E_OCT 09_full Clour


E_OCT 09_full Clour
From Sicknesses!
From Sins!
From Strains!
Jesus Redeems
Volume : 10
Issue : 3
October 2009
Bro. Mohan C. Lazarus
Annual Subscription: Rs. 25/-
My loving greetings in the
sweet name of Jesus Christ, the
loving LORD!
Jesus Christ loves you and your
family very much! He has the zeal to
bless you! You must also have the
zeal for Jesus. You must pray with
zeal! We also pray with zeal for
you, who read this magazine,
and for your family members. I
firmly believe that you too pray for
our Jesus Redeems Ministries.
The LORD uses us, the Jesus Redeems
Ministries, to be a blessing to the nations. For a revival
in Singapore and for its salvation, the LORD has
bestowed His grace upon us for 19 years consecutively
to conduct three-day 'Thirappin Vaasal Jebam' fasting
prayer there.
For the same cause we have conducted
'Thirappin Vaasal Jebam' for the past 6 years at
Malaysia. For the sake of Srilanka, we have conducted
'Thirappin Vaasal Jebam' and Prayer Tours for the past
three years and prayed for its peaceful redemption.
Due to this, the LORD has brought in astonishing
changes in these countries. Praise the LORD!
The LORD has also showered His grace to
conduct the 'Thirappin Vaasal Jebam' at the USA for
the past 10 years. You are also having a portion in all
these ministries. You, the one who pray and
generously contribute offerings for these ministerial
activities, are the partners of this Ministry. The LORD
will surely reward you for this.
In this month we have prayerfully scheduled to
have meetings at New Zealand and Fiji Islands. Pray
for these meetings.
The construction work of the 'Tabernacle of
God' is going on rapidly. Pray to complete all the works
as early as possible. I praise God for your prayers and
contributions in this regard!
We are praying for you and for your family.
May the grace of the LORD be with you!
Your Brother,
Jesus Redeems Magazine has been started its
publishing with 300 copies in Tamil in the month
of January, 1980. Now this magazine has been
bringing out in six languages English, Hindi,
Malayalam, Telugu and Kannada to reach
2,94,000 hands every month. Through this
magazine, the blessings of our LORD Jesus
Christ reach these people in its fullness. As per
the LORD's direction that, “Send this Magazine
to whoever makes a request for it; I will meet
the gentiles through this Ministry”, this
Magazine is being sent to all those who makes a
request for it. The prime motto of this Magazine
Ministry is that to redeem people from sin, from
sickness and from diverse problems!
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In the same way, the LORD expects from
us to have zeal for God! If we read the Scripture
attentively, we can come across people who had
zeal for God, had been exalted by God!
Look at David, who shepherded the herd
of sheep in the wilderness. He was a young lad.
He came to the battlefield. There he heard the
rebukes of giant Goliath toward the LORD and His
people. David was not a military person. He was a
shepherd. That is all.
Nevertheless, while he heard the
rebukes of Goliath, he developed zeal within him.
He had a zeal for his God. 'Whoever it might be …
though he might be the champion … how dare
this uncircumcised Philistine was? Who was he to
defy the armies of the living God?' This was the
zeal of David!
God saw the young David who had zeal
for Him. He had chosen him. He changed David
as a mighty army fighter and made him a king who
ruled a vast country!
Even today, the star on the national flag
of Israel is called 'STAR OF DAVID'. From this
incident, we can see that since David, had zeal for
God, the LORD also had zeal to bless him and
exalted him.
“… Thus says the LORD of hosts: I am
zealous for Jerusalem and for Zion with great
zeal.” [Zechariah 1:14 NKJV]
Our God is the God who has full of love
toward us! He is a compassionate God! He is
merciful! He is consuming fire! At the same time,
He is the God of zealous!
Our God wants us, His children, to be like
He is the Holy God. Like wise, we, His
children who follow Him should also be Holy!
Our God has the forgiving nature! We, His
heirs should also have this forgiving nature in us!
He is meek! Therefore, we also develop
this meekness within us!
Our God is the mighty God! So, He wants
us to be like Him and for this purpose, He gave His
mightiness to us!
In this way, our God wants us to be like
Him in every aspect His love, compassion, mercy,
and kindness!
Similarly, we must have zeal for Him as
He has zeal for us!
If we have any problem, we immediately
pray to our God to get redressal from it. He also
answers our prayers zealously and helps us
October 2009
Face of His Father would be hidden to Him and it
could not be a tolerable one for Him. However,
due to His love for us, He caringly thought us in
the garden of Gethsemane.
As He clearly knew that, “these people
will destroy on their curse of sin. I have to die on
the Cross for these people. This is the will of My
Father” He gave Himself with zeal to die for us.
Since we follow this LORD, we must also
have zeal for Him. Well, in what are the things we
must have zeal?
Such zeal must be in every children of
God. Christian life is not like 'just we are saved …
just we got anointment … just our life is going on
…!' We must have the zeal for our LORD who gave
His life as a price to redeem us!
When the communists occupied Rumania,
they convened a meeting of all religious heads in the
country and sternly instructed, “Hereafter you should
conduct worship as per our direction and preach what all
we tutor you.” Further, they defamed Jesus Christ as
much as they could.
While they gave chance for the Bishops to
express their views, they hailed the instructions of their
new administrators; for, they thought if they speak
against them, the communists would smash them like
anything. In addition, the speakers denigrated their onetime dear LORD Jesus Christ to appease their new
Among the
participants of that meeting
w e r e R e v. R i c h a r d
Wumbrand and his wife
Sabina Wumbrand. On
viewing all those
happenings, Sabina got
irritated. She said to her
husband, “Richard, these
people are spitting on the
face of our LORD Jesus
Christ. At least you stand up and wipe the face of Jesus
“Dear, I am your husband. Now if I speak for the
LORD, you may lose your husband. They will kill me. Is it
acceptable for you?” in a hushing voice Richard
Wumbrand told. Sabina boldly said, “I do not want a
husband who remains silent while my LORD Jesus has
been aspersed.”
Immediately Rev. Richard Wumbrand rose
from his seat and spoke in glory of Jesus Christ. For this
reason, the communists imprisoned him and bedevilled
him for 14 long years in their prison. For the sake of their
dear LORD, that family gladly accepted those
excruciating tortures.
See, there was a zeal for the LORD among
them. We too dedicate ourselves to live with such
There must be a zeal for the LORD in us.
That is the Christian life! What a zealous God is
our LORD! He gave Himself with zeal to nail on the
Cross. The only thing that He did not like at that
moment was that while He was on the Cross, the
Firstly, there must be zeal to live for
Jesus Christ! To live like Him and to live a
testimonial life for Him we must have zeal!
Many years ago, I went to a small village to do
ministry. During the meeting time, some people brought
a man by carrying him on a chair, as he could use neither
his hands nor his legs because of some unknown
After the meeting was over, I enquired about
that person. The people around him said that he was a
very rich person of that village. He was a Christian. They
took him many places for curing him but in vain. In that
situation, they brought him to the meeting. I went to him,
said, “Brother, Jesus Christ will heal you”, and prayed
for him.
After prayer nothing had happened. The
people who carried him here gave me a bottle full of oil
for my prayer. I prayed and handed over that bottle of oil
to them. They went away.
Two weeks had passed. Again, I went to that
village to pay a visit to the servant of God there. At that
time the man for whom I had prayed during the meeting
time, rushed towards me, took my hands into his hands
and said jubilantly, “Brother, I was healed.” With
wonderstruck I asked, “How you were healed?”
He said, “On that day you said that Jesus
would heal me. I put my faith upon those words and
prayerfully applied the oil that you have given me with
your prayer. And, I pray earnestly for my healing. Now,
Jesus has healed me.”
At that time the servant of God intervened,
“Brother, while he was in his death bed due to his
illness, we also prayed for him. However, there was no
change in his condition. We took him to so many
October 2009
hospitals for medical treatment. It also proved futile.
“Therefore, his relatives and close friends
came to him and said, “You went every possible place for
your healing. Yet you are not being healed. Now listen,
you are aware of our village temple, which has a powerful
deity. If you permit us to do a rite in your name for that
deity, you will certainly be healed. What would you say?”
“This man declined their offer and said, “I am a
Christian. I am a child of God. I will not come over there.”
But the people around him said, “It is not necessary for
you to come over there; for, you are not able to walk. So,
give us money. We will do all the rituals in your name.”
“On hearing this, the man on his death bed
firmly declared, “I am ready to die in this bed itself rather
than get any help from that deity. I never give anything to
it.” This zeal in him for his God alone made this
miraculous healing.”
Then I understood the secret of our God
to cure him with such zeal. That ailing man had a
zeal for his God and the LORD had healed him
However, today many Christian people
live like gentiles, without any zeal for the LORD,
doing all sorts of worldly rites and following every
kind of religious rituals. For them, one side prayer
and in another side astrological calculations!
Some people go to the extent of breaking up their
newly built houses and rebuild them according to
'vastu sastra'! The LORD cannot bless such
people. He will bless those who have zeal for Him.
“O Nebuchadnezzar, we have no need to
answer you in this matter.” [Daniel 3:16 NKJV]
Nebuchadnezzar conquered several
nations of the world and ruled over them. These
young men did not fear about such a great king of
their time.
“If that is the case, our God whom we
serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery
furnace, and He will deliver us from your hand,
O king” [Daniel 3:17 NKJV] they faithfully added.
However, the next words that they spoke
were very much touched my heart.
“But if not, let it be known to you, O
king, that we do not serve your gods, nor will we
worship the gold image which you have set up.”
[Daniel 3:18 NKJV]
They stood against that great king
zealously for the LORD. Seeing their zeal, the
LORD descended into the fiery furnace and
delivered them from the furnace. [Daniel 3:26]
There must be a zeal for the LORD in us.
We must say, “Though I have to die, I will not leave
my LORD. For me, Jesus is all!” and live for Him
with zeal.
It is not enough for us to have zeal for
living for the LORD! We must have zeal in
praying too!
of the Royal
Order from
Shushan to
eradicate all
Jews, Queen
Esther sent word
to her stepfather
“ … though He slay me, yet will I wait
for and trust Him …” [Job 13:15 AMP]
We must say like Job, “Though I lost all
my wealth; though He handover me at the hands
of Satan; though I lost all my children; though I lost
my health; though He slay me … I will trust Him.
Whatever may be happened in my life, I believe
that Jesus is good; I will have faith upon Him!” This
is the zeal for the LORD!
In the Book of Daniel in chapter 3 and
verses 16 to 18, we can see a wonderful incident
pertaining to three youths - 'Shadrach, Meshach
and Abed-Nego'.
The Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar
erected a huge golden image and commanded
that when the sound of the music was heard
everyone should fall down before that gold image
and worshipped it failing which they would cast
immediately into the burning fiery furnace.
Nevertheless, “Shadrach, Meshach,
“ G o ,
gather together
all the Jews that
are present in
Shushan, and fast for me; and neither eat nor
drink for three days, night or day. I also and my
maids will fast as you do. Then I will go to the
king, though it is against the law; and if I perish,
and Abed-Nego answered and said to the king, I perish.” [Esther 4:16 AMP]
October 2009
When Esther learnt of all that had
happened from Mordecai, she did not take it lightly
and simply say, “Okay … I will also go on fasting as
you have said.”
But the Queen Esther firmly declared, “If I
perish, I perish; I will also go on fasting without
food or drink for three days.”
Mordecai never instructed Esther to go on
fasting without food or drink for three days. Neither
the LORD had also commanded as such.
Her own people were in danger. They had
to be redeemed. In this precarious time, the LORD
would have to do some miracle. When Esther
realized this fact, she voluntarily took a decision
for herself and sent word to Mordecai with a zeal,
“I will undertake fasting without food or drink for
three days.”
She prayed zealously to receive a
favourable answer from the LORD! Today India
needs such Esther like prayer warriors!
As on date, the entire population,
numbering about 115 crores, of India is perishing
slowly. Thousand and thousands of people, who
cannot discern between their right hand and their
left, journey towards the gates of eternal
destruction. The Adversary enslaved this country
with enchanting necromancy. God has believed
us, you and me, to pray for our India. Shall we not
realize this responsibility? A zeal must be
needed in our prayer.
The prayer of Daniel made the Satan to
refrain from his deeds at Babylon. Satan thought,
“As long as Daniel is here, I could not do anything
freely. Therefore at any cost his prayers have to be
put an end” and made to enact a law in this regard.
same time, Satan suffered shivering. The selfless
prayer of Daniel made the Satan to tremble.
Now a day, many Christians request the
servants of God to pray for them, as they have no
time to pray.
It is a sin for a believer to say that, “I could
not get up from my bed and pray in the early
What is the meaning in it, if a child of God,
who has been saved and got anointment by the
grace of the LORD, says, “I could not pray”?
It means that the relationship between
them and God is not an amiable one! Such people
should be repented.
Even though in a country, a stringent law
had been enacted to curtail the prayer of Daniel,
that legal instrument could not restrict his regular
prayers! Even legions of evil spirits stand against
a child of God; they cannot avert him to converse
with his LORD or to pray! That is true!
'Prayer' means 'converse with God'! If
you say that you cannot speak with God, it means
that you may be under the clutches of sin! There
must be zeal in our prayer life!
In Scotland there was a young man called
'John Knox'. He was a man of prayer. During his days,
sin was prevailed in Scotland in all possible manner and
fashion. Liquor shops, fun-clubs, dance floors, and
other variety of evil actus reus. The youth was so sad.
His heart was brimmed with grief.
He came to his room, closed all the doors and
began to pray. “LORD, give me Scotland or else take my
life.” - an intercessory prayer, by putting his own life as
an indemnity! A prayer, that filled with full of zeal! The
LORD heard his prayer. A great revival engulfed the
whole of Scotland!
We too pray with zeal as, “LORD, until all
the deities in India have to be wiped away and
until all the people of our country have to be
saved, I will not stop my prayer!”
Some years back a 24-year old youth from
Kottaippatti village near Hosur was saved. He dedicated
himself to serve the LORD with zeal. Centred in his
village, he frequented all his surrounding villages and
did the ministry. Through him, a church had been
established. He used to do the ministry in whole day and
in the entire night, he prayed in his room. He had zeal to
bring souls in multitude to the LORD.
As usual one day, he returned from the
ministry in the late evening. His mother asked him to
have the supper. He denied it and said, “I am going to
“Now when Daniel knew that the writing
was signed, he went home. And in his upper
room, with his windows open toward Jerusalem,
he knelt down on his knees three times that day,
and prayed and gave thanks before his God, as
was his custom since early days.”
[Daniel 6:10 NKJV]
Law had been framed! Fully knew that he
would be cast into the den of lions for his known
violation of the Royal decree, Daniel never pray
for himself. He prayed for the king of the nation, for
the governors and for the administrators. Had his
prayers were on selfish motives, the Evil One
would never bring such rigorous legal
Look … that prayer of Daniel brought the
entire nation under the jurisdiction of God! At the
October 2009
pray for India.” He entered into his room and began to
pray at his bedside.
His mother waited for him until 10 O' clock in
the night. Her son did not finish his prayer. She slightly
opened the door and peeped inside. He was at his kneel.
He was praying hours together for the sake of India.
She waited for still more time. Yet he did not
turn up. So she went to her bed and slept. In the morning,
the young man did not come out as usual. The mother
waited for him. She thought that since he prayed for
quiet along duration he might have slept. Her waiting
continued. The time had passed. But he did not come
She was confused. Usually his son never slept
as such. Whenever he went to bed, he would get up early
in the morning. She had doubt. She opened the door of
his room. Her son was in the same praying posture as
was in the night, no change at all. She went near him and
slowly touched him. Alas! He was no more!
The news had been sent to the chief Pastor. He
raced to his room. The room was full of Indian maps. The
only heart cry of that lad was “LORD, save India … save
India!” In his fervid prayer for India, he lost his breath.
What a kind of zeal in prayer!
For our India, such dedicated prayer
warriors are needed. The LORD requires the
zealously praying people!
“Oh, Jesus! I have to pray like you. During
the whole day, you were ministering and in the
night, you were praying. In the Gethsemane, fell
on Your face, you prayed. I need such spirit of
prayer that had been in you” - likewise we ought to
have asked Him; we must have such zeal in
Prayer is not a practice that whenever we
have time and wherever we get amicable
environment to do it. We have to find time and pray
with thirst for our country. We have to dedicate
ourselves for this. If the LORD pours such burden
upon everyone, how well it will be! The LORD is
commanding revival in India as few people pray
for India here and there.
If each one of us prays like this, our India
will experience revival even before our
expectation. If we begin to pray for a particular
thing, we have to pray persistently until we get it. If
we pray for the salvation of a soul, we must pray
until that soul is saved! We have to pray with
such zeal! We should not leave the LORD!
Further, we must pray for which the LORD
inspires us. The LORD must know of the power of
our prayer!
It is mandatory for every follower of Christ
to do Ministry. Every person who has been saved
should propagate the Gospel! We must do the
Ministry with zeal!
W h e n
Peter and John
made the lame
man who was at
the Beautiful Gate
of the temple to
walk in the name
of Jesus and
preached to the
people in the
following day, the
priests, the
captain of the
temple, and the
Sadducees came
upon them and …
“… they called them and commanded
them not to speak at all nor teach in the name of
“But Peter and John answered and said
to them, “Whether it is right in the sight of God
to listen to you more than to God, you judge.
“For we cannot but speak the things
which we have seen and heard.” [Acts 4:18-20
The Apostles never afraid of their
threatening; they zealously answered them
As they stood for their LORD zealously,
they had been arrested. The LORD saw all those
happenings. He had the zeal for them. “My
children have zeal for Me. How can I keep quite
while they are imprisoned?” He sent His Angel
and released them. [Acts 5:18 &19]
If you have zeal for the LORD, the LORD
will have the zeal to protect you! He has zeal to
release you from your adverse environment! The
LORD has zeal to bless your ministry!
You should not do the ministry for fame
and wealth. You must minister unto the LORD with
zeal! Do not follow any other worker. Follow Jesus
Christ only. Wait at His presence and do what are
all He instructs you. Propagate Him. Preach His
Gospel. Glorify His Name.
October 2009
Stand with zeal for the LORD. The LORD
However, in that ruinous, God-sent
will come down with zeal to lift you up. He will do earthquake, single Christian missionary was not
great things through you.
affected. The LORD had protected them. God zealously
We read in the Bible …
descended for His children who stood for Him zealously.
“Now while Paul waited for them at
Until now, we may live an ordinary
Athens, his spirit was provoked within him when Christian life. Enough of it! Here after, we must
arise with zeal for the LORD and achieve for Him!
he saw that the city was given over to idols.
“Therefore he reasoned in the In your lifetime, you must bring at least one
synagogue with the Jews and with the Gentile thousand souls to the LORD! We must have zeal
worshipers, and in the marketplace daily with for the LORD!
The LORD expects us to arise with zeal
those who happened to be there.” [Acts 17:16,17
for Him, as “I will win a village for the LORD!” … “I
will bring one street to the LORD!” … “I will win a
In Apostle Paul, there was the zeal to
school for the LORD!”
liberate the souls from the clutches of the Evil
If you arise with zeal for Him, the LORD
One. Moreover, zealously he wanted that the
too arises with zeal for you! He will do wonders
name of Jesus Christ alone be glorified. That was
and miracles through you! Even He will raise the
why he spoke about this to all those who come
dead when you pray! When a Paul arose with zeal
across in his life.
for Him, the LORD used him to shake the heart of
There should be delay no longer! These
kings through him with mighty wonders.
are the last times! The LORD's coming is at hand!
Whatever may be your profession, you must
What you have done here alone accompany you
do something for the LORD!
to the Heavenly Abode! Gain souls! Do ministry!
In this world, we are awarded with one
Have zeal for the LORD!
life. In this life, whatever we do for the LORD alone
Some years back, religious fanatics gathered
will endure forever and ever! We have to achieve
in a place at Gujarat and made a vow in public that
something for the LORD! Otherwise, our life is a
“About ten thousand hardcore militant Hindu fanatics
wasteful one! We have to do something for the
have to be sent all over Gujarat with deathly weapons in
LORD who gave His precious life for us! The LORD
their hands as Hindu Missionaries. Their only mission is wants to make a mighty move in the street where
to make Gujarat a Hindu State. They have to eradicate all you live, in the village wherein you live and in the
other religious people especially Christians from the city in which you dwell! The LORD wants to give
land. Not even a single Christian is allowed to stay in you souls as booty! Have zeal for Him!
Gujarat. All the Christian Missionaries have to be driven
Praise be to God of the
out from the soil by hook or by crook.” They made it a
public declaration.
Praise be to God who has
Though the Christian Missionaries fully knew
zealous! Oh, LORD! I dedicate
the situation wherein there was no guarantee for their
myself to live for you with
lives, no one opted to return to their native State. They
did not want to look back after putting their hands to the
zealous! I devote myself to
plough. They stood zealously for their God and for His live a testimonial life for you!
Great Commission.
I commit myself to pray with
In that tensed situation, all the Missionary Head
zealous for my country and for my
Quarters distributed prayer requests to all the prayer
warriors. Such request came to our Jesus Redeems people! Bestow Thy grace upon me to
Ministries also. Immediately we began to pray. pray with zeal like Esther and Daniel!
I give myself to propagate Gospel
Everywhere prayers were made. At that juncture what
and to do anything for the sake of
happened … do you know?
The L ORD came down zealously. God Jesus!
commanded a catastrophic earthquake in Gujarat. The
Give me Thy grace to live with
city from where those Hindu fanatics received financial zeal in the name of Jesus!
assistance had been devastated.
Amen! Amen!
October 2009
The Swarming Crowd
With Overflowing Joy
FFour-day Deliverance Festival had been organized through New Foundation at
Thiruppur, the city which is famous for the manufacturing of inner garments varieties on 6th, 7th, 8th
and 9th of August 2009 in the Padmini Garden Ground. The Adversary had tried to avert this
meeting in all his ways. But our LORD had made all those efforts null and void.
As there was a Circus program going on in the same ground wherein we planned to
conduct our meeting, we were underwent much trouble to get the ground in time. However, the
LORD of Miracles bestowed His grace upon us to clean the ground and to make all arrangements
within a day itself!
Thousands of people thronged the ground in all the four days of the meeting. The LORD
spoke to the people through Bro. Mohan C. Lazarus and Bro. A. Appadurai and made them to
repent with tears. The power of God descended upon those who submitted themselves to the
word of God.
In the last day meeting, to make the participant to get ready for His Second Coming, the
LORD's move was such that of objurgating and that too in a cautioning way.
ce Festival
Deliverance Festival
In the Saturday Fasting Prayer, children of God in multitude participated and made teary
intercessory prayers for the blessings of our Nation.
In the special Camp exclusively for the youths, many young people took part and got charged with
the Power of God mightily.
In everyday many people were released from various bondages. They testified joyously the
miracles that they personally experienced and glorified the name of the LORD. Thus the name of the LORD
had been glorified mightily in these meetings!
The Servants of God who were presided over the Meetings
Fr. Kulandaisamy, Fr. Arun
Ps. Thomas
Rev. Jeyaraj
Rev. Paul Selwyn
Ps. Vethanayagam
Bro. S. Sam Jebaraj
The young brothers and sisters who are participated
in the special meeting exclusively for the youths.
The children of God dedicated themselves with loud cry
Deliverance Festival
nce Festival
Loving reception
Special Prayers for small kids
Song Session
The people who are standing at the gap for Thiruppur
Bro. J. Jeyakumar
Bro. John
Panneer Selvam
Music Team
Bro. Johnson
The children of God who are assisting superbly
He Heard My Pleading!
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Due to acute stomach pain, I could not do even any simple work. In this
circumstance, I participated in this meeting with an expectation. During Prayer Time,
our brother called me by name at the instigation of the Holy Spirit and prayed for me.
The LORD healed me wholly.
-Gowri, Thiruppur.
Healed From Fits!
My ten month old child was suffering from fits from her birth itself. The
disease was such that within 10 minutes, the kid had fits for three times. I could
not carry her in my shoulder even for a short while. We were very much worried. In
this situation we participated in the meeting and prayed with tears for its healing. The
LORD heard our prayers and healed my child. Now the child is hale and healthy.
-Agnes, Thiruppur.
The Deafened Ears Were Opened!
All of a sudden both my ears lost their hearing capacity in total. Because of
this impairment people mocked at me. With much agony I participated in the
meeting. During Prayer Time, while I prayed along with our Brother, the power of God
touched my ears. From that moment both the ears regained their functionality.
-Jhansi Rani, Palladam.
For the past 7 years I became lunatic due to the bondage of evil spirit. I
totally lost my consciousness and roaming the streets like an aimless vagabond.
Out of the blue I came by this meeting ground and unmindfully I entered into the
meeting crowd. At the very moment, the evil spirit that was keeping me under its
bondage had gone out. I became normal and was relieved fully.
-Maheshwaran, Thiruppur.
Redeemed From Lunacy!
Deliverance Festival
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Deliverance Fistevel
For the past 28 years I could not do any work due to the bondage of evil
spirit. I hate Jesus and declared that Jesus was not God. In this juncture, I heard
about this prayer gathering and attended it. During Prayer Time without knowing what
happened, I loudly uttered the name Jesus, the LORD whom I hate before. At that very
moment, the evil spirit that was dwelling within me had gone out. I received full relief.
Hereafter, as long as I live, I will declare that “Jesus is God!”
-Amutha, Karumaththampatti.
Deliverance Festival
Freedom From 28 Year Old Demonic Bondage!
Deliverance Festival
e Festival
For some years I had been tormented by the thought of committing suicide
at the instigation of evil spirit. Often I tried to commit suicide; but in vain! Even while I
came to this meeting the thought of committing suicide had harbored in my mind.
During Prayer Time, the power of god touched me. From that minute, this evil
thought had gone away from me totally!
-Malliga, Thiruppur.
Deliverance Festival
The Thought Of Committing Suicide Had Been Changed!
ce Festival
Roof Construction is Going on...
According to the plan of God, the 'Tabernacle of God' is being built in the Nalumavadi. Till
now the LORD has led us miraculously. Praise the LORD! The roof making work has begun. Pray to
complete this work at the earliest and in a perfect manner.
The roof making work will be a gigantic one. It has to be completed safely without any
untoward incident. Pray to the LORD to give necessary wisdom and knowledge to those who involve
in this mega work.
As He has promised the LORD has blessed those who contributed to this 'Tabernacle of
At the midst of financial crunch and a poverty-stricken situation,
I made a vow to God and gave Rs. 1,000/- as an offering to the
construction of 'Tabernacle of God' during October, 2009. The LORD has
blessed my daughter by finalized her marriage process.
When I gave one thousand rupees for the sake of the LORD, He
miraculously fulfilled the requirement of many thousand rupees for the
marriage of my daughter at the critical situation of lack of any savings
and performed her marriage function blessedly. Praise the LORD for His
abundant grace upon us!
- Padma Anthony,
You too be a partner in this Project. Let us arise and build. As per the LORD's leading send
your offerings to the 'Tabernacle of God' and inherit the blessings of God.
If you are instigated by the LORD to give contributions, you may make the payment through
DD or Cheque payable at any of the Bank Branches at Thirunelveli in the name of 'Mohan C.
Lazarus' and send it to the address given below.
Tabernacle of God, Jesus Redeems, Nalumavadi - 628 211, Thoothukudi Dt., India.
Our Address
Nalumavadi-628 211, Thoothukudi Dt., Tamilnadu, INDIA.
Ph : (04639) - 235 305, 235 705 Fax : (04639) - 235 415 Email : [email protected] Visit: http://www.jesusredeems.com/
October 2009
prayer gathering and prayed for me.
The power of the LORD touched me.
From that moment the fearpsychosis had gone out from me.
Also the LORD relieved me from all
my physical ailments.
-Saroja, North
“Do you want
to be made well?”
[John 5:6]
Cancer Was Healed!
In my stomach a small
tumor was formed. In the medical
examination it was found that was
the formation of cancer. With
much grief, I sent prayer request to
the 'Thirappin Vaasal Jebam' to
pray for me. The LORD heard the
prayers and healed me from
-Jamila Rani, Marthaandam.
Jesus Christ wants to make you well!
He wants to fulfill your needs! He wants to do
a miracle for you! However, only if you have
the desire, He will do all these things for you!
If you inform your requirement to Him in
prayer, He will do a miracle for you! He
established this 'Thirappin Vaasal Jebam'
only for this purpose. Following are some of
the miracles that happened in the previous
'Thirappin Vaasal Jebam' gatherings:
Without Consciousness!
In a sudden
accident my son lost his
consciousness. In that
stage he was admitted in
the hospital. I contacted
the Jesus Redeems
Prayer Team through
telephone and requested
them to pray for my son's recovery. They prayed.
The LORD heard the prayer and gave a new lease
of life to my son by made him conscious to his
-Chellam, Kulasekaram.
No Chance!
We have no issue even
after eight years of our married
life. The doctors who examined
us clearly told that we have no
chance of getting a child of our
own. We sent prayer request to
the 'Thirappin Vaasal Jebam' to
pray for our infirmity. The LORD
heard the prayers and blessed us
with a child to the astonishment of the doctors!
-Gopalakrishnan, Thiruppathisaaram.
13 Year Old
Time Had Been Fixed!
Due to stone formation in
the kidney, my son was at his death
bed with much excruciating
agony. The doctors fixed only half
hour time for his last breath. I did
not know what to do.
With much tears I
contacted the Jesus Redeems
Prayer Team through phone and
requested them to pray for my son. They prayed.
Our LORD heard the prayer and miraculously
Fear Had Gone!
I belong to a Hindu family. I was under fearpsychosis for the past 13 years. Also my body
became so weak by heart ailment and diabetes.
My daughter, who was a regular participant of the
'Thirappin Vaasal Jebam', took me to one of such
October 2009
redeemed my son from his death bed and gave
him a new life.
-Getsiyal Shanthi, Chennai.
Prolonged Headache!
For the past six months I was
suffering from acute headache. I
vainly took so many medications. I
participated in the 'Thirappin
Vaasal Jebam' and earnestly
prayed for healing.
The LORD heard the prayer and
cured me wholly fro that
-Sujitha, Ottanaththam.
miracles that took place there and took me to one
of the 'Thirappin Vaasal Jebam'.
I too prayed in the Prayer Time for my
redemption. The LORD calmed down my mind and
healed me.
-Maria Jeyanthi, Kovilpatti.
Swelling Had Been
I was suffering from a painful
swelling in my stomach. The
medical treatments gave no
positive results. So I wrote letter
to pray for me at the 'Thirappin
Vaasal Jebam'.
The LORD heard the prayers and
miraculously made that swelling to
vanish away.
-Gnanaselvam, Chennai.
Spent Sleepless Nights!
Due to Blood Pressure I
could not sleep in the night times
without having sleeping pills. In
this situation I participated in the
'Thirappin Vaasal Jebam' and
prayed with tears.
During Prayer Time, our
Brother called my name at the
instigation of the Holy Spirit,
revealed all my problems and prayed for me.
From that moment itself I was getting cured fully.
-Abraham, Palayamkottai.
Because of some family
problem I was very much disturbed
in my mind and became a lunatic.
One sister, who is a
neighbor to me, told of the
'Thirappin Vaasal Jebam', the
Blessed With A Child!
My daughter had no
issue even after 4½ years of
her married life. I participated
in the 'Thirappin Vaasal
Jebam' and prayed for her
with tears.
Also I wrote prayer
request in this regard and submitted in the
Meeting itself.
The Jesus Redeems Prayer Team sent a
very consoling letter after made prayer for my
Within 30 days from the day of receiving
this letter from Jesus Redeems, the LORD blessed
my daughter and made her to conceive.
-Mariyaraj, Begampur.
Your Miracle Day: October 31
Jesus Christ who did miracles for these people will surely do such miracles for you also.
Whatever may be your problem, write to us with your clear address with PIN code. You too
pray on this day with fasting. Jesus Christ will do a miracle for you. During 'Thirappin Vaasal
Jebam', we pray from 9.00 am to 3.00 pm. You should also pray at this same time wherever
you are. We will let you know of the God's answer for our prayers.
Contact Address: 'Thirappin Vaasal Jebam', Nalumavadi - 628 211, Thoothukkudi District, Tamil Nadu, India.
13 October 2009
To pray day and night for the Nation…
Jesus Redeems'
“I will give you a hilly region. You must transform it to a Prayer Mountain!” - This was what our
God said to me. As He had said, our LORD Himself had fulfilled all formalities and gave the Prayer
Mountain to our Ministry. This hillock is situated at 'Maadhaapuram' near 'Kadaiyam' about 12
kilometers from scenic 'Kutraalam'.
As per the direction of our LORD, we made two 'Prayer Tents'. The children of God gather
here daily for praying. Necessary prayer points to pray for our nation are provided to them. From afar
places, children of God come here daily as 'Watchmen and Watchwomen for India' to pray with
fasting for the country. To look after all these schedules, we appointed one worker here.
Every month, on Thursday that comes before the Nalumavadi - 'Thirappin Vaasal Jebam'
gathering, a special 'Thirappin Vaasal Jebam' has been going on here from 11.00 AM to 3.00
PM regularly. Though it is a weekly working day, about 3,000 people eagerly are usually attending
this prayer gathering.
As the next stage, the work of making the 'Prayer Walk Garden' has been going on. In this,
70 Prayer Centers will be coming up. Each Center will have the particulars about 31 districts of
Tamil Nadu, 28 states and 7 union territories of India, 5 continents of the world and other important
prayer points. All the details will be written in Tamil, Malayalam, Hindi and English languages.
Every Prayer Center will be at the midst of a beautiful garden. The prayer warriors may pray
by kneeling down or by walking around the Center. Within one hour, a person can pray attentively for
all the districts in Tamil Nadu! In the next one hour, the prayer warrior can pray for all the states and
the union territories of India! In the next half hour duration, prayer can be made for the 5 continents
and other important Prayer Points!
14 October 2009
One day you may pray for one hour exclusively for Tamil Nadu! On another day you may
pray for India for one hour! And on another day you may pray for the world for half an hour!
Thus in two and half hour time you may pray for the entire world constructively!
Now the work of making this Prayer Garden is going on. To make one Prayer Center it has
been estimated that the cost will be Rs. 25,000/-. You may come forward to bear the cost of
constructing one Prayer Center on behalf of your family. Only 70 people will have this chance!
Pray! If God inspires your heart, you can participate in this Ministry! When thousands and
thousands of Children of God come and pray for the world, the LORD will remember you, the one who
took responsibility for the construction, and will bless you! Do not take the decision hastily! Wait at His
feet and pray earnestly in this regard! Only if God instigate you clearly, make your contributions
through DD or Cheque in the name of
'Jesus Redeems' payable at State Bank of India, Main Branch - Tirunelveli and send
the same to the address given below by specifically mention as 'For the Prayer Mountain Prayer
Center' in covering letter.
After the completion of the Prayer Center, a photo copy of it will be sent to you. Grace be with
For the Peace of Srilanka
Thirappin Vaasal Fasting Prayer!
Vaththalai Town Hall,
2009 November 14
Old Neer Colombo Road, Vaththalai.
(2nd Satruday)
Morning 9:00 A.M to
Evening 3:00 P.M
Message and Prayer :
Jesus Redeems Team, Nalumavadi, India.
In the Second Saturday of every month THIRAPPIN VAASAL FASTING PRAYER has been going on in the above mentionad place.
In Chennai …
Jesus Redeems'
In Chennai our Jesus Redeems Branch Offices are functioning from the
following addresses. For your urgent prayer needs and for divine counseling you may
contact these offices. Also you can get the ACDs, VCDs and DVDs that contain sweet
songs and the LORD's messages published by our Jesus Redeems Ministries.
At Royapuram
At Ambattur
1st FLOOR, 11/1, EAST
CHENNAI - 600 013.
Ph : 044-25971954,
Branch Office / Youth Office
CHENNAI-600 058
Ph : 26522222
15 October 2009
At Mount Road
2nd FLOOR,
D.NO:17, (OLD NO:39),
CHENNAI - 600 002
Phone : 044-28412300
National Mission For Female
Literacy Launched:
The National Mission for Female Literacy,
a renewed effort to make 70 million people 60
million of them women functionally literate by
2012 and plug the gender gap that has persisted
despite the two decades old literacy drive in
mission mode, was launched here in Delhi on
Tuesday (September 7, 2009) by Prime Minister
Manmohan Singh to mark the International
Literacy Day.Stating the persistent efforts of the
government had made elementary education
accessible to all children, and resulted in
increased enrolment and reduced dropout
thereby checking further accretion to the
population of illiterates
the Prime Minister
stressed the need to renew the efforts of the
1980s and 1990s to address illiteracy among
Dr. Singh voiced the hope that the
Saskshar Bharat mission as the National Mission
for Female Literacy has been christened would
fully involve the community in its implementation
and utilize the “potential and promise” of
panchayati raj institutions and women's self
groups. [Courtesy: 'The Hindu', Chennai September 09,
2009 P 16]
Learn Some Lessons:
With the world making the Literacy Day
on September 8, let's take a look at India's
learning curve. Well, there is nothing much to
cheer about. One-third of the country's
population is illiterate. Interestingly, it accounts
for one-third of the world's illiterate population.
And seven crore children still have no access to
schooling even as India tries to boost its literacy
rate from the current 66 per cent to 85 per cent
by 2012. In comparison, China has achieved
rapid growth in its literacy rate, which is currently
at 93 per cent, thanks to well-targeted
programmes and systematic follow-ups. The
UNESCO Education for All Development Index 2009 ranks India 102 among 129 countries. India
shares the 81st slot with Eritrea on the UNDP's list
for spending 4.1 percent of its GDP on
education. And for every 100 elementary school
S !
students in India, there are just 12 graduates
against the global average of 27. [Courtesy: 'The
Week' September 13, 2009 P 14]
Being Short Is Good:
Short children fare just as well as tall ones
in social and emotional well-being, popularity,
behavior and relationships with other kids, shows
a study of 712 six graders, in journal Pediatrics.
Though short kids reported slightly higher levels of
teasing compared to their peers, they were not
more likely to be depressed or withdrawn. It did
not have any lasting social, emotional or
psychological effect on them. The study could
reassure parents who are overly concerned
about their children's height, and may request
growth hormones for their kids, even when not
medically indicated. [Courtesy: 'The Week-Health'
September 13, 2009 P 11]
Average Age Of Video Gamers Is 35:
Video gaming is no longer a 'children's
only' activity. The average age of a video gamer
is 35, reports American journal of Preventive
Medicine. An internet-based survey looked at
media use and health consequences of video
gaming. Female video game players had a
higher rate of depression and lower health status
than non-players. Men who were avid players
reported a higher body mass index and more
internet use time than non-players. Both male
and female video gamers reported a greater
reliance on the internet for social support.
[Courtesy: 'The Week-Health' September 13, 2009 P 11]
18-month Paid Leave:
In a gesture of care and support to its
employees with HIV/AIDS, the Tamil Nadu
government has decided to give 18 months paid
medical leave to those infected by the virus. A
government order issued by the Personnel and
Administrative Department on Friday
[25.09.2009] said the state was the first in the
country to extend such benefit. It directed all
departments to sanction leave to HIV-infected
persons without any hesitation. [Courtesy: 'The
Times Of India', Chennai September 26, 2009 P 01] z
October 2009
Jesus Redeeems'
Thirappin Vaasal Prayer
SINGAPORE - 768645
2009 December 5 saturday
7:00 P.M - 9:30 P.M
Message & Prayer:
Bro. Mohan
C. Lazarus
Come and Pray for the Nation!
The Lord will bless
you too!
Contact: BRO. SAMUEL SATHIANATHAN, Mobile: 97357763
Jesus Redeems
(Vidhuthalaiyin Geethangal)
(Tamil only)
Contribution offer for one MP3 - Rs.125/(Inclusive of postal charges).
Available at our Head office
and all our Branch Offices.
Online purchase: www.jesusredeemsonline.com
R.N.P. No. TNENG/2000/3545
Postal Regn. No. TTN/166/2009-2011
Overseas Regn. No. TTN/193/2009-2011
Posted at BPC, Thoothukudi HPO
on 15th & 16th of every month
Jesus Redeems'
Karnataka Blessing Prayer!
Special Meeting!
For Corporate Employees
(Thirappin Vaasal Fasting Prayer )
Corporation Ground, (Charles Ground)
Opp: Charles School, Lingarajapuram, November
(IT, Call Centre, BPO)
Monday (Government Halley day)
#14,7th Stage, Hosur Road,
Richmond Town, Bangalore - 25
4:00 p.m - 7:00 p.m
9:00 a.m - 3:00 p.m
Message & Prayer:
Free Entry
Message will be given in Tamil & Kannada
Message will be given in Tamil & English
Come and receive the
Blessings of the Lord!
Tears? Sorrows? Problems?Tormented by ill health? Attend to pray for
the blessings of our Nation! God will change your prison like situation!
Contact: Jesus Redeems Branch Office, Bangaluru. Ph: 080-2286 4979
Contact: 9986387046, 9844033487, 9980010756
Healing Festival
Thirappin Vaasal Fasting Prayer
Wisma Tiong Hua,
No: 8, Jalan Keris,
Taman Sri Tebrau, Johor Bahru.
Full Gospel Church,
No: 1A, Jalan Anggerik 21,
Taman Johor Jaya, Johor Bahru.
Evening 7.30 pm
Morning 9.00 am to Evening 6.00 pm
2009 November
23, 24, 25
The LORD's Message:
For any enquiries Please Contact: Rev. Sathiya, Ph: 016-7923076