Rabbi Elana Zelony - Congregation Beth Torah


Rabbi Elana Zelony - Congregation Beth Torah
Cheshvan / Kislev
Join the Richardson Interfaith Alliance and
Rabbi Elana Zelony
Master of Ceremonies
Expressions of Gratitude
An Interactive Interfaith Thanksgiving Experience
Thursday, 19 November
6:30 PM Parish Hall
7:30 PM Refreshments & Fellowship
St. Paul Parish Center
900 St. Paul Drive
Richardson, TX
Page 2
New Members
Shul Doings
From Ritual
Renewing Judaism
From Our Rabbi
From Inclusion Initiative
From Our President
From Sisterhood
All About Yahrzeits
From Our DCL
From Men’s Club
Yahrzeits this Month
Family News
From Gareen
Service Schedule
Synagogue offices
are open—
9:30 AM to 5:30 PM
9AM to 5:30 PM
Fridays, 9AM to 5PM
Offices will be
Thursday, November 24
Executive Board Members
Alan Hoffman
For illness, death, or
other family life cycle
emergency after-hours,
please contact Rabbi
Zelony at 310.409.6532.
Debbie Wills
Executive VP
Ritual VP
Cyd Friedman
Joe Liken
Development VP
Vikki Silvis
Education VP
Financial VP
In the event of an
Membership VP
David Engelberg
Marc Machbitz
Board Secretary
Marty Fried
Past President
Chuck Smith
Submissions for the Family Record are encouraged! The deadline for each issue is
the FIRST OF THE MONTH prior to publication month and can be done online at
http://congregationbethtorah.org/calendar-communications. The Family Record is
published in color and mailed monthly, except bi-monthly during summer, to those
who subscribe ($50 per year subscription). Contact the office to subscribe.
Congregation Beth Torah monthly Family Record
Page 3
From the Rabbi
Rabbi Elana Zelony | [email protected]
Recently, I was asked if accompanying congregants through sad or difficult
parts of their lives gets hard for me. The answer is that while those moments
aren’t easy they are a meaningful part of my work. Jewish theologian Martin
Buber said, “The world is not comprehensible, but it is embraceable: through
the embracing of one of its beings.” Here are two programs in the month of
November that will help people experiencing difficult moments know that they
are embraced.
Rabbi Elana Zelony
The Conversation—My family and I had the conversation last summer.
My siblings and I listened to, and asked questions about, our parents’ wishes
regarding end of life care. We avoided the conversation for several months
after agreeing to have it because of fear, but we were surprised to find that it provided moments of
connection and humor. For example, my father said that it was important to him that we visit his
grave on his yahrzeit. I looked lovingly at my dad and said, “I would be honored to do that for you, but
don’t you dare die in September or early October!”
These conversations are important so that families and physicians know what we want to happen to
us at the end of life. None of us knows when we will die, or if we’ll be able to express our wishes
when the time comes. Helpful questions to explore include: Do we prefer to receive medical care
indefinitely or have it cease if it stops improving or begins deteriorating quality of life? Do we worry
more about not getting enough care or more about overly aggressive care? Do we want to spend our
last days in a medical facility or at home? November 6-8 is a National Sabbath of Conversation.
Please join the CBT community on Friday, November 6 for a D’Var Torah that will explore what
Judaism has to say about the end of life and might provide a catalyst for your own family’s
conversation. We are planning a workshop in the spring to further facilitate these conversations.
Addiction—One of the influences in my life that caused me to be a
rabbi was growing up with a close friend whose father was an alcoholic
and watching their family suffer. They all wrestled with demons and
struggled to emerge triumphant. Being a rabbi gives me the opportunity
not only to personally support people who are affected by addiction, but
also to help organize the Jewish community to offer support to addicts
and their families. Jewish Family Services, Temple Emanuel, and Beth
Torah have organized support groups, and we see this as a first step to
letting those who are affected by addiction know that they are not alone
and that the Jewish community has resources to offer them.
Beth Torah will host a
support group, 7PM to 8:30
PM, November 9, 16, 23, 30
and December 7 & 14.
The group will be facilitated
by JFS clinical therapist and
addiction specialist, Janet
Henson. For more details,
contact Hazel Alterman at
[email protected].
In conclusion, I’ll say that I love naming babies, standing under the
chupah with brides and grooms, and gathering every Shabbat during
Kiddush to enjoy each other’s company. However, I think it’s in times of pain that people truly need to
know their rabbi and community are there for them. If there is a way that we can provide more care in
a difficult time, please let me know. Like Martin Buber said, I can’t comprehend the world and why
bad things happen, but I can embrace you while it’s happening.
Congregation Beth Torah monthly Family Record
Page 4
From the President
Alan Hoffman | [email protected]
Welcome to 5776!
Alan Hoffman
I want to start my article this month with a Toda Raba to all the amazing
volunteers who helped make our High Holidays such a meaningful event.
Thank you to our High Holiday committee, our service leaders, all the Men’s
Club ushers, and all the parents who led our wonderful youth programs under
the leadership of Bob Austein and Beri Schwitzer.
We also had inspiring Holiday services and programming for Sukkot and Simchat Torah. Again,
thanks goes out to our many service leaders, volunteers, Sisterhood, and the Men’s Club
construction team. Rabbi Zelony was engaging and inspirational at High Holiday services and every
event in the Sukkah, as well as leading both the Young Family and Congregation Simchat Torah
services. The ruach was everywhere in the building!
From our High Holiday appeal, we received close to $100,000 in pledges for our Shield of David
campaign. There were many congregants who did not pick up their cards. They were sent in the mail
last week. Please plan to participate with a contribution that is meaningful to you and your family.
Our CBT 40 and Beyond Mortgage Campaign will be resuming shortly. There are currently 100
families who have pledged a total of $1,100,000 to eliminate our mortgage. The family names are
listed on the banner in the shul hallway. We are still $200,000 away from our goal and 200 families
who have not yet made a pledge. Contact Allan Rosen or Cliff Friedman for more information. Forms
are available online, or at the shul office.
Many of you participated in the Inaugural Men’s Club Kosher BBQ Competition. We had over 1,200
members from the community in attendance. The event was such a success that we are already
planning next year’s event. Yasher Koach to our Men’s Club and the CBT community for your hard
work in making this event such a positive experience.
I want to close with an appeal to every congregant. This is not a financial appeal. I want to hear from
you. What can we do to make your connection to CBT even better? What would you like to see
happen within our building or out in the community? All thoughts and ideas are appreciated. It could
be about any topic: Ritual, Programming, Education, Facilities, Community Service, or anything that
comes to mind. Send your thoughts directly to me at [email protected]. I look
forward to responding to each and every one of your ideas.
Together we will continue to share our vision of “Small enough to know you, large enough to serve
Thank you again to the Board of Directors, the staff, and the many volunteers who keep our
congregation going strong!
Congregation Beth Torah monthly Family Record
Page 5
From the Director of Congregational Learning
Beri Schwitzer | [email protected]
Sometimes it is next to impossible to get our kids to do what we ask them to.
Perhaps, the secret lies in how we ask the question. Imagine a dad, trying to
balance home and work schedules, realizing that there is so much to be
done. He approaches his teenage daughter and like a drill sergeant reminds
her that she needs to wake up early the next morning, clean her room, and
walk the dog. The dad is met with eye rolls, shrugs, and loud harrumphs.
Imagine on another morning mom approaches the teen but, this time, instead
Beri Schwitzer
of barking orders, she informs her daughter that she had to wake up early the
next morning, clean her room, and walk the dog…and then the family would
leave for Disneyworld. Do you think the daughter harrumphed at that? She jumps up eagerly and
even offers to take out the trash.
In that story lies the real meaning of mitzvot. We often use the definition of being “commanded to do
something” as a way of describing these important acts. Perhaps even we as Jews sometime
harrumph at the obligations we are expected to perform or maybe we just ignore them altogether.
What if, instead of feeling like these were “commandments” (i.e. something we’re forced to do), we
saw these as opportunities. Instead of G-d being the drill sergeant, we see these good deeds as a
chance to grow closer to our faith, our community, and our family.
In creating our culture shift in the Congregational Learning Center, it is my
hope to have our students make meaningful memories with mitzvot. To
experience firsthand the joy of helping others and to realize the warmth
and good tidings that comes from performing these obligations. This fall,
we will be launching our Mitzvah Corps, a chance for our congregational
youth to earn hours for their National Honor Society or other community
service hour projects. Our students and teens can help with projects
around the synagogue as well as connect with other outside community
This fall, we
will be
our Mitzvah
I look forward to working with you and your family with these special projects.
May we all draw closer through social action, community service, and learning with joy and an
occasional harrumph.
There will be no CLC classes on Sunday, November 1 and 29
and Wednesday, November 25
Congregation Beth Torah monthly Family Record
Page 6
Family News
Marty Fried | [email protected]
Mazel Tov to the dela Cruz Family!
On Thursday, October 8, with Rabbi Zelony officiating and Dr. Shelly
Weiss as mohel, Adriane and Roberto held a double celebration at Beth
Torah—the bris for newborn son, Jacob Stanley, and the naming for 11month old son, Henry Michael.
Thank You...
We thank the following congregants for their
Kiddush sponsorships and contributions
throughout August and September.
Happy Anniversary...
Bo & Susie Avnery
34 yrs
Larry & Wendy Darrow
23 yrs
Rusty & Leslie Dworkin
31 yrs
Andrew & Abbey Rosenbaum
15 yrs
Sarah & Michael Fisher
10 yrs
Clifford & Cyd Friedman
4 yrs
Cristal & Marc Kesner
12 yrs
Joseph & Risa Liken
28 yrs
Jay & Jamie Eisenberg
19 yrs
Brian & Mindi Sue Rubenstein
8 yrs
Ann Rowley on the passing of her mother,
Margaret Ann McClure Benson.
Chuck & Linda Smith
15 yrs
Richard & Francine Simpson
19 yrs
Herbert & Arlene Tanzer
52 yrs
Laurence & Robyn Rose
15 yrs
Jean & Leonard Jacobs
63 yrs
Marty & Janet Greenblatt
48 yrs
Howard Hacker on the passing of his
father, Irving Sonny Hacker.
Larry & Leslie Farin
27 yrs
Herbert & Joy Weinstein
40 yrs
Melissa Wainman on the passing of her
father, George Seiden.
Paul & Catherine Lake
17 yrs
Walter & Barbara Orr
35 yrs
Marian & Stuart Jacobs and Lyn & Ron
Jacobs in celebration of the Auf Ruf of
Phillip Jacobs, son of Marian & Stuart, and
Joanna Kirshbaum.
Jeanette & Sandy Dorf in celebration of their
15th wedding anniversary.
Valerie Felner on the passing of her father,
Angelo E. Lombardi.
Jane Simmons on the passing of her
mother, Bickey Shum.
Share your news! Do you have news you’d like to share with your Beth Torah family? Send us
your Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, engagement/marriages, graduations, new babies, baby-naming/Bris...send in all of
your news and please include a photo if you have one! Just go to http://congregationbethtorah.org/congregant
-news/ or email it [email protected].
Congregation Beth Torah monthly Family Record
Page 7
New Members
Debbie Wills & Merilyn Robbins
[email protected]
We welcome the following new members to Congregation Beth Torah. Watch for your next
directory update for contact information.
Rivae BalkinKliman
Hillary Block
Ariel & Evan
Rivae Balkin-Kliman
Erica & David Bashover
Diane Mosbacher & Matthew Bashover
Hillary Block
Seth Burnstein
Evan & Ariel Contreras
Amy Doty
Robyn Glassner & Richard Meth
Michael Gould
Andrew Grossman
Chad Grossman
Lauren & Alastair Lyon
Brittany Markowitz
Jared Guzick
Chad Grossman &
Rebecca Sigman
Jared Guzick
Rachel Hill
Lexer Kadan
Mara & Mike Kogan
David Kuchinsky
Ralph Landau
Lauren & Alastair Lyon
Aaron Machbitz
Rachel Machbitz
Brittany Markowitz
Jason & Jessica Matisoff
Jessica & Jason Matisoff
Laura Matisoff
Mara & Mike Kogan
Ralph Landau
Laura Matisoff
Monika McKemie & Justin Harmel
Sarah Meth
Matthew Morris
Ari Popik
Scott Robbins
Diana Schonfeld
Beri & Joel Schwitzer
Rebecca Sigman
Lucy & Mike Vengrow
Kathy Yee
Matthew Morris
Ari Popik
Hanukkah Party for New Members
Monday, 7 December, 6–8PM
Calling all CBT new members! Please come and
celebrate at a Hanukkah party hosted by Rabbi, Adiv,
Nesya, and Magen Zelony (308 Canyon Ridge Drive).
Please RSVP to
[email protected].
Congregation Beth Torah monthly Family Record
Page 8
From Ritual
Ritual Committee | [email protected]
While we
On behalf of the congregation, the Ritual Committee wishes a hearty
Yasher Koach and Thank You to the following congregants, friends and
family who led a service, read from the Torah, or chanted a Haftarah on
Shabbat and festivals during the months of July, August, and
September 2015:
generally do not
schedule service
leaders and Torah
readers in
Friday Night Leaders: Rabbi Elana Zelony, Garry Kahalnik,
Josephine Zucker, Elizabeth Stein, Leslie Morgan, Arny Felner,
Joyful Noise, Jerry Zeffren
advance for the
Psukei D’Zimra: Arny Felner, Jeremy Duchin, Rabbi Elana Zelony,
Earl Bills
daily minyanim,
Shacharit: Arny Felner, Jeremy Duchin, Jerry Zeffren, Joe Liken,
Rabbi Elana Zelony
Hallel: Jerry Zeffren, Joe Liken, Rabbi Elana Zelony
Torah Service: Paul Utay, Maury Jacobs, Beth Hoch, Elizabeth
Stein, Josephine Zucker, Garry Kahalnik, Chuck Smith, Alisone
Kopita, Arny Felner, Jerry Zeffren
Gabbai: Garry Kahalnik, Chuck Smith, Phil Stayman, Lou Kaiser,
Myron Weiss
Torah Readers: Sarah Birnbaum, Ivan Thompson, Danielle
Thompson, Rachel Thompson, Merilyn Robbins, Elizabeth Stein,
Maxwell Zucker, Josephine Zucker, Eleanor Eidels, Marilyn
Guzick, Paul Utay, Myrna Silver, Rusty Dworkin, Joe Liken, Jerry
Zeffren, Rabbi Elana Zelony, Eileen Kessner, Barbara Rosen,
Bennett Robinson, Casey Gendason, Chip Rosenson, David
Engelberg, Earl Bills, Garry Kahalnik, Karen Prager-Eaves, Orna
Goldwater, Phil Stayman, Eleanor Eidels
Haftarah: Josephine Zucker, Jerry Zeffren, Leslie Morgan, Rabbi
Elana Zelony, Jessica Winter, Stanley Sutkin, Susan Cooper,
Eleanor Eidels, Chuck Smith, David Mandell
Sermons and Sermonettes: Rabbi Elana Zelony, Leslie Morgan,
Morris Fried, Elizabeth Stein, Rabbi Michael Comins, Josephine
Zucker, Jeanette Dorf
Musaf: Josephine Zucker, Elizabeth Stein, Francine Simpson, Joe
Liken, Orna Goldwater, Arny Felner, Sarah Fisher, Melissa
Duchin, Earl Bills, Lilly Kopita, Garry Kahalnik, Leslie Morgan
Congregation Beth Torah monthly Family Record
we would also like
to thank everyone
who steps forward
and helps our
daily services be
just as enjoyable
and participatory
as during Shabbat
and the Chagim
See the
back cover
for service
Page 9
From the Inclusion Initiative
Inclusion Committee | [email protected]
In the short time since the Inclusion Initiative began operation last spring, we have accomplished
several goals to benefit our membership.
The most recent and perhaps the most visible action is the installation of handicapped accessible
doors for the front entrance and the Oneg Room bathrooms. This is due to the generous
contribution of Chai Lights and to the Executive Committee that made supplementary funds
available. Additionally, the dedication of Fern and David Gerstein supported by Jeff Silver drove the
project to completion. BIG THANKS to all involved.
Those of you who may have particular needs, please look at the CBT webpage under the section
labeled LEARN (http://congregationbethtorah.org/learn/inclusion-initiative) to find a myriad of
resources under Inclusion Initiative. Although a more subtle accomplishment than the doors, this is a
rich offering containing cost-free resources so please check it out. We want this page to be relevant
regarding preschoolers to more senior members. Please let us know what resources you want us to
research for your use. We are more than willing to do the legwork for you.
In the coming months, we will be undertaking additional projects. Your phone calls and emails
asking for support gives us direction. Your donations to the Inclusion Initiative Fund allow us to make
possible acting on addressing your needs. Thank you for those donations.
Committee members: Esther Cohen, Fern Gerstein, Rachel Leventon, Zelene Lovitt (chair), Susan
Shapiro, Jeff Silver, Francine Simpson, and Joy Weinstein.
The USCJ-Ruderman Inclusion Action Community is a partnership of the United Synagogue for Conservative
Judaism and the Ruderman Family Foundation.
Israeli Dancing
Your donations are a
wonderful way to help
sustain Beth Torah while
marking a special occasion, remembering
someone dear, celebrating a birthday or
anniversary, rejoicing in the arrival of a
child, or mourning the passing of a loved
one. Stop by the office to purchase
donation cards. Minimum $13 each.
All dancers welcome! We meet on
Wednesday evenings in the Multi-Purpose
room (unless otherwise noted on the
synagogue calendar). Free for members.
$5 for non-members. 7:30 PM to 8:15 PM
beginners. 8:30 to 10:30 PM for advanced.
For questions, contact Linda Kahalnik at
[email protected].
Congregation Beth Torah monthly Family Record
Page 10
Esther Cohen & Robyn Rose | [email protected]
Hanukkah Fun, Mahj, and
6 December, 9:30 AM
Celebrating YOU this Hanukkah. Spend a fun
morning with your Sisterhood friends. Enjoy a
light breakfast, learn some easy stress
busters, play some Mahj, and shop a great
SALE in the gift shop. Simple stretches will
be demonstrated. You're invited to bring a
yoga mat and dress comfortably to try them
out for yourself. Questions? Contact Liz
Gluckman at [email protected].
Sisterhood Book Club
7:30 PM, 4 November
All women are invited to participate in reading
and discussing a variety of books throughout
the year.
As part of the Richardson Reads One Book, we
are reading We Are Called to Rise
by Laura McBride. We will meet at
the home of Carol Rosen for our
discussion and view a DVD of
Laura McBride's presentation.
RSVP to Carol Rosen at
972.248.8428 or
[email protected].
Upcoming Books—
20 Jan
Shanghai Girls
16 Mar
An American Bride in Kabul
18 May
Dreams of Joy
20 July
Snow in August
For questions, contact Carol Rothschild at
[email protected].
Ladies Who Lunch
17 Nov, 15 Dec, 12 Jan, 16 Feb, 15
Mar, 12 Apr, 17 May, 14 June
Go Dutch with us once a month on a
Tuesday and gab with the girls while enjoying
a new culinary spot around town. For time
and location, RSVP at least a week in
advance to Carol Taper at
[email protected].
College Connection
2015–2016 Academic Year
This program helps students stay connected
to the Beth Torah community while away at
school. Festive packages filled with
traditional foods, fun gifts, and greetings from
our Rabbi and Sisterhood will be sent out
during the 2015–2016 school year. This is
not only for parents to order, but also
grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, friends
you name it! We will send out two more
packages for this year. For questions, contact
Melanie Joison at [email protected].
Torah Discussion
Thursday, 5:45 PM, Oneg Room
12 Nov, 10 Dec, 14 Jan, 11 Feb, 3
Mar, and 14 Apr
This monthly dinner meeting features a
discussion based upon women in the Bible.
$5 per meeting includes dinner. Contact
Nancy Siegel at [email protected] to
RSVP. Our November meeting is on the
reading of Chapter 13 in Sarah Laughed.
Congregation Beth Torah monthly Family Record
Page 11
Sisterhood & Men’s Club Joint Breakfast Program
8 November, Sunday, 9AM
$7 members / $10 non-members / $5 students
Join us as we welcome Dr. Michael Weisberg, author of The Hospitalist.
Books will be available for purchase at a special price of $10.
"The Hospitalist is a terrifying tale that takes readers deep inside the
modern healthcare system, exposing the economic and professional
forces destroying the ability of doctors to do their jobs. Michael
Weisberg, a renowned physician for more than two decades,
penetrates the thick walls of hospitals, doctors’ offices, law firms and
insurance companies, exposing realities that have remained secret for
too long. In the process, Weisberg lays bare the arrogance,
aspirations, greed and foolishness tearing apart the quality of patient
care. Anyone seeking treatment in a hospital must first read this
book." —Kurt Eichenwald, writer for Vanity Fair & Newsweek.
Dr. Michael Weisberg has been a practicing gastroenterologist for over 23 years in Plano, Texas. He
is board certified in Internal Medicine and Gastroenterology and has been recognized as a ‘SuperDoctor’ by Texas Monthly and named to D Magazine’s list of best doctors eight times. Dr. Weisberg
serves on the board of Digestive Health Associates of Texas.
For questions, contact Esther Cohen and Robyn Rose at [email protected] or
Brian Rubenstein at [email protected].
Save the Date
Save the Date
Save the Date
Intra-Faith Lunch
Torah Fund Luncheon
15–16 April, 2016
Hosted at Anshai Torah
Evelyn & Paul Utay
Sisterhood Membership Dues
We hope we can count on you to join us this year. We invite you to get involved and make a
difference! Forms can be found online at http://congregationbethtorah.org/sisterhood-membership
-application/. New Beth Torah members enjoy their first year of membership completely free of
charge! If you prefer a paper form, contact Elaine Scharf at [email protected].
Congregation Beth Torah monthly Family Record
Page 12
From Men’s Club
Brian Rubenstein | [email protected]
By the time you read this, your CBT Men’s Club
will have held a very successful inaugural edition
of our Dallas Kosher BBQ Championship at the
end of October. Monies raised were to benefit
Men’s Club and the programs and initiatives we
support at Beth Torah as well as a portion of
proceeds having been donated to CHAI, Inc.
Our focus in November will be on relaxing a bit
after the hard work that our team put in for the big
October event. We’ll have the first of our two
annual joint breakfasts with Sisterhood with the
first one being on Sunday, November 8 when we
welcome Michael Weisberg, MD, as our speaker
(see page 9 for details). Later in the month, we’ll
host the first Fall edition of our (in)famous Cigars &
Spirits Night for the guys—this time graciously
hosted by Alan Hoffman on November 21. Watch
for details in your email.
In the coming months, please plan on joining us for
other exciting events such as our ‘random pizza
nights’ with the guys, some sports watching
parties, our annual Shred-a-Thon and electronics
recycling event, and other plans!
As always, if you have any questions, please
contact us.
Congregation Beth Torah monthly Family Record
Page 13
From Gareen
Mandy Appel & Dianne Levy | [email protected]
In September, Gareen
held our annual kick-off
event with a super fun
pool party.
Water games! Lots of
splashing! Yummy
And a BIG ‘thank you’ to
John & Debbie Wills for
hosting this event at their
Have a child in the third,
fourth, or fifth grade?
Sign them up to be part
of Gareen!
In October, the kids
enjoyed a delicious pizza
lunch followed by a fun
time of various games.
There was lots of laughter
and enjoyment shared by
all. More kids attended this
month compared to
previous month—so the
big news is that Gareen is
spreading! We hope to see
more kids and parents
attend each month. Also, a
BIG ’thank you’ to
parents (Carlie, Liz, and
Emily) who helped with
this event.
Gareen is a group for kids in grades 3–5. Everyone is welcome to join. We organize pool parties, pizza and
board game activities, and lots of other fun things. CBT Moms Mandy Appel and Dianna Levy are chairing
Gareen this year—contact them about joining.
Congregation Beth Torah monthly Family Record
Page 14
Shul Doings
Young Adults Shabbat Dinner
The Talmud with Rabbi Zelony
Monday mornings after minyan
The Talmud is the foundational text upon which
all modern forms of Judaism stand. Come
explore, spar with, and make meaning of this
sacred book. Open to all learners. Hebrew text is
provided but class discussions will be based on
English translation.
6 November, Friday, 6:30 PM (Oneg)
Contact Debbie Wills
[email protected]
Are you between the ages of 22 and 35? Come
join us for a traditional Shabbat dinner just for
you! Reserve your spot by registering online
today at http://congregationbethtorah.org/
Festive First Friday
6 November, Friday, 8PM
Muffins & Minyan with Mom
1 November, Sunday, 8:15 AM
Contact Leah Singleton
[email protected]
Join Young Families for a light breakfast and
Young Families Playtime
1 November, Sunday, 11AM–1PM (Offsite)
Contact Leah Singleton
[email protected]
Four Seasons Club
1 November, Sunday, 3:15 PM
At the home of Scott Chilton
Contact Brian Rubenstein
[email protected]
Join us at our annual game watching party as we
cheer on the Cowboys when they host the
Seattle Seahawks. Free. Sodas, snacks, and hot
dogs provided. BYOB.
Young Families Grillin’ & Chillin’
6 November, Friday, 5:30 PM (MPR),
Contact Leah Singleton
[email protected]
Join us for Shabbat dinner. $18 per family of 4
($5 for each additional person). $5 per individual.
RSVP by Monday, November 2.
Join us on the first Friday of each month when
we celebrate birthdays and anniversaries
coming up in the new month.
Conversation Shabbat
6 & 7 November, Friday & Saturday
Chai Lights along with Beth Torah and their
children are invited to join in for a special
Shabbat. The Conversation Project is dedicated
to helping people talk about their wishes for end
-of-life care. It emphasizes having a
conversation on values—what matters to you,
not what’s the matter with you.
Youth Overnight
7 November, Saturday, 9PM (Offsite)
Contact [email protected]
All CBT youth ages 6th to 12th grades are
invited to Cosmic Jump Trampoline in Allen for
an overnight hosted by the Dallas Area
Leadership Committee (DALC) and the Youth
Teams at CBT, Anshai, and Shearith. $30 per
youth before November 2 and $35 after.
Register at www.swusy.org/events/dalc.
Men’s Club & Sisterhood
Joint Breakfast
8 November, see page 11 for details
Congregation Beth Torah monthly Family Record
Page 15
Shul Doings
Connections: A CBT Retreat to
Connect Us All
Jewish Spirituality Class
13–15 November, Friday–Sunday
Contact Mindi Sue Rubenstein
[email protected]
Learning How to Pray from the Heart and Not
Just the Siddur, with Rabbi Zelony
8 & 22 November, Sunday, 9:15 AM
Meets in the Rabbi’s Office
Contact Rabbi Zelony
[email protected]
Donuts & Davening with Dad
15 November, Sunday, 8:15 AM
Contact Leah Singleton
[email protected]
For many of us, prayer is difficult. What are we
supposed to feel and experience? Do we really
believe prayer is efficacious? Come explore
these and other questions.
Join Young Families for a light breakfast and
Family Addiction Support Group
20–22 November, Camp Young Judea
Contact [email protected]
9, 16, 23, 30 November, Monday, 7PM
second-floor conference room
Contact Hazel Alterman 214.563.3034
Beth Torah is a safe place for tough topics, and
we are trying to bring people together in honest
conversation with professional support. Find
community with families of younger adults and
teens living with addiction in a six-week session.
The group will be led by clinical therapist Janet
Henson of Jewish Family Services in CBT’s
second-floor conference room to ensure
privacy. This group is designed to offer
information, insight, and understanding to those
in the thick of navigating this confusing and
difficult family situation. Rabbi Zelony will
participate in one of the sessions. Free. Open to
Fall Kallah
Wimberly, Texas is the site for the Fall Kallah
for all Kadima-niks and USYers. Super weekend
full of friendships, fun, and of course, faith. Your
children will love it. Register online
at www.swusy.org/events/fallkallah.
Beth Torah Board Meeting
23 November, Monday, 7:30 PM
Contact Marty Fried
[email protected]
Offices Closed
26 November, Thursday,
Happy Thanksgiving!
Save the Date—
Mitzvah Menorah Party
11 November, Wednesday, 7PM (JCC)
Contact Magdi Olah
[email protected]
Sisterhood Intrafaith Brunch (Anshai)
FJMC World-Wide Wrap (Shearith)
Youth Bowl-a-Thon (Date Change!)
Israel Action goes to the J to hear about Israel &
Midwest Updates with Gil Elad.
Sisterhood Torah Fund Brunch
Israel Action
1–3 April Scholar-In-Residence with Joey
Karen Leynor Mitzvah Day
Congregation Beth Torah monthly Family Record
Page 16
2,500 Years Ago
Ezra & Nehemiah
Three great tasks faced
the exiles returning from
Babylon: rebuilding the
Temple, purifying the
Jewish people, and sealing
the holy city of Jerusalem
behind a wall. The books
of Ezra and Nehemiah tell the final chapter in
the historical narrative of the Hebrew Bible.
Free (donations accepted).
Taught by Rabbi Hanan Schlesinger, classes
will be on the Sundays listed below, 7:30 to
9PM, in the Beth Torah sanctuary.
1 November
24 January
7 February
27 March
10 April
15 May
Texas Hold’em
Come for a night of fun and friendship...and
poker! $20 members. $25 non-members. We
generally meet on the third Tuesday of each
month at 7:00 PM in the Oneg room (but
check the calendar in case we’ve had to
change a date!). Contact Neil Burnstein at
[email protected] for
Havurah for
Have you converted to Judaism? If so, this
group is for you! We meet the last Thursday
of the month (generally) at 7:00 PM to
discuss shared perspectives, issues, and
experiences. Contact Elizabeth Stein at
[email protected] if
interested and/or for questions.
Hillel of North Texas
Hillel of North Texas had a delicious time in our Multi-Purpose Room making candy sukkots last month. Hillel
is home for Jewish university students in North Texas, welcoming and enabling them to form personal
connections to Jewish living and Israel. Visit them online at http://www.hillelsofnorthtexas.org.
Congregation Beth Torah monthly Family Record
Page 17
We Gratefully Acknowledge the Following Contributions
Vicki Silvis | [email protected]
Congregational Learning
Center Fund
Building Fund
In Appreciation Of
The High Holidays
–Andy & Marie Lavigne
–Carol & Gene Taper
–Jo & Jerry Zeffren
In Honor Of
Lou Navias' 80th Birthday –
Barbara & Larry Glazer
Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund
In Memory Of
Lynnette Martasin –Eric Strull
Max Elster –Jeanette & Sanford
Jake Davidoff –Anne & Ronnie
In Memory Of
Pearl Koppman Wise –Gwen &
Ron Roberts
Facilities Fund
–Michael Carr
Ritual Fund
–Adrienne Svidlow
–Gloria Stayman
–Marsha Kreitman
–Shelia Orkin
In Memory Of
Melvyn Lischin –Barry & Susan
Inclusion Initiative Fund
Burn the Mortgage Fund
–Jo & Jerry Zeffren
In Honor Of
Barbara and Steve Zipkoff –Jo &
Jerry Zeffren
In Memory Of
Luba Bonn –Irwin Roth
Rose Pincus –Irwin Roth
Tenie Scharf –Elaine & Robert
Camp Scholarship Fund
–Jo & Jerry Zeffren
In Honor Of
Josephine Zucker's Bat Mitzvah
–Jo & Jerry Zeffren
Josh Wurzman's wedding –Jo &
Jerry Zeffren
CBT Cares
–Nat Cohen
–S L Shapiro
–Jo & Jerry Zeffren
In Appreciation Of
Rabbi Zelony –Fern & David
The High Holidays –Herb & Joy
In Honor Of
Jerry Zeffren –Harriet Gross
Operating Fund
–Esther Weinstein
–Ethel Gruen
–Michael Carr
In Memory Of
Sonny Hacker –Eileen & Howard
Ritual (Kiddush) Fund
–Michael Carr
–Linda & Chuck Smith
In Appreciation Of
Jo Zeffren –Ruth Feldman
Ritual (Liquor) Fund
–Michael Carr
–Chuck Smith
Scholarship Fund
In Memory Of
Mary Wasser –Caren & Robert
Sylvia Slotnick –Susan & Barry
Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund
–Ruth Feldman
Cemetery Fund
In Memory Of
Max Weinstein –Jay Weinstein
Myer Levinson –Robert Levinson
Sam Schwartz –Esther
Shirley Pulman –Laura
–Ruth Feldman
In Appreciation Of
Rabbi Zelony –Esther & Jay
In Honor Of
Evelyn & Paul Utay –Judy Stein
In Memory Of
Charles Klein –Caren & Robert
George Seiden –Caren & Robert
Questions or concerns about
listed (or not listed) donations?
Please contact the front office.
972.234.1542 x227
Congregation Beth Torah monthly Family Record
Page 18
All About Yahrzeits
Ritual Committes | [email protected]
Yahrzeit is a Yiddish word meaning “a year’s time”
and it is the remembrance of the anniversary of a
loved one’s death. It is observed each year on the
date of death.
One of the many services that Congregation Beth
Torah offers to its members is the reminder of family
yahrzeits. Yahrzeit is the memorialization of a loved
one on the anniversary of their death. It is a very
emotional time for family and friends of the deceased
and, at CBT, we do our best to ensure that yahrzeits
are announced and family members are notified in a
timely manner. We depend on the family to inform us
of the date of a loved one’s death. It is the tradition at
CBT, and of Conservative congregations in general,
to observe a yahrzeit based on the Hebrew calendar.
To make it easy for those congregants who may not
be familiar with the Hebrew calendar, we ask for the
secular calendar date and we make the conversion.
However, while a day on the secular calendar starts
at 12:00 AM, midnight, and goes through 11:59 PM,
the day on the Hebrew calendar starts at sundown
and goes through sundown. Therefore, it is very
important that when you report the date of a yahrzeit,
you must specify whether the death occurred before
or after sundown on the secular date so that we can
convert it to the correct Hebrew date. If you are not
sure if it was before or after sundown, provide the
date and the time of death (always listed on the
death certificate) and we will determine when
sundown was.
If you have any questions about yahrzeit
dates, or anything having to do with the
rituals and customs surrounding the end
of life experience, contact—
Lighting a Candle
Perhaps the best known custom for
observing a Yahrzeit is lighting a candle
made to burn for at least 24 hours. We
light the candle at home on the evening
that the Yahrzeit begins. It is a symbol of
the soul and spirit of the deceased. If a
Yahrzeit falls on Shabbat or a Holiday,
the candle is typically lit before the
Shabbat or holiday candles. Although
there is no formal blessing when lighting
the candle, a meditation may be said. It is
appropriate, of course, to use your own
words and thoughts.
Attending Services
The Yahrzeit observance lasts a full day
and it is customary to attend services on
the Shabbat before the Yahrzeit. You will
receive a reminder from the office each
year, sharing with you the date in which
the name of your loved one will be read,
and the name will be read prior to the
Kaddish prayer. Should you wish to
change the date in which you want the
name to be read, please contact the
Synagogue office at 972.234.1542 x221.
It is traditional to do Tzedakah—righteous
acts of charitable giving—when observing
a Yahrzeit to honor the memory of the
deceased. The annual reminders you
receive from the shul includes a donation
slip if you wish to give to Beth Torah.
Rabbi Zelony ([email protected])
Ritual Committee ([email protected])
Cemetery Committee ([email protected])
Congregation Beth Torah monthly Family Record
Page 19
Although there is no prescribed prayer for
lighting a yahrzeit candle, you might include
the following meditation in addition to your
own personal memories:
I haven't forgotten you, even though it's
been some time now since I've seen your
face, touched your hand, heard your
voice. You are with me all the time. I used
to think you left me. I know better now.
You come to me. Sometimes in fleeting
moments I feel your presence close by.
But I still miss you. And nothing, no
person, no joy, no accomplishment, no
distraction, not even God, can fill the
gaping hole your absence has left in my
life. But mixed together with all the
sadness, there is a great joy for having
known you. I want to thank you for the
time we shared, for the love you gave, for
the wisdom you spread. Thank you for the
magnificent moments and for the ordinary
ones too. There was beauty in our
simplicity. Holiness in our unspectacular
days. And I will carry the lessons you
taught me always. Your life has ended,
but your light can never be extinguished. It
continues to shine upon me even on the
darkest nights and illuminates my way. I
light this candle in your honor and in your
memory. May God bless you as you have
blessed me with love, with grace, and with
peace. Amen.
6 & 7 November
20 & 21 November
Aleck Chizeck
Alex Linker
Bernard Gasser
Fannye Feldman
Flora Turitz
Joseph Harris
Louis Fazio
Mary Bonn
Max Dorf
Nat Cohen
Pearl Laffer
Rose Gerstein Kantor
Sally Prince
Steven Bailey
William Prager
Abe Glass
Bernard Fleishman
Bernice Siben
Bessie Lazarus
Clara Nagel
Dr. David Weinstein
Eleanor Darrow
George Epstein
Gustav Gottdiener
Martin Lowenberg
Max Shapiro
Olga Gottdiener
Rachel Felner
Rose Potolsky
Sadie Greenblatt
Samuel Fischman
Sylvia Ackerman
William Shaman
13 & 14 November
Alice Lieberman
Allen Wurzman
Anita E. Green
Anne Kessner
Beatrice Gelvin
Bennett Oberstein
Dora Cohn Watkins
Esther Beck
Ethel Kapp
Fred Lopaty
George Raskin
Isadore Kreitman
Izzy Cohn
Leo Kaiser
Mary Robinson
Morton LeCover
Morton Robinson
Muriel Fisher
Nancy Saitz
Rosa Goldschmidt
Rudolf Goldschmidt
Sigfried Rothschild
27 & 28 November
Bernard Kranson
Charles Farin
Eleanor Todd
Elizabeth Prager
Esther Rigel
Issac Goldstein
Jeanne Fine
Larry Kreditor
Milton Rosenzweig
Minerva Klein
Mollie Weiner
Peter Marcus
Rhonda Northcutt
Ronia Katz
Sadie Davidoff
Sadie Siben
Toby Stein
Trudy Gelfand
These names will be read at Shabbat services on the dates listed. To
make a correction or add a new name, contact the office at 972.234.1542
or go online to http://congregationbethtorah.org/yahrzeit-info/
Congregation Beth Torah monthly Family Record
Congregation Beth Torah
720 W. Lookout Drive
Richardson, Texas 75080
972.234.1542 | [email protected]
Or subscribe online at
8:30 AM
6:45 AM
Monday, Non-Holiday
8:30 AM
Monday, Holidays
9:30 AM
Main Service
Babysitting in Room 1
10:30 AM
Junior Congregation
11:00 AM
Tot Shabbat (second and fourth
Shabbat of the month)
Kabbalat Shabbat
6:30 PM
8:00 PM
Festive First Friday! Join us on
the first Friday of each month
for a special service where we
celebrate the month’s upcoming
birthdays and anniversaries—
November 6
December 4
January 1
February 5
March 4
April 1
May 6
June 3