Front Beach Makeover - City of Panama City Beach, FL
Front Beach Makeover - City of Panama City Beach, FL
Pancirtic: Cittj. Ponaruc: Citu Beach — — a — t Bag Coc:ntg SOUND BYTES ______ — —=;-—,—. r— “ pa II —~ — PARTY ANIMAL PCB’s Front Beech o~d lives large in the vacation ann of ninny. but locals want to iange how the strip looks — and tsr menibereci a Front Beach Makeover From party strip to upscale vacation spot, Panama City Beach’s Front Beach Road will evolve into a new era in beachside fun, if locals have anything to say about it BY TONY BRIDGES F heart of tourism in Panama City Beach, and now it is undergoing a procedure that ront Beach Road is the artery that feeds the should dramatically improve the health of the vacation town. Over the years, the road along Panama city Beach’s most valuable commodity miles of white sand beaches has grown choked by traffic, turning what should be a pleasant, breezy drive into a stop-and-go experience that frustrates visitors and isrft always safe for pedestrians. Not to mention numerous potholes, unsightly power lines and the occasional overgrown vacant lot That’s why the road was designated a Community Redevelopment Area, paving the way for cosmetic and infrastructure improvements that began with the Pier Park shopping mall and is expected to conclude with a much wider, better-looking Front Beach Road. Photo by SCOTT F1OtSTEIN BAY CORRIDOR going transformation of Panama City Beach from an aging beach town into an upscale family vacation des The hope is that the changes will help boost the on tination like nearby Destin. “Once this roadway is completed, businesses should thrive with this new accessibility and revi talization,” said Mario Gisbert, assistant Panama City Beach city manager and director of the Front Beach Road community Redevelopment Area, “Bught” in a Vocation Town The Front Beach Road makeover project is a 3o-year plan that started in 200’ with a decision to classify Thomas Drive/Front Beach Road as a “blighted” area. This was the first step required by the state to create a Community Redevelopment Area, Blight typically brings to mind images of trash filled streets and rows of abandoned buildings with broken LOCAL HONORS fl Leon Walters has been named the 2011 Humani tarian of the Year by the Panama City Beach Chamber of Commerce. A 38-year Naw veteran, Walters estab lished the Science, Technology. Engi neering and Math Institute at Florida State University Panama City and has worked with the Bay Defense Alliance and the Bay Education Foundation. The Chambers 2011 Pioneer of the Year award went to Gary Walsing wtio opened the first AMn’s Island store. Ripley’s Believe It Or Not and the new WonderWorks. CHANGES fl Butt Greene is out as CEO, president and a member of the Board of Directors of The St. joe Company, stepping down as part of an arrangement with Fairholme Fund, St. Joe’s largest shareholder. New directors added to the board: former Soy. Charlie Crist, Carnival Corp. COO Howard Frank, Fairholme Capital Management founder Bnice Berkowitz and Fairholme Capital Management President Charles Fernandez, Lured by Bay County’s new inter national airport and economic devel opment potential, Clearwater-based MarineMax Inc. — the nation’s larg est dealer of recreational boats and yachts — is taking over sales and bro kerage operations at Panama City’s Treasure Island Marina. NEW ADDITIONS fli Fast-growing online travel provider Booklt,coni has added 185 new employees, bringing its workforce up to 500. The Panama City Beach company has a ro~er of more than 90 travel destinations. John Marks has been appointed mar ket manager for Los Angeles, one of the fastest growing travel destinations in the U.S. Pier Park is growing with the ad dition of Marshall’s and popular dining spot SchIotzI~”s. Gulf Coast Medical Center has welcomed Dr. Justo Maqueira. Jr., Ob/ Gyn to his new practice at Gulf Coast Women’s Services, Grand Panama Beach Resort has launched a newly branded website (grandpanamabeachresortcom) that provides a day-by-day glimpse into life at the beach. Design was by Cor nerstone Marketing and Advertis ing, mc,, located in Grayton Beach. 8~o Business Magazine APRIL MAY 20t I Y SPOTLIGHT - •_,. I, -r ‘— ~ ,,r. ‘,. ii GRAND PLANS f The Panama City Beach Community Redevebpment District envisions new mass transit shelters (left) and pedestrian-friendly crosswalks (beIo%~ to improve the aesthetic value of Front Beach Road and ease traffic and pedestrian concerns. •;l i~, ~1 - ‘I windows and graffiti-stained walls. But in this case, it was the traffic that was fast outgrowing the city’s infrastructure — more than 3 million vehicles a year for a mad built for pre World War II traffic. “As we revitalize Front Beach Road, we’re do ing it to fix traffic issues.” Gisbert said. “That’s the blight.” Time, weather and all those cars have taken a serious toll on Front Beach. Bone rattling pot holes are common, particularly in the heavily traveled eastern end around Thomas Drive. The lower-lying stretches flood frequently due to inadequate drainage. And, in some places, such as near Nautilus Street, the narrow road seems barely wide enough for oncoming traffic due to the crumbling shoulders, lack of curbs and preva lence of roadside parking. During the peak tourist season, from March through August, driving on Front Beach is a marathon affair, sometimes taking 20 minutes or more to travel just a couple miles. Both the east bound and westbound lanes fill up with traffic because there are few turn lanes. Vehicles trying to make left turns into parking lots form frequent roadblocks. Add to the already clogged road the fact that many drivers are simultaneously trying to get a glimpse of the Gulf, check out the various roadside tourist businesses and watch for pedes trians, and it equals gridlock. 40 APRIL MAY 2011 “ONCE THIS ROADWAY CO PLE ED, BUSI ESSES SHOULD T RIVE ITH THIS NEW C ESS BILITY ND REVIT IZATION:’ Beach. Pedestrians are especially vulnerable at night when it is more difficult to see and driv ers and pedestrians are more likely to have been drinking. Among those killed or injured in recent years. a 53 year old woman trying to cross the road near 2nd Street, a 39-year-old Georgia woman hit by a motorcycle and numerous young spring break ers struck near bars and condos. As one poster on the Virtual Tourist website warned. “Mostly it is a tedious, creeping drive from one end of the beach to the other, especially around the strip. To compound this problem, you will also have to watch out for every drunken col lege kid ... who is likely to dart in front of your vehicle.” Not exactly the kind of endorsement that en courages new visitors. Travel guide “Fodo?s Essential South” de scribed it this way: “Invasive growth has turned the main thoroughfare, Front Beach Road, into a dense mass of trafflc...When navigating Panama City Beach by car, doWt limit yourself to Front Beach Road the stop-and-go traffic will drive you nuts.” But traffic flow isr~t the only problem. With few sidewalks, pedestrians often are forced to walk close to the road. Several people die each year from being struck by vehicles on Front CRA Brings Infusion of DoLLars, .~ Construction The diagnosis of blight was exactly what Front Beach Road needed because it allowed for th use of “tax increment financing.” That mean the county’s share of annual property taxeswa frozen at 2002 property values, while taxes 0 any value above 2002 figures would go to th Community Redevelopment Area for use 0 Front Beach Road. In other words, as propert values increase, so does the CRA’s budget fo making improvements. Gisbert, the CRA director, said the rough cost estimate for the first half of the improvement project spanning from 2002 to 2015 isabout $zoo million. Sofa, the CRA has spent about $s4 million, he said. So. what has that bought? One of the most visible examples is the corn plete transformation of Beckrich Road. What once was a narrow feeder road between Back Beach and Front Beach roads is now a spacious, divided promenade with sidewalks and old-fashioned street lamps and a median lined with palm trees. It was renamed Richard Jackson Boulevard in recognition of Panama City Beachs current city manager. “You just feel like you’re in a Florida beach community,” said Tourist Development Council Executive Director Dan Rowe of the newly revi talized road. This project “is going to fundamen tally change the look and feel of the main tourist corridor for Panama City Beach.” Similar work was completed on Churchwell and South Thomas drives. According to Gisbert, the work on Jackson just scratches the surface” of what is coming for Front Beach. All of the improvements are welcome news to Michael Greer, vice president of operations for Royal American Hospitality. His company owns and manages Boardwalk Beach Resort. Board walk controls about 2,000 feet of beachfront along South Thomas Drive. “We have a fairly decent amount of skin in the game,” Greer said. He said the South Thomas district has been a premier destination in the Panhandle for a long time and “it’s more than deserving of a facelift. At the end, I think it’s going to be absolutely great.” Adult & Pediatric Dermatology Diseases of the Skin, Hair and Nails Skin Cancer Screenings Mole Evaluations Skin Cancer Surgery MOHS Micrographic Surgery (advanced skin cancer procedure) Cosmetic Dermatology Professional Skin Care Microdermabrasion Chemical Peels Skin Rejuvenation Laser Hair Removal Spider Vein Treatment The New Front Beach Road Long-time visitors eventually won’t recognize Front Beach Road. The idea for addressing the traffic issues is two fold: One, improve flow by widening the road, adding turn lanes and building out the side roads. Two, lessen the overallburden by adding lanes for pedestrians, bicycles and public transportation. At the same time, the construction provides an opportunity for the Community Redevelopment Area to make other enhancements, including moving power lines underground, improving the drainage system and adding landscaping. The CRA also is working with Bay County to extend fiber optic lines to Back Beach (Highway 98), Middle Beach and Front Beach roads so see “Front Beach” pg4B Dc ER N wzato(o N()\\’ ,\(;cl:~I~’IlNc.; NE\\’ I’i\’lIFNI’S X5{)—422—3376 • W\\WSC(l.LlS • 2040 l:lL%isclIllllhllI Ruad • lallalnissce. l~1. 8~o Business Magazine APRIL 3230S MAY 2011 Front Beach, contined from 41 traffic lights can be connected to a control hub and synchronized. The entire project, when completed, is expect ed to cover Front Beach Road from the Ripley’s Believe It or Not! museum to just west of High way 79, as well as part of South Thomas. It’s taking (Highway) 98, which was basically a rural, country road and bringing it into the 21st century” Gisbert said. Among the other new features expected from the redevelopment Two storrnwater retention ponds that will be landscaped into parkswith benches, fountains and decorative walkways. One will be located between McDonald’s and a Wal Man Super centet The other is planned for the current site of the Burger King on Front Beach Road, which likely will move to a new location nearby, Gis bert said. A redesigned intersection at Front and Middle Beach roads, in front of the Ripley’s Believe it or Not! museum. The intersection will have new traffic lights, be more accommodating to pedestrians and include a “Welcome to Imaqine... .. Gisbert said he envisions a Panama City Beach where “you can drive up, park your car and not have to get in your car again.” He expects future visitors to leave their cars at their condos or in one of the two new parking garages and walk along Front Beach or ride the tram to stores, res taurants and attractions. But Greer, from Boardwalk, isn’t sold on that idea. While the CRA holds public meetings twice a year to seek input on its plans and works closely with local businesses affected by the develop ment, including Boardwalk, one point of conten tion remains. Greer said the Front Beach Road de velopment does not adequately address parking. He argues that the beach is too spread out to become a true walking community, as the CRA wants. He said pedestrians aren~t interested in traveling from Pineapple Willy’s to Pier Park. Greer said he would rather see some of the space in the plan urrently dedicated to bicycle lanes and tram lanes used for roadside parking, instead. As for the p anned “multi-modal” centers, they are still years out from completion and too far from the South Thomas Drive area, he said. Depends on the Economy We are America’s largest stage for the arts, the b ggest classroom for tudents and an exce lent investment for your support. 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Now, “the economy has to pick up before we can do a whole lot of anything,” he said. Meanwhile, Gisbert said he recognizes that ongoing construction can be tough on local businesses dealing with tom-up roads and lim ited access. “There’s going to be a benefit at the end of the project, but there’s definitely a hardship during the project if you’re in the effected area,” he said. So far, it hasift been too bad, according to Greet “The business interruption has been mini mal,” he said. “I could think of a lot worse- Any improvements like this will be attractive to busi ness ... the strong will survive.”