Useful Websites - Near-Death Experiences and the Afterlife


Useful Websites - Near-Death Experiences and the Afterlife
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From the Desk of Ernesto Verdugo
Dear Internet Enthusiast,
Thank You for Downloading the Even More Useful Websites Book!
This book is Jam Packed with literally hundreds of amazing resources found on the Internet.
This book is the fruit of hundreds of hours of research and years of experience as an Internaut.
It also conveys a very powerful message that you should NOT take lightly! And don’t be fooled
because this book is FREE. I decided to make it FREE because I believe that FREE is the ONLY
way to make sure I can fulfill my dream of providing Internet Literacy to the world.
Before you jump in to the resource section of this book, I suggest that you take some time to
read the informational section, because inside you’ll find a true key to wealth and prosperity in
the years to come.
I received my last salary check in 2001 and thanks to the Internet I am totally financially
independent. I work on my own terms and my lifestyle is amazing.
I am not sure where you are at this point in time in your life or if your goals are to be financially
independent, however I can tell you that learning and mastering the Internet is something you
need to take very seriously!
Again, within these pages you’ll find the true key to the future and that’s Internet Literacy
Cheers to your success and to you becoming Internet Literate!
Ernesto Verdugo
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Spring 2011
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Amazingly Useful Document!!!
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Feel free to forward it to your friends and family, to your colleagues and peers. Make sure to
post it on your favorite blog or add it as a resource on your favorite forum.
Give it to your customers and prospects. Remember, even though you’re receiving this
document for FREE, it does not mean the document has NO VALUE. On the contrary, the HUGE
wealth of information provided in this document could easily be sold for hundreds of dollars.
And no, I’m NOT exaggerating, you’ll agree with me after you browse through this valuable
This is why I say; don’t keep it to yourself…PASS IT ON!
You’ll love the content! You’ll find amazingly useful links and others will love that you sent them
such a useful gift! So make sure to forward it to all your friends and associates!
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I would like to acknowledge some amazing people. First of all I want to thank my wife Gerjola
and my kids Vincent and Nina for allowing me to spend endless hours researching this book.
Elin Kilicarslan for helping me sort out each and every one of the resources I am sharing with
you and her husband Taner Kilicarslan for proof reading this book. Also my incredible “Right
Hand”, Mary Lyka Rosit, for the amount of work she did putting together this guide. Also I think
it is important for me to acknowledge a number of other amazing people who shared some of
these resources with me. My good friend Andrew Lock from; my
good friend and business partner Dave Crane from; Captain Lou Edwards
and all my fellow cruisers from the Marketers Cruise; Mike
Corso from www.coolsiteoftheday; and last but not least all of you guys reading this book. May
this book be the spark that will ignite the Internet Literacy “switch” in you.
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Get FREE Access to the Amazing Websites Videos
Besides the great resources and the life changing content in this guide, I’ve got lots of short
videos showing you how you can take advantage of the Internet like you've never taken
advantage of anything before in your life.
Click on the link below, and get instant access to these fantastic, educational and revealing
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Table of Contents
You Have FREE Distribution Rights to this Amazingly Useful Document!!!............................... 3
Acknowledgements .................................................................................................................... 4
Get FREE Access to the Amazing Websites Videos.................................................................... 5
Table of Contents .................................................................................................................. 6
About this Guide ................................................................................................................... 9
The Traffic Light Method ..................................................................................................... 11
Acres of Diamonds .............................................................................................................. 12
Short Video Message from Ernesto ...................................................................................... 13
Foreword ............................................................................................................................ 14
Quick Catch Up So We’re All on the Same Page!................................................................... 18
Brief History of the Social Media Revolution ........................................................................ 23
The Democratic Republic of the Internet.............................................................................. 25
Is CNN Crowd Sourcing the News? ....................................................................................... 29
The Internet as a Tool of Survival......................................................................................... 30
Safety in Numbers & theFinancial Crisis ............................................................................... 32
Who the F**k is Group B? ........................................................................................................ 35
When Opportunity Knocks… OPEN THE DOOR! .................................................................... 38
Your Time is NOW! .............................................................................................................. 39
What If… ............................................................................................................................. 40
How to Get Started.............................................................................................................. 41
WHY STRUGGLE? ...................................................................................................................... 46
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A Tale of 2 Cities.................................................................................................................. 47
The Periodic Table of the Internet........................................................................................ 50
Tools to Get Organized ........................................................................................................ 52
Productivity Boosters .......................................................................................................... 59
Web 2.0 Resources .............................................................................................................. 75
Mobile Phone Resources ..................................................................................................... 89
Email Tools........................................................................................................................ 104
Virtual Office Tools............................................................................................................ 111
Photo & Graphic Resources ............................................................................................... 132
Video Resources ................................................................................................................ 140
Audio Tools ....................................................................................................................... 151
Web Development Tools ................................................................................................... 158
Storage & File Sending Resources ...................................................................................... 185
Travel Resources ............................................................................................................... 193
Closing Words ................................................................................................................... 199
Legal Notice ...................................................................................................................... 200
Changes & Updates ........................................................................................................... 200
About the Author .............................................................................................................. 201
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About this Guide
As I mentioned earlier, this is the ‘sequel’ of my Amazingly Useful Websites book.
This guide has a bit more ‘advanced’ resources as I expect more experienced people to read this
guide. My suggestion is that you literally test your Internet Knowledge by exploring each and
every one of the included links.
I believe that 95% of the people out there are unaware that these resources exist. One of my
suggestions for you to do is to pick a few resources you like and find useful and impress your
friends, co-workers and even your boss with them.
Position yourself as the Internet Savvy individual by simply sharing some cool resources with
others. Another cool thing to do is to post some of these resources on Facebook, and Twitter
and other social media sites. People LOVE learning about new resources and they will love you
for sharing some of these resources with them!
Obviously if you can credit me and send them to I will
really appreciate it but if not, NO PROBLEM, feel free to take credit for finding these digital
gems on your own!
There are 2 parts to this guide:
PART ONE is a brief but powerful explanation of why it is more critical now than ever to
This information will really open your eyes to a whole new world of possibilities, therefore,
make sure you read the 30 odd pages of valuable information I compiled for you. I’ve spent
hundreds of hours putting this publication together and all the information contained on PART
ONE will be very valuable for you to mastering the Internet. So before you jump into the
resource section of the book, make sure to read part one.
PART TWO is the resource guide itself.
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There are about 750 resources included inside this guide.
My suggestion is that you explore them all. Open the .pdf document and allocate some time to
clicking on each and every one of the resources. This will take you a while so do about 20 to 30
resources a day and bookmark your favorite ones.
I have ONLY included resources that I find valuable and interesting. There is absolutely NO fluff
inside this book. So, trust me, you won’t be wasting your time!
For your convenience, I divided the resource guide into 12 Categories.
Each category is JAM PACKED with the best resources I know that exist on the Internet and each
and every one of the recommended sites are a true and valuable gem.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Most resources are free, some are not. I deliberately left out affiliate links
on the resource section of this guide because I do not want you to think I am biased to only
share resources based on commissions paid. Each and every resource is simply extremely
valuable and that’s why I included them inside!
I Need Your Assistance: Because I do not own the resources mentioned in this book, I cannot
know when a website is no longer available, therefore, I cannot guarantee that each and every
one of the links and resources that I offer on this guide are available at the moment you get
your hands on this guide.
I will really appreciate if you can help me keep this book up to date. If you ever find that one of
the recommended resources in this guide is either not working or is no longer available, please
let me know using the page below:
This way, we will be able to keep the guide as up to date as possible for everyone to enjoy!
Thanks for your cooperation! ☺
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The Traffic Light Method
Rather than just doing a lame “list” of websites, I am also adding an explanation of how you can
use these websites and next to each resource I am also adding a little coloured light bulb which
indicates for whom each resource is recommended:
These sites are recommended for ALL Users
These sites are recommended for Intermediate Users
These sites are recommended for Advanced Users
If you feel you’re an Internet newbie, don’t be afraid to explore the ADVANCED (Red Bulb)
resources. Use this guide as a way to ‘test’ your knowledge on the Internet. You probably know
a lot more than you think you do!
Simply by becoming aware of the existence of these tools, you will instantly become more
Internet Literate, so make sure to explore all the resources!
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Acres of Diamonds
When I was a little boy growing up in Mexico City, my dad used to drive me to school every
Every morning while he was driving me to school I remember listening with him to Earl
Nightingale in Radio V.I.P. 530 on the am dial. Radio V.I.P. was the only English broadcasting
radio station in Mexico City at that time.
These rides to school are some of the fondest memories I have from my childhood as I spent
time learning from two amazing men; my dad and Mr. Nightingale.
One story that stuck in my head is called: “Acres of Diamonds”. Through the Magic of YouTube,
I actually managed to find this amazing story and I want to share it with you.
The story is simple but profound, and it still carries an amazing weight in my life.
Please listen to this story as you will better understand the amazing content of this guide.
Inside this guide I am delivering to you over 750 gems and a profound message of why the
Internet can bring to you the riches you are searching for no matter what industry you’re in.
Each and every resource I am sharing with you is amazingly useful yet there are some that are
more useful than others. Search for the small diamonds inside this book and Discover the
absolute best resources I am sharing, however, make sure to read the story I am sharing with
you before the resource section of this book as it is there where you will find the biggest
diamonds of all!
This book is dedicated to my beloved father Ernesto Verdugo Sr.
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Short Video Message from Ernesto
I have prepared a 2 minute welcome video for you. Please click on the video or the link below
the video frame to watch my 2 minute welcome video!
(I think this picture is quite funny… it looks like if I am trapped behind a window lol!)
Click on the link below to watch Ernesto’s Message:
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During the summer of 2008, I wrote my first Internet Literacy book called, Amazingly Useful
Websites, which you can download for free here: This is where I
share hundreds of really cool websites!
I was inspired to write that book because I came to the realization that very few people knew
how to really take advantage of the Internet!!!
As weird as it may sound, most people STILL only use an average of 6 ½ websites on their
Internet Experience and they feel they are Internet Literate. In my eyes they are NOT. I strongly
believe that people are computer literate yet they are NOT Internet Illiterate.
Those 6 ½ websites normally are:
1) Their email client (,,, etc.)
2) A search engine service: (Google, Yahoo, Bing, etc.)
3) Their Bank Website
4) Any Travel Website to buy Airline Tickets or Hotels
5) Some E-Commerce Shops (,, etc.)
6) Their Favorite Newspaper, blog, etc.
½) Their Social Media Sites like Skype or YouTube
Now, you might argue that you use it for downloading films or software (legally or illegally), or
God knows what else. And YES, you might be a bit more literate than most of the people out
there but at the end of the day it is very hard for the majority of people to come up with other
ways to use the Internet.
I think this is a shame, as the Internet is very powerful but only for those that are Internet
Literate. That’s exactly the reason WHY I decided to write my first book Amazingly Useful
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In that book I have a slightly different message that I will share with you in a moment, but I am
still on my quest to create Internet Literacy around the world. My Even More Useful Websites
book will help even further in reaching my goal to create an Internet Literate world! ☺
When I finished writing the Amazingly Useful Websites book, I was faced with a dilemma.
How much was I going to sell the book for?
The Information inside the book is EASILY worth $47.00 dollars if not more; after all, it took me
months and months to research the material and put it together in a cool and easy way to
absorb the knowledge contained in it.
I did not really want to give it away for free, but I understood that if my goal was really to
create Internet Literacy I was NOT going to be able to charge for my book. I honestly wanted as
many people as possible to get access to it, so I decided to give it away for free and not only
that but I decided to give each and every one of my readers permission to share this book
everywhere they could on and off the Internet! From the moment I released it, the book went
viral and by the time I started writing my new book it had already been featured in over 95,000
websites all over the Internet!
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Today, the Amazingly Useful Websites book has been downloaded close to 50,000 times from
my website itself but I have no clue how many times it has been downloaded from other
websites like Scribd or Ebookx, or any other site that offers a free download! Here are those
Although my business was already Internet-based in 2008, and I had already established a
reputation for myself online, suddenly this book helped me position myself as a true expert on
the Internet and it helped me grow my business in ways I never thought possible!
Thanks to this book, today a Google search on my name will pull over 730,000 results!
This has given me a competitive edge, as now people contact me to hire my services as a
consultant or as a coach. I am frequently invited to speak in conferences around the world and
my business is growing every single day as a result of me writing this book!
Now, here’s the wicked twist of the story…
This book has been a FREE downloadable book, ever since I released it.
I’ve never charged a penny for it! Yet this book has made me a lot more money in speaking,
consulting and coaching fees than if I would have tried to sell it using the traditional methods.
Since the Amazingly Useful Websites Book went “viral” many people have benefited
tremendously out of it but also it has helped me in my career as an Internet Entrepreneur.
This is the reason why I decided to write a sequel for the “Amazingly Useful Websites” book
where I share the story of how this happened and I now call it, “Even More Useful Websites”.
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As mentioned before, my ultimate goal for writing these books is to create Internet Literacy in
the world and this book has a very similar purpose, however, I want to add a significant
distinction to the topic of becoming Internet literate. How to use the Internet to generate
Income for you and your company!
In this book I will not only give you amazing resources but I will tell you exactly HOW, in a short
period of time, I went from being an average website owner to becoming an established name
in the Online Business World; and EXACTLY how you could do the same no matter what
business or industry you’re in.
I hope this story will serve as an inspiration for you to becoming even more Internet Literate.
The resources I am sharing with you on this guide will assist you in many areas of your business
and personal life.
Ernesto Verdugo
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Disclaimer: On this section of the book, I will cover issues that might be considered
controversial. I will also refer to examples that might not be seen as neutral yet they will be
objective and factual. The only purpose of me using these examples is to illustrate a point. I do
not necessarily support nor favor a cause, political party, person or behaviour.
Quick Catch Up So We’re All on the Same Page!
Let me share with you some ‘insider’s information’ so you can better understand how I see the
Internet shaping and how I can anticipate where things are going on this ever changing digital
My Amazingly Useful Websites Book was released in August 2008.
In September 2008, 2 months prior to the US election, I predicted on a video that Barack
Obama was going to be the undisputed winner of the election, beating John McCain in the
November 2008 Election by a landslide win! You can actually watch it on YouTube – or
Regardless of our political affiliation, we need to admit that Obama did an amazing job
coordinating his online strategies and this was a major influencer when people were voting for
him. This election taught me a very powerful lesson:
“If you know how to use the Internet to your
advantage, you can accomplish anything”
Think about it:
Who would have said that the underdog African American Senator from Illinois would become
President of the United States???
Trust me, 2008 was a turning point for the Internet and since then, the world has evolved in
many unpredictable and unprecedented ways thanks to the Internet and Social Media.
However not everyone has ‘picked up’ these changes!
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Many companies and individuals continue doing business EXACTLY the same way they did
before 2008. No wonder they are not achieving the results they believe they deserve.
With 100% certainty I can tell you that the content in this book and the resources I will share
with you inside this guide, will help you tremendously if you want to take advantage of the
amazing opportunities the Internet has to offer. So please make sure to read this book in full as
the information contained inside these pages is very useful and very powerful.
Again, before we get started with the meaty content of this book, let’s do a quick recap of what
happened since November 2009 on the Internet so we’re both on the same page!
As I predicted in early 2008, on November 5th 2008, Barack Obama was Elected President of the
United States. (Remember, I’m NOT taking political sides, all I’m doing is, establishing a fact!)
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For many, Obama’s Victory was a big surprise. For me it wasn’t! I was 100% certain that he will
become the next president. And here’s exactly why I knew he would win.
Obama involved in his campaign, Internet and Social Media savvy individuals to reach a target
audience that John McCain was going to have difficulties reaching; Generation X and
Generation Y (People between 18 and 40). Obama met them exactly where they ‘hang out’,
This gave him an unbelievable advantage and it was clear that he would win the election!
As an Internet Marketer, it was an absolute delight for me to see how the Obama Camp was
using technology and the Internet to their advantage and I knew deep inside my heart that
after that election, life for us Internet Marketers will NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN!
I remember my favorite “Marketing stunt” orchestrated by the Obama Camp in 2008. The day
Joe Biden was selected as Obama’s running mate I got an SMS on my mobile phone announcing
that Obama had chosen Biden as his VP Nominee:
As soon as I received this SMS, I ran to the television expecting to hear about it on CNN, but to
my surprise CNN announced this “Breaking News” 10 minutes or so after I got the SMS!
Clever marketing stunt? You betcha!
WOW! An Internet Marketer is a serious player inside the presidential campaign!!! I said to
myself, I knew our time had come and soon Internet Marketers will become very influential
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I knew that being an Internet Marketer was for me; “being at the right place at the right time”
and I surely wanted to take advantage of the doors this campaign was about to open for all of
us involved on the Internet!
Just think about it for a second.
Obama was the first ever ‘unknown’ person to use the Internet to achieve a goal of epic
proportions! And since 2008 lots of people have used the same tool to catapult their careers or
even to reach unprecedented stardom!
Some of them were B or C class celebrities. Some were totally unknown but all of a sudden they
became big players in the media or their industry!
For example, on April 16th 2009 Ashton Kutcher becomes the first person to have 1,000,000
followers on Twitter surpassing CNN and Britney Spears on the Race.
On November 2009 Justin Bieber was “discovered” by Usher on YouTube and suddenly
becomes a mega star all thanks to the Video Site!
Susan Boyle becomes incredibly famous as millions and millions and millions of viewers watch
her Audition video on YouTube. More people have watched that video on You Tube than when
it was originally aired on regular Television!
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On February 11th 2011, a video called “Friday” gets uploaded by a ‘then unknown’ YouTube
user ‘trizzy 66’, and within 60 days receives over 90,000,000 views:
Have a look at the video here:
Suddenly Rebecca Black (trizzy66) goes from being your typical 13-year-old girl living in
Anaheim, California to becoming a tween sensation raking in an estimated $30,000 per week
thanks to her music video “Friday” which boasts more than 90 million YouTube views and
currently stands as the 19th most downloaded song on iTunes!
On March 2011, Charlie Sheen, sets another amazing record when he adds a Million followers
to his newly opened Twitter account in less than 30 hours! In fact now he holds the Guinness
World Record for the “Fastest Time to Reach 1 Million Followers on Twitter”!
Sheen joined Twitter on March 1 2011. And in a matter of minutes, he acquired more than
60,000 followers and a Klout score of 57 — without even tweeting -
Sheen, of course, was all over the news since he publicly disparaged Chuck Lorre, producer of
his successful sitcom Two and a Half Men and within a few days he was interviewed a number
of times in a number of TV shows but that is not the point.
He got 1,000,000 Followers in Twitter in 25 Hours and 14 minutes!
Sure, these are extraordinary stories but my question to you is this;
What if YOU could achieve even a fraction of the success these people above have achieved?
Would that benefit your business and/or your career? Of course it will!
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I agree, many of the examples above might be a stroke of luck or they could be totally
circumstantial, however, they are proof that amazing things can happen if you know how to use
the Internet properly.
In fact, there are proven ways in how you can make the Internet Work for you and you can get
amazing results by simply knowing what to do and where to go on the Internet; and this is
EXACTLY what this book is all about!
The Internet is a tool of leverage and simply by knowing what to do you will be able to reap the
real rewards the Internet has to offer.
Just as a last point before we go into the resources section of this book, allow me to expand
your horizons a bit further on this topic. Let me set some historical references so you will be
able to put into perspective where the Internet is going.
Brief History of the Social Media Revolution
In 2009 Social Media exploded!
Here’s a video that was uploaded to YouTube in July 2009 and one that I believe will help you
understand the magnitude of the impact Social Media and the Internet have had in the world.
Please make sure to watch it before
you continue
If you have any problems with the
link above try the one below!
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During 2010, Facebook reached 500 million users. It also reached 100 million active users
accessing Facebook through their mobile devices. Today, if Facebook were a country, it would
be the world’s 4th largest in population!
YouTube receives over 2 billion viewers each day. Over 24 hours of video is uploaded to
YouTube by user EVERY MINUTE!
An average Facebook user spends around 55 minutes a day on the site. An average Facebook
user spends about 6.50 hours a week on the site. The average Facebook user spends 1.20 days
a month on the site. Today, Facebook’s translation application supports over 100 languages.
It is not an ‘Urban Legend’ anymore that people are becoming really wealthy, really successful
or even instant celebrities using the Internet. It is a reality with hard core evidence and proof
and still people are either questioning or ignoring the fact that becoming Internet literate is
absolutely critical for them no matter what they do or where they are!
In my eyes, the Internet has brought us, the ‘regular people’, a possibility to become wealthy,
successful and even very influential in a very short period of time.
It has brought the possibility for anyone and everyone to have a broadcasting studio, a
newspaper and even a radio station inside their computer or even their mobile phones.
This alone has created a really interesting phenomenon I call, “The Democratic Republic of the
Now, before I explain to you why this is an absolute MUST issue for you to understand, allow
me to elaborate a bit more on the phenomenon I mentioned above.
“In a democracy the poor will have more power than the rich, because
there are more of them, and the will of the majority is supreme.”
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The Democratic Republic of the Internet
I remember in October 2007, lots of anti-government demonstrations were taking place in
Myanmar and the government started suppressing the press and television. But suddenly, lots
of videos started appearing on YouTube filmed by the mobile phones of ordinary citizens.
This infuriated the government but it was obvious that once again the Internet and Technology
had dramatically changed the world. Widely available cell phones and digital cameras would
help citizen journalists to record unfolding events in the country and report to the outside
world via the Internet. That coverage kept the international community informed and mounted
pressure against the regime when it inevitably struck back through the use of lethal force.
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In October 2010, Wiki-Leaks, a not-for-profit media organization, whose goal is to provide
anonymous ways for “whistle blowers” to leak information to journalists via an electronic drop
box, was also heavily scrutinized in the traditional media as apparently they were “leaking”
information concerning the ongoing war in Iraq. Yet despite the protests from a number of
governments and the threats to eradicate the website, the site is still “alive and kicking”.
They’ve changed their web address a few times but the site is still open “leaking” information of
what we the people are not supposed to know!
In January 2011, a few days after the fall of Tunisian President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali, a
Jordanian newspaper printed a joke saying: "Why do the Tunisian youth 'demonstrate' in the
streets, don't they have Facebook?"
Only six days later, protests across Egypt coordinated by a loose coalition of opposition groups,
many of which are very largely organized through Facebook, seemed to prove this cynicism
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Certainly, the Egyptian government reacted quickly by blocking social media sites and mobile
phone networks before finally pulling the plug on Egypt's access to the Internet.
This act of censorship was spectacularly unsuccessful.
Friday January 28th saw literally millions of Egyptians take control of the streets in an epic "Day
of Rage" that changed the course of history forever when a 2nd Dictator fell in the Arab World.
Clearly online organizing played an integral role in this because activists were able to discuss
and take decisions without having to organize a meeting which could be broken up by the
Once again the Internet proved to be very powerful in organizing ‘movements’.
The Facebook group set up to protest at Khaled Said's death is "liked" by nearly 600,000 people
and was a key organizing centre for the current protests.
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Mobile phone use has grown exponentially since the Myanmar protests and now is reaching
around 80% of their population according to recent figures.
Footage of protests and police repression filmed on mobile phone cameras was being
broadcasted back to millions of Egyptians by satellite channels. What happened in Tunisia and
Egypt triggered a number protests in other Arab Countries such as Bahrain and Yemen and a
few months later in Syria.
Today, Governments know that the Internet can have the power of organizing people to gather
in popular protests that could potentially bring down any dictator.
The call for a “Day of Rage” on January 25th, 2011 that ignited the Egyptian revolution,
originated from a Facebook page. Many have since asked whether this was a “Facebook
It is high time to put this question to rest and insist that political and social movements belong
to people and not to communication tools and technologies. Facebook, cell phones, the
Internet, and twitter, do not have agency, a moral universe, and are not predisposed to any
particular ideological or political orientation. They are what people make of them.
Facebook is no more responsible for Egypt’s revolution than Gutenberg’s printing press with
movable type was responsible for the Protestant Reformation in the fifteenth century. But it is
valid to say that neither the Reformation nor the pro-democracy rights’ movements sweeping
Tunisia, Egypt, Iran, and much of the region would have come about at this juncture without
these new tools. Digital communications media have revolutionized learning, cognition, and
sociability and facilitated the development of a new generational behavior and consciousness.
And the old guard simply does not get it.
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Is CNN Crowd Sourcing the News?
YES! CNN is actually embracing “Citizen Journalism” as part of their media coverage strategy.
In 2009 they created CNN ireport - This is a website where ‘regular
people’ can upload their videos reporting the news. Many of these videos have proven
invaluable as NOW the news can literally be reported from anywhere using a simple mobile
phone camera.
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The Internet as a Tool of Survival
After the devastating earthquake and Tsunami that hit Japan in March 2011, the Internet and
social media proved once again to be invaluable in connecting people.
The news spread like wild fire through the online social media sites with people sending their
prayers or reporting their live accounts of the devastation they were observing.
On a report I heard on CNN, an individual who survived the earthquake gave a first-hand
account of his survival and said that Facebook helped him overcome the fear he was stricken
with, giving him the ability to communicate with family members as well as friends.
Google launched the Person Finder in efforts to help reconnect people with lost or missing
friends and family during the Egyptian revolution. In response to the tsunami in Japan, Google
has launched the Google Crisis Center (
During times of crisis, social media networking sites often join efforts with cell phone service
providers to help raise donations for disaster relief. In 2009, Twitter paired up with a mobile
service provider and raised about $21 million dollars in about one month via $10 donations.
Unlike the news and television stations who ask for donations, social media connects these
charitable donations with hundreds of millions of people simultaneously and is as easy as
texting a code or number.
Aside from monetary contributions during events like the tsunami, social media allows groups
of people to organize in an efficient and organized manner. It surpasses emails and telephone
calls for organizational purposes mainly because of how interactive these sites have become.
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Whether you are on Facebook, Twitter or Myspace, it’s hard not to see several people posting
about the earthquake and tsunami. Similar to the earthquake in Haiti that took place in 2010;
social media sites have given friends and family a tool to connect with each other during natural
disasters when communications are cut off.
There is no worse feeling than to hear about such a disastrous event and being unable to
communicate with a friend or family member in the affected area.
As you can see, the Internet is a phenomenon that has transformed the world and will continue
to do so in many ways most people never imagined.
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Safety in Numbers & the Financial Crisis
In 2002 I recorded a video in Spanish on Viddler, where I was predicting that the world will
experience a financial Crisis from 2007 which will last up until 2023. Please watch it here:
I based my predictions on a number of studies I’ve conducted of a theory called “Generational
Dynamics”. This theory offers proof that the Life Cycle of the Human race offers historical
turning points that can easily be predictable.
For example, in each year we have 4 seasons; Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.
In History there are 4 turning points (seasons): Awakening, High, Unraveling and Crisis. And
these turning points work very similarly to the seasons and they have been totally predictable
for the past 20 centuries.
Each Cycle lasts about 80 to 100 years and every turning point lasts between 20 to 25 years.
The last Crisis we had was between 1929 and 1945, so if we do the Math, we’re just about due
for the next crisis. I’ve recorded a webinar explaining this concept in detail lasting around 90
Minutes. If you’d like to watch it please go to this page:
On the first video, I predicted in 2002 that the crisis will start in 2007. YES, I was a bit off as it
actually started in 2008 but I was close enough wasn’t I?
In Chinese, the word “Crisis” is composed of 2 characters. One Means Danger and the other one
Means Opportunity.
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FYI: More Millionaires are created during a financial Crisis than during financially stable times!
NO, I am not “jumping” from one subject to another!
This is very important for you to understand BECAUSE it is another piece of the puzzle of WHY it
is ABSOLUTELY critical for you to learn how to profit from the Internet!
Please look at this chart to better understand the origins of the Financial Crisis.
It’s a bit confusing right?
Well, let me make it a lot easier for you to understand.
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What is a financial crisis?
According to Wikipedia, the term financial crisis is applied broadly to a variety of situations in
which some financial institutions or assets suddenly lose a large part of their value. Financial
crises directly result in a loss of paper wealth; they do not directly result in changes in the real
economy unless a recession or depression follows.
In December 2010, Cool dude and Internet őber Guru Frank Kern presented his “State of the
Internet Address” where he hits the nail on the head when he explains that a financial crisis is
simply a Transfer of wealth!
He said, “It is not that the ‘money fairy’ made all the money disappear. What happened was
that money moved from Group A to Group B. SO, if you want to be successful in the years to
come, you MUST focus on selling to people in Group B as they are the ones with the cash
instead of trying to sell to group A, who are the ones that have no cash anymore!”
I am not sure for how long Frank will keep this video available, but check out this link to watch
it! It’s very good:
I am 100% sure Frank is right and this is where we are going to connect the dots between what I
was talking about earlier and the topic of wealth creation.
On the next few pages, I will show you WHY it is now more important than ever to become
Internet literate and then we will jump straight ahead to the resources section of the book so
you can discover more of the amazing tools that the Internet has to offer!
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Who the F**k is Group B?
Pardon my French on the title of this section of the book, but I wanted to keep it like that
because I know this is exactly the way most people will think when they hear Frank’s story of
“Group A and Group B”!
With almost no exception, the world has felt the shivers the economy has sent through the
spine of every company, every government and every individual.
Millions of people have lost their jobs, businesses have closed, people have lost their homes,
etc. Most will say we are living through very tough times.
On the other hand, there is still an economy that is BOOMING; an economy that is growing
tremendously, one which only few people are taking advantage of.
This is the Economy of “GROUP B”.
WHO THE F**K is Group B?
Get ready to find out an amazing truth.
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According to the latest statistics there are almost 2 BILLION people online right now around the
world and the latest official current world population (estimated, mid-year 2010) is
This means that only about 27% of the World’s Population is currently online, but these
numbers are growing every single day!!!
If you want to see the latest statistics on Internet usage around the world, please go to this
While offline businesses and Internet illiterate businesses are struggling to get business,
Internet businesses and Internet literate businesses are booming.
Look at these statistics of e-Commerce in Europe:
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Now look at statistics in the USA:
Can you see what is happening?
I can go on and on, showing you statistics of how the real transfer of wealth is happening from
the offline world into the online world but I think at this point is unnecessary.
It is clear who is GROUP A and who is GROUP B, right?
Another interesting statistic shows that Generation X and Generation Y (people between 18
and 45) are the biggest spenders on the internet. These 2 generations are avid Internet
browsers and they have no “trust” issues buying on the Internet as previous generations are, so
my take is that they will continue to spend for years to come!
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When Opportunity Knocks… OPEN THE DOOR!
I decided to write this book because I want to show you HOW TO SPECIFICALLY generate profits
using the Internet, no matter what you do for a living or where you live.
The Internet offers a wealth of possibilities but you must understand how the internet works
before you can actually reap the rewards!
In the following pages, I will share with you a wealth of information that is ONLY available to
Internet Literate people. I will share with you literally hundreds of tools (most are free) that you
can start using immediately to increase your visibility, productivity and effectiveness on the
Internet. But before I do that, allow me to come full circle with all the information I’ve shared
with you so far.
At the beginning of the book I shared with you my story of how my first FREE book raked in
almost a million dollars in profits in a few years for me and my partners. Then I shared the
amazing story of how an underdog Senator from Illinois used the Internet to become the 44th
President of the United States. I then shared with you a number of examples of how some
individuals have gone from being totally unknown to being INSTANT CELEBRITIES. And finally, I
showed you how movements are actually started on the Internet and how social media was
turning into the biggest social phenomenon in the history of mankind!
Besides that, I’ve even shared with you the concept of ‘The Transfer of Wealth’ and where the
money is today.
If you’ve read this far I am certain you understand that this is not a fad or a “flash on the pan”.
Internet wealth is real and only Internet Literate People are raking in the cash!
Now the only question left unanswered is, are you ready to become Internet Literate?
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Your Time is NOW!
Are you familiar with the Rogers Innovation Curve?
The Internet is relatively young. People have ONLY been really making money online since the
early 1990’s. At this point, ONLY the Innovators and the Early Adopters have jumped on the
Internet money-making wagon.
If you notice on the graph above, there is a gap between the Early Adopters and the Early
Majority. This gap represents EXACTLY where we are right now!
From the almost 2 Billion people who are online, only a small percentage of them are actually
making money online. The rest are simply users, consumers or both.
But all that is changing fast!
More and more people are buying expensive online courses on how to make money on the
Internet. They are hiring consultants to make their websites e-Commerce ready instead of
simple ‘Glorified Brochures’.
We’re reaching a pivotal point where the Early majority is not only aware that the Internet is
the biggest opportunity of their life time but people are more and more open to embrace this
My question now to you is, are you going to let this opportunity pass you by?
I am certain, that in our life time we will NOT see an opportunity like this AGAIN.
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That’s why I believe; YOUR TIME IS NOW!
What If…
I’m not sure what your passion is or what business you’re in, and I’m not sure of your interests.
What I am sure of is that the Internet has an opportunity for you to create a business and give
you a lifestyle that will be the envy of all those who do not understand the Internet.
What if you could start a positive movement?
What if you could create a loyal customer base around the world that can provide you business
every single day with very little effort?
What if you could work wherever you want in the world without having physical boundaries or
What if you could work whenever you want?
What if you could enjoy 40 days vacation or more per year?
What if you could spend more time with your family while doing the stuff you really like?
What if you could have Multiple Sources of Income or better yet; what if you could create
Multiple Income Streams from these Multiple Sources of Income?
Dream no more … the Internet can provide all of the above!
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How to Get Started
Let me be straight forward with you.
The Internet is NOT a ‘Get Rich Scheme’. It is a sustainable set of tools to build or grow a
business. HOWEVER the learning curve can be steep and it requires patience.
There is a lot to learn and you need some dedication or YOU WILL FAIL!
My recommendation is that you get yourself a Coach. A coach will help you avoid frustration
and will accelerate the process of learning. I’ve had a coach and almost every successful person
I know who is now an Internet Entrepreneur has at some point or the other had a coach too.
Coaching programs are relatively cheap compared to a University degree; however, they might
seem expensive if you compare them to buying a book.
Internet Marketing Coaching programs range between $1000.00 to $10,000.00 dollars.
For example, my Internet Marketing Iceberg Coaching program sells for $2497.00 and it lasts
one full year where I cover everything my students need to know. I teach them everything from
How to buy a Domain Name to very advanced Marketing techniques. It also includes most of
the software you will require to start an online business.
Unfortunately due to the fact that I am focusing in other businesses, I do not offer this coaching
program regularly. But click on the link below; if my coaching is available right now, I’ll let you
take it for a spin for ONE FULL month for $1.00 Dollar!
YES, you read correctly … ONE Buckaroo!!!
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And if you like it, you can get it at a generous discount for simply having read this book. ☺
But again, I cannot promise it will be available. Click on the link below to see if my $1.00 offer is available now!
NOW, in case my coaching program is NOT available, allow me to recommend to you 4 other
options that I have personally followed in the past and that I know and testify of their amazing
Option A - Internet Marketing Explained by Armand Morin: (Price $1997.00)
Option B - Business Acceleration Program by Rich Schefren (Price $4997.00)
Option C - Silver Circle Mastermind group by James Schramko (Price: 6 Payments of $697.00)
Option D - Step-by-Step Internet Marketing Profits by Simon Coulson (Price £ 997.00)
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How to Get an Unfair Advantage in Life
I remember laughing out loud the first time I saw the film Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark
in the early 1980’s. It’s in the scene when Indiana Jones kills this bad-ass sword expert
opponent with his gun and then escapes victorious from his enemies; remember?
Bringing a gun to a sword fight is having an unfair advantage, don’t you agree?
Well, in this chapter I will explain to you WHY becoming Internet literate will give you an unfair
advantage with 93% of the world‘s population.
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As I told you earlier, there are over 2 BILLION people online now and that number is growing
every single day, however, only a very small percentage of those 2 billion people are actually
masters of the Internet. Meaning, they fully take advantage of the Internet.
Sure, most people use the Internet for practical stuff for things like sending Emails, buying stuff,
banking, downloading movies or music and connecting with friends with social media.
Most likely these activities describe you as well.
Every business has a website, because OF COURSE it is the thing to do. They need to be online
yet their websites are only “glorified brochures” which make absolutely NO MONEY for them.
Lots of people have a blog or a web page to “promote themselves” yet very few know how to
use this webpage to make money for them.
What if you would know just a little bit more than them and you can tell them how to use the
Internet to grow the exposure of their business?
Do you think that they will be delighted to listen to you? Of course they will.
Being Internet Literate is now one of the best paid skills in the world!
Anthony Robbins says that “we are drowning in information yet we are starving for wisdom”,
and I believe this is absolutely true.
Please have a look at the graphs below from the website
Since August 2009, the tendency for ALL jobs is to be on the decline or in stagnation, social
media and Internet related jobs are soaring!
Numbers don’t lie!
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Truth: Businesses are desperately looking for Internet Literate people!
Now, here are some amazing statistics.
Companies are paying BIG BUCKS for internet Literate People!
Please have a look at this 60 second video clip from the Canadian Broadcasting Company:
Mmm, now that’s something to think about right?
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There has been a CLEAR Transfer of wealth and it is now the time to ‘crossover’ to the other
side, don’t you think?
The more you know about the Internet, the more powerful and influential you will become;
I’ve always prided myself on being a trend spotter. I strongly believe that being ahead of the
crowd can be very powerful and this is another of those trends that not everyone has picked up
The old time cliché of “In the land of the blind the one-eyed man is King” is very applicable!
In reality, you do not need to know EVERYTHING about the Internet to be able to get paid a lot
of money providing advice to businesses on how to either improve their sites or their visibility
using the Internet.
All you need is a little bit more knowledge than them. Becoming Internet Literate will give you
an unfair advantage in the future and this is EXACTLY why I decided to write this book.
So, no matter what your aspirations are it is IMPERATIVE that you become Internet Literate if
you want to get a real unfair advantage in the future.
Are you working for a company that has a website and this website is NOT providing the results
you expect?
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Allow me to provide you with a free report on 7 secrets you can IMMEDIATELY implement on
your website to make it better and more profitable.
Impress your boss or your peers with your newly acquired “Instant Expertise”. Simply click on
the link below and download a free report that my good friend James Reynolds put together.
You’ll see how a little bit more knowledge can go a long way!
And again, if you want to truly master the Internet, make sure you take my Internet Marketing
Iceberg Coaching program for a Spin for 30 days; it’s ONLY $1.00. Click on the link below NOW!
A Tale of 2 Cities
Last year I spent my summer vacation in the South of France in a small town in the
Mediterranean called Serignan. Thanks to the Internet, I managed to swap my apartment in
Amsterdam with a Person that had a beautiful beach house in the province of Languedoc.
If I would have wanted to rent that beach house for the full summer it would have cost me a
fortune but because of my ‘self-professed’ Internet Literacy, I paid $0.00 dollars for my luxury
vacation. This is another of the AMAZING advantages of being Internet Literate, but that’s
beside the point.
In Serignan, there is a restaurant that is 100% self sufficient! This means that they produce all
the food required to serve the restaurant, themselves. They have about an acre of land, a small
farm, animals, and even a small pond where they farm fish.
I was very impressed with this place. The owner was a very interesting person.
He is about 75 years old but looks like he is 50 and seems to be one of the happiest individuals
I’ve ever met. Obviously I wanted to know more of why he came up with the concept of a 100%
self sufficient restaurant. So, I invited him for a glass of wine and asked him a number of
Speaking English with a heavy French accent, he told me that during the mid 1930’s his father
was working as an employee in Paris but the economy was not doing very well. People were
being laid off and times were tough for everyone living in the big city.
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That’s why his father decided to quit his job and move to the countryside. With the small
savings they had, they bought a small piece of land and they decided to start farming the land.
When the war started, they kept on reading in the newspapers that the situation in Paris was
becoming even tougher than when they left the city while they were enjoying a very
comfortable life in their small farm.
This taught him a lesson; he said, “In tough times you must be self-sufficient”.
And that is EXACTLY WHY he came up with this concept!
What an interesting chat I had with him.
This kept me thinking and suddenly the “coin dropped”. We are again in tough times, and the
same way people in the farms had a better life during the war in France, we need to start
preparing ourselves to have a better life than people who live in the cities.
Now, I am NOT suggesting that you move from the city to a farm. What I am suggesting is that
you look for ways of becoming self-sufficient.
Fortunately for us, the Internet can provide that self-sufficiency I am talking about!
BUT we need to master it first.
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In this guide, you’ll learn about a lot of tools that will help you become more productive, more
efficient and more effective using the Internet. BUT remember this is ONLY the Tip of the
Iceberg. YES, that’s why I called my coaching program Internet Marketing Iceberg.
So, get ready for an enlightening experience learning how to use the Internet like a pro!
1 Last Minute Recommendation Before You
Start Exploring the Amazing Resources inside
this Guide:
If in Doubt… GOOGLE IT!
Very often, resources are moved from their original destination. Perhaps when I wrote this
guide a really cool resource was found in a particular URL but for some reason it got moved
somewhere else.
If you suddenly come to a resource that is NOT working… before you give up… simply “Google”
the name of the resource. 99.9% of the times you will find the new URL for the resource.
Also by the way if you indeed find a resource that was moved, please let us know.
I will really appreciate if you can help me keep this book up to date. If you ever find that one of
the recommended resources in this guide is either not working or is no longer available, please
let me know using the page below:
This way, we will be able to keep the guide as up to date as possible for everyone to enjoy!
Thanks for your cooperation! ☺
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The Periodic Table of the Internet
A couple of years ago I came across this table and I was fascinated by it.
It was the first time I came across a number of resources in one single place. I shared it on
Facebook, Twitter and with the people in my mailing list. I got great feedback for sharing this
Since then, I’ve learned how much people enjoy when you share Internet resources with them
and this is the reason why I am absolutely excited to share these 750 resources with you.
Please make sure to share the resources or better yet, make sure you share this book with all
your friends and colleagues! Click on the link below to share this guide NOW!
Click on this link to see an enlarged version of this periodic table:
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Tools to Get Organized
With so much stuff to do online, so much content available and having only limited amount of
time in front of our computers, it is critical that we know how to organize ourselves in the best
possible way.
In this section you will find some very practical tools to organize documents, files, meetings,
people, shipments, invoices, databases etc.
I am sure you will find these resources enlightening!
Second brain
Second brain is like a giant file cabinet, keeping all of your links and files
safe and accessible in one central location.
Broong lets you copy, paste, upload and annotate anything and then
store it online for easy retrieval.
So much to read, so little time? Readmeo is a simple tool that allows you to save
links for reading later.
This tool is the fastest online sync and share service in the world.
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Presdo is an easy-to-use fully web based scheduling utility that takes the
hassle out of finding the best time for meetings and get together with
other people.
This is a cool tool to track the status of any shipment on Google Maps.
This is a really cool website. Imagine if you could design from scratch or
re-model your home in 3d? This website does exactly this!
Online time clock and timesheet software, designed for business owners,
bookkeepers, and payroll professionals. Employees clock in and out via
phone or web. Very slick!
It is brainstorming without the boardroom. Using sticky notes on a
boardroom wall as a metaphor, users brainstorm ideas online and make
better decisions. Very cool!
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Sign App Now
It is a simple and easy way to create sign up sheets. I use this quite often
when organizing a party or a meeting. Very useful
It is a free online mindmap collaboration tool. You can easily share and
develop your ideas with your friends.
Free Vacation Rental Software. Web-based vacation rental management
software with easy management tools like credit card processing,
automated calendars, reports, tracking, and more.
Visualize and compare the size of any product. Very handy when
shopping online!
Ultra Recall
Ultra Recall is a personal information, knowledge, and document
organizer software for Microsoft Windows.
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Time Bridge
Time Bridge is a web application that makes it incredibly easy to schedule
and lead great meetings—and follow up after you meet. Think of it as
your calendar-wrangling, agenda-making, note-taking, team-motivating,
secret weapon in the battle against workplace inefficiency.
Draw, share and collaborate with online diagrams. Easy web flow chart,
network diagram, mockup, wireframe, UML diagrams like Class,
Sequence, and data flow/process flow diagrams. Creately is a free webbased software for online diagram software.
Free and simple CRM. Collaborate and share contacts, emails, notes,
tasks, projects and more with your co-workers.
The #1 free online calendar designed especially for busy families. It's a
central family organizer the whole family can access from any computer
or mobile phone. See why everyone from Family Circle to Working
Mother magazine is raving about Cozi.
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Accidentally deleted an important file? Lost something important when
your computer crashed? No problem! Recuva recovers files deleted from
your Windows computer, Recycle Bin, digital camera card, or MP3 player.
Even if you’ve formatted a drive so that it looks blank, Recuva can still
find your files on it.
Smart Defrag
Smart Defrag is a tiny Windows compatible utility sized at only 1.8 MB.
When you run the program, you can view all your hard drive partitions.
Click on the partition you feel is responding slowly, and perform an
analysis to see if any files require defragmentation.
AppFresh helps you to keep all applications, widgets, preference panes
and application plugins installed on your Mac up to date. All from one
place, easy to use and fully integrated into Mac OS X.
CCleaner is a paid resource yet it is the number-one tool for cleaning
your Windows PC. It protects your privacy online and makes your
computer faster and more secure. Easy to use and a small, fast download.
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Spaaze, an infinite virtual cork board, is a new visual way to organize
pieces of information.
Lino is an online sticky note service that can be used to post memos, todo lists, ideas, and photos anywhere on an online web canvas. Lino is a
completely free service that runs on all popular web browsers.
I love this tool. Scanr is a digital scanner and fax in your pocket! Your
phone is suddenly a business center – scan, print and fax wherever you
Scan documents to turn them into digital files you can store, share, and
I.O.U Mate
I.O.U Mate is a free online tool that lets you track your debts (dinner
splits, loaned books etc.) with your friends and family. You can choose to
track your debts privately or invite your friends to view and update your
shared debts via a simple interface. Moreover, you can schedule and
receive reminders for recurring payments. Quite useful!
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Productivity Boosters
In this section I have included a number of websites and online tools for you to become more
productive. The true magic of the Internet is that you can work hard once and then get paid
over and over and over for the same work.
In order to really live the Internet Lifestyle you will need to manage your time and your team. In
most cases your team will be a number of outsourcers and outtaskers based in a number of
different countries.
Also there is a big probability that you will be working from home, a hotel room, a Starbucks or
obviously your office. So, the better organized you are the more effective you will be.
In this section you’ll find a ton of great tools to help you become super productive!
I did work
This is a free utility that helps you keep track of jobs you’ve done during
the day. It also allows you to share your work reports with other
members of a team, so everyone gets to see how much work is done on a
project at any time.
Open Workbench
This is an open source desktop application that provides robust project
scheduling and management functionality.
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An online web application geared towards increasing your productivity
and offering easy collaboration.
Whizle is a place that will help you achieve your goals; learn and discover.
Also you can share your plans and guides from here. Check this out!
Branddoozie is an Internet web application that creates marketing
materials in minutes. This tool saves me lots of time when putting
together marketing campaigns.
Password Recovery
Forgot your password? Need to regain access to password-protected files
or systems? Passwords list destroyed? Passware software recovers or
resets passwords for Windows, Word, Excel, QuickBooks, Access, PDF
and more than 100 document types.
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Klatcher allows you to write a story, post the photos and videos and earn
money from the content you have posted!
Tasks Everyday
They have a team of 250+ staff that can do all that you can ever think of
outsourcing! They’re Expert Virtual Assistants for Small, Mid & Large
businesses and Busy Professionals. So why waste your time doing work
that you can get someone else to do for you.
Get Friday
Your time is valuable. With GetFriday, you know your work is in reliable
hands. Manage your life more efficiently by letting your own virtual
assistant carry out your routine and mundane tasks.
Ask Sunday
Ask Sunday is a new way for you to get stuff done and to get it done fast.
Central Desktop
Central Desktop provides simple project collaboration tools for business
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Allows you to work on projects off-line and then sync them when you
login online.
Copper Project
Share projects, tasks, documents and timelines with your entire team.
Share files, calendars, projects, and then create RSS feeds to share your
public ones.
This is a tool I use to create, access, edit, share, and collaborate on
documents & projects. Very useful indeed!
Finviz offers the fastest and the most advanced stock screener available
online, interactive markets maps, innovative market analysis and
institutional services.
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Found something on Google but can't remember it now? This is a very
useful tool to re-find things you found before.
It is the ultimate freelance jobs website. They have thousands of
freelance jobs online for freelance programmers, web designers, graphic
designers, writers and more. They have hundreds of thousands of
professional freelancers ready to bid on your outsourced projects.
Scribble Maps
This is a great tool to create custom Google Maps easily.
This is a beautiful to-do app that looks like your paper dairy.
Lovely charts
Create flowcharts, network diagrams, sitemaps, etc.
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A simple online timer for your daily needs.
A Free flash online stopwatch, quick easy to use it has also an
Online countdown and it offers a free download version too. I love it!
Hassle Me
Send yourself reminders. It is unique because you never quite know
when your reminder will come along.
Startino is a free online ‘to do list’ super easy to use. It’s nice, simple, fast
and sharable.
Simple Diagrams
This is a desktop tool that helps you create simple diagrams quickly.
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Is a web-based task management system. It supports common selfmanagement practices, as well as individual. You can work efficiently either individually or in teams. Quite useful for working with teams.
This tool, send reminders to yourself and others, now and in the future.
Rescue Time
Time management software that shows you how you spend your time &
provides tools to help you be more productive. This is a paid service but
they offer free trials for business as well as individual. is the fastest way to create reminders that get sent to your
email, phone and calendar or twitter account.
Slick Plan
Creates beautiful sitemaps and flowcharts for free.
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Get it done
First and foremost 'Get It Done' is a simple but powerful to-do list and
task manager. Easy to use and to get organized.
Life tick
Life Tick is an online Goal Setting application with a stylish and easy to
use interface. Not used it much but has been highly recommended.
Panda form
Simple database to manage forms. This is a very useful site if you’re using
forms to capture data from your customer database.
Text 2 Mindmap
This is a brand new web application that converts text to mind maps. This
tool can save you hours if you’re a mind mapper!
This is an innovative expenses sharing system, originally designed for use
in a shared student house. The concept is brilliant!
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This is one of the coolest brainstorming and mind mapping software I
know and the best way to share ideas. You’ll love it
This is an interesting group problem solving tool which allows a group of
people collaboratively discuss problems and ideas over the net.
Time lope
This is a new bookmarking service that single-handedly turns your
browser’s history folder into a one-stop social spectacle.
Blinklist is a new and creative way to keep track of and share your favorite
websites. I use this tool regularly and many of the sites recommended in
this book come from here.
Need to Meet
It is a simple tool that helps you effortlessly find a time to meet.
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Similar Sites
Discover new sites that are similar to what you like already.
It is a utility for collecting the plans you make on other sites and
organizing them into a single source that you can access from anywhere.
Similar web
Similar Web provides instant access to the best sites related to the one
you are browsing! This Firefox add on will give you a better internet
surfing experience by helping you find similar websites and related
Awesome Highlighter
Easily highlight the important parts of a web page.
Reporter Connection
Reporter Connection is a free daily email service that connects busy
journalists with experts available for media interviews. This is a tool that I
cannot live without as it helps me market my businesses on a very
effective way.
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Bounce app
This website/application is used for capturing full length screenshots of
web pages. Great Tool to do research.
Know more than just the local time of your city. This is very practical
when you’re dealing like me with a number of time zones on a regular
Creates free online invitations, invite friends to events, host a party,
email invitation rsvp, guest list management, and much more.
My Invites
FREE online invitations and cards. Australia's most stylish designs for
birthday e-cards, children's party invites, Hen's invites, Christmas cards
plus more. Lots of party ideas. More fun, less fuss.
When is Good
An easy way to find out when everyone is free for your next meeting or
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Cozi is a FREE online calendar that helps you manage the family
schedule, organize your grocery shopping lists and to do lists, and
capture favorite memories in a family journal—all in one place.
High Beam Research
Find articles, journals, and research from 6,500 publications at High Beam
Research. Find newspaper articles, archives, journals, magazine back
issues, reference books, and more.
Active Words
Active Words adds words to Windows, providing a personal, portable,
context free user interface with immediate response. Assign words to
launch programs, jump to websites, send email, substitute text, and
more. Enter or select Active Words in any context and your computer
immediately delivers the results you want.
Write Maps
Write Maps is a free web app which allows its users to create, edit and
share sitemaps online. With sitemaps, a blogger can easily plan the
layout of their newest website according to its topic and for people who
like to work in teams; the ability to collaborate and work on a project on
a centrally stored sitemap through Write Maps is a great way to get the
job done.
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Qhub is a platform you can use on your blog or website that allows your
audience to ask questions and get real answers, it doesn’t just help
answer questions it allows a genuine community to develop around your
Bounce is a little app that lets people quickly to add feedback to any
webpage and toss that back and forth with other people.
Doc Jax
The best search engine for documents, One of the largest documents
source that you need, Search pdf ppt , xsl excel word, ebook free
download, download free e-books, search pdf books, pdf search engine,
Search Free PDF Books, Download Free Books, document search engine
This search engine is super useful check it out!
Drop Card
Effective guerilla marketing using drop cards, sizzle cards, dollar bill
business cards for any kind of business or event.
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If you are looking for a free text to speech voices then is the best place for you. I like this site a lot! ☺
Action Method
The success of any idea ultimately comes down to action. The Action
Method is a discipline for everyday productivity.
Cacoo is a user friendly online drawing tool that allows you to create a
variety of diagrams such as site maps, wire frames, UML and network
charts. Cacoo can be used free of charge.
Create and share Gantt charts online with Tom's Planner Gantt chart
software. Project Planning Software with drag and drop simplicity.
Extract text from images with this free online OCR tool. No registration,
no email. Really Cool!
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This site an absolute GEM! They will help you create and sell your ebooks
online. They prepare your file for conversion. They assign you an ISBN
number. They convert your file to many required eBook types. They
distribute your eBook to the World. They double check your published
eBook for quality. They Pay You! YOU’LL LOVE THIS SERVICE!
ReMouse is a tiny program that lets you record and playback a series of
keyboard and mouse actions, and saves operation records as script files
for later use. It is as simple as the music player, there is convenient
graphical interface to customize the configuration, and no need for
programming experience. It's simple, but it does something useful when
you need it. Perfectly compatible with Vista, Windows 7, and 64-bit
We all need a little help every now and then. If you need to borrow
money from a friend, can help you agree to the terms of
the loan. Here you’ll enter the amount, set the interest rate and create a
payment schedule. All of this information can then be sent to the other.
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Web 2.0 Resources
Web 2.0 describes the Interactive Web. Web 1.0 was the static web. Social Media, user
generated content sites and interactive sites will be considered web 2.0 sites.
In this section you’ll find a ton of ‘digital gems’ to help you become more effective using these
kinds of sites. This is another one of those sections in the book that I recommend exploring
This is a simple service that makes updating your social networks a snap.
Protects your brand or username from Social Media Identity Theft. Is
your name is still available at over 525 popular Social Networking
websites? Promote your brand by selecting the right username.
Bookhuddle is a place for book lovers to discover, organize, and share
books with friends.
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Search for titles and authors through over 125 million new, used, rare,
out of print and international books and compare reviews on this site
that's been going strong for 10 years.
Summify automatically identifies the most important news stories for you
across all of your social networks and delivers to you a personalized email
digest in your inbox!
This is one of the latest critical real estate spaces you need to capture on
the web. It is very Important that you claim your name on this page so
make sure to go ahead and claim your name.
Checkout my profile as an example
North Social
This is a very easy-to-use applications that enables anyone to quickly
create, manage a custom Facebook page.
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This is a social media monitoring tool. I use it to check popularity of your
website on various social media platforms.
Social Mention
This resource is a social media search engine that searches usergenerated content such as blogs, comments, bookmarks, events, news,
videos, and micro blogging services. Quite Useful!
Regator is a directory of the web's best blog posts. Hand picked and
organized into nearly 500 channels covering topics in entertainment,
politics, academics, and much more. HYPER COOL!
This is a great tool to chat with your buddies on Skype, Facebook, Google
Talk, etc. from one place. I Love it!
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This is another specialist search site. It shows you the hottest topics at a
glance on the home page, and you can search anything you want to find
the latest news pulled from lots of reliable sources. This is a real time
Tab Fusion
This website brings you the best Facebook tabs for your profile and fan
pages. Worth checking out!
The web's best Viral Videos everyone is talking about. Cool site so you
can share stuff on FB and Twitter!
When you need to raise funds online for an event or a cause, Chipin is the
place to do it. Very easy to use.
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Dipity is a social network that attempts to make social networking fun for
For teams, families, clubs and everything in-between. Share photos, run a
wiki, have conversations.
Help a Reporter
Help A Reporter Out (HARO) is one of the fastest-growing social media
services in North America. HARO is entirely free to sources and reporters
and unlike a majority of social media services, is independently owned
and funded and has been profitable since day one.
The feature Facebook forgot - a simple service to alert you when
someone posts or comments on a Facebook Page.
Gixaw Chat
This will help you create your instant live chat room in seconds!
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A better search engine for social media.
It is an all-in-one archiving, search and restores service for the most
popular online services including Google Apps, Facebook, Twitter, Picasa
and more.
Optimal Desktop
Organize, comment and share your links. Share your knowledge in
All My Faves
Visual homepage that specializes in the best top 10 sites of each
category. This ultimate homepage makes the Internet an easier place. makes it easy to get useful social media data.
Analyze your Twitter audience, Facebook fan page, and more with an
awesome spreadsheet full of data. Easy "pay per export" model.
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Snap Bird
Snap Bird is a free online tool that helps you search Twitter for things in a
much better way than Twitter’s native search allows. Using SnapBird you
can search for a particular keyword in a particular Twitter user’s stream.
You can also search for items in Tweets with your mentions or in the sent
and received DMs (direct messages). In addition to those features,
SnapBird lets you search for items in very old Tweets along with the
latest ones.
NameChk’s feature and usage is quite simple: it simply check for the
available of the entered username across many social networking and
social bookmarking websites.
Taweet (beta) is a social calendar and event promotion application for
Twitter. Taweet adds a whole new dimension to your Twitter experience:
the future. The casual format of Taweet allows users to answer one
simple question, "What's happening in the future?" ...and search the
future to see what others are doing.
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Clicktotweet is the best, easiest and simplest way to promote and
advertise your stuff on Twitter.
FriendPaste. Paste stuff to your friends.
Tweetafile it is the easiest way to share files on Twitter. Quite useful!
Posterous is the easiest publishing platform around. If you can email, you
can manage a website and share it with small groups or the world.
Socialmeter scans everything from Delicious to Google Links in order to
determine the social popularity of your site.
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Feed Compare
This is an interesting tool that will allow you to compare the number of
subscribers your blog has to other blogs.
Top 10 Virals
This site is a really useful site with Videos and pictures to share on
Facebook or on Twitter. In social Media you need to be social and share
all sorts of stuff. People love this! With this site you will never be short of
stuff to share. ☺
Viral This
This is yet another cool site full of video to share on social media.
It works similarly than Top 10 Virals but has a lot more content.
Stuff to Tweet
If you prefer to share other stuff besides video, on this site you’ll find
some of the most relevant and up to date websites talking about all sorts
of subjects that will appeal to your audience. This site is a jewel!
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Blog Pulse
This site is really very useful to spot new trends. Find out what people are
blogging about, the most popular names searched in Google and lot of
other cool stuff. Trust me you will thank me for this useful website. ☺ monitors and collects the links that you find interesting across
the social web.
Create, edit and manage preview images for all your bookmarks. Really
cool I use it all the time. ☺
Like Button
Like Button is powered by the Facebook Like Button and Social Plugins. It
is a great way to see the popular posts, globally and socially, on the
internet right now.
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Social Marker
Social Marker makes social bookmarking of websites an easier process. is a service for creating and embedding a forum into an existing
website. Forums grow faster on compared to traditional forum
software thanks to its simplicity for members to join by using their
Facebook or Twitter logins.
With loggel, you can hold your life digital and multimedia in a Lifelog
(online-diary) and share it with friends and the whole world. Enjoy
Tweet What You Spend
Get a grip on your spending! TWYS answers the question - "what
happens to my cash between trips to the ATM?"
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Using eEvent can grow your events organically, sell out events and grow
them socially in real-time. It empowers the event’s best ambassadors,
guests, to share and promote events and recognizes them so the planner
can give them special attention at the event.
eEvent’s time-saving features, turnkey data collection and analytics help
planners easily identify their most active guests and successful online
promotions to save effort and money in future events.
Buffer App
Buffer helps you tweet more consistently by allowing you to choose set
times to tweet each day. Once you've chosen the times, you simply keep
a 'buffer' of tweets topped up and the application will automatically
tweet on your behalf. Try it for free.
Facebook Friend Expo
Get *your* data contact out of Facebook to Google Contacts or CSV,
whether they want you to or not.
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Speaker Gram
Speaker Gram makes it easier for speakers and event organizers to
connect. If you're a speaker, we provide a single dashboard to manage
your requests and engagements. For event organizers, we make it easy
to know the status of your invitations.
Lanyrd is a free web service. It links up to your Twitter account and pulls
information about you and your friends. The information is only about
what meetings and conferences your friends will be attending in the
upcoming days. All nearby events are displayed to you. Conferences can
browsed by places and topics too. I love this tool!
I absolutely Love this tool! You can schedule all your tweets and FB posts
in advance and this site will make sure that they are posted when you
want! Super useful!
Post audio Messages in Facebook or twitter using your Phone. This is a
cool tool that can be very useful at times you have no access to the
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Mobile Phone Resources
Smart phones offer greater functionality than regular cell phones, with the ability to access the
Internet, download email, work with document attachments, sync data with personal and
corporate computers, send instant messages, play music, show streaming video and scout out
locations with GPS - in addition to making phone calls.
But what would smart phones be without “Smart Apps”?
In this section of the book I want to share with you some of the coolest and most useful apps
I’ve come across. Mind you, I am an iPhone user so obviously there are more iPhone apps than
BlackBerry or Android apps.
So, if you’re an iPhone user, I am sure you will find this chapter enlightening!
This is the easiest and most entertaining way to collect feedback from
your audience: Project polls or message boards on a large screen, have
everyone send their input via their cell phones and see results instantly!
Telepixie quickly schedule and receive daily (or one time) wake up phone
calls, reminders, weather forecast calls, jokes, and more.
I love this app; it allows you to record podcasts straight from your phone.
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This tool is a great online mobile contact manager and backup tool.
Fring is a mobile internet service & community that enables users to talk,
chat & interact with other fringsters and their online communities, from
their mobile phones.
It enables voice calls through any computer, right from a webpage. No
download or phone is required. Zingaya offers this seamless voice calling
capability to website operators – whether it’s a huge e-commerce
enterprise or your personal blog.
The greatest way to discover and share the best apps.
Voice on the go
Voice on the Go offers cutting edge mobile applications to that help
individuals and businesses to stay productive and safe while driving.
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Find and Track iPhone Apps, Fast. Latest iPhone app and iPhone game
updates, news, reviews, videos, and previews.
It is the easiest and fastest way to edit and send videos to friends and
family. Just upload digital video in any format and HightlightCam finds
the most important scenes to produce complete high-quality movies you
can send in minutes.
Not just a dictionary, but also a thesaurus. Comes in handy when you’re
typing that business email and you want to seem suave.
Let’s face it: you’re too productive. But with iDoodle, you can wile away
the hours drawing on your iPhone – circles, polygons, many colors.
Designed specifically for the iPhone.
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Helps you manage your collection of widgets. A widget is a software app
that lets you do something. An example is a menu bar or a toggle switch,
but there are zillions.
Manage all your flight information, including arrival gate, weather, and
maps to the airport.
A brainstorming and mind-mapping solution. Collect and organize ideas
you have at odd moments and then email the complete project in PDF
and PNG formats to any contact.
An easy-to-use application that helps in setting reminders. It allows you
to set text, voice, IM, email or calendar entry reminders.
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CliqCliq Colors
It is a great application for graphic and web designers. It allows you to
create palettes based on colors you like and easily convert between RGB,
CMYK and grayscale.
FTP On The Go
This application is a portable FTP client enabling you to create, download
and edit files anytime.
This application automatically syncs with the website that means you can
access your lists anywhere with your phone.
Flash 2 VOIP
A web based SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) softphone which you can
use with any SIP Provider and it works from the UAE, Saudi Arabia or for
that matter anywhere in the world. It is a cool tool to make dirt cheap
calls and video calls.
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Would you like to get Internet Coaching by Ernesto Verdugo? is a mobile application that reads text (SMS) messages and
emails aloud in real time and automatically responds without drivers
touching the mobile phone. is the solution to texting while
Makes it easy and safe to Pay by Mobile in hundreds of games, virtual
worlds and social networking applications.
This is one of the coolest apps I’ve ever seen! Accept credit card
payments anywhere with your iPhone, iPad or Android phone. This is
absolutely awesome!
Whatsapp is a cross-platform mobile messaging app which allows you to
exchange messages without having to pay for SMS. It is the equivalent of
BB Messenger for Blackberry but Whatsapp works in most Smart Phones
really cool!
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Viber lets you make free calls from your iPhone! Call anyone, anytime,
locally or internationally, provided both phones have Viber iPhone app
Shazam the amazing music discovery engine. Search over 8 million
artists, albums and tracks. Check what your friends are listening to on
Facebook too.
Fliq Notes
Fliq Notes is the ultimate free notes app for iPhone and iPod touch that
lets you easily create, edit, categorize, search, sort, save and share notes
with other Fliq users via Wi-Fi.
Warning: This is not a free app, but it is very very practical. Mobyko gives
you complete control over your mobile as it allows you to safely backup
your important contacts and their details online, securely in your Mobyko
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Lookout is a free application compatible with all major mobile operating
systems. In addition to the remote location and remote controlling
features, the application also has built-in antivirus and firewall tools that
protect it against malware.
Cinch cast
Cinch is a free and easy way to create and share audio, text, and photo
updates on Facebook, Twitter and more. A great tool for micropodcasting.
Around Me
Around Me allows you to quickly find out information about your
Bump Technologies
Get connected. Want to share something with a friend or someone you
just met? Want to be able to text them for free? Bump your phones
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If you have an iPhone 3GS or $ you will love this app! A great way to edit
and make your pictures and videos recorded on your phone look super
GroupMe brings group text messaging and calling to every phone. Ever
send a text message to multiple people? Wish your friends could reply
all? GroupMe enables you to organize and communicate with the groups
of people in your life that are important to you.
Broadcast video LIVE to the world from a computer, mobile or iPhone in
minutes, or watch thousands of shows from News to Entertainment to
celebrities, 24/7.
Kindle App
The Kindle app is optimized for the iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch, giving
users the ability to read Kindle books on a beautiful, easy-to-use
interface. You’ll have access to over 900,000* books in the Kindle Store,
including best sellers and new releases. Amazon Whispersync
automatically syncs your last page read, bookmarks, notes, and highlights.
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Posterous Mobile
Posterous is perfect for posting while mobile. The place to post
everything. Just email us. Post and share from anywhere.
Pixelpipe is a content distribution gateway that allows users to publish
text, photo, video and audio files once through Pixelpipe and have the
content distributed across over 100 social networks, photo/video sites
and blogs, and online storage around the globe. We provide a number of
mobile & desktop applications for users, liberating their content and
sharing their life.
Stock Genie
The ONLY application on iTunes that has daily stock picks & actually can
make you money! #1 Stock App on iTunes! I am currently NOT investing in
the Stock Market but I love this App!
This is a really cool App Manufacturer that a number of Travel related
apps. I recommend you to check out their website if you’re a frequent
traveler, they are very useful.
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This is a really cool app where you can control your affiliate earnings right
from your own phone. Really cool!
Mini Books
Mini Books puts your invoicing and your books in the palm of your hand.
Manage clients, send invoices, enter payments, check on rates from past
jobs, run timers, and much more, all from the palm of your hand.
Tru is the world's first global mobile network, designed for people and
businesses that have had enough of high roaming rates when using their
phone abroad.
Learn more, read reviews, and download Skyscanner All flights,
everywhere! by Skyscanner on the iTunes App Store.
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Read It Later
When you come across an article or a webpage you’d like to read but
can’t at that time, save it to your Read it Later list. You can then read it
whenever you have a moment, on the couch, in your commute, on the
plane, train, or practically anywhere.
Google Mobile App
You can use Google Mobile App to search fast from your phones. It has
some stunning features like you can speak your queries instead of typing,
use pictures to search the web, avoid typing your current location while
searching for nearby businesses (e.g. “pizza” or “best buy”). You can also
quickly navigate to other Google services, such as Maps and Gmail.
Available on iPhone, Android, BlackBerry, Windows and Nokia S60.
WordPress for Android
The initial release of WordPress for Android has focused on giving you the
ability to manage your blog while on the go. You can manage posts,
comments, pages.
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Google Earth
With Google Earth for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch, you can fly to far
corners of the planet with just the swipe of a finger. Explore the same
global satellite and aerial imagery available in the desktop version of
Google Earth, including high-resolution imagery for over half of the
world’s population and a third of the world’s land mass.
Wi-Fi Finder
This app for iPhone has tremendous use. Instead of shaking your phone
to discover a good Wi-Fi signal, you can Wi-Fi Finder to find many free
and paid Wi-Fi hotspots. The app has indexed over 280,000 locations in
140 countries worldwide.
Lightning Bug – Sleep Clock
Just running and jogging and taking control over your eating habits is not
important. Studies show that adequate sleep is also necessary for the
body to stay fit. Lightning Bug – Sleep Clock will help you relax and get to
sleep easier by playing soothing sounds. It can also wake you up after
specified time to keep you going. Nifty little tool!
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It’s easy to use the Mobile App on your iPhone. Simply
drag your finger to crop, adjust color, apply effects. You can crop, rotate,
change color with just a touch, give an extra glow with Soft Focus, apply
one-touch effects like Warm Vintage and Vignette etc.
Storyz is a digital media and technology company to let consumers share
stories with their friends using text posts, video, photos and graphic
images to create ever-expanding Group Storyz – and it’s all synchronized
across mobile devices and the Web.
Easy to use mobile expense tracker who saves to cloud and has amazing
graphs and charts. Exports to CSV, Excel, PDF and Google Docs and even
sends e-mail reports. iPhone, Symbian, Android, Nokia Maemo phone
apps available.
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Email Tools
Email is and will remain the Web’s killer app for years to come. Despite what many “experts”
say, email is still very powerful. However not everyone understands how to fully take
advantage of this amazing tool.
In this chapter you will find a number of tools that will surely help you improve your marketing,
sales and communication using email.
You will abolutely LOVE some of the resources below
This provides services to consumers and businesses which enables them
to have their important information to be in sync all the time between
multiple PCs and mobile devices.
Share you email address online without worrying about spam.
Send an email without using your own account.
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Get your Facebook and Twitter streams in your inbox. Very Useful!
Create text notes that will self-destruct after being read.
Generate temporary email aliases, better than disposable email.
Spy Pig
Now get read receipts for your email.
Quickly setup email reminders for important events.
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Find if that email offer you received is real or just another scam.
Feed my Inbox
Get RSS feeds as an email newsletter.
Send video emails to anyone using your web cam.
Follow up Then
Setup quick reminders via email itself.
This is a free animated messages is a fast and easy way to create a special
message for loved ones.
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Nubli is an outlook add-in that automatically analyzes your emails and
helps you become more productive by bringing important emails and
contacts into focus. It allows you to quickly process emails and provides
an at-a-glance dashboard view of your mailbox.
Protects your email address. Share your email in a safe way. Get less
Send a letter online, in the mail, for 99¢;. Include color photos and
PDF/DOC attachments. Worldwide delivery. In mail within 24 hours.
Hazel mail
Lets you create stunning custom postcards from your photos, pictures or
drawings to easily keep in touch with friends and family. Then she prints,
stamps and mails them worldwide for you for one low price. Send just
one or many custom postcards for any occasion -- wedding to birthday -with Hazel Mail.
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Manage and monitor your email campaigns on the move. This is an
advanced and sophisticated tool but very impressive too!
Mail Tank
Mail Tank is a complete solution for handling customer email quickly and
Dial2Do lets you do common tasks by just calling a number and speaking.
You can use it to send EMAIL or TEXT messages, record REMINDERS to
help you remember things, post updates to your TWITTER or JAIKU
stream and LISTEN to your favorite internet content. It’s easy and handsfree. is the only web-based service that allows you to email
any web page to anyone.
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At mail
Atmail web mail system offers a webmail client, email server platform
and mail server appliance for Linux, Unix and Windows.
EmailOracle isn't anything entirely new, but it is unique in offering a mail
tracking service for individual users, rather than wide-focus email
marketers. It monitors emails and reminds you when your recipients
haven't replied to, or even seen, your message.
Away Find
Make sure you receive urgent emails when you are offline or on vacation. Away
Find gives you a custom form that people can use to reach you via SMS when
you’re not accessible via regular emails. It is like having an executive assistant
scanning your emails!
This is an interesting app that allows you to use your own cell number as
your email address! Weird ha? Check it out!
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Virtual Office Tools
One of the coolest parts of having an online business is that you can work from virtually
anywhere as long as there is an Internet connection!
This mobility is a great advantage yet it also carries with it some disadvantages.
Obviously in your office you have all the stuff you need to do your job while on the road you
probably do not have all you need! Well, I’ve found most of the tools I probably need to do
almost anything I want. They’re available online and in this chapter I will prove it to you ;-)
I have compiled the tools I use to work on my business no matter where I am. I have never
released this list of tools so be happy you’re among the first on the internet to see this full list
of amazingly useful tools all put together in one single place!
Samepoint is an interesting search engine to search for stuff and get
many results in many places. You will find this very useful!
Used for shorten long URLs and convert URLs into QR codes.
Online OCR
Online OCR recognizes text from scanned PDFs . This can be very useful
at times.
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Work on the same document with multiple people at the same time!
Dabble board
This is your virtual whiteboard.
Shares your screen with anyone over the web. This is a great tool to
teach people how to do stuff online even if they are miles away!
Paste bin
It is a temporary online clipboard for your text and code snippets.
Which Date Works
Planning an event? Find a date that works for all.
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Open Salon
Open Salon is a publishing platform with a built-in audience. It was
developed for writers, photographers and artists of any stripe in need of a
smart home for their work.
Polish My Writing
Check your writing for spelling or grammatical errors. I should use this
tool more often. *blush*
Print What you Like
Print web pages without the clutter. This tool allows you to select the
parts of a webpage you like to print without all the other stuff
surrounding it.
Pdf Escape
Lets you quickly edit PDF’s in the browser itself. Very useful!
This is a very useful site to unzip your compressed files online.
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Slide serve
It is the easiest way to Upload and Share PowerPoint presentations with
the world. Embed the presentations to social networking sites, blogs, and
It is an online billing software which is specifically designed keeping
simplicity and online invoicing convenience in mind, while at the same
time offering the best of the breed invoicing features. Love it!
WatchDox secure document sharing allows you to add security to the
way you communicate sensitive documents in an almost seamless way,
while making sure they do not get in to the wrong hands.
Our time billing software is available for a 30 day free trial. Quality web
based time management and time billing software for lawyers,
accountants, consultants, and other time billing professionals.
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Slide boom
Upload and Share PowerPoint presentations with your family, friends,
colleagues, clients and the whole world.
A worldwide software-as-a-service platform for online event registration
and ticketing. Our award winning tools help organizers promote events
more successfully and save costs and effort at the same time.
Chart Gizmo
Online charts builder. Creating charts and places them on your website in
minutes. Useful for visualize financial, scientific or other type of data.
Fill any Pdf
The easiest way to fill any pdf file, convert any pdf in a fillable form, it’s
free and easy.
Read the words
Creates an easy to use platform that allows users alternative methods to
process written information.
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This is a super cool tool that will end up your “Dead by Powerpoint”
presentations. Presentations done with Prezi look absolutely stunning
and they are great to look at! I actually love the fact that you can do your
presentations even with your iPhone or iPad.
Sococo is a real “Virtual Office” where you can interact with video and
audio plus also do screen sharing etc. Quite cool and useful. Check it out!
Are you updating documents that you share with colleagues/friends and
it’s difficult to know which version is the latest? With “where is now”
you’ll always have the latest version of the document you are looking for.
A VOIP Call Center is the most diversified virtual PBX system on the
market right now. It runs on Skype and enables small and medium sized
businesses implement online call centers without the need for expensive
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Threddie lets you brainstorm using a post-and-comment system
everyone's familiar with.
This gives you event tools that are beautifully designed, simple to use
and user friendly. Sell out with style!
Slide Six
Share your Slide Six presentations both live and virtually right from your
Calameo is a free service that helps you take your boring old PDF files and
turn them in professional, magazine-style layouts.
Mindomo is a web based application that lets you create and share
sophisticated mind maps.
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Slide Share
Slide Share is the best way to share your presentations with the world.
Let your ideas reach a broad audience. Share publicly or privately.
Contact Office
Allows groups to share documents, calendars, contacts, and files. They
can then access them from a number of different mobile devices.
Web Office
Work on documents and more with live web meetings.
Mind mapping for everyone from students working together to project
Blue Tie
Blue Tie offers 10GB of storage, and allows for quick and seamless
collaboration between you and your co-workers with easy-to-use file,
contacts and calendar sharing.
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Urban Dictionary
Find definitions of ‘slang’ and informal words. Very cool and often funny!
A web application offers meeting, conference room scheduling with
functional booking system for rooms, management of room reservations
and much more.
It is a free, no-setup, web-based meeting playground. Mark up websites,
graphics, and photos, or start brainstorming on a blank canvas. Voice
and Text chat too!
Track My People
Free online time tracking, timesheet and reporting.
Fuze Meeting
It is a free web conferencing and online meeting software that allows
desktop and screen sharing on Mac, PC, and iPhone. 30 day free trial.
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My fax
The fastest growing Internet fax service used by individuals, small,
medium, and large businesses to send and receive faxes through email.
Who on earth uses fax still? Well, you’ll be surprised!
This Innovative calendar not only converts web traffic to appointments
24 hours a day, it accepts payments and promotes your services over
every social media outlet. Worth taking a look!
If you need your customer to sign documents online, this is the best
service to use. These guys software makes a document legal the moment
the other party signs it. Save yourself hassle by not having to send stuff
by UPS or Fedex to be signed. Very useful and very cool!
Helps scheduling meetings and other appointments. Doodle is simple,
quick and free and requires no registration. Simply set up a poll, send a
link to all participants, watch progress online, and finally choose the most
suitable date.
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With Live Mesh, you can synchronize files with all of your devices, so you
always have the latest versions handy. Access your files from any device
or from the web, easily share them with others, and get notified
whenever someone changes a file.
Convert Files and Data Online
No need to install anything on your computer. Use the easy upload
interface to convert your file.
This is a paid tool but I feel it is very valuable, you can access and manage
your email, contacts, calendar, photos, and files on the web. I love it and
use it all the time! Highly Recommended ☺
Voice Shot
Voice Shot offers Web based voice broadcasting, text messaging,
appointment reminders, virtual office phone system, virtual receptionist
and enhanced toll free and local numbers as well as XML voice alert and
notification services.
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Skylight puts powerful but easy-to-use business management tools in the
hands of the whole team, in or out of the office. Skylight helps business
users achieve success while providing anytime, anywhere access to
important business information. Projects, contacts, resources, accounts
and files in one place.
Teamwork PM
Teamwork PM is an online tool that can help you manage those tasks in
an easy manner. No matter how big or small your team, the online service
will help you setup a good communicating ground for your team.
Project Bubble
Project Bubble is a simple and easy tool for managing your projects, client
and invoices. Its intuitive interface makes project management a breeze.
You can easily generate PDF invoices and get paid through PayPal.
Icloud lets you do just that. Icloud is a web service that provides its users
with a virtual desktop. After creating an account and signing in to it, you
virtual desktop loads up.
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HRLocker is low cost HR management software designed for managing
employee record and things associated with it. With HRLocker you can
streamline annual leave and absence management, manage HR
documents online, organize time sheets and generate reports. HRLocker
comes with a lot of customization options as well.
IDriveSync syncs files online and across multiple PCs. On installing and
logging into the application, it opens up a ‘Sync’ area where you can dragn-drop files from your PC into or add your files into. Anytime you make a
change to synced data anywhere on those multiple PCs, all the PCs will
shortly reflect the modified data. IDriveSync does easy sharing too.
1DayLater is a free website that lets users enter tasks and enter the value
of those tasks either in time units, money, or distance units. Once we
have all our tasks fed into our 1DayLater account, we can view graphs of
our activities and vary the graph parameters to see what our
time/money/distance is being concentrated on.
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With Youblisher you can make your pdf documents flippable and
attractive looking book style presentation. It is like touching a real
Crocodoc takes your PDFs, Word documents, and PowerPoint
presentations, and lets you view and mark them up online. Documents
can be shared with others, who can collaboratively highlight or strikeout
text, add notes and comments, and make revisions. All files are stored
securely on their servers, and can be password protected and encrypted
for maximum security.
A company using the cloud to add accountability to business and legal
communications. We have developed a platform that targets specific pain
points in businesses around compliance workflows and team
Fresh Books
The Fastest Way To Track Time and Invoice Your Clients. Great for teams,
freelancers and service providers.
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Glass cubes
Glasscubes provides online collaboration, allowing teams and
organizations to manage information’s, projects and people in a secured
The Most Accurate PDF-to-Excel Converter.
Bid sketch
Simple proposal software made for designers.
Reverb helps you manage your projects and tasks. You can share and
discuss projects with your team, workmates and clients. Reverb has
everything you need to manage your projects and stay organized.
Show Document
Web Meeting & Document Sharing : The only app-based web meeting &
document sharing platform. Use the apps you want – whiteboard, docs,
screen sharing.
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Shareflow lets you share ideas, files and more with a specific group —
without the hassles and confusion of long group email threads. Quite
useful for projects where you have a lot of people working on one
Comet Docs
This 100% Free Online Document Converter converts and creates PDF,
Text, Images, Word, Excel and other file and Microsoft formats. It offers
over 50 different conversion types, most of which cannot be found
anywhere else. It's free, fast and accurate!
Online invoicing, time tracking, and client management software for small
Create your own online magazines, fanzines, brochures, catalogues,
portfolios and more. Using the formatpixel online editor you too can
design page based projects, layout text, upload your own images and
customize their appearance.
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Super secure, tgethr is a simple project management and collaboration
tool for your group. is a great microblogging platform that keeps your company
connected in real-time. Increase your team's productivity by posting
updates, sharing files, exchanging ideas, and more. It’s like having your
own private Twitter platform with cooler capabilities.
PrimoPDF is a free tool for high-quality PDF creation, comprising a userfriendly interface that enables printing to PDF from virtually any
Windows application.
Springdoo is an easy to use service where you call a toll free phone
number, record a message, and then you can have the message sent via
email to your contacts. The email contains a link to the Springdoo site,
where the message is automatically played – it is not sent as a file
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Rondee is the best free conference calling service and the only one
offering online scheduling and response tracking. Connect easily with
colleagues, clients, customers, relatives or friends. They also have a
robust conference bridge to handle large conference calls.
JAJAH - Talk internationally at local rates. No contract, no downloads, no
calling cards, no computers, no headset. Use your normal phone (landline
or mobile) - call anyone, anywhere. First call free!
Slide live
Slide live features: Instant sharing of Microsoft PowerPoint presentations;
Lightweight, browser based meeting solution; just login to start your
Folder Share
Sync your files between computers so you always have the latest copy.
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Rypple helps teams work better together with social software for ongoing
recognition, feedback and coaching. It is super cool I recommend you to
check this site out!
Freedcamp offers a completely free project management solution.
Manage To-Do's, Discussions, Milestones, Time Tracking, and invoices for
free! Project management has never been this sweet. This is like
Basecamp but free!
Share your screen instantly with anyone.
This is a super cool project management software where you can see
what is going on at a glance: How many tasks there are in each phase,
and who is working on what. I love it!
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Make it easy for others to schedule meetings with you.
It is an army of people waiting to give you really good feedback on
whatever you ask them or show them. VERY VALUABLE SITE!
International & local calls the way you always wanted, with tons of
features included. No downloads, or adapters needed - PokeTALK makes
your calling experience fun, free, and social - using your own phone!
Supertintin records both audio and video streams in Skype/MSN chat.
Fluidtables is a handy and free app for anyone looking to plan a party. It
will export your data from an excel sheet and will assist you seating your
guests at the right tables. Really cool!
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Photo & Graphic Resources
Photos are everywhere on the Internet. From sharing with friends, to editing, printing, buying,
selling, searching, remixing and free hosting, I’ve lined up a plethora of resources you can use to
make the most of your pictures. Whether you want to resize, enhance, save, create, edit, share,
buy or sell, in this chapter you’ll find the best resources I know related to this topic.
Art Weaver
This is a simple Freeware program for creative painting; It offers you all
artistic effects which you need for your work.
Gickr lets you instantly create Animated GIF online, free, right now!
Just upload pictures or grab them from your Flickr.
LifeSnapz attempts to do the impossible - help people keep their
photographs and videos organized.
My Imager
Upload images from your computer and from anywhere on the web and
edit them freely with the dozens of tools and filters available.
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Make a free musical photo slideshow and music video. It’s easy to do and
you do it online.
Image Optimizer
Image Optimizer lets you easily optimize your gifs, animated gifs, jpgs,
and pngs, so they load as fast as possible on your site. This is a very good
tool for webmasters!
Get color ideas, also extract colors from photographs.
An excellent layer-based online image editor.
Error Level Analysis
Find whether a photo is real or a photo shopped one.
Download stock images absolutely free.
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View very high-resolution images in your browser without scrolling.
Find data hidden in your photographs – see more EXIF tools.
Cover Action Pro
Cover Action Pro is a Photoshop Actions set that enable you to create
high-definition 3D product shots. Fantastic for Product Design. This is the
tool I use to develop and create product packaging.
Hatchwise is the revolutionary design marketplace that connects you
with thousands of talented graphic designers and presents you with
hundreds of custom designs created just for you!
Photovisi is a free and easy to use online tool to create photo collages.
Select one of the many collage templates, add your photos and then
customize by dragging items around. It is unique because you never quite
know when your reminder will come along.
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This is a very cool website to create nice slide shows mixing video, audio
and photos, simply add your content and create really cool mini videos
that look super professional, I love it!
A fun, free, online web tool that quickly enables you to resize, cut, crop
and add rounded corners and a drop shadow to your image, picture or
Photo Xpress
Download millions of stock photos, illustrations for blogs, website design,
Powerpoint or Keynote presentations, and iPhone or iPad apps. Very
useful and another of those sites you’ll be glad I told you about!
Photo Peach
Photo Peach is a great free web based slideshow creation service which
allows creating, sharing and embedding slideshows online for any type of
content which you want. What I find very cool about this site is that you
can even add subtitles to your movies; really slick!
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Sketchfu is simple drawing website where people can share their drawing
with each other.
Flash Paint
Flash Paint is a full web based drawing tool with many drawing features.
The feature I liked best was its ability to create complex geometrical
drawings with ease. This was achieved through a combination of lines
and curves which you can modify easily.
Draw Anywhere
Draw Anywhere is an online diagramming website, where you can draw,
modify and share flowcharts and other diagrams, with the look & feel of
a desktop application. It runs on any browser with Flash 9 installed. There
is no need to download and install any custom software. It runs entirely
on the web, and thus it is an always-on-access-anywhere solution. It
meets all your diagramming needs without installing, maintaining and
purchasing expensive software. One of my favorite tools to create charts!
Cover Action Pro
Cover Action Pro is a Photoshop Actions set that enable you to create
high-definition 3D product shots. This is very useful when creating virtual
books, or virtual products. I love this product too!
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Photo Snack
Photo Snack is another online photo slideshow maker that allows you to
create professional photo slideshows and share them on the web. Flash
photo slideshow.
A site that provide color scheme for web designing.
Compare PSD
Compare PSD compares two Adobe Photoshop PSD files for you and
highlights the differences. It can compare the difference Layer by layer,
Effect by effect. Compare PSD allows you to select the files in Windows
Explorer by right-clicking on them.
3D Ocean
This is a Stock Photo site with 3D pictures. Quite interesting and very
different to what you will find in most Stock Photo sites. Images are also
very inexpensive and very beautiful.
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Graphic River
On this site, you can buy royalty free stock graphics and vectors, icon sets
and Photoshop add-ons . It is very inexpensive and they have amazing
Royalty Free Graphics. Worth Taking a look!
Active Den
With thousands of Flash Components, Files and Templates, Active Den is
the largest library of stock Flash online. Starting at just $2 and by a huge
community of authors!
Grow Show
Everybody has tons of pictures for their kids starting right from their
birth. Grow Show is a time lapse imaging tool that lets you organize those
pictures into a chronological order without any extra effort. Simply
upload the pictures to Grow Show and they will automatically be
This is not an overly useful service per se but it is handy once in a while
and is good to know about it. What it does is turn pictures into Polaroid
looking pictures. You can use this service to add captions to your pictures
and make them look a lot more professional than just having a picture. I
like it so I decided to add it as the last resource on this category.
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Video Resources
Ten years ago the world of online video was little more than an idea. Connections were slow,
bandwidth was limited, and video gear was expensive and bulky. There were many false starts
and outlandish promises over the years about the emergence of online video.
It was really the dynamic growth of the Internet (in terms of adoption, speed and ubiquity) that
helped to spur the idea that online video - millions of people around the world shooting it,
uploading it, viewing it via broadband - was even possible.
In the next few years, I believe that online video broadcasting will be the most omnipresent and
accessible form of communication. The tools for video recording will continue to become
smaller and more affordable. Personal media devices will be universal and interconnected. Even
more people will have the opportunity to record and share even more video with a small group
of friends or everyone around the world.
In this chapter I am sharing with you a number of really useful websites to make your online
video experience very practical and fun!
Video Surf
This is a new video search engine that enables you to find high quality
video content, fast. Nice interface, and really easy to use.
This site is basically an all in one broadcast solution for video. You can
create, edit, and add things similar to broadcast companies could add.
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Stash Space
Upload, store and edit your videos online. You can also record videos
directly from your camcorder or digital camera.
Movie Masher
A combination of a video editor with a timeline and lots of various
effects, a standalone player and a media browser.
The best place for searching web videos.
Enjoy a never ending stream of YouTube videos in full-screen. Particularly
useful if your TV has an Internet connection.
Live stream
Broadcast events live over the web, including your desktop screen.
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Time rime
Create timelines with audio, video and images.
Buzz Feed
Never miss another Internet meme or viral video.
This is a really cool service. Not FREE but very useful to create
professional screencasts for you to use on your website or business. If you
have NO idea what a screencast is, simply have a look on the link below
you’ll be very happy you did. This is one of those sites that can become
useful any time!
This is a new start-up that lets you grab any web video and start adding
content on top of it. You can make any videos interactive, display ads, and
include hyperlinks to other websites. Very cool!
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This is a free online multimedia site that provides its members the ability
to convert public and private videos to different video devices: mobile
phone, iPod, iPhone, PC and watch it in any video space.
Zune Online
An online file converter with support for Zune compatible formats in
audio and video.
FLV to WMV Converter
Flv to WMV Converter is the best FLV file conversion tool that can convert
Flash FLV video files to AVI, MPEG, WMV video files so that they can be
played in Windows Media Player or edited by video editing software.
This is the most beautiful web service to handle process and generate
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It is a new way to discover YouTube videos that people are talking about
on Twitter.
It lets you easily create a video by mixing together video clips, music
tracks, and photos all for FREE!
It is a free service for sharing videos and photos to mobile phones and
social networks.
One Click Screen casting. This is really useful to send tutorial videos to
anyone including your virtual assistants! I love the service. Mind you,
you’ll need to download some java scripts to make it work.
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It is the original online screen recorder for one-click recording from your
browser on Windows, Mac, or Linux with no install for FREE!
It is a free online screen recorder. Capture video of onscreen action and
share them instantly. No download. Windows, Mac OS X, Linux.
Group video conferencing made simple. Connect face to face with 2 to
200 people. No fuss. No download.
It is the easiest way to convert video, DVD and audio. Movavi Video Suite
enables you to convert, rip, edit and capture video, burn DVD and much
It is a free video sharing service making it easy to send, upload, edit,
organize and share your videos – from anywhere, to anywhere.
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The easiest way to create your professional web TV. Glomera is your fully
customizable and interactive web TV that broadcasts from your site.
Embed the TV platform on your site!
Bubble comment
Makes it simple for you to speak directly with others about web based
content. Just record a video with your webcam or upload a video you
already have. There's no coding required!*
This is one of my all time favorite tools and I know you will love it! You
can record movies of your desktop and send them straight to YouTube.
Watch live video and chat with friends. Create your own live broadcast
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Hamster Free Video Converter
This is my Favorite FREE Video Converter for Any Video Files (WMV, MP4,
AVI, MOV, MPEG), DivX, YouTube, Movies & HD. Easier & Faster Video
Converter with Video Player. Supports DivX & 155+ Media Formats for
255+ Mobile Devices.
Imgur is the simple image sharer. It’s the best way to host your image,
and is always completely free. Sharing your images has never been
YouTube Jockey
With YouTube jockey you can save the YouTube videos you watch
without having to login with your YouTube or Google account. YouTube
Jockey is a video player based on Adobe Air platform and has the ability
to search for YouTube videos from within the player and drag and drop
feature for playing videos.
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Elmedia Mac Media Player
Elmedia Mac media player is a versatile tool that supports multiple
formats playback (FLV, SWF, XAP (Silverlight), RM and RV (Real), AVI,
MOV, MP4, WMV). No need to install a separate player for each video
you want to watch. Enjoy your screening with Elmedia Player.
Freemake is an installable video converter for Windows operating
systems. In addition to converting videos to AVI, MP4, 3GP, and DVD
formats, the application can also rip DVDs, rip audio from videos, and
split videos and upload them to YouTube as a playlist.
Video Hive
Buy and Download After Effects Projects and Video Files from Video Hive,
a library of Royalty Free Motion Graphics, Footage and AE Projects.
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Intervue is a quick and easy tool for publishers who are looking to gather
short video responses online from anyone with a webcam.
Vixy Free Recorder is the only software that can download videos, make
MP3 files and convert FLV files from YouTube and thousands of other
sites - FREE!
This is a website to have handy. On this site you can find literally
hundreds of TV tunes. It is not particularly useful but once in a while this
can become handy to know where to find this kind of music.
This is an interesting service where you can create a video menu for your
video’s making long videos easier to watch Worth knowing about this
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Audio Tools
These days, audio is being used everywhere on the Internet. Audio can be a great tool for your
website to increase sales. You can also create great products that are audio-based. Possibly
you’re looking for music tracks to include in your videos or pod casts.
Whatever your audio needs are you’ll find in this chapter a very valuable collection of sites
related to audio that will certainly open your eyes to the amazing possibilities online audio
Enjoy this chapter! ☺
Mixlr makes professional broadcasting easy. Broadcast live, high-quality
audio across the web, iPhone, iPad and mobile devices. Sign up now for
Audio tool
It creates your own track. Open and remix other peoples arrangements.
Podcast people
Podcasting in under 5 minutes. Your own personal website, with all the
tools and free technical support. Record Audio and Video directly
through your web browser. No special skills or equipment needed.
Robust analytics makes it easy to track results and get paid. Risk free,
cancel anytime.
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Best mixes on planet Earth. DJs, radio, performing artists, educators, and
more. Get a free podcast, share your faves. Only on PodOmatic.
Helps you find, organize and listen to music videos on the web, with
magic fairy dust.
Creates text-to-speech (TTS) podcast from RSS feed for iPod, iPhone,
MP3 player and mobile phone.
iSpeech is a free text to speech (TTS) and speech recognition (ASR)
software converts text to natural sounding voice recognition online.
From now you don't need difficult programs to cut and create a ringtone
for your mobile phone. Very cool software!
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A free podcast hosting service offering 10MB of storage space and
unlimited bandwidth.
This is another online audio editor that lets you record and remix audio
clips online.
This is a really cool application that allows you to add audio to your
website and makes it look really professional. Check it out you will love it!
This is one of my favorite online audio editors as it lets you record, and
remix audio clips online. Really Cool!
Dragon Tape
Dragontape is a collaborative web service that lets you create 3-hour mix
tapes of your favorite YouTube videos and Sound Cloud clips.
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Casting Words
Quick, high quality, audio transcription service - just upload your file and
go. Straightforward rates, fast ordering and a range of turnarounds.
Audiobag provides voice talent, audio editing, audio enhancing, and
production music. They create audio and voiceovers to help you sound
better. Podcasting, radio, television, webinars, screencasts, we'll produce
your audio fast. Very useful website indeed!
Speechpad provides guaranteed quality transcription services at a low
cost. Easy to use with fast turnaround time.
Buy and Download Royalty Free Music Loops and Sound Effects from our
huge range of stock audio for use in web, broadcast, corporate,
presentation and other projects.
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VoiceBase allows you to SEARCH (the automatically generated transcript
of your recordings), SHARE and STORE voice recordings in a safe and
secure way.
Free audio books delivered as podcasts. Subscribe for free
to any book and start from chapter one.
Inside Sound Board, you can find thousands of sound clips and sound
effects on categorized soundboards from radio to TV to games, travel,
science, animals, sound effects and sports. This is a great website to have
in your tool box so go check it out!
You searched for it - You wanted it - Here it is - Solid Products - Solid
Performance - Dependable Know How - Come on in!
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Spreaker allows anyone to become a radio DJ by helping them create and
broadcast their own personal radio show on the internet. Create your
own online radio show and listen to thousands of internet radio shows
and podcasts live every day. offers audio book downloads of philosophy and
classic literature audio book titles.
Chirbit is a useful and fun tool that enables you to record, upload and
share your voice or audio files easily. Record your voices, using a webcam
or microphone connected to your computer, or upload an existing audio
file. You can then share your chirbit, on twitter, facebook, email, your
blog, or smartphone. will speed up your podcasts for you, giving you more time
in your life. Love this tool!
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Web Development Tools
We can consider this an ADVANCED section! If you already have one or many websites, if you
are already making money online, or you’re a webmaster, you’ll really appreciate these
These resources are part of my ‘secret rolodex’ of resources and I normally do not share these
resources openly. There is a lot of gems in this section of the guide. This section itself is worth
spending a few hours on exploring all the resources; they are that valuable!
QuarkBase tells you everything about your website, from the site’s search
ranking to what kind of blogging software is used. The cool thing is that it
also gives you info about your competitions websites.
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Instant Position
Instant Position serves as an economical, do-it-yourself solution for site
owners, webmasters, designers and marketing professionals that want to
gain skills in SEO and improve the quality and visibility of their websites.
Niche Bot
Free affiliate marketing program network allows you to easily hunt down
niche affiliate programs while conducting keyword marketing research.
Adwords Super Tester
Find Out Which Ad Really Makes You The Most Money. Very useful tool!
Check the trust level of any website.
Everything you want to know about a website.
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Who Is Hosting This
Find the web host of any website.
Virus Total
With this software scan any suspicious file or email attachment for
Buy Sell Ads
We help online advertisers and website publishers buy and sell ads
Down For Everyone or Just Me
Find if your favorite website is offline or not?
Preserve complete web pages with all the formatting.
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Quantcast provides publishers and marketers with innovative solutions
to support better decisions and to deliver audience based media.
Last Pass
Last Pass is an online password manager and form filler that makes web
browsing easier and more secure.
A tool you need to monetize your content and vastly increase traffic to
your site.
Online CSS Optimizer
This is a web tool for reducing the file size of cascading style sheets. In
order to save more space optimized files would be messy even so you
may output it as a file.
This site will help you in creating fresh site with great design and publish
it on any address in seconds. This is FREE and easy to use!
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This is a social development platform that allows several programmers to
collaborate online.
Gets answers directly without searching.
Making sense of the complex & puzzling world of copyright, trademark,
publishing, internet & entertainment law. Useful permission links &
Feedback Army
Feedback Army is a cheap website usability testing service built on
Mechanical Turk. Submit your questions and get feedback from 10
people for $15.
Triond is an all-inclusive publishing service that enables users to easily
publish quality content of any type, in any media format, anywhere.
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Create your own homepage easily – and FREE! 500 MB storage, load up
12.500 pictures, easy handling, own layout!
Live GO is an all-in-one solution enabling Internet users to stay connected
to their social networks as Facebook and Twitter accounts, Instant
Messengers as MSN Messenger, Yahoo and Gtalk, and email accounts as
Hotmail, Gmail and Yahoo! Very useful!
Clue App
Clue App is a fun and easy way to test what people remember on your
A free shopping cart system. OpenCart is an open source PHP-based
online e-Commerce solution.
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Pop Feedback
Pop Feedback is a web application that allows companies to learn about
their customers quickly and easily by giving them the tools to place quick
one question surveys on any page of their website.
It features premium quality webfonts for web designers and developers
to use with CSS @font-face. FontsLive offers both web fonts and desktop
font licenses from leading type designers and font foundries.
It creates customizable contact forms and sticky buttons for your website
or blog.
Search for your Domain as fast as you can type. Domain Finder with
Domain Hacks, and Domain Name Generator.
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Shows you real-time traffic to your website and allows you to set alerts
for any downtime or spikes in traffic.
It is the easiest way to embed any document or any webpage in your
blog, profile, or website. It works with PDF, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and
many other formats. It's totally free of charge.
Free SEO tool from Hub Spot that provides an Internet Marketing Report
for your website.
Design ftp
How to ftp without an ftp program or application. Simple Cut and paste
code to add to your website that allows uploads of large files easily. It’s
FTP without the software hassle.
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Post post
It shows you all the interesting news, videos and photos your friends and
liked pages have posted.
Uptime Robot
Monitors your websites every 5 minutes, totally free.
Real Website Value Estimator - Our Engine Provides Information About
How Much Your Website Is Worth. Statistics include: Page Rank,
Backlinks, Alexa Rank, Traffic Details, Daily Page Views, Full Appraisal.
Shrink the web
Free website thumbnail generator service for webmasters.
Clock Link
Free clock for your web page.
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This is a content management system; you’ll be able to take care of the
basic web design tasks, without the hassle of traditional CMSs. Check this
out! This is a user friendly interface and enough help to you get
everything done.
Disposable Webpage
Create a temporary web page that self-destruct.
Bust A Blog
BustaBlog is the new website where you can create a free blog, make
money off relevant advertisements connected with your articles and
receive traffic through the site´s optimization.
Alfabetic allows publishers and content owners a turnkey solution to
translate, distribute and monetize their content on a global scale.
Widgiland is a directory of online widgets. It houses thousands of widgets
for web, desktop and mobile platforms and users are FREE to select
widgets for their blogs and personal web pages.
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Apture provides the first rich communication platform allowing
publishers and bloggers to easily turn flat pages of text into multimedia
This is a blogging network that gives you the platform to promote and
express your blog to the right audience. Check this out! It is FREE!
This is an automated system that allows you to promote your web site,
product, service, or company through the PayPerPost network of
Feed Killer
Provides an rss mix service. With this tool you can put a variety of
content into your website or favorite rss aggregator with a single rss
feed. The setup is extremely simple and it is completely free!
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An intelligent link building network company that provides link building
services, website link building services, link building packages at
reasonable prices.
Compete helps you benefit from click-sharing by providing free services
that create a more trusted, transparent, and valuable Internet.
In my eyes is the perfect tool for measuring your site performance online.
Quiz Snack
Quiz Snack is an easy to use online poll & survey software that
allows you to create and publish market questionnaires and then view
the answers in real time. It is unique because you never quite know when
your reminder will come along.
This is a great tool to create free online polls without signing-up.
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Learn The Best Internet Marketing Techniques, Tips, Tools And Methods.
Monitor and compare all your marketing campaigns in one place. Realtime link tracking, ad tracking, and click tracking for: PPC, affiliates,
conversions, click fraud fighting.
Tiny pay
Do you have something you want to sell online? If that is the case, this
might be an interesting option for you to keep in mind.
A library of over 500,000 free and free-to-try software programs for
Windows, Unix/Linux, Mac, Mobile Phones, Games and Drivers and an
up-to-date news and reviews section focused on IT subjects.
Contest Machine
Offers widgets you can use to create a giveaway, add prices, embed the
widget in your site, and then select the winners.
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Affiliate Marketing Webmaster Forum. A great place to learn SEO, web
design and development, and internet marketing along with affiliate
marketing strategies.
Create Space
Create Space provides free tools to help you self-publish and distribute
your books, DVD’s, CD’s, video downloads and MP3’s on-demand on and other channels.
Site Spect
Site Spect offers a really cool Multivariate Testing and A/B Testing for
increasing Conversion Rates on Landing Pages and web site content. Well
worth checking it out!
Mini Status
This is a tool that will blow your mind. Type a URL and it will give you all
the information you need to know about any website. Absolutely another
one of the gems in this book!
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Wordoff is simple and useful web tool that lets you remove unnecessary
tags and styles from HTML code. Most webmasters need to cleanup the
HTML code manually. This web tool, will speedup the process and for
sure it is important to book mark it!
With Wix you can create free Flash Websites. I am not fond of FLASH but
this site has been useful once or twice and that’s why I thought it might
be a good addition to this guide.
Print What You Like
Tired of printing web pages only to find your printout is full of ads, empty
space and other junk you don’t want? PrintWhatYouLike is a free online
editor that lets you format any web page for printing in seconds.
Through Abouthisite you can find out the main details of a site – owner’s
name, daily visitors, language, server location, server location’s on a map,
thumbnail image of the homepage, and the color composition of the
thumbnail image.
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Tim’s Free Stuff HTML Editor
This real time HTML editor solves the problem of continuously switching
between browser windows and provides a live show of what HTML code
would look like in a separate preview pane. This solves the problem of
first writing the HTML code in the web development software and then
testing it in the browser window.
Slide Deck
Slideshows on websites serve an important purpose: they easily let you
showcase the latest or the most popular content of your website. Instead
of spending a lot of time coding up the slideshow, you can use Slide Deck.
Slide Deck will provide you with the slideshow you desire for your
website. It comes as a jQuery plug-in and a WordPress plug-in.
Webpage Test
Through “Webpage Test” you can set a number of parameters before
you begin testing a URL. The test results are comprehensively broken
down into speed tests, JavaScript file sizes, and image file sizes. The site
also provides tools to compare the performance of multiple websites.
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What the Font
What the Font recognizes fonts in the same way as Identify font. The
image we upload can be of GIF, JPEG, TIFF or BMP image format and
must not have more than 25 characters. As the characters are scanned by
the website, you’re asked to confirm if the right character has been
confirmed. The site then proceeds to analyze each character and find our
font. Really cool!
Web Page to PDF
Web2PDF Converter helps Internet users, website publishers and
bloggers to save their content to PDF and then share it, print or archive
it. Web2PDF Converter is fast, powerful and easy to install. Love it!
Google Notebook
Google Notebook is a free online application offered by Google that
allows users to save and organize clips of information while conducting
research online. The browser-based tool permits a user to write notes,
clip text and images, and save links from pages during a browser session.
The information is saved to an online “notebook” with sharing and
collaboration features. Notebooks can be made “public”, or visible to
others, and can also be used to collaborate with a list of users (either
publicly or privately).
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Cloud Magic
Cloud Magic is a free web tool that works as a browser extension for
Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome for people running Mac, Windows, or
Linux machines. The extension indexes all emails and their data locally. It
then provides an interface for you to quickly search those emails. The
response time is amazing because your search is conducted locally
instead of online. Cloud Magic supports indexing multiple Gmail
Type Kit
By FAR the easiest way to use Real Fonts on your website. This will
change the way you design websites. Add a line of code to your pages
and choose from hundreds of fonts. Simple, bulletproof, standards
compliant, accessible, and totally legal.
Browser shots makes screenshots of your web design in different
browsers. It is a free open-source online service. A number of distributed
computers will open your website in their browser. Then they will make
screenshots and upload them to the central server.
Font squirrel
A good collection of fonts – free for personal and commercial use.
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My Fonts
This site is your complete on-line source for finding, trying, and buying
On this website you will find free fonts for windows, free fonts for Mac,
true type fonts free download, free true type fonts.
Concept Feedback
Get website feedback from certified experts in design, usability and
strategy. Expert analysis, detailed recommendations and solutions you
can implement today!
Free website monitoring up to 5 free websites monitored, free email and
uptime reports.
My Font Book
My Font Book is a nifty new tool for viewing your font collection from
your web browser.
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We're a brand new site that allows you to check out how your website
looks in the most popular resolution formats. It's all powered by Ajax &
PHP so no need to download anything! To Get started just type your URL
in the box above.
Mockingbird is an easy and fast way to make clickable wireframes and
prototypes. Create and share clickable mockups of your website or
Make a website for your business in only 10 minutes. No technical
knowledge needed. It's easy and affordable.
Font Burner
Font Burner is the easiest way to add great fonts to your website. Just
pick one of over 1000 quality fonts, add a chunk of code to your site, then
sit back and admire your beautiful typography.
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Google Dictionary
Google Dictionary extension is Google’s own extension for its own
browser, Chrome. With the extension installed, Chrome users will no
longer need to bookmark any dictionary websites. The extension
simplifies looking up word meanings by eliminating the need to visit a
dictionary website in a new tab.
Apture Highlights
Apture Highlights is a free tool, built from the ground up to let you take
the power of Google search, and the richness YouTube, Flickr, Twitter, and
Wikipedia with you to any site. Just highlight a phrase on any site to
reveal the web’s best content without ever leaving the page. Fast,
powerful, and fun.
Lunascape is the world’s only triple engine browser. With Lunascape, you
can choose the right engine at the right time, realizing a dramatic
decrease in web-browser compatibility issues, long loading times, and
messed up websites display. You need only 2 clicks to change your engine.
Lunascape is 20 times faster than IE7, 6.5 times faster than IE8. And it
stays up! We have gone head to head with well-known “fast” browsers,
and have achieved one of the fastest JavaScript speed.
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IE Tab
Some sites can only be displayed using IE, and with this extension you can now
see those sites without leaving Chrome. Great for web developers who want to
test the IE rendering engine, users who use sites with ActiveX controls, and
users who want to use the explorer view for local files.
Windows Memory Diagnostic
This program performs a series of extensive tests on your system to find
anything wrong with your computer’s memory. This tool also gives you
the options to either create a bootable floppy disk or CD / DVD (by
burning the image). Booting from the disk or optical disk will
automatically begin the testing process.
Fastest Fox – Browse Faster
You can save time and get faster, parallelized downloads, quick
definitions, auto-loading of next page, improved searching, and can do
more with Fastest Fox.
Product Planner
Product planner will help you understand the thinking process required
for you to create an online product. Super useful!
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Monster Follow Up
Monster follow Up is a revolutionary new way to communicate and
follow up with your business connections, leads, customers, family and
friends. You are able to create marketing campaigns that use all the
traditional channels of lead generation such as phone, email and web
forms and adds in the game changing new methods of mobile text
marketing and business card scanning.
Website Outlook
Websiteoutlook is the perfect place to evaluate any website. When
choosing to buy or sell a website having the proper information about
your investment can be crucial to your success. It is FREE though the
information offered by Websiteoutlook is not guaranteed to be 100%
Accurate and is offered as reference only. BUT Yes it is very very useful!
Pop Uri
This is a tool I sue to check at-a-glance the link popularity of any site
based on its ranking (Google PageRank, Alexa Rank, Technorati etc.),
social bookmarks (, etc), subscribers (Bloglines, etc) and more.
Quite useful in fact!
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Tapatalk - Forum App on the iPhone, Android, webOS, Windows Phone 7
(WP7), Nokia, and BlackBerry for vBulletin, phpBB, IPBoard, SMF and
Vice Versa Software
This is paid software but it is very very useful. With this software you will
be able to: Synchronize Files, Replicate Folders, Mirror Files and Disks,
Compare Files. Backup Software for Laptop, Desktop, Server and
Find the original URL that's hiding behind a short URL.
Buy Premium WordPress Plugins, PHP scripts, Mobile components,
extensions, plugins, and CSS files from CodeCanyon - the best code
marketplace on the web.
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Theme Forest
Buy Website Templates and WordPress Themes from Theme Forest - the
largest marketplace of its kind for Site Templates and CMS Themes.
Premium tutorials, screencasts, eBooks and courses.
Create a PDF from any Windows application using Document Converter
Pro! Batch convert Word (doc, docx), Excel (xls, xlsx), PowerPoint (ppt,
pptx), eml, msg, AutoCAD (dwg, dwf) to PDF or Image.
Print to PDF or Image from any Windows application. Really useful!
Track-n-Graph is a FREE web-based service for friends, family, and coworkers to track and graph information. Have you ever wanted to easily
track something but you just didn't have the time, skills, or desire to
create a spreadsheet to do it? TNG is the answer.
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Create, share and show your presentations online.
1&1 offers Web hosting, domain names, website builders, servers, and
email solutions. Find affordable, dedicated ad-free web hosting, domain
name registration and e-mail solutions. Choose 1&1 Internet to
host your small business website or personal web site.
Email Me Form
Email Me Form is a free online form generator service that helps you
create HTML forms for your website, with no programming required.
Google PageRank Update is a free and very simple to use website. The
site displays the last update date for Google PageRank. It also shows
whether or not the date has been confirmed by Google. This information
is quite useful for SEO a purpose that’s why I thought I will add this site to
this guide!
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Storage & File Sending Resources
Not sure about you, but I am always needing more storage space. I have Hard Drives at home
and in my office full of all sorts of stuff. Yet transporting these drives can be a pain in the rear,
so I prefer to have a place online where I can store stuff. There are a number of resources like
this on the Internet.
They all serve the same purpose in many different ways. Some are good for storing lots of GB’s,
some to store pictures and videos, some to back up your computer and others to send large
files from one side of the world to the other.
In this section you’ll find a collection of the very best and most useful resources I know to store
and send data. This section will be very valuable for everyone, no matter how experienced or
inexperienced they are on the Internet; the resources in this section of the book will be very
Backup Buddy
Buddy Backup is a free online backup utility which keeps your important
files, photos and music safe by saving copies of them over the internet
onto your friends, family and colleagues’ computers, your buddies!
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Dushare is a simple direct file-transfer service. It makes sending files
between two people as simple as a clicking a link." name="description.
Send a file instantly and securely with iSendr file transfer. iSendr lets you
send files to anyone with an internet connection via an on-demand peerto-peer direct connection for free! Your file goes straight from you to its
destination--no server space required.
Big File Box
It enables you to share files and collaborate securely with associates;
allowing one click access to a secure project space to exchange files.
File Jumbo
This is a really cool and simple service that gives you 100GB’s of storage
for free for you to backup or send files really easy interface and very
simple to use.
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It is a web application that provides everything you need to easily and
securely share files and collaborate online. Share large files and videos,
collaborate with shared calendars, task lists and team discussions.
The superfast way to send large files over the web. Don’t attach that
family video to an email, “Pando it” instead.
Badongo is a FREE file hosting site that enables you to upload an
unlimited amount of files, photos, video and music, to send to friends,
family and colleagues.
This is ‘THE site’ to upload and share files for free with infinite space.
Offers a free, secure and reliable file storage service with direct link
sharing to 3 million individuals and businesses worldwide.
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Free File Hosting and online file storage expert. File Hosting, online file
storage, Music File Hosting, Video File Hosting.
Live drive
Automatically backs up your files safely online. It constantly monitors
your computer for new files and changes and you can restore files – even
deleted files – quickly and easily. It’s totally secure, easy to use and quick
to setup. Best of all, you get unlimited online storage space as standard!
File synchronization has never been easier. Syncplicity provides easy file
management in the cloud, letting you sync, access, automatically backup
and share your files online. Syncplicity automatically syncs your files and
provides cloud-based online file storage.
It is the best online file sending website that provides easy, fast and
secure file transfer by allowing you to easily send large files and large
email attachments online. Simple managed file transfer and document
sharing service that is easy to use.
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Quickly send a file to someone; they can even preview it before
Online storage and social utility, the easiest way to store, access, and
share photos and files online. Free Drive allows users to access files from
the office, at home, or on the road; collaborate online with colleagues;
share files & folders with anyone.
We Transfer
This is the website I use for sharing really big files online!
This is also a really easy way to send files up to 100 MB’s You will really
like this service because is so damn simple!
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Free online file storage and backup service, access your documents and
media from any computer or phone, share and collaborate with others
and publish your media online.
Stream Load
Stream load, gives you a private and secure place to upload, store, access,
and share your personal videos, photos, movies, music, and files.
It is the only free, simple and secure personal cloud storage and online
collaboration tool. You can upload, securely share, discover and
download images, videos, music and documents.
Backup URL
Backup URL allows you to create a copy of any website that you can
share and view any time knowing it will last forever.
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TXTSAV lets you keep your texts safe and secure so that you can access
them anytime, anywhere, and forever! Your texts are kept safely and
securely in our online system. Only you have access to them unless you
chose to share them with your friends. It’s up to you. You are in control.
Get 5GB of free space to upload and share your files, photos, videos and
If you are looking for a quick solution to host and share files, then you
should check Dropdo. This tool lets you upload a file or paste a URL then
preview the file in a quick-to-share interface. It is so easy to use that you
will definitely have fun with it.
Sendoid is a free online service that offer simple peer-to-peer file sharing
between you and your friends. The site’s online interface works in a very
simple way: you point the site to a file stored on your computer and a
download link is generated. This is a really cool solution to send LARGE
files over the Internet.
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Travel Resources
Obviously, I could not leave the travel section out of this guide. I love traveling and the Internet
has provided me with some of the coolest resources EVER to be able to travel affordably and
enjoy my holidays and my business travel in ways I cannot even begin to describe.
I’ve found some really cool sites that I want to share with you as I really value what these sites
provide. I hope you will enjoy this chapter as much as I enjoyed putting it together!
CheckinWiz is a new web-based express hotel checking service especially
designed for guests that are mobile connected.
Sky Scanner
Monitors prices and destinations for all the low-cost airlines so you just
type in where you want to go and when to find the best deal.
Zoom And Go
Zoom And Go is about inspiring travelers about where to go, what to see,
what to do and where to stay based on the experiences of other travelers
or on the recommendations from locals around the world.
Flight Stats
Track flight status at airports worldwide.
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Every Time Zone
A less confusing view of the world time zones.
Flight Aware
Live flight tracking service for airports worldwide.
A business-oriented social networking platform, used by traveling
individuals to set up face-to-face meetings around the world.
Planely is a free service that makes air travel more fun.
This site generates customized trip plans according to user preferences.
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Plan a trip with great travel recommendations from friends and people
who travel like you. Collect and share where you've been in your
Gogobot passport.
Connected Traveling
It is a collection of resources to help people travel smarter.
Find the flight you want with our popular flight search tool.
It is a social trip planner. Find the best attractions, hotels, restaurants
and create your own personal travel guide for free.
House Trip
Find your perfect holiday apartment on Thousands of
dream apartments in top cities, starting from €35 per night.
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Tripology is an interactive travel referral service focused on connecting
travelers with qualified and customer-rated travel specialists. Tripology
utilizes proprietary technology to match traveler requests with travel
professionals. Available free to consumers.
It is a first-of-its kind travel web site that gives travelers a whole new
world of choice in international air travel. Using the latest in web
technologies, Vayama offers a massive selection of airlines, flights and
fares, many never previously available online, so you can find the lowest
prices and best schedule options for all your international travel.
Creates your online travel journal, share with friends and explore the
Trip planning becomes Fun with Goplanit! Social travel planning tool for
exploring destinations and creating personalized trips.
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The social travel guide written by globetrotters worldwide. The best
attractions, hotels, reviews, photos, videos, travel information, budget
tips for independent travelers, with maps, weather, and much more.
Free travel journal to help you record and share your travel experience.
Keep your travel stories and photos in a beautiful Everlater journal, and
easily print your content into a travel photo book.
Your first step to a great trip.
Smart Travel Answers - An expert network of travellers, locals & travel
experts to find you the right answer.
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Free Virtual Tours and Portal.
Tracks your arrival at airports worldwide and instantly alerts your friends
and family about your landing by SMS, email, weblog, and Twitter.
Search, find and compare the cheapest travel deals on cheap flights,
cheap tickets, airline tickets, hotel deals, and vacations. Farecompare
searches all major airlines for cheap travel including cheap flights, cheap
tickets, and international flights to and from Europe, Asia and the United
Couch Surfing
This is a super duper cool site, I love it, I won’t tell you what it is about as
I want you to explore it this is another of the amazing gems contained
inside this guide!
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Closing Words
WOW! What a journey of discovery!
I hope you’ve taken the time to explore each and every one of the tools I recommend in my
book. If you have, you can consider yourself a bit more Internet Literate than when you
received this guide.
I hope this was the beginning for you in your path of Internet self-enlightenment. I hope you
will take this amazing opportunity seriously. With all that the Internet has to offer our paths will
cross again somewhere, somehow.
I will be abolustely delighted if you can help me spread the word about this book. I hope you
will share it with all your friends and colleagues, and even more so, that you will take my offer
of being one of my coaching students.
Again, if you would like to find out more about my coaching program please make sure to “take
it for a spin” for only $1.00 for 30 days on the following page:
Thanks a million!
Ernesto Verdugo
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Legal Notice
While attempts have been made to verify the information provided in this publication, neither
the author nor the publisher assumes any responsibilities for errors, omissions, or contradictory
information contained in this document.
This document is not intended as legal, investment, or business building advice.
The reader of this document assumes all responsibility for the use of these materials and
information. Neither Ernesto Verdugo/3W Media nor Trinity Publishing or Entertraining ETC
assume responsibility or liability whatsoever on behalf of any reader of these materials.
Changes & Updates
The Internet operates in an ever-changing environment. Websites change and disappear, if you
find a link that is not working inside this document, please go to:
Neither Ernesto Verdugo/3W Media nor Trinity Publishing or Entertraining ETC are
responsible for the changes and content of any of the websites mentioned in this document.
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About the Author
Ernesto Verdugo is an Author, Entrepreneur, International Public Speaker, Consultant,
Accelerated Learning Practitioner and Internet
He has worked with tens of thousands of individuals
from over 100 nationalities in more than 45
different countries sharing his know-how in the
fields of peak performance, business development
and Internet Marketing.
Simply Google his name and you’ll find amongst the
over 650,000 results, he is listed as the 237th most
traveled human in the universe.
Over the years, Ernesto has established himself as a
renowned Internet Marketer and e-Commerce
In 2008, his passion to enlighten individuals and
corporations about the various myths surrounding
the Internet, compelled him to educate and groom
the first generation of Internet marketers in the
Middle East, establishing him as the pioneer in the region and the go-to-guy for any Internet
Marketing related Project, Event or Business Venture in MESA (Middle East South Asia).
Ernesto is the organizer of the Unlimited Power Online and You Learn Twit Face, Internet
Marketing and Social Media MEGA Conferences known around the world as the Most Exclusive
Internet Marketing and Social Media Events in the World. These events were launched initially
in Dubai before spreading to the rest of the Middle East & Asia.
His Internet marketing Iceberg Coaching program offers the most complete and comprehensive
Internet Marketing and e-Commerce curriculum in the Industry and his Total Internet Mastery
Master Class has created record sales every time it has been presented.
To get In touch with Ernesto for a Speaking engagement or JV opportunities go to:
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Praise for Ernesto Verdugo
Here are a handful of testimonials Ernesto has received lately by email. If you would like to see Ernesto
Educational or business portfolio or more testimonials for the quality of his work please visit his website
“You are an unforgettable trainer. The seminar you gave in
Damascus in 2002 was inspirational and I learnt a lot from it and, in
Many ways, it changed my personal and professional life for the better.
I listened to the tapes we bought at the seminar over and over again,
And quoted you on many occasions over the past years. Amazing how you
Predicted the financial crisis to happen in 2007 (it happened a little
Bit after that) and how you trained participants to prepare for it. “
-Haifa Ghanem
United Nations Population Fund
You are amazing!! cool.. the book is fantastic. I just downloaded it. Wow... I am in a loss for
words. It is really very very useful... you have covered every possible requirement. Man, that
must have been a hell of a job, deciding on what to put in. keep up the good work. Hats off to
-Ashraf Kalnad
"Stuck with being out of the rat race since June of 2009 when I joined
Your Internet Marketing Iceberg Program. My last official date of working is June 5th 2010
(given my 2 month notice in May). Thanks again for delivering on your promise
and hope more people join your program.
-Amir Anzur
Dear Ernesto, thank you for the most amazing presentation. It was mind blowing and truly powerful. I
had a great time and was blown away with all the information I received. Thank you again. I can't wait to
start. Thanks and Best Regards,
-Arshiya Shahab
Hello Ernesto, I've been receiving emails and interesting stuff from you since I sent for your
Amazing book. However, I noticed that for the past 2 weeks or so, the emails have stopped!!
I wonder why? I hope you will continue to keep me in your emailing list.
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Best regards,
Angeline Leong
It is a great feeling joining your team following your wonderful presentation today. Today is
indeed the beginning of my new life towards financial freedom via a successful career in
internet marketing.
-Tito Gonzaga
Just had a browse of the Amazingly Useful website (and not only that, I had downloaded them
too), and I must say THANK YOU very much for putting all that effort to help us. They are
extremely useful and I commend you for doing all that work. You are a blessing!
- Junaline
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