efr*e @rtm - Manual`s Alumni Web Page
efr*e @rtm - Manual`s Alumni Web Page
efr*e @rtm* IssueNo. 57 t^&eM[etter Fall2013 DmncroR's ConNnR""" Jerry Mayes, L1thprincipal, 1988team to celebrute25'h will addressalumni Sept.19 reanion Oct. 25 ut studium Manual football teams won state championshipsin 1925, 1936, 1938,1948, 1959and 1966,but none of thoselegendary teamswon as many games-I3-as the 1988Crimsons. They remainthewinningestteamin schoolhistory. The alumni will honor the team at halftime of'the MaleManualgameat the stadiumon Oct. 25, but the teamshouldalso be recognizedfor the adversityit overcame. When SteveHaag took over as headcoachin the summerof 1985, he found nothing but frustration. Manual was just beginningas a magnetschoolandthe changeover meantthe loss ofa lot oftalentedathletes. Haag placeda tryout ad in the schoolpaperand only seven playersanswered.All summerhis coachesstayedon the phone, callingparentsofprospectiveplayers. They wrote letters,talked to the P.E.teachersanddid everythinghumanlypossibleto field a team. They built characterthat season,but not muchof a team. Only 32 dressedvarsity,half of whom were freshmen,and they were winlessin l0 games. The next year they won only three,then improvedto 5-5 in 1987. In 1988 Haag's Crimsons won all their games but one, defeatingtheir old rival, Male High, not once,but trvice,the fint Manualteamto do that since1899. Their only loss cameat the handsof Trinity in the statechampionshipgame. It was the most miraculouscoachingjob in the school's storied football history. Winning those13 gamesalsohelpedto unite a diversestudent body. Today,Manual's large studentfollowing can perhapsbe tracedto the excitementgenerated by this team. It was a specialteam that leamedto play together. It could boast of only one Division One player, Wesley Jackson,who earneda scholarshipat the University of Kentuckyand became the Most Valuable Offensive Lineman for a Peach Bowl Championship team. Jacksonwas also first team All-State along with teammate Justin Smith, who played his college ball at Alcorn State. Guard Ara Jackson played for Eastem Kentucky, and running back Brian Jordan and wide receiverMike Faulkner boarded a Greyhoundbus on their own, sold their abilitiesto the coachat RiversideJuniorCollegein Califomiaandbecamemembersof a NationalChampionshipJC team. Come on alums! Let's all come out to honor this team for their 25thanniversaryon Oct. 25. We also hope to see you at our luncheon at Hurstboume CountryClub on Sept.19whenyou canmeetour new principal. t -Mike McDaniel Director of Alumni Manual'snewly selectedprincipal,JerryMayes,will be the keynotespeakerat the quarterlyalumni luncheonat HurstbourneCountryClub Sept.19. Mayesis no strangerto the school. He servedasManual's headfootballcoachfrom 1995through2000beforehe principalat PleasureRidgeParkHigh becamean assistant School. Jerrybringsmuchexperienceto his new position. Beforejoiningthe JeffersonCountyPublic SchoolSystemhe was a teacherandadministratorat St. Xavier. He alsotaughtandservedasdirectorof athleticsat DossHigh Schoolbeforecomingto Manual. As principalhe replaces Larry Wooldridgewho retiredfrom JCPSandtook a job as an assistantprincipalat ChristianAcademy'sMiddle School. We look forwardto hearingJerrysharehis vision andhis goalsfor our almamater. As usualtherewill be a socialhour from 11until noon; lunchwill be servedat noonwith the speakerto follow. Pleasesendyourreservation in beforeSept.12. Ifyou can't find the scissors,call the alumnioTficeat (502)485-8023. Homecomingsetfor Sept.20 us Crimsonstuke on Bullsrd The latesteditionof the footballCrimsons,underCoach Oliver Lucas,will facetheBruinsof Ballardin the annual homecomingclashsetfor Fridaynight, Sept.20 at Manual Stadium. Kickoffis at 7:30p.m.,andall alumniareinvitedbackfor the festivities.Lifetime membersto the Alumni Association will be admittedfreealongwith a guestby showingtheir lifetime membershipcards. To claim the districtchampionship this year,Manualwill mostlikely haveto beatTrinity, St. X. andMale, asusual. It promises to be an interestins season. 2 @rtmgon9,lumni^8ebdletter N{axuAt TODAY... Dear Alumni On behalf of our faculty and staff of duPont Manual High School,I would like for you to visit our home - a place that is steepedin tradition yet at the sametime on the cutting edge in educationalleadership. Our success is well-documentedthrough numerous local, state, regional and national accomplishmentsof our Manual family. These accoladesreflect the work of our remarkable studentswho are supportedby a faculty and staff among the frnest in the country. Our outstandinggraduateshave built a legacy of high achievement which every Manual student embraces,fully understandingthe individual responsibilityeach of us carriesto keepthe flame buming. r . DuPont Manual's recognitionas the benchmarkschool for all Advance Programs in JCPS is built around five components: High School University, Visual Arts, Journalism and Communication, Math/Science/Technologyand our worldrenownedPerforming Arts Program. These areasof study are further supportedthrough a partnershipwith the University of Louisville, giving our students the opportunity to complete college coursesfor credit while attendingManual. As one of Newsweek magazine'sTop 50 "America'sBestSchools,"the U. S. News and World Report top high school in the state,and a U. S. Departmentof EducationSchoolof Excellencesince1991, we are proud to have recordnumberof National Merit Scholars, the highest ACT average score in Kentucky, outstanding studentswho garner recognition at district, state and national levels, and an award-winningfaculty and staff with a tradition unsurpassedby any other institution. We truly live by our duPont Manual High School slogan: Excellence, Tradition, Diversity. ,,6*r,%P full 2013 Tt+nN{aru,mAG".. I have been out of town and am just now reading the Alumni Newsletter,which is always so very good. I readyour column last year aboutthe WAKY Rock & Roll Reunion and Manual gradsand garagebands. I have twin brothers,John and Bill Keeling '74, who have a popularband that has been playing throughoutKentucky for a good while. Bill and John were in the Manual marching band. John was the drum major and played the sousaphone,and Bill played trumpet. They are the founding membersof the band "Caribou," which played at the WAKY Rock & Roll Reunionon June22. John plays bassand sings, Bill is on keyboard and sings, along with frve other members,including brass."Caribou" organizedThe Louisville4-Moore Benefit Concert at Iroquois Amphitheaterin June to benefit Moore, Oklahomatornadovictims. We have six Manual alumni in our family. Our nephew, Simon Clifford, played basketball and was graduated from Manualthis year. Barbara Gregoryt59 a "THANKYou" noteswere receivedfrom the following 2013 Manual graduatesacknowledgingscholarshipsawardedto them by the du Pont Manual Alumni Association: Patrick Frentz - Charmoli Scholarship Alexa Just Charmoli Scholarship Principal du Pont Manual High School/YPAS Dishon Romine - Mitre Award Editor's note: The Manual tradition was thrust upon him at an early age. Mr. Mayes' mom, Patsy Mayes,was a member of the secondco-ed graduating classin 1951. Going to the Manual-Male gamesbecamepart of the fabric of his early childhood. During Mr. Mayes' first stint at Manual, he had the opportunity to work closely with the Alumni Office which afforded him the opportunity to gain a deeper understandingof what it meansto be a Crimson. Chris Miele -Aubert T. Koch Scholarship (awarded by Koch Family) feltr 20t3 s @rftn*on€ffutnnt^#ehete,ttpr THeMensec CoNrnruED ".. Remembering Brook and Oak, by Bob Adams '49, was an excellent choice. A fantastic walk through Manual's history this is a "keeper." Looking forward to the next article. Thankvou. Bob! Joyce Burnett Thomas '54 Mike, Your announcementat the June Alumni luncheon indicating that funds were still neededin order for this museumto come to life, not only "nudged"me into action,but hascompelledme to write. Enclosedyou will find my contributionfor the Manual Museum. I should have taken care of this some time ago but for no good reasonwhatsoever,I drug my feet. I'm confident this planned museum will be a superb, lasting tribute to Manual and will be filled with photos, stories, and a collectionof memorabilia.What a grandopportunifyto re-visit our youth and also learn so much about the colorful past of our great school. I issue a challengeto my fellow classmatesto come on board also. You indicated that at this time our class (1964) had contributed $609 toward the museumwhile the classesof 1949, 1953, 1956, 1962 and.2004 had,all either reachedor surpassed their goal -- which is to match$l per graduateyear. We simply cannotallow otherclassesto put us to shame!A mere $1,355will enableus to match our goal of $1,964 (even more would be awesome).Come on Class of 1964, we needyou! Dust offthat checkbook andhelp us reach our classgoal of51,964.00. I havefaith in you...I know we cando it. Pamela Osborne Magers Classof 1964 Classring foundandreturned The Manual Alumni web site posted that a 1966 class ring had been found. It was recovered by Tim McNutt at Kentucky Kingdom in Louisville during the restorationof an old ride site. Tim notified the Alumni Office which alertedthe web site and the hunt for the owner was on. The 1966 ladies ring had the initials EMB and was found to belong to Elsie May Botts. She was then contacted by Gene Howell '69. Ellie (as shenow prefersto be called) had reluctantly lent the ring to her daughter who lost it on one of the rides in l997.It was retumedto Ellie in excellentcondition. Manual iunior chosenfor When Manualjunior Christopher Zhou retumsto schoolthis Fall and is askedto write an essayon "How I SpentMy Summer Vacation" he will certainlyhavean interestingstory to tell. Chris joined nearly 120 other young musiciansfrom 42 states on the campusof PurchaseCollege,StateUniversity of New York this summer as part of the recently-formed National Youth Orchestra. He submittedhis applicationlast Octoberand was the only student musicianchosenfrom Kentucky. In New York Chris worked with fellow musiciansto preparefor the orchestra'sinternational tour of classical music concerts scheduled at Kennedy Center in Washington, D. C., and in Moscow. St. Peter_sburg and London, under the baton of famed RussianconductorValery Gergiev. At a time when the problemsof professionalorchestrasacross the country seemto predict an uncertainfuture for classicalmusic Chris said,"I think it's one of my dutiesto keepthe tradition alive . . . that'sgoing to be one of my life goals." JulianaOdetunde'03 Is a FulbrightScholar Four students from the University of Kentucky have been selected as recipients of Fulbright U.S. Student Programscholarships. The UK recipientsare among 1,900U.S. citizenswho will havel abroad for the 2013-2014academicyear through the prestigious program. In addition, one of UKs four winners, medical student Juliana Odetunde 2003, received one of only five prestigious Fulbright-Fogarty awards, which promote the expansion of researchin public health and clinical researchin resourceJimited settings. CongratulationsBill and Charlene! William Perkins '59 & Charlene Menges Perkins '60 will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary October 25. Bill & Charlenelive in Treasure Island,Florida. Next newsletterdeudline: Nov. 74 4 €rf mga*€tt*rn*f^flehsfe,ff er Nnws"* RFuwr-qx Classof 1959... The classof 1959will hold its 55-yearreunion July 5,2014 at the Wildwood Country Club. A dinnerdancewill be held from 6 p.m. to 12. For more informationcontactDarlene yann at (502\ 552_2223 [email protected]. Classof 1960... The picture shown below is from the Class of '60 Reunion Committee'sannualcook-out.Shownarethe Louisville membersof the committee. The class is already making plans for the 55th reunion. Tentatively,we are looking at Churchill Downs again as the venue, especially since the last one held there was iuch a success. We may consider hostinga secondday if enoughclassmembers show interest in doing so. When we send out the notifications. everyonewill be able to indicate if they plan to attend one of the other events. Since not everyonehas email and/or we don't *rave everyone'semail addresseswe can't get feedback. E-mail or call toll-free: Klaus York 877 -845-6490. [email protected] :fetl 20tg Classof 1993... Pleasejoin us for the du Pont Manual Class of 1993 Z}-year reunion! We'll get things startedwith a welcomereceptionat the ofhcial reunionhotel, the SheratonRiverside(700 W RiversideDr., Jeffersonville,IN 47130.)Book hereto get specialreunionpricing: https://www.starwoodmeetine. com,/Book/crimsonsg3 After the reception,shuttleswill be availableto takeyou across the river for an evening of fun visiting the new restaurantsand bars in Louisville'sMain St. andNulu corridors. On Saturdaynight,join your classmateson Millionaire's Row and Churchill Downs for the popularnight racing event,Downs After Dark. On Sundaymoming, you'reinvited to a farewellbrunchat the Bristol Cafe and Bistro locatedat the SheratonRiverside.Take a last chanceto visit with your friendsbeforeeveryoneheadshome. For more informationpleasevisit: httn ://manualhish93.eventbrite.comi Classof 1994... The Classof 1994is in the early stagesof planningits 20-year reunionto be held next summer,time and localetba. pleasecontact Laine Crouch Kaiser'94 , larcyk@)rahoo.com, if you would like to be on the committee. If you areon Facebookandwould like to be addedto the C/assof 1994private group,pleasecontactLainie CrouchKaiservia Facebookprivate message. Manual junior wins award for essayon conservation. lstRow: L to R: Mary Francis Seadler llonder, Gwynne OatesMcGee, and Scott Detrick 2nd Row: L to R: Ron Lutts, Paul Reece,Bill Feniell, Klaus yorh Chuck Pierce, Ken Strausburg and Jim Hudson Classof 1963... The Manual Classof 1963 50-year reunionwill be on Friday ancl Saturday,October18-19,2013. The Saturdaydinnerdancewill be in the Atrium of the StarksBuilding in downtownLouisville. The reunioninformation was mailed out in April. Informationcontacts: SusanRobertson Stanford [email protected] Corky Grant [email protected](502) 777 -5995 Classof 1968... The classof 1968will hold its 45-yearreunionat Southpark Conntry Club on November9,2013. more informationpleasecontactCathy Mitam, (502) 267_ -f9r 4027,or Jackie Franklin, (502) 425-608S. Aaron Mueller, a junior at Manual,won the Area 4 regional award in the Jim Claypobl Writing Conrestin May 2013. He was the only local studentto place in the statewidecompetition. The writing competitionbeganin 1944, is open to studentsin gradessix to 12. This year's students submitted 17,554 writing entries. The theme of the writing contest was KentuclE's Forest Branching Out. Aaron said he thought about "what would happen if all the trees disappearedone day." arded YPAS grad and Manual Hall of Fame member (2007) Nicole Scherzinger '96 has establishedan annual scholarshipfor the YPAS senior who "exhibits exemplaryperforming arts potential, academic successand who plans to pursue performing arts in college." Ms. Scherzingercites as inspiration for the scholarship the discipline and training she received from ypAS teacherst-o developher performingskills. Shehopesthe scholarshipwill give a deserving student the advantagesneeded to compete with other performing arts studentson a nationalscale. This year's recipient of the Nicole Scherzinger performing Arts Scholarshipis Tyter Johnson-Campion '13, a theatermajor with a minor in musicaltheater.He will attendthe University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music to major in musicaltheater. Libby Nevitt Chilton '53 frull2013 @rimgonHlumni^fl ebdletter Trm HrsroRY CoRNER... Crimson History has a new caretaker July 1 saw the passingof the guard from Larry Wooldridge to new ,a : =- r 'l 5 1953-1960JOHNTURNER .:.. 1960-r972 L.J.''BUTCH'' CHARMOLI ,#a KLEIER re72-76;77-7s JACK PrincipalsWooldridge(L) and Mayes MANUAL ATHLETIC DIRECTORS The positionof Athletic Director of du Pont Manual High School startedin 1921when Neal Arntson,a graduateof Minnesota University,was namedHeadFootball Coachand Director of Athletics. Listed below are the directorsfrom 1921to the presentday: *il 1976-1977PAUL GERING rsTs-rss6;" TACoBS - NEAL ARNTSON T921.T931 g t996-2002SHERRISILVEY-SLUSHER . CLARENCEBEUTEL 1931-1938 ffi 2002-2006LARRY WOOLDRIDGE T938-1945-BRAD JONES w 1945-1953-RUSSELLGARTH 2OO6-PRESENTDAVE ZUBERER @rimgon €fiumni^#ebgletter 6 Ix N{nnnonlnxzl: FROM THE ARCHIVES... JOHN HAROLD SCIIINDLER I33% EARL L. HALE'36 NOVIA J. WI{ITE '37 .TQHNJ HOURIGAN '39 ., ' . MELVIN n. nnONgy'lZ JOHN BISCIIOF'43 MELVIN STROBEL'44 ; RusiN'+qz sIDNEY SIDNEY C. WIGGINTON' 44Y2. LLOYD R.LOTZ'45% KEITH G.'JOHNSON'46 KAREMMALICK'46 JOHN ROBINSON'46 WILLIAM CUMMINGS'47 ERNESTCHARLES THIELMEIER JR. '48% "{ DONALD LEROY THOMAS'50 SHIRLEY CONN MAGRUDER'53 MARLENE MARTIN ROBERTS'53 NORMAN KERCHER I54 CUAru,NNN RAFINER MCCUBBIN'54 LEONARD R.UTLEDGE '54 BURREL ANN HAGAN ARCHER I55 LINDSEY BEAUMONT WALLER I55 ANTHONY CHARLES HEITZMAN 156 " JOHN SAYRE'56 ' JERRY T. MALON,E'57 MARTHAJONES HALL I58 VICTORIA ALEXANDER CATINNA'60 WILLIAM V. CAUDILL'61 ' PAT PEARSON'f2 MARILYN SWARTZWELDER DAHL'64 LINDA HIBBERD WRIGHT MITCHELL '64 JOYCE A WARREN WHEELER'64 THOMAS BRUCE KRAMER'65 HETTIE W{IITAKER MATA-BOOHER'65 .,, EDWARD C. PRATHERJR.'67 ANITA L. JONES '67 . PAMELA WALDEN RUCKER,'67 ROBIN KAY SCHADT METCALF'7I . R O N N I EG . S M I T H ' 7 2 MIKE BARNETT'73 EDWARDAVIS I74 SHERRI L. PURYEAR WILLIAMS'74 BRENDA MANSFIELD PORTER'75 rnbvM. cocKERAL 'i80 TIMOTHY DALE PAIGE'85 PATRICIA KEITH MURPHY'90 S T E P H A N I EJ . B E U M E L ' 9 3 'a, . .BECKY ', frall20t3 ,ili: RENEE WAHL. TEACHER' SHELBY McCUE THOMPSON (Lunchroom Mgr.) -, :. 100 years on rhanksgiving ago-1913-l4:. Male upsetManual 13-6 before 7,000 fans in the mud at Eclipse Park. Manual had lost only once (to Central University) and had given up only 39 points in 11 gamesbefore Turkey Duy. The Crimson, due strictly to the Male loss, called it a "disastrous season..." The yearbookwas dedicatedto teacherand alumnus Bennett M. Brigman, founder of the Mitre Club...Harold Whitney Miller was the editorof the yearbook...MarvinTaylor was presidentof both the seniorclassand the Mitre Club. 75 years ago-1938-39: Underfirstyearfootball coachRay Baer, the Crimsonsclaimed a national championship by defeatingNew Britain,Conn.28-20on New Year'sEve in the SugarBowl in BatonRouge...Theteamearnedthe moniker"The FamousForties,"havingscored40 or more pointsin 8 of the 10 games,including a 40-7 victory over Male. Old timers still argue this was the greatestteam in school history. Charlie Schifler, Norman Beck andBill FreemanmadeAll State,while Clarence Sidebottom was the star in the championshipgame. Oscar Officers were Edward Natterman was the quarterback...Class Reinhardt, president;John T. Burns, vice president;Rudy Sengel, sgt. at arms; Ken LaMar, treasurer,and Robert Richardson, secretary...Robert Henry Smith edited The Crimson. 50 years ago-1963-64zrn" lostto a crimsons state champion Male team 28-7 before 15,000 at Fairground Stadiumon Turkey Day...Larry Jordan and Ronnie Roberts made All-State...Lou Tsioropoulos was hired as basketball coach, and Jim Bunnell led all city cagers in scoring...The Crimson was dedicated to Alma Owens and Edgar "Aceo' Hudkins while Terry Gibson and Joyce Caswell were coeditors...Rachel Joffe edited The Crimson-Record...Class officers were Bill Gilmore, president;Jimmy Martin and Mike Betty Dugan, secretary;Gail Boyd and Harrell, vice presidents; Melanie Minyard, co-treasurers,and Bunnell, sgt. at arms...BettyeBeamswashomecomingqueen...Ernie Allen and Minyard were voted Mr. and Miss Manual. 25 years ago-1988-89: team Manual's football set a school record by winning 13 games,losing only to Trinity for the state championship. Included in the victories were two over Male High-28-0 during the regular seasonand 2l-14 in the playoffs. They were the hrst Crimson team to beat the Bulldogs twice in one seasonsince 1899...WesleyJackson and Justin Smith earnedAll-Statehonors...Jacksonalsoreignedas football homecoming king while Tesha Campbell was elected queen...TheLady Crimsonsbasketballteam,led by Gwen Doyle, Ramonda Jamesand SamanthaWilliams jumped out to a 21-0 start, won the LIT and maintained a No. 1 ranking in the state...ToddSalchli andAmy Drummond werevotedbasketball homecomingking and queen...Class officerswereDeniseBeam, president; Charles Burke, vice president; Tonya Smith, secretary;Maya Henderson,treasurer;Tina Brewster, historian; Tracy Eddington, parliamentarian,and Richard Vincent, sgt. at arms...Bill Seymour and SchaneeRose were named Mr. and Miss Manual. (Continuedon Page7 fstt 2013 €llumni^#ehslettet @rimgon I Three publications rank JCPS schoolsamongthe bestin the IJ.S. FROM THE ARCHIVES JCPS offers some of the best high schoolsin the nation, according to U.S. News and llorld Report, Newsweek, and The WashingtonPost. turnovers proved to be the difference as Male edged the Crimsons 32-26 in the "old rivalry" before a capacity Manual Stadium crowd on Halloween night...Andrew Robinson, grandsonof former Manual star, George Robinson, grabbedan Austin Tiller pass and ran 80 yards for a TD...The football seasonbegan with a bang as the Reds upset Trinity (and quarterbackBrian Brohm) 37-36 at the old Trinity Field...The seniorclassboastedof 32 National Merit semi-finalists,tops in Kentucky...YPAS performed a top notch production of Zes Miserables...DorneyThompson and Jameelah Henderson were voted basketball homecoming king and queen...Max Meiners and Alissa Dos Santos edited The Crimson yearbook...Class officers were: Dos Santos,presiden! Emily Jones,vice president;Richard McChane, secretary;Alexander Smith, treasurer;Rodney Carter, historian,and Dillon Nichols, parliamentarian...Meinersand Dos Santoswere namedMr. and Ms. Manual. On the U.S.Netvs & World Reportlist of best schools,more than halfofJCPS high schoolsreceived recognition for their efforts to provide equitable and rigorous education for all students. Three ofthe schoolsrecognizedare designatedas Priority Schools. Statewide,JCPS had four ofthe top five schools and six of the top ten. U.S.News & World Report awardedschoolsmedals based on statereading and math results,the performanceof at-risk students,and college readiness.JCPShigh schoolsearnedthe following awards: o . o Gold Medal: duPont Manual, Ballard, and Brown Silver Medal: Eastern,Louisville Male, and Atherton Bronze Medal: Butler Traditional, Central, Fairdale, Fern Creek Traditional, and Western The Newsweeklist of the best 2,000 public high schools includes five JCPS schools: o . o o o Manual (ranked no. 50) Brown (426) Ballard(651) Male (919) Eastern(1,778) (Continuedfrom Page6) 10 years Manuar ago-2003-04:Ni"" footballseason Manual's record-setting In 1988: Manual 14, Iroquois 0 Manual T. St.Xavier 0 Manual 35.Ballard 6 Manual 21, 'Qtherton6 Manual 21, Eastern6 Manual48, Fern Creek14 Manual 26. Seneca9 Manual 18,Waggener7 Manual 20, Southern0 Manual28. Male 0 Playoffs: NewsweelCslist is basedon six components:graduationrate (25 percent); college acceptancerate (25 percent); Advanced Placement(AP), International Baccalaureate(IB), and Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE) tests taken per student(25 percent); averageSAT/ACT scores(10 percent); averageAP, IB, and AICE scores(10 percent); and percentageof studentsenrolled in at least one AP, IB, or AICE course(5 percent). The WashingtonPosf s list of America's Most Challenging High Schools includes four JCPS schools: . . . Manual (177) Eastem(447) Ballard (a60) The list ranks schoolsthrough an index formula that's a simple ratio: the number of AP, IB, and AICE tests given at a school each year, divided by the number of seniorswho graduatedthat year. Manual9, Butler 7 Manual2l, Male 14 (OT) Manual 25, WarrenCentral 7 Manual0. Trinin 28 GWiX&';*";' *.;4'u'.:'er*l1*?$!FFil d UP9HT fu,iA!.{lr&i- Xlg*"| S(}}lr$L,l9sE s:&T€ AA.r\A euruX€n-Up 36^g3ra.Lxc" 13-r I [.rimgor 6\umni fretug[$ter du Pont Manual Alumni Association E-MAI L - [email protected] WEB- manualalumni.org WEB MASTER -Virginia McCreary Taylor '63 Annual Duesonlv $10 steft fr.efufi[etter Mike McDaniel, Alumni Director 064 Libby Chilton'53 Jerry Church'53 Bill Shain'53 Bob Adams'49 Start planning and budgeting For two alumni functionsin 2014 by Alan Cloyd '64 Back in the day Manualwas a rock and roll school. Kids were in garagebands,pep rallies featuredimprovisedrock songsto promotethe schoolpaper,and didn't we all like the soundsand havefun at the talent shows? RecentlyManualAlumni haveaddedmuchto Louisville'sRock and Roll Reunionat the zoo,not to mentionthe additionof Wayne Young '61 andWayneMcDonald'62 to our Hall of Fame-both locally favoredentertainersin their own right. Soooo...whatwould you think abouta tour of Cleveland's famousRock and Roll Hall of Famein May of 2014? We'll travel in a luxuriousMiller Motor Coach,visit the $98 million Hall, stay nearbyin Cleveland,dine togetherandbe homethe next evening. A small amountwould be addedto the modestcost of the trip to help fund the new museum. Think aboutit. It'Il be fun to sing all the way to Lake Erie and renewacquaintances with old friends. More detailswill follow in the next two editionsof the newsletter. A secondeffort to increasefunding for our new museumwill alsotakeplacein May. I've riddenBMW motorcycles well over200 thousandmilesand have done24-hovr,1,000mile marathonsto raisemoneyfor other goodcauses.I want to do it again and I want you to sponsor me at $1 per mile. All contributionswill go to the museum fund. How many miles will you sponsorfor this event? Ten miles is $10...Onehundredmilesis $100. If a 68-yearold Manual grad can flog that Beemerall day and all night, rain or shine,you oughtabe able to savesomecoins betweennow andMay of 2014. Savea buck a week and sponsorold Alan for 40 miles! I love Manual and my classmates.I can't write the checkfor the museumbut I can do a few thingsto help raisethe museum funding. Help with rock and roll and with motorcycles.It doesn't eet betterthan that. frul[2013 M useam/Cluss Chullenge Project nears $30,000 The ambitiousattemptto build an in-housemuseumin honor of Manual's cherishedhistory now boasts a treasury of $29, 953.48as of August 17 with five classeshavingmet or exceeded their goalsof $ 1 per year of graduation. At the presenttime we are looking for a professionalcompany to help designfirst classdisplaysof which we all can be proud. The most logical place for the location seemsto be the vestibule of the auditorium. The classes of 1949,1953,7956,1962 and2004havemet or exceeded theirgoals. The top 7 fund raisers,by class,are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Classof 2004--$10,000 Classof 1962--$2,60L62 Classof 1953--$2,020 Classof 1949--$1,980 Classof 1956--$ 1,956.56 Classof 1961--$l ,455.61 Classof 1958--$1"315 We would be remissif we didn't recognizeand thank those leaderswho either contributedthe lion's shareper classor who took it upon themselvesto solicit moneyfrom classmates:Coleman Howlett '62, Bill Shain '530Roy Burks '49, Hank Bertelkamp '49, Don Gambrell '56, Merle Likens'61, and Boyd Hurst'58. The$10,000for the Classof 2004was given by an anonymousdonor. Coleman is responsiblefor a large donation generated throughhis efforts at the 1962classreunion. Boyd did the samething at the recent 1958 reunion. Many thanks to thesefellows. What's happenedto the leadershipin the otherclasseswe wonder? GuessWho? The first person to call the Alumni Office al (s02) 485-8023 and identify this person and tell ofhis connectionto the school will win a Manual Alumni umbrella and a Manual Alumni polo shirt. fett 2013 I @rtmgqft Slutxnt^#ehsfctter ,W RAna.RnW'&r:"r* ManualGradOhio Valley's FemaleAthlete of the Year Ellie Roberson '09 concludedher athletic career at Morehead State University by being namedthe Ohio Valley Conference Female Athlete ofthe Year. She is only the secondfemale in MSU history to earn the prestigious honor and the other one was in 198283. ffiffiffi*** A*lewwimd3ffim The 2013-14 school year promises to bring many athletic highlights.At presstime, all of our fall teamswill be in full swing and representingour school and athletic department.We set the bar high and challenge our student-athletesto be iheir best, both athleticallyand academically. Manual's recentathletic successhas helpedour sportsprograms reachnew heights.The expectationsand goals for this seasonare challengingbut attainable. o Shewas namedHonorableMention All-America by the Amerimn Volleyball CoachesAssociation (AVCA) and was also tabbed First-TeamAVCA All-Midwest Region.Roberson,who movedto the right side hitter position in 2012, was selectedas the OVC Volleyball Playerof the Year and First-TeamAll-OVC. Shewas a catalyst in leading MSU to a 16-0 OVC record,just the eighth unblemished record in league volleyball history, and its third consecutiveOVC regularseasonchampionship. o Seniorathletesat signingceremonyJune4 c Football - we continue playing in the state's toughest district, highlightedby the annualMale-Manual game on October25. Boys' & Girls' Cross-Country- both teams return a strong group and expect to challenge for a state championship. Boys' & Girls' Soccer - both teams enter the season rankedin the top 20 in the state. Volleyball - our team entersthe seasonrankedin the top 20 in the state. Field Hockey- we havea stronggroup retuming andplan to makea run at a secondstatechampionship. Boys' & Girls' Golf - both teamshaveregional standouts with an eye on the statetoumament. Cheerleading- perennial regional power, we expect to challengefor local, state,and nationaltitles this year. Dazzlers - perennial regional power, we expect to challengefor local, state,ryrdnationaltitles year. This fall seasonpromisesto add to the rich tradition of Manual athletics.Pleasebe a part ofit by attendinggamesand cheeringour teams to victory. Visit the athletics page of our school website (.www.dupontrnanual.com)for more information about Manual sports. Go Crimsons! Ist Row L to R: Miles Thompsot4 Nicole Williams ,Kahryn Hardesty, Clare Grady, Courtney Delong, Katelyn Meng, Stephanie Tapolslgt, Andrew Hamm, Patrick ll/ells and Spencer Davies, 2nd Row L to R; Kiefer Hillerich, Alec Dunn, Aaron Pearqt, Chris Miller, Cassidy Hale, Zahara Gul$, Kristen Hale, Savannah Madison, Alua lust, Amber Kleilz and Adam Anthonv. Where are they now? Congrahrlationsto Ronnie Monks, Classof '61, who recentlywas inductedinto the Kilgore Jr. College Hall of Fame. Ronniewas a J.C. All-American there and starredfor Manual's 1959StateRunner-upteam. David Zuberer Athletic Director ffii 2OI3FOOTBALL SCHEDULE All gamesat7:30p.m. 8/23 8/30 9/13 9/20 9/27 IO/3 10/11 10/18 10/25 11/1 CENTRAL Fern Creek P.R.P. *BALLARD , Seneca BUTLER Trinitv STJ(AVIER , :MALE EASTERN *Lr rrO1IleCOfillOg HOME Away Away HOME Awav HO\{E Away HOIT{E HOME Awav t0 @rimgsfifl[umni fr,elal6lr'/rter DONATIONS. MAY 15- AUGUST15.2013 ACADEMICENDOWMENT *Chilton, Libby N. '53 Dawson,George'54 Isaacs.GeraldineB. '51 Seyal,Shereen'07 Childress,Janet'67 *IMO JohnSayre'56 A Friend Seyal,Taj '00 JERRYCHURCH BAND SCHOLARSHIP 1949 1955 1956 1958 ALUMNI SCHOLARSHIP Isaacs,GeraldineB '51 Marcum. Madeleine Crawford '54 Meister,Diane'75 Schneider,Erin Murphy'87 Seyal,John'04 *Shain,Bill'53 *IMO Shirley Conn Magruder '53 and MarleneMartin Roberts r5? LIFETIME MEMBERSHIPS . t Bowman,Edwin S.'72 Bratcher,Alice Rice'56 Bratcher,CollenDale'50 Briscoe,Danny'06 Carey,Robert'61 Hafling,Ann Marie'65 Hespelt,Sue'58 Lutts,Ron'60 Mauch, David B. '69 Veith, Barbara'58 BRICKS/SPIRIT WALL MITRE AWARD Rash,Sarah'09 Rash,Phillip'13 *Smith,Kylie'12 IMO Ernest"Harold"Johnson 46% GENERAL F'UND Belefsky,EdwardW. '47 Borders,Donald J. '54 *Classof 1953 *Classof 1953 Crowdus,William & Wilma'58 Daulton,David'55 Dentlinger,Jack& Delene Handy, GregoryH. '81 **Raderer,Marcie W. Scheer,JohnH. '46 Schmidt,CharlesE. '43 Schneider,Erin Murphy'87 Sells,Robert'48 Spalding,Sandra'65 ***Swartz, Paul H. '47 +MO Shirley Conn Magruder '53 and Marlene Martin Roberts '53 **IMO EdwardPrather,Jr. '67 ***Omitted from last newsletter Cain, Dennis & Jacqueline'62 STADIUMFUND Cain,Dennis& Jacqueline'62 Horton, Marilyn Fielden'68 Steineker,Carl D. '51 Alumni MANUAL MUSEUM PROJECT GRIF'F'ITH BAND FTJND 1959 1961 1964 1972 Bertelkamp, Hank Daulton,David Gambrall,.D.L. Allen, Bob Blanton,Doris Burton.William F. Caudill, Don & Joyce Crittenden,Ruby Deetsch,Clifford S. Dering,Marcie Eads"RobertS. Entrican,Bob Gray, Gary Hargan,Matt Hespelt,Sue Hurst, Boyd Jones.Derrick Karem, George Latoski,Gloria L. Pass,Myron Prys,Paul Ridings,Parker Roberts.Marshall Rowland,Nancy Short, Judith Trotter Smart,Mary J. Smith,JaneB. Taylor, Linda Spicer Tyler, Jim White, Melvin Zickel, Joe Antle, Jeffrey Tyler, Sarah Likins" Merle Magers,PamOsbome Bowman.Edwin S. Manual Trivia Believe it or not, Dr. Ruth Westheimer, the famous sex therapist, married Manfred Westheimer who was graduatedin Manual's ' Classof 1945. This autographed photo was given,to the class at their 50* reunion., ":-L:;- -, ;;,*:X; J*'."'.:''^* fraU2013 Associution provides $11 thousund in scholurships to 2013 seniors At the senior honors program for the Class of 2013 held Mav 21. the Alumni Association honored 13 seniors by presenting them with scholarships. The recipients: Patrick Frentz and Alexa Just. receivedthe L. J. 65Butch" Charmoli Scholarship($2,000 apiece). Dishan Romine was given The Mitre Award, ($500 and an engraved platter). Corbin Mosser received the Manual Alumni Scholarship($1,000). Class Officers-Julian Wright, Mason Gersh, Alice Darling, Corbin MosseroMaya McClendon and Allison Traylorreceived the George Mueller Senior Leadership Award ($500 apiece). Christopher Miele received the A. Stewart Koch Memorial Scholarship($1,500). Allison Fitzmaurice earned the Jerry Church Band Scholarship($500). Jordyn Tucker and Sara Assef split the Diana Donsky scholarship($500) fru[t2013 @timgonAlumnifr.efia[ettet tt &@MW F r T r r r I I - r I r - I r r - r r - - '-l I aLUMNI LUNCHEoN AT HURSTBoURNECoTJNTRYCLUB SEPTEMBER 19.2013 1I AM-NOON SOCIAL HOUR. NOON LT]NCHEON I I I I I I I I I I I I I PLEASE FILL OUT THIS RESERVATION FORM COMPLETELY AND R"ETURNASAP TO DU PONT MANUAL HIGH SCHOOL ALUMNI ASSOCIATION 120WEST LEE ST. LOUISVLLE. KENTUCKY 40208-1999 rF YOU NEED TO CALL, PHONE ALUMNT OFFTCE AT (502) 485-8023 Name: Classof Address: City: State Telephone: Area Code: E-mail: YES, PLEASE MAKE Zip Code RESERVATIONS FOR THE SEPT. I9,2OI3 LUNCHEON AT HURSTBOURNE couNrRY cLUB @ $17.OOEACH TOTAL OF $ ENCLOSED Make ChecksPayableto du Pont Manual Hieh SchoolAlumni Association T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I a I I T I I I I I - I I I l ' r r r r r r r I - I I Mike McDaniel with guest speaker Bob Hill First time luncheon attendeesat the June 20 alfair: Diane Gossett '64. Bob Entrican '58, Alice Rice Bratcher '56, Sandy Malone Deetsch,58, l\4arcia Dering Murphy'58, Lynn Weiler Lyons'53, Doris McComasHall'56, Brenda Evans Childress'63, Harold Booker '58, Bruce Miller '65 and Cliff Deetsch'58. (Inset Shirlev Booker) In caseyou missed it the TUB of BUTTER arrived at the luncheonlate. - J Non-ProfitOrganization U.S.Postage PAID Louisville,KY. Permit #325 du PontManual High School Alumni AssociationInc. 120WestLee Street Louisville. Kentuckv 40208 rlll 2013, Published quarterly by the du Pont Manaal High School Alumni Associartotrlnc. 120 WestLee Street Louisville Kv. 4020E R"@inqtsrod<, er Oa*t BobAdsms'49 Think of all thejobs that were filled alongthe way by Brook & Oak gradsin one of the training fields suchas sheetmetal work, woodworking,pattemmaking and foundry work, mechanicaldrawing,machineshops,surveyingand electricity. Although MTHS startedout emphasizingthe training aspectof education,therewas still a very solid academicprogram. For thosewho concentratedon the academicpath the training classeswere a bonus. Theseclassesprovidedan introductionto skills that were useful for life. I took woodworkingclasses.I leamedto use many handtools (hammer,saw,square,drill, chisel,plane,etc.) as well as power tools (table saw,band saw,planer,lathe,drill press,etc.). Also therewas.thatversatiletool, spndpaper,which had many uses. We startedby choosinga project such as an end table or a coffee table. Materials to be used were selectedand planning the work began. The materialwas cut to size,planedand sanded.For largerpieceslike the top, severalpieceswere glued togetherto make the sizeneeded. The piecewas sanded,cut to size and the edgeroutedwith selecteddesign. Mortise and tenonjoints were cut to fit the legs to the side pieces,legs were cut to length and everythingwas dry-fitted before assembly. Drawer pieceswere cut, fitted and assembled.When everythingwas readythe table was glued,assembled,squaredup and preparedfor finishing. Finishingwas the most tediouspart of the process.The finish was vamish or shellac,I don't rememberwhich. This was in the daysbeforepolyurethanewas available. The first coat was applied,then sandedsmooth. Sameprocessfor the secondcoat. The third coat was applied and srnoothed,using pumice stoneand oil. Quite a bit of "Manual" labor! The final reward was an A if you did a good job. Then we were allowed to take the finisheditem home. It was a commonsight to seeguys carryinga table aboarda city bus after classat the end of the semester. Thereare probablya lot of Manual tablesaroundLouisville. I still have mine. by Bob Adams'49