Stock Plzeň-Božkov Small breweries and wineries Bohemia Sekt


Stock Plzeň-Božkov Small breweries and wineries Bohemia Sekt
Stock Plzeň-Božkov
7 3
10 11
Plzeňský Prazdroj
Stock Plzeň
Bohemia Sekt
Modrá Hvězda
U rytíře Lochoty
Purkmistr Černice
U Rybiček Stříbro
L’Or Special Drinks
Distillery at Prádlo
Merlot d’Or
Železná Ruda
Beer-brewing Museum, Kašperské Hory
The mead Medovina z Podhradí
Kout na Šumavě
castle ruins
national park border
nature preserve border
Welcome to the Plzeň region. Come and get acquainted with its charming woody
countryside and numerous scenic and cultural sights. Do not miss
the opportunity to taste the beer of beers, Pilsner Urquell, at its place of origin
– either during a brewery tour or in one of the popular restaurants or pubs in
Plzeň or elsewhere. Starý Plzenec near Plzeň is the seat of biggest wine-making
company in Czech Republic, while Stock in Božkov is the biggest distillery in the
country, producing the well-known Fernet brand. But there are other less wellknown small breweries, wineries and distilleries. The Chodovar brewery
is gaining on visitor popularity thanks to its excellent restaurant in the old brewery
cellars. Small breweries can be found at the Modrá Hvězda hotel in Dobřany
and U rytíře Lochoty in Plzeň. Prádlo, a small village of 200 inhabitants has three
distilleries: L’Or producing mainly absinth, Jenčík and Daughters with its Ďábelský
krvesaj and a subsidiary of the Stock distillery producing Fernet concentrate
for the parent company in Plzeň.
Published by the Plzeň Region. Layout: the Kletr agency. Photographs: A. Vacek, M. Landsmann,
M. Doležal. Picture galleries of: Kletr Plzeň, Pilsner Urquell, a.s., Bohemia Sekt, Českomoravská
vinařská, a.s., Stock Plzeň, a.s. Texts: R. Kovaříková, V. Malovický, J. Řežábová. We would like to thank:
The Švejk Restaurant “U Zeleného stromu” in Nepomuk and the hotel Continental for the preparation
and arranging of melas for photographs. Printed by: Typos, tiskařské závody s. r. o. 2009.
Bohemia Sekt Starý Plzenec
Small breweries and wineries
THE BrEWEry aT KOuT nad ŠuMavě
The history of the biggest domestic spirit producer started in the Italian port of
Trieste, then in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. There, in 1884, Lionello Stock founded the Camis and Stock distillery that soon supplied its products to all countries
within the Empire. In 1920, Lionello Stock acquired the existing distillery in Božkov
near Plzeň and named it Stock Cognac Medicinal. In the beginning, the Božkov
plant served the purpose of a bottling facility for the products imported from Trieste, but soon it started to produce its own assortment of spirits.
For many years, the main product line of the Božkov plant was cognac (brandy).
The bitter Fernet Stock came in existence in 1927. After the Velvet Revolution
in 1989 the distillery was transformed into an independent joint-stock company.
All operational profits were reinvested in the production technology while the
production and sales of the Fernet Stock brand started to grow fast.
In 1993, the original company owner, Stock Trieste, became a major shareholder
of Stock Plzeň. Two years later, Stock became part of the Eckes Group, the biggest
European producer of spirits and fruit juices. At the moment, Stock Plzeň-Božkov is
the biggest and most successful company in its class in Czech Republic.
The flagship among the company products is Fernet Stock, by far the most popular domestic spirit. Jointly with its Citrus variety, it dominates the spirit market of
Czech Republic. Other brands made and marketed by Stock Plzeň-Božkov include
the smooth liquor Magister, high-quality Amundsen vodka and its fruit-flavoured
varieties, Božkov Tuzemský, Whisky Cream Stock, Whisky Printer’s and Brandy
Stock Original.
Stock Plzeň is also a distributor of premium foreign products such as Irish whisky
Tullamore Dew, Irish cream liquor Carolans or French cognac Chantré.
Since 2004, Stock Plzeň have been active in a new market sector and distributed
selected wine brands. The flagship of the Wines Division is the Král Vinohradu
family of quality wines. In 2005, included in the wine assortment were imported
products of the brand Great Southern Wines.
The history of the Bohemia Sekt company in Starý Plzenec near Plzeň, the largest
wine growing and making group in Czech Republic, dates back to 1942. The first
brands of sparkling wine marketed by the original company were Black Widow and
Chateau Radyně. A turning point in the company’s development was engagement
of Luis Girardot, a French expert on sparkling wines, towards the end of the 1940s.
Since his time, the sparkling wines from Starý Plzenec have been steadily gaining
on renown and popularity.
The accumulated expertise of several generations of wine makers and the deep
cellars of the plant in Starý Plzenec in combination with the latest technology guarantee the superior quality of the Bohemia Sekt brands of sparkling wines that can
be found in all leading Czech restaurants. The sparkling wines from Starý Plzenec
are served to important visitors at the Prague castle and at special events organised
by the Office of the President of Czech Republic. The company also exports its
products to 15 countries of the world.
The company produces and markets about 350 wine brands. Apart from the sparkling wines, these include the wines from the best wine-growing districts in South
Moravia – Mikulov, Velké Bílovice and Bzenec. The wine houses of Vinařství Pavlov,
Víno Mikulov, Habánské sklepy, Chateau Bzenec or Chateau Mikulov reflect the various local conditions where the traditional wine-growing techniques are supplemented by the latest results of oenological research.
The products of Bohemia Sekt have won recognition at numerous national
and international wine exhibitions and contests. Thus Bohemia Sekt Prestige
Brut won the title of World Champion at the 49th international exhibition Vino
Ljubljana 2003, and Müller Thurgau pozdní sběr (late harvest) 2003 of Vinařství
Pavlov was awarded a gold medal at VINIT ALY 2004.
The original local brewery was founded in the early 18th century. After 35 years
of inactivity, the brewery started operation in 2006 again. Their beer has won
instant recognition; during the opening weekend alone, 17 hectolitres were sold
and consumed on site. The ”Koutský” beer is brewed in three standard options:
light ten-percent ale and light and dark lager. The dark super-special Christmas
variety is extra strong (19% alcohol vol.).
L’Or Special Drinks s.r.o. is a small Czech company with a distillery at Prádlo near
Nepomuk. All raw materials are of strictly natural origin and the manufacturing processes traditional with predominantly manual labour. Among the company products
are various types of absinth with alcohol content up to 70%.
Contact: Stock Plzeň, a.s., Palírenská 2, 326 00 Plzeň-Božkov,
GPS – 49°43‘51.809“N, 13°25‘8.016“E
:+420 378 081 111, e-mail [email protected], T-shirts, caps and rucksacks in the colours of popular Stock drinks can be bought via the Internet Stock Shop (
Contact: Smetanova 220, 332 02 Starý Plzenec
: +420 377 197 111, fax +420 377 965 048, e-mail [email protected],
GPS – 49°55‘12.99“N, 13°22‘36.99“E
Wine shops: Representation sales centre at Starý Plzenec, Smetanova 220, 332 02 Starý Plzenec,
: +420 377 197 165, open Mon-Fri 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 a.m., 1:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m., Sat 8 a.m. – 12 a.m.
Contact: Kout na Šumavě 2, 345 02, : +420 379 789 370,
Contact: L’Or Special Drinks, Prádlo 82, 335 01 Nepomuk
 +420 371 591 722, e-mail [email protected],
Small breweries with yearly beer production up to 500 hectolitres are becoming
more and more popular in the country. A typical small brewery offers several types
of beer including flavoured beers (cherry, wheat and others). The beers are usually not pasteurised. The first of these operations in the Plzeň region was the Modrá
Hvězda hotel brewery in Dobřany. The latest additions on the list of small breweries
are Purkmistr in Černice (open on 6 June 2007) and the brewery in Železná Ruda
(6 June 2007). Small breweries will soon start operation in Stříbro and in Domažlice.
These breweries tend to use the historic beer-brewing processes.
A small family company specialised in herb liquors. Their products include Ďábelský
krvesaj, Fernet, Fernet Citrus, Nepomucký rum tuzemský, vodka, Evergreen Apple,
Créme de Cassis and the almond flavoured amaretto Dorato. Jenčík a dcery (Jenčík
and Daughters) are noted for their poignant promotional slogans and unusual design of bottles.
Contact: Petr Jenčík – Jenčík a dcery, výroba lihovin, Prádlo 5, 335 01 Nepomuk,
 +420 371 591 157, fax +420 371 597 770,  +420 608 028 676, e-mail: [email protected]
The Modrá Hvězda brewery on the square in Dobřany, built in June 1998.
The restaurant and beer house u rytíře Lochoty in the suburb of Košutka in Plzeň
: 602 270 505,
Brewery Purkmistr in reconstructed rural yard in Plzeň – Černice, www.purkmistr. cz.
Family brewery u rybiček Stříbro, Plzeňská ul. : +420 374 782 427
Brewery Belveder, : 376 397 016,
The bottling house equipment, old pub interiors and a collection of old beer bottles can be seen during the summer months at the motorbike museum at the
square in Kašperské Hory in the Šumava.
Contact: : +420 728 124 463,
After decades of stagnation, Merlot d’Or strives to revive the viniculture traditions
in the Plzeň region. In 2005, more than 2,000 vine heads of the Ryzlink rýnský and
1,000 vine heads of pinot noir. variety were planted in the Berounka valley. Merlot
d’Or is an important distributor of quality (mainly French) wines in Czech Republic.
Contact: Vinotéka Le Bouchon, Pražská 23, 301 00 Plzeň, : +420 377 533 789,
L’Or products
Wine shop Merlot D’Or
A herb liquor that only can be bought in the spa town of Konstantinovy Lázně.
MEdOvIna Z POdHradÍ
Medovina (mead) is a natural drink originating by cold fermentation of high-quality
honey from selected Czech suppliers.
Contact: SVIL, Pod Hradem 165, 348 06 Přimda.: +420 374 796 287,
e-mail: [email protected],
yeast lager
The Modrá Hvězda brewery
The production of L’Or, Prádlo
The herb liquor Konstantin
Ďábelský krvesaj
Typical Czech dishes
Plzeňský Prazdroj – Pilsner Urquell
Typical dishes of the Plzeň region
The Chodovar brewery in Chodová Planá
SOuPS and STarTErS
Beer has been brewed in Plzeň since shortly after the town’s foundation in 13th
century. In 1838, a group of the Plzeň citizens with brewing rights decided to build
jointly a new a modern brewery and so ensure production of high-quality beer.
On 5 October 1842, the master brewer Josef Groll, using the revolutionary bottom-fermenting method, brew the first light lager of its kind in the world of the
brand Pilsner Urquell. Beer brands designated “pils” or “pilsner” are many, but the
only one original recognised as such all over the world is Pilsner Urquell. Annual
Pilsner Fests are organised by the brewery to celebrate the anniversary of the first
brew in 1842. On these occasions, the spacious brewery p remises host concerts
and public amusements that attract around 60,000 visitors every year.
Plzeňský Prazdroj, a.s. is the leader in the Czech beer market and with exports to
50 countries all over the world the biggest Czech beer exporter. The key beer brands
marketed by Plzeňský Prazdroj in Czech Republic are Pilsner Urquell, Gambrinus,
Radegast and Velkopopovický Kozel. The Plzeňský Prazdroj Group is part of the
international company SABMiller plc, one of the biggest in the world. Pilsner Urquell
is a flagship brand among the beers marketed by the SABMiller company
The Czech cuisine reflects the rare mixture of traditions and cultures that historically developed and competed on the country’s territory. In the ancient times
it was the Celtic and Slavonic cultures of our ancestors, while the periods of Roman Emperors Charles IV and Rudolf II, when Prague and the whole of Bohemia
were a centre for the European politics, brought distinct influences from other
European countries. Thanks to the country’s position at the crossroads of Europe, and the aptitude of the Czechs for arts, technical invention and skills, even
the Czech cuisine appears square and thorough. Throughout the centuries, various influences from the north, south, east and west were equally well received
and creatively absorbed. This holds true of the Czech cuisine as well.
The Czech cuisine is of a distinctly Central European character; quite varied with
numerous specific local dishes including bread and fruit dumplings, soups, sauces
and gravies, potato-based dishes, cakes, baked yeast dumplings, and a wide variety
of festive dishes. Typical for the Czech cuisine are dishes like roasted pork with
sauerkraut and dumplings, sirloin of beef with cream sauce and dumplings, potato
pancakes, plum dumplings and blueberry cakes.
The Czech idea of a starter is primarily
soup. Among the best known local varieties are potato and pea soup thickened
with browning.
The existing Chodovar brewery facility was built above old spacious cellars dug
in granite rock. The brewery symbol is a dog called Albi, for hundreds of years
believed to be the good spirit of the brewery cellars. Albi’s image is also part of
the sign of the local malters’ guild. The oldest written record of the brewery dates
to 1573 when it was the property of the Šlik house. In 1861, the brewery was
destroyed by a fire. The owner, Count of Berchem, had a new brewery built at the
original site one year later. These premises have largely survived to these days.
The brewery organises annual beer festivals with a rich programme and the national
championship in oak beer barrel rolling. It is an event of long tradition (since 1930)
where brewery teams demonstrate their skills with heavy barrels on a difficult track.
The brewery produces seven types of beer: light beer Klasik, bitter desítka, lagers
Zlatá jedenáctka and President Premium, as well as three special beers: 13% light
lager Speciál, stout desítka and most recently yeast lager Skalní ležák.
The brewery also markets natural carbonated mineral water from a spring 3 km away
under the trade name of Il-sano in four varieties: natural, Speciál, Pomeranč (orange)
and Citron (lemon flavoured).
What is actually typical for the cuisine of the Plzeň region? Its main constituent parts
come from the districts of Chodsko, the Šumava lowlands and highlands, but also
from the urban districts. The key components are pork done in various ways, flourand potato-based dishes. Beer is used as a spice, most often in sauces and gravies.
To find out what it is like, try the Plzeň goulash. With roasted pork or other meats,
you can have many different types of dumpling. Of the almost 40 known varieties,
ubrouskové (napkin), špekové (bacon) and sklářské (glass-maker) dumplings can
be had at numerous restaurants. The sauerkraut served with roasted pork usually
comes from the well-known local supplier in Křimice near Plzeň. Very popular are
dishes from raised potato dough. The specialty of the Plzeň region is raised potato
pancake called toč. Trout from the Šumava streams are absolutely delicious. Regarding dessert, you should try fruit dumplings or strudel.
visit the Pilsner urquell Brewery & Brewery Museum!
Pilsner urquell Brewery Tours: Get acquainted with the secret of the unique procedure
of brewing Pilsner Urquell beer, visit the labyrinth of the brewery cellars where the traditional production of beer still takes place – the beer ferments and matures here in oak
vets and barrels. You can also see an exhibition featuring the coopers´ workshop.
„na Spilce“ restaurant: You will find a rich offer of traditional Czech dishes
and the excellent Pilsner Urquell beer directly from the source. The restaurant is situated in the brewery courtyard.
Brewery Museum: The Brewery Museum is situated in a medieval house that had
a brewing permit. It narrates the story of beer since the ancient world to the present.
„na Parkánu“ Pub: Enjoy the Pilsner Urquell beer together with various beer specialities in
a pleasant atmosphere of the traditional old time pub situated next to the Brewery Museum.
Baked yeast dumplings
A sweet delicacy made from raised dough
and filling of ground poppy seed, damsoncheese or cottage cheese, and strewn with
icing sugar.
roasted pork, sauerkraut and dumplings
The most typical Czech dish consists of slices of roasted pork served with yeast
bread dumplings and boiled sauerkraut. It should be noted that roasted pork dishes
are typical of not only Czech Republic, but also of the neighbouring countries of
Bavaria, Hungary and Poland. The reason for such popularity of pork dishes should
be seen in the availability of the main ingredients and their high quality.
Sirloin of beef with cream sauce
The Czech svíčková na smetaně means beef done on various vegetables with
cream sauce and various seasonings including allspice, thyme, bay leaf and lemon. The meat is served with yeast bread dumplings where the meat is decorated
with a slice of lemon, whipped cream and cowberries. The delicious cream sauce
owes its reputation to the high-quality local milk and cream. The Czech recipe for
beef preparation dates back to the 16th and 17th centuries and the final product is
believed to have few rivals in the beef-loving countries of Europe.
Contact: Pilsner Urquell Brewery, U Prazdroje 7, Plzeň, Czech Republic
(GPS – 49°44‘47.825“N, 13°23‘9.865“E)
Brewery Museum, Veleslavínova 6, Plzeň, Czech Republic, : +420 377 062 888,, e-mail: [email protected].
brewing house
historical gate
„Na Parkánu“ Pub
Goulash came to Bohemia from Hungary where it used to be a popular dish among
the local herdsmen. What distinguishes the Czech goulash from similar dishes is its
extraordinarily delicious taste, among other things due to the local onions that are
added in larger quantities than in other countries of Europe. The meat is first sizzled
on fat and onions, with hot red pepper and other spices added. It is served with
either dumplings or bread.
„Na Spilce“ Restaurant
Roasted pork, sauerkraut and dumplings
Fruit dumplings
The Czechs love to have fruit dumplings
either for dessert or as a main dish.
The dumplings can be made from raised
or non-raised dough, with fillings of stewed
fruit, fruit mash or pieces of fresh fruit.
The boiled dumplings will be strewn with
grated hard or crumbled soft cottage
cheese and icing sugar, or fried bread
crumbs, with melted butter poured over.
raised pancakes
You can meet with varieties of raised pancakes in many countries of the world. The
Czech specialty consists of baking the
raised flat dough cake on a buttered pan.
Pancakes in Czech Republic are served
poured with melted butter and strewn with
cinnamon sugar, or with fruit preserve.
Glass-maker dumplings
The Plzeň goulash
The Plzeň goulash is a variety of Czech goulash. The gravy is flavoured with beer,
sometimes it is thickened with bread.
the brewery
raised potato pancake
The dough is made of grated potatoes, wholemeal flour, eggs and milk. Added
also are boiled smoked pork, marjoram, garlic and black pepper. The raised
dough is made into flat cakes and baked.
Brewery museum and restaurant ve Skále
The restaurant has the capacity of 260 and offers a wide range of traditional Czech
dishes. The opening times for both the restaurant and museum are daily from 11 a.m.
to 11 p.m.
Contact: Chodovar spol. s r.o., Pivovarská 107, 348 13 Chodová Planá,
: +420 374 794 181-2, fax +420 374 611 600, e-mail [email protected],
Reception of restaurant Ve Skále: : +420 374 798 122, e-mail [email protected]
Potato pancakes
Non-raised dough made of boiled potatoes
is done on a dry hot plate and then basted
with melted butter or fat. In the case of
a sweet variety, the pancakes are served
with ground poppy seed. Some prefer
to add scraps of meat into the dough.
Fruit dumplings
Raised pancakes
Sirloin of beef with cream sauce
Wellness Hotel u Sládka*** and beer spa
The hotel is located within the premises of the Chodovar brewery. Accommodation
is offered in singe, double, three- and four-bed rooms. Direct-dial telephone, the Internet connection, minibar, satellite TV. Guarded hotel car park, bike-hire facility and
children’s playground available. The hotel guests may try the “beer spa” treatment in
mineral water bath containing beer yeast and special face masks. A minigolf course
and indoor swimming pool will soon be added to the hotel facilities.
A well-kept network of marked tourist paths and cycling tracks leading to and from
Chodová Planá will take you to the scenic Tepelská vrchovina (the highlands
around Teplá), the deep forests near the Dyleň hill and Slavkovský les (the forest
expanses around Slavkov) rich in mineral springs. Easily accessible also are the
spa towns of Mariánské Lázně and Konstantinovy Lázně, the monasteries at Teplá
and Kladruby, or the romantic castle ruins of Gutštejn, Krasíkov and Volfštejn.
malt house
Glass-maker dumplings
Glass-maker dumplings are made from sauerkraut with other ingredients similar
to those of bacon dumplings; added also is sour cream. They are served with
different kinds of meat.
Raised potato pancake
The Šumava trout
Trout is typical for the Šumava district but it is equally popular in other parts
of the region. Abundant in the mountain rivers and streams, trout is prepared
in many different ways.
SOuPS and STarTErS
Soups often have local names such as šumavská bramboračka (the Šumava-style
potato soup), a thick browned soup with potatoes, garlic, mushrooms and various
vošouchy is not a regional specialty, but the local name for potato pancakes (also
called cmunda).
Contact: : +420 374 617 100, fax: +420 374 617 000, e-mail [email protected]
GPS – 49°53‘40.45“N, 12°43‘45.32“E
The U Sládka Hotel - room
The Šumava trout
Bacon dumplings
Ball-shaped non-raised dumplings are made from cut and roasted rolls, streaky pork
and bacon. They are served with gravy or roasted meat, and can be had at most
restaurants offering Czech dishes in the Plzeň region.
Brewery tours
Guided tours of the brewery premises are available daily at 2 p.m. The tour takes
about one hour. Groups of over 20 visitors need to book their times in advance.
Baked yeast dumplings
Chodsko-style cake
Chodské koláče (Chodsko-style cakes) with ground poppy seed, cottage cheese
and damson-cheese are as typical for Chodsko as the music, dances, dialect and
folk crafts of this racy district.
The U Sládka Hotel
Restaurant Ve Skále
The Plzeň goulash