april/may 2007 issue
april/may 2007 issue
N A R C I S S E VOLUME 2 ISSUE 3 APRIL/MAY 2007 CONTENTS 45 8 52 83 Features 83 Danger in your Handbag! 98 Posture 15 If you could be..... Black & White Greats 22 Doodles - How to interpret yours! 87 94 87 TGirl Survival Guide ( For GG’s ONLY!) First Encounter (Chapter 4) - Erotic Story. LIFESTYLE 52 Fashion - 60’s style dresses 79 Personal Profile (Health & Beauty) - this month care for your skin. 2 Regulars 4 5 6 29 46 60 Letters to Editor Play Safe I Think, therefore I BLOG! Legal News How Many Candles? In the Papers 68 Simp-Leigh Leigh Smythe 85 Book Review 105 83 79 22 15 92 GUEST 101 105 109 110 112 116 118 Tammie’s WRITERS Torments ( Quiz ) Lori’s Film Reviews Hororscope Quiz Answers Conversion Tables Born to Shop ( Adverts ) And Now...the end is near Rogues Gallery ( Narcisse Writers ) true life 8 Knowing me, Knowing you, Interview with Elan Heart 61 Centrefold - Rachel James just for fun 14 Womens English 65 Delia hon...Get a LIFE!! 97 Best Divorce Letter EVER! 100 Cartoon competitions 33 Black & White Competition 37 KTM Girl of the Year 45 Jean Genie WINNER!! 70 3 Red or Dead Competition to the Editor Mandy, " Thanks for a great mag. I like all the information such as the clothing charts as being relatively new to buying clothes etc for me to wear it was useful to find a conversion chart to find the correct size for me.( I am one of the larger sizes!!!!) Being 6’3” in stockings is not always easy to figure out what to get!!! Anyway thanks again and keep up the excellent work " Flo " hay mandy just a quick note to my BOSS...giggle thanks for the job and lots of hugs! amayi P.S. yes this is a letter to the editor! " " A, C, G, H, I, J, B, D, X Kirsty xxx xxx I await your insight " (There’s always one!!! giggle - Ed) 4 TANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IM P L A Y S A F E ROTECT YOUR IDENTITY Do not reveal information which could expose your identity until you are confident that it is safe. Be cautious revealing your name, address, phone number, email address, place of work, website address, etc. Do not allow anyone to pressure you into revealing details before you are ready. If they are overly aggressive in asking for identifying information, cut off communication. Do not feel obligated to be more open than you are comfortable being. Contact the administrator of the website if you have concerns. ET SOMEONE KNOW WHERE YOU ARE GOING Be sure that someone knows where you’re going and when to expect you back. LWAYS TAKE A PHONE AND YOUR FARE HOME If you have a cellular phone, take it along, and have a friend call periodically. You may wish to take along some form of personal protection just in case. If someone tries to get you into a situation you are not comfortable with, don’t hesitate refuse, leave, or do whatever is necessary to protect yourself. Nothing that anyone else does can obligate you to compromise your own safety. OUR SAFER IN A CROWD member, there is safety in numbers! intimate one on one meetings put you at a huge risk, re- TAY IN PUBLIC PLACES erm...................DUH!!!! VOID TOO MUCH ALCOHOL All drinks can be spiked, but it only takes a few too many drinks for you to lose your inhibitions and agree to things you will later regret, a clear head nearly always lead to a clear conscience. EELINGS MAY SAVE YOUR LIFE, TRUST INTUITION If you feel uneasy about someone you’ve met online, err on the side of caution. It’s probably better to miss a few good experiences than to have one bad one. NJOY!!! 99% of the time you will be safe and have a great time, but for the sake of that 1% always err on the side of caution, remember, if they are serious they will arrange to meet again, if they dont , it wasnt worth the risk! xxxx5 5 T IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPOR PO IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTAN TANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPORTANT IMPOR I think therefore I BLOG It’s Official!! I’m all posh!! Well,....poshish. I speak to you all ( giggle, I sound like the queen - Helen Mirran to the rest of you) sitting at my new control centre. Little did you know that month after month I toiled away tirelessly to bring you Narcisse sat at a 2 foot square piece of chipboard that was a poor excuse for a desk. Many’s a pile of notes/cup of coffee/ CD/pen/pencil/bottle of nail varnish that has committed Hari kari jostling for space on the hottest 2’ square of timber in the Universe. But, dear reader, those days are now gone, for I now have..............( drum-roll please)......... FIVE square feet of chipboard!!! Yes!!! it has.......drawers.....and cupboards.......and......shit. My speakers now function in the capacity they were designed for STEREO! This is because they are now 4 feet apart and not 4 inches, sort of defeats the object that way. My web-cam is now situated atop a shelf rather than wedged amongst some CD’s AND, as if further proof is needed, I now am the proud owner of.........A DESK TIDY!!!! (Anally retentive OR WHAT??? heheheeh). For added effect I’ve even thrown in a rather sick looking rubber plant and 4 prints of past front covers just to give it that OFFICE feel, I’m even dressed for the part as we speak ( metaphorically speaking , of course). Prettily clad in a cream shift dress and matching jacket, cream heels and pearls, not a mini in sight, I’ve gone SECRETARIAL!!! Mother would be proud ( If she hadn’t told me years ago - “ thats nice dear, but I dont ever want to see you dressed - Bless her). This is , of course ,a ZILLION miles away from the carnage of last night when HE had the odious task of assembling said ‘desk unit’. You could tell he was in trouble from the off, well, the delivery driver was in hysterics as he muscled over the two huge boxes that weighed about the same as half a Redwood , both with an optimistic view of office life stencilled on the side. 6 Things didnt bode well, since, after emptying a dazzling array of pre-cut timber from the first box, no instructions were forthcoming. But, panic over, they were craftily conceealed towards the end of the second box amid the miriad of screws, bolts, washers, springs, runners, pegs, glue, more pegs, another 15 types of screw and a handle.....oh ....and more glue. With gusto he began, armed with 3 screwdrivers, so old , they had hyroglyphs instead of a makers name stamped on the shaft ( oooeeerr). Three and a half hours later! ( I kid you not ) 2 broken finger nails 1 crushed hand 1 cut finger 1 broken screwdriver 12 missing screws 1 bucket of extra screws 1 pending divorce due to inane suggestions 71267334 swear words. And thats a conservative estimate heheheh So, here I am , all bright and shiny ( and the desks not bad either - hehehe ), full of the joys of spring, and kinda happy , now that I’ve broken her virginity - giggle - because, she is so obviously a girl, sleek lines, gorgeous looking , but bloody High-maintainance!!!! Here’s to many a wise word written upon her!! Hugs Mandy xxx 7 KNOWING YOU I N T E R V I E W KNOWING ME 8 E l e n H e a r t “Why do you want to wear women’s clothes?” is a question I have been asked more than once. Indeed, it is a question I have asked myself more than once throughout my life as the compulsion to dress in various female garments has grown inside me. I usually answer, “because I am transgendered.” But what does being transgendered mean? That is a far more difficult question to answer, and one that I have wrestled with quite a bit over the past three years. Before I discovered that I was transgendered - in the autumn of 2003 - I had not encountered the word. I knew the common terms, “transvestite” and “transsexual”, from a number of psychology books I had read, and I had a good idea of the type of people those terms described. I did not realise then that the definitions in those books did not necessarily reflect how trans people see themselves. I was convinced that I was not transsexual as I had no pretensions to being a woman and certainly had no wish to alter my body by surgery. I was not even sure if I was a transvestite, as I felt no compulsion to venture out in public as a woman. I knew that I obtained considerable erotic pleasure from wearing certain female clothes - particularly corsets, stockings and high heeled shoes - and I owned up to being fetishistic. I had a stocking fetish (especially concerning fully-fashioned nylons) and to a lesser extent a rubber fetish. I did not dress fully, and never attempted to pass as female; as I wore a beard at that time that would have been rather difficult! Although I had secretly part-dressed for many years, it was not until I retired and moved to North Wales in 2003 that I discovered my true self. In my new home, living completely on my own for the first time, I began to explore the world of cross-dressing more fully on the Internet. There is, I quickly discovered, an amazing amount of information out there, from the trivial and salacious to serious papers on the possible psychological and physiological causes of transgenderism. I had found a new word to describe what I was. 9 I learnt that transgenderism - as the name suggests - was about gender rather than sexuality, and I also discovered, from a paper outlining differences between male and female personality traits, that I had - and had always had - a basically female personality. For the first time I began to understand why I had been the way I was for most of my life, hating anything ‘macho’ and uncomfortable at having to play a masculine role. Inside my undeniably male body I was feminine! I was encouraged by a couple of new email acquaintances to take my dressing a bit further. So off came my beard, on went a wig and some make-up. When I viewed the results in the mirror for the first time I really expected to see a pantomime dame’s face, a man masquerading badly as a woman. Instead, I was rather shocked to see a woman staring back at me, a woman I recognised. For many years I had fruitlessly pursued my ideal of womanhood in a succession of female partners; now I saw that she was actually inside me, a part of me. That was the moment when a mental door opened and Elen emerged, both as a part of me and as a complete, separate personality. Once Elen had woken my life changed completely. I quickly realised that going back to living as a man with just the occasional foray into cross-dressing was not a realistic option for me; I needed to express my female side. So, in November 2003, I went out in public for the first time ‘en femme’: wig, full make up, perfume, the works! I remember, as I drove to the pub where my local support group met, asking myself what on earth I thought I was doing, but once I arrived and was accepted, my doubts began to fade. That meeting was the launch pad from which a new and exciting stage of my life took off, like a rocket! 10 At that meeting I met a couple of post-op transsexuals, who more or less took me under their wings and introduced me both to the local trans community and the Manchester scene. They, of course, were living full time as women, and I soon became accustomed to going out and about with them, dressed as a fairly typical middleaged woman. I seemed to be accepted wherever I went (though I’m sure that I actually passed as female only infrequently) and my confidence quickly increased. So much so that when a few months a television producer - who was planning to make a documentary about cross-dressing for the Welsh S4C channel - visited the support group I had joined, I volunteered to take part. I was filmed in Llandudno, walking on the promenade and doing everyday things like shopping. I was a little nervous to begin with as I was on my own apart from the producer and the cameraman, but my nerves soon disappeared and I enjoyed myself no end. The only fly in the ointment was my shoes, which were new and quickly gave me blisters as I walked up and down the promenade for various shots from different angles. I sympathised with every woman who had ever worn tight shoes on a shopping spree! I hope that my reasons for wanting to take part in the documentary were more than merely indulging my inherent exhibitionist streak; it was not going to be that sort of film! I realised very soon after coming out as transgendered that the trans community needed to raise its public profile, rather as the gay community had a decade or so before. I also realised that for many trans people, their personal situations regarding job, family etc., made it very risky for them to ‘put their heads above the parapet’. I was in the fortunate position of being retired and living on my own, with a reasonably tolerant family, so I decided to do what I could to promote trans issues. Apart from my television appearance, I also accepted an invitation to take part in a talk show on local radio in Shropshire, and joined the team of trans people assisting the North Wales Police with diversity training. 11 The other way in which I try to help the trans community is as Secretary of a trans support group in North Wales. This was not something I set out to do, but the group I belonged to - named Unique - went through something of a crisis about two years ago and seemed set to disappear from the scene. Once again I volunteered, though more reluctantly this time as I had a fair idea of the work involved in running such a group. But with the encouragement and assistance of a dedicated committee of trans girls, Unique rose from the ashes and once again plays a useful support and social role in the local trans community. Last year we organised our first trans weekend and launched our own web site (www.uniquetg.org.uk). On the personal front, one issue that I had to come to terms with was my sexuality, and - perhaps even more difficult - my emotional preferences. I did not make friends easily in my former life, and I think I had tried to compensate for a deep longing to communicate, to belong and to be accepted, by periodically falling in love with women. I had a succession of medium to long term relationships, but none was entirely successful. In retrospect I am convinced that they failed at least in part because of my largely female personality which was trying - with only limited success - to play a male role. My most enduring relationship was my marriage of 18 years, from which I have three grown up children who seem to accept Elen. 12 In my twenties I had wondered - when trying to understand my “deviant” sexuality - whether I might be gay, but decided that I was not as I neither fancied nor liked men very much. However, when I later discovered she-males in a magazine and found myself decidedly turned on by them, I realised that I must be at least bisexual. I began to suspect that I might be sexually attracted to males but emotionally compatible only with women, not a recipe for easy relationships! But now I have found the perfect solution in another trans girl. I met Jenny-Anne soon after coming out as Elen, and for about a year we developed a very good friendship, though nothing more as she was then with a female partner. I found that we could talk about all sorts of subjects, and I valued Jenny-Anne’s opinion on many matters. Then, at a trans weekend we were both attending, she told me that she was strongly attracted to me, and we began a relationship. It was largely sexual on my part to start with, but I soon fell in love with her, and I know that she loves me too. When she retires next year we plan to live together. It has taken me a while to discover exactly where I sit in the transgender spectrum and to feel fully comfortable with who I am. For a time I was not at all certain where I fitted into the trans hierarchy; was I TV, TS or what? I enjoyed the company of other TVs as I felt that I shared to a some extent their love of fetish and their exhibitionist traits, but there were also times when I found them rather shallow. Many of them seemed not to want to venture out into the real world as women - even for short periods - and displayed little interest in promoting trans issues with the general public. On the other hand, I had made some lovely TS friends, though when in their company I did occasionally feel right out of place as they enthused about their operations (either the ones they’d had or were longing to have). I did not see myself as TS and was certain that I would not have GRS, though I have often been tempted to try female hormones. It seemed that I was neither a good-time TV nor a TS, but stranded somewhere in between. I now call myself simply transgendered and have ceased to worry that none of the other labels fit me completely, any more than do those of “male” or “female”. I know now that I was never a man - never truly male - but I realise too that I can never be truly female, either. I tend to present more female than male, as I feel that the woman’s role reflects my feminine personality much better, so I suppose I identify mostly as a trans-woman. Since Elen first emerged, a little over three years ago, she has integrated fairly successfully with my male part, though I still see her to some extent as a separate, alternative personality within me. She is at least as strong - if not stronger - than my former personality, and there are considerable advantages to having her around. Elen is much more outgoing than I ever was in male mode; I was always rather reclusive and did not interact well socially with other people, certainly not with other men. As Elen I find it much easier to go and talk to people, and I enjoy making new friends. My new life is so much more satisfying and complete, and with someone very special to share it with me, what more can I ask? 13 DICTIONARY FOR WOMEN’S PERSONAL ADS 40-ish Adventurous Athletic Average looking Beautiful Contagious Smile Emotionally secure Feminist Free spirit Friendship first Fun New Age Open-minded Outgoing Passionate Professional Voluptuous Large frame Wants Soul mate WOMEN’S ENGLISH 1. Yes 2. No 3. Maybe 4. We need 5. I am sorry 6. We need to talk 7. Sure, go ahead 8. Do what you want 9. I am not upset 10. You’re very attentive tonight = = = = = = = = = = - 49 Slept with everyone No tits Ugly Pathological liar Does a lot of pills On medication Fat Junkie Former very *friendly* person Annoying Body hair in the wrong places Desperate Loud and Embarrassing Sloppy drunk Bitch Very Fat Hugely Fat Stalker No Yes No I want you’ll be sorry you’re in trouble you better not you will pay for this later of course I am upset, you moron! is sex all you ever think about? MEN’S ENGLISH 1. I am hungry 2. I am sleepy 3. I am tired 4. Nice dress 5. I love you 6. I am bored 7. May I have this dance? 8. Can I call you sometime? 9. Do you want to go to a movie? 10. Can I take you out to dinner? 11. Those shoes don’t go with that outfit = = = = = = = = = = = I am hungry I am sleepy I am tired Nice cleavage! let’s have sex now Do you want to have sex? I’d like to have sex with you I’d like to have sex with you I’d like to have sex with you I’d like to have sex with you I’m gay And finally..... A recent scientific study found that women find different male faces attractive depending on where they are in their menstrual cycle. For example, when a woman is ovulating she will prefer a man with rugged, masculine features. However when she is menstruating, she prefers a man doused in petrol and set on fire, with scissors stuck in his eye and a cricket stump shoved up his backside. 14 IF YOU COULD BE...... B L A C K & W H I T E 15 G R E A T S As the Title suggests this months Question of the Month is ‘ If you could be any Starlet of the Silver Screen who would it be ... and why? ‘ Here’s who you aspire to be.... “Ginger Rogers” Bobbie Ginger Rogers (July 16, 1911 – April 25, 1995) was an Academy Award-winning American film and stage actress, singer and dancer. In a film career spanning thirty-five years she made a total of seventythree films, and is now principally celebrated for her role as Fred Astaire’s romantic interest and dancing partner in a series of ten Hollywood musical films that revolutionized the genre. Myrna Loy (August 2, 1905 – December 14, "I would like to add my idea of a star Myrna Loy Some will better know her for her roll as Nora in the Thin Man Movies . Not only is she a very beautiful woman but she show her funney side in the movies." 1993) was an American motion picture actress. Perhaps her most famous role was as Nora Charles, wife of detective Nick Charles (William Powell), in The Thin Man series of madcap detective films. Loy was often typecast as a pert, perfect wife, and was known for her charm, grace and elegance. Love Kelly Jean "I would love to have been Myrna Loy. She had the greatest clothes in the Thin Man movies!!!!! I’ve got to find copies of those films!! So I can try to sew my own of hre outfits!!!" mouth watering-leigh, Leigh "Myrna Loy. She was absolutely gorgeous, had a soft, sultry voice and was a “weak woman,” but rather an actress with spunk and “moxie.” Rhianna 16 Fay Wray Wray was born on a ranch near Cardston, Alberta, Canada. Her family moved to the United States when she was three. Although Wray’s autobiography discusses her Mormon parentage and makes it clear that she was culturally Mormon, she was apparently never baptized as a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Wray’s family lived in predominantly Mormon communities in Alberta, Arizona and Salt Lake City, Utah before settling in Los Angeles, California, where she got her first film work in Hal Roach comedy shorts and in low-budget westerns in the early 1920s.Wray gained media attention when she was selected as one of the WAMPAS Baby Stars in 1926, which landed her a contract at Paramount Pictures. In 1928, director Erich von Stroheim cast Wray as the main female lead in his troubled production of The Wedding March, which sent Hollywood in a buzz for its high budget and production values. It was a financial failure, but it gave Wray her first lead role. She is best remembered for her role as Ann Darrow, the blonde seductress of a gigantic, prehistoric gorilla in the classic horror/adventure film King Kong (1933). She wore a blonde wig over her naturally dark hair for the role. There have been claims the screams emanated from actress Julie Haydon, and dubbed for Wray, but that has been disputed. " well who else but fay wray from the orignal king kong movie , reason, the biggest film for its time and since i like amatuer modeling that be the prefect role imagine all the poses for the camera not just for film but after as well" wendy xxxxxxxxxxxxx Veronica Lake (14 November 1922[1] – 7 July 1973) was a popular American film actress and pin-up model who enjoyed both popular and critical acclaim, especially for her femme fatale roles in film noir with Alan Ladd during the 1940s. Described by Bette Davis as “the most beautiful person who ever came to Hollywood,” her success was fleeting. Following a string of broken marriages and long struggles with mental illness and alcoholism, she died almost destitute. “Veronica Lake” Lisa-Gayle 17 Ingrid Bergman My selection is Ingrid Bergman. Although she made her first colour film in 1943 (For Whom the Bell Tolls), I certainly (and I suspect many others) remember her most for Intermezzo, Notorious and above all Casablanca. Best wishes, Andrea. Ingrid Bergman was born in Stockholm, Sweden, on August 29, 1915. Her mother died when she was only 2 and her father died when she was 12. She went then to live with an elderly uncle. At 18, after school graduation, the lonely and shy girl decided to become an actress. In 1934 she debuted in the Swedish film Munkbrogreven. Three years later she married Dr. Peter Lindstrom and in 1938 she gave birth to a daughter, Friedel Pia. In May, 1939, she arrived in New York to do a remake of Intermezzo. The beginning of WWII in Europe urged her and her family to return to America in 1940. In 1942 came out Casablanca and the picture made her a star of the first rank. Her acting in the next film For Whom the Bells Tolls (1943) won her an Academic Award nomination. In late 1943 she began working on Gaslight, which won her the 1944 Academy Award. She returned to Europe after the scandalous publicity surrounding her affair with italian director Roberto Rosselini during the filming of Stromboli (1950). In the same month the film was released she gave birth to a boy, Robertino. A week after her son was born she divorced Dr. Lindstrom and married Rosselini in Mexico. In June, 1952, she gave birth to the twin daughters Isabella and Isotta. From 1951 to 1955 she and her husband did a series of films that were badly received. Tired and convinced that she would never make a succesfull film with Rosselini, she returned to Hollywood and triumphed in Anastasia (1956), for which she received another Oscar. In 1957 she divorced Rosselini and the next year she got married to Lars Schmidt, a theatrical entrepreneur from a wealthy swedish shipping family. She received a third Oscar for her role in Murder of the Orient Express (1974). By 1975 she got divorced again. In 1978 she starred Ingmar Bergman’s Autumn Sonata. In the late 1970s she first discovered the symptoms of cancer and had undergone a mastectomy. Her last role was in the television film A Woman Called Golda (1981). For it, she won (posthumously) television’s Emmy Award as outstanding actress in a mini-series. She died in London, on August 29, 1982, after having a small birthday party with a few friends. 18 Vivian Leigh “although quite frankly my dear, I don’t give a damn” Kirsty xxx xx 19 Actress Vivien Leigh was born Vivian Mary Hartley in Darjeeling, India. From the ages of six to 15 she was educated in English convent schools, where she showed aptitude for the performing arts; then her education was polished off in European finishing schools. (According to Mia Farrow, 7-year-old Vivian told Farrow’s mother Maureen O’Sullivan, who was a schoolmate, that she “was going to be famous.”) At 18 she enrolled in the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in London, and at 19 she married barrister Leigh Holman, whose name she used to create her stage name, Vivien Leigh. A year later, still studying acting, she had a daughter, Suzanne. In the mid-1930s Vivien met and began a passionate pursuit of Laurence Olivier, who was then married to Jill Esmond. Leigh and Olivier soon began a very public affair, and after appearing together on both stage and screen, including Fire Over England, they each left their spouses. When Olivier signed to play Heathcliff in Wuthering Heights, which was being filmed in Hollywood, Vivien asked to be cast as Heathcliff’s Cathy, but was turned down because she was an unknown in America at the time. It was then the ultimate irony that she won the role of Scarlett O’Hara in Gone With the Wind, which came out in the same year as Wuthering Heights and completely eclipsed the latter film at the Academy Awards for 1939. Vivien Leigh, the unknown, won Best Actress. Leigh and Olivier were married at last in 1940. During the war years, Vivien worked mostly on stage in and around London. Speaking of this period, stepson Tarquin Olivier, said, “She was an insomniac always, and he had to sit up with her, and he was not an insomniac. She only needed about three or four hours a night. It was very hard.” In 1944, while filming Caesar and Cleopatra, Leigh discovered she was pregnant, but a fall on the set caused her to miscarry. It was Tarquin’s opinion that losing this baby “caused her manic depression to come forward” (Biography, 2000). Additionally, in 1945 she was diagnosed with tuberculosis. Bipolar disorder was little understood at that time. Lithium was not yet in use, and the only treatment she received was shock therapy, which was not then administered with the same level of care as today. Tarquin Olivier saw burns on his stepmother’s temples at times from her shock treatments. Her ill health, physical and mental, began to strain the Leigh-Olivier marriage. Leigh was drinking heavily at times, culminating in a breakdown during the filming of Elephant Walk (she was replaced by Elizabeth Taylor). In spite of her illnesses, she continued to work in a handful of films and on stage, winning a second Oscar for her performance in A Streetcar Named Desire. Olivier finally divorced her in 1960 to marry actress Joan Plowright. Though Leigh lived for the rest of her life with a younger actor by the name of Jack Merivale, friends agree that Olivier was her great love. She died of tuberculosis in 1967. Judy Garland "My first answer is Betty Boop but if she doesn’t count , Judy Garland or Claudette Colbert" Mimi Lamour "I’m much to young to remember black and white films. and much to busy trying to be pretty to watch them now so the only one i can think of is Dorothy from start of wizard in oz before it goes to colour. " Bex BGood Born Frances Ethel Gumm on June 10, 1922 at Itasca Hospital, Grand Rapids, Minnesota Spent early childhood (4-1/2 years) in Grand Rapids, MN until moving to California in October 1926. (That is why the Judy Garland House is restored to the period prior to 1927.) Parents Frank and Ethel Gumm spent 12 years in Grand Rapids, MN from 1914 untll 1926. They lived in the Judy Garland House for seven years (1919-1926). “Baby Gumm” gave her first public performance at the Itasca Mercantile at the age of two. She gave her first public stage performance at age 2-1/2 in her father’s New Grand Theater in Grand Rapids, MN. She sang Jingle Bells, wearing a little white net dresscreated by her mother. Performed throughout northeast and north central Minnesota before moving to California. George Jessel was the one who changed the Gumm girls’ name to the Garland Sisters at the Oriental Theatre in Chicago during the 1934 World’s Fair. Signed movie contract with MGM at age 13 in 1935. Rose to international fame when she performed the song, Dear Mr. Gable, You Made Me Love You,” at the age of 15. Made 32 feature films. Appeared with Mickey Rooney in three Andy Hardy films - there were 16 Hardy films in all. The series won a special Academy Award in 1942 for “furthering the American Way of Life.” Received a special Acadamy Award “Oscar” for the best juvenile performance of 1939 in recognition of her work in The Wizard of Oz. Nominated for two other Academy Awards. Starred in 30 Judy Garland television shows garnering a total of 10 Emmy Award nominations. Appeared as a television guest on nearly 30 other shows. Fulfilled more than 1,100 theater, nightclub and concert performances in 18 years from 1951 until 1969. Received a special Antoinette Perry (Tony) Award for record-breaking Broadway engagements at the Palace. Recorded nearly 100 singles, and over 24 record albums. The record Judy at Carnegie Hall received an unprecendented 5 Grammy Awards in 1962, including Album of the Year. Her radio work encompassed several hundred broadcasts. Sang at countless benefits for the military during WWII. As an adult, Judy was four feet, eleven inches tall. Her favorite color was red. Her favorite dinner was steak and kidney pie. Judy was married five times; her husbands were David Rose, Vincente Minnelli, Sid Luft, Mark Herron, and Mickey Deans. She had three children: · Liza Minnelli, born March 12, 1946 · Lorna Luft, Born November 29, 1952 · Joseph Wiley Luft, born March 29, 1955 Judy has two grandchildren: Jesse Cole Richards and Vanessa Jade Richards. Their mother is Lorna Luft. Died in London on June 22, 1969, at age 47 of an accidental overdose of prescription medication. Buried at Ferncliff Cemetery, Hartsdale, NY. 20 Claudette Colbert Claudette Colbert (September 13, 1903 - July 30, 1996), born Lily Claudette Chauchoin, was a French-born actress with a long career in American film, theater and television. Born in Paris and raised in New York City, Colbert began her career in Broadway productions during the 1920s, and with the advent of talking pictures progressed to film. Some of her early appearances portrayed her as a femme fatale, and she made a strong impression as a dramatic actress, but was later acclaimed for her comedy performances in several screwball comedies. Highly regarded for her abilities as an actress, she alternated between romantic comedies and dramas, and received Academy Award nominations for her roles in both film genres. From the mid 1930s until the late 1940s, she was one of the most successful and highly paid performers in American cinema, and, later, as her appeal began to wane, she returned to the stage. From the 1950s she performed in theater and television, and made only a few film appearances. In her later years, she retired to her home in Barbados, where she died following a series of strokes. In 1999, she was ranked 12th by the American Film Institute in their list Greatest Female Stars of All Time. Betty Boop Betty Boop is an animated cartoon character appearing in the Talkartoon and Betty Boop series of films produced by Max Fleischer and released by Paramount Pictures. With her overt sexuality, Betty was a hit with theater-goers, and despite having been toned down in the mid-1930s, she remains popular today for this portrayal of sexuality. 21 Doodles Do you doodle? Many people love to scribble away absentmindedly, and often these doodles can carry a great deal of meaning, so here are a few of yours, lets see who's creative and who's just plain nuts!!! Why do we doodle? Often, its just boredom. People are not wired for doing nothing – with a long prehistory of precarious existence, people need to be constantly engaged in productive action. Laziness is a sure recipe for extinction. Neither are we wired for the purely cerebral activity that so many of us are now employed in – we are designed to work with our hands, to scan the horizon with our eyes, and walk long miles. So, we fidget, twitch, fiddle and doodle whenever we are forced to sit still and inactive for any period of time. Doodling is also an outlet for frustrated artistic expression. The arts in our society have become ‘spectator sports’ reserved for the talented, while the rest of us are too embarrassed to sing (except in the shower), dance (except for some foot-tapping) or draw (except for doodling). These fundamental outlets for creative expression have been stymied by a combination of social pressure (fear of inadequacy) and lack of training (our overfull school curriculums leaving little room for the arts, combined with a flawed view of artistic development as innate and not to be ‘messed with’ by education). When we are otherwise occupied – on the phone, in a meeting or lecture, writing a list – basically, any moderately engaging mental activity with a pen in our hand – the censor in our head can be ‘turned off’ and we allow ourselves to express the ideas that are locked in our head. Usually we have a limited visual vocabulary that we have at our disposal; depending on the age at which our artistic development stalled. Children learn a set of formal symbols – the face, house, sun, moon, flower, tree, bird, fish, and basic geometric shapes – that are established in early primary school. They might add more complex forms later, but rarely learn observational drawing. In the early teens, when realistic expression and detail become important, children keenly feel an inadequacy in their ability to draw realistically, and stop drawing. People who stopped drawing very early will tend to limit their doodles to repetitive geometric forms and the learned symbols from their childhood. Those that continued drawing in their teens will include more involved patterns and complex symbolic representations, while people who maintained an interest in creative expression may create intricate doodles and complete drawings. Katrina Figures tend to indicate artistic development being stalled very early. Interpretation depends on the amount of detail, who the figures are, and what they are doing. More complex figure drawings require a lot of thought, and begin to leave the realm of doodling and become artwork (conscious drawings, rather than absent-minded doodles). So, there you go, your a frustrated artist, with a fixation with short fat hairy men and aliens from the planet Moggy!.......Pass the medication nurse.......with speed!!! Liam ( My Son ) This doodle clearly indicates that my son is mad, probably brought on by prolonged exposure to living with me!!! Either that , or he is a bean addict!! Flo Hmmm, a combination here, the first appear to be geometric shapes, so an organised mind is indicated, whilst the second appears to map out a direction, the shortest distance between 2 points, perhaps a trip? or even contemplating a change in direction in life? An interseting one x 23 Can doodles be interpreted like handwriting or dreams? Doodles can certainly reveal something of a person’s mental state, but it should be noted that no graphologist or psychologist would use them as the sole indicator. A single isolated doodle would also have limited value. Looking at a collection of various doodles would offer the most helpful insight, especially when coupled with other information, such as handwriting analysis, dream interpretation and psychological assessment. It must also be considered whether the inspiration for a doodle is internal or external. Is the artist expressing concern with a current situation or experience (a person causing difficulties, something on TV, or a movie they have seen) or is it a reflection of an internal state (their personality, an emotional state or conflict)? Do all shapes have meaning? Some shapes have a meaning that is inherent – the most basic shapes, such as circle, sun, and square might be among these – and sometimes properties, such as aggression, repetition, fluidity or neatness – will naturally carry significance in the interpretation. Some symbols have a culturally acquired meaning, such as a love-heart or Christian cross, but one that is so universally accepted as to be considered almost inherent. Some symbols have a cultural meaning that has fallen out of use or belongs to a certain realm of knowledge – this includes hobo signs, types of crosses, alchemical and scientific symbols, and astrological symbols to name a few. The presence of these symbols in a doodle might occur accidentally, or may indicate familiarity with the realm of knowledge they belong to. Note also that ‘doodle’ really refers to absent-minded scribblings, not concious works of art that happen to be on a scrap of paper. Does Color Have Meaning? Well, yes and no. In the context of doodling, color is generally that of whichever pen you have to hand, so should generally be ignored. Color symbolism is not universal, so cultural differences must be taken into account. Historically, pigments aquire symbolism due to the value of pigments - The ‘celestial blue’ in Medieval paintings of the Virgin Mary was chosen not because of innate symbolism but because it was the most precious pigment available at the time (Lapis Lazuli). What Colors Mean: Color often have a degree of innate meaning due to visual assosications: sky blue, green plants, red blood, brown earth, yellow sun. Colors also have a ‘temperature’. Red, orange and yellow are warm colors, while green, blue, blue-grey and violet are cool. Red: Red often represents power. It can indicate anger (’seeing red’) or a need to impose authority, but is also a seasonal, festive color associated with holly berries and Santa Claus. Looking at red increases the heart rate. In China, red is the color of prosperity and joy. 24 Blue, Black and Gray: These are conventional colors, indicating stability and strength. Dark blue is often chosen as a corporate color in the financial sector to indicate security. Sea-green and blue can also have connotations of water and the ocean. Gray is sometimes called ‘the color of sorrow’. In some Native American cultures black is the color of the life-giving earth, while in western culture it is usually associated with darkness, evil and death. Purple: Purple may represent sexual frustration or a need to appear unorthodox, and is a favorite color of artists. Historically, purple has represented royalty, and in darker hues suggests magic and mystery. Brown: Brown can suggest the earth and autumn. A preference for brown can indicate a conservative personality, even repression. Of course, in clothing and furnishings that depends on fashion, though trends can indicate the mood of the times. Green: Green usually regarded as a restful color suggesting well-being, and is favored by wellbalanced individuals. This is at odds with some associations, ‘green with envy’, ‘going green’ with nausea, and money (due to the ‘greenback’). Mark Making and Scribbling: Mark making is a general term artists use to talk about all sorts of lines and the quality of line in a drawing. Mark making is important in doodle analysis, as it can tell a great deal about a person’s state of mind. This can be put together with the content of the doodle. Lineweight Pressure: Light lines indicate sensitivity, or a tentative nature - the artist worries about making errors. Medium weight lines suggest a balanced, confident personality. Heavy marks can indicate resolve, strength, and energy. Agression produces overly heavy lines, and the paper may be impressed or torn. Varied lines can indicate instability. Lineweight may also be used, especially in a pencil doodle, to create shading effects, which may have meaning in the context of the image, but not in themselves. Repeated Lines and Patterns: Repetition is a common feature of doodles that suggests a methodical, patient approach to tasks. Repetition also increases the significance of a particular motif. Energetic Marks: Random, energetic scribbles can indicate a disordered mind, or may be simple space-filling as a product of boredom. Small vigorous scribbles made into a varigated pattern combine energy and impatience with a desire for structure. Extensive Space-Filling: Large, complex doodles that have grown almost organically across the page suggest a persistent nature, a love of design and a desire to express ideas. These doodles can sometimes indicate frustrated artistic ability, especially if ornate forms are embedded within them. Zig Zags: Some sources suggest that zig-zag lines indicate an experience of harsh reality and a need for comfort. Angular lines are also a feature of many styles of ‘tag’ graffiti and Manga cartooning, so may be preseny in the doodles of young people who are interested in these art forms. Waves: Water-waves can be highly symbolic depending on the context, representing the water of life, a river, the ocean. The ocean is said to indicate an idle dreamer, though may of course be drawn by lovers of water sports. A curvy sine-wave pattern suggests musicality and natural rhythm. Wavy lines are sometimes drawn to represent long hair, meaning a desire for beauty and femininity (in ones self or a significant other). 25 Faces: Interpretation partly depends on whether the face represents the self or someone else. The simple face is a motif from early childhood, with a genuine ‘smiley’ suggesting a happy-go-lucky nature. Beautiful faces are often drawn by girls, some analysts suggesting that these are idealised selfportraits. A beautiful face can also indicate a sociable ‘people person’. Conversely, and ugly face can show a dislike of people and a bad temper. Cartoons are artworks rather than doodles. Eyes: Drawings of eyes are practiced a great deal by artists, and may suggest a frustrated artistic talent. They are sometimes regarded as showing a wish to be desirable. A feeling of being watched might be shown by a staring eyes, or especially an eye through a keyhole - you feel your privacy is being invaded. Mouths: Doodles of voluptuous lips might indicate frustrated desire. Frustrated artists also draw features of the face in isolation, as they are often pleasing to draw individually though difficult to fit together correctly. People - Figures and Stick Figures: Stick figures tend to indicate artistic development being stalled very early. Interpretation depends on the amount of detail, who the figures are, and what they are doing. More complex figure drawings require a lot of thought, and begin to leave the realm of doodling and become artwork (conscious drawings, rather than absent-minded doodles). Houses are another early motif, that are often drawn because of familiarity. Houses are regarded as representing the home life - a nice, neat house says you are happy at home, while untidy lines, asymetrical shapes or an absence of windows suggests an unhappy home life. Smoke from the chimney represents a welcoming fire, though this is probably culturally linked. Simple looped flowers occur early in the development of a child’s visual vocabulary, so are common in adult doodling – they are a familiar motif. Flowers are often drawn by women, but should not be interpreted as effeminate if drawn by men. In some faiths the Lotus flower, with its roots in the mud, stem through the water and bloom in the sun, represents enlightenment. Geometric Shapes: Regular patterns from geometric shapes tend to indicate an organised and efficient mind. Triangles are a geometrically stable shape but also suggest direction and sense of purpose. The triangle has been adopted into various symbol systems, for example, a pink (usually inverted) triangle represents gay pride. The Circle: The circle appears in every culture as an archetypal form representative of the eternal whole. With no ending or beginning, it revolves in an eternal cycle and is linked to the sun-disk and the attendant concepts of the yearly cycle, the moon, and the wheel. In some symbol systems it also represents the universe. The Square: The square represents the formal, mathematical, scientific order of the universe. The square represents earthbound matter, and correspondingly, with its two sides delineating a twodimensional surface, may symbolize the earth or ground, or a field, especially in eastern pictograms. In Buddhist symbolism the relationship the square within the circle represents the relationship of the human and the divine. Abstract and Random Shapes: These are not the regular zig-zag, patterned form of abstraction, but free-form and orderless shapes, which may be closed or open. A wandering line indicates aimlessness and distraction. Rythmical arabesques might suggest a wilful, coqettish distraction, while more purposeful lines indicate unease. Doodles of Boxes and Perspective Forms: Perspective drawing is quite an advanced stage in artistic development, and is a very satisfying creative outlet – simple 3-D boxes often hark back to our last experience of artistic training (technical drawing in highschool). 26 Internal - Spiritual: The rungs on a ladder represent levels in a hierarchy, and so can symbolise levels of spiritual awareness. A ladder may indicate communication between levels, or ascension to a higher spiritual plane. Internal: Arrows represent direction and ambition. Drawn aggressively, they represent a desire for action. Drawn in careful outline, they indicate a desire for progression or advancement, especially if pointing upwards. Arrows traditionally have masculine associations. Drawn with a heart, it becomes cupid’s arrow. External: Arrows might be inspired by motifs in Western or fantasy movies, Robin Hood, an experience of following arrow-marked paths (or even a love of archery!) Internal: A box divided into a brick pattern might suggest an obstacle in your path. Remember it can be scaled with a leg-up or a ladder. Brick walls can suggest a sense of restriction or limitation, or of being figuratively jailed for some imagined or real misdemeanor. There might be unresolved guilt that needs to be addressed. External: Bricks are everywhere, especially if you have a brick home or are planning to build one. Even if a brick wall is not part of your present environment, you may well have past experiences, even pleasant ones, associated with walls. Sitting on a garden wall, for instance, or throwing a ball against one. Celestial Bodies: The sun is a motif from early childhood that may suggest a sunny, childish disposition. Stars are drawn by ambitious people and may suggest a desire for self-promotion. Little stars indicate optimism, while asymmetrical stars suggest excess energy. Celestial bodies are of course favorites of sci-fi and fantasy fans, and young astronomy buffs. Game Boards and Mazes: Game grids such as Chess, noughts-and-crosses and Nine Men’s Morris suggest a competitive nature and desire to win - or a love of the game! Mazes can suggest a feeling of being lost with nowhere to turn, being unsure of which direction one ought to take, or may indicate mental disorganisation. Hearts: You’re in lurve... generally, hearts are drawn by people in love, but may also indicate a romantic disposition. Bars: A pattern of intersecting vertical lines - bars indicate a sense of imprisonment, feeling trapped or powerless. Can also be used by artists as a form of hatching, so losing any symbolic power. Dots: Dots are often regarded as a sign of great unease and a disordered personality. However, carefully drawn dot patterns may be related to game designs (indicating competitiveness), and may be used as in a stippling effect to fill space. Those who enjoy complex stipple drawing are usually intensely orderly to the point of obsession, patient and tend to ‘do things the hard way’. 27 Celebrity Doodlers Guess Who?! We spied on the person who doodled this one... His creations are a rich girl’s best friend but be prepared to put beauty before pain. The person behind this drawing is the star of a famous Manchester group. This former political leader is now a Lord but nothing will get this man down. The ship has sailed for this iconic sports star in his day he was World Cup hero Often called the Queen of Crime - this lady has the skills to sniff out any literary mystery This television favourite fixed dreams for 100s of youngsters over three decades. 28 Did the owner of this doodle bend the picture with his pen or with his mind? Legal News Chicago Adds Gender Identity to Human Rights Ordinance UNITED STATES, Illinois, Chicago - The Chicago City Council Thursday voted to amend the city’s anti-discrimination laws to add explicit coverage for the transgender, reports 365Gay.com. Mayor Richard Daley has expressed his support for the measure and is expected to sign the legislation. The bill adds “a person’s gender identity, appearance, or behavior,” to the city’s Human Rights and Fair Housing Ordinances, which cover employment, housing, and public accommodations. Sexual orientation was added to the law in 1988. With the Mayor’s signature, Chicago will become the twelfth jurisdiction in 2002 to pass a law to add explicit gender identity protections to a local anti-discrimination law. A total of 51 communities in the United States now have legislation that explicitly includes transgender people in their anti-discrimination laws. “Chicago activists have been working for many years on this effort,” said National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF) Executive Director Lorri L. Jean. “Adding protections based on gender identity and expression is simply the right thing to do and NGLTF calls on fair-minded jurisdictions across the country to do the same.” SUPREME COURT HEARS ARGUMENT IN LAWRENCE V. TEXAS A _Law Notes_ Contributing Writer attended the oral argument in _Lawrence v. Texas, in which the Supreme Court will determine the fate of Section 21.06 of the Texas Penal Code, the so-called “Homosexual Conduct” law that makes it a misdemeanor for persons of the same sex to have anal or oral sex with each other. 29 The Petitioners in this case were convicted of violating the law after police officers, responding to a false report, entered Mr. Lawrence’s apartment and found the men sexually engaged. They were each fined $200 for violating the law and appealed, at first winning a ruling from a three-judge panel of the Texas Court of Appeals that the law violated the Texas Constitution, then suffering a reversal from an en banc panel and a refusal by the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, the highest appellate court for criminal cases, to take up the case on its merits. The Supreme Court granted certiorari on three questions: whether the statute violates Due Process; whether the statute violates Equal Protection; whether _Bowers v. Hardwick_, the Court’s 1986 ruling rejecting a privacy challenge to Georgia’s sodomy law, should be overruled. Here is our writer’s report: The long-anticipated argument in _Lawrence v. Texas_ finally took place on March 26, and probably could not have gone any better. Paul Smith, who argued on behalf of the team of lawyers from Lambda Legal Defense & Education Fund and Washington, D.C.-based Jenner & Block, began his presentation by noting that a criminal prosecution for consensual sexual intimacy in the privacy of one’s home runs counter to Americans’ fundamental beliefs and values “implicit in our concept of ordered liberty.” Furthermore, a law such as the one at issue in this case, which singles out same-sex sodomy for prohibition while leaving opposite-sex couples free to make the full range of choices regarding how they will conduct their most intimate relationships, violates the concept of equal protection of the laws. Chief Justice William Rehnquist and Justice Antonin Scalia revealed their views early, both insisting at various points that moral judgments may be enough to sustain a law such as the one at issue in this case. Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg, David Souter and Stephen Breyer, on the other hand, offered Smith numerous opportunities to explain fully why this law ran afoul of the Constitution. Despite the predictions of some that the Court would ignore the due process argument in favor of the equal protection issue, the Court lingered on the privacy argument for over half of the argument. Justice Scalia, who at times appeared to have an air of resignation about him, asked Smith whether the fact that numerous states had repealed their laws against flag-pole sitting would somehow create a fundamental right to sit on flag-poles. Smith responded by noting that one must also look at the importance of the conduct to the lives and identities of citizens. The Chief Justice asked Smith whether the state could prohibit homosexuals from becoming kindergarten teachers solely based on a moral judgment such as the one expressed by this law. Smith responded that the individual interests and state interests at stake in such a case would clearly be different from those presented in Lawrence, where the full weight of the criminal law was brought to bear on individuals for making choices that the state did not like. 30 Justice Scalia followed up the Chief’s question by indicating that the state might not want homosexuals interacting with children because it would lead them to become homosexual. In an unusual lapse in courtroom decorum, the audience -- filled mostly with gay and lesbian attorneys and other supporters -- groaned and/or booed Scalia’s comment. Smith moved with great skill back and forth between his due process and equal protection arguments. At one point, Justice Scalia suggested that Smith hold up one hand when he was discussing due process and the other when discussing equal protection, so as to avoid any confusion. Justice Scalia asked Smith whether it was necessary for the Court to overrule _Bowers v. Hardwick_ -- specifically its statement that moral judgments alone are enough to sustain sodomy laws -- and Smith explained that it would not be necessary for purposes of an equal protection ruling. Justice Ginsburg then jumped in, and “asked” whether Smith thought _Bowers_ should be overruled as a due process ruling. In response to this softball question, Smith presented three reasons why _ Bowers_ should be overruled. First, Smith noted that _Bowers_ had mischaracterize the right at issue as “homosexual sodomy” rather than the right to make a whole range of choices, including the decision to engage in sodomy, regarding sexuality. Second, Smith noted that _Bowers_ had gotten the history completely wrong by suggesting that there was a long history of regulating same-sex conduct. In fact, a careful historical review revealed that most sodomy laws prohibited conduct without regard to the sex of the participants. [The ACLU and a group of gay historians both presented compelling arguments dealing with this history point in their amicus briefs.] Finally, in one of the most powerful moments of the entire argument, Smith challenged the notion that one’s sexual choices have nothing to do with family relationships. Smith cited the recent census showing that there are hundreds of thousands of gay families living throughout the country. For these people, same-sex sexual intimacy performs essentially the same function, as does sexual intimacy for married couples. Amazingly, until that point in the argument, not even Justice Scalia had suggested that gay relationships were not valuable. Justices Anthony Kennedy and Sandra Day O’Connor were notably quiet throughout Smith’s presentation. At one point, O’Connor asked whether the Petitioners were asking for heightened scrutiny, and Smith assured her that they were confident that this law failed rational basis review. Therefore they were not pressing (although had preserved) heightened scrutiny arguments. Finally, Smith urged the Court to recognize a right of privacy that protects people’s choices about sexual intimacy, stating that while the Court had technically left the question open, the American people have already agreed upon the right answer and had “moved on.” The district attorney for Harris County, Charles Rosenthal, Jr., did not have quite as enjoyable a time before the Court. At times, even Justice Scalia, a natural ally, appeared frustrated at the weakness of the state’s arguments. (For example, nobody was interested in Texas’s argument that the record was insufficient because it did not demonstrate that Petitioners were actually homosexuals.) 31 Justice Breyer particularly grilled Rosenthal. At one point, Breyer served up Smith’s three main due process arguments -- _Bowers_ is “harmful in consequence, wrong in theory, understate [es] the constitutional value” of the right at issue -- and demanded that Rosenthal provide a “straight answer” to these claims. Chuckles broke out throughout the courtroom, and even Justice Clarence Thomas gave Breyer an elbow in the ribs for his witty double entendre. Breyer kept pressing -- If this conduct is not hurting anyone, then what the heck is the government doing in people’s bedrooms? Could Texas make it illegal for people to tell serious lies to family members around the dinner table simply because it is immoral to do so? Perhaps having given up on Rosenthal, Justice Scalia took on the effort of defending Texas’ position. The Chief Justice ultimately had to step in to the debate between Scalia and Breyer and encouraged them to at least try to direct their questions to the advocate before them. Justice Ginsburg asked whether Texas prohibited homosexuals from adopting, but Rosenthal answered that he did not know. (Answer -- no) She then remarked that such facts would seem to be important to Texas’s case. Justice Souter challenged Texas on whether there was any tradition of regulating only same-sex conduct and asked how long this tradition had been in place (answer - only since 1973). Rosenthal insisted that even though Texas had decriminalized a whole range of conduct for heterosexuals back in 1973 -- including adultery, fornication, sodomy and bestiality -- these repeals did not necessarily suggest that the state condoned the conduct. He insisted that the state had the right to draw the line where it did. At that point, Justice Kennedy (in one of his only comments) stated that Rosenthal’s argument did not speak to the due process question. Kennedy had also asked Smith to clarify the distinction between his equal protection and due process argument, but in a manner that did not necessarily provide any indication regarding his views. Although supporters of the Petitioners left the argument with tremendous optimism, in some sense, the argument threw into question, which of the two grounds offered the more narrow ruling. The privacy argument could arguably be cabinet to the question of what consenting adults choose to do in their bedroom, whereas an equal protection ruling stating that discriminatory laws grounded solely in a moral judgment are unconstitutional clearly could have a broader reach. While most are predicting victory, it is still an open question how the Court will get there. Amayi Richards 32 Black & COMPETITION White There is nothing more Romantic and thought provoking than a good Old-fashioned Black & White image, here are some of your attempts to encapsulate that feeling xx VOTE #1 - Terilynn VOTE #2 - Jessica 33 VOTE #3 - Davina VOTE #4 - Leah VOTE #5 - Krysti 34 VOTE #6 - Maria VOTE #7 - Gilly VOTE #8 - Rachel 35 VOTE #9 - Erica VOTE #10 - Minkiheels VOTE #11 - Kirsty 36 More Beautiful than the BAFTA’s...... 37 More Egotistical then the Emmy’s....... 38 More Ostentatious than the Oscar’s....... 39 The one , The only....... 40 KTM GIRL of the YEAR 41 Every month a Girl was chosen by her peers as KTM Girl of the month, to represent the Tg community in this big bad world. Ultimately the 12 Girls were put forward in a headto-head competition to find the Best of the Best.......... and the winner is......... (giggle) 42 Lil ‘ol me!! 43 Unaccustomed as I am to public speaking, I’d like to thank all the lil people who have made all this possible...... Lighting.............................................................................ME (Well, I put the light up!) Make-up.............................................................................ME (Trowel bought from local Garden Centre) Hair...................................................................... TRENDCO (£140 - worth every penny) Costume..............................................................................ME (I am SUCH a tart!) Camera Person....................................................................ME (10 sec timer and a quick dash!) Producer..............................................................................ME Director...............................................................................ME Refreshments..................................................................WIFE (Bless her xx) Background Music “FAME” (Irene Cara) And to All of you who Voted, a Huge THANKS xxxx 44 Jean Genie Winner Jo in tW r e n in W t in inn er Jo Kirsty Paula Congratulations! 45 How Many Candles??? April Birthdays xx Abby Caroline Amanda Chantal 46 April Charlene Ciara Connie Elise Georgina Dawn Gloria 47 Henry Jason Jean Jenny-anne Lana Simone Jennyfer Leigh-anne 48 Tonia John Paula May Birthdays xx Adam Andrea Bob Braelea Carrie Charlotte 49 Chrissy Cierra Denise Erika Jenn Jessi 50 Julie Kylie Lauren Lorianne Sarae Marcy Patty Vicki Yvonne Have a FANTASTIC day!!! 51 FASHION>>>>> This Spring & Summers wardrobe ‘must-have’ has got to be the 60’s style mini-dress, so come on girls - Flash those Thighs!! 52 FASHION>>>>> Printed Empire Dress £30.00 53 FASHION>>>>> Vintage Print Puffball Dress in the style of Jessica Simpson £28.00 JO IN T FA V! ! 54 FASHION>>>>> Printed Polo-neck dress in the style of Sienna Miller £25.00 JO IN T FA V! ! 55 FASHION>>>>> Flower Print Dress £25.00 56 FASHION>>>>> Tonal Swirl Printed Dress £25.00 57 FASHION>>>>> Tonal Swirl Print Mini-dress in the style of Cat Deeley £25.00 58 FASHION>>>>> 1 2 3 4 5 1 - Printed Empire Dress - £30.00 2 - Border Print Kimono Dress - £28.00 3 - Color Block Printed Dress in the style of Kate Moss - £30.00 4 - Rose Print Tierred Dress in the style of Kate moss - £30.00 5 - Stain peacock Print kimono Dress £35.00 6 - Printed Babydoll Dress - £30.00 6 7 - Printed Babydoll Dress - £30.00 7 So, there you go, worn with leggings, jeans or shears, you cant beat this latest fashion, femininity in its purest form xx 59 In The PAPERS How to be a spearmint smoothie FOR the more hirsute lady, it sounds like a dream come true. Researchers claim that drinking just two cups of spearmint tea a day could help to slow the growth of excess body hair in women. They found the tea-drinking regime led to a drop in abnormally high levels of ‘masculine’ hormones - or androgens - which cause the extra hair found on some women’s faces, breasts and stomachs. But any men hoping to achieve a smoother look should be warned: The study was prompted by previous reports that the plant had a detrimental impact on the male libido. The findings by a Turkish team from the Suleyman Demirel University, published today in the Phytotherapy Research journal, concluded: ‘Spearmint can be an alternative to anti-androgenic treatment for mild hirsutism.’ Reasearcher Professor Mehmet Numan Tamer said that in some cases, spearmint tea could supplant the current treatment of oral anti-androgen tablets, or diuretics. ‘This study shows spearmint could be a good natural alternative for women who have mild symptoms,’ she said. But British experts have poured cold water on the suggestion, saying any effect on hair growth would take a long time to emerge....if ever. Dr Ann Walker, a senior lecturer at Reading University and qualified medical herbalist, said: ‘Excess hair is not likely to disappear overnight as a result of tea-drinking. ‘At best, there might be a tendency to dampen re-growth which would help in combination with laser treatment.’ 60 CENTREFOLD R A C H E L J A M E S 61 Rachel is almost as old as I am, being that I first remember her appearing when I was about four or five. It is very hard to write something here which will sum up Rachel’s existence and the changes that have taken place for us over the years. I suppose if I begin at the end it makes some sense. I am a 30 year old, happily married part-time transvestite. I have the good fortune to have a wife who is not only supportive, but encouraging of this other side of me. As she says, she loves me and this is a part of me. J R While I don’t necessarily agree, it would appear that there are obvious conditioning factors which led to me becoming a tranny. I had 5 sisters, no brothers, and a father who worked nights. So there was plenty of female influence and plenty of access to female clothes. I suppose I was borrowing my sister’s clothes up until the age of about 17 or 18. It was at that point that I began telling girlfriends and female friends and they were all very supportive in giving me old clothes or helping me to buy them. 62 To this day I still only dress at home, the one exception being a Halloween party in 2005. However, I have been quite open for a number of years, telling all my female friends and my closer male friends along with two of my sisters. I can’t really see me going out dressed at this point as I get really nervous in company. Not necessarily because I would be dressed but I just feel a pressure when I am in a group and supposed to be sharing something in common; whether it is all the lads watching football or all the ‘girls’ sharing their love of dressing. At this point I have quite a large wardrobe although I don’t buy half as much as I used to a couple of years ago due to having to cancel my eBay account. Oh, how that is missed! I generally aim towards the younger look when I am dressing, short funky skirts, and that sort of thing. I also quite like the vaguely gothic look, lots of black and fishnet with big platforms. Although, I suppose I will have to start dressing my age a bit more pretty soon! At this point, I am still struggling to balance my desires to dress with the amount of time I have to do so. Although it is probably true to say that no matter how much time I had to dress, I would probably still want more. When I am frustrated at not being able to dress for a few nights or a week at a time, I remember some of the stories of people online who are more closeted than I am; feeling unable to tell spouses, family or friends and I realize that I am really lucky to have the level of support and openness that I do. I think that if I wrote this piece in another week or month there would be different things to say. As I get older and change in ways, I find that Rachel and my feelings towards her change to. However, I will say that I have always felt that it was a privilege to have her as part of my life. The only questions were ever how much of my life should I allow her to take over? It’s a question I have never been fully able to answer. I have never really wanted to become a girl but at the same time I have always tried to bring little bits of Rachel’s character into my male life. I hope I have done this to some extent and my wife says I do. She’s biased though and will err on the side of kindness. I hope I haven’t bored you too much and if anyone would like to chat about this or anything else, I would love to hear from you. I feel that I am content to be a transvestite and in many ways, I have learned to become a well-adjusted person whilst being able to hold onto this little bonus. I would love if I could help someone else reach the same levels of comfort with their transvestism. Rachel xx 63 64 Delia hon....Get a life!! Delia’s Way v Mandy’s Way Stuff a miniature marshmallow in the bottom of a sugar cone to prevent ice cream drips. Just suck the ice cream out of the bottom of the cone, for God’s sake. You are probably lying on the couch with your feet up eating it anyway. ................................ To keep potatoes from budding, place an apple in the bag with the potatoes Buy Smash and keep it in the cupboard for up to a year. ................................ Brush some beaten egg white over pie crust before baking to yield beautiful glossy finish. Sainsbury’s frozen pie directions do not include brushing any egg white over the crust. ................................ 65 When a cake recipe calls for flouring the baking tin, use a bit of the dry cake mix instead and there won’t be any white mess on the outside of the cake. Tesco’s sell cakes. They even do decorated versions. ................................ If you accidentally over-salt a dish while it’s still cooking, drop in potato slice. If you over salt a dish while you are cooking, that’s tough sh*t. Please recite with me the Real Woman’s motto: “I made it and you will eat it and I don’t care how bad it tastes.” ................................ Wrap celery in aluminium foil when putting in the refrigerator and it will keep for weeks. It could keep forever. Who eats it? ................................ Cure for headaches: Take a lime, cut it in half and rub it on your forehead.The throbbing will go away. Cure for headaches: Take a lime, cut it in half and drop it in 8 ounces of vodka. Drink the vodka. You might still have the headache, but who gives a sh*t? 66 If you have a problem opening jars, try using latex dishwashing gloves. They give a non-slip grip that makes opening jars easy. Why do I have a man? ................................ And finally the most important tip ... Freeze leftover wine into ice cubes for future use in casseroles and sauces. Leftover wine???? HELLO!!!!! .............. 67 Simp-leigh Leigh Smythe PinkEssence a TG group for all TG’s who want to come out and find friends By Leigh Smythe, a Minnesota TG I would like to acquaint you all with a group that is growing and building, mainly, in the United States, but may go further. My friend Chloe Prince has had some success building a social organization of TGs that go out to public places like theaters, plays, large malls, and other locations for the purpose of socializing together, building friendships and having fun. The starter group has been in Ohio, but Chloe has started to set up chapters all over the country and Canada, and Mexico. This group is called PinkEssence. You can connect with the national group by going to PinkEssence. com England has had more liberated attitudes for quite some time now, but in the United States, our experience is mixed. Some states are doing well at protecting the rights of TG and Intersexed people, whereas, some are not. Very recent cases like that of Julie Nemecek, a Michigan Professor at Spring Arbor College, and Susan Stanton, the city manager of Largo, Florida, are leading the way to making the public aware of Transgender issues. Nemecek and her wife are readjusting their lives to continue this by meeting with State legislators, and, in May, participating in a DC rally and congressional briefings. Stanton is fighting for his job as city administrator in a hearing with the city counsel on the 23rd of March. Hundreds are planning to show up and many are registering to testify on both sides of this termination hearing. I would assert that our “time” is coming. With upstanding people like these two, leading the headlines, PinkEssence is trying to bring transgendered out of the closets, and away from the traditional “safe” GLBT clubs, to places where the general public is. The goal is to provide a solid friendship network and throw out our fears and join the general population. We are important in our own right and should not be relagated to just GLBT places or our traditional hiding places. 68 Chloe has been working this effort for a while and has gotten a very strong comraderie. The January Girl’s Night Out had over 60 people and a live band. Recently, over 50 people attended a GNO in Akron, OH. Chapters in other states are recruiting girls and will be setting up GNO’s in their areas soon. I am the Social coordinator of the Minnesota Chapter. I am looking to find Transgendered in Minnesota who might like to join us. We are using the yahoo groups just as a means to communicate our nights out and the notes and messages and pictures of our get togethers. If there are any Minnesota girls here, who may want to join us, please check out the link below. The link to the Minnesota group is: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/PinkEssence_MN/ If any of you have an interest in looking into a group in your state, or learning about this organization, check out this link: http://www.PinkEssence.com Our Founder, Chloe Prince has stated: “The #1 Goal of PinkEssence is to condition and educate the general population of the Transgender community via our presence out in the general public! Everything else is a side effect… i.e.: having fun, GNO,s people coming out of the closest.. etc etc.” Additional goals of the group are: a). We want to get out to places that are nice and ideal for talking and getting to know each other, like restaurants for dinner, then to clubs or other places for fun and friendship. We are not looking for GLBT onlytypes of places. We are looking for places that the “normal”population attends. We’renot about challenge, but not about hiding either! We are just people who want to each, enjoy each others company, build friendships, and do it anywhere that seems compatible to those ideas. b). We want to help and pave the way for those sisters of us that have not been comfortable with presenting in a general population. The only way to do that is to accompany them. There is safety in numbers. Comfort in numbers. Nerves can be overcome when we can walk in together and reinforce our bravery! In the Minnesota group, we have almost 80 members. We are growing and looking forward to getting out for nights of fun and friendship. We will get together at least monthly from now on. I believe this organization will grow and add to our Transgender experiences. I hope anyone who wishes to find friends among other TGs and get out to have some fun just like everyone else can, will look into the PinkEssence groups. Your TG friend, Leigh Smythe 69 R E D O R D E A D C O M P E T I T I O N 70 VOTE #1 - Bex VOTE #2 - Christen VOTE #3 - Connie 71 VOTE #4 - Cynthia VOTE #5 - Daniel VOTE #6 - Donna 72 VOTE #7 - Gilly VOTE #8 - Gina VOTE #9 - Jami 73 VOTE #10 - Jen VOTE #11 - JennyAnne VOTE #12 - Kirsty 74 VOTE #13 - Lynda VOTE #14 - Melissa VOTE #15 - Miki 75 VOTE #16 - Rachel VOTE #17 - Selina ---> <---VOTE #18 - Tina VOTE #19 - Wendy 76 VOTE #20 - Trisha VOTE #21 - Veronica VOTE #22 - Wendy2 77 VOTE #23 - Paula VOTE #24 - Chloie VOTE #25 - Minki VOTE #26 - Marie-Louise 78 Personal Profile Skin Type The Five Skin Types: How to work out your skin type Read through the check list below to work out your skin type. Your skin can change at any time, so to keep it glowing repeat this check list every couple of months and adapt you skincare routine if needed. 1. How does your skin feel after it has been cleansed? A. Tight cheeks B. Slightly shiny C. Fine & Smooth D. Slightly shiny on the T-zone but fine on your E. Red or blotchy 2. What does your skin look like without moisturiser? A. Dry & tight B. Oily C. More or less normal D. Shiny on the T-zone; normal on the cheeks E. Irritated 3. How visible are your pores? A. Nearly invisible B. Clearly visible C. Visible when close up D. Clearly visible on the T-zone & visible when close up on your cheeks E. Can have any one of these during a month 4. Does what you eat & drink affect your skin? A. Drinking alcohol makes my skin feel drier B. My skin feels greasier when I eat fried foods C. I can eat what I what without affecting my skin D. I get breakouts on my T-zone when I don’t eat enough fresh food E. Spicy foods can inflame my skin How did you score? A’s - you have dry skin Mostly B’s - you have oily skin Mostly C’s - you have normal skin D’s - you have combination skin Mostly E’s - you have sensitive skin Mostly Mostly 79 Personal Profile Oily Skin It’s not just teenagers who get oily skin. Many people in their 20’s and 30’s get it too. Oily skin tends to have larger pores and often looks shiny because the oil producing sebaceous glands are very active. This makes you more prone to spots and blackheads but the extra moisture in your skin means it won’t age as fast as other types. People with warm dark colouring are more prone to oily skin then fair skinned people. Taking Care: Oily skin attracts more dirt then other skin types because it’s greasier but it still needs gentle treatment. Harsh lotions and too much scrubbing can over stimulate the oil glands and make your skin even greasier. Cleansing: Use a light lotion, a milk cleanser or a wash off gel; foaming gels are good as they dissolve oils. Toning: Refresh your skin with an alcohol based toner but only when it looks really shiny. Look for the word ‘astringent’ on the label. Witch hazel or tea tree and grapefruit oil are great natural toners for oily skin. Moisturising: Use a water based formula round your eyes, cheeks and neck. Tip: Treat yourself to a face mask containing mud or clay to soak up excess oil and calm breakouts. Dry Skin Your skin tends to get drier as you get older, although you can have dry skin or the occasional dry patch at any age. Dry skin can look flaky and thin with very fine pores and things like air conditioning, wind and sun can add to the dry feel. Dry skin can affect both cool and warm skin types. Taking Care: Dry skin needs gentle treatment and lots of nourishment to keep it healthy and supple. Your aim is to boost the moisture in your skin so it looks plump and smooth. Cleansing: Use a cream cleanser or a very rich liquid cleanser, or you can use a non perfumed Moisturising soap but please make sure if using the soap you don’t buy a cheap one. Toning: Splash with cold water after cleansing to boost the circulation or use a mild alcohol free toner. Rose water is a soothing natural alternative. 80 Personal Profile Moisturising: Use a rich nourishing cream both day and night. Tip: Drink plenty of water, up to 2.5 litres a day (this can be with squash or tea, coffee but make sure there isn’t any caffeine present). This will help to replenish the moisture in your skin plus eat lots of fresh veg and fruit to keep your skin nourished. Sensitive Skin: Sensitive skin is easily irritated and can look blotchy and feel itchy. It’s often dry but sensitive skin can also be combination or oily. Products can make it flare up and allergic reactions can cause problems too. Cool light skin types often have sensitive skin. Taking Care: Although with all the other skin types the rule is to be gentle it’s especially true for sensitive skin types. Always try to use as few products as possible and look for hypoallergenic or allergy tested products which have been screened for irritants like perfume. Be aware though because even those products that state that they have been tested can contain ingredients that will upset your skin. Over 60 per cent of women claim to have sensitive skin, so don’t feel so bad. Cleansing: Never use soap, it can upset your skin’s natural balance and leave it feeling even more sensitive. Use a very gentle cream or lotion cleanser instead; a good cleanser is worth its weight in gold. Toning: Use tepid water as cold water can be too harsh and avoid toners as they may also irritate your skin. If you feel you need to use a toner then never use one that has alcohol in it. Moisturising: Use a gentle hypoallergenic cream, preferably with added sunscreen. As with all products the best thing to do is try a few and see which one best suits you. Tip: Always patch test new products. Apply a blob behind your ear and wait 48 hours to see if there has been a reaction. Normal Skin: If you have got normal skin you are one of the lucky ones. Your skin is balanced, which means that it’s neither oily nor dry, it feels fine and smooth and has pores that are almost invisible. You rarely suffer from spots and blackheads, or allergic reactions to different products. You are more likely to have normal skin if you have warm medium or cool medium colouring. 81 Personal Profile Taking Care: The challenge with normal skin is to keep it that way for as long as possible by maintaining its natural balance of oil and moisture. Cleansing: Use a gentle pH balanced facial wash or milk cleansing lotion and rinse off well to ensure skin is completely clean. Toning: Use rose water or a freshening toner to wake up your skin and revive it, but avoid astringent toners or ones containing alcohol. Moisturising: Protect your skin and maintain moisture levels with a light to medium weight moisturizer and pat an eye gel round the delicate eye area. Tip: Use a rich moisturizer on days when your skin needs more protection, for example in winter when it can be drier. Combination Skin: Combination skin combines both normal and oily skin, usually. The cheeks are normal with oily skin on the nose, chin and forehead. This area is called the T-zone because it makes a T-shape. Both warm and cool types can have combination skin. Taking Care: Because you have two different skin types, it’s best to treat each individual area in a way that suits it best. Products for your oily nose may be too harsh for the finer skin on your cheeks. Cleansing: Use a light lotion, gel or milk cleanser on your T-zone. If you have dry skin elsewhere on your face use a rich moisturising cleanser. Otherwise pick a cream cleanser for normal skin. Toning: Use an astringent toner or a natural product such as witch hazel on your T-zone and water or rose water on other areas. Moisturising: Use a light, non drying formula with added sunscreen on your neck, cheeks and forehead. Make sure that it’s non comedogenic, this products tend to block the pores so cause blackheads. Don’t bother moisturising your chin or nose as they produce enough natural oil. Tip: Use a pore minimiser on your T-zone to even out the appearance of your skin. Don’t make combination skin worse be over cleansing or moisturising. 82 Danger in your handbag OK Girl’s, hands up who’s a culprit!! We’ve all done it for various reasons, either it’s our fav colour....or...it seems such a waste, but we all know that there has to be a time when we have to wave goodbye to that clumpy, smelly lipstick or that driedup mascara once and for all. Heres a guide on how to MOT your make-up. MAKE-UP does contain preservatives, but these have a limited life span. Heat can destroy them, so always store your cosmetics somewhere cool and away from direct sunlight. A fridge is ideal but not always practical. A dark, cool drawer or cabinet would also work. Keep applicators and brushes clean by washing them in a mild shampoo such as baby shampoo. Rinse well and leave to dry naturally on a clean tissue - this will keep the brushes in shape. If kept too long, foundation will go off and give you spots, if you cant remember how old your foundation is, give it a sniff! A bad smell is a good indication that all is not right. If the ingredients have separated or changed colour, it is probably time for the bin. Bacteria Mascara is the most likely cosmetic to give you problems. Bacteria collects in the brush and as it is applied so close to your eyes it can lead to infections. When you are usuing mascara, don’t pump the wand as this just pushes more air - and more bacteria - into the tube. NEVER add saliva to it if it is running out, because that transfers germs from your mouth to the holder. And always remove eye make-up before bed because it can creep into your eyes while you are asleep and cause irritation and infections. Remember to wash your hands before applying make-up so you dont transfer germs to your make-up or onto your face. Always replace tops and lids and do them up tightly to keep the airbourne bacteria out. And if in doubt - throw it away! 83 How Long Will They Last? Each bar represents 2 months Mascara - 2 months Liquid Liner - 1 year Liner Pencil - 18 months Eye Shadow (powder) - 18-24 months Eye Shadow (cream) - 6-12 months Foundation (Oil based) - 6-8 months Foundation (Water based) - 1 year Powders & Bronzers - 2 years Blusher (powder) - 18-24 months Blusher (cream) - 6-12 months Lipstick,lipgloss - 8-12 months Lip liner - 12-18 months Nail Varnish - 1 year 84 Book Review Washington Blade, DC, USA BOOKS Friday, March 09, 2007 Transformative beginnings `First Man-made Man’ moves beyond history and into literature By ZACH ROSEN Reading Pagan Kennedy’s “The First Man-made Man” will give you a sense of vertigo. Not of the nausea-inducing variety, mind you — more like the Hitchcock movie. Opening as two strangers meet in a London café, “The First Man-made Man” is replete with obsession, identity crises and personal recreations, but the changes its main characters undergo make Kim Novak’s haircut and dye-job look like nothing more than a day at the salon. Set in the first half of the 20th century, “The First Man-made Man” is a true account of the life of Michael Dillon, medical history’s first female-to-male transsexual. Born Laura, the daughter of faded English aristocracy, Dillon struggles with the then-uncategorized certainty that she was meant to live life as a man, knowing she wouldn’t be happy until that dream was realized. Testosterone therapy takes Laura to the beginning stages of manhood, and the first recorded sex change operation finishes the job. 85 Dillon writes a small book promoting the rights of those who felt they were born in the wrong body, and as a result is contacted by Roberta Cowell, who is in the midst of her own male-to-female transformation. Their initial meeting is the one that opens the book and sets the tone for the events to follow. A quiet bearded man, smoking a pipe, confesses to a man with a crew cut and breasts that he used to be a woman. If you’re looking for intrigue, this book is fairly dripping with it. “Man-made Man” is divided into halves. The first chronicles Dillon’s rise to manhood and his failed romance with Cowell, whom he sees as the only woman on the planet who won’t be put off by the storied past of his gender. It also explores Cowell’s transformation and eventual ignominious fate as bankrupt tabloid darling. The second section follows Dillon in a completely unexpected direction. Frustrated that his mind has not undergone the drastic progress of his body, Dillon immerses himself in esoteric mysticism and embarks on a life of poverty among the Buddhist monks of Tibet. “THE FIRST MAN-MADE Man” works on several levels. It is, first and foremost, a character portrait of a man who traveled a number of literal and metaphorical distances yet didn’t reach an emotionally and spiritually fulfilling destination. Dillon’s story also serves as a vehicle for a much more factual journey through a burgeoning physiological, sociological and surgical medical field, as doctors first acknowledge and then embrace a challenging new demographic of patients. This second story proves to be just as interesting as the first, as any reader with the slightest historical curiosity will be intrigued by the cultural adjustments to what was, at the time, seen as a whole new set of sexual deviances. The contrast between the cruel treatment Laura/Dillons suffers at the beginning of the book and the laissez-faire acceptance granted her at the end feels like a victory, even though the battle is far from over today. Pagan Kennedy has managed to put together a detailed, historically accurate account of a medical breakthrough that reads like a mystery, a feat that could have easily fallen apart. It’s a shame that the story’s most salacious element, the potential romance between Dillon and Cowell, did not continue for long enough to merit a few extra chapters. Though Cowell rejects Dillon’s advances to better exploit her own newfound feminine beauty, it’s a testament to Kennedy’s writing and research skills that Cowell manages to stay on the periphery of the narrative while also remaining a sympathetic, if ultimately tragic, figure. Medical and historical elements aside, the narrative about Dillon and Cowell lifts the book from being an expanded footnote and transforms it into a compelling read. Whether or not they ever find the identities they so sought, Kennedy beautifully follows the story of two people who struggled to be the first of their kind. 86 Got a TGirl? Then Read on.... T-Girl Survival Guide s’ ! G G LY N O Perhaps you started off like so many t-girl spouses. You were not aware of his “other woman” when you walked down the aisle to say, “I do”. When you did discover his “unique” interest, you decided you loved him - and found a way to let him enjoy his little hobby - after a great of of “coaxing” on his part. You began to achieve some occasional pleasure from his activities and enjoyed the added attention and appreciation he shared for your support. He could be so cute when dressing - but more in the way a “puppy” is cute. He was relatively easy to please and coddle. It didn’t take much to pacify his desires. Suddenly, you wake up and discover “she” is changing - and you don’t like what you see. You notice a bit of a vixen attitude on the horizon, and a girl not so “easy to manage”. What was once a “dirty little secret” between the only two of you - has been “shared” with other people like himself he’s “discovered” on-line. Seems the intimacy of the whole adventure is going right out the window. What the hell is going on?? If you haven’t already done so, you better be prepared to meet that green faced gal with the triangular hat you once knew as your loving male. We’ll call her the “Wicked Witch of Transgenderism” - but deep in your memory banks you already know her true identity. Your “little girl” - has become a teenager! Oh, shit!! *Laugh* Stop and think teen You really must be feeling a degree of vindication at this point. How many of you out there have been saying your man acts like “a teen” anyway? Seriously, do you recall what your teen years were like? I’ll bet you wouldn’t wish those tumultuous days of insecurity, sexual discovery, and caddy friends on anybody!! Before you totally freak out, consider the positives. Fortunately, your “guy/girl” has a lot more real life experience than when you went through this period of life. This should cause him to grow through this phase of “adjustment” rapidly - with your love and support. It isn’t always a “pretty” process. Remember that we’re dealing with the dirty mind of a 40-year old man - housed within a “14 year old female persona”. Sounds like Frankenstein, no? At the very least, “Frankenstein’s Bride”. As ugly as all this might sound, you have the keys to make it work because you’ve already been where he is right now! Naturally, you must factor in those issues, which are unique to your “personal” situation - but I’m going to give you a few thoughts, which might help. 87 Signs of growing up Most women notice the changes in their gal by the amount of time she starts requesting to dress. It will seem as though it’s basically “all the time”. In fairness, please consider that he’s probably spent decades being unable to “accept” this craving within himself - let alone openly enjoy it. It’s only natural that he would want to more “fully” explore such a pent up desire. Many women respond to this increased intensity by calling a halt to the whole process. Is this the best route? Think teen. What would you have done if “mom & dad” cut out your fun time? If you were like many teens, you’d moan a bit, be grouchy, and if your grounding persisted - you’d start finding a way “around” the supervision. Cutting your gal off at the knees might be a convenient way to keep her in one place for the moment - but make no mistake - she usually can and will find a way to “wheel” herself out of prison. It’s like making a person hold their need to “pee”. As much as you’d like to think otherwise, she did not choose to have to do this - it’s just nature taking its course! I’ve seen two consistently successful courses of action in this area. First, carefully balance his needs and wants through guidelines, agreements and discussion. He / she will need to get out - help this occur safely - but agree on the rules of engagement. Encourage her to make high “quality” friends (remember “that one” your parents tried pulling)? It’s a good idea. Friends cause us to have to measure up to a higher level of qualities. Teen girls need this sense of measurement to stay clear of trouble. Finally, increase the dose - when he least expects it. As his skill with dressing improves, the time and effort required to reach his basic “look” becomes a bigger and bigger chore. Don’t let him off the hook by only letting him dress on Friday night one weekend in every month. Cram it down his throat once in awhile!! Nothing will acquaint your gal with the horrors of femininity quite like having to get “done up” each and every day. The American Cancer society uses this same method to get people to quit smoking. To reduce the required frequency of his dressing - let him overdose a bit on it - like a smoker inhaling seven packs of Marlboro Lights the day before they quit. Nature can help take care of the rest. Also, force “her” to earn her keep. Forget making him clean the house in a French Maid’s uniform - he’ll likely relish that option. Instead, make him wash and iron his own “stuff” and keep it well organized. I really think there needs to be a non-sexual “t-girl academy” - where new girls can go off, learn everything they need to know - and more importantly - get a lot of things out of their system. Until that time, you’ll just have to work your way through it like the rest of us have - by creating your own! s’ ! G G LY N O 88 Sexual exploration This probably should be (and more than likely is) your biggest concern about your gal growing up. Although it might go unspoken - you can literally sense the increased sexual desires building in your gal. I will not lie to you. His growth in femininity often translates into a “desire for affections” - as a female. Often, this desire will translate into an interest into another t-girl. Most every “dresser” I’ve ever known has some sort of sexual attraction to certain other t-girls. Most don’t go any further with their thoughts than “fantasy”. A lot of genetic women get concerned about this for a variety of reasons - some valid - some a little more like “wives tales”. Typically, he will translate this desire into sexual fantasies with a t-girl prettier than himself. Unfortunately, beyond the home VCR unit, these girls will have little interest in a neophyte crossdresser. Why? Unless he’s a natural born Elizabeth Taylor, it’s kind of like a freshman girl with braces being attracted to the senior captain of the football team. They are just not in the same worlds. If he’s not able to fulfill a desire with other t-girls, he will sometimes end up in the embraces of a masculine male. His role is “needing attention” as a woman. Is all this starting to ring a bell? Do you recall these feelings in junior high school? I warned you that you had a teen on your hands, didn’t I? His attraction to a masculine male is governed by a number of things - but unless he is really homosexual (rare) - his desire is not really “sexual based” - but recognition based. Most heterosexual cross dressers will never traverse the sexual “line” and be intimate with a masculine male. Most despise the thought of being considered “gay” or even bisexual. However, since they can relate totally with a t-girl “really being a woman” - they will sometimes conclude they are not engrossed in a bisexual experience but rather - a heterosexual adventure. Only “a teen” could come up with such a unique distinction! Think teen. Many women who are “accepting” of their TG spouse, feel they have already “given” a great deal by accepting “all this” - and really feel they should not have to deal with his sexual leanings. Hello? We are talking about a teenage girl honey. Does it really matter what you “think”? Teens are inherently selfish creatures. Just letting her “dress” won’t be enough - sorry! Most all of us have a need to be desired as women. And we will do some insanely stupid stuff to satisfy that need. If you’ll recall your teen years, the times when you made the “right decisions” were usually a function of not wanting to hurt people you loved, fear of reprisal, and peer pressure. Again, you see the important impact of quality friends in a similar situation. Like most teen “parents”, your prayer is always that your love, teachings, and support will cause your young gal to exercise safe judgment when faced with hormonal urges. I find gals who are in relationships that they consider supportive and balanced - are the last ones to “experiment” - without prior written approval. s’ ! G G LY N O 89 Grown up issues Sex between the two of you during this period of your gal’s t-life - can be a little tough at times. However, it will be worth it to you to help him through this process. There is an additional payoff from all your effort. Most men have sex all their lives like a teenager - missing the more sensual experience of bonding physically with another human. They usually don’t discover this intimacy - until they are of an age where nature forces them to slow down and “study” the grape - before taking a sip of the wine. By getting your gal through this tough phase, you will have accelerated the process of producing a male lover who is much more in touch with the real beauty - and miraculous gift - known as “sex”. Under my intimate relations section you’ll find some ideas on the details of having quality sex with your gal. Unfortunately, it can be a bit more challenging in her teen “years”. It certainly was with me. Happiness during this phase is a function of giving her what she wants while you still get what you need. Your biggest nightmare is when she starts playing little role-playing games where she is ‘the lovely female” - and expects you to treat her as such. A lot of women get irritated with their guy “stealing” their character - in the sexual chess board. Think teen. Here’s the real problem: She wants to be “desired” as a woman. Consequently, she often wants to assume some traditionally female roles in sex. Think about some of your thoughts when you were much younger. - That’s the girl you have on your hands right now. Oh brother, huh? Just remember how easy you were to manipulate back then. (Hint, hint) You will likely feel at times your gal has a desire “for a guy” - I’m not going to go into the details that might get you “thinking” that way. Some t-girls do desire men - but most simply desire recognition. A few girls are lucky enough to be “desired” by the world from their online photographs - and that solves it for them. The rest of us have to fight for the minor accolades we can garner. Don’t get too frustrated when you offer her a cookie like “you look great” - and she turns into a 10 LB ham by responding “I really, do don’t I?” and / or “Have you seen how everybody looks at me - and wants me?” Before you throw up...just keep repeating to yourself - this is a child, this is a child.... *Laugh* s’ ! G G LY N O 90 Insecurity It is truly a delicious twist of fate when a man starts to worry about his waistline - and how it affects his dress size. Regardless of the many frustrations you might have endured to date - you really must stop and take pleasure in that realization. All those “honey, you look fine” comments on a “flat hair day” - have now come back to haunt him! I love it!! *Smile* The danger of insecurity is in how he arrives at becoming secure. Remember the high school slut who was basically the most insecure of all the girls? Or how about the Prom Queen who was running a “very close second”? I’m sure you know that if you clamp down too hard on a teenage girl suffering from hormonal imbalance - you are asking for big-time trouble when it comes to what she might “end up doing”. She might even revolt - just to spite you - particularly if she has had a few drinks and finds herself in a situation where a prospective lover is whispering in her ear. And you can forget about a spanking - too many gals would love for you to pursue this course of action. *Grin* Think teen. My advice? Love her! Nothing will keep a young girl on the path of righteousness like knowing she is loved. I know it sounds silly, but I’ve seen so very few t-gals state with conviction they knew their spouses loved them. The former is concerned about not getting caught. The latter is concerned about not being loved - a far greater consequence. One issue that can arise in this vein is clearly distinguishing between “cheating” and “sort of cheating”. You know how teens can “stretch” a definition. You really need to agree on a very clear set of rules - and plainly define all potential parameters. If I dance with someone, am I cheating? If I get my ass grabbed, am I cheating? If I allow someone to grope my body, did I cheat? You get the picture. Good communication - as always - is the key to success. s’ ! G G LY N O The pay-off of parenting you’re teen Of all the friends I have in the world, less than 2% even know about Renee. Yet of those couples I admire most, 98% are transgendered. Why? Transgender marriages that go through the growth pains of t-ism - are really no different than other highly successful marriages. They are successful because some event occurs which FINALLY forces the man to open up his inner feelings and expose his soul. As men, we are most often taught to “be tough” - not realizing how much more difficult it is ‘to love”. Your man’s feminine expression is your ticket to real intimacy in the relationship - a rare occurrence. You probably have already accused him of acting like a child half the time before you knew about all this. Might as well kill two birds with one stone and finally get a “full time grown up” out of the deal with both of his “personas”! One thing he will very likely agree on is that you can deal with this - for he holds a woman in the highest regard. Never mind how he acts otherwise. And that, my dear - is a very special man indeed! Have fun sweetheart! 91 Tammi’s ? ? ? 1) In heraldry what colour is sable? 2) In which castle was Charles I imprisoned from 1647-48? 3) In which US city was the first juke-box installed, in the Palais Royal Saloon, 1889? 4) In which country is Interpol based? 5) In German mythology what is the name of the siren who lived on a rock and lured boatmen to their deaths? IN W Which perfume house launched the ‘Joy’ perfume in 1930? Which artist painted The Watering Place? Which city hosted the 1992 Summer Olympic games? Which Hindu God is depicted with the head of an elephant? Which British Prime Minister’s mother, Jenny Jerome, invented the Manhattan cocktail? 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) ? H ?? T A H ? ? ? IC H 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) W Torment’s QUIZ 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) What type of fruit is a canteloupe? What is the fifth sign of the Zodiac? What is the name of a word which reads the same backwards as forwards? What does an ocularist make? What chemical element has the symbol Fe? Who played the Riddler in the 1995 film Batman Forever? Who invented the steam engine? Who became US president after Abraham Lincoln was assassinated? Who was known as Little Sparrow? Who played Tom Hanks’ wife in the film The Burbs? 92 W H O ?? ? Picture Quiz Name the Mr. Men Characters 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 93 First Encounter CHAPTER 4 - FALLEN ANGEL? It was years into the smoking ban, but somehow this back alley dive in a sorry little section of downtown Boston bypassed by gentrification still managed to carry a whiff of stale tobacco of ages past. Perhaps it had so deeply permeated the tired old building’s horsehair plaster walls that it would be gradually seeping out for many years to come, or, more likely, the staff would light up every night after the last thoroughly trashed customer had staggered out the door on his way to a mugging or maybe his third drunk driving arrest. I was sitting at the bar, makeup garish, sloppy and smeared, stockings torn, some dried cum in my hair from the last blow job I had performed in a nearby alley for a twenty and a few drinks. I didn’t care a whit about my wretched appearance, because the rough trade who came here to get head and fuck sleazy, flea-bitten trannies in their skanky asses seemed content to have me as I was, no questions asked. A heavyset, bald and bearded man, belly sticking out from under his t-shirt and drooping over his belt, bad teeth and cheap whiskey breath in my face, had his fat, hairy paws well up under my stained and wrinkled skirt. I scarcely acknowledged him as I gulped my own cheap whiskey and scanned the place for prospects. I had never been so miserable and low in my life. I missed Sarah desperately, and it was entirely my fault for having been such a disloyal, self-centered little cunt. “C’mon out into the alley, bitch. I want my cock sucked,” the foul-breathed fat man growled in my ear. I wearily rose to perform my job, turned toward the door, and stopped short, too stunned to move. It was Sarah, standing in the doorway, with an expression of sheer revulsion at her tawdry surroundings. She was wearing a silk dress, in her favorite teal, appearing to have been painted on to her tiny, lithe figure. The back was V-cut nearly to her perfect, round ass, and the kick slit stopped just short of sinful. As always, Sarah was a breathtaking vision, from her cascading auburn locks down to her trademark 5” spikes. Directly behind her stood an absolutely gigantic man, at least 6’6” and as hard as polished steel, obviously a bodyguard. He had a chiseled face, with an obviously styled haircut. Sarah always expected the best, and paid accordingly. Under his suit jacket you could sense a well muscled upper body, and under his well-fitted Armani jacket, was he carrying (omg!) a weapon in a shoulder holster. I shivered at the likelihood he was armed; h no one I knew had a ccw license. His pricey Italian shoes completed the picture of class and menace in a single package. He, also, wore a look of utter disgust at the scene before him. I could see that he was wondering what the hell Sarah was thinking, setting foot in such a vile, stinking, fetid pit. 94 Sarah began to walk toward me, taking in the ugly spectacle of me, filthy, drunk and disheveled, permitting this piggish man to run his nasty hand up my skirt. “Do as you must. However, remove him at once,” Sarah instructed her colossal companion, without even turning her head. The big man reached out and grabbed my molester literally by the scruff of his fat neck and dragged him out the door and into the alley. I could hear some muffled thumping and crashing, a grunt or too and a brief squeak of pain, then the sound of a dumpster lid crashing shut. Turning toward me, Sarah simply said, “Follow me.” I did as instructed, and followed her out onto the street, without a word. A new driver I didn’t recognize stood at the rear of Sarah’s limo. Her old driver, Nick, was long gone for his starring role in the sordid drama that had brought me to this sorry state in the first place. The trunk popped open. “Get in,” she said, brusquely. “I don’t carry trash in the car with me.” Her tone was as cold and unfeeling as I had ever heard from her. I silently obeyed, and the trunk lid slammed shut, leaving me in pitch darkness, curled into a fetal position with just a thin layer of carpet between my cramped body and cold steel. One door closed, Sarah’s, and then another. The limo pulled away from the curb. Five horribly bumpy and uncomfortable minutes later, the car stopped, and I heard the sounds of two doors opening and closing in sequence, and Sarah addressing her bodyguard. “Take the trash in through an unused back door. I’m known here and I don’t want to offend the guests.” The trunk lid popped open, and I was temporarily blinded by my sudden encounter with the brilliant afternoon sun. Once my vision returned, I could see that we were somewhere in the Back Bay, and I surmised that we were outside the Ritz-Carlton. Always first-class for Sarah. The bodyguard grabbed me roughly by the elbow and dragged me into the hotel through a non-public back entrance. He took me to a first-floor room, unlocked the door, and shoved me through. I pitched forward, tottering awkwardly on my heels, nearly losing my balance and falling to the floor. As I steadied myself, I noticed fresh clothes laid out on the bed. Heels, hose, bra, panties, dress, jewelry, everything is there, even an expensive makeup kit, a selection of perfumes, and a beautiful new auburn wig, styled very much in Sarah’s manner. I observed a note on the night stand. In Sarah’s distinctive, meticulously elegant script, the note read: “Wash ALL the filth off. Do whatever must be done to make yourself presentable. You shall be brought to me when you are COMPLETELY cleansed.” It seemed that the bodyguard had left me to my own devices. I cracked open the door to the room and could see him standing impassively, rippling arms folded, just outside in the hallway. For the first time, I noticed how handsome he was. 95 I found a packet of Clean Sweeps and cleared my face of all my old crusty, cheap, dollar-store makeup. I then stepped into the shower and spent a good 30 minutes in there, scrubbing every square inch of my body pink. I flossed and brushed my teeth thoroughly, and cleared my bleary eyes with some drops. My hands were a bit shaky as I applied my new makeup, but my skills had not declined badly, and I was able to achieve a passing resemblance to my old self. My face was still a bit drawn and my complexion sallow, from the months of drunken misery I had wallowed in during my painful separation from Sarah. I still had a ways to go. But with fresh makeup, a spray of Armani Mania, pearls around my neck and wrists, pearl earrings, and crowned with my gorgeous new wig, I almost felt pretty again. I began to hum softly and happily to myself, growing confident that Sarah had come to rescue me because I had fully paid my debt to her, and that she was set to open her arms wide and draw me back into her sweet embrace. I opened the bathroom and tentatively walked out, slowly getting accustomed to my new 6” heels. The bodyguard had come back into the room. He looked me up and down, obviously impressed with the transformation. The stony coldness of his facial expression gave way to just a hint of warm, sensual appreciation. “Come with me, please, ma’am,” he said, in a far more pleasant tone than he had previously used with me. I took his arm and he escorted me to the concierge. It was an unusual and not unpleasant experience for me to be on the arm of someone significantly taller than I. I felt more secure on my towering heels and my step lightened and quickened. “Good evening, ma’am, hello, Donald. Ms. Sarah is expecting you,” said the concierge, as the door opened. Obviously, the bodyguard’s name was Donald, and he was known to the concierge. I was then escorted to a door, upon which Donald gave a gentle, respectful knock. “Come in.” It was Sarah’s voice, stern, and brimming with controlled anger. I knew instantly that there would be no welcoming embrace. Donald opened the door, but kept his eyes turned from the interior the suite. “Close the door,” said Sarah, in the iciest of tones. I did as I was told, my whole body trembling, eyes cast down, afraid even to glance in Sarah’s direction. My penance was not over. To be continued…. 96 97 P O STU R E Perhaps one of the hardest things to accomplish in your transformation, is the ability to switch from your normal, defensive, male posture and stance, to the softer, submissive and accepting stance of femininity. As men, we are always in the macho, ready-to attack, mode, as dictated by the role society has placed on us, and it shows in our facial expressions, the way we stand and walk, the way we hold our shoulders, arms, and hands, the way we sit, and just about everything we do and say. There are so many little things that we do, without really thinking about them, that drip with testosterone, and certainly detract greatly from our feminine image, if not addressed and modified. So where do you start? In general, you really need to loosen up, and try to clear your head of the male habits that you have been doing for countless years. As with any change, things are hard at first, and you really have to think and be aware of the changes which you are trying to accomplish. Take some time to look at pictures of genetic women, and observe them closely in your daily activities, noting the little things they do with their bodies which create their feminine mystique. You will find that they have a more relaxed stance, with their shoulders down, arms free, hands unclenched, etc. They stand and walk with grace, seeming to always know exactly how to position their legs to achieve maximum femininity. They seem to bend and twist in ways which are most feminine .... motions which are not normal for the male torso. They have an entirely different manner about their posture and actions than those associated with the male image, and all of those little things come as naturally to them, as our defensive, stiff male presence comes to us. Being able to shift your posture into female gear isn’t easy, and will take plenty of practice .... using a mirror, or pictures really aid in the training. Here are a few things to work on. RELAX .... You need to get out of that defensive mind set, and loosen up !!! SHOULDERS .... Stand in front of a mirror while dressed, and notice the position of your shoulders. Force them down and slightly back, and see the difference it makes in your feminine image, as your shoulders take on a more rounded, submissive look. Notice that this also sets your hands slightly lower on your torso, making the arms look longer, increasing the feminine look. This exercise is very hard on those built up muscles, but if done regularly, the muscles will stretch and relax, and your shoulders will tend to fall into a more feminine position naturally. ARMS AND HANDS .... If you have ever quit smoking, you know the feeling of not knowing what to do with your arms and hands, and this is a major problem in adapting a feminine posture. If you practice the above shoulder exercise, you will find the the arm and hand positioning starts to come more naturally. Once again, use a mirror, and use your imagination, as well as pictures of posed genetic women (Veronica used a Fredericks of Hollywood catalog), and pose and practice. REMEMBER to relax, and just go with the flow!!! AVOID traditional male habits such as fist clenching, and arm crossing. Always position the hands with the fingers together or slightly spread, giving them a slender look, and making them blend in more with your overall feminine image. 98 LEGS AND FEET .... Use the same techniques discussed above in hands and arms. In general, legs should always be kept close at the knees. Standing and walking in heels is something that takes training, as the muscles in your legs and feet need to stretch and adjust to the higher heel height..... it takes regular practice!!! When standing, avoid a stiff straight-line stance, by shifting weigh to either leg, and twisting or pivoting slightly at the waist and hips. If you are posing with one foot raised, point the toe of your shoe downward, as this creates the illusion of a longer leg. Use this toe pointing method when sitting as well, with legs crossed, or ankles crossed ....it makes a huge difference!! ! SUMMARY: a few key words ..... RELAX, RELAX, OBSERVE, PRACTICE!!! IMPORTANT NOTE: SMILE ........Always smile, as a good smile really adds to your feminine image, and takes years off of your face!!!! While posing in front of a mirror, seems a bit silly to some, through plenty of practice, the little things that will start to come naturally, are the basics for passing, or just improving your feminine image in general. If you have a brand new shiny car, but it has a few dents in the side, everyone will see the dents, not the sparkling car, and it is no different with the image you present for your feminine side. Posture isn’t a small dent .... it can make a HUGE difference!! !!!!!! This T-Girl Tip is brought to you byKat’s Dream Boutique www.katsdreamboutiq ue.com 99 Visit our website to see the complete tip, and other great T-Girl Tips !!!! 100 LORI’S FILM REVIEW 300 Directed by Jack Snyder (Starring Gerald Butler, Lena Headey, David Wenham) It’s very rare that a film comes along like 300. One that you actually count the days down to see it, well I just got back from it and let me be one of the first to say that it was well worth the wait. The story is true to the graphic novel, in which King Leonidas, and 300 Spartans take on around 300,000 Persians and slaves to King Xerces. I won’t spoil anything, but the ending is truly nothing like you’ve ever seen.As a matter of fact the entire movie is like nothing you’ve ever seen, and simply writing this review doesn’t do the justice that this classic piece of art film deserves. The acting is spot on and Gerald Butler passionately portrays Leonidas, with might and honor. I like how the director Frank Miller picked an almost entire cast of unknown actors. The music is beautiful and delves right tin for the action scenes, and softens out for the less action oriented parts. But the main reason why this movie is so perfect is the visuals. Simply outstanding. It’s so amazing you almost want to cry at some points, and say, “why didn’t I think of that” Hindsight bias at it’s best. My favorite political scene (yes there are politics in it as well) is when Lionidas’s wife speaks to the council, and urges them to send more soldiers to help the fight for freedom. ‘Freedom isn’t free” she says, as well as that the Spartans are fighting for an age of freedom. This struck me hard because after seeing so many anti-war movies and how our president is so bad documentaries, it’s nice to see a movie that actually supports our government. People need to realize that our soldiers are fighting in Iraq for a better world. Anyway back to the movie. See it, you’ll love it, you’ll recommend it, it’s graphic and rated R, but I think 15 and up is reasonable. This is one of the few movies in life that you will actually remember for a long time. And to quote our here King leonidas “THIS IS SPARTA!” In the ancient Battle of Thermopile, King Leonidas and 300 Spartans fought to the death against Xerxes and his massive Persian army. Facing insurmountable odds, their valor and sacrifice inspire all of Greece to unite against their Persian enemy, drawing a line in the sand for democracy. 101 Wild Hogs Directed By Walt Becker (Starring Tim Allen, John Travolta, Marisa Tomei) 4 middle-aged friends - Woody Stevens (Travolta), Doug Madsen (Allen), Bobby Davis (Lawrence) and Dually Frank (Macy) decide to take a break from their boring jobs and their families and go on a motorcycle trip with their Harley Davidsons. This trip turns into a vacation that they will never ever forget. Everything that can go wrong goes wrong for the group that calls themselves “The Wild Hogs”. The trip becomes somewhat dangerous especially when the 4 friends run into real bikers gang called The Del Fuegos say that “The Wild Hogs” are a joke. “The Wild Hogs” also run into Jack (Liotta), who is funny and perfect for the role he plays in this movie. Then a Highway Patrolman (McKinley) finds the group in an awkward position that is pretty funny also. Marisa Tommie is also good in this movie but the rest of the cast outdoes her. This is a very funny movie and it looks like some of the yahoo users liked it as much as i do. If you like comedies this is the movie to see this week. Four guys from the suburb hit the road...and the road hit back. 102 Ghost Rider Directed By Mark Steven Johnson (Starring Matt Long, Raquel Alessi) Nicholas Cage’s character Johnny blazes the big screen as the Ghost Rider with intense visual effects and the fight for the balance of good and evil. Although Mark Steven Johnson directs Ghost Rider, the director of the mediocre motion picture called Daredevil that starred Ben Affleck. Mark reestablishes his credibility as he does a fine job directing and capturing the essence of the gothic personalities of the Ghost Rider being the devil’s supernatural bounty hunter. Also actor Nicolas Cage helps his reputation with being taking the role as Johnny Blaze/Ghost Rider after starring in The Wicker Man. Ghost Rider was slated to be released in 2006 but was held back in order to include some additional scenes and touchups on special effects. This motion picture has stayed true to the Ghost Rider’s appearance in the Marvel comics by containing the flaming skull, hellcycle, hellfire, and chains. I’m a comic book fan and I was tremendously excited about the release of this film, ever since the debut at the San Diego Comic Con 2006. This film has captured a lot of hype due to the visual effects and also it is another comic book adaptation. The heart and soul of Ghost Rider really relies on its visual attributes that distinguish it as a Marvel comic’s film. Ghost Rider is based on the popular cult classic comic book character from Marvel that is from hell. The story goes when Johnny Blaze (Nicolas Cage) sells his soul to the devil, Mephistopheles (Peter Fonda) for his daredevil motorcyclist father, Barton Blaze. But when Barton Blaze dies from a stunt accident, the deal goes sour. Mephistopheles takes Johnny to hell and away from his childhood companion, Roxanne Simpson (Eva Mendes). The devil soon makes a pact with Johnny as he will take the spirit of vengeance and become Mephistopheles’ bounty hunter called the Ghost Rider in return for his life on Earth. Years later Johnny mysteriously returns and comes back as a stunt motorcyclist. But when news reporter Roxanne Simpson questions Johnny’s disappearance and his persona, they mutually afterward try to rekindle an old flame. Mephistopheles calls on the Johnny Blaze/Ghost Rider to retrieve the runaway son and nemesis, Blackheart (Wes Bentley). Although when Johnny Blaze/Ghost Rider later finally realizes why Blackheart has escaped from hell, he is assisted by his mentor and friend Caretaker (Sam Elliot) to control his powers and abilities. It is up to the Ghost Rider to get on his hellcycle and defeat Blackheart and his wicked crew called The Hidden as they attempt to create hell on Earth. I thought Ghost Rider might have been pretty cheesy with the flaming skull graphics and of course some of the acting with some of the villains in the story. This film contains a very dark tone and is blended with a bit of romance that is heated up with Nicholas Cage and Eva Mendes. I’m a fanatic about comics and adaptations and I thought Ghost Rider truly redeemed Mark Steven Johnson’s career after his directing of Daredevil. Some of the cons in this film are the eerie cheesy voiceover for the characters such as some of the villains and Ghost Rider. I thought that the movie should have had a better usage of the voiceover and made this film much more frightening because after all the hero of this story has a flaming skull. Different from most superhero genre films that the monstrous character is the hero rather than the villain who is similar to the motion picture called Spawn. Another flaw of the film is that some of the scenes were much anticipated. I’d be happy to see another Ghost Rider motion picture as like a sequel but it needs to fix upon its mistakes that it has done from this movie. I recommend Ghost Rider for the many fans of the cult classic flaming skull hero and to people that are also fans of the Spawn comic books. Of course remember that this film is in fact a visually impressive film that blazes the big screen. Ghost Rider time closes in at around 1 hour and 54 minutes, not really what I was expecting when I went into the theaters. But I was left with awe with the CGI that was presented with the maneuvering of the graphics for the fire and the powers and characteristics that were shown to the film directly from the comic books. I enjoyed Ghost Rider because I’m a fan of the comic books and really enjoy some of the adaptations that are transferred to the big screen. BRIDGE TO TARABITHIA Directed by Gabor Csupo (Starring Josh Hutcherson, AnnaSophia Robb) If you haven’t seen Bridge to Tarabithia—don’t. It will rip your heart out and your kids will be in tears all night long. This movie starts off like Peter Pan and finishes like Pet Cemetery. If Disney wrote the first half, Stephen King finished the script. Jess, a typically shy and reserved sixth grade, small rural town boy escapes the school bullies and tumultuous home life through his drawings and imagination. Along comes Leslie, a vivacious, spunky and adorable newcomer to his class who quickly pairs with Jess in overcoming their youthful anxieties while playing in the woods behind their houses. They create a magical land called Terabithia that only they share in their imaginations where they control their battles with vicious creatures and evil beings. As their magical land grows, so does the magic of their friendship. The two kids are perfectly happy and the fun is just beginning. You slip off into a comfort zone of a feel-good movie and imagine having a childhood friend as exhilarating as Leslie. But Hollywood, in its infinite wisdom decides that feeling good at a movie is far too old-fashioned. Cute, sweet, Leslie dies. In real-life-fashion, she has a tragic accident and dies. What? Where’s the catch? Of course she must live on in Tarabithia, right? No, she has simply died. The credits role. The lights come on. The stunned crowd doesn’t bother wiping the tears from their eyes as they wait for the correct ending to unfold. But it doesn’t. Everyone leaves and you spend the rest of the evening telling your kids “it’s only a movie” while asking yourself “are you kidding me?” Just buy the kids a puppy and shoot it. Who thought this was a good ending? 104 Hororscope (Aries (March 21 - April 19) Your emotions will likely settle down now that Venus is leaving your sign. Relationships may not be as thrilling as you prefer, but the solid base they can provide rewards you. Use the weeks ahead to stabilize what you’ve already started or to take careful steps toward building and meaning in your life. (Taurus (April 20 - May 20) From now until mid-April, you will find it even easier to experience pleasure as your key planet that venus moves through your sign. The biggest danger of this positive transit is your tendency to become lazier than usual, enjoying your sensory delights and overindulging in rich go ahead and enjoy yourself, but doesn’t forget about your real world responsibilities. Moderation is key. 105 (Gemini (May 21 - June 20) You are moving into a period when relationship issues can be more complicated to understand, for there are strong forces working within your subconscious mind that drive your actions. Explore your imagination to help you get in touch with hidden issues so you can better enjoy the weeks ahead. Pay special attention to your dreams. Make time for meditation or prayer and spend time soaking in the nature. Doing anything that puts you back in touch with yourself is a smart idea. (Cancer (June 21 - July 22) Your day-to-day responsibilities at home or in the community are being deemphasized now in favor of more social activities. It’s not that you won’t still be concerned with meeting previous obligations; it’s just that you are ready to delegate work to others so you can enjoy the support of your family or peers. Make time to be with friends so you can dream about the future, instead of just working in the present. (Leo (July 23 - August 22) Opportunities to make additional money may come your way, but this can create a whole new set of conflicts in your life. You may be opening up, but you may have to commit more time than you’d like in order to make the most of the situation. This means that you may not be able to take care of your own personal needs. Talk over the possible consequences of your choices before you make any final decisions. ( Virgo (August 23 - September 22) Your mind is drifting off into realms of possible or adventure, but it is just a flight of fantasy. You may be very determined to do something that expands your current perspective. Even if you don’t get on an airplane in the coming weeks, you can still journey in your mind without leaving your neighborhood. 106 (Libra (September 23 - October 22) Your ruling planet Venus is comfortable in Taurus for the next four weeks, as you dream about getting back to basics. Unfortunately, this may not be so easy, for eliminating extraneous activities could become a source of anxiety as Venus moves through your complex 8th House of Intimacy. Don’t back away from confronting your own fears, for the deep processing you do during this time can add to your life? ( Aries (March 21 - April 19) Your emotions will likely settle down now that Venus is leaving your sign. Relationships may not be as thrilling as you prefer, but the solid base they can provide rewards you. Use the weeks ahead to stabilize what you’ve already started or to take careful steps toward building and meaning in your life. (Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21) It’s challenging to be a great adventurer while you have daily responsibilities that affect others. You could become frustrated during the weeks ahead as these two facets of your clash. You want to go somewhere new and do something different, but cannot because of your current circumstances. Don’t stress about it. You will have another chance to do something exciting soon enough. (Capricorn (December 22 - January 19) As Venus moves through your 5th House of Love and Creativity, you might have an easier time letting go of your responsibilities so you can play. This is a great time to schedule special activities with. In general, it’s more natural now for you to be spontaneous. Whatever you do, don’t berate yourself for just having some much-needed fun. 107 (Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) You might want to just stay at home now and enjoy a bit of peace and quiet. Perhaps you have a creative project that you would like to start. Unfortunately, it may be difficult to get what you want with the demands others are making of you. Don’t worry if satisfaction seems far away. By mid-April, you will be in a much better position to enjoy yourself as you wish. (Pisces (February 19 - March 20) The simplest pleasures may be more available now, especially if you can talk about what you want. Don’t spin long yarns or share complicated ideas. Words will work in your favor now only if you stay with the basics. Think carefully about your desires and then state them clearly. You could be pleasantly surprised with the results. 108 QUIZ ANSWERS Quiz answers from Feb/March issue IN??? 1) Ankle 2) The Hague 3) Leicestershire 4) 1968 5) Canada WHICH??? 1) Edgar Rice Burroughs 2) Jackson Pollock 3) Chanel No19 4) Oxford 5) Mandrake WHAT??? 1) Calligraphy 2) Thunder 3) Orchid 4) Swimming pool 5) Binding the feet WHO??? 1) Sandy Shaw 2) Anne of Cleves 3) John Nash 4) Graham Gooch 5) Janet Leigh PICTURE QUIZ 1) The departed 2) Ice Age(The Meltdown) 3) Casino Royale 4) The Queen 5) Little Miss Sunshine 6) Pirates of the Carrabean 7) Borat 8) The Devil Wears Prada 9) Happy Feet 10) Miami Vice 109 Conversion Tables 110 111 BORN TO SHOP We all love to shop, but as we all know , from personal experience, some are… er…friendlier than others. Here’s a few of the better ones, as recommended by you. This is my own personal recommendation. The girls the Notting Hill branch were superb. They couldn’t be friendlier, more welcoming, and professional too. They have a fantastic range of wigs of all lengths , colours and prices , and I can not recommend this branch of stores enough Open till 6, by appointment – latest 5 o’clock http://www.trendco.co.uk/default.aspx 1) The Casket store: http://www.casketfurniture.com/caskets_coffins.php A unique store offering casket shaped furniture for the gothic’s 2) The Baroness: Ok rubber and latex fetish store I have seen better and more but the craftsman-ship looks good and styles are their own http://www.baroness.com/RubberClothes.htm 3) JT’s Stockroom offers a wide range of fetish things from bondage beds to fetish toys, not a gigantic selection but enough to satisfy the novice and beginner. http://www.stockroom.com/search/search.aspx?i=20&search=furniture 4) Lydia’s offers a ok selection of transgender and cross-dressing items again not a wide selection but a ok one for the beginner and part time. http://lydiastv.com/osb/showitem.cfm/Category/12 5)Corset Connection: Offers a very wide selection for all types of corsets everything from waist training to under-bust and to men to woman training corsets, and for those who never have laced their own corsets they offer a online training film for corset lacing A+. http://www.corsetconnection.com/Images/Vintage%20Glam/v1117.jpg 6) Xtrax, I love this store humungus selection for the naughty little Goth Girls and boys a wide wide selection for everything A+. http://www.x-tra-x.de/english/bilder/heads-os/angebot-1.jpg 7) Extreme Restraint is a awesome store I cant wait to order from them they have everything and anything from sex machines to the simplest anal plug. http://www.extremerestraints.com/Merchant2/graphics/00000001/ ec715%20lg.jpg 112 Born to SHOP “ Hi Mandy, I have a review for you, Wigsrus ltd in Southport. Recently been there for a new style they are great. Hugs Julie Hi Ladies, After asking around for some advice on wigs I plucked up the courage to go and try a new style and I decided to have it fitted. I took the advise of an Angel and looked up www.wigsrusltd.com at Southport. This meant going out en femme for the first time and having a stranger see me as Julie. I made an appointment with Jennie and ventured out into the world as Julie. Jennie is a fantastic understanding lady; she puts you at ease straight away. All appointments are one to one and you can try as many styles on as you like. Jennie will give you advise on styles and colour. After you have chosen your new hair, Jennie will do the final styling and trim if required. The service was excellent and Jennie was wonderful, highly recommended. I felt so good and confident With my new style I had a walk around Southport, then decided to drive over to the Trafford centre and had a walk around the shops not bad for my first day out.” Hugs Julie “ www.frillys.co.uk is a friendly dressing service in Droylsden a town about 4miles from the centre and gay village in Manchester. The owner is called Julie and she now offers self catering accommodation above her shop. HOTELS- I use Travelodge and the special offers of £10 & £26 a night per room are great value. I have never had any problems at these hotels. The only problem I have had at an hotel was at a gay hotel in Torquay where I got a really frosty welcome to say the least. MAKEUP- I don’t use Dermablend because it is expensive and difficult to apply so I use a Boots No17 cover stick or a Rimmel cover stick both are on sale at about £2.50. “ Raquel Hi Mandy! I order make-up from http://www.blushedcosmetics.co.uk/ . They are very reliable and discreet with their deliveries even to Holland. And you know the all in price straight away, no need to email asking for price of postage. And they have a 50p and GBP1.00 corner! Kirsty Contact us on: Tel: +44 1376 322209 or Mobile: +44 7887 723239 Email your general enquiries to: [email protected] Email your website enquiries to: [email protected] 113 TLC TLC provide a complete range of Fashion and Beauty related services Image Consultancy Personal Shopping Overseas Chaperone Beauty & Holistic Therapies TLC was founded so that these specialised services are available to anyone and everyone at competetive rates, anywhere in the world The team at TLC comprises of Victoria Harrison and Teresa Wrobel. Both are highly trained in their field and will push all boundaries to ensure your are 100% delighted with the services TLC offers. Victoria is herself a post-operative transwoman having very successfully transitioned in December 2005 at the age of 33. She underwent Sexual Reassignment Surgery in October 2006. She is obviously fully aware of the particular problems faced by, and the needs of a transwoman. She is a very creative and artistic individual with a keen eye for fashion and trends and will pass on her wealth of experience to her clients. She is an experienced Image Consultant, Stylist, Make-Up Artist and Personal Shopper. She offers the Chaperone service with a complete personal understanding of your needs having very recently undergone the same surgeries herself. She is a fully qualified Beauty and Holistic Therapist, Nail Technician and is also a Fashion, Comercial Print and Artistic Nude Model. You can see her Model Portfolio using the buttons on the Useful Links page on our site. Teresa is a fully qualified Beauty and Holistic Therapist, Make-Up Artist, Nail Technician and also a very experienced Image Consultant. She is fully aware of the needs of a transwoman as she assisted and supported Victoria throughout her recent transition. Both members of the team at TLC are 100% understanding, discrete and are commited to providing the ultimate service to their cientele. They are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year anywhere in the world. http://m2f.mfbiz.com/ 114 www.frillyfantazy.co.uk Frilly Fantazy have a vast choice of exciting Lingerie and Adult entertainment If you like to live on the wild side of life or just want to feel sexy, we have an extensive range of products to suit your needs. Ordering from Frilly Fantazy couldn’t be easier. You can visit our website, view our wonderful range and place your order. But why not have some fun, invite some friends around and have a party in your own home For further information please contact us on 01795 886459 115 “And Now, The end is near….." So, there you go then, another one bites the dust, what can i say? you have done yourselves proud as usual, fantastic articles, pictures and more ideas than you can shake a stick at! I think that you will all agree that the new Bi-monthly format suits just about everyone, it gives me a better chance to make it all look pretty and give you all a lot longer to write and send in your pieces, so thats one giant leap for the quality of Narcisse. BUT!! We mustn’t stop there! Not only does a magazine need articles, it also needs ideas, I do my best each month to come up with some new and exciting topics, but my likes and dislike are not to everybodies tastes, So what I need are ‘IDEA’ girls too. If you have an idea that you think might work, a topic your keen about, or maybe even something you’d like to know more about, then please just let me know. ‘ Letters to the Editor ‘ is also a feature that must flourish, because if I dont get feedback, I dont know whether I’m getting it right or not. So, as long as their not too abusive (sic) then keep them coming in! 116 A couple of things that I hope will also work for the mag are two new ideas that one of our readers came up with, namely a ‘buy and sell’ page , for all of you who have some items to swap or get rid of, I wont openly encourage girls who do this as a business as they are more than wlecome to ask me to put a free add in, so purely for amateurs please, just send me the details and I’ll do the rest. The other is to try and build a database of all TG friendly shops, restaurants, clubs, salons, boutiques, etc in your area. You may think that you are alone and that no-one else is nearby to benefit from your recommendation, but I bet you’ll be surprised, so get sending!! Lastly, a couple of HUGE thankyou’s! Firstly to Amayi, you have been an absolute brick this month, with all your support and FAB articles! Your and angel! Also, to Bert who came up with some wonderful design ideas, the contents pages specifically, i think it works wonderfully! So, off you go then, get writing, and please, if you like this months mag, please say so, all my writers spend hours of their spare time to make Narcisse as good as it is, so a pat on the back will work wonders! Till Next time Hugs Mandy xxx 117 ro gues e gall y r R R E E G G U L A Editor - in - chief (Whatever THAT means??!!) email - [email protected] Amayi - US Based writer and confidant, Author of T-Girl Survival Guide, Temporary stand-in for Lori’s Film Revue and our very own Mystic Meg, Author of the Hororscope, this girl is a lil Angel!! Chloie - US Based Co-Writer and partner of Amayi - Go Girls!! T E R S A W R R I L R R W U Kaz - Bestest mate a girl could have - UK Based GG - Author of Personal Profile our new monthly make-up pages & Owner of the FAB Frillyfantasy online store! Sarah & Donna - Co-conspiritors for the new monthly erotic story. You can IM then via Yahoo on Donnaqueen57 & Tanned_Married_&_Bi or mail them at:[email protected] [email protected] 118 I T E R S Leigh-Smythe - US based writer, Author of R E G U L A R W R I T E R S G U E S T W R I T E R S “ It’s Agony” - Her view on life. http://profiles,urnotalone.com/46558 http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseactionfiltered =user.viewprofile&friendid=66998257 http://whisperleighsmythe.blogspot.com/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/whisper_leigh_smythe/ Joanne - Long-suffering wife of Mandy, roving reporter and general snoop, the source of “ In the paper’s”. [email protected] Lisa-Gayle - US based writer, Author of "Across Golden Pond" an ex-pats view of life in the States! Lori-Anne - US based writer. Author of “ Lori’s Film Review”. Desreving of an Oscar herself!! http://360.yahoo.com/my_profile.html;_ylt=AsYvgX5afB4. IXcz77854s6IA0J3 http://profiles.urnotalone.com/Lorianne1357 Elan Heart - This months interviewee Rachel James - This months Centrefold If YOU fancy writing for Narcisse, or even if you just want a moan, tell your tale , or offer any comments, please contact me on [email protected] and next month YOUR picture could be joining my roving reporters! 119 R E G U L A R W R I T E R S G U E S T W R I T E R S N A R C I S S E VOLUME 2 ISSUE 4 JUNE/JULY 2007