30p Gnosall Carnival results and Pictures inside this issue
30p Gnosall Carnival results and Pictures inside this issue
arish ew s 30p July 2014 . Open Gardens Flower Planters Around Gnosall see Best Kept Village Page 8 Gnosall Carnival results and Pictures inside this issue Local Events and guide to local traders Website http://gnosall.info Contents Contacting The GPN Team 2 Useful Facts And Numbers 2 What’s On In Gnosall! 3 Regular Meetings This Month 3 Churches Together For Gnosall 4 Apologies4 Gnosall Singers 4 Gnosall Parish News AGM 4 Gnosall Phoenix Club 8 Wanted Delivery ‘Boys And Girls’ 5 Gnosall Calendar 2015 Competition 5 Gnosall Hunts For Elephants! 5 St Lawrence Church 6 Dandy7 Phoenix, Out & About (pictures) 7 Gnosall Catholic News 8 Diappointment for Gnosall Catholics 8 Best Kept Village Competition 2014 8 Sam Simkin Collects International Award 9 Update On Village Housing Plans 9 Gnosall Methodist Church 10 Gnosall Parish Council 11 Macmillan cancer 12 Praise and Worship 12 Healthy Walks Programme 12 Parish & Worship Night 12 Rural Life from Peter Gillard 13 New Vehicles To Tackle Rural Crime. 14 ‘A Murder Mystery Evening’ 14 Table Top Sale 14 Gnosall Carnival 15 & 16 Gnosall & DistCommunity FirstResp 17 Boys In The Band – Solution 17 Sustrans 17 Tower Open Day 18 Gnosall Players 18 Cartwright And Hudson Foundation 18 Children’s Page 19 Moreton Arts Festival 20 Gnosall Lions Monthly Update 20 Newport Shropshire U3a 20 WI jambusters 20 Christian Aid Week 2014 20 “Fear Less” 20 Local Trades And Services 21 Contacting the GPN team Editorial Contributions or Notification of Events MUST be received ASAP but by no later than the 15th of the month for inclusion in the next edition. i.e. 15 July for August Edition Send to: EDITOR, Joyce Rowe, 8 The Seesall, Gnosall. Tel: 822579, email: [email protected] ADVERTISEMENTS. One clear month notice must be given for any amendments or new adverts. i.e by end of July to be included in September edition. Please phone Kathleen Ingram, Gnosall. Tel: 822082, email: [email protected] . Issue number 627 July 2014 USEFUL FACTS AND NUMBERS 01785 822685 GNOSALL VILLAGE HALL 01785 823870 PARISH COUNCIL MEETING VET - SHIRES VETERINARY PRACTICE 01785 823713 or see page 11 emergency only Eccleshall 850218 at Impstones Community Centre PEST CONTROL – STAFFORD BOROUGH COUNCIL - 0845 505 Mondays at 11am to 2.00 p.m. 7378 AGE UK Coffee Morning. STAFFORD RECYCLING CENTRE, Bingo First Tuesday of each month St Alban’s Road – Opening Times Monday: 9am - 6pm, Tuesday: 9am - 6pm, Wednesday: Closed, Thursday: Closed, Friday: 9am - 6pm, Saturday: 9am - 5pm, Sunday: 9am - 5pm Bank Holiday Opening Times Open: 9am - 5pm (Except over the Christmas Period), Closed: Christmas Day, Boxing Day, New Years Day 2 till 3.45pm. Wednesday Club fortnightly Whist Drive and Dominoes. GNOSALL & DISTRICT VOLUNTARY CAR SCHEME If you feel you need to use the Gnosall Voluntary Car scheme. We are here for you. Ring Martin Watkins 01785 824005. We will do our best to help. GNOSALL LIBRARY (Primary School) Monday 3-5, Tuesday 9-11, Wednesday closed, Thursday 3-5, Friday 5-7,Saturday 10-12 MOBILE LIBRARY Thursday (Three weekly) Wharf Road, 3.30 - 4.10 Grosvenor Centre 4.15-5.15 EMERCENCY SERVICES • • • • • • Police HQ 08453 302010 Fire Service HQ 08451 221155 Ambulance HQ 01785 253521 Electricity:08457 331331 Water:0800 7834444 Gas:0800 111999 • Mid Staffordshire (Stafford):01785 257731 Cannock Chase:01543 572757 St George’s:01785 257888 University Hospital of North Staffordshire:01782 715444 HOSPITALS (non emergency) 101 • • • Clarence 0800 232323 CITIZENS’ ADVICE BUREAU POLICE ROADS, PAVEMENTS AND STREET LIGHTING ISSUES STREETSCENE Stafford:01785 258673 (litter and dog mess) 01785 GRAPHICS DESIGN -Trevor Ashton, tel 824497, email: [email protected]. 619401 DISTRIBUTION - Bob Colman, tel 823955, Norma Ellis 823704, 01785 822220 Gerry Dale 822735. TREASURER - Pat Tweed, tel 822523. CHAIRMAN –Steve Torrington, tel 822480, email: [email protected] GROSVENOR CENTRE GNOSALL SURGERY REPEAT PRESCRIPTIONS 01785 822166 from 10.30am to 12.00pm & 4.30 to 5.30pm 2 The Gnosall Parish News is edited and distributed locally on a voluntary basis. We do however contract out the printing. We are non-profit making. Each year a donation is made to one or more local voluntary or charitable organisations. What’s on in Gnosall! REGULAR MEETINGS THIS MONTH • Gnosall Handbell Ringers Grosvenor CentreTuesdays 8.00 - 10.00 p.m. • Bowling Monday 3pm, at Gnosall Village Hall also Thursday 3pm and 7pm • Bingo Friday 7.30pm at Village Hall • Bridge at the Grosvenor Wednesday 7.20pm • Phoenix at Grosvenor Friday 10am -12noon • Gnosall Players, 7.45pm Tuesdays normally at the Methodist schoolroom. • Healthy Walking Group Wednesday 10.30am • Mobile library , Wharf Road 3.30 - 4.10 Grosvenor Centre 4.15 - 5.00 Three weekly • Military Whist, Grosvenor Centre 7.30. • U3A Newport. Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of the month at the Royal British Legion Club, Audley Road, Newport. JULY 2 Jambusters Anita Murphy “History of Perfume” 4 Phoenix Club Morning 5 Friends of St Lawrence Church Gnosall Tower Opening 5 Gnosall Singers at St Chad’s Church Stafford 6 Healthy Walk Allotment car Park Gnosall 10.30am 6 Table Top Sale Gnosall Memorial Village Hall 6 Praise and Worship night St Lawrence Church 6.30pm 9 Healthy Walk Allotment car Park Gnosall 10.30am 9 Military Whist 7.30pm at the Grosvenor Centre 11 Phoenix “My life as an anorak” talk 12 ‘A Murder Mystery Evening’ Moreton Millennium Community Centre 7.00pm 15 U3A Newport Talk ‘Emotional Freedom Technique’ 2pm Royal British Legion Club Newport 15 Moreton and Bromstead Gardening Club “-Bees and Beekeeping “ Millennium Centre 7.30pm 17 Newport U3A “Codpieces and Bum Rolls” 17 Lions Annual Golf Day Aqualate 17 Mobile Library Wharf Rd 3.30-4.10, Grosvenor Centre 4.15-5.00 18 Phoenix Club morning 18-20 Gnosall Fun weekend 18 Fun Fair on the Village Green 3-9pm 19Fun Fair “On the Acres” 11-3pm 20 Fun fair on the Village Green 1-6pm 22 Royal bench unveiling 2pm, Railway Line, Lowfeld Lane 23 Healthy Walk Allotment car Park Gnosall 10.30am 23 Military Whist 7.30pm at the Grosvenor Centre 25 Phoenix “Great Phoenix Bake Off” AUGUST 6 Jambusters Social evening/meal T.B.C 20 Military Whist 7.30pm at the Grosvenor Centre SEPTEMBER 3 Puddings Evening, Sandon Hall, in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support. 7.30pm. 6 Dandy Evening 8.00pm Gnosall Memorial Village hall 20 Gnosall Players 7.30pm Gnosall Memorial Village hall 27 Guides 4 Gambia Quiz at Gnosall Scout and Guide HQ. 7.30 for 8pm. £2 a head, teams up to 6 members OCTOBER 1 Jambusters 10-12 St Lawrence Church: Exploring Funerals down the ages. Exhibition and special service commemorating 100th anniversary of the First World War. 11 Gnosall Singers at the Memorial Hall at 7.30 pm 18 Magician from London, Gnosall Memorial Village Hall 8.00 pm in aid of Katharine House NOVEMBER 8 Scouts and Guides Bonfire & Fireworks 22 Tom Topping & Friends, Memorial Village Hall, in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support. 7.30pm. DECEMBER 6 Friends of St Lawrence Church Victorian Day 13 Guides 4 Gambia Quiz at Gnosall Scout and Guide HQ. 7.30 for 8pm. £2 a head, teams up to 6 members 20 Gnosall Singers at the Memorial Hall at 7.30 pm 3 Announcements Churches Together for Gnosall Major Study Day on Prophecy and Discernment On Saturday 5 July, we will be having an ecumenical study day. The theme of the day is about being prophetic as Christians and as local fellowships. We are delighted to welcome the Bishop of Stafford to lead us on the day. The day (including lunch) starts at 10am and finishes at 1.45pm. There will be a programme for children and young people. The Chapel will be the venue. If you would like to come to this FREE EVENT – regardless of denomination – then you will be warmly welcomed. To book a place, please contact Rev Mark Bridgen at: mark.bridgen@ btinternet.com Apologies In the June GNP article ‘International Success for Hannah’ we should have recorded Hannah’s gratitude for the support of the local trust ‘The Cartwright and Hudson Foundation’ which gives financial assistance and grants to young Gnosall residents aged over 18 to purchase equipment required in further education or an apprenticeship. We would like to apologise for this omission GNOSALL SINGERS Our Spring Concert in support of Katharine House was a mixed programme which included music from the shows and, in the second half, some rather more classical pieces such as John Rutter’s ‘Look at the World’ and ‘Goin’ Home’ from Dvorak’s New World Symphony. Our audience was very appreciative as usual and an enjoyable evening was had by all. We were delighted to be able to send a cheque to Katharine House for £460.00. Our next concert will be held at St. Chad’s Church in Stafford on Saturday July 5th and we’re looking forward to seeing our Gnosall friends there. Gnosall Parish News – Annual General Meeting At the annual meeting of the GPN it was agreed to peg the cover price of your magazine at 30p . However an inflationary increase will be applied to advertisement charges from the beginning of next year. The magazine is produced and distributed by volunteers and aims to keep villagers informed about “what’s on” and to help Gnosall’s organisations share their news and concerns. It also provides an invaluable guide to local traders. At the AGM, held at the Fire Station on June 5th, it was agreed to keep the subscription and cover charge unchanged – provided production costs do not exceed our income. We would again like to thank all those who contribute to the magazine – and to encourage others to do so. Reports and photographs should be sent to our editor Joyce Rowe , 8 The Seesall, Gnosall, by the 15th of the month prior to publication, at the latest. The email address is [email protected] If your club, charity or organisation is holding an event why not send us a report and picture? Or perhaps you would like to submit a short story, poem, article or photographs of local interest. If so we would love to hear from you. Emailed contributions should be sent in text format, such as a ‘ Word’ document. Some contributors send files containing their own design layout. But because of space and printing issues we are often unable to accommodate them as submitted, so plain text is better. At the AGM, the following officers were elected: chairman, Steve Torrington; editor, Joyce Rowe; secretary, Norma Ellis; graphics editor, Trevor Ashton; treasurer, Pat Tweed; advertisements, Kathleen Ingram; distribution, Bob Colman. Joining them on the Management Committee are Gerry Dale, Joan Jobling, Ian MacDonald, Keith Abbott , Kath Bradley. GNOSALL PHOENIX CLUB The Club meets on Friday mornings in the Grosvenor Centre from 10 a.m. to 12 noon. We offer a wide range of activities, speakers, walks and outings. Everyone over the age of 50 is eligible to join. So why not come along one Friday when you will be assured of a warm and friendly welcome. Even if Friday mornings are difficult, you could still join the Club and take part in some of the activities. Fri 4th July Club Morning Mon 7th July Shorter Walk. Loynton. Mon 7th July Board Games in the Brearley Room 2pm to 4pm Wed 9th July Book Reading Group in the Brearley Room 10 am to 12 noon Fri 11th July “My Life as an Anorak” Mon 14th July Crown Green Bowling at Newport 10am to 12 noon Mon 14th July Table Tennis in the Brearley Room 2pm to 4:30pm Tues 15th July Skittles at the Royal Oak. 6:30pm. Thurs 17th July Longer Walk. Copmere. Fri 18th July Club Morning Fri 25th July “Great Phoenix Bake Off” Mon 28th July Crown Green Bowling at Newport 10am to 12 noon Mon 28th July Table Tennis in the Brearley Room 2pm to 4:30pm Wed 30th July Summer Outing to the Wye Valley. Talk Tai Chi takes place every Thursday in the main Hall from 1:45 TO 3PM 4 Wanted Delivery Boys and Girls – no age discrimination! Each month , 850 copies of the Gnosall Parish News are delivered to homes around Gnosall by our worthy band of 37 volunteers. We are very grateful for the service they provide – without it the magazine would not be able to function. But we need more help. Inevitably some of our delivery people move away or can no longer continue. So we need a few more people who would be willing to drop off magazines in their neighbourhood each month, or to be available for ‘holiday cover.’ With a number of new houses being occupied in the village , we would also like to start deliveries in these areas and need a volunteer to start this up. If you can assist , then please contact Norma Ellis on 823704. • A diary note for our volunteers . You will be invited to a ‘thank you’ Summer Supper at the Grosvenor Centre on the evening of Wednesday 24th September. GNOSALL HUNTS FOR ELEPHANTS! Can you find the named elephants hiding in Gnosall? Look hard between 26 June and 11 July. Each elephant has been named and decorated by one of the Rainbow, Brownie, Guide or Ranger units in Gnosall and Haughton. If you would like to know more about Girlguiding today in the village please go to the website www.girlguiding.org.uk/interested or phone 823919. Name of Elephant Name of Guiding unit Rosie Macintosh Donut Ellie Derek Wellington Unforgettable Agnes Location of elephant Gnosall Calendar 2015 Competition The BKV team are once again going to produce Gnosall’s own ‘Countryfile’ calendar for 2015! The title for our photographic competition is ‘Gnosall Countryside’. There are 6 different classes which must have Gnosall and its surroundings at their heart. Yes, you can photograph the canal at Norbury! 1. Gnosall Landscape 2. Shropshire Union Canal 3. Country Folk 4. Wildlife 5. Life on the Farm 6. Plant Life The competition is open to both children and adults living in the village. The two photos the BKV team choose as the best in each class will appear in the 2015 Gnosall Countryside Calendar. The very best photo will appear on the calendar cover. You can enter up to 6 photos in total but you must state which class you want each photo to be judged in. Photos must be submitted as landscape shape digital files in JPG format, of sufficient quality to produce a good quality 25 x 19 cm print with a maximum file size of 3MB. Entrants should send photos as email attachments to [email protected] before Friday July 25th 2014 with the following information: Name, address, email and telephone number Title of photograph & class entered Location of photograph Please contact Dave Clarke by email at [email protected] or telephone 822483 for further information. There will be an exhibition of every photo submitted in the Grosvenor Centre and at the Victorian Christmas Market 5 St Lawrence Church Gnosall St Lawrence Church, Gnosall is part of the Benefice of The Staffordshire Border Group of Churches Web site: www.sbgoc.info. Rector: [email protected] - 822213 Benefice Office: Tel 284050 (Mon, Tues & Thus – 9:15am to 2:15pm) beneficeofficesbgoc@gmail. com Sunday & Midweek Services Play and Praise: Meet every Thursday from 2:15pm. Worship, songs and crafts for preschool children and their parents/ carers. Midweek Communion: Every Thursday at 9:15am for a 30 min service. Choir: Practise every Thursday from 6:40pm to 8pm. Interested? Just turn up. Church Office Hour Thursday: Book wedding/ baptism come between 7pm to 7:40pm Open Church: The church is always open to welcome visitors every Tuesday from 11am to 3pm and every Thursday from 11am to 1pm. Sunday Services in July Sunday 6th. 7:45am Holy Communion; 10:30am Family Communion; 6:30pm Praise Service – an informal service of praise, worship and prayer; 7:30pm Youth Fellowship Sunday 13th: 7:45am Holy Communion; 10:30am Family Service; 12:15pm Baptisms; (Parish Lunch in Grosvenor Centre following 10:30am service); 6:30pm evening worship Sunday 20th: 7:45am Holy Communion; 10:30am Parish Communion; 6:30pm Evening worship (to be confirmed as could be united service with the Roman Catholic Fellowship) Sunday 27th: 7:45am Holy Communion; 10:30am Parish Communion; 4pm Messy Church – for families: craft, games, food and fellowship (No 6:30pm service) Midweek Services and Events in July Every Thursday: 9:15am Holy Communion; 2:15pm Play & Praise for pre-school children; 6:40pm Choir Practice (3rd, 10th & 17th only. Please note: our choir is singing choral evensong at Lichfield Cathedral on Saturday the 19th of July!!! If you would like to travel by coach to be at the service contact Rev Mark). Fortnight Friday at 11am: Service at Impstones Community Centre (4th and 18th) A six week study course on the Beatitudes: (Jesus said: blessed are the) takes place at the Church every Wednesday for six weeks, starting from the 25th of June. Each session is self contained so you can drop in and out! 7:30pm to 9pm. Churches Together for Gnosall – Major Study Day on Prophecy: On the 5th of July we will be having an ecumenical study day. The theme of the day will be looking at the prophets of the Old Testament; what is prophecy and how we too can be prophetic as Christians and fellowships. To lead us in the day we are delighted to welcome the Bishop of Stafford. The day (incl lunch) is from 10am to 1:45pm. It will be a mix of talks by Bishop Geoff, worship and group discussions. There will be a programme for young people! The Chapel in Gnosall is the venue. If you would like to come (no charge) – regardless of denomination – then 6 simply book a place by contacting Rev Mark. Open Door Coffee Morning: Saturday 12th from 10am to 12noon (Church Vestry) Twenty or Thirty?: Tuesday 22nd of July at 7:30pm St Lawrence is launching a new 20 to 30’s fellowship group. The T N T’s! They are meeting in the Gastronomy shop on Gnosall High Street opp the Co-op. Contact Rev Mark for info or simply turn up! Summer Holiday Club – Mega Makers: Our Summer Holiday Club – Mega Makers - for children of primary school age takes place from Monday the 28th of July to Friday 1st of August, from 9:30am to 12noon - at Gnosall Village Hall. £5 charge. We will be entering the inventor’s workshop and making some mega discoveries about our oceans, bugs, birds, plants and conservation! 60 places will be available. For an application forms please contact mark.bridgen@ btinternet.com. Please note places are only offered to those who intend to be at the Club all the week. Open Church in July: Tuesdays from 11am to 3pm and Thursdays from 11am till 1pm. From the Church registers for June: Baptisms. We welcome into God’s family: Toby Michael Carpenter Weddings. May God’s love bless human love: Neil Holmes to Lisa Rowley Funerals: Eternal rest grant unto them. No funerals during this period (mid May/ mid June) Phoenix Out & About See Page 4 Dandy At Gnosall Memorial Village Hall On Saturday 6th September 8pm Bar, Tickets £10 To include a Fish & Chip supper. Available from Lynn Malone (01785 823303) The Bakery and Gnosall Post Office 7 Gnosall Catholic News Sunday Masses: St Austin’s Stafford, Saturday 5.00pm,Sunday 10.30am &6pm; Parish Priest : Canon Michael Neylon St Austin’s, 82 Wolverhampton Road Stafford ST17 4AW 01785 223553 email: [email protected] Parish Website: www.saintaustins.org.uk Fr Brian Whatmore 823726; Deacons Louis Livesey 749044 & David McCarroll 223553. St Austins RC Church, Stafford Disappointment For Members Of The Catholic Community It is a great disappointment to members of the Catholic Community in Gnosall that the provision of the celebration of Masses in the village has ceased, but we are finding ways of adjusting to the new situation. Our friends in the Anglican and Methodist Communities have also expressed their sadness of the decision to discontinue Sunday Mass at St. Lawrence Church and we would like to express our thanks to you all for your support and your prayers at this difficult time. We are particularly grateful to have been given the opportunity to take part in so many Ecumenical Services, Events and Festivals, both at St. Lawrence and the Methodist Chapel and to have been most warmly welcomed into the fellowship of Christian Life in Gnosall for more than forty years. In our determination to keep together we have formed an informal group which will meet on a regular basis for fellowship and, of course, coffee and biscuits. We have compiled a contact list to enable us to get messages to each other quickly, so if any Catholics who attended Mass at St. Lawrence wish to keep in touch please ring Mike Foulkes on 01785 822348 or email: [email protected], and you will be made most welcome. So that we can properly express our grateful thanks to Rev. Mark, the PCC and members of the Anglican Community for the kindness shown to us in allowing us to share St. Lawrence Church each Sunday arrangements are being made to hold a Service of Thanksgiving there, sometime towards the end of July (possibly 20th at 6.30pm, but this may be subject to change). Also under negotiation is a suggestion to install a plaque in the porch of St. Lawrence commemorating the history of the Catholic community attending the celebration of Mass in Gnosall for such a long period of time. In the meantime, we shall continue to collect Christian Food Help contributions every other week, so please continue to bring your donations to your usual collection point every week. Your kindness to this charity is very much appreciated. 8 Best Kept Village Competition 2014 The BKV judges have been to Gnosall twice already! The first visit was early in May and again early in June. On both occasions the village looked lovely with no litter, no (very little!) dog poo and beautifully mown grass. They were really impressed by our new flower beds at the Lockup which are sponsored by the Women’s Institute and the hanging baskets and planters by the Wharf Road shops. The Royal Oak flower beds and the High Street island beds are looking really good thanks to Chris Stanley and Anne Robotham. Dave Clarke Gnosall BKV Gnosall teenager, Sam Simkin, collects international award On May 10th, Gnosall teenager Sam Simkin, attended an international award ceremony, in London, collecting his award for his play, When Darkness Falls, which won in the ‘most promising playwright category’. Sam says ‘it was a brilliant day, the fact that my play won internationally is an honour, and something that I will hold with me for a long time!’ Sam was one of few winners from 25 countries, including America and Australia. Sam’s play, When Darkness Falls is a dark comedy, which tells the story of a 16 year old boy, adapting to growing up in London, who is dealing with the struggles of adolescence and a family who do not show much interest in him. The play takes a dramatic turn when the main character, Alex, witnesses a backstreet murder and turns his life upside down. ‘The play is written for teenagers, however I didn’t shy away from hard topics, as I know that teenagers can handle the themes, and by including comedy not only makes the themes easier to communicate but also means that it is a fun show to watch!’ Sam is now working on his next production, BUBBLE & SQUEAK with the Gnosall Players, which he has written and is currently directing. ‘Bubble & Squeak is fantastic, it tells the story of one boy evacuated during World War Two, and how his life changes in the short years away from home. The show has real heart and although uses the war as a stimulus, shows how lives change for the better because of it, the show has real heart and warmth and the Gnosall Players are as fantastic as always, I hope you will all come and enjoy it!’ Bubble & Squeak will be performed by Gnosall Players at Gnosall Memorial Village Hall on the 20th September at 7:30PM. UPDATE ON VILLAGE HOUSING PLANS FROM GRID - Gnosall Rejects Indiscriminate Development For the first time in over a year we are pleased..if a little cautious ..to report that all seems fairly quiet on the planning front at the moment. However, while our Borough Local Plan still awaits full adoption, we are not assuming that the lack of new applications for the village denotes anything other than a temporary lull in the otherwise frenzied proceedings of the past year....let’s see? Many of you will have seen the newly erected ‘Knight’s Court’ sign opposite the surgery. This is for the ‘coming soon’ 24 home Bellway development which will go live very soon - and well ahead of the Providence Land Ltd site at Lowfield Lane which may seem a little odd when you remember that Providence were granted permission back in September 2013...a good 6 months ahead of Bellway! Despite all the intense urgency to get this first application passed, to date nothing has happened with that land as we go to press. One might think this rather “odd” when the developers expended so much energy and effort back trying to convince both residents and Borough of the real ‘need’ for these houses? It will be interesting to see exactly what does happen there over the coming months. We mentioned in our last report the impending Grasscroft (behind the Health Centre) Appeal. This will be heard by an Inspector, starting on the 27th August, and may take up to 3 days. Members of the public are welcome to attend, but may not pass comments. The Borough Council Planning Website shows the (interesting) correspondence between developers and Council on this matter and the details of the Appeal as follows: Public Inquiry to be held on Tuesday August 27th in the Craddock Room at the Civic Centre at 10.00 am. Please come along if you are able, as this is going to be an interesting debate. Quite aside from the numerous very real and relevant grounds “material to planning” for refusal of this application, the notion that this narrow country lane with its already busy traffic can sustain not one but TWO developments virtually opposite one another actually beggars belief. It only goes to demonstrate how little outsiders to Gnosall may really know - or care - about the reality of life here in Gnosall! Moving on from Housing we have no further news yet on the forthcoming application for the REG POWER wind turbines but will update you when we do. And finally - reasons to be cheerful: • the Borough Local Plan is very well-advanced and we have every expectation that it will be formally found to be “sound” very soon • the Gnosall Neighbourhood Plan is progressing according to plan. Once this is also complete, we shall have as much protection under the Law as is possible. Remember, the NP is not just concerned with housing provision in the village (though of course this is a part of it) but it also considers what amenities are necessary and should be planned for. And on that cheerful note, we’ll sign off for this month! 9 GNOSALL METHODIST CHURCH Joan Ellison found this article out from Heaton Road Methodist Chapel in Bradford, from 1957!! Dear Friends, I suppose this is the time of the year when our thoughts turn towards holidays and hours in the open air (weather permitting). It doesn’t do for anyone to go on and on at the same task month in and month out without a break and a change of some kind. For some people the attraction of a holiday is not the opportunity to do nothing, but to do something different from their daily round and it is this which brings real recreation. How a housewife longs for that time when somebody else will prepare the meals and clear up afterwards! It’s the change that counts. Minister: Acting Superintendent Rev. Peter Powers 01785 225474 Bookings: Mrs Joan Jobling 01785 822592 Worship was not invented: it simply grew out of men’s needs. All the week they were occupied with affairs on a human level – the business of keeping themselves and their families alive in a primitive and savage world. They came to realise the necessity of communion with someone bigger and different to themselves. Sunday Services: 10.30 am, Creche Facilities: Junior class 4yrs upwards 6.30pm second Sunday of the month. Tuesday: Over the centuries, worship developed, until the present forms of worship in the church were established. Worship is not a hobby for those with a taste for it – it is man’s prime necessity – it is the spiritual recreation without which something in man wearies and dies! 2pm Women’s Fellowship ( Fortnightly) Friday: 6.15 –7.45 Junior youth club 8-10pm Senior youth club Tell the average man today that he was to have no holiday, no change from his daily work, and he would rise up in anger and point out how much less a person he would be without the opportunities for recreation. It is plain that so many go on, week after week and even year after year, without realising how jaded and impoverished their souls have become through lack of the worship of something bigger and finer than themselves. Sunday Services. 6th July 10.30 Mr. R. Hitchens 13th July 10.30 Rev. Peter Powers H.C. 6.30 St. Lawrence U.S. / or Circuit Service Trinity 20th July 10.30 Dr. Mark Timothy 27th July 10.30 Ann Donaldson Creche facilities and Junior Class ( 4 yrs upwards) at morning service. Let each of us determine that we shall lead the way back to a regular and satisfying worship, bringing friends and relatives as we are able and we shall not only begin to feel that our worship is gaining point Saturday 7th June was our Chapel Garden Party. As and power, but that the soul of the nation will revive it wasn’t exactly flaming June, we held the event with strength, and enable Britain to play her part in paving the way for a healthier and saner world! Happy in the Chapel Hall but we didn’t allow the weather holidays to you all! May we all return strengthened and to dampen our spirits as we shared friendship and invigorated for the Church’s tasks. (Rev Gordon Lord) fellowship, looking around the stalls and enjoying tea Thank you Joan!! GARDEN PARTY and a wide variety of cakes in the Rev. Ken Hawkins Room. Fresh pancakes were served with various fillings for those not watching their waistline. It would have been nice to wander around Mike and Nicole’s garden but that was not to be. Perhaps next year the sun will shine on us but at least we know, what ever the weather the ‘Son’ is always with us! CHAPEL OUTING- AMERTON FARM RAILWAY and PICNIC By the time this goes to press we will hopefully have enjoyed a sunny outing and we will report on events next time. A PRAYER Christ, be our hope when sadness overwhelms us. Christ, be our strength when testing times are near. Christ, be our light when darkness would engulf us. Christ, be our cornerstone when quaking our fear. Christ, be our victory when we lay our lives before you. Christ, be our all –in – all, today and evermore. Amen ( from Methodist Church Prayer Hand Book 2013/2014) BIBLE PASSAGE. Answer my prayers; O Lord, For Your unfailing love is wonderful. Take care of me, For Your mercy is so plentiful. Psalm 69: v 16 10 GNOSALL PARISH COUNCIL (INCLUDING THE WARDS OF MORETON AND KNIGHTLEY) GNOSALL FUN WEEKEND 18th - 20th July Office Opening Times Monday - by appointment only Tuesday - 10.00am - 2.00pm Wednesday - 1.00pm - 3.00pm Thursday - by appointment only Jayne Cooper Clerk, Gnosall Parish Council, The Grosvenor Centre, High Street, Gnosall, Stafford ST20 Tel: 01785 822685 email: [email protected] Friday 18th July www.gnosallparishcoundl.org.uk Fun Fair 3-9pm on the Village Green Saturday 19th July 11am ~3pm **On The Acres** Street Stadia Football skills with Wolverhampton Football Club Rodeo Bull Useful telephone numbers Police (non emergency): 101 Clarence: 0800 232323 (roads, pavements and street lighting issues) Streetscene: 01785 619401(litter and dog mess) Children’s assault course Fun Fair 1-9pm on the Village Green Sunday 20th July Fun Fair 1-6pm on the Village Green Supported by:- Staffordshire Fire & Rescue, Staffordshire County Council, Gnosall Parish Council 11 HEALTHY WALKS PROGRAMME SUMMER 2014 We are a lively and well organised group who tailor walks to your needs, the Wednesday walks are shorter for those who feel a short walk is more their scene, the Sunday ones are longer approximately 4 miles. You will meet new people and chat as well as walk, and learn about the area in which you live. Please wear sensible shoes and clothes. Advance Notice: Macmillan Cancer Support present A Puddings Evening at Sandon Hall Featuring THE DALEIAN SINGERS. On Wednesday 3rd September, 2014 at 7.00pm for 7.30pm Tickets £10.00 (to include Puddings and a Glass of wine.) DateStart PointTime Sunday 6th July Allotment Car Park, Gnosall 10.30am Wednesday 9th July Allotment Car Park, Gnosall 10.30am Wednesday 23rd July Allotment Car Park, Gnosall 10.30am Further information from Thereza Forrester Tel 01785 822220. (This is the main reception at Surgery so please be patient waiting for a reply). 12 Will be available from Gnosall Post Office or contact 01785 823209/822440. Ample Car Parking, transport available Registered Charity No.261017 It seems that the time has come for me to ‘move on’ with these rural recollections. We will leave the Vale of Aylesbury farm. It had been a very happy year for me working there but at the end of it I took a step forward to the next stage: a step that was momentous, very fortunate and a new world for me. I secured a place at Reading University to read for a degree in Agriculture - a three-year course, wholly in residence at Wantage Hall. This achievement may not sound so momentous to youngsters nowadays, but was a great event over sixty years ago, when only about 5% of the population had university places. college man know anything useful? etc. etc. The vet came and instantly diagnosed Blackleg. (Fortunately it was not a case of Anthrax, which means huge precautions, post-death of the animal.) Bill was mortified that I was right and he wrong but became more genial towards me! The cows were milked in a very early form of milking parlour: six ‘walk through’ stalls, each with a milking machine and pipeline to a refrigerated tank. This type of parlour allowed for cows to enter, be ‘tied’, milked and released through to the dispersal area, a clumsy system, which necessitated the animals crossing the area where one worked and often leaving dung as they passed. This type of parlour was superseded by the ‘Herringbone’ type we now see, or, indeed, the more recent, motorized, automatic set-up - the ‘Rotary parlour’. The Pigman, with whom I spent a good deal of time, was Harold J, an ex Canadian-trained, British- born RAF signals man. He was a very interesting and well-informed chap, with whom I spent many an evening in local pubs supping ‘Courage’ (Reading brewed) brown ale, with crisps and a pickled egg and occasionally a game of dominoes. During WW2 Harold had been stationed in Dover, manning radio installations and a periscope from deep bunkers in the Dover cliffs, occasionally being machine-gunned by raiding German ‘E-Boats’. Harold ‘knew his pigs’ and I learnt a great deal about them during my three month stay. The pig accommodation, management and PETER GILLARD CONTINUES TO RECALL LIFE ON THE FARM Once graduated, in 1956, I felt I must get more ‘hands on’, practical experience before embarking on my firmly chosen career, as a staff member of one of the many ‘County Farm Institutes’ (as they were called then but later known as ‘Colleges’). I left university after making some great friends and we still keep in close touch! I accepted a temporary job on a farm at Pangbourne as Assistant Pigman, with corn-combining as an ‘overtime’ extra. The farm was Home Farm to the mansion and estate at Purley Hall. This was a very useful spell of work, enlivened by the variety of tasks and the noteworthy ‘characters’ working with me. The workforce consisted of the farmer, Major M, son-in-law to the owners of Purley Hall. The Major had literally narrowly missed being blown up during the siege of Tobruk in WW2. He was a very decent chap but his army experience had left its mark The Head Cowman (we milked about forty cows) was Bill - very prone to impatience with me who he saw as ‘just a college man’. However, his attitude changed when one day I reported a dead cow in a distant field. The corpse was on its back and rather bloated. The muscle tissue of its legs was tight and ‘crackled’ when palpated. I knew it was Blackleg, a very nasty infection indeed and, as it turned out, the farm had a resident infection of the bacteria as other stock had died this way over the past years. Bill was not prepared to accept my diagnosis; how could a 13 feeding arrangements were very up-todate, as was health, hygiene and what is now called ‘biosecurity’. While at Home Farm in Pangbourne, I was in digs with Mr and Mrs V and their twin children. Mr V was chauffeur to ‘The Big House’ and Mrs V was head cook. They would come home with many a lurid tale of the rather wild parties up at the Big House. The combining of the barley was a very fraught process. The harvester was an elderly tractor-pulled Allis Chalmers, which had an independent petrol engine to drive the mechanisms. Modern combines discharge the straw rearwards: not so this old Allis, which threw the straw sideways on to the cut stubble, the whole pulled by the old Fordson-Major and driven by the Major. The corn was ‘bagged off on board and deposited down a sidechute, like the combine on Frogmore Farm in Buckinghamshire. The whole mechanism was driven from the engine pulley via about 8 belt-carrying ‘wheels’, spread across the rear of the machine: a continuous V belt that was wont to ‘jump’ off a pulley, bringing us to a halt Major M found this very stressful and I would calm him, realign the belt and we would continue. I have mentioned the relatively up-to-date milking parlour that was steam-sterilized, the steam coming from a large coke-fired boiler, which Bill had to keep alight 24/7, and open up at 4am(!) to give time for there to be a good supply of scalding (and sterilizing) steam. I rather felt he had me to do this but it was ‘not in my contract’ thank goodness! I was happy at Home Farm, learnt a good deal and, during my last month there, my old university tutor, Dr Pearce, offered me a year’s tenure as ‘Demonstrator’ at Upper Wood, one of the university’s farms - super job - see next issue of GPN! New vehicles to tackle Rural crime. JCB Workmax Staffordshire Police have unveiled two new vehicles as part of a commitment to tackling wildlife and rural crime. The vehicles, a New Holland tractor (supplied by Derbyshire based company Hallmark) and a JCB Workmax utility vehicle, have been kindly loaned to the force by the respective companies and will be used over coming months at events around the county. The vehicles will be used at public events to raise awareness of rural crime and encourage those living and working in rural communities to speak to officers and follow the force on social media - Staffordshire Countryside Watch Facebook page and @StaffsWild on Twitter. The JCB Workmax will also be used by wildlife officers carrying out high visibility patrols in the county’s beauty spots. The police are keen to remind people that when out and about in our rural areas, to please keep an eye out for anything untoward. Incidents of sheep and lambs being stolen from farmer’s fields can occur at this time of year. Both the electric fences around the perimeter of fields and the batteries and units powering them are unfortunately often targeted by thieves Metal & plant thefts sometimes occur at rural locations – if you see machinery being moved in the middle of the night please be suspicious! Make sure that you have Staffs Police non-emergency telephone number stored in your mobile so that if you see anything that you think is suspicious, you can contact the police immediately. Staffordshire Police Emergency Number: In the case of an emergency call 999 Staffordshire Police Non Emergency Number: 101 For all non-emergency calls. The call handler will transfer you to the most appropriate person to deal with your enquiry. www.staffordshire.police.uk New Holland tractor Moreton Millennium Community Centre ‘A Murder Mystery Evening’ (Performed by Stafford Players) Saturday 12 July 2014 @ 7.00pm Adults Only Tickets £11 (includes 3 course fish supper) For Tickets Contact Patricia 01952 691222 Email [email protected] Moreton Millennium Community Centre Church Lane,Moreton Nr Newport TF10 9DS 14 Table Top Sale To include Collectables & Household Goods Gnosall Memorial Village Hall 6th July 2014 Doors open at 9.15 a.m. Admission 25p (children free) Sellers from 8.15 a.m. £5 per table If preferred, tables may be reserved by phoning Mrs Malone 01785 823303 Proceeds to be divided between Gnosall Memorial Village Hall and Gnosall Lions Gnosall Carnival 2014 15 St Lawrence Carnival 2014 Results What a fabulous day! The weather was very kind to us all week and we had a fantastic turnout. The parade was led by the Blood Bikes, followed by the Stafford Town Crier, Carnival Queen and Princesses, Floats, Vintage Vehicles, Stafford Brigade’s Marching Band, Pedestrians with Shropshire Medical Services Ambulance as the rear marker. After the procession entered the arena, last year’s Carnival Queen, Katie Russell crowned Bethany Greenfield as this year’s Carnival Queen. Bethany Greenfield and the Carnival Princesses, Tamsin Rhodes and Samantha Hulse were then presented with framed photographs, taken at the Carnival Queen Competition, and gift vouchers. Meanwhile, this year’s judges, Tony and Heather Wright had a difficult job choosing a winner from the Children’s Float entries, but finally decided on the Rosebuds Day Nursery Float, with its theme of “Coming to the Circus”. The Rosebuds entry was also judged to be the best Float in the Carnival. After the floats left the arena, the afternoon’s entertainment began with marching and music from Stafford Brigade’s Marching Band. They were followed by “a modern charleston” dance, performed by children from St Lawrence Primary School. The children later demonstrated Maypole Dancing and then took part in the Airborne Gymnastics display. The Pet Dog Show organised by Dave Clarke again proved to be very popular. The arena events concluded with the Tug-o-War final with Gnosall Massives winning in the pull off against The Avengers. The Stan Robinson Shield was presented by Mr Titley, a longstanding member of the Stan Robinson staff. A number of organisations helped on the day by running a stall and promoting their cause, i.e. Blood Bikes, Canary Club, Gnosall Lions, Gnosall WI, St John’s Ambulance and the National Cycle Network. The Audco Archers, Acorns Motorcycle Club and the Vintage Cars created a lot of interest. While the activities were progressing on the school field, the 10K Run was taking place for the second year with a larger entry then previously. The race was started at Gnosall Sports and Social Club by Parish Councillor Tracey Simkin at 2.30 p.m. and the first runners arrived on the school field just after 3.00 p.m. The afternoon concluded with the announcement of the winners of the various competitons followed by the Grand Draw, conducted by the Reverend Mark Bridgen. On behalf of the Carnival Committee, I would like to thank everyone who helped in any way. We are very fortunate in the help we receive from local businesses, organisations and individuals. Without this help, the Carnival could not happen. Thank you all so much. I would also like to thank the Carnival Committee for all their support. Without their planning and dedication, we would not be in a position to ask for your support. And finally, as I am stepping down as Carnival Chairman, I felt very humbled by the kind comments made by Reverend Mark, and also the surprise presentation of a golf pitching wedge and also the flowers given to Margaret. I was also delighted to received the Cliff Blunt Shield. List of Winners Children’s Floats 1st Rosebuds Day Nursery “Coming to the Circus” Adult Floats Gnosall Sports and Social Club “Happy 30th Anniversay” Pedestrians 1st 4th Gnosall Rainbows “Rocket Sweet Shop” from 2201 Space Odessy The John Whitehead Shield for the best Parade Entry was presented by Ruth and Kirsty Whitehead to Rosebuds Day Nursery. The Stan Robinson Shield was presented by Mr Titley to the winners of the Tug-o-War competition - Gnosall Massives. 16 The Cliff Blunt Shield was presented by Mrs Christine Blunt to Bob Winfield for his involvement in all 30 Carnivals. Vintage Car Trophy 1st MGA 1960 Reg: YYT Owner: Ray Faulkner 2nd Landrover Reg: MVJ Owner: Geoffrey Timmis 3rd MG BGT Reg: JHG 990W 10K Run Men 1st Robin SedmanSmith 2nd Ian Powell 3rd John Garmson Women 1st Mollie Perkins 2nd Karen Harvey 3rd Lynzi Nuttall Sweets in Jar Alex Bradburn (352 guessed – 356 in jar) Name the Teddy Winning Phone No. 0773924865 (Teddy’s name Ollie) Treasure Parish Mary Booth (Winning Square F4) Guess the Square to win the Cake Gill Farmer (winning square 67) Name the Doll Diane Woolridge (doll’s name Abigail) Grand Draw Prizewinners 1st Prize (Gas Barbecue) Ticket No. 1670 J Crowther 2nd Prize Decanter & Glasses) Ticket No. 2440 D Tweed 3rd Prize Digital Camera) Ticket No. 3913 J Mitting 4th Prize (£50) Ticket No. 1150 K Robson 5th Prize (Meal for 2) Ticket No. 2943 P Palin 6th Prize (Porcelain Doll) Ticket No. 2536 E Henderson 7th Prize (Planter) Ticket No. 1335 J Koo 8th Prize (Hamper of Fruit) Ticket No. 5803 C Heins 9th Prize (Meal for 2) Ticket No. 5541 J Prendergast 10th Prize ((£15) Ticket No. 3068 J Nichol Bob Winfield (Carnival Chairman) www.gnosallcfrs.org.uk Gnosall & District Community First Responders Steve Cartlidge has completed his challenge in support First Responders. Steve’s 2014 Challenge was to complete The Ben Nevis Challenge on 7th June. He successfully completed: ` • Climbing Ben Nevis (1,343 metres) • Cycling (25 miles) • Unfortunately the canoeing was stopped due to bad weather setting in. You can still support Steve by sponsoring him on www. everyclick.com/gnosallcfrs2 Steve completed his challenge with friends, Gary Fear and Dave Perry, who were raising funds for Katherine House Hospice and Ian Godsell, raising funds for Responders in Wales. They completed the challenge in 12hrs 24mins. WELL DONE GUYS!!!!! THANK YOU to everyone who supported our Spring Draw – we raised a total of £280. A special thanks to Tommy and Jane who donated the Chocolate Hamper, to their staff and customers at the Bakery for helping make this fund raising so successful. Please get in touch with Ann Andrews if you are interested in helping or joining the First Responders – we’d love to hear from you!! 01785 823331 CHILDREN’S PAGE Boys in the Band – Solution NAMEJOB CITY Daniel Truck Driver Cleveland AGE 21 Darren Pizza DeliverySan Francisco 22 Greg CarpenterSeattle 19 Patrick Waiter 20 New York First Responder Steve completed his challenge with friends, Gary Fear and Dave Perry with Ian Godsell (Wales) www.sustrans.org.uk Latest update- Staffordshire County Council who are the owners of the Greenway (Old railway, Part of the National Cycle Network 55) have announced that the last part of the re surfacing of the route between Wilbrighton Lane and the Staffordshire/ Shropshire County border will commence in September/ October this year. This means that the two towns of Stafford and Newport will be finally linked by one of the longest off road sustainable transport routes in England. As you can imagine the linking of the two towns is an amazing achievement and has took several years to complete and we must thank our County Council for this. At this point it is equally important to give the ultimate big thanks to all those members of the previous Gnosall Linear Leisure Line Association especially the late Miss Betty Hobley who helped bring the route into fruition, thank you all. Next year the National Cycle Network is 20 years old, preparations nationally are under way to celebrate the achievement of over 14,500 miles of sustainable transport infrastructure. It has already been quoted that we have the best section of off road walking and cycling route in central England and Gnosall is give or take a mile or so central between the two towns. The route is very clean with thanks not only to our volunteer rangers, but also the very kind people of Gnosall including the Best Kept Village team who ensure the route remains litter free, a big thank you to you all it is appreciated. A final thanks to the Gnosall Carnival Committee and Mr Bob Winfield for allowing us to have a table at the 30th Gnosall Carnival, thank you. Royal bench unveilingThe Royal bench along the cycle route to commemorate last years birth of HRH Prince George is situated near to the Lowfield Lane steps. This bench will be unveiled by the Lord Lieutenant of Staffordshire on the 22nd July at 2pm. For those who are observant this date is the first birthday of our new Royal Prince. The Mayor of Stafford will also be in attendance for this special occasion. Please come along and support the unveiling, thank you. Useful advice for cyclists or those returning to cyclingIt may be useful for cyclists and people returning to cycling to keep up to date with the Highway Code. A copy of the online Highway Code can be found in this link- www.gov.uk/highway-code or you can purchase a paper back copy from a bookshop. If you wish to report faults including fallen trees that you find along the route please contact the landowners, Staffordshire County Council on 0300 111 8000. You can see further information on our local website- www.gnosallsustransvranger. wordpress.com If you would like to come on board and help with the nationwide National Cycle Networks please contact Lisa Hartley for more information by phoning 0121 633 5517 or email- lisa. [email protected] Sustrans is a registered charity no. 326550 (England and Wales) SCO39263 (Scotland) 17 CARTWRIGHT AND HUDSON FOUNDATION Friends of Saint Lawrence Church Gnosall TOWER OPEN DAY ARE YOU GOING TO UNIVERSITY, COLLEGE OR TRAINING AS AN APPRENTICE? Saturday 5th July The Cartwright and Hudson Foundation is a local educational charity that helps young people who are undertaking any of the above and are residents of Gnosall, Moreton or Knightley. We are able to provide financial assistance towards the purchase of books, equipment, instruments, tools etc. The tower will be open between: 11am and 1pm and from 2pm with the final ascent of the tower at 4-00pm For further information and an application form please contact Mrs D. Stiles – Clerk to the Trustees Heather Lodge 6 Fair View Court Wheaton Aston Staffordshire ST19 9RB Ticket Prices : Non-members £4 Members £3 Children £2 (Unfortunately, due to Health and Safety regulations, Children under 8 are not allowed to climb the Tower) Light Refreshments are included in the ticket price. Pay on the day at the Church. (or drop into the Parish Office, High Street, Gnosall) 18 h h t x k x t b m z e f f f u x o y e c w j f y a w w v f m d p t l n w n d p a c k c x k l m m e z t h r p s w i m x g v c w g l d r a c t s o p g r n v r j c c a g k w h i b x s d k d d n u o r g r i a l z y p t i c e c r e a m y k x i l u m p w w g b l r c e i e k i m s x y j n a e h r n p i y m t m d i j w m g z g r g b y a b f v m k m r n m y u l f p f x p t b u w d n u i o h a u l d q q s m i o x r v j m h x n Famous Person Born in July Joanne Rowling CHILDREN’S PAGE t s u i t c a s e f y l g u n J. K. Rowling was born in Yate, England on 31 July 1965. She moved from Yate (just outside Bristol) to Winterbourne, then when Jo was nine moved to Tutshill near Chepstow in the Forest of Dean. Jo went to Tutshill Primary School, and then on to Wyedean Comprehensive. She was quiet, freckly, short-sighted and not very good at sports. Jo always loved writing more than anything. SUMMER HOLIDAY WORDSEARCH ‘The first story that I ever wrote down, when I was five or six, was about a fairground family fun hotel icecream journey rabbit called Rabbit. After school, Jo attended the Unipack postcard suitcase summer swim tent versity of Exeter in Devon where she studied French. When she was 25, Jo was delayed on BOYS IN THE BAND a train from Manchester to London. The So Kool Record company recently held auditions across On the train Jo says that the idea for the country to find four singers to form a new band. The Harry Potter simply ‘strolled into her four guys chosen are now super-stars but can you work out head fully formed’. She didn’t have a each guy’s previous day job, his age (19,20,21,22) and home pen with her so couldn’t write all her town? thoughts down! However, the idea had taken hold and during the next five 1. Greg is exactly two years younger or older than the guy from Cleveland who used years she started writing and outlining to be a truck driver. the plots for each book. 2. Either Darren or the guy from Seattle (who may or may not be Patrick) used to Jo went to Portugal to teach English. deliver pizzas. There she married and her daughter 3. The guy from New York is younger than Daniel but older than the one who Jessica was born and she kept writing. When she returned to the UK, Jo used to be a carpenter. already had several chapters about 4. The 22 year old from San Francisco isn’t the one who used to be a waiter. Harry Potter. She moved to Edinburgh with her young daughter to be near her sister. In 1996 Bloomsbury offered to publish Jo’s first novel, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. The Harry Potter novels have now NAME JOB CITY AGE sold approximately 450 million copies worldwide and been translated into 72 languages. Jo was the first children’s author to be voted the BA Author of the Year, and also to win the British Book Awards Author of the Year. Jo married Dr Neil Murray in 2001 and lives with her family in Edinburgh. 19 GNOSALL LIONS MONTHLY UPDATE Gnosall Lions have had yet another busy month both socially and fund raising. We held the monthly Table Top Sale in the Memorial Hall, alongside the Memorial Hall Committee, attendance was below normal, the normal day being changed due to the May Bank Holiday causing a little confusion,. Don’t worry though as the June one and subsequent sales are back to the usual 1st Sunday in the month , and we look forward to seeing you all. We gained a new Lion this month, welcome to Helen Bundy who will be well known to many villagers. We ‘re very pleased to welcome you and as always are, as always looking for people to join us. We raise money for good causes in and around the village (and beyond) with all monies raised from the public going to good causes, no administrative costs unlike many national and international charities. Interested, then why not call our membership Officer, Pam Talbot on 01785 823177 or come and chat at the carnival, we’d love to meet you. Feel free to come and chat to us, Lions don’t bite (well, we don’t).We also try and mix socially as well each month with 2 BBQ[s and a visit to Shakespeare at the castle planned over the next couple of months. Our Annual Golf Day has now been confirmed for Thurs 17th July at Aqualate Golf Club and invite any aspiring golfers (good or bad) to join us on the day, the cost is only a modest £18- 00 per head to include coffee and a bacon bap half way round, we have 11 trophies up for grabs including some novel fun ones. The competition is also open to ladies, so why not give it a go. We are also supporting the village Carnival by running a fund raising stall on their behalf, incorporating an information stand on Lions, and what we do, and have presented a trophy to the Carnival Committee to use as they feel fit. As you can see, we fund raise ,(having raised over £20.000 for use locally over the years, help out in the locality whilst have fun at the same time.. As previously stated socially amongst ourselves we have over the summer months 2 BBQ’s, a visit to the Shakespeare at the Castle and are hosting 2 girls, one from Argentina, and one from Japan over the summer. We also mix socially with other local Lions Clubs attending many of their events. We may not be too well known, but we are very active behind the scenes. Rick Talbot Moreton Arts Festival Newport Shropshire U3A Newport Shropshire U3A had their first meeting of the programme for their second year on Tuesday 26 May from 2-4p.m. The speaker was Ken Whittaker from Redditch who is a Nurseryman. He gave some very useful advice for our gardens in an amusing and interesting way. The next meeting is entitled “Codpieces and Bum Rolls” a talk given by “Master Henry the Steward of Little Morton Hall. He will be telling us about the life of the poor in Tudor England. This will be held on Tuesday 17 June at the usual time and place. There are now over 20 different groups available, ranging from craft, languages, photography, walking, games, history and gardening. Ros Snooks Hundreds flocked to the Arts Festival in Moreton Millennium Centre during the week-end of 17th, 18th May. The event was opened by The Honourable Lady Jane Heber-Percy who was impressed by the vast array of media which included more than one hundred paintings, sculpture, photography, glass ware, jewellery and specialist confectionery. In addition there were exhibits of miniatura, wood carving , stitched and knitted goods. An outstanding metal sculpture made from over 9000 washers and a sculpted life size tiger greeted all visitors. Glorious sunshine encouraged over 650 people to attend to view paintings by Penny Eccleston, principal guest artist and many exhibitors from Staffordshire, Shropshire, West Midlands and even north Wales. The Festival was supported by Staffordshire County Council Local Community fund, Waitrose Community Matters and Gnosall Parish Council as well as local schools and businesses. Well June is here and a long hot summer awaits us!!If only!!You may have noticed the two newly planted raised beds by the old Lock Up. Gnosall WI was instrumental in re-locating the Lock Up from near the Old Police Station when the new entrance road was being built for the new Knightley Road Estate in the seventies, so it seemed fitting that our newly formed Jambusters(WI) sponsored and planted the two new beds next to it. We have planted them with Bee and Butterfly friendly perennial plants that we hope will flourish!!A colour scheme of purple and white was chosen in honour of the suffragettes who fought so bravely to ensure women’s voices and votes were heard in the 1920,s. At our meeting on Wed 4th June we had Sue Lang who is an instructor for Riding For The Disabled to talk to us about her work and the experiences she has had whilst working with children and adults attending the groups. The benefits the riders gain from the sessions are many and far reaching. They form a valuable part in not only their physical development but also social and emotional development giving the riders a real confidence boost to enjoy and succeed in a sport which may not otherwise be available to them. Our next meeting will be on Wed.2nd July at the Fire station. We will be learning about the “History of Perfume” with Anita Murphy. We will also be having a competition for a small perfumed flower arrangement!! Anita will choose the winner on the night. Come along ,new friends always welcome. Contact Sue Spencer 822306. 20 Christian Aid Week 2014 “FEAR LESS” A big “Thank You” to the people who once again helped with the Christian Aid envelope collection in May and to all those who gave so generously. The total raised from the envelopes was £2132.70 This represented contributions from nearly 800 households in Gnosall. If your street was not covered this year, we apologise for that but we were a few volunteers short in spite of people some people collecting from more than one street. However we were very pleased to have several new helpers to replace those who are no longer able to collect and we would like to express our thanks to those who have retired, often after many years of collecting. The total collection will be increased through the Gift Aid scheme where people paying Income Tax have completed the slip attached to their envelope, allowing Christian Aid to reclaim the tax which they have paid on the amount of the donation. This amounts to 25p on every pound, so thank you for taking the trouble to complete the slip. This year Christian Aid Week concentrated on the human cost of conflict. In some of the toughest places in the world, Christian Aid is helping people caught up in conflict to get the basics; medical care, water, food and shelter. They keep people safe and help heal their emotional scars. When the fighting stops they are still there, helping communities walk the long road to recovery: tackling the causes not just the consequences of conflict. “Christian Aid Week is the largest act of Christian witness across Britain and Ireland” Rowan Williams. By coming together, we aredemonstrating that God’s love is infinitely greater than hatred and violence. Thank you once more. Karen Bridgen, Vickie Middleton and Pat Tweed Local Trades and Services Disclaimer: The publishers of GPN/GNAT cannot accept responsibility for qualifications and accreditation claims made in any of the advertisements. Checks should be made by the client on the advertisers’ claims. Paul Yeomans THE STAFFORDSHIRE HOG ROAST TASTIE ROASTER Carpentry/joinery PLANNING A SPECIAL EVENT? …. WEDDINGS CATERED FOR • All interior and exterior joinery work undertaken • Purpose-made joinery in hardwood or softwood Doors/Windows/Porches etc. We will be delighted to provide you with a hog roast b-b-que or slow-cooked roasted meat and poultry with all the trimmings All locally sourced meats, bakery products and homemade coleslaw, potato salads etc For free estimates and advice www.thestaffordshirehogroast.co.uk 01785 780781 Chris & Becky on 01785 760417 or 07976 090520 Moss Farm, Yarnfield, Stone, ST15 0NF Find us on Facebook T ROYAL OAK E H Session Times Monday to Friday during term time only Morning: 8.45am – 11.45am (£10.50) Lunch club available from 11.45am – 1.15pm (£5.25) (Please provide your child with a healthy nutritional packed lunch) The Royal Oak Afternoons: 1.30pm – 3.30pm (£7.00) All day care: 8.45am – 3.30pm (£23.60) National Educational Funding (NEF) available Quality home cooked food. Sunday lunch and daily specials. Guest cask ales & cold beers. Skittle alley/Function room. Large garden & play area. 15 hours a week entitlement the term after a child’s 3rd birthday Wrap around care is available for Pre-School children Monday to Friday Mrs Lynn Malone, Pre-School Manager Gnosall St Lawrence Pre-School (Booking advisable) Newport Road, Gnosall Tel: 01785 822362 Gnosall St Lawrence C.E. (C) Primary School Lowfield Lane Gnosall STAFFORD ST20 0ET Tel: 01785 822391 Ofsted Registered no: EY462095 21 Normandy Decades Disco Comfortable , well equipped holiday house to rent with 2 bedrooms but will sleep 6 adults easily with the use of a double bed settee in the lounge. Also available is a cot and 2 put-you-up beds for children The house is situated for easy access to The Normandy Landing beaches, Le Mont St Michel and Mulberry Harbour. It is 40 minutes from the west coast and 30 minutes from the north coast. The local town of St Lo, which hosts a weekly market is 10 minutes by car. There is a Boulangerie in the village. For further information 01952 691467 Professional & Reliable DJ Birthdays, Weddings, Anniversaries etc Full Light & Sound System All Music Genres Catered For Tel: (01785) 824390 Mobile: 07852 992268 E-mail: [email protected] www.decadesdisco.co.uk email : [email protected] The Bakery Gnosall’s Premier Off-Licence & General Stores Wharf Road, Gnosall 01785 822341 Lotto, Payzone Electric & Phone top-up, Newspapers, Magazines, Lots of special offers, Cut price Chocolate, Local milk & Eggs, Wright’s Pies Accounts * Tax Returns * Bookkeeping * Payroll * VAT * Corporation Tax * Capital Gains Tax * Tax Enquiries * CIS New PayPoint * TV Licence * Water Payment • FREE initial consultation • Weekend and evening appointments • All fees agreed in advance • Collection and return of all records • 10% off your first year’s fee Tel: 01785 823860 Mobile: 07773 505638 Email: [email protected] Web: www.brightaccountancy.co.uk Opening hours: Monday - Saturday 7.00am -9.00pm Sunday 8.00am - 9.00pm Happy Shopping at it’s best we look forward to seeing you soon 22 “MUK-OFF” The Boat Inn, Traditional and professional window cleaning Wharf Road, Gnosall. Call for free quote. 01785 822208 Chris Parsons 9 Glendower Close, Gnosall. Mob: 07562 881 610 Home: 01785 824297 J Hitchenor CARPENTRY & JOINERY Quiz Night every Sunday.Starts 8pm. Porches, Conservatories, Windows, Doors, Kitchens, Flooring, Stud wall & dry lining, Garage doors, Decking, Roofing, Fitted wardrobes, Skirting & Architraves, £1 per person http://www.marstonspubs.co.uk/boatinngnosall No job too big or small, Free Estimates Satisfaction Guaranteed, Tel: 01785 780764 07854 725 950 ‘The Nail That Sticks Out Gets Hammered !!!!!’ N W G Building Maintenance D & P HOWFIELD HOME IMPROVEMENT SOLUTIONS SUPERBLY FITTED BATHROOMS AND KITCHENS. • • • • • All aspects of wall and floor tiling including electric and wet underfloor heating. natural stone, porcelain and ceramics. Boilers and central heating systems inc conventional and unvented. D&P Howfield - Home Improvement Plastering. All decoratng needs covered. Brickwork/New build Alterations Paving & Patios Roofing Chimney work • Repointing • General Property maintenance • Other jobs considered • Free Quotes Over 20 years experience Call Neil on 0795 111 7120 ALL WORK GUARANTEED WITH MANY REFERENCES AVAILABLE, QUOTES AND ESTIMATES, CALL PAUL ON 07976 607433 OR DAVID ON 01785 822858. OCCASIONS Get social: Facebook & Twitter iTomTechnology Lorraine Kirkland & Sue Sleigh Occasions - Outside Caterers CATERERS OUTSIDE Receptions, Birthdays, Anniversaries, Christenings, House and Office parties QUALITY FOODS/SENSIBLE PRICES ALL HOME BAKED PRODUCE FOR MENUS AND PRICE LIST An I.T Company forSmall Businesses & Home Users We provide: • • • • • • TEL:- (01785)780109 OR(01785)780007 MOBILE:07805 761 202 www.occasionscaterers.co.uk SHIRES VETERINARY PRACTICE Veterinary Surgeons, Newport Road, Gnosall • • Surgery Times Mon 4pm till 6pm Tue, Thur, Fri 3pm-4pm Wed 8.30am-9.30am 4pm-6pm Saturday 11am-11.30am All surgeries are by appointment only Tel: 823713 Full range of pet healthcare products available IN CASE OF EMERGENCY ONLY Phone: Eccleshall 850218 23 Networking IT Maintenance Home Computing Computer Repairs Laptop Repairs Business Computing CCTV · Data Recovery • • • • • • • Computer Tuition Cloud Storage Workplace Security Web Design Anti-Virus Firewalls Support Contracts ...and much more! No call out fee We come to you Call us today on [email protected] www.itomtech.com 01785 750037 Wig-Wham! A & T Floors Wig-Wham - Wigs & Hairpieces NVQ & CSCS REGISTERED Tony Dinning A discreet and professional service with a wide selection of the finest wigs and hairpieces. Floor and Wall Tiler Coton Barn Gnosall Staffs A caring approach to an ever increasing group of people who have the misfortune to lose their hair 07867 533085 [email protected] Contact Joy 01785 823531 or 07989744446 MARTYN SPENCER ~ FINANCIAL ADVISER WESTWOOD ELECTRICAL SERVICES ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS 15 Knightly Road Gnosall StaffordStaffs ST20 0EW Looking to Compare Insurances or Save Money? • Family Life Assurance Cover • Mortgage Protection Insurance • PHI Income &Accident Sickness Unemployment • Critical Serious Illness Insurance • Leading UK Insurance Companies • Friendly Broker Help & Broker Prices • No Obligation Home Visits or Telephone advice NIC EIC Domestic Installer (Part P approved) Domestic & Industrial Installations Fire & Security Alarms * Free Estimates* Please call Martyn : Gnosall 01785-824849 www.uklifeinsurancequotes.co.uk is a trading style of Martyn Spencer. STAFFORD 01785 822 325 The Gastronomy Shop GREEN CLEAN WINDOW CLEANING MOBILE 07973 747058 Martyn Spencer is an appointed representative of Sesame Ltd,which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority 9 High Street, Gnosall, Stafford, ST20 0ED Tel:01785 747599 Velux Roof Lights, Frames, Sills, Doors all included in clean. www.thegastronomyshop.blogspot.com Facebook: Call in The Caterers Twitter: Gastronomy Shop Also Conservatory & Fascia cleaning. A professional & established service. Traditional Delicatessen • • • • • • • • • Call for a free quotation and demonstration Wide Range of Local Fine Food Hamper Service Coffee Shop All day breakfasts Morning Coffee Carvery Lunches Afternoon Teas Regular Gourmet Evenings Outside Catering for Parties and Events www.callinthecaterers.com Pure water and environmentally reach and wash pole sysytem reaching up to four stories. A local, reliable and friendly service. ‘Our vision is clear....that yours should be too’ Call Adam or Ryan Tel: 01785 284394 or 07595 902920 Fully insured and accredited 24 M J Farmer Building Contractors Ltd New Builds M J Farmer- Building Contractors Commercial & Domestic Contracts Extensions, Restorations & Renovations All types of Carpentry, Plastering & Brickwork Driveways & Paving All Work Guaranteed & Fully Insured Contact Matthew anytime for a free quotation 47 Audmore Road Gnosall, Stafford, ST20 0HE Phone & Fax 01785 822996 Winner of Staffordshire Building Control Group, Building Excellence Award 2009 Registered house builder Email [email protected] We design it, we make it, and we fit it .... Just for you • • • • • Huge choice of door finishes and styles Professional design and installation Fully fitted interiors as standard High quality soft close hinges as standard No hidden extras Gnosall Pharmacy For a free no obligation quotation call 01782 680442 Or visit www.isbedrooms.co.uk This space to let email [email protected] or phone Kathleen Ingram 01785 822082 25 Mike James - Accountant This space to let email [email protected] or phone Kathleen Ingram 01785 822082 Tax returns - Bookkeeping - VAT - Payroll Accounts Individuals - Self Employed - Ltd Companies 07865 077791 01785 243250 SOUTH-EAST CORNWALL HOLIDAY BUNGALOW TO LET Beaches, Moors &Eden Project easily Accessible For details and reasonable tarrifs 01785 822173 or 07850 254 855 Professionally designed, beautiful hand-made greeting cards and new framed keep-sake paper-cut artworks. We can personalise with any name, age or occasion. See our website or email: [email protected] Direct Energy Products THE FOUR VILLAGE DAIRY LTD Conservatory Roofs for All-Year-Round Comfort Family-Run Business, Established 15 years Delivering all Milk and Morning Goods to your door Ring John or Zoe on 0794 957 2432 If your conservatory is too hot in summer and too cold in winter, we have the solution. for immediate service New Energy Efficient Replacement Conservatory roofs. For free survey, no salesman call 07920 474777 or 01952 593530 “The Cheaper Doorstep Service” www.directenergyproducts.co.uk 26 LES HARRIS Sarah Mockett BSc NMed, mBANT,CNHCreg ELECTRICIAN Nutritional Therapist Do you want to have more energy, improve your digestion, feel better, or lose weight? Do you need help with your child’s diet or your own? Get in touch for a no obligation chat about how nutritional therapy might help 26 Years Experience ELECTRICAL & PROPERTY MAINTENANCE SERVICE For a free quotation and friendly personal service, contact your local tradesman: 4 ELTON WAY, GNOSALL, STAFFORDST20 0EN Telephone: 01785 822385 Mobile : 07725 316 314 01785 823346 / 07815 757317 [email protected] Facebook: @feedtosucceednutrition Mark Corson M.Sc. D.O. For a F R E SH look to wall s and ceiling s Mill Bank Osteopathic Clinic PH PLASTERING SERVICES Mill Bank, Stafford 01785 226848 www.staffordosteopaths.com Osteopathy is a natural way to treat many of life’s aches and strains; from acute sports injuries to arthritic pains, from young babies to the elderly Plastering & Rendering Free no obligation LPH Plastering Services quotes at OSTEOPATHY can help See our website for more details... or call to book your appointment today. competitive prices • Professional contact • Caring PETE 01785 605232 • Friendly • 25 yrs experience Situated in Stafford Town Centre, Just opposite the water wheels, by Victoria Park PHIL DOLLOWAY BUILDER Phil Dolloway - Builder Specialist in all types of building work TOM STURGESS • • • • • • • • DOMESTIC APPLIANCES WASHING MACHINES, TUMBLE DRYERS AND ELECTRIC COOKERS Prompt Attention All work guaranteed 01785 664860 Mobile: 07850 297154 110 CANNOCK ROAD, STAFFORD Extensions Garden Walls Chimneys Block Paving New Build Re-pointing Patios/Slabbing Roofing Please ring for free quote or advice: Tel: 01785 823150 / 07866519087 NEW AND RECONDITIONED APPLIANCES AVAILABLE 51 Audmore Road, Gnosall, Stafford ST20 0HE 27 M. Bissell NEWPORT COTTAGE CARE CENTRE TREES, HEDGES & GROUND MAINTENANCE Caring for People Day Care Centre For The Elderly • A friendly comfortable environment • Qualified and experienced staff • A varied activity programme • Specialised Dementia care service • Disabled access transport to and from Centre For more information contact the Centre Manager Mrs Aneta Allcock Tel: 01952 820893 All Tree & Hedge Work Undertaken Upper Bar, Newport TF10 7EH Full Public Liability & N.P.T.C. Qualified MOLE CONTROL For garden and paddock mole removal in and around Shropshire /Staffordshire borders NO MOLE NO CHARGE POLICY Also Mole hill levelling service with quad bike and chain Harrow/ sprayer for paddocks /large gardens For a FREE Quote & Advice Call 01785 824410 07968 421434 Phone 07754072184 Mark Smith Movement Matters Brush and Vacuum Chimney Sweeping Service Fitness and fun, all rolled into one! Wednesdays at The Grosvenor Centre, Gnosall 9.45-11.00am Active exercise, music and dance for women who enjoy flowing, whole body movement. 11-30-12.20pm Very gentle chair based exercise for people with limited movement. (Carers may attend free of charge.) 2.30-3.30pm Exercise, movement and dance for beginners and active older women. Long established business All solid fuel fires and appliances swept Reliable and competitively priced Please call 01902 845128 or 07964 703721 Contact Rosemary on 01785 822442 [email protected] Tel / Fax: 01785 824 615 112 Wharf Road, Gnosall, Stafford, Staffs ST20 0DA w w w. i n d u l g e i n t e r i o r s . c o . u k Over 500 door styles Bespoke Cabinetry Granite, Sileston & Corian Suppliers of all leading manufacturers No Salesmen Free consultation & 3D design Comprehensive range of bathroom suites & furniture Finance Packages available 28 ELECTRO PLUMB CENTRAL Ltd. ANY OLD IRON Electricians & Plumbing Engineers Part P Registered Installers Licensed Carrier Cutting Service Removers of Scrap Metal, Scrap Washing Machines etc FOR ALL YOUR ELECTRICAL AND PLUMBING NEEDS Electro Plumb Central Ltd RELIABLE, HONEST AND LOCAL Local collections FREE QUOTATIONS ALL WORK GUARANTEED FOR 12 MONTHS Telephone: 01785 822349 Mobile: 07967 600914 01785 822719 Mobile - 07813 303154 Steve Terry, 9 Near Ridding Gnosall Staffordshire ST20 ODP Email - [email protected] Web - www.electroplumbcentral.co.uk Fleurtatious Gordon Hall Artificial floral arrangements individually designed and made for all your special occasions. Contact Debbie Farmer Painting and Decorating Established 1977 A local business built on recommendation 01785 822996 ‘Flowers to last a life time’ MARK. A. HODGKINS LANDSCAPE GARDENING &FARMING Please Contact: Supplying an Excellent &Reliable Service. With a High Reputation of 25 years/ Fully PL Insurance Give me a call – Mark –07855384015 or 01785 282006 For any General Farm Work to Garden Maintenance – including Hedge Cutting,Mowing,Rubbish Removal,Turffing Slab laying,Tree Topping / Felling,Fencing or A Complete Landscape to Just a Tidy up. 11 Glendower Close, Gnosall, Nr. Stafford. TELEPHONE: 01785 822965 Struggling with your UCAS statement, CV job application or interview? MARC HINDE I will work with you to help you present yourself in the best possible light and achieve your ambitions. We can meet at my home office in Knightley or use phone, email and Skype. Please get in touch for a free consultation. CARPENTER/JOINER HOME IMPROVEMENTS Wall & Floor Tiling*Kitchens* Plastering*Facias& Guttering Judith Poulteney MA FCIPD 01785 284849 [email protected] 07837 917803 www.judithpoulteney.co.uk 01785 824661/ 07811 870294 [email protected] NVQ City & Guilds Qualified Constructionline/CHAS Accredited ’s Experienced Tradesmen Interior & Exterior Gyproc Coving Fitted For Free Estimates or Advice Insurance Work Undertaken Will Mockett GROUNDWORKS Bespoke Furniture Designs & Storage Solutions - Fitted or free standing. TJs Groundworks Fencing . Patios• Paths•Drives•Slabbing •Drainage Systems: Unblocked • Fixed • Replaced •Storm and Flood Damage Repaired •JCB & Mini Digger Hire with Driver All Digger Work Undertaken Footings •Ditching • Landscaping •etc Visit my web site for more information www.willmockett.co.uk Contact me on 07813 798118 / 01785 823346Or [email protected] Tel: 01785 780718 Mobile: 07977221712 29 A Touch of Harmony THE JUNCTION INN NORBURY By Norma Buck Complementary Therapy & Healing • • • • • • Training Courses for Spiritual Growth Energy Awareness Workshops Meditation Group Card Reading for Guidance Crystal Energy Balance Holistic Healing 21 Middlefield, Gnosall, Stafford, ST20 OLS 01785 284288 Open all day Tel - 01785 822073 Mobile - 07890 948380 Summer offers Pie day every Wednesday, Friday steak night Sunday carvery and evening roasts BOW-WOW’S “Recently Redecorated“, DOG GROOMING “New Menus inc Gluten Free, Vegetarian, Salad menu”. & BATHING PARLOUR Every Bank Holiday Monday: fill your face from our selection of home made foods chilli, curry , cottage pie , roasts and lots more £ 7.oo Lynn Hutchinson Gnosall 01785 822508 Richard Carn DAVID BEBBINGTON Artex, plastering, coving, & cornice contractor plus...... Carpentry & Joinery General maintenance including ... • Basic plumbing • Painting • Laminate floor fixing • Bathrooms and kitchens fitting 30 years experience .. Free quotes Telephone 01785 823904 All types of work undertaken -FREE estimates. No job too small Tel: 257360 PropertyMaintenance J & DP Decorating and Building Maintenance OLD STACEY’S Over 30yrs experience Guaranteed quality, professional workmanship Gnosall 17 High Street Tel: 01785 824287 Free estimates New Opening Hours Monday CLOSED Tuesday9-5pm Wednesday 10-1.30pm Thursday9-5pm Friday9-5pm Saturday9-4pm Call: 01785 241516 \ 07966 402778 \ 07816 950225 To advertise in the GPN contact [email protected] FRESH FRUIT, VEGETABLES & FLOWERS Local seasonal produce when available! Bouquets/Boxed Vases made up Just call in or telephone 30 Natural Beauty By Natalie Buck PLUG IN REPAIRS Treatments Available: • • • • • • Facials Eye & Face Treatments Hand & Feet Treatments Aromatherapy Make-Up Waxing Washing Machines & Tumble Driers Cookers Fast and efficient service Phone 01785 256347 or 07850 446842 (mobile) Tel: 01952 810359 Mob: 07866 657899 17 St Mary’s Street, Newport, TF10 7AF Bee’s Nails, Beauty & Massage R U PLASTERING SERVICES • Nails – Acrylic, Shellac, Manicure, Pedicure • Waxing- Eyebrow, Lip, Chin, Leg, Bikini Line • Eyelash Extension • Tinting – Lash & Brow • Semi-Permanent Make Up – Eyebrow, Lips, Eyeliner NVQ Qualified Registered with Staffordshire Trade Register & Rated People Modern and Traditional plastering undertaken Call Rob for Free Estimate Tel: 01952 550666 Mob:07861 366640 Mobile Service - Expert and friendly service in the comfort of your own home at a time that suits you. Also available at Hair Razor, Gnosall High St Call 07792 384316 for an appointment BRAIN BROTHERS Gingercroft Residential Home FOR ALL YOUR CENTRAL HEATING & PLUMBING SERVICES, LOOK NO FURTHER Gnosall, Stafford Gas, Oil & Solid Fuel Central Heating Boiler Conversion, Service Breakdown. Also bathroom suites, washing machines, cylinders, gas appliCenteral Heatingances -Brainand Bros general plumbing Providing quality care & optimising independence We are a small friendly Home for the elderly offering: CHARLIE JONES CARPENTER, JOINER & GENERAL BUILDING WORK Nursing Home - Gingercroft For more information please contact our care manager Sue Ecclestone on Te: 01785 822142 or 822455 ResidentialCare Home Care Support &Day Care ALL WORK GUARANTEED FOR FREE QUOTATION TEL. 01785 780560 or 01889 508199 Over 25 years experience • Purpose made joinery • Fitted kitchens & wardrobes • Glazed wall & floor tiling • Security locks fitted to doors and windows • UPVC fascia boards, barge boards & guttering • UPVC windows • Small building works To advertise in the GPN contact [email protected] • Flat roof repairs • Glass replacements & secondary double glazing FREE ESTIMATES & ADVICE TEL: 01785 823605 Mobile: 07803 144 969 31 REGENT HOUSE INTERIORS LTD KITCHENS SPECIALISTS Established 1983 Free no obligation survey, quotation and computer aided design No pressure sales Complete installation service including plumbing, electrics gas installations, building work, plastering and tiling. All work is carried out by qualified tradesmen and complies with building regulations. Complete project management Come to us last and compare our prices-you will be pleasantly suprised Tel 01785 822292 or 07970 664710 REFLEXOLOGY BY WENDY PRESCOTT (M.A.R.) Helping the body to heal itself naturally. Relaxing holistic treatment for Many conditions including IBS, Depression, Stress Back pain, Hormone imbalance, Sinus, and many more. For appointments or any further information please contact Wendy on 07738416975 or 01785823962. Or by email to: [email protected] Home visits available on request Nigel Bundy Painting Decorating & Property Maintenance • 35 years experience • Advanced City & Guilds • C.S.C.S. Reg. Contact your local tradesman for a personal, friendly service and free quotations and advice on all aspects of interior and exterior décor Domestic, Commercial and Insurance Work Undertaken 2 Knightley Way, Gnosall, Stafford Tel: 01785 822963 Mobile: 07977332823 Email: [email protected] Website: www.nigelbundy.co.uk WORK FULLY INSURED AND GUARANTEED 32 N. Bundy Electrical Electrician NICK BUNDY • • • • • • • • New installations Smoke alarm systems Additional sockets/lighting House rewires Consumer unit upgrades Security lighting Electric shower installation Extractor fan installation 2 Knightley Way Gnosall Stafford ST20 0HX Tel: 01785 822963 Mob: 07854 881858 Email: [email protected] WORK FULLY INSURED AND GUARANTEED Chris Leese CHIROPODIST U’ve Bin n Fra med Picture Framing - U’ve Bin Framed Chiropodist- Sarah Irvine Picture Framing and Mounting Tapestry and Lacework Stretching Dry Mounting and Laminating* Tel: 01952 282219 Mobile: 07967 030499 Bespoke and personal service 10 Norbroom Court, Newport Shropshire TF10 7RQ *Pictures, maps and many other items Sarah Irvine MSSCh. Brockton Care Ltd Providing Quality Home Care MBChA. Home Visits: Monday to Friday We offer help with personal care, mobility issues, help with getting up and going to bed, domestic duties, medication and shopping Tel. 01785 823151 Mobile 07966 549709 Phone: 01952 222555 Mobile: 07792 948 949 web: brocktoncareltd.co.uk email: [email protected] Tracy Willetts-Perrins Owner & Care Manager “Looking for carers now”. CHIROPODIST Gnosall Autobodies GNOSALL - FAMILY - BUTCHERS Car Body Repairs, Painting & Welding Purveyor of Best English Meat Bacon, Cooked Meats, Pork Pies, etc. Malcolm Flello The Hollies Garage The Hollies Gnosall ST20 0JD Personal Service Gnosall Family Butcher 106 Wharf Road, Gnosall Tel: Stafford 822309 Telephone (01785) 822101 Mob: 07971 237 578 deaconsfield J.H. Knight Ltd FINANCIAL PLANNING Plumbing and Heating Oil and Gas Personal and corporate independent financial advisers At Deaconsfield Financial Planning Ltd. we are professional and caring in what we do and how we do it. We work with our clients adopting a practical and common sense approach to financial planning in order to generate a long termworkable solution. Installation and Servicing Central Heating Power Flush 01785 822489 07976 385872 Our services include; • retirement planning • inheritance tax planning • investment advice • family and business planning • mortgages Who is guarding your financial future? Perhaps you should bring in the professionals FREE consultation please contact one of the team on 0870 1121462 Deaconsfield Financial Planning is a trading style of Positive Financial Services Limited. Positive Solutions (Financial Services) Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority Registered in England and Wales no 3276760 Registered Office: Riverside House The Waterfront Newcastle upon Tyne NE15 8NY Plumber - J H Knight 33 Hair Razor Unisex Hair Salon Phil Nevard Plumbing & Heating All types of plumbing work carried out, Corgi registered. with a fun, friendly atmosphere Full central heating❖Boilers installed❖Bathrooms ❖Insurance work❖ Kitchens ❖ Free estimates this unisex salon offers Tel: 01782 870933 Mob: 07970 053356 contemporary and traditional hairstyling 44 Eleanor Cres, Westlands, Newcastle-Under - Lyme at competitive rates Wendy Palser Extra discounts for seniors Monday & Wednesday Private Chiropodist HPC/ State Registered The Foot Clinic, Gnosall Health Centre Evening appointments & Home Visits available 01785 828912 -Appointments So come visit us Appointments 01785 822386 High Street Gnosall Give us a call. Granville Reeves 07973 239 208 - Enquires Local Tree Surgeon All Trees Hedge Cutting etc. Bill Bagnall FTC - ATC Tree Surgeon 01785 822525 Woodsman For Sale Hardwood logs Local Charcoal Trees felled Hedges layed Church Eaton tel. 07967 708947 Fully insured & NPTC certificated The Leys House Bed and Breakfast Amongst elegant surroundings in our historic Victorian Farmhouse Quarry Lane, Gnosall Staffordshire, ST20 OBZ Telephone: 01785 822532 01785 822532 DANIEL L MATTOCKS Miss Clare J Pitchford M Ch S, D Pod M BUILDING & PLUMBING SERVICES [email protected] Alterations Extensions Loft Conversions Kitchens Bathrooms State Registered Chiropodist 2/3 Barclays Bank Chambers Newport Shropshire UPVC Windows & Doors Conservatories Repairs Roofing Tel: 01952 820352 (Surgery) Contact us Now for a Free Quote 01785 824942 01952 811321 (Evenings) 34 Bank Top Garage Gnosall • Ford Retail Dealers (E Hodgkinson & Sons) • Used Car Sales • Car Servicing • Collection & Delivery available • MOT • Bodywork • Tyres • Calor Gas Agents • Fax Service • Photocopy Service • Parts & Accessories Telephone (01785) 822217 Fax Number (01785) 824434 Email: [email protected] • Open Seven Days a Week http://www.banktopgarage.com Why choose Health Holistica Well -we are about an Alternative Natural Therapy-not just about a relaxing massage with amazing essential oils-so if you are suffering with: • PMS • Constipation • Plantar Fasciitis • IBS • Acne • Headache, Migraines • Fatigue • Symptoms of Menopause • Tension • Mental or Emotional Stresses • Insomnia• Back, Neck or Shoulderproblems Then Health Holistica can help you. Contact us on 01785 330305 for a free consultation or to make an appointment. Please join us on Facebook and Twitter @healthholistica. com-for more information www.healthhollstlca.com L.T.Talbot Building Services All aspects of building work completed: •Brickwork •Plastering • Roof repairs and chimney work • Flat roofs •Extensions • New builds • Log burners fitted •Landscaping FREE quotes and advice!!!! SPANISH-PORTUGUESE BORDER OVERLOOKING THE RIVER GUADIANA If you are looking for a holiday where you can explore two countries please look at:-www.kinnohouse.co.uk Our spacious, tastefully furnished and well equipped house on the Costa de la Luz has 3 bedrooms and sleeps 6 adults very comfortably. Only 40 minutes from Faro airport, 10 minutes drive to several beautiful wide sandy beaches or a few steps to a shared swimming pool and gardens. Further Information contact Mel via the web site or call 01785 824379 or 01543 472443 Call Les 01785 822764 07792163155 [email protected] 35 professional window cleaning THE OLD CHAPEL Aidan Dodd your local and trustworthy handyman • Sills • Frames • Doors • Conservatories • Gutter cleaning • Other general work undertaken Professional service at competitive prices Call Aidan on 07977 461 531 36 Greenfields, Gnosall, ST20 0HR Bontdolgadfan Mid Wales Comfortable Holiday accommodation Sleeps 6 in stunning countryside. Excellent walking, beaches,fishing etc. 01785 823939 or 07949750032. This space to let email [email protected] or phone Kathleen Ingram 01785 822082 Wills and Lasting Powers of Attorney Are you concerned about ...... • • • A.J & H. WRIGHT MOTOR VEHICLE ENGINEER • • • Mechanical repairs & servicing Tyres Exhausts Batteries OPEN: Monday-Friday 8.30-6pm Saturday 8.30-1pm Who would look after your children? Your children being disinherited if your spouse were to re-marry? Your family’s rightful inheritance being lost to the in-laws? Your home being sold to pay for care fees? No-one being able to manage your affairs or make decisions on your behalf if you lose mental capacity during your lifetime If so, then you need to make a Will and Lasting Powers of Attorney WHARF ROAD,GNOSALL,STAFFORD Call Natasha, your qualified legal specialist in Gnosall on 01785 822810 www.legal-legacies.co.uk Telephone: 01785 823503 Mindfulness FOOT HEALTH PRACTITIONER Looking to smooth out the aches and pains, the stresses and strains of everyday living? Troubled by anxiety, stress, low mood or just looking to live a more vibrant and vital life? Find out how mindfulness might help Courses held in the village at regular intervals NAIL TRIMMING & AFFORDABLE FOOT CARE AT HOME Sarah Lee dipCFHP, MSPract S J HARRISON Meyrick and Wain BUILDERS Ltd Acoustic Duo Available for Private and Corporate Functions, Family Events. House Party’s and Fund Raising. We can accommodate any sized venue from Your Own Home to a Conference Centre. Music can be tailored to suit your event. Prices range from £150 to £450 Phone:01785 823249 or 01952 850371 Email:[email protected] Or [email protected] & SONS 07855 748124 Contact Charles 01785 823218 [email protected] for further information Marston Lodge, Chipnall Market Drayton • Shropshire *TF9 2RJ 01630 661 326 • 07790 964 336 email: [email protected] http://: www.sjharrisonbuilders.co.uk 36 Gnosall Skip Hire Littlehales Plant Hire JCB Excavator Hire Skips available 7 days a week Landscaping Driveways 2 yd mini 4 yd midi Tel: 01785 822926 Sam: 07977 499305 Ben: 07973 255252 Loading service available Free Consultation & Quote Katharine House Hospice Shops Katharine House Hospice shops are spread across Staffordshire. • • • • Contact details for all locations can be found on the website khhospice.org.uk or call 01785 218252 Registered Charity No. 10117 Staffordshire VAG + Peugeot Specialist Servicing and repairs to all makes and models Latest diagnostic equipment Collection and Delivery for major jobs Body Work W EATHERTIGHT Contact: Shain Windsor Email: [email protected] Unit A Ladfordfields industrial estate, Seighford , Stafford ST18 9QE www.sdwautomotive.co.uk Tel:07815510002 JWH GROUND MAINTENANCE All Grass Mowing and Strimming Requirements Undertaken Large Area Flail Mowing, Paddocks etc Hedge Cutting, Tree Felling/ Pruning ROOFING LTD. web:www.weathertight.co.uk email:[email protected] HIGH TENSILE POLYESTER FELT - 10year guarantee RUBBERBOND EPDM FLEECEBACK RUBBER 20 year guarantee - Proven llfe expectency of 50 years TILING. SLATING. CHIMNEY REPAIRS uPVC FASCIAS & GUTTERING DRY VERGE END CAPS FREE QUOTATIONS LIABILITY INSURANCE FOR A FREE QUOTATION CONTACT JOHN Tel: 01785 824025 Mobile: 07957 880718 Insurance Backed Guarantees Available Telephone 01785 840789 9 Meadow Close, Wheaton Aston Stafford STl9 9NX 37 GNOSALL DENTAL SURGERY John Allen Flooring Contractor 15 HIGH STREET GNOSALL 01785 822948 All aspects of dentistry carried out in a modern, friendly and relaxed environment Supply and Fit or Just Fit • • • • • • Domestic or Commercial Carpets.Amtico/Karndean Style Flooring Vinyls Wet Rooms Cap ‘n’ Cove Wood/Laminate Floor Prep DPM/Latex No job too big or small • We welcome new patients with NO REGISTRATION FEE Opening Hours MONDAY 9.00-5.00 TUESDAY 8.30-5.30 WEDNESDAY 8.30-5.30 THURSDAY 9.00-5.30 FRIDAY 9.00-12noon Gnosall Dental Surgery Tel: 01785 822 948 15 High Street Email: Gnosall [email protected] ST20 0EX We welcome new patients Mobile: 07828 114921 Home: 01785 823304 (Gnosall) Email: [email protected] ANGELA SMITH BESPOKE HANDMADE JEWELLERY • • • • • Cosmetic work, including mercury free fillings Implants Zoom tooth whitening Sympathetic, understanding hygienist Oral cancer screening at every examination Latest in digital X-Ray imaging, keeping exposure to radiation to a minimum Intra oral digital camera allowing you to see what the dentist sees Designer/Maker of unique Jewellery and Tiaras Jewellery making workshops Jewellery making birthday parties Restringing and basic jewellery repair Commissions welcome To view items please visit ‘Gallery at 12’ High Street Eccleshall or www.angelasmithjewellery.blogspot.com A WALKER& SON GNOSALL FUNERAL DIRECTORS Established for over 100 years Complete Funeral Services Chapel of Rest KEN WALKER AVAILABLE ON REQUEST For Personal Service Telephone 01785 822261 Email- [email protected] Tel.(01785)822909 Mob. 07821 396158 Robert Nicholls DIP F.D. DIP FM. M. B.I.F.D PART P Craig Michael Electrical Electrical Safety Fencing: Landscaping: Block Paving A friendly and reliable service by a fully certified and insured electrician • All Small Jobs • Fuse Board Upgrades • Security Lighting • New Installations • Full & Part Re-wires • Testing & Inspecting Call Craig for a FREE competitive quote LANDSCAPING Hedge Trimming: Garden Designs Grass Cutting: Garden Maintenance: Turfing Andrew Oakley 01785 822062 Mobile : 07973 173512 01785 822916 07891337727 Professional Service at realistic prices 38 BURTON BOROUGH SCHOOL KAY SERA SERA A Specialist Arts College Audley Avenue, Newport, Shropshire TF10 7DS Day Care FOR THE ELDERLY 9.30am - 4.15pm A highly professional service with NVQ qualified staff. We offer transport to all in our catchment area, We also offer personal care such as showers, manicures, pedicures, hair washing and setting, wet shaves etc. COME AND TRY US FOR FREE 7 Willowbrook Derrington ST18 9NN PLACES STILL AVAILABLE IN ALL YEAR GROUPS Burton Borough has improved rapidly during the last few years, Burton Borough is officially a ‘Good’ School Yet Another Record Year of Results in 2013 The sixth consecutive year of improvement. Results are well above national and local averages:- Jenny or Mick Lucas 01785 244684 • 94% of students achieved 5(or more) A*-C grades • 80% of students achieved C grade (or higher) in English • 76% of students achieved a C grade (or higher) in Maths Headteacher: Mr D.M. Hill BEd, MA Website: www.burtonborough.org.uk Telephone: 01952 386500 Fax: 01952 386530 Email: [email protected] email: [email protected] DOG GROOMING Dog Grooming - Kay Gibson PROFESSIONALLY HAND STRIPPED TRIMMED OR CLIPPED HOLIDAY HOME TO LET IN CORNWALL by KAY GIBSON Modern 3 bedroom home in Callington, a well served small town approx 15 miles from Plymouth. Ideally situated to explore the south and North Coast, Bodmin moor and Dartmoor. Prices from £275-350 per week Secure storage for bikes etc. No smoking or pets. tel: 01785 281045 Mobile: 07976 551817 near NEWPORT 01952 691214 Charles Swann (Walsall) Ltd Email: [email protected] Coal and Smokeless Fuel Merchant In Your Area Every Week Phone 01922 408152 Extension Brickwork Landscaping T L SERVICES New Build Groundwork INTERNAL PAINTING AND DECORATING CALL TIM LLOYD FOR A FREE COMPETITIVE QUOTATION Free Quotation Mob: 07792 228 382 Email: [email protected] Tel. 01785 823288 MOBILE: 07980 868260 39 LLP 01902 488523 Twilight Computers Based in Bradley Give us a call, we can help. 01785 878323 or 07722 240508 PC or laptop slow,behaving oddly or not starting up? To put it simply….We fix computers. Working hours 9am until 8pm (because we know that PC owners have jobs too!) We can also give advice and training on the Internet,email,Office and almost anything the home/business user needs to know. To advertise in the GPN contact [email protected] The Grosvenor Centre Gnosall The ideal venue for all your events, situated at the heart of this Best Kept Staffordshire Village, just off the High Street. http://www.gnosallparishcouncil.org.uk For further details, please phone 01785 822685 Excellent facilities - wellkept and well-equipped, with pleasant grounds and car parking space. WiFi available on request. Licensed for the sale of alcohol, on arrangement with the Designated Premises Supervisor. Daytime, evenings or weekends available. Choice of rooms and kitchens. Chiropodist / Podiatrist, Medical Aesthetic Practitioner Visiting Practice Tel 01785 211486 Mob: 0771 801 2571 Debbie Wardhaugh MSSCh MBChA Architectural Services Conversions, House Extensions, Alterations, Change of use, Building Regulations, Planning Applications Tel: 0121 770 2818 email: [email protected] 2 Christie Avenue Castlefields, Stafford ST16 1AB The British Chiropody and Podiatry Association 40 HELP AT HAND Home Support Services Gnosall Taxi 24 Hour Service STAFFORD AND SURROUNDING AREAS Local Runs - Airports Contract - Courier We operate 7 days a week from 7am til 9pm. Our services include the following 8 Seater Available General Cleaning Meal Preparation Cooking Laundry Ironing Bed Make/Change Low level Window Cleaning Shopping Light Gardening Dog Walking Companionship ...............And much more All Home Support helpers are reference and DBS checked Call Mark on 07866 057127 [email protected] MUSIC LESSONS Whatever your age music can be fun if you already play (or have just begun) We teach piano, strings, keyboard and theory And lessons with us are anything but dreary, So come and learn, have fun as you do Take exams or just play, Email: [email protected] Telephone: 01889881287 Mobile: 07881906247 The MASE Monthly Alzheimer’s Support Evening IT’S UP TO YOU!!!!!! Tel: 01785 822814 Carole and Ron. (CRB ED cert holder) Both fully qualified music teachers. A warm welcome awaits Carer’s and their cared for from 7.00 pm to 9.00pm The evening is free of charge, and includes drinks, a buffet and entertainment. •1st Monday of month Old Wyrley Hall, Great Wyrley WS6 6LL •3rd Wednesday of month St Joseph’s Hall, Rugeley WS15 2EH •2nd Thursday of month Haughton Village Hall, Haughton ST18 9EZ For further information contact: Daphne (01785) 211140 Elaine (01785) 823110 D. W. Bentley Painter And Decorator Established 15 Years ROSEBUDS Private DayNursery 32 place nursery in the heart of the village for children aged 6 weeks to 8 years Before and After School Care, covering Gnosall, Haughton & Ranton Schools Our open plan nursery has full and part time places available Open 8.ooamto 6.oopm All Year round Experienced Tradesman ❖Interior And Exterior ❖ ❖Replacement Glazing ❖ ❖lnsurance Work Welcome❖ Full team of qualified staff who have been with the nursery over 9 years Ensure quality care for each individual child Excellent planned activities take place every day Funding available and Voucher schemes accepted Call In to discuss the needs of your child or for a prospectus Grosvenor Centre, High gtreet, Gnosall Telephone: 01785 822229 For a Free Estimate Telephone 01785 823605 Mob. 07908 737 322 41 Lawn Mowing Service M. J. YEOMANS Building Services Ltd • New Build Lawns mowed and edges cut to a high standard Borders hoed and weeded. General garden maintenance. No job too small • Extensions • Renovations All work carried out guaranteed For free quotations and advice Tel: 01785 823570 Mob: 07970 634891 Telephone Chris on 01785 823400 / 07967211284 KATES ACCOUNTANCY SERVICES PIANO LESSONS SINGING LESSONS Self -employed Company accounts Tax returns VAT returns Payroll Bookkeeping INDIVIDUAL LESSONS ♬♬♬ ALL AGES ♪♪♪ BEGINNERS ESPECIALLY WELCOME For friendly and personal service at reasonable rates 01785 780751 Mobile: 07950 828461 [email protected] PAUL WEAVER Call Kate on 01952 813123 or 07764 892888 LOCKSMITH & DOUBLE GLAZING REPAIRS Steve Clarke Building and Plastering Services PVCu &ALUMINIUM DOOR AND WINDOW SPECIALIST DOOR LOCKS OPENED / CHANGED / REPAIRED LOCKED OUT? All aspects of building and plaster work undertaken Call: Ken 07807 974 486 Telephone: 07759 784 237 Toms Landscapes • • • • • • Connecting In Care Hard landscaping Fencing Blockpaving Drop-In Every Thursday, Grosvenor Centre, 11am to 2 pm Companionship - Respite - Shopping Cleaning - Meal Preparation - Specialist Dementia Care - Personal Care - Trips Out Call 01785 472030 for more information Groundwork Property repairs Building work Phone Tom Whittick Tel: 01785 840244/ 0781 405 7634 www.homeinstead.co.uk/gnosall 42 H O M E FA R M INTERIORS M N STANLEY Est. 1995 Established 1995 Tel: 01785 284858 Home Farm, High Offley Road, Woodseaves, Stafford, ST20 0LH info@homefarminteriors. co.uk Groundworks, Fencing, & Landscape Contractor Specialists in Quality Curtains and Blinds Curtains - Blinds - Pelmets Accessories Fabric - Wallpaper Tracks & Poles Expert measuring and fitting service Visitors welcome by appointment The Rowans – 23 Knightley Road, Gnosall, Stafford, ST20 0EW HARD & SOFT LANDSCAPING • • • • Patios Block Paving Turfing Supplies & Laying Service Garden Features (inc. gravel areas, water features, ponds etc) FENCING (SUPPLY & INSTALLATION) • • • • The Corner Patch a little corner of patchwork heaven MINI-DIGGER & TRACKED DUMPER HIRE fabric, wadding, threads and haberdashery Tues -Sat. 10am to 5pm. Open till 8pm Weds. 12,High Street, Eccleshall, Stafford. ST21 6BZ • telephone:01785 859360 [email protected] www.thecornerpatch.co.uk OWENS MEMORIALS Traditional - Modern - Individual For Cemetry and Churchyard Covering all districts Tel: 01630 654135 For help and advice Quote Ref P.M.03 21 Queen Street, Market Drayton Domestic Equestrian (Post & Rails etc) Agricultural Gates With Operators For Groundwork/Clearance 01785 - 824192 HUGGABLE HORSE BEDDING We supply high quality dust free horse bedding, produced from locally sourced graded recycled timber to the equine industry. Focusing in and around the Shropshire and Staffordshire areas. Used by horses with respiratory conditions (COPD) etc. We are offering our 20kg bags, for only £4.20, inclusive of VAT, and free delivery. We also supply Fuel Briquettes ideal open fires, Log burners, stoves, Chimeneas and BBQs only £2.50 for a 10kg bag Huggable Products Ltd Please contact us on 07908 168 288. 43 Keep it local! Nicolsons... Gnosall’s only estate agent Gnosall ll Gnosa all Gnos Gnosall Gnosall For all your property needs Nicolsons the estate agents 1 Station Road, Gnosall, Stafford, Staffordshire. ST20 OEZ. T: 01785 822018 F: 01785 822647 E: [email protected] A4 page ad.indd 1 6/4/10 10:52:40 44
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