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Warrenton Presbyterian Church
The Warrenton Presbyterian
March 2016
The Season of Lent
What is Lent? Just as Advent is the season in
which Christians look with hope towards the
birth of the Messiah, Lent is the time in
which we prepare for the fulfillment of God’s
promise through the death and resurrection of
Jesus. In the early church, new believers
were mentored in the Christian faith in the
weeks leading up to their baptisms at the
Great Easter Vigil. The idea of giving something up for Lent came out of this tradition, as
fasting was used to raise one’s spiritual consciousness and empty oneself before God.
For Presbyterians Lent is a season of soulsearching and repentance. So some might find
it meaningful to give up something for Lent
as a form of solidarity with their early Christian brothers and sisters who fasted. Others
might find it more valuable spiritually in taking something – for example, increased devotion to scripture reading and prayer, increased
reflection on God’s blessings, or simply extending the hand of kindness when you might
otherwise abstain from doing so.
The Lenten Season has already begun!
Easter is determined by celestial cycles.
Easter Sunday is the first Sunday after the
first full moon after the Spring Equinox. This
usually puts Easter on either the first or second Sunday in April. The full moon comes
early this year, so Easter falls on March 27th.
This put Ash Wednesday on February 10th.
So as you read this, we are well into the
Lenten season.
Lenten Services and Lunches Warrenton
Presbyterian Church has been observing the
Lenten season by offering Lenten services
and luncheons every Wednesday at noon.
The first Lenten service was held on Ash
Wednesday (February 10th), and the last one
will be held on March 23rd. The Crafty Ladies
sponsor the lunches and the cost is only $5—
one of the best deals in town!
On March 24th, we will hold services on
Maundy Thursday. There will be a symbolic
Seder with communion held in the Fellowship Hall at 6:45 pm followed immediately by
a Tenebrae Service in the Chapel. This will
be a contemplative service which will prepare
you for the celebration of Jesus’ resurrection
on Easter morning.
There will be three services on Easter Sunday, March 27th, beginning with a sunrise
service at 7 AM on the front lawn (weather
permitting) or inside, followed by Easter services at 8:45 and 11:00 AM. There will be no
church school classes on Easter.
Tom Hamill,
Elder & Worship Committee Chair
Don’t forget to
spring forward
on Sunday,
March 13!
A Message from the Interim Pastor
Dear Friends,
As this month of March begins, we are halfway through our Lenten Season for 2016.
This journey of faith, that began on Ash Wednesday, helps us re-examine how we allow our
faith and relationship with God to guide the living of our lives day-to-day. And for each of us,
it helps us to be “up-to-date” where we find ourselves in years and experiences as we grow
into God’s plan for us.
All of this (for each of us individually and corporately) is moving us to another year of
not just remembering, but also celebrating the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. But we
have to be careful not to jump right to the Easter Day celebration of the Resurrection. Even
our secular society continues to try and get us to do so. Good Friday has become just another
day for retail sales. The “Easter/Spring” Vacation of our schools is a time for most to take
holiday, not gather in a community of faith. Even Easter itself is about bunnies and colored
eggs and candy.
Now don’t get me wrong. I enjoy the bunnies and colored eggs and candy with the
best of them. But only after remembering and retelling of Jesus entering the temple to chase
out the money changers; his nights in the Mount of Olives; returning each day to the temple
to teach all who would listen; the events as he observes Passover with his disciples in the Upper Room; the betrayal of Judas; his arrest; the disciples fleeing and finally standing/kneeling
at the foot of the cross in prayer and despair.
Only then does Easter Day, Resurrection Day Celebration, have meaning and substance. Come be with me and each other as we finish our journey to Jerusalem.
See you in church,
~~Phil Sommer
As I See It
It is often in the “small things” that the humanity of an institution is seen. And it is
the accumulation if these “little things” that add up to a positive human touch that is experienced by all who participate.
It is always delightful to have our “Children’s Choirs” participate in worship. These
“little people” show their confidence (and training) by marching right up the chancel steps,
standing in a row, waving to a smiling parent, and on cue (louder than me now…) singing
their hearts out. Again, a tribute to their time spent in rehearsal under the sensitive leadership
of Jeanette Walker, learning and sharing these simple songs of the faith.
And just as important is the positive and joyful encouragement they receive from a
welcoming congregation of adults. This experience, along with so many more like it, create
the atmosphere and memories that are a foundation to their faith, a faith that will serve them
for a lifetime.
That’s as I See It.
March Sermon Schedule
March 6, 2016
4th Sunday of Lent
8:45 & 11:00am
Sacrament of Holy Communion
Read: Joshua 5:9-12 Psalm 32 2 Corinthians 5:16-21 Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32
Children’s Time: “God’s Gifts: Love”
Homily: “Welcome Home”
March 13, 2016
5 Sunday of Lent
8:45 & 11:00am
Read: Isaiah 43:16-21 Psalm 126 Philippians 3:4b-14 John 12:1-8
Sermon: “Friends?”
March 20, 2016
Palm Sunday
8:45 & 11:00am
Children’s Time: “Signs of Celebration”
Read: Isaiah 50:4-9a Psalm 118:1-2,19-29 Philippians 2:5-11
Sermon: “Even The Stones”
Luke 19:28-40
March 24, 2016
Maundy Thursday
7:00pm (arrive by 6:45 PM)
Symbolic Seder & The Last Supper – Fellowship Hall
Holy Tenebrae – The Old Chapel
March 27, 2016
Easter Day Celebrations
7:00am Sunrise Service in the Church Yard
8:45 & 11:00am in The Sanctuary
Read: Isaiah 65:17-65 Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24 Acts 10:34-43 Luke 24:1-12
Sermon: “Wondering”
Living Missionally March 2016
Judy Pease
Mission Elder
As disciples’ of Christ, we go out in mission locally, nationally and internationally
with the good news of God’s love and grace. In faith we will identify mission opportunities
and provide hope and support to all God’s children.
Thank You
Thank you to all who attended the Fellowship Hour in February and contributed to the assembly
of the Gift from the Heart Kits! We also offer a heartfelt thank you to the Crafty Ladies, the Kids’ Club,
and the Fellowship Committee for making this mission outreach effort possible.
All of the kits (50 hygiene kits, 24 school kits) will be sent to and distributed by Church World
Service to struggling families to make a difference between sickness and health, and to children to give
them the basic tools for learning. In 2015, 105,960 hygiene kits were distributed internationally, and
26,870 to families in the United States. In 2015, 39,540 school kits were distributed internationally
(22,500 to children from Syria), and 3,925 to children in the United States.
Fauquier FISH Food Pantry donation request list for March 6:
Cream of mushroom soup, paprika, cannellini beans, canned peaches and pineapple
On “SOUPER” BOWL SUNDAY, the Confirmation class collected 140 cans of
soup and the scouts delivered them to the FISH food pantry. Cash donations
totaling $369 were also collected.
The Weekend Power Pack wish-list of food items
for March:
 Ramen noodles
 Individual fruit cups (usually 4 – 6 fruit cups
per package); any variety
 Jelly: In plastic Containers (any flavor, brand,
or size, squeezable ok)
 Peanut Butter: 40 oz. plastic jars (check out
Wegman’s for best value)
 Pasta sauce (Hunt’s canned pasta sauce usually costs about $1)
Lenten Service Offering
Offering collected during the Wednesday
Lenten Services (held at noon in the Sanctuary, and followed by lunch in Fellowship
Hall for $5) will be donated to Habitat for
Heifer International
Everything Starts with a
Desire for a Better Life & a
Better World
Together We Have Power
Over Hunger & Poverty
Are you still thinking about supporting the
Middle School Sunday School Class
Mission Project Heifer International???
Jake Muscar or the church office if you are
interested in joining the 2016 WV Mission Trip May 7 - 14.
Registration deadline is April 1st.
The WPC team will spend a week doing repairs on a home of
someone identified by WVMAW as needing assistance. For
more information go to or contact Jake. Most
expenses are covered.
To learning more, join us during the Fellowship Hour on April 10th for
a presentation by Jake Muscar and others.
The mission of WVMAW is to
offer the opportunity for discipleship by partnering with those in
need whose lives have been devastated by natural disasters or by the
disaster of poverty in areas of West
# 10 It is an opportunity to join a mission team that leaves home, but doesn’t go too far away.
# 9 It is an opportunity to follow the lead of MWMAW Director Joan Stewart, who believes, “Mission
is not so much about ‘doing something for THOSE people’ as much as it is about listening, learning
from one another, seeking ways to empower those we serve, and affirming dignity as we model grace
and hope”.
# 8 Jake Muscar!
# 7 It is an opportunity to react to testimonials such as, “I have often wondered why…I was born with
so many opportunities. My only answer has been that when so much is given, much is required. It is
far too easy to throw only money at those in need. I am thankful God has given me the chance to work
not only in my community but on several mission trips to give to others a part of what has been so
GRACEfully given to me–abundantly and running over.”
# 6 It is an opportunity to be with people you know, meet and work with people you don’t know, and
make new friends.
# 5 Jake Muscar!
# 4 It is an opportunity to learn and share with your church family, ‘What Every Church Member
Should Know About Poverty’.
# 3 It is an opportunity for understanding testimonials such as, “My favorite part of the experience was
watching our group, many who were strangers to each other, work together with one mission; to love
and serve Christ and one another. We were the body of Christ on day one, but together felt the pulse of
Christ and one another by the end of the week.”
# 2 Jake Muscar!
# 1 It is an opportunity to personally experience how reaching out to others nurtures one’s faith journey
and changes the lives of everyone involved.
Youth In Mission News
Cub Scout Wolf Den, 2nd graders, is collecting clean used medicine bottles to be sent to the
South African country of Malawi. Health clinics there are desperate for containers to distribute
medicine. Look for their display in the Narthex.
FredCamp Chaperones Needed!
scheduled for the week of July 3rd.
Adult male and female chaperones are needed for Fred Camp,
FredCamp brings together youth and adult volunteers for one week, living and working together in a
Christian community, performing critical home repairs and remodeling for low-income individuals and
families in Fredericksburg and the counties of Stafford, Spotsylvania, Caroline and King George.
PLUS there is plenty of time for fellowship, fun, and great food!
Boy Scout Troop 92 Thanks all who supported their scout fundraiser by purchasing “camp cards” on Scout/
Youth Sunday, February 28th.
The Heifer Project
The Middle School Sunday School Class will be collecting money for the Heifer Project during Lent. You may purchase an animal in memory or in honor of someone, or you may make
a contribution to the project. The animal prices are as follows:
Heifer, $500
Sheep, $120
Ducks/Geese, $20
Water Buffalo, $250 Llama, $150
Pig, $120
Rabbits, $60
Chickens, $20
Goat, $120
Bees, $30
Heifer International has had a life-changing impact around the world. Young children
too weak to run and play have grown healthy and strong from the nutritious milk of a goat.
Families once surviving without basic necessities now send their children off to school each
day, thanks to the additional income earned from the sale of eggs or cheese. Families are
learning to take care of themselves, not for a day, but for a lifetime.
When animals are given to a family, representatives from Heifer Project accompany
the animals and remain with the family until the family understands how to care for the animals and how to earn a living from the animals. The recipient family must give the first-born
animals to another needy family in their village. This way, your gift just keeps on giving.
Heifer International has received many awards including being recognized by Forbes
as one of the ten best charities to give to and also received the Conrad Hilton Humanitarian
Award for 2004.
Each Sunday School Class will be collecting weekly donations to buy an animal of
their choice. If you would like to donate, you can give in your Sunday School class or you can
give individually. If you would like to buy an animal, contribute toward an animal, or purchase an animal in memory or in honor of a relative or friend, please put the money in one of
the envelopes on the table in the Narthex, fill out the front of the envelope, and place the envelope in the sheep can.
Please make checks payable to Warrenton Presbyterian Church (WPC).
There are also some articles you are welcome to take that give you some more information about Heifer. Thank you for your support of this excellent project and God bless.
Consider helping others help themselves and make a lifetime of difference.
Membership Committee News
Interested in learning more about membership? - Call the church office or simply check “Interested in Membership” on
the attendance pad and we will contact you. Membership Committee: Chairperson Sherry Hawkins, Laura Cline, Stacy
Stevens, Donna Calhoun, Judy Pease, and Mary Hall
A Membership Orientation is scheduled for Sunday, March 13, at 10 AM. RSVP to the church office.
Food & Fellowship Opportunities
Mark your calendars:
 Sunday, February 28 at noon, Chili Cook-off AND Cookie Bake-off Fundraiser:
bring your best chili and/or cookies and those who attend the event will
“vote” for the winners by placing their tickets in a cup. Whoever has the
most tickets in their cup by the end of the event will be declared the winner. All funds raised will benefit the Pastors’ Discretionary Fund which
helps those in need in our church and community. Tickets are just 25¢
Sunday, March 13, Noon: Deacons’ Tea, come join the deacons for tea and finger foods; meet others in your shepherding group; all refreshments will be provided by the deacons
Sunday, April 10, Coffee Hour and West Virginia Mission Trip presentation by
Jake Muscar and other team members; bring a finger food to share and learn
more about this close-to-home mission project.
Women of the Church: The meetings for the women of the church will resume on
Monday, March 28, at 7:30 PM in the Women’s Lounge. We will be studying the
Book of Revelation. Or join us in a co-ed class on Sunday mornings at 10 AM
starting on April 3rd in the Fellowship Hall for the Revelation Study.
Inspiration needed for February events. If you want
to attend a movie, play, concert or other event,
submit ideas to Mary in the church office (540-347-2213).
Possible March event: Piedmont Singers present Missa Brevis Sancti Joannis de Deo by F.J.
Haydn on Tuesday, March 22, at 7 PM at Emmanuel Church in Middleburg, Virginia. This
will be part of a Holy Week Eucharist service. Contact Diana Bennett for more information.
Busy, busy, busy. That is Crafty Ladies. As you may or may not know, we are the sole support
of the kitchen. Therefore we strive to put as much into our account as possible. We have replaced all the original equipment (that was donated from a restaurant) except for the dishwasher and counters. We hold our breath each time we use the dishwasher that it will hold out
a little longer. A big expense we will be faced with is the range hood. It is galvanized and we
will have to replace it with stainless steel. We are constantly trying to find a solution to the
flooding that occurs in the kitchen. We have put up signs over the sinks about what not to do
but some folks ignore them resulting in flooding.
This past month we have (or will have) served 3 lunches following the Lenten Service. Attendance has been low but Rita Bossard, Andrea Brooks, Sandra Brown, Joyce Mills, Judy Pease,
Joyce Teague and Barrie Wince did their usual good work with smiles on their faces. Our
guests are pleased that they can receive an inspiring service and lunch all within an hour.
Those who can will often spend extra time in fellowship.
In addition to the lunches we also served the monthly brunch for the Christian Women’s Club.
This was on the day after the first Lenten lunch. Participating were Andrea Brooks, Sandra
Brown, Nanci Marshall, Joyce Mills, Judy Pease, Joyce Teague and Barrie Wince. We fed 70
ladies and 1 gentleman. In case you wonder what we served, here it is: Scrambled eggs, ham,
potato crowns, fruit cup, biscuits, jam, juice, coffee and tea. They are looking for new members so think about it. The meeting starts at 9:30 with brunch followed by a speaker and entertainment and is usually over by 11 a.m. Cost is $9 and includes the meal. Reservations are required and can be made by contacting Mary Lou Lukeman or me.
We joined with Judy Pease (Mission Committee) to provide fifty “Gifts of the Heart” for
Church World Service. These bags included a hand towel, wash cloth, bar of soap, toothbrush,
nail clippers, comb and band aids.
We are also grateful to AA for setting up the tables for the Lenten Lunches and to Mary Hall
and Jeanette Walker for all they do to assist us.
In March we will have four lunches and a brunch plus we will help with the Sedar. Please consider joining us to help.
Please make a note of my new e-mail address. [email protected]
Catherine Cox (540-347-2386)
Worship Committee News
Communion servers (past and present ordained deacons & elders)
are needed for both services each month. Sign your name to the
sign-up sheet in the Narthex if you are willing to serve, or contact
the church office.
The next worship committee meeting is scheduled for Sunday, March 13, after the 11 AM
service. Committee members can grab a bite to eat from the Deacons’ Tea and head to the
See the flyers on the following pages for information about Lenten and Easter services at
WPC as well as how to order Easter flowers and how to make reservations for the Seder/
Tenebrae service.►
January 2016 Financial Summary
Monthly Expenses
Monthly Income
Year to Date Expenses
Year to Date Income
Monthly Change in
General Fund Balance
General Fund Balance
Copies of the 2016 line-item budget may be found in the Narthex. A copy of each month’s treasurer’s report may be found in a notebook in Memorial Hall. Personal copies are available upon
Thank you to everyone who has pledged their financial commitment for 2016. As of mid February, we have received 104 pledges for $379,750 for the General Fund which is about 74% of the
$511,687 budget for 2016.
For the Building Fund, we have received 38 pledges for $27,546. This account is used to pay the
mortgage on the church and for capital expenditures for repairs and replacement.
Wednesday Lenten Services 2016
12 Noon
Theme: The “I AM”s of Jesus
March 2, 2016
“I Am…The Good Shepherd”
John 10:11-18
March 9, 2016
“I Am…The Resurrection and the Life”
John 14:1-10
March 16, 2016
“I Am…the True Vine”
John 15:1-8
March 23, 2016
John 13:21-32
Other Lenten and Easter Services
Sunday, March 20
Palm Sunday
Services at 8:45 AM & 11 AM
Maundy Thursday, March 23, at 7 PM
(arrive by 6:45 PM)
Seder & Tenebrae Service
(two events in one service)
starting in the Fellowship Hall and
ending in the Historic Chapel
Sunday, March 27
Easter Services
Sunrise service at 7 AM
(front yard of church, weather permitting)
Services at 8:45 AM and 11 AM, Sanctuary
No Church School on Easter
Maundy Thursday 2016
You are cordially invited
to attend the WPC
Seder/Tenebrae Service
Thursday, March 24
7:00 PM
Starting in the Fellowship
Hall with a symbolic Seder and ending
in the Historic Chapel with a Tenebrae
reservations are required
by Palm Sunday 3/20/16
Family name:____________________
Number attending: _______________
The Seder and Tenebrae are two
events in one service, so please plan to
arrive no later than 6:45 PM in the Fellowship Hall.
The Seder is NOT a meal. Please eat
before you come.
Easter 2016
Easter Lilies,
Daffodils, and Tulips
may be ordered
in honor or in memory of
family and friends,
through Palm Sunday,
March 20.
# of lilies
_____ x $7.00/plant = __________
# of daffodils _____ x $7.00/plant = __________
# of tulips _____ x $7.00/plant = __________
Total amount enclosed______________________
Please place the form along with your check, payable to
Warrenton Presbyterian Church in the offering plate, or
bring it to the church office.
In Honor Of:
In Memory Of:
Ordered by:
Name: __________________________________
Phone: __________________________________
Email: __________________________________
Please pick up your plants
after the 11:00 AM service on Easter Sunday.
No Church School classes are held
on Easter Sunday, March 27.
Classes for all ages are available each Sunday morning. Children’s classes begin at 9:45
in the chapel with Jeanette Walker, then dismiss to their classrooms. Youth and adult
classes meet in the scheduled spaces for their groups at 10:00 AM.
Sunday Morning Adult Classes for February
 Study of the Creeds and Confessions ends April 20, led by Susanne Taylor in the Fellowship
 Presbyterian Worship, led by Dr. Sommer in the Historic Chapel or Youth Lounge
Other Opportunities
 Book Discussion Group – 4th Wednesday, 7:00 – 8:00 PM, Coordinated by Cheryl Crow
 Young adult group, “Christians Doing Stuff” – 1st and 3rd Tuesdays, Women’s Lounge, Coordinated by Kristin Heydt
 Men’s Bible Study, Saturdays at 8:30 AM in the youth lounge, coordinated by Don Broadfield
 40 + Fabulous and Fun fellowship group, contact the office with activity ideas
 Disciple class, Introduction to the Old Testament, taught by Susanne Taylor, Tuesdays thru
March 15
Book Group, every 4th Wednesday at 7:00 PM
March 23: All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr
April 27: Astronaut Wives Club: a true story by Lily Koppel
May 25: Arthur & George by Julian Barnes
June 22: I am Malala: the girl who stood up for education and was shot by the Taliban by
Malala Yousafzai
Kid’s Club – (2nd – 5th graders)
Thank you to the Toothman family for hosting the February Kids Club event on February 13. The theme was
Valentine’s day and special treats and games were fun for all. Thank you to Judy Pease for helping the kids
with a mission project to prepare “gifts of the Heart” school kits. Thank you to Jeanette Walker for her assistance.
Kids Club for March
Egg toss, games and refreshments, on Monday, March 28 from 5:00 – 6:30, hosted by the SonShine Choir and Jeanette Walker. All children in grades 2 – 5 are invited. Wear old clothes for outside play and just in case you don’t catch one of the raw eggs!!! Please respond to Lucy Lindsay or
Jeanette Walker.
The next Christian Education committee meeting is Monday, April 18, 2016 at 7:00
PM. Please bring any ideas, comments or concerns you may have to the attention of the
Christian Education committee, to the Chair, Chris Headly, or to the DCE, Lucy Lindsay.
The 2016 confirmation class sponsored the soup collection on Super Bowl Sunday,
February 7. 140 cans of soup and $369.00 were donated to FISH from our congregation. Thank you to all who contributed.
Acolytes – All middle school students and 4th & 5th graders are encouraged to sign up for an
opportunity to serve as acolyte for the 11:00 AM worship service, September through May. A
sign-up sheet is posted on the bulletin board in Memorial Hall (between the sanctuary and
Thank you to all who made this youth fund raiser a success again. The profits for
the auctioned desserts is over $3100.00. Thank you so much to all who prepared
and donated the tasty and beautiful desserts. We truly had some masterpieces this
year. Thanks to those who purchased these treats, even at the inflated prices and
joined us for lunch. The youth of the church are grateful for your support and
We enjoyed preparing and serving the spaghetti lunch. Thanks to some hard
working people for making that a success too: Sondra McTarnaghan for making
the sauce and helping in many ways; Mary Hall for helping with set up, serving
and clean up; Michael Lindsay for help with the shopping, cooking and clean up;
Steve and Laura Torpy, Paul and Terrie McBride, Renata Kamp, Karen Brincefield, Fred Gleason (our auctioneer), and to parents who helped and to the 25 wonderful youth group members
who worked both Saturday and Sunday. We are looking forward to next year’s auction!!
Vacation Bible School for 2016 is June 20 – 24. Classes are offered for children
age 3 through those who have completed 5th grade. Tracy Mazurkiewicz has
agreed to serve as the director of VBS 2016. The theme is Barnyard Roundup
and we are planning lots of farm fun! Volunteers are needed in many areas and
we are recruiting to fill all those positions. Contact Tracy Mazurkiewicz or Lucy Lindsay
([email protected]) for more information. Registration forms will be available in April.
All children of the church are
invited to participate in the
“Procession of Palms” at the beginning of both worship services
on Palm Sunday,
March 20, 2016.
Easter Egg Hunt
Children of the church, preschoolers through grade
1, are invited to join together for an Easter Egg hunt
on Saturday, March 26 from 2:00 – 3:00 PM in the
church play yard (in case of bad weather we will
meet in the fellowship hall), sponsored by the Joyful
Noise and Jeanette Walker. Please bring
a basket or bag to collect your eggs and
treats. Respond to Lucy Lindsay or
Jeanette Walker.
Youth Group Schedule of Events
March 5
4 – 6, Haven Meal preparation and delivery
March 6
Youth meeting (6 – 8)
Dinner by the Youngs and the Pinillas
March 13
6:00 – 8:00 PM youth meeting
Dinner by the Hamills
March 18
Cookie Bake, 4:00 – 6:30 PM
March 20
Palm Sunday (spring break - no meeting)
March 27
Easter (no meeting)
Thank you to the McBrides and to the Deacons for providing food for youth group events in February.
We are grateful for the wonderful, plentiful food.
Spring meeting dates: Volunteers needed to provide the youth group meal: April 3, April 10, and April 17
Youth Sunday
Members of the WPC youth groups, senior highs and middle schoolers, planned and led
worship on Sunday, February 28. Thank you to all the youth who participated in the planning,
sharing their ideas and time, and to the musicians for sharing their talents. Thank you to the
adults who assisted with the preparations for the day and to the session and leaders of the church
for allowing us this opportunity.
Thanks to David Young for sharing his time and talent to coach and prepare the youth
for worship leadership and to Mary Hall for providing the last minute attention to details and
organization where needed.
SPARC Youth Sponsored Worship Service
The SPARC design team planned and led an evening contemporary worship service for the youth
groups in the Warrenton community on February 20. Thank you to the design team, Kayleigh
Bekisz, Harris Young, Nate Hunter, Gwendolyn Bekisz, Samuel Torpy, and Dr. Sommer, for
their leadership and to the Praise Team for thoughtfully and skillfully providing and leading the
worship music.
Summer Opportunities
Fred Camp for 2016 is July 3 – 9. At this time, there are 2 youth spaces available and
Chaperones, male and female, are needed. If you can attend this worthwhile week,
please talk with Lucy Lindsay or Phil Montgomery.
Massanetta Middle School Conference
Registration information is available for the summer’s conference for middle school students. Those completing 6th through 8th grades are invited to
attend this 4 day event in nearby Harrisonburg, Virginia. The dates for this
year’s trip are July 7 – 10. This is a great opportunity for worship, fellowship and spiritual growth presented to middle school age youth in an energetic environment directed to their interest and needs. See Lucy Lindsay
for details.
Children’s Worship
During the 8:45 worship service, preschool age children are invited to go to the nursery rooms (200
and 201) under the supervision of Tracy Mazurkiewicz and school age children to remain in the worship service with their parents, instead of attending Children’s worship in the chapel.
During the 11:00 AM service, preschool age children are to attend the Nursery II program in room 201
with Georgann Bowman and Becky Guinn.
Children in kindergarten through 3rd grade participate in Children’s worship in the chapel during the
11:00 AM service.
Recognizing God’s Presence in the Moment
Author’s Note: We are sharing Witness to the Faith moments in worship right now. I thought I would share one
of mine with you in this venue. It is absolutely true. If names have been changed, it’s because I can’t remember
the real ones.
I think her name was Anne. Maybe it was Mary or Kate, but at this point, it doesn’t matter. I’m calling her
Anne. The date was April 12, 2001, and the location was the basement corridor between Cardiac Care and
Trauma Surgical waiting rooms of INOVA Fairfax Hospital, and I had just hung up the phone from talking to a
member of my family. She had come out of the Trauma waiting room, and was standing in front of the elevators
when I saw her through my exhausted and swollen eyes and greeted her. Her eyes grew wide with recognition as
did her smile, only to fade almost as immediately when she realized where we were, and that it meant that things
were not going well in my husband’s recovery from his aneurysm surgery.
You see, we had initially met in the CCU waiting room when her father was also a patient there. Her father had
been quite elderly, and his passing was expected at any time. We had talked about that. When he finally had
passed, I had given her and her mother hugs, expressed my sympathies and assumed I would never again see this
really nice lady with whom I had struck up a friendly acquaintance. Usually, patients in the CCU didn’t stay
there long; a few days, maybe a week after surgery, then were sent up to the step-down unit then maybe to a regular room or discharge. That had not happened in our case. At this point, John had been hospitalized for 21 days,
and was post-op for 19 days at this point. He had been on a respirator and heavily sedated for 17 days, and had
undergone an additional emergency surgery the night before. He had Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome, and
was quite ill. I had attempted sleep on the floor in the waiting room, but had been largely unsuccessful.
Anne was a tall and striking redhead, with a strong, take charge kind of personality, but also a very sweet one. At
that moment, I was 5’3” of quivering gelatin. “Oh, my gosh! You’re still down here!” she exclaimed. She mentioned that her husband had just gone in for the planned surgery she and I had discussed earlier, and that they had
switched the waiting rooms for her at the last minute. She had me sit down while she made a call to cancel her
plans, then returned and sat next to me, listening to all that had happened in the 18 days or so since I had last seen
her. Instead of offering me the normal platitudes, she looked at me and said, “I’ll bet you haven’t had anything
to eat. What would you like?” I hadn’t, and realized I really needed to, so I told her, and off she went after escorting me back to the CCU waiting room. “Wow. I really do need that. It really is good to see her; she understands.” I thought.
Continued on following page►
I watched people coming and going, remembering the scene at 6 am, when the night physicians were giving report to the day physicians and they stopped at John’s room. A brief visual tour of the monitors, as well as the adjustments and tweaks being made to the
various pieces of equipment had told the story, so there had been no need for words really, and none had been spoken. It was grave.
Very grave. I had quietly gone over and turned the calendar page, remarking, “it’s his birthday today.” A soft murmur ensued from
the team as I then had left the room, and headed out to the waiting room, tears streaming down my face. He was only 41 years old.
(He always claimed afterwards that he was really a year younger than he was because he slept through that birthday!) I had retreated
to the waiting room, pulled a throw blanket around me and was sitting there, sort of numb, when Dr. Alan Speir himself had emerged
from the unit, sat down next to me, and without a word from either of us, had simply put his arm around me. I experienced something of an inner calm that lasted for a little while thereafter, and managed to stop shaking in fear. After a moment, he quietly said,
“it’s all still reversible.” He had other patients, and with those words, he stood and went back into the unit. I remember thanking
God for sending this great man, this brilliant surgeon with so many responsibilities, out to comfort me.
I had sat there until John’s mother and step-father arrived, filled them in on what was happening, and excused myself to go out and
get some air. “What a relief to get out of that waiting room after such a night”, I had thought as I walked out to the parking deck.
“I’m so glad they are there with him so I can get away for a few minutes!” and I walked around, crying and praying. I had started off
respectfully enough, but soon was railing angrily at God for doing this to John, and to me; I mentally screamed, then cried, then
whimpered. Finally, I had resigned myself to whatever the outcome would be, and asked God to forgive my impertinence, steel me
for what was to transpire, and asked if he would provide me some sort of sign that things would get better, even as I would accept it
if things did not.
It was when I got back inside that I had run into Anne. My reverie, if one can call it that, was broken when she appeared in front of
me with my small breakfast and the blessed cup of tea. I nibbled on the bagel, and savored the soothing, hot liquid of the tea as it
trickled down my dry and scratchy throat. Then stuff started happening. She asked to pray with me. Soon, others in the waiting
room joined in and joined hands until most of them were in prayer for John and for me. I felt the presence of God most profoundly
when a young Muslim man asked if he could pray for my husband as he did his prayers. And he did. I could feel it. My mother-inlaw and her husband had emerged from the unit with the unsatisfying news that nothing had changed, but at least, he wasn’t worse. I
began to start thinking clearly, and realized I would really like to get a shower and change of clothing, when, at that very moment,
Carl Schmahl arrived. He joined Nancy and me at John’s bedside and prayed that John be returned to his health and his family.
Then, he offered to give me a ride home so I could get a little rest and do whatever I needed to do for the dogs and myself, and I appreciatively accepted.
I got home, walked the dogs, cleaned up after them being left in the house for so long, fed them, took them out again and then indulged in my much needed shower and laid down. The dogs calmly and sweetly laid down next to me, periodically “kissing” my
face to catch a stray tear. I slept for about an hour or two. When I awoke, I called the hospital, hoping there would be a difference
in his condition. It was tiny, almost unnoticeable, but it was there. They had been able to reduce the “PEEP” on the respirator a
couple of clicks. There was my sign! I perked right up, and called my sister-in-law, who gave me a ride back to the hospital.
This was one day in what turned out to be a four month ordeal. In many respects, it was the worst. But as a matter of faith, it is a day
that will always stand out for me. It was the first time I had experienced and recognized in the moment God’s intervention. One
nurse named Liz told me always to consider progress in centimeters when in a CCU or ICU. Look for net progress on a weekly basis. That became what sustained me. He had other challenges. He would get better, then get worse. It would be another month before John could be taken off sedation and moved to the step-down unit, where they would eventually get him off the ventilator. He
had to learn to walk again, and regain his strength, and he lost his job, but he recovered. We had 11 more years together before God
finally took him home. But I will never forget that day, or Anne, or all those people who, in the course of doing what they otherwise
would have been doing, were God’s hands for me that day. I witnessed their faith in ordinary activities and it will inform my own
for the rest of my life.
May the Peace of Christ be with you,
Susanne Hooker Taylor
Warrenton Presbyterian School
Serving Christ and God’s Children in the Heart of Warrenton, Virginia
Stacy Stevens, Director
Incorporated 2009
[email protected]. or (540)222-8509
St. Patrick’s Day: Each year around March 17, something very mysterious happens at
WPS - we are visited by pesky leprechauns! We have never seen the little elves, but we
have seen signs that they were here . . . green toilet water, little green footprints on the
floor and green glitter, paper shamrocks, books and toys scattered everywhere. The
treats they leave behind help make up for all the messes.
REGISTRATION for the 2016/2017
Registration for next year is underway. The following preschool classes will be offered:
2-Day Class (Tues and Thurs/9am-12noon) for 2 year olds
3-Day Class (Tues-Thurs/9am-12noon) for 3 year olds
3-Day Class (Tues-Thurs/9am-1 pm) for 4-5 year old
4-Day Class (Mon-Thurs/9am-1pm) for 4-5 year olds
Please contact Stacy Stevens (540-222-8509 or [email protected]) for
more information.
Thank you to all who supported WPS by attending
our annual Pancake Supper.
Spring Break
WPS will enjoy Spring Break
from March 21-24.
Dr. Seuss...
The classes will celebrate the wonderful
world of Dr. Seuss this month in honor of
the author’s birthday on March 2.
We are honoring all of our dads with our Donuts with Dad
celebrations this month (since Father’s Day is in the summer
when WPS is not is session). Each class will invite fathers to stay
to enjoy donuts and juice after drop off one day in March.
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91 Main Street
Warrenton, VA 20186
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