TIIE PRESBt`Turu*n PosT - Arkport Presbyterian Church
TIIE PRESBt`Turu*n PosT - Arkport Presbyterian Church
TIIE PRESBt'Turu*n PosT of the First Presbyterian Church of Arkport "A people with a warm heqrt and a willing spirit." 15 Main St. PO Box 6 Arkport NY 14807 (607) 2e5-7e44 www.arkpres.org arkp ortchurch @arkpres. org FInsr PnSSeYTERIAN CnURCH POBox6 15MAINST. AnxponT, NY 1 4BO7 @o7) 295-7944 www.arkpres.org pastorsteve@arkpres. org A rnessage frona Pastor Steve" " " MeasuringWorth "Indeed, I count eaerything because of the surpassing worth of as loss knowing Christ lesus my Lord." (Philippians 3:8) Ordinarily, the worth of something is measured by how valued it is to someone. We all, undoubtedly. have things in our homes that we cherish as "valuable", but to others they are simply ordinary or expendable. Garage sales are the quintessential American experience in finding "pearls of great price" that others simply see as 'Junk"- If the measure of a things value is determined by how cherished it is by someone, then let us apply that to our knowledge of and relationship to the Living God. How treasured or cherished or valued or desired is God in your heart...in my heart? Would we be able to say with absolute certainty and unflinching conviction that God is the most highly valued One in our life? Or, is their another that occupies that place of unrivaled prominence and impoftance in our heart? Look at it from God's side...how valued are we to God Himself? How treasured or cherished or valued or desired are we in God's heart? "For God so loved the world that He gave is only begotten Son..." (John 3:16) Did you hear the value God ascribes to you and me? "So loved" that "He gave"! Paul said, "I count everything as loss because of the surpassing worth of lcnowing Christ Jesus my Lord." Did you hear the value Paul sees God as possessing? Everything is "loss" in comparison to Jesus Christ. Jesus said, Before long Easter will be upon us. In these weeks leading up to Easter, the church celebrates a season called Lent. This is a time of preparation, a time of reflection, a time of self-examination, a time where we become settled in what or WHO is most precious and valued to us. Perhaps this can be a time where we become lost in the value God sees in you, as well as a time where you become lost in the value you see in God. To the glory of Christ, F[BPllArr2$2 it FEBRUARY BIRTHDAYS 3 Emily Stauring 5 Cathy Stiles Arlene Emo Donald Kennell Margaret Nephew Betty Emo Regie Stover Mary Ann Remsen Sara Foraker Janet Hager Nancy Whiteman Kristen Schroeder 6 6 6 l 11 16 18 22 25 27 @.& -H/) v FEBRUARY ANNTTERSARIES l4 Bret and Kelly Flint Nelson and Audrey Whiteman 21 ELEUI'JOR SCHEDULE FEBRUARY 5 FEBRUARY I2 FEBRUARY I9 FEBRUARY 26 Al Stever Joe Robbins Bob Osborn Greg Sammons Christian Sympathy NURSERY SCHEDULE FEBRUARY 5 Sadie LanglRoxanna Sammons FEBRUARY 12 Rachel Haines/Denise Lang FEBRUARY 19 Megan Wilson/Jodie Kendall FEBRUARY 26 Robin Kerr Wilson/ Karen Fitzgerald THANKYOU Neil and Jan Sliter would like to thank everyone for all their prayers and birthday cards for Neil. Christian sympathy is extended to Regie Stover on the death of her mother, Bonnie Beaver. Christian sympathy is also extended to Gar and Olivia Chatain on the passing of their grandmother, Judith Chatain. t>a- t|(b New Arrival Congratulations to Stan and Diane Ells on the birth of their new grandson, Talon Jack, born on February 11,2012. FAMILY NEWS to the Arkport Varsity Wrestting for being awarded the Team Sportsmanship Trophy at the Avoca Duals in December. Our own Gar Chatain is on that team!!! CONGRATULATIONS CONGRATULATIONS to Jeremy Glidden, grandson of Lorraine and Barney Gtidden, who has been setected to be the Youth Advisory Detegate of the Genesee Vattey Presbytery to the 72}th General Assembty of the Presbyterian Church (USA) in Pittsburgh, PA convening from June 30 - Juty 7, 2012. CONGRATULATIONS A GREAT BIG THANK YOU We wish to extend a great big thank you to Mark Labour, who found our water problem last week, to Nelson Whiteman and the other trustees, the Arkport Fire Department, and any one etse who stopped in to see what they could do to hetp. An especiatty big thank you to Pastor Steve for his hetp that was above and beyond the call of duty. MISSION EXPERIENCE WITH PRESBYTERY to Rachel Haines who obtained a mark of 100% on her vocal soto at the County Chorus and Band Festival this winter. She atso received a93% on her trombone soto. Dick and Darta Kennetl have returned home from a two-week trip in San Diego. White there, they hetped their son, Kevin, and daughter-in-taw, Fay, pack and prepare for their move back to Arkport. Granddaughter, Otivia, accompanied her grandparents on their ftight home and is staying with them while mommy and daddy drive cross country. Prayers for Fay and Olivia who have never lived any ptace where the temperature got betow 50 degrees, A D0$ielGe Mission tx[cfiencG wim Tne PtGs[ytGry 0f 0eneua L{asningtoI Join us forthis excitingtrip where we will learn more DC! about the PC (u.s.A.) ITrudu:t. . tiDtEvel advocacy .TrEe nig;tsaccommodations WOfk at the .,1xrrtl,ffor,."t*o,,.w*n*, or capitol, have .Po$lbh meeflngwith Farth-Based SOme fUn, and .Round lnldatlves Statl .Hands-onmi$ionafiliv expenenCe ';[iji:,H'lll*il'* the joy or an .Mostmearsandsurpdses intefgengfatiOnaltfaVel .AtabulousinterueneEtionat l. qDefiercet event! AII this for $55O per person!* 0CtObef $ -ff . ' 2Ot2 *Finalcost rnterested? $100 non.refundabte deposit due March 1, 2012. Call or emaitJoeile Dilis lgdsy! Spots are tillingfast so don,twait! deteminedbased onnumberofparticipants. 3t5-g6_V53 or loelleEpie-sUlt"ry-o'fC"r"u".o"g V[\ASAM New Roof Campaign 2OL2 Sunday, February 12 begins our capital campaign to collect pledges for the new roof. Please make a pledge on the attached form. The pledge forms will be collected March 4t 2OL2. Please select a bne time payment, a weekly payment , or a monthly payment to be fulfilled by November 30, 20t2. TURNING POINT CATHOLIC CHARITIES 'fuming Point Catholic Charities would like to share some Hornell area statistics: The unemployment rate in December 20ll was9o/o- 7,500local workers are currently unemployed, underemployed or no longer eligible for benefits. A point-in-time study was completed across the country for the night of January 25. Turning Point interviewed 12 individuals in the Hornell area that were homeless on that date, and 3 of these adults had homeless children. Turning Point wants to thank Arkport Presbyterians for their food and money donations and of another way individuals or grcups can make a great difference. Our annual WaIkA-Mile is scheduled Sat., May 19, 9:30am-11:00am. To participate fill out forms in the track of the sanctuary and ask friends or relatives to sponsor your walk or make a check out to Turning Point Hornell. The 1 mile walk begins in the Center St Parking Lot in Homell near20 Elm Street- Donations stay in the area. For more information to register or donate call Tuming Point at 324-3457 . Please visit our website catholiccharitiessteuben.org make you aware Turning Point would like to make you aware of other helpful programsPack-a-Pickup Maple City Dodge is doing this during Feb and March. CASH is a free income tax assistance service ifyou made $49,000 or less call 271 to make an appointment. This is done at Seneca Apartments behind Club 57 visit ';. * i'' .Lni st.ols for more info STAR School tax relief, you must sign up each year by March 1" Turning point has forms so stop at 20 Elm suite 2. You can also look it up on line Lets Share The ttJoys" Who said that living the Christian life was dull, boring, out of date and full of rules that keep us from doing what we want to? Who thinks of GOD as having such high standards that no one can achieve them? Is that the LORD we serve? NO! A thousand times NO!! Then let's set the record straight. Let's put on a happy face and give more credit to GOD for the'Joyful" events HE brings to our lives. We are extraordinary people, aren't we? GOD HIMSELF chose us to be in HIS Kingdom, didn't HE? "All right," you may ask, "What do you mean by a Joyful' event?" It's plain and simple. It has to do with how GOD has touched your life in some meaningful way and HE lets you know that HE was very much involved!! People are still awed by Joe Robbins' story of his reunion with his son. Isn't it anazinghow GOD worked this wonderful'Joy" in their lives? Here is another example. Beth Haines-HE, a member of our committee, told us that one day while in the checkout lane at Wegmans she realized she left her purse in the car. She was ready to go and get it when the woman behind her said she would pay for Beth's groceries! Although Beth paid for her own groceries, she was so impressed with this stranger's honest offer to pay. That was a special'Joy" for Beth. "Okay", you ask, "When do I tell my story?" You may tell it during our Church service when Pastor Steve asks for'Joys and concerns". Or you may simply tell one person or a group of people when you feel GOD prompting you that way. We are the only Gospel that the unsaved or new Christians read each day! "All right then," you ask, o'How do I tell my story?" It is easier than you think. All you have to do is tell what happened and speak from your heart. First practice if you wish, but pray before you speak and GOD will be honored. That's w'hat it's all about. Here are a few amazing things that can occur when we share our'Joys" with others. 1. People who hear your story may feel God drawing them closer to HIM. 2. People may be inspired to ask the Lord for help in solving a problem they tried but failed to solve by themselves. 3. Sharing how God blesses you boosts your confidence and makes it easier to witness to others; it can become a natural part of yorn life! 4. Who knows what new friendship may develop between you and someone else that leads to supporting each other in your Christian walks. Pastor Steve has created a new prayer card to write yourjoys and concerns on if you wish to. One will be in the February 19tt'bulletin. You may write about a'Joy" in your life in the past week or month. The cards will be collected and kept by Pastor Steve and read 1) when it fits the serrnon; 2) during the Prayer and Healing service in March; or 3) if you want someone else to read your'Joy", either Pastor Steve or someone you choose. You may tell your story yourself if you wish. So be on the lookout for GOD to bring a'Joy" into your life. It's okay to ask HIM for one! You never know, maybe your 'Joy" will arrive tomorrow...or today! -The Music and Worship Commiffee Missionary Movement turns 200 Presbyterian Church (IJSA) News SALEM, Mass. When America's first ordained missionaries sailed from here to India 200 years ago, they kicked offa movement to spread the faith and created America's most potent export: Christianity. That's the message that will reverberate across nine "Judson 200" commemorative events, running Feb. 5-20 in and around Salem. Speakers - evangelicals, mainline Protestants and scholars will recall how the course of history changed with Adoniram Judson and four other missionaries. Judson's 1812 departure with his wife, Ann Hasseltine, marked the start of a new era of American and Christian influence. To support them, the first of many missionary-sending agencies was born: the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions (ABCFM) Similar organzations soon took root, sending thousands of missionaries to all corners of the globe. By the mid-z0th century, America was sending more missionaries than any other country. America still sends the most: l27,A0O ofthe 400,000 foreign missionaries sent in 2010 came from Americ4 according to the Center for the Study of Global Christian at GordonConwell Theological Seminary, which is based outside ofBoston. The Judsons left a giant mark. Denied admission to British India, they continued on to Burma (modern-day Myanmar), where they created a grammar system, translated the Bible into Burmese and won converts to the faith. Christian communities survive to this day in Myanmar, Judson Sunday is commemorated by Burmese churches every July. "Judson 200" ends with a Feb. 20 re-enactment of the Judsons' launch from the port of Salem. More events marking the Judsons' l813 arrival in Burma will be scheduled for next year. For more of this story go towww. pcusa.org/news/2012/2/3Missionary movement Febru ary 2012 - Arkport Presbyterian Church 3l 2 1 Saturday Friday Thursday Wednesday Tuesday Monday Sunday 4 8:00 p,m. AA 9:00 A.M. - SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:30 A.M. - COFFEE CONNECTION L0:00 A.M. - WORSHIP I 1 ..{--- 5l ... -.t... .......,--". ...-. oi l 7l p,m. I I I 9:15 a.m. j e:ts I I uops ] Release Time I I 10 16 17 11 | 8:45 a.m. Ladies'Prayer & Study Deacons Meet @ Timrnerman's 8:00 p,rn, AA 7:00 p.m, Session & Trustees 9:30a.m, Study and Prayer I 10r00 a.m. .-j I ' '- i 12 13 18i 8:45 a.m. Ladies'Study & Prayer 8:00 p.m, AA 9:00 a.m, Ash Wednesday Service 2;15 p,m, Belease fime 7:00 p,m, 8:45 a,m, Study & Prayer g:30 a,m. MOPS Sleering Cornrniltee 9:00 a.m. Last Adult Sunday School ior lhis Session 1:30 p.m. Mission Hall in use by Friends of St. Paul 15 14 I 1 i I I I i Bible Study L I I I I -ig I l 9r00 a.m, lnquirers'Class iz p,m. is 28 8:45 a,m, Blble Study & 8:00 p.m. AA 2:15 p,m. Release Time 7:00 t Bible Study 8:45 a,m, Prayer & Study 9:15 a.m, MOPS i6 23 22 21 20 9:00 a.m. lnquirers'Class 1 I i 24 a.m. 8:45 Ladies' Prayer & Study All Day MOPS Fundraiser (CROP) I 2:15 p,m. Release Tlme 7:00 p,m, Bible StudY Tentatively Scheduled Leap Year Party (TBA) :LDER OF THE MONTH: LORRAINE GLIDDEN 25, , zroT AuYouflfld l:, ',1:;'. I r.i[it i r i --iirl lxts -- iVi:.:r=* : rsod NlvrufrAsstrud @ ?v6LS6ZL09 LOg?I AN lro&Irv learls uIsIAi 9 xog'oa 91 rlcrnqS uBrradqsaJd lsrld aIII You ane invited to JOIN rhe 1til:,V*"* MiSSion TEAfut "Hands-on-Ministry" for People-in-Need 2eP IIIV llissiea Vrfrp Schcdolc ,|fpFfif f5 - 2lr Defi2 Septenbe,r 9 . f5, ZO1LJD -^-i/ : .^ ^ '.""17-'-s \., i *Y 'i3 j,'-t"':,L alt rV 'i bU fl .".-o*.* sY )// x" rf F)/vrv \JV Cont ct PauI Sdisbury, h.ip coordin{for - 3 t1331-0.1d2 or ;ilT;',il:iffiffiJ.1i: cdd em:ril you thc required Lirbility and,{sssment for&s, Parficipaats sually car pool, slrare trav€l costs, and p*v their espcnscs. .\ fce of$215 is due from erch prrticipant - I.rlabk to the 'rl'rcsbytcr? of Cencya" (30 d.t,s before the irip)'Ihis fe is used by the Presbytcry of W\- to purchse Drterials. -:Ileds rvill be prorided sy ofthc Prsbttery of Genera curte ffiaN Housitg spae Day limit paticipatim to 20 missior worts. Pillicipmts tr6t comolete od sign a Liabilitv md Asssment of Skills form.. Tixm mem- bc will be homed at tbe Freedon Full Gosprel Church il Hmpdeu Wtr- . The PEbytery of Cslwa cotinue to rrcr* with tbe PBbyttry of W6t Virginia frmishing volhtEE for rcpair, rvort cl@ q up, hmes, ad @enaliot .hucis, pqts, ud eruag6 spiritEl md fai& dwelop6sl qeg fi6e who sede d sell c the in IMV who ue swed. deighbortr@ds- This minist y Tbe Work aips otr hm6 of will i[volve porking treedy W\/ Bidats by the WV Mioisnr_v G detmhed of Advo.ey & WorkmF Irc. Ou Tm will be wo*ing witi Site Sulwisor, Cab Wolford