,073 1,399,188 1,192,099 School Total 2008 Partners of Hancock Elementary/Middle School Ark Non Violence Program (The Ark) Black Family Development B.A.G. Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 135 Johnson H. McKinney Day Treatment Center Mission The mission of Johnson H. McKinney (J-MAC) Day Treatment Center is to provide a behaviorally, therapeutic, academic environment that prepares our students to meet the expectations of their next consumer. To ensure each student’s success, J-MAC develops the intellectual, social and positive character capabilities of each individual in an effort to provide more productive citizens for a global community. AYP Not Met Principal Address 11131 Kercheval Detroit, Michigan 48214 Phone (313) 866-5540 Fax (313) 866-4524 Email Enrollment Grade M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment SP Total: Grade English Math Reading Science Writing Social Science 9 49 49 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 1.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 17.00 15.00 16.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Other Support Staff 13.00 11.00 9.00 Total 32.00 28.00 27.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 47,381 33,760 0 0 0 0 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 81,141 0 0 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 700000 - Other than Personal Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 34,803 0 22,889 0 17,149 44,457 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 34,803 22,889 61,606 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 1,312,193 576,425 63,363 1,457,245 662,332 71,917 1,377,800 719,050 51,420 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 1,951,981 2,191,495 2,148,270 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 7,445 2,061 4,953 1,198 0 0 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 9,506 6,151 0 2,077,432 2,220,535 2,209,876 Nurse Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group School Total 2008 Partners of Johnson H. McKinney Day Treatment Center Envision Apparel Company Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 136 Jamieson Elementary School Mission Jamieson Elementary School will prepare students to be positive and productive members of a technological society. Our students must be supplied with the knowledge base necessary to make good decisions. We believe that all students , regardless of their socioeconomic status, are capable of learning and we are committed to preparing our students for the next level of academic achievement in a safe, nurturing learning environment. With the accomplishment of our mission , students will take their rightful place in a society as future leaders. We believe all students can learn. Furthermore, we believe the teachers and staff can make a positive difference in the lives of students by empowering them to become self-directed, lifelong learners through the development of their intellectual and emotional well-being. Principal Address David Harris Jr. 2900 West Philadelphia Detroit, Michigan 48206 AYP Met Phone (313) 596-0910 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 596-0794 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading PK 34 3 27 41.9 31.1 K 49 4 61 75.0 66.7 1 51 5 41 33.3 48.1 2 70 6 60 56.0 60.0 3 50 4 52 5 52 6 37 SP 31 Total: Science Writing Social Science 14.9 12.7 55.6 28.3 60.0 38.0 426 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 2.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 32.60 23.60 17.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Social Worker 1.00 1.00 4.00 Other Support Staff Noon Time Aide 18.00 13.00 17.00 Total 54.60 39.60 40.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 1,590,806 663,582 87,030 1,555 1,479,250 624,925 7,170 0 1,113,309 510,348 22,976 0 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 2,342,973 2,111,344 1,646,633 Fund: 12 - GRANTS 700000 - Other than Personal Services 0 28,330 0 Fund: 12 - GRANTS Total 0 28,330 0 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 14 - GRANTS Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 137 Jamieson Elementary School 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 244,797 95,527 61,156 346,253 191,641 170,969 392,748 191,227 94,365 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 401,480 708,863 678,340 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 241,478 87,971 4,753 238,217 89,612 9,600 145,032 49,686 7,000 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 334,201 337,429 201,718 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 26,529 7,329 24,346 5,890 26,090 5,427 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 33,858 30,236 31,517 3,112,513 3,216,203 2,558,208 School Total 2008 Partners of Jamieson Elementary School Beyond Basics Wayne County Comm Farbman Group UAW Women's Council Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 138 Keidan Special Education Center Mission The Keidan Special Education Center shall provide a free, quality public education to all of its students and offer comprehensive and competitive education as a commitment to current and future generations of lifelong learners who can be successful in a global society. Principal Address Yvette Pinchem-Stewart 4441 Collingwood Detroit, Michigan 48204 AYP Not Met Phone (313) 873-9400 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment SP Total: (313) 873-9352 Grade English Math Reading Science Writing Social Science 192 192 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 1.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 34.00 29.00 25.00 3.00 2.00 2.00 Other Support Staff 49.00 43.00 39.00 Total 87.00 75.00 67.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 106,018 60,456 0 0 0 0 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 166,474 0 0 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 33,917 14,409 25,749 7,700 0 0 0 62,543 0 0 0 0 50,645 0 89,484 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 81,775 62,543 140,129 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 3,589,760 1,553,079 163,992 3,342,933 1,504,985 118,920 3,092,744 1,529,928 125,129 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 5,306,831 4,966,839 4,747,801 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 6,265 853 6,824 1,820 10,878 2,674 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 7,118 8,644 13,552 Fund: 44 - CAPITAL PROJECTS 900000 - Restricted Control 683,982 0 0 Nurse Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 139 Keidan Special Education Center Fund: 44 - CAPITAL PROJECTS Total School Total 683,982 0 0 6,246,180 5,038,026 4,901,482 2008 Partners of Keidan Special Education Center One Teaar Media Production Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 140 John R. King Academic and Performing Arts Academy Mission John R. King Academic and Performing Arts Academy, in collaboration with the community, will successfully educate all students in a clean, safe, orderly, data-driven, student-centered learning environment, which includes the arts and technology and prepares students for higher education and the world of work. Principal Address Vivian Hughes-Norde 16800 Cheyenne Detroit, Michigan 48235 AYP Met Phone (313) 494-7347 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade 2009 Enrollment (313) 494-3962 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient Grade English Math Reading Science Writing Social Science Total: Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 1.00 1.00 2.00 Teacher 26.00 22.50 23.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 Social Worker 1.00 1.00 7.00 Other Support Staff Noon Time Aide 15.00 10.00 15.00 Total 44.00 35.50 48.50 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 1,797,198 731,234 67,490 1,658,421 670,391 1,963 1,854,301 887,917 35,808 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 2,595,922 2,330,775 2,778,026 Fund: 12 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 0 0 6,946 1,814 0 0 Fund: 12 - GRANTS Total 0 8,759 0 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 245,652 94,229 129,242 0 0 284,434 98,272 292,588 2,500 0 256,671 117,455 169,586 0 74,647 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 469,122 677,794 618,359 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 71,771 33,764 1,731 72,516 34,262 1,200 72,516 32,742 0 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 107,265 107,978 105,258 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 141 John R. King Academic and Performing Arts Academy 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 22,889 6,350 16,263 3,934 50,970 20,156 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 29,239 20,197 71,126 3,201,549 3,145,503 3,572,769 School Total 2008 Partners of John R. King Academic and Performing Arts Academy Mobile Dentist Boy Scouts of America The Police Department-Community Officer Comerica Bank Artistry in Motion Dance School Costco, Inc. The Skillman Foundation Safe &Drug Free Schools and Communities Program Operation Hope/BOOF Communities In Schools Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 142 Logan Elementary School Mission The mission of Logan Elementary School is for every student to read and write at appropriate grade levels and apply knowledge to creative problem solving as a fundamental basis for lifelong learning and work ethics. Logan School strives to produce responsible individuals equipped to meet the demands of a competitive global society by carefully mapping the teaching objectives to be aligned with current research based programs. Principal Address Mauro Cruz 3811 Cicotte Detroit, Michigan 48210 AYP Met Phone (313) 596-0100 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 596-0077 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing K 114 3 59 76.7 66.7 38.9 1 112 4 54 80.0 70.0 22.5 2 96 5 58 61.8 61.2 3 102 4 85 5 70 SP Total: 62.7 Social Science 47.8 34 613 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 2.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 31.30 27.30 26.30 Guidance Counselor 1.00 1.00 0.00 Social Worker 0.00 0.00 1.00 Noon Time Aide 1.00 1.00 6.00 Other Support Staff 21.00 20.00 26.00 Total 56.30 50.30 60.30 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 1,832,644 753,704 66,979 1,912,300 771,108 1,710 1,940,676 881,131 32,513 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group 2,653,328 2,685,118 2,854,320 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 300,415 144,316 77,222 0 0 418,515 214,449 88,684 0 2,006 409,429 283,027 107,609 8,090 0 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 521,953 723,654 808,155 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 144,800 197,914 72,516 Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 143 Logan Elementary School 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 45,786 3,130 69,006 3,600 24,843 5,000 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 193,716 270,520 102,359 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 34,139 9,408 19,587 4,738 26,409 6,493 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 43,547 24,325 32,902 3,412,544 3,703,617 3,797,736 School Total 2008 Partners of Logan Elementary School Greening of Detroit Boys & Girls Club Visteon - Belleville Eisenhower High School-Key Club Lawrence Tech University Lenscrafters: Gift of Sight program Detroit Fire Department Detroit Public Library University of Michigan L.U.C.Y. Program Country Day High School Huron Clinton Metropolitan Metro Park Detroit Instituite of Arts Healthy Kids Dentist Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 144 Loving Elementary School Mission The mission of Loving Elementary School is to provide a free, quality public education to all of its students and offer comprehensive and competitive education as a commitment to current and future generations of lifelong learners who can be successful in a global society. Principal Address Eddie Huwitte 1000 Lynn Detroit, Michigan 48211 AYP Met Phone (313) 252-3028 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 866-0989 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing PK 16 3 55 43.3 58.2 22.4 K 41 4 60 62.5 68.1 18.8 1 42 5 49 36.6 51.2 2 45 3 41 4 46 5 31 SP 15 Total: 48.8 Social Science 36.6 277 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 1.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 19.00 18.00 14.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 Other Support Staff 15.00 16.00 8.00 Total 36.00 36.00 26.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 1,201,371 482,208 33,910 1,061,525 420,209 0 832,100 384,266 15,377 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total Noon Time Aide Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group 1,717,489 1,481,734 1,231,743 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 212,372 87,152 100,239 1,644 0 361,263 207,216 113,067 5,722 0 202,755 92,814 121,854 4,973 32,299 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 401,408 687,268 454,695 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 205,566 85,268 375 211,686 87,453 3,600 207,363 76,394 5,000 Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 145 Loving Elementary School Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 291,209 302,740 288,757 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 15,801 4,210 22,838 5,525 15,531 3,819 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 20,011 28,363 19,350 2,430,116 2,500,104 1,994,545 School Total 2008 Partners of Loving Elementary School MacDonald's Bing Steel Vanguard Community Develp. Cen. M.O.O.R.E. Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 146 Stewart Elementary School Mission Carlyle Stewart K-8 Learning Academy, in collaboration with parents and other stakeholders, will successfully educate all students by utilizing innovative, comprehensive, and professional learning communities. By implementing site -based, managed decisions, all students will become lifelong learners in a highly technological, global society. Principal Address Mary Wright 13120 Wildemere Detroit, Michigan 48238 AYP Met Phone (313) 252-3050 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade 2009 Enrollment (313) 866-0912 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient Grade English Math Reading Science Writing Social Science Total: Position Summary FY 2008 Adopted Budget Staffing FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Teacher 4.00 0.00 0.00 Other Support Staff 1.00 0.00 0.00 Total 5.00 0.00 0.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services -62,309 -25,568 -5,040 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total -92,918 0 0 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services -15,204 -6,631 2,558 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total -19,276 0 0 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 66,108 25,463 0 0 0 0 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 91,571 0 0 Fund: 44 - CAPITAL PROJECTS 900000 - Restricted Control 15,791 0 0 Fund: 44 - CAPITAL PROJECTS Total 15,791 0 0 -4,832 0 0 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group School Total 2008 Partners of Stewart Elementary School Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 147 MacDowell Elementary School Mission The mission of Edward A. MacDowell is to educate all students in a clean, safe, and healthy environment, enabling them to become socially responsible and intellectually strong through a balanced curriculum and parent involvement. Principal Address Mildred Davis 4201 West Outer Drive Detroit, Michigan 48221 AYP Met Phone (313) 494-7310 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 494-7349 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading PK 34 3 67 87.1 72.1 K 34 4 49 68.6 58.8 1 52 5 42 39.1 59.4 2 52 6 71 73.1 70.1 3 36 4 41 5 37 6 49 SP 40 Total: Science Writing Social Science 41.0 25.5 50.7 24.6 59.1 51.5 375 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 1.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 17.00 18.00 13.00 1.00 1.00 4.00 Other Support Staff Noon Time Aide 11.00 8.00 12.00 Total 30.00 28.00 30.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 1,061,555 423,130 38,136 1,159,526 473,318 7,371 954,577 429,342 20,375 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 1,522,820 1,640,215 1,404,294 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 106,047 37,900 46,824 0 0 140,503 49,155 65,754 2,500 0 162,505 100,261 64,908 4,500 30,669 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 190,770 257,912 362,843 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 145,299 56,310 3,264 205,624 90,984 3,600 72,516 24,843 5,000 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 148 MacDowell Elementary School Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 204,873 300,208 102,359 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 25,820 7,136 16,263 3,934 20,970 5,156 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 32,956 20,197 26,126 1,951,419 2,218,531 1,895,622 School Total 2008 Partners of MacDowell Elementary School Legacy Associates Foundation Friends of MacDowell Trinity Community Presbyterian Church U of D Jesuit High School Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 149 Mann Elementary School Mission The mission of Mann Elementary School is to set students on an educational path that will allow them to succeed and achieve academically. Principal Address Gwendolyn Frencher 19625 Elmira Detroit, Michigan 48228 AYP Met Phone (313) 866-9580 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 866-9587 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading PK 33 3 76 89.8 78.3 K 49 4 74 92.3 82.1 1 51 5 94 88.5 92.3 2 37 3 36 4 41 5 30 SP 19 Total: Science Writing Social Science 53.3 29.3 75.0 86.3 296 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 1.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 18.00 15.50 12.50 1.00 1.00 3.00 Other Support Staff 19.00 14.00 13.40 Total 39.00 31.50 29.90 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget 749,385 325,036 65,608 1,128,637 485,271 10,268 829,252 401,910 16,346 1,140,030 1,624,177 1,247,508 Fund: 12 - GRANTS 700000 - Other than Personal Services 10,610 12,461 0 Fund: 12 - GRANTS Total 10,610 12,461 0 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 87,329 41,518 114,957 0 0 170,307 90,891 112,520 2,500 0 167,342 87,590 171,435 1,665 44,408 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 243,803 376,218 472,440 Noon Time Aide Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 150 Mann Elementary School 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 145,651 66,056 2,152 170,697 80,128 2,400 165,488 92,389 3,500 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 213,859 253,225 261,377 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 21,447 5,940 16,263 3,934 20,970 5,156 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 27,387 20,197 26,126 1,635,690 2,286,278 2,007,451 School Total 2008 Partners of Mann Elementary School Communities In Schools A. J. Bros LLC The Bentley Lounge Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 151 Marquette Elementary School Mission The mission of Marquette Elementary/Middle School is to develop and promote an African centered, data driven, customer friendly learning environment that will instill an atmosphere of pride, drive and focus for all stakeholders. Marquette students will be encouraged to become successful academically, socially, physically and emotionally. An African centered education will inspire students to achieve marketable skills and succeed in a global society as they acknowledge responsibility for themselves and society at large. Principal Address Dwana Brown 6145 Canyon Detroit, Michigan 48236 AYP Not Met Phone (313) 417-9360 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 881-3398 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing PK 47 3 53 54.9 66.7 21.2 K 65 4 36 57.1 50.0 7.1 1 70 5 22 25.0 28.2 2 59 6 42 52.9 43.1 49.0 3 61 7 66 49.5 65.9 60.6 4 63 8 50 39.3 45.4 5 59 6 79 7 85 8 87 SP Total: 25.7 37.0 Social Science 16.9 35.6 56.6 52 727 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 2.00 3.00 2.00 Teacher 35.00 39.00 31.00 Guidance Counselor 1.00 0.00 0.00 Nurse 0.00 0.00 1.00 Noon Time Aide 1.00 1.00 7.00 Other Support Staff 24.00 22.00 19.00 Total 63.00 65.00 60.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 2,676,729 1,068,945 58,723 6,668 2,583,832 1,043,970 14,308 0 1,737,430 762,887 36,146 0 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 3,811,065 3,642,110 2,536,463 192,318 76,114 452,671 227,968 445,600 299,671 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 152 Marquette Elementary School 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 107,436 9,733 129,617 11,972 40,014 13,200 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 385,601 822,228 798,485 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 513,097 207,351 4,338 490,885 185,469 9,800 494,927 201,492 10,300 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 724,785 686,154 706,719 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 41,540 11,585 35,786 8,658 41,940 10,312 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 53,125 44,444 52,252 4,974,576 5,194,935 4,093,919 School Total 2008 Partners of Marquette Elementary School Safeway Bus City of Detroit, Dept. of Wellness and Health Promotion Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church Second Step Violence Prevention TRW Healthy Kids Dental Girl Scouts of America / Metro Detroit Unknown Skillman Foundation Sam's Club Salem Lutheran Memorial Church AXA Equitable Michigan Mathematics and Science Teacher Leadership Collaborative Love Train Music Production Detroit News Sherry Washington Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 153 Mason Elementary School Mission The mission of Mason Elementary School is to provide a free, quality public education to all of its students and offer comprehensive and competitive education as a commitment to current and future generations of lifelong learners who can be successful in a global society. Principal Address Edrire Wilson 19635 Mitchell Detroit, Michigan 48234 AYP Met Phone (313) 866-3600 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 866-3609 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing PK 17 3 80 83.6 84.0 37.5 K 39 4 64 72.1 70.3 21.4 1 47 5 34 25.9 35.8 2 40 3 40 4 38 5 47 SP 22 Total: 37.0 Social Science 22.2 290 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 1.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 20.00 14.00 11.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Guidance Counselor 1.00 1.00 3.00 Other Support Staff Noon Time Aide 14.00 10.00 11.00 Total 37.00 27.00 27.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 1,273,402 492,954 37,837 1,052,074 417,429 5,849 851,189 353,930 16,040 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 1,804,193 1,475,352 1,221,159 Fund: 12 - GRANTS 700000 - Other than Personal Services 0 3,051 0 Fund: 12 - GRANTS Total 0 3,051 0 171,454 75,157 35,144 0 0 177,076 116,093 60,394 2,500 839 234,840 131,416 45,552 0 30,540 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 154 Mason Elementary School Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 281,755 356,902 442,348 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 145,833 53,857 700 145,032 55,011 2,400 145,032 57,585 3,500 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 200,390 202,443 206,117 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 21,988 6,049 14,763 3,571 20,970 5,156 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 28,037 18,334 26,126 2,314,374 2,056,081 1,895,750 School Total 2008 Partners of Mason Elementary School America Reads Beach Communication Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 155 Maybury Elementary School Mission The mission of Maybury Elementary School is to provide a multicultural child -centered learning community, ensuring that all students have unrestricted opportunities to acquire the knowledge and skills for success in life. Educational practices will meet the needs of our population in a safe environment, in collaboration with families and community. Principal Address Ellen Snedeker 4410 Porter Detroit, Michigan 48209 AYP Met Phone (313) 849-2014 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 849-2016 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing PK 16 3 60 82.5 74.8 35.7 K 97 4 50 75.0 60.0 23.4 1 112 5 51 46.6 55.3 2 99 3 95 4 88 5 94 SP 12 Total: 65.6 Social Science 32.7 613 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 2.00 2.00 1.00 Teacher 34.40 30.40 25.90 1.00 1.00 6.00 Other Support Staff 29.00 25.50 26.50 Total 66.40 58.90 59.40 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 2,099,411 849,887 42,721 2,208,159 920,802 3,335 1,848,007 848,792 32,513 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total Noon Time Aide Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group 2,992,018 3,132,296 2,729,312 Fund: 12 - GRANTS 700000 - Other than Personal Services 1,162 0 0 Fund: 12 - GRANTS Total 1,162 0 0 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 360,117 206,299 176,922 2,132 0 501,032 327,593 223,540 3,232 0 382,790 293,607 206,079 0 25,000 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 745,470 1,055,397 907,476 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 156 Maybury Elementary School 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 75,762 21,497 750 72,516 17,541 1,200 72,516 24,843 2,000 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 98,009 91,257 99,359 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 31,165 8,631 21,087 5,101 20,355 5,005 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 39,796 26,188 25,360 3,876,455 4,305,137 3,761,507 School Total 2008 Partners of Maybury Elementary School Kiwanis Club of Michigan Executive Women International - Detroit/Windsor Chapter Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan Latino Cultural Pastorial Center University of Michigan United Way Kids in Need Office of State Rep Steve Tobocman Coca Cola Valued Youth Program Michigans Legal Services National Caucas for Black Aged Detroit Public Library SAE - Society of Automotive Engineers-(AWIM) A World in MotionComcast Cable Wayne State University, Writer's Coach Wayne State University-Detroit Fellows Tutoring Project Alliance for a Heatlhier Generation Bridgepointe, Inc Jim Tuman & Friends Assembly Volunteers Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 157 McColl Elementary School Mission The Mission of McColl School is to provide educational excellence in a clean, safe, healthy and nurturing learning environment for every student. In partnership with parents, businesses, and the community, students will develop skills, knowledge, positive self-images, and attitudes that will result in high-achieving, productive citizens with a commitment to lifelong learning. Principal Address Ruby Windhom 20550 Cathedral Detroit, Michigan 48228 AYP Met Phone (313) 852-0708 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 852-0676 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing PK 20 3 78 65.0 90.0 35.0 K 39 4 84 100.0 87.5 53.1 1 47 5 56 88.2 64.7 2 31 3 29 4 25 5 21 SP 23 Total: 97.1 Social Science 47.1 235 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 1.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 16.50 14.50 10.50 0.00 1.00 1.00 Nurse Social Worker 0.50 0.50 0.50 Noon Time Aide 1.00 1.00 2.00 Other Support Staff 17.00 14.00 13.00 Total 36.00 32.00 28.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget 961,324 392,213 28,261 898,678 365,349 6,409 645,460 319,046 13,235 1,381,798 1,270,436 977,741 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 140,788 57,445 53,776 161,971 78,635 38,186 151,773 90,364 19,441 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 252,008 278,792 261,578 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 319,272 130,257 329,460 136,273 325,892 157,284 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 158 McColl Elementary School 700000 - Other than Personal Services 3,864 5,200 6,000 453,392 470,933 489,176 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 16,760 4,654 15,885 3,842 20,970 5,156 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 21,414 19,727 26,126 2,108,613 2,039,888 1,754,621 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total School Total 2008 Partners of McColl Elementary School Barton/Mcfarlane Neighborhood Association Detroit Media Partnership St. Suzanne Faith & Friendship Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 159 McFarlane Elementary School Mission The mission of McFarlane Elementary School is to provide a free, quality public education to all of its students and offer comprehensive and competitive education as a commitment to current and future generations of lifelong learners who can be successful in a global society. Principal Address Carolyn Freeman 8900 Cheyenne Detroit, Michigan 48228 AYP Met Phone (313) 873-5700 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 873-1355 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing PK 47 3 59 83.7 65.9 33.3 K 44 4 31 78.0 50.0 7.8 1 45 5 50 45.5 70.5 2 24 3 38 4 27 5 34 SP 38 Total: 54.3 Social Science 27.3 297 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 1.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 18.00 15.00 13.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Guidance Counselor 1.00 1.00 3.00 Other Support Staff Noon Time Aide 10.00 8.00 9.00 Total 31.00 26.00 27.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 1,039,787 425,154 37,637 957,993 400,616 36 754,296 334,474 16,397 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 1,502,578 1,358,644 1,105,167 90,195 47,117 33,008 0 0 113,721 67,327 109,325 3,998 0 98,688 79,446 104,804 5,000 1,000 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 170,320 294,371 288,938 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 282,658 105,106 282,929 108,298 290,150 122,204 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 160 McFarlane Elementary School 700000 - Other than Personal Services 4,390 4,800 4,500 392,155 396,027 416,854 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 25,897 7,161 16,263 3,934 20,970 5,156 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 33,058 20,197 26,126 2,098,111 2,069,240 1,837,085 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total School Total 2008 Partners of McFarlane Elementary School SCLC Sinai Grace Hospital Child Protection Program Detroit Fire Department Detroit Police Department - 2nd Precinct Ford Motor Company & Lenscrafters Mobile Dentist St. John's Health Systems "Open Arms" God's House of Prayer Mobile Metropark Learning Center A & L Market Department of Human Services Children's Museum Wayne County Sheriff's Crime Prevention Program Girl Scouts of America / Metro Detroit Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 161 McKenny Elementary School Mission Based on a belief in the achievement and success of all students, the Mission of McKinney Elementary School is to achieve Adequate Yearly Progress and to support the district plan that every child will learn, both in 2010 and beyond. The school enthusiastically accepts the responsibility of providing a quality education for every child entrusted in our clean , safe, and healthy environment. Our purpose is to develop a customer, data driven, and student centered learning environment which will correlate with City, State, and national achievement standards. The School's purpose is to create an environment in which students develop academically, socially, and morally, in order to become contributing members of a diverse and constantly changing society. We shall provide our students with the tools that will enable them to have a positive effect on their own destinies. Principal Address Patricia Smith 20833 Pembroke Detroit, Michigan 48219 AYP Met Phone (313) 494-7594 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 494-7720 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading PK 33 3 65 82.0 64.7 K 41 4 50 72.7 50.0 1 45 5 64 44.7 76.1 2 37 6 72 50.0 67.4 3 36 4 41 5 30 6 35 SP Total: Science Writing Social Science 41.2 34.1 54.2 29.8 52.3 23.3 54 352 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 1.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 20.00 20.60 17.00 Guidance Counselor 1.00 1.00 0.00 Noon Time Aide 2.00 1.00 4.00 Other Support Staff 19.00 14.00 14.00 Total 43.00 37.60 36.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 1,302,511 543,612 44,926 1,089,056 451,469 9,187 977,802 449,914 19,202 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 1,891,049 1,549,712 1,446,918 130,253 58,245 38,215 217,409 109,600 42,145 196,357 117,489 9,645 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 162 McKenny Elementary School 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 0 0 0 1,352 950 49,160 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 226,713 370,506 373,601 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 473,651 228,314 7,162 506,179 228,853 7,800 385,520 212,263 9,000 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 709,127 742,832 606,783 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 14,899 4,145 16,763 4,055 20,970 5,156 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 19,044 20,818 26,126 Fund: 44 - CAPITAL PROJECTS 900000 - Restricted Control 3,198 0 0 Fund: 44 - CAPITAL PROJECTS Total 3,198 0 0 2,849,131 2,683,867 2,453,428 School Total 2008 Partners of McKenny Elementary School St. Judes Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 163 Detroit Transition Center - West Mission The mission of the Detroit Transition Center West is to provide a work preparation and independent living program for students with disabilities between the ages of 20-26. DTC West is committed to providing: ** - A continuum of services for students with disabilities ** - An age appropriate learning environment and A full service program for students who are between the ages of 20-26. We believe that the transition process is best experienced through authentic life training and real world connections. vision is to prepare students for work and to become productive citizens with an enhanced quality of life. Principal Address Rita Footman 4800 Collingwood Detroit, Michigan 48204 AYP Phone (313) 873-9340 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade SP (313) 873-8772 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Total: Our Grade English Math Reading Science Writing Social Science 158 158 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 1.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 17.00 17.00 16.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 Other Support Staff Nurse 24.00 22.00 17.00 Total 44.00 42.00 34.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget 87,935 57,082 0 0 0 0 145,017 0 0 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 0 0 49,765 0 12,916 19,845 8,182 0 0 0 21,405 19,379 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 49,765 40,943 40,784 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 2,531,635 1,016,655 82,761 2,792,680 1,080,890 80,654 2,241,064 923,593 92,340 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 3,631,051 3,954,224 3,256,997 9,107 2,510 11,439 2,767 15,531 3,819 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 164 Detroit Transition Center - West Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total School Total 11,617 14,206 19,350 3,837,451 4,009,373 3,317,131 2008 Partners of Detroit Transition Center - West Gleaners Community Food Bank Senior Lawn Care Keidan Ed. Center Habitat for Humanity St. Dominick Outreach Ctr. Kroger Arts and Scraps Warehouse Avalon International Breads Galatian Missionarey Bapt. Church Society of St. Vincent DePaul Weight Watchers Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 165 Charles Wright School Mission The Academy of Arts and Science, in collaboration with parents, community, and school stakeholders, will successfully educate all students in achieving essential academic standards to be productive participants in a multicultural and global society. We are committed to educating all students in a state-of-the-art environment that is learner-centered, disciplined, clean, healthy and safe. Principal Address Sylvia Green 19299 Berg Road Detroit, Michigan 48219 AYP Met Phone (313) 538-3024 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 528-3049 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing PK 47 3 82 89.4 84.1 65.5 K 92 4 76 89.0 79.1 30.4 1 88 5 75 88.9 76.3 2 90 3 97 4 73 5 73 SP 59 Total: 98.8 Social Science 60.5 619 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 2.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 32.60 30.00 28.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Guidance Counselor 1.00 1.00 6.00 Other Support Staff Noon Time Aide 19.00 15.00 13.00 Total 55.60 48.00 49.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 1,534,406 657,474 70,072 1,883,869 814,093 8,035 1,633,691 749,649 32,819 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 2,261,952 2,705,997 2,416,159 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 105,209 49,481 60,822 0 0 177,178 91,908 58,838 2,500 0 156,412 93,640 76,877 1,560 41,778 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 215,512 330,424 370,267 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 166 Charles Wright School 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 529,570 223,815 3,190 592,338 264,784 7,800 612,255 286,409 9,500 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 756,575 864,922 908,164 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 30,490 8,430 47,426 16,311 20,970 5,156 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 38,919 63,737 26,126 Fund: 44 - CAPITAL PROJECTS 900000 - Restricted Control 9,371 0 0 Fund: 44 - CAPITAL PROJECTS Total 9,371 0 0 3,282,330 3,965,080 3,720,716 School Total 2008 Partners of Charles Wright School Jenkins Construction Apollo Market Target Corporation Home of Love Turner Construction Target Corporation Joseph Dobbins Jr. Greater Grace Temple Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 167 Heilmann Elementary School Mission The staff of Heilmann Park Elementary School is committed to providing all students environment in which every child has an opportunity to achieve academic excellence staff of Heilmann Elementary School in collaboration with home /community will work clean, safe environment focused on developing future stakeholders in an atmosphere appreciation of diversity. Principal Address Yvette Little 15510 E. State Fair Detroit, Michigan 48205 AYP Met Phone (313) 642-4854 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade a challenging, child-center learning through visionary leadership. The together to create an innovative, of teamwork, mutual respect, and (313) 642-4855 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing 68 3 86 90.0 87.3 67.3 K 139 4 55 77.7 64.2 23.2 1 158 5 53 63.0 56.5 2 144 3 131 4 109 PK SP Total: 70.7 Social Science 33.7 48 797 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 2.00 2.00 2.00 Teacher 32.40 31.40 33.00 1.00 1.00 8.00 Other Support Staff Noon Time Aide 18.00 18.00 15.00 Total 53.40 52.40 58.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 2,026,231 836,278 82,898 2,030,708 871,071 29,595 2,001,749 942,709 41,897 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 2,945,407 2,931,374 2,986,355 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 304,826 110,579 121,608 0 557,132 228,383 134,783 2,500 491,863 218,197 198,317 23,500 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 537,013 922,798 931,877 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 225,589 77,260 0 229,501 81,798 3,600 236,543 94,111 5,000 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 168 Heilmann Elementary School Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 302,848 314,899 335,654 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 23,943 5,191 21,555 5,384 20,970 5,156 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 29,134 26,939 26,126 3,814,402 4,196,010 4,280,012 School Total 2008 Partners of Heilmann Elementary School Detroit Community Initiative Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 169 Roberto Clemente Academy Mission A multicultural school whose mission is to provide an excellent education to all students in a physically and emotionally safe environment in partnership with our parents and community. Principal Address Helena Lazo 1551 Beard Street Detroit, Michigan 48209 AYP Met Phone (313) 849-3489 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment (313) 849-6304 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading 16 3 57 80.2 62.9 K 93 4 46 66.2 59.7 1 143 5 42 52.3 50.0 2 138 3 123 4 116 5 115 Grade PK SP Total: Science Writing Social Science 35.6 19.2 52.3 28.0 20 764 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 2.00 2.00 2.00 Teacher 37.00 38.00 36.00 Social Worker 0.00 0.00 0.00 Noon Time Aide 1.00 1.00 8.00 Other Support Staff 24.00 21.00 18.00 Total 64.00 62.00 64.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 2,134,201 838,578 70,601 2,606,189 1,027,168 9,183 2,434,083 1,039,385 40,214 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 3,043,380 3,642,540 3,513,682 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 400,959 199,346 226,156 2,740 0 568,963 340,691 429,170 6,294 0 577,564 324,571 191,321 13,588 37,516 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 829,201 1,345,119 1,144,560 72,651 31,250 1,192 173,086 75,890 2,400 125,327 52,740 4,000 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 170 Roberto Clemente Academy Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 105,093 251,376 182,067 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 34,234 9,504 25,911 6,268 31,848 7,830 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 43,738 32,179 39,678 4,021,412 5,271,213 4,879,987 School Total 2008 Partners of Roberto Clemente Academy Bridgepointe, Inc City Year Girl Scouts of America / Metro Detroit MCM Management Group Detroit Fellows Tutoring Project Boy Scouts of America Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 171 West Side Academy Alternative Education Mission It is the mission of West Side Alternative Academy to educate and facilitate academic achievement, personal responsibility and assimilation into society’s work place for a diverse and unique student population. By maintaining an educational and creative atmosphere for learning, we empower students to be lifelong learners with knowledge and problem solving skills , using research based strategies, alternative assessments, collaborative learning and ongoing professional development . We are guided by the belief that all students can learn and deserve a quality education. Education is a primary tool used to better our society. We are here to serve and support the community. Principal Address Andrea Ford-Ayler 1851 West Grand Blvd. Detroit, Michigan 48208 AYP Not Met Phone (313) 596-0776 Fax Email [email protected] (313) 596-0900 Restructuring for academic year 2009-2010 Enrollment Grade M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade 9 205 10 182 11 141 12 Total: English Math Reading Science Writing 9 Social Science 17.4 41 569 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 2.00 2.00 1.00 Teacher 26.00 31.00 25.00 Guidance Counselor 3.00 3.00 2.00 Social Worker 1.00 1.00 1.00 Noon Time Aide 0.00 0.00 3.00 Other Support Staff 22.00 22.00 20.00 Total 54.00 59.00 52.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget 903,453 362,425 57,485 100,626 682,165 281,169 34,242 200,558 541,415 264,577 29,416 0 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 1,423,989 1,198,135 835,408 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 1,325,136 541,000 231,312 0 0 1,722,042 742,747 184,524 22,960 0 1,694,529 797,062 245,993 29,484 43,057 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 2,097,448 2,672,273 2,810,125 144,976 145,732 145,732 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 172 West Side Academy Alternative Education 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 66,554 0 68,694 1,200 72,621 1,000 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 211,530 215,626 219,353 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 5,937 1,656 14,763 3,571 15,531 3,819 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 7,593 18,334 19,350 3,740,560 4,104,368 3,884,235 School Total 2008 Partners of West Side Academy Alternative Education Corporate Council - City of Detroit Detroit Parent Network Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 173 Neinas Elementary School Mission The mission of Neinas Elementary School is to provide students a welcoming learning community committed to high expectations and high achievement. The school provides excellence and equity for our school family, producing goal-oriented, responsible citizens. Principal Address Alberta Lyons 6021 McMillan Detroit, Michigan 48209 AYP Met Phone (313) 849-3701 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 849-4733 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing K 53 3 48 76.7 60.0 30.0 1 60 4 39 54.8 50.0 19.4 2 48 5 46 47.5 49.2 3 47 4 45 5 48 SP 37 Total: 59.0 Social Science 31.1 338 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 1.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 24.30 22.80 19.80 0.00 1.00 1.00 Nurse 1.00 1.00 3.00 Other Support Staff Noon Time Aide 19.00 15.00 14.00 Total 45.30 40.80 38.80 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 1,355,552 582,099 54,661 1,460,872 621,703 14,364 1,188,641 570,963 18,488 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 1,992,311 2,096,939 1,778,092 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 212,339 111,796 161,994 0 302,052 154,440 116,500 2,500 335,352 200,579 20,286 6,640 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 486,129 575,492 562,857 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 193,965 96,142 3,467 199,670 101,671 3,600 259,151 122,433 5,000 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 174 Neinas Elementary School Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 293,574 304,941 386,584 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 33,176 9,153 24,587 5,948 20,970 5,156 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 42,329 30,535 26,126 2,814,343 3,007,907 2,753,659 School Total 2008 Partners of Neinas Elementary School Children's Hospital of Michigan LaSalle Bank Detroit Institute of Arts Oakwood Hospital Vision Service Plan (VSP) Southwest Solutions Communities In Schools E & L Supermarket Greening of Detroit Bridgepointe, Inc Detroit Health Department Skillman Foundation SEMCOSH Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 175 Rutherford Elementary School Mission The staff of Clara W. Rutherford Academy will provide a strong academic foundation in a data driven, student-centered learning environment. Principal Address Miriam Adams 16411 Curtis Detroit, Michigan 48235 AYP Met Phone (313) 852-0709 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 852-0702 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading PK 17 3 80 72.6 83.6 K 46 4 48 66.3 63.0 1 53 5 42 31.3 45.5 2 58 3 66 4 77 5 75 SP 30 Total: Science Writing Social Science 46.6 19.6 59.7 27.3 422 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 1.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 29.00 24.00 21.00 1.00 1.00 4.00 Other Support Staff 20.00 18.00 16.00 Total 51.00 44.00 42.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 1,175,378 462,821 55,213 1,405,947 573,122 7,663 1,254,747 560,037 21,506 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 1,693,412 1,986,732 1,836,290 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 282,817 103,261 137,806 8,732 0 304,530 115,719 128,540 6,282 0 272,427 138,834 88,823 19,388 12,531 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 532,616 555,071 532,003 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 392,211 170,271 2,116 346,990 160,422 5,600 311,504 156,342 5,500 Noon Time Aide Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 176 Rutherford Elementary School Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 564,597 513,012 473,346 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 18,983 5,233 21,023 5,087 20,970 5,156 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 24,216 26,110 26,126 2,814,841 3,080,925 2,867,765 School Total 2008 Partners of Rutherford Elementary School The Yes Foundation William Beaumont Hospital Communities In Schools University of Michigan America Reads Sweet Dreamzz Fellowship Chapel College Park Community Association Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 177 Nichols Elementary School Mission The mission of the John F. Nichols Elementary/Middle School family is to guarantee that all of our students receive the highest quality education by involving parents, a highly qualified staff, employing state of the art technology, and inspiring a passion for learning that will prepare them to be successful high school students who will ultimately become contributing members of society. Principal Address Granada Peterson 3000 Burns Detroit, Michigan 48214 AYP Met Phone (313) 852-0800 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 852-8011 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing K 11 3 93 89.3 96.4 53.6 1 33 4 55 85.0 67.5 17.5 2 28 5 80 71.8 84.6 3 30 6 78 62.5 75.0 75.0 4 24 7 64 63.0 64.4 66.7 5 35 8 69 51.3 66.7 6 34 7 34 8 37 SP Total: 89.7 66.7 Social Science 82.1 70.0 79.5 29 295 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 1.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 16.20 16.00 14.50 1.00 1.00 3.00 Other Support Staff Noon Time Aide 12.00 10.00 11.00 Total 30.20 28.00 29.50 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget 875,169 366,756 40,506 916,452 380,854 4,978 855,304 384,668 15,410 1,282,431 1,302,284 1,255,382 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 238,302 84,847 42,558 800 278,232 123,812 46,354 53,095 261,400 104,598 91,591 500 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 366,507 501,493 458,089 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 207,029 211,385 210,298 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 178 Nichols Elementary School 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 79,522 3,363 93,630 4,600 95,557 5,500 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 289,915 309,615 311,355 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 23,720 6,575 22,284 5,390 15,531 3,819 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 30,295 27,674 19,350 1,969,148 2,141,066 2,044,176 School Total 2008 Partners of Nichols Elementary School Jefferson Avenue Presbyterian Church Globetronic Technology Inc St. John Health Systems The Ark Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 179 Detroit Lions Alternative Education Mission The Detroit Lions Academy, in collaboration with parents, stakeholders, and the community, believes in a data and success driven, student centered learning environment, in which students receive the educational, technological, and social support needed to equip them to become successful high school students and productive citizens. Principal Address Cheryl White 10101 East Canfield Detroit, Michigan 48214 AYP Not Met Phone (313) 852-9677 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 852-9676 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing 6 22 6 14 12.5 13.6 8.0 7 39 7 26 30.4 26.8 32.6 8 54 8 31 26.6 29.5 Total: 23.2 Social Science 10.0 23.8 115 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 1.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 7.00 7.00 7.00 Social Worker 1.00 1.00 0.00 Other Support Staff 7.00 4.00 7.00 16.00 13.00 15.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 310,969 152,167 0 225,822 118,344 0 153,206 92,853 6,943 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 463,136 344,166 253,002 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 462,917 173,110 61,347 0 0 529,589 225,952 64,868 0 3,649 533,946 255,729 112,781 1,520 0 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 697,374 824,058 903,976 72,998 31,720 73,216 31,266 0 0 Total Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 104,718 104,482 0 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 12,857 3,585 11,277 2,728 15,212 10,753 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 16,442 14,005 25,965 Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 180 Detroit Lions Alternative Education School Total 1,281,670 1,286,711 1,182,942 2008 Partners of Detroit Lions Alternative Education Costco, Inc. Envicare Consulting, Inc. Detroit Lions, Inc. Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 181 Oakman Elementary/Orthopedic School Mission The mission of Oakman School, in collaboration with the family /community, is to successfully educate each child in a clean, safe, healthy and nurturing learning environment to meet the requirements of the next grade level or placement . Through a data driven balanced curriculum, students will be empowered to become cooperative, independent thinkers. Principal Address Cheryl Price 12920 Wadsworth Detroit, Michigan 48227 AYP Met Phone (313) 873-9540 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 873-9525 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing PK 32 3 60 81.0 70.7 43.9 K 34 4 46 66.7 60.6 21.2 1 41 5 61 34.8 69.6 2 23 3 25 4 21 5 19 SP 67 Total: 56.5 Social Science 26.1 262 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 1.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 26.00 22.00 22.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 Nurse 1.00 1.00 3.00 Other Support Staff Noon Time Aide 30.00 26.00 26.00 Total 60.00 51.00 54.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget 745,180 340,317 29,979 674,565 293,437 5,262 673,022 318,809 14,612 1,115,475 973,264 1,006,443 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 0 0 139,143 0 0 96,304 56,772 138,393 13,952 0 44,426 36,327 182,307 500 17,636 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 139,143 305,421 281,196 1,773,796 827,400 1,798,978 868,076 1,689,697 817,812 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 182 Oakman Elementary/Orthopedic School 700000 - Other than Personal Services 44,015 45,310 46,480 2,645,211 2,712,365 2,553,989 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 22,932 6,340 16,263 3,934 20,970 5,156 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 29,273 20,197 26,126 3,929,102 4,011,247 3,867,754 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total School Total 2008 Partners of Oakman Elementary/Orthopedic School Third New Hope Baptist Church McDonald's Restaurant Corp. Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 183 Owen Academy Mission The mission of Owen Academy @ Pelham is to provide equitable, world-class, educational opportunities that are valued by our diverse population. Students will learn in a safe, healthy and effective learning environment through the collaborative commitment of students, family, school district staff and community partners in order to compete in a technologically advanced global society. Principal Address Calvin Patillo AYP Met 2001 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd Detroit, Michigan 48208 Phone (313) 596-3780 Email [email protected] Fax Enrollment Grade (313) 596-3783 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing K 20 3 42 73.7 45.0 15.8 1 30 4 17 44.7 35.1 5.1 2 17 5 26 3.1 37.5 3 22 6 24 20.8 40.4 20.8 4 13 7 40 13.5 37.7 35.8 5 26 8 18 13.7 17.3 6 25 7 26 8 17 SP 69 Total: 16.1 16.0 Social Science 12.9 27.1 17.6 265 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 1.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 25.00 24.50 18.50 Guidance Counselor 1.00 0.00 0.00 Nurse 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 Other Support Staff Noon Time Aide 23.00 19.00 20.00 Total 52.00 46.50 43.50 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 1,404,425 582,409 21,006 1,244,195 544,705 6,441 796,813 359,789 13,970 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 2,007,841 1,795,341 1,170,572 111,948 49,123 138,921 0 196,658 73,873 130,531 360 199,709 106,088 153,944 4,890 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 184 Owen Academy 800000 - Operating Expenses 0 0 4,962 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 299,992 401,422 469,593 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 612,693 273,275 7,663 720,724 350,818 9,400 766,553 387,426 12,500 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 893,631 1,080,942 1,166,479 87,346 70,386 77,452 62,302 79,343 43,095 157,733 139,754 122,438 3,359,196 3,417,459 2,929,082 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total School Total 2008 Partners of Owen Academy Leadership of the New Century Girl Scouts of America / Metro Detroit Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 185 Parker Elementary School Mission The mission of Parker Pre-K to 8 Elementary School, in partnership with parents and community, is to facilitate the academic and social growth of all students, enabling them to become productive citizens in a highly technical and rapidly changing society. Principal Address Ledora Scott 12744 Elmira Street Detroit, Michigan 48227 AYP Not Met Phone (313) 873-0260 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 873-7983 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing PK 19 3 34 47.5 41.7 16.7 K 35 4 34 56.6 47.2 5.7 1 41 5 39 57.7 50.0 2 44 6 36 18.7 40.0 3 51 7 65 64.5 61.8 4 49 8 46 25.0 47.8 5 39 6 53 7 52 8 SP Total: 34.6 Social Science 26.9 36.0 20.0 48.7 21.2 37.3 48 125 556 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 1.00 2.00 1.00 Teacher 26.00 34.00 27.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 Guidance Counselor 1.00 1.00 6.00 Other Support Staff Noon Time Aide 22.00 21.00 15.00 Total 51.00 58.00 49.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 2,000,152 754,611 55,650 1,913,436 760,649 14,144 1,424,717 646,516 27,938 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 2,810,413 2,688,229 2,099,171 Fund: 12 - GRANTS 700000 - Other than Personal Services 0 443 0 Fund: 12 - GRANTS Total 0 443 0 120,436 54,944 86,461 199,551 100,963 154,462 210,380 132,319 203,663 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 186 Parker Elementary School 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 0 0 2,500 1,164 13,410 0 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 261,841 458,640 559,772 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 905,790 369,636 9,199 771,232 307,373 18,500 652,315 314,702 19,300 1,284,625 1,097,105 986,317 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 18,866 5,223 23,523 6,030 20,970 5,156 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 24,089 29,553 26,126 4,380,967 4,273,969 3,671,386 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total School Total 2008 Partners of Parker Elementary School Brother-to-Brother Payless Shoes Mobile Dentist Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 187 Pasteur Elementary School Mission Pasteur Elementary School will successfully educate all of its students in a clean, safe and healthy learning environment by forming a school, home, and community partnership. We will provide opportunities for each student to reach his /her fullest potential in all seven of the Multiple Intelligence 's (Musical, Bodily/Kinesthetic, Logical/Mathematical, Linguistic, Spatial, Interpersonal, and Intrapersonal). Therefore, our students will become productive citizens in a global society as a result of a curriculum which promotes excellence and diversity. Principal Address Sharon Lawson 19811 Stoepel Detroit, Michigan 48221 AYP Met Phone (313) 494-7314 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 494-7313 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing PK 33 3 88 88.5 92.3 60.8 K 43 4 54 87.2 64.1 33.3 1 43 5 76 70.7 82.9 2 37 6 91 82.2 93.5 3 43 4 41 5 34 6 26 SP 39 Total: 87.8 Social Science 73.2 66.7 87.0 339 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 1.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 13.20 24.70 14.20 1.00 1.00 3.00 Other Support Staff 10.00 10.00 9.00 Total 25.20 36.70 27.20 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget 950,016 366,032 31,523 1,383,096 565,321 8,804 912,414 421,520 18,539 Noon Time Aide Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 1,347,572 1,957,221 1,352,473 Fund: 12 - GRANTS 700000 - Other than Personal Services 5,631 11,791 0 Fund: 12 - GRANTS Total 5,631 11,791 0 80,987 30,483 23,718 0 110,961 52,487 34,124 2,500 118,356 61,195 18,530 5,765 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 188 Pasteur Elementary School 800000 - Operating Expenses 0 800 22,001 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 135,188 200,872 225,847 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 181,027 63,796 2,322 181,757 67,062 6,000 183,859 74,145 6,500 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 247,146 254,819 264,504 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 12,239 3,372 11,407 2,760 15,531 3,819 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 15,611 14,167 19,350 1,751,147 2,438,871 1,862,174 School Total 2008 Partners of Pasteur Elementary School Building with Books Oak Grove AME Church New Prospect Baptist Church Pasteur Alumni Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 189 Priest Elementary School Mission The mission of Priest Elementary School is to produce a dynamic, culturally sensitive and diverse community of learners . Students will develop social and academic skills from challenging hands -on learning experiences necessary for high student achievement and making our students lifelong learners in a global society. In order to accomplish this, we involve all stakeholders: parents, students, staff and community. Principal Address Lisa Billop 7840 Wagner Detroit, Michigan 48210 AYP Not Met Phone (313) 849-3705 Fax Email [email protected] (313) 849-4824 Restructuring for academic year 2009-2010 Enrollment Grade M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing 85 3 61 74.1 67.0 37.6 K 175 4 47 74.7 57.3 21.6 1 159 5 35 57.3 43.2 2 138 3 135 4 122 5 92 6 66 SP 51 PK Total: 56.3 Social Science 23.0 1,023 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 3.00 3.00 3.00 Teacher 45.50 39.00 42.50 Guidance Counselor 1.00 1.00 0.00 Nurse 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 10.00 Other Support Staff Noon Time Aide 29.00 30.00 31.00 Total 79.50 74.00 87.50 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 2,813,998 1,190,214 98,947 2,605,332 1,102,849 14,162 2,882,551 1,316,040 53,423 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 4,103,159 3,722,343 4,252,014 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 435,225 181,717 125,817 9,490 0 699,966 380,560 278,957 33,750 720 656,367 376,904 91,089 5,198 13,755 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 752,249 1,393,953 1,143,313 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 190 Priest Elementary School Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 200,470 98,097 4,209 192,260 100,338 4,600 202,067 116,296 6,000 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 302,776 297,198 324,363 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 71,897 19,904 50,822 12,463 58,257 14,323 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 91,801 63,285 72,580 5,249,986 5,476,779 5,792,270 School Total 2008 Partners of Priest Elementary School MGM Grand - Detroit Crusaders Team Community and Schools Dreamzone After School Fed-Ex United Way w/Southeastern MI/Comm. & Schools Center for Peace and Conflict Studies Family Resource Center Let's Help Out Detroit Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 191 Pulaski Elementary School Mission The Casimir Pulaski School staff, students and community are, “On time, on task, and on a mission”! Our mission is to increase student achievement and performance so that our students are prepared for their next level. We will create a learning environment that provides every student an equal opportunity to achieve their individual potential. The educational process will take place within a clean, safe and healthy environment. Principal Address Ethel Jones 19725 Strasburg Detroit, Michigan 48205 AYP Not Met Phone (313) 866-7022 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 866-7011 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing K 51 3 54 85.1 62.7 28.4 1 67 4 53 71.7 61.7 25.0 2 67 5 27 40.8 33.3 3 73 6 76 73.3 76.7 65.5 4 62 7 55 63.2 49.3 64.9 5 54 8 76 73.2 76.0 6 52 7 66 8 60 SP Total: 39.4 68.1 Social Science 15.7 45.2 67.7 60 612 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 2.00 2.00 1.00 Teacher 29.00 29.00 24.00 Guidance Counselor 1.00 2.00 1.00 Noon Time Aide 1.00 1.00 6.00 Other Support Staff 26.00 21.00 19.00 Total 59.00 55.00 51.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 1,947,409 820,248 52,170 2,059,949 853,442 10,938 1,551,840 717,205 30,626 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group 2,819,828 2,924,329 2,299,671 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 364,057 159,246 142,618 2,385 468,759 227,047 114,960 6,350 401,697 226,541 25,317 0 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 668,306 817,116 653,555 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 192 Pulaski Elementary School 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 244,273 107,407 2,668 265,077 121,508 3,600 270,974 133,287 6,000 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 354,348 390,185 410,261 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 27,402 7,543 15,763 3,813 20,970 5,156 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 34,946 19,576 26,126 3,877,427 4,151,206 3,389,613 School Total 2008 Partners of Pulaski Elementary School Lord of the Harvest Christian Fellowship Detroit Community Initiative Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 193 Robinson Middle School Mission The mission of Remus Robinson Middle School is to produce independently motivated learners that meet or exceed the national, state and local student achievement/performance standards. They will make a successful transition to high school by utilizing a data-driven curriculum through integrating academic preparation, responsible social development, and career awareness in a safe, unified, consistent, challenging and caring environment. Principal Address Sharon Lee 13000 Essex Detroit, Michigan 48215 AYP Not Met Phone (313) 866-5500 Fax Email [email protected] (313) 866-5580 Restructuring for academic year 2009-2010 Enrollment Grade M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing PK 34 6 48 42.4 50.0 37.3 K 43 7 43 55.0 41.0 53.6 1 48 8 45 41.8 44.1 2 41 3 40 4 34 5 32 6 68 7 73 8 SP Total: 44.8 Social Science 40.9 49.5 69 114 596 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 1.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 30.00 24.00 28.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 Guidance Counselor 0.00 0.00 6.00 Other Support Staff Noon Time Aide 21.00 18.00 16.00 Total 53.00 44.00 51.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 1,402,243 571,702 11,625 1,182,927 462,551 8,031 1,349,707 624,550 28,070 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 1,985,570 1,653,509 2,002,327 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 226,516 71,627 81,095 0 283,389 107,918 68,792 2,500 266,941 111,954 26,942 7,313 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 379,237 462,598 413,150 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 194 Robinson Middle School Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 687,774 297,478 800 711,329 316,127 7,900 631,994 307,881 11,700 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 986,053 1,035,356 951,575 96,854 86,907 96,139 105,004 86,497 109,848 183,761 201,143 196,345 3,534,621 3,352,606 3,563,397 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total School Total 2008 Partners of Robinson Middle School Mosaic Youth Theatre Project Seed Creekside Community Development Corp. St. John Community Health Investment Corporation Creekside Community Development Corp. Southeastern Village (SEV) Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 195 Garvey Academy Mission The mission/vision of the Marcus Moziah Garvey Academy is to provide a high performing educational environment that emphasizes global learning and community service in an African centered K -8 learning and nurturing environment. Our schools goal is to prepare our students to be competent, productive citizens and lifelong learners in a technological, global 21st century society. Principal Address James Hearn 7701 Sylvester Detroit, Michigan 48214 AYP Met Phone (313) 866-5770 Fax Email [email protected] (313) 866-8384 Restructuring for academic year 2009-2010 Enrollment Grade 2009 Enrollment M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient Grade English Math Reading 3 91 100.0 100.0 45.5 4 90 90.9 100.0 28.6 5 82 63.3 82.8 6 59 65.5 63.0 44.4 7 96 71.4 88.0 87.5 8 83 89.2 76.3 Total: Science 89.7 91.4 Writing Social Science 71.4 59.3 63.9 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 1.00 1.00 2.00 Teacher 13.50 12.00 26.50 Guidance Counselor 1.00 0.50 1.00 Noon Time Aide 1.00 1.00 8.00 Other Support Staff 11.00 11.00 14.00 Total 27.50 25.50 51.50 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget 981,812 407,574 27,685 822,258 348,223 7,279 1,771,654 931,426 41,762 1,417,071 1,177,760 2,744,842 72,318 23,625 97,260 0 0 123,657 71,958 165,216 0 12,016 148,848 69,904 124,468 1,000 0 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 193,203 372,847 344,220 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 334,491 144,993 3,772 343,046 141,799 5,400 352,405 182,197 7,000 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 196 Garvey Academy Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 483,256 490,245 541,602 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 19,080 5,232 16,263 3,934 44,970 14,436 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 24,312 20,197 59,406 2,117,843 2,061,050 3,690,070 School Total 2008 Partners of Garvey Academy Exam Experts Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 197 Jemison School of Choice Mission The mission of the Mae C. Jemison Academy is to develop a clean, safe, and healthy student-centered learning environment in which our students are intrinsically motivated to become lifelong learners and productive members of the community. The faculty and staff are committed to providing a challenging and stimulating educational experience that is designed to promote success for all of our students. Principal Address Sheila Jenkins 16400 Tireman Detroit, Michigan 48228 AYP Met Phone (313) 584-5525 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 584-4807 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing PK 47 3 67 73.4 74.6 34.2 K 58 4 43 69.1 51.5 16.4 1 60 5 37 46.6 44.8 2 59 6 47 49.4 55.2 28.7 3 59 7 58 48.1 51.9 52.9 4 56 8 71 41.4 70.2 5 44 6 51 7 41 8 44 SP 76 Total: 38.1 47.5 Social Science 24.2 42.5 58.6 595 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 2.00 2.00 1.00 Teacher 39.00 35.50 28.40 1.00 1.00 0.50 Guidance Counselor 1.00 1.00 6.00 Other Support Staff Noon Time Aide 20.00 17.00 14.00 Total 63.00 56.50 49.90 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 2,227,777 889,070 63,622 2,050,679 814,544 5,525 1,496,776 720,400 29,810 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 3,180,469 2,870,748 2,246,986 Fund: 12 - GRANTS 700000 - Other than Personal Services 0 6,006 0 Fund: 12 - GRANTS Total 0 6,006 0 191,628 81,005 322,505 146,535 234,810 129,175 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 198 Jemison School of Choice 700000 - Other than Personal Services 76,726 204,063 50,787 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 349,359 673,103 414,772 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 604,270 255,073 8,897 649,335 310,682 9,600 555,112 260,929 7,000 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 868,240 969,617 823,041 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 13,208 3,638 18,537 4,655 20,651 4,090 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 16,847 23,192 24,741 Fund: 44 - CAPITAL PROJECTS 900000 - Restricted Control 146,580 0 0 Fund: 44 - CAPITAL PROJECTS Total 146,580 0 0 4,561,494 4,542,667 3,509,540 School Total 2008 Partners of Jemison School of Choice Chrysler Corp Beyond Basics Wayne State University Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 199 Blackwell Institute Mission The staff of the Catherine C. Blackwell Institute of International Studies, Commerce and Technology is committed to high academic standards and student achievement. Within a student -centered environment, the staff will guide students to solve problems independently and cooperatively, think critically and creatively, communicate effectively, use technology and interpret data competently, demonstrate social, civic and personal wellness responsibilities, display global awareness and cross-cultural understanding of lifelong learners, to be prepared for success as high school students and productive citizens within the community. Principal Address Patricia Hines 9330 Shoemaker Detroit, Michigan 48213 AYP Met Phone (313) 866-4391 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 866-4386 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing PK 34 3 42 42.6 52.8 K 90 4 35 63.0 48.1 1 89 5 56 27.8 66.7 2 78 6 63 50.0 67.5 51.3 3 88 7 59 47.8 51.3 60.0 4 69 8 55 45.3 50.9 5 76 6 94 7 94 8 88 SP Total: Social Science 22.2 18.5 59.3 45.3 42.6 46.2 50.0 54 854 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 2.00 1.00 2.00 Teacher 28.50 24.00 31.00 Guidance Counselor 2.00 2.00 1.00 Noon Time Aide 1.00 1.00 9.00 Other Support Staff 14.00 14.00 15.00 Total 47.50 42.00 58.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 2,038,186 816,888 61,130 4,008 1,890,351 799,534 13,584 0 2,209,644 1,003,296 42,242 0 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 2,920,213 2,703,469 3,255,182 288,659 105,318 394,683 162,417 272,571 165,850 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 200 Blackwell Institute 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 89,864 1,296 0 161,310 1,495 0 180,370 0 15,977 485,137 719,905 634,768 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 73,077 31,838 731 134,847 58,858 1,200 134,847 55,081 2,000 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 105,647 194,905 191,928 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 20,810 5,736 11,939 3,057 20,970 5,156 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 26,546 14,996 26,126 3,537,543 3,633,275 4,108,004 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total School Total 2008 Partners of Blackwell Institute Safe Center Triangle Hardware Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 201 Sampson Academy Mission The Sampson-Webber local school community will educate every child in the areas of reading, writing, mathematics, social studies and social behaviors to be successfully prepared for high school using research based learning strategies and defining decisions utilizing student performance data. Principal Address Alvin Wood 4700 Tireman Detroit, Michigan 48204 AYP Met Phone (313) 596-4757 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 596-4756 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing PK 16 3 56 66.1 63.2 32.2 K 44 4 43 62.7 47.5 13.3 1 45 5 40 44.8 40.7 2 56 6 34 46.5 37.2 3 52 7 63 68.3 63.9 4 40 8 49 72.2 49.3 5 44 6 35 7 46 8 37 SP 58 Total: 50.8 Social Science 32.2 45.5 43.2 59.3 37.3 45.7 473 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 2.00 2.00 1.00 Teacher 32.00 32.00 22.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 Guidance Counselor 1.00 1.00 5.00 Other Support Staff Noon Time Aide 15.00 27.00 25.00 Total 50.00 62.00 54.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 1,941,328 786,994 56,613 1,948,638 792,360 13,025 1,343,370 586,247 23,954 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 2,784,936 2,754,023 1,953,571 86,033 43,244 86,358 0 357,049 194,445 108,458 2,500 376,762 254,703 124,194 17,300 215,634 662,452 772,959 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 202 Sampson Academy 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 351,927 157,496 3,796 354,711 170,427 9,400 301,067 146,811 12,000 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 513,219 534,538 459,878 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 85,548 73,593 416 92,044 92,737 0 90,285 116,858 0 159,557 184,781 207,143 3,673,345 4,135,794 3,393,551 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total School Total 2008 Partners of Sampson Academy St. Stephen A.M.E. Church McDonald's Restaurant Corp. Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 203 Detroit Day School for the Deaf Mission The mission of the Detroit Day School for the Deaf is to provide our deaf and hard of hearing students with individualized and appropriate educational, social and personal experiences which will maximize their academic development, promote positive self-concept, increase awareness of cultural diversity and prepare them to meet the demands of higher education and/or the world of work in the 21st century. We believe when students are exposed to an early, consistent and fully accessible communicative environment and challenged by high expectations, they can acquire information and academic and social skills necessary to participate in deaf and hearing communities. Principal Address Candance Apple 4555 John C. Lodge Detroit, Michigan 48201 AYP Not Met Phone (313) 494-1803 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment SP Total: (313) 494-2391 Grade 36 5 36 6 English Math Reading Science Writing Social Science 7 8 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 1.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 13.00 12.00 10.00 Other Support Staff 24.00 24.00 18.00 Total 38.00 37.00 29.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget 68,832 35,640 0 0 0 0 104,472 0 0 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 15,381 3,981 12,535 0 0 11,885 2,875 16,677 0 0 0 0 10,590 1,215 39,897 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 31,898 31,437 51,702 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 1,731,985 732,021 16,352 1,649,069 739,835 19,093 1,574,241 741,994 19,600 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 2,480,359 2,407,998 2,335,835 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 204 Detroit Day School for the Deaf 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 14,643 4,064 16,231 3,927 15,531 3,819 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 18,707 20,158 19,350 2,635,435 2,459,593 2,406,887 School Total 2008 Partners of Detroit Day School for the Deaf Wayne State University Holley Ear Institute MADHH Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 205 Detroit School of Arts Mission The Detroit School of Arts provides a unique, specialized, challenging, integrated academic and arts education designed to produce proficient graduates equipped to succeed in a global society. Principal Address Denise Davis-Cotton 123 Selden Street Detroit, Michigan 48201 AYP Not Met Phone (313) 494-6000 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade 9 193 10 178 11 179 12 188 SP 33 Total: (313) 494-2021 English Math Reading Science Writing 9 Social Science 58.4 771 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 3.00 3.00 3.00 Teacher 46.00 41.50 45.50 Guidance Counselor 1.00 2.00 2.00 Noon Time Aide 1.00 1.00 11.00 Other Support Staff 22.00 16.00 11.00 Total 73.00 63.50 72.50 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 3,084,786 1,251,862 108,251 2,997,370 1,226,520 10,710 3,051,108 1,363,664 55,259 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group 4,444,899 4,234,600 4,470,031 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 247,178 109,389 72,586 0 0 497,981 213,722 172,673 2,500 0 380,784 181,278 81,098 8,340 2,632 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 429,153 886,876 654,132 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 286,662 133,535 737 275,083 139,331 1,000 354,377 174,784 0 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 420,934 415,414 529,161 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 206 Detroit School of Arts 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 39,880 11,080 38,850 10,608 31,848 7,830 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 50,960 49,458 39,678 5,345,946 5,586,348 5,693,002 School Total 2008 Partners of Detroit School of Arts Detroit Symphony Orchestra Black Family Development Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 207 Schulze Elementary School Mission Schulze creates a center of excellence through collaboration and cooperation with all stakeholders. Our child -centered environment is based on high student achievement - all students are empowered to become successful problem -solvers, academically, and socially prepared to function in a global society. Schulze provides a high quality, technology-based experience where all children learn to read and read to learn. Principal Address Brenda Lyons 10700 Santa Maria Detroit, Michigan 48221 AYP Not Met Phone (313) 340-4400 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 340-4401 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing PK 34 3 69 78.7 72.3 38.3 K 67 4 63 86.3 73.7 29.5 1 80 5 47 55.3 55.8 2 79 6 40 47.9 42.5 3 72 4 63 5 75 6 64 SP 71 Total: 58.1 Social Science 36.0 35.6 31.5 605 Position Summary FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Other Support Staff 5.00 3.00 0.00 Total 5.00 3.00 0.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 12 - GRANTS 700000 - Other than Personal Services 1,353 8,196 0 Fund: 12 - GRANTS Total 1,353 8,196 0 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 0 0 1,023 0 17,108 4,207 2,437 16,748 0 0 0 0 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 1,023 40,500 0 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 700000 - Other than Personal Services 1,999 4,550 3,300 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 1,999 4,550 3,300 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 5,675 1,573 20,584 8,125 0 0 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 7,247 28,709 0 Staffing Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 208 Schulze Elementary School School Total 11,623 81,955 3,300 2008 Partners of Schulze Elementary School Chamber Music Society of Detroit Lewis College of Business Mobile Dentist Unknown Gordan Food Service YES! Foundation Pizza Hut ALLSTATE Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 209 Sherrill Elementary School Mission Collaboratively working with staff, parents and business partners, our mission is to provide a student -centered environment that is data-based, culturally rich in the fine arts and technology and one that produces students who are lifelong learners and advocates for social justice. Principal Address Maxine Hankins-Cain 7300 Garden Detroit, Michigan 48204 AYP Met Phone (313) 873-6722 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 873-6411 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing PK 32 3 69 84.6 74.4 44.7 K 38 4 15 56.3 35.4 2.0 1 40 5 11 22.0 18.9 2 40 6 63 61.1 58.3 3 33 7 76 81.6 76.3 4 36 8 41 34.9 37.2 5 42 6 42 7 22 8 20 SP 97 Total: 30.0 Social Science 7.5 56.8 56.8 73.7 46.5 46.5 442 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 1.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 28.00 24.00 23.50 0.00 0.00 0.50 Guidance Counselor 1.00 1.00 4.00 Other Support Staff Noon Time Aide 13.00 16.00 14.00 Total 43.00 42.00 43.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 1,436,127 558,438 43,643 1,309,096 534,460 9,952 1,147,827 478,400 22,466 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 2,038,208 1,853,508 1,648,693 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 298,739 109,574 41,332 0 0 286,309 122,626 72,875 2,500 0 275,508 129,541 113,037 0 71,005 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 449,645 484,310 589,091 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 210 Sherrill Elementary School Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 541,595 217,050 5,523 574,388 224,992 9,200 576,372 283,713 12,500 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 764,167 808,580 872,585 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 21,824 6,062 16,263 3,934 20,970 5,156 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 27,886 20,197 26,126 3,279,907 3,166,594 3,136,495 School Total 2008 Partners of Sherrill Elementary School Artesian & Associates Central CME Church LSCO Parent Advocate Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 211 Ronald Brown Academy Mission To provide a supportive, safe, clean and well-maintained positive educational environment. To establish a learning environment that encourages excellence from our students. We will provide instruction that is enhanced with the highest quality of instructional procedures, strategies, materials and technology based on data that will prepare our students to be competitive with our global counterparts. Principal Address Nancy Ross 11530 East Outer Drive Detroit, Michigan 48224 AYP Met Phone (313) 886-2611 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 886-2860 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing 63 3 89 93.5 94.0 66.7 K 125 4 61 92.0 65.2 32.8 1 157 5 69 71.9 62.7 2 150 6 75 76.3 76.4 3 142 4 131 5 112 6 108 PK SP Total: 77.0 Social Science 59.5 70.8 90.8 71 1,059 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Teacher 0.00 1.00 0.00 Other Support Staff 1.00 0.00 1.00 Total 1.00 1.00 1.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 23,114 18,074 0 0 0 0 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 41,188 0 0 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 60,639 19,650 0 37,847 17,830 4,800 18,995 11,683 6,000 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 80,289 60,477 36,678 121,477 60,477 36,678 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group School Total 2008 Partners of Ronald Brown Academy Mr. Jermaine Jackson Lucky Greens St. John's Hospital Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 212 Academy of The Americas Mission The staff, parents and community of the Academy of the Americas are committed to creating a clean, safe and nurturing learning environment for all students, parents and staff. A multicultural, developmentally appropriate curriculum, with emphasis on the cultures of the Americas, will empower students to become respectful and responsible citizens who will achieve academic excellence and literacy in the Spanish and English languages. AYP Met Principal Address 5680 Konkel Street Detroit, Michigan 48210 Phone (313) 596-7640 Fax (313) 596-7652 Email Enrollment Grade M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing PK 32 3 48 96.0 60.0 25.3 K 64 4 50 76.5 63.2 16.2 1 88 5 12 46.1 12.0 2 82 6 53 44.8 53.4 56.1 3 75 7 71 68.0 66.7 76.0 4 70 8 80 68.9 78.1 5 67 6 72 7 59 8 59 SP 15 Total: 73.0 71.6 Social Science 35.1 52.6 74.0 683 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 2.00 2.00 1.00 Teacher 36.00 34.50 26.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 Guidance Counselor 1.00 1.00 7.00 Other Support Staff Noon Time Aide 21.00 18.00 18.00 Total 61.00 56.50 53.50 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 2,231,318 917,611 73,376 2,347,040 935,972 19,929 1,630,589 796,213 34,034 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 3,222,305 3,302,941 2,460,836 Fund: 12 - GRANTS 700000 - Other than Personal Services 0 2,457 0 Fund: 12 - GRANTS Total 0 2,457 0 257,637 136,349 422,252 233,774 386,483 210,729 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 213 Academy of The Americas 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 35,414 0 0 43,664 2,500 4,335 40,324 0 0 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 429,400 706,525 637,536 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 120,905 43,281 275 135,548 49,510 2,400 62,331 22,339 2,000 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 164,461 187,458 86,670 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 29,166 8,081 21,087 5,101 26,409 6,493 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 37,248 26,188 32,902 3,853,413 4,225,569 3,217,944 School Total 2008 Partners of Academy of The Americas International Institute University of Mich. Stu Rankin City Year Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 214 Thirkell Elementary School Mission At Thirkell Elementary School, we believe that learning is a lifelong collaborative process. We are dedicated to meeting the challenges of providing support and cooperation to all community stakeholders. Our child -centered approach and family community involvement encourages all students to understand and enjoy the learning process in a safe, secure, caring, and nurturing environment. We believe that students will be motivated to embrace and assume responsibility for their own learning so that they will become productive citizens and will be able to compete in a global society. Principal Address Clara Smith 7724 14th Street Detroit, Michigan 48206 AYP Met Phone (313) 596-0990 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 596-0982 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing PK 31 3 71 76.8 82.1 32.9 K 62 4 92 100.0 95.5 62.7 1 64 5 74 84.1 72.8 2 82 3 66 4 77 5 52 SP 52 Total: 92.6 Social Science 66.7 486 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 2.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 28.20 25.20 21.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Social Worker 1.00 1.00 5.00 Other Support Staff Noon Time Aide 17.00 16.00 21.00 Total 49.20 44.20 49.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 1,568,958 647,297 69,101 1,558,481 682,503 22,847 1,314,780 604,573 26,036 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 2,285,357 2,263,831 1,945,389 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 180,806 65,411 203,532 0 288,182 215,768 227,244 2,500 243,332 143,209 291,542 1,000 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 449,748 733,694 679,083 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 295,192 310,839 310,988 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 215 Thirkell Elementary School 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 136,458 429 150,285 7,000 172,014 8,500 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 432,079 468,124 491,502 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 25,426 7,033 21,055 5,094 26,409 6,493 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 32,459 26,149 32,902 3,199,644 3,491,798 3,148,876 School Total 2008 Partners of Thirkell Elementary School Henry Ford Health System Beyond Basics Union Grace Missionary Baptist Church Diffield Library Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 216 Trix Elementary School Mission The mission of John Trix Elementary School is to develop a customer and data driven, African-centered learning environment in which students are motivated to become lifelong learners and productive citizens. Trix is committed to providing students, teachers and support staff with facilities that are conducive to teaching and learning. Principal Address Denise Booker 13700 Bringard Detroit, Michigan 48205 AYP Not Met Phone (313) 852-8644 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 866-8655 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing K 46 3 44 97.1 47.1 18.8 1 50 4 56 87.5 71.9 12.5 2 52 5 21 55.2 25.0 3 42 6 34 40.0 28.3 4 51 7 40 49.1 39.6 5 48 8 40 73.3 28.9 6 22 7 26 8 18 SP Total: 32.1 Social Science 39.3 40.9 22.7 45.3 13.3 46.7 53 408 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 1.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 19.40 15.00 16.00 1.00 1.00 4.00 Other Support Staff Noon Time Aide 15.00 9.00 10.00 Total 36.40 26.00 31.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 1,312,316 572,397 45,086 983,978 454,940 1,264 1,132,398 560,570 20,834 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 1,929,800 1,440,181 1,713,802 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 16,572 6,080 104,870 3,000 226,013 123,161 32,672 24,500 115,028 71,550 49,346 4,000 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 130,523 406,346 239,924 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 136,658 66,954 138,988 70,272 147,628 76,618 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 217 Trix Elementary School 700000 - Other than Personal Services 3,363 3,600 5,000 206,974 212,860 229,246 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 22,381 6,214 16,263 3,934 20,970 5,156 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 28,595 20,197 26,126 2,295,891 2,079,584 2,209,098 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total School Total 2008 Partners of Trix Elementary School Proctor & Gamble Detroit Hurricanes Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 218 Van Zile Elementary School Mission The Van Zile Collaborative Community dedicates itself to addressing students’ needs by enhancing their intellect , developing character, and uplifting their spirit through instruction which focuses on African centered education. We aim to provide students with educational opportunities that will instill the skills necessary to promote successful, independent, and innovative thinkers in a global technological society. Principal Address Marva Johnson 2915 East Outer Drive Detroit, Michigan 48234 AYP Met Phone (313) 368-8444 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 368-1507 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing PK 16 3 65 79.8 72.7 40.8 K 74 4 43 80.2 56.3 12.5 1 103 2 95 3 95 4 92 SP Total: Social Science 30 505 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 1.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 23.00 25.50 24.50 Guidance Counselor 0.00 0.50 1.00 Noon Time Aide 1.00 1.00 5.00 Other Support Staff 17.00 19.00 17.00 Total 42.00 47.00 48.50 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 1,802,271 695,705 55,159 1,474 1,667,467 651,998 10,231 0 1,522,926 617,290 27,005 0 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 2,554,609 2,329,696 2,167,221 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 178,050 70,614 148,067 0 0 409,959 245,842 115,535 7,347 0 359,576 226,526 106,063 6,000 31,564 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 396,731 778,683 729,729 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 222,435 328,872 332,376 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 219 Van Zile Elementary School 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 101,987 1,789 147,463 4,600 154,463 5,500 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 326,212 480,935 492,339 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 22,415 6,193 16,101 3,895 20,651 12,090 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 28,608 19,996 32,741 3,306,160 3,609,310 3,422,030 School Total 2008 Partners of Van Zile Elementary School Boys and Girls Bible Club of Detroit Michigan Army National Guard The League of Michigan Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 220 Vernor Elementary School Mission The mission of James E. Vernor Elementary, the premier Detroit Public School of Choice, is to ensure that students make a successful transition into the intermediate grades. We hope that students will ease into this transition thanks to an inclusive academic preparation with high expectations in a caring, collaborative environment. Principal Address Elizabeth Nevels 13726 Pembroke Detroit, Michigan 48235 AYP Met Phone (313) 494-7342 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 494-7341 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing PK 17 3 62 74.5 73.3 31.9 K 24 4 84 84.3 88.2 68.6 1 43 5 77 76.6 87.2 2 42 6 66 71.2 69.5 3 40 4 40 5 41 6 39 SP 38 Total: 89.4 Social Science 57.4 69.5 66.1 324 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 1.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 15.20 13.20 13.20 Guidance Counselor 0.50 0.00 0.00 Noon Time Aide 0.00 0.00 3.00 Other Support Staff 13.00 12.00 10.00 Total 29.70 26.20 27.20 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 1,099,218 409,975 35,774 904,291 347,496 116 892,290 400,821 19,024 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group 1,544,967 1,251,903 1,312,135 Fund: 12 - GRANTS 700000 - Other than Personal Services 7,608 58,542 0 Fund: 12 - GRANTS Total 7,608 58,542 0 64,660 45,918 4,998 0 0 114,206 61,109 3,052 2,500 0 83,467 57,358 106,623 0 49,894 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 221 Vernor Elementary School Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 115,577 180,868 297,342 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 217,205 88,035 44 217,548 92,439 3,600 217,548 97,291 5,000 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 305,284 313,587 319,839 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 23,461 5,341 16,263 3,934 20,970 5,156 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 28,803 20,197 26,126 2,002,238 1,825,098 1,955,442 School Total 2008 Partners of Vernor Elementary School Brightmoor Alliance Girl Scouts of America / Metro Detroit Mobile Dentist Boy Scouts of America Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 222 Vetal Elementary School Mission The mission of Vetal Elementary School is to provide a free, quality public education to all of its students and to offer a comprehensive and competitive education as a commitment to current and future generations of lifelong learners who can be successful in a global society. Principal Address Eric George 14200 Westwood Detroit, Michigan 48223 AYP Not Met Phone (313) 852-0710 Fax Email [email protected] (313) 852-0771 Restructuring for academic year 2009-2010 Enrollment Grade M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing PK 34 3 38 62.1 51.9 7.1 K 32 4 33 66.7 43.3 10.0 1 31 5 57 62.1 72.4 2 23 6 54 54.1 59.7 30.6 3 33 7 40 48.9 39.2 40.4 4 25 8 39 55.6 40.4 5 28 6 53 7 66 8 60 SP 89 Total: 33.3 19.4 Social Science 10.3 64.3 33.3 474 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 2.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 30.00 28.50 21.50 1.00 0.00 1.00 Guidance Counselor Social Worker 1.00 1.00 0.00 Noon Time Aide 1.00 1.00 5.00 Other Support Staff 19.40 14.40 15.00 Total 54.40 45.90 43.50 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 1,677,537 702,942 41,226 1,366,162 603,925 8,167 1,131,045 538,359 24,002 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 2,421,704 1,978,254 1,693,406 178,652 85,876 81,207 0 419,177 213,714 176,014 17,448 333,678 195,938 167,580 5,550 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 223 Vetal Elementary School Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 345,735 826,352 702,746 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 545,801 256,656 9,373 466,419 228,569 10,800 481,792 220,139 13,000 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 811,831 705,788 714,931 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 33,631 9,287 25,496 6,167 26,409 6,493 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 42,918 31,663 32,902 3,622,188 3,542,057 3,143,985 School Total 2008 Partners of Vetal Elementary School Learning for Life Wayne State School of Medicine Greening of Detroit Brightmoor Alliance University of Detroit Mercy University of Michigan Ginsbarg Center Drug Free Schools Second Step Black Caucus Foundation of Michigan Development Centers, Inc. The Detroit Project - University of Michigan Lenscrafters: Gift of Sight program University of Michigan Ginsbarg Center Dream Zone Michigan Comprehensive Service Network Fresh Start Development Center Main Library Girl Scouts of America / Metro Detroit Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 224 Detroit Transition Center - East Mission The Detroit Transition Center-East believes that all students have the capacity to learn and will learn based on the instruction provided by their instructors. We believe the atmosphere of care and concern, structure and clear expectations for student’s behavior and student’s achievement is the number one priority for our center. We believe that all of our students will meet the challenges to compete in the 21st Century using knowledge acquired. Principal Address Julia Purkett 13000 Dequindre Detroit, Michigan 48212 AYP Phone (313) 252-3059 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment SP Total: (313) 866-0671 Grade English Math Reading Science Writing Social Science 235 235 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 1.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 35.00 35.00 32.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Guidance Counselor Nurse 1.00 1.00 1.00 Noon Time Aide 0.00 0.00 0.00 Other Support Staff 43.00 45.00 35.00 Total 81.00 83.00 70.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 137,779 78,703 0 0 0 0 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group 216,482 0 0 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 0 0 24,730 0 20,431 4,942 7,833 0 0 0 44,726 75,235 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 24,730 33,206 119,961 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 3,342,250 1,574,969 103,270 3,402,627 1,698,555 123,646 3,193,199 1,601,938 126,371 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 5,020,490 5,224,828 4,921,508 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 16,658 4,667 14,601 3,532 20,651 12,090 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 21,325 18,133 32,741 Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 225 Detroit Transition Center - East School Total 5,283,028 5,276,167 5,074,210 2008 Partners of Detroit Transition Center - East Henry Ford Hospital Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 226 Wayne Elementary School Mission Wayne Elementary School will provide effective, powerful and educational learning experiences which will develop the “whole child” in a clean, safe and orderly environment. Staff will deliver content that is relevant to students’ lives so that each and every student will understand the importance and practicality of their education. Students will develop skills that will make them marketable in our global society. Principal Address Theresa Matthews 10633 Courville Detroit, Michigan 48224 AYP Met Phone (313) 866-0400 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 866-2022 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing PK 32 3 76 78.9 80.6 39.7 K 49 4 73 87.1 78.6 30.4 1 52 5 78 79.0 82.5 2 58 3 62 4 50 5 43 SP 52 Total: 66.7 Social Science 61.9 398 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 2.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 28.00 23.50 17.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Guidance Counselor 1.00 1.00 4.00 Other Support Staff Noon Time Aide 15.00 15.00 12.00 Total 47.00 41.50 35.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 1,602,121 702,207 59,206 1,375,133 626,561 8,400 1,034,781 511,157 21,548 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 2,363,535 2,010,094 1,567,486 Fund: 12 - GRANTS 700000 - Other than Personal Services 0 5,999 0 Fund: 12 - GRANTS Total 0 5,999 0 252,335 133,938 42,603 0 0 391,801 238,731 67,845 4,809 0 308,285 177,428 97,193 10,375 38,416 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 227 Wayne Elementary School Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 428,875 703,186 631,697 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 284,569 127,930 3,403 399,561 189,552 4,800 310,520 142,075 6,000 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 415,902 593,913 458,595 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 20,798 5,704 9,939 2,404 15,531 3,819 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 26,502 12,343 19,350 3,234,813 3,325,534 2,677,128 School Total 2008 Partners of Wayne Elementary School Lens Crafters Johnny Mac's Cookie Factory YES Foundation Unique's Dance Studio Junior Achievement/UHY Accountants JOA Construction Company Pizza Hut Oakland University Salvation Army Skillman Foundation Hope United Methodist Church Greening of Detroit Greater Mt. Zion Baptist Church Girl Scouts of America / Metro Detroit Eastern Michigan University/Yale University CUP - Community United for Progress Communities In Schools Children's Palace AWARE FrenchToast.com LLC KFC Youth For Positive Direction WENDETROIT, LTD./WATSON PROPERTIES, L.L.C., Wendy's Rest. Sports World, Inc. SAM Club & Optical Center Quickie Printing Pizza Hut Mobile Dentist World Vision/Kids In Need Detroit Free Press Associated Food and Petro Dealers of Michigan Meijer Gleaners Community Food Bank Urban Fitness Kllub Detroit Science Center CuP -Community United for Progress Coca Cola Boy Scouts of America Costco, Inc. Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 228 Webster Elementary School Mission The Daniel Webster Elementary school staff is committed to the global philosophy that every child can learn in a motivating, safe and supporting environment provided by their families and the community. The staff will ensure that all students develop their academic, social, creative, emotional and physical abilities. We will increase their awareness of the many cultures in the community, country, and world. We will promote a respect for self, others, and their environment, and instill an appreciation for learning as a process. Principal Address Salma Abou-Elkhair 1450 25th Street Detroit, Michigan 48216 AYP Met Phone (313) 849-3709 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 849-4684 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing PK 52 3 61 83.7 62.8 39.5 K 46 4 44 75.6 57.8 17.8 1 47 5 53 30.0 50.0 2 49 3 48 4 31 5 33 SP 49 Total: 65.0 Social Science 40.0 355 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 1.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 19.00 22.00 21.00 1.00 1.00 4.00 Other Support Staff 17.00 16.00 17.00 Total 38.00 40.00 43.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 1,225,830 522,842 42,447 1,226,687 536,547 14,140 1,169,417 580,191 19,355 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 1,791,119 1,777,374 1,768,963 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 148,309 75,458 49,602 1,459 0 331,527 192,358 165,119 3,693 2,083 222,671 130,969 125,716 2,000 0 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 274,828 694,780 481,356 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 408,012 433,779 423,435 Noon Time Aide Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 229 Webster Elementary School 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 168,546 2,693 185,023 5,600 210,159 7,500 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 579,251 624,402 641,094 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 24,219 6,673 16,263 3,934 20,970 5,156 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 30,892 20,197 26,126 2,676,091 3,116,754 2,917,539 School Total 2008 Partners of Webster Elementary School MGM Grand Gleanor Pewaic Pottery Entrepreneur Works Communities In Schools International Institute FedEx Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 230 White Elementary School Mission The mission of Katherine B. White Elementary School, a multi-cultural, high performing center for learning, is to produce responsible and respectful citizens who possess lifelong learning skills to meet future goals. We strive to offer a child-centered, standards driven, theme-based learning environment that values compassion, collaboration and the home/school connection. Principal Address Vernice Gaines 5161 Charles Detroit, Michigan 48212 AYP Not Met Phone (313) 866-3595 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 866-3476 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing PK 33 3 53 79.5 59.0 27.7 K 60 4 53 74.7 60.2 20.5 1 61 5 35 39.4 43.7 2 70 6 60 53.2 61.7 3 59 4 57 5 65 6 65 7 81 8 104 SP 101 Total: 39.4 Social Science 23.9 60.0 40.0 756 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 2.00 2.00 2.00 Teacher 32.00 31.50 25.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 Guidance Counselor 1.00 1.00 8.00 Other Support Staff Noon Time Aide 28.00 24.00 25.00 Total 64.00 59.50 61.50 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 2,266,632 891,414 74,377 2,039,327 802,831 29,283 1,726,896 748,030 37,538 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 3,232,423 2,871,441 2,512,464 Fund: 12 - GRANTS 700000 - Other than Personal Services 0 68 0 Fund: 12 - GRANTS Total 0 68 0 235,777 132,558 322,660 207,553 311,593 177,063 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 231 White Elementary School 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 254,626 0 0 457,286 2,500 0 337,176 6,495 26,289 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 622,960 989,999 858,616 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 464,226 198,390 4,465 503,926 260,800 7,800 513,891 287,627 11,000 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 667,081 772,526 812,518 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 40,020 10,092 29,526 7,142 41,940 10,312 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 50,112 36,668 52,252 Fund: 44 - CAPITAL PROJECTS 900000 - Restricted Control 1,913 0 0 Fund: 44 - CAPITAL PROJECTS Total 1,913 0 0 4,574,489 4,670,702 4,235,850 School Total 2008 Partners of White Elementary School University of Detroit Jesuit High Unknown Dept. of Human Services - Family Resource Center Gleaners Community Food Bank - Focus Hope St. John's Hospital RLAC Henry Ford Health System The Children's Center Girl Scouts of America / Metro Detroit Boy Scouts of America Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 232 Wilkins Elementary School Mission We, the staff of Wilkins Elementary School believe that all students have the ability to learn, the right to be respected as persons, and are entitled to achieve their highest potential. With the help of involved staff, parents, and administrators, we believe the learning environment can be improved. We believe that every child should have the opportunity to succeed and should be taught by motivated and dedicated staff and parents. Principal Address Milton Andrew 12400 Nashville Detroit, Michigan 48205 AYP Met Phone (313) 852-8600 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 245-3567 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing PK 17 3 49 75.3 51.9 22.4 K 44 4 38 61.2 46.0 10.4 1 46 5 53 36.5 58.7 2 64 6 61 42.0 58.0 3 66 4 70 5 44 6 49 SP Total: 50.0 Social Science 32.3 67.3 50.0 7 407 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 1.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 23.00 20.00 14.00 Guidance Counselor 1.00 1.00 1.00 Noon Time Aide 1.00 1.00 4.00 Other Support Staff 19.00 15.00 13.00 Total 45.00 38.00 33.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 1,699,224 678,088 50,634 1,200 1,469,995 595,065 6,699 0 1,096,111 476,243 22,007 0 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 2,429,145 2,071,758 1,594,361 267,048 110,558 80,237 0 0 341,027 161,371 76,713 6,832 24,479 299,237 122,666 135,179 4,332 41,074 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 233 Wilkins Elementary School Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 457,843 610,422 602,488 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 96,348 34,320 234 72,516 31,096 1,200 72,516 32,742 2,000 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 130,901 104,812 107,258 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 18,947 5,250 23,587 5,706 20,651 12,090 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 24,197 29,293 32,741 3,042,086 2,816,285 2,336,848 School Total 2008 Partners of Wilkins Elementary School Wendy's Sow A Seed Youth Organization A. J. Bros LLC Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 234 Malcolm X Academy Mission Malcolm X Academy stresses the principles of MAAT, an African-Centered value system. It highlights the traditional value system practiced by African people from thousands of years ago. The system practiced truth, justice, propriety, harmony, righteousness, balance, reciprocity, and order, reinforcing the importance of humanistic education. Teaching this system will prepare our students for the 21 century. Students at the Academy are expected to develop academic excellence , ethnic awareness, pride and high self-esteem, through the combined efforts of parents, community and staff. The Academy is committed to the goals of providing a quality education, creating a positive and structured environment with discipline to promote achievement in all of its students. Principal Address Freda Dawson 3550 John C. Lodge Detroit, Michigan 48201 AYP Met Phone (313) 494-2219 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 494-2302 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing PK 31 3 100 100.0 100.0 K 30 4 41 46.4 58.1 1 31 5 70 40.7 70.4 2 15 6 47 34.2 47.2 47.2 3 32 7 56 56.4 56.4 56.4 4 19 8 54 35.1 51.8 5 21 6 23 7 19 8 24 SP 22 Total: Social Science 88.9 11.1 71.4 49.1 46.4 37.8 60.7 267 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 2.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 24.00 16.00 9.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 Other Support Staff Noon Time Aide 18.00 13.00 9.00 Total 45.00 31.00 22.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 1,612,803 669,812 55,387 1,251,741 531,677 11,684 691,176 341,614 14,066 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 2,338,002 1,795,102 1,046,856 63,005 35,970 31,166 103,899 51,434 104,194 80,832 33,901 71,051 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 235 Malcolm X Academy 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 0 0 2,500 9,744 2,000 10,500 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 130,141 271,771 198,284 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 134,570 57,258 0 145,032 65,358 2,400 145,032 65,484 2,000 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 191,828 212,790 212,516 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 19,716 5,485 22,263 5,385 20,970 5,156 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 25,201 27,648 26,126 2,685,172 2,307,311 1,483,782 School Total 2008 Partners of Malcolm X Academy First Books National Book Bank Business Strategies Michigan State University Central Michigan University The Order of the Fisherman Ministry Historical First Congregational Church Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 236 Coleman A. Young Elementary Mission To develop a customer and data-driven, student-centered learning environment in which students are motivated to become productive citizens and lifelong learners, equipped with skills to meet the needs of their next customer, higher education and the world of work. Principal Address Sharon Mills-Sanford 15771 Hubbell Detroit, Michigan 48227 AYP Met Phone (313) 852-0728 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 852-0732 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing PK 34 3 70 77.1 79.4 40.6 K 87 4 53 77.1 64.9 14.0 1 96 5 60 44.8 64.8 2 67 3 92 4 85 5 83 SP 39 Total: 56.8 Social Science 40.9 583 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 2.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 31.60 26.50 25.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 Guidance Counselor 1.00 1.00 7.00 Other Support Staff Noon Time Aide 15.50 13.00 15.00 Total 51.10 42.50 49.50 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 2,015,140 810,106 63,550 1,615,778 656,953 19,253 1,602,323 704,260 30,983 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 2,888,796 2,291,984 2,337,566 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 236,796 125,454 50,664 0 0 327,323 162,041 42,939 2,500 -1 304,474 191,878 130,390 0 116,911 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 412,914 534,801 743,653 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 345,728 146,188 345,481 146,480 347,999 154,773 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 237 Coleman A. Young Elementary 700000 - Other than Personal Services 5,936 6,000 6,000 497,852 497,961 508,772 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 11,736 3,226 7,115 1,890 20,970 5,156 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 14,962 9,005 26,126 3,814,524 3,333,752 3,616,117 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total School Total 2008 Partners of Coleman A. Young Elementary UAW Region 1 Women's Council Unknown YES Foundation Junior Achievement Stat Rep. Coleman A. Young, II Boy Scouts of America Belmont Community Unknown Spirit and Truth Ministries WWJ "Adopt A Family Volunteers of America Library On Wheels Family Victory Fellowpship Church - Love In Action League of Jewish Women State of Michigan - State Rep. George Cushingberry, Jr. Bible School of America Hope United Methodist Church Northwest Kids Kicking Cancer Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 238 Henderson Academy Mission The administration and staff of the Erma L. Henderson - Upper are committed to high achievement as mandated by the No Child Left Behind Act. It is our shared goal to be certain that all students develop a solid academic foundation in a diverse , well-rounded curriculum that is driven by data and the best teaching practices. Principal Address Deborah Manciel 16101 West Chicago Detroit, Michigan 48228 AYP Phone (313) 852-0512 Fax Email [email protected] (313) 852-0523 Restructuring for academic year 2009-2010 Enrollment Grade M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade PK 17 K 81 1 84 2 73 3 78 4 72 5 76 6 84 7 84 8 SP Total: English Math Reading Science Writing Social Science 98 119 866 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 2.00 1.00 2.00 Teacher 38.00 33.00 38.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 Guidance Counselor 1.00 1.00 9.00 Other Support Staff Noon Time Aide 12.00 13.00 17.00 Total 55.00 50.00 66.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 2,338,454 952,655 71,029 1,829,126 784,830 8,070 2,096,960 1,007,138 42,818 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 3,362,139 2,622,026 3,146,916 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 138,969 54,145 107,090 0 0 293,670 121,245 95,079 2,500 2,727 257,734 118,603 103,044 0 0 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 300,204 515,221 479,381 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 239 Henderson Academy Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 640,251 227,562 0 603,633 218,646 3,200 632,702 252,877 11,700 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 867,813 825,479 897,279 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 22,885 22,229 22,240 18,309 60,837 40,935 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 45,114 40,549 101,772 4,575,270 4,003,275 4,625,348 School Total 2008 Partners of Henderson Academy Children's Aid Society Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 240 Coffey Elementary/Middle School Mission The mission of Coffey Middle school is to provide a student -centered learning environment that motivates and equips students with skills and values to meet the demands of a global community. We will apply a holistic approach to develop children by integrating literacy, creative expression and technology. Principal Address Omega Mostyn 17210 Cambridge Detroit, Michigan 48235 AYP Met Phone (313) 852-0582 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 852-0589 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing K 15 3 44 57.7 51.9 10.7 1 26 4 58 68.4 68.4 36.8 2 13 5 73 74.1 77.8 3 17 6 45 47.0 44.8 4 23 7 36 35.5 32.6 5 17 8 46 26.7 41.3 6 42 7 59 8 65 SP Total: 65.4 Social Science 46.2 43.9 35.8 42.6 27.7 51.5 40 317 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 1.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 22.00 21.50 11.50 Guidance Counselor 1.00 1.00 0.00 Noon Time Aide 1.00 1.00 3.00 Other Support Staff 18.00 15.00 17.00 Total 43.00 39.50 32.50 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 1,564,458 608,469 42,810 1,359,156 560,740 17,402 770,443 327,949 16,466 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 2,215,737 1,937,297 1,114,858 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 138,441 58,994 38,559 0 0 280,172 151,130 68,364 7,560 0 262,171 185,368 69,940 5,340 500 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 235,995 507,226 523,319 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 241 Coffey Elementary/Middle School 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 273,475 128,500 3,587 250,053 114,831 8,296 175,784 83,541 7,700 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 405,562 373,180 267,025 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 20,217 5,600 16,263 3,934 20,970 5,156 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 25,817 20,197 26,126 Fund: 44 - CAPITAL PROJECTS 900000 - Restricted Control 65,018 0 0 Fund: 44 - CAPITAL PROJECTS Total 65,018 0 0 2,948,129 2,837,900 1,931,328 School Total 2008 Partners of Coffey Elementary/Middle School Go In Schools Program Detroit Community Initiative General Education Consultants Learning for Life Gear-Up Calvary Presbyterian Church Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 242 Fisher Magnet Elementary/Middle School Mission The mission of Dorothy Fisher Magnet Pre K-8th grade is to develop learners both academically and socially while preparing them for the world of work. Fisher Magnet, drawing on the assets of the community, with strong family connections, seeks to instruct, inspire, and motivate its students to be responsible, productive, problem-solving citizens in an ever changing global society. In the quest to have No Child Left Behind, students will be equipped with academic, social, and analytical skills necessary to become successful lifelong learners, prepared to meet the challenges of the next institution, be it high school, college or a university, or the world of work. Principal Address Linda McIntosh 15600 E. State Fair Detroit, Michigan 48205 AYP Met Phone (313) 866-2670 Fax Email [email protected] (313) 866-2667 Restructuring for academic year 2009-2010 Enrollment Grade M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading 5 120 6 42 39.2 43.2 6 166 7 43 37.1 39.5 7 184 8 49 39.1 48.5 8 154 SP Total: Science Writing 39.1 Social Science 27.0 44.4 38.3 51.8 143 767 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 2.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 36.00 31.00 34.00 Guidance Counselor 2.00 2.00 0.00 Noon Time Aide 1.00 1.00 8.00 Other Support Staff 28.00 22.00 13.00 Total 69.00 57.00 56.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 2,350,233 943,919 31,727 1,965,217 768,952 7,361 1,818,523 815,968 35,765 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 3,325,879 2,741,530 2,670,256 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 127,838 49,632 27,956 0 0 212,507 115,126 89,231 2,500 0 207,713 94,886 231,478 1,400 20,928 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 205,426 419,364 556,405 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 243 Fisher Magnet Elementary/Middle School 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 504,143 216,883 4,696 532,452 211,548 8,400 626,694 262,731 11,000 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 725,722 752,400 900,425 77,975 46,272 93,969 57,550 79,865 80,103 124,247 151,519 159,968 4,381,274 4,064,813 4,287,054 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total School Total 2008 Partners of Fisher Magnet Elementary/Middle School Girl Scouts Second Step Program Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 244 Brenda Scott Middle School Mission The mission of Brenda Scott Middle School is to provide a school program that is structured to provide student success – both academically and socially. We accept the responsibility to assist all students so that they can attain their maximum educational potential. We will provide a positive learning atmosphere that accepts the individuality of each student and promotes self-confidence and self-discipline. Principal Address Philip Vanhooks 18400 Hoover Detroit, Michigan 48205 AYP Not Met Phone (313) 866-6700 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 866-2693 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing 6 141 6 36 47.3 33.1 37.9 7 164 7 50 46.7 50.0 43.1 8 167 8 34 61.3 34.6 SP 108 Total: 33.5 Social Science 18.9 38.6 580 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 2.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 42.00 32.00 27.00 2.00 3.00 1.00 Guidance Counselor 1.00 1.00 6.00 Other Support Staff Noon Time Aide 25.00 18.00 14.00 Total 72.00 55.00 49.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 2,603,432 1,084,317 93,744 1,979,515 802,926 7,653 1,437,159 654,667 27,350 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 3,781,494 2,790,094 2,119,176 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 302,224 127,674 92,457 0 0 423,249 186,034 52,022 3,136 0 296,536 132,560 21,392 0 85,275 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 522,354 664,441 535,763 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 451,459 181,011 7,810 512,320 220,431 8,400 477,928 231,456 11,500 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 640,279 741,151 720,884 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 245 Brenda Scott Middle School 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 108,613 77,282 92,694 69,069 86,990 104,665 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 185,895 161,763 191,655 5,130,022 4,357,449 3,567,478 School Total 2008 Partners of Brenda Scott Middle School Family Service, Inc. 3M Corporation Wayne State University Detroit Piston/Rasheed Wallace Foundation Ark Non Violence Program (The Ark) Chrysler Corp Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 246 Drew Middle School Mission Recognizing that a school has a profound impact on the lives of its students, the mission of Drew Academy is to develop independent, lifelong learners for the diverse and complex society of the future. As a dynamic partnership of students , staff, family and community, we will create a safe, secure climate of respect, celebrating individual differences and meeting the academic and developmental needs of our students. Principal Address Gerlma Johnson 9600 Wyoming Detroit, Michigan 48204 AYP Not Met Phone (313) 873-6880 Fax Email [email protected] (313) 873-0114 Restructuring for academic year 2009-2010 Enrollment Grade M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing K 16 3 100 100.0 100.0 9.1 1 16 4 13 54.2 28.0 13.0 2 15 5 54 100.0 63.0 3 11 6 76 54.8 77.8 53.8 4 8 7 86 72.0 86.3 64.4 5 19 8 64 69.0 66.2 6 42 7 52 8 48 SP Total: 70.4 56.9 Social Science 19.2 25.8 49.3 62 289 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 1.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 25.00 24.50 16.50 Guidance Counselor 2.00 1.00 1.00 Noon Time Aide 1.00 1.00 3.00 Other Support Staff 27.60 22.60 15.00 Total 56.60 50.10 36.50 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 1,264,955 518,895 43,040 1,176,779 495,527 8,202 780,160 360,065 0 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group 1,826,890 1,680,508 1,140,225 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 14,287 4,001 142,211 0 259,288 96,219 147,505 11,644 168,556 78,284 85,139 3,813 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 160,500 514,657 335,792 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 247 Drew Middle School 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 743,139 378,179 423 890,352 437,420 16,800 509,904 267,318 15,200 1,121,741 1,344,571 792,422 88,955 77,010 18 88,204 85,984 0 79,582 86,042 0 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 165,983 174,188 165,624 Fund: 44 - CAPITAL PROJECTS 900000 - Restricted Control 7,735 0 0 Fund: 44 - CAPITAL PROJECTS Total 7,735 0 0 3,282,848 3,713,924 2,434,063 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services School Total 2008 Partners of Drew Middle School Sam's Club & Optical Center Wayne State University Higher Ed. Opportunities (HEOC) Talent Search Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 248 Durfee Elementary School Mission The mission of Durfee is to provide a student centered, data driven, literature enriched learning environment which embraces global, lifelong learning, character education and the Fine and Performing Arts. AYP Met Principal Address 2470 Collingwood Detroit, Michigan 48206 Phone (313) 252-3070 Fax (313) 866-0914 Email Restructuring for academic year 2009-2010 Enrollment M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading 34 3 55 66.7 64.9 K 96 4 38 56.1 44.0 1 118 5 44 21.3 51.7 2 103 6 40 30.1 42.5 3 96 7 48 33.7 50.0 4 93 8 57 33.8 56.0 5 80 6 112 7 129 8 111 SP 135 Grade PK Total: Science Writing Social Science 20.3 20.0 55.9 26.2 39.4 39.4 47.1 43.2 51.8 1,107 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 2.00 1.00 2.00 Teacher 39.00 33.00 44.00 2.00 1.00 1.00 Guidance Counselor 0.00 0.00 11.00 Other Support Staff Noon Time Aide 24.00 18.00 15.00 Total 67.00 53.00 73.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 1,884,604 809,529 48,485 1,644,184 710,571 1,519 2,723,063 1,304,526 0 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 2,742,618 2,356,274 4,027,589 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 230,636 84,265 128,181 0 0 236,797 99,533 31,849 14,900 853 225,812 106,467 35,265 8,845 0 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 443,082 383,932 376,389 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 249 Durfee Elementary School 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 697,746 297,667 10,548 808,433 331,208 9,600 638,508 287,609 0 1,005,961 1,149,241 926,117 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 28,780 7,920 25,735 7,435 26,409 6,493 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 36,700 33,170 32,902 4,228,361 3,922,617 5,362,997 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total School Total 2008 Partners of Durfee Elementary School Henry Ford Medical Center Credit Acceptance Corp. National Caucas for Black Aged Detroit Jopb Corp. Mobile Dentist AmeriCorps Vista Communities In Schools Vision Service Plan - VSP Naier Company Gleaners Community Food Bank Detroit Police Gang Resistance Education and Training Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 250 Earhart Middle School Mission The mission of Amelia Earhart Middle School, a multicultural and technologically advanced learning center, is to ensure that all of our students are afforded an opportunity to be educated in an environment that promotes their individuality and maximizes their potential. We strive to produce socially responsible citizens who successfully fulfill curriculum requisites and demonstrate a preparedness to excel in future educational, societal and career challenges. Principal Address Linda Lewis-Tucker 1000 Scotten Detroit, Michigan 48209 AYP Met Phone (313) 849-3945 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 849-4746 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing 6 150 6 59 49.4 56.1 58.7 7 179 7 61 67.3 59.6 61.3 8 168 8 61 47.8 62.2 SP Total: 64.3 Social Science 47.2 59.4 70 567 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 2.00 2.00 1.00 Teacher 33.00 33.00 24.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 Guidance Counselor Social Worker 1.00 1.00 1.00 Noon Time Aide 1.00 1.00 6.00 Other Support Staff 21.00 19.00 21.00 Total 60.00 58.00 53.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 2,407,264 966,520 96,549 2,330,129 937,945 14,675 1,510,551 715,792 26,765 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group 3,470,333 3,282,749 2,253,108 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 326,264 122,096 147,998 0 0 372,626 165,679 288,217 3,064 0 441,279 210,178 136,403 10,363 4,845 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 596,358 829,587 803,068 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 323,558 155,476 220 327,376 147,936 6,000 260,793 118,468 5,000 Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 251 Earhart Middle School Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total School Total 479,254 481,312 384,261 55,659 52,920 67,681 70,800 70,786 69,496 108,580 138,481 140,282 4,654,525 4,732,128 3,580,719 2008 Partners of Earhart Middle School University of Michigna College of Ed Wayne State University GEAR-UP/College Days International Bridge DTE Energy Detroit Hispanic Development Corp Life Directions Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 252 Farwell Middle School Mission The mission of Farwell Middle School, a literacy focused education center, is to teach mastery of basic grade -level skills to all students through challenging curriculum, addressing all developmental pathways, while maintaining a clean and safe school environment and enhancing community involvement. Principal Address Laverne Jordan 19955 Fenelon Detroit, Michigan 48234 AYP Not Met Phone (313) 866-3700 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 866-3632 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing 52.9 35.6 5 73 5 44 29.1 47.1 6 107 6 40 37.2 48.9 7 106 7 58 60.4 56.5 8 94 8 43 26.7 39.0 SP 64 Total: 41.4 Social Science 30.6 59.1 30.5 46.6 444 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 2.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 27.00 27.00 22.00 Guidance Counselor 2.50 3.00 1.00 Nurse 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 4.00 Other Support Staff Noon Time Aide 33.00 32.00 27.00 Total 66.50 65.00 56.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 2,027,244 881,731 47,888 1,760,180 764,404 9,834 1,166,812 552,457 21,230 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 2,956,863 2,534,418 1,740,499 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 164,954 68,075 88,568 0 0 360,090 155,362 43,069 2,500 10,667 332,522 130,752 47,599 3,150 0 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 321,598 571,688 514,023 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 474,074 213,063 7,968 504,394 210,279 10,800 545,688 270,040 14,500 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 253 Farwell Middle School Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 695,105 725,473 830,228 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 306,802 215,932 272,408 207,850 278,098 247,367 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 522,733 480,258 525,465 4,496,299 4,311,838 3,610,215 School Total 2008 Partners of Farwell Middle School United Steelworkers of America (District 2) Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 254 Harding Elementary School Mission The mission of Harding Elementary School is to educate all students to their fullest potential academically, socially, physically, and emotionally. Students will learn in a safe, clean, and healthy environment where they will develop positive attitudes, a high level of self-discipline, and pride in themselves, their school, and their community with collaborative support from the home, the school, and the community. Principal Address Desheil Echols 14450 Burt Road Detroit, Michigan 48223 AYP Not Met Phone (313) 494-7606 Fax Email [email protected] (313) 494-7610 Restructuring for academic year 2009-2010 Enrollment Grade M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing PK 51 3 100 100.0 100.0 52.4 K 38 4 69 74.4 71.8 43.6 1 37 5 49 48.5 48.5 2 48 3 40 4 33 5 26 SP 49 Total: 87.9 Social Science 33.3 322 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 2.00 2.00 1.00 Teacher 18.00 17.00 15.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Guidance Counselor 1.00 1.00 3.00 Other Support Staff Noon Time Aide 19.00 14.00 15.00 Total 41.00 35.00 35.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 1,113,885 468,847 22,370 1,005,988 416,205 1,405 833,228 389,762 17,672 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 1,605,103 1,423,598 1,240,662 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 151,826 96,951 76,484 0 0 198,555 118,189 76,179 12,735 226 245,486 181,264 20,246 0 20,916 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 325,261 405,884 467,912 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 440,561 383,120 383,675 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 255 Harding Elementary School 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 190,983 9,826 171,165 7,200 174,977 7,000 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 641,369 561,486 565,652 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 24,809 6,902 26,040 6,299 31,062 7,638 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 31,711 32,339 38,700 2,603,445 2,423,307 2,312,926 School Total 2008 Partners of Harding Elementary School Lens Crafters The Greening of Detroit Home Depot America Reads Wayne Regional Educational Service Agency Skillman Foundation Youth Development Institute Donors Choose.org Detroit Fire Department Design Team Northwest Detroit Neighborhood Development Corp. Detroit Project Genesis New Beginning Christian Center Chancellor Communities In Schools Dream Zone Project Community Detroit Area Coucil, Learning for Life Division Wayne County Family Resource Center Skillman Foundation Chase Bank Junior Achievement Mobile Dentist Shurly Family Learning Center Mt. Vernon Missionary Baptist Church Ace It-/Sylvan Learning Life Changers Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 256 Lessenger Elementary-Middle School Mission Our mission at Lessenger K-8 Preparatory Academy is to provide a safe and healthy environment with concerned parents and community, along with qualified teachers. This nurturing environment will give our students the personal motivation for learning and achieving to the optimum levels, and allow them to compete in an ever changing and complex global society. Principal Address Bettie Reid 8401 Trinity Detroit, Michigan 48228 AYP Not Met Phone (313) 945-1330 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 945-1557 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing K 20 3 50 58.3 62.5 20.0 1 26 4 50 57.9 61.1 15.0 2 23 5 50 77.3 50.0 3 30 6 46 66.3 45.0 40.0 4 17 7 42 40.0 42.7 38.5 5 17 8 37 36.3 38.0 6 59 7 59 8 48 SP Total: 59.1 25.3 Social Science 47.8 39.0 44.9 70 369 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 2.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 24.00 27.00 19.00 Guidance Counselor 3.00 1.00 1.00 Noon Time Aide 1.00 1.00 4.00 Other Support Staff 21.00 17.00 11.00 Total 51.00 47.00 36.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 1,871,474 746,297 30,409 1,418,286 600,425 5,397 1,032,834 496,703 17,855 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group 2,648,180 2,024,108 1,547,392 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 158,816 70,065 23,814 0 0 267,829 108,159 108,092 9,779 0 253,117 109,567 0 0 164,324 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 252,694 493,859 527,008 Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 257 Lessenger Elementary-Middle School Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 501,390 199,529 3,558 436,639 171,697 9,600 362,580 151,394 9,000 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 704,477 617,937 522,974 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 83,825 52,147 802 102,183 87,960 0 83,922 97,445 0 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 136,773 190,143 181,367 Fund: 44 - CAPITAL PROJECTS 900000 - Restricted Control 10,389 0 0 Fund: 44 - CAPITAL PROJECTS Total 10,389 0 0 3,752,513 3,326,047 2,778,741 School Total 2008 Partners of Lessenger Elementary-Middle School DeAngelo's Restaurant Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 258 Ludington Magnet Middle School Mission Ludington Magnet Middle School is committed to elevating student achievement to recognized national levels, through home, school, and community collaboration, in a clean, safe, and healthy learning environment. We will ensure that all students are actively engaged in challenging and purposeful learning, through a data driven learning environment, that blends their experiences with content knowledge, real world applications, and character education. We work to prepare each student to meet the needs of a global world and to function successfully in a multicultural society. Principal Address Alora Comer-Maxwell 19355 Edinborough Detroit, Michigan 48219 AYP Met Phone (313) 494-7549 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 494-7707 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing 80.3 60.5 5 75 5 75 76.3 81.6 6 178 6 87 73.0 85.2 7 141 7 97 92.0 93.3 8 155 8 94 90.2 93.1 SP Total: 86.2 Social Science 83.1 96.7 93.7 94.3 11 560 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 2.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 22.00 23.00 16.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 Guidance Counselor 1.00 1.00 6.00 Other Support Staff Noon Time Aide 13.00 10.00 10.00 Total 40.00 37.00 33.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 2,231,492 914,470 87,495 2,061,887 874,500 8,059 1,210,344 549,017 28,130 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 3,233,457 2,944,446 1,787,491 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 7,036 585 111,662 0 149,334 46,624 83,574 0 62,080 33,658 46,424 27,005 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group 119,283 279,532 169,167 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 72,764 29,379 1,186 126,581 55,176 2,400 72,516 32,742 1,500 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 103,329 184,157 106,758 Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 259 Ludington Magnet Middle School Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 23,957 6,640 16,263 3,934 26,409 6,493 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 30,597 20,197 32,902 3,486,666 3,428,331 2,096,318 School Total 2008 Partners of Ludington Magnet Middle School Central Michigan University UAW Ford Youth Education Sponsors Ivan Ludington News, Inc. Honorable Judge Thomas Jackson Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 260 Murphy Elementary/Middle School Mission The mission of Frank Murphy Elementary Middle School, in partnership with the Brightmoor Community, is to empower its students to attain maximum academic achievement and positive personal growth within a safe and nurturing learning environment. Each student will receive an education that will encourage lifelong learning and individual independence with a strong emphasis on the core democratic values. AYP Not Met Principal Address 23901 Fenkell Detroit, Michigan 48223 Phone (313) 494-7585 Fax (313) 494-7550 Email Enrollment Grade M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing PK 34 3 38 38.1 52.4 14.3 K 56 4 54 73.3 57.1 28.6 1 70 5 26 45.8 30.4 2 48 6 35 56.9 37.3 28.8 3 45 7 50 41.7 47.6 52.0 4 45 8 53 18.1 52.3 5 41 6 42 7 74 8 61 SP 97 Total: 52.2 80.6 Social Science 8.7 30.5 30.9 613 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 1.00 2.00 1.00 Teacher 26.00 26.00 24.00 1.00 0.00 0.00 Guidance Counselor 1.00 1.00 6.00 Other Support Staff Noon Time Aide 19.00 14.00 14.00 Total 48.00 43.00 45.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 1,464,079 566,552 43,283 1,364,607 548,077 13,880 1,456,192 725,144 30,674 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 2,073,914 1,926,564 2,212,010 64,300 23,492 55,997 0 0 144,857 86,188 50,825 500 0 126,585 82,826 66,205 5,500 1,005 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 261 Murphy Elementary/Middle School Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 143,789 282,370 282,121 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 635,027 272,670 14,182 559,498 270,163 14,000 445,656 226,115 12,000 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 921,879 843,661 683,771 71,691 71,730 59,828 68,266 53,725 42,147 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 143,422 128,094 95,872 Fund: 44 - CAPITAL PROJECTS 900000 - Restricted Control 71,550 0 0 Fund: 44 - CAPITAL PROJECTS Total 71,550 0 0 3,354,555 3,180,689 3,273,774 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits School Total 2008 Partners of Murphy Elementary/Middle School Bowen Library Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 262 Noble Elementary School Mission The mission of Noble Staff, in collaboration with parents and community, is to educate all students in a clean, safe, and healthy learning environment to be productive participants in a global society. Students will develop their academic, social, physical, and emotional potential. Principal Address James Ellison 8646 Fullerton Street Detroit, Michigan 48238 AYP Not Met Phone (313) 873-0377 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 873-0398 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing PK 33 3 70 77.8 68.9 37.2 K 43 4 36 50.0 42.9 10.7 1 59 5 71 54.3 80.0 2 40 6 33 30.9 38.2 3 41 7 30 43.2 25.0 4 43 8 37 23.1 34.6 5 33 6 44 7 74 8 52 SP 93 Total: 76.5 Social Science 67.6 25.5 40.0 44.2 33.3 37.7 555 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 2.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 30.00 25.00 22.00 0.00 0.00 2.00 Guidance Counselor 1.00 1.00 6.00 Other Support Staff Noon Time Aide 19.00 17.00 13.00 Total 52.00 44.00 44.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 1,716,489 695,110 67,301 1,446,179 576,458 12,097 1,366,162 640,953 27,890 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 2,478,901 2,034,734 2,035,005 45,620 12,398 96,108 0 0 205,806 103,932 159,283 12,278 1,676 209,506 109,338 88,920 500 0 154,126 482,975 408,264 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 263 Noble Elementary School Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 471,986 199,425 5,731 454,807 192,269 9,200 443,753 218,635 10,700 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 677,141 656,276 673,088 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 12,867 3,605 46,410 7,809 20,651 12,090 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 16,472 54,219 32,741 3,326,640 3,228,203 3,149,098 School Total 2008 Partners of Noble Elementary School Gail Stallworth Littlefield Community Association Ford Motor Company Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 264 Nolan Elementary School Mission The mission of Benjamin A. Nolan Preparatory School of Excellence is to develop competent students able to positively contribute and compete in a transforming global environment by providing a structured and challenging curriculum , integrating the use of technology, social guidance, cultural awareness and parental involvement in a clean, safe, healthy and caring atmosphere. Principal Address Daryl McDuffie 1150 East Lantz Detroit, Michigan 48203 AYP Not Met Phone (313) 866-7730 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 866-7725 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing K 74 3 62 53.7 75.0 30.8 1 78 4 35 72.4 62.1 10.3 2 72 5 44 46.8 50.0 3 62 6 50 47.3 51.6 48.0 4 66 7 43 45.2 44.8 56.0 5 71 8 46 34.0 41.7 6 87 7 87 8 55 SP Total: 42.6 37.3 Social Science 34.0 32.6 41.7 177 829 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 2.00 2.00 2.00 Teacher 37.00 40.00 40.00 Guidance Counselor 2.00 2.00 1.00 Noon Time Aide 0.00 0.00 8.00 Other Support Staff 23.00 20.00 19.00 Total 64.00 64.00 70.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 2,249,842 915,436 84,565 0 2,126,644 865,797 9,877 13,738 2,264,418 1,054,533 41,042 0 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 3,249,843 3,016,057 3,359,993 392,296 149,848 160,412 1,565 0 638,193 294,660 144,470 27,393 0 516,087 240,886 62,800 7,000 19,095 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 265 Nolan Elementary School Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 704,121 1,104,716 845,868 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 601,999 246,809 0 598,107 248,043 13,200 490,576 210,917 17,500 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 848,808 859,351 718,993 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 85,659 62,490 6 84,900 69,356 0 72,614 82,738 0 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 148,155 154,256 155,352 Fund: 44 - CAPITAL PROJECTS 900000 - Restricted Control 9,675 0 0 Fund: 44 - CAPITAL PROJECTS Total 9,675 0 0 4,960,602 5,134,379 5,080,206 School Total 2008 Partners of Nolan Elementary School Rose of Sharon Church of God in Christ Hot Sams Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 266 Taft Middle School Mission The mission of William H. Taft Middle School is to successfully develop, educate, and empower all students in a clean, safe and healthy environment. We aim to provide students with the skills necessary to be leaders and to be competitive in next global society. We accept responsibility for creating new and successful professionals for the 21st century. Principal Address Naomi Lewis 19501 Berg Detroit, Michigan 48219 AYP Met Phone (313) 494-7577 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 494-7538 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing 6 78 6 41 54.5 41.1 33.7 7 69 7 56 52.8 52.0 56.3 98 8 59 41.4 55.1 8 SP Total: 50.7 Social Science 26.1 49.0 112 357 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 2.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 32.00 31.00 18.00 2.00 2.00 0.00 Guidance Counselor 1.00 1.00 4.00 Other Support Staff Noon Time Aide 21.00 17.00 10.00 Total 58.00 52.00 33.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 2,216,359 884,812 41,738 1,797,571 700,439 17,889 921,887 363,414 17,315 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 3,142,909 2,515,899 1,302,616 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 166,149 64,355 77,271 0 0 222,466 67,352 118,548 2,500 0 191,808 61,194 118,700 2,220 33,277 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 307,776 410,865 407,199 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 630,244 249,442 5,819 467,508 194,664 12,000 435,796 176,410 15,500 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 885,505 674,171 627,706 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 267 Taft Middle School 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 17,883 113,262 7,891 112,640 2,000 118,229 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 131,145 120,531 120,229 4,467,334 3,721,466 2,457,750 School Total 2008 Partners of Taft Middle School Goodwill Community Chapel Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 268 Turning Point Academy Mission The mission of Turning Point Academy is for our dedicated teachers and staff to provide a safe, nurturing environment. In this environment, students are challenged to set realistic goals in order to reach their fullest potential through a broad range of academic and behavior strategies. Staff, students, and parents work cooperatively in an atmosphere of mutual respect. Our structured, flexible program reflects the needs of severely emotional impaired students, supporting them in their educational, emotional and social maturation. AYP Met Principal Address 12300 Linnhurst Detroit, Michigan 48205 Phone (313) 866-2200 Fax (313) 866-2082 Email Enrollment Grade M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment SP Total: Grade 49 3 49 4 English Math Reading Science Writing 8 7.7 15.4 7.7 0.0 Social Science 5 6 7 8 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 0.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 2.00 10.00 9.00 Nurse 0.00 1.00 1.00 Other Support Staff 0.00 15.00 13.00 Total 2.00 27.00 24.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits -68,407 -28,066 0 0 0 0 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total -96,472 0 0 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 800000 - Operating Expenses -26,385 -12,797 12,216 0 0 0 12,251 0 0 0 10,610 18,809 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total -26,965 12,251 29,419 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 1,100,965 498,042 22,543 1,078,226 554,861 59,000 979,708 529,243 45,845 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 1,621,550 1,692,087 1,554,796 1,808 2,000 10,092 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 269 Turning Point Academy 600000 - Benefits 1,407 2,500 2,482 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 3,215 4,500 12,574 1,501,327 1,708,838 1,596,789 School Total 2008 Partners of Turning Point Academy Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 270 Phoenix Elementary School Mission Phoenix Multicultural Academy, in collaboration with the students and community, will successfully educate all students to become focused learners and responsible citizens while developing self -worth and a value for lifelong learning, in a caring , clean, safe and healthy environment. Principal Address Norma Hernandez 7735 Lane Detroit, Michigan 48209 AYP Not Met Phone (313) 849-2419 Fax Email [email protected] (313) 849-1170 Restructuring for academic year 2009-2010 Enrollment Grade M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing PK 34 3 21 54.3 28.6 16.7 K 34 4 19 37.0 33.3 9.3 1 45 5 33 35.3 35.3 2 45 6 36 36.0 43.0 3 31 7 38 37.9 41.0 4 32 8 46 37.4 50.0 5 38 6 99 7 98 8 99 SP 90 Total: 43.1 Social Science 17.6 34.5 24.8 38.5 40.6 35.0 645 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 2.00 2.00 1.00 Teacher 30.00 34.00 28.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 Guidance Counselor Social Worker 0.00 0.00 1.00 Noon Time Aide 1.00 1.00 6.00 Other Support Staff 21.00 17.00 23.00 Total 55.00 55.00 59.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 2,124,061 856,643 63,562 2,058,888 885,135 2,911 1,576,162 700,424 32,210 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 3,044,267 2,946,934 2,308,796 288,094 108,609 79,843 1,554 0 291,508 163,655 172,553 6,302 0 443,637 298,511 256,892 12,558 36,702 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 271 Phoenix Elementary School Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 478,099 634,018 1,048,300 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 423,189 152,226 1,012 343,509 130,976 9,600 402,107 168,127 13,500 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 576,427 484,085 583,734 70,905 49,164 81,922 64,423 75,464 76,380 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 120,069 146,345 151,844 Fund: 44 - CAPITAL PROJECTS 900000 - Restricted Control 7,019 0 0 Fund: 44 - CAPITAL PROJECTS Total 7,019 0 0 4,225,881 4,211,382 4,092,674 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits School Total 2008 Partners of Phoenix Elementary School Healthy Kids Dental Latin American Social & Economic Development MGM Casino Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 272 Trombly Alternative High School Mission The mission of Trombly Alternative High School is to provide a safe, caring, and academically challenging environment. In this setting, students are able to become successful in competing academically, cooperatively, and socially within society. This success will provide them with employability skills through customer -driven, and student centered learning environments. Principal Address Gerald Craft 1095 Hibbard Detroit, Michigan 48214 AYP Not Met Phone (313) 852-9637 Fax Email [email protected] (313) 866-8026 Restructuring for academic year 2009-2010 Enrollment Grade M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade 9 163 10 27 11 25 12 16 SP 2 Total: English Math Reading Science Writing 9 Social Science 16.7 233 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 1.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 17.00 18.00 11.00 Guidance Counselor 1.00 1.00 1.00 Noon Time Aide 0.00 0.00 3.00 Other Support Staff 13.00 12.00 10.00 Total 32.00 32.00 26.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 1,467,659 582,159 30,114 1,435,193 587,244 11,904 890,072 382,774 12,784 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 2,079,932 2,034,341 1,285,630 Fund: 12 - GRANTS 700000 - Other than Personal Services -4 0 0 Fund: 12 - GRANTS Total -4 0 0 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 132,082 47,664 22,540 0 185,760 91,180 74,152 8,758 145,677 56,680 26,821 0 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 202,286 359,849 229,178 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 120,673 64,475 137,940 80,365 140,580 86,265 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 273 Trombly Alternative High School 700000 - Other than Personal Services 595 2,500 6,000 185,743 220,805 232,845 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 14,693 4,075 11,277 2,728 15,212 10,753 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 18,768 14,005 25,965 2,486,725 2,629,000 1,773,618 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total School Total 2008 Partners of Trombly Alternative High School Detroit Fellows Tutoring Project Jefferson Avenue Presbyterian Church Boy Scout Learning for Life Envision Apparrell UAW Union MGM Casino Unknown Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 274 Jerry L. White Center High School Mission The mission of Jerry L. White Center is to provide a learning environment that encourages all students to strive for independence by providing an individualized academic, functional and pre -vocational work environment regardless of their challenges. Principal Address Tia'Von Moore-Patton 14805 West McNichols Detroit, Michigan 48235 AYP Phone (313) 416-4200 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment SP Total: (313) 416-4285 Grade English Math Reading Science Writing Social Science 287 287 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 1.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 33.00 34.00 33.00 Guidance Counselor 1.00 1.00 1.00 Nurse 3.00 3.00 3.00 Other Support Staff 35.00 40.00 31.00 Total 73.00 79.00 69.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 0 0 26,149 0 17,340 4,195 52,614 0 0 0 68,169 123,111 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group 26,149 74,149 191,280 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 3,603,609 1,570,298 93,489 3,844,135 1,879,296 131,586 3,520,902 1,639,730 127,830 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 5,267,396 5,855,017 5,288,462 School Total 5,293,545 5,929,166 5,479,742 2008 Partners of Jerry L. White Center High School Communities In Schools St. Stephen A.M.E. Church Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 275 Cass Technical High School Mission Via collaborative processes among all stakeholders, Cass Technical High School will provide a broad range of academic , social, and cultural experiences in a clean, safe, and healthy environment, which will prepare our students to be successful in college and to become leaders in society. Vision Statement: To nurture creativity and to develop perceptive , high-achieving students with an exceptional level of intellectual curiosity and a love for learning; and who can adjust to the expectations and rigors of college and life beyond high school. Principal Address Lenora Ashford 2501 Second Avenue Detroit, Michigan 48201 AYP Met Phone (313) 263-2000 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade 9 639 10 454 11 450 12 420 SP 12 Total: (313) 263-2001 English Math Reading Science Writing 9 Social Science 91.0 1,975 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 6.00 6.00 4.00 Teacher 89.00 83.00 70.00 7.00 6.00 3.00 Guidance Counselor Social Worker 0.50 0.50 0.50 Noon Time Aide 0.00 1.00 3.00 63.00 47.00 31.00 165.50 143.50 111.50 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget 8,310,008 3,397,985 218,360 7,709,118 3,213,373 136,368 5,962,395 2,721,851 99,013 11,926,353 11,058,860 8,783,259 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 132,229 53,796 75,266 0 0 212,038 76,934 65,533 0 0 170,945 70,945 77,299 5,000 36,186 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 261,291 354,504 360,375 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 700000 - Other than Personal Services 1,200 1,200 2,000 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 1,200 1,200 2,000 Other Support Staff Total Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 276 Cass Technical High School Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 144,956 123,719 509 160,230 136,593 0 134,318 124,393 0 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 269,184 296,823 258,711 12,458,028 11,711,387 9,404,344 School Total 2008 Partners of Cass Technical High School Fashion Place Crescent Management Michigan State Housing Authority Compuware State Farm Insurance Visteon Comerica Inc. Hacienda Mexican Foods Lamont Title Girl Scouts of America / Metro Detroit Grier & Copeland Comercial Group Tech Town Skillman Foundation Detroit Public Library DTE Credit Union DTE Credit Union Coffee Beanery National Wildlife Federation Michigan Technological University Michigan Dept. of Agriculture Wayne State University Healthy Teen Community Care Center Marsh Achievable Visions Michigan State Housing Authority Community Foundation of SE Michigan Cornerstone Schools Deloitte Consulting, LLP Michgan First Credit Union Mr. Paul M. Hughes Law Office Diane Martin Consulting Gregory J. Reed & Associates JR Group Price Waterhouse Corp Solar Stamping Hamilton Anderson & Associates Best Buy Attorney Stephen Thomas Annapolis Medical Tillman and Tillman Law Office Eastern Michigan University Midwest Publishing Michigan Chronicle Ford Motor Company DTE ENERGY Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 277 Central High School Mission The Administration, faculty and staff of Central High School in partnership with our community will meet the educational needs of all our students by providing a quality education and by preparing all students to become technology skilled , self-directed lifelong-learners, and competitive in a 21st century global economy. Central High School Staff is committed to providing students a thorough, rigorous and relevant instruction, an understanding of individual differences, that all students will be successful learners and who will ultimately make the transition from secondary education to post secondary education or career. We believe that through positive experiences, role modeling, and continuous improvement strategies, that students will experience success and show proficient progress on standardized test. Principal Address Steven McGhee 2425 Tuexdo Detroit, Michigan 48206 AYP Not Met Phone (313) 252-3000 Fax Email [email protected] (313) 852-1445 Restructuring for academic year 2009-2010 Enrollment Grade M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment PK Grade 17 9 244 10 142 11 132 12 55 SP 177 Total: English Math Reading Science Writing 9 Social Science 28.9 767 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 4.00 3.00 2.00 Teacher 57.00 56.00 38.00 4.00 4.00 1.00 Guidance Counselor Noon Time Aide 0.00 1.00 3.00 44.00 29.00 24.00 109.00 93.00 68.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 3,343,817 1,814,653 42,487 3,566,397 1,459,595 78,426 2,137,516 939,258 39,217 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 5,200,956 5,104,418 3,115,991 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 219,462 82,311 67,999 0 333,449 130,441 85,048 14,266 119,771 46,346 323,465 0 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 369,771 563,204 489,582 Other Support Staff Total Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 278 Central High School Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 1,012,824 385,791 10,624 918,080 342,374 24,000 981,332 426,199 13,000 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 1,409,239 1,284,455 1,420,531 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 124,573 80,827 112,224 82,978 126,440 106,957 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 205,400 195,202 233,397 Fund: 44 - CAPITAL PROJECTS 900000 - Restricted Control 12,555 0 0 Fund: 44 - CAPITAL PROJECTS Total 12,555 0 0 7,197,921 7,147,279 5,259,500 School Total 2008 Partners of Central High School Inside Out Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 279 Detroit International Academy Mission The mission of Detroit International Academy for Young Women is to offer a college preparatory curriculum that allows students to excel academically and acquire skills to be a positive, competent, articulate, and competitive leader in an ever changing global society. Principal Address Beverly Hibbler 9026 Woodward Detroit, Michigan 48202 AYP Not Met Phone (313) 873-1250 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 873-3088 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading 6 60 7 91 90.5 95.7 7 33 8 54 41.7 58.3 8 37 9 9 163 10 123 11 90 12 62 SP 41 Total: Science Writing Social Science 86.4 37.5 58.3 45.9 609 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 2.00 2.00 1.00 Teacher 36.00 37.00 34.00 2.00 3.00 1.00 Guidance Counselor 0.00 0.00 3.00 Other Support Staff Noon Time Aide 13.00 24.00 20.00 Total 53.00 66.00 59.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 3,060,175 1,278,966 48,186 23,264 3,009,757 1,303,685 8,181 0 2,485,346 1,108,951 31,396 0 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group 4,410,590 4,321,623 3,625,693 Fund: 12 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 6,129 977 2,871 2,764 813 18,353 0 0 0 Fund: 12 - GRANTS Total 9,976 21,930 0 17,853 5,139 30,145 187,498 62,074 144,925 204,636 75,724 68,548 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 280 Detroit International Academy 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 0 0 0 0 500 56,145 53,136 394,497 405,553 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 243,576 87,984 2,139 495,503 201,860 5,400 402,251 177,817 5,000 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 333,699 702,763 585,068 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 84,714 64,213 14 93,936 78,009 0 85,412 83,425 0 148,941 171,945 168,837 4,956,343 5,612,758 4,785,151 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total School Total 2008 Partners of Detroit International Academy Link Communications, Inc. Chase Children's Museum Detroit Edison/DTE Energy Innergy Michigan Roundtable for Diversity & Inclusion Ford Motor Company School bells Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 281 Cody High School Mission Our mission is to provide a richer learning environment, which is responsive to the individual learners. By creating four small schools with career -based themes, it is students who will enter the community in all facets of employment. Students will be what is taught in the classrooms and what skills are necessary to be successful in and ultimately a career. needs and interests of students as our intent to produce highly adept able to see the continuity between a post -secondary academic program Under these conditions, students will become increasingly dedicated participants. Teachers creating this environment will experience increased gratification from student success, leading to a cycle of optimism and achievement for both students and staff. Principal Address Cheryl Harshaw 18445 Cathedral Detroit, Michigan 48228 AYP Not Met Phone (313) 866-9200 Fax Email [email protected] (313) 866-9266 Restructuring for academic year 2009-2010 Enrollment Grade M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment 9 460 10 216 11 235 12 154 SP Total: Grade English Math Reading Science Writing Social Science 323 1,388 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 4.00 4.00 4.00 Teacher 71.00 69.00 53.00 Guidance Counselor 5.00 4.00 2.00 Noon Time Aide 0.00 1.00 3.00 48.00 36.00 33.00 128.00 114.00 95.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 4,746,510 1,934,483 154,856 3,876,613 1,527,393 75,442 3,451,889 1,502,541 69,956 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total Other Support Staff Total Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group 6,835,849 5,479,448 5,024,386 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 335,877 120,102 51,703 0 0 415,039 142,653 51,205 8,000 0 317,959 164,792 9,377 0 16,513 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 507,682 616,897 508,641 Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 282 Cody High School Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 2,005,735 807,889 27,029 2,004,006 850,285 42,780 1,396,781 626,542 25,980 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 2,840,652 2,897,071 2,049,303 93,191 98,616 99,068 104,526 84,720 108,476 191,808 203,594 193,196 10,375,990 9,197,010 7,775,526 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total School Total 2008 Partners of Cody High School Ford Motor Company - FORD PAS Black Caucus Foundation of Michigan Ford Motor Company Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 283 Cooley High School Mission The Thomas M. Cooley High School community will challenge all students to achieve at the same level that students are achieving statewide and nationally by producing a clean, safe and orderly learning environment, preparing students to become self-actualized adults, and contributing positively to an ever changing global society. We believe that all students can learn and that learning is enhanced through a properly delivered instructional program that includes the support of parents, support services, and students that possess the desire and eagerness to learn. Principal Address Steven Czapski 15055 Hubbell Detroit, Michigan 48227 AYP Not Met Phone (313) 866-9400 Fax Email [email protected] (313) 866-9422 Restructuring for academic year 2009-2010 Enrollment Grade M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade 9 293 10 138 11 139 12 84 SP 269 Total: English Math Reading Science Writing 9 Social Science 33.6 923 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 5.00 5.00 3.00 Teacher 67.00 74.00 50.00 5.00 4.00 1.00 Guidance Counselor Noon Time Aide 0.00 1.00 3.00 43.00 40.00 29.00 120.00 124.00 86.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 5,345,580 2,082,340 109,644 4,206,397 1,655,720 79,932 2,477,520 1,061,767 46,939 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 7,537,564 5,942,049 3,586,226 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 51,559 35,676 183,776 0 0 473,817 238,095 89,206 18,430 0 212,943 98,803 181,688 0 97,963 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 271,010 819,548 591,397 1,624,989 681,696 21,059 1,713,763 793,729 34,110 1,503,328 740,405 26,000 Other Support Staff Total Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 284 Cooley High School Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 2,327,744 2,541,602 2,269,733 70,583 88,650 73,616 97,813 94,098 129,175 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 159,233 171,429 223,273 Fund: 44 - CAPITAL PROJECTS 900000 - Restricted Control 340,112 0 0 Fund: 44 - CAPITAL PROJECTS Total 340,112 0 0 10,635,663 9,474,628 6,670,629 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits School Total 2008 Partners of Cooley High School Making it Count Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 285 Cooley North Wing Mission Cooley North Wing will strive on a daily basis to enhance parental involvement, infuse technology across the curriculum , increase student achievement and provide vocational opportunities in real-world settings. AYP Not Met Principal Address 15055 Hubbell Detroit, Michigan 48227 Phone (313) 852-1144 Fax (313) 852-1150 Email Enrollment Grade M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment SP Total: Grade English Math Reading Science Writing Social Science 136 136 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 1.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 24.00 23.00 23.00 Guidance Counselor 1.00 2.00 2.00 Nurse 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 Other Support Staff Noon Time Aide 22.00 33.00 25.00 Total 50.00 61.00 52.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 3,427 373 29,065 0 0 0 19,067 0 0 0 22,618 151,609 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 32,865 19,067 174,227 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 2,275,462 1,078,221 117,184 2,535,920 1,400,822 117,906 2,377,973 1,188,730 108,871 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 3,470,867 4,054,648 3,675,574 School Total 3,503,732 4,073,714 3,849,801 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group 2008 Partners of Cooley North Wing Grand River True Value Knapptime Adoption & Rescue Dencap Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 286 Denby High School Mission Denby Technical & Preparatory High School, through its smaller learning communities, will develop and empower a vastly diverse community of learners with practical knowledge. Denby Technical & Preparatory High School, through the continuous use of data, along with technology, will enable students to be productive members of our global society. Denby Technical & Preparatory High School, through the continuous involvement of all stakeholders in the educational process will deepen, broaden, and encourage maximum student growth in this ever changing world. AYP Not Met Principal Address 12800 Kelly Detroit, Michigan 48224 Phone (313) 866-7200 Fax (313) 866-2038 Email Restructuring for academic year 2009-2010 Enrollment Grade M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment 9 313 10 197 11 179 12 168 SP 213 Total: Grade English Math Reading Science Writing 9 Social Science 30.0 1,070 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 7.00 4.00 3.00 Teacher 98.50 75.50 52.00 7.00 6.00 3.00 Guidance Counselor Nurse 1.00 0.00 0.00 Noon Time Aide 0.00 1.00 3.00 43.00 41.00 31.00 156.50 127.50 92.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 5,726,803 2,294,221 138,013 4,449,290 1,701,681 71,843 2,927,741 1,282,142 54,215 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 8,159,038 6,222,814 4,264,098 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 383,203 175,065 162,946 0 378,582 184,848 204,958 18,310 305,584 147,874 121,466 7,379 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 721,214 786,698 582,303 1,556,811 640,771 9,253 1,394,738 559,438 36,000 1,431,818 627,322 50,000 Other Support Staff Total Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 287 Denby High School Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total School Total 2,206,836 1,990,176 2,109,140 95,435 79,013 96,580 89,665 78,064 95,467 174,447 186,245 173,531 11,261,535 9,185,933 7,129,072 2008 Partners of Denby High School Detroit Metro Bar Assoc. Neighborhood Service Organization (NSO) GM Street Law Coca Cola Quickie Printing Rock Financial Yorkshire Woods Community Grade Checker IC Datacom Davis Aerospace State Farm Insurance Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 288 Communication & Media Arts High School Mission Communication and Media Arts High School’s mission is to provide an atmosphere that promotes academic and creative achievement as well as social and emotional growth through a positive and caring environment, preparing students to : Become proficient writers, speakers, and thinkers. Be able to understand and analyze human, social, literary, and political issues. Work collaboratively. Set goals for themselves and work towards attaining those goals. Become responsible decision makers. Principal Address Matthew Dixon 14771 Mansfield Detroit, Michigan 48227 AYP Not Met Phone (313) 866-9300 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade 9 150 10 82 11 90 12 118 SP 15 Total: (313) 866-9304 English Math Reading Science Writing 9 Social Science 55.8 455 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 2.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 22.00 22.00 19.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 Guidance Counselor 0.00 0.00 3.00 Other Support Staff Noon Time Aide 13.50 10.50 13.00 Total 39.50 35.50 37.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 2,064,961 803,185 26,459 1,810,688 770,523 20,225 1,361,972 615,292 23,773 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 2,894,605 2,601,436 2,001,037 Fund: 12 - GRANTS 749100 - Other Purchased Services 125,000 0 0 Fund: 12 - GRANTS Total 125,000 0 0 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 109,990 53,846 6,007 0 157,991 59,447 32,213 21,190 139,373 49,183 22,876 0 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 169,843 270,841 211,432 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 147,738 145,032 189,842 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 289 Communication & Media Arts High School 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 60,273 3,186 62,192 3,802 83,515 4,000 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 211,197 211,026 277,357 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 46,106 46,612 48,140 44,989 47,076 51,893 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 92,718 93,129 98,969 3,493,363 3,176,432 2,588,794 School Total 2008 Partners of Communication & Media Arts High School Grandmont Rosedale Development Corp. WXYZ Detroit Heading Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 290 King High School Mission The mission of ML King High School is to produce responsible, self-directed and career-orientated students with solid academic and technical skills. Students will be able to adapt to changing and emerging technologies, successfully entering secondary education and training. We will accomplish this mission in a safe environment by providing rigorous , relevant learning experiences and positive character development. Principal Address Deborah Jenkins 3200 E. Lafayette Detroit, Michigan 48207 AYP Not Met Phone (313) 494-7373 Fax Email [email protected] (313) 494-7359 Restructuring for academic year 2009-2010 Enrollment Grade M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment 9 449 10 312 11 256 12 259 SP 128 Total: Grade English Math Reading Science Writing 9 Social Science 55.2 1,404 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 5.00 5.00 4.00 Teacher 77.00 73.00 55.00 Guidance Counselor 8.00 7.00 2.00 Noon Time Aide 0.00 1.00 3.00 40.00 41.00 34.00 130.00 127.00 98.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 6,513,837 2,569,049 129,933 5,450,533 2,191,103 82,721 3,969,970 1,781,578 70,748 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 9,212,819 7,724,356 5,822,296 77,732 37,876 15,427 0 0 406,428 227,767 201,914 2,543 23,000 188,352 108,509 194,056 0 11,111 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 131,036 861,652 502,028 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 775,732 287,354 5,401 1,061,912 384,881 12,088 952,494 431,424 16,500 1,068,487 1,458,881 1,400,418 Other Support Staff Total Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 291 King High School Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 73,871 77,086 93,108 96,366 93,850 96,352 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 150,956 189,474 190,202 Fund: 44 - CAPITAL PROJECTS 900000 - Restricted Control 5,150 0 0 Fund: 44 - CAPITAL PROJECTS Total 5,150 0 0 10,568,448 10,234,363 7,914,944 School Total 2008 Partners of King High School Les Thrash Detective Agency Wayne County Neighborhood Legal Services Joe Randazzo's Fruit Market Burlington Coat Factory Chrysler Corp Soave Enterprise Aramark Corp. Holla At Cha' Girl Salon BUS Professionals of America Wayne/Resa Alabama Style Chicken American Red Cross Rite Aid Corporation Deloitte Consulting, LLP Stride Rite Capuchin Soup Kitchen KELLER THOMAS Law Firm Walbridge Aldinger Kentucky Fried Chicken Anderson & Anderson Associates President's Council Unknown Sav-A-Lot Glory Supermarket Taylor AMC Ernst & Young Life Changers Ministries Charter One Bank Finish Line Accenture Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan Coffee Beanery One Track Entertainment Denso International Ame MI Basic Property Insurance Association Detrooit Public Schools Big Fellas Bakery McDonald's Corporation Gregory J Reed & Associates DMC Rehabilitation Institute of Michigan Tennessee Missionary Baptist Church Tammy Terry Attorney PC Phoenix Theatres Golightly Career Ceenter JL Automotive Instant Tax Service Exquisite Cuts Hot Sam's Unknown GMS Group Westside Cultural & Ath Club Imagine Travel Unknown President Tuxedo MI Nail Salon Robert's Coney Island Don Gooley Cadillac, Inc. Levy Restaurant Corp Taco Bell Gleaners Community Food Bank Strategic Staffing Solutions Farmers Insurance Taylor AMC On Your Back LLC George Johnson & Co. Mr. Alan's Shoes and Sportswear Ilitch Holdings Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 292 Ford High School Mission The Administration, faculty and staff of Henry Ford High School, in partnership with our parents and community, will successfully teach our students, regardless of their race, religion, ethnicity, socioeconomic background or gender, how to read, write, think, compute, appreciate the Arts, speak well, dress and behave in socially acceptable ways, so they can become economically independent, contributing members of society. Principal Address Layne Hunt 20000 Evergreen Detroit, Michigan 48219 AYP Not Met Phone (313) 494-7567 Fax Email [email protected] (313) 494-7565 Restructuring for academic year 2009-2010 Enrollment Grade M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment 9 354 10 212 11 201 12 133 SP 308 Total: Grade English Math Reading Science Writing 9 Social Science 34.5 1,208 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 4.00 5.00 4.00 Teacher 77.50 79.50 51.00 Guidance Counselor 5.00 5.00 2.00 Nurse 2.00 1.00 1.00 Noon Time Aide 0.00 1.00 3.00 48.00 49.00 36.00 136.50 140.50 97.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 5,052,576 2,463,850 132,040 9,619 4,764,783 1,968,345 29,497 0 2,874,752 1,332,512 61,046 0 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 7,658,085 6,762,625 4,268,310 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 191,873 77,824 302,942 0 0 469,457 217,884 213,827 20,791 1,186 380,971 221,828 137,603 0 18,499 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 572,638 923,144 758,901 1,789,790 758,502 1,930,831 831,213 1,416,104 654,053 Other Support Staff Total Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 293 Ford High School 700000 - Other than Personal Services 19,888 35,262 35,500 2,568,181 2,797,305 2,105,657 78,902 66,563 85,508 76,639 79,664 84,471 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 145,465 162,147 164,135 Fund: 44 - CAPITAL PROJECTS 900000 - Restricted Control 30,182 0 0 Fund: 44 - CAPITAL PROJECTS Total 30,182 0 0 10,974,551 10,645,222 7,297,003 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits School Total 2008 Partners of Ford High School Learning Consultants Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 294 Barsamian Preparatory Center Mission The Y. Gladys Barsamian Preparatory Center will successfully provide a rehabilitative counseling program and an academic curriculum for expelled Detroit Public School students in a clean, safe, and healthy environment, giving them a second chance to reenter a comprehensive educational facility. Principal Address Veita Dennis 7650 Second Avenue Detroit, Michigan 48202 AYP Met Phone (313) 873-1288 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade 9 34 10 3 11 4 SP 10 Total: (313) 873-1857 English Math Reading Science Writing 9 Social Science 39.4 51 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 1.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 8.00 8.00 9.00 Guidance Counselor 2.00 2.00 3.00 Social Worker 2.00 2.00 2.00 Other Support Staff 7.00 5.00 9.00 20.00 18.00 24.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 273,564 101,334 15,168 198,843 71,195 1,684 223,504 94,389 4,406 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 390,066 271,722 322,299 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 893,167 370,733 39,499 0 884,175 388,974 5,863 0 916,337 404,046 11,748 70 Total Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 1,303,400 1,279,012 1,332,201 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 88,490 30,972 0 181,755 75,338 1,200 163,575 61,259 1,000 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 119,462 258,293 225,834 7,240 6,453 9,773 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 295 Barsamian Preparatory Center 600000 - Benefits 2,012 1,561 9,416 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 9,252 8,014 19,189 Fund: 44 - CAPITAL PROJECTS 900000 - Restricted Control 67,319 0 0 Fund: 44 - CAPITAL PROJECTS Total 67,319 0 0 1,889,499 1,817,040 1,899,522 School Total 2008 Partners of Barsamian Preparatory Center Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 296 Kettering High School Mission Kettering High School will provide students with curricula and career experiences that are relevant and practical so that they will be motivated to become productive citizens that are equipped to succeed in higher education and the workforce. AYP Not Met Principal Address 6601 Van Dyke Detroit, Michigan 48213 Phone (313) 866-5336 Fax (313) 852-9615 Email Restructuring for academic year 2009-2010 Enrollment Grade M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade 9 252 10 175 11 139 12 98 SP 286 Total: English Math Reading Science Writing 9 Social Science 23.3 950 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 4.00 3.00 4.00 Teacher 65.00 58.00 49.00 Guidance Counselor 4.00 3.00 2.00 Social Worker 1.00 0.00 0.00 Noon Time Aide 0.00 1.00 6.00 46.00 34.00 28.00 120.00 99.00 89.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 4,431,800 1,836,434 89,104 3,651,010 1,505,789 29,357 2,564,292 1,115,771 48,275 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 6,357,338 5,186,156 3,728,338 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 168,053 64,228 93,899 0 0 329,546 127,204 165,203 12,750 869 351,704 153,088 92,502 5,000 6,209 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total Other Support Staff Total Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group 326,179 635,572 608,503 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 1,318,698 619,012 5,981 1,299,936 616,943 21,600 1,382,775 680,004 27,500 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 1,943,690 1,938,479 2,090,279 Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 297 Kettering High School Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 91,061 86,697 93,292 85,380 87,196 89,813 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 177,758 178,672 177,009 Fund: 44 - CAPITAL PROJECTS 900000 - Restricted Control 144,415 0 0 Fund: 44 - CAPITAL PROJECTS Total 144,415 0 0 8,949,380 7,938,879 6,604,129 School Total 2008 Partners of Kettering High School Capuchin Kitchen Kettering Alumni Association Urban Farming Detroit Piston/Rasheed Wallace Foundation Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 298 Kettering West Wing Mission The Kettering-West Wing, in collaboration with staff, students, family and community will successfully educate every student in a manner consistent with his or her ability. We will seek out, utilize, and evaluate best practice methods to ensure that all of our students develop their cognitive, social, creative and physical abilities. Our goal is to make every student as independent as possible. Principal Address Drexell Claytor 6601 Van Dyke Detroit, Michigan 48213 AYP Not Met Phone (313) 852-3452 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment SP Total: (313) 852-3454 Grade English Math Reading Science Writing Social Science 203 203 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 1.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 26.00 25.00 25.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 Other Support Staff 33.00 31.00 25.00 Total 62.00 59.00 53.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 5,527 461 76,260 0 0 0 31,520 0 0 0 32,740 165,858 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 82,248 31,520 198,598 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 2,749,506 1,181,373 105,014 2,831,545 1,275,451 148,590 2,737,774 1,269,238 112,820 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 4,035,893 4,255,586 4,119,832 School Total 4,118,141 4,287,106 4,318,430 Nurse Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group 2008 Partners of Kettering West Wing Bus Professioanls of America Brewer Elementary School Tri Dim Filter Corporation Detroit Federation of Teachers Tender Loving Chld Care Center Kwanis Club St. Stephens & St.Phillips Episcopal Church Walgreens Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 299 Mumford High School Mission The mission of Mumford High School is to provide a positive, caring and safe learning environment, promoting social growth and academic excellence, based on data driven decision making. Vision: Students at Mumford High School will be engaged in a rigorous and relevant curriculum that is fostered by deep and lasting relationships. Students will leave Mumford High School well prepared for future endeavors and the demands of a complex society. AYP Not Met Principal Address 17525 Wyoming Detroit, Michigan 48221 Phone (313) 416-7064 Fax (313) 651-0836 Email Restructuring for academic year 2009-2010 Enrollment Grade M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment 9 436 10 257 11 423 12 377 SP 318 Total: Grade English Math Reading Science Writing 9 Social Science 35.1 1,811 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 6.00 5.00 5.00 Teacher 96.00 93.00 75.00 7.00 6.00 3.00 Guidance Counselor Social Worker 0.00 0.00 1.00 Noon Time Aide 0.00 1.00 3.00 47.00 46.00 41.00 156.00 151.00 128.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget 7,203,454 2,959,268 172,952 6,278,855 2,569,278 85,179 4,624,844 2,040,659 90,895 Other Support Staff Total Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 10,335,674 8,933,313 6,756,398 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 142,573 41,680 45,177 0 0 721,272 328,022 180,439 10,234 461 565,576 219,931 160,954 0 68,050 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 229,430 1,240,428 1,014,511 1,562,684 1,612,209 1,373,849 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 300 Mumford High School 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total School Total 620,832 20,421 653,147 9,185 626,208 20,500 2,203,937 2,274,541 2,020,557 77,979 57,266 74,893 72,305 68,927 52,897 135,245 147,198 121,824 12,904,285 12,595,479 9,913,290 2008 Partners of Mumford High School Prevailing Community Development Daimler Chrysler Corp Wayne County Community College MAC Program, University of Michigan U of D Law School Think Detroit Ford Motor Company - FORD PAS Oak Grove AME Church ACE Lydia Circle of Christian Business and Profiles on Women Marygrove College Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 301 Northwestern High School Mission The mission of Northwestern High School, in collaboration with parents and community, is to successfully educate all of its students in a data-driven, student-orientated, clean, safe and healthy environment to become skilled as productive lifelong learners. Principal Address Randolph Gear 2200 West Grand Blvd. Detroit, Michigan 48208 AYP Not Met Phone (313) 596-0700 Fax Email [email protected] (313) 596-0710 Restructuring for academic year 2009-2010 Enrollment Grade M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment 9 408 10 212 11 159 12 104 SP 187 Total: Grade English Math Reading Science Writing 9 Social Science 29.7 1,070 Position Summary FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 700000 - Other than Personal Services 80,971 0 0 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total Staffing Total Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group 80,971 0 0 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 700000 - Other than Personal Services 2,378 24,000 23,000 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 2,378 24,000 23,000 Fund: 44 - CAPITAL PROJECTS 900000 - Restricted Control 40,679 0 0 Fund: 44 - CAPITAL PROJECTS Total 40,679 0 0 124,029 24,000 23,000 School Total 2008 Partners of Northwestern High School GM UAW New Detroit, Inc. Detroit Free Press International UAW Kendall Community Dev. Corp. Finish Line Harper hospital Unknown Neighborhood Service Organization (NSO) Wayne State University Detroit Free Press Ford Motor Company New Detroit The Coalition Starfish Family Service Tech Town University of Detroit Mercy Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 302 Osborn High School Mission The mission of Osborn High School is to advocate a vision where “effective data driven effort creates excellence above all” through utilizing the holistic approach of student maturation, transferable skill development, and performance based learning; wherein, every student will graduate prepared to go to the next level of their lives: community college; college; university or the world of work. Principal Address Carmen Mays-Wilson 11600 East 7 Mile Road Detroit, Michigan 48205 AYP Not Met Phone (313) 866-0343 Fax Email [email protected] (313) 866-0356 Restructuring for academic year 2009-2010 Enrollment Grade M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment 9 341 10 149 11 166 12 168 SP 324 Total: Grade English Math Reading Science Writing 9 Social Science 27.8 1,148 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 5.00 4.00 4.00 Teacher 87.00 64.00 37.00 Guidance Counselor 5.00 3.00 2.00 Nurse 1.00 0.00 0.00 Noon Time Aide 0.00 1.00 3.00 53.00 45.00 41.00 151.00 117.00 87.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 5,085,048 2,059,525 118,170 3,844,614 1,577,838 91,314 2,896,046 1,247,304 58,076 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 7,262,743 5,513,766 4,201,426 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 309,065 119,415 227,464 0 0 420,117 182,907 21,096 12,400 0 344,380 194,204 98,507 0 35,284 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 655,944 636,521 672,375 1,842,376 694,048 39,673 1,970,331 773,670 40,280 793,877 360,050 54,480 Other Support Staff Total Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 303 Osborn High School Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total School Total 2,576,097 2,784,281 1,208,407 80,122 82,646 89,012 94,028 94,337 92,692 162,769 183,040 187,029 10,657,553 9,117,608 6,269,237 2008 Partners of Osborn High School New Detroit Coalition Alkebu Lan Martial Arts VSA Arts of MI Uncle Rob's Auto Girl Scouts of America / Metro Detroit Atmospheric Training Academy Skillman Foundation St. John Health Systems New Detroit Coalition Galilee Missionary Baptist Church Detroit Police Department Community Happy's Pizza Phoenix Theatres General Motors Black Enterprise Family Service, Inc. Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 304 Pershing High School Mission The mission of John J. Pershing High School, the duel learning community, is to prepare students at varying academic levels and ensure their preparation for success in the global society through a student -focused, data-driven, nurturing, technology rich, clean and safe environment. Principal Address Donna Thorton 18875 Ryan Road Detroit, Michigan 48324 AYP Not Met Phone (313) 866-7700 Fax Email [email protected] (313) 866-3296 Restructuring for academic year 2009-2010 Enrollment Grade M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment 9 394 10 220 11 224 12 191 SP 325 Total: Grade English Math Reading Science Writing 9 Social Science 35.3 1,354 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 5.00 4.00 4.00 Teacher 90.00 85.00 44.00 Guidance Counselor 5.00 4.00 2.00 Social Worker 1.00 1.00 1.00 Noon Time Aide 0.00 1.00 3.00 50.00 35.00 28.00 151.00 130.00 82.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 5,450,471 2,193,441 145,093 4,406,622 1,769,566 52,347 3,513,049 1,529,908 68,273 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 7,789,004 6,228,535 5,111,230 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 284,626 119,058 263,050 0 0 403,946 189,301 133,050 24,200 17,591 274,197 128,491 113,363 16,750 183,332 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 666,734 768,087 716,133 2,272,465 922,671 21,491 1,938,499 852,480 41,600 545,356 276,924 55,500 Other Support Staff Total Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 305 Pershing High School Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total School Total 3,216,627 2,832,579 877,780 80,017 80,275 83,396 102,779 72,740 79,238 160,292 186,175 151,978 11,832,657 10,015,376 6,857,121 2008 Partners of Pershing High School WC3 Concurrent Enrollment Wayne State University Urban Partnership Hope United Methodist Church Detroit Enstin Karate Kai Students Today Leaders Forever Wayne State University Urban Partnership Hartford Memorial Baptist Church Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 306 Detroit High School for Technology Mission The mission of Detroit High School for Technology is to develop and support the personnel, curriculum and technological infrastructure needed to prepare the Detroit Technology Community to effectively use technology to communicate, obtain information and solve problems as necessary to succeed in an ever-changing diverse society. Principal Address Donna Thorton 18875 Ryan Road Detroit, Michigan 48234 AYP Not Met Phone (313) 866-4068 Fax Email [email protected] (313) 866-4067 Restructuring for academic year 2009-2010 Enrollment Grade M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade 9 43 10 37 11 41 12 41 SP 9 Total: English Math Reading Science Writing 9 Social Science 53.8 171 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 1.00 0.00 0.00 Teacher 8.00 8.00 6.00 Guidance Counselor 1.00 1.00 0.00 Other Support Staff 6.00 4.00 3.00 16.00 13.00 9.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 680,713 266,567 15,115 575,835 241,730 0 432,666 182,653 9,715 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 962,394 817,565 625,034 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 4,907 1,344 42,792 0 12,453 3,012 28,225 0 5,371 1,320 63,230 1,000 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 49,043 43,691 70,921 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 72,689 24,368 72,516 23,915 72,516 24,843 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 97,057 96,431 97,359 1,108,494 957,687 793,314 Total Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group School Total Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 307 Detroit High School for Technology 2008 Partners of Detroit High School for Technology Hartford Memorial Baptist Church Building with Books WSU Urban Partnership Carlyn Gallery Studio Hope United Methodist Church Wayne County Community College Students today Leaders forever Detroit Karate Kai Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 308 Renaissance High School Mission Renaissance High School, A National Gold Medal Educational Center of Excellence, will provide an array of rigorous academic, social, and cultural experiences in a clean, safe, and healthy environment, which will prepare our students to be successful in college and to become leaders in world-wide society. Principal Address Gail Russell-Jones 6565 W. Outer Drive Detroit, Michigan 48235 AYP Met Phone (313) 416-4600 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade 9 305 10 220 11 229 12 210 SP 4 Total: (313) 416-4620 English Math Reading Science Writing 9 Social Science 96.1 968 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 3.00 3.00 3.00 Teacher 44.00 44.00 38.00 Guidance Counselor 3.00 3.00 1.00 Noon Time Aide 0.00 0.00 3.00 Other Support Staff 49.00 30.00 25.00 Total 99.00 80.00 70.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 4,443,619 1,833,984 105,812 4,088,975 1,727,134 16,459 3,279,101 1,471,422 49,166 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group 6,383,415 5,832,568 4,799,689 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 3,400 283 1,873 22,424 8,021 23,684 85,788 20,642 69,736 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 5,556 54,129 176,166 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 23,035 19,641 233 155,668 93,212 1,200 39,309 35,071 1,000 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 42,909 250,080 75,380 122,542 129,716 96,591 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 309 Renaissance High School 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 105,167 57 118,245 0 102,765 0 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 227,767 247,961 199,356 Fund: 44 - CAPITAL PROJECTS 900000 - Restricted Control 14,488 0 0 Fund: 44 - CAPITAL PROJECTS Total 14,488 0 0 6,674,135 6,384,738 5,250,591 School Total 2008 Partners of Renaissance High School LEAR Corp. Stratford Shakespeare Festival Stratford Shakespeare Festival Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 310 Southeastern High School of Technology Mission The Southeastern family (Parents, Faculty, Staff and Students) will provide a clean and safe learning environment offering every student academic, social, cultural and technical experiences that will ensure successful participation in a global society. AYP Not Met Principal Address 3030 Fairview Detroit, Michigan 48214 Phone (313) 866-4500 Fax (313) 866-5555 Email Restructuring for academic year 2009-2010 Enrollment Grade M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment 9 524 10 596 11 457 12 266 SP 290 Total: Grade English Math Reading Science Writing 9 Social Science 37.3 2,133 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 6.00 6.00 5.00 Teacher 106.00 108.00 76.00 Guidance Counselor 7.00 7.00 3.00 Noon Time Aide 0.00 1.00 6.00 61.00 54.00 52.00 180.00 176.00 142.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget 7,872,926 3,125,873 208,836 7,302,915 2,939,269 62,011 5,527,259 2,325,958 106,834 Other Support Staff Total Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 11,207,635 10,304,194 7,960,051 Fund: 12 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 7,692 639 15,059 0 0 0 0 0 0 Fund: 12 - GRANTS Total 23,390 0 0 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 158,418 81,773 291,525 0 0 730,873 355,174 289,389 15,346 7,591 483,285 258,244 415,956 0 95,000 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 531,716 1,398,373 1,252,485 Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 311 Southeastern High School of Technology Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 1,723,032 646,755 17,411 1,593,781 641,788 21,861 908,855 370,704 27,500 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 2,387,197 2,257,429 1,307,059 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 138,736 73,812 128,124 77,226 150,060 136,840 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 212,548 205,350 286,900 Fund: 44 - CAPITAL PROJECTS 900000 - Restricted Control 19,986 0 0 Fund: 44 - CAPITAL PROJECTS Total 19,986 0 0 14,382,472 14,165,346 10,806,495 School Total 2008 Partners of Southeastern High School of Technology Edutronix Delmia Corporation Chrysler Corp University of Detroit Mercy Ford Motor Company Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 312 Southwestern High School Mission The Southwestern High School faculty and staff will provide a successful data driven learning environment that will inspire and challenge students to achieve academic excellence in an ever changing global society. Principal Address Stefana Romanov 6921 W. Fort Street Detroit, Michigan 48209 AYP Not Met Phone (313) 849-4521 Fax Email [email protected] (313) 849-4734 Restructuring for academic year 2009-2010 Enrollment Grade M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment 9 373 10 182 11 168 12 170 SP 242 Total: Grade English Math Reading Science Writing 9 Social Science 20.0 1,135 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 2.00 2.00 3.00 Teacher 38.00 43.00 41.00 Guidance Counselor 2.00 2.00 2.00 Noon Time Aide 0.00 1.00 3.00 Other Support Staff 37.00 37.00 29.00 Total 79.00 85.00 78.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 3,109,396 1,261,869 55,843 2,576,609 1,048,824 53,045 3,266,679 1,537,234 57,433 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group 4,427,108 3,678,478 4,861,346 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 145,783 42,998 17,883 0 0 178,650 56,038 96,052 18,851 23,064 159,668 71,679 83,306 3,000 21,957 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 206,664 372,655 339,610 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 1,166,013 457,810 3,016 1,132,757 475,124 24,300 674,499 316,035 26,000 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 1,626,839 1,632,182 1,016,534 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 313 Southwestern High School 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total School Total 90,886 71,394 107 91,564 98,904 0 68,394 83,582 0 162,387 190,468 151,976 6,422,998 5,873,782 6,369,466 2008 Partners of Southwestern High School Detroit Medical Center VIP Mentoring Program 7ArvinMeritor Comerica Bank Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 314 Western International High School Mission Western International High School exists to ensure that each student is afforded an education that prepares them to live and work in a global community. Western will equip students with 21st Century Learning skills that enable responsible and well-informed decision making. As a result, students can confidently embrace the challenges and leadership roles of United States citizenship. Principal Address Geraldo Vazquez 1500 Scotten Detroit, Michigan 48209 AYP Not Met Phone (313) 849-4758 Fax Email [email protected] (313) 849-4695 Restructuring for academic year 2009-2010 Enrollment Grade M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment 9 415 10 406 11 311 12 224 SP 187 Total: Grade English Math Reading Science Writing 9 Social Science 52.8 1,543 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 4.00 5.00 4.00 Teacher 62.00 69.00 55.00 Guidance Counselor 5.00 5.00 2.00 Noon Time Aide 0.00 1.00 3.00 50.50 43.50 34.00 121.50 123.50 98.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 5,286,932 2,111,145 105,667 4,957,558 2,018,235 53,487 4,145,208 1,851,931 77,629 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 7,503,744 7,029,280 6,074,768 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 196,638 76,842 176,321 0 0 362,535 149,655 218,203 7,236 55,596 250,739 116,198 432,340 11,757 69,141 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 449,801 793,225 880,175 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 887,952 346,278 8,951 959,630 417,134 14,400 417,553 178,937 12,000 1,243,180 1,391,165 608,490 Other Support Staff Total Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 315 Western International High School Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 101,609 83,158 121,603 96,000 86,990 93,945 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 184,768 217,603 180,935 9,381,493 9,431,272 7,744,368 School Total 2008 Partners of Western International High School Building with Books La Sed Youth Center Southwest Solutions Gleaners Community Food Bank University of Michigan Adolescent Lit. El Arte Alliance Coca Cola Detroit International Bridge Company Detroit Police Department University of Michigan Adolescent Lit. Michigan State University KCP Metropolitan Teen Conference of Merrill-Palmer Inst. WSU Higher Ed. Opportunity Talent Search MSU Undergraduate Diversity Program Summit Medical Cte. U of D Mercy The Westsiders Ford Motor Company Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan University of Michigan Lula Belle Stewart WDTR Radio 90.9 FM Community Health and Social Services CTE Latino Family Services Detroit Police Officers Association Mosaic Youth Theatre Life Directions Cola Cola Valued Youth Program Detroit Economic Club Inside Out Rennaissance Learning Northwood University Wayne County Community College Havenwyck Dept. of Treasury, State of Michigan Convenant House Southwest Ctr. - MI Saginaw Valley State University Wayne State University Office of Scholarships Detroit Compact National Wildlife Federation Wayne State Uinversity Gear Up University of Michigan Financial Aid Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 316 Crockett Career and Technical Center Mission The mission of the Crockett CTC is to successfully prepare all students with technical, academic and interpersonal skills to meet the needs of a global society in a clean and safe environment. Principal Address Brenda Belcher 571 Mack Detroit, Michigan 48201 AYP Phone (313) 494-1805 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 494-0992 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing 9 Total: Social Science 58.6 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 2.00 2.00 2.00 Teacher 42.00 33.00 28.00 Guidance Counselor 4.00 3.00 0.00 Other Support Staff 28.00 20.00 14.00 Total 76.00 58.00 44.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 2,552,066 1,072,454 154,789 2,599,204 1,098,005 288,563 2,147,848 1,032,991 71,940 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group 3,779,309 3,985,772 3,252,779 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 184,060 72,082 759 236,093 100,941 1,200 92,972 44,784 0 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 256,901 338,234 137,756 4,036,209 4,324,006 3,390,535 School Total 2008 Partners of Crockett Career and Technical Center Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 317 Golightly Education Center Mission The entire staff of Golightly Educational Center for the Liberal Arts and Sciences hold the expectation that all students will learn and achieve high academic standards. We believe that our school’s main purpose is to educate our students and each teacher’s responsibility is to develop a caring and artistic attitude that fosters a love of learning. Through communication with the home and community support, the staff will develop a partnership that enhances positive growth in all students. AYP Met Principal Address 5536 St. Antoine Detroit, Michigan 48202 Phone (313) 870-1101 Fax (313) 873-1102 Email Enrollment Grade M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade 11 1 12 1 Total: English Math Reading Science Writing Social Science 2 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 2.00 2.00 2.00 Teacher 34.00 33.00 32.00 Guidance Counselor 3.00 4.00 0.00 Other Support Staff 34.00 24.00 19.00 Total 73.00 63.00 53.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 3,226,075 1,409,242 550,649 3,317,034 1,479,744 407,687 2,604,596 1,297,726 103,070 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 5,185,966 5,204,465 4,005,392 73,169 30,355 73,216 31,266 0 0 103,524 104,482 0 5,289,491 5,308,947 4,005,392 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total School Total 2008 Partners of Golightly Education Center Campbell - Ewald Advertising Flagstar Bank A X A Advisors, LLC Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 318 Randolph Career and Techinical Center Mission The mission of Phillip Randolph CTC, in collaboration with business, industry and the community, is to provide students with the opportunity to develop life role competencies with an emphasis on skills in technology, business and construction-related trades. The staff prepares students to be productive participants in a global society by meeting the needs of the individual through career and technical competence, social acceptance and civic responsibility. Randolph opens the door for successful careers. Principal Address Gwendolyn Miller 17101 Hubbell Detroit, Michigan 48235 AYP Phone (313) 494-7100 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade 9 1 10 1 11 1 12 1 Total: (313) 494-7114 English Math Reading Science Writing Social Science 4 Position Summary FY 2008 Adopted Budget Staffing FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 1.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 28.00 27.00 25.00 Guidance Counselor 3.00 3.00 0.00 Other Support Staff 35.00 20.00 15.00 Total 67.00 51.00 41.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 2,645,007 1,071,913 134,120 2,334,197 984,675 270,120 1,977,718 924,374 66,420 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 3,851,040 3,588,992 2,968,512 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 178,996 70,298 3,787 218,248 89,443 0 0 0 0 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 253,081 307,691 0 4,104,120 3,896,683 2,968,512 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group School Total 2008 Partners of Randolph Career and Techinical Center Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 319 Randolph Career and Techinical Center Detroit Works Career Development Jomar Building Company, Inc. Sac Adult Day Care, Inc. Oakland Community College Carpentry Apprenticeship School MDPMCA Electrical Industry Training Center Solomon Plumbing Clarity Enterprises, LLC Snelling Metro Detroit Wayne County Community College District Council #22 Painters & Allied Character Educaton Initiatives Generation of Promise Assistant Superintendent - Diane Fisher Positive Images Davenport University MDPMCA Character Educaton Initiatives Snelling Metro Detroit Michigan Historic Perservation Network Etkin-Skanska USA #250 ACG, Greater Detroit Electrical Industry Training Center Castle Construction, Inc. Johnstone Supply DPS/PMT - Bldg. & Construction Barton Malow Company Wright Landscaping Oswalt, Inc. AMES Taping Tools Randolph CTC Garth Financial Group, Inc. Mayor's Time Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 320 Crockett High School Mission The mission of Crockett Technical High School is to graduate responsible, self-directed and career-orientated young men and women with solid academic and technical skills that can adapt to the changing and emerging technologies to successfully enter into employment and/or postsecondary education and training. This will be accomplished by providing rigorous and relevant learning experiences coupled with the development of positive character traits. Principal Address Deborah Hurst 8950 St. Cyril Detroit, Michigan 48213 AYP Not Met Phone (313) 866-7399 Fax Email [email protected] (313) 866-7401 Restructuring for academic year 2009-2010 Enrollment Grade M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade 9 231 10 178 11 208 12 161 SP 31 Total: English Math Reading Science Writing Social Science 809 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 3.00 2.00 2.00 Teacher 30.00 29.00 24.00 Guidance Counselor 3.00 3.00 1.00 Noon Time Aide 0.00 0.00 3.00 Other Support Staff 32.00 26.00 23.00 Total 68.00 60.00 53.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 2,972,222 1,209,008 80,112 2,611,122 1,073,825 26,798 1,895,750 837,772 41,296 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 4,261,341 3,711,745 2,774,818 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 50,732 31,583 142,568 0 0 174,723 83,879 157,980 9,120 15,835 165,303 88,862 175,673 6,125 0 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 224,883 441,537 435,963 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 151,809 55,898 1,157 180,341 71,747 3,200 184,238 88,262 4,000 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 208,864 255,288 276,500 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 321 Crockett High School Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total School Total 71,461 45,659 82,460 55,213 69,929 60,272 117,120 137,673 130,201 4,812,209 4,546,244 3,617,481 2008 Partners of Crockett High School Haynes, Maufus & Davis, PLLC U.S. Department of Labor Wayne State University Apple Corp. Central Detroit Christian Community Development Corp. Mac Professionals Ideal Group Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 322 Davis Aerospace High School Mission Benjamin O. Davis, Jr., Aerospace Technical High School seeks to create a learning environment where home and school work collaboratively to successfully educate our students in a clean, safe and healthy environment. We work assiduously to ensure that all students develop their academic, social, creative, and physical abilities while instilling the desire for self-direction, lifelong learning, and awareness of the global society and their responsibility in it. All students will be engaged in a rigorous academic curriculum, as well as, a relevant and “hands-on” technical curriculum. Principal Address Nina Graves-Hicks 10200 Erwin Detroit, Michigan 48234 AYP Met Phone (313) 866-5401 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade 9 61 10 30 11 38 12 33 SP 8 Total: (313) 866-5408 English Math Reading Science Writing 9 Social Science 67.1 170 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 2.00 2.00 1.00 Teacher 20.00 20.00 19.00 Guidance Counselor 1.00 1.00 1.00 Other Support Staff 19.00 15.00 10.00 Total 42.00 38.00 31.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 1,923,051 738,230 33,193 19,800 1,717,466 734,176 2,323 19,600 1,560,639 699,253 13,720 0 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 2,714,274 2,473,565 2,273,612 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 15,554 6,030 39,680 67,804 16,116 71,608 40,942 10,070 55,400 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 61,263 155,528 106,412 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 0 0 1,180 70,747 31,511 1,200 73,216 32,915 1,000 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 1,180 103,458 107,131 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 323 Davis Aerospace High School 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 21,676 6,016 16,263 3,934 15,531 3,819 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 27,692 20,197 19,350 2,804,410 2,752,748 2,506,505 School Total 2008 Partners of Davis Aerospace High School Curtis Industries Wayne County Community College I.B.M. Industrial Control Repair, Inc. Coleman A. Young Municipal Detroit Chassis LLC Western Michigan University Federal Express Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 324 Douglass Academy Mission Frederick Douglass College Preparatory Academy for Young Men “Where Transformation Happens” will offer a comprehensive college preparatory curriculum that allows young men to think critically and creatively as they matriculate through the enriched performance based, constructivist and differentiated learning environment. These young men will be equipped to compete in a global society. Principal Address Sean Vann 2001 West Warren Detroit, Michigan 48202 AYP Not Met Phone (313) 596-3555 Fax Email [email protected] (313) 596-3552 Restructuring for academic year 2009-2010 Enrollment Grade M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade 6 60 7 7 20 8 8 22 9 9 75 10 48 11 48 12 28 SP 37 Total: English Math Reading Science Writing 43 52.4 42.9 42.9 42.9 Social Science 52.9 338 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 2.00 2.00 1.00 Teacher 36.00 31.00 22.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 Guidance Counselor 0.00 0.00 3.00 Other Support Staff Noon Time Aide 23.00 29.00 22.00 Total 63.00 64.00 49.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 1,242,709 534,754 50,953 1,308,716 597,331 8,441 600,240 296,515 17,981 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 1,828,416 1,914,488 914,736 Fund: 12 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 5,430 451 0 2,596 1,543 32,024 0 0 0 Fund: 12 - GRANTS Total 5,880 36,164 0 1,216,066 507,462 65,245 1,435,538 635,043 88,937 1,334,503 660,236 39,655 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 325 Douglass Academy 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 0 0 8,752 71 10,000 0 1,788,773 2,168,341 2,044,394 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 155,693 85,059 2,593 298,968 152,590 3,400 210,921 125,484 7,000 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 243,344 454,958 343,405 70,620 47,541 84,996 59,780 87,595 76,950 118,161 144,776 164,545 3,984,574 4,718,727 3,467,080 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total School Total 2008 Partners of Douglass Academy Daimler Chrysler Corp A. J. Bros LLC Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 326 Boykin Continuing Education Center Mission Quality Education With High Expectations For Teen Parents. Our school inspires a vision that promotes excellence. In addition to providing a quality education for our students, we are able to holistically support their needs by providing on -site child care, nutritional meals, counseling and after school activities. High expectations are set for students through personal learning plans that focus on their academic and psychological development. We continually strive to inspire our students to become lifelong learners, as well, to grow and reach their full potential in a loving and respectful environment. Principal Address Karen Durant 10225 3rd Street Detroit, Michigan 48202 AYP Not Met Phone (313) 866-0524 Fax Email [email protected] (313) 866-0527 Restructuring for academic year 2009-2010 Enrollment Grade M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade 7 1 7 8 2 8 9 23 9 10 15 11 10 12 10 SP Total: English Math Reading Science Writing Social Science 41.2 14 75 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 1.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 8.00 8.00 8.00 Guidance Counselor 1.00 1.00 1.00 Other Support Staff 19.00 13.00 7.00 Total 29.00 23.00 17.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 492,038 265,266 12,121 366,914 235,328 7,464 230,139 115,300 5,581 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 769,425 609,706 351,020 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 504,210 205,965 88,547 0 0 546,247 239,533 77,148 19,520 0 509,994 245,466 46,559 1,412 48,133 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 798,723 882,447 851,564 62,171 32,570 62,332 31,799 62,331 33,720 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 327 Boykin Continuing Education Center 700000 - Other than Personal Services 1,200 1,200 0 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 95,941 95,331 96,051 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 11,491 3,217 9,939 2,404 15,531 3,819 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 14,708 12,343 19,350 1,678,797 1,599,827 1,317,985 School Total 2008 Partners of Boykin Continuing Education Center Capuchin Services Legal Aid and Defender Children Center (Teen Parenting) Lula Belle Stewart Positive Images Women & Infant, Children Program Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 328 Crosman Alternative High School Mission Crosman Alternative High School staff will ensure that our students are ready to meet, with self -assurance, the requirements for the next customer, be it the next grade level, the world of work, the military, trade school, community college or four year university through a customer driven; data-driven educational learning environment. Principal Address Anthony Houston 8820 Woodrow Wilson Detroit, Michigan 48206 AYP Not Met Phone (313) 873-1560 Fax Email [email protected] (313) 873-1565 Restructuring for academic year 2009-2010 Enrollment Grade M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade 6 126 7 84 8 40 Total: English Math Reading Science Writing 9 Social Science 7.6 250 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 1.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 18.00 19.00 12.00 Guidance Counselor 1.00 1.00 1.00 Social Worker 1.00 1.00 0.00 Noon Time Aide 0.00 0.00 3.00 Other Support Staff 9.00 12.00 6.00 30.00 34.00 23.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 1,826,500 708,548 36,904 0 1,387,265 537,105 4,398 4,000 974,495 402,643 13,625 0 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 2,571,952 1,932,768 1,390,763 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 800000 - Operating Expenses 145,645 55,452 58,028 0 0 162,215 62,368 60,608 10,960 0 7,233 1,614 97,176 1,770 29,649 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 259,125 296,150 137,442 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 163,246 82,600 534 234,636 108,865 3,400 146,483 64,955 1,500 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 246,380 346,901 212,938 Total Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 329 Crosman Alternative High School Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 20,826 5,813 19,587 4,738 15,531 3,819 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 26,638 24,325 19,350 3,104,095 2,600,144 1,760,493 School Total 2008 Partners of Crosman Alternative High School Higher Ground Focus Hope Inside Out Life Changing Center Pewabic Pottery Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 330 Ferguson Academy for Young Women Mission The mission of Catherine Ferguson Academy is to ensure that every student completes her High School education and meets the requirements necessary for college readiness as tested on the Michigan Merit Examination. Each young woman must leave us with the skills necessary to be a competent, caring mother, and be able to support herself and her family. Principal Address G. Asenath Andrews 2750 Selden Detroit, Michigan 48208 AYP Not Met Phone (313) 596-4771 Fax Email [email protected] (313) 596-4773 Restructuring for academic year 2009-2010 Enrollment Grade M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade 6 3 7 9 8 10 9 89 10 41 11 55 12 22 SP 29 Total: English Math Reading Science Writing 9 Social Science 25.7 258 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 1.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 16.00 15.00 13.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Guidance Counselor Nurse 2.00 2.00 2.00 Noon Time Aide 1.00 1.00 3.00 Other Support Staff 30.00 26.00 18.00 Total 51.00 46.00 38.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget 781,550 344,509 10,406 49,101 613,931 281,888 5,885 0 428,837 200,105 14,021 0 1,185,565 901,704 642,963 919,183 379,210 83,962 0 1,034,513 465,908 75,229 8,750 898,650 422,542 90,086 0 1,382,356 1,584,400 1,411,278 144,403 145,032 145,032 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 331 Ferguson Academy for Young Women 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 50,207 1,813 47,830 2,400 49,686 2,000 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 196,423 195,262 196,718 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 11,917 3,331 14,348 3,470 20,970 5,156 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 15,248 17,818 26,126 2,779,592 2,699,184 2,277,085 School Total 2008 Partners of Ferguson Academy for Young Women Hutzel Hospital Legal Aid and Defender Children's Hospital of Michigan Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 332 Edward (Duke) Ellington Conservatory of Music/Art Mission It is the mission of Edward Duke Ellington Conservatory of Music and Art to prepare education, to become productive and responsible citizens in today’s technologically With the integral partnership between the student body, the parents, and the Conservatory of Music and Art students will be empowered as lifelong learners through orderly environment which will prepare them for success. Principal Address Yolanda Herbert 8030 East Outer Drive Detroit, Michigan 48213 AYP Met Phone (313) 866-2861 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade all students, through an international advanced, globally diverse society . community, Edward Duke Ellington a rigorous curriculum in a safe and (313) 866-2866 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing PK 17 3 54 93.3 73.3 20.0 K 42 4 76 87.8 77.6 26.5 1 56 5 52 46.2 63.5 2 52 6 62 58.4 67.1 62.8 3 44 7 76 57.5 75.9 65.9 4 45 8 80 56.4 79.6 5 49 6 78 7 80 8 82 Total: 63.5 61.3 Social Science 32.7 43.0 78.5 545 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 2.00 1.00 1.00 Teacher 31.00 29.00 25.00 Guidance Counselor 1.00 1.00 0.00 Noon Time Aide 1.00 1.00 5.00 Other Support Staff 15.00 14.00 12.00 Total 50.00 46.00 43.00 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 2,141,690 893,000 47,453 2,166,693 919,999 14,010 1,724,700 785,117 27,410 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group 3,082,143 3,100,702 2,537,227 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 749100 - Other Purchased Services 149,027 59,079 37,458 0 424,194 175,869 167,728 2,500 383,209 174,858 125,492 10,000 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 245,564 770,291 693,559 Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 333 Edward (Duke) Ellington Conservatory of Music/Art Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 10,497 2,591 0 0 0 0 Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 13,087 0 0 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 28,698 7,966 19,587 4,738 20,970 5,156 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total 36,664 24,325 26,126 3,377,458 3,895,318 3,256,912 School Total 2008 Partners of Edward (Duke) Ellington Conservatory of Music/Art Youth on the Edge of Greatness, Inc. Arts in the Hearts Partnership - CAP Cops, Kids, Books )Eastern District" Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 334 Bates Academy Mission Bates Academy, in collaboration with community, parents, teachers and the Detroit Board of Education, will successfully educate all students in a clean, safe and healthy environment to be productive participants in a global society. Gifted and talented students have special needs that will be addressed across the curriculum. Principal Address Spencer, Jennifer 19701 Wyoming Detroit, Michigan 48221 AYP Met Phone (313) 494-7000 Fax Email [email protected] Enrollment Grade (313) 494-8811 M.E.A.P. Percentage of Students Proficient 2009 Enrollment Grade English Math Reading Science Writing K 74 3 99 98.8 98.8 94.2 1 86 4 94 97.9 95.9 70.1 2 82 5 96 91.3 95.7 3 82 6 95 95.2 94.3 4 88 7 99 97.2 99.1 5 86 8 98 90.5 97.4 6 95 7 101 8 94 SP Total: 95.7 Social Science 92.4 92.4 92.4 97.2 98.3 95.7 9 797 Position Summary Staffing FY 2008 Adopted Budget FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Principal 2.00 2.00 2.00 Teacher 33.00 32.50 22.50 Guidance Counselor 1.00 1.00 0.00 Noon Time Aide 0.00 0.00 8.00 Other Support Staff 11.00 16.00 13.00 Total 47.00 51.50 45.50 FY 2008 Actual Expenditures FY 2009 Adopted Budget FY 2010 Adopted Budget Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 2,734,819 1,082,180 33,428 2,823,949 1,192,719 17,178 2,150,989 993,275 39,506 Fund: 11 - GENERAL FUND Total 3,850,426 4,033,846 3,183,770 Fund: 14 - GRANTS 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services 6 782 0 62,221 0 57,821 Fund: 14 - GRANTS Total 787 62,221 57,821 63,539 21,917 0 66,072 22,634 1,500 68,810 30,944 1,500 Financial Summary Intermediate Object Group Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 700000 - Other than Personal Services Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 335 Bates Academy Fund: 22 - SPECIAL EDUCATION Total 85,455 90,206 101,254 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE 500000 - Salaries 600000 - Benefits 62,482 64,991 84,996 85,863 79,020 77,052 127,473 170,859 156,072 4,064,142 4,357,131 3,498,917 Fund: 25 - FOOD SERVICE Total School Total 2008 Partners of Bates Academy Marygrove College Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 336 GLOSSARY Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) – The measure of progress each year for a student, school, or school district that ensures that states/school districts/schools are meeting the requirements of the Federal No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB) to adequately meet students‟ academic needs. Targets used to measure AYP are participation in and performance on statewide assessments in subjects like math and English, and other indicators such as attendance and graduation rates. Alternative Schools – Schools operated either by the District or by outside contract providers that offer a diverse array of school options for: for students who have committed a serious or persistent violations of the Student Code of Conduct (Transition Schools); youth expelled from the District (Apex programs); and students at-risk of dropping out of school or who have recently returned to school from prior dropout (Accelerated and Oasis Schools) American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) – The 2009 federal economic stimulus bill, which includes over $2.6 billion for schools in Michigan. Board of Education – The traditional governing body of Detroit Public Schools. There are 11 elected members, seven district members and four at-large members. The Board elects a President and VicePresident. Deficit Elimination Plan (DEP) – A multi-year strategy to reduce Fund Balance deficits required by the Michigan Department of Education. Emergency Financial Manager (EFM) – Individual appointed by the State to oversee the financial management of Detroit Public Schools. Fiscal Year – The 12 month period to which the annual operating budget applies and at the end of which a government determines its financial position and the results of its operations. The DPS fiscal year is July 1 through June 30. Foundation Allowance – The major Michigan education grant to school districts which provides state funding to school districts for general operating purposes. Additional State funds are provided by formula based on factors including declining enrollment. Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) – Primary federal funding stream for special education. In exchange for federal dollars, schools must guarantee that all children with disabilities receive a „free appropriate public education.‟ Individualized Education Plan (IEP) – A plan written by the IEP team (including teachers, special education staff and parents) that specifically describes the programs and services necessary for a “free appropriate public education” for a child who has been determined after evaluation to be eligible for special education services. No Child Left Behind (NCLB) – The No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 is a reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, the central federal law in pre-collegiate education. The NCLB Act expanded the federal role in education and has become a focal point of education policy. Limited English Proficiency (LEP) – Students who speak a language other than English and have not yet mastered English. Michigan Educational Assessment Program (MEAP) – The State‟s state-wide system of annual assessment tests for core subjects such as reading and math in grades 3-8 and grade 11. Michigan Merit Exam (MME) – The State‟s annual assessements for High School students, similar to the MEAP. Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 337 School Improvement Schools – A school (or school district) that has been designated as needing school improvement because it did not meet AYP targets for two or three consecutive years. Under NCLB, school choice and supplemental education services are to be offered to students in schools that are in School Improvement status. Special Education – High Incidence – School-based programs for students who are evaluated as meeting the “exceptionability” and “eligibility” criteria for Learning Support or Emotional Support. Students in High Incidence Programs are educated, to the extent possible, with regular education peers. This population of students is taught the General Education Curriculum but provided with accommodation strategies to meet their unique learning and/or behavioral needs in the Least Restrictive Environment. Special Education – Low Incidence – School-based programs for students who are evaluated as requiring Autistic Support, Life Skills Support or Multiple Disabilities Support. These programs are named Low Incidence because there is a lower prevalence of their occurrence in the general education population. Students in Low Incidence Special Education Programs participate in an alternative curriculum developed to address their educational and functional needs. Special Education – Gifted – Supplemental school-based programs for students exhibiting above average general and/or specific abilities, high levels of task commitment, and high levels of creativity. State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF) – The State Fiscal Stabilization Fund (SFSF) program is a new one-time appropriation under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA). SFSF fund monies are intended to enable states to avoid making cuts in their funding for education, and also to allow states to continue to implement programs intended to advance adequate and equitable school funding. Michigan plans to use SFSF funding to offset anticipated reductions in the state foundation allowance. Title I – The main federal grant for education under No Child Left Behind, designed “to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high-quality education and reach, at a minimum, proficiency on challenging State academic achievement standards and state academic assessments.” Title I funds are distributed to school districts proportionately based on the number of low income students they serve. Title II (A) – An indirect federal grant dedicated for Improving Teacher Quality. This grant is used to “prepare, train, and recruit high-quality teachers and principals capable of ensuring increased academic achievement for all students.” Title II (D) – An indirect federal grant for Enhancing Education Through Technology. This grant is used to “improve student academic achievement through the use of technology in elementary schools and secondary schools…” Detroit Public Schools FY2010 Operating Budget, 338 OFFICE OF THE EMERGENCY FINANCIAL MANAGER Detroit Public Schools 14th Floor, Fisher Building 3011 West Grand Blvd. Detroit, Mi 48202 Phone: (313) 870-3772 Fax: (313) 870-3726 [email protected]