July 1, 2009 - Online Edition
July 1, 2009 - Online Edition
WILSHIRE BOULEVARD TEMPLE BULLETIN Online Edition Please call to obtain a full printed copy. Volume 96, Number 12 • July 1, 2009 We Were Strangers, Too! M y parents were the lucky ones. They left Europe soon after Hitler destroyed businesses and homes during Kristallnacht in late 1938. Each wandered for almost a year before making it to the United States, where they met. Despite their imperfect paperwork, the doors were opened for Senta Solomons and Dave Fox. They were the lucky ones, because in one of the great failures of American public policy, many Jewish refugees fleeing Nazi-controlled Europe were turned away by the U.S. government. On March 19, 2009, Valery Bazarov, director of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society’s Location and Family History Service, spoke before Congress on this disturbing issue: “The objective of the testimony was to demonstrate that the numbers of Holocaust survivors could have been far greater.” Yes, America’s doors could have been open wider, the hand outstretched further. Our Jewish tradition reminds us to welcome the stranger. This command is repeated 36 times in the Torah: “Welcome the stranger, and love them as yourself.” At Pesach, we say, “In every generation, we are obligated to see ourselves as though we personally had escaped from slavery.” And in Parashat Kedoshim, our Torah states: “When a stranger resides in your midst, do not wrong him.” The Re- form Jewish world has remained steadfast in its support for immigration reform. Because of our immigrant history, it’s vital that we share personal and communal responsibility to ensure today’s immigration policies reflect equitable, generous and humane values. Nearly 12 million people live in this country today without legal status. There’s an urgent need for legislative action to address the escalating state of illegal immigration, the need for clear pathways to citizenship, the opportunity to integrate by providing financial support to local communities. The situation demands thoughtful consideration by Congress and advocacy by those who are grateful to be here today. Since July 4, 1776, we have celebrated America’s Independence Day. May the doors remain open to this amazing land of freedom and opportunity. Rabbi Karen L. Fox In This Issue our newest Trustees Brawerman Welcomes the Class of 2016 Mishlachat Torah Portion The Book of Numbers F ollow our journey as we conclude the Book of Numbers, where we encounter Bilaam and the wisdom of his talking donkey (that’s right!); Korach’s rebellion against Moses; capital punishment; and the beginning of the book of Deuteronomy, in which Moses’ non-Jewish father-in-law instructs him in the need for government and delegation of responsibility, and the pitfalls of bureaucracy! I confess that I don’t study the Torah every day—but most days I do. As I’m awakened at 6 o’clock by our adorable dog, Lola, it’s not easy to find the words, in my foggyminded state, to thank God for returning me to life. But on my walk with Lola, hearing the birds, feeling the breeze and watching the sunrise, I find the moment to do just that. And most mornings, after taking my daughter Gillian to school (often the best 12 minutes of my day), I find similar moments of reflective solitude in my office, when I remove a book—any book of To- NEW!! Get Shabbat Information for the whole family on our website www.wbtla.org rah—from the shelf, open it to the portion of the week and read. In that moment, I’m amazed at the power of connection to my eternal Jewish soul and identity. And I’m acutely aware of the fundamental Jewish need—the human need— to belong. The Torah lives in me, in all Jews who embrace it. And in this embrace, we are alive through the Torah. Almost any edition of the Torah will suffice, though some are better than others. Both the Reform and Conservative movements have produced exemplary volumes: The Torah: A Modern Commentary, edited by Rabbi W. Gunther Plaut, and Etz Chaim: Torah and Commentary are accessible and provide rich erudition and commentary. The Five Books of Moses by Robert Alter is a masterful contemporary translation that offers a unique and illuminating perspective. Choose one and begin your summer of Torah. Cantor Don Gurney Plugged In Are We In Your Inbox? E very Tuesday we send you an eblast listing all of the week’s upcoming events and services. But some of you aren’t getting our emails. Almost 894 of you are in our database but aren’t seeing our emails because you BOUNCED! And because our system doesn’t let us email you again if you bounce, we need to fix this problem. If you’re wondering to yourself what the weekly eblast is, you’re probably one of those people. Or maybe you were never on our list to start off ! 1. THERE’S A SOLUTION! Visit our website www.wbtla.org and click on the homepage link that says “Add My Email.” Then check your inbox on Tuesday to see if you receive our email. (Note: If you get a message that you are already on our list, and you still aren’t getting emails, you are on our bounce list. See #3 for an easy fix!) Follow us on Twitter 2 2. ADD US TO YOUR ADDRESS BOOK! Be sure that we successfully enter your inbox by adding [email protected] to your address book. It’s that easy! 3. WHAT IF I’M STILL NOT GETTING EMAILS? Sometimes a congregant’s email client (AOL, hotmail, etc) marks our eblasts as SPAM without your knowledge. Getting out of SPAM-land is easy. First, add us to your address book (see above). Then, contact us so we remove your email from our bounce list. Call (213) 3882401 x524 or [email protected]. Please know that we NEVER share your email or contact information with outside parties. If you have any questions, contact the communications department at (213) 388-2401 x524. Tikkun Olam What Makes Tikkun Olam Tick? M any of you often thank me for the work I do, but in truth, YOU—our extraordinary community members—are the engine of our success. This year’s Tikkun Olam Committee, newly chaired by Tani Isaacs, created and facilitated numerous meaningful projects, engaging everyone from our “littles” in nursery school to the broadest demographic of our congregational membership. Last High Holy Days, I urged all of us to “dig deep,” for as our country faced unprecedented challenges, ma’asei yadeinu— the sacred work of our hands—would be needed more than ever. Thanks to you, “The Big Give” allowed us to provide a great Thanksgiving feast for 4,000 Angelenos. Thanks to you, both of our food pantries are operating in the Caring Community black, despite huge increases in clients. Thanks to you, our “Help Israel Help Darfur” project raised $10,000 and saved the Darfuri medical facility in Tel Aviv from shutting its doors. Thanks to you, “Big Sunday” was a blast—and a success in too many ways to count. To Stephen Davis, our board liaison, a special thanks for your constant care and participation. To our committee, Tani, David, Linda, Jordan, Carly, Sue, Michelle, Becky, Andrea, Jodie, Karen, Hope, Tom and Bob—you’re the best! Rabbi Stephen Julius Stein If you’re interested in being part of our committee, please contact me at [email protected]—and join us for another year of tikkun olam. Adult Opportunities T here it is on the front of the refrigerator—the handwritten message on a sheet of Caring Community of Wilshire Boulevard Temple Chaver stationery. One member of our congregation sent a healing note to another. This might not seem like such a mitzvah, but these days, a handwritten, caring note of hope and prayer goes a long way. It is reread every time someone opens the refrigerator. Yes, this is a mitzvah! This mitzvah reaches out beyond the words, the paper, the stamp. This mitzvah says “We care.” Here at Wilshire Boulevard Temple, we care. We’re blessed with mindful volunteers who call, write, visit, drop off Shabbat bags, drive a child to and from school, pick up a congregant wanting to come to Torah study and occasionally drop off chicken soup—and yes, these are the “take-home” mitzvot, those that make a difference in our hearts and souls. While each of us must go through many Red Seas, it’s wonderful when you can sit beside someone in need of a special word and know that this moment counts. The rabbis tell us that just being there takes away one-sixtieth of the pain and illness each time you visit. The Caring Community, now concluding its fifth year, dropped off many Shabbat bags, coordinated blood donation, welcomed congregants and visitors on Shabbat at both campuses, called, wrote and spread the love. Many thanks to our chair, Ronni Kopulsky; to our volunteer coordinator, Nan Brostoff; and to those of you who have opened your heart and extended your hand. If you’re interested in becoming a Chaver, which includes going through the training and attending four continuing education evenings a year, please call me and let’s talk. And if someone in your circle needs an outstretched arm and caring ear, please call me as well. Rabbi Karen L. Fox For more information, contact Rabbi Fox at [email protected] or (213) 388-2401. 3 Brawerman Elementary School Brawerman Welcomes the Class of 2016 T he Class of 2016 (incoming kindergartners) recently enjoyed some wonderful events, including art projects and stories in the kindergarten classrooms, and a special Brawerman Kabbalat Shabbat service. Parents joined host families for a delicious welcome dinner, and everyone got together at Rustic Canyon Park for a kindergarten playdate. They are ready for September! To learn more about Brawerman Elementary School, visit www.brawerman.org Center for Learning & Engagement Confirmation Class 2009 / 5769 Congratulations and Blessings to: Lily Alan Daughter of Rhonda and Eric Alan Shaan Baren Son of Renee and Chuck Baren Sarah Ellis Daughter of Helen and Steven Ellis Brandon Gale Son of Julane and Jeff Gale Jarred Green Son of Adena Smith and Rich Green Alanna Klein Daughter of Diane Shakin and Nicholas Klein Tracy Kopulsky Daughter of Rhonda and Michael Kopulsky Julia Moser Daughter of Caroline and Franklin Moser Lucas Neumann Son of Denise and Paul Neumann 4 Nathan Olguin Son of Rachel and Emil Olguin Benjamin Phillips Son of Betsy and William Phillips Jason Pitts Son of Susan and Mark Pitts Matthew Saunders Son of Greer and Myles Saunders Milton Shapiro Son of Ouray and Max Shapiro Rachel Sussman Daughter of Jody Kasten and Jack Sussman Rachel Wallis Daughter of Leslie and Bill Wallis Zara Wallis Daughter of Leslie and Bill Wallis Thank you to the parents for supporting their children in lifelong learning and to the Confirmands for their commitment to ensuring a Jewish future. To learn more about the Center for Learning and Engagement, visit www.wbtla.org/ pages/religious_school Early Childhood Centers ECC Teachers to Attend Kivunim P R O G R A M I n an effort to continue strengthening the bond between our schools and Israel, two of our Early Childhood Center teachers, along with two teachers from Brawerman Elementary School and two teachers from the Center for Learning and Engagement will be traveling to Israel this summer to participate in the Kivunim program. The Kivunim Summer Institute is an intensive two-week program aimed at dramatically raising the level of intellectual, aesthetic and creative discourse in Jewish schools across North America. Hannah Klensin and Ronit Ben-Shoham were chosen from among the 41 members of our faculty. We wish them nesiah tovah—a good and safe trip! To learn more about the Early Childhood Centers, visit www.wbtla.org/pages/ecc Camps M Mishlachat Program thrives at Wilshire Boulevard Temple Camps ore than 7,500 miles from home, nearly two dozen Israelis have found a new home and family at Wilshire Boulevard Temple Camps for the summer of 2009. As part of the mishlachat program, these young men and women are counselors and specialists at Camp Hess Kramer and Gindling Hilltop Camp for nine weeks beginning June 24. First interviewed in Israel by Camp Associate Director Sarah Raful Whinston, the mishlachat counselors were then trained in Israel by Camp Director Douglas Lynn and other Reform Jewish camp directors on the essence, dynamics and logistics of camp, and how to be Jewish role models. Three mishlachat have been counselors at our camps before; two are working in the Teva (ropes course) this summer, and one, in his third summer at camp, is again a counselor. The mishlachat counselors and specialists make Israel’s history and present-day issues come alive for our campers by integrating their culture and way of life into the daily routine of camp. They also learn much from our campers and Ameri- can counselors, because for many, this is a first-time visit to the United States. Many of our campers reunite with previous mishlachat counselors when traveling to Israel—continuing the relationships first established when the mishlachat were welcomed into the Wilshire Boulevard Temple Camp family in Malibu. Cheri Lauterbach Alumni & Development Director 5 Developments Our Newest Trustees O ur Board of Trustees is a group of dedicated congregants who are passionate about the Temple’s well-being. They devote time and professional expertise to the stewardship of the Temple, ensuring your membership dues are well spent. It’s no small task. Wilshire Boulevard Temple is one of the largest Reform synagogues in America, with hundreds of employees at the religious, nursery and day schools and camps at three different locations. The Board guarantees the Temple’s fiscal health so the Temple can fulfill its mission to be the center of Jewish life for its members and the community. Alan Berro is a portfolio counselor for and a senior vice president of Capital World Investors, a division of Capital Research and Management Company. He received an MBA from Harvard University and a bachelor’s degree in economics from UCLA. He is a chartered financial analyst and a certified Alan Berro public accountant. Alan grew up in Long Beach, California, and was a bar mitzvah of Temple Sinai of Long Beach. He has also been affiliated with Sephardic Temple Tifereth Israel, where he was a member of the Board of Directors and chair of the Investment Committee. He is currently the chairman of Inner-City Arts, an organization that provides art education to at-risk youth in L.A.’s Skid Row area. Alan has a 14-year-old son, Bailey, and is an active triathlete and skier. Barbara Grushow has returned to the Board of Trustees after a short leave of absence. She and her family are longtime members of the Temple. Her mother was a camp counselor at Camp Hess Kramer, and her parents were married by Rabbi Wolf in 1960. Barbara started as a religious school student, became Barbara Grushow a bat mitzvah in the Sanctuary, 6 was confirmation class president and spent many summers at the Temple camps. “As someone with deep roots at Wilshire Boulevard Temple, I look forward to being a part of shaping the Temple’s future,” she says. Since 2002, Barbara has served on the board of the Alliance for Children’s Rights, a legal organization that protects the rights of abused and impoverished children in L.A. County. In 2003, she was a co-recipient of the Spirit of Hope Award from The HELP Group, which offers specialized programs for children with autism spectrum disorders and learning disabilities. Mayor Riordan appointed Barbara to the advisory board of Beyond the Bell, which helps develop after-school education, safety and sports programs. Barbara is an interior design professional in Malibu and the mother of two sons, Aaron, 13 (who recently became a bar mitzvah), and Sammy, 9. Carlos Siderman is the founder and CEO of Property I.D., which established the hazard disclosure industry for commercial and residential real estate. Carlos and his family fled Argentina in the 1970s after his father, José, was kidnapped and tortured by the former military junta because of his Jewish ancestry. Carlos and his father successfully sued the government of Argentina in the U.S. federal courts and obtained a landmark victory for human rights. Carlos established the Fulbright-José Siderman Human Rights Fellowship at SouthwestCarlos Siderman ern Law School to promote the training of Argentine lawyers in civil liberties and human rights. He and his wife, Lisa, an attorney, live in Malibu and are involved in numerous human rights organizations and initiatives. Carlos serves on the Building Committee for the Temple’s restoration and redevelopment project. Gina Lobaco, Development Director Mike Curtis, Development Associate Upcoming Events shabbat: a training for daily life Thursday - Sunday, July 9 - 12, 2009 West Cornwall, Connecticut Shabbat sustains us in the fast paced world we live in. Participate in a wonderful four day retreat for those interested in a spiritual renewal with guides, teachers and rabbis from the Institute for Jewish Spirituality. No previous experience needed—just a willingness to enter a new look at Jewish community with reflection and renewal. Step out of your routine, enjoy song and silence, yoga and study, socializing and silent walks, great food and heartfelt prayer with people from all over the United States. The program begins on Thursday and will end on Sunday and you’ll experience a restorative experience, the essence of Shabbat itself. Rabbi Karen L. Fox at (213) 388-2401 www.wbtla.org/events/item/318/worship_events Temple Campus Irmas Campus Regisration Required Contact For More Information Information Available Online Free of Charge For a full calendar of events and services, please visit www.wbtla.org/events Special Announcements Videographer needed congratulations to rabbi leder! Videographer needed for a Wilshire Boulevard Temple Cooking project. Some film experience is helpful. Rabbi Leder is one of the contributing authors in The Modern Men’s Torah Commentary just published by Jewish Lights. Dahlia Haas at (310) 276-4373 CALLING ALL CONGREGANTS WE NEED USHERS FOR HIGH HOLY DAY SERVICES Are you a member of our congregation who wants to get more involved but isn’t sure how? Would you enjoy meeting fellow congregants on the High Holy Days to wish them L’Shanah Tovah? Are you a dad or mom who would like to do tikkun olam at the Temple with your teenage son or daughter? Well we have just the right opportunity for you: Be an usher for High Holy Days! We have opportunities to usher at all of our adult services and even at our family services. You pick the service time that is the most convenient for you and we will thank you profusely. Rebecca Nudel, Membership Director, at (213) 388-2401 or [email protected] Temple Campus Irmas Campus Regisration Required Contact For More Information Information Available Online Free of Charge 7 5 Food Pantry 26 Food Pantry 27 29 30 For more information, including time and location, on all of the events in this calendar, visit www.wbtla.org 28 OPCC Annenberg Access Center, Santa Monica Service time different than usual - please check online Temple Campus Irmas Campus Shabbat Services 31 Shabbat Service Torah Study and Service Combined Torah Study Shabbat Services Shabbat Services 18 17 Shabbat: A Training for Daily Life Shabbat Service Shabbat: A Training for Daily Life 11 Torah Study 10 Shabbat Services 25 23 16 9 Shabbat Services Soul Sounds Shabbat Independence Day 4 Torah Study 3 saturday Shabbat Service friday 24 22 15 8 2 thursday 19 21 14 7 1 Wednesday Shabbat Service 20 13 6 tuesday 07 July 20 09 Shabbat: A Training for Daily Life Food Pantry 12 Food Pantry sunday monday WILSHIRE BOULEVARD TEMPLE Shabbat: A Training for Daily Life Contributions RABBI EDGAR F. MAGNIN FUND Susan & Bill Ehrlich John Levi In Honor Of: My Adult Bat Mitzvah by Christy Rosen Christy Rosen’s Adult Bat Mitzvah by Amy & Joe Musher Lionel Bell wishing you well in retirement by Joyce & Herb Rosenblum In Loving Memory Of: Emma Adler by Frederic Adler Fannie Berliner by Tracy & F. Ron Smith Gussie Borun by Dorothy Borun Straus Julius Candler by Rosalyn & Jack Weinberg Julius Ceazan by Anne & Bernard Ceazan Dear mother, Nettie Citron by Cecile Bartman Irma Crone by Pat Crone Jack Epstein by Jill & Burton Epstein Rouhollah Fahimian by Angela Connell Lotfollah Fahimian by Angela Connell Dorothy Feinberg by Dr. and Mrs. William Kates Charlotte Fenning by Dione & William Fenning Rose Ferguson by Lisa & Stephen Chorna Dr. Gertrude Finkelstein by Marian & Stanley Brown Beloved mother & grandmother, Regina Fischer by Ruth Channon, Sheila Rimer, Tracy Randolph, Tina Rimer and Tami Ballis Sherma Frank by Deborah & Andrew Frank Samuel Gerry by Janice & Arthur Gerry Sam Goldberg by Arthur Gardner Loving mother, Rose Gribs by Miriam Wexler Leo Guthman by Patricia & Stanley Silver Marguerite Heller by Drs. Maskit & Gary Schiller Betty Heyman by Daniel Heyman Frances Hirschorn by Minette Gordon Sydney Hoffman by Paula Hoffman Dearest husband, Irwin Jameson by Lola Jameson Beloved father and grandfather, Irwin Jameson by Ellen Creamer & John Jameson and Families Margaret Kline by Ruth, George & Julie Furst; Brian Kriegler Sylvia Krevin by Helen Lewis Brett Lawrence by Blaire & Aaron Kaplan Muriel Lipsey by Priscilla & Curtis Tamkin Anne Lubin by Pamela & Mark Mischel Stanley Mosk by Sandy & Richard Mosk Carol Newirth by Susan & Charles Newirth Doris Orlikoff by Steven Orlikoff Robin Raymond by Arnold Nelson Rose Reiser by Mary & Daniel Brussell Adored aunt, Mabel Samter by Lola Jameson & Family Mendel Samuels by Claire Feiger Jerome Saperstein by Dr. Rose Saperstein Al Savad by Judy & Allan Africk Dr. Victor Schiller, Lilly Schiller & Gustav Schiller by Drs. Maskit & Gary Schiller Dr. Victor Schiller, Lilly Schiller & Gustav Schiller by Liesa & Frank Schiller Marjorie Schwarz by Susan & Donald Schwarz Mort Silverman by Maskit & Gary Schiller Cecilia Sonnenberg by Susan Bergman George Stern by James Stern Mildred Tauber by Jim Tauber Floren & Alfred Tilzer by Corryne Schuster Jacob Toren by Lili & Jon Bosse Shirley Tuch & Susan Tuch by Shelley & Richard Bayer Norman Turtle by Jon Turtle David Wachtel by Allison Mellon Tom Wallach by Dorothy Royce Loving husband, Irving Wexler by Miriam Wexler WILSHIRE BOULEVARD TEMPLE REDEVELOPMENT FUND In Honor Of: Randi Grant’s Adult Bat Mitzvah by Richard Bermont Randi Grant’s Adult Bat Mitzvah by Marilyn & Fred Blank Randi Grant’s Adult Bat Mitzvah by Susan & Dan Genter Randi Grant’s Adult Bat Mitzvah by Linda & James Hausberg Randi Grant’s Adult Bat Mitzvah by Susan & James Henderson Randi Grant’s Adult Bat Mitzvah by Vicki & Seth Kogan Randi Grant’s Adult Bat Mitzvah by Joe Kramer Randi Grant’s Adult Bat Mitzvah by Kimberly & Kenneth La Spada Randi Grant’s Adult Bat Mitzvah by Robbi & Thomas Schiff Randi Grant’s Adult Bat Mitzvah by Annette & Daniel Shapiro Randi Grant’s Adult Bat Mitzvah by Gayle, Daniel & Eric Starr Randi Grant’s Adult Bat Mitzvah by Sheri & Allen Tuchman Randi Grant’s Adult Bat Mitzvah by Victoria Unger Randi Grant’s Adult Bat Mitzvah by Eleanor & Ron Zexter Rabbi Leder for officiating at the service of Richard Brawerman by Geri Brawerman Rabbinical ordination of Arthur Van Cleve Lanckton by Carrie Sutkin & Dror Maier In Loving Memory Of: Nate Spilberg by Sherry & Edward Heyman CLERGY FUND In Honor Of: Rabbi Karen Fox for my birthday blessing by Ruth Stoch Rabbi Eshel, Cantor Gurney and Nancy Daum for guiding Adam Linde through his Bar Mitzvah by Felicia Rosenfeld & David Linde Sadie Dorf’s Bat Mitzvah by Lynda & Mitch Dorf Rabbi Karen Fox by Adrienne Goldstone, Ed & Daniel Hausmann Rabbi Karen Fox by Lia Barrad & Joel Tepp The birth and brit milah of Hudson Jake Glaser by Dr. Samuel Kunin Rabbi Steve Leder by Salli & Bernard Harris Rabbi Eshel for officiating at the service of Anne Schiff by Jennifer & Michael Schiff In Loving Memory Of: Harry Feldman by Bette, Adam & Abbie Feldman Beloved husband, father and grandfather, Fredric Fenton by Rochelle Fenton Pauline Ginsberg by Gladys Ginsberg Marjorie Green by Candice Koral & G. Richard Green Frances G. Schiff by Suzanne Budd & Marcia Roberts Morris Shapiro by Libby, Norman, Robert & Melissa Shapiro Yehiel Tabachnick by Doris Tabachnick & Family SISTERHOOD PULPIT FLOWER FUND In Loving Memory Of: Dear mother, Minna Ehrenberg by Susan & Ed Isenberg Rose Schwartz by Barbara & Seymour Canter OSCAR AND EVELYN MELAMED FERN MEMORIAL FUND In Loving Memory Of: Sally Dickman & Samuel Dickman by Morrie Dickman TIKKUN OLAM SOCIAL ACTION FUND FOOD PANTRY Jeanne Gerson In Honor Of: Linda Daly and Mike Alexander’s Wedding by Jackie Meisenberg Molly Greenberg’s 99th Birthday by Ann Rubin Ron Robinson by Tani Isaacs Dr. Mayo Stark’s Special Birthday by Rita & Albert Harris Marshall Zolla by Deena Libman In Loving Memory Of: Sarah Blakeman by Mary Dubrow Marguerite Heller by Suzanne Rubin & Family Rose Joffe by Lori Pollack Gertrude Justman by Judith & Harvey Flax Philip Kahgan & Florence Kahgan by Phyllis Weiss Sylvia Levin by Ann & Bernd Givon Helen Levy by Edith Weiner Bess Lustig by Harriet Borson & Family Irma Maier by Jody & Tom Onorato Morris Motley by Leanore & Donald Motley Kenneth Randall by Andrew & Neil Haas Mel Saltzman by His Rabbit, His Children & Grandchildren Walter Stone by Ellen & Don Alweis Walter Stone by Betty Cohen Walter Stone by Marilyn Friedman Walter Stone by Renee & Harold Holland Walter Stone by Evelyn & Norman Kern Walter Stone by Joanne & Ira Kirshbaum Walter Stone by Dana & Chuck Maltz Walter Stone by Lorraine Miller Walter Stone by Mildred Miller Walter Stone by Joyce & Larry Powell Walter Stone by Joy & Bud Rabin Walter Stone by Joan Katz & Bernie Snyder Walter Stone by Marcia Solomon Walter Stone by Michael Wachs Walter Stone by Elaine & Joel Ziskind Naum Tabachnick by Cherie Fensten Naum Tabachnick by Joan & Walter Graf Bert Jarkow, Mitchel Jarkow & Linda Tepper by Debra Zane & Jeff Jarkow AUDREY AND SYDNEY IRMAS CAMPUS In Loving Memory Of: Chickie Cyril by Rita & Albert Harris Harold Gross by Janet Gross PRAYER BOOK DEDICATION FUND In Loving Memory Of: Molly Fligelman by Mona Brandler Julius Fligelman by Mona Brandler Lynette Kurtzman by Betty Gershuny Denitz Jennie Rubin by Anne Klein Naum Tabachnick by Charlotte Schwimer MANN FAMILY EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER In honor of: Friend and colleague Gersh Lazarow’s ordination by Carol Bovill & Fredda Loewenstein In Loving Memory Of: Rina Klein by Jessica, Emma & Jack Limor GERI AND RICHARD BRAWERMAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL In Loving Memory Of: Richard Brawerman by Harriet & Norman Beck Richard Brawerman by Maxine Bookman Richard Brawerman by Dr. Fanya Carter Richard Brawerman by Elaine & Bram Goldsmith Richard Brawerman by Harriet Hochman & Family Richard Brawerman by Audrey Irmas Richard Brawerman by Joyce & Larry Powell Rina Klein by Jessica, Emma & Jack Limor Jeanette Sherman by Neil Sherman GERI AND RICHARD BRAWERMAN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ALUMNI Gregory Adler Sherri & John Fogelman Leanne & Steven Frankel ANNE AND NATHAN SPILBERG ANNUAL LECTURE ON JEWISH LIFE In Loving Memory Of: Betty Heyman by Sherry & Edward Heyman RABBI HARVEY J. & SYBIL A. FIELDS EDUCATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP FUND In Honor Of: Rabbi Harvey J. and Sybil A. Fields’s 50th Anniversary by Nan Brostoff McCullough In Loving Memory Of: Susanne A. Wolf by Bennett Wolf ANAT BEN-ISHAI SCHOLARSHIP FUND In Honor Of: Karen Wolfen’s Adult Bat Mitzvah by Leslie & Mark Schneiderman In Loving Memory Of: Bert Blauner by Linda & Donald Blauner Joyce Reisman by Donna & Paul Nadel MUSIC PUBLICATION FUND In Honor Of: Cantor Gurney on the occasion of our daughter, Sadie Dorf’s Bat Mitzvah by Lynda & Mitch Dorf Cantor Don Gurney by Kathy & Kevin Laxer In Loving Memory Of: Irma Maier by Maggie, Emma & Gary Maier Eric Nass by Gloria Young Contributions are continued on page 11 We appreciate your generous donations. An $18 minimum donation is required for each acknowledgment card. 9 Contributions Cont’d THE DR. JEROME TOBER FUND FOR ARTISTIC EXPRESSION THE CENTER FOR RELIGIOUS INQUIRY FUND RABBI ALFRED WOLF CAMP FUND SILLS CAMPERSHIP FUND In Loving Memory Of: In Honor Of: In Loving Memory Of: Shirley Weiner by Relba Imerman JORDAN EHRLICH FUND FOR PROGRAMS IN BUSINESS ETHICS In Loving Memory Of: Edward Mandell by Abigail Jones & Jeffrey Mandell Dr. Joel Scherr’s Doctorate Degree by Andrew Nieman WILSHIRE BOULEVARD TEMPLE CAMPS DARFUR PROJECT In Honor Of: Gary Cohn for receiving the 2009 Distinguished Alumni Award from CA State Long Beach by Marla & Mark Saltzman Randi Grant’s Adult Bat Mitzvah by Lila, Trevor & Richard Grant Randi Grant’s Adult Bat Mitzvah by Rutilia Lopez Gersh Lazarow’s Ordination by Seth Toybes In Honor Of: In Loving Memory Of: In Loving Memory Of: Barry Berlin by Beth & Rodney Freeman Lynette Kurtzman by Beth & Rodney Freeman & Family Dr. Gertrude Finkelstein by Lawrence Finley Gertrude Finkelstein by Pamela & Michael McGovern Dr. Gertrude Finkelstein by Lia Barrad & Joel Tepp Andrea Hattenbach by Mildred Hattenbach Lynette Altabet Kurtzman by Alexandra & Ryan Gagerman Lynette Kurtzman by Charlene & S. Sanford Kornblum Lynette Kurtzman by Belle Landa Lynette Kurtzman by Pauline Marks Lynette Kurtzman by Lucille & Dick Polachek Lynette Kurtzman by Susan Vann & Steve Sauer Iura Landa by Belle Landa Robert Rhein by Linda & Peter Rhein In Loving Memory Of: Jacqueline Fuhrman by J. Lampert Levy KEHILLAH COMMUNITY CAMP FUND Karen Davis & Daniel Faigin Beth & Jan Goren Susan & Gary Meyer In Honor Of: Florence Stark’s Special Birthday by Wolf & Fox Dr. Mayo Stark’s 85th Birthday by Harriet Burton Dr. Mayo Stark’s Special Birthday by Wolf & Fox JUDITH WOLF LEE MEMORIAL CAMP FUND In Loving Memory Of: Allen T. Kramer by Marsha Kramer Keller CHARLES BENDIT CAMPERSHIP FUND In Honor Of: My granddaughter, Leah Saltzman graduating from UC Santa Barbara by Irene Saltzman My grandson, Zachary Saltzman entering the University of Vermont by Irene Saltzman FOOD PANTRIES Sunday, July 12, 2009 Sponsored by Ira and Joanne Kirschbaum In loving memory of Walter Stone KK UN OLA EP AI R WBT Religious School Teachers & Administrators for Mother’s Day by Natalie Blake Kloey Battista’s Bat Mitzvah by Natalie Blake & Steven Schwartz & Family Therese Blake for Mother’s Day by Tilly Reniers & Herbie Schwartz Linda Daly for Mother’s Day by Tilly Reniers & Herbie Schwartz & Family Julie Gadinsky for Mother’s Day by Tilly Reniers & Herbie Schwartz & Family Our son, Jarred Green’s Confirmation by Adena Smith & Richard Green Peter Lowy’s 50th Birthday by Beth & Rodney Freeman & Family EVELYN K. KRAMER MEMORIAL CAMP FUND LOIS JEANNE LEVY MEMORIAL CAMPERSHIP FUND M Debra & Benjamin Ansell Mercedes Taha & Bruce Green Gilda & Jack Green Adam Linde Jamie & Ken Rosenblood Shauna Satnick Birdie Blackman by Gloria & Rudy Diamond Fredric Fenton by Caren, Rick, Dana & Laura Sheckter Tristan Grant by The Warren Grant Family Ethel Haves by Norma & Earl Bubar Bluma Kornblum by Dolph Kornblum Ben Nitzberg by Ellen & Burt Pressman Grandmother, Helen Pollak by Rhonda Schwartz Naum Tabachnick by Deana & Alvin Rosenthal Shirley Weiner by Linda Delaney & Jeanne Gerson LD In Honor Of: Rabbi Stein for officiating at the B’not Mitzvah of Hannah and Clea Lerner by Cheryl & Roger Lerner TI Walter Stone by Ruth Tober In Loving Memory Of: RIN G T HE WO R Thank you to those individuals and families who have chosen either to underwrite ($1,000) or sponsor ($500) a week of food. If you are interested in joining this effort, please contact Gina Lobaco at (213) 388-2401 or globaco@ wbtla.org. Mitzvah Goreret mitzvah— Doing a mitzvah leads to more. In Loving Memory Of: Ben Nitzberg by Nadine & Stephen Breuer Naum Tabachnick by Nadine & Stephen Breuer Temple Family Welcome to new Temple members… Condolences to… Lawrence Bender and his son, Misha…Cary and Jill Biren and their son, Alexander…Leon and Elayne Bryn…Nicholas and Nanci Frenkel and their son, Oliver…Kevin and Carol Gelbard and their children, Jackson and Lexi…Joshua and Kimberly Glaser and their son, Hudson…Gary and Tiffany Sacks and their sons, Jordan and Austin… Richard Sevin and Mardy Wasserman and their children, Scott and Jana…Jordan and Joy Sebold and their son, Emerson…Howard and Haleh Shapiro and their son, Jonah…Mitchell and Patricia Tarica and their children, Lily and Jack…Alan and Tracy Wiessbrod…Brian and Jennifer Wolf and their children, Jaxon and Georgie… Carlos and Lisa Siderman on the death of his sister, Suzanna Siderman Blake…Doris Chasin on the death of her husband, Milton Jack Chasin…Gail and Paul Hallenberg on the death of her grandmother, Rose Ferguson and to grandchildren, Ryan and Matthew…Friends and family of Sadie Gang…Hyman Haves on the death of his wife, Ethel Haves…Gary Klein on the death of his wife, Rina Joy Klein and to children, Tyler, Joshua and Gabriel…Friends and family of Muriel Lipsey…Dr. Berta Davis on the death of her husband, Dr. Ben Nitzberg…Louis and Joanie Reisman on the death of his mother, Joyce Reisman and to granddaughters, Julie and Scott Feldman and Lauren and Jeff Polak and to great grandson, Ethan… Marni and Ron Eshel on the death of her grandmother, Frances Schiff and to great grandchildren, Arielle, Chloe, Evan and Ryan Eshel… Doris Tabachnick on the death of her husband, Naum Tabachnick… Kevin and Jodi Weisman on the death of his father, Mark Weisman and to grandchildren, Eli and Maya…Nina Weinstein on the death of her sister, Barbara Wise and to niece, Grace…Brian and Kim Wiener and Laura and Monty Abramov on the death of their grandfather, Alan Zippert and to great grandchildren, Luke and Mason Wiener, Noah and Alexandra Abramov… Congratulations to… Carolin and David Babajooni on the birth of their son, Jayden and to big sister, Isabella…Robin and Laurence Hilman on the birth and naming of their son, Sascha Alexander Hilman and to grandparents, Elayne and Leon Bryn...Gretchen and Jonathan Klein on the birth and brit milah of their son, Charles and to big brother, Nathan… Marti and Ben Kohn on the birth of their daughter, Marlo and to big brother, August…Raina and David Rosenblum on the birth and brit milah of their son, Micah Jesse and to big brother, Caleb…Corinne and David Weitzman on the birth of their daughter, Kaya Brody and to big brother, Justin… And to all immediate and extended family. 11 Wilshire Boulevard Temple 3663 Wilshire Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90010 NONPROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE PAID LOS ANGELES, CA PERMIT NO. 785 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Clergy Rabbi Steven Z. Leder, Pritzker Chair of Senior Rabbinics Rabbi Karen L. Fox, M.F.T. Rabbi Elissa Ben-Naim Rabbi Stephen Julius Stein Rabbi David Eshel Cantor Don Gurney Cantor Susan Caro Rabbi Harvey J. Fields, Ph.D., Emeritus Board of Trustees Richard Pachulski, President Alyce de Toledo, Vice President Andrew E. Haas, Vice President John Schulman, Vice President Mary Brussell, Secretary Steven Romick, Treasurer Susan Adler Jannol, Alan Berro, Stephen Davis, Alan Epstein, Michael Flesch, Jami Gertz, Barbara Grushow, Teri Hertz, Richard Kurtzman, Donald Levy, Richard Powell, Carlos Siderman, Steve Sugerman Julie C. Miller, Immediate Past President Barry Edwards, Counsel Honorary Board Members Lionel Bell, Howard M. Bernstein, Audrey Irmas Administration Howard G. Kaplan, Executive Director Carol Bovill, Director, Early Childhood Centers Nadine Bendit Breuer, Head of Elementary School Sarah Hanuka, Director, Center for Learning & Engagement Douglas F. Lynn, Director, Camps & Conference Center Gina Lobaco, Director of Development Jessica Accamando, Director of Communications Rebecca Sills Nudel, Membership Director The Wilshire Boulevard Temple Bulletin is published monthly by Wilshire Boulevard Temple www.wbtla.org (213) 388-2401 Printed on recycled paper. Please remember to recycle it again! Schedule of Shabbat Worship & Study Friday, july 3 Friday, July 10 Friday, July 17 Friday, July 24 Shabbat Service Rabbi Stein and Cantor Caro 6:00 p.m. Shabbat Services Rabbi Leder and Cantor Caro 6:00 p.m. Soul Sounds Shabbat Rabbi Leder, Cantor Gurney and the Band 6:00 p.m. Cantor Gurney 6:00 p.m. Shabbat Services Rabbi Stein and Cantorial Soloist Jacqueline Rafii 6:00 p.m. Shabbat Services Rabbi Stein and Cantorial Soloist Pam Simmons 6:00 p.m. Rabbi Leder and Cantor Caro 6:00 p.m. Saturday, July 4 Torah Study NUMBERS Pinchas 25:10–30:1 Jonathan Freund 9:00 a.m. Rabbi Fox and Cantorial Soloist Jacqueline Rafii 6:00 p.m. Saturday, July 11 Torah Study NUMBERS Chukat/Balak 19:1–25:9 Avi Cohen 9:00 a.m. Shabbat Service Rabbi Leder and Cantor Gurney 10:30 a.m. Shabbat Service Rabbi Leder and Cantor Gurney 10:30 a.m. No Service at Irmas Campus No Service at Irmas Campus Saturday, July 18 Torah Study NUMBERS Matot/Masei 30:2–36:13 Avi Cohen Rabbinic Intern Erin Mason 9:00 a.m. Shabbat Service Rabbi Stein and Cantor Caro 10:30 a.m. No Service at Irmas Campus Temple Campus Irmas Campus Saturday, July 25 Torah Study and Service Combined DEUTERONOMY Devarim 1:1–3:22 Rabbi Stein and Cantorial Soloist Pam Simmons 9:00 a.m. Shabbat Service Rabbi Fox and Cantorial Soloist Ellen Sugerman 10:30 a.m. All Shabbat and worship information can be found online at www.wbtla.org
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