Fall 2014 - Marinette Marine


Fall 2014 - Marinette Marine
Fall 2014
MMC Launches LCS 7Detroit
MMC was nominated for the
prestigious 2014 Manufacturing
Awards of Distinction.
See page 3 for more details.
The US Navy, along with ship’s sponsor, Mrs. Barbara Levin, christened the future USS Detroit (LCS 7),
the fourth MMC Littoral Combat Ship of the Freedom variant, in a ceremony on October 18, 2014.
ACE Marine delivers first LCS
aluminum modules to MMC.
See page 4 for more details.
On October 18th, the future USS Detroit
(LCS 7) was launched into the Menominee River at the Marinette Marine Corporation (MMC) shipyard.
The ship’s sponsor, Mrs. Barbara Levin,
christened Detroit with the traditional
smashing of a champagne bottle across
the ship's bow just prior to the launch.
“It is a privilege to serve as the sponsor
of the future USS Detroit and to participate in the major milestones along the
way to her assuming her place as part
of the great US Navy fleet," said Mrs.
Levin. “I also look forward to an ongoing relationship with her courageous
crews and their families throughout the
ship's lifetime.”
Following christening and launch, Detroit
will continue to undergo outfitting and
testing before delivery to the US Navy.
Continued on page 2.
LCS Launches Future USS Detroit (LCS 7)
Continued from page 1.
Since my arrival at MMC, one of
my “Case for Change” objectives
was effective communication. The
“It is an honor to continue supporting
the US Navy with these capable and
flexible warships,” said Dale P. Bennett,
Executive Vice President of Lockheed
Martin’s Mission Systems and Training
business. “The Lockheed Martin-led
team’s LCS design is lethal, survivable,
and affordable. These ships will help
the Navy achieve its goal to increase
forward presence, and can be upgraded or modified quickly to meet future missions.”
purpose for effective communication throughout MMC is to provide
clear objectives, accomplishments,
and any follow-up action plans.
Effective communication creates a
strong corporate culture where employees trust leadership and feel like
they have a voice. For example, if
MMC leadership effectively communicates with the employees certain
goals and expectations, they in turn
are empowered to accomplish the
goals with a sense of completion.
Tools that were integrated include:
• MMC Operating System
• New MMC Quality Policy
• Metric / Communication Boards
• Process improvement / LEAN 5S
summary sheets and leaflets
• “Work Smart and Efficiently”
• Organization and Directive Announcements
• Bi-Monthly Newsletters
• Monthly meeting with Union
• Quarterly “All-Hands” to
As always, I have an open-door pol-
The US Navy awarded the contract to
construct Detroit in March 2011 as part
of the 2010 block buy contract. The
ship is one of five LCS currently under
construction at Marinette Marine.
“On behalf of Marinette Marine, we
are incredibly proud to build these
ships for the US Navy,” said Jan Allman, MMC President and CEO/GM.
“We continue to streamline our
processes and leverage the craftsman-
ship and skills of our employees in
producing these high quality vessels
for our warfighters.”
The LCS, which is the US Navy's first
focused-mission ship, is used in antisubmarine warfare, surface warfare,
and mine warfare missions. The Lockheed Martin-led industry team building
the Freedom-class ships has already delivered two ships to the US Navy. USS
Freedom (LCS 1) completed a successful
deployment to Southeast Asia in 2013.
USS Fort Worth (LCS 3) will deploy to
Southeast Asia in 2014. Milwaukee
(LCS 5) will be delivered to the US
Navy in 2015. Detroit (LCS 7) was
christened and launched on Oct. 18,
2014. Little Rock (LCS 9), Sioux City
(LCS 11), and Wichita (LCS 13) are
under construction. Billings (LCS 15)
cut steel on October 20, 2014; the
first stage of construction.
Earlier this year, the Navy funded Indianapolis (LCS 17) and LCS 19, which is
yet to be named.
Distinguished Guests
• Mrs. Barbara Levin, Ship Sponsor and Spouse of The
Honorable Carl Levin, U.S. Senator (M)
• The Honorable Tammy Baldwin, U.S. Senator (W)
• The Honorable Sander Levin, U.S. Representative (M)
• The Honorable Reid Ribble, U.S. Representative (W)
• The Honorable Randy Hultgren, U.S. Representative (I)
• The Honorable Ray Mabus, 75th Secretary of the
• Vice Admiral William H. Hilarides, USN,
Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command
• Rear Admiral Brian K. Antonio, USN, Program
Executive Officer, Littoral Combat Ships
• Brigadier General William F. Mullen, USMC,
Director, Capabilites Development Directorate
• Captain Thomas J. Anderson, USN, Program Manager,
Program Executive Office, Littoral Combat Ships
• Captain Michael Taylor, USN,Supervisor of
Shipbuilding Bath
• Commander Nate Schneider, USN, Program Manager
Rep., Supervisor of Shipbuilding Bath-Marinette
Special Thanks
• Jeff Matson, MMC Launch Master
icy where you are free to communicate directly to me your items of
importance or concerns.
Jan Allman, President - CEO/GM
November 11, 2014
Marinette Marine Corp. salutes Veterans who are
currently employed with us. Thank you for your service!
We are proud to STAND TALL and work beside you.
Building 30 Working Towards Red Zone Area
As the awareness of LEAN 5S methods
grow at MMC, the organization of steel
plate around Building 30 became the
target. Rather than simply throwing
steel in a pile on
the ground or in a
recycling bin, a team
lead by Dave Pullen,
Joe Denny and Jen
Gruszynski with
supporting functional groups such
as material managers,
engineering and
material handlers
began to “Sort and
Straighten,” two of
the key processes in
the LEAN 5S
South of Building 30
Sort – The team
sorted through the
piles of steel plate to
make sure only essen- West of Building 30
tial items were retained. Scrap or obsolete materials and fixtures not used in
our fabrication process were eliminated. In the end, everything was
stored or discarded.
Straighten – The team continued with
straightening and organizing items
around Building 30 in order to focus
on efficiency. This is more than just positioning the steel where it will be used
and in the sequence it will be used; it is
“straightening” the work path for materials and the work process as well. Of
all the steps we took, this produced the
greatest cost reductions.
Other Key Efforts:
• Validating inventory in BAAN and
Building 30 records
• Utilizing fabricated fixtures to move
and store material
• Additional storage crates
and fixtures are being
made to reduce footprint and organize
manufactured material
• Consolidating inventory
from the K&K warehouse yard
• Discussing options for
future consolidation
and improved operations across MMC
Manufactured Parts
This project is scheduled to
be completed by November 1, 2014. Once complete, the parts area South
of Building 30 will become
a Red Zone with access
given to authorized personnel only.
This Red Zone approach will allow the
Building 30 Business Team to ensure the
integrity of the physical and electronic
inventory and its location. This will
provide confidence that the material
will be available when required; thus
improving schedule and reducing cost.
It is critical to LCS program success that
the cost and operational inefficiencies
and risk, resulting from obtaining material in an ‘unbounded’ manner versus
receiving material that is correctly outbounded on a work order, be stopped
MMC Nominated for
Award of Distinction
October 2014 – Marinette Marine
Corp. is pleased to announce that
we are a nominee for the prestigious
2014 Manufacturing Awards of Distinction for outstanding achievements in manufacturing this year.
Wisconsin manufacturers have had
more than their fair share of adversity. Yet, similar to MMC, many are
thriving and growing as they overcome tough times, creating new
jobs, increasing sales, and moving
into new markets. It’s achievements
like this that have made MMC worthy of this special recognition.
“We are honored to be nominated
for this award. The recognition
gained for our nomination will
better position us for future
Government and commercial
programs,” said Jan Allman, MMC
President and CEO/GM.
The Manufacturing Awards of Distinction, sponsored by Advance
Economic Development/Green Bay
Area Chamber of Commerce, honors
excellence in manufacturing in
Northeast Wisconsin.
Awards are presented to outstanding
manufacturers in categories based on
company size and workforce development. This year’s event will be
held on November 12, 2014 at the
Radisson Hotel and Convention
Center in Green Bay, WI.
In addition, we also want to
congratulate Bay Shipbuilding Co.
(BSC) for their nomination. MMC
and BSC are two of the twelve
companies nominated for
this outstanding award.
The MMC Hotline Task Force Team wants to know
if you have witnessed any unsafe practices, quality of work issues,
theft, or breach of security throughout any MMC building or the yard.
Call 715-735-4754 and leave an anonymous and secure message outlining
your concern and include, time, date, ship, building and/or location of incident.
CBP Coastal
Vessel Bid for
ACE Marine
ACE Marine Delivers First LCS Modules to MMC
After months of preparation, this was truly a team effort between
a number of hardworking MMC and ACE Marine employees.
The CIVs will pursue
suspect vessels and enable
CBP personnel to board
and search such vessels;
arrest violators; and seize
the vessel and any
contraband it is carrying.
October 2014 – Fincantieri Marine
Group (FMG) submitted a bid for
the Customs and Border Protection
(CBP) Coastal Interceptor Vessel
(CIV) as a new pipe-line opportunity
for ACE Marine in Green Bay. The
CIV is based on a 2012 prototype
with several mission system, performance, and general arrangement
The new CBP high speed intercept
vessel is being designed for a variety
of homeland security and law enforcement missions operating in the
littoral waters and in offshore areas
of the US and its territories in varying seas and weather conditions.
The proposal effort was performed
at the MMC location, with key
support from MMC, ACE, and BSC
personnel. It was a real team effort
and if we successfully win the bid in
January 2015 we will construct a
prototype in, followed by production orders up to 85
over the 5-year
October 3, 2014 – On a cold and rainy
Friday morning, a handful of ACE
and MMC employees busily worked
together to test and load the barge
that would carry the first two ACE built
aluminum modules to Marinette.
Planning and design of the new ACE
LCS production facility transformation
began a couple of months prior to the
aluminum module construction at
ACE. Luke Tomberlin/MMC and Jeff
Frank/ACE led the joint effort to
work together as an integrated team
on the logistics, facility, and process
modifications needed to seamlessly
transition from RB-M to LCS module
As part of the team, there were many
outstanding contributions. Kurt Bourbonnais/MMC provided program
management coordination and logistics, Jim Smith/ACE, Karl Stangel,
Kristi Ebsch, Rick Swidergal/MMC
led the PP&C work, Scott Bell/MMC
and Steve Wilson/ACE coordinated
shipping and receiving, Dennis Giese/
ACE and Brian Fowler/MMC led
Quality Assurance (QA) inspection,
Adam Clark/MMC provided purchasing
support, and Todd Christian/MMC
managed facility and capital
To make possible the transportation of
the finished modules, a 30’h x 65’w
exterior door was added to the main
ACE production line to access a large
deck barge moored directly outside the
East wall of the building on the Fox
River. Because the barge deck would
be higher than the floor level of the
ACE facility, Charlie Jackson/MMC
from the Methods department designed the unique ramps and bridges
used between the building and barge.
Dave Brandon and Rebel Lindemoen/
MMC were on hand to maneuver and
operate the KAMAG transporter. After
less than two weeks of load tests and
trial runs with the ramps, they moved
the two modules from inside the ACE
facility over the ramp and bridges, and
onto the barge with ease.
Due to high wind conditions, the tow
of the barge carrying the modules was
delayed until Sunday. In fair weather
conditions, the barge expected travel
time from Green Bay to Marinette
would only be 5-6 hours.
ACE and MMC will be transporting
four additional LCS modules in November. Due to the thick ice in Green Bay
over the winter, the modules manufactured during this time will be completed and stored indoors until the
shipping season resumes
in April 2015.
R/V Sikuliaq’s Sonar Detects the Andrea Doria
August 2014 – Nearly 60 years after
the weakest. Stronger (RED) returns
one of the worst maritime disasters to
come from rock or hard surfaces, while
occur in US waters, the Andrea Doria
mud or silt of the ocean floor returns
was detected by the R/V Sikuliaq resting
are blue/green. Thus colors transition
on the ocean floor just off the coast of
from Red, Orange, Yellow, Green to
Nantucket, Massachusetts. Images of
Blue; this is relative to hardness or
her were taken by the most recent
strength of return (hard to soft).
MMC constructed ARRV during sonar
On 25 July 1956, while the Andrea
calibration by the Kongsberg EM710
its lifeboats unusable. The efficiency of
Doria was bound for New York City
Multibeam Sonar.
the ship's technical design allowed it to
from Italy, the eastbound MS Stockholm
stay afloat for over 11 hours after the
Although she lies on her side, with the
collided with it in what became one of
ramming. 1,660 passengers and crew
overlay of the hull profile you can still
history's most infamous maritime disas-
were rescued and survived, while 46
distinguish her shape. The sonar color
ters. Struck in the side, the top-heavy
people died with the ship as a conse-
lineup on the images shows reds as the
Andrea Doria immediately started to list
severely to starboard, which left half of
quence of the collision.
strongest return with blue/green being
Citation: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SS_Andrea_Doria
Da Yooper Plunge 2015
Hundreds of people will brave the cold on January 1
to watch the annual “Da Yooper Plunge 2015,” but not
many are willing to PLUNGE. Last years’ attire for this
event ranged from bikinis and shorts to animal prints;
some even carried plungers. Join the MMC team this year,
create your own theme and brave the near zero temps.
Call Todd Christian at x6059 to be part of the plunge.
P.S. You may need your hard hat to break the ice!
Marinette Marine Corporation continues to look for men and women who want
to be part of America's premier shipbuilding team. Visit www.marinettemarine.com
or www3.apply2jobs.com/fmg for job opportunities or use your smart phone
to click on the quick response (QR) code to the right to link to the jobs site.
Historic Buoy Set by the USCGC James Rankin
Each year the crew of the US Coast
As he watched the battle of Fort
Guard Cutter James Rankin, a 175-foot
McHenry unfold, he was amazed to
coastal buoy tender homeported in
Curtis Bay, sets the historic Francis
Scott Key buoy in the Patapsco
River near the Francis Scott
Key Bridge. This buoy marks
the spot where the ship carrying Francis Scott Key was
anchored during the bombardment of Fort McHenry in 1814.
September 2014 marked 200 years
since the battle of
Fort McHenry
which inspired
Francis Scott Key
to put pen to
paper and write
the poem that
inspired our
national anthem.
find the flag that flew over the fort
survived the 25 hour onslaught
of enemy fire. He was so
moved by the sight that
he wrote the poem the
“Star Spangled Banner.”
The US Coast Guard Cutter
James Rankin is the fifth of fourteen cutters of the Keeper Class of
WLM coastal buoy tenders constructed
by Marinette Marine Corp. Placed in
commission on May 1, 1999 in Baltimore’s Inner Harbor, James Rankin and
her sister ships form a fleet of technically advanced and highly capable buoy
tenders. James Rankin and her crew are
responsible for maintenance of over
400 buoys including the Francis Scott
Key buoy in the Upper Chesapeake
Bay and its tributaries including
the Potomac River up to our
nation’s Capitol. RB-M Takes Part in the Bi-Centennial Celebration
US Coast Guard RB-M also added its presence to the national celebration of the
200th anniversary commemorating
the writing, designation and symbolism of our national anthem.
Our national anthem has become
an enduring symbol of
the land of the free and
the home of the brave.
RB-M at Star Spangled Banner - 200th Anniversary Celebration at Fort McHenry in September.
BSC Launches SuperSport Yacht
Recently, Bay Shipbuilding Co. (BSC)
The vessel is the largest carbon-compos-
launched a super yacht for their neigh-
ite super yacht ever built. The material
boring yacht builder, Palmer Johnson
is “lighter than aluminum and stronger
Yachts. For a number of years BSC has
than steel,” thus reducing its structural
provided the use of their drydock to
weight by 20 tons. The yacht features a
Palmer. Depending on schedule, they
slender monohull design that can accel-
have launched up to 4 yachts a year.
erate the 500GT yacht to 32 knots using
This super yacht is the first 48M SuperSport yacht with its distinctive gold hull
and black superstructure built by Palmer.
The yacht made its way from the BSC
launch site to CenterPointe Yacht
Services, where it will undergo further
refinements this fall.
Unity Club Picnic
September 2014 – The Unity Club
picnic has been a beloved tradition
for employees of MMC for over
35 years. It’s an opportunity for
employees to “take off their hard
hats,” mingle and socialize, while
enjoying food and fun in a friendly
MTU 2000 series engines and 50% less
fuel consumption. In addition, a wavepiercing bow is part of her design to
reduce slamming and pitching in head
seas and features an 11M beam to
improve stability.
Citation: http://www.superyachttimes.com/editorial/33/
Palmers says the SuperSport 48M "Redefines the most important parameters of yachting," which
they claim is to have the most gorgeous shapes and still have the space and comfort of a traditional yacht, and to be fast yet efficient as a displacement yacht.
MMC Tree Lighting Ceremony Scheduled
The Tree Lighting at MMC is the best way to build
holiday memories with our MMC families. This
tradition has been a MMC family favorite since
2011. The illumination is scheduled for Tuesday,
December 9th at 5:15 pm. Jan Allman, President
and CEO/GM, will conduct the official lighting
while spirited observers sing Christmas carols.
After the holiday tree lighting event, enjoy
photos with Santa at the North pole
(a.k.a. Engineering Conference Rooms),
juice and sweet treats courtesy of
the MMC Outreach Committee.
We invite all employees and their
family to experience this great
tradition that builds memories
lasting a lifetime. The tree will be lit
throughout the 2014 holiday season.
On Saturday, September 6, over
800 men, women and children attended this year’s Unity Club Picnic
held at Marinette City Park. The
M&M Hockey Association (led by
Paul Kraus/MMC) grilled burgers
and the famous Jeff Doubek homemade brats; the Junior Women’s
Club (led by Diana Harnois/MMC
and Sue Conard/LMCO) served
food; while the Wishigan Rowing
Club (led by Katie Baur/SUPSHIP
and Scott Craw/MMC Ret) steamed
and served sweet corn. Everyone
joined the fun including live music
by the Eddy Munster Band, a variety of kids games and activities,
trivia, and a horseshoe tournament.
Over 40 prizes were given away to
The Unity Club picnic is an event
for all MMC employees and their
immediate family and is eagerly
anticipated by the employees and
management alike every year.
Hope to see you next year.
Reminder: This is your newsletter, and we want
your input. Please email your ideas for stories
or ask questions that can be addressed in the
future issues to Tina Dyer, Communication
Coordinator at [email protected]).
Barbara Levin Tours LCS 7 Prior to Launch
September 2014 – Mrs. Barbara Levin, LCS 7 sponsor
and wife of Sen. Carl Levin (D-Michigan) visited MMC
in preparation of the Detroit launch. While in the yard
she toured the future USS Detroit with Anthony Guarisco, Union President, Jan Allman, MMC President and
CEO/GM, and various MMC, Lockheed Martin, and
SUPSHIP representatives.
Mrs. Levin was impressed by the construction process
and the ship’s technological capabilities. “It is a privilege
to serve as the sponsor of the future USS Detroit and
support her courageous crews throughout the ship’s lifetime,” said Mrs. Levin. “I look forward to bringing this
ship to life as she will protect and defend our nation as
part of the great US Navy Fleet.”
Mrs. Barbara Levin, LCS 7 sponsor and wife of Sen. Carl Levin meeting Anthony
Guarisco, MMC Union President, during ship and yard tour in September.
MMC Supports the M&M Community Foundation
October 17th – The M&M Community Foundation held the 16th Annual M&M game tailgate
party at the Pullman House in Menominee, MI.
MMC has been a long time supporter of the
Foundation. The local event was MC’d by
Sports Radio 570’s Bill Michaels while former
Green Bay Packer Blaise Winter was the guest
Bill Michaels,Sports Radio 570
(left), welcomes former Green
Bay Packer defensive lineman,
Blaise Winter (1988-'90).
speaker. A bidding war amongst local business
leaders set the bar high at the auction. Two onepound bag of caramels combined for $3,500
The Season
and four hours of labor donated by students of
the Youth Advisory Committee (YAC) sold for
$1,600. In the end, the Foundation raised over
$30,000 for the area’s youth. Scholarships are
awarded yearly to students in Marinette and
Menominee Counties. In 2013, the Foundation
awarded more than $500,000 in grants and
scholarships. Since 1997, the Foundation has
given back more than $3 Million to the community in the form of grants and scholarships.
Metric Board in Building 30
Joe Denny, Superintendent, Building 30
Fabrication and Panel Line, reviews their
metric board with MMC’s senior leaderMake a Child Smile
ship team. He details where they
Bringing laughter to a child on Christmas
are today and explains how
morning is the goal of the Salvation Army’s Toys
the foreman meet daily to
for Tots program. MMC has been a long-time sponsor
discuss metrics and how
of this program and will be again this year. In December,
they “measure-up”
watch for collection bins located at MMC reception. All
to the schedule
toys collected will be distributed by the Salvation Army to
and goals.
families in need throughout the greater Marinette/Menominee area.
of Giving at MMC
Angels at MMC In December, MMC will again be sponsoring the Angel Tree,
and employees can participate by shopping for a child named on the tree.
Each Angel represents one child, their name, age and gift ideas. All items collected
will be distributed by St. Vincent de Paul to local families in need.
Joe Denny, Building 30 Superintendent,
discusses metric board with MMC Senior
Leadership Team (SLT).
ISO DNV Audit Scheduled for December
Knowledge is Power
MMC’s Information Technology (IT)
The International Standard Organization (ISO)
Division is offering on-line training. To
Recertification Audit is scheduled for December
schedule an on-line training session; it’s
15th - 18th, 2014. Two Det Norske Veritas
as simple as submitting a meeting invite
(DNV) auditors will be on-site to conduct the
through the MMC Outlook calendar.
audit. Key individuals have been identified as
• Office PowerPoint 2003 (Consolidated)
ISO coordinators and will assist with ISO
• Office PowerPoint 2007 (Consolidated)
compliance in their area. MMC Quality
s Office PowerPoint 2007 Introduction,
Assurance (QA) will be providing guidance
Navigation, Themes, Slide Masters
during the next several weeks in preparation
and Working with Text
for this vital audit. Areas of focus are procedures and work instructions, document
control, records control, training certification
s Office PowerPoint 2007 Charts,
Tables, Shapes, Tools, SmartArt,
Photos, Backgrounds and Watermarks
s Office PowerPoint 2007 Multimedia,
records, product identification, control of
Animation, Customization, Delivery
nonconforming materials (Hardware Problem
Formats, Proofing, Preparing and
Reports [HPR’s]), process change controls,
and care and protection.
In addition, your ISO coordinator will be working with the department to help
provide guidance in other areas calling for additional requirements. Please be prepared to work with your area ISO coordinators as we prepare for another successful ISO Recertification.
Please feel free to contact Dale Samples, QA Manager, at x6511 with any questions
or concerns about this audit.
• Office PowerPoint 2010 (Consolidated)
• Office PowerPoint 2010 Creating
Presentations and Using Templates in
PowerPoint 2010
• Office PowerPoint 2010 Customizing
Presentations in PowerPoint 2010
• Office PowerPoint 2010 Multimedia and
Delivery Formats in PowerPoint 2010
• Office PowerPoint 2013 1: The Basics
• Office PowerPoint 2013 2: Creating
On-Screen Elements
MMC Introduces New Quality Policy
The new Quality Policy is a document jointly developed by MMC Management
and the Quality division to express the quality objectives of our organization. The
acceptable level of quality has been established ensuring consistent quality at all
times throughout the company. Watch for updated signs and billboards during the
next few weeks. In addition, discard your old Quality Policy badge tag.
• Office PowerPoint 2013 3: Customizing
• Office Outlook 2003 (Consolidated)
• Office Outlook 2007 (Consolidated)
s Office Outlook 2007 Navigating,
Configuring Email Accounts, Creating
and Securing Emails, & Email Defaults
s Office Outlook 2007 Working Offline, Changing Views, Organization
and Management, Rules, & Alerts
s Office Outlook 2007 Archiving,
Contacts, Calendar, Meetings, Tasks,
& Journal
• Office Outlook 2010 (Consolidated)
• Office Outlook 2010 Contact and
Calendar Management in Outlook 2010
• Office Outlook 2010 Email Management
and Settings in Outlook 2010
• Office Outlook 2010 Navigating and
Formatting in Outlook 2010
The full course list is located on the
Bridge under Shared Documents – IT
Documents – MMC IT Online Training
Courses. Sign-up for training today!
Holiday Food Drive
Helping those in need to
meet their basic necessities.
More than 600 families face hardship
in the tri-county area during the
Open Enrollment 2015
Starts November 1st and runs through November 15th, 2014.
Open Enrollment for
All New Dependents
food pantries to provide their
your Fincantieri Marine Group
essential food items. On October
(FMG) benefits only rolls around
27th MMC kicked-off its 4th Annual
once a year. This is your chance
added during Open Enrollment
will be audited. You will receive
a letter to verify their eligibility.
Holiday Food Drive supporting the
local pantries. Our local food
pantries provide a direct conduit
between those with the ability to
give to those who are in need.
to fine tune your benefits for
holiday season and look to local
the upcoming year. During
Open Enrollment you can make
changes to your benefit elec-
HRA Follow-up Appointment If you or your covered
spouse received a score of 70
or less on the recent HRA, you
tions as well as add or drop
must complete one (1) follow-
dependents. It’s your chance
up appointment at your onsite
to ensure your benefits work
the very best for you and your
family in 2015.
Don’t forget to complete your
follow-up by April 30, 2015.
Your 2015 Premiums for
If follow-up visit is not complete
medical, dental and vision
by April 30, 2015, you will
coverage can be found in the
forfeit your reduced premium
Open Enrollment packet you
effective May 1, 2015.
recently received at
home by mail. If you
took a Health Risk AsThanks to the generosity of MMC
sessment (HRA) during
folks last year, over 5000 pounds
the August 2014 time
of food items were collected and
period; congratulations!
donated to needy families just in
You will pay less for
time for the Thanksgiving and
medical coverage in 2015
Christmas season. This year the
than you paid in 2014.
NOVEMBER 1-15, 2014
Call 866-617-1266, visit
www.portal.adp.com, or
use your smart phone to
click on the quick response
(QR) code to the right.
goal has been set at 6000 pounds;
only 900 pounds more than last
Protect Yourself and Your Loved
Ones from the Flu this Year!
year. The drive will continue through
noon on Tuesday, November 18th.
It’s time to schedule your annual flu shot
Although the primary focus is collect-
at your on-site
ing non-perishable food items; other
Starting this month, ages 6 months and
frequently requested items include
older may receive the flu shot at the
laundry detergent, dental and per-
on-site clinic. Walk-ins are welcome;
sonal care items. Place your contributions in the donation boxes or cash
collection cans located throughout
the MMC buildings and yard. Every
item and every dollar you donate will
help provide food and grocery products to men, women and children
facing hunger in our community.
e 10 f
Price is $30* (cash only)
Call 800-528-7883
to schedule your appointment.
but to save wait time and ensure vaccine
availability, appointments are strongly
*If you have current medical coverage through
Fincantieri Marine Group (FMG) with UMR, you
will be given a form at your appointment to send
in for full reimbursement.
Whether it is an email from a for-
There are two simple phrases that
eign lawyer trying to get you to
apply here; there’s no such thing as a
help him move some dead person’s
free lunch, and if it sounds too good
assets out of the country in ex-
to be true it probably isn’t. Both
change for a cut of the loot; the
apply, and yet everyday people fall
promise of a free vacation/laptop/
for these attacks because at the end
tablet; or an appeal for help from
of the day, most people are nice,
some allegedly stranded relative
trusting, and think others are too.
who can email you, but for some
reason cannot call—the phishing
attack is after your personal information so the attacker can empty
your bank account.
tion. They know just what to say,
and how to say it, to have the
maximum effect on their victims.
These are the Internet’s con artists,
Often the phisher will pretend to be
flim flam and confidence men,
your bank, your credit card, PayPal,
and grifters. You must be on your
your mortgage company, your em-
guard against these attacks and be
Phishing is an attempt to get
ployer, or your Internet Service
suspicious of any email you weren’t
Provider. In the US they are even
personal information from you.
pretending to be the IRS. In all
NO ONE, who is legitimate,
will EVER ask you to email
personal or confidential information
like account numbers, social
security numbers, or passwords!
cases, if you get an email asking for
ANYTHING personal, be skeptical.
Never click a link in one of these
messages. Use a search engine to
find the phone number or contact
information of whoever the suspicious message seems to be from,
and contact them to confirm it.
CDW Offers FMG Employee Discount
Welcome to the Fincantieri Marine Group Employee Purchase Program (EPP) at CDW.
This program extends MMC’s volume pricing for your personal purchases.
CDW is a leading provider of integrated information technology solutions. They now
offer Fincantieri Marine Group employees the latest in computing technology including
name brand desktop, notebooks, printers, monitors, software, and more. In addition,
they offer name brand electronics, televisions, stereo equipment,
DVD and Blu-ray players and other fun gadgets.
To establish your Employee Purchase Program (EPP) account:
Go to http://www.cdw.com/epp
The attackers are masters at decep-
Enter in the EPP Access Number AF9B1F8
s Create your employee purchase account
• You must use your @us.fincantieri.com email address
s You will receive an email from CDW that welcomes you to
the Marinette Marine Corp Employee Purchase Program (EPP)
s Click the “Log On and Shop” button in the email
s You need to complete after you receive the email, hence your account will not be verified
• Create your own password
• The next time you log into CDW’s site, you will click Log On in the upper
left hand of the web page
s Enter in the username and password you previously setup
Phishing Example
MMC Salutes Our
Military Men and Women
To honor our employees who are
serving, or have served our country, MMC salutes you through the
establishment of a Wall of Honor.
The acknowledgment wall will
display MMC employees who
are/have served our country
through the US Army, Navy,
Marines, Air Force, Coast Guard,
National Guard, and Merchant
Marines. The wall will be located
by the main-gate guard office. To
participate, complete a form regarding branch of service and
years of service. These forms will
be available in the breakrooms/
lunchrooms throughout MMC.
Send completed forms to Marissa
Axtell in HR – Tech Center.
e 11 f
Area Boy Scouts Visit MMC
3rd Annual Merit Badge Camp
Exposing young
people to different
career fields is an
excellent way to
ensure that MMC
has a solid local
workforce for future
and sustained growth.
On Saturday, November 8th,
Marinette Marine Corp., Northeast
Wisconsin Technical College (NWTC),
and the Marinette Fire Department
Celebrating MMC Anniversaries
Here’s cause for celebration – your employment anniversary! Celebrating your
anniversary demonstrates to all employees and prospects that, while others have
come and gone, MMC has flourished. MMC’s Senior Leadership Team recognizes
your accomplishments and wishes to spread awareness of your service.
40+ Years of Service
10 Year Anniversary
Kosmatka, Sherry Mechanic Shipbuilder
Bellisle, John
Journeyman Shipbuilder
Kennedy, Thomas Senior Buyer
Marjonen, Ryan
Hubbard, Gail
Lead Shipbuilder
Johnston, Charles Lead Shipbuilder
Thoune, Dwight
Lead Shipbuilder
Thoune, Kenneth Lead Shipbuilder
35 Year Anniversary
Behnke, Carole
Journeyman Shipbuilder
Pell, Norman
Lead Shipbuilder
5 Year Anniversary
Slama, Emily
Master Scheduler
Journeyman Shipbuilder
Martinez, Nicanor Journeyman Shipbuilder
Netzer, Dean
Mechanic - NTJ Shipbuilder
Olinger, Karla
Mechanic Shipbuilder
1 Year Anniversary
Philipps, Bonnie
Executive Admin
Baumler, Amanda Engineer Technician I
Ruby, Thomas
Bender, Richard
Short, Aaron
Mechanic - NTJ Shipbuilder
Engineer II
Borkowski, Bruce Mechanic - NTJ Shipbuilder
Serrano Aday, Disney Journeyman Shipbuilder
Bugalski, Joshua
Mechanic Shipbuilder
Sevon, Jamie
Senior Accountant
15 Year Anniversary
Carlson, Brian
Subcontract Manager
Stys, Devin
Mechanic - NTJ Shipbuilder
Collins, Michael
Journeyman Shipbuilder
Devroy, Brian
Engineer I
Thomma, Ethan
Mechanic Shipbuilder
Dahl, Dennis
Journeyman Shipbuilder
Ehrhardt, Tammy
Lead Logistics Clerk
Toms, David
Mechanic Shipbuilder
Elson, Michael
Mechanic Shipbuilder
Feliciano, George Foreman
Van Lanen, Brad
Field Sup. Services Analyst
Gamelin, Donald
Mechanic Shipbuilder
Haataja, Glenn
Mechanic - NTJ Shipbuilder
Welch, Nolan
Mechanic - NTJ Shipbuilder
Herring, Kevin
Lead Shipbuilder
Hall, Jeffery
Engineer Technician II
Winter, Thomas
Mechanic Shipbuilder
Kellner, Doreen
Journeyman Shipbuilder
Hellen, Logan
Mechanic - NTJ Shipbuilder
Kleikamp, Ronald Mechanic Shipbuilder
Hendrick, Julie
Mfg Subcontracts Coord.
Monahan, Michael Engineer Technician II
Huggins, Samuel
Mechanic Shipbuilder
Oczus, Thomas
Kelly, Dane
Mechanic - NTJ Shipbuilder
Lead Shipbuilder
Kreitlow, Michael Foreman
October and November 2014
List may vary dependent
on the date list was pulled.
(MFD) will host approximately 75
Shiverski, Nathan Journeyman Shipbuilder
scouts from the local area and intro-
Whether you’re celebrating a milestone year (those ending in 0 or 5) or an
in-between year, your anniversary is a chance to remind the shipbuilding industry
of Marinette Marine’s continued success.
duce them to the exciting career fields
of shipbuilding and firefighting. The
scouts, ranging from 11 to 18 years of
age, will come to NWTC’s Northcoast
Marine Manufacturing Center and receive an industry introduction and
hands-on experience.
The three phased, half-day event will
Announcing MMC Retirements
After years of hard work and dedication, it's time to take a permanent vacation!
Please join us as we offer best wishes to our recent MMC retirees.
Terry Lemery
Oct. 2014
Michael Nicklaus Sept. 2014
Michael Makosky Sept. 2014
9 years of service
37 years of service
37 years of service
John O’Brien
Thomas Sauve
Oct. 2014
Oct. 2014
8 years of service
19 years of service
educate the boys on many techniques
of marine welding, an introduction to
basic engineering and manufacturing
principles, firefighting, and an opportunity to tour the waterfront. At the
conclusion of this year’s event, the
scouts will earn the Fire Safety and
Welding merit badges. If interested
in volunteering for this event, please
contact Chuck Bunton at x6587.
What is a QR Code
In this publication you will notice, for the first time, the use
of Quick Response (QR) codes. They are a
type of matrix code or a readable optical
label that contain information about an
item or a hyperlink to the World Wide
Web (www). For this publication, they
are used in conjuction with a smartphone* as a link to specific websites. Give them a try!
*QR code reader App may require installation on your smartphone.
Marinette Marine
Corp at LinkedIn
MMC Outreach and Community Calendar of Events
Boy Scouts after completion of the 2013 Boat
Building/Engineering session.
© Marinette
e 12 f
• MMC Holiday Food Drive
Oct. 27 - Nov. 18
• Boy Scout Merit Badge Camp
Sat., Nov. 8
• MMC Tree Lighting
Tues., Dec. 9
• Holiday Angel Tree
(St. Vincent de Paul)
Nov. 12 - Dec. 12
• Toys for Tots
(Salvation Army)
Nov. 15 - Dec. 15
• Da Yooper Plunge
Thurs., Jan. 1, 2015
Marine Corporation • 1600 Ely Street, Marinette, WI 54143 • 715-735-9341 • www.MarinetteMarine.com