to the Bass Pedals manual
to the Bass Pedals manual
Bass Pedals Manual v1.2 (18/09/2012) Introduction Thank you for choosing Bass Pedals, our virtual analogue bass synthesizer optimized for Native Instruments’ Kontakt 4 / 5 sampler. Bass Pedals is a powerful instrument capable of creating a wide range of huge analogue sounding synth bass tones. We hope you have fun exploring Bass Pedals capabilities, and enjoy creating new sounds with it as much as we have enjoyed developing the instrument itself. This manual is specifically written for the Kontakt 4 / 5 version of Bass Pedals which makes extensive use of Kontakt's advanced script programming and GUI integration. Bass Pedals the Story Bass Pedals is inspired by the sought-after Moog Taurus Mk1 bass synthesizer from the mid seventies. The original Moog Taurus was a basic, but unique and powerful sounding monophonic analogue bass synthesizer with 2 VCO's (sawtooth waveforms), a typical (great sounding) Moog 24db Low pass filter with basic envelope controls, a VCA and 13 large pedals which were intended to be played by the feet. To fully capture the enormous and highly praised ‘Taurus sound’ we heavily multi-sampled an original Taurus MK1’s raw oscillator waveforms as well as 40 heavily multi-sampled preset patches, the latter being designed using the Taurus’s synthesis parameters. All waveforms and preset patches have been carefully recorded with 3 x round robin sample variations to help capture the imperfections and quirkiness of the original instrument. All samples were recorded through an API pre-amp and high end converters. Some patches have been further processed through an Empirical Labs Fatso and Pultec Style analogue EQ. Installation Bass Pedals and its accompanying library of waveforms/multi-samples is 4.5GB in size when un-zipped. If you have purchased Bass Pedals directly from you will receive the download as two separate RAR files. Download these to a suitable location on your machine and use an archive manager such as WinRAR to unpack. To unpack the RAR files on a PC select BOTH files at the same time, right click and choose "extract here". The extraction process will unpack the instrument and its library of waveforms into one root folder on your machine called WA_Bass_Pedals. For MAC users download unrarx here:, select both files, drag and drop them onto the unrarx window to unpack the instrument. Note: You must have the full version of Kontakt version 4.2.2 or higher (including Kontakt 5) for Bass Pedals to work, if you are using an earlier version of Kontakt please download the latest version from Native Instruments website. 1 Bass Pedals Manual v1.2 (18/09/2012) Contact Details If you experience any problems downloading, unpacking or installing Bass Pedals after purchasing from please email support at [email protected] If you experience any problems downloading, unpacking or installing Bass Pedals after purchasing from please email support at [email protected] Getting Started Once you have copied the Bass Pedals folder to a suitable place on your computer, load up your sequencer of choice along with an instance of Native Instruments Kontakt sampler. Note: You MUST have a full registered version of Native Instruments Kontakt 4 or higher to use Bass Pedals. This instrument does NOT work with Kontakt player. To get a good idea of what Bass Pedals is capable of, use Kontakt's browser window to locate and load some of the included preset patches. The Bass Pedals Kontakt version ships with; 40 ‘Bass Pedals’ preset patches 28 ‘Taurus’ preset patches 1 Bass Pedals default patch Initialized Patch For those who like to dive in and create sounds completely from scratch, we have provided a default patch in the Bass Pedals 'instruments' folder named 'bass pedals default.nki' Note: Holding shift whilst moving any of the Bass Pedals knobs allows for finer increment adjustments Note: Holding Ctrl whilst clicking on any of the Bass Pedals parameters will move the control back to its default position 2 Bass Pedals Manual v1.2 (18/09/2012) Bass Pedals Architecture Bass Pedals has four different pages which are accessed by clicking the relevant tab at the bottom of the instrument. You will notice that if you load any of the 'Taurus' presets the instrument defaults to showing the 'preset page'. Similarly if you load any of the ‘Bass Pedals’ presets the instrument defaults to showing the 'raw page'. Note: to avoid any confusion the terms "raw page" and "raw mode" are used interchangeably throughout this manual and are to be understood as the same thing Preset Page The Bass Pedals preset mode is powered by the currently loaded Taurus preset which is selected using Kontakt’s browser window. Once a Taurus preset is loaded it can be modified further using a dedicated amplifier and filter section. It is useful to think of the preset page as an initial layer that can be mixed with the Bass Pedal’s 'raw oscillators' (accessed in the raw page) to create interesting 'hybrid' patches. Bass Pedals Preset Page 3 Bass Pedals Manual v1.2 (18/09/2012) Preset Section The switch under the ‘preset’ header is used to turn the loaded preset sound on / off. Preset Page Preset On / Off Beat - Staying true to Moog Taurus terminology 'Beat' is simply another word for fine tune. This controls frequency/tuning of the loaded preset sound / waveform in finer increments. Volume - The volume controls the level of the currently loaded preset. Amplifier Section The amplifier section on the preset page uses a 4-stage ADSR envelope which is used to modify the loaded presets amplitude over time. Preset Page Amplifier Section Attack - controls how long it takes for the amplitude of the currently loaded preset to increase from zero to maximum level Decay - controls how long it takes for the amplitude to decrease from maximum level to the sustain level Sustain - sets the amplitude level of the sound when a key is held down on the keyboard Release - controls how long it takes for the amplitude to decrease from the sustain level (after a key is released) to zero 4 Bass Pedals Manual v1.2 (18/09/2012) Filter Section The filter section contains controls for the filter and its dedicated envelope generator. Preset Page Filter Section Cutoff - sets the frequency, below which signals are passed through the Low Pass Filter (LPF). Signals with frequencies higher than the cut-off frequency are filtered out. Resonance - increases the amount of emphasis (boost) around the cutoff frequency. Filter Type - Selects filter on / off mode Filter Envelope The preset page filter envelope is used to shape timbre over time by automating the filter cutoff. Attack - controls how long it takes for the cutoff of the LPF to increase from zero to maximum level Decay - controls how long it takes for the cutoff of the LPF to decrease from maximum level to zero Amount - a bi-polar parameter which controls how the preset page filter envelope automates the cutoff frequency of the LPF. With -POS (positive) settings the LPF is affected by the envelope in a positive way, resulting in the attack opening the LPF at a rate justified by the attack setting. With -NEG settings the LPF is affected in a negative way, resulting in the attack closing the LPF at a rate justified by the attack setting. 5 Bass Pedals Manual v1.2 (18/09/2012) Preset Page OSC Drift A unique feature of Bass Pedals is its heavily scripted Oscillator drift function which uses a random number generator to simulate the wavering and unstable tuning imperfections often found in vintage analogue synthesizers. Each time a number is generated the pitch of the oscillator randomly wavers up and down, in increments dependant on the speed and depth controls. Preset OSC Drift Section Preset OSC Drift Speed - This controls the speed of the random numbers used to simulate a drift in tuning. Moving this slider to the right will increase the speed at which the oscillators drift in and out of tune. Moving this slider fully to the left turns off the oscillator drift function Preset OSC Drift Depth - This controls the amount of detuning that occurs when a new random number is generated to simulate a drifting effect. Moving this slider to the right increases the range that the oscillator will drift LFO Section The Preset page LFO (Low Frequency Oscillator) is hard wired to the preset sound / waveforms pitch. Preset Page LFO Section Shape Off - self explanatory Sine - selects a sine wave shape as the LFO modulation source Saw - selects a saw wave shape as the LFO modulation source Depth - controls the amount of modulation routed to the selected modulation destinations Speed - controls the frequency (rate) of the LFO 6 Bass Pedals Manual v1.2 (18/09/2012) Raw Page / Mode The raw page gives you access to Bass Pedals "raw oscillators". Bass Pedals Raw Page Raw mode boasts two analogue oscillators powered by a detailed set of carefully edited and looped waveforms recorded from a vintage Moog Taurus Mk1 Bass Pedals synthesizer. Every key in a three octave range has been sampled for each waveform and each oscillator. SAW, SAW -1oct (1 octave lower) and saturation modes are available for oscillator A while SAW, DUAL SAW and a saturation mode are available for oscillator B. Both oscillator's can be mixed together with an additional analogue sub oscillator (selectable between Sine, Square and TAURUS waveforms) as well as a white noise source. 7 Bass Pedals Manual v1.2 (18/09/2012) Oscillator Section Raw Page Oscillator A and B Section Oscillator A Wave Select - selects between a SAW wave and a SAW 1oct (1 octave below). Oscillator A Saturation On / Off Switch - turns on saturation mode for the selected waveform. When set to ‘On’ the instrument plays a different set of waveforms which have been recorded through an Empirical Labs FATSO to create a driven / saturated version of the sound. Oscillator A Beat - Staying true to Moog Taurus terminology 'Beat' is simply another word for fine tune. This controls frequency/tuning of the selected waveform in finer increments. Oscillator B Wave Select - selects between a single SAW wave and a Dual SAW wave Oscillator B Saturation On / Off Switch - turns on saturation mode for Oscillator B’s Sawtooth waveform. When set to ‘On’ the instrument plays a different set of waveforms which have been recorded through an Emprical Labs FATSO to create a driven / saturated version of the sound. Oscillator B Beat - This controls frequency/tuning of the selected waveform in finer increments. Unison Mode Normal - This is the default setting and allows oscillator A and B to be used in standard operating mode, as you would expect from any analogue synthesizer Unison Mode Stack A - When selected both SAW and SAW -1oct waveforms (including saturated waveforms) for Oscillator A are stacked. To hear this effect in solo move the Oscillator Mix fader to100% A Unison Mode Stack B - When selected both SAW and DUAL SAW waveforms for Oscillator B are stacked (including saturated waveforms). To hear this effect in solo move the Oscillator Mix fader to100% B 8 Bass Pedals Manual v1.2 (18/09/2012) Unison Mode Super - When selected both Stack A and Stack B modes will play simultaneously (7 oscillators) giving a huge unison effect. Set the Mix fader to its center position (Ctrl+click fader) to hear this effect in all of its glory! Unison Mode Off - Turns unison mode off Oscillator A/B Mix - This fader controls the mix /level between oscillators A and B Raw Page Amplifier Section Bass Pedals amplifier and filter sections affect the output of the combined raw oscillators (oscillators 1 and 2, sub oscillator and noise generator). The controls for each section are identical to the preset page amplifier. Attack - controls how long it takes for the amplitude to increase from zero to maximum level. Decay - controls how long it takes for the amplitude to decrease from maximum level to the sustain level. Sustain - sets the volume level when a key is held down on the keyboard. Release - controls how long it takes for the amplitude to decrease from sustain level (after a key is released) to zero. 9 Bass Pedals Manual v1.2 (18/09/2012) Raw Page Filter Section The filter section contains controls for the filter and its dedicated envelope generator. Raw Page Filter Section Cutoff - sets the frequency, below which signals are passed through the Low Pass Filter (LPF). Signals with frequencies higher than the cut-off frequency are filtered out. Resonance - increases the amount of emphasis (boost) around the cutoff frequency. Filter Type - Selects between Filter On / Off, 24db and -Ladder Filter modes Amount - a bi-polar parameter which controls how the raw page filter envelope automates the cutoff frequency of the LPF. With -POS (positive) settings the LPF is affected by the envelope in a positive way, resulting in the attack opening the LPF at a rate justified by the attack setting. With -NEG settings the LPF is affected in a negative way, resulting in the attack closing the LPF at a rate justified by the attack setting. Filter Envelope The raw page filter envelope is used to shape timbre over time by automating the filter cutoff. Attack - controls how long it takes for the cutoff of the LPF to increase from zero to maximum level Decay - controls how long it takes for the cutoff of the LPF to decrease from maximum level to zero Sustain - controls how the raw LPF cutoff behaves when a key is held down on the keyboard. With no sustain the envelope jumps to the release phase of the filter envelope. Release - controls how long it takes for the cutoff of the LPF to decrease from sustain level (after a key is released) to zero 10 Bass Pedals Manual v1.2 (18/09/2012) Raw Page OSC Drift Our uniquely programmed Oscillator Drift function applies randomness to the pitch of the raw pages Osc A and Osc B waveforms. This is used to simulate the wavering and unstable tuning imperfections often found in vintage analogue synthesizers. Raw Page Osc Drift A / B Section Preset OSC Drift Speed - This controls the speed of the random numbers used to simulate a drift in tuning. Moving this slider to the right will increase the speed at which the oscillators drift in and out of tune. Moving this slider fully to the left turns off the oscillator drift function Preset OSC Drift Depth - This controls the amount of detuning that occurs when a new random number is generated to simulate a drifting effect. Moving this slider to the right increases the range that the oscillator will drift . Sub Osc The sub oscillator heavily multi-samples a vintage Moog Minimoog (for the sine and square waves) and a Moog Taurus MK (for the taurus waveform). The sub oscillator is switchable between Sine, Square and Taurus waveforms and has an independent fine tune 'Beat' and volume control. The sub oscillators have been recorded at one octave below the main oscillators. Raw Page Sub Oscillator Section Beat - Staying true to Moog Taurus terminology 'Beat' is simply another word for fine tune. This controls frequency/tuning of the Sub Oscillator waveform in finer increments. Volume - The volume controls the level of the Sub Oscillator waveform. 11 Bass Pedals Manual v1.2 (18/09/2012) Noise A white noise source (sampled from a Moog Minimoog) can be mixed with oscillator's 1 and 2 as well as the sub oscillator. Raw Page Noise Section Volume - Controls the amount / volume of white noise sent to the raw page Amplifier and filter section Raw Page LFO The raw page LFO is again hard wired to control pitch, similar to the original Moog Taurus instrument. Raw Page LFO section Shape Off - self explanatory Sine - selects a sine wave shape as the LFO modulation source Saw - selects a saw wave shape as the LFO modulation source Depth - controls the amount of modulation routed to the selected modulation destinations Speed - controls the frequency (rate) of the LFO 12 Bass Pedals Manual v1.2 (18/09/2012) Effects Page Bass Pedals effects page is powered by Kontakt 4 / 5's comprehensive built in effects which are combined with specially created reverb IR's (Impulse Responses) taken from our Eventide DSP-7000 Harmoniser. Bass Pedals Effects Page 13 Bass Pedals Manual v1.2 (18/09/2012) Chorus Section The Chorus module utilizes Kontakts on board chorus effect. Use the on/off switch to activate/deactivate the Chorus module. Effects Page Chorus Section Speed - controls the chorus LFO frequency Depth - controls how much the total delay time changes over time (in other words the depth controls the amplitude of the chorus LFO) Phase - Controls at which point the chorus LFO starts in its wave cycle (start phase) Amount - controls the amount of chorus applied to the input signal 14 Bass Pedals Manual v1.2 (18/09/2012) Equalizer Section The effects page equalizer section features a 3 band parametric EQ. Each band has a frequency selector, Q and a cut / boost control which can be used to shape the tone / colour of the sound. Use the On / Off switch to switch the EQ on or Off. Effects Page EQ Section Band 1 / 2 / 3 Freq - Used to 'sweep' through and select specific frequencies for cutting or boosting Band 1 / 2 / 3 BW - increases / decreases the bandwidth of frequencies affected by the gain control Band 1 / 2 / 3 Gain - Boosts or Cuts at the frequency selected by the Freq control Saturation Section The effects page saturation section is used to applies a 'warm' saturation effect to the input signal. Saturation effects are often associated with driving analogue technology including analogue tape and vintage tube technology. Effects Page Saturation Section Amount - Controls the amount of signal fed to the saturation effect 15 Bass Pedals Manual v1.2 (18/09/2012) Distortion Section The distortion module applies a distortion effect to the input signal. Effects Page Distortion Section Use the on/off switch to activate/deactivate the distortion module. The amount knob controls the amount of distortion added to the input signal. Note: Use distortion to 'dirty up' your synth sounds, it is very useful for growling synth bass and screaming lead sounds. Reverb Section The reverb module makes use of Kontakts reverb convolution engine to simulate real spaces from big halls and tighter rooms to more experimental reverbs. Use the on/off switch to activate/deactivate the convolution reverb module. Effects Page Reverb Section Reverb Type - Chooses the type of reverb algorithm to be used to generate the reverb effect Pre Delay - controls the 'pre-delay' time of the reverbs first reflection. Longer pre-delay's produce a 'slap-back' effect often heard in big stadiums or large reverberant spaces Size - modifies the arrangement of the reverbs 'first reflections' to simulate rooms of varying sizes Amount - controls the balance of 'wet' signal verses dry 16 Bass Pedals Manual v1.2 (18/09/2012) Controls Page The control page gives you control over the instruments mono mode with selectable note priorities, portamento, pitch bend range, keyboard velocity and curve response. Bass Pedals Controls Page 17 Bass Pedals Manual v1.2 (18/09/2012) Monophonic The Monophonic section is used to switch change the instruments 'Note priority' to simulate the behavior of different vintage synthesizers. Controls Page Monophonic Mode Using the Note Priority menu you can change the way notes are prioritized when you press and hold more than one note at a time. Using the different priorities you can easily emulate the behavior of the classic mono synths of the past. Note: experimentation is key with note priority For the purists among us, here is a handy list of old mono synths and the note priority that they used. Synthesizer ARP Odyssey Korg MS-20 Roland SH09 Note Priority Low Note Highest Note Highest Note Portamento The Portamento section creates a smooth 'slide' between two pitchs at a rate justified by the 'portamento time'. Use the on/off switch to activate/deactivate the Portamento mode. Controls Page Portamento Section Time - controls the time it takes for the pitch to bend up/down between notes 18 Bass Pedals Manual v1.2 (18/09/2012) Pitchbend The Pitch Bend module is used to control the upper and lower limits (range) of Bass Pedals pitch bend control. Controls Page Pitchbend Mode The maximum range can be set to +/- 12 semi tones enabling a pitch bend up or down of one octave. Note: use pitch bend to make synth parts more expressive, remember pitch bend can be automated in your sequencer of choice Velocity Section The velocity module is used to control how Bass Pedals responds to keyboard velocity. Controls Page Velocity Section 19 Bass Pedals Manual v1.2 (18/09/2012) Bass Pedals Known Limitations 1. 20 When a new waveform is selected for ANY of the oscillators you have to press a key on the keyboard to hear the newly selected waveform. This is a limitation of Kontakt and cannot be changed. Bass Pedals Manual v1.2 (18/09/2012) Bass Pedals Presets Patch Name acid saw acid square atomik sub bass filth bass thump big unison bullish chubby sub deep reese detuners dirtbag dirty sine dread drugged dubby flabby Taurus flashback funkee grom lead hectic unison junky funk low sub mini funk moogle on the brink optic bass phatty res square round sub salamander satans sweep simple dual skreamer 2 skreamer squelch stalker swept square thick square sub too deep unstable taurus 21 Key Span C1-C4 C1-C4 C1-C4 C1-C4 C1-C4 C1-C4 C1-C4 C1-C4 C1-C4 C1-C4 C1-C4 C1-C4 C1-C4 C1-C4 C1-C4 C1-C4 C1-C4 C1-C4 C1-C4 C1-C4 C1-C4 C1-C4 C1-C4 C1-C4 C1-C4 C1-C4 C1-C4 C1-C4 C1-C4 C1-C4 C1-C4 C1-C4 C1-C4 C1-C4 C1-C4 C1-C4 C1-C4 C1-C4 C1-C4 C1-C4 Looped Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Bass Pedals Manual v1.2 (18/09/2012) Taurus Presets Patch Name 2 octv bass bass funk brassik classic deep funk detonate fatty acid layered minimoog lowdown mashed saw mini brash 1 mini brash 2 mini buffed mini tactile muffle nasty res rez lazer rumble closed rumble open soft bass sub 01 sub 02 subsonic taurus thick bass tone chord warm dual warm single Key Span C1-C4 C1-C4 C1-C4 C1-C4 C1-C4 C1-C4 C1-C4 C1-C4 C1-C4 C1-C4 C1-C4 C1-C4 C1-C4 C1-C4 C1-C4 C1-C4 C1-C4 C1-C4 C1-C4 C1-C4 C1-C4 C1-C4 C1-C4 C1-C4 C1-C4 C1-C4 C1-C4 C1-C4 Looped Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Audio Demo Credits We would like to thank the following producers for their contribution to the Bass Pedals audio demos: Avionik / Kevin Burke - Reuven Amiel - [email protected] 22