Documentation Quick
Documentation Quick
TOOLS High Availability for IBM Power iTM 21, Rue Rollin - 75005 Paris– France Tél. : +33 (0)1 53 10 27 50 - Fax : +33 (0)1 43 26 26 42 - Table of contents 1. TOOLS – GENERAL INFORMATION .............................................6 1.1. EDH – Main Menu .......................................................................................... 6 1.2. EDHTOOLS – Menu....................................................................................... 7 2. OPTION 2 OF EDH MENU – MANAGE SPECIFIC OBJECTS .....9 2.1.1. 2.1.2. 2.1.3. 2.1.4. EDHSAVDTA - Backup parameters .......................................................9 Run of system backup ..........................................................................11 Restore system data: switch on backup system - EDHSAVSWI .........11 Restore initial attributes (switch back) – EDHSAVSWR ......................12 3. MONITORING AND AUTOMATIC RESTART ............................. 13 3.1. Monitoring ..................................................................................................... 13 3.1.1. 3.1.2. 3.1.3. 3.1.4. Monitoring filtering.................................................................................14 Start Monitoring, Command EDHMONMSG ........................................15 Automatic alerts: tool EDH_STATUS ...................................................15 Stop monitoring .....................................................................................16 3.2. Automatic restart of the replication after an incident – EDHCTL... 17 3.2.1. Parameters............................................................................................17 3.2.2. EDHCTL – Start supervision.................................................................18 4. JOURNALING ................................................................................ 20 4.1. Option 1-5 – Audit ....................................................................................... 20 4.2. Option 6 – Journal manager ..................................................................... 20 4.2.1. 4.2.2. 4.2.3. 4.2.4. 4.2.5. 4.2.6. 4.2.7. 4.2.8. Option 31 – Work with Journal management rules ..............................20 Option 32 – Search / Insert journals .....................................................23 Option 33 – Start Journal Manager ......................................................24 Option 34 – End Journal Manager........................................................25 Option 35 - Replace journal receiver / delay ........................................25 Option 36 - Delete old journal receivers ...............................................25 Option 37 – Start of file journaling ........................................................26 Option 38 – End of journaling ...............................................................26 4.3. DTAARA QDFTJRN – EDH_DFTJRN ...................................................... 26 4.4. Change journal management rules – EDHCHGJA (if no Journal Manager)................................................................................................................... 26 4.5. Journaling rules on source and target – EDHJRNOPT, EDHJRNOPL............................................................................................................ 27 4.5.1. EDHJRNOPT ........................................................................................27 4.5.2. EDHJRNOPL ........................................................................................28 4.6. EDHJRNRLS ................................................................................................. 28 4.7. EDHCLRJRN ................................................................................................. 28 5. ANALYSIS...................................................................................... 29 2 12/07/2013 3.1. Option 11 to 14 – Database analysis......................................................... 29 3.1.1 Options 11 and 12 – Interactive analysis ................................................29 3.1.2 Option 13 - Full analysis (batch) – EDHANZL.........................................30 3.1.3 Option 14 - SQL - Analyze Identity fields ................................................31 3.4. Option 15 - Analyze constraints - EDHCSTANZ..................................... 32 3.5. Option 16 - Analyze triggers – EDHTRGANZ.......................................... 33 5.1. Options 16 and 17 - Analysis of the bandwidth – EDH_ANZDBA and EDH_ANZDBL ................................................................................................. 33 5.2. Option 19 – EDHIFSANZ ............................................................................ 34 5.3. Analyze journals – EDHANZJ................................................................... 35 6. CONTROLS.................................................................................... 36 6.1. Option 21 – User Profiles management ................................................ 36 6.2. Option 22 - User Profiles Activation - EDHUSRENA.......................... 36 6.3. Option 23 – Disable User Profiles - EDHUSRDIS ................................ 37 6.4. Option 24 – Check the Libraries - EDHCHKLIB................................... 37 6.4.1. Use on the source system ....................................................................37 6.4.2. Use on the target system ......................................................................37 6.5. Option 25 – Interactive Check of the Libraries - EDHCTLLIB.......... 37 6.6. Option 26 - Objects control (target) - EDHCHKOBJ........................... 39 6.7. Option 27 – Periodic control of replications – EDHEXAM................ 40 6.8. Option 28 – Supervise replication activity - PMEDHWAT ................ 40 6.9. Option 29 - Run Verify function – EDHIOAEXC................................... 41 7. OTHER COMMANDS .................................................................... 42 7.1. Options 41 à 45 – PMEDHOPX* ............................................................... 42 7.2. Option 45 - Statistics per Objects – EDH_STATS............................... 44 7.3. Option 46 - Statistics per Jobs – EDH_STATJ .................................... 45 7.4. Option 47 - Collect performance data – EDH_PERF .......................... 45 7.5. Option 51-Migration Kit - EDH_MIGKIT .............................. 46 8. REMOTE PROCESS AND BACKUP ........................................... 47 8.1. S.R.S. (Smart Remote Staging) - Storage of the journals entries .. 47 8.1.1. Independent management of I/Os ........................................................47 8.2. TRP – « Total Remote Process » / Remote control ............................ 48 8.2.1. List of functionalities..............................................................................48 8.3. CDP - Continuous Data Protection ......................................................... 48 8.3.1. Backup request - EDHCDPRQS ..........................................................49 8.3.2. Run backup request - EDHCDPEXC ...................................................49 8.4. Remote backup - EDHSAVRMT ............................................................... 50 3 12/07/2013 8.4.1. 8.4.2. 8.4.3. 8.4.4. Remote backup – How it works ............................................................50 Submit the remote backup - EDHSAVRMT..........................................50 Adaptation of the program EDHSAVRMT2 ..........................................51 Usage a group code..............................................................................51 7.5. Remote backup using BRMS - EDHBRMSRMT...................................... 52 7.5.1. BRMS/Quick-EDD/HA – How it works ....................................................52 7.5.2. Submit the remote backup - EDHBRMSRMT ........................................52 7.6. Remote backup and S.R.S ........................................................................... 52 9. SWITCH.......................................................................................... 53 9.1. Command EDHCVTSEL ............................................................................. 53 9.2. Commands EDHDB2SAV and EDHDB2RST ........................................ 53 10.3. Command EDHJRNU .................................................................................. 53 9.3. Command EDHMQSYNC ........................................................................... 54 9.4. EDHSAVSWI / EDHSAVSWR .................................................................... 54 9.5. EDH_NWSUSR ............................................................................................. 54 9.6. EDH_ROLE .................................................................................................... 54 9.7. Option 11 of EDH menu - Switch Scenarios ........................................ 55 9.8. Run a switch scenario – EDHSWIRUN .................................................. 58 10.5.1. Step by step mode ................................................................................58 10.5.2. Interactive mode....................................................................................59 10.5.3. Batch mode ...........................................................................................59 10.5.4. Spools allowing to track the scenarios processing...............................59 10. MISCELLANEOUS COMMANDS................................................. 61 10.1. EDHOBJERR................................................................................................. 61 10.2. Adapt synchronization servers – EDHSVRA ....................................... 61 10.3. EDHSTART Command: start of environments and tools ................. 61 10.4. EDHSTOP Command: stop of environments and tools .................... 62 10.5. Replication of ACG application – EDH_ACGINS ................................ 62 10.6. Synchronize a library - EDHOBJREP ..................................................... 62 10.7. Data Extraction - EDHRTVINF .................................................................. 63 11.4. Data Extraction - EDHRTVINX .................................................................. 63 4 12/07/2013 Note: This document is dedicated to the tools of Quick-EDD/HA. Those tools are delivered with their sources, in order to be adapted to any system. Tools and their sources are available here Those tools can be described as well in other parts of the documentation, when it’s accurate 5 12/07/2013 1. TOOLS – GENERAL INFORMATION 1.1. EDH – Main Menu The Tools library provides a general menu to access to the product, allowing you to manage both the Quick-EDD/HA product and associated tools. Verify that you have PMEDH and PMEDHTOOLS libraries in your library list. Type the command EDH and press enter. The main menu is displayed: QSLTST1 06DE8ER Quick-EDD/HA - Tools V13_0705 10/07/13 GODEC PRODUCTION 16:07:50 _________________________________________________________________________ EDH - HIGH AVAILABILITY Quick-EDD/HA : V130627 _________________________________________________________________________ Select one of the following options: Parameters 1. Work with environments 2. Manage specific objects 3. Supervision parameters 4. Monitoring options 5. Monitoring filtering Activity 6. Manage replications Switch 11. Work with switch scenarios 12. Run switch scenario Others 21. Display EDH messages 22. Work with objects (PMEDHUSR) 23. Tools menu - EDHTools 7. Start supervision process 8. Start msg monitoring Option, or command ===> F3=Exit F4=Prompt F9=Repeat F12=Cancel Menu gives access to any needed option: Parameters Work with environments Manage specific objects Supervision parameters Monitoring options Monitoring filtering Activity Manage replications Start supervision process Start msg monitoring Switch Work with switch scenarios Run switch scenario Others Display EDH messages Work with objects Tools menu 6 See Quick-EDD/HA documentation Save of specific objects EDHCTL command Monitoring setup Depending on monitoring setup See Quick-EDD/HA documentation EDHCTL command Monitoring start Fill in the scripts EDHSWIRUN command DSPMSG PMEDHUSR/PMEDH WRKOBJ PMEDHUSR/*ALL *ALL EDHTOOLS 12/07/2013 The main menu includes a control of the license key. If the key is expired or if the key will expire in the next 2 days, a red message will be displayed on the top of the screen: QSL/PMsoft software 13 not available since the 27/04/10 07:47:22 1.2. EDHTOOLS – Menu Command EDHTOOLS, and option 23 of EDH menu, give access to the tools main menu. This menu displays the most used tools grouped by domain. It also gives you access to system audit control function. Note: This command needs that PMEDHTOOLS and PMEDH libraries are in your work environment (*LIBL) QSLFRA2 Q U I C K - E D H 6/01/12 GODEC 14:16:28 ____________________________________________________________________________ TOOLS - Other tools V12_0103 ____________________________________________________________________________ Select one of the following options: Audit options 1. Audit status 2. Audit System Values 3. QAUDJRN journal attributes 4. Display QAUDJRN entries 5. Display QAUDJRN journal Journaling 6. Journal Manager More Option, or command ===>_______________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ F3=Exit F4=Prompt F9=Repeat F12=Cancel (c) PMsoft 1996 - 2011 AUDIT Options 1. Audit status 2. Audit-related system values 3. Attributes of audit journal QAUDJRN 4. Display QAUDJRN entries 5. Display journal QAUDJRN Journaling 6. Journal Manager 7 12/07/2013 DATA BASE analysis 11. Global analysis 12. Analyze per library 13. Analyze all system (batch) 14. Analyze Identity fields (SQL) (EDHSQLIDTF) 15. Analyze Constraints (EDHCSTANZ) 16. Analyze Triggers (EDHTRGANZ) 17. Analyze Database activity (EDH_ANZDBA) 18. Print Database activity (EDH_ANZDBL) 19. Analyze IFS directories (EDHIFANZ) Check 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. Manage user profiles Enable user profiles (EDH_USRENA) Disable user profiles (EDH_USRDIS) Control Libraries (EDHCHKLIB) Control on Libraries (EDHCTLLIB) Control Objects (EDHCHKOBJ) Periodic control of replications (EDH_EXAM) Supervise replication activity (PMEDHWAT) Run Verify function (EDHIOAEXC) Other commands 41. Force synchro on Objects (PMEDHOPXOB) 42. Force synchro on System Objects (PMEDHOPXCF) 43. Force synchro on IFS files (PMEDHOPXIF) 44. Force synchro on spools (PMEDHOPXSP) 45. Statistics per Objects (EDH_STATS) 46. Statistics per Jobs (EDH_STATJ) 47. Collect performance data (EDH_PERF) 51. Migration Kit (EDH_MIGKIT) 99. List of commands 8 12/07/2013 2. OPTION 2 OF EDH MENU – MANAGE SPECIFIC OBJECTS Some internal information cannot be managed in real time, mainly for three reasons: Data cannot be journalized, and standard replication process is not able to detect modifications Data cannot be saved using standard function of the operating system Modification cannot be applied directly on the remote system Considering those limitations, the tools of Quick-EDD/HA offer a menu allowing the management of these data, with a process adapted to each particular case. Attention: If source and target systems don’t have the same OS/400 releases, you won’t be able to use neither SAVSECDTA nor SAVCFG or SYSINF. Generally speaking, you’ll have to customize SAVOBJ commands in the source files of the tools, in order to take into account the correct *TGTRLS. 2.1.1. EDHSAVDTA - Backup parameters The option 2 of EDH menu displays the following screen: GODEC QSLFRA2 QUICK-EDD/HA SAVE SYSTEM DATA 4/01/12 15:27:26 "X" to select data to process : System Security (SAVSECDTA) . . . . Save STATUS of user profiles Scheduled jobs (JOBSCDE) . . System data (SYSINF) . . . . Exit points (*EXITRG) . . . . : : : : : X X X X X Network TCP/IP data . . . . . . . . . : X Directory entries (WRKDIRE) . : X SNADS DSTQ definition . . . . : X Distribution list (DSTL) . . : X Storage library F3=Exit F11=Command line Configuration (SAVCFG) . . . . . : X Message reply list entries . . . : X RDB entries (WRKRDBDIRE) . . . . : X Environment variables . . . . . . : X NetServer definition . . . . . . : X Configuration lists . . . . . . . : X Network job entries (NETJOBE) . . : X Source : PMEDHUSR F12=Cancel Target : PMEDHUSRBK F13=Schedule EDH_SAVDTA Select each element you want to be processed, using an « X ». Security (SAVSECDTA) Use of system command SAVSECDTA, which includes all the security information of the system, including the *USRPRF, the *AUTL and the authority holders. Save is done in file EDH_SAVSEC. 9 12/07/2013 Configuration (SAVCFG) Use of system command SAVCFG which saves all the configuration objects: *DEVD, *CTLD, *LIND, *SRMSPC, *RZHRIPD, *COSD, *NTBD and *MODD of the source system in the object EDH_SAVCFG. Save STATUS of user profiles In the object EDH_USERS. Allows to keep deactivated the same *USRPRF on the target system as on the source system. Scheduled jobs (JOBSCDE) Saves the internal job scheduler in the object EDH_JOBSCD. Message reply list entries Saves the system reply list System data (SYSINF) Use of RTVSYSINF which saves: - QSIZAEDTD, objects *EDTD - QSIZASRVA, object QAEDSPI - QIZANETA, table of the names *NETA - QIZASYSVAL, system values - QIZAVRM, OS/400 release - QIZARLESP, reply list entries QIZASRVASP, list of the ASPs RDB entries (WRKRDBDIRE) Exit points (*EXITRG) Save of system exit points (WRKREGINF) in the file EDH_EXITRG Environment variables Save of environment variables (WRKENVVAR) in the file EDH_ENVVAR created in the directory /home of the IFS. TCP/IP data QATOCHOST: Hosts table QATOCIFC: IP interfaces QATOCRTE: Routes description QATOCSTART: Auto start options of TCP servers NetServer definition Save of the IFS files from /QIBM/UserData/OS400/NetServer in the object EDH_NETSVR. Directory entries (WRKDIRE) Save of the directory entry in the file EDH_DIRE and save of the following files: 10 12/07/2013 QAOKP9XA: Contains user defined data for the user QAOSAY07: Library of documents QATMSMTPA: SMTP systems alias Configuration lists (*CFGL) DSTQ Network job entries (SNA) (NETJOBE) Distribution list (DSTL) Note: If DSTL are selected, the directory entry (WRKDIRE) is automatically selected as well Storage library - source This library will contain all saved data on the production system This library MUST BE INCLUDED in the replication process to make data available on the target system. You must set the Library Group parameters to allow objects beginning with a "Q" and also owned by user QSYS (objects coming from RTVSYSINF command) Storage library on target system In case of switch, the recovery system will be modified to receive the production system attributes. Prior to this change, all the usual attributes of the recovery system will be automatically saved in this second library. This is done thanks to EDHSAVSWI command, which will use this library. This library ONLY exists on the RECOVERY SYSTEM and MUST NOT be replicated. It will be created by EDHSAVSWI command if it doesn’t exist. 2.1.2. Run of system backup Command EDHSAVDTA saves system data, as defined in the previous screen. This command must be periodically run, in order to save selected elements. This definition can be automatically done using function key F13 which is available on the screen. See tools and switch documentations to manage the switch and switch back of the s pecific objects 2.1.3. Restore system data: switch on backup system - EDHSAVSWI This command will restore the specified attributes of the Production system on the recovery system. EDHSAVSWI command must be included in the switch scenario steps. 11 12/07/2013 Restore System & Network data (EDHSAVSWI) Type choices, press Enter. Data to be restored Note: . . . . . . __________ *USRPRF, *CFGL, *SYSRPYL... The command begins by performing a backup of current system data (inside the “Storage library on target system”), before replacing all system attributes With the latest release of the tools (starting from April 2010), you don’t need to be in restricted mode of the system to switch RDB entries. 2.1.4. Restore initial attributes (switch back) – EDHSAVSWR This command will restore the initial attributes of the recovery system. This data was saved during the switch process by command EDHSAVSWI, and stored in the “storage library on target system”. Restore Recovery system attr. (EDHSAVSWR) Type choices, press Enter Data to restore . . . . . . *ALL, *CFG, *CFGL, *DIRE... Note: Each special object can be restored separately, or *ALL can be chosen to restore all elements. 12 12/07/2013 3. MONITORING RESTART 3.1. AND AUTOMATIC Monitoring To complement the OS/400 messages management used by Quick-EDD/HA, it’s possible to activate a monitoring, which selects any message from message queue PMEDHUSR/PMEDH with a severity level equal to 40, and sends it by e-mail and/or SNMP and/or in a secondary MSGQ. This function needs that you setup some properties, then that you start the monitor. Processing option 4 of EDH menu displays the following window: MESSAGE MONITORING Route to MSGQ : 0 Filtering ..... : 0 (1=Yes) Route as email .. : 1 Filtering ..... : 0 Route as SNMP ... : 0 Filtering ..... : 0 F3=Exit F12=Cancel First, select which monitoring options you need, MSGQ, and/or e-mail, and/or SNMP. Then, for each one, select if you will use Filtering or not. Any activation of the filtering requires to use option 5 of EDH menu « Monitoring filtering» in order to customize which alerts will be sent, and which way. Depending on the selected options, you’ll have to fill in the following windows: MSGQ: Indicate the name of the second MSGQ (in PMEDHUSR/PMEDH) in which the messages will be sent addition SEND MESSAGE TO ANOTHER MSGQ Message queue : PMEDHTEST Library .... : QUSRSYS F12=Cancel 13 12/07/2013 to E-mail Send message as email SMTP Server : Message sender .... : [email protected] Message sent to .......... : [email protected] ________________ ________________ ________________ F3=Exit F13=Send a test Fill in the following settings: SMTP server: Indicate the DNS name or the IP address of your SMTP server (no matter its OS, but the Power i must have access to it) Message sender: Name of the send which will appear in the email. Some SMTP servers require that this address exists for real. Message sent to: 1 to 4 e-mail addresses Please test the email sending with F13 function before starting the monitoring. If it doesn’t work, please contact support SNMP Fill in the following settings: Send messages as SNMP trap SNMP Server : __________________________________________ Port ...... : _____ F12=Cancel You will also need the following JAVA and MIB available here: 3.1.1. Monitoring filtering It’s option 5 of EDH menu. We deliver a pre-set filters list, which you can customize: Messages which will send an alert If alert: MSGQ and/or E-mail and/or SNMP If SNMP: Critical, Warning or Info 14 12/07/2013 When you change those filters, stop then restart monitoring job. 3.1.2. Start Monitoring, Command EDHMONMSG Run option 8 of EDH menu to submit the monitor job: Monitor Message Queue (e-mail) (EDDMONMSG) Type choices, press Enter. Message queue name . . . . . Library . . . . . . . . . Job queue name . . . . . . . Library . . . . . . . . . Job name . . . . . . . . . . User to run job . . . . . . Clear message queue . . . . Time to clear message queue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PMEDH PMEDHUSR QSYSNOMAX *LIBL EDHMONITOR PMSOFTICF *YES 120000 Name Name, *LIBL Name Name, *LIBL Name Name *NO, *YES Time Enter the following parameters: Message Queue Name of queue to check; normally PMEDUSR/PMEDH Submit Job Queue Default: QSYSNOMAX; job will run in subsystem QSYSWRK Submit Job Name By default EDHMONITOR Profile User profile for which the job is submitted Clear MSGQ Capability to periodically clear the message queue. If YES, a time can be entered. Time to clear message queue Time of day at which the message queue PMEDHUSR/PMEDH will be cleared. 3.1.3. Automatic alerts: tool EDH_STATUS The EDH_STATUS command is used to control the status of the replication process, in a punctual or periodic way. It must be integrated to a CLP program, which will eventually assume what to undertake regarding received messages. The command prompt displays the following parameters: EDH - Status of replication (EDH_STATUS) Type choices, press Enter Environment . . . . . . . . . Environment type . . . . . . Delay before alert . . . . . . . 15 __ *SND 60 Nam *SND, *RCV 10-3600 12/07/2013 The environment code is required: Running the command, different controls will be done: Check activity of the environment Check the delay reading journals Check number of objects out of sync Depending on different cases met, different messages are produced: INACTIVE replication EDH0038 – Environment &1 is NOT ACTIVE This message is directly sent to the caller program, as an “Escape” mode with severity 40. The caller program can decide to restart immediately the process, using the command PMEDHSTR. Delay greater than 60 seconds EDH0040 – CAUTION : DELAY on environment &1 => &2 seconds This message is sent to message queue PMEDHUSR/PMEDH, as a « Diagnostic » message, with severity 40 At least 1 object out of sync – 2 messages: EDH0041 – CAUTION : There are &2 objects WAITING FOR SYNCHRONIZATION on environment &1 EDH0117 - CAUTION - There are &é objects OUT OF SYNC for environment &1 Those messages are sent to message queue PMEDHUSR/PMEDH, as « Diagnostic » messages, with severity 40 Note: The 4 messages of obvious problems are deliberately sent to the message queue PMEDHUSR/PMEDH. Therefore, the tool included in PMEDHTOOLS, or any other messages monitoring tool can easily intercept the messages and act consequently. Furthermore, a *DTAARA is updated with this information. The DTAARA is named EDH_xx in PMEDHUSR (xx= environment code) So you can build a CLP, as an example to stop the replication only if there is no delay. Run the command EDH_STATUS Read the DTAARA – Position 257 to 265 on 9 positions If greater than 0 – do a DLYJOB and loop on EDH_STATUS If equal to 0 – Do a PMEDHEND_xx and end of program From December 2011 releases, EDH_STATUS also produces a report spool file. 3.1.4. Stop monitoring ENDJOB, option *IMMED of job EDHMONITOR in subsystem QSYSWRK. 16 12/07/2013 3.2. Automatic restart of the replication after an incident – EDHCTL The function of supervision is an optional task which will monitor to ensure that replication is active. 3.2.1. Parameters Supervision requires a prior definition of parameters, using menu EDH - option 3 Use F6 to create the settings for the environment you want to supervise. Enter the environment code on 2 digits. The following window is displayed: EDH Quick-EDD/HA - Automated process General parameters Environment managed by Environment code EDD/HA User Check Frequency of control : : *SRC SG PMSOFTICF : Password 5/12/06 14:14:53 : __________ 10 (5 to 60 seconds) Communications *** SOURCE *** IP address for replication : IP address for control : *SAME *** TARGET *** *SAME___________________ Error management MSGQ for alerts : PMEDHUSR/PMEDH PMEDHUSR/PMEDH________ Delay before retry Retry number Delay before switch Program to run on error : 60 (30 to 300 seconds) : 10 (3 à 99) : 300 (30 to 900 seconds) : PMEDHTOOLS/EDHSWI_S PMEDHTOOLS/EDHSWI_T_ F3=Exit F9=Messages CTL F12=Cancel F23=Check TCP/IP Environment code Code of the environment to control User / password User name and password to connect on the target system Frequency of control Frequency in seconds. By default activity check is done every 10 seconds. IP address for replication - Source TCP/IP address of the Production system. This address is used by the Recovery system to check the availability of the Production system IP address for replication - Target 17 12/07/2013 TCP/IP address of the Recovery system. This address is used by the Production system to check the availability of the Recovery system Recovery IP address – Source Not used in the standard process. Would be used as another route to reach the Production system from the Recovery system, to separate a network issue from a system one Recovery IP address – Target Same as above for the target system Message queue for alerts – Source Message queue to receive alert messages on Production system Message queue for alerts – Target Message queue to receive alert messages on Recovery system Error management In case of problem, rules to be applied to restart replication Delay before retry Number of retries Delay before switch If retry failed, Quick-EDD/HA can run an exit program. This program can be limited to alert, or run partially or completely the switch process. By default, the exit program provided in Quick-EDD/HA is limited to a SNDMSG command. Option « F9=Messages CTL » PMEDHUSR/PMEDHCTL allows to display the contents of the MSGQ Option « F23=Check TCP/IP » pings each IP address written in the screen to check connectivity. 3.2.2. EDHCTL – Start supervision Command EDHCTL (option 7 of EDH menu) starts the supervision job, according to defined parameters. Starting this job performs the following steps: Start TCP/IP daemon PMSYSDEMON on the Recovery system Start subsystem PMEDHUSR/PMEDH on the Recovery system Start replication if it’s not active, for defined environment, Start supervision job on the Recovery system Do a permanent loop Check if replication is active Check communication, using « ping » command Supervision job will stay permanently active until OPTION(*END). EDH_XX on source system, in sub-system QSYSWRK running command EDHCTL EDHCTL_XX on target system, in sub-system QSYSWRK Attention: To start remote functions, the CLP program uses RUNRMTCMD command. This command needs to have the TCP/IP server *REXEC active on the Recovery system. Start server as follow: 18 12/07/2013 STRTCPSVR *REXEC You can start automatically the server, using TCP/IP configuration: CFGTCP Option 20 – Configure TCP/IP applications Option 17 – Change REXEC attributes Note: Command EDHCTL includes start of replication. It can replace PMEDHSTR in your start procedure. If you require to end the environment, end EDHCTL before; or use EDHSTOP command 19 12/07/2013 4. JOURNALING 4.1. Option 1-5 – Audit Options 1 to 5 allow you to control audit status, and also allow you to display audit journal entries DSPSECAUD WRKSYSVAL QAUD* WRKJRNA QAUDJRN DSPAUDJRNE DSPJRN Note: Those options are only based on OS/400 standard commands. 4.2. Option 6 – Journal manager This function allows to manage the journals of the system (detachment and deletion of the receivers), and is independent from Quick-EDD/HA. Attention: there is no relation with the environments set in Quick-EDD/HA, except if you specify it when starting the journal manager. Therefore, if the replication is stopped, receivers can be deleted even if they were not replicated, such as with any external procedure which manages the journals. This function relies on a physical file in the library PMEDHUSR: EDH_JRNMPF - The same module can manage an identical cleaning on the sourc e and target systems if the file is replicated - If management rules are different on source and target systems, you have to omit this file from the replication 4.2.1. Option 31 – Work with Journal management rules Option 31 presents the list of journals manage by the Journal Manager. 20 12/07/2013 EDH-Tools JOURNAL MANAGER --------------------------------------------------------------------------Lib: *ALL Jrn: *ALL 2=Change 3=Copy 4=Delete 5=Display Display from J=WRKJRNA C/R=Chg Receiver *Cont/*Reset Lib..: __________ Mngt ChgRCV DltRCV Sav CHGJRN Exit PGM Slt Library Journal RCV Hours Hours Rqs Option Bef Aft _ $$EDHJRN EDHJRN *YES 12 24 *NO _ $$EDHJRN JRN *YES 12 24 *NO _ $$EDHJRN PMJRN *YES 12 24 *NO _ $$JOURNAL JRNCFT *YES 12 24 *NO _ $$JOURNAL JRNROB *YES 12 24 *NO _ $JOURNAL JRN_SUD *YES 12 24 *NO _ $JOURNAL TRADERS *YES 12 24 *NO _ $JRNLIB PMA1R *YES 12 24 *NO _ $JRNLIB PMA2R *YES 12 24 *NO _ $JRNLIB PMA3R *YES 12 24 *NO A suivre... F3=Exit F6=Add Jrn F12=Cancel F8=Select F9=Upd/Selection F11=Command Options: 2=Change: Modify the management rules for the selected journal 3=Copy: Copy the definition of the selected journal for a new journal 4=Delete: Delete the journal definition – the selected journal won’t be managed by the Journal Manager anymore 5=Display: Display the definition of the selected journal J=WRKJRNA: Work with journal attributes (IBM command) for the selected journal C/R=Change the receiver in *CONT (C) or *RESET (R) mode. By default, change is done in *RESET mode; *CONT if *RESET is not possible Function keys: F3=Exit: End of process – Return to the Journal Manager menu F6=Add Jrn: Add a new journal in the Journal Manager F8=Select: Search with generic names F9=Upd/Selection: Multiple update F11=Command: Allows to make a command line appear F12=Cancel: Return to the Journal Manager menu Definition of a journal Using the function key F6, you can add a journal in the Journal Manager and define its management rules. 21 12/07/2013 JOURNAL MANAGEMENT RULES____________ Library ......... : __________ Journal .......... : __________ Journal management Delay for ChgRCV Max. Size ChgRCV Delay for DltRCV SAV required ..... Option CHGJRN .... Exit program . . Library ........ Exit program . . Library ........ : : : : : : : : : : *YES ___12 (*YES, *NO) (in hours) 0 ___24 (in hours) *NO_ (*YES, *NO) *RESET (*RESET, *CONT) __________ __________ __________ __________ Library: Name of the library where the journal is located Journal: Name of the journal Management of the journal: Indicate if you want the Journal Manager to manage receivers Delay for ChgRCV: Indicate in hours the delay before the current receiver will be replaced Max. size ChgRCV: Indicate the amount of journal entries in the current receiver before it gets detached Delay for DltRCV: Indicate the duration in hours the receivers will be kept on the system before the deletion by the Journal Manager SAV required: Indicate if the receiver must be saved before deletion (backup is not managed by the Journal Manager) Option CHGJRN: *RESET (default) or *CONT; you must select this setting depending on the application needs Exit programs: The call of 2 exit programs is possible before and/or after the detachment of a receiver The exit program receives 2 parameters: The name of the receiver which has been detached The library of the receiver When the exit program is called, a message is produced in the log of the job and in the MSGQ PMEDHUSR/PMEDH. The content of the exit program is under the responsibility of its author. A sample exit program, EDH_JRNEX9, is available in the library (it only does a SNDPGMMSG) Select option (F8) The select option allows to search and display a sub-list of the journals, depending on criteria on the journal name and the library name. SELECTION_________ Library .... : EDH*______ Journal .... : TST*______ F12=Cancel 22 12/07/2013 Note: As displayed in this example, you can enter a generic name either for the journal name and/or the library name. Upd/Selection (F9) This global update allows to apply the same management rules on a list of journals. This function must be used in combination with the selection option (F8) GLOBAL UPDATE ON SELECTION____________ Library ......... : EDH* Journal .......... : TST* Journal management Delay for ChgRCV Max. Size ChgRCV Delay for DltRCV SAV required ..... Option CHGJRN .... Exit program . . Library ........ Exit program . . Library ........ F12=Cancel : : : : : : : : : : *SAME (*YES, *NO) *SAME (in hours) *SAME_____ *SAME (in hours) *SAME (*YES, *NO) *SAME (*RESET, *CONT) *SAME_____ *SAME_____ *SAME_____ *SAME_____ Enter the different parameters to be changed and press Enter. All the journals corresponding with the selection criteria will be updated with the selected parameters. 4.2.2. Option 32 – Search / Insert journals Command EDH_JRNINS allows to search journals and insert them in the Journal Manager, with their management rules. Add Journals to JM (EDH_JRNINS) Type your choices, press Enter Journal . . . . . . Library . . . Manage journal . Detach delay (hours) Delete delay (hours) Save required . Include Q* libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . __________ __________ *YES 12 24 *YES *NO_ Name, generic*, *ALL Name, *USRLIBL, *CURLIB *YES, *NO Number Number *YES, *NO *YES, *NO Journal : Indicate the name of the journal and of its library Field « Journal » accepts special value *ALL or a generic name Field « Library » accepts special values *USRLIBL, *CURLIB, *LIBL, and *ALLUSR Note: if you choose *ALLUSR, user libraries Q* won’t be included in Journal Manager unless you select *YES for Include Q* libraries. 23 Manage journal : Indicate if this journal will be managed by the Journal Manager 12/07/2013 Detach delay : Indicate the time slice (in hours) to change the receivers Delete delay : Indicate the time slice (in hours) to delete the receivers Save required : Indicate if the receiver has to be saved before being deleted (Journal Manager doesn’t manage the save) 4.2.3. Option 33 – Start Journal Manager The Journal Manager is a permanent batch job which analyses periodically the status of the journals. For each journal, depending on the settings of the Journal Manager, detachment and deletion of the receivers will be done. Command EDH_JRNCLN – option *STR – allows to submit the batch job. Journal manager (EDH_JRNCLN) Type your choices, press Enter Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . > *STR Run period (minutes) . > 30 Check EDH activity . . . . . . *YES *STR, *END 10-720 *NO, *YES Run period: Indicate the time slice (in minutes) to check the journals and manage their receivers. Note: job EDH_JRNCLN runs in sub-system PMEDH Attention: if you want the receivers to be deleted only when Quick-EDD/HA has processed them, press Enter to display more settings. In that case, specify all the needed environments (up to 25): Journal manager (EDH_JRNCLN) Type your choices, press Enter Option . . . . . . . . . . . . Run period (minutes) Check EDH activity . . . . . Environments to be checked . . + for more values . > *STR . > 30 . *YES . __ __ *STR, *END 10-720 *NO, *YES Alphabetic Additional Parameters Job queue Library 24 . . . . . . . . . . . > PMEDH . . . . . . . . . > PMEDHUSR Nam Name,*LIBL 12/07/2013 4.2.4. Option 34 – End Journal Manager Command EDH_JRNCLN option *END stops the Journal Manager. Journal manager (EDH_JRNCLN) Type your choices, press Enter Option . . . . . . . . . . . . . > *END *STR, *END 2 independent commands allow to handle the receivers : 4.2.5. Option 35 - Replace journal receiver / delay Command EDH_RCVCHG allows to detach a receiver, depending on its attached time. Change Journal Receiver (EDH_RCVCHG) Type your choices, press Enter Journal . . . . . . Library . . . . . Detach delay (hours) Max. size . . Sequence option . Exit program . . Library . . . . . Exit program . . Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . __________ *LIBL_____ _______ __________ *RESET *NONE_____ *LIBL_____ *NONE_____ *LIBL_____ Nam Name, *LIBL, ... Number Number *CONT, *RESET Name, *NON Character, *LIBL, *CURLIB Name, *NON Character, *LIBL, *CURLIB 4.2.6. Option 36 - Delete old journal receivers Command EDH_RCVDLT allows to delete the receivers, considering when they were detached and if they were saved or not. Delete old Journal Receiver (EDH_RCVDLT) Type your choices, press Enter Journal . . . . . . . . Library . . . . . . . Delete delay (hours) Save option . . . . . . Option for message . . + si autres 25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . valeurs __________ *LIBL__ ______ *SAVEDONLY *NONE Nam Name, *LIBL, ... Number *SAVEDONLY, *ALL *NONE, *IGNINQMSG... 12/07/2013 4.2.7. Option 37 – Start of file journaling In addition to the IBM command STRJRNPF, command EDHJRNSTR allows you to activate journaling to database files. EDHJRNSTR performs the following functions: Automatic journal and receiver creation, if they do not already exist. File group processing, with generic names, or *ALL for every file of a library. Ignore automatically already journaled file(s). 4.2.8. Option 38 – End of journaling Command EDHJRNEND contains all parts of ENDJRNPF command, and allows file processing using groups to stop journaling the files. Note: End of journaling can be done only when the file is not in use. 4.3. DTAARA QDFTJRN – EDH_DFTJRN The OS/400 allows to automatically activate journalization through a DTAARA QDFTJRN created in the library, and containing the name of the journal to be used. A new command EDH_DFTJRN allows to create this DTAARA from the settings of a QuickEDD/HA environment. 4.4. Change journal management rules EDHCHGJA (if no Journal Manager) – This function allows to change dynamically the rules of journals management inside an environment of Quick-EDD/HA. The focus is to adapt dynamically to special situations like night batches or end of month processing; duration of receiver attachment, of delay and option to delete receivers may be adapted to special request of the system management. Note: Effect of the command is immediate; new parameters will be applied in real time. EDH - Journal parameters (EDHCHGJA) Type choices, press Enter. Environment . . . . . . . . . Duration for attachment . . . . Automatic deletion (0, 1, 2) . Delay for purge . . . . . . . __ ____ _ ____ Nam 0-9999 0-2 0-9999 Environment Indicate the environment code which will be modified Duration for attachment (hours) Indicate the number of hours the receivers will stay attached to the journal 26 12/07/2013 Automatic deletion Select option to delete the journal receivers 0= No deletion 1= Automatic deletion without control of saved status 2= Deletion is done only if the receiver has been saved Delay before deletion (hours) Indicates the number of hours the receivers will be kept on the system before deletion 4.5. Journaling rules on source and target – EDHJRNOPT, EDHJRNOPL 4.5.1. EDHJRNOPT Start journaling / SRC options (EDHJRNOPT) Type choices, press Enter. Option to execute . . . . . Option file . . . . Library . . . . . . . . Libraries to analyze . . . . > *RTV___ . . EDH_JRNOPT . PMEDHUSR . . *ALLUSR___ *RTV, *STRJRN Nam Nam Nam, generic*, *ALLUSR This command has 2 functions: Used with option *RTV on the source system, submitted with a SBMJOB, it analyses the physical files of the selected library (ies), in order to write in a file which options are currently in use (name of the journal, images *AFTER or *BOTH…) The choice of the name of the file or the library is free, but this file must be replicated. Start journaling / SRC options (EDHJRNOPT) Type choices, press Enter. Option to execture . . . . . . Option file . . . . . Library . . . . . . . . . Libraries to process . . . Override the journal . 27 . > *STRJRN . EDH_JRNOPT PMEDHUSR . *ALLFILE . *NO *RTV, *STRJRN Nam Nam Nam, *ALLFILE *NO, *YES After the *RTV analysis and the replication of the option, the option *STRJRN, on the target system, allows to reproduce on that system the journaling options used on the production box, for the files which are not already journaled on the target, unless you indicate *YES for “Override the journal”. 12/07/2013 4.5.2. EDHJRNOPL Print journal options (EDHJRNOPL) Type your choices, press Enter. Option file Library Output form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EDH_JRNOPT PMEDHUSR__ *DETAIL_ Nam Nam *DETAIL, *SUMMARY This allows to display the result of the analysis made by the command EDHJRNOPT, option *RTV. 4.6. *DETAIL produces 2 spool files: EDHJRNOP1, the result of the analysis sorted by name of file and EDHJRNOP2, the result of the analysis sorted by journal name. *SUMMARY produces the same spool files, they only show the counters produced by the analysis EDHJRNRLS EDH - Release Journal (EDHJRNRLS) Type your choices, press Enter. Environment . . . . . . . . . Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . Library . . . . . . . . . __ __________ __________ Nam Nam Nam If a journal is placed on hold in the environment within the “Journals” list, this command allows to release it. 4.7. EDHCLRJRN EDH - clean receivers (EDHCLRJRN) Type your choices, press Enter. Journal . . . . . . . . . . . . Library . . . . . . . . . __________ *LIBL_____ Name, generic*, *ALL Name, *LIBL This command does a CHGJRN *GEN for the specified journal and deletes all other receivers WITHOUT ANY CONTROL. 28 12/07/2013 5. ANALYSIS 3.1. Option 11 to 14 – Database analysis It is possible, with the four following options, to analyze libraries and database files. Three options do the same work, in different ways: 11 – Analysis of libraries, in interactive mode 12 – Analysis of a specific library, in interactive mode - EDHANZF 13 – Batch analysis of all libraries – Production of a spool file - EDHANZL Those commands allow you to receive information about: Number of database files in the library Number of journalized files Number of used journals, in library and/or outside the library Number of members Number of triggers Number of constraints Option 14 lists the fields of type Identity. Since the release V11_0219 of Quick-EDD/HA, the switch of Identity fields is done by the switch command PMEDHSWI. No need to use the command EDHSQLIDTF anymore. 3.1.1 Options 11 and 12 – Interactive analysis EDD-TOOLS F=Files S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J=Journals Library ECRANS EACASA EDH_ANZBDA EDH_JLR EDH_SAVDTA EDHDEMO_EN EDHDEMO_FR EDHDEMO_F1 EDHDEMO_F2 EDHDEMO_IS F3=Exit 29 MANAGE LIBRARIES A=Analyze ---- Files ---- --- JOURNALS --Total Jrn Total Used Out 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 9 0 0 0 19 19 1 1 22 22 1 2 0 0 0 0 22 0 0 0 23 0 0 0 F5=Refresh F8=Analyze ALL Mbr 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 F9=Select 0 148 1 7 9 52 184 0 194 55 Trg Cst 100 5 F12=Cancel Option “A = Analyze” allows you to process analysis in real time, for the selected library. Function key “F8=Analyze All” allows you to analyze all displayed libraries at the same time. Once the analysis is done, option “J=Journals” displays the list of journals regarding the library. Option “W=WRKJRNA” displays the details of each journal Option “F=Files” shows the detail (database) of the selected library: 12/07/2013 __EDD-TOOLS MANAGE FILES___________________________________ 5=DSPFD J=Journaling Library .... : EDHDEMO_FR Slt _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ File Att EDH_MSG PF EDHDEMODDM PF EDHSRC01 PF EDHSRC02 PF EDHSRC03 PF EDHSRC04 PF EDHSRC05 PF EDHSRC06 PF EDHTGT01 PF EDHTGT02 PF F3=Exit F5=Refresh Journal EDHDEMO EDHDEMO EDHDEMO EDHDEMO EDHDEMO EDHDEMO EDHDEMO EDHDEMO EDHDEMO EDHDEMO Library EDHDEMO_FR EDHDEMO_FR EDHDEMO_FR EDHDEMO_FR EDHDEMO_FR EDHDEMO_FR EDHDEMO_FR EDHDEMO_FR EDHDEMO_FR EDHDEMO_FR F9=Select Act *ON *ON *OFF *ON *ON *ON *ON *ON *ON *ON Trigg. Cont. MBR 0 0 3 5 3 5 3 1 0 0 A suivre... F12=Cancel Two options are available: “5=DSPFD” This option allows you to display details of the file, using command DSPFD. “J=Journal” This option allows you to start or end journalization for the selected file. Function key F9 allows you to select specific files according to different criteria: SELECTION OPTIONS File ......... : *ALL______ Journalization : * ' '=Never '0'=Disabled '1'=Active '*'=All files Triggers ..... : _ (1=Yes) Constraints .. : _ (1=Yes) 3.1.2 Option 13 - Full analysis (batch) – EDHANZL The option “13” allows you to submit the EDH_ANZDB command in batch mode. DATABASE ANALYZER (EDHANZL) Type choices, press Enter. Print only differences . . . . *NO *NO, *YES The complete analysis command, processed in batch, allows you to select the libraries for which some journalization differences occur. 30 12/07/2013 Note: If the PRTERR parameter is positioned to * YES, then only the libraries of which the number of journalized files is not equal to the total number of physical files are printed. This job is going to produce a spool file comparable to the interactive screen in all points presented above. The: 1/06/2012 à 15:06:35 EDDTOOLS_-_Database_analysis__ Page : 1 ---- Files ------ JOURNALS --Library Total Journal. Total Used Outside TRG CST MBR ********************************************************************************************** * $QUICKDTA 53 0 0 0 0 53 $QUICKDTG 52 0 0 0 0 50 $QUICKPGM 53 0 0 0 0 63 £LIBRARY 1 0 0 0 0 2 £RPGLIB 2 0 0 0 0 9 AA_JAPON 14 13 0 1 1 17 AABLOC1 1 0 0 0 0 1 AACCSID 24 22 1 2 1 5 42 ********************************************************************************************** Total PF files : 11.200 Total PF members : 20.857 Total Journals : 163 Total Triggers : 2.247 Total Constraints : 11.245 At the end, a summary allows you to count the total number of PF files, journals, members, triggers and constraints. 3.1.3 Option 14 - SQL - Analyze Identity fields This tool starts a job named EDH_SQLANZ which produces a spool file named EDHSQLANZ, which looks like the example below: 04/05/10 13:46:06 Library name Table name SQL TESTIDENTI T_GODEC TESTIDENTI ORDERS FILE FILE2 COPF 31 EDHTools - SQL Identity Fields Column name Description CHAMP1 CLE ORDERNO FIELD1 FIELD1 FIELD1 - PAGE 12/07/2013 1 3.4. Option 15 EDHCSTANZ - Analyze constraints - EDH - Analyze constraints (EDHCSTANZ) Type choices, press Enter Libraries . . . . . . . . . Action for constraints . . __________ *PRINT Name, generic*, *ALL, *ENV *ENABLED, *PRINT The analysis can be done by library name (with generic names) or for all libraries of an environment. If the setting *ENV is used, two other settings are displayed to choose the environment and its type, *SND or *RCV. The job batch EDHCSTANZ is submitted: It produces two spool files: A global list, with reference ** LISTCST A synthesis list, with reference **CNTCST Option *PRINT allows to compare the source and target systems, for example; this comparison is valid only if you take into account the omissions done in the settings. If the option *ENABLED is used, constraints are activated. If this operation cannot be done, a third spool, with reference **ERRCST, is produced. The option *ENABLED can only be used on the target system. Quick-EDD/HA deactivates a minimum of constraints during the replication, and reactivates them at the time of the switch. You can also plan to run this command using the option *ENABLED once a week, so that the switch process be as fast as possible 32 12/07/2013 3.5. Option 16 - Analyze triggers – EDHTRGANZ EDH - Analyze triggers (EDHTRGANZ) Type choices, press Enter Libraries . . . . . . . . . Action for triggers . . . . ___________ Name, generic*, *ALL, *ENV *PRINT *PRINT, *CHKPGM, *ENABLED The analysis can be done by library name (with generic names) or for all the libraries of an environment. Using the setting *ENV, two others settings are displayed to choose the environment, either *SND or *RCV. The batch job EDHTRGANZ is submitted: Two spools files are produced: A detailed list, with reference ** LISTTRG A synthesis list, with reference ** LISTTRG Option *PRINT allows to compare the source and target systems, for example; this comparison is valid only if you take into account the omissions done in the settings. The option *CHKPGM allows to check if the programs attached to the triggers are present. Missing programs are located in a third spool, with reference ** ERRCST. In case of missing programs, you will have to synchronize them or use IOA. If the option *ENABLED is used, triggers are activated. When this operation fails, a third spool is produced, with reference ** ERRCST. Options *CHKPGM and *ENABLED are made to be used on target system. Quick-EDD/HA deactivates the triggers (except for system triggers) during the replication and reactivates them at the time of the switch. You can also plan to run this command using the option *ENABLED once a week, so that the switch process be as fast as possible 5.1. Options 16 and 17 - Analysis of the bandwidth – EDH_ANZDBA and EDH_ANZDBL EDH_ANZDBA: Data extraction EDH_ANZDBL: Analysis of extracted data These tools are based on statistical activity database available with DSPFD. 33 12/07/2013 So there is no need to activate journalization for this analysis. A physical file stores the list of files and its members. For each file, we store the record length and 5 groups of counters: The first group stores current counters of the file The 3 others groups store counters that have been picked up during 3 analysis The command EDH_ANZDBA performs 3 analysis (Submission of a batch job by the command): EDH_ANZDBA is used for storing the current value of counters (*INIT) EDH_ANZDBA (YourLibrary) PERIOD(*INIT) We re-use the command at 3 different periods of time: After jobs batchs EDH_ANZDBA (YourLibrary) PERIOD(*PERIOD2) After 24 hours EDH_ANZDBA (YourLibrary) PERIOD(*PERIOD3) After a week EDH_ANZDBA (YourLibrary) PERIOD(*PERIOD4) The second command EDH_ANZDBL allows you to print data into a spool file Compares the selected periods to the initial values EDH_ANZDBL TOPERIOD(*PERIODn) Adds all the entries (Add, Update, Delete) for each file and multiplies them by the record length Note: Only modified files are displayed in the spool You can also compare 2 periods: EDH_ANZDBL FRMPERIOD(*PERIOD2) TOPERIOD(*PERIOD3) 5.2. Option 19 – EDHIFSANZ Analyze IFS (EDHIFSANZ) Type choices, press Enter Path to be analyzed . . . . . . ____________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ Output file . . . . . . . . EDH_IFSD Nam, generic*, *ALL Library . . . . . . . . QTEMP Nam, *LIBL, *CURLIB Output member options:: Member to receive output . . . *FIRST Name, *FIRST Replace or add records . . . . *REPLACE *REPLACE, *ADD We advise that you submit this command which, in the chosen output file, and for the filled in path, lists the following properties for all files of the main directory and its sub-directories: Name of the directory, then name of the file *DIR or *STMF attribute Size of the element Owner Date and time of the last modification Date and time of the last usage If the element is journaled: name of the journal 34 12/07/2013 5.3. Analyze journals – EDHANZJ This tool is used to list journals of the requested libraries Analyze of journals (EDHANZJ) Type choices, press Enter. Journals library . . . EDD-TOOLS __________ Name MANAGE JOURNALS 5=Detail W=WRKJRNA Library .... : $$EDHJRN Slt _ _ _ Journal EDHJRN JRN PMJRN F3=Exit Library $$EDHJRN $$EDHJRN $$EDHJRN F5=Refresh F12=Cancel From this screen, two options are available: “5=Details” This option displays the name of the journal and the library “W=WRKJRNA” This option displays the result of the command WRKJRNA 35 12/07/2013 6. CONTROLS 6.1. Option 21 – User Profiles management That option is an additional command to profile management commands, and allows an interactive selection for activating or deactivating profile. The program (CALL EDHUSRMGN) displays the following screen: 6/01/12 16:20:56 E=Enabled S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ *ENABLED / *DISABLED user profiles D=Disabled Profile ADMIN ANDREU ARCAD ARCAD_NET ARCAD_PGMR ARCAD1 ARCARD1 AUDIT AVNET BDC BDC_ET CAROLINE COMMERCE CORRE F3=Exit QSLFRA2 GODEC Stat *ENABLED *ENABLED *DISABLED *DISABLED *ENABLED *ENABLED *ENABLED *ENABLED *ENABLED *ENABLED *ENABLED *ENABLED *ENABLED *ENABLED F9=Select S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Profile CRABE CRAM CSISEC DB2XML DELCF DEMO DEMOITA DEMOMX DEMOTEST DEVANDRUL DEVCARIGL DIEGO EDH EDH_OA1 Stat *ENABLED *ENABLED *ENABLED *ENABLED *ENABLED *ENABLED *ENABLED *ENABLED *ENABLED *ENABLED *ENABLED *ENABLED *ENABLED *ENABLED S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Profile EDH_OA2 EDH_PRS EDHDEMO EDHDEMO_EN EDHDEMO_FR EDHDEMO2 EDHGROUP EDHNEW EDHOPER EDHOWNER EDHOWNER2 EDHREPLIC EDHTRAININ EDHUSR1 Stat *ENABLED *ENABLED *ENABLED *ENABLED *ENABLED *ENABLED *ENABLED *ENABLED *ENABLED *ENABLED *ENABLED *ENABLED *ENABLED *ENABLED .. F12=Cancel Options « E » and « D » allow you to activate or deactivate one or several selected profile(s). 6.2. Option 22 - User Profiles Activation EDHUSRENA The target system is often inaccessible to the users. An easy way to get that is to manage parameter STATUS of the user profile: disable all user profiles, except the ones of the IT team and PMSOFTICF. The command EDHUSRENA allows you to change the status of a set of profiles. Selection with name, generic name, *ALL Change parameter STATUS to value *ENABLED Include or not, Q* profiles; include or not the QSYS owners: this allows to modify only the Q* profiles which aren’t system profiles The QSECOFR profile is ALWAYS excluded, regardless of the value of the QINCLUDE parameter. 36 12/07/2013 6.3. Option 23 EDHUSRDIS – Disable User Profiles - Following the same principle, the command EDHUSRDIS allows you to deactivate a set of profiles; it would be useful during the switch return. Selection with name, generic name, *ALL Change parameter STATUS to value *DISABLED Include or not, Q* profiles; include or not the QSYS owners: this allows to modify only the Q* profiles which aren’t system profiles 6.4. Option 24 EDHCHKLIB – Check the Libraries - This tool allows checking the libraries list on the source or on the target system in order to know which libraries are managed or not by Quick-EDD/HA. 6.4.1. Use on the source system EDHCHKLIB ENV(XX_SND) OPTION(*LISTALL) produces a spool file containing the full list of the libraries of the system, divided in 2 categories: Library not managed: library not replicated by Quick-EDD/HA Library OK: library replicated by Quick-EDD/HA EDHCHKLIB ENV(XX_SND) OPTION(*LISTERR) produces a spool file containing the full list of the libraries of the system not managed by Quick-EDD/HA. 6.4.2. Use on the target system EDHCHKLIB ENV(XX_RCV) OPTION(*LISTALL) produces a spool file containing the full list of the libraries of the system, divided in 2 categories: Library not managed : library not replicated by Quick-EDD/HA Library OK: library replicated by Quick-EDD/HA EDHCHKLIB ENV(XX_RCV) OPTION(*LISTERR) produces a spool file containing the full list of the libraries of the system not managed by Quick-EDD/HA. 6.5. Option 25 – Interactive Check of the Libraries - EDHCTLLIB This module allows you to check with an interactive and real-time view the list of the libraries of the production system, and compare the number of contained objects and the number of replicated objects. Then it displays the number of objects with a replication error. Using the command: Control replications (EDHCTLLIB) Type choices, press Enter. Libraries . . . . . . . EDD environments . . . . . Output type . . . . . . . Control CRTLIB date . . . . . . . . . *ALL *ALL *DISPLAY *LASTCTL Name, generic*, *ALL, *REP Name,*ALL *DISPLAY, *PRINT Date, *LASTCTL Libraries 37 12/07/2013 Name: name of the library to analyze Generic: analyses a group of libraries *ALL: analyses all the libraries of the system in the environment chosen below *REP: analyses only the replicated libraries of the system in the environment chosen below EDD environments Name : Chose the XX environment to be analyzed *ALL : Analyses all the environments Output type *DISPLAY: the analysis results are displayed on the screen *PRINT : the analysis results are a spool file named EDHCTLPR Control date / CTRLIB It shows all the new libraries created on the system since the date of the last processing of EDHCTLLIB (*LASTCTL) or the Date you specify. If you choose *DISPLAY, you obtain the following screen: EDD-TOOLS CONTROL OF REPLICATIONS - Libraries 1=Open EDH O=EDH objects W=WRKOBJ C=EDHCHKOBJ Env. Date of Slt Libraries EDH creation _ T_BDC2 2007/11/15 _ T_CEDRIC 2008/04/01 _ T_CLUSTER 2007/11/15 _ T_CONST 2010/03/11 _ T_DIEGO 2007/11/15 _ T_FACTARCH 2007/11/15 _ T_GODEC Z6 2007/11/15 _ T_GODECPR 2010/03/09 _ T_GODECTE 2010/03/09 _ T_GODEC2 2007/11/15 F3=Exit F5=Refresh F8=Analyze ALL --- OBJECTS -Total EDH 203 13 94 5 34 2 235 0 0 59 F9=Select Errors 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 A suivre... F12=Cancel Library analysis allows you to display the following information: White (bold here): libraries managed by the replication The environment in which the library is managed The date of creation of the library, in yellow if it’s new The number of objects contained in the library The number of objects replicated by Quick-EDD/HA The 2 numbers above are displayed in red if there is a difference The number of objects with a replication error Available options 1 = Open Open directly the environment in Quick-EDD/HA O = Objects List of the replicated objects of the library W = WRKOBJ List of the objects of the library 38 12/07/2013 C = EDHCHKOBJ Produces a spool named EDHCHKOB1 which contains the list of objects that are not managed by Quick-EDD/HA Selection function F9 PF KEY allows you to display a selection screen 6.6. Option 26 - Objects control (target) EDHCHKOBJ This module allows you to control target system libraries objects list comparing it to information listed in Quick-EDD/HA. The focus is to list any non-essential object(s) in those libraries. The command allows you to edit a list or prepare to delete by moving the objects into a temporary library. EDH - Check Objects (EDHCHKOBJ) Type choices, press Enter. Environment . . . . . . Libraries to analyse . Control option . . . . Storage library . . . . . . . . . . _________ . *ALLENV . > *DELETE . *$$LIB Name Name, generic*, *ALL... *LISTALL, *LISTERR, *DELETE Name,*$$LIB Environment Enter environment name: xx_RCV Libraries to Analyze Library name to check Generic name, for a set of libraries *ALL – Every library *ALLENV – Every library described in one environment Check Option *LISTALL – Every object is listed; a text describes checked-object status *LISTERR – Only “non-essential” objects listed *DELETE – Library objects not replicated by Quick-EDD/HA are moved into a temporary library. In this case, RCLLIB parameter has to be defined. Note: This option is dedicated to the TARGET system (env. xx_RCV). Storage Library Library where « non-essential » objects will be stored Special value *$$LIB allows to dynamically create job library with name beginning with « $$ » Note: If library name has eight or fewer characters, the new name will be prefixed « $$ »; otherwise, the two first characters will be replaced. Detail of messages generated using the command: 39 12/07/2013 EDHCHKOBJ ENV(P1_RCV) LIB(PMEDHTEST*) OPTION(*DELETE) EDHTOOLS - Library PMEDHTEST => 0000000 errors occured. EDHTOOLS - Library PMEDHTESTR => 0000009 errors occured. EDHTOOLS - Library PMEDHTEST1 => 0000008 errors occured. EDHTOOLS - Library PMEDHTEST2 => 0000000 errors occured. EDHTOOLS - Library PMEDHTEST3 => 0000055 errors occured. A detailed spool file is also produced, depending on command parameter (*LISTALL / *LISTERR). The: 12/09/2005 at 11:54:34 EDHTOOLS_-_CHECK_OBJECTS______ Page : Library .... : PMEDDTEST Library PMEDDTEST PMEDDTEST Objec QDDSSRC QPGMSRC Type *FILE *FILE Stat _____________________ Object not managed by EDH Object not managed by EDH 6.7. Option 27 – Periodic control of replications – EDHEXAM Monitor for Replic. problems (EDHEXAM) Type choices, press Enter. Environment to monitor . . . . . Delay time in seconds . . . . . __ 60 Nom, generic* The EDHEXAM command submits, each time the « delay » is reached, the command EDH_STATUS; we recommend that you start EDHEXAM when you start the environment. If Monitoring tool is active, any issue will trigger automatically the sending of an alert. When EDHEXAM is performed, the job EDH_EXAMXX, XX being the name of the environment, starts in sub-system QSYSWRK. To stop it, use option *IMMED. 6.8. Option 28 – Supervise replication activity PMEDHWAT This part allows to add internal supervision for each environment. It can be activated in the general settings of the environment; on source (Src 1) and/or on target (Rmt 1); it will be performed by a job EDH_XX_SWA on source, EDH_XX_RWA on target; XX being the name of the environment (those jobs will run in PMEDH sub-system). 40 12/07/2013 1 If the source hasn't read anything for 15 minutes (‘End/Read’ setting), and/or if the target hasn't written anything for 15 minutes (‘Process’ setting), and/or if delay is greater than 30 minutes (‘Backlog’ setting) a message is sent to QSYSOPR and in the MSGQ PMEDHUSR/PMEDH every 20 minutes (‘Resent’ setting). Of course, those values can be customized. SWA and RWA jobs start when the environment is started, but don't stop if the environment stops. Should you need to stop them (for example for a planned stop of the environment), you will have to use the commands: PMEDHWAT ENV(XX) ENT(*SND) OPT(*END) on source PMEDHWAT ENV(XX) ENT(*RCV) OPT(*END) on target The activation of the supervision changes the display colors of the environments An environment which is supervised will be displayed in white If there is an issue (End of Read and/or End of Write and/or Delay), the display becomes red and blinking. 6.9. Option 29 EDHIOAEXC - Run Verify function – This command allows to schedule the IOA process. EDH - Run IOA control (EDHIOAEXC) Type choices, then press ENTER Environment Control level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . __ *ALL Nam *ALL, *OBJ, *IFS, *CFG... Control level *ALL: the entire environment *OBJ: all objects within Libraries domain *LIB: a specific library *IFS: all objects within IFS domain *DIR: a specific directory *CFG: all objects in Config domain *SPL: all spool files *SV: all system values For more details regarding IOA, see EDD_HA_Supervision.pdf 41 12/07/2013 7. OTHER COMMANDS 7.1. Options 41 à 45 – PMEDHOPX* All those commands work the same way. Only « OBJ » parameter is specific, allowing the selection of objects with a filter on the name. Command PMEDHOPXOB will be used as a sample to describe all those commands: PMEDH - Options on objects (PMEDHOPXOB) Type choices, press Enter. Source environment Type Snd or Rcv . . . Option to run : Option . . . . Mode Exec or Trace . . Object type . . . . Objects . . . . . . . Libraries . . . Selections : Defined group . . Hold . . . . . . Exist . . . . . . Synchro running ... . Mini. Entries waiting Defined journal . . . . Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . __ *SND Nam *SND, *RCV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *SYN *EXEC *OBJ *ALL *ALL *HLD, *RLS, *SYN, *COP, *PRT *EXEC, *TRACE, *ALL, *NONE Alpha, *OBJ Name,*ALL Name,*ALL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * *ALL *ALL *ALL *ALL *ALL *ALL Name, generic*, * *ALL, *NO, *YES *ALL, *NO, *YES *ALL, *NO, *YES Number, *ALL Nom, *ALL, *ALLJRN, *NOJRN Name,*ALL Command parameters Source environment Environment code which manages objects to synchronize Type Snd or RCV Type of environment *SND – Source environment *RCV – Target environment Option Option to run *SYN / *COP will perform the synchronization Note: This command can be used to run other actions: *HLD/*RLS – Hold / release the selected objects *PRT – Print the list of selected objects Mode Exec or Trace Reserved. 42 12/07/2013 Object type Selection based on type of objects Objects / Libraries Selection based on objects and libraries names (generic names are allowed) Defined group Selection based on a group code. Enter a group code, or * to select all the groups Hold Selection based on the status Hold/Release of the object Exist Selection based on the existence of the object in the library Synchro running Selection based on the synchronization status of the objects: *ALL – All the objects are selected *YES – Forced synchronization for the objects already being synchronized *NO – Forced synchronization only if the objects are not currently being synchronized Mini. Entries waiting Selection based on a number of entries waiting in the replication loop. Enter the minimum number of entries to select files. Defined journal and libraries Selection based on a journal. All objects attached to this journal will be selected. Additional Note: 43 selections Owner : owner name ASP defined: ASP number For *FILE, select only: allow selecting the type of file: physical, logical Check Constraints if PF: enable or disable the synchronization of constraints Check Triggers if PF: enable or disable the synchronization of triggers Check Blobs if PF: enable or disable the synchronization of blob fields If PF, check Identity: enable or disable the synchronization of identity field Other commands PMEDHOPXIF / PMEDHOPXCF / PMEDHOPXSP /PMEDHOPXSV / PMEDHOPXJO are identical except for OBJ selection parameter (selection based on the name) 12/07/2013 7.2. Option 45 - Statistics per Objects – EDH_STATS EDH_STATS command allows you to add the replication statistics to a database file and print the results. EDH - Statistics (EDH_STATS) Type choices, press Enter. Environement . . . . Type of environnement Output file . . . . . Library . . . . . . Replace or add records . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . __ *SND EDH_STATS QTEMP *REPLACE Name *SND, *RCV Name Name *REPLACE, *ADD Running this command, the following steps are performed: Analyze the environment Write data to the defined output file Run a Query to print results The produced spool file gives the following information: List of objects – Sorted by Object type Number of processed entries (descending order) Printed data Object definition – Name, library - Type Dependent journal (if journalized) Number of entries selected for this object Number of performed I/Os Number of ADD Number of UPDATE Number of DELETE Two peculiarities of the command (which can be changed thanks to the availability of source files): Only objects having made at least 1 journal entry are recorded in the output file Only objects having made at least 1000 journal entries are reported in the printout Note: This command allows you to quickly determine which replicated files generate the most I/O operations. Those files can be omitted of the replication if they are work files, for example, or setup differently 44 12/07/2013 7.3. Option 46 EDH_STATJ - Statistics per Jobs – This command works exactly the same way as EDH_STATS, only the sorting method is different. The focus here is to check which jobs produce the largest amount of I/Os on the system. Attention: this tool only works if it is used on an environment where JFP – Jobs Follow-Up is active. 7.4. Option 47 - Collect performance data – EDH_PERF The EDH_PERF command collects data related to replication environment. This data will be written to an output database file, so you may examine the data with an analysis tool (SQL, Query, etc.) The command presents the following parameters: EDH - Data collection (EDH_PERF) Type choices, press Enter. Environment . . . . . . . . Environment type . . . . . Collection interval (minutes) Output file . . . . . . Library . . . . . . . . Replace or add records . . . . . . . __ *SND 15 EDH_PERF__ PMEDHUSR__ *REPLACE Name *SND, *RCV 0-60 Name Name *REPLACE, *ADD The environment code is mandatory. Define the interval, in minutes Define the target output file and the library Caution: Submit this command in batch, using SBMJOB The command will perform a collection of data every n minutes, according to defined parameters. For every period, the following information will be extracted: Extraction date (EXDATE) Extraction time (EXTIME) Tag – New collection – Position in the journal (date EXPOSD and time EXPOST) Replication delay – in seconds (EXPOSS) Number of objects out of sync (EXSYNC) Number of journal entries read in all journals (EXENTRD) Number of selected entries (EXENTSL) Amount of data read (EXSIZRD) 45 12/07/2013 Amount of data sent to the target system (EXSIZSN) Counts ADD operation (EXECARC) UPDATE operation (EXECARM) DELETE operation (EXECARD) OTHERS operation (EXECARO) 7.5. Option EDH_MIGKIT 51-Migration Kit - See documentation EDD_HA_Migration_Kit.pdf 46 12/07/2013 8. REMOTE PROCESS AND BACKUP 8.1. S.R.S. (Smart Remote Staging) - Storage of the journals entries Reminder: The basic principle of Quick-EDD/HA is a replication though a synchronous communication between the two systems (Detection / Sending / W riting / Acknowledgement) 8.1.1. Independent management of I/Os To address different needs of processing jobs on the target system, Quick-EDD/HA provides a function to manage I/Os on the system in an independent manner. To use this function, you need to run the PMEDHMOD command on the target system in *NOIO/*IO mode: Mode exécution environnement (PMEDHMOD) Type choices, press Enter Environment Type Snd or Rcv Mode opératoire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . XX *SND *NOIO Name, generic*, * *SND, *RCV *NOJRN, *JRN, *NOIO, *IO... To manage the servers running I/Os, two options: *NOIO The writing function is disabled *IO The writing function is re-enabled When the *NOIO mode is enabled, journal entries keep being sent between the source system and the target system, but are stored in specific spaces, while waiting for the writing function to be re-enabled. When the *IO mode is activated, apply servers will empty the temporary storage spaces, then restart the usual synchronous cycle to manage the replication. This function can be used to manage any operation which needs to read the data on the target system: backup, data extraction, statistics batch… Note: The option *NOIO is always run on the target system. PMEDHMOD command will be used, usually, in combination with the TRP mode in order to manage suspending the writes at specific points of a process; in that case, SRS will be started from the source system. 47 12/07/2013 8.2. TRP – « Total Remote Process » / Remote control Basic functions of replication are managed from journals. It was therefore logical to offer a means by which you may manage functions on the Remote server and achieve goals of increased availability on the Source server. Function "TRP" allows you to trigger from the source system any kind of operation that you wish to execute on the target system. This function is very simple to use. Simply place an entry into the journal using the SNDJRNE command. This journal entry will contain the function to process: a function of Quick-EDD /HA, a system command, or the execution of a program. 8.2.1. List of functionalities Through journal entries, Quick-EDD/HA proposes the following functionalities: “CDP” – Continuous Data Protection: To perform a disk backup during replication process. EDHSAVRMT: Manage complete back up on the target system Commands o Run a command on the target system, or call a user program During the activation of one of these functions, it is important to understand how these requests are processed by Quick-EDD/HA. Function "TRP" uses the following steps: Taking advantage of S.I.P which assures the sequence of the journal entries, it ensures that command will be exactly processed in desired sequence When the target system receives a request " TRP ", it performs an additional loop of control, and is going to close all files currently opened (having fulfilled the I/Os preceding the request) Automatic switch in *NOIO mode Once the files are closed, execution of command in exclusive mode, by job EDH_xx_RCV Once the command is processed, replication engine restarts its updates in sequence o o o Automatic switch in *IO mode Processing of journals entries which have been stored on the target system (In *NOIO mode, journals entries have been sent from the source to the target and have been stored). Once the storage is processed, back to the synchronous replication mode. 8.3. CDP - Continuous Data Protection CDP offers a dynamic backup feature; integrated into the replication process. It can be used for several purposes: Back up data to a save file at a desired moment (eg. before running a critical batch job) Back up critical files periodically, to protect them from an error of manipulation (CLRPFM on the system of production reproduced in real-time on the target) Etc. The CDP function is based upon two commands. These commands allow you to perform disk backups without any stop in the replication process. 48 12/07/2013 Moreover, because of the synchronous cycle and the single SND control job of QuickEDD/HA which controls all journals, you are assured to perform the backup at a precise moment in time. 8.3.1. Backup request - EDHCDPRQS The EDHCDPRQS command must be incorporated into your operational jobs schedule. Parameters allow you to specify the environment, the object(s) to be saved, and the save file name. CDP request (EDHCDPRQS) Type choices, press Enter. Environment . . . Object . . . . . . . Library . . . Save file Library . . . Object Type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . __ __________ __________ __________ __________ *ALL Name Name, generic*, *ALL, *LIB Name Name Name *ALL, Object type This command sends a journal entry (using a SNDJRNE), in « TRP » format, in the audit journal QAUDJRN. 8.3.2. Run backup request - EDHCDPEXC The EDHCDPRQS command is executed on the Source server and creates a journal entry which sends parameters to the EDHCDPEXC command on the Target server for execution. CDP process (EDHCDPEXC) Type choices, press Enter. Library . . . . . . . . Object . . . . . . . . . . . Object Type . . . . . . . . Save file . . . SAVF library . . . . . . . . . . __________ . __________ . *ALL . . Name Name, generic*, *ALL, *LIB *ALL, Object type Nam Name,*ALL After receiving the request on the target system, Quick-EDD/HA will run the backup, using received parameters. Note: If the SAVF doesn’t exist, it is automatically created by CDP; if it exists, it will be cleared before running the backup. 49 12/07/2013 8.4. Remote backup - EDHSAVRMT The availability of the complete database on a remote system allows you to manage backups on the remote system to reduce the downtime window on your production system. QuickEDD/HA allows this function: the backup on the target system will be triggered thanks to EDHSAVRMT command. 8.4.1. Remote backup – How it works Generally, the IT managers will prefer to process backups on the remote system if it is operationally possible. In addition to the remote backup, they will also wish that updates performed on the source system during the backup period are transmitted or even applied to the target system. Concurrent transmission of updates during the backup window will minimize bandwidth requirements after the backup. Quick-EDD/HA provides those benefits by utilizing the functions of the i5/OS "Save While Active", directly linked to the process of replication. The Source system executes the EDHSAVRMT command which requests the backup. This command will be inserted into the operational process, so the backup is carried out at an instant corresponding to a stable position (ie before nightly processing). The target system accepts request. This request is treated by "TRP", which ensures the backups are initiated at the correct time. Quick-EDD/HA closes all files which are currently opened, then submits backups as a batch job. This backup is submitted using options of "Save While Active". QuickEDD/HA temporarily holds the replication jobs. When the *SYNCLIB checkpoint is reached, i5/OS sends a message which is intercepted by Quick-EDD/HA. Quick-EDD/HA releases the replication jobs, and the normal replication cycle continues. Backups are processed in the meantime, in a safely manner because the system took the exact image by building the checkpoint Attention: If you use a job schedule entry to perform the backup, create a job description that contains the library list entries for PMEDH and PMEDHTOOLS. Reference that job description on the job schedule entry. 8.4.2. Submit the remote backup - EDHSAVRMT The command EDHSAVRMT is performed by the Production system. It submits the remote backup, using a TRP processing through a journal entry. Remote Backup (EDHSAVRMT) Type choices, press Enter. Environment . . . . . . . . . . Group code . . . . . . . . . . Max. wait time . . . . . . . . __ __________ 1800 Name Alphabetic 180-5400 Environment Code of the environment which will process the request (the journal entry) 50 12/07/2013 Group Code Alphanumeric value which will be sent to the target program EDHSAVRMT2. It allows to manage different backups in the same program (See “Usage of group code”) This journal entry sent by Quick-EDD/HA on the remote system starts the program EDHSAVRMT1 Program EDHSAVRMT1 submits a batch job « EDH_SAVRMT », based on a second program EDHSAVRMT2 Program EDHSAVRMT2 will perform the backup – it must be adapted to customer’s needs. 8.4.3. Adaptation of the program EDHSAVRMT2 Backups are initiated by the CLP program EDHSAVRMT2. THE PROGRAM MUST BE ADAPTED TO CUSTOMER NEEDS By default, program contains only a basic backup definition IN COMMENTS, with standard parameters: SAVLIB LIB(*ALLUSR) DEV(TAP01) … It must be adapted to fit with the system (device, omit, etc.) Moreover, the command already contains parameters to manage the « Save While Active » options, especially the synchronization mode and the dedicated message queue. Those parameters must be kept with same values Note: Before moving backups to the Recovery system, you must ensure that the Recovery system is totally synchronized with the Production system and ensure integrity of data. Moreover, it is important to use compatible devices on both source and target system to have capabilities to restore data directly on Production system if needed. 8.4.4. Usage a group code The group code is an alphanumeric character stream which can be received and tested on the target system, to manage different levels of backup. For example, you can organize backups with one group with production libraries and a second one for development part: IF COND(&GROUP *EQ ‘PRD’) THEN(DO) SAVLIB LIB(PRD*) DEV(TAP01) … IF COND(&GROUP *EQ ‘DEV’) THEN(DO) SAVLIB LIB(TST*) DEV(TAP01) … Note: The remote backup is based on Save While Active process. Sometimes, for huge systems it can need a long time before reaching the synchronization point, and the group code is an easy way to split the full backup in different parts. 51 12/07/2013 7.5. Remote backup EDHBRMSRMT using BRMS - BRMS is very popular software to manage back up; Quick-EDD/HA offers a command to manage a remote back up using this software. 7.5.1. BRMS/Quick-EDD/HA – How it works BRMS uses “groups” to define parts of the system you want to back up. The command EDHBRMSRMT will be very similar to EDHSAVRMT, but includes the Group code as used by BRMS to be able to manage the different cases of back up you want to manage on the target system. 7.5.2. Submit the remote backup - EDHBRMSRMT Command EDHBRMSRMT is performed by the Production system. It submits the remote backup, using a “TRP” processing through a journal entry. Save on target (EDHBRMSRMT) Type choices, press Enter. Environment . . . . . . . . . _________ BRMS Group code . . . . . . . . _________ Name Name This journal entry sent by Quick-EDD/HA on the remote system starts the program EDHBRMSRM1 – It includes the transmission of the group code The EDHBRMSRM1 batch job is submitted, based on EDHBRMSRM2 command 7.6. Remote backup and S.R.S As previously explained, the S.R.S mode allows to suspend the processing of I/Os on the target system and will store journals entries in a dedicated space. You can also run backups based on this function, especially if you want to hold I/Os during THE WHOLE TIME of the backup (need to validate the backup) For this specific case, you will use a dedicated CLP that will be run though T.R.P: Submission of CLP from the source via TRP Switch in *NOIO mode Backup – depending on the needs Switch in *IO mode Using this sequence of operation, all journals entries will be sent on the target system during the backup and then applied as soon as the *IO mode starts. 52 12/07/2013 9. SWITCH Several tools commands are dedicated to switch. 9.1. Command EDHCVTSEL EDH - Convert select. lines (EDHCVTSEL) Type choices, press Enter Environment . . . . . . . . . __ Nam This command allows, after the switch, to remove “TGT lib.” from the settings, replacing them by “*”. 9.2. Commands EDHDB2SAV and EDHDB2RST When stored procedures are used on the source system, it may be necessary to replicate some files from QSYS2 and SYSIBM. This replication is only possible if OS releases are the same on source and target systems. In order to replicate those files, we now recommend to use the management of specific objects, as described below. 2 commands have been created in the tools: EDHDB2SAV to save the needed tables of QSYS2 and SYSIBM on the source EDHDB2RST to restore these tables on the target at the time of the switch EDHDB2SAV is automatically called when EDHSAVDTA command is used, there is no need to tick any option. Obviously, EDHSAVDTA must be used on a regular basis on the source system (see tools documentation) EDHDB2RST will have to be called in the switch scenarios; it automatically saves the target files in a specific SAVF. 10.3. Command EDHJRNU This command allows, during a switch-over, before ending the replication, to create a journal entry which displays the switch point in each journal of the environment. EDH - U entry / All journals (EDHJRNU) Type choices, press Enter Environment Entry data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . __ Nam '***** SWITCH POINT *****' Entry data can be filled in as you want. 53 12/07/2013 9.3. Command EDHMQSYNC To help with daily replication of MQ Series, the tool library from release V11_0407 includes a command which does all the needed operations: EDHMQSYNC EDH/MQ - Sync a Queue Manager (EDHMQSYNC) Select option, and press Enter. Environment . . . . . . . . . Queue manager name. . . . . . _____________ xx Name TSTQ01___________________________ Enter the Quick-EDD/HA environment code and the name of the Queue Manager. This command will perform the three following steps: o Change the journal receiver for journal AMQAJRN of the selected Queue Manager o Run the RCDMQMIMG for the selected Queue Manager o Force the synchronization of IFS files to ensure all modification are immediately reported to the target system You will have to run this command once a day, for each queue manager. You must also include it in the switch scenarios; step “Controlled stop of the production system” For more information regarding MQ EDD_HA_MQ_Replication_and_Switch_EN 9.4. Series replication see the FAQ EDHSAVSWI / EDHSAVSWR See above 9.5. EDH_NWSUSR The command EDH_NWSUSR allows to use at the time of the switch the command CHGNWSUSRA on all the system user profiles, with its settings. This command is dedicated to the propagation of profiles towards an integrated server (*NWSD). 9.6. EDH_ROLE The command EDH_ROLE allows to indicate if the system is the source – role PRODUCTION – or the target – role RECOVERY. On the target system, the options 1 to 5 of EDH menu are then deactivated. At the time of the switch, this command will allow to reverse the displayed roles. The role is written in the DTAARA PMEDHUSR/PMEDH_ROLE. Therefore, it’s automatically omitted from the replication. 54 12/07/2013 9.7. Option 11 of EDH menu - Switch Scenarios Option 11 of the EDH menu enables you to define switch scenarios. You can define as many scenarios as you want depending on your environment, and depending on special steps you want to define (different scenarios for switch-over and failover for example). EDHTools SWITCH – SCENARIOS__________________________ 2=Change 3=Copy 4=Delete 8=Commands 9=Run S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Name STEP01 STEP02 STEP03 STEP04 STEP05 STEP06 STEP07 STEP08 STEP09 STEP10 5=Display Scenario : _________ Text description End of production system Switch on BACKUP system Start production on the new production The old production becomes backup Start replication from new prod to new backup End of production system Switch on PROD system Start production on the PROD system BACKUP partition becomes backup Start replication from PROD to BACKUP System PROD BACKUP BACKUP PROD BACKUP BACKUP PROD PROD BACKUP PROD Fin F3=Exit F5=Refresh F13=Copy commands F6=Create F11=Command F12=Cancel Each scenario contains a group of functions (commands to run) to be performed on the production or the recovery system. A scenario is defined as follows: Scenario name Description System the scenario is dedicated to Default execution mode Caution: Scenarios are stored in the database file EDHSWIPF. This file is automatically created in the library PMEDHUSR during first usage of the function. It will be MANDATORY to include this library PMEDHUSR in the replication definition so that the scenarios become available on the target system. Some samples of scenarios are available in the corresponding file located in PMEDHTOOLS library. To use those samples, run a copy command from the tool library to the final file, as follows: CRTDUPOBJ OBJ(EDHSWIPF) FROMLIB(PMEDHTOOLS) OBJTYPE(*FILE) TOLIB(PMEDHUSR) DATA(*YES) CRTDUPOBJ OBJ(EDHSWIL1) FROMLIB(PMEDHTOOLS) OBJTYPE(*FILE) TOLIB(PMEDHUSR) DATA(*YES) 55 12/07/2013 Function key F6 allows creating a new scenario: SCENARIO DEFINITION Scenario : SWITCH2___ Description : Start Activity on Recover y system_________________ System name : CLUSTER_ Mode : 2 1=Batch, 2=Interactive 3=By step F12=Cancel Enter the following parameters: Scenario name. Name of the scenario, with 10 characters Description text System name where the scenario will be performed (will be used to be sure that you run the correct scenario on the correct system) Execution mode BATCH – Submit the scenario in batch mode INTERACTIVE – Perform the scenario in interactive mode BY STEP – Each function will be confirmed by the user Note: Execution mode can be changed when the scenario is launched After having created the scenario, you can open it, using option “8=Commands”. It will show the detail of the scenario EDHTools 2=Change Scenario : Slt _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Seq. 5 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 F3=Exit 56 SWITCH - COMMANDS TO RUN____________________________ 3=Copy 4=Delete STEP2 5=Display Switch on RECOVERY system Command to execute DLTUSRIDX USRIDX(PMEDHUSR/AT_SND) PMEDHSWI ENV(AT) MOD(*YES) SNDMSG MSG('Switch Quick-EDD terminé - Démarrage d ADDTCPIFC INTNETADR('') LIND(ETHLINE) STRTCPIFC INTNETADR('') NETSTAT OPTION(*IFC) STRSBS SBSD(QINTER) STRSBS SBSD(QBATCH) STRSBS SBSD(QCMN) EDHUSRENA USRPRF(*ALL) STATUS(*ENABLED) QINCLUDE(* F5=Refresh F6=Create F12=Cancel Err 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 Lck 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 More ... F22=Re-number 12/07/2013 Use option « 2=Modify » to modify an existing command, or press F6 to create a new one. COMMAND TO EXECUTE Sequence : 30 (0-999) Action on error : 0 (0=Ignore, 1=Stop) Hold : 0 (0=No, 1=Yes) Command : SNDMSG MSG('Be sure to use console screen or HMC i_ n order to keep connection during switch') TOUSR(*R EQUESTER) MSGTYPE(*INQ)____________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ Description Alert______________________________________________ F4=Prompt F12=Cancel Enter the following parameters: Sequence – Sequence number for the processing of this command Action on error – This parameter allows to define the action in case of command failure 0 – Process will continue 1 – Process is ended. You must examine the joblog, determine the failure, and restart on the sequence number of the command which failed. Hold – This setting allows to prevent the command from being processed, it will be displayed in yellow. Command – Detail of command to perform. Function key F4 allows prompting of the command. Description – Will be displayed while the replication will be running in “By step” mode Scenarios allow the use of any OS/400 command and of any Quick-EDD/HA command. The option F13 allows to copy several commands from one scenario to another: COPY OF A SCENARIO Scenario . . . . : From sequence : To sequence : Target scenario : Sequence . . . : Increment . . : 0 0 0 0 F12=Cancel The option F11 allows to display a standard command line. 57 12/07/2013 Run a switch scenario – EDHSWIRUN 9.8. Switch scenarios will be performed by command EDHSWIRUN Run a Switch scenario (EDHSWIRUN) Enter your choice, then press Enter. System name for control . . Switch scenario . . . . . . Execution mode . . . . . . Sequence number for retry . . . . . . . . . ________ __________ *DFT 0 Name Alphabetic *DFT, *BATCH, *INTER... 0-999 Enter command parameters System name - compares the value with the switch scenario and to system name (DSPNETA) for security check. The three values must be identical in order to start the scenario. Scenario – Name of the scenario to run Execution mode *DFT – Mode which is defined in the scenario. *BATCH – Scenario is submitted in batch mode. *INTER – Run interactively. A window will show the different steps of the scenario. *STEP – Step by step. Each command will be displayed and the user will have to confirm each command to run Retry sequence. Indicate a sequence number to run part of a scenario (after command failure) 10.5.1. Step by step mode Same presentation, but user must confirm the command processing using function key F23. PERFORM A SCENARIO DEMO Demonstration scenario ***** Press F23 to CONFIRM COMMAND TO RUN ***** Sequence : 30 Command : WRKACTJOB 2011/07/21 Comment : Check active jobs F3=Exit F12=Cancel Note: F13=Skip 18:12:42 F23=Confirm command You may press F3 or F12 to stop the scenario. The EDHSWIRUN command would be performed again, using a retry sequence number. Function key F13 allows to skip a command. Step by step mode is appropriate for the first switch tests you will perform. 58 12/07/2013 10.5.2. Interactive mode During processing of the scenario, in *INTER mode, the following window will be displayed. No action is possible, and commands are only displayed when running. PERFORM A SCENARIO DEMO Demonstration scenario ***** COMMAND IS RUNNING ***** Sequence : 30 Command : WRKACTJOB Comment F3=Exit : Check active jobs F12=Cancel F13=Skip 2011/07/21 18:12:42 F23=Confirm command Interactive processing is appropriate once the scenarios have been fully tested in step by step mode 10.5.3. Batch mode Scenario is performed without any screens This choice IMPLIES that the scenario doesn’t have any command which displays a screen (commands WRK*, DSP* can’t be used in this mode). Batch processing is appropriate once the scenarios have been fully tested in step by step mode 10.5.4. Spools allowing to track the scenarios processing No matter the chosen mode, 2 spool files are produced. Command WRKSPLF allows to check them: Spool EDH_SWILOG contains the entire joblog of the processing. The user reference of this spool is the name of the scenario. Spool EDHSWIRUNP contains the execution times of each step of the scenario. The user reference of this spool is the name of the scenario. The spool looks like this: 59 12/07/2013 Spool file *...+....1....+....2....+....3....+....4....+....5....+....6....+....7....+....8....+....9....+....0....+.... The: 11/05/10 Quick-EDD/HA_-_SWITCH_LOG System : QSLFRA2 Scenario : DEMO Demo Job : QPADEV0020 GODEC 683231 -- Date / time --- Sequence Operation Command --------------------------------------------------------------------------------2010/05/11 11:54:38 000 DISPLAY *** START SWITCH SCENARIO *** 2010/05/11 11:54:40 000 ** RUN ** 2010/05/11 11:54:40 000 DONE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------2010/05/11 11:54:40 010 DISPLAY SNDMSG MSG(TEST) TOUSR(*REQUESTER) 2010/05/11 11:54:42 010 ** RUN ** 2010/05/11 11:54:43 010 DONE --------------------------------------------------------------------------------2010/05/11 11:54:43 020 DISPLAY DLYJOB DLY(10) 2010/05/11 11:54:44 020 ** RUN ** 2010/05/11 11:54:54 020 DONE F3=Exit F12=Cancel F19=Left F20=Right Time the command was displayed Time the command was launched Time the command was processed In step by step mode, the difference between the display and the launch indicates the time used to take the decision. In all modes, the difference between the launch and the end of the processing allows to know precisely the time that each step took. 60 12/07/2013 10. MISCELLANEOUS COMMANDS 10.1. EDHOBJERR This command, used on a SND environment, produces a spool indicating if there are objects waiting or in error of synchronization, and their list. 10.2. Adapt EDHSVRA synchronization – servers EDH - Change Sync Servers (EDHSVRA) Type your choices, press Enter Environment . . . . . . . . . MIN number of servers . . . . MAX number of servers . . . . __ *SAME *SAME Nam 1-16, *SAME 1-16, *SAME This command allows, for the selected environment, to dynamically change (without ending the replication) the minimal and maximal numbers of active synchronization jobs. 10.3. EDHSTART Command: environments and tools EDH - Start EDH servers start of (EDHSTART) Type choices, press Enter Environment . . . . . . . . . Start environment . . Start supervision (EDHCTL) Start Message Monitoring . Start Journal Manager Backup of the Environment . __ *YES *YES *NO *NO *NO Name, *YES, *YES, *YES, *YES, *YES, generic*, * *NO *NO *NO *NO *NO Environment name, mandatory Specify the environment name to start Accept a name, a generic name, or * for all This command allows to start replication and tools: supervision / monitoring / Journal Manager; and to save the environment (in library PMEDHUSRBK). 61 12/07/2013 10.4. EDHSTOP Command: environments and tools EDH - Stop EDH servers stop of (EDHSTOP) Type choices, press Enter Environment . . . . . . . . . End environment . . . . End Supervision (EDHCTL) . . . End Journal Manager . . . __ *YES *YES *NO Name, *YES, *YES, *YES, generic*, * *NO *NO *NO Environment name; mandatory Specify the environment name to stop Accept a name, a generic name, or * for all This command allows to end replication and tools: supervision and Journal Manager. Monitoring can be stopped by an ENDJOB with *IMMED option. 10.5. Replication EDH_ACGINS of ACG application – Quick-EDD/HA for ACG (EDH_ACGINS) Type your choices, press Enter ACG parameters file . . . . Library . . . . . . . . . ACG environment code . . . . Restore standard environment . . . . . . . . KFSIF00F *LIBL AC *NO Name, generic* Name,*LIBL Nam *NO, *YES This command allows, from the setting file of ACG, to automatically create an environment, for example AC, which contains needed parameters to run the replication. 10.6. Synchronize a library - EDHOBJREP The Synchronization function allows you to force replication of any object. You may specify a date to force replication of objects on the Production server that were modified after the specified date. Retry objects (EDHOBJREP) Type choices, press Enter. Object . . . . . . . Library . . . . Object Type . . . . Retry type . . 62 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . __________ ___________ *ALL *ALL Name, generic*, *ALL Name *ALL, Object type *ALL, *DATE 12/07/2013 Selection with object type, or *ALL Replicate objects with name, generic name, or *ALL for an entire library Force replication of ALL objects in the recovery library OR Check objects modified after the specified date. This command is useful after having inserted a new library in the replication perimeter (cf. EDD_HA_06_Settings) 10.7. Data Extraction - EDHRTVINF This command extracts information from object parameters and converts it in a structured database file EDHRTVINF. EDHRTVINF fields - file LINETYPE LIBNAME OBJNAME OBJTYPE REFLIB REFOBJ description: Line type Library Object Object type Library of dependent object Dependent object 2 10 10 8 10 10 Line-type field can receive the following values: 04 – Journal processed by EDD/HA 05 – Receiver associated with a processed journal 10 – Library managed by EDD/HA 11 – Object managed by EDD/HA 16 – QSYS object managed by EDD/HA 11.4. Data Extraction - EDHRTVINX This command is similar to EDHRTVINF. Furthermore, for each object it includes the information about the target library when the library is renamed on the target system. Note: The two commands use the same output file definition. 63 12/07/2013