Highlights: - Golden Krust


Highlights: - Golden Krust
Golden Krust news, trends & events
W i n t e r 2 012 • G K M a g a z i n e v o l u m e 8 • w w w.G o l d e n K r u s t B a ke r y. c o m
New Interior Design
Exotic Sauces Launched
Fighting Breast Cancer
Golden Krust Set for Take Off at
Newark International Airport
– Terminal A
“Taste the Rhythm of the Islands”
This Issue
Candice Richards
Director of Marketing
& Public Relations
Herma Hawthorne
Director of Franchise Sales
LB Graph-X Printers,
246 W. 54th Street
New York, NY 10019
Darren Hanson
GK’s Director of Design
Joseph Wellington
Jamaica Observer
Tony Akeem
Medgar Evers College
Lowell Hawthorne
President & CEO
Haywood Hawthorne
Vice President Manufacturing
Leroy Hawthorne
Vice President Retail
Stephen Ament
Vice President of
Franchise Operations
Lorraine Hawthorne-Morrison
Vice President of
Real Estate Development & Legal
Lorna Hawthorne
Human Resources Director
4. Golden Krust’s President
& CEO Lowell Hawthorne
shares insight on how
he manages to keep his
company competitive despite
a challenging economy.
6. Golden Krust continues
to support education. The
company awarded over
40 scholarships to college
9. Thanks Giving.
Golden Krust fed over 1000
meals to the less fortunate
for Thanksgiving 2011.
10. Supporting the fight
against breast cancer, Golden
Krust joined forces with the
American Cancer Society.
12. Golden Krust celebrated
National Caribbean
American Heritage Month
by launching its new line of
exotic sauces.
14. Golden Opportunity!
Looking to own your own
business? Consider owning
a Golden Krust franchise.
Here’s why you should…
16. Golden Krust opens new
locations in Florida and New
York in 2011.
Velma Hawthorne
Executive Chef
Kareen Murray
Financial Controller
W W W. G O L D E N K R U S T B A K E R Y. C O M • G K M A G A Z I N E V O L U M E 8 • W I N T E R 2 0 1 2 • 3
Lowell Hawthorne
Thoughts and strategies from
President & CEO
Stronger from within
ow a business responds to today’s
challenges, determines how far it
will go tomorrow. While curtailing
budgets and
controlling its many
resources, businesses must continue to
implement strategies that will ensure
transformational growth is not sacrificed
in the process. They must be positioned
to maximize their efficiencies, seek new
opportunities, deliver new and workable
business capabilities, even in the face of
decreased funding.
Today’s CEOs are not only being called
upon for increased accountability but
also for sureties of success. As chieftain,
the CEO’s ears must be attuned to the
changes taking place around him and
must position himself to masterfully
use economic forecasts to anticipate
challenges, craft and implement strategies
that will keep the organization afloat.
The old proverb ‘do not put all your eggs
in one basket’ is suggestive of the bold
survival step necessary in this current
business climate . If there is opportunity for
growth or if the company’s main revenue
stream and stakeholder investments are
threatened, the astute leader must respond
with urgency, to find solutions to combat
impending challenges.
Golden Krust continues to experience
growth through franchising even in
this ruthless economy. Over 60% of the
company’s annual revenue is derived from
franchising. Its strategy to attract and
sign new franchise owners remains fixed.
Growth has been organic in nature, in that,
it is taking place among current franchise
owners willing to reinvest in the brand and
also through corporate investment. No
effort is being spared to grow the franchise
division through new restaurant additions.
As competition for customers’ scarce
resources becomes rife among businesses,
so also has their demand for reasonably
priced products increased. In the face of
all this, the cost of raw materials has
continued to trend upwards creating quite
a dilemma. Golden Krust has responded
by investing in research and development
of new value added products, created a
department for sourcing ‘best prices’ for
raw material, expanded it’s retail offering
to maximize it’s footprint in the market
place and has implemented controls for
increased efficiency in every area.
The company’s “new” line of exotic sauces
was officially launched in mid 2011.
Through aggressive marketing, the sauces
are enroute to big box supermarket chains
including Shop Rite. I have every reason
to believe this will be a highly successful
addition to our product mix.
A business could be forgiven for turning
a blind eye to philanthropy with the
existing scarcity of capital which has
forced many towards the running of lean
enterprises. Golden Krust however, has
remained undeterred by the challenges
and has become even more steadfast in its
commitment to community building and
education. This year marks a record year
for scholarships. The Mavis & Ephraim
Hawthorne Golden Krust Foundation
awarded over fifty scholarship here and
abroad. Some of our franchise owners
have also stood with us in this thrust for
education, making great impressions on
their communities.
On Thursday February 3, 2011, Jeffrey Reid
officially opened a new homework center
at his alma mater Denham Town Primary
School in Jamaica which he equipped and
furnished in a joint effort with the Jamaica
Public Service Company. The project which
took approximately two years to complete
is now a fully air-conditioned unit, with
23 new computers. We also applaud
and support franchisees Sandra Bryan,
Annette Runcie and Charmaine Golding
,advocates for education and partners in
the company’s quest to make a difference
through education.
In the face of record statewide
unemployment, Golden Krust stands proud
of the fact that since the year began
it has added two new shifts. A total of
30 new employees. While this may not
impact the national employment rate in a
marked way, it is keeping many from the
unemployment lines while keeping the GK
wheels turning.
Golden Krust at its 22nd year is
experiencing a product evolution. It boosts
our confidence to know that our patties,
breads, pastries and sauces have found
their way into the main stream market and
can be found in the frozen food isles of
prominent chains like Costco. The brand
identity will garner for us the competitive
advantage we seek and will also help
pave the way for further inroads into the
main stream arena in both the franchising
and retail segments.
The company’s success over the past
year has been directly linked to team
work both from a employee/ employer
and from an expanding band of loyal
customers. The team rose to the occasion,
working over and above the call of duty
to keep the business going. We salute
our franchisees who continue to work
tirelessly to keep the doors opened To
those who saw and took the opportunity
for expansion, we salute you. We are
focused on succeeding and have given
our pledge to work consistently with the
energized GK Franchise Advisory Council
and with our franchising community in
general, on cooperative purchasing and the
delivery of the highest quality products
and service.
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Lowell Hawthorne
Honored for Outstanding Leadership & Philanthropy
he year 2011 will go down in Golden
Krust’s history book as a phenomenal year
for Lowell F. Hawthorne - President &
CEO of Golden Krust Caribbean Bakery & Grill
who was awarded for his extraordinary leadership
and community spirit. On Monday September
26th, 2011 Medgar Evers College, conferred an
Honorary Doctor of Letters degree upon Lowell
F. Hawthorne in recognition of his outstanding
philanthropic contributions to the community. The
21st Academic Convocation ceremony was held in
the Founders Auditorium at the college.
It was a proud moment for the Golden Krust CEO,
who in his address to the large group of faculty,
students and supporters, said that he was being
honored for his belief that “everyone should be
given an opportunity to use their God-given ability
to bring their dreams and aspirations to fruition”.
He has always believed that education is the key to
unlocking many doors of opportunity. He further
added that “everyone is blessed with enough to
bless someone else. The more blessed we are, the
greater our capability to bless, so we should each
do our part graciously and urgently”.
Dr. William Pollard – President of Medgar Evers
College praised Dr. Hawthorne for the legacy of
giving that his company has developed both in the
United States and Jamaica, particularly in the fields
of education and health. Golden Krust through
the Mavis & Ephraim Hawthorne Golden Krust
Foundation has provided numerous scholarships
and set up endowment grants at the University of
the West Indies in Jamaica and Bronx Community
College in New York.
On November 30, Lowell was selected as the
Jamaica Observer Diaspora Business Leader for
2010 – one of Jamaica’s most prestigious and
coveted business awards. Lowell was elated to
be crowned winner from among a field of eight
nominees who have all established an outstanding
track record of achievement within the Diaspora.
Top Photo: Lowell Hawthorne receives his official cape from Dr. John Graham –
Dean of the School of Business at Medgar Evers College.
(Photo: Tony Akeem – Medgar Evers College)
Bottom Photo: Lowell Hawthorne accepting the 2010 Observer Business Leader
Award from Observer Chairman Gordon “Butch” Stewart at a glitzy awards
ceremony held at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel in Kingston.
(Photo: Joseph Wellington/ Jamaica Observer)
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Awards Ov
2011 Scholarship recipients (standing) pause for a group photo with (seated from left to right) Consul General of Jamaica to NY Geneive Brown-Metzger,
Herma Hawthorne, Milton Hawthorne, Lowell Hawthorne, Lorna Hawthorne, Velma Hawthorne, Lorraine Morrison and Patricia Spencer.
any people know Golden Krust Bakery & Grill for
its delicious and popular flaky Jamaican patties, jerk
chicken, oxtail stew and other authentic island dishes.
What many are coming to realize is the extent to which the nation’s
largest Caribbean food franchise is committed to giving back to
the community. The Mavis & Ephraim Hawthorne Golden Krust
Foundation, named in honor of the late parents of the founders,
on Thursday, August 4, 2011 awarded thirty (30) scholarships to
high school students entering college for the first time in the Fall
semester. The ceremony was held at the United Church of Jesus
Christ in the Bronx. Students were invited to write an essay about
either their immigrant experience in the United States or how
their college education will help benefit the community. The
essays were graded by a panel of judges, based on originality,
creativity, grammar and content. These thirty exceptional young
men and women are only the latest of hundreds whose lives have
been changed by the foundation’s commitment.
Since 2005, the Mavis & Ephraim Hawthorne Golden Krust
Foundation has awarded over 150 scholarships to graduating
high school seniors (as well as students at the Hawthorne’s
alma mater, Oberlin High School in Jamaica) and established
a $100,000 endowment towards scholarships for students with
high aptitude who demonstrate financial need at the Bronx
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ver 40 College
ships in 2011
Community College. In January 2010, the company
also pledged $100,000 to the University of the West
Indies, the oldest, fully regional institution of higher
learning in the Commonwealth Caribbean, to cover
tuition costs for five students per year over a period
of eight years.
The family business has always made promotion
of its core values and support of the community
among the tenets of the company’s philosophy, and
the lynchpin of this effort is the Mavis & Ephraim
Hawthorne Golden Krust Scholarship Foundation.
Lowell Hawthorne recognizes that “giving back to
the community is making a difference in the lives
of young persons and families by helping to sponsor
education” and is working assiduously to meet this
need for his customers.
Nosakhere Griggs (center), graduate of Sandy Creek High School, receives his
scholarship award from Jacqueline Robinson - GK Co-Founder at her restaurant
located in Stone Mountain, Georgia. Nosakhere’s family was on hand to share in the
proud moment.
Awards Over 30 College Scholarships
cholarship recipient Taylor Duckett (right) being presented with
her scholarship check by Michelle McNeil, GK franchisee at the
restaurant located at 3651 Tamiami Trail in Port Charlotte, Florida.
incoln Antonia (left) accepts his scholarship check from Cassandra
Hawthorne – Lee (center) GK’s Regional Director of Operations.
Looking on are (at right) Rosalie Antonia (Lincoln’s mother) and
Diamond Hawthorne (in back).
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Golden Krust Caribbean Bakery & Grill
Celebrated National Caribbean American Heritage Month
by Launching its New Line of
Exotic Sauces
aribbean Americans have added
uncountable value to the rich
tapestry of North American life.
Food is one of the pillars of culture and
the rising trend of ethnic flavors speaks to
the growing demand for spicier foods and
international cuisine. The flavors of the
islands are especially placed front-andcenter during the month of June, which
is celebrated nationally as Caribbean
American Heritage month.
To help food lovers across the country
celebrate the rich tapestry of Caribbean
culture, Golden Krust Caribbean Bakery
& Grill rolled out a new line of Caribbean
flavored sauces; Island Flavored Ketchup,
Hot Pepper Sauce, Jamaican-style Jerk
Sauce and a Honey Barbecue Jerk Sauce.
“Our passion is to give people the authentic
flavors of the Caribbean through all of our
products,” says President & CEO - Lowell
Hawthorne. “Now we’ve made it that much
easier to experience the real taste of the
islands at home”, he noted.
L – R: GK Co-Founder and Executive Chef - Velma Hawthorne, GK President & CEO – Lowell
Hawthorne, Consul General to NY – Geneive Brown-Metzger, NYC Comptroller – John Liu, GK CoFounder – Lauris Campbell, GK Co-Founder – Jacqueline Robinson, and GK’s Vice President of Real
Estate Development, Legal – Lorraine Morrison. Below: (L-R) GK’s Director of Human Resources
& Co-Founder – Lorna Hawthorne, GK’s Franchise Manager – Omar Hawthorne and former NYC
Council-Woman – Una Clarke proudly showing off the new line.
The company also released new easy-tomake recipes that incorporate the bold
flavors of the sauces guaranteed to liven up
your next summer party. The beauty of these
products is that they can be enjoyed all-year
round whenever you feel the need to add
zest, festive flavors and island heat to your
favorite dish. Visit the company’s website
to download free recipes for Jamaican Jerk
Burgers with Lime Coleslaw, Spiced Sweet
Potato Wedges and Honey Barbecue Jerk
Pork Chops with Pineapple Salsa.
The new line of liquid condiments is
available for purchase at Golden Krust’s 120
franchise locations, through the company’s
website and at select retail locations
including Shop Rite supermarkets.
Golden Krust’s new line of exotic sauces.
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Tribute to our
e salute the visionary Hawthorne family who
through much sacrifice and determination toiled
long and hard to establish Golden Krust in 1989. Still
standing strong and helping to guide the company to
higher heights are from left to right: Lorna Hawthorne,
Lloyd Hawthorne, Jacqueline Robinson, Lowell
Hawthorne, Lauris Campbell, Milton Hawthorne and
Velma Hawthorne.
Thank you for believing in the dream and in me!
Thank you for being willing to take many risks
and make the sacrifices necessary to see this
company succeed. Without you, all that Golden
Krust has accomplished to date, would not have
been possible. I will be forever indebted to you all.”
Lowell Hawthorne
– President & CEO.
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Thanksgiving Giving!
Golden Krust
Donates Over 1000
Thanksgiving Meals
GK Brings Thanksgiving Cheer to The Community
olden Krust provided sumptuous meals for hundreds of
residents at shelters and senior centers across the boroughs
of Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens and Westchester for the
thanksgiving holidays.
GK Executives in conjunction with its franchisees joined forces
with Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz to brighten the holidays
for the senior citizens at the Bronx River Houses located at 174th
Street in the Bronx. Borough President Diaz had high praises for
Golden Krust, stating that “the company has become renowned for
giving back to the community and is worthy of commendation.”
Providence House which serves women and children in
Brooklyn and the Saratoga Family House in Queens were also
the recipients of Golden Krust’s generosity. Several Golden
Krust franchisees who operate in the boroughs of Brooklyn and
Queens also combined their efforts to provide a feast for these
residents which included jerk turkey, jerk chicken, curried goat,
rice and peas, cocktail patties, cake and drink.
In Westchester, Golden Krust franchisee Sandra Bryan fed over
400 homeless and underprivileged residents in the city of Mount
Vernon, where her store is located in the busy shopping district
on Fourth Street. On Thanksgiving Day, franchisee Charmaine
Golding and her team who operate on Fulton Street in White
Plains fed over 200 persons at the Christ Temple Church in the
town of Greenburg.
Golden Krust’s President & CEO - Lowell Hawthorne said
that “Golden Krust is committed to playing an active role in
the communities in which it operates and is always looking
for opportunities to reach out and give back”. This has been
demonstrated by the company’s consistent involvement with
several initiatives aimed at uplifting the community.”
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Thanksgiving Giving!
L-R: Assemblyman Marcos Crespo, GK’s Vice President of Franchise Operations – Steve Ament; NY
State Senator - Ruben Diaz Snr., Director of the Bronx River Senior Center Antoinette Emers, GK’s
Director of Marketing & PR – Candice Richards, Bronx Borough President – Ruben Diaz Jr., GK’s Franchise Sales Manager – Omar Hawthorne, GK’s Regional Franchise Consultant – Denton Ricketts.
Golden Krust Franchisee Sandra Bryan (extreme right) was happy to serve
over 400 homeless persons in Mt. Vernon at her store located at 67 S. 4th
Ave. Here the staff pose for a picture with the beautiful cake donated by
Golden Krust’s Head Office.
ear Golden Krust: Thanks for giving us a wonderful Thanksgiving. The residents
said, “the food was delicious..something different from all year round. We are
appreciative and look forward to next year!” One of our residents at Lexington
Avenue just relocated to New York with her 2 year old son and has no family, shared, “I
am grateful to Providence House & Golden Krust for providing the wonderful evening
with great food and allowing my son and I to celebrate this holiday in good company.”
Paula Migliore
Director of Mission Effectiveness, Providence House.
L - R: Providence House: Patricia Llanes – Social Services Supervisor,
Kimblee Robinson – DHS Aftercare Case Manager & Housing
Specialist and Paula Migliore – Director of Mission Effectiveness.
Queens franchisees Annette Runcie, Sandra Moxey, Safraz Ahmad and their dedicated staff
prepared and shared meals for 120 children plus parents at the Saratoga Inn Family Shelter
with the help of the shelter’s staff.
L-R: Omar Hawthorne – GK’s Franchise Sales Manager & Franchisee Charmaine
Golding of 178 Fulton Street in White Plains pause for a photo with Bishop Dr. Wilbert
G. Preston, Pastor of the Christ Temple Church in White Plains as they served over 200
persons on Thanksgiving Day.
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GK Helping
The American
Cancer Society
To Create A
World With
More Birthdays!
n October 2011 Golden Krust renewed its allegiance to the American Cancer Society
to raise the level of awareness among its customers about the dreaded disease - breast
cancer and do its part to create a world with more birthdays. This marks the fourth year
that Golden Krust has deliberately sought to align itself with this important cause.
For the entire month of October, Golden Krust embarked upon a Breast Cancer
Awareness Campaign within its entire franchise chain under the banner “Eat
for the Cause”. For every Golden Krust chicken patty purchased within the month
of October,
three percent (3%) of that sale is donated to the American Cancer
Society. The color of the Golden Krust chicken patty bags is also changed to pink
to help bring added excitement and generate more exposure for the campaign.
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ompany executives, franchisees and
customers also joined the throng of
survivors and well-wishers in the
Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk
held on October 16 at Orchard Beach in the
Bronx. Free Golden Krust t-shirts were given
to persons who had registered to walk with the
“Golden Krust Pink Team” on the day. Over
8000 persons turned up to show solidarity with
the cause at Orchard Beach which was the perfect
setting for a beautiful and crisp autumn morning.
“We consider it a privilege and our obligation to
get involved in the fight against breast cancer”
Golden Krust’s ongoing commitment to support
the Walk and address the health disparities that exist
within the Caribbean community through its restaurants, enables us to invest more funding into innovative, life-saving breast cancer research, and the free
services and programs we offer to cancer patients.
We could not be more grateful for their extraordinary
support and strong social consciousness.
Carla Sterling
Regional Vice President, American Cancer Society – Bronx Region.
says Lowell Hawthorne, President & CEO. “With the
alarming statistics surrounding this disease especially
within the African American community, it is imperative
that we find a cure” he added. According to the American
Cancer Society’s website: “In 2011, an estimated 230,480
new cases of invasive breast cancer will be diagnosed
among women in the United States. Approximately 39,520
women are expected to die from breast cancer. Only
lung cancer accounts for more cancer deaths in women.
About 2,140 cases of breast cancer are expected to occur
among men, accounting for about 1% of all breast cancers.
With the help of all its customers the company hopes to raise
awareness and funds which will be used to spread knowledge
and foster hope in the fight against breast cancer. Every dollar
donated will be used by the American Cancer Society to fund
research programs aimed at discovering treatments to improve
breast cancer survival and reduce recurrence. Golden Krust is
committed to continuing its support of theAmerican Cancer Society
as they work assiduously to create a world with more birthdays
– where cancer never steals another year from anyone’s life.
For information about the 2012 Making Strides Against Breast
Cancer Walk, programs and services offered by the American
Cancer Society or volunteer opportunities,
please call 1-800-227-2345 or visit www.cancer.org
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Photo Gallery
#1: A large crowd gathered to celebrate the opening of Golden Krust’s newest store in Orlando located at 2753 N. Hiawassee Rd, in the Bravo
Plaza. #2: Mayor Scott (center) cuts the ribbon to officially open our 2753 N. Hiawasee Rd location in Orlando. To Mayor Scott’s right is
franchise owner Zorida Manoo. To the Mayor’s left is GK President & CEO, Lowell Hawthorne and beside him is Ravi Manoo, owner of the
new location. #3: Ribbon cutting ceremony to officially open our 4861 Coconut Creek Parkway location in Coconut Creek, Florida. Sharing
in the moment (from left to right) Candice Richards (GK’s Director of Marketing & PR); Cassandra Hawthorne-Lee (GK’s Regional Director of
Operations) Vice Mayor Mikkie Belvedere, Becky Tooley (Commissioner), Consul General Sandra Grant-Griffiths, Kishon & Gerel Clayborne
(GK Franchise Owners) Bernadette Clayborne, Kendrick Clayborne, Marilyn Gerber (City Commissioner), Lisa Aronson (City Commissioner)
and Patrick Hughes (Property Manager). #4: A frontal view of our store located at 4861 Coconut Creek Parkway in Coconut Creek, Florida, just
minutes before the ribbon cutting ceremony.
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#5: Customers line up to purchase the delicious food served at our Coconut Creek, restaurant on the day of the grand opening.
#6: Ribbon cutting at 9921 Miramar Parkway located in Miramar, Fl: From left to right are Bernadette Clayborne, Kishon Clayborne, Gerel Clayborne,
Kendall Clayborne (franchise owner) and his wife Nina Clayborne holding their baby - Sebastian, Keith Clayborne (in back), Reidun Clayborne, Kendrick
Clayborne, Cassandra Hawthorne-Lee & Candice Richards. #7: Bernadette Clayborne welcomes Lori Cohen – Mayor of Miramar (left) and Winston
Barnes - Vice Mayor of Miramar (center) to the grand opening of her son Kendall Clayborne’s Golden Krust restaurant located at 9921 Miramar Pkwy
in Miramar, Florida. #8: Mr. Krust joined in the festivities at the customer appreciation event held at 1293 Fulton Ave, Brooklyn, NY when Karen Murray
presented a gift basket to a lucky customer. #9: GK’s Director of Marketing & PR (left) and Omar Hawthorne – GK’s Franchise Sales Manager (right)
presents a plaque to Karen Murray representing Steve Murray and Donald Mcnish - the new owners of our store located at 1293 Fulton Ave in Brooklyn, NY.
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Facts on
Your Golden Oppotunity!
Join the
Ten years granted from the date the
franchise agreement is signed. Renewal
options are also available.
Restaurant: $25,000 and
Kiosk: $15,000
Restaurant: $173,400 - $564,000
Kiosk: $185,000 - $387,500
The franchisee will pay a royalty of
3% of gross sales which is collected on
a weekly basis via electronic sweep.
Franchisee is also required to contribute
2% of gross sales towards advertising.
Golden Krust provides its franchisees
with the following:
SITE SELECTION: Franchisor provides
the franchisee with assistance in site
selection and site approval. Site
dimensions range from 250-499 square
feet for Kiosks and 500-3000 square feet
for restaurants.
Franchisor reviews and makes
recommendations regarding the
franchisee’s lease.
Franchisor will recommend design/
construction services at the franchisee’s
Detailed manuals are provided by the
franchisor. This will include operations,
training, design/construction and
marketing manuals.
Franchisor provides a three week training
program at Golden Krust University and
hands-on assistance in your restaurant
during the first two weeks after opening.
Our on-going field service program
assists the franchisee with day-to-day
operations, employee training programs,
general consultation and merchandising.
New Look
n 2011, GK introduced an invigorating new design
to its restaurant décor to provide a warm and inviting
Caribbean atmosphere. Pictured here, is our corporate
store located at 5700 N. University Drive in Tamarac, FL.
On the cover is a picture of our Newark Airport location,
owned and operated by veteran franchisee Lorna BrissettRomans. It is anticipated that the Newark airport location
will bring added awareness about what GK has to offer to
the millions of passengers who utilize that airport on an
annual basis.
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Its a
Meet the Burris family!
ranchisees Donald & Sonia Burris
along with their seven children
are a Caribbean culinary force to
be reckoned with in the borough
of Brooklyn, NY. They joined the Golden
Krust franchise system back in 2006 and
have worked very hard at maintaining high
standards of food quality and customer
service throughout the years. They take
great pride in operating restaurants that
consistently offer great tasting products
with speedy and courteous service. The
Burris’ consider it an honor to be part of
the Golden Krust chain and are committed
to investing the time, resources and energy
needed to keep the GK brand flying high.
Since opening their first franchise located
on 1848 East New York Ave they have since
opened two other successful locations in
Brooklyn. Donald Burris said that “with the
Lord’s help my aim is to own a total of seven
restaurants – one for each of my children.”
Both he and his wife Sonya would like to
see their children who are already integrally
involved in the day to day operations,
eventually take over full ownership of the
empire they are steadily building. It is said
that the family that prays together, stays
together. The Burris are a perfect example
of this popular phrase. Golden Krust
wishes this enterprising family continued
success and pledges its support to helping
the Burris’ to achieve their entrepreneurial
Pictured above from left to right:
Don, Diandra, Danie, Althea, Allison, Adrian,
Sonia and Donald.
W W W. G O L D E N K R U S T B A K E R Y. C O M • G K M A G A Z I N E V O L U M E 8 • W I N T E R 2 0 1 2 • 1 7
olden Krust’s mascot affectionately
called “Mr. Krust” is the subject
of the company’s latest gift to its
youngest customers. Just in time for the
Christmas holidays, the company developed
a new children’s booklet entitled “Mr. Krust
and the Talent Contest” which is a fun and
informative booklet designed to motivate
children ages 7 – 11 years to learn more
about Jamaican culture, inspire creative
genius and highlight the delicious food that
Golden Krust has to offer.
The booklet will be given away at select
locations within the communities in which
Golden Krust is located including the
Brooklyn Children’s Museum and at all
Golden Krust locations nationwide.
According to Candice Richards - GK’s
Director of Marketing & PR, “our new and
exciting booklet will hopefully accomplish
two purposes; develop a love for reading in
the targeted age group while building loyalty
within the next generation of customers”.
To get your copy please contact Golden
Krust’s Marketing Department at 718-OKKRUST.
Stanley Dennis Appointed Gk’s Franchise
Advisory Council Chairman
ranchisees and franchisors are
bound together by mutual interests
and goals. Recognizing the importance of maintaining a strong relationship
with franchisees that fosters an open and
valuable exchange of information, Lowell
Hawthorne, President & CEO was quoted
as saying “the time has come for us
to revive the Franchise Advisory
Council within Golden Krust. I am
convinced that with a collaborative group of movers and shakers
within the system, we can move
the organization on to even greater heights.” To that end, he has
named long-standing franchisee Mr. Stanley Dennis as Chairman of the Franchise
Advisory Board. As the owner of two
continually successful Brooklyn based
franchises, Mr. Dennis has exhibited an
unparalleled commitment and passion,
coupled with a keen business sense and
particular sensitivity to the community he
serves. As Chairman of the Franchise Advisory Board, Mr. Dennis will direct the
board’s role of providing advice, direction, and acting as the business “hub” that
connects the franchisees to Golden Krust
Corporate and to each other.
1 8 • W I N T E R 2 0 1 2 • G K M A G A Z I N E V O L U M E 8 • W W W. G O L D E N K R U S T B A K E R Y. C O M
Retail Division
Explosive Growth
ver the last twelve months GK’s
Retail Department has taken wings
and is now poised to elevate the
company to unchartered levels of success.
Leveraging its strong brand equity and
the success of its frozen retail packages in
supermarkets and chain stores along the
north-east and mid-west regions of the United
States, Golden Krust is establishing a firm
footing in the retail market nationwide. The
new microwave-able packaging of the beef
and chicken patties
has caught the
attention of several
distribution outlets.
Golden Krust’s frozen retail packaged
delights are now proudly displayed in
several frozen food isles in chain stores
such as Costco,
Pathmark, ShopRite,
Shoppers, Jewel Osco, Acme, Food 4Less,
Price Chopper, Woodmans and a host of
independent supermarkets, covering a wide
range of states. If this trend continues,
Golden Krust will soon have a presence in
most of the fifty United States. This is by no
means a small feat.
For 2012, it is expected that GK’s retail
division will expand explosively as a result of
the overwhelming amount of new distribution
outlets projected to come on board. There
is no stopping the retail segment as the
company intends to aggressively market
its products to institutions, supermarket
chains and will eventually be venturing
outside the national market. The company
is remaining true to
its vision of taking
the taste of the
Caribbean to the
W W W. G O L D E N K R U S T B A K E R Y. C O M • G K M A G A Z I N E V O L U M E 8 • W I N T E R 2 0 1 2 • 1 9
Photo Gallery
#1 & #2 Franchisee Annette Runcie of
218-73 Hempstead Ave, Queens Village
sponsored a “Back-Pak” giveaway for
students in her community.
#3 Golden Krust was invited to be one of eight food sponsors
at Food Network’s - NYC Wine & Food Festival Closing Party
hosted by Guy Fieri on Sunday October 2nd. Proceeds of the
event were donated to “Share our Strength/Food Bank of NYC.”
As usual, GK brought true Caribbean style and flavor to the event
and served well over 500 guests.
#4 City Harvest – The GK Corporate team was invited to
participate in City Harvest’s “Summer in the City” restaurant
tasting and cocktail party held at the Metropolitan Pavilion on
Tuesday June 21st. More than 600 guests attended the event
which raised over $270,000 - enough to help City Harvest feed
more than 3,000 hungry New Yorkers for an entire year.
2 0 • W I N T E R 2 0 1 2 • G K M A G A Z I N E V O L U M E 8 • W W W. G O L D E N K R U S T B A K E R Y. C O M
#5 Golden Krust began expanding its mini-bakery in Georgia run
by GK Co-Founder Jacqueline Robinson in the Spring of 2011. The
ground breaking ceremony which took place at our Stone Mountain
restaurant which currently houses the bakery, drew support from
many local elected officials and other well-wishers. The expansion
will enable Golden Krust to better serve the region with its freshly
baked breads, buns, cakes and other pastries.
#6 Franchisee Sandra Bryan was honored by Mayor Clinton Young
of Mount Vernon during Caribbean American Heritage Month
for her philanthropic work within the city. GK representatives
were on hand to lend support to this outstanding franchisee:
From left to right: Candice Richards (Dir. of Marketing & PR),
Omar Hawthorne (Franchise Sales Manager), Velma Hawthorne
(Executive Chef/Co-Founder), Lauris Campbell (Co-Founder)
Sandra Bryan (GK Franchise Owner) and Mayor Clinton Young.
#7 On February 3, 2011, Jeffrey Reid owner
of three Golden Krust restaurants in the
Bronx officially opened a new homework
center at his alma mater Denham Town
Primary School in Jamaica which he
equipped and furnished in a joint effort
with the Jamaica Public Service Company.
The project cost approximately $8 million
Jamaican dollars to complete.
L-R: Tomofumi Fukuda, President of Marubeni
Caribbean, owners of the Jamaica Public Service
Company (JPSCo), with Jeffrey Reid, Golden Krust
multi-unit franchisee, Hon Bruce Golding, Former
Prime Minister of Jamaica, and Venus Scott-Harrison,
Principal of Denham Town Primary School watch as
students explore the computers in the new homework
center that was equipped and furnished by the JPSCo,
and donated in collaboration with Reid, at the official
opening at Denham Town Primary School on February
#8 Franchisee Charmaine Golding of 178
Fulton St, White Plains participated in the
Greenburg taste off held by Woodlands
Middle & High School PTA Association.
#9 Golden Krust was voted “City’s Favorite
Restaurant’ in the Orlando Unity Awards
thanks to the outstanding performance of
our Orlando, Kissimmee and Clermont
franchisees. Pictured above: Javita Hassan,
Hugh Slater (GK’s Kissimmee Chef), Sandy
and Shameer Hassan (GK Kissimmee
franchise owners).
W W W. G O L D E N K R U S T B A K E R Y. C O M • G K M A G A Z I N E V O L U M E 8 • W I N T E R 2 0 1 2 • 2 1
Franchise Locations
1170 Albany Ave.
Hartford, CT 06112
Corner 0f Woodland St.
T: 860-724-7983
F: 860-724-0110
840 State Rd.
Bridgeport, CT 06604
Btwn Iranistan Ave. & Seeley St.
T: 203-366-3333
F: 203-572-0334
4861 Coconut Creek Parkway
Close to Lyons Rd in Shops of Coconut Creek Plaza beside Publix
Coconut Creek, FL 33063
Ph: 954-977-3338
6288 West Sample Rd.
Coral Springs, FL 33067
Btwn Turtle Creek Dr &
Terrapin Lane
T: 954-340-5301
F: 954-340-5419
4120 N.W. 12th St.
Lauderhill, FL 33313
Btwn NW 41st Terrace &
NW 42nd Way
T: 954-584-3006
F: 954-584-7951
5967 W. Oakland Park Blvd.,
Lauderhill, FL 33319
Close to Corner of NW 60th
T: 954-335-0915
F: 954-335-0920
1353 State Road 7,
North Lauderdale, FL 33058
Btwn Blvd of Champions & SW
12th ST
T: 954-984-0026
F: 954-622-9103
183-16 N.W. 7th Ave.
Miami, FL. 33169
Close to corner of NW 183rd St.
T: 305-249-9609
F: 305-249-9107
9534 SW 160th St
Miami, FL 33157
Btwn Sw 95th Ave & Sw 96th Ave
T: 305-256-6088
F: 305-256-6087
12316 Miramar Pkwy
Miramar, FL 33025
Close to corner of South Flamingo
T: 954-381-2335
F: 954-239-5230
River Run Plaza
9921 Miramar Parkway
Miramar, FL 33025
(954) 432-1211
6073 W. Sunrise Blvd.
Sunrise, FL. 33313
Corner of Sunset Strip
T: 954-321-6668
Midway Plaza
5711 N. University Dr.
Tamarac, FL 33321
T: 954-722-2270
1020 E. Highway 50,
Clermont, Florida 34711
T: 352-242-0011
F: 352-242-0116
1009 West Vine Street
Kissimmee, FL 34741
Btwn Mann St. & Pearson St.
T: 407-944-8879
F: 407-944-8880
5510 W Colonial Dr.
Orlando, Fl 32808
Btwn Emeralda Dr &
Governors Ave.
T: 407-298-0543
F: 407-298-0567
2753 North Hiawassee Rd
Cnr. of Hiawassee & Silver Star Rd.
- Bravo Plaza.
Orlando, FL 32818
T: 407-730-3777
3651 Tamiami Trail
Port Charlotte, FL 33952
Close to Corner of Easy St.
T: 941-235-5579
3010 54th Ave. South,
St. Petersburg, FL 33712
Btwn 31st St. S & 28th St. S
T: 727-866-0602
F: 727-866-0602
14913 N. Florida Ave.,
Tampa, FL 33613
Btwn Siobhan Ave. & Connie Av.
T: 813-963-3800
F: 813-963-4873
2525 East Hillsborough Ave.,
Tampa FL 33610
Corner of N 22nd St. &
btwn N 30th St.
T: 813-231-2000
F: 813-232-7029
6025 Old National Highway,
College Park, GA 30349
Between Wexford Dr &
Flat Shoals Rd.
Ph: 678-489-8913
Fax: 678-489-8917
2189 Scenic Highway, Suite B,
Snellville, GA 30078
Btwn Oak Rd. & Harbour Oaks Dr SW
T: 770-736-6336
F: 770-736-1136
7245 Rockbridge Road
Lithonia, GA 30058
Btwn. N Deshon Rd. &
Twin Springs Way
T: 770-879-0930
F: 770-498-0309
1267 S. Hairston Rd.
Stone Mountain, GA 30088
Btwn Redan Rd. & Adcox Rd.
T: 770-323-4848
F: 770-323-4849
501 Roberts Court
Kennesaw, GA 30144
Btwn Ernest W Barrett Pkwy NW &
Heritage Park Terrace
T: 678-921-2493
F: 678-921-2496
The Mall at Prince Georges
3500 East–West Highway,
Hyattsville, MD, 20782
Corner of Editors Park Drive,
The Mall @ Prince George
T: 301-559-7962
F: 301-559-7961
40 West Shopping Center,
838 North Rolling Road
Catonsville, MD 21228
Btwn Gelpe Rd. and Baltimore
National Pike
T: 410-719-2788
F: 410-719-7007
Pathmark Plaza
467 Lyons Ave.
In the Lyons Plaza by
the corner of Stecher St.
Newark, NJ 07112
T: 973- 926- 6705
F: 973-926-6706
Newark International Airport
Newark, NJ 07114
Terminal A - near Gates 30-39
Food Court
T: 973-848-0207
F: 973-848-0209
1706 Atlantic Ave.
Brooklyn, NY 11213
Btwn. Schenectady Ave. & Troy
T: 718-773-8200
F: 718-773-7887
7 Flatbush Ave.
Brooklyn, NY 11217
Btwn. Livingston St. & Fulton Street
directly across from Chase/Con Ed
T: 718-246-1455
F: 718-246-9283
918B Fulton Street
Brooklyn, NY 11238
Btwn. Washington Ave. &
St. James Pl.
T: 718-789-1833
F: 718-789-1833
320 Wilbraham Road,
Springfield, MA 01109
Btwn Dresden St. and Suffolk St.
T: 413-731-7720
F: 413-731-5357
2860 Kennedy Blvd.
Jersey City, NJ 07306
Btwn Journal Square &
Tonnele Ave.
T: 201-610-9119
F: 201-610-9179
8 Union Avenue
Irvington, NJ 07111
Close to corner of Clinton Ave.
T: 973-375-5544
F: 973-375-5544
432 10th Ave.
Paterson, NJ 07514
Btwn E 26th St. & E 27th St.
T: 973-684-4504
F: 973-279-1983
197 Market Street
Newark, NJ 07102
Btwn Broad St. & Mullberry St.
T: 973-643-0701
F: 973-643-0702
303 Main Street
Orange, NJ 07103
Btwn N. Essex Ave. & N. Day St.
T: 973-672-7080
F: 973-672-7081
232 So. Orange Ave.
Newark, NJ 07103
Corner of Bergen St. by the
University Hospital
T: 973-792-9000
F: 973-643-0702
2846 Church Ave.
Brooklyn, NY 11226
Btwn. Lloyd St. & Nostrand Ave.
T: 718-469-3400
F: 718-693-4541
1430 Rockaway Pkwy.
Brooklyn NY 11236
Btwn Glenwood Rd. & Farragut Rd.
directly across from
Capital One Bank and the L Train
T: 718-272-5334
1848 East New York Ave.
Brooklyn, NY 11207
Btwn Williams Ave. & Atlantic Ave.,
Corner of Atlantic
T: 718-922-7520
F: 718-922-7521
1655 Pitkin Ave.
Brooklyn, NY 11212
Btwn Chester St. & Bristol St.
T: 718-342-7576
F: 718-342-7577
1014A Nostrand Ave.
Brooklyn, NY 11225
Btwn Empire Blvd & Sterling St.,
Closer to Empire
T: 718-604-2211
F: 718-604-2211
267 Utica Ave.
Brooklyn, NY 11213
Btwn Eastern Parkway & Lincoln
T: 347-350-8000
F: 347-350-8001
1862 Nostrand Ave.
Brooklyn, NY 11226
Btwn Avenue D & Newkirk Ave.
T: 347-295-2799
F: 718-282-5465
998 Flatbush Ave.
Brooklyn, NY 11226
Btwn Albemarle Road &Tilden Ave.
by Erasmus H.S.
T: 347-295-2232
F: 347-295-2231
823 Franklin Ave.
Brooklyn, NY 11225
Btwn Eastern Parkway & Union St.
T: 718-493-3865
1293 Fulton Ave.
Brooklyn, NY 11216
Btwn New York Ave. & Nostrand Ave.
T: 718-622-0555
F: 718-622-6998
139 Lawrence Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Btwn Willoughby St. & Livingston, A
block away from the Fulton Mall
T: 718-643-1054
F: 718-643-6113
568 Flatbush Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11225
Btwn Maple St. & Midwood St.
T: 718-282-1437
F: 718-282-1643
9529 Church Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11234
Btwn E. 95th St & E. 96th St.
T: 718-671-8841
F: 718-671-8841
1936 Ralph Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11234
Btwn Flatlands Ave. & Ave. J in mall
T: 718-531-2828
F: 718-531-1155
1364 Pennsylvania Ave.
Brooklyn, NY 11239
Btwn Schroeders Ave. &
Twin Pines Dr
T: 718-277-1003
F: 718-277-0533
1511 Fulton Street
Brooklyn, NY 11216
Btwn Kingston Ave. & Throop Ave.
T: 718-604-0041
F: 718-604-2546
1887 Rockaway Parkway
Brooklyn, NY 11236
Btwn Avenue M & Avenue N, In the
Rockaway Plaza
T: 718-209-4242
F: 718-209-4343
2124 Nostrand Ave.
2 2 • W I N T E R 2 0 1 2 • G K M A G A Z I N E V O L U M E 8 • W W W. G O L D E N K R U S T B A K E R Y. C O M
he nationwide network of Golden Krust
franchises bring value, quality and convenience
to consumers and unique business opportunities for
success and prosperity to our franchisees!
Brooklyn, NY 11210
Btwn Flatbush Ave. & Glenwood Rd.
T: 718-421-4914
F: 718-421-4914
363 Utica Avenue
Brooklyn NY 11213
Btwn Carroll St. & Crown St.
T: 718-493-4633
F: 718-731-2563
1621 Mermaid Avenue
Brooklyn NY 11224
Btwn W. 16th & W. 17th St.
T: 718-265 3669
F: 718-265-1287
1617 Church Avenue
Brooklyn NY 11226
Btwn E 16th & E 17th St.
T: 718-462 4044
F: 718-462-3620
872 Utica Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11203
Btwn Church Ave. & Linden Blvd,
Close to Church
T: 718-282-5027
F: 718-282-5465
2475 Flatbush Avenue,
Brooklyn, NY 11234
Btwn Ave. U & Ave. T, by Kings Plaza
Shopping Mall
T: 347-374-3831
F: 347-823-2693
621 Livonia Ave.
Brooklyn, NY 11207
Btwn Sheffield Ave. & Granville
Payne Ave.
T: 347-787-2380
F: 347-787-2045
86 E. 98th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11212
located on the left (off E. 98th Stret)
close to intersection of Ruthland Ave.
T: 347-425-1149
Canarsie Plaza
8719 Avenue D
Brooklyn, NY 11236
Close to intersection of Avenue D
& 89th Street
T: 718-451-0390
F: 718-451-0391
3812 White Plans Road
Bronx, NY 10467
Btwn E 219 St & E 220 St.
T: 718-798-1900
F: 718-798-1901
2521 Webster Ave.
Bronx, NY 10458
In Btwn 189th & E. Fordham Rd.
Beside Sears
T: 718-295-3672
F: 718-295-7359
3538 White Plains Rd.
Bronx, NY 10466
Btwn E 211 St &E 212 St
T: 718-515-5789
135 E. Gunhill Rd.
Bronx, NY 10467
Btwn Bainbridge Ave. &
Rochambeau Ave.
T: 718-653-3462
90-58 Sutphin Blvd.
Jamaica, NY 11435
Btwn Jamaica Ave. and 91st St.
T: 718-262-9293
F: 718-262-9776
1438 Metropolitan Ave.
Bronx, NY 10462
Btwn Yankee Mall & Wood Ave.
T: 718-792-9322
1930 Mott Avenue
Far Rockaway, NY 11691
Btwn Central Ave. & Smith Pl,
beside Queens Library
T: 718-327-1261
F: 718-327-0570
3818 Dyre Ave.
Bronx, N.Y. 10466
Btwn Light St. & E 233rd St.
T: 718-325-0060
4708 White Plains Rd.
Bronx, NY 10470
Btwn E 241st St & St. Quen St.
T: 718-325-0900
691 Co-op City Blvd.
Bronx, NY 10475
In the Shopping Center beside
National Wholesale Liquidators
T: 718-671-8841
F: 718-671-8841
4182 White Plains Road
Bronx, NY 10466
Btwn E 232nd St. & E 233rd St.
T: 718-655-7670
F: 718-655-7677
1381 E. Gunhill Road
Bronx, NY 10469
Btwn Seymour Ave. & Dewitt Pl
T: 718-798-1757
F: 718-731-2563
2718 White Plains Road
Bronx, NY 10467
Btwn Allerton Ave. & Britton St.
T: 718-944-2700
1592 Westchester Ave.
Bronx NY 10472
Btwn Stratford Ave. & Manor Ave.
T: 718 378 4100
F: 718 378 4101
1299 Boston Road
Bronx, NY 10456
Corner of E 169th
T: 718-378-1133
F: 718-378-1133
700 Main Street
Poughkeepsie NY 12601
Close to the corner of Innis Ave.
T: 845-485-5262
F: 845-454-7338
230-04 Merrick Blvd,
Laurelton, NY 11413
Close to corner of 230th St
T: 718-341-5611
F: 718-341-2012
31-31 Thomson Ave.,
Long Island City, NY 11101
Corner of Court Square
T: 718-729-1626
F: 718-729-1686
601 8th Ave.,
New York, NY 10018
Corner of W 39th St.
T: 212-967-7666
F: 212-967-7668
121 W. 125th Street
New York, NY 10027
Btwn Lenox Ave. & 7th Ave.
T: 212-663-7451
F: 212-663-6906
200-08 Linden Blvd.
St. Albans, NY 11412
Btwn. 200th St. & 201st St.
T: 718-481-8585 F: 718-481-8602
Grand Central Station
New York, NY 10017
On lower level beside Metro North
T: 646-487-2003
92-21 Parsons Blvd.
Jamaica, NY 11433
Btwn Jamaica Ave. & 93rd St.
T: 718-658-0266
F: 718-658-0621
1344 Amsterdam Ave.
New York, NY 10027
Btwn W 125th St. & W 126th St.
T: 212-280-2646
F: 212-280-2648
234-16 Linden Blvd.
Cambria Heights, NY 11411
Btwn. 234th Street & 235th St.
T: 718-723-2344a
F: 718-276-6672
456 Lenox Avenue
New York, NY 10037
Btwn W 132nd St. & W 133rd St.
T: 212-283-5933
223-24 South Conduit Ave.
Springfield Gardens, NY 11413
Btwn 223rd St. & 224th St.
T: 718-341-1600
F: 718-276-6672
133-38 Springfield Blvd.
Queens, NY 11413
Btwn Merrick Blvd and Lucas St.
T: 718-341-0711
218-73 Hempstead Ave.
Queens Village, NY 11429
Btwn Springfield Blvd & 219th St.
T: 718-217-1541
F: 718-217-1542
147-10 Rockaway Blvd.
Jamaica, NY 11436
Corner of 147th St.
T: 718-845-3808
F: 718-845-3114
135-58 Brookville Blvd.
Jamaica, NY 11422
Btwn N Conduit Ave. &
Francis Lewis Blvd
T: 718-341-2011
F: 718-341-2012
204-08 Hillside Ave.
Hollis, NY 11423
Corner of 204th St.
T: 718-464-6602
F: 718-464-6603
271-19A Union Turnpike
New Hyde Park, NY 11040
Btwn 271st St. and Lakeville Rd.
T: 718-347-3065
F: 718-347-2758
47 West 14th Street
New York, NY 10011
Btwn 5th Ave. & 6th Ave.
T: 212-627-0851
F: 212-627-0855
2085 Lexington Ave.
New York, NY 10035
Btwn E 125th St. and 126th St.
T: 212-722-5253
F: 212-663-6906
31 Victory Blvd.
Staten Island, NY 10301
Btwn Bay St. & St. Marks Pl
T: 347-286-0178
F: 347-286-0178
777 N. Broadway
Amityville, NY 11701
Btwn Horseshoe Court &
Cheyenne trail
T: 631-789-8777
F: 631-789-8776
1717 Dutch Broadway
Elmont, NY 11003
Btwn Nassau St. & Opal St.
T: 516-887-8848
F: 516-887-8849
296 Greenwich Street
Hempstead, NY 11550
Btwn Ann St. & Oak Ave.
T: 516-483-3663
F: 516-483-7030
5 N. Main Street
Spring Valley, NY 10977
Btwn Commerce St. & W Furman Pl.
T: 845-426-1000
F: 845-426-5740
67 South 4th Ave.
Mt. Vernon, NY 10550
Btwn E 2nd St. & E 1st St.
T: 914-667-1301
F: 914-667-5525
126 Mamaroneck Ave.
White Plains, NY 10601
Btwn Quarropas St. & E Post Road
T: 914-682-9085
F: 914-682-9196
178 Fulton Street
White Plains, NY 10606
Btwn Tarrytown rd &Russell St.
T: 914-682-7400
F: 914-682-3003
10 Anderson Ave.
New Rochelle, NY 10801
Btwn Le Court Pl & North Ave., A
block away from New Roc City
T: 914-654-8960
F: 914-654-8906
440 E. McCullough Drive Charlotte,
NC, 28262
Btwn University Exec. Park Dr & W WT
Harris Blvd
T: 704-549-0555
F: 704-549-9585
3600 North Duke Street,
Durham, NC 27704
Btwn Fairfield Rd. & Reta Rd.,
in North Duke Shopping Center
T: 919-283-4639
F: 866-471-6033
5600 N. Broad St.
Philadelphia, PA. 19141
Corner of W. Olney Ave.
T: 215-224-8225
F: 215-224-8226
125 South 69th Street
Upper Darby, PA. 19082
Corner of Sansom St.
T: 610-352-5292
F: 215-224-8226
Stadium Corners
Shopping Center
19664 NW 27th Avenue,
Miami Gardens, FL 33058
25 S 11th St
Philadelphia, PA 19107
W W W. G O L D E N K R U S T B A K E R Y. C O M • G K M A G A Z I N E V O L U M E 8 • W I N T E R 2 0 1 2 • 2 3
Come visit us at any of our over
120 locations and taste the rhythm
of the islands!
2 4 • W I N T E R 2 0 1 2 • G K M A G A Z I N E V O L U M E 8 • W W W. G O L D E N K R U S T B A K E R Y. C O M