MOST HOLY TRINITY—YEAR A JUNE 15, 2014 Vol. 60 No. 24 The
MOST HOLY TRINITY—YEAR A JUNE 15, 2014 Vol. 60 No. 24 The
MOST HOLY TRINITY—YEAR A SANCTUARY DONATIONS ALTAR BREAD: In memory of Irvin Templet, Peter Nguyen Thanh Cong, Foret Naquin by Lucy, Loris & Thomas. ALTAR CANDLE: In memory of John Brady, Jr., John Brady, Sr., Harold, Abdon, Peter & Paul Callais by Clara Brady & Family. ALTAR WINE: In memory of Miller Danos by Sons. CHURCH SANCTUARY CANDLE: In memory of Rene LeBlanc (B, WA) by Family. CHAPEL SANCTUARY CANDLE: In memory of Herman Melancon by Randal & Patti. FLOWERS: In memory of John Brady, Jr. by Clara & Family (Blessed Sacrament Altar). In memory of Allen Lee by Dianna & Family (Altar of Sacrifice). In memory of Raymond Plaisance, Sr. (DA) & Charlene Plaisance (B) by Francis & Family (Blessed Mother Altar). In memory of Jules Fanguy & Donald, Louis “Loy” Guidry by Family (Blessed Mother Altar). In memory of Tiges Martin, Mr. Fortune Ledet & Warren, Mr. Arthur Martin by Lois Martin (Sacred Heart Altar). In memory of Beauregard Ledet by Children (Sacred Heart Altar). In memory of Leroy Kiffe & Ray Istre by Timmy & Janet Istre (Podium). In memory of Raymond Plaisance, Sr. by Family (Podium). JUNE 15, 2014 Vol. 60 No. 24 TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: 1 Kgs 21:1-16; Ps 5:2-3ab, 4b-7; Mt 5:38-42 Tuesday: 1 Kgs 21:17-29; Ps 51:3-6ab, 11, 16; Mt 5:4348 Wednesday: 2 Kgs 2:1, 6-14; Ps 31:20, 21, 24; Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 Thursday: Sir 48:1-14; Ps 97:1-7; Mt 6:7-15 Friday: 2 Kgs 11:1-4, 9-18, 20; Ps 132:11-14, 17-18; Mt 6:19-23 Saturday: 2 Chr 24:17-25; Ps 89:4-5, 29-34; Mt 6:24-34 Sunday: Dt 8:2-3, 14b-16a; Ps 147:12-15, 19-20; 1 Cor 10:16-17; Jn 6:51-58 The liturgy seems reluctant to return to Ordinary Time from the joys of Easter, and so the festivities extend to today’s celebration of the mystery of God’s relationship to us as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Gospel today centers the question of our relationship with God in the struggle of Nathaniel to believe that it is possible to experience “rebirth” in the Spirit. The answer of Jesus is that God’s response to the messes of this world is the mystery of saving love in Jesus Christ and the outpouring of an empowering Spirit. Western church architecture often tops a church building with a spire, indicating humanity’s reach to a transcendent God. The Eastern Church responds with onion-shaped domes, indicating the Spirit’s being poured down upon humanity precisely at this locale, the gathering of the faithful for the Divine Liturgy. This familiar design encodes a great mystery: here, at the Lord’s table, we experience the outpouring of the Spirit for the life of the world. Nathaniel came to Jesus by night, since he was still working out the meaning of his life. A life attuned to the inner life of the Trinity must always be given to the light of day. —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. A Father’s Day Prayer Dear Lord, Thank you for all fathers. Inspire them to raise their children with love and care. Bless all fathers and instill in them the kindness, compassion, patience and strength to always be there for their children. Amen. STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE—JUNE 7—8 Amount needed to meet our weekly budget: $8,900.00 The parish staff would like to wish all fathers a Happy & Blessed Father’s Day! DIED IN CHRIST Roland Lagarde & Mary Jane Cheramie Please keep them and there families in your prayers. Eternal rest, grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. Envelopes ……………………………. Loose ………………………............. Bank Draft …………………………. Total …….………………………….. Building & Maintenance …………… Other ………………………………….. $4,151.00 $2,733.00 $1,329.00 $8,213.00 $1,820.55 $ 300.72 Our Lady of the Rosary Church Parish is sustained by the generosity of its parishioners through time, talent and treasure. For all that you do, thank you. BANK DRAFT (GREEN) FORMS ARE AVAILABLE ON THE BACK TABLE IN CHURCH. EXTRAORDINARY MINISTER & ALTAR SERVER SCHEDULE CHECK OUT OUR BULLETIN ONLINE JUNE 21—4PM JUNE 22—7AM JUNE 22—10AM JUNE 22—5:30PM Melisha G. Miranda D. Luke C. Megan C. Lainey L. Hannah P. Ridge E. Our Lady of the Rosary, 1B—Ron N. 4B—Brian P. 2C—Patrick N. 3C—Mark T. 5C—Arlene B. 6C—Mary T. L—Mary T. C—Claudette L. pray for us! 1B—Brian P. 4B—Sarah P. 2C—Daria T. 3C—Roland T. 5C—Wylie M. 6C—Betty M. L—Miriam C. C—Edmond C. 1B—John G. 4B—Mark B. 2C—Connie C. 3C—Van C. 5C—Louise G. 6C—Gail T. L—Jessie G. C—Thomas G. 1B—Tony S. 4B—Lana C. 2C—Chett C. 3C—Julie C. 5C—Chris C. 6C—Debra C. L—Shirley O. C—Terry D. BULLETIN DEADLINE The deadline for placing a notice or announcement in the weekly bulletin is 12 noon on Monday. You are welcome to submit your request by calling the parish office at 985-6933433 or emailing [email protected]. Thank you for your cooperation. SHEPHERD’S VOICE “God So Loved the World That He Gave His Only Son” Let our readings for this Solemnity of the Most Blessed Trinity provide us with a clear understanding of this Tremendous Mystery of the Most Blessed Trinity: One God – three Persons – Father, Son and Holy Spirit. From our First Reading - Moses’ encounter with God at Mount Sinai tells us of the name of God – “Lord” – who is best known by his actions in the world: actions of mercy, justice, grace, kindness, and fidelity (Exodus 34: 6-7). In the presence of such a God, Moses immediate response was worship – he prostrates himself on the ground in profound adoration. This God is not totally beyond reach or inaccessible because Moses asked him to “come along in our company” (Exodus 34:9). In this appearance, God reveals those divine traits that are associated with the covenant, namely: mercy, steadfast love, and fidelity. From our Second Reading - In the conclusion of St. Paul’s letter to the Corinthians the Trinitarian blessing was invoked: “The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit” be with all of you (2Cor 13:13). In this Trinitarian blessing, St. Paul stresses the gift of grace that is received through Jesus Christ, the love that God has for all of creation, a love that is the source of all good things, and the community of the Holy Spirit within which believers are rooted. St. Paul promises that if the Corinthian Christians follow his admonitions and live in the way he instructs them, they will experience the presence of God. In the Gospel, we have the most widely quoted passage from John: “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life (John 3:16). Here, the extent of God’s love is drawn in bold lines in two significant ways: one - is the scope of divine love, and two – is the price that God is willing to pay because of that love. God’s love is for the entire world. God’s love for the world is so deep and so magnanimous that, for the world to be saved, nothing is spared, not even God’s only Son. Those who believe in that Son are saved, those who do not believe in him call down judgment upon themselves. The saving mission of Jesus Christ, who is God’s love made visible is expressed. While there is no mention of the Holy Spirit, in this passage, the total unity of Father and Son is clear, to know the Son is to know the Father, to believe in the Son is to believe in the Father. The same loving God who spoke to Moses on Mount Sinai, “slow to anger and rich in kindness (Exodus 34:6), is the God who sends his Son not to condemn but to save. As we celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Blessed Trinity, may we experience God as Father who made everything, as Son who gave everything, and as Spirit who reminds us of this love-giving God? Let this be our prayer: “Thank you, heavenly Father, beloved Jesus and gracious Holy Spirit, for your amazing love. How incredible that you would give so much just for us. We praise you for revealing yourself to us and for filling us with your grace. Lord, we praise and glorify you!” Amen. God Bless, Fr. Roni Villamor A FATHER’S CROSS S H N S !D I T O A ! B 7:45 K.C. H —$5.00 ON THE 1ST, 3RD, & 4TH SUNDAYS OF THE MONTH S E -S P -G -B C ,M , O J A U M :J HOLY NAME SOCIETY ALL MEMBERS P 24 @ 6:30PM KC H , / 2014 . . ,& . A father’s love is unconditional just as Jesus’ love for us. He never stops caring, nurturing, loving, and worrying. He carries that love for his child \ with him throughout his life. Just as Jesus carries our burdens, a father’s love never stops. So thank you for always being there for me, always teaching, always loving, always caring. You are the best father a child could ever ask for! “Train up a child in the way he should and when he is old, he will not depart from it” ~Proverbs 22:6~ Any questions or comments call Ms. Jennifer at the Office of Religious Education @ (985) 693-3433. CCD REGISTRATION is going on now for the 2014-2015 school year. If you have not received your form (s) or need additional forms, please call the parish office. All new students will need a copy of their baptismal certificate. If you would like to volunteer, please contact the parish office. M ’ V Each week parishioners in our parish are invited to pray for special intentions by hosting the statue in their home. During this week, the host family is encouraged to offer any special intentions, invite family and friends for prayer/rosary, or even contact the parish office and have a mass said in their home. We will be happy to schedule a week for this wonderful prayer experience. W : Jul 12-19 . Aug 2-9 Aug 9-16 Aug. 16-23 Aug 30-Sept 6 Sept 13-20 Sept 27-Oct 4 Picture of Loyman Allemand & Family and Fr. Roni with Statue of Mary. COMMITTEE SPOTLIGHT S .V P S During the month of May, the SVdP had 11 financial expense cases totaling $1,582.65. The store sales, poor box collection and member donations totaled $1,145.02. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL THRIFT STORE Phone: 985-693-3815 Wed: 8AM—NOON & Thurs: 10AM—2PM Volunteer help for any of those days will be welcome. HRCS Eighth Grade Graduation ceremony was held on Friday, May 23 with 19 graduates. Several awards were given to outstanding students including: Presidential Academic Achievement Awards—Top Honor Gold: Owen Callais, Carly Loupe, Alec Plaisance and Alexandria Galiano. Presidential Academic Honor Awards Silver: Jacob Griffin, Emily Gros, Angelle Legendre and Caroline Curole. Outstanding Citizen Award—Jacob Griffin. Top Scholar Awards—Owen Callais and Carly Loupe. These students maintained a 4.0 throughout their entire 8 years at Holy Rosary Catholic School. Picture one from left includes Alec Plaisance, Alexandria Galiano, Carly Loupe, Owen Callais. Picture two from left includes Angelle Legendre, Emily Gros, Jacob Griffin, Hannah Gisclair, and Caroline Curole. Picture three is Mr. Scott Bouzigard, Principal of HRCS along with Jacob Griffin. HRCS asks that you join them as they continue to pray for the students, staff, & families of our school. May they have a safe and restful summer vacation. W A W W R A book of stories and pictures of Larose and its’ people. This book is available for a donation of $20 and you can get it from Our Lady of the Rosary Church office or from me. And for a shipping charge of $7, I will send it to any address in the 48 continental states. Make your check payable to KC Council 8898 and send it to: Nathan Arceneaux; 11190 Highway 1; Larose, LA 70373 or call 693-3002. This book would make an excellent gift for a friend or relative. 2014 Steubenville On The Bayou Share The Glory Project SHOE DRIVE!!!! We need your gently worn pairs of shoes to help those in developing countries thrive!!!! Please drop off shoes in the back off church. We will be collecting until June 20. The Gift of Fatherhood: The real joy of being a father lies more in giving than receiving. by Archbishop William E. Lori As Father’s Day approaches, fathers might be asking themselves what kind of gift they would like to receive. The answers will vary: a new set of golf clubs, home tickets to see a favorite sports team, or a new grill on which to burn hamburgers to a crisp. Or maybe it’s time for another new necktie. Hardly. There are a lot of things that dad might want on Father’s Day, but the question of what gift to get is all wrong. As June 15 draws near, fathers should be thinking not about what gifts they want to receive, but rather about the gifts they should be giving. After all, Father’s Day is a time for taking stock of one’s fatherhood. GIVING FROM THE HEART What is it that fathers give to their families? It used to be that the father was the sole breadwinner. That is still the case in some households, but in many, both husband and wife work outside the home. Fathers should share with their wives a keen sense of responsibility to ensure that their family has the basic necessities of life. Of course, that’s just the beginning. It is not enough to provide a decent standard of living for one’s family. Rather, a husband shares with his wife the responsibility of providing a secure, loving home for their children. It is important for children to know that they are loved. When a father and mother love and respect each other, even in those inevitable times of tension and hardship, children tend to feel more secure. When dad and mom love each other, their children are more apt to believe that mom and dad love them. One thing a father might ask himself about on Father’s Day is the quality of his loving partnership with his wife. What might he do to strengthen that fundamental relationship of love? What gets in the way of loving his wife and family? Are there serious problems that urgently need to be addressed? Or is it simply a question of accumulated foibles that irritate the daylights out of one’s family? Addressing these things honestly is one of the greatest gifts a father can give his family. What else can fathers give their families on Father’s Day? I suggest a strengthened resolve to show a deeper interest in what is important to their wives and children. That means putting down the paper, shutting off the television, and turning off the smart phone, computer and other electronic devices. Only in this way can a husband and father really interact with his family and show them that he is deeply and personally interested in the ups and downs of family life — with what goes on at his children’s school, with the challenges and opportunities his wife is experiencing at work, with the questions his adolescent child may have. The list of fatherly responsibilities is endless. And that’s just the point. Being a father does not fit into a job description. Rather, the joy of being a father can simply be summed up by a loving smile toward his child. FATHERS OF FAITH AND JOY A father’s involvement in the life of his family is essential, but it has to be the right kind of involvement. A boy is not helped when his dad is always yelling at the Little League coach or telling off a teacher who is doing his or her best. A father has to be involved in all the activities of his family so as to bear witness to what is truly good in God’s eyes. A father should always be ready to help his children find the way to achieve what is authentically good in every situation and help them grow in virtue amid the practicalities and stresses of daily life. He should also lead the way in helping them go beyond their personal desires by extending themselves in charity to those in need. Still more is called for. Fathers play a crucial role in helping their children become men and women of faith. When dad goes to Mass every Sunday, leads the family in prayer before meals, and spends time each day praying and reading the Scriptures, he not only provides a good example, but also equips himself to be a better spouse and father. Prayer has consequences. All of them are good. Venerable Michael McGivney founded the Knights of Columbus to help husbands and fathers provide for their families in the event of death. But he also wanted to help husbands and fathers grow in their relationship with Christ and the Church so that they could be good husbands and loving fathers. He recognized the need for an organization that would support men in taking their faith seriously and living it each day. Today, the Knights of Columbus continues this mission. So, what happens when husbands and fathers approach Father’s Day with the question, “What should I be giving to my family?” The Prayer of St. Francis tells us that “it is in giving that we receive.” In giving of themselves in love, husbands and fathers discover what gifts really matter. Yes, it might be nice to receive some extravagant gift, but truly valuable gifts don’t cost much money. I’m thinking of the joy of going to Sunday Mass with one’s family, of sitting down to a meal where everyone actually talks to each other, of receiving a card from a young child or grandchild drawn with crayons, or the promise of prayers from loved ones. Experiences like these reveal the true joys of fatherhood! MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, JUNE 14: James, Velma, & Carroll Chiasson; Felix & Viola Guidroz; Sidney “Black” Savoie; Mack Orgeron; Angelina Angelette Poche’, Alden Poche’, M/M Angelo Angelette; Adams, Guidry, Trosclair Families & Friends, Souls in Purgatory; Irvin Trosclair, Bert Plaisance; Warren Barker, Jr.; Alfacia B. & Eno Allemand, Sr., Rilda A. & Neilton Gisclair, Dudley Trosclair, Sr.; Roy Melancon, Marie, Louise, Johnny & Reggie Griffin; Dennis Bonvillian, Sr., Dustin Thomassie, Robin Terrebonne; M/M Edmond & Roy Robichaux, M/M Vories & Donald Pierce; Louis Guidry, Jules Fanguy, Donald; Clovis, C.J. (B) Guidroz, Abel (DA), Lawrence, Larry; Dale & Allen Savoie, Jules Fuselier, William Fuselier, Aresene Savoie; Joshua, Kayla & Rhett Thibodeaux; Clara Matherne, Mabel Thibodaux, Artelise Lafont SUNDAY, JUNE 15: Rene LeBlanc; Miller Danos, Andrew Lefort, Sr., Nolan Danos; Roy, Edmond & Essie Robichaux, Leonce & Doredah Plaisance; Frank & Inez Trentacosta, Leoncia, Gloria, Fr. Lanqevin; Roy & Margie LeBlanc, M/M Odom Savoie; M/M Levy Ledet & Family, M/M Abel Allemand & Family; Opta Cantrelle; M/M Elson Orgeron, Sr., Clifton & Clarabelle Savoie, Sidney & Bertha Sevin; Lawrence Hebert, Zephrain Chiasson; Alice Ledet, Emile Ledet, Ralph & Ethel Galiano; Forest Pierce & Lester Breaux; Sidney Savoie; C. J. Griffin, Troy Griffin, Sr., Lawrence Chiasson; Loris “Black” Cheramie, Edmond & Sophie Thomassie; Ecton Plaisance, Jr.; M/M R. F. Lorio, L.E. Saucier, Sr. Family, Harold Ledet, Sr. & Jr.; Dusty Richardel; Bassie Rebstock; Les, Lester, Grace, & Kenneth (DA) Domangue & Family, Edmond & Aline Matherne & Families; Beauregard Ledet; Wendy Orgeron, A. J. Champagne, Sr., Esnair Orgeron, Sr.; Jerry A. Savoie, Sr.; Tilman Adams, Cliff Guidry; Bert Plaisance, Dean Dufrene; Rudolph Brunet & Sons, Kenneth Pierce, Karen Adams; Cestive Dufrene, Hubert Loupe; Larry Hebert; Albert Hebert, Clarence Foret; Alex Triche; Deacon Tommy St. Pierre; Donald, Vories & Irene Pierce; Marie Allemand, Mary Allemand Worley; Widman & Rayvine Cheramie; Daniel St. Pierre; Doris & Ambroise Thibodaux; John Brady, Jr., John Brady, Sr., Harold, Abdon, Peter & Paul Callais; Paul Eschete, Sr., Paul Eschete, Jr.; Thomas Hebert; Allen Lee; John & Evida Rodrigue, Roy Chiasson; Tony Chouest, Abel Allemand; Ulysse Savoie; M/M Dave LeBlanc, M/M Sidney LeBlanc, Nelson & Bella Lerille; Carol Rogers, M/M Albert Adams, Jr.; Adolph J. Guidry; Noah, Jimmy Hebert (B), Jonathan Dore’ (B), Belton Hebert, Octave LeBlanc, Sr. & Jr.; T.A. “Babe” Lafont; Louis Adams, Jr.; Wayne LeBouef; Edward Guidroz; Anaclet Plaisance, Ellis Esponge, Sr., Steven Comardelle, Jr.; Gerald & Whitney Richoux, Todd & Chad Delaune; George Cavalier, Raymond & Linwood Cavalier, Rudolph Ougel, Lonia Acosta; Catherine P. Punch (DA), Raymond J. Plaisance, Sr.; M/M Adlas Dufrene, Junius Dufrene, Audrey Dufrene; L.J. Allemand, Jr.; Whitney & Randy Vizier; Willis & Lucy Curole, Augusta Plaisance; Willie & Emelda St. Pierre; Nolan Plaisance; Shereld Bourg, Richard & Bourg deceased family; Lowry Bailleaux; Tiges Martin, Fortune Ledet, Arthur Martin, Terry Bouffanie; Joseph (Joe) Gisclair; Al Rudy Trosclair, Loles Trosclair, Leo Lapeyrouse; Sidney & Noemie Lefort, Leedwood & Irene Pitre; Lawrence & Bertha Cantrelle, Edward & Marie HoLub; Walter Guidry, Sr. & Fred Plaisance; Rebecca Vizier, Barbara LeBlanc, Horace & Kevin Kiffe, Brunella Theriot, Emily Pellegrin, Angelina Pellegrin, Judy Griffin, Abel, Luda, & David Richardelle, Ollie Robinson; Lorris Gisclair, Albert, Timmy, Joey, Felix Savoie, Edmond Plaisance, Norbert Thibodaux; Alex LeBlanc, Dewey Guilbeau, Delton Breaux, Stephen Lefort, Edward Lefort, Sr.; Roland Rousse, William Duet, Edison Rousse; Maurie Ledet, Cleveland Gautreaux; Arnold Chiasson, Ernest LeBlanc, Arthur Chiasson; George Loupe, Sr. (B); Walter Rodrigue; Floyd, Brodie Falgout, Mike Pierce, Clarence Adams; Harold Ougel, Sylvere Punch; M/M Serville Chiasson, M/M Noah Sevin, M/M Herman & Steven Chiasson, M/M Arnold & Faron Chiasson; Elvin J. LeBlanc; Lee Plaisance; Shaeffer Curole, Guy Lefort, Jr.; M/M Fortune Koppell, Dustin Jude Guillot, Leonce Koppell, Foret Naquin, Marceline Nazio; Brenda & Jeremy Dantin, Sr.; Albert, Jean, Al, Leonard, Gerald Gautreaux, Hubert & Don Griffin, Luke Breaux, Louis Acosta, Eddie & Gillon Orgeron; Richard J. Bourg; Nickles Naquin, Alex, Carroll, Leroy Gros, Charles Reed, Clyde Caillouet, Bob Day, Tommie & Jimmy Vizier, Cleyo Cheramie, Hank & David Wiley; Herman Melancon, Elix, Neuves & Rodney Savoie, Alcidien Melancon; Leroy & Blair Hebert, Michael Thomassie; Mildred Soudelier, Louis Soudelier, Sr., Michael Soudelier; Belton “Blondie” Orgeron, Wilkerson “Brown” & Marie Guidry, Albert & Elda Curole, Oneziphore & Camelia Curole, Justilien & Augusta Orgeron; Edwis Curole, Dewey & Clothilde Curole; Clovis Henry; Tommy, John, Doris, Raymond Landeche; Charley Pierce, Sr., Clinton & Clifton Thibodeaux, Gustave Cheramie, Alex Hebert, Jr., Donny Smith, Alcide Walker, Jr. MONDAY, JUNE 16: Michael J. Guidry (B); Gilbert Schoenberger, Forest Pierce; M/M Camille Badeaux, Sr. TUESDAY, JUNE 17: Nolan Plaisance; Cathy Cheramie; Emelda Breaux Guilbeau (DA); Shantelle Hancock, Diane Pinel; Angele & Irvin Templet, Peter Templet, Mable Dresser & family WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18: Kenneth Pierce, Karen Adams (B); Daniel St. Pierre; Nolan Plaisance, Peyton LeCoq (B) THURSDAY, JUNE 19: Loris “Black” Cheramie; Ruth & Gordon Richard, Kelly Cantrelle; Tony Chouest; Al Rudy Trosclair (B) FRIDAY, JUNE 20: Rene LeBlanc (B,WA); Mae Ellen Adams (DA); Nolan Plaisance; Harold Ougel (DA) Please pray for the following friends and members of our parish who need our prayers. Residents of the Broadway Nursing Home, all those in the hospital, all those that are Home bound; and Ronald Gros, Lourise Charpentier, Kayla George, Chris Brunet, Bea Trosclair, Michelle Naquin, Loretta Foret, Donna Gaspard, Grace Guidry, Patricia Pitre, Robert Adams, Neil Seoni, Leoncia Naquin, Annirie Richoux, Lloyd Thibodaux, Donna Ray Bouffanie, Tommy Plaisance, Darren Bayley, Michael Bourgeois, Katie Hebert, Audrey Billiot, Tyler Detillier, Gwen Angelette, Donald Terrebonne, Sr., Lois Martin, Penny Zeringue, Angie Kyzar, Mary Kyzar, Hennely Chabert, Raymond Plaisance, Jr., Cade Capeheart, Rowena Dominique; Beth Danos, Elmire Guidroz, Eva Doucet, Caroline Dubois, Myrna Cheramie, Aline LeBlanc, Rena Mae Falgout, Colby LaCoste, Ken Plaisance, Jack Russo, Steven Theriot, Mary Elizabeth White, Patsy Gretts, Angela Orgeron, Troy Guidry, Stacy Galliano, Jennifer Eymard, Jeff Hebert, Warren Sanamo, Beau Kyzar, Stephen Donovan, Tommy Chouest, Carl Savoy, Jr., Emily Sanchez; Edgar Bouzigard, Mabel Richoux, Reese Angeron, Madeline Falgout, Betty Guidry, Anse Guidry, Brenda Thomassie, Roland Thomassie, Donna Eymard, Jason Esponge, Weston Sevin, Laura Badeaux, Horace & Judica Savoie, Susan Ledet, Jaunita Theriot, Dusty Allemand, Judy Baker, Cindy Flores, Clara Mae Ledet, L. J. Plaisance, Jr., Dereck Guidry, Mary Thibodeaux, John Bath, Anne Cheramie, Dolly Lefort, Virginia Duet, Mary Westerman, Raymond Westerman, Perry Richard, Jr., Coley Richard, Austin Richard, Sue Theriot, Darlene Theriot, Jeannie Rodrigue, Linda Matherne, Joyce Danos, Kathy Bruce Please call the parish office to add a family member of a parishioner to the prayer list. Please help us keep the list current. JUNE 2014 SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 1 7AM Mass 10AM Mass 5:30PM Mass 2 3 4 8:30AM Mass 8:30AM Mass 8:30AM Mass 6:30PM Prayer Mtg. 10AM SVdP Mtg. 5 8:30AM Mass 6PM KC Mtg. 6:30PM—Rosary 7PM—Healing Mass w/ Fr. Cruz 6 8:30AM Mass 7 8:30AM Mass 4PM Mass 8 7AM Mass 10AM Mass BAPTISM 5:30PM Mass 9 10 11 8:30AM Mass 8:30AM Mass 8:30AM Mass 6:30PM Prayer Mtg. 12 8:30AM Mass 13 8:30AM Mass 14 4PM Mass 15 7AM Mass 10AM Mass 5:30PM Mass 16 17 18 8:30AM Mass 8:30AM Mass 8:30AM Mass 6:30PM Prayer Mtg. 6:30PM RCIA 19 8:30AM Mass 6PM KC Mtg. 20 8:30AM Mass 21 4PM Mass 22 7AM Mass 10AM Mass 5:30PM Mass 23 24 8:30AM Mass 8:30AM M 6:30PM Prayer Mtg. 26 27 8:30AM Mass 8:30AM Mass 7PM Baptism Seminar 28 4PM Mass 29 7AM Mass 10AM Mass 5:30PM Mass 30 8:30AM Mass 6:30PM Prayer Mtg. 25 8:30AM Mass Our Sunday Bulletin is supported by the advertisers who are listed on our back page. What better way to say THANK YOU than to remember them the next time you go shopping. REMINDER TO MAUSOLEUM CRYPT OWNERS The cemetery office would like to remind all mausoleum crypt owners that, flowers, statues, glass objects and other items are not allowed on mausoleum floors except at funeral time due to safety concerns. Only vases on crypt doors will be allowed. If you would like to purchase a vase for the crypt door please call the parish office. Thank you for helping Our Lady of the Rosary Cemetery remain an attractive and beautiful resting place for the deceased. Holy Mary, Mother fair, Filled with love for God, Pray for us in all our needs. Pray for us today. For the sake of his sorrowful passion, SAVE THE DATE have mercy on us an on the whole world. BAPTISMAL PREPARATION Our Lady of the Rosary Baptismal Preparation consists of one mandatory Baptismal Seminar which consists of an information session which is on the last Thursday of the month at 7PM in the Saltillo Room. Both parents and godparents are required to attend the Baptismal Seminar prior to the birth of the baby. Godparents must meet Canon Law requirements: 1. Be a Catholic. 2. Be a practicing Catholic. This means, a Catholic person who is in an invalid marriage (not in a Catholic Church marriage) cannot be a godparent. A cohabiting Catholic person who is not married, (living with someone) cannot be a godparent. 3. Be sixteen (16) years of age or older. 4. Must be a confirmed Catholic. 5. A baptized non Catholic may stand as a witness, along with a confirmed Catholic. UPCOMING SEMINAR DATES June 26 July 31 August 28 September 25 October 30 November 20 J J 7—11—V 11—Y B B S HURRICANE PREPAREDNESS FOR CEMETERY Should a hurricane or tropical storm come our way, we ask you to pick up any flowers & containers you have in the cemetery. If you choose not to do so, we cannot guarantee that they will be there after the storm.